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Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

for this well deserved honor.

We express appreciation to the Heroes of Healing & Caring

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar.

Frank & Lynn Menlo
Mazel Tov to,

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar

We are honored to join with Valley Torah High School

in recognition of your heroic efforts on behalf of the Jewish community.

May you be blessed with

continued success and go from strength to strength.

David & Miriam Striks
Mazel Tov to

 Rabbi Asher & Mrs. Chani Biron

The efforts that each of you devote to the

continuity of Torah is a true Kiddush Hashem.

May you be blessed to continue in your holy endeavors.

Shlomo & Tamar Rechnitz
Mazal Tov Briana on this well deserved honor

and recognition for your sincere devotion as a nurse.

We are so very proud of you!

Thank you Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah

for being a perfect example of true Yiras Shamayim

Mazal Tov to all the honorees!

May you continue in good health.

lmma and Shay Bayar
Mordechai and Rachel Aharonoff

Shimmy and Leeor Bayar

David and Shirah Bayar

Yechezkel and Safie Gabaie
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron

Your generosity and love for others knows no bounds. We are grateful that we
have you in our lives the last 40 years. May Hashem continue blessing you,
your children and grandchildren with tremendous blessings, nachas and
happiness for many more years.

Joel & Dena Bess
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi & Mrs. Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar

You are true heroes of the Los Angeles Jewish community!

Jonathan & Miriam Istrin
Honoring the tireless efforts of

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Your devotion to the students of Valley Torah High School

has crafted the leaders of our next generation.

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Nurse Briana Bayar

Your efforts on behalf of the community are truly heroic. Thank you.

Ira and Amy Leibowitz
It is a great honor and distinction to be able to support Valley Torah High School.  The efforts of
Rabbi Stulberger and the team have made an impact on our community for so many years.

Our children have benefitted from the education and Torah but most all from the love they
received and continue to receive from Valley Torah.

We also want to wish a Mazel Tov to all of this year’s honorees.

With much gratitude,

Dr. Barry and Dr. Martha Simon

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We join in paying tribute to

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

for their dedication to their communities and to

Valley Torah High School.

Paul & Judy Cohen
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

on this well deserved honor. May you continue teaching Torah

to inspire future generations for many years.

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

You are each paragons of kindness

and leadership in your community.

Yoel & Aliza Gabay
Congratulations to the well-deserving honorees.

Wishing Valley Torah, its staff and students much hatzlacha.

Elie & Rinat Aghabi 
Congratulations to Valley Torah High School and its Heroes.

May you all see continued nachas in all your efforts on behalf

of the community.

Steve & Sue Darrison 
Congratulations to

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron,

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat,

Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

for a well-deserved recognition.

Brian and Tabitha Dror
Dedicated to

the Rabbis and teachers of Valley Torah.

We extend our deepest gratitude

for the education and guidance you have provided

our children and grandchildren.

Eli & Sandra Eisenberg 
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron,

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat,

Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

May you continue to go from strength to strength.

Jan & Lori Moore
Mazel tov to

 Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron

on this well-deserved honor.

Mazel tov to

Behzad & Yemina

The best part of teaching is when your students turn into your friends.

Rabbi Aryeh & Debbie Striks
It is with great admiration and appreciation that we applaud Rabbi and Rebbetzin Asher Biron on their
worthy recognition by Valley Torah High School. Rabbi Biron came to Los Angeles as an original member of
the LA Kollel.  34 years ago, he left the Kollel to become one of the leading mechanchim in Los Angeles.
Rabbi Biron has become one of our community's experts in Geirus and serves on the Geirus Bais Din of the
RCC. He helped our Rav, Rav Gershon Bess, found Kehilas Yaakov and has been our Gabbai Rishon and
Ba’al Koreh ever since. Before teaching at Valley Torah, Rabbi Biron taught at other Mosdos, including Toras
Emes and Bais Yaakov. Mrs. Biron has also taught at Valley Torah, as well as at Toras Emes, Bais Yaakov,
and Bnos Esther. They have hundreds of talmidim and talmidos whom they have imbued with the Derech
Hashem. They have also taught many Chasanim and Kallos in preparation for their weddings. Together,
they have raised a beautiful family L’shem Ul’tiferes – all “raised” in our Bais Medrash. Our Kehila is very
proud to remain the home shul of the Birons and we congratulate them on this well-deserved honor.
Congregation Kehilas Yaakov
HaRav and Mrs. Gershon Bess

R’ & Mrs. Yitzchok Adlerstein

Mr. & Mrs. David Axelrod

R’ & Mrs. Yitzchok Bader

Mr. & Mrs. Avi Balsam

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Bess

Mr. & Mrs. Shimshon Bienstock

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Burg

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Chopp

Mr. & Dr. Aharon Cooper

R’ & Mrs. Rami Deutsch

R’ & Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Goldfinger

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Gordon

R’ & Mrs. Shlomo Gottesman

Dr. & Mrs. Binyomin Gross

 Ms. Leah Henkin

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hershberg

Mr. & Mrs. Heshy Jacobs

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Kishineff

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kohn        

Dr. & Mrs. Irving Lebovics

Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Lowi

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mindle

Dr. & Mrs. Julian Mirman

R’ & Mrs. Dov Osina

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reiss

Dr. & Mrs. Steve Richeimer

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rosenbaum 

Mr. & Dr. Avraham Sachs

 Dr. & Mrs. Manny Saltiel

Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Schlussel  

Mrs. Shelley Schwartz

Mrs. Bryna Stewart

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ungar

Dr. & Mrs. Yisroel Ury            

Dr. & Mrs. Ira Weiss

Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Weiss

Mr. & Mrs. Benny Westreich

R’ & Mrs. Brad Yellen

R’ & Mrs. Moshe Zaret
Congregation Kehilas Yaakov
Mazel Tov to

 Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron,

Dr Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

You are shining examples of leadership and Torah values.

You are true inspirations to the Los Angeles Jewish community.

David & Chani Coronel
Rabbi Biron, You have been our Rebbi, mentor and life coach dating
back to the days of riding in your van all the way up to ensuring we
had the tools for a successful marriage.

We are and were blessed to have you in our lives. May you continue to
be a beacon of light and inspiration for gantz Klal Yisrael!

Tanya and Avi
Mazel Tov to all of the Heroes

being recognized tonight

on this well deserved honor.

Dr. Mark & Andrea Coronel
With tremendous ‫הטוב‬ ‫הכרת‬ to the ‫ישיבה‬ for all it has done for the ‫כלל‬ and our family ‫.בפרט‬

Your positive impact on our community is tremendously felt

‫אמן‬  .‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬ ‫מחיל‬ ‫הקודש‬ ‫בעבודת‬ ‫ולהמשיח‬ ‫חיל‬ ‫לעשות‬ ‫כח‬ ‫לכם‬ ‫יתן‬ ‫שהקב"ה‬

In honor of this year’s honorees ‫כח‬ ‫ישר‬ on your well deserved honors:

Rav Asher & Chani Biron true ‫מחנכים‬ and friends.

Our local heroes

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Briana Bayar, RN.

Behzad & Yemina Soufer our dear cousins and friends who are major forces ‫חסד‬ and ‫אחדות‬ in the
Valley Community. ‫אמן‬ .‫ונעימים‬ ‫בטוב‬ ‫ידכם‬ ‫מעשה‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫אתכם‬ ‫יברך‬ ‫שהקב״ה‬

Eli & Sarah Gabay
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Biron, Dr. Hakimisefat,

Dr. Soufer and Nurse Briana

and to Valley Torah High School

on this special occasion.

Bruce & Anne Greenfield
We join with Valley Torah High School

in celebrating the Heroes of our community.

May you continue to be a source of strength

to the entire Jewish community.

David and Judy Hager
Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School.

We join with you in honoring the Heroes who

contribute so much to the vital needs of our community

Los Angeles Jewish Fund
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

on your richly deserved recognition.

You have made a tremendously positive impact on our community

because of your decades of Chinuch to so many Talmidim and Talmidos

and your devotion to Congregation Kehilas Yaakov.

Ronnie and Hindy Mayer
Mazal Tov to the honorees and especially to Rabbi Biron

for his many years of dedication

and Limud HaTorah with his Talmidim.

Yonatan & Rikki Menlo
We are grateful for this honor, and humbled to be placed among the
distinguished ranks of Valley Torah’s current and past honorees. We credit
Valley Torah for having encouraged us to grow and follow in the Derech of
Hashem, and for having cultivated our love of Torah and community. We are
proud to be able to give in return, to reinvest in Valley Torah’s youth, the future
of our community.

Dr. Behzad & Yemina Soufer
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and all of this year’s honorees on this most deserving award! 

Myself and the extended Valley Torah community owe you and all of VT’s incredible Rebbeim and
educators a tremendous debt of gratitude for your selfless devotion and commitment to the education of
the next generation of Jewish leaders.  

I consider myself greatly privileged to have been a student of yours. Through your inspiring Onegs at your
home, your famous stories in class, and everything in between, you made learning Torah an unforgettable
experience that I will never forget. 

May we continue to share in many more Simchas.

Charlie Rosenberg
Congratulations to all the honorees on your much deserved honor.

You are such an amazing source of inspiration to us all!

A special shout out to Sharon and Yemina

for being amazing Aishes Chayils!

Mazel Tov

Daniel and Elana Berman
A special Mazal Tov to my friend and colleague, Dr. Behzad Soufer. May
Hashem give you an abundance of strength and Chizuk to continue
helping others and being a source of pride for the community.

Mazal Tov to Briana!! May you continue to provide amazing care

and self-sacrifice for patients.

Dr. & Mrs. Babak Hakimisefat
Mazel Tov to

 Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron

for this well deserved honor.

Special thanks to

Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger and Jonathan & Miriam Istrin

for their years of dedicated service

to Valley Torah High School.

Moise and Angie Hendeles
In honor of the Rosh Yeshiva,

HoRav Avrohom Stulberger,

the Menahel Rabbi Yisroel Semmel and my fellow Rebbeim.

In appreciation of the very worthy honorees:

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

who are a great source of Nachas to the entire Valley Torah community.

Asher and Chani Biron
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron,

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

on this well-deserved honor.

Wishing continued Hatzlacha to

Valley Torah High School.

Jacob & Esther Blaich
In recognition of

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

Our community is inspired by your leadership.

Your dedication is sincerely appreciated.

Ephraim & Suzanne Feigelstock
Mazel Tov

 to all of tonight’s awardees.

Your leadership, dedication and devotion

have made you examples for others to follow.

May you go from strength to strength.

Mark & Yehudit Garmaise
We salute all of
honorees for a
well deserved
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

We are proud of your commitment

to Torah and our community.

Howard and Gity Gluck
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

You are exceptional role models to the Jewish people

and specifically our community that you serve with such heroism.

Akiva & Rachel Greenfield
Mazel Tov and thank you to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

Briana Bayar, RN

for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community.

Joseph and Rose Mizrahi
In honor of

Rabbi Asher Biron

Chinuch at Valley Torah has been your entire focus for many decades.

We are humbled by your dedication

and awed by your incredible impact.

We are among the thousands of Talmidim that

have been the beneficiaries of your Avodas HaKodesh .

May Hashem grant you and your Rebbetzin

many more healthy years of Harbotzas HaTorah.

Fondly, The Valley Torah Rebbeim
We join in paying tribute to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for being role models of teaching Torah to so many students.

Thank you for your dedication to Valley Torah High School, Bnos Esther,

Congregation Kehilas Yaakov, Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn and to the entire community.

Dr. David and Andrea Sherman
Valley Torah fills such an important role in Los Angeles. Their efforts in
Chinuch over the last several decades

under the leadership of Rabbi Stulberger

have made an enormous difference.

Keep up the good work Valley Torah and Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees.

Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Weiss
Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.

Our very best wishes for much Hatzlacha

to tonight’s honorees and Valley Torah High School.

Hymie and Marilyn Barber
Mazel Tov to our dear mommy, Mrs. Briana Bayar on being honored at the Valley Torah banquet!

We are so happy that you are being recognized for all your

hard work and dedication in saving people’s lives!

As our mommy, you always make sure to take care of everything we need,

and you know just what to do to make us feel better!

Your devotion to your patients is truly inspiring. You are our role mode and

we hope to be just like you one day!


Ariella, Nava, Shira, and Aliza
Mazel Tov to the Honorees

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

for your many years of being part of the heart and soul of

Valley Torah and thank you for

everything you have done for our children and grandchildren.

Mazel Tov to the Doctors

Dr. Babak Hakimissefat and Dr. Behzad Soufer and to Nurse Briana Bayar.

Thank you for all of your heroic efforts before and during our COVID Pandemic.

May you stay healthy and strong.

Gary and Stephie Bregman
Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School

and to the Heroes

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

Briana Bayar, RN

on this well-deserved honor. Your dedication is inspirational.

Allen & Marle Hershberg
In honor of

Frank Menlo

 and in recognition of tonight's worthy honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for their years of dedication

to Valley Torah High School

and Jewish education.

Motty and Limor Notis - Ritz Flooring
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

We salute you for your decades of teaching at Valley Torah High School

and educating so many children from our community.

Valley Torah can be proud to recognize

Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer

who are tonight's medical profession heroes.

Ira and Ruchi Smedra
In honor of

 Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

We join the entire community in expressing our appreciation to you

for providing a Torah education to so many talmidim and talmidot.

Congratulations to

Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer

for your well-deserved recognition.

Yaakov and Fran Wintner
Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron for your many years of dedication
to the Talmidim of Valley Torah High School and for your service to the
greater Los Angeles community.

Mazel Tov to the alumni honorees – you are a true inspiration to the next
generation of Valley Torah leaders.

Efrat & Uri Zisblatt and Family
We extend our deepest gratitude to

Rabbi Biron

for his brilliance, patience, and dedication.

His instruction in the classroom and by example has impacted us both.

Yasher Koach to the selfless healthcare workers

who have been caring for the community and beyond.

Dr. Allen & Sarah Ardestani
Mazel Tov to the awardees

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

 Briana Bayar, RN

Your leadership and dedication

have made you examples for others to follow. 

Ari & Nechama Baer
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron and to all the Honorees.

Yasher Koach to all the

Rabbis and Staff of VTHS

for making 2020 work.

Dr. Adam & Joy Freedman
We honor the work of Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah High School in their ability
to touch the souls of the teens of Los Angeles. You play an integral role in the future
of Klal Yisroel.

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher Biron

The decades of dedication to your Talmidim is second to none.

Keep up the wonderful work and keep making a difference!

Aron Dov and Debbie Friedman
Wishing Valley Torah High School

continued success in educating the

future generations of the Jewish people.

Alan & Lisa Friedman
Rabbi Asher Biron was my Rebbi

and remains my Rebbi after 25 years. 

He is my role model. 

A Thankful Anonymous Talmid
Mazal tov dear Briana and Daniel!

May you continue to be a great role model

to everyone around you!!

Eugénie Baseri Kohanchi
Mazel Tov to the honorees


In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger.

Kenny and Ethne Katz
Mazel Tov to

Valley Torah High School

and to all of the honorees.

Hillel & Ruth Kellerman
In honor of

 Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

for their involvement and dedication to Torah education.

With thanks to the Heroes of Healing & Caring

for their tremendous dedication to the community.

Michael and Suri Kest
In honor of

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

We applaud you for your dedication to Torah and Chessed.

May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors.

Dr. Joshua & Doris Levy
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat,

Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

Thank you for your heroic dedication and

contribution to our community.

Rabbi George & Dr. Lisa Lintz
In honor of

 Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

who have dedicated their lives

to the furtherance of Torah in our community

and who are role models for everyone

because they teach by example.

Irwin and Tania Lowy
Mazel Tov to all of the well-deserving honorees.

Shimon and Rachel Riss & Family
We join in recognizing tonight's honorees

Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron

for their lifetime dedication to Torah education in our community.

Mazel Tov to

Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer

for their well-deserved recognition.

Steve and Lorraine Spira
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for this well deserved recognition.

The Los Angeles Community owes them a debt of gratitude for

being such devoted teachers to their students.

In honor of

Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger

for his selfless dedication to all of his Talmidim.

Dr. David and Dorothy Stoll
Mazal Tov to the honorees and to the entire Valley Torah family!!

Sheryl & Michael Rosenberg and Family
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron on this well deserved honor. The two of you have
been shining examples of what true Torah leadership is all about. You have inspired
thousands through you teaching, your character and through the incredible bayis
ne’eman you have built. Continued hatzlacha and nachas, ad mao ve’esrim!

A heartfelt hakaras hatov to our heroes on the front lines who have risked their well-being
to help others. You represent the absolute best of Valley Torah and we are so proud of
you and your beautiful families. Continued success in all your endeavors!

Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees.

It is a pleasure to support Valley Torah

and the important work that you do.

Sidney and Marcia Teichman
Mazal tov to the honorees.

Wiesenberg & Co., CPAs
We join with Valley Torah High School in paying tribute to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron.

In recognition of the heroic efforts of

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN.

Noah & Chani Rubenstein
Irving and Linda Rubenstein

and the 5050 Bluebell Minyan

take this opportunity to wish

Rabbi Asher Biron and Dr. Behzad Soufer

a hearty Mazel Tov.

May you go from strength to strength in

your endeavors and continue to make us proud.
Teaching how to live a Torah life in today’s world is challenging and it
is our pleasure to support the team at Valley Torah who prepare our
teens for their next phase in life. We proudly support your efforts.
Keep up the good work.

Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees.

Dr. Steven and Rivky Weiss
Babak and Sharon Hakimisefat

Mazal tov!

 You guys are a true inspiration and

a major source of Nachas to all of us.

Thank you for always being there for us!


Elisha, Chana ,

Elana, Elazar, Menashe and Neima Akhamzadeh!
Best wishes to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

 Briana Bayar, RN

for a well-deserved honor.

Ken and Cassi Alter
We are proud to honor

our daughter, Briana,

whose essence embodies

kindness, love and dedication

as a mother, a wife and a nurse!

With Much Love,

Dad & Susan
Thank you for being Mechanech our grandchildren.

Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Bess
In honor of the heroes of our ‫משפחה‬

Asher & Chani Biron

who have helped us ‫ובממונם‬ ‫בגופם‬

and always ‫יפות‬ ‫פנים‬ ‫בסבר‬

Yaakov & Malkie Licht

Yankie & Laya Biron
Mazal Tov to the all honorees on this well-deserved honor!!

(Special shout out to Dr. Soufer!)

Also in honor of Mrs. Sheindy Gross.

You are an incredible asset to the school and community.

We admire your hard work and dedication. You are an inspiration!!

Hashem should grant you continued strength and success!!


Menashe & Shaindel Blaustein
In honor of

the great teachers in our city  

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron 

We all owe you a debt of gratitude for raising the bar

of Mechanchim and Mechanchos in Los Angeles.


With great respect and deep admiration,


Rabbi and Mrs. Yoel Bursztyn

Bais Yaakov of Los Angeles
In this year of everything being different, it is such an honor to be able to acknowledge someone
who has steadfastly and consistently been a beacon of light for the youth of Los Angeles.

Rabbi Asher Biron has positively affected so many teens through Torah and modeling Middos
Tovos. We can’t think of a better Talmid Chochom to recognize.

There are few people who have truly put the health of the community before all else.

Dr. Behzad Soufer, you inspire us and it is a pleasure to support Valley Torah in your honor.

With so much respect for both of these heroes,

Jonathan and Tzipporah Coronel
Best wishes to Valley Torah High School

for continued success.

In memory of

Maxmilian & Ruth Friedman ‫ז״ל‬

Roberta Friedman Cummings
Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center wishes to congratulate

Dr. Behzad Soufer,

Emek Board Member and Parent

Recipient of Valley Torah High School’s

Hero of Healing Award

We are so proud of everything Dr. Soufer does for Valley Torah,

the community at large and Emek. We thank him for his service.

Mazel tov to the additional honorees:

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron,

Heroes of Jewish Education

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Hero of Healing

Briana (Beard) Bayar, RN, Heroine of Caring

May you go from Strength to Strength.

Rabbi Mordechai Shifman and the entire Emek Administration
In honor of tonight’s honorees

whose commitment and dedication

to the Jewish people is a shining example to us all.

Wishing continued success to

Valley Torah High School

Walter and Esthie Feinblum
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

upon receiving this well-deserved recognition.

Your commitment and dedication to

Torah and the community is truly inspirational.

Jeffrey and Aliza Fish and Family
Mazel Tov to tonight’s awardees

on this well-deserved honor.

Wishing continued Hatzlacha to

Valley Torah High School.

Chaim and Shari Freeman
Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

Thank you for your decades of service

to Valley Torah High School

and to our entire community.

Judy Friedman and Family
In honor of

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

Your heroism and dedciation are appreciated

beyond what mere words can express.

Dovi and Lauren Gluck
Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Biron on the well-deserved award.

Rabbi Biron truly exemplifies the teaching of Chazal to view his
Talmidim as his children.

‫בעז״ה‬ Valley Torah under the guidance of Rabbi Stulberger should be
Zoche to produce generations of Bnai Torah and Marbitzei Torah

Hersch & Alisa Goldberger
Congratulations to all the honorees.

You are all true heroes who continue to

devote of yourselves to enhancing the welfare of others.

May Hashem continue to give you

success and the strength to do more.

Dr. & Mrs. Babak Goldman
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for this well-deserved honor.

Your combined seven decades of teaching Torah

in our community reflects your tremendous dedication

that everyone respects and admires.

Sol and Gabriella Goldner
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Briana Bayar, RN

We applaud you for your dedication to Torah and Chessed.

May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors.

Laib & Faigy Greenspoon
Best wishes to

all of tonight’s honorees

and to

Valley Torah High School.

Aaron & Patricia Grunfeld
In honor of our dear friends

David Striks and Howard Gluck

who have done so much together

for Valley Torah High School

to ensure that a Torah education is available

to every student who wants to learn.

Motty and Ruchel Herzog
In honor of:

 Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

For their decades of harbotzas haTorah, guidance and unconditional love for Klal Yisroel

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

 Dr. Behzad Soufer

For their sagely medical advice and support during these unprecedented times

Briana Bayar

For her dedication in the hospital to her patients and at home to her family

May Hashem continue to give all of you strength, health and

many more years to leave your much appreciated marks on Klal Yisroel

In Friendship,

Rabbi Dovid & Mrs. Carine Horowitz

Kehillas Makor HaChaim
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron! They are beyond deserving of this award. Their
warmth and love is tangible. I feel that I have almost gained another grandparent when I
came to Valley Torah. Rabbi Biron always made himself available whenever I needed him. His
patience and care made me feel as if I was his granddaughter. Until today I continue to seek
guidance from Rabbi Biron. Every time I pick up the phone to call him, he speaks to me still as
if I am family. I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way about Rabbi Biron. I honestly
think he is among the very few people in this world that anyone that knows him only has good
things to say about him. Thank you so much for always being there for me and all of Klal
Yisrael. Thank you for your deep care and guidance throughout my high school years, through
dating and beyond. I feel so honored to know and have a connection to Rabbi Biron. 


Brana and Avraham Harris 
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

and to the Heroes who are

tonight’s honorees.

Hayim & Miriam Hendeles
Mazel Tov and best wishes

to our dear friends

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

They are so beloved by everyone in our community

and are most worthy and deserving recipients

of tonight's recognition.

With deep respect and great admiration,

Moishe and Chai'le Ingber
Mazel tov to

Rabbi & Mrs. Biron

on this well-deserved honor.

With much gratitude,

Shimon & Sharona Ishal
Mazel Tov and thank you to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

 Briana Bayar, RN

for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community.

Fred & Liana Iskhakov
In recognition of tonight’s honorees.

Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School

on all of your successful accomplishments.

Eran Itzhaki
Mazal tov Rabbi Biron on a well-deserved honor.

Although Limud HaTorah wasn't on my radar back then,

I still loved your class and the way you taught it.

May you continue with ‫כח‬ and gezunt ad meah v’esrim.

‫כח‬ ‫יחליפו‬ ‫ה׳‬ ‫!קוי‬

Tzvi (Hal) and Rivka Jacob & all the Jacob Kinderlach
In honor of

Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron

We join with everyone tonight

to express our great respect and deep admiration

for your dedication to teaching Torah to our children

and for your devotion to Congregation Kehilas Yaakov.

Heshy & Chani Jacobs
Dear Rabbi Biron,

As old chavrusas in your 12th grade class of the year 2000, we would like to express
our tremendous gratitude for the Hashpa’ah that you had in our development as
Bnei Torah. We both fondly remember going in Rabbi Biron's van to the Beis
Medrash for learning b'chavrusa followed by Rabbi Biron's engaging shiur. May
Hashem grant you many more years of success in raising and training Bnei Torah
and may you have much nachas from the generations of your Talmidim.


Aryeh Simon and Eli Julian

Chavrusas, Class of 2000
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron


Valley Torah High School

Dovid and Judy Kagan
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees

for continued Hatzlacha in all of your endeavors.

Stanley & Charlotte Kandel
In honor of our parents

Howard and Gity Gluck

in recognition of their efforts on behalf of

Valley Torah High School.

Zev and Chani Karpel
Best wishes to

the Heroes of our community who are being recognized tonight

and to

Valley Torah High School.

Dr. Harold & Magda Katz
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

Thank you for all you have done for our entire community,

for Congregation Kehilas Yaakov and for our family.

You have been both outstanding teachers and personal friends

who are admired by all who know you.

Yehoshua and Ruchel Klavan
In honor of our dear friends

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Whose decades of unparalleled dedication to teaching Torah

to all members of our community

no matter their age or background is legendary.

Mazel Tov and being the recipients

of tonight's well-deserved recognition.

Barry and Tova Kohn
In honor of Rabbi Stulberger

a real Ohev Yisroel

and a special caring person.

Yonah & Tzirel Landau
Congratulations to the honorees

on this well-deserved
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for your tireless commitment to the Torah education
and growth of the Valley Torah students. Your enthusiasm for learning and breadth of
Torah knowledge have inspired many Talmidim over the course of your tenure at Valley
Torah High School.

Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Hakimi. Your service as a medical doctor is only surpassed by
your love and commitment to the Torah which you imbue in your family and community.
Your leadership makes it possible for Torah to flourish and for that, we are so grateful.

With much admiration,

Rabbi Yoni and Eliana Lichtman
Mazel Tov to

all of tonight’s honorees.

May you continue to be an inspiration

to the entire community.

 Sol & Miriam Majer
In honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron,

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

May Hashem grant your families much nachas and simcha in the
merit of all that you do.

Uri and Bracha Mandelbaum
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs Biron and to all the honored alumni!

And a big thank you to Rabbi Stulberger for his tireless efforts

Dr. Simcha & Karina Mann
Dear Rabbi Biron,

Mazel Tov on this very well-deserved honor. Your teaching and guidance over many years have
been invaluable to me as your Talmid and us as a family. May Hashem continue to bless you with
health and nachas from your beautiful family and all your Talmidim for many years to come.

To our dear friends, Behzad and Yemina,

Mazel Tov on this amazing and well-deserved honor. Your tireless dedication to healing and all the
chessed that you do for our community is an inspiration to us all.


Dr. Dor & Lissie Markush
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for all they have done for our entire community

In recognition of

Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger


Howard Gluck

for their decades of dedication

 to Valley Torah High School

Avi and Sara Mayer
Mazel Tov to all of the wonderful honorees

who are so deserving of this recognition.

Valley Torah continues to inspire and educate our boys and girls.

May you continue your worthy efforts with Hashem’s help.


Steve and Renee Mazlin
Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

and to the medical Heroes being recognized tonight.

Thank you for dedicating yourselves

to our community with such devotion.

Bernard & Temi Monderer
Mazel Tov and thank you to

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

 Briana Bayar, RN

for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community.

Dr. Brian & Anne Moore
In honor and appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for all they do for
chinuch in our community over the years.

In honor of Dr. Hakimisefat, Dr. Soufer, and Mrs. Bayar

for their responder efforts.

May HaShem bless you with continued success, good health

and nachas from your wonderful families!

Reuven & Yehudis Orloff
Best wishes to

the Heroes of our community who are tonight’s honorees

and to Valley Torah High School.

Eli & Leslie Pearlman
In honor of

 Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger

and the entire staff

of Valley Torah High School

Levi and Miriam Raichik
Dear Reb Asher,

Hashem has given me the unbelievable z’chus to literally sit by your
side for more than a quarter of a century.  This has given me the
chance to be able to see first hand how a true Ben Torah and Rebbe
should be. Thank you for all of the advice and friendship you have
given me. You should have the strength and good health along with
your Aishes Chayil to continue in your Avodos HaKodesh for many
years to come.

Sholom & Debbie Raskin
Dear Behzad,

It's an honor to be able to call you my Talmid and friend. You do so
much for our community in your quiet and humble way.

You and your wife should be zoche to continue to be leaders in our

Sholom & Debbie Raskin
Mazal Tov to our dear friends

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

May they continue to go  meichayil el choyil

teaching and inspiring Klal Yisroel. 

Rabbi and Mrs. Zev D. Rauch
Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School.

We join with you in recognizing the Heroes of our community, 

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat,

Dr. Behzad Soufer and Nurse Briana Bayar

Dr. Arnold & Atara Ross
Congratulations to the

Hanhala, staff and board of VTHS.

We are proud to join with the community in honoring

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN.

F&W Foodservices

Elly & Clarisse Rubin
In honor of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor for your years of dedication to
your students and K’lal Yisrael.

May you continue to go from strength to strength.

Mrs. Miriam Rubenstein

Naomi Rubenstein Weiss & Judy Rubenstein Massarano and families
Mazel Tov to this Year’s Honorees

In this unprecedented time, it is so nice to be able to honor those

on the front lines of dealing with the pandemic.

Mazel tov to

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN

Your work is so necessary and appreciated.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron on their decades of dedication to the children of our
community. It is special people like the Biron’s that ensure the continuity of our people.

With so much admiration,

Zvi and Betty Ryzman
Congratulation to this year’s honorees.

It is an honor to be able to support such a worthy cause as Valley Torah and so special to be able to
acknowledge this year’s honorees who sacrifice of themselves for the greater community.

Rabbi Asher Biron is a man who has given of himself to his Talmidim in a selfless and

and loving way. His 30 years of dedication to the leaders of tomorrow are awe inspiring.

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN

have all chosen professions in medicine. This year more than most,

their dedication to their field has made a significant difference to our community

and the community at large. We salute your work and the risk you put yourselves in for the greater cause.

Igal and Ida Saidian
In honor of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of

the Jewish people and the entire community.

Rabin Saidian
To Our Dear Friends

Rav Asher & Mrs. Chani Biron

Mazel Tov on a well-deserved honor for all your years of dedication and
‫נפש‬ ‫מסירות‬ as Mechanchim and for the many acts of chessed that you do in
the community.

Our friendship has deep roots over the span of forty years.

‫רצון‬ ‫יהי‬ that HaShem should grant both of you health, ‫ימים‬ ‫,אריכות‬ and much
nachas from your family.

Nachum & Chaya Sauer
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

We are grateful for your service and contribution to the Los Angeles
Torah Community for so many years.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. We wish continued
Hatzlacha to the entire Valley Torah High School family.

Gershon and Sara Schlussel
In honor of Rabbi Asher Biron

I have grown a tremendous amount from

your breadth of ‫תורה‬ ‫דעת‬ and ‫.תורה‬

Your ‫עניוות‬ has allowed me to feel like a colleague,

while I identify as a ‫.תלמיד‬

I have an abundance of ‫הטוב‬ ‫הכרת‬ for all your wisdom, advice and ‫.השפעה‬

Yisroel Semmel
As an alumna, I just want to say thank you to VTHS for giving me the
foundation and teaching me to love Judaism.

I owe tremendous Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi Stulberger, Mrs. Striks,

Mrs. Rauch, Mrs. Gluck, Mr. Joseph and the entire staff.

Thank you for doing what you do!

Tali Shams
Mazel tov and thank you to all the honorees!

Rabbi Biron, your class in high school was always one I enjoyed and for
which I was thankful! Mazel Tov and may you continue inspiring all those
around you!

Briana, a heroine of caring, not only for your patients, but also for your
friends! I’m so proud of you, and so lucky and thankful for our friendship!

Tzipora (Moore) Schoen & Family
Congratulations to

Valley Torah High School and

the Heroes being recognized tonight

on this well-deserved honor.

Benjamin & Susan Shapell
Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees.

It is always a joy to support Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah.

Keep up the great work of educating the leaders of tomorrow.

Michal Shapiro
Congratulations to Valley Torah High School!

Mazel Tov to the well-deserving honorees.

You are true heroes for all that you do. Your commitment to nurturing souls
with a meaningful Torah education is an inspiration. Your compassion,
courage, professional skills in healing and caring is deeply respected and

Abundant blessings to all,

Avi & Faye Sharabi
Mazal Tov to the Birons on this well deserved honor. Rabbi Biron’s
dedication to his students and their growth is second to none.

May you continue to be an inspiration and give life to the entire

Daniel and Tamar Stark
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron on this well-deserved honor!

The passion and excitement that you show for Torah and Judaism are a true
inspiration to everyone around you.

To the doctors and nurses: Thank you for your selflessness and sacrifice. We
hope and pray that Hashem will keep all of us safe and healthy, and bring a
Refuah Shelaima to all those who need one.

With much respect and gratitude,

Moshe and Chana Striks
In appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for their efforts on behalf of
the next generation of Klal Yisroel. Our community has been
recipients of your Torah and kindness for many decades, and may
you continue this for many years.

We recognize Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN for your heroic effort in the medical field,

especially during this difficult year.

Hillel & Miriam Striks
Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for everything you have
done to inspire future generations of the Los Angeles Jewish

The devoted work of Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer

and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN during the COVID-19 pandemic is a
Chessed worthy of recognition and appreciation.

Rabbi Simcha and Deena Striks
It is with great appreciation and pride that The Teichman Mikvah joins
with the Valley Torah High School family in honoring Rabbi Asher Biron.
His dedication, knowledge, and sensitivity as Halachik Supervisor for the
Teichman Mikvah supports and comforts our families and community.
May Hashem give him continued strength and success.
In honor of

 Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger


Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

In recognition of their acts of chessed and tireless devotion to Torah
education in our community.

Rabbi Hershy and Blimy Ten
In honor of

Howie Gluck

Thanks for always being there for the Yeshiva.

Moish Tohn
And to the most worthy
Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron
for their more than four decades of
dedication to
Chinuch HaBonim V’HaBanos
in our community
Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn – Toras Emes
Rabbi Yakov Krause Rabbi Berish Goldenberg
Dean Menahel
Mr. Moishe Chopp Mr. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
Chairman of the Board President
We join the Los Angeles Jewish Community
in paying tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger
and the entire staff of
Valley Torah High School
for their outstanding work
in spreading the light of Torah
And to the most worthy
Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron
for their more than four decades of
dedication to
Chinuch HaBonim V’HaBanos
in our community

wishes its partner in education


continued hatzlacha.

 We recognize the ongoing leadership of Rabbi Stulberger

Congratulate Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

And Salute the Heroes of Healing and Caring

(Touro has more graduate students in the medical field than any
other US university and TCLA has honors tracks directly into many
of the programs!)

May we all go from strength to strengthIn our collective efforts to
educate the children of our community from K-16!
It is our pleasure to support Valley Torah High School.

Rabbi Stulberger and the team have been serving the teens
of Los Angeles for decades, instilling love for Yiddishkeit,
knowledge of Torah and a first-rate secular education.

Keep up the great work and Mazel Tov to the honorees.

Itsik and Etah Unger
In Honor of Rabbi Asher and Mrs. Chani Biron

Two Outstanding Educators and Pillars of the Los Angeles Community 

Thank you for your  decades of service in Chinuch and Chesed, and
your many wonderful contributions to our Kehila 

Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Union
When it comes to leading by example and modeling what it
takes to be a good Jew in today’s world, no one does it better
than the Rabbi Stulberger and the staff at Valley Torah.

We join you in honoring this year’s honorees and wish you
much Hatzlocha as you continue to inspire the Jewish leaders
of tomorrow.

Joseph and Erica Vago
In honor of Rabbi Biron, an amazing mentor responsible for us and
countless other students developing a love of Torah Judaism.

And in honor of our dear friends Dr.'s Hakimisefat and Soufer, shining
examples of kiddush Hashem and community leadership

Dr. and Mrs. Houman Vosoghi (Class of '96)
In Tribute to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, ‫עמו״ש‬

for their many years of effort on behalf of Klal Yisroel and in personal
appreciation of their guidance and friendship.

‫סלה‬ ‫טוב‬ ‫כל‬ ‫יגמלך‬ ‫השם‬

Chavie and Menachem Wakslak
In honor of 

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar

Respected professionals who elevate the name of G-d throughout
the medical community.

In appreciation of Valley Torah High School and all the people who
make it great.

May all of their graduates grow to be such  paragons of chesed and
Kiddush Hashem

Chavie and Menachem Wakslak
In Memory of

Rabbi Dr. Chaim A. Wakslak, z"l

Rabbi of the Young Israel of Long Beach

Long Beach, NY

Mrs. Rivka Wakslak
In Honor of

Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron

Heroes of Jewish Education

Mrs. Rivka Wakslak
In honor of Rabbi Asher Biron who has been a devoted Rebbi
to so many Talmidim for over 30 years. May Hashem grant him
and his Rebbetzin health and strength to continue for many
more years.

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar

Your efforts in the medical field, especially during this difficult
time, are truly heroic. Thank you for all that you do.

Noah & Yehudis Weisman
Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. They all give of themselves for the
betterment of the community. Whether through Healthcare or Torah,
they all assure that the Jewish community will continue.

Congratulations to

 Rabbi Asher Biron

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

Dr. Behzad Soufer

Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN

Martin and Hadassah Weiss
In honor of

Howard and Gity Gluck

in recognition of their dedication

to Valley Torah High School

Benny and Joyce Westreich
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for their unwavering dedication to teaching Torah

to the children of our community

and to anyone who wants to learn.

The Winter Family Charitable Trust
In honor of our good friends

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat


Dr. Behzad Soufer

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.

David and Chani Wittenberg
Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

in recognition of their years of dedicated service

to the furtherance of Torah and Jewish education in our

Zev and Dena Wolmark
In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

who have been outstanding educators to so many of our children,

dedicated to their shul, and who are ba'alei chessed with a

kind-hearted and generous spirit.

And in recognition of

Howard Gluck

for his dedication to Valley Torah High School and many other worthy causes.

Nochum and Harriet Wisnicki
In honor of

 Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger

Mazel Tov to tonight’s honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron

for this well-deserved recognition.

Young Israel of Century City
Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles joins

Valley Torah High School in honoring

Dr. Babak Hakimisefat

a true Hero of Healing

 We are incredibly grateful for your tireless dedication on behalf of our
Yeshiva, and the Jewish Community as a whole

We cannot thank you enough for your time, energy and devotion to
keeping our students healthy and safe.

We wish you tremendous hatzlocha in all of your avodas hakodesh.

Rabbi Aharon Rubenstein & Rabbi Aryeh Davidowitz

and the Staff, Parents and Students of Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles
Benny & Audrey Adler

Yehuda & Chana Adlerstein

Dr. Ernest & Suzanne Agatstein

Mark & Michelle Barak

Dr. Yaacov & Devora Barzivand

David & Rivka Bass

David & Carol Berger

Shmulie & Ruti Berger

Gregory & Leah Bergman

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Berneman

Ariel & Shanna Bobroff

Michael & Michele Boldt

Moshe & Esther Braun

Mrs. Eva Brettler

Dr. Sheldon & Arlene Burg

Moishe & Chanala Chopp

Jerry & Cecille Cohen

Rabbi Shaya Cohen

Mr. Dana & The Hon. Lisa Cole

Avromie & Leah Colman

Moishe & Aviva Colman

Robert Cordas

Ezra & Chevy Danziger

Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Dear
Shahin & Shirin Delkhah

Ephraim & Yocheved Deutsch

Mr. Mitchell Egers

Tzvi & Leah Eilat

Dr. Larry & Maureen Eisenberg

Michael Eisenberg & Associates

Leo & Roz Eschwege

Peter & Judy Faber

Avrohom & Gittie Feingold

Mickey & Shelly Fenig

Emil Fish - In Memory of Jenny Fish, z"l

Mrs. Miriam Fishman

Tzvi & Merav Fleischmann

Ted & Ethel Fox

Dr. Charles & Victoria Frankel

Ira Frankel, CPA

Jamie & Rena Frankel

Ben & Naomi Fried

Andrew Friedman, Attorney at Law

Barry Dov Friedman

Elliot & Adele Friedman

Jeffrey & Brandie Geizhals

Elazar & Joyce Genauer

Ms. Karen Glancz
Yaakov & Aviva Gluck

Dr. Mark & Deborah Goldenberg

Marvin & Adele Goldsmith

Berel & Lea Goldstein

David & Ahuva Goldstein

Dr. Isaac & Adriana Gorbaty

Baruch & Wendy Gorman

Malkiel & Basya Gradon

Reuven & Shevy Gradon

Zalmy & Chavy Gurman

Steve Hami

Eddie & Debbie Herbst

Dr. Edon & Shani Hirt

Rabbi & Mrs. Rubin Huttler

In Memory of Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel H. Katz, z"l

Mrs. Mira Indich - In Memory of Alex Indich, z"l

Aryeh & Shiran Istrin

Carl & Beverly Jacobs

Yossie & Frieda Kahan

Allan & Judy Kandel

Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kassirer

Richard & Ellen Katz

Shalom & Malka Katz

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kishineff
Vivienne Kjono

 Robert & Erica Klein

Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Krause

Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Kupfer

Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky

Robert & Elaine Leichter

Meir & Sara Levin

David & Miri Levy

Marcia Lichtig - In Memory of Irving Lichtig, z"l

Michael & Tina Loboda

Allan & Ettie Lowy

Meir & Zippy Mainstain

Ari & Minna Majer

George & Shoshana Mann

Elie & Felice Marciano

Ari & Huvi Mayer

Gerard & Pegi Medioni

Mrs. Marcie Meier

Victor & Chavee Mellon

Jeffrey & Lea Mendell

Gregory & Sheila Meyer

Robert & Judy Millman

Mirasha Moore

Rabbi & Mrs. Elazar Muskin
Irwin & Sharona Nachimson

Tzvika & Sarah Nissel

Reuven & Yehudis Orloff

Michael & Sasha Parker

Lawrence & Wendy Platt

Moshe & Miriam Polon

Bruce & Linda Potash

Ze'ev & Varda Rav-Noy

Yaakov & Debbie Rechnitz

Avi & Leah Reichman

Zvi Dovid & Deena Ritvo

Marc & Lynn Rohatiner

Chaim & Matti Rosen

Barry & Yocheved Rosenthal

Meir Leib & Bracha Rosman

Shimi & Sheva Rosman

 Jonathan & Sarah Roven

Avi & Zahava Ryzman

Elie & Adina Ryzman

Rafi & Elimor Ryzman

Jimmy & Jeanne Salamon

Dr. Ronnie & Aliza Samet

Zach & Devorah Sanfield

Arnold & Sheri Schlesinger
Rabbi Chaim & Dr. Ellen Schnur

Alan & Elisa Schoenfeld

David & Orly Shadovitz

Itzhak & Ahouva Shapiro

Michal Shapiro

Mehrshad and Sarit Shelyan

Dr. Bonnie Siegal

Shaye & Frieda Slamovits

Nosson & Yafit Spiegel

Avi & Shuli Steinlauf

Mr. Alan & The Hon. Lisa Stern

Shmuel & Marilyn Stoch

Aric & Mary Streit

Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski

Stanley & Barbara Treitel

Dr. Baruch & Eva Twersky

Robert & Chani Ungar

Mrs. Susan Ungar - In Memory of Armand Ungar, z"l

Yisrael & Gittie Ury

Michael & Joy Volk

Dr. Robert & Roxanne Weber

Jance & Soshea Weberman

Avi & Devorah Weiss

Shabsi & Eva Weiss
Gedalya & Leah Wielgus

Law Office of Bernard P. Wiesel

Steve & Chana Wintner

Chaim & Ahuva Wolmark

Yaganehafra Family

Rabbi & Mrs. Jacob Yellin

Johnny & Helene Zauderer - Tiffany Travel Service

David & Mira Zeffren

Hilly & Miriam Zeitlin

Menachem & Simy Zelmanovitz

Moshe & Deena Zyskind

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VTHS Virtual Dinner Journal 2020 Updated

  • 1. GOLD Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron for this well deserved honor. We express appreciation to the Heroes of Healing & Caring Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar. Frank & Lynn Menlo
  • 2. GOLD Mazel Tov to, Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar We are honored to join with Valley Torah High School in recognition of your heroic efforts on behalf of the Jewish community. May you be blessed with continued success and go from strength to strength. David & Miriam Striks
  • 3. GOLD Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Mrs. Chani Biron The efforts that each of you devote to the continuity of Torah is a true Kiddush Hashem. May you be blessed to continue in your holy endeavors. Shlomo & Tamar Rechnitz
  • 5. GOLD Mazal Tov Briana on this well deserved honor and recognition for your sincere devotion as a nurse. We are so very proud of you! Thank you Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah for being a perfect example of true Yiras Shamayim Mazal Tov to all the honorees! May you continue in good health. lmma and Shay Bayar Mordechai and Rachel Aharonoff Shimmy and Leeor Bayar David and Shirah Bayar Yechezkel and Safie Gabaie
  • 6. GOLD Mazel Tov to our dear friends, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron Your generosity and love for others knows no bounds. We are grateful that we have you in our lives the last 40 years. May Hashem continue blessing you, your children and grandchildren with tremendous blessings, nachas and happiness for many more years. Joel & Dena Bess
  • 7. GOLD Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar You are true heroes of the Los Angeles Jewish community! Jonathan & Miriam Istrin
  • 8. GOLD Honoring the tireless efforts of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Your devotion to the students of Valley Torah High School has crafted the leaders of our next generation. Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Nurse Briana Bayar Your efforts on behalf of the community are truly heroic. Thank you. Ira and Amy Leibowitz
  • 9. GOLD It is a great honor and distinction to be able to support Valley Torah High School.  The efforts of Rabbi Stulberger and the team have made an impact on our community for so many years. Our children have benefitted from the education and Torah but most all from the love they received and continue to receive from Valley Torah. We also want to wish a Mazel Tov to all of this year’s honorees. With much gratitude, Dr. Barry and Dr. Martha Simon 01001101 01100001 01111010 01100101 01101100 00100000 01010100 01101111 01110110 00100001
  • 10. SILVER We join in paying tribute to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN for their dedication to their communities and to Valley Torah High School. Paul & Judy Cohen
  • 11. SILVER Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron on this well deserved honor. May you continue teaching Torah to inspire future generations for many years. Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN You are each paragons of kindness and leadership in your community. Yoel & Aliza Gabay
  • 12. DIAMOND Congratulations to the well-deserving honorees. Wishing Valley Torah, its staff and students much hatzlacha. Elie & Rinat Aghabi 
  • 13. DIAMOND Congratulations to Valley Torah High School and its Heroes. May you all see continued nachas in all your efforts on behalf of the community. Steve & Sue Darrison 
  • 14. DIAMOND Congratulations to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN for a well-deserved recognition. Brian and Tabitha Dror
  • 15. DIAMOND Dedicated to the Rabbis and teachers of Valley Torah. We extend our deepest gratitude for the education and guidance you have provided our children and grandchildren. Eli & Sandra Eisenberg 
  • 16. DIAMOND Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN May you continue to go from strength to strength. Jan & Lori Moore
  • 17. DIAMOND Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron on this well-deserved honor. Mazel tov to Behzad & Yemina The best part of teaching is when your students turn into your friends. Rabbi Aryeh & Debbie Striks
  • 18. RUBY It is with great admiration and appreciation that we applaud Rabbi and Rebbetzin Asher Biron on their worthy recognition by Valley Torah High School. Rabbi Biron came to Los Angeles as an original member of the LA Kollel.  34 years ago, he left the Kollel to become one of the leading mechanchim in Los Angeles. Rabbi Biron has become one of our community's experts in Geirus and serves on the Geirus Bais Din of the RCC. He helped our Rav, Rav Gershon Bess, found Kehilas Yaakov and has been our Gabbai Rishon and Ba’al Koreh ever since. Before teaching at Valley Torah, Rabbi Biron taught at other Mosdos, including Toras Emes and Bais Yaakov. Mrs. Biron has also taught at Valley Torah, as well as at Toras Emes, Bais Yaakov, and Bnos Esther. They have hundreds of talmidim and talmidos whom they have imbued with the Derech Hashem. They have also taught many Chasanim and Kallos in preparation for their weddings. Together, they have raised a beautiful family L’shem Ul’tiferes – all “raised” in our Bais Medrash. Our Kehila is very proud to remain the home shul of the Birons and we congratulate them on this well-deserved honor. Congregation Kehilas Yaakov
  • 19. RUBY HaRav and Mrs. Gershon Bess R’ & Mrs. Yitzchok Adlerstein Mr. & Mrs. David Axelrod R’ & Mrs. Yitzchok Bader Mr. & Mrs. Avi Balsam Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Joel Bess Mr. & Mrs. Shimshon Bienstock Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Burg Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Chopp Mr. & Dr. Aharon Cooper R’ & Mrs. Rami Deutsch R’ & Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Goldfinger Dr. & Mrs. Charles Gordon R’ & Mrs. Shlomo Gottesman Dr. & Mrs. Binyomin Gross Ms. Leah Henkin Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hershberg Mr. & Mrs. Heshy Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Kishineff Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kohn         Dr. & Mrs. Irving Lebovics Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Lowi Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mindle Dr. & Mrs. Julian Mirman R’ & Mrs. Dov Osina Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reiss Dr. & Mrs. Steve Richeimer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rosenbaum  Mr. & Dr. Avraham Sachs Dr. & Mrs. Manny Saltiel Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Schlussel   Mrs. Shelley Schwartz Mrs. Bryna Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ungar Dr. & Mrs. Yisroel Ury             Dr. & Mrs. Ira Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Benny Westreich R’ & Mrs. Brad Yellen R’ & Mrs. Moshe Zaret Congregation Kehilas Yaakov
  • 20. RUBY Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron, Dr Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN You are shining examples of leadership and Torah values. You are true inspirations to the Los Angeles Jewish community. David & Chani Coronel
  • 21. RUBY Rabbi Biron, You have been our Rebbi, mentor and life coach dating back to the days of riding in your van all the way up to ensuring we had the tools for a successful marriage. We are and were blessed to have you in our lives. May you continue to be a beacon of light and inspiration for gantz Klal Yisrael! Tanya and Avi
  • 22. RUBY Mazel Tov to all of the Heroes being recognized tonight on this well deserved honor. Dr. Mark & Andrea Coronel
  • 23. RUBY With tremendous ‫הטוב‬ ‫הכרת‬ to the ‫ישיבה‬ for all it has done for the ‫כלל‬ and our family ‫.בפרט‬ Your positive impact on our community is tremendously felt ‫אמן‬  .‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬ ‫מחיל‬ ‫הקודש‬ ‫בעבודת‬ ‫ולהמשיח‬ ‫חיל‬ ‫לעשות‬ ‫כח‬ ‫לכם‬ ‫יתן‬ ‫שהקב"ה‬ In honor of this year’s honorees ‫כח‬ ‫ישר‬ on your well deserved honors: Rav Asher & Chani Biron true ‫מחנכים‬ and friends. Our local heroes Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Briana Bayar, RN. Behzad & Yemina Soufer our dear cousins and friends who are major forces ‫חסד‬ and ‫אחדות‬ in the Valley Community. ‫אמן‬ .‫ונעימים‬ ‫בטוב‬ ‫ידכם‬ ‫מעשה‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫אתכם‬ ‫יברך‬ ‫שהקב״ה‬ Eli & Sarah Gabay
  • 24. RUBY Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Biron, Dr. Hakimisefat, Dr. Soufer and Nurse Briana and to Valley Torah High School on this special occasion. Bruce & Anne Greenfield
  • 25. RUBY We join with Valley Torah High School in celebrating the Heroes of our community. May you continue to be a source of strength to the entire Jewish community. David and Judy Hager
  • 26. RUBY Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School. We join with you in honoring the Heroes who contribute so much to the vital needs of our community Los Angeles Jewish Fund
  • 27. RUBY Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron on your richly deserved recognition. You have made a tremendously positive impact on our community because of your decades of Chinuch to so many Talmidim and Talmidos and your devotion to Congregation Kehilas Yaakov. Ronnie and Hindy Mayer
  • 28. RUBY Mazal Tov to the honorees and especially to Rabbi Biron for his many years of dedication and Limud HaTorah with his Talmidim. Yonatan & Rikki Menlo
  • 29. RUBY We are grateful for this honor, and humbled to be placed among the distinguished ranks of Valley Torah’s current and past honorees. We credit Valley Torah for having encouraged us to grow and follow in the Derech of Hashem, and for having cultivated our love of Torah and community. We are proud to be able to give in return, to reinvest in Valley Torah’s youth, the future of our community. Dr. Behzad & Yemina Soufer
  • 30. RUBY Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and all of this year’s honorees on this most deserving award!  Myself and the extended Valley Torah community owe you and all of VT’s incredible Rebbeim and educators a tremendous debt of gratitude for your selfless devotion and commitment to the education of the next generation of Jewish leaders.   I consider myself greatly privileged to have been a student of yours. Through your inspiring Onegs at your home, your famous stories in class, and everything in between, you made learning Torah an unforgettable experience that I will never forget.  May we continue to share in many more Simchas. Charlie Rosenberg
  • 31. BUILDER Congratulations to all the honorees on your much deserved honor. You are such an amazing source of inspiration to us all! A special shout out to Sharon and Yemina for being amazing Aishes Chayils! Mazel Tov Daniel and Elana Berman
  • 32. BUILDER A special Mazal Tov to my friend and colleague, Dr. Behzad Soufer. May Hashem give you an abundance of strength and Chizuk to continue helping others and being a source of pride for the community. Mazal Tov to Briana!! May you continue to provide amazing care and self-sacrifice for patients. Dr. & Mrs. Babak Hakimisefat
  • 33. BUILDER Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron for this well deserved honor. Special thanks to Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger and Jonathan & Miriam Istrin for their years of dedicated service to Valley Torah High School. Moise and Angie Hendeles
  • 34. BUILDER In honor of the Rosh Yeshiva, HoRav Avrohom Stulberger, the Menahel Rabbi Yisroel Semmel and my fellow Rebbeim. In appreciation of the very worthy honorees: Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN who are a great source of Nachas to the entire Valley Torah community. Asher and Chani Biron
  • 35. BUILDER Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN on this well-deserved honor. Wishing continued Hatzlacha to Valley Torah High School. Jacob & Esther Blaich
  • 36. BUILDER In recognition of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN Our community is inspired by your leadership. Your dedication is sincerely appreciated. Ephraim & Suzanne Feigelstock
  • 37. BUILDER Mazel Tov to all of tonight’s awardees. Your leadership, dedication and devotion have made you examples for others to follow. May you go from strength to strength. Mark & Yehudit Garmaise
  • 38. BUILDER We salute all of tonight’s honorees for a well deserved recognition.
  • 39. BUILDER Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN We are proud of your commitment to Torah and our community. Howard and Gity Gluck
  • 40. BUILDER Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN You are exceptional role models to the Jewish people and specifically our community that you serve with such heroism. Akiva & Rachel Greenfield
  • 41. BUILDER Mazel Tov and thank you to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community. Joseph and Rose Mizrahi
  • 42. BUILDER In honor of Rabbi Asher Biron Chinuch at Valley Torah has been your entire focus for many decades. We are humbled by your dedication and awed by your incredible impact. We are among the thousands of Talmidim that have been the beneficiaries of your Avodas HaKodesh . May Hashem grant you and your Rebbetzin many more healthy years of Harbotzas HaTorah. Fondly, The Valley Torah Rebbeim
  • 43. BUILDER We join in paying tribute to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for being role models of teaching Torah to so many students. Thank you for your dedication to Valley Torah High School, Bnos Esther, Congregation Kehilas Yaakov, Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn and to the entire community. Dr. David and Andrea Sherman
  • 44. BUILDER Valley Torah fills such an important role in Los Angeles. Their efforts in Chinuch over the last several decades under the leadership of Rabbi Stulberger have made an enormous difference. Keep up the good work Valley Torah and Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Weiss
  • 45. SUSTAINER Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. Our very best wishes for much Hatzlacha to tonight’s honorees and Valley Torah High School. Hymie and Marilyn Barber
  • 46. SUSTAINER Mazel Tov to our dear mommy, Mrs. Briana Bayar on being honored at the Valley Torah banquet! We are so happy that you are being recognized for all your hard work and dedication in saving people’s lives! As our mommy, you always make sure to take care of everything we need, and you know just what to do to make us feel better! Your devotion to your patients is truly inspiring. You are our role mode and we hope to be just like you one day! Love, Ariella, Nava, Shira, and Aliza
  • 47. SUSTAINER Mazel Tov to the Honorees Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron for your many years of being part of the heart and soul of Valley Torah and thank you for everything you have done for our children and grandchildren. Mazel Tov to the Doctors Dr. Babak Hakimissefat and Dr. Behzad Soufer and to Nurse Briana Bayar. Thank you for all of your heroic efforts before and during our COVID Pandemic. May you stay healthy and strong. Gary and Stephie Bregman
  • 48. SUSTAINER Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and to the Heroes Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN on this well-deserved honor. Your dedication is inspirational. Allen & Marle Hershberg
  • 49. SUSTAINER In honor of Frank Menlo and in recognition of tonight's worthy honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for their years of dedication to Valley Torah High School and Jewish education. Motty and Limor Notis - Ritz Flooring
  • 50. SUSTAINER Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron We salute you for your decades of teaching at Valley Torah High School and educating so many children from our community. Valley Torah can be proud to recognize Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer who are tonight's medical profession heroes. Ira and Ruchi Smedra
  • 51. SUSTAINER In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron We join the entire community in expressing our appreciation to you for providing a Torah education to so many talmidim and talmidot. Congratulations to Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer for your well-deserved recognition. Yaakov and Fran Wintner
  • 52. SUSTAINER Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron for your many years of dedication to the Talmidim of Valley Torah High School and for your service to the greater Los Angeles community. Mazel Tov to the alumni honorees – you are a true inspiration to the next generation of Valley Torah leaders. Efrat & Uri Zisblatt and Family
  • 53. PARTNER We extend our deepest gratitude to Rabbi Biron for his brilliance, patience, and dedication. His instruction in the classroom and by example has impacted us both. Yasher Koach to the selfless healthcare workers who have been caring for the community and beyond. Dr. Allen & Sarah Ardestani
  • 54. PARTNER Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN Your leadership and dedication have made you examples for others to follow.  Ari & Nechama Baer
  • 55. PARTNER Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron and to all the Honorees. Yasher Koach to all the Rabbis and Staff of VTHS for making 2020 work. Dr. Adam & Joy Freedman
  • 56. PARTNER We honor the work of Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah High School in their ability to touch the souls of the teens of Los Angeles. You play an integral role in the future of Klal Yisroel. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher Biron The decades of dedication to your Talmidim is second to none. Keep up the wonderful work and keep making a difference! Aron Dov and Debbie Friedman
  • 57. PARTNER Wishing Valley Torah High School continued success in educating the future generations of the Jewish people. Alan & Lisa Friedman
  • 58. PARTNER Rabbi Asher Biron was my Rebbi and remains my Rebbi after 25 years.  He is my role model.  A Thankful Anonymous Talmid
  • 59. PARTNER Mazal tov dear Briana and Daniel! May you continue to be a great role model to everyone around you!! Eugénie Baseri Kohanchi
  • 60. PARTNER Mazel Tov to the honorees and In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger. Kenny and Ethne Katz
  • 61. PARTNER Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and to all of the honorees. Hillel & Ruth Kellerman
  • 62. PARTNER In honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron for their involvement and dedication to Torah education. With thanks to the Heroes of Healing & Caring for their tremendous dedication to the community. Michael and Suri Kest
  • 63. PARTNER In honor of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN We applaud you for your dedication to Torah and Chessed. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors. Dr. Joshua & Doris Levy
  • 64. PARTNER Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN Thank you for your heroic dedication and contribution to our community. Rabbi George & Dr. Lisa Lintz
  • 65. PARTNER In honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron who have dedicated their lives to the furtherance of Torah in our community and who are role models for everyone because they teach by example. Irwin and Tania Lowy
  • 66. PARTNER Mazel Tov to all of the well-deserving honorees. Shimon and Rachel Riss & Family
  • 67. PARTNER We join in recognizing tonight's honorees Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron for their lifetime dedication to Torah education in our community. Mazel Tov to Briana Bayar, Babak Hakimisefat and Behzad Soufer for their well-deserved recognition. Steve and Lorraine Spira
  • 68. PARTNER Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for this well deserved recognition. The Los Angeles Community owes them a debt of gratitude for being such devoted teachers to their students. In honor of Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger for his selfless dedication to all of his Talmidim. Dr. David and Dorothy Stoll
  • 69. PARTNER Mazal Tov to the honorees and to the entire Valley Torah family!! Sheryl & Michael Rosenberg and Family
  • 70. PARTNER Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron on this well deserved honor. The two of you have been shining examples of what true Torah leadership is all about. You have inspired thousands through you teaching, your character and through the incredible bayis ne’eman you have built. Continued hatzlacha and nachas, ad mao ve’esrim! A heartfelt hakaras hatov to our heroes on the front lines who have risked their well-being to help others. You represent the absolute best of Valley Torah and we are so proud of you and your beautiful families. Continued success in all your endeavors! Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
  • 71. PARTNER Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. It is a pleasure to support Valley Torah and the important work that you do. Sidney and Marcia Teichman
  • 72. PARTNER Mazal tov to the honorees. Wiesenberg & Co., CPAs
  • 73. PARTNER We join with Valley Torah High School in paying tribute to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron. In recognition of the heroic efforts of Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN. Noah & Chani Rubenstein
  • 74. PARTNER Irving and Linda Rubenstein and the 5050 Bluebell Minyan take this opportunity to wish Rabbi Asher Biron and Dr. Behzad Soufer a hearty Mazel Tov. May you go from strength to strength in your endeavors and continue to make us proud.
  • 75. PARTNER Teaching how to live a Torah life in today’s world is challenging and it is our pleasure to support the team at Valley Torah who prepare our teens for their next phase in life. We proudly support your efforts. Keep up the good work. Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. Dr. Steven and Rivky Weiss
  • 76. Babak and Sharon Hakimisefat Mazal tov! You guys are a true inspiration and a major source of Nachas to all of us. Thank you for always being there for us! Love, Elisha, Chana , Elana, Elazar, Menashe and Neima Akhamzadeh!
  • 77. Best wishes to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN for a well-deserved honor. Ken and Cassi Alter
  • 78. We are proud to honor our daughter, Briana, whose essence embodies kindness, love and dedication as a mother, a wife and a nurse! With Much Love, Dad & Susan
  • 79. Thank you for being Mechanech our grandchildren. Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Bess
  • 80. In honor of the heroes of our ‫משפחה‬ Asher & Chani Biron who have helped us ‫ובממונם‬ ‫בגופם‬ and always ‫יפות‬ ‫פנים‬ ‫בסבר‬ Yaakov & Malkie Licht Yankie & Laya Biron
  • 81. Mazal Tov to the all honorees on this well-deserved honor!! (Special shout out to Dr. Soufer!) Also in honor of Mrs. Sheindy Gross. You are an incredible asset to the school and community. We admire your hard work and dedication. You are an inspiration!! Hashem should grant you continued strength and success!! Fondly, Menashe & Shaindel Blaustein
  • 82. In honor of the great teachers in our city   Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron  We all owe you a debt of gratitude for raising the bar of Mechanchim and Mechanchos in Los Angeles.   With great respect and deep admiration,     Rabbi and Mrs. Yoel Bursztyn Bais Yaakov of Los Angeles
  • 83. In this year of everything being different, it is such an honor to be able to acknowledge someone who has steadfastly and consistently been a beacon of light for the youth of Los Angeles. Rabbi Asher Biron has positively affected so many teens through Torah and modeling Middos Tovos. We can’t think of a better Talmid Chochom to recognize. There are few people who have truly put the health of the community before all else. Dr. Behzad Soufer, you inspire us and it is a pleasure to support Valley Torah in your honor. With so much respect for both of these heroes, Jonathan and Tzipporah Coronel
  • 84. Best wishes to Valley Torah High School for continued success. In memory of Maxmilian & Ruth Friedman ‫ז״ל‬ Roberta Friedman Cummings
  • 85. Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center wishes to congratulate Dr. Behzad Soufer, Emek Board Member and Parent Recipient of Valley Torah High School’s Hero of Healing Award We are so proud of everything Dr. Soufer does for Valley Torah, the community at large and Emek. We thank him for his service. Mazel tov to the additional honorees: Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, Heroes of Jewish Education Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Hero of Healing Briana (Beard) Bayar, RN, Heroine of Caring May you go from Strength to Strength. Rabbi Mordechai Shifman and the entire Emek Administration
  • 86. In honor of tonight’s honorees whose commitment and dedication to the Jewish people is a shining example to us all. Wishing continued success to Valley Torah High School Walter and Esthie Feinblum
  • 87. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN upon receiving this well-deserved recognition. Your commitment and dedication to Torah and the community is truly inspirational. Jeffrey and Aliza Fish and Family
  • 88. Mazel Tov to tonight’s awardees on this well-deserved honor. Wishing continued Hatzlacha to Valley Torah High School. Chaim and Shari Freeman
  • 89. Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron Thank you for your decades of service to Valley Torah High School and to our entire community. Judy Friedman and Family
  • 90. In honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN Your heroism and dedciation are appreciated beyond what mere words can express. Dovi and Lauren Gluck
  • 91. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Biron on the well-deserved award. Rabbi Biron truly exemplifies the teaching of Chazal to view his Talmidim as his children. ‫בעז״ה‬ Valley Torah under the guidance of Rabbi Stulberger should be Zoche to produce generations of Bnai Torah and Marbitzei Torah Hersch & Alisa Goldberger
  • 92. Congratulations to all the honorees. You are all true heroes who continue to devote of yourselves to enhancing the welfare of others. May Hashem continue to give you success and the strength to do more. Dr. & Mrs. Babak Goldman
  • 93. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for this well-deserved honor. Your combined seven decades of teaching Torah in our community reflects your tremendous dedication that everyone respects and admires. Sol and Gabriella Goldner
  • 94. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN We applaud you for your dedication to Torah and Chessed. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors. Laib & Faigy Greenspoon
  • 95. Best wishes to all of tonight’s honorees and to Valley Torah High School. Aaron & Patricia Grunfeld
  • 96. In honor of our dear friends David Striks and Howard Gluck who have done so much together for Valley Torah High School to ensure that a Torah education is available to every student who wants to learn. Motty and Ruchel Herzog
  • 97. In honor of: Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron For their decades of harbotzas haTorah, guidance and unconditional love for Klal Yisroel Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer For their sagely medical advice and support during these unprecedented times Briana Bayar For her dedication in the hospital to her patients and at home to her family May Hashem continue to give all of you strength, health and many more years to leave your much appreciated marks on Klal Yisroel In Friendship, Rabbi Dovid & Mrs. Carine Horowitz Kehillas Makor HaChaim
  • 98. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biron! They are beyond deserving of this award. Their warmth and love is tangible. I feel that I have almost gained another grandparent when I came to Valley Torah. Rabbi Biron always made himself available whenever I needed him. His patience and care made me feel as if I was his granddaughter. Until today I continue to seek guidance from Rabbi Biron. Every time I pick up the phone to call him, he speaks to me still as if I am family. I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way about Rabbi Biron. I honestly think he is among the very few people in this world that anyone that knows him only has good things to say about him. Thank you so much for always being there for me and all of Klal Yisrael. Thank you for your deep care and guidance throughout my high school years, through dating and beyond. I feel so honored to know and have a connection to Rabbi Biron.  Warmly, Brana and Avraham Harris 
  • 99. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and to the Heroes who are tonight’s honorees. Hayim & Miriam Hendeles
  • 100. Mazel Tov and best wishes to our dear friends Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron They are so beloved by everyone in our community and are most worthy and deserving recipients of tonight's recognition. With deep respect and great admiration, Moishe and Chai'le Ingber
  • 101. Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Biron on this well-deserved honor. With much gratitude, Shimon & Sharona Ishal
  • 102. Mazel Tov and thank you to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community. Fred & Liana Iskhakov
  • 103. In recognition of tonight’s honorees. Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School on all of your successful accomplishments. Eran Itzhaki
  • 104. Mazal tov Rabbi Biron on a well-deserved honor. Although Limud HaTorah wasn't on my radar back then, I still loved your class and the way you taught it. May you continue with ‫כח‬ and gezunt ad meah v’esrim. ‫כח‬ ‫יחליפו‬ ‫ה׳‬ ‫!קוי‬ Tzvi (Hal) and Rivka Jacob & all the Jacob Kinderlach
  • 105. In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron We join with everyone tonight to express our great respect and deep admiration for your dedication to teaching Torah to our children and for your devotion to Congregation Kehilas Yaakov. Heshy & Chani Jacobs
  • 106. Dear Rabbi Biron, As old chavrusas in your 12th grade class of the year 2000, we would like to express our tremendous gratitude for the Hashpa’ah that you had in our development as Bnei Torah. We both fondly remember going in Rabbi Biron's van to the Beis Medrash for learning b'chavrusa followed by Rabbi Biron's engaging shiur. May Hashem grant you many more years of success in raising and training Bnei Torah and may you have much nachas from the generations of your Talmidim. Sincerely, Aryeh Simon and Eli Julian Chavrusas, Class of 2000
  • 107. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and Valley Torah High School Dovid and Judy Kagan
  • 108. Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees for continued Hatzlacha in all of your endeavors. Stanley & Charlotte Kandel
  • 109. In honor of our parents Howard and Gity Gluck in recognition of their efforts on behalf of Valley Torah High School. Zev and Chani Karpel
  • 110. Best wishes to the Heroes of our community who are being recognized tonight and to Valley Torah High School. Dr. Harold & Magda Katz
  • 111. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron Thank you for all you have done for our entire community, for Congregation Kehilas Yaakov and for our family. You have been both outstanding teachers and personal friends who are admired by all who know you. Yehoshua and Ruchel Klavan
  • 112. In honor of our dear friends Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Whose decades of unparalleled dedication to teaching Torah to all members of our community no matter their age or background is legendary. Mazel Tov and being the recipients of tonight's well-deserved recognition. Barry and Tova Kohn
  • 113. In honor of Rabbi Stulberger a real Ohev Yisroel and a special caring person. Yonah & Tzirel Landau
  • 114. Congratulations to the honorees on this well-deserved recognition.
  • 115. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for your tireless commitment to the Torah education and growth of the Valley Torah students. Your enthusiasm for learning and breadth of Torah knowledge have inspired many Talmidim over the course of your tenure at Valley Torah High School. Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Hakimi. Your service as a medical doctor is only surpassed by your love and commitment to the Torah which you imbue in your family and community. Your leadership makes it possible for Torah to flourish and for that, we are so grateful. With much admiration, Rabbi Yoni and Eliana Lichtman
  • 116. Mazel Tov to all of tonight’s honorees. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community. Sol & Miriam Majer
  • 117. In honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN May Hashem grant your families much nachas and simcha in the merit of all that you do. Uri and Bracha Mandelbaum
  • 118. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs Biron and to all the honored alumni! And a big thank you to Rabbi Stulberger for his tireless efforts Dr. Simcha & Karina Mann
  • 119. Dear Rabbi Biron, Mazel Tov on this very well-deserved honor. Your teaching and guidance over many years have been invaluable to me as your Talmid and us as a family. May Hashem continue to bless you with health and nachas from your beautiful family and all your Talmidim for many years to come. To our dear friends, Behzad and Yemina, Mazel Tov on this amazing and well-deserved honor. Your tireless dedication to healing and all the chessed that you do for our community is an inspiration to us all. Love, Dr. Dor & Lissie Markush
  • 120. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for all they have done for our entire community In recognition of Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger and Howard Gluck for their decades of dedication to Valley Torah High School Avi and Sara Mayer
  • 121. Mazel Tov to all of the wonderful honorees who are so deserving of this recognition. Valley Torah continues to inspire and educate our boys and girls. May you continue your worthy efforts with Hashem’s help. Fondly, Steve and Renee Mazlin
  • 122. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron and to the medical Heroes being recognized tonight. Thank you for dedicating yourselves to our community with such devotion. Bernard & Temi Monderer
  • 123. Mazel Tov and thank you to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Briana Bayar, RN for your tireless efforts on behalf of the community. Dr. Brian & Anne Moore
  • 124. In honor and appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for all they do for chinuch in our community over the years. In honor of Dr. Hakimisefat, Dr. Soufer, and Mrs. Bayar for their responder efforts. May HaShem bless you with continued success, good health and nachas from your wonderful families! Reuven & Yehudis Orloff
  • 125. Best wishes to the Heroes of our community who are tonight’s honorees and to Valley Torah High School. Eli & Leslie Pearlman
  • 126. In honor of Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger and the entire staff of Valley Torah High School Levi and Miriam Raichik
  • 127. Dear Reb Asher, Hashem has given me the unbelievable z’chus to literally sit by your side for more than a quarter of a century.  This has given me the chance to be able to see first hand how a true Ben Torah and Rebbe should be. Thank you for all of the advice and friendship you have given me. You should have the strength and good health along with your Aishes Chayil to continue in your Avodos HaKodesh for many years to come. Sholom & Debbie Raskin
  • 128. Dear Behzad, It's an honor to be able to call you my Talmid and friend. You do so much for our community in your quiet and humble way. You and your wife should be zoche to continue to be leaders in our community. Sholom & Debbie Raskin
  • 129. Mazal Tov to our dear friends Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron May they continue to go  meichayil el choyil teaching and inspiring Klal Yisroel.  Rabbi and Mrs. Zev D. Rauch
  • 130. Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School. We join with you in recognizing the Heroes of our community,  Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Nurse Briana Bayar Dr. Arnold & Atara Ross
  • 131. Congratulations to the Hanhala, staff and board of VTHS. We are proud to join with the community in honoring Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron and Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN. F&W Foodservices Elly & Clarisse Rubin
  • 132. In honor of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor for your years of dedication to your students and K’lal Yisrael. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Mrs. Miriam Rubenstein Naomi Rubenstein Weiss & Judy Rubenstein Massarano and families
  • 133. Mazel Tov to this Year’s Honorees In this unprecedented time, it is so nice to be able to honor those on the front lines of dealing with the pandemic. Mazel tov to Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar, RN Your work is so necessary and appreciated. Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Biron on their decades of dedication to the children of our community. It is special people like the Biron’s that ensure the continuity of our people. With so much admiration, Zvi and Betty Ryzman
  • 134. Congratulation to this year’s honorees. It is an honor to be able to support such a worthy cause as Valley Torah and so special to be able to acknowledge this year’s honorees who sacrifice of themselves for the greater community. Rabbi Asher Biron is a man who has given of himself to his Talmidim in a selfless and and loving way. His 30 years of dedication to the leaders of tomorrow are awe inspiring. Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN have all chosen professions in medicine. This year more than most, their dedication to their field has made a significant difference to our community and the community at large. We salute your work and the risk you put yourselves in for the greater cause. Igal and Ida Saidian
  • 135. In honor of Rabbi Asher & Chani Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Jewish people and the entire community. Rabin Saidian
  • 136. To Our Dear Friends Rav Asher & Mrs. Chani Biron Mazel Tov on a well-deserved honor for all your years of dedication and ‫נפש‬ ‫מסירות‬ as Mechanchim and for the many acts of chessed that you do in the community. Our friendship has deep roots over the span of forty years. ‫רצון‬ ‫יהי‬ that HaShem should grant both of you health, ‫ימים‬ ‫,אריכות‬ and much nachas from your family. Nachum & Chaya Sauer
  • 137. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron We are grateful for your service and contribution to the Los Angeles Torah Community for so many years. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. We wish continued Hatzlacha to the entire Valley Torah High School family. Gershon and Sara Schlussel
  • 138. In honor of Rabbi Asher Biron I have grown a tremendous amount from your breadth of ‫תורה‬ ‫דעת‬ and ‫.תורה‬ Your ‫עניוות‬ has allowed me to feel like a colleague, while I identify as a ‫.תלמיד‬ I have an abundance of ‫הטוב‬ ‫הכרת‬ for all your wisdom, advice and ‫.השפעה‬ Yisroel Semmel
  • 139. As an alumna, I just want to say thank you to VTHS for giving me the foundation and teaching me to love Judaism. I owe tremendous Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi Stulberger, Mrs. Striks, Mrs. Rauch, Mrs. Gluck, Mr. Joseph and the entire staff. Thank you for doing what you do! Tali Shams
  • 140. Mazel tov and thank you to all the honorees! Rabbi Biron, your class in high school was always one I enjoyed and for which I was thankful! Mazel Tov and may you continue inspiring all those around you! Briana, a heroine of caring, not only for your patients, but also for your friends! I’m so proud of you, and so lucky and thankful for our friendship! Tzipora (Moore) Schoen & Family
  • 141. Congratulations to Valley Torah High School and the Heroes being recognized tonight on this well-deserved honor. Benjamin & Susan Shapell
  • 142. Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. It is always a joy to support Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah. Keep up the great work of educating the leaders of tomorrow. Michal Shapiro
  • 143. Congratulations to Valley Torah High School! Mazel Tov to the well-deserving honorees. You are true heroes for all that you do. Your commitment to nurturing souls with a meaningful Torah education is an inspiration. Your compassion, courage, professional skills in healing and caring is deeply respected and admired. Abundant blessings to all, Avi & Faye Sharabi
  • 144. Mazal Tov to the Birons on this well deserved honor. Rabbi Biron’s dedication to his students and their growth is second to none. May you continue to be an inspiration and give life to the entire community. Daniel and Tamar Stark
  • 145. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron on this well-deserved honor! The passion and excitement that you show for Torah and Judaism are a true inspiration to everyone around you. To the doctors and nurses: Thank you for your selflessness and sacrifice. We hope and pray that Hashem will keep all of us safe and healthy, and bring a Refuah Shelaima to all those who need one. With much respect and gratitude, Moshe and Chana Striks
  • 146. In appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for their efforts on behalf of the next generation of Klal Yisroel. Our community has been recipients of your Torah and kindness for many decades, and may you continue this for many years. We recognize Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN for your heroic effort in the medical field, especially during this difficult year. Hillel & Miriam Striks
  • 147. Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Biron for everything you have done to inspire future generations of the Los Angeles Jewish community. The devoted work of Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN during the COVID-19 pandemic is a Chessed worthy of recognition and appreciation. Rabbi Simcha and Deena Striks
  • 148. It is with great appreciation and pride that The Teichman Mikvah joins with the Valley Torah High School family in honoring Rabbi Asher Biron. His dedication, knowledge, and sensitivity as Halachik Supervisor for the Teichman Mikvah supports and comforts our families and community. May Hashem give him continued strength and success.
  • 149. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger and Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron In recognition of their acts of chessed and tireless devotion to Torah education in our community. Rabbi Hershy and Blimy Ten
  • 150. In honor of Howie Gluck Thanks for always being there for the Yeshiva. Moish Tohn
  • 151. And to the most worthy Honorees Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron for their more than four decades of dedication to Chinuch HaBonim V’HaBanos in our community Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn – Toras Emes Rabbi Yakov Krause Rabbi Berish Goldenberg Dean Menahel Mr. Moishe Chopp Mr. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Chairman of the Board President We join the Los Angeles Jewish Community in paying tribute to Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger and the entire staff of Valley Torah High School for their outstanding work in spreading the light of Torah And to the most worthy Honorees Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron for their more than four decades of dedication to Chinuch HaBonim V’HaBanos in our community
  • 152. TOURO COLLEGE LOS ANGELES wishes its partner in education VALLEY TORAH HIGH SCHOOL continued hatzlacha. We recognize the ongoing leadership of Rabbi Stulberger Congratulate Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron And Salute the Heroes of Healing and Caring (Touro has more graduate students in the medical field than any other US university and TCLA has honors tracks directly into many of the programs!) May we all go from strength to strengthIn our collective efforts to educate the children of our community from K-16!
  • 153. It is our pleasure to support Valley Torah High School. Rabbi Stulberger and the team have been serving the teens of Los Angeles for decades, instilling love for Yiddishkeit, knowledge of Torah and a first-rate secular education. Keep up the great work and Mazel Tov to the honorees. Itsik and Etah Unger
  • 154. In Honor of Rabbi Asher and Mrs. Chani Biron Two Outstanding Educators and Pillars of the Los Angeles Community  Thank you for your  decades of service in Chinuch and Chesed, and your many wonderful contributions to our Kehila  Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Union
  • 155. When it comes to leading by example and modeling what it takes to be a good Jew in today’s world, no one does it better than the Rabbi Stulberger and the staff at Valley Torah. We join you in honoring this year’s honorees and wish you much Hatzlocha as you continue to inspire the Jewish leaders of tomorrow. Joseph and Erica Vago
  • 156. In honor of Rabbi Biron, an amazing mentor responsible for us and countless other students developing a love of Torah Judaism. And in honor of our dear friends Dr.'s Hakimisefat and Soufer, shining examples of kiddush Hashem and community leadership Dr. and Mrs. Houman Vosoghi (Class of '96)
  • 157. In Tribute to Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron, ‫עמו״ש‬ for their many years of effort on behalf of Klal Yisroel and in personal appreciation of their guidance and friendship. ‫סלה‬ ‫טוב‬ ‫כל‬ ‫יגמלך‬ ‫השם‬ Chavie and Menachem Wakslak
  • 158. In honor of  Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar Respected professionals who elevate the name of G-d throughout the medical community. In appreciation of Valley Torah High School and all the people who make it great. May all of their graduates grow to be such  paragons of chesed and Kiddush Hashem Chavie and Menachem Wakslak
  • 159. In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Chaim A. Wakslak, z"l Rabbi of the Young Israel of Long Beach Long Beach, NY Mrs. Rivka Wakslak
  • 160. In Honor of Rabbi Asher and Chani Biron Heroes of Jewish Education Mrs. Rivka Wakslak
  • 161. In honor of Rabbi Asher Biron who has been a devoted Rebbi to so many Talmidim for over 30 years. May Hashem grant him and his Rebbetzin health and strength to continue for many more years. Dr. Babak Hakimisefat, Dr. Behzad Soufer and Briana Bayar Your efforts in the medical field, especially during this difficult time, are truly heroic. Thank you for all that you do. Noah & Yehudis Weisman
  • 162. Mazel Tov to this year’s honorees. They all give of themselves for the betterment of the community. Whether through Healthcare or Torah, they all assure that the Jewish community will continue. Congratulations to Rabbi Asher Biron Dr. Babak Hakimisefat Dr. Behzad Soufer Mrs. Briana Bayar, RN Martin and Hadassah Weiss
  • 163. In honor of Howard and Gity Gluck in recognition of their dedication to Valley Torah High School Benny and Joyce Westreich
  • 164. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for their unwavering dedication to teaching Torah to the children of our community and to anyone who wants to learn. The Winter Family Charitable Trust
  • 165. In honor of our good friends Dr. Babak Hakimisefat and Dr. Behzad Soufer Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. David and Chani Wittenberg
  • 166. Mazel Tov and best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron in recognition of their years of dedicated service to the furtherance of Torah and Jewish education in our community Zev and Dena Wolmark
  • 167. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron who have been outstanding educators to so many of our children, dedicated to their shul, and who are ba'alei chessed with a kind-hearted and generous spirit. And in recognition of Howard Gluck for his dedication to Valley Torah High School and many other worthy causes. Nochum and Harriet Wisnicki
  • 168. In honor of Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger Mazel Tov to tonight’s honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Biron for this well-deserved recognition. Young Israel of Century City
  • 169. Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles joins Valley Torah High School in honoring Dr. Babak Hakimisefat a true Hero of Healing We are incredibly grateful for your tireless dedication on behalf of our Yeshiva, and the Jewish Community as a whole We cannot thank you enough for your time, energy and devotion to keeping our students healthy and safe. We wish you tremendous hatzlocha in all of your avodas hakodesh. Rabbi Aharon Rubenstein & Rabbi Aryeh Davidowitz and the Staff, Parents and Students of Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles
  • 170.
  • 171. Benny & Audrey Adler Yehuda & Chana Adlerstein Dr. Ernest & Suzanne Agatstein Mark & Michelle Barak Dr. Yaacov & Devora Barzivand David & Rivka Bass David & Carol Berger Shmulie & Ruti Berger Gregory & Leah Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Berneman Ariel & Shanna Bobroff Michael & Michele Boldt Moshe & Esther Braun Mrs. Eva Brettler Dr. Sheldon & Arlene Burg Moishe & Chanala Chopp Jerry & Cecille Cohen Rabbi Shaya Cohen Mr. Dana & The Hon. Lisa Cole Avromie & Leah Colman Moishe & Aviva Colman Robert Cordas Ezra & Chevy Danziger Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Dear LISTINGS
  • 172. Shahin & Shirin Delkhah Ephraim & Yocheved Deutsch Mr. Mitchell Egers Tzvi & Leah Eilat Dr. Larry & Maureen Eisenberg Michael Eisenberg & Associates Leo & Roz Eschwege Peter & Judy Faber Avrohom & Gittie Feingold Mickey & Shelly Fenig Emil Fish - In Memory of Jenny Fish, z"l Mrs. Miriam Fishman Tzvi & Merav Fleischmann Ted & Ethel Fox Dr. Charles & Victoria Frankel Ira Frankel, CPA Jamie & Rena Frankel Ben & Naomi Fried Andrew Friedman, Attorney at Law Barry Dov Friedman Elliot & Adele Friedman Jeffrey & Brandie Geizhals Elazar & Joyce Genauer Ms. Karen Glancz LISTINGS
  • 173. Yaakov & Aviva Gluck Dr. Mark & Deborah Goldenberg Marvin & Adele Goldsmith Berel & Lea Goldstein David & Ahuva Goldstein Dr. Isaac & Adriana Gorbaty Baruch & Wendy Gorman Malkiel & Basya Gradon Reuven & Shevy Gradon Zalmy & Chavy Gurman Steve Hami Eddie & Debbie Herbst Dr. Edon & Shani Hirt Rabbi & Mrs. Rubin Huttler In Memory of Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel H. Katz, z"l Mrs. Mira Indich - In Memory of Alex Indich, z"l Aryeh & Shiran Istrin Carl & Beverly Jacobs Yossie & Frieda Kahan Allan & Judy Kandel Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kassirer Richard & Ellen Katz Shalom & Malka Katz Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kishineff LISTINGS
  • 174. Vivienne Kjono Robert & Erica Klein Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Krause Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Kupfer Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky Robert & Elaine Leichter Meir & Sara Levin David & Miri Levy Marcia Lichtig - In Memory of Irving Lichtig, z"l Michael & Tina Loboda Allan & Ettie Lowy Meir & Zippy Mainstain Ari & Minna Majer George & Shoshana Mann Elie & Felice Marciano Ari & Huvi Mayer Gerard & Pegi Medioni Mrs. Marcie Meier Victor & Chavee Mellon Jeffrey & Lea Mendell Gregory & Sheila Meyer Robert & Judy Millman Mirasha Moore Rabbi & Mrs. Elazar Muskin LISTINGS
  • 175. Irwin & Sharona Nachimson Tzvika & Sarah Nissel Reuven & Yehudis Orloff Michael & Sasha Parker Lawrence & Wendy Platt Moshe & Miriam Polon Bruce & Linda Potash Ze'ev & Varda Rav-Noy Yaakov & Debbie Rechnitz Avi & Leah Reichman Zvi Dovid & Deena Ritvo Marc & Lynn Rohatiner Chaim & Matti Rosen Barry & Yocheved Rosenthal Meir Leib & Bracha Rosman Shimi & Sheva Rosman Jonathan & Sarah Roven Avi & Zahava Ryzman Elie & Adina Ryzman Rafi & Elimor Ryzman Jimmy & Jeanne Salamon Dr. Ronnie & Aliza Samet Zach & Devorah Sanfield Arnold & Sheri Schlesinger LISTINGS
  • 176. Rabbi Chaim & Dr. Ellen Schnur Alan & Elisa Schoenfeld David & Orly Shadovitz Itzhak & Ahouva Shapiro Michal Shapiro Mehrshad and Sarit Shelyan Dr. Bonnie Siegal Shaye & Frieda Slamovits Nosson & Yafit Spiegel Avi & Shuli Steinlauf Mr. Alan & The Hon. Lisa Stern Shmuel & Marilyn Stoch Aric & Mary Streit Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski Stanley & Barbara Treitel Dr. Baruch & Eva Twersky Robert & Chani Ungar Mrs. Susan Ungar - In Memory of Armand Ungar, z"l Yisrael & Gittie Ury Michael & Joy Volk Dr. Robert & Roxanne Weber Jance & Soshea Weberman Avi & Devorah Weiss Shabsi & Eva Weiss LISTINGS
  • 177. Gedalya & Leah Wielgus Law Office of Bernard P. Wiesel Steve & Chana Wintner Chaim & Ahuva Wolmark Yaganehafra Family Rabbi & Mrs. Jacob Yellin Johnny & Helene Zauderer - Tiffany Travel Service David & Mira Zeffren Hilly & Miriam Zeitlin Menachem & Simy Zelmanovitz Moshe & Deena Zyskind LISTINGS