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With Great Appreciation to all
the Honorees
The Offen Family
Eternal Lights
With gratitude and appreciation for all the
honorees for committing their time, energy and
talents to sustaining Shaarei Tefillah as a vibrant,
caring and uplifting shul and community.
Phyllis Hammer and Family
Eternal Lights
We express our heartfelt gratitude to each of you, Congregation
Shaarei Tefillah's very special honorees.
We appreciate the countless hours, hard work, creativity,
thoughtfulness and talent that you have so lovingly devoted to the
Our community is so lucky to have you.
We wish you and your families much hatzlacha, bracha, mazel and
naches in the years ahead.
Judy and Jonathan Chiel and Family
Builders of Community
Mazal Tov to all the honorees and the Kahal
on this Lev Year milestone!
May we all go from strength to strength
The Young Families Match
Builders of Community
In honor and celebration of the honorees
and the Shaarei community
Paul Gompers and Jody Dushay
Sivan, Annika and Zoe
Builders of Community
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Thank you for all that you have done for our kahal
Special thanks to all the committee members
for making this night possible
Rachel, Allan, Sarah, Danya and Henry Goldstein
Foundation of Torah
Foundation of
‫ויעקב‬ ‫יצחק‬ ‫אברהם‬ ‫אבותינו‬ ‫שברך‬ ‫מי‬‚
‫הזה‬ ‫הקדוש‬ ‫הקהל‬ ‫כל‬ ‫את‬ ‫יברך‬ ‫הוא‬,
‫הקדש‬ ‫קהלות‬ ‫כל‬ ‫עם‬,‫הם‬,
‫ונשיהם‬,‫ובניהם‬,‫ובנותיהם‬,‫להם‬ ‫אשר‬ ‫וכל‬.
To our beloved rabbi Benjamin Samuels,
we cherish your friendship and guidance
and are so very grateful for your endless dedication
and leadership in our community.
Mazel Tov to all our fellow honorees and to
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah on the occasion of its Lev Anniversary!
A special thank you to event chairs Rachel Goldstein and Jody Dushay
and to our president, Michael Rubin for their tireless efforts
in making this celebration such a success!
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
Mazal Tov to all the honorees and thank you
for everything you do for Shaarei!
Much Love
Ellen, Michael, Talia and Maya Rubin
Foundation of Torah
In honor of Barry Shrage, the leadership of
Shaarei Tefillah and the lev honorees for
their impact on Boston's Jewish
Mazal Tov on your 32nd anniversary.
Rubin Gruber
Tree of Life
In recognition of honorees:
Professor Jay Berkovitz
Naomi Bar-Yam
Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
Rabbi Benjamin Samuels
Beverly & Donald Bavly
Rita & Herbert Gann
Shirley Saunders
Tree of Life
In Honor and Great Respect of our Father and
Grandfather Morris (Moishe Yosef) Flatt
In Loving Memory of our Parents and Grandparents
Frances Flatt z'l, Esther Steinmetz z'l, Leo Steinmetz z'l
Chana Rosenberg Steinmetz z'l
They survived the Shoah and they taught us by example
in their homes, shuls and community.
Their lessons will never be forgotten.
Sarina, Allan, Naftali, Shimon and Zev Steinmetz
Tree of Life
In tribute to our distinguished Shaarei Lev Year
Sarina & Allan Steinmetz: Lev HaKahilla
Ron & Roberta Loberfeld: Lev HaBonim
Rebecca & Rob Kaplan: Lev Chadash
Naomi Bar-Yam: Lev Chesed
Professor Jay Berkovitz: Lev Ha-Torah
Rabbi Benjamin Samuels: Lev vaNefesh
Thank you all for your extraordinary contributions to Shaarei Tefillah.
We appreciate your inspirational and dedicated leadership, scholarship, creativity,
caring and giving.
Avi & Shuli Rockoff
Generation to Generation
Mazel Tov & Best Wishes to all the Honorees
We admire and respect your dedication to ensuring the
success of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah.
May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community!
Yakir and Cheryl Levin and Family
Generation to Generation
Rabbi Samuels,
Thank you for everything that you have done for the congregation and
the community.
With deep appreciation
The Rosenbaum Fisher family
Generation to Generation
‫אי‬ַ‫כּ‬ַ‫ז‬ ‫ן‬ֶ‫בּ‬ ‫ן‬ָ‫נ‬ָ‫ח‬‫יוֹ‬ ‫ן‬ָ‫בּ‬ַ‫ר‬...‫ם‬ֶ‫ה‬ָ‫ל‬ ‫ר‬ַ‫מ‬‫ָא‬,‫ם‬ָ‫ד‬‫ָא‬ָ‫ה‬ ‫הּ‬ָ‫בּ‬ ‫ק‬ַ‫בּ‬ְ‫ד‬ִ‫יּ‬ֶ‫שׁ‬ ‫ה‬ָ‫ר‬ָ‫שׁ‬ְ‫י‬ ‫ְך‬ֶ‫ר‬ֶ‫ד‬ ‫י‬ִ‫ה‬‫יזוֹ‬ֵ‫א‬ ‫אוּ‬ְ‫ר‬‫וּ‬ ‫אוּ‬ְ‫צ‬...‫ר‬ָ‫ז‬ָ‫ע‬ְ‫ל‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ִ‫בּ‬ַ‫ר‬
‫ר‬ֵ‫מ‬‫אוֹ‬,‫טוֹב‬ ‫ב‬ֵ‫ל‬.‫ם‬ֶ‫ה‬ָ‫ל‬ ‫ר‬ַ‫מ‬‫ָא‬,‫ם‬ֶ‫כ‬‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ִ‫מ‬ ‫ְך‬ָ‫ר‬ֲ‫ע‬ ‫ן‬ֶ‫בּ‬ ‫ר‬ָ‫ז‬ָ‫ע‬ְ‫ל‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ ‫ת‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ִ‫נ‬ֲ‫א‬ ‫ה‬ֶ‫א‬‫רוֹ‬,‫ם‬ֶ‫כ‬‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ ‫יו‬ָ‫ר‬ָ‫ב‬ְ‫דּ‬ ‫ל‬ַ‫ל‬ְ‫כ‬ִ‫בּ‬ֶ‫שׁ‬.
Rabbi Yochanan said to his students: Go and see which is the best trait for a person to acquire. Said Rabbi Elazar: A good heart.
Said Rabbi Yochanan to: I prefer the words of Rabbi Elazar for a good heart includes all other traits. (Avot 2:9-10)
Mazal Tov to our Entire Shaarei Community
on 32 Years of Avodat HaKodesh and Community Building.
We are honored to call Newton our home,
Shaarei our Shul, and the Shaarei Kehillah our family and friends.
May we continue to grow together in health, happiness and sacred purpose for Torah, Tefillah, Tzedek and Chessed in faithful
service of the One who builds and blesses all.
In Great Admiration of All Those Who Work for the Good of Our Community
with special recognition of tonight’s incredibly deserving honorees:
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
Professor Jay Berkovitz
Naomi Bar-Yam & All Our Past Chesed Chairs
Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
With Special Appreciation to our 32nd Anniversary Chairs
Jody Dushay and Rachel Goldstein
and all our 32nd Anniversary Sub-Committee Chairs and Workers,
and our Shul officers, leadership and administration.
In fellowship and friendship
Rabbi Benjamin, Stephanie, Amitai, Yedidyah, Aryeh and Yakir Samuels
Y’asher Koach
all of our wonderful “Lev” honorees.
We are grateful for all you do
for Shaarei Tefillah and the Jewish community.
May you go from strength to strength.
With deep appreciation,
The Fried Family
Jesse, Naomi, Joshua, Avital, and Ayelet
To all the honorees -- may you be
blessed with:
( ‫מבקשי‬ ‫לב‬ ‫ישמח‬‫ה‬'(‫ג‬ ‫קה‬ ‫תהילים‬"
To the Shaarei Tefillah community --
thank you for your warm welcome
and friendship.
The Allerhands
A very special mazel tov to Rabbi Benjamin and
Stephanie Samuels
You arrived in Newton the same year we did;
You named our son (we even borrowed your name)
You have guided us, our children and the entire
community with tremendous leadership, sensitivity and
We look forward to many more years together.
To Allan & Sarina, for the stream of young children
behind me and all the special activities you have led
To Ron & Roberta, for our Shabbat conversations
across the aisle
To Rob & Rebecca, for our years together on the
To Jay, for sharing of inspiring ideas (and occasional
rides to shul)
To Naomi & the Chessed Chairs, for making Shaarei
a warm and caring community
Ralph & Nancy Lieberman
Naomi, Tamar & Benjamin
To the Lev Gala honorees:
Mazel Tov for all your contributions to our Kahal.
In honor of Congregation Shaarei
Mazal Tov!
Jan, Andrew, Michelle, Alex, Julia
and Rebecca Wiener
Mazel Tov to all the honorees, our dear friends,
for all their tireless efforts on behalf of the
With love and gratitude, Helene and Joe Tischler
To all our honorees
You have helped our shul
grow in so many ways
We are eternally grateful
Nancy and Jerry Kolodny
To the honorees at the Builder’s Donor Recognition Wall celebration
Mazel Tov for all your contributions to our Kahal.
To Larry & Barbara, for keeping our minyanim and our kitchen running
To Bob & Lois, for helping me as Treasurer and VP in maintaining our
beautiful building, and for all your contributions in our Ma’ayan and Meah
classes together
To Ernest & Rachel, for your enthusiastic and ongoing support to Shaarei
and for being wonderful theatre buddies
Ralph & Nancy Lieberman Naomi, Tamar & Benjamin
On the historic occasion of Shaarei's Lev (=32)
anniversary, we pay tribute to our singular
(yahid=32) rabbi and we congratulate those
members whom we honor (kavod=32) for their
contributions to our kehillah. We look forward
with great anticipation to our 64th anniversary
since that will be a time of prophecy
(nevuah=64) and redemption (yavo hagoel=64).
Mazal tov to all!
Jonathan D. Sarna & Ruth Langer
‫באמונה‬ ‫צבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסקים‬ ‫מי‬ ‫וכל‬
In honor of
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Ron and Roberta Loberfeld
Naomi Bar-Yam Professor Jay Berkovitz Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
Rabbi Benjamin Samuels
Thank you for your dedication and devotion to our shul. Your teaching and your
leadership are an inspiration.
Bruce and Lisa Micley
In appreciation and with gratitude to all the
We salute your dedication, devotion and hard work
on behalf of our shul.
Mazel Tov!
May you go from strength to strength!
Ellie and Barry Shrage
In honor of our dear friend and spiritual
leader Rabbi Benjamin Samuels.
You are an inspiring presence for all of us in
so many different ways. May you go from
strength to strength.
With deep respect and admiration.
Jimmy and Paula Gould
Mazal Tov to our wonderful honorees who all
work so hard to make Shaarei Tefillah such a
special place.
Mazal tov to the entire kahal on Shaarei
Tefillah celebrating its Lev year
Frederique & Conrad
Mazal tov to our wonderful rabbi. Rabbi Samuels,
we are truly blessed to have had you guide our
kehillah over the past 20 years.
Thank you for all you have done for this community.
Mazal tov to all this evening's honorees.
Julie & Anthony Goschalk
‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬
To Shaarei Tefillah of our past,
present and future
Barbara and Larry Brown
and family.
Congratulations and thanks to all the
Lev Year Gala honorees.
Your time, energy, knowledge and caring has
helped make Shaarei the warm, inviting, friendly
and comforting place it is.
Willie Goldwasser
Mazal tov to all the honorees on this
wonderful achievement!
Many more productive and memorable
years in our community!
Shira and Michael Fishman and family
With great admiration and appreciation to our dear friends
for your hard work that sustains the Shaarei Tefillah
Rabbi Benjamin Samuels
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
Ron and Roberta Loberfeld
Naomi Bar-Yam
Jay Berkovitz and
Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
May you continue to go from Strength to Strength.
With love from the Pick and Sultan Families
With gratitude to all the honorees
for all you do for our community.
Joanne and Eli Niewood
Mazal tov to all of the honorees for
their dedication to our shul.
Thank you to Rabbi Samuels for his
leadership and friendship
Esther and Elliot Israel and family
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuels
and all the honorees!
The Fax Family
Congratulations to Sarina and Allan,
Roberta and Ron,
Naomi, Jay, Rebecca and Rob
and to our Rabbi, Benjamin Samuels.
Your leadership embodies the very best of our
kahal and is an inspiration to us all.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Eva, Mel, Claire and Alexander Hoffman
Julia Hoffman and Eitan Hersh
‫שכרן‬ ‫ישלם‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫ברוך‬ ‫הקדוש‬ ‫באמונה‬ ‫צבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסקין‬ ‫מי‬ ‫וכל‬
in honor of
Rabbi Samuels
Naomi Bar-Yam
Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
Ron and Roberta Loberfeld
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
Thank you for all that you do to build and sustain this extraordinary community
and in memory of
Melvin L. Berkovitz z”l
Rabbi Joseph Levinson z”l
whose exemplary commitment to Torah and community are an inspiration to us
Sharon, Jay, and Racheli
With respect, admiration, and love we join in
paying tribute to Prof Jay Berkovitz and his
wife Sharon Levinson Berkovitz. An honor
well deserved
Joel, David and Varda, and Mom
In honor of
Dear Allan & Sarina,
Mazel Tov on this wonderful recognition of your continuous dedication
to Shaarei Tefillah and your community. May you always have the
energy to continue in your good work. We are all proud of you and
are honored to be a part of your family.
Love always,
Your sister Mindy Giffin and children; Yosef & Bassy Cohen, Shimon
& Esther Leah Greenebaum, Zev Zvi & Sima Stein, Shlomo & Ahuva
Jarcaig, Shlomo & Yehudis Bernhaut, Mordechai & Zehava Giffin,
Chaim & Naomi Kalman, and families.
Mazel Tov, Rabbi Samuels, on this
wonderful milestone!
Thank you for all you do for our
Jon & Joanna Jacobson
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
We are so proud of you
“Dad” Bill Nathanson and Judy Tye
Mazal Tov to all the honorees! Kol HaKavod!
Thank you one and all for putting your heart
into our amazing community!
You’re an inspiration!
Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
The parsha of Shoftim is the classic source of the three types of
leadership in Judaism, called by the sages the “three crowns”:
of priesthood, kingship and Torah. - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
We express our gratitude to each one of our honorees for the
unique leadership skills that each brings to our kahal.
Each honoree is truly an inspiration to all of us.
Amy, Ethan, Ilana, Jesse & Jacob Corey
We are pleased to honor Jay Berkovitz
‫תורת‬‫מקור‬ ‫חכם‬‫חיים‬
“The Torah of a wise person is a source of life."
Proverbs 13:14. ‫יד‬ ‫משלי‬:‫יג‬
"Mom" Goldie Levinson, Naomi & Ken, Danny,
Devorah, Eliron & Chava Bracha, Malka &
Mazel tov to Rabbi Benjamin Samuels on this well
deserved honor.
Your patience, kindness, and willingness to always
help truly shows how special you are.
From marrying us, to answering our questions, to
calling us just to check in - you have always been
there for us.
Your actions inspire us and teach us by example.
Thank you for all that you do. Mazel tov to all the
other deserving honorees.
Adina, Ari, Ayelet, Noam & Liat Shrage
Celebrating the Partnership between
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah and
Middlesex Savings Bank!
The Congregation appreciates working
with you over the past 5+ years and look
forward to continuing our wonderful
Oops did it again. You gave them
your heart...
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
Best Wishes upon this well bestowed
We love you and the boys so much.
Love, Dad, Rachel, Dorit and Sam and
all the kids and kiddies
Mazel Tov to all this evening's
Honorees. Thank you for all you have
done for our community.
Best Wishes, Beverly and Dick
Ashworth/Capital Alliance Advisors
Best wishes to the Goschalk Family
and the rest of the congregation
on this milestone event
From your friends at NorthStar
Insurance Services
Congratulations to this year’s
We join in celebrating Lev
Shaarei during this, our own
30th year as members of such
a wonderful community, led by
our Morah d’Atrah, Rabbi
Benjamin Samuels
We thank all the honorees for
their exceptional commitment
and devotion to the Kahal
Sheila and David Waxman
Congratulations to Shaarei Tefillah
and all the honorees
‫המתנצבים‬ ‫על‬ ‫העם‬ ‫וימחו‬
‫התנצבו‬ ‫שלם‬ ‫בלב‬ ‫כי‬
‫דבר‬'‫א‬ ‫בימים‬'‫כ‬"‫ט‬,‫ט‬'
The people rejoiced over the
volunteers for they had given
of themselves wholeheartedly
Chronicles I 29:9
Naomi and Richard Shore
Mazel Tov to Rob
and Rebecca!
With pride and admiration
For giving of yourselves
To family, friends and
All our love,
Daryl and Charles Kaplan
Congratulations to all
our friends and honorees
From Our Hearts to
Sabina and Richard
Congratulations to all
the honorees
From David, Ruth, Aviav,
and Carolyn Bernstein.
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
May you continue from
strength to strength!
Debbie and Peter Gyenes
‫ׂשֹות‬ ֲ‫ע‬ְׁ‫ש‬ ִ‫מ‬ְׁ‫פ‬‫ט‬ , ‫בַת‬ ֲ‫ַאה‬‫ו‬‫ד‬ ֶ‫ס‬ ֶ‫ח‬ , ְַׁ‫ֵע‬‫נ‬‫צ‬ ַ‫ה‬‫ו‬‫ֶת‬‫כ‬ֶ‫ל‬‫ם‬ִ‫ע‬‫ליָך‬ֱ‫א‬
Do justice; love kindness; and, walk
humbly with your God.
May the vision of our founders continue to
be refreshed and realized by our honorees
and those they inspire with their
good works.
We honor the blessed memory of Mrs.
Edith Koevary, z”l, a woman who loved our
community and quietly embodied its core
principles and values.
Steve Adelman & Debbie Levenson
Thirty-two years since we’ve begun
We’ve strengthened our connections, each ‘n every one
The snow may blow
The wind may gust
But our small shul remains robust
Mazal Tov to all of us!
Shira Persky
Steve Koevary
& Family
A hearty mazal tov to
my dear friends Sarina
and Allan. There
couldn't be a more
deserving couple!
Susan Permut
Mazel Tov to Rob
and Rebecca for this
well-deserved honor.
Jane and Ed Rabin
To all our honorees
Anne Exter &
Lance Kawesch
In honor of Rabbi
Benjamin Samuels
and all of the
With appreciation
from Steve and
Rebecca Schwartz
and Family
Mazal Tov to all our
honorees! Thank you
for all you do for our
Miriam May & Shaye
Cohen and family
Mazal Tov to my dear
friends Roberta and Ron
whose generosity of heart
and action have helped to
build and strengthen the
Shaarei Tefillah
Arlene Bernstein
Mazal Tov to all the
honorees who have opened
the gates of Shaarei
Tefillah to chessed,
learning, youth and good
fellowship and a special
thank you to Rabbi
Samuels for his
exceptional leadership
Arlene Bernstein
Mazel tov to all the
honorees! Thank you
for all you do to help
make Shaarei the
wonderful shul it is.
All the best,
Thank you and Mazel
tov to all the honorees!
Your dedication and
leadership is an
inspiration to us all!
Warm Regards,
Rachel, Ernest, Joseph,
Gabriel, and Micah
With gratitude to our honorees,
and to
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah,
a community of teachers and
of friends.
Fred and Kathy Lawrence
Best wishes to all the
honorees and we look
forward to continued
success for our
Marcia and Alan Feld
and Family
‫ה‬ ‫תרומת‬ ‫את‬ ‫יביהה‬ ‫לה‬ ‫ןיקהל‬'
“All whose heart motivates
him, shall participate”
Mazal tov to all our
honorees who dedicate
themselves to the
Shaarei Tefillah
Faye & Earl Newman
Congratulations Sarina and Allan
on this wonderful honor
From Ellen Klapper and the
Newton Centre branch
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We honor the founders, we praise the honorees
and we look excitedly to the future!
Naomi and Keith Osher
In honor of Sarina and Allen
Wonderful role models to us all!
Terri and Andrew Herenstein
In honor of Rebecca & Rob Kaplan
Joyce, Jeremy, Sarah and Devorah Wertheimer
To Congregation Shaarei Tefillah
MAZAL TOV on your special anniversary
THANK YOU for enriching our community
YASHER KOACH to Rabbi Samuels for being such
a wonderful mentor and mensch and to my friends
Jay, Naomi, Rebecca and Rob for the meaningful
ways you have touched so many
Herbert Birnbaum
In gratitude to the Kahal and
its dedicated Leaders.
Lester and Ethel Segal
In Honor of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah's
Lev Year and Shira, Mark, Talia, Ayelet and
Galit Ravera with much love,
Judy and Jay Rosenstein
I am proud to call Sarina and Alan Steinmetz my
friend/family...and proud of the wonderful example
they set for all of us. A life of Chesed and a
commitment to performance of Mitzvot. Their
leadership is a brachah to the entire Jewish
community. May Hashem bless you with good
health, happiness and much Nachas. May you
and all the honorees go Michayil El Chauyil
Yitz Magence
In Honor of Ron and Roberta Loberfeld!
Larry Litwak
May our shul continue to be the place of learning,
spiritual growth, religious life, and community from
which we all benefit and to which we contribute,
each in our own ways.
Mazal tov to our Lev Year honorees.
The Haselkorn and Kletter Families
Congratulations to Rabbi Benjamin Samuels and
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah on the Lev Year
Rebecca Betensky and Jeremy Newberger
& Family
Thanking the Shaarei community for more than
a decade of friendship, support, spiritual growth,
and fun. May we always enrich each other's lives
and help to bring wisdom, prosperity, health,
and peace to the world at large.
The Dagi Family
Mazal Tov to the honorees on this well deserved
recognition. Thank you for everything you've all
done to build the Shaarei community.
Beruria and Jonathan Novich
Daya, Mia, and Sarit
Mazel Tov and thank you to Rabbi Samuels for
everything you do for all of us. And Mazel tov
to all the well deserving honorees
May we all go from strength to strength
Risa and Zev Gewurz and Family
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
From Meryl and Mel Langbort
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
From Adrienne and Bob Mayer
With love and admiration for all who work so
hard to make Shaarei Tefillah such a wonderful
congregational home. Mazel tov!
Judy and Richard Cannon
Congregation Shaarei Tefilla
From your friends at the JCCs of Greater
Boston and the Leventhal-Sidman Jewish
Community Center
Best wishes and congratulations to
Sarina & Allan Steinmetz
Roberta & Ron Loberfeld
And all the Honorees
For their dedicated service and leadership
Mark Bressler, Esq.
Lauren Puglia, Esq.
Barry Weisman, Esq.
Sassoon & Cymrot, LLP
Congratulations to Shaarei Tefillah
Mazel Tov on your Lev Anniversary
Life is better with a smile you love!
Dr. Emrey Moskowitz Porath
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Vicky Lyon
Congratulations to Sarina
and Alan
Most deserving honorees
Jill and Gary Lasman
Sarina & Allan,
You are truly the heart of
the Shaarei community.
Marion & Larry
Best Wishes!
Tanya and David Fischer
and Family
Electrical, Painting,
Carpentry work
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families for 25 years
Please contact EUGENE
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Mazal Tov to Rebecca and
Rob and to all of the other
Michal, David, Elie, Ariel,
Aliza, and Liana Kahan
Rabbi Samuels,
Thank you for you dedication
to our community
Marion & Larry Green
In Honor of Sarina and
Allan Steinmetz
Nancy & Peter Finn
Yasher Koach to all our
Honorees. We are very
grateful for all you have
done and continue to do to
strengthen Shaarei Tefillah
and Klal Yisrael and for
making Newton a great
community to raise our
children. Ron and Roberta,
we love you.
From all the Gellers
Mazel Tov to Ron and
Roberta Loberfeld on this
well deserved honor.
Leslie and Tom Silverstein
With fond memories of our
Brandeis years (and trips to
Israel, Amsterdam, & Canary
Mazel Tov Rob & Rebecca
Love, Matt & Miriam Askin
& Family
Multiple Mazel tovs to all
our impressive honorees.
We are truly honored to be
of Shaarei Tefiliah.
We send our very best
Sara and Bob Dickman
Jay - We're honored to be
among your circle of friends
and admirers. Mazel Tov on
this wonderful honor.
Hal & Susie Gordon, Joel
& Nancy Horwitz, Nahum &
Susie Swinkin, and Danny
& Zelda Wildman
Congratulations to
all honorees
The Zweibach Family
In Honor of Rabbi Samuels
for His Unending Care,
Concern, Devotion, and
Energy Towards the Wider
Boston Jewish Community
in His Years of Service as
President of the Vaad
Hakashrut & as President
of the Vaad Harabanim
Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe
Maimonides Kehillah
Mazal tov to all of the
honorees! Thank you for all
you do for our community.
Paula, Ernest, Ethan, Mark,
and Theo Fraenkel
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuels,
Roberta & Ron, Sarina &
Allan, Rebecca & Rob, Naomi
Bar-Yam and Jay Berkovitz.
May you go from strength
to strength.
Naomi and Sidney Schulman
In honor of Roberta and
Ron Loberfeld
From Susan and Bruce Gold
Mazal tov to the most amazing
"old" friends anyone can ask for..
Allan and are special
and incredible souls always there
to help..with a smile, hugs and
kisses! deserve this honor!
may Hashem bless you with
good health and lots of success
from your Ex back neighbors..the
Robinson gang of Skokie..
Elliott, Ronni and the pack!
PS.. Shteinmen..waah happened
yo haih?
Mazal Tov to all of the
honorees on this well
deserved recognition. Mazal
Tov to Rabbi Samuels on this
milestone. May the Kahal be
privileged to continue to
benefit from your leadership
and inspiration for many
years to come. Mazal Tov to
Roberta and Ron: your
dedication and commitment
to the kahal is remarkable.
Chaya and Roby Kram
In honor of Roberta
and Ron Loberfeld
From Cindy Turner and
Carl Harvey / Success
and Self-Esteem
Mazal Tov to our Shaarei
Tefillah community on 32
wonderful years, and to our
honorees and friends Sarina
& Allan, Roberta & Ron,
Naomi, Jay, Rebecca & Rob,
and Rabbi Samuels
for their leadership and role
modeling. ‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬ ‫מחיל‬-
From Strength to Strength!
Carol and Daniel Milewich
Electrical, Painting,
Carpentry work
Working with Shaarei Tefillah
families for 25 years
Please contact EUGENE
at 781-444-6561
To Rob and Rebecca-- We are so grateful for your friendship and
support in our lives. We love you and are so happy that you are
getting this well deserved honor.
- Kol Hakavod-- Stacy and Allen Kamer
With appreciation for all the honorees. Mazal Tov!
- Josh and Ronda Jacobson
Mazal Tov to Rebecca and Rob Kaplan!
- Jennifer and Amiel Weinstock
In honor of Naomi Bar-Yam from your staff and volunteers at
Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast. We are all proud of you
A wonderful honor for Sarina and Allan. You exemplify what it
means to be generous, caring and of course a mensch!
- Sharon and Chuck Diamond, Cong. Mishkan Tefila
To our dear friends Sarina and Allan Congratulations on this
well deserved honor!
- With Love, Theresa and Veronica
In honor of Rabbi Samuels
- Jone and Allen Dalezman
Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of this wonderful
- Edward Kleiman
Sarina and Allan- We are so lucky to have you in our community,
lives, and family. Rabbi Samuels- Thank you for everything you
have done and continue to do for the community. Kol HaKavod!
- Devorah, Adam, Eli, Rena and Aiden Aroesty
Mazal tov to all our deserving honorees
- Joan Mael and family
To Roberta and Ron: Wish we could be there! Sending love from
- Alisa, Russ, Emma, David and Claire Stein
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
- Adele Goldstein
Mazel Tov from Northbrook, Il. to Ron and Roberta
- David and Debbie Dobkin
In honor of all the honorees
- Rabbi Yosef and Reizal Polak
Mazal Tov, Rob and Rebecca Kaplan
- Steve Rabin
Mazal Tov from Harvey and Linda Lefkowitz “Your Detroit Duo”
Mazal Tov to the honorees from Barbara and Jeff Weener, Kobi,
Shai & Ezra
Mazel tov to all the honorees
- With best wishes, Naomi & Carl Lopkin and family
A well deserved honor to our long time wonderful friends, Sarina
and Allan. Mazal Tov!
- Marty and Rita Jerome
With deep gratitude to all the honorees for their extraordinary
commitment and leadership.
- Shira and David Starobinski
Congratulations to all the honorees
- Sally and Herb Kepnes
In Honor of Rabbi Samuels and all of the Shaarei honorees. Mazal
Tov! May you continue to go from strength to strength together
with your family, friends and community. Our very best wishes!
-Avi and Judy Arazi
In Loving Memory of Rosalie and in Honor of Rabbi Samuels and
the Devoted Honorees
-Aaron Katchen and Family, Jerusalem, Israel
In honor of Rabbi Samuels and Rob and Rebecca
- Sruli and Cheryl Feuerstein
In Honor of Rabbi Samuels
- Nancy and Ray Zibman
‫מזל‬‫טוב‬ to all honorees ‫מחיל‬‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬
- The family of Naomi Bar-Yam Bar-Yams, Brahas, and
‫בלב‬ ‫הקהילה‬ ‫תפלה‬ ‫שערי‬ ‫לק״ק‬ ‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬‫שלם‬
- Susan Megerman
In Honor of Jay Berkovitz
- Nancy and Ray Zibman
In honor of Ron and Roberta
- Rabbi Jonathan and Tzipporah Rosenblatt
Mazal Tov to all the honorees!
- Lois and Bob Morgan
In honor of the recipients of the Lev Anniversary honors. Mazel Tov!
- Louise and Irwin Stokar
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
- Gail and Marty Zimmerman
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
- Judy and Steve Leapman
In honor of Sarina and Allan Steinmetz
- Steven Mamarchev
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
- David Ross/Cresa Boston
In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
- Kristin Kelly
Mazel Tov to Roberta & Ron Loberfeld, Rabbi Samuels and all the
- Lesley & Bob Perlman
Congratulations Rob & Rebecca.
Proud and honored to be your building contractor
- Bob Ryan and crew at BR Builder
Mazal Tov Rebecca and Rob!
- The Glasgow Family
Love those Steinmetzes!
- Ron Elkus
In Honor of...
Jay Berkovitz from Gregg Stern
All the honorees from Judy and David Diamond
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Lenore and Tony Martin
Rabbi Samuels, Sarina & Allan, Naomi, Ron & Roberta, Rebecca & Rob, &
Jay from Shoshana Razel Gordon Guedalia
Jay Berkovitz from Mark Rosen
Rabbi and Stephanie Samuels from David and Orlee Berlove
Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Charlie & Wendy Fine
Shaarei Tefillah from Jeralyn Ellowitz
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Gayle and Alan Pinshaw
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Henry and Sandy Satt and Family
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Martin Alpert
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Bella Parnes
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Sharon Shane Real Estate
Roberta and Ron from Martin and Zona Hoffman
The honorees from Jane and Benjamin Ravid
Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Carol and Andrew Ledewitz
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Donald and Barbara Genadir
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from cousins Nancy and Morris Steinbock
In Honor of...
Rob and Rebecca from Ingrid and David Edery
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Pam and Howard Farber
Rabbi Benjamin Samuels from Michael Josephson
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Patrick Leahy/Boston Private Bank
Allan and Sarina Steinmetz from Tsvi and Malkie Schur
All the honorees from Yoel Schultz
Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Rachel Safer
Jay Berkowitz from Susie and Nahum Swinkin, Denver
In Honor of...
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Isidore and Deborah Berenbaum
Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Clark and Debbie Arden
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Gerald and Patty Clarke
All those being celebrated from Sheila and Lee Mondshein
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Sandra and Phillip Davidson
Rabbi Samuels from Judy and Jeff Remz
All the honorees from Judi Roth
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Joe Richardi/Eastern Bank
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Diane and Mark Modest
In Honor of...
Professor Jay Berkovitz from Deanna Mirsky
Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Irving and Regina Schild
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Bunny and Mark Oberlander
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Doru Iancovici and and Florina Haimovici
Rabbi Samuels from Deborah Wieder
All the honorees from Paulette Korn
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Joseph and Amy Mishell
Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Lysa, Luizo and Jason Stark
In Honor of...
In Memory of...
In loving memory of Sidney Mael from Joan Mael and family
In loving memory of Rabbi Zachary Heller (z"l) from Lynne Heller
In Memory of Shaarei’s Departed
Prof. Alexander Altmann
Judith Altmann
Prof. Moshe Anisfeld
Albert Aroesty
Hannah Aroesty
Shirley Aroesty
Lillian Barack
Rabbi Nathan Barack
Dr. Jerrold Bernstein
Vera Feczko
Rose Flax
Prof. Marvin Fox
Raymond Fridmann
Prof.Edward Goldberg
Seymour Goldberg
Eleanor Gorodetzer
Marvin Gorodetzer
Linda Green
Dr. Michael Hammer
Rabbi Zachary Heller
Lea Israel
Nissan Israel
Rabbi Richard Israel
Rachelle Isserow
Ezra Kaplan
Rosalie Katchen
Lawrence Kletter
Dr. Joseph Korn
Seymour Kraut
Ruth Levenson
Dr. Sidney Mael
Aline Fridmann Manna
Eleanor Margolis
Dr. Louis Newman
Shirley Newman
Rabbi Irving Rockoff
Helen Sarna
Prof. Nahum Sarna
Elaine Sherer
Robert Sherer
Elaine Wenger
Yechiel Wenger
Dr. Harold Wieder
Rabbi Samuel Zaitchik

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  • 1. With Great Appreciation to all the Honorees The Offen Family Eternal Lights
  • 2. With gratitude and appreciation for all the honorees for committing their time, energy and talents to sustaining Shaarei Tefillah as a vibrant, caring and uplifting shul and community. Phyllis Hammer and Family Eternal Lights
  • 3. We express our heartfelt gratitude to each of you, Congregation Shaarei Tefillah's very special honorees. We appreciate the countless hours, hard work, creativity, thoughtfulness and talent that you have so lovingly devoted to the shul. Our community is so lucky to have you. We wish you and your families much hatzlacha, bracha, mazel and naches in the years ahead. Judy and Jonathan Chiel and Family Builders of Community
  • 4. Mazal Tov to all the honorees and the Kahal on this Lev Year milestone! May we all go from strength to strength The Young Families Match Builders of Community
  • 5. In honor and celebration of the honorees and the Shaarei community Paul Gompers and Jody Dushay Sivan, Annika and Zoe Builders of Community
  • 6. Mazal Tov to all the honorees Thank you for all that you have done for our kahal Special thanks to all the committee members for making this night possible Rachel, Allan, Sarah, Danya and Henry Goldstein Foundation of Torah
  • 7. Foundation of Torah ‫ויעקב‬ ‫יצחק‬ ‫אברהם‬ ‫אבותינו‬ ‫שברך‬ ‫מי‬‚ ‫הזה‬ ‫הקדוש‬ ‫הקהל‬ ‫כל‬ ‫את‬ ‫יברך‬ ‫הוא‬, ‫הקדש‬ ‫קהלות‬ ‫כל‬ ‫עם‬,‫הם‬, ‫ונשיהם‬,‫ובניהם‬,‫ובנותיהם‬,‫להם‬ ‫אשר‬ ‫וכל‬. To our beloved rabbi Benjamin Samuels, we cherish your friendship and guidance and are so very grateful for your endless dedication and leadership in our community. Mazel Tov to all our fellow honorees and to Congregation Shaarei Tefillah on the occasion of its Lev Anniversary! A special thank you to event chairs Rachel Goldstein and Jody Dushay and to our president, Michael Rubin for their tireless efforts in making this celebration such a success! Roberta and Ron Loberfeld
  • 8. Mazal Tov to all the honorees and thank you for everything you do for Shaarei! Much Love Ellen, Michael, Talia and Maya Rubin Foundation of Torah
  • 9. In honor of Barry Shrage, the leadership of Shaarei Tefillah and the lev honorees for their impact on Boston's Jewish community. Mazal Tov on your 32nd anniversary. Rubin Gruber Cornerstones
  • 10. Tree of Life In recognition of honorees: Professor Jay Berkovitz Naomi Bar-Yam Rebecca and Rob Kaplan Rabbi Benjamin Samuels Beverly & Donald Bavly Rita & Herbert Gann Shirley Saunders
  • 12. In Honor and Great Respect of our Father and Grandfather Morris (Moishe Yosef) Flatt In Loving Memory of our Parents and Grandparents Frances Flatt z'l, Esther Steinmetz z'l, Leo Steinmetz z'l Chana Rosenberg Steinmetz z'l They survived the Shoah and they taught us by example in their homes, shuls and community. Their lessons will never be forgotten. Sarina, Allan, Naftali, Shimon and Zev Steinmetz Tree of Life
  • 13. In tribute to our distinguished Shaarei Lev Year honorees Sarina & Allan Steinmetz: Lev HaKahilla Ron & Roberta Loberfeld: Lev HaBonim Rebecca & Rob Kaplan: Lev Chadash Naomi Bar-Yam: Lev Chesed Professor Jay Berkovitz: Lev Ha-Torah Rabbi Benjamin Samuels: Lev vaNefesh Thank you all for your extraordinary contributions to Shaarei Tefillah. We appreciate your inspirational and dedicated leadership, scholarship, creativity, caring and giving. Avi & Shuli Rockoff Generation to Generation
  • 14. Mazel Tov & Best Wishes to all the Honorees We admire and respect your dedication to ensuring the success of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community! Yakir and Cheryl Levin and Family Generation to Generation
  • 15. Rabbi Samuels, Thank you for everything that you have done for the congregation and the community. With deep appreciation The Rosenbaum Fisher family Generation to Generation
  • 16. ‫אי‬ַ‫כּ‬ַ‫ז‬ ‫ן‬ֶ‫בּ‬ ‫ן‬ָ‫נ‬ָ‫ח‬‫יוֹ‬ ‫ן‬ָ‫בּ‬ַ‫ר‬...‫ם‬ֶ‫ה‬ָ‫ל‬ ‫ר‬ַ‫מ‬‫ָא‬,‫ם‬ָ‫ד‬‫ָא‬ָ‫ה‬ ‫הּ‬ָ‫בּ‬ ‫ק‬ַ‫בּ‬ְ‫ד‬ִ‫יּ‬ֶ‫שׁ‬ ‫ה‬ָ‫ר‬ָ‫שׁ‬ְ‫י‬ ‫ְך‬ֶ‫ר‬ֶ‫ד‬ ‫י‬ִ‫ה‬‫יזוֹ‬ֵ‫א‬ ‫אוּ‬ְ‫ר‬‫וּ‬ ‫אוּ‬ְ‫צ‬...‫ר‬ָ‫ז‬ָ‫ע‬ְ‫ל‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ִ‫בּ‬ַ‫ר‬ ‫ר‬ֵ‫מ‬‫אוֹ‬,‫טוֹב‬ ‫ב‬ֵ‫ל‬.‫ם‬ֶ‫ה‬ָ‫ל‬ ‫ר‬ַ‫מ‬‫ָא‬,‫ם‬ֶ‫כ‬‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ִ‫מ‬ ‫ְך‬ָ‫ר‬ֲ‫ע‬ ‫ן‬ֶ‫בּ‬ ‫ר‬ָ‫ז‬ָ‫ע‬ְ‫ל‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ ‫ת‬ֶ‫א‬ ‫י‬ִ‫נ‬ֲ‫א‬ ‫ה‬ֶ‫א‬‫רוֹ‬,‫ם‬ֶ‫כ‬‫י‬ֵ‫ר‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫דּ‬ ‫יו‬ָ‫ר‬ָ‫ב‬ְ‫דּ‬ ‫ל‬ַ‫ל‬ְ‫כ‬ִ‫בּ‬ֶ‫שׁ‬. Rabbi Yochanan said to his students: Go and see which is the best trait for a person to acquire. Said Rabbi Elazar: A good heart. Said Rabbi Yochanan to: I prefer the words of Rabbi Elazar for a good heart includes all other traits. (Avot 2:9-10) Mazal Tov to our Entire Shaarei Community on 32 Years of Avodat HaKodesh and Community Building. We are honored to call Newton our home, Shaarei our Shul, and the Shaarei Kehillah our family and friends. May we continue to grow together in health, happiness and sacred purpose for Torah, Tefillah, Tzedek and Chessed in faithful service of the One who builds and blesses all. In Great Admiration of All Those Who Work for the Good of Our Community with special recognition of tonight’s incredibly deserving honorees: Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Roberta and Ron Loberfeld Professor Jay Berkovitz Naomi Bar-Yam & All Our Past Chesed Chairs Rebecca and Rob Kaplan With Special Appreciation to our 32nd Anniversary Chairs Jody Dushay and Rachel Goldstein and all our 32nd Anniversary Sub-Committee Chairs and Workers, and our Shul officers, leadership and administration. In fellowship and friendship Rabbi Benjamin, Stephanie, Amitai, Yedidyah, Aryeh and Yakir Samuels Chai
  • 17. Chai
  • 18. Y’asher Koach to all of our wonderful “Lev” honorees. We are grateful for all you do for Shaarei Tefillah and the Jewish community. May you go from strength to strength. With deep appreciation, The Fried Family Jesse, Naomi, Joshua, Avital, and Ayelet Chai
  • 19. To all the honorees -- may you be blessed with: ( ‫מבקשי‬ ‫לב‬ ‫ישמח‬‫ה‬'(‫ג‬ ‫קה‬ ‫תהילים‬" To the Shaarei Tefillah community -- thank you for your warm welcome and friendship. The Allerhands Chai
  • 20. A very special mazel tov to Rabbi Benjamin and Stephanie Samuels You arrived in Newton the same year we did; You named our son (we even borrowed your name) You have guided us, our children and the entire community with tremendous leadership, sensitivity and wisdom We look forward to many more years together. To Allan & Sarina, for the stream of young children behind me and all the special activities you have led To Ron & Roberta, for our Shabbat conversations across the aisle To Rob & Rebecca, for our years together on the board To Jay, for sharing of inspiring ideas (and occasional rides to shul) To Naomi & the Chessed Chairs, for making Shaarei a warm and caring community Ralph & Nancy Lieberman Naomi, Tamar & Benjamin To the Lev Gala honorees: Mazel Tov for all your contributions to our Kahal. Chai
  • 21. In honor of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah Mazal Tov! Jan, Andrew, Michelle, Alex, Julia and Rebecca Wiener Chai
  • 22. Mazel Tov to all the honorees, our dear friends, for all their tireless efforts on behalf of the Kahal. With love and gratitude, Helene and Joe Tischler Chai
  • 23. ‫כל‬‫הכבוד‬ To all our honorees You have helped our shul grow in so many ways We are eternally grateful Nancy and Jerry Kolodny Chai
  • 24. To the honorees at the Builder’s Donor Recognition Wall celebration Mazel Tov for all your contributions to our Kahal. To Larry & Barbara, for keeping our minyanim and our kitchen running To Bob & Lois, for helping me as Treasurer and VP in maintaining our beautiful building, and for all your contributions in our Ma’ayan and Meah classes together To Ernest & Rachel, for your enthusiastic and ongoing support to Shaarei and for being wonderful theatre buddies Ralph & Nancy Lieberman Naomi, Tamar & Benjamin Chai
  • 25. On the historic occasion of Shaarei's Lev (=32) anniversary, we pay tribute to our singular (yahid=32) rabbi and we congratulate those members whom we honor (kavod=32) for their contributions to our kehillah. We look forward with great anticipation to our 64th anniversary since that will be a time of prophecy (nevuah=64) and redemption (yavo hagoel=64). Mazal tov to all! Jonathan D. Sarna & Ruth Langer Chai
  • 26. ‫באמונה‬ ‫צבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסקים‬ ‫מי‬ ‫וכל‬ In honor of Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Ron and Roberta Loberfeld Naomi Bar-Yam Professor Jay Berkovitz Rebecca and Rob Kaplan Rabbi Benjamin Samuels Thank you for your dedication and devotion to our shul. Your teaching and your leadership are an inspiration. Bruce and Lisa Micley Chai
  • 27. In appreciation and with gratitude to all the honorees. We salute your dedication, devotion and hard work on behalf of our shul. Mazel Tov! May you go from strength to strength! Ellie and Barry Shrage Chai
  • 28. In honor of our dear friend and spiritual leader Rabbi Benjamin Samuels. You are an inspiring presence for all of us in so many different ways. May you go from strength to strength. With deep respect and admiration. Jimmy and Paula Gould Chai
  • 29. Mazal Tov to our wonderful honorees who all work so hard to make Shaarei Tefillah such a special place. Mazal tov to the entire kahal on Shaarei Tefillah celebrating its Lev year Frederique & Conrad Chai
  • 30. Mazal tov to our wonderful rabbi. Rabbi Samuels, we are truly blessed to have had you guide our kehillah over the past 20 years. Thank you for all you have done for this community. Mazal tov to all this evening's honorees. Julie & Anthony Goschalk Chai
  • 31. ‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬ To Shaarei Tefillah of our past, present and future Barbara and Larry Brown and family. Chai
  • 32. Congratulations and thanks to all the Lev Year Gala honorees. Your time, energy, knowledge and caring has helped make Shaarei the warm, inviting, friendly and comforting place it is. Willie Goldwasser Chai
  • 33. Mazal tov to all the honorees on this wonderful achievement! Many more productive and memorable years in our community! Shira and Michael Fishman and family Chai
  • 34. With great admiration and appreciation to our dear friends for your hard work that sustains the Shaarei Tefillah community Rabbi Benjamin Samuels Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Ron and Roberta Loberfeld Naomi Bar-Yam Jay Berkovitz and Rebecca and Rob Kaplan May you continue to go from Strength to Strength. With love from the Pick and Sultan Families Chai
  • 35. With gratitude to all the honorees for all you do for our community. Joanne and Eli Niewood Chai
  • 36. Mazal tov to all of the honorees for their dedication to our shul. Thank you to Rabbi Samuels for his leadership and friendship Esther and Elliot Israel and family Chai
  • 37. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuels and all the honorees! The Fax Family Chai
  • 38. Congratulations to Sarina and Allan, Roberta and Ron, Naomi, Jay, Rebecca and Rob and to our Rabbi, Benjamin Samuels. Your leadership embodies the very best of our kahal and is an inspiration to us all. With heartfelt gratitude, Eva, Mel, Claire and Alexander Hoffman Julia Hoffman and Eitan Hersh Chai
  • 39. ‫שכרן‬ ‫ישלם‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫ברוך‬ ‫הקדוש‬ ‫באמונה‬ ‫צבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסקין‬ ‫מי‬ ‫וכל‬ in honor of Rabbi Samuels Naomi Bar-Yam Rebecca and Rob Kaplan Ron and Roberta Loberfeld Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Thank you for all that you do to build and sustain this extraordinary community and in memory of Melvin L. Berkovitz z”l Rabbi Joseph Levinson z”l whose exemplary commitment to Torah and community are an inspiration to us Sharon, Jay, and Racheli
  • 40. With respect, admiration, and love we join in paying tribute to Prof Jay Berkovitz and his wife Sharon Levinson Berkovitz. An honor well deserved Joel, David and Varda, and Mom
  • 42. Dear Allan & Sarina, Mazel Tov on this wonderful recognition of your continuous dedication to Shaarei Tefillah and your community. May you always have the energy to continue in your good work. We are all proud of you and are honored to be a part of your family. Love always, Your sister Mindy Giffin and children; Yosef & Bassy Cohen, Shimon & Esther Leah Greenebaum, Zev Zvi & Sima Stein, Shlomo & Ahuva Jarcaig, Shlomo & Yehudis Bernhaut, Mordechai & Zehava Giffin, Chaim & Naomi Kalman, and families.
  • 43. Mazel Tov, Rabbi Samuels, on this wonderful milestone! Thank you for all you do for our community. Jon & Joanna Jacobson
  • 44. Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach Roberta and Ron Loberfeld We are so proud of you “Dad” Bill Nathanson and Judy Tye
  • 45. Mazal Tov to all the honorees! Kol HaKavod! Thank you one and all for putting your heart into our amazing community! You’re an inspiration! Rebecca and Rob Kaplan
  • 46. The parsha of Shoftim is the classic source of the three types of leadership in Judaism, called by the sages the “three crowns”: of priesthood, kingship and Torah. - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks We express our gratitude to each one of our honorees for the unique leadership skills that each brings to our kahal. Each honoree is truly an inspiration to all of us. Amy, Ethan, Ilana, Jesse & Jacob Corey
  • 47. We are pleased to honor Jay Berkovitz ‫תורת‬‫מקור‬ ‫חכם‬‫חיים‬ “The Torah of a wise person is a source of life." Proverbs 13:14. ‫יד‬ ‫משלי‬:‫יג‬ "Mom" Goldie Levinson, Naomi & Ken, Danny, Devorah, Eliron & Chava Bracha, Malka & Aaron
  • 48. Mazel tov to Rabbi Benjamin Samuels on this well deserved honor. Your patience, kindness, and willingness to always help truly shows how special you are. From marrying us, to answering our questions, to calling us just to check in - you have always been there for us. Your actions inspire us and teach us by example. Thank you for all that you do. Mazel tov to all the other deserving honorees. Adina, Ari, Ayelet, Noam & Liat Shrage
  • 49. Celebrating the Partnership between Congregation Shaarei Tefillah and Middlesex Savings Bank! The Congregation appreciates working with you over the past 5+ years and look forward to continuing our wonderful relationship!
  • 50. Oops did it again. You gave them your heart... Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Best Wishes upon this well bestowed honor. We love you and the boys so much. Love, Dad, Rachel, Dorit and Sam and all the kids and kiddies
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  • 52. Mazel Tov to all this evening's Honorees. Thank you for all you have done for our community. Best Wishes, Beverly and Dick Ashworth/Capital Alliance Advisors
  • 53. Best wishes to the Goschalk Family and the rest of the congregation on this milestone event From your friends at NorthStar Insurance Services
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  • 57. Congratulations to this year’s honorees!
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  • 61. We join in celebrating Lev Shaarei during this, our own 30th year as members of such a wonderful community, led by our Morah d’Atrah, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels We thank all the honorees for their exceptional commitment and devotion to the Kahal Sheila and David Waxman Congratulations to Shaarei Tefillah and all the honorees ‫המתנצבים‬ ‫על‬ ‫העם‬ ‫וימחו‬ ‫התנצבו‬ ‫שלם‬ ‫בלב‬ ‫כי‬ ‫דבר‬'‫א‬ ‫בימים‬'‫כ‬"‫ט‬,‫ט‬' The people rejoiced over the volunteers for they had given of themselves wholeheartedly Chronicles I 29:9 Naomi and Richard Shore
  • 62. Mazel Tov to Rob and Rebecca! With pride and admiration For giving of yourselves To family, friends and community All our love, Daryl and Charles Kaplan Congratulations to all our friends and honorees From Our Hearts to Yours Sabina and Richard Feczko
  • 63. Congratulations to all the honorees From David, Ruth, Aviav, and Carolyn Bernstein. Mazal Tov to our dear friends Roberta and Ron Loberfeld Sarina and Allan Steinmetz May you continue from strength to strength! Debbie and Peter Gyenes
  • 64. ‫ׂשֹות‬ ֲ‫ע‬ְׁ‫ש‬ ִ‫מ‬ְׁ‫פ‬‫ט‬ , ‫בַת‬ ֲ‫ַאה‬‫ו‬‫ד‬ ֶ‫ס‬ ֶ‫ח‬ , ְַׁ‫ֵע‬‫נ‬‫צ‬ ַ‫ה‬‫ו‬‫ֶת‬‫כ‬ֶ‫ל‬‫ם‬ִ‫ע‬‫ליָך‬ֱ‫א‬ Do justice; love kindness; and, walk humbly with your God. May the vision of our founders continue to be refreshed and realized by our honorees and those they inspire with their good works. We honor the blessed memory of Mrs. Edith Koevary, z”l, a woman who loved our community and quietly embodied its core principles and values. Steve Adelman & Debbie Levenson Thirty-two years since we’ve begun We’ve strengthened our connections, each ‘n every one The snow may blow The wind may gust But our small shul remains robust Mazal Tov to all of us! Shira Persky Steve Koevary & Family
  • 65. A hearty mazal tov to my dear friends Sarina and Allan. There couldn't be a more deserving couple! Susan Permut Mazel Tov to Rob and Rebecca for this well-deserved honor. Jane and Ed Rabin
  • 66. ‫כל‬‫הכבוד‬ To all our honorees Anne Exter & Lance Kawesch In honor of Rabbi Benjamin Samuels and all of the honorees With appreciation from Steve and Rebecca Schwartz and Family
  • 67. Mazal Tov to all our honorees! Thank you for all you do for our Kehillah. Miriam May & Shaye Cohen and family Mazal Tov to my dear friends Roberta and Ron whose generosity of heart and action have helped to build and strengthen the Shaarei Tefillah community. Arlene Bernstein
  • 68. Mazal Tov to all the honorees who have opened the gates of Shaarei Tefillah to chessed, learning, youth and good fellowship and a special thank you to Rabbi Samuels for his exceptional leadership Arlene Bernstein Mazel tov to all the honorees! Thank you for all you do to help make Shaarei the wonderful shul it is. All the best, The Koralnik/Scheinman Family
  • 69. Thank you and Mazel tov to all the honorees! Your dedication and leadership is an inspiration to us all! Warm Regards, Rachel, Ernest, Joseph, Gabriel, and Micah Mandel ‫עשה‬‫לך‬‫רב‬,‫וקנה‬‫לך‬‫חבר‬ With gratitude to our honorees, and to Congregation Shaarei Tefillah, a community of teachers and of friends. Fred and Kathy Lawrence
  • 70. Best wishes to all the honorees and we look forward to continued success for our congregation. Marcia and Alan Feld and Family ‫ה‬ ‫תרומת‬ ‫את‬ ‫יביהה‬ ‫לה‬ ‫ןיקהל‬' “All whose heart motivates him, shall participate” Mazal tov to all our honorees who dedicate themselves to the Shaarei Tefillah Community Faye & Earl Newman
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  • 75. Congratulations Sarina and Allan on this wonderful honor From Ellen Klapper and the Newton Centre branch Ellen J.Klapper Mortgage Loan Officer Eastern Bank NMLS #457785 617 235-8100 direct 617 967-8461 cell
  • 76. We honor the founders, we praise the honorees and we look excitedly to the future! Naomi and Keith Osher In honor of Sarina and Allen Wonderful role models to us all! Terri and Andrew Herenstein In honor of Rebecca & Rob Kaplan Joyce, Jeremy, Sarah and Devorah Wertheimer To Congregation Shaarei Tefillah MAZAL TOV on your special anniversary THANK YOU for enriching our community YASHER KOACH to Rabbi Samuels for being such a wonderful mentor and mensch and to my friends Jay, Naomi, Rebecca and Rob for the meaningful ways you have touched so many Herbert Birnbaum
  • 77. In gratitude to the Kahal and its dedicated Leaders. Lester and Ethel Segal In Honor of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah's Lev Year and Shira, Mark, Talia, Ayelet and Galit Ravera with much love, Judy and Jay Rosenstein I am proud to call Sarina and Alan Steinmetz my friend/family...and proud of the wonderful example they set for all of us. A life of Chesed and a commitment to performance of Mitzvot. Their leadership is a brachah to the entire Jewish community. May Hashem bless you with good health, happiness and much Nachas. May you and all the honorees go Michayil El Chauyil Yitz Magence In Honor of Ron and Roberta Loberfeld! Larry Litwak
  • 78. May our shul continue to be the place of learning, spiritual growth, religious life, and community from which we all benefit and to which we contribute, each in our own ways. Mazal tov to our Lev Year honorees. The Haselkorn and Kletter Families Congratulations to Rabbi Benjamin Samuels and Congregation Shaarei Tefillah on the Lev Year Celebration! Rebecca Betensky and Jeremy Newberger & Family Thanking the Shaarei community for more than a decade of friendship, support, spiritual growth, and fun. May we always enrich each other's lives and help to bring wisdom, prosperity, health, and peace to the world at large. The Dagi Family Mazal Tov to the honorees on this well deserved recognition. Thank you for everything you've all done to build the Shaarei community. Beruria and Jonathan Novich Daya, Mia, and Sarit
  • 79. Mazel Tov and thank you to Rabbi Samuels for everything you do for all of us. And Mazel tov to all the well deserving honorees May we all go from strength to strength Risa and Zev Gewurz and Family In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld From Meryl and Mel Langbort In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld From Adrienne and Bob Mayer With love and admiration for all who work so hard to make Shaarei Tefillah such a wonderful congregational home. Mazel tov! Judy and Richard Cannon
  • 80. Congregation Shaarei Tefilla From your friends at the JCCs of Greater Boston and the Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center Best wishes and congratulations to Sarina & Allan Steinmetz Roberta & Ron Loberfeld And all the Honorees For their dedicated service and leadership Mark Bressler, Esq. Lauren Puglia, Esq. Barry Weisman, Esq. Sassoon & Cymrot, LLP WELLESLEY FAMILY DENTAL Congratulations to Shaarei Tefillah Mazel Tov on your Lev Anniversary Life is better with a smile you love! Dr. Emrey Moskowitz Porath
  • 81. David Barry Plumbing 10 Hackensack Terrace Chestnut Hill, MA. 02467 617 413-7718 "David Barry has one of the best plumbing services in Newton. He has bailed me out of so many emergencies as well as advised me how to save money. You can't find a nicer guy. Been working with him for over 20 years". Vicky Lyon
  • 82.
  • 83. Congratulations to Sarina and Alan Most deserving honorees Jill and Gary Lasman Sarina & Allan, You are truly the heart of the Shaarei community. Love, Marion & Larry Best Wishes! Tanya and David Fischer and Family EM HOME REPAIR Electrical, Painting, Carpentry work Working with Shaarei Tefillah families for 25 years Please contact EUGENE at 781-444-6561 Mazal Tov to Rebecca and Rob and to all of the other honorees. Love, Michal, David, Elie, Ariel, Aliza, and Liana Kahan Rabbi Samuels, Thank you for you dedication to our community Marion & Larry Green In Honor of Sarina and Allan Steinmetz Nancy & Peter Finn Yasher Koach to all our Honorees. We are very grateful for all you have done and continue to do to strengthen Shaarei Tefillah and Klal Yisrael and for making Newton a great community to raise our children. Ron and Roberta, we love you. From all the Gellers
  • 84. Mazel Tov to Ron and Roberta Loberfeld on this well deserved honor. Leslie and Tom Silverstein With fond memories of our Brandeis years (and trips to Israel, Amsterdam, & Canary Islands). Mazel Tov Rob & Rebecca Love, Matt & Miriam Askin & Family Multiple Mazel tovs to all our impressive honorees. We are truly honored to be part of Shaarei Tefiliah. We send our very best wishes, Sara and Bob Dickman Jay - We're honored to be among your circle of friends and admirers. Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor. Hal & Susie Gordon, Joel & Nancy Horwitz, Nahum & Susie Swinkin, and Danny & Zelda Wildman Congratulations to all honorees The Zweibach Family In Honor of Rabbi Samuels for His Unending Care, Concern, Devotion, and Energy Towards the Wider Boston Jewish Community in His Years of Service as President of the Vaad Hakashrut & as President of the Vaad Harabanim Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe Maimonides Kehillah Mazal tov to all of the honorees! Thank you for all you do for our community. Paula, Ernest, Ethan, Mark, and Theo Fraenkel Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuels, Roberta & Ron, Sarina & Allan, Rebecca & Rob, Naomi Bar-Yam and Jay Berkovitz. May you go from strength to strength. Naomi and Sidney Schulman
  • 85. In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld From Susan and Bruce Gold Mazal tov to the most amazing "old" friends anyone can ask for.. Allan and are special and incredible souls always there to help..with a smile, hugs and kisses! deserve this honor! may Hashem bless you with good health and lots of success from your Ex back neighbors..the Robinson gang of Skokie.. Elliott, Ronni and the pack! PS.. Shteinmen..waah happened yo haih? Mazal Tov to all of the honorees on this well deserved recognition. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuels on this milestone. May the Kahal be privileged to continue to benefit from your leadership and inspiration for many years to come. Mazal Tov to Roberta and Ron: your dedication and commitment to the kahal is remarkable. Chaya and Roby Kram In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld From Cindy Turner and Carl Harvey / Success and Self-Esteem Mazal Tov to our Shaarei Tefillah community on 32 wonderful years, and to our honorees and friends Sarina & Allan, Roberta & Ron, Naomi, Jay, Rebecca & Rob, and Rabbi Samuels for their leadership and role modeling. ‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬ ‫מחיל‬- From Strength to Strength! Carol and Daniel Milewich
  • 86. EM HOME REPAIR Electrical, Painting, Carpentry work Working with Shaarei Tefillah families for 25 years Please contact EUGENE at 781-444-6561
  • 87. Greetings To Rob and Rebecca-- We are so grateful for your friendship and support in our lives. We love you and are so happy that you are getting this well deserved honor. - Kol Hakavod-- Stacy and Allen Kamer With appreciation for all the honorees. Mazal Tov! - Josh and Ronda Jacobson Mazal Tov to Rebecca and Rob Kaplan! - Jennifer and Amiel Weinstock In honor of Naomi Bar-Yam from your staff and volunteers at Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast. We are all proud of you
  • 88. A wonderful honor for Sarina and Allan. You exemplify what it means to be generous, caring and of course a mensch! - Sharon and Chuck Diamond, Cong. Mishkan Tefila To our dear friends Sarina and Allan Congratulations on this well deserved honor! - With Love, Theresa and Veronica In honor of Rabbi Samuels - Jone and Allen Dalezman Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of this wonderful community. - Edward Kleiman Greetings
  • 89. Sarina and Allan- We are so lucky to have you in our community, lives, and family. Rabbi Samuels- Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for the community. Kol HaKavod! - Devorah, Adam, Eli, Rena and Aiden Aroesty Mazal tov to all our deserving honorees - Joan Mael and family To Roberta and Ron: Wish we could be there! Sending love from Seattle - Alisa, Russ, Emma, David and Claire Stein In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld - Adele Goldstein Greetings
  • 90. Mazel Tov from Northbrook, Il. to Ron and Roberta - David and Debbie Dobkin In honor of all the honorees - Rabbi Yosef and Reizal Polak Mazal Tov, Rob and Rebecca Kaplan - Steve Rabin Mazal Tov from Harvey and Linda Lefkowitz “Your Detroit Duo” Mazal Tov to the honorees from Barbara and Jeff Weener, Kobi, Shai & Ezra Greetings
  • 91. Mazel tov to all the honorees - With best wishes, Naomi & Carl Lopkin and family A well deserved honor to our long time wonderful friends, Sarina and Allan. Mazal Tov! - Marty and Rita Jerome With deep gratitude to all the honorees for their extraordinary commitment and leadership. - Shira and David Starobinski Congratulations to all the honorees - Sally and Herb Kepnes Greetings
  • 92. In Honor of Rabbi Samuels and all of the Shaarei honorees. Mazal Tov! May you continue to go from strength to strength together with your family, friends and community. Our very best wishes! -Avi and Judy Arazi In Loving Memory of Rosalie and in Honor of Rabbi Samuels and the Devoted Honorees -Aaron Katchen and Family, Jerusalem, Israel In honor of Rabbi Samuels and Rob and Rebecca - Sruli and Cheryl Feuerstein In Honor of Rabbi Samuels - Nancy and Ray Zibman Greetings
  • 93. ‫מזל‬‫טוב‬ to all honorees ‫מחיל‬‫חיל‬ ‫אל‬ - The family of Naomi Bar-Yam Bar-Yams, Brahas, and Brombergs ‫בלב‬ ‫הקהילה‬ ‫תפלה‬ ‫שערי‬ ‫לק״ק‬ ‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬‫שלם‬ - Susan Megerman In Honor of Jay Berkovitz - Nancy and Ray Zibman In honor of Ron and Roberta - Rabbi Jonathan and Tzipporah Rosenblatt Mazal Tov to all the honorees! - Lois and Bob Morgan Greetings
  • 94. In honor of the recipients of the Lev Anniversary honors. Mazel Tov! - Louise and Irwin Stokar In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld - Gail and Marty Zimmerman In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld - Judy and Steve Leapman In honor of Sarina and Allan Steinmetz - Steven Mamarchev In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld - David Ross/Cresa Boston Greetings
  • 95. In honor of Roberta and Ron Loberfeld - Kristin Kelly Mazel Tov to Roberta & Ron Loberfeld, Rabbi Samuels and all the honorees - Lesley & Bob Perlman Congratulations Rob & Rebecca. Proud and honored to be your building contractor - Bob Ryan and crew at BR Builder Mazal Tov Rebecca and Rob! - The Glasgow Family Love those Steinmetzes! - Ron Elkus Greetings
  • 96. In Honor of... Jay Berkovitz from Gregg Stern All the honorees from Judy and David Diamond Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Lenore and Tony Martin Rabbi Samuels, Sarina & Allan, Naomi, Ron & Roberta, Rebecca & Rob, & Jay from Shoshana Razel Gordon Guedalia Jay Berkovitz from Mark Rosen Rabbi and Stephanie Samuels from David and Orlee Berlove Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Charlie & Wendy Fine Shaarei Tefillah from Jeralyn Ellowitz Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Gayle and Alan Pinshaw
  • 97. Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Henry and Sandy Satt and Family Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Martin Alpert Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Bella Parnes Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Sharon Shane Real Estate Roberta and Ron from Martin and Zona Hoffman The honorees from Jane and Benjamin Ravid Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Carol and Andrew Ledewitz Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Donald and Barbara Genadir Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from cousins Nancy and Morris Steinbock In Honor of...
  • 98. Rob and Rebecca from Ingrid and David Edery Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Pam and Howard Farber Rabbi Benjamin Samuels from Michael Josephson Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Patrick Leahy/Boston Private Bank Allan and Sarina Steinmetz from Tsvi and Malkie Schur All the honorees from Yoel Schultz Sarina and Allan Steinmetz from Rachel Safer Jay Berkowitz from Susie and Nahum Swinkin, Denver In Honor of...
  • 99. Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Isidore and Deborah Berenbaum Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Clark and Debbie Arden Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Gerald and Patty Clarke All those being celebrated from Sheila and Lee Mondshein Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Sandra and Phillip Davidson Rabbi Samuels from Judy and Jeff Remz All the honorees from Judi Roth Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Joe Richardi/Eastern Bank Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Diane and Mark Modest In Honor of...
  • 100. Professor Jay Berkovitz from Deanna Mirsky Rob and Rebecca Kaplan from Irving and Regina Schild Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Bunny and Mark Oberlander Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Doru Iancovici and and Florina Haimovici Rabbi Samuels from Deborah Wieder All the honorees from Paulette Korn Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Joseph and Amy Mishell Roberta and Ron Loberfeld from Lysa, Luizo and Jason Stark In Honor of...
  • 101. In Memory of... In loving memory of Sidney Mael from Joan Mael and family In loving memory of Rabbi Zachary Heller (z"l) from Lynne Heller
  • 102. In Memory of Shaarei’s Departed Prof. Alexander Altmann Judith Altmann Prof. Moshe Anisfeld Albert Aroesty Hannah Aroesty Shirley Aroesty Lillian Barack Rabbi Nathan Barack Dr. Jerrold Bernstein Vera Feczko Rose Flax Prof. Marvin Fox Raymond Fridmann Prof.Edward Goldberg Seymour Goldberg Eleanor Gorodetzer Marvin Gorodetzer Linda Green Dr. Michael Hammer Rabbi Zachary Heller Lea Israel Nissan Israel Rabbi Richard Israel Rachelle Isserow Ezra Kaplan Rosalie Katchen Lawrence Kletter Dr. Joseph Korn Seymour Kraut Ruth Levenson Dr. Sidney Mael Aline Fridmann Manna Eleanor Margolis Dr. Louis Newman Shirley Newman Rabbi Irving Rockoff Helen Sarna Prof. Nahum Sarna Elaine Sherer Robert Sherer Elaine Wenger Yechiel Wenger Dr. Harold Wieder Rabbi Samuel Zaitchik