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Volunteer Handbook
  A Practical Guide to Volunteering at Ironbridge

Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering at the Ironbridge
Gorge Museum Trust. This handbook will introduce you to the Museum,
explain a little about each site which the Trust runs and show how
volunteers fit into the organisation.

The Museum is extremely lucky to have a          To ensure you stay up to date with the
large and wonderful group of volunteers          Museum and its activities we produce a
supporting it in many ways. Every year it        quarterly newsletter, to which your
welcomes hundreds of people who give their       contributions are very welcome. We also send
time to help the Museum to be a better place.    out a range of emails and letters detailing
We really couldn’t manage without them and       events taking place with the Museum or local
I’m quite sure that the many visitors which      groups, new volunteering opportunities, staff
the Museum welcomes through its doors            social evenings and trips out to other
would completely agree.                          attractions. We also hold monthly coffee
                                                 mornings with guests speakers at the
The Volunteer Staff are here for you, whether    Volunteer Centre to which all volunteers
it is to help you identify a volunteering        are warmly invited to attend.
opportunity, help settle you into a new role
or to help you meet other volunteers in a        Can I take this opportunity to welcome you
more social environment. If you have any         to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and
problems or issues or if you just fancy a cup    I look forward to getting to know you better
of tea and a chat, please call on us, our door   and hope that you find your role here at the
is always open. The Volunteer Centre is open     Museum both enjoyable and rewarding.
Monday to Friday and all are welcome to          Thank you.
drop in to see us, in addition we spend time
out across all the sites meeting up with staff
and volunteers and checking all is well.

                                                 Lucy Andrews - Manion
Why should I volunteer?                                      Why should I volunteer
                                                             for the Ironbridge
If you’re reading this, you’ve
probably already thought about
                                                             Gorge Museum Trust
volunteering, maybe even tried it
                                                             The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust
elsewhere. There are many
                                                             Limited was established in 1967 to preserve
reasons why people do it.                                    and interpret the remains of the Industrial
Volunteering can be an enriching,                            Revolution in the six square miles of the
fulfilling experience. It offers you                         Ironbridge Gorge. It is an independent
the chance to become involved in                             educational charity (Registered Number
a specific project which may                                 503717–R), which encourages visitors to be
interest you or to join an                                   involved in and support its conservation work
organisation you really care                                 through admission charges, trading and
                                                             associated commercial activities.
                                                             The Trust manages 36 historic sites within
For some, volunteering can be about indulging
                                                             the World Heritage Site of the Ironbridge
a pastime or hobby, whilst others see it as a
                                                             Gorge, ten of which are museums. Other
way of escaping from the stresses and strains
                                                             sites include a research library, a tourist
of everyday life. It can be a perfect way of
                                                             information centre, two youth hostels,
meeting new people and making new friends
                                                             archaeological sites, historic woodlands,
as well as giving you unique opportunities to
                                                             housing, two chapels, and two Quaker
learn new skills. Volunteering can also be an
                                                             burial grounds.
ideal way to boost your career, it shows that
you have commitment, are willing to try new
                                                             For many museums across the UK, including
things and can work in lots of different
                                                             Ironbridge, volunteers are a vital resource,
situations. It gives you the chance to learn
                                                             they are essential in supporting us to deliver
something new and acquire transferable
                                                             a varied and successful service to our visitors.
skills, all which could lead on to career
                                                             Volunteers add flexibility and improvement
options you may never have considered
                                                             beyond the Trust’s own resources by providing
                                                             support and time to promote and aid the
Being a volunteer, especially here at the
Museum, allows you to make a real difference
                                                             The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust is
to the lives of other people.
                                                             committed to developing new and exciting
                                                             ways of involving volunteers in our work,
                                                             creating mutually beneficial opportunities
                                                             for both volunteers and the organisation.
                                                             Volunteering opportunities at the Trust come
                                                             in many different guises, from long-term
                                                             regular commitments to one-off individual
                                                             or group projects. No matter what sort of
                                                             volunteering you are looking for, the
                                                             Ironbridge Gorge Museum will endeavour
                                                             to provide it.

Costumed Volunteers at Blists Hill add a great deal to the
exhibits and the streets.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                               1
What opportunities are                                  Enginuity
available?                                              Enginuity is an interactive Design &
                                                        Technology Centre, designed to captivate
                                                        and educate visitors. Here people discover
Volunteering at the Ironbridge                          how good ideas are turned into great products
Gorge Museum Trust can provide                          - a subject close to Ironbridge’s heart.
a diverse range of opportunities                        Enginuity provides volunteering opportunities
for those wishing to get involved.                      of an educational nature, such as workshop
The Museum has a number of                              delivery, maintenance and generally encouraging
roles and activities which are                          the public to interact with the exhibits.
available throughout the year as
well as a wide choice of museum                         The Museum of Iron,
sites to volunteer at, flexibility in                   Coalbrookdale
terms of time commitment,
                                                        This is the site where you can explore the
opportunities to get involved in                        remains of the water-powered blast furnace
one off events and even helping                         which Abraham Darby I used to perfect the
out other organisations as a                            smelting of iron using coke instead of
representative of the Ironbridge                        charcoal. It was this technological breakthrough
Gorge Museum Trust.                                     that helped make iron the essential material
                                                        of the Industrial Revolution. The museum
You may be interested in exploring the role             also shows the versatility of cast iron and the
of a guide, taking visitors on historical tours         great skill of the Coalbrookdale craftsmen in
of the museums and giving them the                      the fabulous display of domestic and
background story or being located in within             decorative ironwork. Opportunities here
one of the many Gallery Exhibitions the                 include administrative tasks, assisting visitors
Museum hosts. Alternatively, you may prefer             to engage with the exhibits and the
to do something a little more ‘behind the               surrounding historic landscape, maintenance,
scenes’, perhaps helping to maintain the                research and giving welcome and introductory
gardens or providing administrative support             talks for exhibitions which take place in the
to the Head Offices at Coalbrookdale.                   adjacent Coalbrookdale Gallery.
Whatever your preference the Ironbridge
Gorge Museum Trust provides a fantastic
platform for volunteering.                              The Darby Houses

Blists Hill Victorian Town                              The Darby Houses consist of Rosehill House
                                                        and Dale House, the former homes of the
Blists Hill Victorian Town is a 52 acre site and        Darby family. The rooms are packed with
a bustling recreation of a Victorian Town circa         original furniture, costumes and mementos
1900. Costumed-staff and volunteers offer a             from the everyday life of Coalbrookdale’s
warm welcome and a fascinating insight into             Quaker ironmasters. Here, roles include
life in Victorian times by interpreting the             acting as guides; giving welcome talks (to
historical story of the site, its exhibits and          groups and individual visitors) and
buildings and the Victorian era as a whole.             maintenance. Volunteers at the Darby
Blists Hill offers many opportunities for               Houses are vital for telling the important
volunteers including administrative tasks,              story of the two houses and the family who
maintenance roles, guiding, demonstrating               lived in them.
and curatorial support.

2                               A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Jackfield Tile Museum                                      The Iron Bridge & Tollhouse
The Jackfield Tile Museum is located on                    Built by Abraham Darby III, the Iron Bridge
the south side of the Ironbridge Gorge and                 is now recognised as one of the great
housed in the former works of Craven                       symbols of the Industrial Revolution, the
Dunnill and Company. Jackfield is one of                   remarkable structure still dominates the small
the oldest known centres for the production                town that bears its name. The secrets of how
of ceramics in Shropshire, a tradition that is             and why it was built are revealed in an
thought to date back to the sixteenth century.             exhibition housed in the original Tollhouse
The museum holds a vast and beautiful                      on the south side of the Bridge. Volunteers
collection of tiles, many of which you will                here give welcome talks and guide people
recognise from visits to London or maybe                   throughout the exhibition, or accompany
even your own home! The museum is very                     people on to the bridge, giving historical
large and opportunities here include                       information to the public. The Toll House
guiding, helping visitors engage with the                  is only open when volunteers are available,
exhibits, displays and exhibitions as well as              so this role is very valuable to visitors to the
giving welcome and introductory talks.                     Bridge and the Gorge as a whole.

                                                           Broseley Pipeworks
Coalport China Museum
                                                           Broseley was once home to one of the most
Home to the famous Coalport China Factory                  prolific clay tobacco pipe making factories
until 1926, visitors to this site discover displays        in Britain. Production came to an end in the
and demonstrations explaining the history and              1950s when the works were abandoned and
techniques of china making alongside the                   left untouched until reopened as a Museum
National Collections of Coalport and Caughley              in 1996. The Museum is a wonderfully
China. Volunteering opportunities here include             preserved time capsule of an ancient local
guiding around the whole site, giving welcome              industry. This is the perfect venue for
and introductory talks or having a far more                volunteers to guide in and give a more in
hands on approach by demonstrating china                   depth understanding of how these beautiful
manufacture and decorating as well assisting               pipes were produced.
with workshops and helping school groups or
young visitors create fabulous artwork.
                                                           Tar Tunnel
Museum of the Gorge                                        The Tar Tunnel is a brick-lined tunnel where
                                                           the bitumen still oozes through the walls
Housed in a Gothic-style warehouse besides                 and collects in small pools where it was once
the River Severn, the Museum of the Gorge                  used to produce pitch, lamp black and
is many visitors first stop when they arrive               rheumatic remedies. Today visitors can explore
in Ironbridge. Here they can see what the                  this tunnel for themselves, walking right into
Gorge was like in 1796 with the help of a                  the very heart of it. If you are interested in
giant 12 metre long model and understand                   exploring volunteering opportunities at this
more about the area’s history as well as                   site, please have a chat with the Volunteer
discover why the Gorge was awarded World                   Team who will be happy to assist.
Heritage Site Designation in 1986. Here
opportunities are available for guiding,
helping people in each exhibit area, or giving
welcome talks and sometimes to help with
evening theatre events and activities.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                              3
Roles                                                 We also welcome applications from volunteers
                                                      with skills outside of these areas. If you have
The Ironbridge Gorge Museum                           a special interest or skill(s) that you could
                                                      offer as a volunteer, please discuss this with
Trust offers a great number of roles
                                                      the Team who will be happy to explore and
across its sites and it is always                     develop further roles with you.
looking to expand these roles and
develop new opportunities.

n Volunteer Demonstrator
n Volunteer Admin Assistant
n Volunteer Guide
n Volunteer Maintenance Assistant
n Volunteer Gardener
n Volunteer Welcome Host
n Volunteer Education Assistant
n Volunteer Steward
                                                      We can also accommodate people looking to
n Volunteer Marketing Assistants
                                                      undertake a ‘volunteer placement’. Typically,
n Volunteer Ceramicist                                this route appeals to students looking to gain
n Volunteer Costume Assistant                         work experience and/or additional skills and
                                                      the unemployed wishing to give their CV a
n Volunteer Curatorial Assistant                      boost.

These have specific role descriptions which are       A placement can involve volunteering for up
available on request from the Volunteer Team.         to 30 hours a week over a period of 12 weeks,
Most roles are available at all sites; however        (though we will consider variations on this).
some roles are more site-specific. There are          These placements allow for a more ‘intensive’
also a number of less public facing roles and         experience as it allows volunteers a chance
we welcome volunteers who wish to help in             to gain a lot of understanding and insight in
our offices and behind the scenes areas doing         a short period of time. It can focus on one
administration roles, conducting research,            particular area, such as front of house, or
working with collections and exhibitions and          be wider by involving a number of Museum
a great range of many other support duties.           departments.

Without volunteers, our many events                   By concentrating their time on a specific
throughout the year such as Ghostly Gas               project or placement volunteers are able to
Light and Fireworks Night, the World                  measure the outcomes and their achievements
Heritage Festival and Christmas events would          and demonstrate that they are reliable, see
not go ahead. Volunteers at these events help         things through to conclusion and are able to
visitors find their way around, stay safe and         cope with the demands of working (almost)
ensure that everyone has a great time-and this        full-time should that be the intention. Many
refers to both the people attending the event         of our placements decide to continue
and the volunteers! We always need help with          volunteering at the Museum afterwards,
these events and others throughout the year.          though there is no obligation to do this.
It’s easy to get involved and doesn’t take a
great time commitment but it does give us a           Whatever your needs please speak to a
huge amount of support when we really                 member of the Volunteer Team who will be
need it.                                              happy to discuss the opportunities available.

4                             A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Becoming a Volunteer                                       The interview also gives you a chance to ask
                                                           any questions you may have and to ensure
                                                           that you understand what volunteering for
Application                                                the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust
If you’re reading this handbook,                           involves. Try to relax and tell us as much as
                                                           you can about yourself and what you want to
you’ve already contacted the
                                                           gain from volunteering.
Museum to request an Application
Pack which contains an application                         After Interview
form along with a request for two
referees. (This can be reduced                             Once the interview has been completed and
                                                           both parties are happy to continue with the
to one referee in certain                                  application we will work with you to identify
circumstances, for example if                              a suitable role for you and place you as soon
you’ve just left school or you’ve                          as possible. Depending on the role, the site
been retired for a long time).                             and the staff involved this may take up to
                                                           two weeks or even more as at Blists Hill, we
The application form should be completed                   will need your measurements for costume,
and returned to the Volunteer Coordinator                  and then time for the wardrobe department
for further processing. Following from this                to provide one.
the Museum will contact those on your
reference list.                                            At all sites you will need to come and meet
                                                           key members of staff and attend an induction
The form we send to your referees is very                  and any training that is required for the role.
short; we just need to confirm your identity               We will keep you informed of the process at
and suitability for the role. If you have any              all times but if you want to get in touch for
trouble thinking who to put down as referees               further information, please feel free to do so.
or there is any problem contact the Volunteer
Team who may be able to assist.

It can take a couple of weeks to get references
back and we cannot offer the role until this
has been completed. It can help the process
if we can contact your referees by email or if
you can encourage them to reply promptly.

If it’s taking a long time to get these back
we may contact you to ask for alternative

Upon receiving your completed application
form and references you will be asked to
attend an informal interview with one of the
Volunteer Team. Both the application form
and the interview will help us to get to know
you better and match you to a suitable role
as well as discuss what further opportunities
you may be interested in.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                           5
Once you start                                         Because we recognise each volunteer is
                                                       different we want you to be comfortable with
                                                       the level, time and process of training and so
Induction and Training                                 if you have any concerns or problems, please
                                                       contact the Volunteer Team who will be more
All volunteers must go through a                       than happy to assist you with this.
formal induction process before
they can begin their roles with the                    On your first day, take some time to get to
Museum. This will involve an                           know the site and any member of staff or
introduction to your supervisor,                       other volunteers who are nearby. We want
provision of the relevant Health                       you to become part of the team and by
                                                       introducing yourself and saying hello, you’ll
and Safety information and any
                                                       get to know everyone much quicker. Staff
appropriate training required for                      and volunteers around you will also know
the role.                                              all the little bits of information you’ll need
                                                       every time you come-like where the nearest
Due to the nature of volunteering at
                                                       toilets are, or where to get a cup of tea!
Ironbridge, training can differ depending
on what you will be doing.

Volunteers becoming Guides, Demonstrators
or Room Stewards usually shadow another
volunteer or staff member for a few sessions
before being asked to take up the role. This
can be one session or ten sessions, however
many the trainer and the volunteer feel is
right for them. We also provide written
information and guidance for the role, the
site and the exhibit and exhibitions where             Squatter Cottage at Blists Hill Victorian Town
the role is based. In addition all volunteers
are welcome to use the Museums library and             Once you are happy that the role is the right
research facilities if they want to know more.         one for you and you wish to continue with
                                                       it you will meet with your site supervisor
For other roles like admin or working with             to look at the rota and decide where you
the collections, your induction will be                can best support the site and what days you
undertaken by the staff member you will                would like to come in. Alternatively contact
be volunteering with. They will give you               the Volunteer Team who can help arrange
practical instruction on the tasks required,           another familiarisation session.
health and safety and emergency procedures,
and specialist training such as handling               Once placed in a role, your day to day
collections or office protocol.                        management is taken over by the relevant
                                                       site staff. All sites have a Duty Officer who
If you’re helping at events, your training will        will come and see you at some point in your
happen at the Stewards briefing where you              day to make sure you’re ok, but if you need
will be taken through the task requirements,           them at any point ask a member of staff to
health and safety and emergency procedures             call them. However, the Volunteer Team are
and any specialist information you need to             always available to assist you with any queries
have.                                                  or issues as well and they work closely with
                                                       the site staff so help is always at hand.

6                              A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
What to do if you are ill                                  When Volunteering
or unable to attend
As with employees we ask that you telephone                The public face of the Museum
or leave a message for your supervisor or                  Although some of the roles for Volunteers
site manager/duty officer, ideally within 30               are behind the scenes, most roles will include
minutes of your normal start time to inform                some public interaction of varying levels.
them of your absence. If this is not possible,
inform us as soon as you can.                              The Museums attract great numbers of
Blists Hill Office		                                       visitors every week and we need to make
01952 601010                                               sure that every one of them leaves the
                                                           Museum having had a positive experience.
Coalport China Museum
01952 580650                                               As an Independent Museum it relies on
Enginuity                                                  every penny which comes through its door in
01952 435905                                               terms of ticket income and on site spends, so
                                                           it is reliant on its visitors enjoying their visit,
Jackfield Tile Museum                                      repeating it and telling others to come and be
01952 882030                                               a part of the experience.
Museum of the Gorge
01952 432405                                               Staff and volunteers therefore play a huge
                                                           part in delivering exemplary customer service
Museum of Iron
                                                           to all. They are the ones who can make and
01952 433418
                                                           improve the experience that our visitors have.
Volunteer Centre
01952 601044                                               The Museum has a strong Customer
                                                           Service Charter which all must understand
If you cannot contact the site, on weekdays                and adhere to. All volunteers will deal with
you can contact or leave a message with the                the public at some point, and whatever role
main switchboard which is 01952 435900                     you are in it is important to remember that
who can pass on a message for you.                         you represent the Museum and you should
                                                           always aim to give the best impression.
                                                           A visitor will not distinguish between a
                                                           member of paid staff and a volunteer, and
                                                           this is exactly how we want it. Positive
                                                           feedback received from visitors usually
                                                           mentions the knowledge, helpfulness and
                                                           friendliness of the people they meet
                                                           on-site-this obviously includes both
                                                           volunteers and staff.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                               7
When you start volunteering it may take a             Appearance and Costume
while for you to build up your knowledge
                                                      For some of the Volunteer roles there are
about your site/exhibit and visitors may ask
                                                      costume and dress guidelines, where this
questions that you cannot answer and there
                                                      occurs the Museum will provide all the
may not be anyone else to refer to at the
                                                      necessary items.
time. Don’t worry about this – be honest
and say that you don’t know and make a
                                                      For roles where you might get dirty we will
mental note to find out for next time. Don’t
                                                      provide overalls and toe protective boots.
be tempted to make up an answer which may
                                                      Some sites require you to wear branded
not be accurate or authentic.
                                                      T - shirts or fleeces so you are identifiable as
                                                      a member of the team to the public.
Please be patient, courteous and friendly at
all times, avoiding language which may
                                                      Volunteers at Blists Hill Victorian Town are
offend (even if you think no one is listening).
                                                      required to wear Victorian costume, unless
Remember that a smile goes a long way and
                                                      they are working ‘behind the scenes’ and
if you’re having a bad day, just take some
                                                      occasionally costumes are required in other
time out and try to relax - volunteering at the
                                                      locations. Costumes appropriate to role or
Museum should be fun!
                                                      exhibit are provided by the Museum
                                                      Wardrobe Department but there are some
                                                      general rules in order to keep an authentic
                                                      Victorian appearance:

                                                      n    Hats should be worn at all times when
                                                      out on the site streets. A gentleman would
                                                      always remove his hat/cap indoors. Women
                                                      would do so in their own homes/place of
                                                      n Jewellery must be kept to a minimum
                                                      e.g. wedding band, no earrings except for
                                                      studs/sleepers, no facial piercings, no wrist
                                                      n Hair - long hair must be tied back with
Occasionally a visitor may come to you with           a simple ribbon/ fastener or pinned up. In the
a complaint or be unhappy with some aspect            Victorian era there were no extreme hair colours -
of their visit. The procedure for dealing with        please talk to us if this is a problem!
complaints is detailed in the Customer                n Make-up should be kept to a minimum with
Service Charter, however, if you feel the             no strong colours. No nail colours.
complaint is something you are not able to            n Shoes/boots - preferably plain and black.
deal with, ask a staff member or the Duty             Safety boots should be worn in certain exhibits
Officer to assist. If visitors wish to make a         and these will be provided if needed.
formal complaint it is possible to do so by           n Modern clothing, if worn under the
completing a Customer Comment Card and                costume, must not be visible.
posting it in the collection box on their way         n Bags - please use a plain site bag which will
out. Alternatively they can write or email in         be issued to you with your costume.
to the Head Office – details for this are on          Any queries or issues regarding costume can be
the Museums website. Assure the visitor that          raised with a member of the Wardrobe staff or
all complaints are monitored and answered             Duty Officer.
and thank them for bringing it to our

8                             A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
What to expect                                             Expectations
                                                           As a volunteer you can give as much or as
Supervision and Support                                    little time as you feel is appropriate, whatever
                                                           you can manage it will be of assistance to the
As a volunteer, you will receive                           Museum.
on-going support from the Volunteer
Team, your site supervisor, paid                           The only thing we ask is that you do consider
staff and fellow volunteers. We’ll                         this a ‘commitment’ and where possible you
also send you a Newsletter every                           do attend on the days you have agreed with
                                                           your supervisor. If you are unable to carry
three months and you are invited
                                                           out your role at a previously agreed time
to monthly coffee mornings at                              or feel you can no longer make these
the Volunteer Centre - these are                           commitments please inform your supervisor
a great chance to meet other                               or Volunteer Team as soon as you are able.
volunteers and discuss any issues
or contribute ideas.                                       Similarly, the Ironbridge Gorge Museum
                                                           Trust considers the management of
If as a volunteer you feel that you are not                volunteers to have equal importance to that
being adequately supported, there is an issue              of managing paid staff and is carried out
with your role or you have any problems                    with the same level of professionalism.
you are encouraged to discuss this with your               Although volunteers complement and
supervisor in the first instance or with the               support rather than replace the work of
Volunteer Team where this is not possible.                 paid staff, you can expect to be treated fairly,
Private meeting facilities are available at all            professionally and above all as an equal to
times, and volunteers can bring a friend if                those members of paid staff working
they feel they would like extra support.                   alongside you.
Our doors are always open for you whatever
you want to talk about, big or small, we are               We value our volunteers and want to ensure
happy to discuss and help in any way we                    that volunteering for The Ironbridge Gorge
can. It’s always better to get things out in               Museum Trust is a rewarding and enjoyable
the open rather than stop coming; we’d hate                experience for all. To help with this, a
to lose you over something which we can                    voucher for refreshments at Museum
work through together. If you need anything                catering outlets will be issued each time you
special such as help with writing, preparing               volunteer over 4 hours.
applications or forms for universities or the
Job Centre, detailing what you have been                   Regular volunteers will also be provided with
doing as a volunteer we are happy to assist.               an ID card enabling them, plus 1 guest, to
We can also provide a reference if required.               gain free entry into all the Museum sites.
                                                           ‘One-off ’ volunteers or event stewards can
                                                           request a guest pass for each event attended.
                                                           The payment of travel expenses is not
As with our staff, volunteers will be monitored            offered by the Museum for volunteers,
in their role by their direct line manager. If             however in the case of volunteers performing
they or the volunteer themselves feel they                 roles which involve the use of their car, (such
are misplaced in the role, the Volunteer                   as Mystery Customers) mileage will be paid
Co-ordinator should be informed and all                    at 35p per mile. (If you are driving between
will look to see if there is a better position             sites or on behalf of the Trust you must have
available.                                                 business cover for your car on your own
                                                           insurance policy.)

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                                9
Your rights and                                         Your responsibilities
responsibilities                                        u To complete an application form providing
                                                           personal details and to notify the Museum
                                                           of any changes.
                                                        u To give two referees.

                                                        u To give one passport-sized photograph.

                                                        u To be reliable and to give a reasonable and
                                                           sustainable level of commitment.
                                                        u To be honest if there are problems.

                                                        u To comply with existing policies and
                                                           procedures (available to view upon request).
                                                        u To take responsibility for your own
                                                           Health and Safety (see below for notes on
While you are volunteering with us at                      Health & Safety).
Ironbridge there are certain things which you
should expect from us as well as what                   u If you are required to drive between sites
we expect from you. The main thing which                   or on behalf of the Trust you must have
we want is that you have a positive                        business cover for your car on your own
experience by volunteering; to ensure this                 insurance policy.
we make the following commitments to you.

u To be shown appreciation.                             The Ironbridge Gorge Museum
                                                        Trust’s responsibilities
u To be free of discrimination.
                                                        u Enquiries and volunteering offers will be
u To have a safe working environment.                      dealt with quickly and efficiently, and
u To have clearly specified lines of
                                                           volunteer placements will match the
     supervision.                                          volunteer’s skills and interests.
                                                        u Each volunteer will receive a Volunteer
u To receive appropriate induction and
     training.                                             Application Pack.
                                                        u Full training will be provided for every
u To know what to do if things go wrong.
                                                           task allocated.
u To receive a level of support appropriate
                                                        u Volunteers will be treated in line with the
     to the role.
                                                           Trust’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
u To be a part of the Ironbridge Gorge
     Museum Trust Limited.                              u Each volunteer will be managed by a
                                                           nominated member of staff within the
u To know what is expected and to be given                 department where they will be working.
     clear information and instruction.
                                                        u Volunteers will be insured whilst on site or
u To have the right to say no, and to be able              taking part in IGMT business.
     to withdraw from voluntary work
     when you wish.

10                              A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Complaints and Issues                                      Potential problems and issues:
                                                           u Misuse of facilities, or taking advantage of
Serious issues with volunteers are generally
very rare. Due to the constant supervision                    the position.
and communication routes we try to deal                    u Time management or absentee issues.
with any problems before they become major
issues. However, if an issue does arise we will            u Offensive or inappropriate language or
endeavour to tackle it in a proactive, inclusive              behaviour.
and timely manner.
                                                           u Drugs or substance misuse.
We want everyone to enjoy being a volunteer
                                                           u Breach of Health and Safety Regulations.
and it’s important that all staff, volunteers
and managers work well together and are                    u Failure to show respect to other staff,
supportive and respectful of each other.                      volunteers or customers.

If a grievance should arise, initially we would            u Discrimination.
tackle it with all parties involved and hope to
rectify it in an informal manner.                          u Failure to do the role as trained.

If you do feel there is a problem, please raise
it with your site supervisor or the Volunteer              Unresolvable problems and issues
                                                           It is hoped that with early intervention any
                                                           problems and issues can be resolved
Sometimes things happen and we may need
                                                           satisfactorily for all parties, however if this
to talk to you about a complaint or issue
                                                           is not the case we will take the following
which has arisen. You will be given equal
opportunity to discuss this and to ensure
this happens we will follow the outlined
                                                           Step one - A meeting will be called with
                                                           all parties involved and the site supervisor.
                                                           This will be a fair meeting where all sides
We will always:
                                                           will have a chance to communicate what the
                                                           problem is. The meeting will be minuted to
u Give warning. Notify volunteers (in both
                                                           ensure that details are recorded and actions
verbal and written communication) when it is
                                                           highlighted. If the volunteer wishes they can
felt there has been an incident that needs to
                                                           bring a friend for support.
be investigated.
                                                           In this meeting we will try to find a satisfactory
u Investigate the alleged offense(s). This
                                                           resolution for all and start an action plan to
includes documenting the volunteer’s
                                                           bring about improvements. If however it is
account of what happened and any evidence
                                                           felt that the issue is of a serious nature we
to support the alleged incident. We appreciate
                                                           may withdraw the volunteer offer immediately.
there are always two sides to every story and
we will ensure everyone concerned has an
                                                           A serious complaint could be:
equal opportunity to put their side forward.
                                                           l Assault
u Action. Consider developing an action                    l Harassment
plan to correct the problem, depending on
                                                           l Racism
the seriousness of the incident. Each item
of the action plan will have specific dates for            l Gross Misconduct
accomplishment. We’ll develop this plan with               l Illegal, violent or unsafe behaviour
the volunteers input so that we can agree on
what to do and the best course of action.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                               11
Step two - If after the initial meeting and
action plan, the problem is not resolved there
will be a second formal meeting with all
parties involved and the Operations Manager
and Volunteer Co-ordinator in attendance.

If it is felt that a staff member is at fault, the
issue will be raised with the Museum’s
Human Resources Department.

If it is felt that the problem is with the
volunteer a written warning will be issued.
You will be given a clear outline of the                              Demonstrating at Coalport CHINA MUSEUM

problem and why the warning has been
issued and what steps must now be taken if
you wish to remain as a volunteer. A new
action plan will be drawn up with targets
and a clear time frame included, this will be
regularly monitored to ensure you are taking
all the steps required.

Step three - This is a very serious step to
take and is the final step before the offer of
volunteering will be withdrawn. This will
happen if no improvement has been made,
or, further incidents of the problem have

In the event of this an Exit Interview will be
conducted by the Volunteer Coordinator.

You have the right to appeal against any
disciplinary decision to the Ironbridge Gorge
Museum Trust. To do this, you should
inform the Volunteer Co-ordinator at the
Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust in writing
of your wish to appeal within five working                               Dale House, one of the Darby Houses
days of the date of the decision which forms
the subject of the appeal.

Any appeal hearing will be held as soon as
possible when you would be given an
opportunity to state your case. You may be
accompanied by a friend or someone you
trust. The decision of the appeal will be
notified to you in writing and will be final.

12                                A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Policies referring to                                      Health and Safety
volunteering                                               The Museum’s Full Health &
Volunteer Policy - Introduction                            Safety Policy Document is
                                                           available at all sites. A copy
This document lays out the
                                                           can be made available to
Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust                              individuals on request. Section
Limited’s policy on involving                              2.6 relating to volunteers is
volunteers in its work across all                          reproduced below:
departments. The full document
                                                           Section 2.6 - Safety responsibilities of
is available upon request. It
                                                           Volunteers working for IGMT
defines how the Ironbridge Gorge
                                                           In order to maintain the Museums health
Museum Trust Limited will recruit                          and safety requirements all volunteers
and manage their volunteers.                               should be aware of their health and safety
(A volunteer is recognised as                              responsibilities under the law whilst working
                                                           on site.
“people who spend unpaid time
working on defined activities                              Section 7 - Health and Safety at Work Act
for the benefit of The Ironbridge                          requires that all who undertake ‘work’ for
Gorge Museum Trust Limited”).                              an ‘employer’ (this includes volunteers)
                                                           1. Take reasonable care of their own Health
The policy also recognises the value which                 & Safety and that of others not only by their
volunteers add to the Ironbridge Gorge                     acts but also by their omissions (by what
Museum Trust and the commitment they                       they do or fail to do).
give to the Museum. The policy aims to                     2. Co-operate with IGMT staff and others to
support volunteers to achieve their full                   comply with all Health & Safety legislation
potential, and work towards building a                     and the Health and Safety at Work Act. Fail-
rewarding and successful relationship                      ure to comply with these laws is a criminal
between volunteers and the people who                      offence, which could result in a fine or even a
engage with them.                                          prison sentence.
The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust sets                     Section 8 - A volunteer must not misuse
out guidelines for the quality of opportunity,             items provided in the interests of health
recruitment, training, support and                         and safety or welfare.
development of volunteers within the service.
                                                           1. Under regulation 14 of the Management of
The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust                          Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Limited has an insurance policy to ensure                  states that:
volunteers are protected whilst volunteering               1a. Every employee/volunteer who uses any
with us.                                                   machinery, equipment, dangerous substance,
                                                           transport equipment, means of production
                                                           or safety device can only do so in accordance
                                                           with any training or instruction provide use.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                          13
1b. Every employee/volunteer shall inform              Failure to comply with safety legislation
his/her line manager or person responsible             can lead to prosecution.
for health and safety of:                              The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Health
1bi. Any situation which represents a serious          & Safety Policy - Nov 25, 2010.
and immediate danger.
1bii. Any shortcomings in the arrangements
for Health & Safety.
                                                       Alcohol and drugs Policy
                                                       The Museum’s full Alcohol & Drugs Policy
2.Volunteers shall familiarise themselves with         is available on request. The policy is intended
and conform to the IGMT Health & Safety                as guidance for management, employees and
Policy at all times.                                   volunteers as there is a clear link between
                                                       misuse of alcohol and drugs and reduced
3. Volunteers shall conform to IGMT’s                  safety and efficiency.
rules and regulations made in the interest of
health, safety or welfare.                             It does not confer any contractual rights on
                                                       individuals. The Museum’s policy is that the
4. Volunteers must not misuse any equipment            working environment should be free from
issued in the interest of health, safety or            the influence of drugs or alcohol. This will
welfare, e.g. goggles, hearing protection,             help to ensure the health and safety of its
protective clothing, safe systems etc.                 employees, volunteers and others with whom
                                                       they come into contact with. To maintain
5. Volunteers must conform to, and comply              the efficient and effective operation of the
with the obligations placed upon them by               business, and to ensure our customers receive
section 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety               the service and quality they require.
at Work Act (see Section 7 - items 1 and 2
above) and Regulation 14 of the Management             The following rules will be strictly enforced.
Regulations (see 1 of Section 8 above).                No employee/volunteer shall:

6. Volunteers must ensure that accidents are           l Report or try to report for work when
reported promptly and fully to the relevant            unfit due to alcohol, drugs (whether illegal
site/duty manager.                                     or not) or substance abuse (Museum
                                                       Management reserve the right to determine
8.Volunteers must keep their working area              whether an employee/volunteer is fit for
clean and tidy.                                        work).

                                                       l Be in possession of illegal drugs in the
9. Volunteers must comply with any site and
instruction issued by any Principal Contractor         workplace.
at sites operating under the Construction,
Design and Management Regulations 1994.                lUse illegal drugs or abuse any substance
                                                       whilst at work.
10. If volunteers are charged with supervising
trainees they must ensure they are capable of          l Consume any alcohol whilst at work /on
undertaking any task they are asked to do,             lunch breaks, if they operate machinery, drive
and instruct them in general Health & Safety           Museum vehicles, use power tools or may
matters applicable to the trade.                       jeopardise the Health and Safety of
                                                       themselves or others by doing so.
Further information is available from the
Health and Safety Poster ’Health and Safety            Consumption below the recognised
Law - What you should know’, or the                    minimum standard for safe driving shall be
equivalent HSE leaflet.                                permitted for all other staff.

14                             A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Contravention of these rules is a very serious             l When sending e-mails, internally or
matter and the Museum may take disciplinary                externally, users should exercise the same care
action in the event of infringement.                       as if you were sending a letter on Museum
Communications Policy
                                                           l Users must not send, forward, distribute or
The Trust has a Communications Policy                      retain e-mail messages that contain language
which sets out rules relating to the use of the            that is abusive, aggressive or offensive.
Museum’s computer, telephone and facsimile                 You must not make any improper or
facilities, including Museum laptops and                   discriminatory reference to a person’s race,
mobile telephones. Volunteers who use these                colour, religion, sex, age, national origin,
must adhere to this policy at all times while              disabilities or physique when writing
using Museums equipment.                                   e-mails and must not forward or distribute
                                                           any material which does so.
The Policy in its entirety is available on
request, extracts are detailed below                       l Most information and software that is
                                                           accessible on the Internet is subject to
Computer Use                                               copyright or other intellectual property
l  The Museum imposes strict limits on                     protection. Nothing should be copied or
Internet and e-mail use in relation to both                downloaded from the Internet for use within
business and personal use.                                 the Museum unless the material owner has
	                                                          given express permission.
l Users should be aware that viruses can

be introduced via e-mail attachments, CD                   Inappropriate websites
ROMs, memory sticks and the Internet. It                   Users must not access inappropriate or
is the user’s responsibility to take care when             offensive websites or distribute or obtain
opening e-mail attachments especially when                 similar material through the Internet or
they are not expected or they are from                     e-mail when using Museum equipment,
unknown sources.                                           even if they are doing so in their own time.
l Users should not install any software that               Personal use of the telephone
has not been approved or purchased by the
Museum.                                                    This policy applies to land lines and to
	                                                          Museum mobile telephones.
l Users should not download any material,

including games and screen savers from the                 Users are permitted to make occasional/
Internet, CD ROMs or memory sticks                         reasonable private telephone calls during
without clearance from/the approval of your                lunch breaks. The following types of
line manager.                                              personal calls are never permitted: calls to
	                                                          premium lines, calls to chat lines, overseas
l Users should not tell anyone else their
password. You should not use another
person’s password or workstation without
authorisation. You must log out of your
terminal when it is not in use.

A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited                            15
Equal opportunity & diversity
Policy statement
This document sets out Ironbridge
Gorge Museum Trust’s policy on
equality and diversity. The policy
in its entirety is available upon
Equal treatment – promoting inclusivity and
valuing diversity is an important part of the
Museum’s code of practice. The Museum is
committed to the principal of equality of
opportunity for all staff, providing an
environment where respect is shown to all
and where individuals are valued and
supported in achieving their potential.

The Museum is opposed to any form of
unlawful and/or unfair discrimination on the
grounds of gender, race, nationality, ethnic
or national origin, marital status, sexual
orientation, age, disability, religion or any
other relevant factor in any aspect of
employment and believes that an inclusive
approach benefits all.

The Museum embraces the spirit of all
equalities legislation, ensures that its policies
and procedures meet the requirements and
intent of such legislation and is committed
to developing policies, procedures and
practices which actively promote equality
of opportunity and maximising abilities,
skills and experience.

16                              A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
Ironbridge Volunteers

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited Coalbrookdale Telford Shropshire TF8 7DQ
                       Tel 01952 435900 Fax 01952 435999
                              Charity Ref No. 503717-R

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Volunteer handbook

  • 1. Volunteer Handbook A Practical Guide to Volunteering at Ironbridge The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 2. Welcome Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. This handbook will introduce you to the Museum, explain a little about each site which the Trust runs and show how volunteers fit into the organisation. The Museum is extremely lucky to have a To ensure you stay up to date with the large and wonderful group of volunteers Museum and its activities we produce a supporting it in many ways. Every year it quarterly newsletter, to which your welcomes hundreds of people who give their contributions are very welcome. We also send time to help the Museum to be a better place. out a range of emails and letters detailing We really couldn’t manage without them and events taking place with the Museum or local I’m quite sure that the many visitors which groups, new volunteering opportunities, staff the Museum welcomes through its doors social evenings and trips out to other would completely agree. attractions. We also hold monthly coffee mornings with guests speakers at the The Volunteer Staff are here for you, whether Volunteer Centre to which all volunteers it is to help you identify a volunteering are warmly invited to attend. opportunity, help settle you into a new role or to help you meet other volunteers in a Can I take this opportunity to welcome you more social environment. If you have any to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and problems or issues or if you just fancy a cup I look forward to getting to know you better of tea and a chat, please call on us, our door and hope that you find your role here at the is always open. The Volunteer Centre is open Museum both enjoyable and rewarding. Monday to Friday and all are welcome to Thank you. drop in to see us, in addition we spend time out across all the sites meeting up with staff and volunteers and checking all is well. Lucy Andrews - Manion
  • 3. Why should I volunteer? Why should I volunteer for the Ironbridge If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already thought about Gorge Museum Trust volunteering, maybe even tried it The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust elsewhere. There are many Limited was established in 1967 to preserve reasons why people do it. and interpret the remains of the Industrial Volunteering can be an enriching, Revolution in the six square miles of the fulfilling experience. It offers you Ironbridge Gorge. It is an independent the chance to become involved in educational charity (Registered Number a specific project which may 503717–R), which encourages visitors to be interest you or to join an involved in and support its conservation work organisation you really care through admission charges, trading and associated commercial activities. about. The Trust manages 36 historic sites within For some, volunteering can be about indulging the World Heritage Site of the Ironbridge a pastime or hobby, whilst others see it as a Gorge, ten of which are museums. Other way of escaping from the stresses and strains sites include a research library, a tourist of everyday life. It can be a perfect way of information centre, two youth hostels, meeting new people and making new friends archaeological sites, historic woodlands, as well as giving you unique opportunities to housing, two chapels, and two Quaker learn new skills. Volunteering can also be an burial grounds. ideal way to boost your career, it shows that you have commitment, are willing to try new For many museums across the UK, including things and can work in lots of different Ironbridge, volunteers are a vital resource, situations. It gives you the chance to learn they are essential in supporting us to deliver something new and acquire transferable a varied and successful service to our visitors. skills, all which could lead on to career Volunteers add flexibility and improvement options you may never have considered beyond the Trust’s own resources by providing before. support and time to promote and aid the Museum. Being a volunteer, especially here at the Museum, allows you to make a real difference The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust is to the lives of other people. committed to developing new and exciting ways of involving volunteers in our work, creating mutually beneficial opportunities for both volunteers and the organisation. Volunteering opportunities at the Trust come in many different guises, from long-term regular commitments to one-off individual or group projects. No matter what sort of volunteering you are looking for, the Ironbridge Gorge Museum will endeavour to provide it. Costumed Volunteers at Blists Hill add a great deal to the exhibits and the streets. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 1
  • 4. What opportunities are Enginuity available? Enginuity is an interactive Design & Technology Centre, designed to captivate and educate visitors. Here people discover Volunteering at the Ironbridge how good ideas are turned into great products Gorge Museum Trust can provide - a subject close to Ironbridge’s heart. a diverse range of opportunities Enginuity provides volunteering opportunities for those wishing to get involved. of an educational nature, such as workshop The Museum has a number of delivery, maintenance and generally encouraging roles and activities which are the public to interact with the exhibits. available throughout the year as well as a wide choice of museum The Museum of Iron, sites to volunteer at, flexibility in Coalbrookdale terms of time commitment, This is the site where you can explore the opportunities to get involved in remains of the water-powered blast furnace one off events and even helping which Abraham Darby I used to perfect the out other organisations as a smelting of iron using coke instead of representative of the Ironbridge charcoal. It was this technological breakthrough Gorge Museum Trust. that helped make iron the essential material of the Industrial Revolution. The museum You may be interested in exploring the role also shows the versatility of cast iron and the of a guide, taking visitors on historical tours great skill of the Coalbrookdale craftsmen in of the museums and giving them the the fabulous display of domestic and background story or being located in within decorative ironwork. Opportunities here one of the many Gallery Exhibitions the include administrative tasks, assisting visitors Museum hosts. Alternatively, you may prefer to engage with the exhibits and the to do something a little more ‘behind the surrounding historic landscape, maintenance, scenes’, perhaps helping to maintain the research and giving welcome and introductory gardens or providing administrative support talks for exhibitions which take place in the to the Head Offices at Coalbrookdale. adjacent Coalbrookdale Gallery. Whatever your preference the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust provides a fantastic platform for volunteering. The Darby Houses Blists Hill Victorian Town The Darby Houses consist of Rosehill House and Dale House, the former homes of the Blists Hill Victorian Town is a 52 acre site and Darby family. The rooms are packed with a bustling recreation of a Victorian Town circa original furniture, costumes and mementos 1900. Costumed-staff and volunteers offer a from the everyday life of Coalbrookdale’s warm welcome and a fascinating insight into Quaker ironmasters. Here, roles include life in Victorian times by interpreting the acting as guides; giving welcome talks (to historical story of the site, its exhibits and groups and individual visitors) and buildings and the Victorian era as a whole. maintenance. Volunteers at the Darby Blists Hill offers many opportunities for Houses are vital for telling the important volunteers including administrative tasks, story of the two houses and the family who maintenance roles, guiding, demonstrating lived in them. and curatorial support. 2 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 5. Jackfield Tile Museum The Iron Bridge & Tollhouse The Jackfield Tile Museum is located on Built by Abraham Darby III, the Iron Bridge the south side of the Ironbridge Gorge and is now recognised as one of the great housed in the former works of Craven symbols of the Industrial Revolution, the Dunnill and Company. Jackfield is one of remarkable structure still dominates the small the oldest known centres for the production town that bears its name. The secrets of how of ceramics in Shropshire, a tradition that is and why it was built are revealed in an thought to date back to the sixteenth century. exhibition housed in the original Tollhouse The museum holds a vast and beautiful on the south side of the Bridge. Volunteers collection of tiles, many of which you will here give welcome talks and guide people recognise from visits to London or maybe throughout the exhibition, or accompany even your own home! The museum is very people on to the bridge, giving historical large and opportunities here include information to the public. The Toll House guiding, helping visitors engage with the is only open when volunteers are available, exhibits, displays and exhibitions as well as so this role is very valuable to visitors to the giving welcome and introductory talks. Bridge and the Gorge as a whole. Broseley Pipeworks Coalport China Museum Broseley was once home to one of the most Home to the famous Coalport China Factory prolific clay tobacco pipe making factories until 1926, visitors to this site discover displays in Britain. Production came to an end in the and demonstrations explaining the history and 1950s when the works were abandoned and techniques of china making alongside the left untouched until reopened as a Museum National Collections of Coalport and Caughley in 1996. The Museum is a wonderfully China. Volunteering opportunities here include preserved time capsule of an ancient local guiding around the whole site, giving welcome industry. This is the perfect venue for and introductory talks or having a far more volunteers to guide in and give a more in hands on approach by demonstrating china depth understanding of how these beautiful manufacture and decorating as well assisting pipes were produced. with workshops and helping school groups or young visitors create fabulous artwork. Tar Tunnel Museum of the Gorge The Tar Tunnel is a brick-lined tunnel where the bitumen still oozes through the walls Housed in a Gothic-style warehouse besides and collects in small pools where it was once the River Severn, the Museum of the Gorge used to produce pitch, lamp black and is many visitors first stop when they arrive rheumatic remedies. Today visitors can explore in Ironbridge. Here they can see what the this tunnel for themselves, walking right into Gorge was like in 1796 with the help of a the very heart of it. If you are interested in giant 12 metre long model and understand exploring volunteering opportunities at this more about the area’s history as well as site, please have a chat with the Volunteer discover why the Gorge was awarded World Team who will be happy to assist. Heritage Site Designation in 1986. Here opportunities are available for guiding, helping people in each exhibit area, or giving welcome talks and sometimes to help with evening theatre events and activities. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 3
  • 6. Roles We also welcome applications from volunteers with skills outside of these areas. If you have The Ironbridge Gorge Museum a special interest or skill(s) that you could offer as a volunteer, please discuss this with Trust offers a great number of roles the Team who will be happy to explore and across its sites and it is always develop further roles with you. looking to expand these roles and develop new opportunities. n Volunteer Demonstrator n Volunteer Admin Assistant n Volunteer Guide n Volunteer Maintenance Assistant n Volunteer Gardener n Volunteer Welcome Host n Volunteer Education Assistant n Volunteer Steward We can also accommodate people looking to n Volunteer Marketing Assistants undertake a ‘volunteer placement’. Typically, n Volunteer Ceramicist this route appeals to students looking to gain n Volunteer Costume Assistant work experience and/or additional skills and the unemployed wishing to give their CV a n Volunteer Curatorial Assistant boost. These have specific role descriptions which are A placement can involve volunteering for up available on request from the Volunteer Team. to 30 hours a week over a period of 12 weeks, Most roles are available at all sites; however (though we will consider variations on this). some roles are more site-specific. There are These placements allow for a more ‘intensive’ also a number of less public facing roles and experience as it allows volunteers a chance we welcome volunteers who wish to help in to gain a lot of understanding and insight in our offices and behind the scenes areas doing a short period of time. It can focus on one administration roles, conducting research, particular area, such as front of house, or working with collections and exhibitions and be wider by involving a number of Museum a great range of many other support duties. departments. Without volunteers, our many events By concentrating their time on a specific throughout the year such as Ghostly Gas project or placement volunteers are able to Light and Fireworks Night, the World measure the outcomes and their achievements Heritage Festival and Christmas events would and demonstrate that they are reliable, see not go ahead. Volunteers at these events help things through to conclusion and are able to visitors find their way around, stay safe and cope with the demands of working (almost) ensure that everyone has a great time-and this full-time should that be the intention. Many refers to both the people attending the event of our placements decide to continue and the volunteers! We always need help with volunteering at the Museum afterwards, these events and others throughout the year. though there is no obligation to do this. It’s easy to get involved and doesn’t take a great time commitment but it does give us a Whatever your needs please speak to a huge amount of support when we really member of the Volunteer Team who will be need it. happy to discuss the opportunities available. 4 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 7. Becoming a Volunteer The interview also gives you a chance to ask any questions you may have and to ensure that you understand what volunteering for Application the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust If you’re reading this handbook, involves. Try to relax and tell us as much as you can about yourself and what you want to you’ve already contacted the gain from volunteering. Museum to request an Application Pack which contains an application After Interview form along with a request for two referees. (This can be reduced Once the interview has been completed and both parties are happy to continue with the to one referee in certain application we will work with you to identify circumstances, for example if a suitable role for you and place you as soon you’ve just left school or you’ve as possible. Depending on the role, the site been retired for a long time). and the staff involved this may take up to two weeks or even more as at Blists Hill, we The application form should be completed will need your measurements for costume, and returned to the Volunteer Coordinator and then time for the wardrobe department for further processing. Following from this to provide one. the Museum will contact those on your reference list. At all sites you will need to come and meet key members of staff and attend an induction The form we send to your referees is very and any training that is required for the role. short; we just need to confirm your identity We will keep you informed of the process at and suitability for the role. If you have any all times but if you want to get in touch for trouble thinking who to put down as referees further information, please feel free to do so. or there is any problem contact the Volunteer Team who may be able to assist. It can take a couple of weeks to get references back and we cannot offer the role until this has been completed. It can help the process if we can contact your referees by email or if you can encourage them to reply promptly. If it’s taking a long time to get these back we may contact you to ask for alternative referees. Interview Upon receiving your completed application form and references you will be asked to attend an informal interview with one of the Volunteer Team. Both the application form and the interview will help us to get to know you better and match you to a suitable role as well as discuss what further opportunities you may be interested in. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 5
  • 8. Once you start Because we recognise each volunteer is different we want you to be comfortable with the level, time and process of training and so Induction and Training if you have any concerns or problems, please contact the Volunteer Team who will be more All volunteers must go through a than happy to assist you with this. formal induction process before they can begin their roles with the On your first day, take some time to get to Museum. This will involve an know the site and any member of staff or introduction to your supervisor, other volunteers who are nearby. We want provision of the relevant Health you to become part of the team and by introducing yourself and saying hello, you’ll and Safety information and any get to know everyone much quicker. Staff appropriate training required for and volunteers around you will also know the role. all the little bits of information you’ll need every time you come-like where the nearest Due to the nature of volunteering at toilets are, or where to get a cup of tea! Ironbridge, training can differ depending on what you will be doing. Volunteers becoming Guides, Demonstrators or Room Stewards usually shadow another volunteer or staff member for a few sessions before being asked to take up the role. This can be one session or ten sessions, however many the trainer and the volunteer feel is right for them. We also provide written information and guidance for the role, the site and the exhibit and exhibitions where Squatter Cottage at Blists Hill Victorian Town the role is based. In addition all volunteers are welcome to use the Museums library and Once you are happy that the role is the right research facilities if they want to know more. one for you and you wish to continue with it you will meet with your site supervisor For other roles like admin or working with to look at the rota and decide where you the collections, your induction will be can best support the site and what days you undertaken by the staff member you will would like to come in. Alternatively contact be volunteering with. They will give you the Volunteer Team who can help arrange practical instruction on the tasks required, another familiarisation session. health and safety and emergency procedures, and specialist training such as handling Once placed in a role, your day to day collections or office protocol. management is taken over by the relevant site staff. All sites have a Duty Officer who If you’re helping at events, your training will will come and see you at some point in your happen at the Stewards briefing where you day to make sure you’re ok, but if you need will be taken through the task requirements, them at any point ask a member of staff to health and safety and emergency procedures call them. However, the Volunteer Team are and any specialist information you need to always available to assist you with any queries have. or issues as well and they work closely with the site staff so help is always at hand. 6 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 9. What to do if you are ill When Volunteering or unable to attend As with employees we ask that you telephone The public face of the Museum or leave a message for your supervisor or Although some of the roles for Volunteers site manager/duty officer, ideally within 30 are behind the scenes, most roles will include minutes of your normal start time to inform some public interaction of varying levels. them of your absence. If this is not possible, inform us as soon as you can. The Museums attract great numbers of Blists Hill Office visitors every week and we need to make 01952 601010 sure that every one of them leaves the Museum having had a positive experience. Coalport China Museum 01952 580650 As an Independent Museum it relies on Enginuity every penny which comes through its door in 01952 435905 terms of ticket income and on site spends, so it is reliant on its visitors enjoying their visit, Jackfield Tile Museum repeating it and telling others to come and be 01952 882030 a part of the experience. Museum of the Gorge 01952 432405 Staff and volunteers therefore play a huge part in delivering exemplary customer service Museum of Iron to all. They are the ones who can make and 01952 433418 improve the experience that our visitors have. Volunteer Centre 01952 601044 The Museum has a strong Customer Service Charter which all must understand If you cannot contact the site, on weekdays and adhere to. All volunteers will deal with you can contact or leave a message with the the public at some point, and whatever role main switchboard which is 01952 435900 you are in it is important to remember that who can pass on a message for you. you represent the Museum and you should always aim to give the best impression. A visitor will not distinguish between a member of paid staff and a volunteer, and this is exactly how we want it. Positive feedback received from visitors usually mentions the knowledge, helpfulness and friendliness of the people they meet on-site-this obviously includes both volunteers and staff. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 7
  • 10. When you start volunteering it may take a Appearance and Costume while for you to build up your knowledge For some of the Volunteer roles there are about your site/exhibit and visitors may ask costume and dress guidelines, where this questions that you cannot answer and there occurs the Museum will provide all the may not be anyone else to refer to at the necessary items. time. Don’t worry about this – be honest and say that you don’t know and make a For roles where you might get dirty we will mental note to find out for next time. Don’t provide overalls and toe protective boots. be tempted to make up an answer which may Some sites require you to wear branded not be accurate or authentic. T - shirts or fleeces so you are identifiable as a member of the team to the public. Please be patient, courteous and friendly at all times, avoiding language which may Volunteers at Blists Hill Victorian Town are offend (even if you think no one is listening). required to wear Victorian costume, unless Remember that a smile goes a long way and they are working ‘behind the scenes’ and if you’re having a bad day, just take some occasionally costumes are required in other time out and try to relax - volunteering at the locations. Costumes appropriate to role or Museum should be fun! exhibit are provided by the Museum Wardrobe Department but there are some general rules in order to keep an authentic Victorian appearance: n Hats should be worn at all times when out on the site streets. A gentleman would always remove his hat/cap indoors. Women would do so in their own homes/place of work. n Jewellery must be kept to a minimum e.g. wedding band, no earrings except for studs/sleepers, no facial piercings, no wrist watches. n Hair - long hair must be tied back with Occasionally a visitor may come to you with a simple ribbon/ fastener or pinned up. In the a complaint or be unhappy with some aspect Victorian era there were no extreme hair colours - of their visit. The procedure for dealing with please talk to us if this is a problem! complaints is detailed in the Customer n Make-up should be kept to a minimum with Service Charter, however, if you feel the no strong colours. No nail colours. complaint is something you are not able to n Shoes/boots - preferably plain and black. deal with, ask a staff member or the Duty Safety boots should be worn in certain exhibits Officer to assist. If visitors wish to make a and these will be provided if needed. formal complaint it is possible to do so by n Modern clothing, if worn under the completing a Customer Comment Card and costume, must not be visible. posting it in the collection box on their way n Bags - please use a plain site bag which will out. Alternatively they can write or email in be issued to you with your costume. to the Head Office – details for this are on Any queries or issues regarding costume can be the Museums website. Assure the visitor that raised with a member of the Wardrobe staff or all complaints are monitored and answered Duty Officer. and thank them for bringing it to our attention. 8 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 11. What to expect Expectations As a volunteer you can give as much or as Supervision and Support little time as you feel is appropriate, whatever you can manage it will be of assistance to the As a volunteer, you will receive Museum. on-going support from the Volunteer Team, your site supervisor, paid The only thing we ask is that you do consider staff and fellow volunteers. We’ll this a ‘commitment’ and where possible you also send you a Newsletter every do attend on the days you have agreed with your supervisor. If you are unable to carry three months and you are invited out your role at a previously agreed time to monthly coffee mornings at or feel you can no longer make these the Volunteer Centre - these are commitments please inform your supervisor a great chance to meet other or Volunteer Team as soon as you are able. volunteers and discuss any issues or contribute ideas. Similarly, the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust considers the management of If as a volunteer you feel that you are not volunteers to have equal importance to that being adequately supported, there is an issue of managing paid staff and is carried out with your role or you have any problems with the same level of professionalism. you are encouraged to discuss this with your Although volunteers complement and supervisor in the first instance or with the support rather than replace the work of Volunteer Team where this is not possible. paid staff, you can expect to be treated fairly, Private meeting facilities are available at all professionally and above all as an equal to times, and volunteers can bring a friend if those members of paid staff working they feel they would like extra support. alongside you. Expenses Our doors are always open for you whatever you want to talk about, big or small, we are We value our volunteers and want to ensure happy to discuss and help in any way we that volunteering for The Ironbridge Gorge can. It’s always better to get things out in Museum Trust is a rewarding and enjoyable the open rather than stop coming; we’d hate experience for all. To help with this, a to lose you over something which we can voucher for refreshments at Museum work through together. If you need anything catering outlets will be issued each time you special such as help with writing, preparing volunteer over 4 hours. applications or forms for universities or the Job Centre, detailing what you have been Regular volunteers will also be provided with doing as a volunteer we are happy to assist. an ID card enabling them, plus 1 guest, to We can also provide a reference if required. gain free entry into all the Museum sites. ‘One-off ’ volunteers or event stewards can request a guest pass for each event attended. Monitoring The payment of travel expenses is not As with our staff, volunteers will be monitored offered by the Museum for volunteers, in their role by their direct line manager. If however in the case of volunteers performing they or the volunteer themselves feel they roles which involve the use of their car, (such are misplaced in the role, the Volunteer as Mystery Customers) mileage will be paid Co-ordinator should be informed and all at 35p per mile. (If you are driving between will look to see if there is a better position sites or on behalf of the Trust you must have available. business cover for your car on your own insurance policy.) A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 9
  • 12. Your rights and Your responsibilities responsibilities u To complete an application form providing personal details and to notify the Museum of any changes. u To give two referees. u To give one passport-sized photograph. u To be reliable and to give a reasonable and sustainable level of commitment. u To be honest if there are problems. u To comply with existing policies and procedures (available to view upon request). u To take responsibility for your own Health and Safety (see below for notes on While you are volunteering with us at Health & Safety). Ironbridge there are certain things which you should expect from us as well as what u If you are required to drive between sites we expect from you. The main thing which or on behalf of the Trust you must have we want is that you have a positive business cover for your car on your own experience by volunteering; to ensure this insurance policy. we make the following commitments to you. u To be shown appreciation. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust’s responsibilities u To be free of discrimination. u Enquiries and volunteering offers will be u To have a safe working environment. dealt with quickly and efficiently, and u To have clearly specified lines of volunteer placements will match the supervision. volunteer’s skills and interests. u Each volunteer will receive a Volunteer u To receive appropriate induction and training. Application Pack. u Full training will be provided for every u To know what to do if things go wrong. task allocated. u To receive a level of support appropriate u Volunteers will be treated in line with the to the role. Trust’s Equality and Diversity Policy. u To be a part of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Limited. u Each volunteer will be managed by a nominated member of staff within the u To know what is expected and to be given department where they will be working. clear information and instruction. u Volunteers will be insured whilst on site or u To have the right to say no, and to be able taking part in IGMT business. to withdraw from voluntary work when you wish. 10 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 13. Complaints and Issues Potential problems and issues: u Misuse of facilities, or taking advantage of Serious issues with volunteers are generally very rare. Due to the constant supervision the position. and communication routes we try to deal u Time management or absentee issues. with any problems before they become major issues. However, if an issue does arise we will u Offensive or inappropriate language or endeavour to tackle it in a proactive, inclusive behaviour. and timely manner. u Drugs or substance misuse. We want everyone to enjoy being a volunteer u Breach of Health and Safety Regulations. and it’s important that all staff, volunteers and managers work well together and are u Failure to show respect to other staff, supportive and respectful of each other. volunteers or customers. If a grievance should arise, initially we would u Discrimination. tackle it with all parties involved and hope to rectify it in an informal manner. u Failure to do the role as trained. If you do feel there is a problem, please raise it with your site supervisor or the Volunteer Unresolvable problems and issues Team. It is hoped that with early intervention any problems and issues can be resolved Sometimes things happen and we may need satisfactorily for all parties, however if this to talk to you about a complaint or issue is not the case we will take the following which has arisen. You will be given equal actions. opportunity to discuss this and to ensure this happens we will follow the outlined Step one - A meeting will be called with procedure. all parties involved and the site supervisor. This will be a fair meeting where all sides We will always: will have a chance to communicate what the problem is. The meeting will be minuted to u Give warning. Notify volunteers (in both ensure that details are recorded and actions verbal and written communication) when it is highlighted. If the volunteer wishes they can felt there has been an incident that needs to bring a friend for support. be investigated. In this meeting we will try to find a satisfactory u Investigate the alleged offense(s). This resolution for all and start an action plan to includes documenting the volunteer’s bring about improvements. If however it is account of what happened and any evidence felt that the issue is of a serious nature we to support the alleged incident. We appreciate may withdraw the volunteer offer immediately. there are always two sides to every story and we will ensure everyone concerned has an A serious complaint could be: equal opportunity to put their side forward. l Assault u Action. Consider developing an action l Harassment plan to correct the problem, depending on l Racism the seriousness of the incident. Each item of the action plan will have specific dates for l Gross Misconduct accomplishment. We’ll develop this plan with l Illegal, violent or unsafe behaviour the volunteers input so that we can agree on what to do and the best course of action. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 11
  • 14. Step two - If after the initial meeting and action plan, the problem is not resolved there will be a second formal meeting with all parties involved and the Operations Manager and Volunteer Co-ordinator in attendance. If it is felt that a staff member is at fault, the issue will be raised with the Museum’s Human Resources Department. If it is felt that the problem is with the volunteer a written warning will be issued. You will be given a clear outline of the Demonstrating at Coalport CHINA MUSEUM problem and why the warning has been issued and what steps must now be taken if you wish to remain as a volunteer. A new action plan will be drawn up with targets and a clear time frame included, this will be regularly monitored to ensure you are taking all the steps required. Step three - This is a very serious step to take and is the final step before the offer of volunteering will be withdrawn. This will happen if no improvement has been made, or, further incidents of the problem have occurred. In the event of this an Exit Interview will be conducted by the Volunteer Coordinator. Appeals You have the right to appeal against any disciplinary decision to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. To do this, you should inform the Volunteer Co-ordinator at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust in writing of your wish to appeal within five working Dale House, one of the Darby Houses days of the date of the decision which forms the subject of the appeal. Any appeal hearing will be held as soon as possible when you would be given an opportunity to state your case. You may be accompanied by a friend or someone you trust. The decision of the appeal will be notified to you in writing and will be final. 12 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 15. Policies referring to Health and Safety volunteering The Museum’s Full Health & Volunteer Policy - Introduction Safety Policy Document is available at all sites. A copy This document lays out the can be made available to Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust individuals on request. Section Limited’s policy on involving 2.6 relating to volunteers is volunteers in its work across all reproduced below: departments. The full document Section 2.6 - Safety responsibilities of is available upon request. It Volunteers working for IGMT defines how the Ironbridge Gorge In order to maintain the Museums health Museum Trust Limited will recruit and safety requirements all volunteers and manage their volunteers. should be aware of their health and safety (A volunteer is recognised as responsibilities under the law whilst working on site. “people who spend unpaid time working on defined activities Section 7 - Health and Safety at Work Act for the benefit of The Ironbridge requires that all who undertake ‘work’ for Gorge Museum Trust Limited”). an ‘employer’ (this includes volunteers) must: 1. Take reasonable care of their own Health The policy also recognises the value which & Safety and that of others not only by their volunteers add to the Ironbridge Gorge acts but also by their omissions (by what Museum Trust and the commitment they they do or fail to do). give to the Museum. The policy aims to 2. Co-operate with IGMT staff and others to support volunteers to achieve their full comply with all Health & Safety legislation potential, and work towards building a and the Health and Safety at Work Act. Fail- rewarding and successful relationship ure to comply with these laws is a criminal between volunteers and the people who offence, which could result in a fine or even a engage with them. prison sentence. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust sets Section 8 - A volunteer must not misuse out guidelines for the quality of opportunity, items provided in the interests of health recruitment, training, support and and safety or welfare. development of volunteers within the service. 1. Under regulation 14 of the Management of The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Limited has an insurance policy to ensure states that: volunteers are protected whilst volunteering 1a. Every employee/volunteer who uses any with us. machinery, equipment, dangerous substance, transport equipment, means of production or safety device can only do so in accordance with any training or instruction provide use. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 13
  • 16. 1b. Every employee/volunteer shall inform Failure to comply with safety legislation his/her line manager or person responsible can lead to prosecution. for health and safety of: The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Health 1bi. Any situation which represents a serious & Safety Policy - Nov 25, 2010. and immediate danger. 1bii. Any shortcomings in the arrangements for Health & Safety. Alcohol and drugs Policy The Museum’s full Alcohol & Drugs Policy 2.Volunteers shall familiarise themselves with is available on request. The policy is intended and conform to the IGMT Health & Safety as guidance for management, employees and Policy at all times. volunteers as there is a clear link between misuse of alcohol and drugs and reduced 3. Volunteers shall conform to IGMT’s safety and efficiency. rules and regulations made in the interest of health, safety or welfare. It does not confer any contractual rights on individuals. The Museum’s policy is that the 4. Volunteers must not misuse any equipment working environment should be free from issued in the interest of health, safety or the influence of drugs or alcohol. This will welfare, e.g. goggles, hearing protection, help to ensure the health and safety of its protective clothing, safe systems etc. employees, volunteers and others with whom they come into contact with. To maintain 5. Volunteers must conform to, and comply the efficient and effective operation of the with the obligations placed upon them by business, and to ensure our customers receive section 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety the service and quality they require. at Work Act (see Section 7 - items 1 and 2 above) and Regulation 14 of the Management The following rules will be strictly enforced. Regulations (see 1 of Section 8 above). No employee/volunteer shall: 6. Volunteers must ensure that accidents are l Report or try to report for work when reported promptly and fully to the relevant unfit due to alcohol, drugs (whether illegal site/duty manager. or not) or substance abuse (Museum Management reserve the right to determine 8.Volunteers must keep their working area whether an employee/volunteer is fit for clean and tidy. work). l Be in possession of illegal drugs in the 9. Volunteers must comply with any site and instruction issued by any Principal Contractor workplace. at sites operating under the Construction, Design and Management Regulations 1994. lUse illegal drugs or abuse any substance whilst at work. 10. If volunteers are charged with supervising trainees they must ensure they are capable of l Consume any alcohol whilst at work /on undertaking any task they are asked to do, lunch breaks, if they operate machinery, drive and instruct them in general Health & Safety Museum vehicles, use power tools or may matters applicable to the trade. jeopardise the Health and Safety of themselves or others by doing so. Further information is available from the Health and Safety Poster ’Health and Safety Consumption below the recognised Law - What you should know’, or the minimum standard for safe driving shall be equivalent HSE leaflet. permitted for all other staff. 14 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 17. Contravention of these rules is a very serious l When sending e-mails, internally or matter and the Museum may take disciplinary externally, users should exercise the same care action in the event of infringement. as if you were sending a letter on Museum paper. Communications Policy l Users must not send, forward, distribute or The Trust has a Communications Policy retain e-mail messages that contain language which sets out rules relating to the use of the that is abusive, aggressive or offensive. Museum’s computer, telephone and facsimile You must not make any improper or facilities, including Museum laptops and discriminatory reference to a person’s race, mobile telephones. Volunteers who use these colour, religion, sex, age, national origin, must adhere to this policy at all times while disabilities or physique when writing using Museums equipment. e-mails and must not forward or distribute any material which does so. The Policy in its entirety is available on request, extracts are detailed below l Most information and software that is accessible on the Internet is subject to Computer Use copyright or other intellectual property l The Museum imposes strict limits on protection. Nothing should be copied or Internet and e-mail use in relation to both downloaded from the Internet for use within business and personal use. the Museum unless the material owner has given express permission. l Users should be aware that viruses can be introduced via e-mail attachments, CD Inappropriate websites ROMs, memory sticks and the Internet. It Users must not access inappropriate or is the user’s responsibility to take care when offensive websites or distribute or obtain opening e-mail attachments especially when similar material through the Internet or they are not expected or they are from e-mail when using Museum equipment, unknown sources. even if they are doing so in their own time. l Users should not install any software that Personal use of the telephone has not been approved or purchased by the Museum. This policy applies to land lines and to Museum mobile telephones. l Users should not download any material, including games and screen savers from the Users are permitted to make occasional/ Internet, CD ROMs or memory sticks reasonable private telephone calls during without clearance from/the approval of your lunch breaks. The following types of line manager. personal calls are never permitted: calls to premium lines, calls to chat lines, overseas l Users should not tell anyone else their calls. password. You should not use another person’s password or workstation without authorisation. You must log out of your terminal when it is not in use. A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited 15
  • 18. Equal opportunity & diversity Policy statement This document sets out Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust’s policy on equality and diversity. The policy in its entirety is available upon request. Equal treatment – promoting inclusivity and valuing diversity is an important part of the Museum’s code of practice. The Museum is committed to the principal of equality of opportunity for all staff, providing an environment where respect is shown to all and where individuals are valued and supported in achieving their potential. The Museum is opposed to any form of unlawful and/or unfair discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or any other relevant factor in any aspect of employment and believes that an inclusive approach benefits all. The Museum embraces the spirit of all equalities legislation, ensures that its policies and procedures meet the requirements and intent of such legislation and is committed to developing policies, procedures and practices which actively promote equality of opportunity and maximising abilities, skills and experience. 16 A Practical Guide to Volunteering at The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited
  • 19. Ironbridge Volunteers Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
  • 20. The IRONBRIDGE GORGE MUSEUM TRUST Limited Coalbrookdale Telford Shropshire TF8 7DQ Tel 01952 435900 Fax 01952 435999 Charity Ref No. 503717-R