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Volume 13 Number 2 • Spring 2010

                                                           The Newsletter for Information Assurance Technology Professionals

Cloud Computing:
                    Silver Lining or
                              Storm Ahead?

                                                              also inside

                                                              Establishing Trust in          Insider Threat Center at    Public/Private Partnership
                                                              Cloud Computing                CERT Grows Solutions from   Becoming a Necessity
                                                                                             Reality-Based Research
                                                              Cloud Computing for the                                    Apples & Oranges: Operating
                                                              Federal Community              Wikis Within the DoD        and Defending the Global
                                                                                                                         Information Grid
                                                              DISA RACE: Certification and   Vulnerability Assessment

                                                              Accreditation for the Cloud    Processes Within DoD        LPS-Public: Secure
   C E L L E NC E

                                               SE R V CE

                                                                                                                         Browsing and an Alternative

                        I NF              IO
                               O R MA T

                                                              Look Before You Leap           Eight Steps to Holistic     to CAC Middleware
                                                                                             Database Security

 About IATAC and the IAnewsletter
 The IAnewsletter is published quar-
 terly by the Information Assurance
 Technology Analysis Center (IATAC).
 IATAC is a Department of Defense
                                                                                           20	      Look Before You
                                                                                                    Leap: Security
                                                                                           Considerations in a
                                                                                                                                 34	      Eight Steps to Holistic
                                                                                                                                          Database Security
                                                                                                                                 Government organizations are

 (DoD) sponsored Information Analysis
 Center, administratively managed by                                                       Web 2.0 World                         finding new ways to secure
 the Defense Technical Information
 Center (DTIC), and Director, Defense                                                      Embracing social media is             their data.
 Research and Engineering (DDR&E).
                                                                                           imperative to success in a new

 Contents of the IAnewsletter are not
 necessarily the official views of or                                                      communications environment, but                Public/Private
 endorsed by the US Government, DoD,
 DTIC, or DDR&E. The mention of            Establishing Trust in Cloud Computing           doing so without adequate planning             Partnership
 commercial products does not imply
 endorsement by DoD or DDR&E.              We can argue that it is not a matter of         can do more harm than good.           Becoming a Necessity
                                           whether cloud computing will become                                                   Combating advanced persistent

 Inquiries about IATAC capabilities,
 products, and services may be
 addressed to—                             ubiquitous—because the economic forces                    Insider Threat Center       threat (APT) in silo efforts is an
 IATAC Director:	 Gene Tyler               are inescapable—but rather what we can                    at CERT Grows               unsustainable strategy.
 Inquiry Services:	 Peggy O’Connor
                                           do to improve our ability to provide cloud      Solutions from Reality-

 If you are interested in contacting an
 author directly, please e-mail us at      computing users with trust in the cloud         Based Research                                 Apples & Oranges:
                                           services and infrastructure.                    Educating organizations on how                 Operating and
 IAnewsletter Staff
                                                                                           to detect and manage insider          Defending the Global

 Art Director:	    Tammy Black
 Copy Editor:	     Kali Wilson
 Designers:	       Michelle Deprenger                        IATAC Spotlight on a          threat is critical.                   Information Grid
 	                 Dustin Hurt
                                                             University                                                          Our language and doctrine needs

 Editorial Board:	 Dr. Ronald Ritchey
 	                 Angela Orebaugh
 	                 Gene Tyler                          Penn State is one of the nation’s            Wikis Within the DoD         to evolve to view cyberspace as
 	                 Kristin Evans	
 	                 Al Arnold	                          ten largest undergraduate                    Reaping the benefits         the contested, warfighting
 IAnewsletter Article Submissions                      engineering schools.                of community-driven information       domain it is.
 To submit your articles, notices,
                                                                                           sharing with wikis.

                                                      10	                                                                        42	
 programs, or ideas for future issues,
 please visit
                                                                Cloud Computing for                                                        LPS-Public: Secure

 IA_newsletter.html and download an
“Article Instructions” packet.
                                                                the Federal Community               IATAC Spotlight                        Browsing and an
 IAnewsletter Address Changes/
 Additions/Deletions                                   A community cloud is the most                on a Conference              Alternative to CAC Middleware
 To change, add, or delete your mailing
 or email address (soft-copy receipt),                 secure way for the federal          This event provided opportunities     Secure Browsing and an
 please contact us at—
                                                       government to realize the           to learn about research as well       Alternative to CAC Middleware:
Attn: Peggy O’Connor                                   potential of cloud computing.       as ongoing developments.              The public edition LPS is a free,
13200 Woodland Park Road
                                                                                                                                 easy to use, install nothing,

                                                      16	                                  30	
Suite 6031
Herndon, VA 20171
                                                                DISA RACE:                          Vulnerability                browsing alternative with
 Phone:	 703/984-0775
 Fax:	   703/984-0773                                           Certification and                   Assessment                   built-in CAC software for
 Email:                                Accreditation for the Cloud         Processes Within DoD                  almost any computer.
                                                       Government organizations are        Standardizing the vulnerability
 Deadlines for Future Issues
 Summer 2010	 May 8, 2010                              taking full advantage of the        assessment processes can help
 Cover design:	    Tammy Black                         potential benefits offered by       avert disaster.
                                                       cloud computing.

                                                                                                                                    in every issue
 design:	          Donald Rowe

 Distribution Statement A:                                                                            Subject Matter Expert
 Approved for public release;
 distribution is unlimited.                                                                           The SME profiled in this      3	    IATAC Chat
                                                                                           article is Dr. Peng Liu, at              36	   Letter to the Editor
                                                                                           Pennsylvania State University.           43	   Products Order Form
                                                                                                                                    44	   Calendar

 2        IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010             •
                                                                                                      Gene Tyler, IATAC Director

I n early February, I had the
  opportunity to attend the Information
Assurance Symposium (IAS) in
                                             importantly, its weaknesses. I believe
                                             they say it best in their statement, “It is
                                             unclear whether the current set of [cloud
                                                                                            this edition of the IAnewsletter also
                                                                                            provide you with various perspectives
                                                                                            on cloud computing so that you feel
Nashville, TN. I always look forward to      computing] services is sufficiently            inspired to enter into the dialogue. I ask
attending this event because it brings       secure and reliable for use in sensitive       you, is cloud computing the silver lining
together folks who truly care about          government environments.” They                 to computing, and should we storm
information assurance (IA). I am always      advocate a cautious approach to                ahead in implementing it across various
excited to converse with colleagues          implementing cloud computing                   organizations? Or might it weaken our
interested in solving tough IA problems      capabilities across the government and,        computer network defenses and result
ahead, and yet again, the IAS did not        in particular, the Department of               in a potential storm of malicious attacks
fail; I enjoyed talking with people about    Defense (DoD). However, these subject          in the future?
some of the newest innovations               matter experts remain optimistic, which             In addition to cloud computing, I
currently changing our field.                is why they are excited about the              invite you to look at the various other
      One topic that seemed to dominate      research and investigation NPS is doing        articles in this edition that highlight the
the conversations I had with various         to identify methods of securing cloud-         following topics, also discussed at IAS:
colleagues and subject matter experts at     based systems.                                 insider threat; Web 2.0 Security; social
IAS was cloud computing, and as this               On the other hand, some                  media and its use in DoD; vulnerability
edition of the IAnewsletter reflects, this   organizations are beginning to                 assessments; defending the Global
topic is getting a lot of well-deserved      successfully implement cloud                   Information Grid; and our industry
attention, for a multitude of different      computing already. Most notably, the           expert contributes a very interesting
reasons. Cloud computing is                  Defense Information Systems Agency             article on public/private partnerships.
revolutionizing how organizations are        (DISA) successfully developed the Rapid        As I always remind our readers, we are
constructing their networks and              Access Computing Environment (RACE),           interested in your perspectives and
systems; it is changing how                  which is a cloud-based system. Not only        welcome your contributions to this
organizations invest in their information has DISA successfully implemented                 publication. We know our readers are
technology infrastructure; and it is         RACE, but, as the authors point out,           the very subject matter experts who are
forcing organizations to reconsider how “certification and accreditation policy             analyzing and experimenting with
they secure critical information—            has been adapted to allow organizations        innovative solutions like cloud
security is critical and at the forefront of to use RACE cloud resources, thereby           computing. Feel free to contact us at
cloud computing                              quickly connecting to the cloud while with your perspective on
      But what, exactly, is cloud            complying with DoD requirements.”              the cloud debate!
computing; and how do you ensure             Munjeet Singh and Troy Giefer remain
information security in the cloud            deeply involved with DISA as it
computing environment? Dr. Bret              implements cloud solutions, and as a                	
Michael and Dr. George Dinolt, of the        result, their article, “DISA RACE:
Naval Postgraduate School (NPS),             Certification and Accreditation for the
address some of these questions in their     Cloud,” provides a different perspective
article, “Establishing Trust in Cloud        on cloud computing and its advantages.
Computing.” They argue that a lot of               As these two articles suggest, there
discovery is necessary before the IA         is a lot of debate over cloud computing,
community can fully understand cloud         the advantages it offers, and the risks it
computing, its benefits, and more            presents. I hope the articles presented in

                                                                           IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •   3

Establishing Trust in
Cloud Computing
by Dr. Bret Michael and Dr. George Dinolt

I  n the aptly titled article, “Cloud
   Assurance Still Missing,” Allan Carey
wrote, “The security problems that
                                                        computing as a vehicle for maintaining
                                                        their competitive edge.
                                                             A recent technical report published
                                                                                                     ff   IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)—
                                                                                                          the cloud provides an infrastructure
                                                                                                          including (virtual) platforms,
organizations face related to cloud                     by the University of California, Berkeley,        networking, etc. on which
computing are the same as those related                 states that there is no commonly agreed           applications can be placed;
to virtualization—but even more so.” [1]                upon definition of cloud computing. [5]      ff   SaaS (Software as a Service)—
He goes on to say, “Information                         Instead, a definition is emerging as the          the cloud provides software
assurance practitioners already have                    various organizations that are                    applications.
most of what is needed to make an                       developing cloud services evolve their
informed set of decisions about cloud                   offerings. In addition, there are many            Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud
computing.” [2] We would argue that the                 shades of cloud computing, each of           (EC2) is an example of these services. [8]
security problems go well beyond the                    which can be mapped into a                   Google also provides enterprise-level
use of virtualization in distributed                    multidimensional space with the              integrated application services such as
systems. In this article, we discuss the                dimensions being characteristics, service    email, appointment calendars, text
need for asking critical questions about                models, and deployment models. [6]           processing and spreadsheets. [9]
the security implications of cloud                           Cloud computing is a metaphor for            The claimed advantages for an
computing. Answers to our questions                     giving Internet users a growing              enterprise are that it does not require an
are not readily apparent, even though                   collection of computer system resources      investment in computer resources,
viewing computing as a utility, similar                 and associated software architectures to     infrastructure, administration, etc.: the
to that of providing water or electricity               provide application services. [7] The        purveyor of the cloud provides these
on a for-fee basis, dates back to at least              applications include processing and          resources. The user or enterprise only
the 1960s. [3]                                          application integration, storage, and        pays for the resources “consumed.” In the
      As we pointed out in a recent                     communications services. Cloud               Department of Defense (DoD), we have
article, [4] what has changed over time                 services are typically available on          seen the introduction of infrastructure
is the advancement of the underlying                    demand and are charged on a usage            services on demand provided by the
technology, including cheap, fast central               basis. Often, what the user sees is an       Defense Information Systems Agency’s
processing units (CPUs), low-cost                       application instead of a particular          Rapid Access Computing Environment
random access memory (RAM),                             computer. The services are commonly          (DISA RACE). [10] Where available, the
inexpensive storage, and the high-                      described as:                                cost of developing and maintaining
bandwidth standardized                                  ff PaaS (Platform as a Service)­ the
                                                                                           —         specialized applications can be shared
communication needed to efficiently                          cloud provides hardware resources,      among the users of that application. In
move data from one point to another.                         typically virtual machines, which       theory, there is an advantage in having
Additionally, considerations, such as the                    can be loaded with the users,           large-scale resources shared among a
economies of scale involved in building                      operating system and software;          large class of users. However, this has yet
very large data centers, nudged                                                                      to be borne out. [11] There are, of course,
organizations to consider cloud                                                                      applications that require a large number
                                                                                                     of resources. Google Search is one such

4    IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •
example. It appears that Google,                        with an appropriate level of security          should be asking to improve the security
Amazon, and others are attempting to                    transparency to alleviate customers’           and privacy clouds afford. However, we
leverage their ability to construct such a              reservations about the security and            can ask fundamental questions like: are
system into other environments.                         privacy afforded by the cloud. [12] How        the current architectures adequate for
     We can argue that it is not a matter               much transparency is enough? How do            building trusted clouds? If not, what
of whether cloud computing will                         we provide for transparency of cloud           types of software system architectures
become ubiquitous but rather what we                    resources (i.e. determining the cloud in       do we need? Consider, for instance, the
can do to improve our ability to provide                which customer data resides)? Is there a       possibility that an organization might
cloud computing users with assurance                    tipping point at which additional levels       opt to fully outsource its computing
that the cloud services and                             of transparency would only serve to            infrastructure and data center to the
infrastructure provide appropriate                      help malefactors compromise services           cloud, retaining only thin clients within
security functionality. Cloud computing                 and datacenters?                               the organization. How do we make the
providers should supply their customers                      In addition, as users and developers      thin client user terminals and the
                                                        find new ways of applying cloud                communications infrastructure secure?
                    Security Policy
                                                        technologies, there will be new
                                                        expectations about security and privacy.       DoD Enterprise Computing
    I&A      Compromise       Integrity                 For instance, Twisted Pair Solutions of        What is our motivation for jumping feet
                                           of Service
                                                        Seattle proposes to provide cloud              first into asking hard questions about
                                                        computing resources for state and local        cloud computing? The growing
                                      Informal Map      agencies to link up disparate public           importance of cloud computing makes it
                                                        safety radio systems (e.g., police, fire, or   increasingly imperative that security,
                                                        ambulances)—a novel but difficult-to-          privacy, reliability, and safety
             Integration & Middleware
                                                        predict usage of cloud computing, but          communities grapple with the meaning
                                                        also a usage that makes the cloud part of      of trust in the cloud and how the
                       Formal (Mathematical) Map        mission- and safety-critical systems. [13]     customer, provider, and society in
                  (Proof that Spec Satisfies Model)     The expectations for security, privacy,
 about Policy                                                                                          general gain that trust. Consider the
                                                        reliability, and quality of service and so     initiative of the DoD Enterprise Services
           Top Level System Specification               on will be different in some respects for      & Integration Directorate to make the
                                                        Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) radio      DoD Storefront Project a reality. The
                                 Semi Formal Map        systems than for the cloud’s social            Storefront consists of a cloud-based set
                           (System Satisfies Spec)      networking aspects. This raises the            of core and specialized applications that
                                                        question: how do we manage risk when           users can discover through an
                                                        we do not fully understand what we are         application marketplace and which
          Top Level System Implementation
                                                        trying to protect or guard against?            share an identity management
                                                             The fluid nature of cloud computing       framework. How will DoD provide
Figure 1 Process for Integrating Security               makes it a moving target, even when            security for the Storefront? It is more
Into the Cloud                                          trying to determine the questions we           than a matter of having an identity

                                                                                      IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •   5
management framework. The obvious                      maintained within the cloud. Several          enterprise providing single sign-on; the
security concerns include data integrity,              vendors have formed the Cloud Security        enterprise user need only log onto their
data availability, protection of                       Alliance (CSA). [14] In the report titled     home system. Once logged on, the
personally identifiable information, data              Security Guidance for Critical Areas of       enterprise user can automatically access
protection, data destruction, and                      Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1, CSA            the users’ files and services on Google
communications security.                               provides its take on some of the security     without an additional login. Although
      Moving beyond the Storefront                     issues related to cloud computing. [15]       convenient, this functionality increases
concept, as the federal government                          In the report, security properties       the security exposure to not only the
migrates its data and applications to the              are described as essentially the same set     weakness of the enterprise system, but
cloud, issues regarding cross-domain                   of properties that a user expects to see      also to the weakness of Google’s
resource sharing will arise within the                 with a self-hosted system. These include      infrastructure. If, for example, Google’s
cloud. For instance, how will DoD link                 the usual:                                    infrastructure has a security flaw, then it
its clouds to those of other agencies?                 ff Identification/Authentication              may be possible for someone in one
Will a DoD user, authenticated to enter                ff Privacy                                    enterprise to access accounts from
the DoD cloudsphere, be trusted to                     ff Integrity                                  another enterprise. On the other hand,
access services owned by the                           ff Provision of Service.                      security flaws in the enterprise system
Department of Homeland Security                                                                      may lead to weaknesses in the access
(DHS)? Is there a need for a federal-wide                   They view assurance as an audit of       controls of the information managed by
cloud infrastructure and common set of                 the function’s implementation, that is,       Google Apps. Additionally, connected
security services? How will data be                    the cloud systems’ administrators and         applications may provide unintended
shared among the various different                     implementers have used ‘best practices’.      connections among users, as was
types of cloud?                                        Other than the notion that encryption is      demonstrated with the introduction of
                                                       used to protect the data, there is little     Google Buzz. [17]
Information Assurance                                  information that defines ‘best practices.’         When each enterprise maintains its
At the Naval Postgraduate School, a                    There is, however, some form of key           own infrastructure, a failure in one
major thrust of our research on cloud                  management included that provides             enterprise may cause failures across the
computing is to investigate the security               potentially strong identification/            cloud. Unless an enterprise uses a single
policies, models, and appropriate                      authentication, as well as some form of       cloud from a single vendor, integrating
architectures to provide security for                  data integrity/recovery facility. The         the various applications,
entities/users of cloud computing                      security architecture proposed is             infrastructures, and policies among
resources. Although cloud computing                    essentially a layered operating system        many different clouds and cloud vendors
may appear to provide reasonably well                  application. It consists of a network layer   will be a significant challenge. In fact, it
understood operating system and                        interposed between application                will be a challenge to ensure that the
application resources, cloud resources                 programming interfaces (APIs) and the         different policies do not contradict and
are distributed in space, time, and scale              underlying operating system                   potentially permit access that should
in ways that were never envisioned in                  infrastructures. ‘Trusted computing’ is       not be allowed at the system level.
the operating-system world. The current                only mentioned at the hardware/                    Ultimately, the proof is in the
architectural approaches, especially                   operating system level. Additionally, the     pudding. Will the cloud vendors be
those concerning security, may not scale               CSA paper enumerates several security         willing to stand behind the security of
to the much larger cloud computing                     issues that should be addressed by the        their systems? In the case of Amazon’s
approaches. In addition, the approaches                cloud-style service provider, but does        EC2 and Simple Storage Services (S3)
for assuring operating system security                 not provide any insight on security           services, Amazon suggests that their
functionality are not necessarily                      policies/models, interfaces or                EC2 and S3 infrastructure not be used
appropriate. It is unclear whether the                 potential solutions.                          for systems that must satisfy the
current set of services is sufficiently                     To provide an example of some of         Payment Card Industry Security
secure and reliable for use in sensitive               the potential issues, Google supports         Standards [18], although it has
government environments. Current                       “Google Apps.” [16] Google Apps applies       published a paper on how Amazon Web
security claims are somewhat limited.                  the usual discretionary access controls       Services can be used in a Health
     One of the fundamental problems                   to the resources it provides – files,         Insurance Portability and Accountability
with adopting cloud computing is                       calendars, address lists, etc. To make life   Act (HIPAA) compliant environment. [19]
providing not only security resources                  easier, Google provides tools that                 In the HIPAA paper, Amazon
but also assurances that those resources               integrate their identification and            essentially places almost all the
are correctly implemented and                          authentication systems into the               requirements on the “user/enterprise”

6   IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •
to encrypt all the data stored and to         lead to new architectures with better          platform(s). The enterprise loads
manage its keys. Amazon provides              defined, more assured security.                operating systems, applications, etc.,
services to log safely into its systems             Over the past 30-plus years in the       onto the platform(s) and manages all
and provide some data recovery                operating system security world, a lot of      the interfaces and resources provided.
and integrity.                                work has been done to provide highly           The example below assumes that
      In the realm of reliability, prior to   assured components with trustworthy            multiple platforms will be used.
the breakup, AT&T was required to build       systems. Unfortunately, the commercial              The security policy visible to the
systems that had an up-time reliability       world has ignored a lot of this work.          user includes:
of “five nines” (about 5.2 min/yr             Recent efforts have focused on the use of      ff Identification—A set of platform
downtime). Part of the reason for this        separation kernels. For example, Green              names issued by the provider
was to ensure services in case of             Hills has recently received a National              (unique to the enterprise)
national emergency. Current cloud             Information Assurance Partnership              ff Authentication—A secure channel
based systems are advertised as               (NIAP) certificate for its Integrity 178B           that can be used to load the
providing “three nines” (almost 9 hrs/yr      Separation Kernel. [21] Separation                  operating system(s) onto the
downtime). [20]                               kernels provide a minimal set of                    platforms—the provider is trusted
                                              operating system services on which                  to ensure that the only
Determining Where Trust                       other trusted services and applications             communication with the platforms
Should be Placed                              could be built. These may be thought of             is from or to the enterprise
Clearly, there are many challenging           as slightly more functional than a             ff Integrity—The provider should
security issues related to cloud              Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM),                      guarantee that the resources are
computing. In our research, we are            although Green Hills and others are                 “empty” on first use and that none
working on a formal, structured,              looking to implement high assurance                 of the platform resources are
possibly mathematical approach that           VMMs using their technology.                        modifiable by any party other than
will give users and cloud-developers                Our approach to the problem                   the enterprise. This includes any
deeper insight into what should be done,      involves separation of ‘virtual’                    management functions; it is up to
how it might be achieved, and where the       resources. This approach constructs an              the enterprise to ensure that any
trust should be placed. This research         infrastructure that establishes (or                 network interfaces are
includes the investigation of                 reconstructs where appropriate)                     appropriately protected
implementation structures and                 resources, identifies and authenticates        ff Privacy—The provider should
assurance provisions for “security” in        users, and then controls access to the              guarantee that there is no third
cloud-based systems. To do this, we will      resources. Our focus is to provide a                party access to the platform
attempt to provide security                   model and a security architecture that              processor, memory, and/or disk files
architectures and models that satisfy         provides the infrastructure that will          ff Provision of Service—The provider
the following:                                accomplish these goals.                             should provide access to the
ff They are aware of the amorphous                                                                resources on demand, per any
     nature and scale of the cloud            An Example                                          service level agreements between
     computing paradigm                       For instance, consider PaaS. An                     the enterprise and the provider.
ff They include mathematical models           enterprise might wish to run its own
     of the security properties that can      applications. These applications may               There at least two models of this
     be used to help analyze those            only run on an intermittent basis and/or       kind of service:
     properties                               require a large number of resources.           1.	 Resources are provided on an ad
ff They provide the underpinnings on          One way to achieve this is to use a                hoc, intermittent basis. In this
     which applications/enterprise/user       cloud PaaS.                                        version, there is no connection
     level security policies/properties            We use the term ‘enterprise’ to               between consecutive uses of the
     can be implemented                       describe the organization requiring the            resources. The enterprise uses the
ff They provide the foundations on            platform and ‘provider’ for the                    resources once. During subsequent
     which the implementation                 organization providing the cloud                   uses, the enterprise assumes that
     assurances can be ascertained.           platform resources. The PaaS provider              all the previous data does not exist
                                              would provide ‘platforms,’ either ‘real’ as        or has been erased by the provider.
    Our hope is that the results of the       part of a virtual environment (a means             The only connection between the
research will provide a framework that        for downloading an operating system                two usages is that the enterprise
can be at least partially applied to the      and for managing the platforms), or as a           uses the “same identifiers” to access
current cloud architectures and may           possible network interface(s) on the               new instances of the resources.

                                                                            IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •   7
There is no guarantee that the same                     The security properties then                     secure systems architectures and secure-
      physical resources will be used for                become statements about the resources                 systems design.
      each run of the platform(s).                       and platforms. For example:
2.	   The enterprise ‘turns off’ the plat-                    No pair of allocations shares                    References
      form, but in subsequent use after                  any common VPlatforms or                              1.	    IAnewsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, winter 2010, p. 34.
      turning it back on, finds the plat-                VPlatformResources.                                   2.	    Ibid.
      form resources in the same state                        As depicted in Figure 1, the security            3.	    M. Campbell-Kelly. “The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection
      they were in after being turned off.               properties can be modeled on a                               of Software as a Service: A Look at the Volatile
      As expected, the enterprise might                  collection of the statements above. Each                     History of Remote Computing and Online Software,”
      pay more for this service. In this                 of the statements should map back to                         Communications of the ACM, vol. 52, no. 5, pp.
      case, the provider must protect the                some aspect of the system’s user-visible                     28–30, May 2009.
      information in the resources                       security property. We could use our                   4.	    B. Michael. “In Clouds Shall We Trust,” IEEE
      between runs from both modifica-                   statements about the relationships of the                    Security & Privacy, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 3, September/
      tion and access by third parties.                  entities (sets) we describe to prove                         October 2009.
      There is no guarantee that the same                additional properties of the system.                  5.	    M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A. D. Joseph, R.
      physical resources will be used in                      Following the security model’s                          H. Katz, A. Konwinski, G. Lee, D. A. Patterson,
      each run of the platform.                          construction, a high-level execution                         A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, and M. Zaharia. “Above the
                                                         model should be constructed and                              Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing,”
     Note that in both cases, the                        validated mathematically to determine                        EECS Department University of California, Berkeley.
provider provides access to platforms                    that it satisfies our security model.                        Technical Report UCB/EECS-2009-28, 10 February
and associated data. The platforms are                   Next, it is necessary to map our high-                       2009,
available to others when the enterprise                  level model to varied cloud aspect                           TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28.html.
is not using them. Any provider                          implementations as documented by                      6.	    P. Mell and T. Grance, “The NIST Definition of Cloud
configuration data about the platforms                   the vendors.                                                 Computing,” Version 15, 7 October 2009, http://
must be protected from modification                                                                         
and, in the second case above, any                       Conclusion                                                   def-v15.doc.
enterprise information that will be                      Cloud security is an ill-defined, little-             7.
reused must also be protected.                           understood area of distributed                        8.
     Informally, a portion of the model                  computing. However, we believe that                   9.
might then take the form of:                             progress can be made to provide a level               10.
ff VPlatform—The set of names of                         of assurance that accommodates the                    11.	   H. G. Miller and J. Veiga. “Cloud Computing: Will
     virtual platforms that will be                      resources needed to support DoD and                          Commodity Services Benefit Users Long Term? IEEE
     provided to enterprises                             the federal government’s information                         ITPro, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 67-69, November/
ff VPlatformType—Whether the                             processing requirements. n                                   December 2009.
     VPlatform resources are persistent                                                                        12.
     (type 2 above) or not                                                                                     13.
                                                          About the Authors
ff VPlatformResource—The set                                                                                          computing-moving-into-public-safety-realm.aspx.
     of resources associated with                                                                              14.
                                                         Dr. Bret Michael | is a Professor of Computer
     a VPlatform                                                                                               15.
                                                         Science and Electrical Engineering at the Naval
ff Enterprise—The set of enterprises                                                                           16.
                                                         Postgraduate School. He conducts research on the
     that use VPlatforms                                                                                       17.
                                                         reliability, safety, and security of distributed
ff Allocation—An association                                                                                          internet/15google.html.
                                                         systems. He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE
     of an Enterprise with a                                                                                   18.
                                                         Security & Privacy magazine and a member of the
     Platform, VPlatformType and                                                                                      pci-compliance-with-amazon-ec2s3
                                                         IATAC Steering Committee.
     VPlatformResources. The same                                                                              19.
     Enterprise may have multiple                                                                                     Whitepaper_Final.pdf.
                                                         Dr. George Dinolt | is a Professor of Practice
     VPlatforms, and VPlatformResources                                                                        20.
                                                         in Cyber Operations at the Naval Postgraduate
     associated with it                                                                                               infrastructure_security.html.
                                                         School. His research interests are primarily in the
ff PlatformCloud—A sequence of sets                                                                            21.
                                                         high assurance portions of Computer Security. His
     of Allocations.                                                                                                  maint200
                                                         research covers formal methods and the
                                                         connections between them and security policies,

8     IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •

Pennsylvania State University
by Angela Orebaugh

I n 1855, Pennsylvania State University
  (Penn State) was originally founded
on 200 acres in Centre County,
                                            and problems associated with assuring
                                            information confidentiality, integrity
                                            (e.g., social, economic, technology-
                                                                                           ff    The Center for Information
                                                                                                 Assurance plans, coordinates, and
                                                                                                 promotes IA research, education,
Pennsylvania, as an agricultural school     related, and policy issues), as well as the          and outreach. The faculty
that applied scientific principles to       strengths and weaknesses of various                  coordinators for the center include
farming. Engineering Studies were           methods for assessing and mitigating                 Dr. Chao-Hsien Chu and Dr. Peng
introduced in 1882, making Penn State       associated risk. The major provides                  Liu. The center’s missions are:
one of the nation’s ten largest             grounding in the analysis and modeling               •• Conduct broad-based research
undergraduate engineering schools.          efforts used in information search,                      on various aspects (theoretical
Today, Penn State has grown into a large,   visualization, and creative problem                      and applied; technical and
geographically dispersed, major             solving. This knowledge is                               managerial; wired and
research institution. Nineteen              supplemented through an examination                      wireless, etc.) of information
campuses, 15 colleges, and one online       of the legal, ethical, and regulatory                    and cyber security
World Campus currently comprise Penn        issues related to security that includes             •• Educate and train information
State. In Fall 2009, Penn State served      analyzing privacy laws, internal control,                security professionals through
over 80,000 undergraduates and over         regulatory policies, as well as basic                    degree and continuing
13,000 graduate students, with half of      investigative processes and principles.                  education programs, and to
the student population enrolled at the      Such understanding is applied to venues                  insure that information security
main campus in University Park.             that include transnational terrorism,                    awareness is instilled in all Penn
     The National Security Agency (NSA)     cyber crimes, financial fraud, risk                      State students
and the Department of Homeland              mitigation, and security and crisis                  •• Provide assistance and technical
Security (DHS) have designated Penn         management. It also includes overviews                   support to industry, non-profit
State as a National Center of Academic      of the information technology that plays                 organizations, government, and
Excellence in Information Assurance         a critical role in identifying, preventing,              individuals in the information
Education (CAE/IA) since 2003 and           and responding to security-related events.               and cyber security area. [1]
National Center of Academic Excellence             IST also offers a graduate degree in
in Information Assurance Research           Security Informatics, which seeks to           ff    The Networking and Security
(CAE-R) for 2008-2013.                      improve the cyber security of                        Research Center (NSRC) was
     The College of Information Sciences    individuals and organizations by                     established in 2003 to provide a
and Technology (IST) offers a bachelor’s    creating innovative solutions for                    research and education community
degree in Security and Risk Analysis        detecting and removing cyber threats,                for professors, students, and
(SRA). This degree program is intended      recovering from cyber attacks,                       industry collaborators interested in
to familiarize students with the general    protecting privacy, enhancing trust, and             networking and security. It also
frameworks and multidisciplinary            mitigating risks.                                    provides a unique avenue for
theories that define the area of security          Penn State includes a number of               interaction with industry; the
and related risk analyses. Courses in the   research centers focused in cyber and
major engage students in the challenges     information security:                                                     ww continued on page 15

                                                                          IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •   9
Cloud Computing for the
Federal Community
by Hannah Wald

T    he question is not whether, but when,
     the U.S. federal government will
embrace cloud computing. The current
                                                        “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient,
administration—in particular its Chief                  on-demand network access to a shared pool of
Information Officer, Vivek Kundra—is
very enthusiastic about this                            configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
technology’s potential. Some federal
agencies are already moving into the                    servers, storage, applications, and services) that can
cloud: the Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA) is pilot testing a cloud [1];             be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has announced                     management effort or service provider interaction.”
plans to develop a cloud that can be
used both internally and for
                                                       they survey the landscape and take an       documents (i.e., the NIST 800 series).
collaboration with external research
                                                       inventory of best practices. They are       Alternatively, individual cabinet-level
partners; [2] the Department of the
                                                       concerned about the risks inherent in       agencies could provide clouds for their
Interior (DOI) has an Infrastructure as a
                                                       cloud computing but do not want to         “community” of internal divisions, which
Service (IaaS) offering called the
                                                       restrict innovation. Pro-cloud civil        could serve agencies’ individual
National Business Center Grid
                                                       servants believe cloud computing can        compliance needs more easily than a
(NBCGrid), with other offerings set to
                                                       make federal Information Technology         generalized multi-agency cloud. [5]
roll out in the near future; [3] and the
                                                       (IT) and services cheaper, easier, and      DISA’s Rapid Access Computing
General Services Administration (GSA)
                                                       more secure—and it can—provided             Environment sets a precedent for this
offers access to various externally
                                                       the cloud is implemented and                model: it is intended to serve the entire
provided cloud applications through its
                                                       managed properly.                           Department of Defense, which has its
portal site, [4]
                                                              For many federal agencies, a         own set of security standards in
      The federal government is not
                                                       community cloud would be the best           addition to those mandated for civilian
seriously considering cloud computing
                                                       service model to use (regardless of the     agencies. [6] A third possibility is a
simply because of its hype. Agencies are
                                                       exact type of service being provided).     “federated” hybrid of agency-specific
finding it increasingly costly and
                                                       The GSA, or another provider who is         community clouds and a government-
difficult to procure, set up, maintain,
                                                       familiar with federal IT needs, could       wide community cloud, all with certain
and secure traditional computing
                                                       stand up a multi-agency cloud that          common standards (i.e., minimal
architectures. This may explain why
                                                       facilitates and enforces compliance with    security baseline, universal protocols)
bodies such as the National Institute of
                                                       government-wide security standards          but otherwise tailored to specific purposes.
Standards and Technology (NIST) and
                                                       such as those outlined in regulations            Understanding the merits of a
the Government Accountability Office
                                                       (i.e., Federal Information Security         community cloud requires
are holding off on setting rules and
                                                       Management Act [FISMA]) or guidance         understanding fundamental cloud
standards for cloud computing while

10   IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •
computing concepts, starting with the               customer generally has no control         using a software offering from one
definition of “cloud computing”                     over or knowledge of the provided         provider and an infrastructure offering
provided by NIST:                                   resources’ exact location but may         from another. Commoditization of
     “Cloud computing is a model for                be able to specify location at a          bandwidth allows clients to easily
enabling convenient, on-demand                      higher level of abstraction               leverage distantly located resources—
network access to a shared pool of                  (e.g., country, state, or data center).   something that was difficult only a few
configurable computing resources                    Examples of resources include             years ago—and pay for use of those
(e.g., networks, servers, storage,                  storage, processing, memory,              resources as if they were gas or
applications, and services) that can be             network bandwidth, and                    electricity. Finally, cloud providers are
rapidly provisioned and released with               virtual machines.                         particularly innovative in the services
minimal management effort or service           ff   Rapid elasticity—Capabilities can         they offer and are developing new
provider interaction.” [7]                          be rapidly and elastically                services all the time. [9] Cloud allows
       NIST also lists five essential               provisioned, in some cases                users to leverage IT solutions with an
characteristics of cloud computing:                 automatically, to quickly scale out       unprecedented level of granularity.
ff On-demand self-service—A                         and rapidly released to quickly                An organization can pay an outside
      consumer can unilaterally                     scale in. To the consumer, the            cloud provider for data, applications,
       provision computing capabilities,            capabilities available for                operating platforms, raw digital storage,
       such as server time and network              provisioning often appear                 and/or processing resources: Data as a
       storage, as needed automatically             unlimited and can be purchased in         Service (DaaS), Software as a Service
       without requiring human                      any quantity at any time.                 (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
       interaction with each service’s         ff   Measured service—Cloud systems            Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
       provider.                                    automatically control and optimize        respectively. [10] A data-mining
ff Broad network access—                            resource use by leveraging a              company providing its customers with
       Capabilities are available over the          metering capability appropriate to        on-demand access to its records of
       network and accessed through                 the type of service (e.g., storage,       individual purchase histories is an
       standard mechanisms that promote             processing, bandwidth, and active         example of DaaS; Google Apps are SaaS;
       use by client platforms (e.g., mobile        user accounts). The provider and          a firm offering application development
       phones, laptops, and PDAs).                  consumer can monitor, control, and        environments to startups is selling PaaS;
ff Resource pooling—The provider’s                  report resource usage, thus               and a company offering access to raw
      computing resources are pooled to             providing transparency of the             computing resources is selling IaaS.
       serve multiple consumers using a             utilized service. [8]                          The split of assurance
       multi-tenant model, with different                                                     responsibilities between the provider
       physical and virtual resources               Industry expert Dave Linthicum,           and client varies depending on the
      dynamically assigned and                 notes that cloud computing is similar to       service. With DaaS and SaaS, the
       reassigned according to consumer        time-sharing on mainframes, but with           provider has control over almost
      demand. A sense of location              some added features. For example, cloud        everything. With PaaS, the client is
       independence exists because the         clients can “mix and match” solutions          responsible for application security, and

                                                                             IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010   •   11
Software as a Service (SaaS)                                  incentives and goals, which is not
                                                                                                        necessarily the case in cloud computing.
                       Presentation Modality                        Presentation Platform               In a public cloud, the relationship
                                                                                                        between clients and providers is largely
                                                                                                        transactional, and the clients do not
                                                       APIs                                             know each other. The parties involved
                                                                                                        have little basis for trust and may in fact
                                                                                                        distrust one another to a certain extent.
                                                                                                              Trust, or lack thereof, is a factor in all
                                                                                                        five of the fundamental cloud security
                                                                                                        challenges. These challenges all involve
                        Data                         Metadata                    Content
                                                                                                        uncertainties about the provider’s
                                                                                                        standard of care and how the provider
                                          Platform as a Service (PaaS)
                                                                                                        will treat the client (and the client’s data)
                                                                                                        in the event of a problem. [12]
                                          Integration & Middleware
                                                                                                        ff Data protection
                                                                                                              •• Where do data physically reside,
                                        Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)                                        and does the data’s location
                                                                                                                  have legal ramifications?
                                                       APIs                                                   •• Are data safely protected
                                                                                                                  (i.e., by encryption) while
                                                                                                                  stationary or in motion within
                                        Core Connectivity & Delivery
                                                                                                                  and across the cloud?
                                                                                                              •• How is availability of data
                                                                                                                  assured in the cloud?
                                                                                                              •• Does the provider take measures
                                                                                                                  to ensure that deleted data is
                                                     Hardware                                                     not recoverable?
                                                                                                        ff Security control
                                                                                                              •• What security controls does the
                                                     Facilities                                                   cloud provider need to
                                                                                                                  implement, and how?
                                                                                                              •• How are assurance levels
                                                                                                                  effectively and efficiently
                                                                                                                  managed in the cloud?
                                                                                                        ff Compliance
Figure 1 Provider Assurance Responsibility in Different Types of Service [11]
                                                                                                              •• Is the cloud complying with all
                                                                                                                  the necessary guidance?
everything else is left to the provider.                    also has certain security advantages. For         •• Can the provider substantiate
With IaaS, the client is responsible for                    example, a desktop computer almost                    claims that security controls are
everything but physical and (some                           never complies with an organization’s                 implemented sufficiently?
aspects of) network security. Regardless                    security policy “out of the box,” but a     ff Multi-tenancy
of the service and inherent allocation of                   cloud can be configured so every new              •• Are my assets vulnerable if
responsibility, cloud clients ultimately                    virtual machine created therein is                    another client is exploited by
leave the fate of their information assets                  compliant. Monitoring certain activities              an attack?
in the provider’s hands (see Figure 1).                     and rolling out updates across a cloud is         •• How does the cloud provider
     The service provider is responsible                    relatively easy—unlike doing so across a              keep different clients’ data
for maintaining, upgrading, and securing                    collection of distinct physical machines.             separated and inaccessible from
the hardware and software (where                                 However, cloud computing presents                other clients?
applicable) on which the service runs.                      a variety of information assurance (IA)           •• If a forensic/electronic discovery
Ideally, this setup allows users to stop                    challenges. One salient feature of the                procedure is conducted on one
worrying about the security of their                        time-sharing model was trust. The users               client’s data, how will the
information assets by leaving them in                       and owners of the old mainframes were
more competent hands. Cloud computing                       part of a community with common

12    IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010      •
provider protect the                                                                       may not want to answer questions about                   ignores other kinds of costs. What will it
         confidentiality of other                                                                   its security practices. Cloud SLAs also                  cost an agency if moving to the cloud
         clients’ data?                                                                             generally absolve the provider of liability              compromises its ability to protect
ff Security governance                                                                              in the event of a security breach. (This is              sensitive data or meet mission
     •• Who owns/accesses/deletes/                                                                  not the case with private and                            requirements? Agencies need to consider
         replicates data in the cloud?                                                              community clouds: more on this later.)                   these kinds of costs as they evaluate
     •• How can the client ensure                                                                         If the transition of federal                       their information assets for “cloud
         policy enforcement?                                                                        information assets into the Cloud                        readiness” on a case-by-case basis. [14]
     •• How can the client measure                                                                  Computing Environment (CCE) is                           Once an agency has decided which
         and track service/network                                                                  inevitable, then how can the federal                     assets it can safely transition to the
         performance?                                                                               government effectively mitigate the risks                cloud, it needs to choose the service
     Figure 2 illustrates the layers of the                                                         inherent in the cloud? First, government                 model—or relationship between cloud
cloud and associated layers of security.                                                            organizations must decide whether to                     client and provider—that best fits its
     Exacerbating these problems is the                                                             move certain assets to the cloud at all.                 requirements. The four cloud service
fact that contracts with public cloud                                                               On the face of it, spending $10 a day for                models—public, private, community,
providers almost always take the form of                                                            cloud infrastructure seems less costly                   and hybrid—have different sets of costs
non-negotiable service-level agreements                                                             than spending $100 on in-house                           and benefits (see Figure 3).
(SLA) that severely limit, at best, the                                                             infrastructure (not to mention capital                        The public cloud service model is
client’s ability to see, audit, or control                                                          expenditure; it is less costly to start up a             probably what many people would
back-end operations in the cloud. A                                                                 virtual server in a cloud than to set up a               consider the archetypal model of cloud
client’s ability to do so would create                                                              physical one). However, thinking only in                 computing. In the public cloud model, a
more difficulties than most providers                                                               terms of $10 versus $100 for regular                     provider sells cloud services to multiple
are willing to deal with. The provider                                                              maintenance is dangerous because it                      unrelated clients, or tenants. They leave

                                                   Policy & Procedures                                                               Goal: Trusted Environment, Well-Served &
                                                                                                                                         Satisfied Users, Agency Success

                                                      Presentation                  Presentation
                                                                                                                            Information         Data Encryption, database security
                                                        Modality                      Platform

                                                                         APIs                                                                   Applications/Service access control,
                                                                                                                                                static code analysis, WAFs

 Governance, Controls, Stakeholder Satisfaction…

                                                                                                                                                Policy enforcement, rerouting and throttling of services,
                                                                                                                                                validated identity claims, authentication and authorization,
                                                      Data            Metadata            Content                          Management
                                                                                                                                                security event monitoring, alerting and notification,
                                                                                                                                                contextual dashboard, independent key management

                                                             Integration & Middleware

                                                                                                                                                Firewalls, NIDS, Zone base segmentation, dedicated
                                                                         APIs                                                Network
                                                                                                                                                MPLS/VPN network connections

                                                                                                                                                Secure hypervisor for segmentation,
                                                                Core Connectivity & Delivery                            Trusted Computing
                                                                                                                                                message verification, trusted APIs

                                                                                                                                                Massive scale, contractual constraints on storage locations,
                                                                                                                       Compute & Storage
                                                                                                                                                controlled and secured server images, encryption

                                                                      Facilities                                             Physical           Infrastructure security, physical inventory

                                                                                                                      *Derived from CSA “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing

                                                                Technology & Tools

                                         Figure 2 Layers of Cloud Computing Environment (CCE) Security [13]

                                                                                                                                      IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010             •   13
back-end maintenance and operations                           most of the economic benefits of              of the public cloud because it eliminates
to the cloud provider. This arrangement                       outsourced cloud service. For                 a considerable amount of redundant
is very cost-effective and, in theory, lets                   organizations with less sensitive assets,     effort and cost. Members of the client
clients rest easy knowing the security of                     putting everything in a private cloud         community can pay the provider for
their information assets is in good                           may create unnecessary costs,                 only what they use, or for the utility and
hands. However, the fundamental cloud                         inefficiencies, and redundancy. Also, if      subscription cost. The latter would still
security challenges mentioned earlier                         an organization has difficulty securing       likely total less than what the client
are most problematic in this model.                           its information assets in a traditional       would have paid to operate its own
      If a federal agency were to entrust                     setup, it is unlikely that transitioning to   individual data centers.
its information assets to a cloud                             a private cloud will solve its problems.             The last type of service model is a
provider under the terms of a standard                        Such an organization would benefit            hybrid cloud, which combines two or
cloud SLA, the agency would have                              from having a trusted service provider        more of the service models described
difficulty demonstrating compliance                           perform these functions.                      above. An organization could, for
with IA standards mandated by                                       A community cloud is somewhere          example, keep sensitive proprietary data
regulations, such as the FISMA. Most                          on the continuum between the public           in its own private cloud and collaborate
public cloud providers would have to                          and private service models, and it enjoys     on projects with industry partners in a
significantly retool their operations to                      some of the benefits of both. Like a          community cloud. For users belonging
help federal agencies meet their IA                           public cloud, community clouds serve          to the organization, these two clouds
obligations. Some providers are                               multiple tenants. The difference is that      would, in effect, be seamlessly
attempting to do so (Amazon’s “virtual                        the tenants are not strangers but related     integrated through a single sign-on
private cloud” is an example [16]), but,                      entities that share common                    system. The problem with hybrid clouds
for the time being, public clouds are                         characteristics and needs. An individual      is that they share vulnerabilities in the
inappropriate for anything but the least                      client community member, multiple             system’s least secure areas and present
critical, most low-risk federal                               members working cooperatively, or a           new vulnerabilities. For instance, if it is
information assets.                                           dedicated provider can operate                easy for a user to switch between clouds
      A private cloud can be operated by                      community clouds. Unlike public clouds,       on his or her desktop computer, it is also
the same organization that uses it, or a                      community clouds are built and                easy for that user to make a mistake and
dedicated provider can operate the                            operated on the clients’ terms: they can      expose sensitive data. In addition,
cloud on the organization’s behalf. A                         be constructed to facilitate compliance       integrated clouds mean integrated complex
private cloud, when managed properly,                         with standards that all clients use. Of all   systems, which by definition are rife
is the most secure type of cloud service                      the cloud models, the community cloud         with potential security vulnerabilities.
model because it is directly controlled                       is most similar to time-sharing in terms            Returning to the central point of
by its client. Private clouds also make                       of the level of trust between all             this article, a federal community cloud
more efficient use of physical IT assets                      stakeholders. This type of cloud also         can provide a guaranteed IA baseline for
than traditional data centers, but lack                       offers many of the economic advantages        its clients, whether they are
                                                                                                            departments within an agency or
                                                                                                            multiple agencies. It can reduce the cost
                                                                  Compliance/regulatory laws mandate        of providing effective security and
                                                                       on-site ownership of data

                                                                                                            eliminate significant redundancy. It can
                                                                           Security and privacy             also be fully accountable to its clients
                                                                                                            and their oversight bodies (i.e., Office of
                      Reduce costs                                   Latency & bandwidth guarantees
                                                                                                            Management and Budget, Congress).
                                                                          Absence of robust SLAs            The clients and their oversight bodies
           Resource sharing is more efficient
                                                                                                            can have a reasonable level of visibility
          Management moves to cloud provider                       Uncertainty around interoperability,     into, and control over, cloud operations.
                                                                          portability & lock in
                                                                                                            All primary stakeholders could work
               Consumption based on cost
                                                                          Availability & reliability        together to set policy and address
           Faster time to roll out new services                                                             problems. Last but not least, federal

             Dynamic resource availability                             Inhibitors                           community clouds can be used to
                                                                                                            facilitate intra- and inter-agency
                 for crunch periods
                                                                                                            cooperation within the framework of
                                                                                                            the Federal Enterprise Architecture.
                                                                                                                  Setting up a community cloud and
Figure 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing From a Federal Perspective [15]                    governance structure that will

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Vol13 no2

  • 1. Volume 13 Number 2 • Spring 2010 13/2 The Newsletter for Information Assurance Technology Professionals Cloud Computing: Silver Lining or Storm Ahead? also inside Establishing Trust in Insider Threat Center at Public/Private Partnership Cloud Computing CERT Grows Solutions from Becoming a Necessity Reality-Based Research Cloud Computing for the Apples & Oranges: Operating Federal Community Wikis Within the DoD and Defending the Global Information Grid DISA RACE: Certification and Vulnerability Assessment EX Accreditation for the Cloud Processes Within DoD LPS-Public: Secure C E L L E NC E SE R V CE N Browsing and an Alternative N I NF IO O R MA T Look Before You Leap Eight Steps to Holistic to CAC Middleware Database Security
  • 2. contents feature About IATAC and the IAnewsletter The IAnewsletter is published quar- terly by the Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center (IATAC). IATAC is a Department of Defense 20 Look Before You Leap: Security Considerations in a 34 Eight Steps to Holistic Database Security Government organizations are 4 (DoD) sponsored Information Analysis Center, administratively managed by Web 2.0 World finding new ways to secure the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), and Director, Defense Embracing social media is their data. Research and Engineering (DDR&E). imperative to success in a new 37 Contents of the IAnewsletter are not necessarily the official views of or communications environment, but Public/Private endorsed by the US Government, DoD, DTIC, or DDR&E. The mention of Establishing Trust in Cloud Computing doing so without adequate planning Partnership commercial products does not imply endorsement by DoD or DDR&E. We can argue that it is not a matter of can do more harm than good. Becoming a Necessity whether cloud computing will become Combating advanced persistent 25 Inquiries about IATAC capabilities, products, and services may be addressed to— ubiquitous—because the economic forces Insider Threat Center threat (APT) in silo efforts is an IATAC Director: Gene Tyler are inescapable—but rather what we can at CERT Grows unsustainable strategy. Inquiry Services: Peggy O’Connor do to improve our ability to provide cloud Solutions from Reality- 38 If you are interested in contacting an author directly, please e-mail us at computing users with trust in the cloud Based Research Apples & Oranges: services and infrastructure. Educating organizations on how Operating and IAnewsletter Staff to detect and manage insider Defending the Global 9 Art Director: Tammy Black Copy Editor: Kali Wilson Designers: Michelle Deprenger IATAC Spotlight on a threat is critical. Information Grid Dustin Hurt University Our language and doctrine needs 26 Editorial Board: Dr. Ronald Ritchey Angela Orebaugh Gene Tyler Penn State is one of the nation’s Wikis Within the DoD to evolve to view cyberspace as Kristin Evans Al Arnold ten largest undergraduate Reaping the benefits the contested, warfighting IAnewsletter Article Submissions engineering schools. of community-driven information domain it is. To submit your articles, notices, sharing with wikis. 10 42 programs, or ideas for future issues, please visit Cloud Computing for LPS-Public: Secure 29 IA_newsletter.html and download an “Article Instructions” packet. the Federal Community IATAC Spotlight Browsing and an IAnewsletter Address Changes/ Additions/Deletions A community cloud is the most on a Conference Alternative to CAC Middleware To change, add, or delete your mailing or email address (soft-copy receipt), secure way for the federal This event provided opportunities Secure Browsing and an please contact us at— government to realize the to learn about research as well Alternative to CAC Middleware: IATAC Attn: Peggy O’Connor potential of cloud computing. as ongoing developments. The public edition LPS is a free, 13200 Woodland Park Road easy to use, install nothing, 16 30 Suite 6031 Herndon, VA 20171 DISA RACE: Vulnerability browsing alternative with Phone: 703/984-0775 Fax: 703/984-0773 Certification and Assessment built-in CAC software for Email: Accreditation for the Cloud Processes Within DoD almost any computer. URL: Government organizations are Standardizing the vulnerability Deadlines for Future Issues Summer 2010 May 8, 2010 taking full advantage of the assessment processes can help Cover design: Tammy Black potential benefits offered by avert disaster. Newsletter cloud computing. 33 in every issue design: Donald Rowe Distribution Statement A: Subject Matter Expert Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. The SME profiled in this 3 IATAC Chat article is Dr. Peng Liu, at 36 Letter to the Editor Pennsylvania State University. 43 Products Order Form 44 Calendar 2 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 3. IATAC Chat Gene Tyler, IATAC Director I n early February, I had the opportunity to attend the Information Assurance Symposium (IAS) in importantly, its weaknesses. I believe they say it best in their statement, “It is unclear whether the current set of [cloud this edition of the IAnewsletter also provide you with various perspectives on cloud computing so that you feel Nashville, TN. I always look forward to computing] services is sufficiently inspired to enter into the dialogue. I ask attending this event because it brings secure and reliable for use in sensitive you, is cloud computing the silver lining together folks who truly care about government environments.” They to computing, and should we storm information assurance (IA). I am always advocate a cautious approach to ahead in implementing it across various excited to converse with colleagues implementing cloud computing organizations? Or might it weaken our interested in solving tough IA problems capabilities across the government and, computer network defenses and result ahead, and yet again, the IAS did not in particular, the Department of in a potential storm of malicious attacks fail; I enjoyed talking with people about Defense (DoD). However, these subject in the future? some of the newest innovations matter experts remain optimistic, which In addition to cloud computing, I currently changing our field. is why they are excited about the invite you to look at the various other One topic that seemed to dominate research and investigation NPS is doing articles in this edition that highlight the the conversations I had with various to identify methods of securing cloud- following topics, also discussed at IAS: colleagues and subject matter experts at based systems. insider threat; Web 2.0 Security; social IAS was cloud computing, and as this On the other hand, some media and its use in DoD; vulnerability edition of the IAnewsletter reflects, this organizations are beginning to assessments; defending the Global topic is getting a lot of well-deserved successfully implement cloud Information Grid; and our industry attention, for a multitude of different computing already. Most notably, the expert contributes a very interesting reasons. Cloud computing is Defense Information Systems Agency article on public/private partnerships. revolutionizing how organizations are (DISA) successfully developed the Rapid As I always remind our readers, we are constructing their networks and Access Computing Environment (RACE), interested in your perspectives and systems; it is changing how which is a cloud-based system. Not only welcome your contributions to this organizations invest in their information has DISA successfully implemented publication. We know our readers are technology infrastructure; and it is RACE, but, as the authors point out, the very subject matter experts who are forcing organizations to reconsider how “certification and accreditation policy analyzing and experimenting with they secure critical information— has been adapted to allow organizations innovative solutions like cloud security is critical and at the forefront of to use RACE cloud resources, thereby computing. Feel free to contact us at cloud computing quickly connecting to the cloud while with your perspective on But what, exactly, is cloud complying with DoD requirements.” the cloud debate! computing; and how do you ensure Munjeet Singh and Troy Giefer remain information security in the cloud deeply involved with DISA as it computing environment? Dr. Bret implements cloud solutions, and as a Michael and Dr. George Dinolt, of the result, their article, “DISA RACE: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Certification and Accreditation for the address some of these questions in their Cloud,” provides a different perspective article, “Establishing Trust in Cloud on cloud computing and its advantages. Computing.” They argue that a lot of As these two articles suggest, there discovery is necessary before the IA is a lot of debate over cloud computing, community can fully understand cloud the advantages it offers, and the risks it computing, its benefits, and more presents. I hope the articles presented in IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 3
  • 4. F E AT U R E S T O R Y Establishing Trust in Cloud Computing by Dr. Bret Michael and Dr. George Dinolt I n the aptly titled article, “Cloud Assurance Still Missing,” Allan Carey wrote, “The security problems that computing as a vehicle for maintaining their competitive edge. A recent technical report published ff IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)— the cloud provides an infrastructure including (virtual) platforms, organizations face related to cloud by the University of California, Berkeley, networking, etc. on which computing are the same as those related states that there is no commonly agreed applications can be placed; to virtualization—but even more so.” [1] upon definition of cloud computing. [5] ff SaaS (Software as a Service)— He goes on to say, “Information Instead, a definition is emerging as the the cloud provides software assurance practitioners already have various organizations that are applications. most of what is needed to make an developing cloud services evolve their informed set of decisions about cloud offerings. In addition, there are many Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud computing.” [2] We would argue that the shades of cloud computing, each of (EC2) is an example of these services. [8] security problems go well beyond the which can be mapped into a Google also provides enterprise-level use of virtualization in distributed multidimensional space with the integrated application services such as systems. In this article, we discuss the dimensions being characteristics, service email, appointment calendars, text need for asking critical questions about models, and deployment models. [6] processing and spreadsheets. [9] the security implications of cloud Cloud computing is a metaphor for The claimed advantages for an computing. Answers to our questions giving Internet users a growing enterprise are that it does not require an are not readily apparent, even though collection of computer system resources investment in computer resources, viewing computing as a utility, similar and associated software architectures to infrastructure, administration, etc.: the to that of providing water or electricity provide application services. [7] The purveyor of the cloud provides these on a for-fee basis, dates back to at least applications include processing and resources. The user or enterprise only the 1960s. [3] application integration, storage, and pays for the resources “consumed.” In the As we pointed out in a recent communications services. Cloud Department of Defense (DoD), we have article, [4] what has changed over time services are typically available on seen the introduction of infrastructure is the advancement of the underlying demand and are charged on a usage services on demand provided by the technology, including cheap, fast central basis. Often, what the user sees is an Defense Information Systems Agency’s processing units (CPUs), low-cost application instead of a particular Rapid Access Computing Environment random access memory (RAM), computer. The services are commonly (DISA RACE). [10] Where available, the inexpensive storage, and the high- described as: cost of developing and maintaining bandwidth standardized ff PaaS (Platform as a Service)­ the — specialized applications can be shared communication needed to efficiently cloud provides hardware resources, among the users of that application. In move data from one point to another. typically virtual machines, which theory, there is an advantage in having Additionally, considerations, such as the can be loaded with the users, large-scale resources shared among a economies of scale involved in building operating system and software; large class of users. However, this has yet very large data centers, nudged to be borne out. [11] There are, of course, organizations to consider cloud applications that require a large number of resources. Google Search is one such 4 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 5. example. It appears that Google, with an appropriate level of security should be asking to improve the security Amazon, and others are attempting to transparency to alleviate customers’ and privacy clouds afford. However, we leverage their ability to construct such a reservations about the security and can ask fundamental questions like: are system into other environments. privacy afforded by the cloud. [12] How the current architectures adequate for We can argue that it is not a matter much transparency is enough? How do building trusted clouds? If not, what of whether cloud computing will we provide for transparency of cloud types of software system architectures become ubiquitous but rather what we resources (i.e. determining the cloud in do we need? Consider, for instance, the can do to improve our ability to provide which customer data resides)? Is there a possibility that an organization might cloud computing users with assurance tipping point at which additional levels opt to fully outsource its computing that the cloud services and of transparency would only serve to infrastructure and data center to the infrastructure provide appropriate help malefactors compromise services cloud, retaining only thin clients within security functionality. Cloud computing and datacenters? the organization. How do we make the providers should supply their customers In addition, as users and developers thin client user terminals and the find new ways of applying cloud communications infrastructure secure? o Security Policy technologies, there will be new expectations about security and privacy. DoD Enterprise Computing Provision I&A Compromise Integrity For instance, Twisted Pair Solutions of What is our motivation for jumping feet of Service Seattle proposes to provide cloud first into asking hard questions about computing resources for state and local cloud computing? The growing Informal Map agencies to link up disparate public importance of cloud computing makes it safety radio systems (e.g., police, fire, or increasingly imperative that security, ambulances)—a novel but difficult-to- privacy, reliability, and safety Integration & Middleware predict usage of cloud computing, but communities grapple with the meaning also a usage that makes the cloud part of of trust in the cloud and how the Formal (Mathematical) Map mission- and safety-critical systems. [13] customer, provider, and society in Theorems (Proof that Spec Satisfies Model) The expectations for security, privacy, about Policy general gain that trust. Consider the reliability, and quality of service and so initiative of the DoD Enterprise Services Top Level System Specification on will be different in some respects for & Integration Directorate to make the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) radio DoD Storefront Project a reality. The Semi Formal Map systems than for the cloud’s social Storefront consists of a cloud-based set (System Satisfies Spec) networking aspects. This raises the of core and specialized applications that question: how do we manage risk when users can discover through an we do not fully understand what we are application marketplace and which Top Level System Implementation trying to protect or guard against? share an identity management The fluid nature of cloud computing framework. How will DoD provide Figure 1 Process for Integrating Security makes it a moving target, even when security for the Storefront? It is more Into the Cloud trying to determine the questions we than a matter of having an identity IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 5
  • 6. management framework. The obvious maintained within the cloud. Several enterprise providing single sign-on; the security concerns include data integrity, vendors have formed the Cloud Security enterprise user need only log onto their data availability, protection of Alliance (CSA). [14] In the report titled home system. Once logged on, the personally identifiable information, data Security Guidance for Critical Areas of enterprise user can automatically access protection, data destruction, and Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1, CSA the users’ files and services on Google communications security. provides its take on some of the security without an additional login. Although Moving beyond the Storefront issues related to cloud computing. [15] convenient, this functionality increases concept, as the federal government In the report, security properties the security exposure to not only the migrates its data and applications to the are described as essentially the same set weakness of the enterprise system, but cloud, issues regarding cross-domain of properties that a user expects to see also to the weakness of Google’s resource sharing will arise within the with a self-hosted system. These include infrastructure. If, for example, Google’s cloud. For instance, how will DoD link the usual: infrastructure has a security flaw, then it its clouds to those of other agencies? ff Identification/Authentication may be possible for someone in one Will a DoD user, authenticated to enter ff Privacy enterprise to access accounts from the DoD cloudsphere, be trusted to ff Integrity another enterprise. On the other hand, access services owned by the ff Provision of Service. security flaws in the enterprise system Department of Homeland Security may lead to weaknesses in the access (DHS)? Is there a need for a federal-wide They view assurance as an audit of controls of the information managed by cloud infrastructure and common set of the function’s implementation, that is, Google Apps. Additionally, connected security services? How will data be the cloud systems’ administrators and applications may provide unintended shared among the various different implementers have used ‘best practices’. connections among users, as was types of cloud? Other than the notion that encryption is demonstrated with the introduction of used to protect the data, there is little Google Buzz. [17] Information Assurance information that defines ‘best practices.’ When each enterprise maintains its At the Naval Postgraduate School, a There is, however, some form of key own infrastructure, a failure in one major thrust of our research on cloud management included that provides enterprise may cause failures across the computing is to investigate the security potentially strong identification/ cloud. Unless an enterprise uses a single policies, models, and appropriate authentication, as well as some form of cloud from a single vendor, integrating architectures to provide security for data integrity/recovery facility. The the various applications, entities/users of cloud computing security architecture proposed is infrastructures, and policies among resources. Although cloud computing essentially a layered operating system many different clouds and cloud vendors may appear to provide reasonably well application. It consists of a network layer will be a significant challenge. In fact, it understood operating system and interposed between application will be a challenge to ensure that the application resources, cloud resources programming interfaces (APIs) and the different policies do not contradict and are distributed in space, time, and scale underlying operating system potentially permit access that should in ways that were never envisioned in infrastructures. ‘Trusted computing’ is not be allowed at the system level. the operating-system world. The current only mentioned at the hardware/ Ultimately, the proof is in the architectural approaches, especially operating system level. Additionally, the pudding. Will the cloud vendors be those concerning security, may not scale CSA paper enumerates several security willing to stand behind the security of to the much larger cloud computing issues that should be addressed by the their systems? In the case of Amazon’s approaches. In addition, the approaches cloud-style service provider, but does EC2 and Simple Storage Services (S3) for assuring operating system security not provide any insight on security services, Amazon suggests that their functionality are not necessarily policies/models, interfaces or EC2 and S3 infrastructure not be used appropriate. It is unclear whether the potential solutions. for systems that must satisfy the current set of services is sufficiently To provide an example of some of Payment Card Industry Security secure and reliable for use in sensitive the potential issues, Google supports Standards [18], although it has government environments. Current “Google Apps.” [16] Google Apps applies published a paper on how Amazon Web security claims are somewhat limited. the usual discretionary access controls Services can be used in a Health One of the fundamental problems to the resources it provides – files, Insurance Portability and Accountability with adopting cloud computing is calendars, address lists, etc. To make life Act (HIPAA) compliant environment. [19] providing not only security resources easier, Google provides tools that In the HIPAA paper, Amazon but also assurances that those resources integrate their identification and essentially places almost all the are correctly implemented and authentication systems into the requirements on the “user/enterprise” 6 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 7. to encrypt all the data stored and to lead to new architectures with better platform(s). The enterprise loads manage its keys. Amazon provides defined, more assured security. operating systems, applications, etc., services to log safely into its systems Over the past 30-plus years in the onto the platform(s) and manages all and provide some data recovery operating system security world, a lot of the interfaces and resources provided. and integrity. work has been done to provide highly The example below assumes that In the realm of reliability, prior to assured components with trustworthy multiple platforms will be used. the breakup, AT&T was required to build systems. Unfortunately, the commercial The security policy visible to the systems that had an up-time reliability world has ignored a lot of this work. user includes: of “five nines” (about 5.2 min/yr Recent efforts have focused on the use of ff Identification—A set of platform downtime). Part of the reason for this separation kernels. For example, Green names issued by the provider was to ensure services in case of Hills has recently received a National (unique to the enterprise) national emergency. Current cloud Information Assurance Partnership ff Authentication—A secure channel based systems are advertised as (NIAP) certificate for its Integrity 178B that can be used to load the providing “three nines” (almost 9 hrs/yr Separation Kernel. [21] Separation operating system(s) onto the downtime). [20] kernels provide a minimal set of platforms—the provider is trusted operating system services on which to ensure that the only Determining Where Trust other trusted services and applications communication with the platforms Should be Placed could be built. These may be thought of is from or to the enterprise Clearly, there are many challenging as slightly more functional than a ff Integrity—The provider should security issues related to cloud Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), guarantee that the resources are computing. In our research, we are although Green Hills and others are “empty” on first use and that none working on a formal, structured, looking to implement high assurance of the platform resources are possibly mathematical approach that VMMs using their technology. modifiable by any party other than will give users and cloud-developers Our approach to the problem the enterprise. This includes any deeper insight into what should be done, involves separation of ‘virtual’ management functions; it is up to how it might be achieved, and where the resources. This approach constructs an the enterprise to ensure that any trust should be placed. This research infrastructure that establishes (or network interfaces are includes the investigation of reconstructs where appropriate) appropriately protected implementation structures and resources, identifies and authenticates ff Privacy—The provider should assurance provisions for “security” in users, and then controls access to the guarantee that there is no third cloud-based systems. To do this, we will resources. Our focus is to provide a party access to the platform attempt to provide security model and a security architecture that processor, memory, and/or disk files architectures and models that satisfy provides the infrastructure that will ff Provision of Service—The provider the following: accomplish these goals. should provide access to the ff They are aware of the amorphous resources on demand, per any nature and scale of the cloud An Example service level agreements between computing paradigm For instance, consider PaaS. An the enterprise and the provider. ff They include mathematical models enterprise might wish to run its own of the security properties that can applications. These applications may There at least two models of this be used to help analyze those only run on an intermittent basis and/or kind of service: properties require a large number of resources. 1. Resources are provided on an ad ff They provide the underpinnings on One way to achieve this is to use a hoc, intermittent basis. In this which applications/enterprise/user cloud PaaS. version, there is no connection level security policies/properties We use the term ‘enterprise’ to between consecutive uses of the can be implemented describe the organization requiring the resources. The enterprise uses the ff They provide the foundations on platform and ‘provider’ for the resources once. During subsequent which the implementation organization providing the cloud uses, the enterprise assumes that assurances can be ascertained. platform resources. The PaaS provider all the previous data does not exist would provide ‘platforms,’ either ‘real’ as or has been erased by the provider. Our hope is that the results of the part of a virtual environment (a means The only connection between the research will provide a framework that for downloading an operating system two usages is that the enterprise can be at least partially applied to the and for managing the platforms), or as a uses the “same identifiers” to access current cloud architectures and may possible network interface(s) on the new instances of the resources. IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 7
  • 8. There is no guarantee that the same The security properties then secure systems architectures and secure- physical resources will be used for become statements about the resources systems design. each run of the platform(s). and platforms. For example: 2. The enterprise ‘turns off’ the plat- No pair of allocations shares References form, but in subsequent use after any common VPlatforms or 1. IAnewsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, winter 2010, p. 34. turning it back on, finds the plat- VPlatformResources. 2. Ibid. form resources in the same state As depicted in Figure 1, the security 3. M. Campbell-Kelly. “The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection they were in after being turned off. properties can be modeled on a of Software as a Service: A Look at the Volatile As expected, the enterprise might collection of the statements above. Each History of Remote Computing and Online Software,” pay more for this service. In this of the statements should map back to Communications of the ACM, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. case, the provider must protect the some aspect of the system’s user-visible 28–30, May 2009. information in the resources security property. We could use our 4. B. Michael. “In Clouds Shall We Trust,” IEEE between runs from both modifica- statements about the relationships of the Security & Privacy, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 3, September/ tion and access by third parties. entities (sets) we describe to prove October 2009. There is no guarantee that the same additional properties of the system. 5. M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A. D. Joseph, R. physical resources will be used in Following the security model’s H. Katz, A. Konwinski, G. Lee, D. A. Patterson, each run of the platform. construction, a high-level execution A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, and M. Zaharia. “Above the model should be constructed and Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing,” Note that in both cases, the validated mathematically to determine EECS Department University of California, Berkeley. provider provides access to platforms that it satisfies our security model. Technical Report UCB/EECS-2009-28, 10 February and associated data. The platforms are Next, it is necessary to map our high- 2009, available to others when the enterprise level model to varied cloud aspect TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28.html. is not using them. Any provider implementations as documented by 6. P. Mell and T. Grance, “The NIST Definition of Cloud configuration data about the platforms the vendors. Computing,” Version 15, 7 October 2009, http:// must be protected from modification and, in the second case above, any Conclusion def-v15.doc. enterprise information that will be Cloud security is an ill-defined, little- 7. reused must also be protected. understood area of distributed 8. Informally, a portion of the model computing. However, we believe that 9. might then take the form of: progress can be made to provide a level 10. ff VPlatform—The set of names of of assurance that accommodates the 11. H. G. Miller and J. Veiga. “Cloud Computing: Will virtual platforms that will be resources needed to support DoD and Commodity Services Benefit Users Long Term? IEEE provided to enterprises the federal government’s information ITPro, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 67-69, November/ ff VPlatformType—Whether the processing requirements. n December 2009. VPlatform resources are persistent 12. (type 2 above) or not 13. About the Authors ff VPlatformResource—The set computing-moving-into-public-safety-realm.aspx. of resources associated with 14. Dr. Bret Michael | is a Professor of Computer a VPlatform 15. Science and Electrical Engineering at the Naval ff Enterprise—The set of enterprises 16. Postgraduate School. He conducts research on the that use VPlatforms 17. reliability, safety, and security of distributed ff Allocation—An association internet/15google.html. systems. He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE of an Enterprise with a 18. Security & Privacy magazine and a member of the Platform, VPlatformType and pci-compliance-with-amazon-ec2s3 IATAC Steering Committee. VPlatformResources. The same 19. Enterprise may have multiple Whitepaper_Final.pdf. Dr. George Dinolt | is a Professor of Practice VPlatforms, and VPlatformResources 20. in Cyber Operations at the Naval Postgraduate associated with it infrastructure_security.html. School. His research interests are primarily in the ff PlatformCloud—A sequence of sets 21. high assurance portions of Computer Security. His of Allocations. maint200 research covers formal methods and the connections between them and security policies, 8 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 9. I ATA C S P O T L I G H T O N A U N I V E R S I T Y Pennsylvania State University by Angela Orebaugh I n 1855, Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) was originally founded on 200 acres in Centre County, and problems associated with assuring information confidentiality, integrity (e.g., social, economic, technology- ff The Center for Information Assurance plans, coordinates, and promotes IA research, education, Pennsylvania, as an agricultural school related, and policy issues), as well as the and outreach. The faculty that applied scientific principles to strengths and weaknesses of various coordinators for the center include farming. Engineering Studies were methods for assessing and mitigating Dr. Chao-Hsien Chu and Dr. Peng introduced in 1882, making Penn State associated risk. The major provides Liu. The center’s missions are: one of the nation’s ten largest grounding in the analysis and modeling •• Conduct broad-based research undergraduate engineering schools. efforts used in information search, on various aspects (theoretical Today, Penn State has grown into a large, visualization, and creative problem and applied; technical and geographically dispersed, major solving. This knowledge is managerial; wired and research institution. Nineteen supplemented through an examination wireless, etc.) of information campuses, 15 colleges, and one online of the legal, ethical, and regulatory and cyber security World Campus currently comprise Penn issues related to security that includes •• Educate and train information State. In Fall 2009, Penn State served analyzing privacy laws, internal control, security professionals through over 80,000 undergraduates and over regulatory policies, as well as basic degree and continuing 13,000 graduate students, with half of investigative processes and principles. education programs, and to the student population enrolled at the Such understanding is applied to venues insure that information security main campus in University Park. that include transnational terrorism, awareness is instilled in all Penn The National Security Agency (NSA) cyber crimes, financial fraud, risk State students and the Department of Homeland mitigation, and security and crisis •• Provide assistance and technical Security (DHS) have designated Penn management. It also includes overviews support to industry, non-profit State as a National Center of Academic of the information technology that plays organizations, government, and Excellence in Information Assurance a critical role in identifying, preventing, individuals in the information Education (CAE/IA) since 2003 and and responding to security-related events. and cyber security area. [1] National Center of Academic Excellence IST also offers a graduate degree in in Information Assurance Research Security Informatics, which seeks to ff The Networking and Security (CAE-R) for 2008-2013. improve the cyber security of Research Center (NSRC) was The College of Information Sciences individuals and organizations by established in 2003 to provide a and Technology (IST) offers a bachelor’s creating innovative solutions for research and education community degree in Security and Risk Analysis detecting and removing cyber threats, for professors, students, and (SRA). This degree program is intended recovering from cyber attacks, industry collaborators interested in to familiarize students with the general protecting privacy, enhancing trust, and networking and security. It also frameworks and multidisciplinary mitigating risks. provides a unique avenue for theories that define the area of security Penn State includes a number of interaction with industry; the and related risk analyses. Courses in the research centers focused in cyber and major engage students in the challenges information security: ww continued on page 15 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 9
  • 10. Cloud Computing for the Federal Community by Hannah Wald T he question is not whether, but when, the U.S. federal government will embrace cloud computing. The current “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, administration—in particular its Chief on-demand network access to a shared pool of Information Officer, Vivek Kundra—is very enthusiastic about this configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, technology’s potential. Some federal agencies are already moving into the servers, storage, applications, and services) that can cloud: the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is pilot testing a cloud [1]; be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced management effort or service provider interaction.” plans to develop a cloud that can be used both internally and for they survey the landscape and take an documents (i.e., the NIST 800 series). collaboration with external research inventory of best practices. They are Alternatively, individual cabinet-level partners; [2] the Department of the concerned about the risks inherent in agencies could provide clouds for their Interior (DOI) has an Infrastructure as a cloud computing but do not want to “community” of internal divisions, which Service (IaaS) offering called the restrict innovation. Pro-cloud civil could serve agencies’ individual National Business Center Grid servants believe cloud computing can compliance needs more easily than a (NBCGrid), with other offerings set to make federal Information Technology generalized multi-agency cloud. [5] roll out in the near future; [3] and the (IT) and services cheaper, easier, and DISA’s Rapid Access Computing General Services Administration (GSA) more secure—and it can—provided Environment sets a precedent for this offers access to various externally the cloud is implemented and model: it is intended to serve the entire provided cloud applications through its managed properly. Department of Defense, which has its portal site, [4] For many federal agencies, a own set of security standards in The federal government is not community cloud would be the best addition to those mandated for civilian seriously considering cloud computing service model to use (regardless of the agencies. [6] A third possibility is a simply because of its hype. Agencies are exact type of service being provided). “federated” hybrid of agency-specific finding it increasingly costly and The GSA, or another provider who is community clouds and a government- difficult to procure, set up, maintain, familiar with federal IT needs, could wide community cloud, all with certain and secure traditional computing stand up a multi-agency cloud that common standards (i.e., minimal architectures. This may explain why facilitates and enforces compliance with security baseline, universal protocols) bodies such as the National Institute of government-wide security standards but otherwise tailored to specific purposes. Standards and Technology (NIST) and such as those outlined in regulations Understanding the merits of a the Government Accountability Office (i.e., Federal Information Security community cloud requires are holding off on setting rules and Management Act [FISMA]) or guidance understanding fundamental cloud standards for cloud computing while 10 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 11. computing concepts, starting with the customer generally has no control using a software offering from one definition of “cloud computing” over or knowledge of the provided provider and an infrastructure offering provided by NIST: resources’ exact location but may from another. Commoditization of “Cloud computing is a model for be able to specify location at a bandwidth allows clients to easily enabling convenient, on-demand higher level of abstraction leverage distantly located resources— network access to a shared pool of (e.g., country, state, or data center). something that was difficult only a few configurable computing resources Examples of resources include years ago—and pay for use of those (e.g., networks, servers, storage, storage, processing, memory, resources as if they were gas or applications, and services) that can be network bandwidth, and electricity. Finally, cloud providers are rapidly provisioned and released with virtual machines. particularly innovative in the services minimal management effort or service ff Rapid elasticity—Capabilities can they offer and are developing new provider interaction.” [7] be rapidly and elastically services all the time. [9] Cloud allows NIST also lists five essential provisioned, in some cases users to leverage IT solutions with an characteristics of cloud computing: automatically, to quickly scale out unprecedented level of granularity. ff On-demand self-service—A and rapidly released to quickly An organization can pay an outside consumer can unilaterally scale in. To the consumer, the cloud provider for data, applications, provision computing capabilities, capabilities available for operating platforms, raw digital storage, such as server time and network provisioning often appear and/or processing resources: Data as a storage, as needed automatically unlimited and can be purchased in Service (DaaS), Software as a Service without requiring human any quantity at any time. (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and interaction with each service’s ff Measured service—Cloud systems Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), provider. automatically control and optimize respectively. [10] A data-mining ff Broad network access— resource use by leveraging a company providing its customers with Capabilities are available over the metering capability appropriate to on-demand access to its records of network and accessed through the type of service (e.g., storage, individual purchase histories is an standard mechanisms that promote processing, bandwidth, and active example of DaaS; Google Apps are SaaS; use by client platforms (e.g., mobile user accounts). The provider and a firm offering application development phones, laptops, and PDAs). consumer can monitor, control, and environments to startups is selling PaaS; ff Resource pooling—The provider’s report resource usage, thus and a company offering access to raw computing resources are pooled to providing transparency of the computing resources is selling IaaS. serve multiple consumers using a utilized service. [8] The split of assurance multi-tenant model, with different responsibilities between the provider physical and virtual resources Industry expert Dave Linthicum, and client varies depending on the dynamically assigned and notes that cloud computing is similar to service. With DaaS and SaaS, the reassigned according to consumer time-sharing on mainframes, but with provider has control over almost demand. A sense of location some added features. For example, cloud everything. With PaaS, the client is independence exists because the clients can “mix and match” solutions responsible for application security, and IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 11
  • 12. Software as a Service (SaaS) incentives and goals, which is not necessarily the case in cloud computing. Presentation Modality Presentation Platform In a public cloud, the relationship between clients and providers is largely transactional, and the clients do not APIs know each other. The parties involved have little basis for trust and may in fact distrust one another to a certain extent. Applications Trust, or lack thereof, is a factor in all five of the fundamental cloud security challenges. These challenges all involve Data Metadata Content uncertainties about the provider’s standard of care and how the provider Platform as a Service (PaaS) will treat the client (and the client’s data) in the event of a problem. [12] Integration & Middleware ff Data protection •• Where do data physically reside, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and does the data’s location have legal ramifications? APIs •• Are data safely protected (i.e., by encryption) while stationary or in motion within Core Connectivity & Delivery and across the cloud? •• How is availability of data assured in the cloud? Abstraction •• Does the provider take measures to ensure that deleted data is Hardware not recoverable? ff Security control •• What security controls does the Facilities cloud provider need to implement, and how? •• How are assurance levels effectively and efficiently managed in the cloud? ff Compliance Figure 1 Provider Assurance Responsibility in Different Types of Service [11] •• Is the cloud complying with all the necessary guidance? everything else is left to the provider. also has certain security advantages. For •• Can the provider substantiate With IaaS, the client is responsible for example, a desktop computer almost claims that security controls are everything but physical and (some never complies with an organization’s implemented sufficiently? aspects of) network security. Regardless security policy “out of the box,” but a ff Multi-tenancy of the service and inherent allocation of cloud can be configured so every new •• Are my assets vulnerable if responsibility, cloud clients ultimately virtual machine created therein is another client is exploited by leave the fate of their information assets compliant. Monitoring certain activities an attack? in the provider’s hands (see Figure 1). and rolling out updates across a cloud is •• How does the cloud provider The service provider is responsible relatively easy—unlike doing so across a keep different clients’ data for maintaining, upgrading, and securing collection of distinct physical machines. separated and inaccessible from the hardware and software (where However, cloud computing presents other clients? applicable) on which the service runs. a variety of information assurance (IA) •• If a forensic/electronic discovery Ideally, this setup allows users to stop challenges. One salient feature of the procedure is conducted on one worrying about the security of their time-sharing model was trust. The users client’s data, how will the information assets by leaving them in and owners of the old mainframes were more competent hands. Cloud computing part of a community with common 12 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •
  • 13. provider protect the may not want to answer questions about ignores other kinds of costs. What will it confidentiality of other its security practices. Cloud SLAs also cost an agency if moving to the cloud clients’ data? generally absolve the provider of liability compromises its ability to protect ff Security governance in the event of a security breach. (This is sensitive data or meet mission •• Who owns/accesses/deletes/ not the case with private and requirements? Agencies need to consider replicates data in the cloud? community clouds: more on this later.) these kinds of costs as they evaluate •• How can the client ensure If the transition of federal their information assets for “cloud policy enforcement? information assets into the Cloud readiness” on a case-by-case basis. [14] •• How can the client measure Computing Environment (CCE) is Once an agency has decided which and track service/network inevitable, then how can the federal assets it can safely transition to the performance? government effectively mitigate the risks cloud, it needs to choose the service Figure 2 illustrates the layers of the inherent in the cloud? First, government model—or relationship between cloud cloud and associated layers of security. organizations must decide whether to client and provider—that best fits its Exacerbating these problems is the move certain assets to the cloud at all. requirements. The four cloud service fact that contracts with public cloud On the face of it, spending $10 a day for models—public, private, community, providers almost always take the form of cloud infrastructure seems less costly and hybrid—have different sets of costs non-negotiable service-level agreements than spending $100 on in-house and benefits (see Figure 3). (SLA) that severely limit, at best, the infrastructure (not to mention capital The public cloud service model is client’s ability to see, audit, or control expenditure; it is less costly to start up a probably what many people would back-end operations in the cloud. A virtual server in a cloud than to set up a consider the archetypal model of cloud client’s ability to do so would create physical one). However, thinking only in computing. In the public cloud model, a more difficulties than most providers terms of $10 versus $100 for regular provider sells cloud services to multiple are willing to deal with. The provider maintenance is dangerous because it unrelated clients, or tenants. They leave Policy & Procedures Goal: Trusted Environment, Well-Served & Satisfied Users, Agency Success Presentation Presentation Information Data Encryption, database security Modality Platform APIs Applications/Service access control, Applications static code analysis, WAFs Applications Governance, Controls, Stakeholder Satisfaction… Policy enforcement, rerouting and throttling of services, validated identity claims, authentication and authorization, Data Metadata Content Management security event monitoring, alerting and notification, contextual dashboard, independent key management Integration & Middleware Firewalls, NIDS, Zone base segmentation, dedicated APIs Network MPLS/VPN network connections Secure hypervisor for segmentation, Core Connectivity & Delivery Trusted Computing message verification, trusted APIs Abstraction Massive scale, contractual constraints on storage locations, Compute & Storage controlled and secured server images, encryption Hardware Facilities Physical Infrastructure security, physical inventory *Derived from CSA “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing Technology & Tools Figure 2 Layers of Cloud Computing Environment (CCE) Security [13] IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 • 13
  • 14. back-end maintenance and operations most of the economic benefits of of the public cloud because it eliminates to the cloud provider. This arrangement outsourced cloud service. For a considerable amount of redundant is very cost-effective and, in theory, lets organizations with less sensitive assets, effort and cost. Members of the client clients rest easy knowing the security of putting everything in a private cloud community can pay the provider for their information assets is in good may create unnecessary costs, only what they use, or for the utility and hands. However, the fundamental cloud inefficiencies, and redundancy. Also, if subscription cost. The latter would still security challenges mentioned earlier an organization has difficulty securing likely total less than what the client are most problematic in this model. its information assets in a traditional would have paid to operate its own If a federal agency were to entrust setup, it is unlikely that transitioning to individual data centers. its information assets to a cloud a private cloud will solve its problems. The last type of service model is a provider under the terms of a standard Such an organization would benefit hybrid cloud, which combines two or cloud SLA, the agency would have from having a trusted service provider more of the service models described difficulty demonstrating compliance perform these functions. above. An organization could, for with IA standards mandated by A community cloud is somewhere example, keep sensitive proprietary data regulations, such as the FISMA. Most on the continuum between the public in its own private cloud and collaborate public cloud providers would have to and private service models, and it enjoys on projects with industry partners in a significantly retool their operations to some of the benefits of both. Like a community cloud. For users belonging help federal agencies meet their IA public cloud, community clouds serve to the organization, these two clouds obligations. Some providers are multiple tenants. The difference is that would, in effect, be seamlessly attempting to do so (Amazon’s “virtual the tenants are not strangers but related integrated through a single sign-on private cloud” is an example [16]), but, entities that share common system. The problem with hybrid clouds for the time being, public clouds are characteristics and needs. An individual is that they share vulnerabilities in the inappropriate for anything but the least client community member, multiple system’s least secure areas and present critical, most low-risk federal members working cooperatively, or a new vulnerabilities. For instance, if it is information assets. dedicated provider can operate easy for a user to switch between clouds A private cloud can be operated by community clouds. Unlike public clouds, on his or her desktop computer, it is also the same organization that uses it, or a community clouds are built and easy for that user to make a mistake and dedicated provider can operate the operated on the clients’ terms: they can expose sensitive data. In addition, cloud on the organization’s behalf. A be constructed to facilitate compliance integrated clouds mean integrated complex private cloud, when managed properly, with standards that all clients use. Of all systems, which by definition are rife is the most secure type of cloud service the cloud models, the community cloud with potential security vulnerabilities. model because it is directly controlled is most similar to time-sharing in terms Returning to the central point of by its client. Private clouds also make of the level of trust between all this article, a federal community cloud more efficient use of physical IT assets stakeholders. This type of cloud also can provide a guaranteed IA baseline for than traditional data centers, but lack offers many of the economic advantages its clients, whether they are departments within an agency or multiple agencies. It can reduce the cost Compliance/regulatory laws mandate of providing effective security and on-site ownership of data Pros eliminate significant redundancy. It can Security and privacy also be fully accountable to its clients and their oversight bodies (i.e., Office of Reduce costs Latency & bandwidth guarantees Management and Budget, Congress). Absence of robust SLAs The clients and their oversight bodies Resource sharing is more efficient can have a reasonable level of visibility Management moves to cloud provider Uncertainty around interoperability, into, and control over, cloud operations. portability & lock in All primary stakeholders could work Consumption based on cost Availability & reliability together to set policy and address Faster time to roll out new services problems. Last but not least, federal Dynamic resource availability Inhibitors community clouds can be used to facilitate intra- and inter-agency for crunch periods cooperation within the framework of the Federal Enterprise Architecture. Setting up a community cloud and Figure 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing From a Federal Perspective [15] governance structure that will 14 IAnewsletter Vol 13 No 2 Spring 2010 •