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Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants Breastfed for Prolonged Periods
             James A. Taylor, Leah J. Geyer and Kenneth W. Feldman
      Pediatrics 2010;125;105-111; originally published online Nov 30, 2009;
                          DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1195

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      Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010

Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants
Breastfed for Prolonged Periods
AUTHORS: James A. Taylor, MD,a Leah J. Geyer, AB,a and                 WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Because of the risk of
Kenneth W. Feldman, MDa,b                                              nutritional rickets, vitamin D supplementation is recommended
aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle,          for all breastfed infants. There is emerging evidence of other
Washington; and bDepartment of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s          benefits of vitamin D for children.
Hospital, Seattle, Washington
KEY WORDS                                                              WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: The results of this study provide
breastfeeding, vitamin D, infants, rickets                             insight into the proportion of breastfed infants who receive
ABBREVIATIONS                                                          vitamin D supplementation and the reasons parents choose to
AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics                                     provide the vitamin to their children.
PSPRN—Puget Sound Pediatric Research Network
OR— odds ratio
CI— confidence interval
Accepted for publication Jul 30, 2009
Address correspondence to James A. Taylor, MD, University of
                                                                  OBJECTIVES: To determine the rate of vitamin D supplementation in
Washington, Child Health Institute, Box 354920, Seattle, WA       predominantly breastfed children. To identify patient characteristics,
98195. E-mail:                            parental beliefs, and practitioner policies associated with supplemen-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).   tation.
Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics            METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in a
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have        practice-based research network. Network pediatricians completed a
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
                                                                  survey regarding their policy on vitamin D supplementation for breast-
                                                                  fed infants. Parents of children 6 to 24 months old completed a survey
                                                                  on the initial type of feeding given to the child, length of breastfeeding,
                                                                  formula supplementation, and use of multivitamins. Parents indicated
                                                                  their level of agreement with statements regarding vitamin D supple-
                                                                  RESULTS: Among 44 responding pediatricians, 36.4% indicated that
                                                                  they recommended vitamin D supplementation for all breastfed in-
                                                                  fants. A total of 2364 surveys were completed on age-eligible children;
                                                                  1140 infants were breastfed for at least 6 months with little or no
                                                                  formula supplementation. The rate of vitamin D use for these infants
                                                                  was 15.9%. Use of vitamin D was significantly associated with parental
                                                                  agreement that their child’s pediatrician recommended supplementa-
                                                                  tion (odds ratio [OR]: 7.8), and that vitamins are unnecessary because
                                                                  breast milk has all needed nutrition (OR: 0.12). Among parents of pre-
                                                                  dominantly breastfed infants who indicated that their child’s doctor
                                                                  recommended vitamin D, 44.6% gave the supplementation to their
                                                                  child. Conversely, 67% of parents agreed that breast milk has all
                                                                  needed nutrition, and only 3% of these parents gave vitamin D to their
                                                                  CONCLUSIONS: A minority of breastfed infants received vitamin D sup-
                                                                  plementation. Educational efforts directed at both physicians and par-
                                                                  ents are needed to increase compliance with vitamin D supplementa-
                                                                  tion guidelines. Pediatrics 2010;125:105–111

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Because the vitamin D content in hu-       supplement, their breastfed infants.        TABLE 1 Statements Regarding Vitamin D
                                                                                                 Supplementation and Rickets on the
man milk may be relatively low, breast-    We were particularly interested in the                Practitioner Vitamin D Survey and
fed infants are at risk for rickets un-    role that their child’s pediatrician had              Parental Survey of Infant Feeding
less they are exposed to adequate          in influencing this choice. Before the       Practitioner vitamin D survey
amounts of sunshine to produce en-         project, we postulated that approxi-          In order to practice high quality medicine it is
                                                                                             important to follow AAP practice guidelines.
dogenous vitamin D or receive it from      mately one third of infants who were          A major limitation of the AAP recommendation
other sources.1–4 For more than a de-      breastfed for at least 6 months would             that all breastfed infants receive
cade, supplemental vitamin D has been      receive supplemental vitamin D and                supplemental vitamin D is that the
                                                                                             recommendation is not evidence-based.
recommended for certain infants who        that a parent’s decision regarding sup-       Routinely recommending vitamin D for
are breastfed to prevent rickets.5 In      plementation would be highly influ-                breastfed babies may result in some
2003, the American Academy of Pediat-      enced by the recommendation of their              mothers electing to formula feed instead.
                                                                                         Some of my breastfed patients will likely
rics (AAP) recommended that all            child’s pediatrician.
                                                                                             develop rickets if they don’t receive
breastfed infants receive at least 200                                                       supplemental vitamin D.
IU/day of supplemental vitamin D;          METHODS                                     Parental survey of infant feeding
                                                                                         I think that giving vitamins to babies and young
in 2008, the recommendation was            A prospective observational study was             children is important for their overall
changed to at least 400 IU/day.2,6         conducted by the Puget Sound Pediat-              health.
Estimates of physician adherence to        ric Research Network (PSPRN), a re-           Vitamins may be needed to prevent rickets or
                                                                                             other bone diseases in some babies.
the AAP recommendations regarding          gional practice-based network of pri-         It is inconvenient to give vitamins to young
vitamin D supplementation vary. A          mary care pediatric practices in the              babies.
1999 survey of North Carolina pediatri-    Seattle, Washington, area. For this           When my baby was less than 6 months old,
                                                                                             he/she didn’t need any extra vitamins
cians found that 44.6% recommended         project, 44 PSPRN practitioners from 7            because the breast milk or formula that
the supplement for all breastfed in-       private practice offices and 1 inner-              he/she took had everything my baby needed.
fants, and 38.6% recommended it for        city pediatric clinic participated. The       If babies are out in the sunlight and fresh air
                                                                                             they don’t need extra vitamins.
some infants.7 These results are simi-     study consisted of 2 surveys, including
                                                                                         My child’s doctor recommended that I give my
lar to a study of Las Vegas, Nevada,       a practitioner vitamin D survey and an            baby vitamins.
pediatricians in which 48% recom-          infant-feeding survey completed by
mended vitamin D for breastfed in-         parents. Survey data were collected
fants.8 Recently, it was reported that     between July 2006 and June 2008.            responses to statements by pedia-
89% of responding pediatricians in the     Before collecting data on infants, the      tricians who indicated that they rec-
US military recommended supplemen-         practitioner vitamin D survey was dis-      ommended vitamin D for all breastfed
tation for all, or some, infants fed hu-   tributed to 44 PSPRN pediatricians. The     infants were compared with the re-
man milk.9 More important, however,        pediatricians were asked about their        sponses of those who had some other
there have been few data on whether        current recommendation regarding vi-        practice regarding supplementation.
these recommendations influence pa-         tamin D supplementation for breastfed       Likert-scale responses were trans-
rental behavior and how many breast-       infants. Possible responses included        formed to an ordinal scale for the anal-
fed infants actually receive supple-       recommend vitamin D for all breastfed       ysis. Regression analysis was used to
mental vitamin D. In a study on the        patients; recommend for “high-risk” chil-   assess differences; generalized esti-
prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in         dren; discuss pros and cons of supple-      mating equation techniques were used
young children in the Boston, Massa-       mentation with parents; and do not rou-     to account for the clustering of pedia-
chusetts, area, Gordon et al10 reported    tinely discuss vitamin D with parents.      tricians in different practices.11
that only 2% of breastfed infants re-      Pediatricians were asked to indicate        The infant-feeding survey was distrib-
ceived supplemental vitamin D.             their level of agreement with 4 state-      uted to parents of children 6 to 24
We conducted a study to determine the      ments regarding supplemental vitamin        months old at the time of an office visit
rate of supplemental vitamin D usage       D by using a 6-point Likert scale, with     to a PSPRN practice. This survey was
among a group of infants from the Se-      possible responses to each statement        anonymous; no identifying health in-
attle, Washington, area who were pre-      ranging from “completely agree” to          formation was collected. Surveys were
dominantly breastfed for at least the      “completely disagree.” The statements       available in both English and Spanish
first 6 months of life. We were inter-      on vitamin D usage are shown in Table 1.    and were distributed by a research as-
ested in identifying the reasons par-      For the analysis of data in the prac-       sistant who visited practices on a reg-
ents choose to supplement, or to not       titioner vitamin D surveys, the             ularly scheduled basis. Surveys were

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also distributed to parents by office            mula daily during the first 6 months of     garding supplementation and use of
staff in participating practices during         life and “never” or “almost never” re-     vitamin D in study patients was as-
multiple data-collection periods that           ceived Ն16 oz of formula in 1 day. Be-     sessed. Parental agreement with
ranged from 1 to 3 months.                      cause commercial formula contains          statements regarding vitamin D use
For the infant-feeding survey, parents          400 IU/L,12 the infants who were de-       was dichotomized; responses of “com-
of age-eligible children provided the           fined as being predominantly breast-        pletely agree” or “agree” were com-
current age of their child and were             fed received Ͻ100 IU of vitamin D from     pared with all other responses for
asked the initial type of feeding for him       formula on a routine basis and never       each item. Similarly, the response to
or her (breast milk or infant formula).         or almost never received 200 IU daily.     the item in the infant-feeding survey in
                                                On the basis of the recommendation         which parents were asked how im-
Parents of those infants who were ini-
                                                for 200 IU of supplemental vitamin D       portant their child’s pediatrician’s
tially breastfed were asked how long
                                                daily that was in place when the study     recommendation was regarding sup-
their child received human milk, how
                                                data were collected,2 none of these        plemental vitamin D was dichotomized
much formula their child received on a
                                                predominantly breastfed, unsupple-         by comparing responses of “very im-
routine basis, and how often the child
                                                                                           portant” or “important” to other
received Ն16 oz of formula in a single          mented study children received Ͼ50%
day (possible responses included                of the recommended vitamin D dose
“never or almost never,” “a few days            from infant formula on a daily basis       Each individual characteristic or belief
each week,” “almost every day,” or              and virtually never received all of the    was compared with the use of vitamin
“every day,”). Parents were asked               recommended dose from this source.         D in predominantly breastfed study pa-
whether their child routinely received          The rate of supplemental vitamin D use     tients. Those characteristics and be-
                                                in the children who were predomi-          liefs statistically associated with vita-
a multivitamin (all containing vitamin
                                                                                           min D use in univariate analyses,
D) during the first 6 months of life. The        nantly breastfed for at least 6 months
                                                                                           defined as an odds ratio (OR) with a
parent was also asked to provide the            was calculated. The rate of breast-
                                                                                           95% CI that did not include 1.0, were
name of his or her child’s pediatrician         feeding, prolonged breastfeeding,
                                                                                           included in a multivariate model to
during the child’s first 6 months of life        and vitamin D use was also com-
                                                                                           identify factors independently associ-
and to indicate how important this              puted for children from different ra-
                                                                                           ated with vitamin D use in breastfed
physician’s recommendation was re-              cial and ethnic groups; 95% confi-
garding the decision of whether to give         dence intervals (CIs) around point
his or her infant vitamins; responses           estimates were calculated.                 Finally, during the study period, there
were categorized with a 5-point Likert                                                     was increasing publicity regarding vi-
                                                Characteristics and parental beliefs       tamin D deficiency in children and
scale that ranged from “very impor-             associated with supplemental vitamin       adults.13,14 To protect the anonymity of
tant” to “very unimportant.” Parents            D use in children who were predomi-        study children and their parents, we
were also asked to provide the race             nantly breastfed for at least 6 months     did not collect data on the date that
and ethnicity of their child.                   were assessed with the use of logistic     infant surveys were completed (these
Six statements regarding vitamin D              regression. Generalized estimating         dates corresponded to dates of physi-
supplementation were listed on the              equation techniques were used in           cian visits, which is considered to be
survey. As with the practitioner survey,        these analyses to account for the clus-    identifiable health information).15 How-
parents indicated their level of agree-         tering of patients in different prac-      ever, information on the surveys was
ment with each statement by using a             tices.11 Characteristics assessed in-      entered into databases as they were
6-point Likert scale. The statements on         cluded race, ethnicity, and age. Data on   collected. To assess the effects of sec-
the infant-feeding survey are listed in         the infant-feeding surveys regarding       ular trends in vitamin D use during the
Fig 1.                                          the child’s pediatrician during the first   study period (2006 –2008), we catego-
Much of the analysis of data in the             6 months of life were linked to re-        rized study patients into tertiles on the
infant-feeding surveys was focused on           sponses on the practitioner vitamin D      basis of the chronological order of
those children who were predomi-                surveys. On the basis of this linkage,     when their data were entered into the
nantly breastfed for at least the first 6        the association between having a pedi-     study databases.
months of life. Children were consid-           atrician who recommended vitamin D         The study was approved by the Seattle
ered to be predominantly breastfed if           for all breastfed infants versus having    Children’s Hospital’s institutional re-
they routinely received Յ8 oz of for-           a provider who had another policy re-      view board.

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RESULTS                                                                              2433 completed surveys
                                                                                     -69 surveys on children <6 mo or >25 mo old
A total of 44 PSPRN pediatricians com-
                                                                                     2364 surveys on eligible children (97.2%)
pleted the practitioner vitamin D sur-
vey. At the time that the survey was
completed, 16 pediatricians (36.4%) in-
dicated that they routinely recom-                  1945 initially breastfed (82.6%)                411 formula fed (17.4%)                      8 missing

mended supplemental vitamin D for all
of their breastfed patients. Fourteen
respondents (31.8%) recommended                                                            1456 infants breastfed for ≥6 mo (75%)
supplemental vitamin D for breastfed                                                                     4 missing
infants who were at high risk for de-
veloping rickets. Six pediatricians
                                                                                          - 287 infants who took ≥8 oz/d formula on
(13.6%) responded that they discussed                                                     routine basis and/or 16 oz formula a few
the pros and cons of supplementation                                                                d/wk or more (20.1%)
                                                                                                    -29 with missing data
with parents of breastfed infants, and
8 (18.2%) indicated that they did not
routinely discuss vitamin D supple-
                                                                                                   1140 infants predominately
mentation with parents.                                                                               breastfed for ≥6 mo
                                                                                                (58.6% of those initially breastfed)
Physicians who did not recommend vi-
tamin D for all breastfed infants had       FIGURE 1
                                            Survey completion and breastfeeding practices in study children.
significantly higher levels of agree-
ment with the statement, “A major lim-
itation of the AAP recommendation           TABLE 2 Rate of Initial Breastfeeding Among Study Infants of Different Racial and/or Ethnic Groups
                                                          and Rates of Being Predominately Breastfed for at Least 6 Months
that all breastfed infants receive sup-
                                                        Race/Ethnicity                          No.a                % Initially                 % Predominantly
plemental vitamin D is that the recom-
                                                                                                                    Breastfed                 Breastfed for Ն6 mo
mendation is not evidence based,”
                                            Black                                                120                   62.5                            24.2
than pediatricians who recommended          American Indian/Alaskan Native                        42                   88.1                            52.4
vitamin D for all breastfed infants (39     Asian/Pacific Islander                                427                   81.5                            44.8
total responses; P ϭ .011). Those prac-     White                                               1695                   85.1                            52.4
                                            Hispanic ethnicityb                                  232                   73.7                            41.0
titioners who were not universally rec-     a   Data on children whose parents indicated that they were of multiple races are included in more than 1 race category.
ommending vitamin D also had higher         b   Includes children from all racial groups.
levels of agreement than those who
universally recommended supplemen-
tation for breastfed children with the      breastfeeding practices of their chil-                           As shown in Fig 1, surveys were com-
statement indicating that recommend-        dren are summarized in Fig 1. Among                              pleted by parents of 1140 children who
ing supplementation might lead some         the 2364 eligible children whose par-                            were predominantly breastfed for at
mothers to choose to not breastfeed         ents completed surveys, 1945 (82.6%                              least the first 6 months of life. The rest
their infants (P ϭ .042). There were no     [95% CI: 81.0%– 84.1%]) were mainly                              of the analysis was focused on these
significant differences in levels of         fed with human milk during their first                            1140 study infants and toddlers. Over-
agreement for the statement regard-         month of life. The race and ethnicity of                         all, 181 of 1139 of these children
ing the importance of following AAP         eligible children are shown in Table 2                           (15.9% [95% CI: 13.8%–18.1%]) were
guidelines and the statement regard-        along with the rates of initial breast-                          routinely given supplemental vitamin D
ing the possibility of rickets in breast-   feeding and the proportion who were                              during the first 6 months of life. Infor-
fed children who were not supple-           predominantly fed human milk for at                              mation on vitamin D use for 1 child was
mented between those pediatricians          least 6 months. The mean age of the                              missing. Use of supplemental vitamin
who routinely recommended vitamin D         infants and toddlers at the time their                           D in predominantly breastfed infants
and those who had another policy re-        parents completed the survey was 12.1                            varied according to race, with val-
garding supplementation.                    months (SD: 4.8 months); 25% were                                ues ranging from 14.2% (95% CI:
Data on completion of the infant-           aged 8 months or younger, and 25%                                11.9%–16.6%) among white children to
feeding survey by parents and on            were aged 16 months or older.                                    27.1% (95% CI: 20.9%–34.0%) among

108    TAYLOR et al
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TABLE 3 Univariate Association Between Vitamin D Use and Patient Characteristics, Parental                                        tamin D supplementation and that vita-
           Beliefs, and Policy of the Child’s Pediatrician Among Study Children Who Were
           Predominantly Breastfed for at Least the First 6 Months of Life                                                        mins are important for a child’s over-
                                    Variable                                               ORa         95% CI         No.b        all health were the only variables that
White                                                                                      0.63      0.44–0.90       1089         were positively and significantly asso-
Nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicityc                                                   1.67      1.22–2.27       1089         ciated with the use of vitamin D. Con-
Black                                                                                      1.12      0.49–2.62       1089         versely, parental agreement that sup-
Asian/Pacific Islander                                                                      2.02      1.43–2.87       1089
Hispanic ethnicity                                                                         0.93      0.56–1.54       1084         plementation is unnecessary because
Child’s age                                                                                1.00      0.97–1.03       1139         breast milk has all needed nutrition
Parent agrees: vitamins important for overall health                                       5.22      3.45–7.90       1101         and that giving vitamins is inconve-
Parent agrees: vitamins needed to prevent rickets/other diseases                           2.77      1.93–3.98       1020
Practitioner survey: child’s doctor recommends vitamin D for all                           3.88      2.23–6.73        926         nient were both significantly associ-
   breastfed infants                                                                                                              ated with not using vitamin D. Addi-
Parent agrees: child’s doctor recommended vitamin D                                       19.52     10.61–35.93      1083         tional models that included all racial
Parent agrees: vitamins unnecessary, breast milk has all needed nutrition                  0.07      0.04–0.13       1109
Parent agrees: giving vitamins inconvenient                                                0.59      0.42–0.84       1087
                                                                                                                                  variable terms and/or data on the
Parent agrees: vitamins not needed if infant is out in sunlight                            0.29      0.17–0.49       1074         child’s pediatrician’s recommendation
Child’s doctor’s recommendation regarding vitamin D important in                           2.88      1.65–5.03       1037         regarding supplementation were ana-
   parent’s decision about vitamin D supplementation
                                                                                                                                  lyzed. The results of every analysis
  OR was calculated by using logistic regression after accounting for clustering of children into different practices.
b No. indicates number of valid responses to each item.                                                                           were similar. Parental agreement that
c Of the study children, 335 of 1090 (30.7%) were nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicity; information on vitamin D
                                                                                                                                  vitamin D was recommended by the
supplementation was collected for 1089 of these children.
                                                                                                                                  child’s physician (adjusted ORs rang-
                                                                                                                                  ing from 7.76 to 8.93 in different analy-
Asian/Pacific Islander children. A total                       tritional rickets are nonwhite and/or                               ses) and agreement that vitamins are
of 29 black patients were predomi-                            Hispanic,16 only 1 race variable (non-                              good for overall infant health (ad-
nantly breastfed for at least 6 months;                       white race and/or Hispanic ethnicity,                               justed ORs: 1.98 –2.23) were signifi-
6 of these children (20.7%) received                          or non-Hispanic white race) was in-                                 cantly associated with providing sup-
supplemental vitamin D. The rate of vi-                       cluded in the model. In addition, be-                               plementation; agreement that breast
tamin D usage among Hispanic chil-                            cause 213 predominantly breastfed                                   milk had all needed nutrition (adjusted
dren who were breastfed for at least 6                        study children had an initial primary                               ORs: 0.10 – 0.12) and agreement that
months without significant formula                             care provider who was not a member                                  giving vitamins is inconvenient (ad-
supplementation was 15.8% (95% CI:                            of PSPRN and did not complete the                                   justed ORs: 0.45– 0 .46) were statisti-
9.1%–24.7%).                                                  practitioner survey, data on the child’s                            cally associated with not giving vita-
The univariate association between vi-                        pediatrician’s vitamin D recommenda-                                min D.
tamin D use in predominantly breast-                          tion policy were not included in the                                When asked to identify their child’s
fed children and several variables, in-                       larger model. The results of the multi-                             main doctor during the first 6 months
cluding race, ethnicity, age, parental                        variate analysis are shown in Table 4.                              of life, parents of 927 patients listed a
beliefs, and the policy of the child’s pe-                    Of the variables assessed in the full                               PSPRN pediatrician who had com-
diatrician regarding supplementation,                         model, parental agreement that the                                  pleted the practitioner vitamin D sur-
are summarized in Table 3. In the                             child’s pediatrician recommended vi-                                vey (81.3% of those infants who were
unadjusted analyses, most of the vari-
ables assessed were statistically asso-
ciated with supplementation. To iden-                         TABLE 4 Multivariate Analysis to Identify Patient Characteristics, Parent Beliefs, and Provider
tify characteristics and beliefs that                                        Policies Associated With Vitamin D Supplementation in Predominantly Breastfed Infants
were independently associated with vi-                                                                 Variable                                                   ORa              95% CI
tamin D use in breastfed infants, an                          Nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicity                                                            1.29             0.81–2.06
analysis including those variables sig-                       Parent agrees: vitamins important for overall health                                               1.98             1.17–3.34
                                                              Parent agrees: vitamins needed to prevent rickets/other diseases                                   1.37             0.81–2.31
nificantly associated with supplemen-                          Parent agrees: child’s doctor recommended vitamin D                                                7.76             4.11–14.64
tation in univariate comparisons was                          Parent agrees: vitamins unnecessary, breast milk has all needed nutrition                          0.12             0.07–0.23
conducted. Because of both the over-                          Parent agrees: giving vitamins inconvenient                                                        0.45             0.26–0.76
                                                              Parent agrees: vitamins not needed if infant is out in sunlight                                    0.94             0.42–2.10
lap between several racial and ethnic                         Child’s doctor’s recommendation regarding vitamin D important in                                   1.83             0.77–4.39
groups and evidence that Ͼ90% of                                decision about vitamin D supplementation
children in the United States with nu-                        a   OR calculated using logistic regression after accounting for clustering of children into different practices.

PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010                                                                                                                                           109
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predominantly breastfed). Among            this secular trend, there were no sig-      tific and lay press, has likely increased
these 927 study children, 218 (23.5%)      nificant changes in the results; 4 vari-     interest in providing vitamin D to
were seen by a health care provider        ables (agreeing that the child’s doc-       breastfed infants. In our study, we
who indicated that he or she routinely     tor recommended supplementation,            found that vitamin D use increased sig-
recommended supplemental vitamin D         agreeing that vitamins are important        nificantly during the final third of our
for all breastfed infants. Parents of      for overall infant health, agreeing that    study period (roughly covering the pe-
children whose provider universally        breast milk has all needed nutrition,       riod of late 2007 to mid-2008) when
recommended vitamin D for breastfed        and agreeing that giving vitamins is in-    there was publicity about vitamin D.13,14
infants were significantly more likely      convenient) remained significantly as-       However, even during this most recent
to agree that the provider recom-          sociated with vitamin D use.                period, fewer than one quarter of the
mended this supplement than those of                                                   responding parents of predominantly
children whose pediatrician had an-        DISCUSSION                                  breastfed infants reported giving vita-
other policy (64.7% and 22.7%, respec-     Our results indicate that only a minor-     min D to their children. The same fac-
tively; OR: 3.10 [95% CI: 1.95– 4.91]).    ity of study children who were predom-      tors (their child’s doctor’s recommen-
Parents of nonwhite and/or Hispanic        inantly breastfed for Ͼ6 months re-         dation and a belief that breast milk has
children were also more likely to agree    ceived supplemental vitamin D. This         all needed nutrition) remained signifi-
that their child’s provider recom-         rate of usage is explained, to a large      cantly associated with a parent’s deci-
mended vitamin D than those of white       degree, by 2 conflicting influences.          sion regarding supplementation.
non-Hispanic children (44.6% and           Parents who reported that their child’s
27.8%, respectively; OR: 1.75 [95% CI:                                                 As expected, we found a high rate of
                                           pediatrician recommended vitamin D
                                                                                       breastfeeding in this population of in-
1.37–2.27]). Overall, 33.3% of respond-    were ϳ8 times more likely to provide
ing parents indicated that their child’s                                               fants seen in primary care pediatric
                                           the supplementation than parents
provider recommended vitamin D                                                         practices in the Seattle area. In 2002, it
                                           whose child’s pediatrician did not
supplementation. Among these par-                                                      was estimated that 71% of US children
                                           make this recommendation. However,
ents, 44.6% gave the supplement to                                                     had ever been breastfed and that
                                           only one third of the parents of breast-
their child versus 2.8% of those                                                       63.2% were breastfed at 1 month of
                                           fed infants indicated that the pediatri-
whose child’s provider did not rec-                                                    age. The Pacific region of the country
                                           cian recommended vitamin D. In addi-
ommend vitamin D (OR: 19.52 [95% CI                                                    had the highest reported rates of
                                           tion, and perhaps the most striking
10.61–35.93]).                                                                         breastfeeding, with 76.4% of infants
                                           finding of this study, fewer than half
                                                                                       from this region reportedly being
Among the responding parents of chil-      (44.6%) of the parents who responded
dren who were predominantly breast-        that vitamin D was recommended by           breastfed at 1 month of age.18 We found
fed for at least 6 months, 743 of 1110     their child’s pediatrician actually ad-     that 82.6% of the children in our study
(67.0%) agreed with the statement          ministered the supplementation. This        were mainly breastfed during the first
that vitamin D supplementation is not      counterintuitive result is partially ex-    month of life. We also found that
required because breast milk has all       plained by our finding that 67% of the       breastfeeding among black infants
needed nutrition. Only 3.0% of children    parents believed that supplementation       was more common in our population
of these parents received supplemen-       is unnecessary because breast milk          than nationally. However, breastfeed-
tal vitamin D.                             has all needed nutrition. Parents who       ing rates in Hispanic infants in our
There was an increase in the use of        had this belief were ϳ9 times less          study were comparable to US rates for
                                           likely to give supplemental vitamin D       Hispanic infants.18 Perhaps more sur-
vitamin D in predominantly breastfed
                                           than those who did not agree with this      prising was the finding that 1140 of the
infants during the 2-year study period.
During the first third of the period,       statement.                                  2364 infants in the study (48.2%) were
10.8% of these children received sup-      Initially, vitamin D supplementation        breastfed with little or no formula sup-
plemental vitamin D; 12.7% received        was recommended for breastfed in-           plementation for at least 6 months.
the supplement during the middle           fants as a method to prevent rickets.2      This is substantially higher than the
third and 24.0% during the last third of   However, there is emerging evidence         35.1% of infants nationally who are
the study period (OR: 1.60 [95% CI:        that vitamin D may play an important        breastfed for at least 6 months.18
1.10 –2.32] for comparison between         role in mitigating other disease pro-       It is possible that the high rate of
the final and first third of the study pe-   cesses in children.1,17 Information         breastfeeding in study children was
riod). However, after controlling for      about this evidence, both in the scien-     linked to the reticence of the respond-

110   TAYLOR et al
                     Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010

ing pediatricians to recommend vita-                man and Svec reported among 128                         fants among participating pediatri-
min D in at least 2 ways. Pediatricians             military pediatricians.9                                cians. Our results suggest that vitamin
who did not universally recommend                   A potential limitation of this study is                 D use is strongly linked to physician
supplementation had a belief that rec-              that parents of children up to 2 years                  recommendations. Efforts to increase
ommending vitamin D might cause                     old were asked to report whether vita-                  physician acceptance of vitamin D rec-
some parents to not breastfeed their                mins were given during the first 6                       ommendations should lead to more
infant. Perhaps these practitioners                 months of life and the reasons for this                 use in infants and increase compli-
were wary of any intervention that                  choice. It is possible that some parents                ance with AAP guidelines.6 However,
would alter the high prevalence of                  did not recollect correctly. To some ex-                the results of our study also suggest
breastfeeding. Conversely, pediatri-                tent, our finding that significantly                      that there is a strong belief by parents
cians may have been hesitant to bring               more parents of study children whose                    that breast milk has all needed nu-
up supplementation to parents who                   pediatricians universally recommend                     trition. To a large degree, this belief
have strong beliefs about the nutri-                vitamin D indicated that the practitio-                 supersedes physician recommenda-
tional advantages of human milk. We                 ner recommended supplementation                         tion. Thus, to substantially increase vi-
found that 68.2% of responding pedi-                than those whose child’s pediatrician                   tamin D use in predominantly breast-
atricians recommended vitamin D                     did not tend to validate the accuracy of                fed infants, public health educational
supplementation for some or all                     parental reporting on the surveys.                      campaigns should also directly target
breastfed infants. Although this is                                                                         parents.
higher than rates found in surveys of               CONCLUSIONS
providers conducted before the AAP                  At the time that we began this study in                 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
recommendation in 2003,7,8 it is                    2006, there was significant resistance                   This study was funded by a grant from
lower than the 89% rate of recom-                   to the AAP recommendation for sup-                      the Agency for Healthcare Research
mending supplementation that Sher-                  plemental vitamin D for breastfed in-                   and Quality.
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PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010                                                                                                                111
                    Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants Breastfed for Prolonged Periods
             James A. Taylor, Leah J. Geyer and Kenneth W. Feldman
      Pediatrics 2010;125;105-111; originally published online Nov 30, 2009;
                          DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1195
Updated Information                including high-resolution figures, can be found at:
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References                         This article cites 13 articles, 10 of which you can access for free
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      Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010

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Vita d supple breatfed infants pediatrics 2010

  • 1. Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants Breastfed for Prolonged Periods James A. Taylor, Leah J. Geyer and Kenneth W. Feldman Pediatrics 2010;125;105-111; originally published online Nov 30, 2009; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1195 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 2. ARTICLES Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants Breastfed for Prolonged Periods AUTHORS: James A. Taylor, MD,a Leah J. Geyer, AB,a and WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Because of the risk of Kenneth W. Feldman, MDa,b nutritional rickets, vitamin D supplementation is recommended aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, for all breastfed infants. There is emerging evidence of other Washington; and bDepartment of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s benefits of vitamin D for children. Hospital, Seattle, Washington KEY WORDS WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: The results of this study provide breastfeeding, vitamin D, infants, rickets insight into the proportion of breastfed infants who receive ABBREVIATIONS vitamin D supplementation and the reasons parents choose to AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics provide the vitamin to their children. PSPRN—Puget Sound Pediatric Research Network OR— odds ratio CI— confidence interval doi:10.1542/peds.2009-1195 Accepted for publication Jul 30, 2009 abstract Address correspondence to James A. Taylor, MD, University of OBJECTIVES: To determine the rate of vitamin D supplementation in Washington, Child Health Institute, Box 354920, Seattle, WA predominantly breastfed children. To identify patient characteristics, 98195. E-mail: parental beliefs, and practitioner policies associated with supplemen- PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). tation. Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in a FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have practice-based research network. Network pediatricians completed a no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. survey regarding their policy on vitamin D supplementation for breast- fed infants. Parents of children 6 to 24 months old completed a survey on the initial type of feeding given to the child, length of breastfeeding, formula supplementation, and use of multivitamins. Parents indicated their level of agreement with statements regarding vitamin D supple- mentation. RESULTS: Among 44 responding pediatricians, 36.4% indicated that they recommended vitamin D supplementation for all breastfed in- fants. A total of 2364 surveys were completed on age-eligible children; 1140 infants were breastfed for at least 6 months with little or no formula supplementation. The rate of vitamin D use for these infants was 15.9%. Use of vitamin D was significantly associated with parental agreement that their child’s pediatrician recommended supplementa- tion (odds ratio [OR]: 7.8), and that vitamins are unnecessary because breast milk has all needed nutrition (OR: 0.12). Among parents of pre- dominantly breastfed infants who indicated that their child’s doctor recommended vitamin D, 44.6% gave the supplementation to their child. Conversely, 67% of parents agreed that breast milk has all needed nutrition, and only 3% of these parents gave vitamin D to their children. CONCLUSIONS: A minority of breastfed infants received vitamin D sup- plementation. Educational efforts directed at both physicians and par- ents are needed to increase compliance with vitamin D supplementa- tion guidelines. Pediatrics 2010;125:105–111 PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010 105 Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 3. Because the vitamin D content in hu- supplement, their breastfed infants. TABLE 1 Statements Regarding Vitamin D Supplementation and Rickets on the man milk may be relatively low, breast- We were particularly interested in the Practitioner Vitamin D Survey and fed infants are at risk for rickets un- role that their child’s pediatrician had Parental Survey of Infant Feeding less they are exposed to adequate in influencing this choice. Before the Practitioner vitamin D survey amounts of sunshine to produce en- project, we postulated that approxi- In order to practice high quality medicine it is important to follow AAP practice guidelines. dogenous vitamin D or receive it from mately one third of infants who were A major limitation of the AAP recommendation other sources.1–4 For more than a de- breastfed for at least 6 months would that all breastfed infants receive cade, supplemental vitamin D has been receive supplemental vitamin D and supplemental vitamin D is that the recommendation is not evidence-based. recommended for certain infants who that a parent’s decision regarding sup- Routinely recommending vitamin D for are breastfed to prevent rickets.5 In plementation would be highly influ- breastfed babies may result in some 2003, the American Academy of Pediat- enced by the recommendation of their mothers electing to formula feed instead. Some of my breastfed patients will likely rics (AAP) recommended that all child’s pediatrician. develop rickets if they don’t receive breastfed infants receive at least 200 supplemental vitamin D. IU/day of supplemental vitamin D; METHODS Parental survey of infant feeding I think that giving vitamins to babies and young in 2008, the recommendation was A prospective observational study was children is important for their overall changed to at least 400 IU/day.2,6 conducted by the Puget Sound Pediat- health. Estimates of physician adherence to ric Research Network (PSPRN), a re- Vitamins may be needed to prevent rickets or other bone diseases in some babies. the AAP recommendations regarding gional practice-based network of pri- It is inconvenient to give vitamins to young vitamin D supplementation vary. A mary care pediatric practices in the babies. 1999 survey of North Carolina pediatri- Seattle, Washington, area. For this When my baby was less than 6 months old, he/she didn’t need any extra vitamins cians found that 44.6% recommended project, 44 PSPRN practitioners from 7 because the breast milk or formula that the supplement for all breastfed in- private practice offices and 1 inner- he/she took had everything my baby needed. fants, and 38.6% recommended it for city pediatric clinic participated. The If babies are out in the sunlight and fresh air they don’t need extra vitamins. some infants.7 These results are simi- study consisted of 2 surveys, including My child’s doctor recommended that I give my lar to a study of Las Vegas, Nevada, a practitioner vitamin D survey and an baby vitamins. pediatricians in which 48% recom- infant-feeding survey completed by mended vitamin D for breastfed in- parents. Survey data were collected fants.8 Recently, it was reported that between July 2006 and June 2008. responses to statements by pedia- 89% of responding pediatricians in the Before collecting data on infants, the tricians who indicated that they rec- US military recommended supplemen- practitioner vitamin D survey was dis- ommended vitamin D for all breastfed tation for all, or some, infants fed hu- tributed to 44 PSPRN pediatricians. The infants were compared with the re- man milk.9 More important, however, pediatricians were asked about their sponses of those who had some other there have been few data on whether current recommendation regarding vi- practice regarding supplementation. these recommendations influence pa- tamin D supplementation for breastfed Likert-scale responses were trans- rental behavior and how many breast- infants. Possible responses included formed to an ordinal scale for the anal- fed infants actually receive supple- recommend vitamin D for all breastfed ysis. Regression analysis was used to mental vitamin D. In a study on the patients; recommend for “high-risk” chil- assess differences; generalized esti- prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in dren; discuss pros and cons of supple- mating equation techniques were used young children in the Boston, Massa- mentation with parents; and do not rou- to account for the clustering of pedia- chusetts, area, Gordon et al10 reported tinely discuss vitamin D with parents. tricians in different practices.11 that only 2% of breastfed infants re- Pediatricians were asked to indicate The infant-feeding survey was distrib- ceived supplemental vitamin D. their level of agreement with 4 state- uted to parents of children 6 to 24 We conducted a study to determine the ments regarding supplemental vitamin months old at the time of an office visit rate of supplemental vitamin D usage D by using a 6-point Likert scale, with to a PSPRN practice. This survey was among a group of infants from the Se- possible responses to each statement anonymous; no identifying health in- attle, Washington, area who were pre- ranging from “completely agree” to formation was collected. Surveys were dominantly breastfed for at least the “completely disagree.” The statements available in both English and Spanish first 6 months of life. We were inter- on vitamin D usage are shown in Table 1. and were distributed by a research as- ested in identifying the reasons par- For the analysis of data in the prac- sistant who visited practices on a reg- ents choose to supplement, or to not titioner vitamin D surveys, the ularly scheduled basis. Surveys were 106 TAYLOR et al Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 4. ARTICLES also distributed to parents by office mula daily during the first 6 months of garding supplementation and use of staff in participating practices during life and “never” or “almost never” re- vitamin D in study patients was as- multiple data-collection periods that ceived Ն16 oz of formula in 1 day. Be- sessed. Parental agreement with ranged from 1 to 3 months. cause commercial formula contains statements regarding vitamin D use For the infant-feeding survey, parents 400 IU/L,12 the infants who were de- was dichotomized; responses of “com- of age-eligible children provided the fined as being predominantly breast- pletely agree” or “agree” were com- current age of their child and were fed received Ͻ100 IU of vitamin D from pared with all other responses for asked the initial type of feeding for him formula on a routine basis and never each item. Similarly, the response to or her (breast milk or infant formula). or almost never received 200 IU daily. the item in the infant-feeding survey in On the basis of the recommendation which parents were asked how im- Parents of those infants who were ini- for 200 IU of supplemental vitamin D portant their child’s pediatrician’s tially breastfed were asked how long daily that was in place when the study recommendation was regarding sup- their child received human milk, how data were collected,2 none of these plemental vitamin D was dichotomized much formula their child received on a predominantly breastfed, unsupple- by comparing responses of “very im- routine basis, and how often the child portant” or “important” to other received Ն16 oz of formula in a single mented study children received Ͼ50% responses. day (possible responses included of the recommended vitamin D dose “never or almost never,” “a few days from infant formula on a daily basis Each individual characteristic or belief each week,” “almost every day,” or and virtually never received all of the was compared with the use of vitamin “every day,”). Parents were asked recommended dose from this source. D in predominantly breastfed study pa- whether their child routinely received The rate of supplemental vitamin D use tients. Those characteristics and be- in the children who were predomi- liefs statistically associated with vita- a multivitamin (all containing vitamin min D use in univariate analyses, D) during the first 6 months of life. The nantly breastfed for at least 6 months defined as an odds ratio (OR) with a parent was also asked to provide the was calculated. The rate of breast- 95% CI that did not include 1.0, were name of his or her child’s pediatrician feeding, prolonged breastfeeding, included in a multivariate model to during the child’s first 6 months of life and vitamin D use was also com- identify factors independently associ- and to indicate how important this puted for children from different ra- ated with vitamin D use in breastfed physician’s recommendation was re- cial and ethnic groups; 95% confi- children. garding the decision of whether to give dence intervals (CIs) around point his or her infant vitamins; responses estimates were calculated. Finally, during the study period, there were categorized with a 5-point Likert was increasing publicity regarding vi- Characteristics and parental beliefs tamin D deficiency in children and scale that ranged from “very impor- associated with supplemental vitamin adults.13,14 To protect the anonymity of tant” to “very unimportant.” Parents D use in children who were predomi- study children and their parents, we were also asked to provide the race nantly breastfed for at least 6 months did not collect data on the date that and ethnicity of their child. were assessed with the use of logistic infant surveys were completed (these Six statements regarding vitamin D regression. Generalized estimating dates corresponded to dates of physi- supplementation were listed on the equation techniques were used in cian visits, which is considered to be survey. As with the practitioner survey, these analyses to account for the clus- identifiable health information).15 How- parents indicated their level of agree- tering of patients in different prac- ever, information on the surveys was ment with each statement by using a tices.11 Characteristics assessed in- entered into databases as they were 6-point Likert scale. The statements on cluded race, ethnicity, and age. Data on collected. To assess the effects of sec- the infant-feeding survey are listed in the infant-feeding surveys regarding ular trends in vitamin D use during the Fig 1. the child’s pediatrician during the first study period (2006 –2008), we catego- Much of the analysis of data in the 6 months of life were linked to re- rized study patients into tertiles on the infant-feeding surveys was focused on sponses on the practitioner vitamin D basis of the chronological order of those children who were predomi- surveys. On the basis of this linkage, when their data were entered into the nantly breastfed for at least the first 6 the association between having a pedi- study databases. months of life. Children were consid- atrician who recommended vitamin D The study was approved by the Seattle ered to be predominantly breastfed if for all breastfed infants versus having Children’s Hospital’s institutional re- they routinely received Յ8 oz of for- a provider who had another policy re- view board. PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010 107 Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 5. RESULTS 2433 completed surveys -69 surveys on children <6 mo or >25 mo old A total of 44 PSPRN pediatricians com- 2364 surveys on eligible children (97.2%) pleted the practitioner vitamin D sur- vey. At the time that the survey was completed, 16 pediatricians (36.4%) in- dicated that they routinely recom- 1945 initially breastfed (82.6%) 411 formula fed (17.4%) 8 missing mended supplemental vitamin D for all of their breastfed patients. Fourteen respondents (31.8%) recommended 1456 infants breastfed for ≥6 mo (75%) supplemental vitamin D for breastfed 4 missing infants who were at high risk for de- veloping rickets. Six pediatricians - 287 infants who took ≥8 oz/d formula on (13.6%) responded that they discussed routine basis and/or 16 oz formula a few the pros and cons of supplementation d/wk or more (20.1%) -29 with missing data with parents of breastfed infants, and 8 (18.2%) indicated that they did not routinely discuss vitamin D supple- 1140 infants predominately mentation with parents. breastfed for ≥6 mo (58.6% of those initially breastfed) Physicians who did not recommend vi- tamin D for all breastfed infants had FIGURE 1 Survey completion and breastfeeding practices in study children. significantly higher levels of agree- ment with the statement, “A major lim- itation of the AAP recommendation TABLE 2 Rate of Initial Breastfeeding Among Study Infants of Different Racial and/or Ethnic Groups and Rates of Being Predominately Breastfed for at Least 6 Months that all breastfed infants receive sup- Race/Ethnicity No.a % Initially % Predominantly plemental vitamin D is that the recom- Breastfed Breastfed for Ն6 mo mendation is not evidence based,” Black 120 62.5 24.2 than pediatricians who recommended American Indian/Alaskan Native 42 88.1 52.4 vitamin D for all breastfed infants (39 Asian/Pacific Islander 427 81.5 44.8 total responses; P ϭ .011). Those prac- White 1695 85.1 52.4 Hispanic ethnicityb 232 73.7 41.0 titioners who were not universally rec- a Data on children whose parents indicated that they were of multiple races are included in more than 1 race category. ommending vitamin D also had higher b Includes children from all racial groups. levels of agreement than those who universally recommended supplemen- tation for breastfed children with the breastfeeding practices of their chil- As shown in Fig 1, surveys were com- statement indicating that recommend- dren are summarized in Fig 1. Among pleted by parents of 1140 children who ing supplementation might lead some the 2364 eligible children whose par- were predominantly breastfed for at mothers to choose to not breastfeed ents completed surveys, 1945 (82.6% least the first 6 months of life. The rest their infants (P ϭ .042). There were no [95% CI: 81.0%– 84.1%]) were mainly of the analysis was focused on these significant differences in levels of fed with human milk during their first 1140 study infants and toddlers. Over- agreement for the statement regard- month of life. The race and ethnicity of all, 181 of 1139 of these children ing the importance of following AAP eligible children are shown in Table 2 (15.9% [95% CI: 13.8%–18.1%]) were guidelines and the statement regard- along with the rates of initial breast- routinely given supplemental vitamin D ing the possibility of rickets in breast- feeding and the proportion who were during the first 6 months of life. Infor- fed children who were not supple- predominantly fed human milk for at mation on vitamin D use for 1 child was mented between those pediatricians least 6 months. The mean age of the missing. Use of supplemental vitamin who routinely recommended vitamin D infants and toddlers at the time their D in predominantly breastfed infants and those who had another policy re- parents completed the survey was 12.1 varied according to race, with val- garding supplementation. months (SD: 4.8 months); 25% were ues ranging from 14.2% (95% CI: Data on completion of the infant- aged 8 months or younger, and 25% 11.9%–16.6%) among white children to feeding survey by parents and on were aged 16 months or older. 27.1% (95% CI: 20.9%–34.0%) among 108 TAYLOR et al Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 6. ARTICLES TABLE 3 Univariate Association Between Vitamin D Use and Patient Characteristics, Parental tamin D supplementation and that vita- Beliefs, and Policy of the Child’s Pediatrician Among Study Children Who Were Predominantly Breastfed for at Least the First 6 Months of Life mins are important for a child’s over- Variable ORa 95% CI No.b all health were the only variables that White 0.63 0.44–0.90 1089 were positively and significantly asso- Nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicityc 1.67 1.22–2.27 1089 ciated with the use of vitamin D. Con- Black 1.12 0.49–2.62 1089 versely, parental agreement that sup- Asian/Pacific Islander 2.02 1.43–2.87 1089 Hispanic ethnicity 0.93 0.56–1.54 1084 plementation is unnecessary because Child’s age 1.00 0.97–1.03 1139 breast milk has all needed nutrition Parent agrees: vitamins important for overall health 5.22 3.45–7.90 1101 and that giving vitamins is inconve- Parent agrees: vitamins needed to prevent rickets/other diseases 2.77 1.93–3.98 1020 Practitioner survey: child’s doctor recommends vitamin D for all 3.88 2.23–6.73 926 nient were both significantly associ- breastfed infants ated with not using vitamin D. Addi- Parent agrees: child’s doctor recommended vitamin D 19.52 10.61–35.93 1083 tional models that included all racial Parent agrees: vitamins unnecessary, breast milk has all needed nutrition 0.07 0.04–0.13 1109 Parent agrees: giving vitamins inconvenient 0.59 0.42–0.84 1087 variable terms and/or data on the Parent agrees: vitamins not needed if infant is out in sunlight 0.29 0.17–0.49 1074 child’s pediatrician’s recommendation Child’s doctor’s recommendation regarding vitamin D important in 2.88 1.65–5.03 1037 regarding supplementation were ana- parent’s decision about vitamin D supplementation a lyzed. The results of every analysis OR was calculated by using logistic regression after accounting for clustering of children into different practices. b No. indicates number of valid responses to each item. were similar. Parental agreement that c Of the study children, 335 of 1090 (30.7%) were nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicity; information on vitamin D vitamin D was recommended by the supplementation was collected for 1089 of these children. child’s physician (adjusted ORs rang- ing from 7.76 to 8.93 in different analy- Asian/Pacific Islander children. A total tritional rickets are nonwhite and/or ses) and agreement that vitamins are of 29 black patients were predomi- Hispanic,16 only 1 race variable (non- good for overall infant health (ad- nantly breastfed for at least 6 months; white race and/or Hispanic ethnicity, justed ORs: 1.98 –2.23) were signifi- 6 of these children (20.7%) received or non-Hispanic white race) was in- cantly associated with providing sup- supplemental vitamin D. The rate of vi- cluded in the model. In addition, be- plementation; agreement that breast tamin D usage among Hispanic chil- cause 213 predominantly breastfed milk had all needed nutrition (adjusted dren who were breastfed for at least 6 study children had an initial primary ORs: 0.10 – 0.12) and agreement that months without significant formula care provider who was not a member giving vitamins is inconvenient (ad- supplementation was 15.8% (95% CI: of PSPRN and did not complete the justed ORs: 0.45– 0 .46) were statisti- 9.1%–24.7%). practitioner survey, data on the child’s cally associated with not giving vita- The univariate association between vi- pediatrician’s vitamin D recommenda- min D. tamin D use in predominantly breast- tion policy were not included in the When asked to identify their child’s fed children and several variables, in- larger model. The results of the multi- main doctor during the first 6 months cluding race, ethnicity, age, parental variate analysis are shown in Table 4. of life, parents of 927 patients listed a beliefs, and the policy of the child’s pe- Of the variables assessed in the full PSPRN pediatrician who had com- diatrician regarding supplementation, model, parental agreement that the pleted the practitioner vitamin D sur- are summarized in Table 3. In the child’s pediatrician recommended vi- vey (81.3% of those infants who were unadjusted analyses, most of the vari- ables assessed were statistically asso- ciated with supplementation. To iden- TABLE 4 Multivariate Analysis to Identify Patient Characteristics, Parent Beliefs, and Provider tify characteristics and beliefs that Policies Associated With Vitamin D Supplementation in Predominantly Breastfed Infants were independently associated with vi- Variable ORa 95% CI tamin D use in breastfed infants, an Nonwhite race and/or Hispanic ethnicity 1.29 0.81–2.06 analysis including those variables sig- Parent agrees: vitamins important for overall health 1.98 1.17–3.34 Parent agrees: vitamins needed to prevent rickets/other diseases 1.37 0.81–2.31 nificantly associated with supplemen- Parent agrees: child’s doctor recommended vitamin D 7.76 4.11–14.64 tation in univariate comparisons was Parent agrees: vitamins unnecessary, breast milk has all needed nutrition 0.12 0.07–0.23 conducted. Because of both the over- Parent agrees: giving vitamins inconvenient 0.45 0.26–0.76 Parent agrees: vitamins not needed if infant is out in sunlight 0.94 0.42–2.10 lap between several racial and ethnic Child’s doctor’s recommendation regarding vitamin D important in 1.83 0.77–4.39 groups and evidence that Ͼ90% of decision about vitamin D supplementation children in the United States with nu- a OR calculated using logistic regression after accounting for clustering of children into different practices. PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010 109 Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 7. predominantly breastfed). Among this secular trend, there were no sig- tific and lay press, has likely increased these 927 study children, 218 (23.5%) nificant changes in the results; 4 vari- interest in providing vitamin D to were seen by a health care provider ables (agreeing that the child’s doc- breastfed infants. In our study, we who indicated that he or she routinely tor recommended supplementation, found that vitamin D use increased sig- recommended supplemental vitamin D agreeing that vitamins are important nificantly during the final third of our for all breastfed infants. Parents of for overall infant health, agreeing that study period (roughly covering the pe- children whose provider universally breast milk has all needed nutrition, riod of late 2007 to mid-2008) when recommended vitamin D for breastfed and agreeing that giving vitamins is in- there was publicity about vitamin D.13,14 infants were significantly more likely convenient) remained significantly as- However, even during this most recent to agree that the provider recom- sociated with vitamin D use. period, fewer than one quarter of the mended this supplement than those of responding parents of predominantly children whose pediatrician had an- DISCUSSION breastfed infants reported giving vita- other policy (64.7% and 22.7%, respec- Our results indicate that only a minor- min D to their children. The same fac- tively; OR: 3.10 [95% CI: 1.95– 4.91]). ity of study children who were predom- tors (their child’s doctor’s recommen- Parents of nonwhite and/or Hispanic inantly breastfed for Ͼ6 months re- dation and a belief that breast milk has children were also more likely to agree ceived supplemental vitamin D. This all needed nutrition) remained signifi- that their child’s provider recom- rate of usage is explained, to a large cantly associated with a parent’s deci- mended vitamin D than those of white degree, by 2 conflicting influences. sion regarding supplementation. non-Hispanic children (44.6% and Parents who reported that their child’s 27.8%, respectively; OR: 1.75 [95% CI: As expected, we found a high rate of pediatrician recommended vitamin D breastfeeding in this population of in- 1.37–2.27]). Overall, 33.3% of respond- were ϳ8 times more likely to provide ing parents indicated that their child’s fants seen in primary care pediatric the supplementation than parents provider recommended vitamin D practices in the Seattle area. In 2002, it whose child’s pediatrician did not supplementation. Among these par- was estimated that 71% of US children make this recommendation. However, ents, 44.6% gave the supplement to had ever been breastfed and that only one third of the parents of breast- their child versus 2.8% of those 63.2% were breastfed at 1 month of fed infants indicated that the pediatri- whose child’s provider did not rec- age. The Pacific region of the country cian recommended vitamin D. In addi- ommend vitamin D (OR: 19.52 [95% CI had the highest reported rates of tion, and perhaps the most striking 10.61–35.93]). breastfeeding, with 76.4% of infants finding of this study, fewer than half from this region reportedly being Among the responding parents of chil- (44.6%) of the parents who responded dren who were predominantly breast- that vitamin D was recommended by breastfed at 1 month of age.18 We found fed for at least 6 months, 743 of 1110 their child’s pediatrician actually ad- that 82.6% of the children in our study (67.0%) agreed with the statement ministered the supplementation. This were mainly breastfed during the first that vitamin D supplementation is not counterintuitive result is partially ex- month of life. We also found that required because breast milk has all plained by our finding that 67% of the breastfeeding among black infants needed nutrition. Only 3.0% of children parents believed that supplementation was more common in our population of these parents received supplemen- is unnecessary because breast milk than nationally. However, breastfeed- tal vitamin D. has all needed nutrition. Parents who ing rates in Hispanic infants in our There was an increase in the use of had this belief were ϳ9 times less study were comparable to US rates for likely to give supplemental vitamin D Hispanic infants.18 Perhaps more sur- vitamin D in predominantly breastfed than those who did not agree with this prising was the finding that 1140 of the infants during the 2-year study period. During the first third of the period, statement. 2364 infants in the study (48.2%) were 10.8% of these children received sup- Initially, vitamin D supplementation breastfed with little or no formula sup- plemental vitamin D; 12.7% received was recommended for breastfed in- plementation for at least 6 months. the supplement during the middle fants as a method to prevent rickets.2 This is substantially higher than the third and 24.0% during the last third of However, there is emerging evidence 35.1% of infants nationally who are the study period (OR: 1.60 [95% CI: that vitamin D may play an important breastfed for at least 6 months.18 1.10 –2.32] for comparison between role in mitigating other disease pro- It is possible that the high rate of the final and first third of the study pe- cesses in children.1,17 Information breastfeeding in study children was riod). However, after controlling for about this evidence, both in the scien- linked to the reticence of the respond- 110 TAYLOR et al Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010
  • 8. ARTICLES ing pediatricians to recommend vita- man and Svec reported among 128 fants among participating pediatri- min D in at least 2 ways. Pediatricians military pediatricians.9 cians. Our results suggest that vitamin who did not universally recommend A potential limitation of this study is D use is strongly linked to physician supplementation had a belief that rec- that parents of children up to 2 years recommendations. Efforts to increase ommending vitamin D might cause old were asked to report whether vita- physician acceptance of vitamin D rec- some parents to not breastfeed their mins were given during the first 6 ommendations should lead to more infant. Perhaps these practitioners months of life and the reasons for this use in infants and increase compli- were wary of any intervention that choice. It is possible that some parents ance with AAP guidelines.6 However, would alter the high prevalence of did not recollect correctly. To some ex- the results of our study also suggest breastfeeding. Conversely, pediatri- tent, our finding that significantly that there is a strong belief by parents cians may have been hesitant to bring more parents of study children whose that breast milk has all needed nu- up supplementation to parents who pediatricians universally recommend trition. To a large degree, this belief have strong beliefs about the nutri- vitamin D indicated that the practitio- supersedes physician recommenda- tional advantages of human milk. We ner recommended supplementation tion. Thus, to substantially increase vi- found that 68.2% of responding pedi- than those whose child’s pediatrician tamin D use in predominantly breast- atricians recommended vitamin D did not tend to validate the accuracy of fed infants, public health educational supplementation for some or all parental reporting on the surveys. campaigns should also directly target breastfed infants. Although this is parents. higher than rates found in surveys of CONCLUSIONS providers conducted before the AAP At the time that we began this study in ACKNOWLEDGMENT recommendation in 2003,7,8 it is 2006, there was significant resistance This study was funded by a grant from lower than the 89% rate of recom- to the AAP recommendation for sup- the Agency for Healthcare Research mending supplementation that Sher- plemental vitamin D for breastfed in- and Quality. REFERENCES 1. Misra M, Pacaud D, Petryk A, Collett-Solberg dren, and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2008; 2007. Available at: PF, Kappy M; Drug and Therapeutics Com- 122(5):1142–1152 2007/07/09/health/webmd/main3032600.shtml. mittee of the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric En- 7. Davenport ML, Uckun A, Calikoglu AS. Pedia- Accessed April 24, 2009 docrine Society. Vitamin D deficiency in chil- trician patterns of prescribing vitamin sup- 14. Collins AT. 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  • 9. Use of Supplemental Vitamin D Among Infants Breastfed for Prolonged Periods James A. Taylor, Leah J. Geyer and Kenneth W. Feldman Pediatrics 2010;125;105-111; originally published online Nov 30, 2009; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1195 Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at: & Services References This article cites 13 articles, 10 of which you can access for free at: Citations This article has been cited by 1 HighWire-hosted articles: s Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Nutrition & Metabolism m Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from Provided by Stanford Univ Med Ctr on February 5, 2010