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The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration
Cynthia R. Howard, Fred M. Howard, Bruce Lanphear, Elisabeth A. deBlieck, Shirley
                           Eberly and Ruth A. Lawrence
                             Pediatrics 1999;103;e33
                           DOI: 10.1542/peds.103.3.e33

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The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration

               Cynthia R. Howard, MD, MPH*; Fred M. Howard, MD‡; Bruce Lanphear, MD, MPH ;
                  Elisabeth A. deBlieck, MPA*; Shirley Eberly, MS§; and Ruth A. Lawrence, MD*

ABSTRACT. Objective. To evaluate the effects of pac-                                    n infant must learn to attach and suckle prop-
ifier use and the timing of pacifier introduction on                                    erly at the breast during the first few days of
breastfeeding duration, problems, and frequency.                                        life to successfully establish breastfeeding.1,2
   Methods. A cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant                        Early oral experiences that require sucking mechan-
dyads was followed prospectively. Maternal interviews                          ics different from those required for breastfeeding
were conducted at delivery, 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks, and
thereafter every 90 days until breastfeeding ended. Infor-
                                                                               are believed to contribute to the development of
mation was obtained regarding pacifier use, infant feeding,                    improper latch and subsequent breastfeeding fail-
use of supplemental foods and breastfeeding frequency,                         ure—a problem described as nipple confusion.2– 4 The
duration, and problems. The effect of pacifier introduction                    avoidance of pacifiers was included as 1 of 10 steps
by 6 weeks of age on breastfeeding duration was evaluated                      for successful breastfeeding in the 1990 Innocenti
with Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards models.                         Declaration on maternity services and breastfeeding,
The effect of the timing of pacifier introduction (<2 weeks                    and many experts recommend that mothers who are
and <6 weeks) on breastfeeding duration at 2 and 3 months                      breastfeeding avoid exposing their infants to artifi-
was evaluated using logistic regression modeling.                              cial suckling experiences including use of pacifiers.5–7
   Results. A total of 181 mothers (68%) introduced a
                                                                                  Exposure to artificial nipples among breastfed in-
pacifier before 6 weeks. In adjusted analyses, pacifier
introduction by 6 weeks was associated with a signifi-                         fants remains commonplace in routine newborn care
cantly increased risk for shortened duration of full (haz-                     in hospitals throughout the United States.5,6,8 A num-
ard ratio, 1.53; 95% confidence interval: 1.15, 2.05) and                      ber of observational studies and one randomized
overall (hazard ratio, 1.61; 95% confidence interval:                          trial have evaluated the effect of pacifier use on
1.19,2.19) breastfeeding. Women who introduced pacifi-                         breastfeeding. Although the majority of evidence in-
ers tended to breastfeed their infants fewer times per                         dicates that pacifier use is associated with significant
day, with significant differences noted at 2 (8.1      2.6 vs                  declines in breastfeeding duration,2,9 –11 two studies
9.0    2.3) and 12 weeks’ (6.3    2.0 vs 7.4    1.6) postpar-                  dispute a causal association between pacifiers and
tum. At 12 weeks postpartum, women who introduced                              shortened breastfeeding duration.12,13 Most pub-
pacifiers also were more likely to report that breastfeed-
ing was inconvenient and that they had insufficient milk
                                                                               lished studies of pacifier use have examined the ef-
supplies. Pacifier use begun either before 2 weeks or                          fects on breastfeeding duration in less developed
before 6 weeks’ postpartum was not significantly associ-                       countries. Although pacifier use is common in devel-
ated with breastfeeding duration at 2 and 3 months.                            oped countries,14 there are no published reports of
   Conclusions. Pacifier use was independently associ-                         the effects of pacifier use on the duration of breast-
ated with significant declines in the duration of full and                     feeding in a cohort of US mothers and infants. Ad-
overall breastfeeding. Breastfeeding duration in the first                     ditionally, many factors known to influence breast-
3 months’ postpartum, however, was unaffected by pac-                          feeding duration, including cultural practices,
ifier use. Women who introduced pacifiers tended to                            prenatal education, hospital practices, and postpar-
breastfeed their infants less frequently and experienced
breastfeeding problems consistent with infrequent feed-
                                                                               tum support, are likely to vary between less devel-
ing. Findings from this study suggest that the decreases                       oped countries and the United States. Therefore, it
in breastfeeding duration associated with pacifier use                         remains unclear whether pacifier use should be ac-
may be a consequence of less frequent breastfeeding                            tively discouraged.
among women who introduce pacifiers to their infants.                             It also has been hypothesized that the timing of
Pediatrics 1999;103(3). URL:                        exposure to artificial nipples is important in mediat-
cgi/content/full/103/3/e33; breastfeeding, pacifiers.                          ing effects on breastfeeding.2– 4,15 Thus, according to
                                                                               this hypothesis, mother–infant dyads who begin pac-
ABBREVIATIONS. HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval.                      ifier use before breastfeeding is well established in-
                                                                               cur a higher risk for problems than do couplets who
                                                                               have successfully established breastfeeding before
                                                                               pacifier introduction. A randomized clinical trial of
From the Departments of *Pediatrics, ‡Obstetrics and Gynecology, and
§Biostatistics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and   restricted supplemental formula and pacifier use
the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Rochester, New York; and the           during the first 5 days of life demonstrated no sig-
 Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.         nificant effects on breastfeeding.13 Longer periods of
Received for publication Mar 20, 1998; accepted Nov 12, 1998.                  avoidance, however, have not been assessed.
Reprint requests to (C.R.H.) Department of Pediatrics, Rochester General
Hospital, 1425 Portland Ave, Rochester, NY 14621.
                                                                                  The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1999 by the American Acad-            effects of pacifier use on breastfeeding duration in a
emy of Pediatrics.                                                             cohort of US mother–infant dyads and the influence               PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 3 March 1999                           1 of 6
                             Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
that timing of pacifier introduction exerts on any                           not differ significantly from those retained to follow-up for race
associated declines in breastfeeding duration.                               (P     .5), age (P    .7), marital status (P    .10), or educational
                                                                             attainment (P      .06), but they had significantly lower socioeco-
                                                                             nomic status (P .01).
                           METHODS                                              This cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant dyads was fol-
    Data from a cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant dyads              lowed with serial telephone interviews conducted by nurse inter-
participating in a larger randomized clinical trial of obstetric in-         viewers blinded to the study hypothesis and group assignment.
fluences on infant feeding choices and breastfeeding duration                Interviews were conducted at 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks’ postpartum,
were analyzed.16 A brief summary of the methods used to develop              and every 90 days thereafter until breastfeeding ended. Standard-
this cohort is presented.                                                    ized interviews with categorical and quantitative responses were
    A total of 547 consecutive pregnant women presenting for their           used. At each telephone contact, extensive information was gath-
first prenatal visit were randomized to receive one of two distinct          ered regarding infant feeding including breastfeeding frequency,
educational packs about infant feeding, one containing formula               duration, and maternal and infant problems; proportion of diet
company produced materials (commercial) and the other contain-               composed of breast milk; and timing of introduction and use of
ing materials with similar subject matter but selected to eliminate          various supplemental foods and/or liquids. Additionally, moth-
all forms of formula advertising (noncommercial). Both packs                 ers were questioned at each contact regarding regular (daily) use
contained information about infant feeding emphasizing breast-               of a pacifier while the infant was breastfed.
feeding as optimal infant nutrition, and neither contained infor-               At each contact, nurses offered to answer any infant, maternal
mation about pacifiers. Packs were distributed to women at the               care, or breastfeeding question. Advice regarding pacifier use was
end of their first prenatal visit.                                           offered only if a mother questioned the use of a pacifier specifi-
    Two randomly assigned study groups of expectant mothers                  cally. Consistent with postpartum hospital instruction and breast-
were formed over a 7-month period (12/94 – 6/95) from three                  feeding protocols used by the hospital breastfeeding support line,
independent, obstetric practices in six clinical offices in and              women were encouraged to avoid pacifier use until breastfeeding
around the Greater Rochester, NY, area. Clinical sites for this              was well established, generally at 3 to 4 weeks of age.
study included one urban site, four suburban sites, and one rural
site. Each obstetric practice comprised five to six obstetrician/
gynecologists, each of whom performed deliveries exclusively at              Analysis
Rochester General Hospital, a level II, 526-bed community hospi-                Data were entered and analyzed using SAS, BMDP, and Epi
tal affiliated with the University of Rochester School of Medicine           Info version 6.17 Statistical tests used to compare sociodemo-
and Dentistry. Obstetric practices were selected based on an affil-          graphic characteristics (Tables 1 and 2) included Student’s t test, 2
iation with Rochester General Hospital, the proportion of obstetric          test, and Fisher’s exact test as appropriate.18 Analyses of breast-
patients choosing to breastfeed, and willingness to participate in           feeding problems and frequency were examined using 2 tests and
the clinical trial. To obtain cooperation of the obstetricians, they         Student’s t test, respectively. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional
were informed of the study hypothesis but were blinded to group              hazards survival analyses were used in unadjusted and adjusted
assignment. Their staff, including those responsible for prenatal            analyses of the effect of pacifier use on breastfeeding duration.19
education, were blinded to both the hypothesis and group assign-             Logistic regression modeling was used to evaluate the effect of
ment.                                                                        pacifier timing on breastfeeding duration.20 Significance levels
    Randomized women were tracked throughout pregnancy. Of                   were not adjusted for multiple comparisons.
the 547 women randomized at first prenatal visit, 444 women                     Breastfeeding terms and definitions used in this study are
presented for delivery at Rochester General Hospital. Approxi-               modifications of those recommended by The Interagency Group
mately 19% of the cohort was lost because of miscarriage, moving             for Action on Breastfeeding.21 Breastfeeding duration is defined by
out of the area, or problems necessitating delivery in a tertiary care       the following categories 1) full and 2) overall. Full breastfeeding
setting. In the immediate postpartum period, a research assistant            includes the infrequent use of water, juice, or ritualistic feeds.
blinded to group assignment interviewed women regarding                      Infants are primarily breastfed and do not receive daily supple-
planned and actual use to date of a pacifier, family composition,            ments. Overall breastfeeding is defined as the length of time an
workforce participation, familial support, and personal beliefs/             infant receives any breastfeedings.
choices regarding infant feeding methods. Mothers who chose to                  Pacifier information was collected at all scheduled contacts. A
breastfeed their infants were asked additional questions about               continuous pacifier introduction variable was constructed based
their breastfeeding experience in the hospital, problems, and                on the interview date when pacifier use was first identified. Be-
goals. Maternal (prenatal and hospital) and infant (hospital) chart          cause of the structure of the question used to determine introduc-
reviews were conducted on all participants. Demographic data                 tion (use before breastfeeding cessation), analyses of full duration
were collected on participants using electronic birth certificate            are subject to some underestimation of effects associated with
records. Details of the methods of this trial are presented else-            pacifier use. To account for this, we have conducted very limited
where.16                                                                     evaluations of this outcome, confining the majority of analyses to
    Women who chose to breastfeed their infants and delivered                overall duration. Analyses of overall duration are not subject to
term, healthy infants were recruited to participate in a postpartum          these concerns.
follow-up study of breastfeeding. Of the 311 women who chose to                 To evaluate the effect of pacifier introduction while adjusting
breastfeed their infants, 15 women refused follow-up, 15 were                for other predictors of breastfeeding duration, Cox proportional
deemed ineligible because of complications resulting in preterm              hazard models were developed. Models were developed using the
delivery or prolonged maternal or infant hospitalization, 14 ended           following possible predictors of breastfeeding duration: maternal
breastfeeding before hospital discharge, and 2 were missed be-               race, maternal education, paternal education, maternal age, socio-
cause of failure of the study team to identify them as enrolled              economic status,22 marital status, parity, mode of delivery, previ-
subjects during the postpartum hospitalization. These women did              ous breastfeeding experience, timing of feeding method selection,

TABLE 1.       Characteristics of Study Participants by Pacifier Use
              Characteristic                     Pacifier Introduction After 6                 Pacifier Introduction by 6               P
                                                    Weeks/Never n 84                                 Weeks n 181                      Value
                                               Mean          Standard Deviation            Mean          Standard Deviation
   Maternal age (y)                             31.2                   4.5                   30.0                 4.6                   .06
   Socioeconomic status22                       70.2                  22.0                   71.4                21.3                   .70
   Maternal education (y)                       14.3                   1.9                   14.6                 1.9                   .25
   Paternal education (y)                       14.5                   2.1                   14.6                 1.9                   .79
   Maternal Goal (wk)                           26.7                  20.4                   22.8                18.0                   .13
   First successful latch and feeding          233.3                 536.1                  225.6               419.6                   .91
     (minutes of age)

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TABLE 2.       Characteristics of Study Participants by Pacifier Introduction
              Characteristic                   Pacifier Introduction After 6      Pacifier Introduction by 6 Weeks       P
                                                 Weeks/Never (n 84)                            (n 181)                 Value
                                                      Proportion (%)                        Proportion (%)
    White                                                  98.8                                  96.7                   .44*
    Married                                                90.5                                  89.5                   .81
    Plans to return to work                                54.8                                  61.9                   .27
    Primiparous                                            38.1                                  48.6                   .11
    Delivery by c-section                                  15.5                                  21.0                   .29
    Breastfed an infant previously                         51.2                                  50.6                   .92
      (all mothers in study)
    Paternal preference breastfeeding                      65.5                                  63.0                   .69
    Family preference breastfeeding                        28.6                                  30.9                   .70
    Feeding decision 3rd trimester                         71.4                                  65.2                   .32
    Problems pregnancy/delivery                            70.2                                  70.2                   .99
    Most friends have breastfed                            39.3                                  37.6                   .79
    Apgar score at 5 minutes                                                                                            .50
      5                                                     0.0                                   1.1
      8                                                     3.6                                   5.5
      9                                                    86.9                                  87.9
      10                                                    9.5                                   5.5
    Randomization**                                        48.8                                  51.4                   .70
* Fisher’s exact test.
** Randomization to commercial materials in randomized clinical trial of infant feeding choices.16

problems with pregnancy/labor/delivery, breastfeeding goal             who chose not to introduce pacifiers on a variety of
(weeks), family preference for breastfeeding, paternal preference      demographic and support factors. Pacifier use was
for breastfeeding, having friends who breastfed, randomization
group,16 plans to return to work, infant’s 5-minute Apgar score,       not associated with either study group assignment
and infant’s age in minutes when first breastfed (first successful     (educational packet received at first prenatal visit) or
latch and feeding). Predictive factors with a P value .10 were         the obstetric practice where the women were re-
retained in the model. A continuous variable for pacifier use          cruited (P .7).
instituted by 6 weeks was then forced into each of the selected
models to evaluate any associated risk for shortened breastfeeding        Unadjusted survival analyses (Kaplan-Meier) of
duration. Finally, to evaluate any modification of pacifier effects    overall breastfeeding duration according to pacifier
attributable to potential confounding factors of specific interest     use are presented in Fig 1. There is a trend toward
(eg, bottle introduction, study group assignment), both the paci-      shorter duration in women who introduced a paci-
fier variable and the variable in question were added to the
selected “best” models.                                                fier by 6 weeks (168.5 days [SE 9.7]) compared with
    Initial models used continuous data for mothers’ breastfeeding     those who introduced pacifiers after 6 weeks/never
goal and maternal age. To facilitate presentation of the final         (196.0 days [SE 18.4]). These results, however, were
model, dichotomous variables were constructed for these factors        not statistically different (P     .10). Additionally, al-
(ie, goal 26 weeks or 26 weeks and maternal age 30 years or
  30 years). The use of dichotomous variables did not alter signif-
                                                                       though the data displayed in Fig 1 are unadjusted,
icantly the strength or direction of the associated predictors.        detrimental effects attributable to pacifiers are evi-
    The timing of pacifier introduction on breastfeeding was eval-     dent only after the first several months of lactation.
uated by using logistic regression modeling to predict breastfeed-        To evaluate the effect of pacifier introduction on
ing duration to 2 and 3 months’ postpartum. Models were con-
structed using the same 19 predictors of breastfeeding duration.
                                                                       breastfeeding duration while adjusting for other
Factors with P .10 were retained in the model. A dichotomized          known predictors of duration, Cox proportional haz-
pacifier introduction variable then was forced into the model.         ard models were developed. Pacifier introduction by
Separate models were used to evaluate the effect of pacifier intro-    6 weeks was associated with a significant increased
duction 1) before 2 weeks, and 2) before 6 weeks’ postpartum on
breastfeeding continuation to 2 and 3 months.
                                                                       risk for shortened duration of full breastfeeding
                                                                       (hazard ratio [HR], 1.53; 95% confidence interval
                           RESULTS                                     [CI]: 1.15,2.05; P     .004) and overall breastfeeding
  Pacifier use was common among subjects in this                       (HR 1.61; 95% CI: 1.19,2.19; P .002). The model for
study. By the time infants were 6 months of age, 74%                   overall breastfeeding duration is presented in Table
of mothers had initiated pacifier use: 15% began use                   3. Randomization group for the primary study16 and
before hospital discharge, another 36% began use by                    bottle introduction, when added to the final models,
2 weeks’ postpartum, another 17% began by 6 weeks’                     did not significantly alter risks associated with pac-
postpartum, and 6% began use between 6 and 24                          ifier use.
weeks’ postpartum.                                                        The effect of pacifier introduction on breastfeeding
  Demographic and social characteristics for the 265                   frequency was investigated. Breastfeeding frequency
women according to pacifier introduction are pre-                      was significantly decreased at 2 weeks’ postpartum
sented in Tables 1 and 2. Women who introduced                         in women who had instituted pacifier use by 2 weeks
pacifiers to their infants compared with those who                     (8.1    2.6 vs 9.0     2.3; P    .003) and at 12 weeks’
did not tended to be primiparous (P .11), to have                      postpartum in women who had introduced pacifier
shorter goals for breastfeeding (P     .13), and to be                 use by 6 weeks (6.3         2.0 vs 7.4    1.6; P    .001).
somewhat younger (P        .06). Women who chose to                    Although there was a trend toward decreased fre-
introduce pacifiers were otherwise similar to women                    quency among pacifier users, differences were not

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Fig 1. Percent of infants still breastfeeding according to pacifier exposure (pacifier introduction at   6 weeks vs never/ 6 weeks).

TABLE 3.      Predictors of Reduced Overall Breastfeeding Dura-         feeding at 2 and 3 months’ postpartum according to
tion (Cox Proportional Hazards Analysis)                                pacifier introduction are presented in Table 4.
   Predictors of Overall Duration      HR      95% CI Significance
Pacifier use 6 wk                      1.61   1.19,   2.19   .002
Maternal age 30 y                      1.32   1.02,   1.71   .03           Breastfeeding results in many health benefits for
Father not in favor of breastfeeding   1.30   0.99,   1.70   .06        both mothers and infants and is widely acknowl-
Plans to return to work                1.42   1.09,   1.85   .01        edged as the optimal way to nourish an infant.6,23–28
C-section                              1.30   0.95,   1.79   .10        Scientific investigation of the effect of early artificial
Pregnancy/labor/delivery               1.31   0.98,   1.73   .06
  problems                                                              sucking experiences on the ability of newborns to
Breastfeeding goal 26 wk               2.12 1.57, 2.87       .0001      breastfeed successfully is of profound relevance and
                                                                        importance to maternal and child health in the
                                                                        United States. Moreover, because nonnutritive suck-
significant at 6 (7.4 2.5 vs 7.8 2.0; P .23) and 24                     ing is associated with beneficial effects including
weeks’ postpartum (5.1 2.2 vs 5.4 1.9; P .57).                          enhanced growth in premature infants, possible pre-
   Extensive information was gathered at each post-                     vention of SIDS, and coping with adverse stimuli,29 –34
partum contact regarding breastfeeding problems.                        as well as with detrimental effects including in-
We evaluated the effect of pacifier introduction on                     creased rates of otitis media and malocclusion,35–37 it
the likelihood of mothers reporting breastfeeding                       is even more important to determine whether paci-
problems at 6 and 12 weeks’ postpartum. The only                        fier use is detrimental to breastfeeding.
significant differences in incidence of breastfeeding                      Despite some limitations, this study documents
problems occurred at 12 weeks’ postpartum; mothers                      important associations between pacifier use and a
who had introduced a pacifier by 6 weeks were more                      variety of breastfeeding outcomes. Pacifier use in the
likely to report that breastfeeding was inconvenient                    first 6 weeks’ was independently associated with
(P     .05) and that they had experienced problems                      shortened full and overall breastfeeding duration.
with not producing enough breast milk (P .05).                          Confirming findings from studies conducted outside
   Timing of pacifier introduction up to 6 weeks’                       the United States, this study demonstrated an ap-
postpartum was not significantly associated with                        proximate 1.5-fold increase in the risk of shortened
breastfeeding duration to either 2 or 3 months. Inde-                   breastfeeding duration in the pacifier group. This
pendent predictors of breastfeeding at 2 months in-                     effect, however, is of a smaller magnitude than that
cluded maternal breastfeeding goal, education, age,                     documented in the Brazilian studies, where risks for
history of problems during pregnancy/labor/deliv-                       shortened duration were two- to threefold higher
ery, and plans to return to work. Infant-related pre-                   among pacifier-exposed infants.9,11,12 Additionally,
dictors included the minutes to first breastfeeding
and the infant’s Apgar score at 5 minutes. The
3-month model contained one additional predictor,                       TABLE 4.    Percent of Women Still Breastfeeding at 2 and 3
                                                                        Months According to Pacifier Introduction
the time at which the feeding decision was made
(before 3rd trimester). Pacifier introduction at 2                                Pacifier            2 Months (%)      3 Months (%)
weeks’ postpartum was not significantly associated                             Introduction
with breastfeeding duration to either 2 or 3 months.                       Introduction   2   wk            68               60
Similarly, pacifier introduction up to 6 weeks’ post-                      Introduction   2   wk            69               64
partum was not significantly associated with breast-                       Introduction   6   wk            70               63
                                                                           Introduction   6   wk            63               60
feeding duration at 2 or 3 months. Rates of breast-

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pacifier use in this study was associated primarily          sality. For example, an association between pacifier
with long-term breastfeeding duration and did not            use and shortened duration might result not from the
affect short-term outcomes; there was no significant         effect of pacifiers on breastfeeding success but from
association with breastfeeding duration up to 3              the use of pacifiers to facilitate the weaning process.
months’ postpartum. Although concerning, these               Finally, we conducted a number of analyses in this
findings fail to support breastfeeding attachment            study, particularly with regard to the occurrence of
problems or nipple confusion as the biologic mech-           breastfeeding problems, and the possibility of spuri-
anism whereby pacifier use affects breastfeeding du-         ous positive findings attributable to multiple com-
ration.                                                      parisons must be acknowledged.
   In our evaluation of breastfeeding problems, we              Findings from this study also may not be general-
also found minimal evidence of any problems attrib-          izable to other sociodemographic groups or popula-
utable to suckling technique. At 12 weeks, there were        tions with less social and educational support for
reports that breastfeeding was inconvenient and that         breastfeeding. This study followed a population of
pacifier users experienced more problems with in-            women that were primarily privately insured, well
sufficient milk supplies. It is difficult to reconcile the   educated, white, and married, who might be ex-
proposed biologic mechanism of nipple confusion,             pected to experience social and familial support for
interference with an infant learning proper latch and        breastfeeding. Most participants had regular post-
suckling mechanics, with maternal perceptions that           partum contact with their infant’s physician, and all
breastfeeding is inconvenient in the absence of other        had contact with study nurses who offered help with
problems like nipple trauma or breast refusal. Re-           breastfeeding at each follow-up contact. In combina-
ported problems also were isolated and reported              tion, these factors could lessen detrimental effects of
inconsistently across contact times. The timing of           pacifier use on breastfeeding.
reports, at 12 weeks’ postpartum, was additionally              In summary, findings from this study suggest that
relatively late according to the proposed biologic           pacifier use, through an association with infrequent
mechanism of nipple confusion. Mothers who intro-            breastfeeding, mediates the declines observed in
duced pacifiers in this study tended to breastfeed           breastfeeding duration. Given the infrequency of
less frequently than those who avoided use. It is            breastfeeding problems among pacifier users and the
plausible that women who used pacifiers tended to            lack of an association with breastfeeding duration to
offer the pacifier in an effort to extend the time
                                                             3 months, these data otherwise fail to support the
between feedings. Certainly, those who considered
                                                             development of nipple confusion in pacifier-exposed
breastfeeding inconvenient might tend to delay feed-
                                                             infants. Despite the limitations of this study, the
ings through the use of a pacifier, and infrequent
                                                             finding that shortened breastfeeding duration is as-
feedings are a known cause of insufficient milk
                                                             sociated with pacifier use in a cohort of US women is
                                                             important. Full and overall breastfeeding duration
   One possible explanation of these findings is that
                                                             are clinically important health measures.27 Many in-
our results are confounded by differences between
mothers who use or avoid pacifiers. Perhaps women            fant health benefits attributable to breastfeeding are
who used pacifiers breastfed less frequently and             known to depend on the duration of full breastfeed-
were more likely to wean their infants earlier than          ing, and overall duration is associated with such
mothers who avoided pacifier use for reasons unre-           important benefits as concurrent maternal fertility
lated to breastfeeding difficulties, but deriving from       reduction and lessened risks of breast and ovarian
infant feeding beliefs and/or parenting styles. In           cancers.1,24,26,38 – 40
support of this premise are the lack of an association          To clarify the current evidence, additional research
between pacifier use and breastfeeding duration up           using the rigorous scientific methodology of the ran-
to 3 months and a relative absence of significant            domized clinical trial will be necessary. Such trials
breastfeeding problems in the pacifier group. The            should be conducted in varied populations and set-
most recent study from the Brazilian group demon-            tings and include longer periods of restricted expo-
strated that many mothers used pacifiers to wean             sure to pacifiers than have been examined thus far.13
their infants and that mothers who introduced paci-          Until such studies can be completed, it is important
fiers breastfed less frequently and were more likely         that breastfeeding support and education be incor-
to have rigid breastfeeding styles.12 Unfortunately,         porated into prenatal obstetric and early pediatric
the kind of ethnographic data that made those con-           patient encounters. Parents wishing to use a pacifier
clusions possible are not available from this study.         may benefit from education about alternative meth-
   Although this study provides prospectively col-           ods to comfort infants, the importance of frequent
lected data, it is observational by design and is lim-       suckling in establishing and maintaining milk sup-
ited in its ability to provide evidence of a causal          plies, and the benefits of full breastfeeding during
association between pacifier use and breastfeeding           the first 6 months of life and thereafter with the
success. Despite efforts to adjust for potentially con-      appropriate addition of solid foods for at least 12
founding factors, there may remain unmeasured dif-           months. Although pacifier use ultimately may be
ferences between mothers who choose to introduce a           determined to be only a marker of women at risk for
pacifier or infants who engender their use that ac-          shortened breastfeeding duration, education and
count for the observed results. Findings from obser-         support of these women and their efforts to breast-
vational studies also are vulnerable to reverse cau-         feed is vital.

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6 of 6       BREASTFEEDING
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The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration
Cynthia R. Howard, Fred M. Howard, Bruce Lanphear, Elisabeth A. deBlieck, Shirley
                           Eberly and Ruth A. Lawrence
                             Pediatrics 1999;103;e33
                           DOI: 10.1542/peds.103.3.e33
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The Effects Of Early Pacifier Use On Breastfeeding Duration

  • 1. The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration Cynthia R. Howard, Fred M. Howard, Bruce Lanphear, Elisabeth A. deBlieck, Shirley Eberly and Ruth A. Lawrence Pediatrics 1999;103;e33 DOI: 10.1542/peds.103.3.e33 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1999 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 2. The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration Cynthia R. Howard, MD, MPH*; Fred M. Howard, MD‡; Bruce Lanphear, MD, MPH ; Elisabeth A. deBlieck, MPA*; Shirley Eberly, MS§; and Ruth A. Lawrence, MD* A ABSTRACT. Objective. To evaluate the effects of pac- n infant must learn to attach and suckle prop- ifier use and the timing of pacifier introduction on erly at the breast during the first few days of breastfeeding duration, problems, and frequency. life to successfully establish breastfeeding.1,2 Methods. A cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant Early oral experiences that require sucking mechan- dyads was followed prospectively. Maternal interviews ics different from those required for breastfeeding were conducted at delivery, 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks, and thereafter every 90 days until breastfeeding ended. Infor- are believed to contribute to the development of mation was obtained regarding pacifier use, infant feeding, improper latch and subsequent breastfeeding fail- use of supplemental foods and breastfeeding frequency, ure—a problem described as nipple confusion.2– 4 The duration, and problems. The effect of pacifier introduction avoidance of pacifiers was included as 1 of 10 steps by 6 weeks of age on breastfeeding duration was evaluated for successful breastfeeding in the 1990 Innocenti with Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards models. Declaration on maternity services and breastfeeding, The effect of the timing of pacifier introduction (<2 weeks and many experts recommend that mothers who are and <6 weeks) on breastfeeding duration at 2 and 3 months breastfeeding avoid exposing their infants to artifi- was evaluated using logistic regression modeling. cial suckling experiences including use of pacifiers.5–7 Results. A total of 181 mothers (68%) introduced a Exposure to artificial nipples among breastfed in- pacifier before 6 weeks. In adjusted analyses, pacifier introduction by 6 weeks was associated with a signifi- fants remains commonplace in routine newborn care cantly increased risk for shortened duration of full (haz- in hospitals throughout the United States.5,6,8 A num- ard ratio, 1.53; 95% confidence interval: 1.15, 2.05) and ber of observational studies and one randomized overall (hazard ratio, 1.61; 95% confidence interval: trial have evaluated the effect of pacifier use on 1.19,2.19) breastfeeding. Women who introduced pacifi- breastfeeding. Although the majority of evidence in- ers tended to breastfeed their infants fewer times per dicates that pacifier use is associated with significant day, with significant differences noted at 2 (8.1 2.6 vs declines in breastfeeding duration,2,9 –11 two studies 9.0 2.3) and 12 weeks’ (6.3 2.0 vs 7.4 1.6) postpar- dispute a causal association between pacifiers and tum. At 12 weeks postpartum, women who introduced shortened breastfeeding duration.12,13 Most pub- pacifiers also were more likely to report that breastfeed- ing was inconvenient and that they had insufficient milk lished studies of pacifier use have examined the ef- supplies. Pacifier use begun either before 2 weeks or fects on breastfeeding duration in less developed before 6 weeks’ postpartum was not significantly associ- countries. Although pacifier use is common in devel- ated with breastfeeding duration at 2 and 3 months. oped countries,14 there are no published reports of Conclusions. Pacifier use was independently associ- the effects of pacifier use on the duration of breast- ated with significant declines in the duration of full and feeding in a cohort of US mothers and infants. Ad- overall breastfeeding. Breastfeeding duration in the first ditionally, many factors known to influence breast- 3 months’ postpartum, however, was unaffected by pac- feeding duration, including cultural practices, ifier use. Women who introduced pacifiers tended to prenatal education, hospital practices, and postpar- breastfeed their infants less frequently and experienced breastfeeding problems consistent with infrequent feed- tum support, are likely to vary between less devel- ing. Findings from this study suggest that the decreases oped countries and the United States. Therefore, it in breastfeeding duration associated with pacifier use remains unclear whether pacifier use should be ac- may be a consequence of less frequent breastfeeding tively discouraged. among women who introduce pacifiers to their infants. It also has been hypothesized that the timing of Pediatrics 1999;103(3). URL: exposure to artificial nipples is important in mediat- cgi/content/full/103/3/e33; breastfeeding, pacifiers. ing effects on breastfeeding.2– 4,15 Thus, according to this hypothesis, mother–infant dyads who begin pac- ABBREVIATIONS. HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval. ifier use before breastfeeding is well established in- cur a higher risk for problems than do couplets who have successfully established breastfeeding before pacifier introduction. A randomized clinical trial of From the Departments of *Pediatrics, ‡Obstetrics and Gynecology, and §Biostatistics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and restricted supplemental formula and pacifier use the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Rochester, New York; and the during the first 5 days of life demonstrated no sig- Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. nificant effects on breastfeeding.13 Longer periods of Received for publication Mar 20, 1998; accepted Nov 12, 1998. avoidance, however, have not been assessed. Reprint requests to (C.R.H.) Department of Pediatrics, Rochester General Hospital, 1425 Portland Ave, Rochester, NY 14621. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1999 by the American Acad- effects of pacifier use on breastfeeding duration in a emy of Pediatrics. cohort of US mother–infant dyads and the influence PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 3 March 1999 1 of 6 Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 3. that timing of pacifier introduction exerts on any not differ significantly from those retained to follow-up for race associated declines in breastfeeding duration. (P .5), age (P .7), marital status (P .10), or educational attainment (P .06), but they had significantly lower socioeco- nomic status (P .01). METHODS This cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant dyads was fol- Data from a cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother–infant dyads lowed with serial telephone interviews conducted by nurse inter- participating in a larger randomized clinical trial of obstetric in- viewers blinded to the study hypothesis and group assignment. fluences on infant feeding choices and breastfeeding duration Interviews were conducted at 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks’ postpartum, were analyzed.16 A brief summary of the methods used to develop and every 90 days thereafter until breastfeeding ended. Standard- this cohort is presented. ized interviews with categorical and quantitative responses were A total of 547 consecutive pregnant women presenting for their used. At each telephone contact, extensive information was gath- first prenatal visit were randomized to receive one of two distinct ered regarding infant feeding including breastfeeding frequency, educational packs about infant feeding, one containing formula duration, and maternal and infant problems; proportion of diet company produced materials (commercial) and the other contain- composed of breast milk; and timing of introduction and use of ing materials with similar subject matter but selected to eliminate various supplemental foods and/or liquids. Additionally, moth- all forms of formula advertising (noncommercial). Both packs ers were questioned at each contact regarding regular (daily) use contained information about infant feeding emphasizing breast- of a pacifier while the infant was breastfed. feeding as optimal infant nutrition, and neither contained infor- At each contact, nurses offered to answer any infant, maternal mation about pacifiers. Packs were distributed to women at the care, or breastfeeding question. Advice regarding pacifier use was end of their first prenatal visit. offered only if a mother questioned the use of a pacifier specifi- Two randomly assigned study groups of expectant mothers cally. Consistent with postpartum hospital instruction and breast- were formed over a 7-month period (12/94 – 6/95) from three feeding protocols used by the hospital breastfeeding support line, independent, obstetric practices in six clinical offices in and women were encouraged to avoid pacifier use until breastfeeding around the Greater Rochester, NY, area. Clinical sites for this was well established, generally at 3 to 4 weeks of age. study included one urban site, four suburban sites, and one rural site. Each obstetric practice comprised five to six obstetrician/ gynecologists, each of whom performed deliveries exclusively at Analysis Rochester General Hospital, a level II, 526-bed community hospi- Data were entered and analyzed using SAS, BMDP, and Epi tal affiliated with the University of Rochester School of Medicine Info version 6.17 Statistical tests used to compare sociodemo- and Dentistry. Obstetric practices were selected based on an affil- graphic characteristics (Tables 1 and 2) included Student’s t test, 2 iation with Rochester General Hospital, the proportion of obstetric test, and Fisher’s exact test as appropriate.18 Analyses of breast- patients choosing to breastfeed, and willingness to participate in feeding problems and frequency were examined using 2 tests and the clinical trial. To obtain cooperation of the obstetricians, they Student’s t test, respectively. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional were informed of the study hypothesis but were blinded to group hazards survival analyses were used in unadjusted and adjusted assignment. Their staff, including those responsible for prenatal analyses of the effect of pacifier use on breastfeeding duration.19 education, were blinded to both the hypothesis and group assign- Logistic regression modeling was used to evaluate the effect of ment. pacifier timing on breastfeeding duration.20 Significance levels Randomized women were tracked throughout pregnancy. Of were not adjusted for multiple comparisons. the 547 women randomized at first prenatal visit, 444 women Breastfeeding terms and definitions used in this study are presented for delivery at Rochester General Hospital. Approxi- modifications of those recommended by The Interagency Group mately 19% of the cohort was lost because of miscarriage, moving for Action on Breastfeeding.21 Breastfeeding duration is defined by out of the area, or problems necessitating delivery in a tertiary care the following categories 1) full and 2) overall. Full breastfeeding setting. In the immediate postpartum period, a research assistant includes the infrequent use of water, juice, or ritualistic feeds. blinded to group assignment interviewed women regarding Infants are primarily breastfed and do not receive daily supple- planned and actual use to date of a pacifier, family composition, ments. Overall breastfeeding is defined as the length of time an workforce participation, familial support, and personal beliefs/ infant receives any breastfeedings. choices regarding infant feeding methods. Mothers who chose to Pacifier information was collected at all scheduled contacts. A breastfeed their infants were asked additional questions about continuous pacifier introduction variable was constructed based their breastfeeding experience in the hospital, problems, and on the interview date when pacifier use was first identified. Be- goals. Maternal (prenatal and hospital) and infant (hospital) chart cause of the structure of the question used to determine introduc- reviews were conducted on all participants. Demographic data tion (use before breastfeeding cessation), analyses of full duration were collected on participants using electronic birth certificate are subject to some underestimation of effects associated with records. Details of the methods of this trial are presented else- pacifier use. To account for this, we have conducted very limited where.16 evaluations of this outcome, confining the majority of analyses to Women who chose to breastfeed their infants and delivered overall duration. Analyses of overall duration are not subject to term, healthy infants were recruited to participate in a postpartum these concerns. follow-up study of breastfeeding. Of the 311 women who chose to To evaluate the effect of pacifier introduction while adjusting breastfeed their infants, 15 women refused follow-up, 15 were for other predictors of breastfeeding duration, Cox proportional deemed ineligible because of complications resulting in preterm hazard models were developed. Models were developed using the delivery or prolonged maternal or infant hospitalization, 14 ended following possible predictors of breastfeeding duration: maternal breastfeeding before hospital discharge, and 2 were missed be- race, maternal education, paternal education, maternal age, socio- cause of failure of the study team to identify them as enrolled economic status,22 marital status, parity, mode of delivery, previ- subjects during the postpartum hospitalization. These women did ous breastfeeding experience, timing of feeding method selection, TABLE 1. Characteristics of Study Participants by Pacifier Use Characteristic Pacifier Introduction After 6 Pacifier Introduction by 6 P Weeks/Never n 84 Weeks n 181 Value Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation Maternal age (y) 31.2 4.5 30.0 4.6 .06 Socioeconomic status22 70.2 22.0 71.4 21.3 .70 Maternal education (y) 14.3 1.9 14.6 1.9 .25 Paternal education (y) 14.5 2.1 14.6 1.9 .79 Maternal Goal (wk) 26.7 20.4 22.8 18.0 .13 First successful latch and feeding 233.3 536.1 225.6 419.6 .91 (minutes of age) 2 of 6 BREASTFEEDING Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 4. TABLE 2. Characteristics of Study Participants by Pacifier Introduction Characteristic Pacifier Introduction After 6 Pacifier Introduction by 6 Weeks P Weeks/Never (n 84) (n 181) Value Proportion (%) Proportion (%) White 98.8 96.7 .44* Married 90.5 89.5 .81 Plans to return to work 54.8 61.9 .27 Primiparous 38.1 48.6 .11 Delivery by c-section 15.5 21.0 .29 Breastfed an infant previously 51.2 50.6 .92 (all mothers in study) Paternal preference breastfeeding 65.5 63.0 .69 Family preference breastfeeding 28.6 30.9 .70 Feeding decision 3rd trimester 71.4 65.2 .32 Problems pregnancy/delivery 70.2 70.2 .99 Most friends have breastfed 39.3 37.6 .79 Apgar score at 5 minutes .50 5 0.0 1.1 8 3.6 5.5 9 86.9 87.9 10 9.5 5.5 Randomization** 48.8 51.4 .70 * Fisher’s exact test. ** Randomization to commercial materials in randomized clinical trial of infant feeding choices.16 problems with pregnancy/labor/delivery, breastfeeding goal who chose not to introduce pacifiers on a variety of (weeks), family preference for breastfeeding, paternal preference demographic and support factors. Pacifier use was for breastfeeding, having friends who breastfed, randomization group,16 plans to return to work, infant’s 5-minute Apgar score, not associated with either study group assignment and infant’s age in minutes when first breastfed (first successful (educational packet received at first prenatal visit) or latch and feeding). Predictive factors with a P value .10 were the obstetric practice where the women were re- retained in the model. A continuous variable for pacifier use cruited (P .7). instituted by 6 weeks was then forced into each of the selected models to evaluate any associated risk for shortened breastfeeding Unadjusted survival analyses (Kaplan-Meier) of duration. Finally, to evaluate any modification of pacifier effects overall breastfeeding duration according to pacifier attributable to potential confounding factors of specific interest use are presented in Fig 1. There is a trend toward (eg, bottle introduction, study group assignment), both the paci- shorter duration in women who introduced a paci- fier variable and the variable in question were added to the selected “best” models. fier by 6 weeks (168.5 days [SE 9.7]) compared with Initial models used continuous data for mothers’ breastfeeding those who introduced pacifiers after 6 weeks/never goal and maternal age. To facilitate presentation of the final (196.0 days [SE 18.4]). These results, however, were model, dichotomous variables were constructed for these factors not statistically different (P .10). Additionally, al- (ie, goal 26 weeks or 26 weeks and maternal age 30 years or 30 years). The use of dichotomous variables did not alter signif- though the data displayed in Fig 1 are unadjusted, icantly the strength or direction of the associated predictors. detrimental effects attributable to pacifiers are evi- The timing of pacifier introduction on breastfeeding was eval- dent only after the first several months of lactation. uated by using logistic regression modeling to predict breastfeed- To evaluate the effect of pacifier introduction on ing duration to 2 and 3 months’ postpartum. Models were con- structed using the same 19 predictors of breastfeeding duration. breastfeeding duration while adjusting for other Factors with P .10 were retained in the model. A dichotomized known predictors of duration, Cox proportional haz- pacifier introduction variable then was forced into the model. ard models were developed. Pacifier introduction by Separate models were used to evaluate the effect of pacifier intro- 6 weeks was associated with a significant increased duction 1) before 2 weeks, and 2) before 6 weeks’ postpartum on breastfeeding continuation to 2 and 3 months. risk for shortened duration of full breastfeeding (hazard ratio [HR], 1.53; 95% confidence interval RESULTS [CI]: 1.15,2.05; P .004) and overall breastfeeding Pacifier use was common among subjects in this (HR 1.61; 95% CI: 1.19,2.19; P .002). The model for study. By the time infants were 6 months of age, 74% overall breastfeeding duration is presented in Table of mothers had initiated pacifier use: 15% began use 3. Randomization group for the primary study16 and before hospital discharge, another 36% began use by bottle introduction, when added to the final models, 2 weeks’ postpartum, another 17% began by 6 weeks’ did not significantly alter risks associated with pac- postpartum, and 6% began use between 6 and 24 ifier use. weeks’ postpartum. The effect of pacifier introduction on breastfeeding Demographic and social characteristics for the 265 frequency was investigated. Breastfeeding frequency women according to pacifier introduction are pre- was significantly decreased at 2 weeks’ postpartum sented in Tables 1 and 2. Women who introduced in women who had instituted pacifier use by 2 weeks pacifiers to their infants compared with those who (8.1 2.6 vs 9.0 2.3; P .003) and at 12 weeks’ did not tended to be primiparous (P .11), to have postpartum in women who had introduced pacifier shorter goals for breastfeeding (P .13), and to be use by 6 weeks (6.3 2.0 vs 7.4 1.6; P .001). somewhat younger (P .06). Women who chose to Although there was a trend toward decreased fre- introduce pacifiers were otherwise similar to women quency among pacifier users, differences were not 3 of 6 Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 5. Fig 1. Percent of infants still breastfeeding according to pacifier exposure (pacifier introduction at 6 weeks vs never/ 6 weeks). TABLE 3. Predictors of Reduced Overall Breastfeeding Dura- feeding at 2 and 3 months’ postpartum according to tion (Cox Proportional Hazards Analysis) pacifier introduction are presented in Table 4. Predictors of Overall Duration HR 95% CI Significance DISCUSSION Pacifier use 6 wk 1.61 1.19, 2.19 .002 Maternal age 30 y 1.32 1.02, 1.71 .03 Breastfeeding results in many health benefits for Father not in favor of breastfeeding 1.30 0.99, 1.70 .06 both mothers and infants and is widely acknowl- Plans to return to work 1.42 1.09, 1.85 .01 edged as the optimal way to nourish an infant.6,23–28 C-section 1.30 0.95, 1.79 .10 Scientific investigation of the effect of early artificial Pregnancy/labor/delivery 1.31 0.98, 1.73 .06 problems sucking experiences on the ability of newborns to Breastfeeding goal 26 wk 2.12 1.57, 2.87 .0001 breastfeed successfully is of profound relevance and importance to maternal and child health in the United States. Moreover, because nonnutritive suck- significant at 6 (7.4 2.5 vs 7.8 2.0; P .23) and 24 ing is associated with beneficial effects including weeks’ postpartum (5.1 2.2 vs 5.4 1.9; P .57). enhanced growth in premature infants, possible pre- Extensive information was gathered at each post- vention of SIDS, and coping with adverse stimuli,29 –34 partum contact regarding breastfeeding problems. as well as with detrimental effects including in- We evaluated the effect of pacifier introduction on creased rates of otitis media and malocclusion,35–37 it the likelihood of mothers reporting breastfeeding is even more important to determine whether paci- problems at 6 and 12 weeks’ postpartum. The only fier use is detrimental to breastfeeding. significant differences in incidence of breastfeeding Despite some limitations, this study documents problems occurred at 12 weeks’ postpartum; mothers important associations between pacifier use and a who had introduced a pacifier by 6 weeks were more variety of breastfeeding outcomes. Pacifier use in the likely to report that breastfeeding was inconvenient first 6 weeks’ was independently associated with (P .05) and that they had experienced problems shortened full and overall breastfeeding duration. with not producing enough breast milk (P .05). Confirming findings from studies conducted outside Timing of pacifier introduction up to 6 weeks’ the United States, this study demonstrated an ap- postpartum was not significantly associated with proximate 1.5-fold increase in the risk of shortened breastfeeding duration to either 2 or 3 months. Inde- breastfeeding duration in the pacifier group. This pendent predictors of breastfeeding at 2 months in- effect, however, is of a smaller magnitude than that cluded maternal breastfeeding goal, education, age, documented in the Brazilian studies, where risks for history of problems during pregnancy/labor/deliv- shortened duration were two- to threefold higher ery, and plans to return to work. Infant-related pre- among pacifier-exposed infants.9,11,12 Additionally, dictors included the minutes to first breastfeeding and the infant’s Apgar score at 5 minutes. The 3-month model contained one additional predictor, TABLE 4. Percent of Women Still Breastfeeding at 2 and 3 Months According to Pacifier Introduction the time at which the feeding decision was made (before 3rd trimester). Pacifier introduction at 2 Pacifier 2 Months (%) 3 Months (%) weeks’ postpartum was not significantly associated Introduction with breastfeeding duration to either 2 or 3 months. Introduction 2 wk 68 60 Similarly, pacifier introduction up to 6 weeks’ post- Introduction 2 wk 69 64 partum was not significantly associated with breast- Introduction 6 wk 70 63 Introduction 6 wk 63 60 feeding duration at 2 or 3 months. Rates of breast- 4 of 6 BREASTFEEDING Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 6. pacifier use in this study was associated primarily sality. For example, an association between pacifier with long-term breastfeeding duration and did not use and shortened duration might result not from the affect short-term outcomes; there was no significant effect of pacifiers on breastfeeding success but from association with breastfeeding duration up to 3 the use of pacifiers to facilitate the weaning process. months’ postpartum. Although concerning, these Finally, we conducted a number of analyses in this findings fail to support breastfeeding attachment study, particularly with regard to the occurrence of problems or nipple confusion as the biologic mech- breastfeeding problems, and the possibility of spuri- anism whereby pacifier use affects breastfeeding du- ous positive findings attributable to multiple com- ration. parisons must be acknowledged. In our evaluation of breastfeeding problems, we Findings from this study also may not be general- also found minimal evidence of any problems attrib- izable to other sociodemographic groups or popula- utable to suckling technique. At 12 weeks, there were tions with less social and educational support for reports that breastfeeding was inconvenient and that breastfeeding. This study followed a population of pacifier users experienced more problems with in- women that were primarily privately insured, well sufficient milk supplies. It is difficult to reconcile the educated, white, and married, who might be ex- proposed biologic mechanism of nipple confusion, pected to experience social and familial support for interference with an infant learning proper latch and breastfeeding. Most participants had regular post- suckling mechanics, with maternal perceptions that partum contact with their infant’s physician, and all breastfeeding is inconvenient in the absence of other had contact with study nurses who offered help with problems like nipple trauma or breast refusal. Re- breastfeeding at each follow-up contact. In combina- ported problems also were isolated and reported tion, these factors could lessen detrimental effects of inconsistently across contact times. The timing of pacifier use on breastfeeding. reports, at 12 weeks’ postpartum, was additionally In summary, findings from this study suggest that relatively late according to the proposed biologic pacifier use, through an association with infrequent mechanism of nipple confusion. Mothers who intro- breastfeeding, mediates the declines observed in duced pacifiers in this study tended to breastfeed breastfeeding duration. Given the infrequency of less frequently than those who avoided use. It is breastfeeding problems among pacifier users and the plausible that women who used pacifiers tended to lack of an association with breastfeeding duration to offer the pacifier in an effort to extend the time 3 months, these data otherwise fail to support the between feedings. Certainly, those who considered development of nipple confusion in pacifier-exposed breastfeeding inconvenient might tend to delay feed- infants. Despite the limitations of this study, the ings through the use of a pacifier, and infrequent finding that shortened breastfeeding duration is as- feedings are a known cause of insufficient milk sociated with pacifier use in a cohort of US women is supply. important. Full and overall breastfeeding duration One possible explanation of these findings is that are clinically important health measures.27 Many in- our results are confounded by differences between mothers who use or avoid pacifiers. Perhaps women fant health benefits attributable to breastfeeding are who used pacifiers breastfed less frequently and known to depend on the duration of full breastfeed- were more likely to wean their infants earlier than ing, and overall duration is associated with such mothers who avoided pacifier use for reasons unre- important benefits as concurrent maternal fertility lated to breastfeeding difficulties, but deriving from reduction and lessened risks of breast and ovarian infant feeding beliefs and/or parenting styles. In cancers.1,24,26,38 – 40 support of this premise are the lack of an association To clarify the current evidence, additional research between pacifier use and breastfeeding duration up using the rigorous scientific methodology of the ran- to 3 months and a relative absence of significant domized clinical trial will be necessary. Such trials breastfeeding problems in the pacifier group. The should be conducted in varied populations and set- most recent study from the Brazilian group demon- tings and include longer periods of restricted expo- strated that many mothers used pacifiers to wean sure to pacifiers than have been examined thus far.13 their infants and that mothers who introduced paci- Until such studies can be completed, it is important fiers breastfed less frequently and were more likely that breastfeeding support and education be incor- to have rigid breastfeeding styles.12 Unfortunately, porated into prenatal obstetric and early pediatric the kind of ethnographic data that made those con- patient encounters. Parents wishing to use a pacifier clusions possible are not available from this study. may benefit from education about alternative meth- Although this study provides prospectively col- ods to comfort infants, the importance of frequent lected data, it is observational by design and is lim- suckling in establishing and maintaining milk sup- ited in its ability to provide evidence of a causal plies, and the benefits of full breastfeeding during association between pacifier use and breastfeeding the first 6 months of life and thereafter with the success. Despite efforts to adjust for potentially con- appropriate addition of solid foods for at least 12 founding factors, there may remain unmeasured dif- months. Although pacifier use ultimately may be ferences between mothers who choose to introduce a determined to be only a marker of women at risk for pacifier or infants who engender their use that ac- shortened breastfeeding duration, education and count for the observed results. Findings from obser- support of these women and their efforts to breast- vational studies also are vulnerable to reverse cau- feed is vital. 5 of 6 Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
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  • 8. The Effects of Early Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration Cynthia R. Howard, Fred M. Howard, Bruce Lanphear, Elisabeth A. deBlieck, Shirley Eberly and Ruth A. Lawrence Pediatrics 1999;103;e33 DOI: 10.1542/peds.103.3.e33 Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at: & Services References This article cites 22 articles, 9 of which you can access for free at: Citations This article has been cited by 3 HighWire-hosted articles: s Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Office Practice Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009