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Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among US Mothers
 Katherine R. Shealy, Kelley S. Scanlon, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, Sara B. Fein and
                        Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn
                         Pediatrics 2008;122;S50-S55
                        DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1315f

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Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among
US Mothers
Katherine R. Shealy, MPH, IBCLC, RLCa, Kelley S. Scanlon, PhD, RDa, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, PhDb, Sara B. Fein, PhDb,
Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn, PhDa

aDivision of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; bCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,

Food and Drug Administration, College Park, Maryland

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

OBJECTIVES. Although much has been published about breastfeeding rates, little is
known about how breastfeeding is practiced in the United States. We describe the
distributions and characteristics of practices related to common advice about breast-                                    
feeding during the infant’s first year of life.
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS. Participants in the 2005–2007 Infant Feeding Practices Study                                             The findings and conclusions in this article
II received monthly questionnaires during their infants’ first year of life. Among                                                  are those of the authors and do not
breastfeeding respondents, we investigated patterns and trends in types of breast-                                                 necessarily represent the official position of
                                                                                                                                   the Centers for Disease Control and
feeding (supplementing with formula or not, and at the breast or not) and maternal                                                 Prevention or the Food and Drug
report of infant feeding behaviors corresponding to common breastfeeding advice on                                                 Administration.
frequency, duration, and intervals of feedings.                                                                                    Key Words
                                                                                                                                   breastfeeding, breast milk, feeding
RESULTS. More than half of the breastfeeding mothers fed their infants nothing other                                               behavior, human milk, lactation, medical
than breast milk until 4 months of age. Formula supplementation declined from 42%                                                  education, mothers, patient education,
at 1 month to 15% at 1 year; adding other foods/liquids increasingly surpassed                                                     supplementary feeding
supplementing with formula beginning at 5 months of age. Six percent of the                                                        Abbreviations
                                                                                                                                   AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics
mothers reported that the only breast milk the infant was fed was expressed, rather                                                IFPS—Infant Feeding Practices Study
than at the breast. Frequency of breast milk feedings per day declined from 8 at 1
                                                                                                                                   Accepted for publication Jun 4, 2008
month to 3.5 at 1 year. Reported feeding durations of 20 minutes increased from
                                                                                                                                   Address correspondence to Katherine R.
46% at 1 month to 88% at 1 year. Feeding from both breasts per feeding decreased                                                   Shealy, MPH, IBCLC, RLC, Centers for Disease
15% over the infant’s first year (from 69% to 59%). Longest interfeeding intervals                                                  Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition,
                                                                                                                                   Physical Activity, and Obesity, 4770 Buford
more than doubled over the year.                                                                                                   Hwy NE, Mail Stop K25, Atlanta, GA 30341.
CONCLUSIONS. Exclusive breastfeeding was common up to 4 but not to 6 months of age.
                                                                                                                                   PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Breastfeeding with only expressed milk was rare. Considerable variation existed in                                                 Online, 1098-4275); published in the public
maternal report of practices that correspond to common breastfeeding advice. More                                                  domain by the American Academy of
research is needed to better understand how these variations relate to breastfeeding                                               Pediatrics

outcomes and the role of common breastfeeding advice in infant feeding decisions.
Pediatrics 2008;122:S50–S55

T    HE AMERICAN ACADEMY of Pediatrics (AAP) identifies pediatricians in particular, and health professionals overall,
     as important advocates to “enthusiastically”1 encourage breastfeeding and to gain and maintain knowledge and
skills related to management of breastfeeding.1 However, few pathways exist for health professionals to learn about
breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding is not a core element of most medical training.2,3 Breastfeeding information in
medical texts is often incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate.4 Although the AAP and other health professional
organizations publish numerous books and other resources on breastfeeding for both professional and lay audi-
ences5–9 and professional support is an evidence-based strategy for improving breastfeeding outcomes,10 no standard
guidelines specifically suggest what kinds of information are components of ideal professional support. In addition,
health professionals vary widely in both their attitudes about their role in breastfeeding promotion and support and
their practices.11
   Mothers receive infant feeding information and advice from a variety of sources.12 Although mothers tend to
adhere to advice from health professionals and the resources they provide, they are not likely to ask for help from
health professionals when faced with challenges in doing so.13 The AAP’s formal position on breastfeeding recom-
mends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding past 12 months,1 but the role of
“exclusive pumping”14,15 (providing expressed milk without ever feeding the infant at the breast) in breastfeeding
guidance has not been explored yet. Other advice mothers receive has common themes including “infants should
feed 8 –12 times in 24 hours,”1,5,16 “infants should breastfeed for 10 –15 minutes on each breast at each feeding,”16 and

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“after the first few weeks, infants should feed less fre-      feeding from both or 1 breast at each feeding (known as
quently and sleep through the night.”17 Often, the in-        paired or unpaired feedings23) were “yes,” “no,” and
tended time frame for the advice and the characteristics      “infant was only fed pumped milk.” Our analysis of
of transitions over time are not stated explicitly.           paired feedings was only among those who responded
    The physiological processes of human lactation con-       “yes” or “no,” whereas the mothers who responded
tradict narrowly prescriptive characterizations of fre-       “infant is only fed pumped milk” provided information
quency, duration, management, and intervals of breast-        about the prevalence of exclusive pumping. We included
feeding,18–21 and practices that vary from the advice may     in these descriptive analyses mothers with complete data
still be within the range of biological variation. Although   on each pertinent questionnaire item. Sample sizes for
the main themes of common informal breastfeeding              the descriptive analyses varied according to the ques-
advice appear in a wide range of settings, little is known    tionnaire items and behaviors analyzed (range: 449 –
about the actual distribution of the behaviors that cor-      1466 women).
respond to this advice.                                          Although some components of the IFPS II question-
    The specific objectives of this study were twofold: (1)    naires were repeated in each iteration, the exact content
to identify the prevalence of 2 types of breastfeeding        and structure of each postnatal IFPS II questionnaire was
(supplementing with infant formula or not and at the          created to gather specific kinds of information by being
breast or not) and (2) to describe rates and trends, over     sent at specific intervals across the first year of infancy.22
infants’ first year, of several aspects of breastfeeding       However, variations in how mothers timed the return of
practices related to common breastfeeding advice.             completed questionnaires meant that in some cases the
                                                              questionnaire month no longer corresponded directly to
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS                                      the infants’ age at the time the questionnaire was com-
We used data from the Infant Feeding Practices Study II       pleted. Using the procedures of Grummer-Strawn et al,24
(IFPS II), a longitudinal mail survey that surveyed moth-     we converted data from questionnaire month to the
ers from pregnancy through their infant’s first birthday.      actual infant age in weeks at the time when each ques-
Data were collected from 2005 through 2007. The sam-          tionnaire was completed, using the following infant age
ple was drawn from a national consumer opinion panel          categories: 3 to 7 weeks, 7 to 11 weeks, 11 to 15
and included adult mothers ( 18 years of age) of              weeks, 15 to 19 weeks, 19 to 24 weeks, 24 to 29
healthy singleton infants born at between 35 and 45           weeks, 29 to 36 weeks, 36 to 43 weeks, 43 to 51
weeks’ gestation. Mothers were sent questionnaires            weeks, and 51 to 60 weeks. To simplify reporting and
monthly throughout their infant’s first year of life. The      displaying results, we then collapsed the age groups back
research was approved by the US Food and Drug Ad-             into ranges that approximated the timing of when mothers
ministration Research Involving Human Subjects Com-           received the IFPS II questionnaires according to infant age,
mittee. Details of the study methodology and overall          corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 months of
sample characteristics are described elsewhere in this        age.
supplement.22 For this study, we performed all analyses
only among the subset of IFPS II respondents who ini-         RESULTS
tiated breastfeeding, as determined by a response on the      Throughout the year, supplementing breastfeeding with
first postnatal questionnaire indicating that the infant       infant formula was less common than breastfeeding
received any breast milk in the previous 7 days (n            without infant formula regardless of other foods or liq-
2587). We analyzed data by using SAS 9.1.3 software           uids consumed (Fig 1). For the first 3 months, exclusive
(SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC).                               breastfeeding was the most prevalent type of breastfeed-
   We investigated and described 2 variations of breast-      ing; more mothers reported exclusive breastfeeding at 3
feeding: (1) supplementing with infant formula or not         months than any other time point. After 3 months,
and (2) at the breast or not (also known as exclusive         exclusive breastfeeding declined steeply. Slightly more
pumping).14,15 We created 3 categories to examine sup-        than one third of the breastfeeding mothers supple-
plementation: (1) exclusive breastfeeding (the infant         mented with infant formula from 3 to 7 months. By 5
consumes only breast milk and no other foods or liq-          months, the prevalence of breastfeeding without infant
uids); (2) breastfeeding without infant formula (the in-      formula but with other foods or liquids surpassed that of
fant consumes breast milk and other foods and liquids         supplementing with infant formula and continued to
but not infant formula); and (3) breastfeeding with in-       increase throughout the rest of the year.
fant formula (the infant consumes breast milk and infant         Among all mothers who were breastfeeding during
formula and perhaps other foods and liquids). We ex-          the IFPS II, exclusive pumping was reported by 5.6% of
amined 4 questionnaire items corresponding to topics of       the mothers, which means that their infants never fed
common anticipatory breastfeeding advice: (1) “In the         directly at the breast. Breastfeeding durations among
past 7 days, how often was your infant fed [breast            this group were short. Only one third of exclusively
milk]?”; (2) “In an average 24-hour period, what is the       pumping mothers had durations of any breastfeeding
longest time for you, the mother, between breastfeed-         beyond 1 month (data not shown).
ings or expressing milk?”; (3) “About how long does an           In the first 2 months, median frequency of breast milk
average breastfeeding last?”; and (4) “Does your infant       feedings reported by the mothers was 8 feedings per 24
usually feed from both breasts at each feeding?” The          hours (Fig 2). The rate of decline in frequency of breast
response categories for the questionnaire item about          milk feedings per day was gradual throughout the year.

                                                                            PEDIATRICS Volume 122, Supplement 2, October 2008   S51
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                                                                                                                                                                                                  BF with formula

                                                                                                      90                                                                                          BF without formula
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Exclusive BF
FIGURE 1                                                                                              80
Prevalence of feeding type among all breastfeeding moth-
ers according to infant age (among mothers at each time                                               70
point who indicated that their infants received any breast
milk in the previous 7 days). Sample sizes were as follows:

month 1, n 1452; month 2, n 1466; month 3, n
1405; month 4, n 1202; month 5, n 1167; month 6,
n 1026; month 7, n 895; month 9, n 798; month 10,                                                     40
n 649; and month 12, n 462 mothers. BF with formula
indicates that the infant consumes breast milk, other foods                                           30
and liquids, and infant formula; BF without formula the
infant consumes breast milk and other foods and liquids                                               20
but not infant formula; exclusive BF the infant consumes
only breast milk and absolutely no other foods or liquids.                                            10

                                                                                                           1   2       3       4       5       6     71/2             9           101/2   12
                                                                                                                                           Approximate infant age, mo

Median frequency of feedings per 24 hours dropped                                                                              feedings of 10 minutes. Feedings that lasted 40 min-
approximately bimonthly. At 1 year, the mothers’ me-                                                                           utes were rare across all infant age categories.
dian reported feeding frequency was 3.5 feedings per 24                                                                           Among the mothers who breastfed at the breast, most
hours.                                                                                                                         reported feedings were typically paired, rather than un-
   The longest interval between breastfeeding occasions                                                                        paired, meaning the infant typically fed from both
more than doubled over the questionnaire period (Fig                                                                           breasts at each feeding across all months (range: 68.8%–
3). Paired t tests comparing the mean longest reported                                                                         58.8%). We also compared the rates of consistent un-
feeding intervals according to breastfeeding type at each                                                                      paired feedings, defined as mother reported unpaired
infant age indicated that (1) differences among the                                                                            feedings for each month in which data were available, to
mothers who did and did not supplement breastfeeding                                                                           rates of unpaired feedings in any given month (regard-
with infant formula were statistically significant at P                                                                         less of responses in other months’ data). Although the
.005 for every time point except at 12 months and (2)                                                                          mothers increasingly reported unpaired feedings with
differences among mothers who did and did not practice                                                                         increased infant age, consistent unpaired feedings were
exclusive breastfeeding were significant at P     .005 for                                                                      less common and accounted for 17.5% of the mothers
the first 5 months.                                                                                                             who fed at the breast (data not shown).
   Over the questionnaire time frame, the average re-
ported length of individual breastfeeding sessions de-                                                                         DISCUSSION
creased (Fig 4). In the first month, approximately half of                                                                      Exclusive breastfeeding peaked at 3 months, and for the
the respondents estimated that feedings typically lasted                                                                       first 4 months, exclusive breastfeeding was more com-
for 20 minutes. The prevalence of feedings of this                                                                             mon than breastfeeding along with any others foods or
duration increased throughout the year. At 1 year, al-                                                                         liquids, including infant formula. The prevalence of sup-
most all the mothers estimated feeding durations of 20                                                                         plementing breastfeeding with infant formula decreased
minutes. Short feedings ( 10 minutes) were rare in the                                                                         throughout the first year. The prevalence of exclusive
first month. However, at 1 year, 40% reported average                                                                           pumping dropped sharply after just the first month.

Median, interquartile, and 95th percentile ranges of fre-                                            12
                                                              No. of breast milk feedings per 24 h

quency of breast milk feedings (includes feedings at the
breast and feedings of expressed milk) per 24 hours ac-                                              10
cording to infant age (among mothers indicating number
of breast milk feedings per day [and per week, converted                                              8
in analyses to feedings per day] in response to the ques-
tionnaire item, “In the past 7 days, how often was your
infant fed each food listed below? Include feedings by
everyone who feeds the infant and include snacks and
night-time feedings.”)
   Sample sizes were as follows: month 1, n         1407;
month 2, n 1432; month 3, n 1395; month 4, n                                                          2
1191; month 5, n 1155; month 6, n 1018; month 7, n
   900; month 9, n 789; month 10, n 649; and month                                                    0
12, n 456 mothers.                                                                                         1       2       3       4           5        6                71/2     9       101/2               12
                                                                                                                                                     Approximate infant age, mo

S52       SHEALY et al
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0   2   4    6      8       10       12          14       16      18      20   22    24

                                                                                                          1 mo
                                                                                                        (n = 1452)

                                                                                                          2 mo
                                                                                                        (n = 1466)

                                                                                                          3 mo
                                                                                                        (n = 1405)

                                                             Approximate infant age, mo (sample size)
                                                                                                          4 mo
FIGURE 3                                                                                                (n = 1202)
Interquartile ranges of longest interfeeding intervals (as
indicated by responses to the questionnaire item, “In an
average 24-hour period, what is the longest time for you,                                                 5 mo
the mother, between breastfeedings or expressing milk?”)                                                (n = 1167)
according to breastfeeding type and infant age. Exclusive
BF indicates that the infant consumes only breast milk and
absolutely no other foods or liquids; BF with formula, the                                                6 mo
infant consumes breast milk, other foods and liquids, and                                               (n = 1026)
infant formula; BF without formula, the infant consumes
breast milk and other foods and liquids but not infant
                                                                                                          71/2 mo
                                                                                                          (n = 895)

                                                                                                           9 mo
                                                                                                          (n = 798)

                                                                                                         101/2 mo
                                                                                                         (n = 649)

                                                                                                          12 mo
                                                                                                         (n = 462)

                                                                                                                     0   2   4    6      8     10    12    14     16                   18      20   22    24
                                                                                                                                         Hours between breastfeedings

   In the early postpartum period, nearly half of the                                                                        to 15 minutes each side per feeding (20 –30 minutes
mothers surveyed fed their infants breast milk fewer                                                                         cumulatively), 1 in 5 of the mothers reported that feed-
than 8 times a day, which is below the range typically                                                                       ings during the neonatal period were longer than this,
included in common advice of 8 to 12 feedings per                                                                            and almost half reported that feeding durations were
day.1,5,16 By 3 months postpartum, three quarters of the                                                                       10 minutes. As the infants aged, an even greater per-
mothers fed breast milk less frequently than is com-                                                                         centage of mothers breastfed for 20 minutes. Despite
monly advised. In contrast to common advice to feed 10                                                                       statements anticipating that infants will no longer wake

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ≥50 min
                                                                                                                                                                                                    40–49 min
                                                                                                         80                                                                                         30–39 min
FIGURE 4                                                                                                                                                                                            20–29 min
Average length of individual breastfeedings (as indicated
                                                                                                                                                                                                    10–19 min
by responses to the questionnaire item, “About how long                                                  60

                                                                                                                                                                                                    <10 min
does an average breastfeeding last?”) according to infant
   Sample sizes were as follows: month 1, n         1345;                                                40
month 2, n 1361; month 3, n 1336; month 4, n
1138; month 5, n 1108; month 6, n 983; month 7, n
882; month 9, n 766; month 10, n 629; and month 12,
n 449 mothers.
                                                                                                                1        2   3     4      5           6        71/2        9        101/2 12
                                                                                                                                   Approximate infant age, mo

                                                                                                                                             PEDIATRICS Volume 122, Supplement 2, October 2008           S53
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to feed at night after the first several weeks but instead      breastfeeding for many months is extremely difficult in
will sleep through,18 at 2 months approximately half of        the face of many significant breastfeeding problems.
the infants in our study were fed within 6 hours of the        Given the longer breastfeeding durations, data from
previous feedings. Even at 1 year, one quarter of them         mothers who continue breastfeeding toward and beyond
still did not go more than 6 hours between feedings.           the child’s first birthday more likely represent normal
    Parents place great trust in and seek out the expertise    variation than inadequate or problematic breastfeeding.
of health professionals on issues related to infant feed-
ing25; however, they may not always receive the kind of        CONCLUSIONS
information they need. The physiology of human lacta-          In this study we have noted wide variation in mothers’
tion is extremely complex, but effective lactation is not      reports of the number of daily feedings, length of feed-
determined by the frequency, duration, intervals, and          ings, and time between feedings. It is not yet clear when
pairing of feedings.21,26,27 Instead, it is influenced by in-   divergences from common advice represent normal vari-
teractions among 4 major elements: (1) characteristics of      ation in practice or real breastfeeding problems. Simi-
how mother’s body makes and stores milk that vary by           larly, a better understanding is needed of how adherence
time of day26; (2) how completely the child empties the        to common advice is actually related to effective breast-
breast at an individual feeding28; (3) variations across 24    feeding. Ultimately, given the widespread use of this
hours in the child’s need for breastfeedings20; and (4)        kind of common breastfeeding advice, it would be ex-
which breast the child feeds from first—the breast that is      tremely valuable to examine in greater detail how this
the dominant or nondominant milk-producing breast.23           kind of advice is perceived by mothers and affects their
Because none of these elements are related to the              breastfeeding experience and outcomes.
themes of common breastfeeding advice, some mothers               Health professionals who have a deeper understand-
whose infants’ behaviors fail to match up to specific           ing of the long-term logistics of breastfeeding manage-
expectations inherent to common advice may unneces-            ment beyond a simple set of common instructions can then
sarily (and prematurely) stop breastfeeding as a result of     help mothers make better-informed infant feeding deci-
misinterpretation of a benign variation as a problem.          sions and help mothers meet their own breastfeeding
Others, however, whose infants conform to expectations         goals.30–32 Consistent with the AAP’s key breastfeeding-
but who nonetheless inadvertently dismiss an actual            duration recommendation, when breastfeeding ends,
signal of a problem, may fail to seek help for breastfeed-     mothers who are adequately supported throughout their
ing problems that need expert attention.                       breastfeeding experience can feel confident that they were
    Mothers who stop breastfeeding out of concern that         indeed able to “continue breastfeeding as long as mutually
their breastfeeding practice does not follow the pattern       desired by mother and infant.1”
of common advice may not cite deviation from the ad-
vice as a reason for early weaning; therefore, health care
professionals may not be able to address the mother’s          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
specific concerns or problems. Mothers more typically           This study was funded by the Food and Drug Adminis-
cite reasons that fall into a broader category, such as        tration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Of-
insufficient milk supply.29 For example, a mother who           fice of Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health,
cannot convince her infant to feed from the second             and Maternal and Child Health Bureau in the US De-
breast may perceive that her infant is not receiving           partment of Health and Human Services.
enough milk. If this concern leads her to wean, she may
report insufficient milk as the reason for weaning rather       REFERENCES
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      87(2):207–214                                                         32.   Hauck Y, Hall WA, Jones C. Prevalence, self-efficacy and per-
20.   Kent JC, Mitoulas LR, Cregan MD, Ramsay DT, Doherty DA,                     ceptions of conflicting advice and self-management: effects of a
      Hartmann PE. Volume and frequency of breastfeedings and fat                 breastfeeding journal. J Adv Nurs. 2007;57(3):306 –317

                                                                                             PEDIATRICS Volume 122, Supplement 2, October 2008   S55
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Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among US Mothers
  Katherine R. Shealy, Kelley S. Scanlon, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, Sara B. Fein and
                         Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn
                          Pediatrics 2008;122;S50-S55
                         DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1315f
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  • 1. Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among US Mothers Katherine R. Shealy, Kelley S. Scanlon, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, Sara B. Fein and Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn Pediatrics 2008;122;S50-S55 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1315f The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2008 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 2. SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among US Mothers Katherine R. Shealy, MPH, IBCLC, RLCa, Kelley S. Scanlon, PhD, RDa, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, PhDb, Sara B. Fein, PhDb, Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn, PhDa aDivision of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; bCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, College Park, Maryland The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES. Although much has been published about breastfeeding rates, little is known about how breastfeeding is practiced in the United States. We describe the distributions and characteristics of practices related to common advice about breast- peds.2008-1315f feeding during the infant’s first year of life. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-1315f PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS. Participants in the 2005–2007 Infant Feeding Practices Study The findings and conclusions in this article II received monthly questionnaires during their infants’ first year of life. Among are those of the authors and do not breastfeeding respondents, we investigated patterns and trends in types of breast- necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and feeding (supplementing with formula or not, and at the breast or not) and maternal Prevention or the Food and Drug report of infant feeding behaviors corresponding to common breastfeeding advice on Administration. frequency, duration, and intervals of feedings. Key Words breastfeeding, breast milk, feeding RESULTS. More than half of the breastfeeding mothers fed their infants nothing other behavior, human milk, lactation, medical than breast milk until 4 months of age. Formula supplementation declined from 42% education, mothers, patient education, at 1 month to 15% at 1 year; adding other foods/liquids increasingly surpassed supplementary feeding supplementing with formula beginning at 5 months of age. Six percent of the Abbreviations AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics mothers reported that the only breast milk the infant was fed was expressed, rather IFPS—Infant Feeding Practices Study than at the breast. Frequency of breast milk feedings per day declined from 8 at 1 Accepted for publication Jun 4, 2008 month to 3.5 at 1 year. Reported feeding durations of 20 minutes increased from Address correspondence to Katherine R. 46% at 1 month to 88% at 1 year. Feeding from both breasts per feeding decreased Shealy, MPH, IBCLC, RLC, Centers for Disease 15% over the infant’s first year (from 69% to 59%). Longest interfeeding intervals Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, 4770 Buford more than doubled over the year. Hwy NE, Mail Stop K25, Atlanta, GA 30341. E-mail: CONCLUSIONS. Exclusive breastfeeding was common up to 4 but not to 6 months of age. PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Breastfeeding with only expressed milk was rare. Considerable variation existed in Online, 1098-4275); published in the public maternal report of practices that correspond to common breastfeeding advice. More domain by the American Academy of research is needed to better understand how these variations relate to breastfeeding Pediatrics outcomes and the role of common breastfeeding advice in infant feeding decisions. Pediatrics 2008;122:S50–S55 T HE AMERICAN ACADEMY of Pediatrics (AAP) identifies pediatricians in particular, and health professionals overall, as important advocates to “enthusiastically”1 encourage breastfeeding and to gain and maintain knowledge and skills related to management of breastfeeding.1 However, few pathways exist for health professionals to learn about breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding is not a core element of most medical training.2,3 Breastfeeding information in medical texts is often incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate.4 Although the AAP and other health professional organizations publish numerous books and other resources on breastfeeding for both professional and lay audi- ences5–9 and professional support is an evidence-based strategy for improving breastfeeding outcomes,10 no standard guidelines specifically suggest what kinds of information are components of ideal professional support. In addition, health professionals vary widely in both their attitudes about their role in breastfeeding promotion and support and their practices.11 Mothers receive infant feeding information and advice from a variety of sources.12 Although mothers tend to adhere to advice from health professionals and the resources they provide, they are not likely to ask for help from health professionals when faced with challenges in doing so.13 The AAP’s formal position on breastfeeding recom- mends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding past 12 months,1 but the role of “exclusive pumping”14,15 (providing expressed milk without ever feeding the infant at the breast) in breastfeeding guidance has not been explored yet. Other advice mothers receive has common themes including “infants should feed 8 –12 times in 24 hours,”1,5,16 “infants should breastfeed for 10 –15 minutes on each breast at each feeding,”16 and S50 SHEALY et al Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 3. “after the first few weeks, infants should feed less fre- feeding from both or 1 breast at each feeding (known as quently and sleep through the night.”17 Often, the in- paired or unpaired feedings23) were “yes,” “no,” and tended time frame for the advice and the characteristics “infant was only fed pumped milk.” Our analysis of of transitions over time are not stated explicitly. paired feedings was only among those who responded The physiological processes of human lactation con- “yes” or “no,” whereas the mothers who responded tradict narrowly prescriptive characterizations of fre- “infant is only fed pumped milk” provided information quency, duration, management, and intervals of breast- about the prevalence of exclusive pumping. We included feeding,18–21 and practices that vary from the advice may in these descriptive analyses mothers with complete data still be within the range of biological variation. Although on each pertinent questionnaire item. Sample sizes for the main themes of common informal breastfeeding the descriptive analyses varied according to the ques- advice appear in a wide range of settings, little is known tionnaire items and behaviors analyzed (range: 449 – about the actual distribution of the behaviors that cor- 1466 women). respond to this advice. Although some components of the IFPS II question- The specific objectives of this study were twofold: (1) naires were repeated in each iteration, the exact content to identify the prevalence of 2 types of breastfeeding and structure of each postnatal IFPS II questionnaire was (supplementing with infant formula or not and at the created to gather specific kinds of information by being breast or not) and (2) to describe rates and trends, over sent at specific intervals across the first year of infancy.22 infants’ first year, of several aspects of breastfeeding However, variations in how mothers timed the return of practices related to common breastfeeding advice. completed questionnaires meant that in some cases the questionnaire month no longer corresponded directly to PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS the infants’ age at the time the questionnaire was com- We used data from the Infant Feeding Practices Study II pleted. Using the procedures of Grummer-Strawn et al,24 (IFPS II), a longitudinal mail survey that surveyed moth- we converted data from questionnaire month to the ers from pregnancy through their infant’s first birthday. actual infant age in weeks at the time when each ques- Data were collected from 2005 through 2007. The sam- tionnaire was completed, using the following infant age ple was drawn from a national consumer opinion panel categories: 3 to 7 weeks, 7 to 11 weeks, 11 to 15 and included adult mothers ( 18 years of age) of weeks, 15 to 19 weeks, 19 to 24 weeks, 24 to 29 healthy singleton infants born at between 35 and 45 weeks, 29 to 36 weeks, 36 to 43 weeks, 43 to 51 weeks’ gestation. Mothers were sent questionnaires weeks, and 51 to 60 weeks. To simplify reporting and monthly throughout their infant’s first year of life. The displaying results, we then collapsed the age groups back research was approved by the US Food and Drug Ad- into ranges that approximated the timing of when mothers ministration Research Involving Human Subjects Com- received the IFPS II questionnaires according to infant age, mittee. Details of the study methodology and overall corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 months of sample characteristics are described elsewhere in this age. supplement.22 For this study, we performed all analyses only among the subset of IFPS II respondents who ini- RESULTS tiated breastfeeding, as determined by a response on the Throughout the year, supplementing breastfeeding with first postnatal questionnaire indicating that the infant infant formula was less common than breastfeeding received any breast milk in the previous 7 days (n without infant formula regardless of other foods or liq- 2587). We analyzed data by using SAS 9.1.3 software uids consumed (Fig 1). For the first 3 months, exclusive (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC). breastfeeding was the most prevalent type of breastfeed- We investigated and described 2 variations of breast- ing; more mothers reported exclusive breastfeeding at 3 feeding: (1) supplementing with infant formula or not months than any other time point. After 3 months, and (2) at the breast or not (also known as exclusive exclusive breastfeeding declined steeply. Slightly more pumping).14,15 We created 3 categories to examine sup- than one third of the breastfeeding mothers supple- plementation: (1) exclusive breastfeeding (the infant mented with infant formula from 3 to 7 months. By 5 consumes only breast milk and no other foods or liq- months, the prevalence of breastfeeding without infant uids); (2) breastfeeding without infant formula (the in- formula but with other foods or liquids surpassed that of fant consumes breast milk and other foods and liquids supplementing with infant formula and continued to but not infant formula); and (3) breastfeeding with in- increase throughout the rest of the year. fant formula (the infant consumes breast milk and infant Among all mothers who were breastfeeding during formula and perhaps other foods and liquids). We ex- the IFPS II, exclusive pumping was reported by 5.6% of amined 4 questionnaire items corresponding to topics of the mothers, which means that their infants never fed common anticipatory breastfeeding advice: (1) “In the directly at the breast. Breastfeeding durations among past 7 days, how often was your infant fed [breast this group were short. Only one third of exclusively milk]?”; (2) “In an average 24-hour period, what is the pumping mothers had durations of any breastfeeding longest time for you, the mother, between breastfeed- beyond 1 month (data not shown). ings or expressing milk?”; (3) “About how long does an In the first 2 months, median frequency of breast milk average breastfeeding last?”; and (4) “Does your infant feedings reported by the mothers was 8 feedings per 24 usually feed from both breasts at each feeding?” The hours (Fig 2). The rate of decline in frequency of breast response categories for the questionnaire item about milk feedings per day was gradual throughout the year. PEDIATRICS Volume 122, Supplement 2, October 2008 S51 Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 4. 100 BF with formula 90 BF without formula Exclusive BF FIGURE 1 80 Prevalence of feeding type among all breastfeeding moth- ers according to infant age (among mothers at each time 70 point who indicated that their infants received any breast 60 milk in the previous 7 days). Sample sizes were as follows: Percent month 1, n 1452; month 2, n 1466; month 3, n 50 1405; month 4, n 1202; month 5, n 1167; month 6, n 1026; month 7, n 895; month 9, n 798; month 10, 40 n 649; and month 12, n 462 mothers. BF with formula indicates that the infant consumes breast milk, other foods 30 and liquids, and infant formula; BF without formula the infant consumes breast milk and other foods and liquids 20 but not infant formula; exclusive BF the infant consumes only breast milk and absolutely no other foods or liquids. 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 71/2 9 101/2 12 Approximate infant age, mo Median frequency of feedings per 24 hours dropped feedings of 10 minutes. Feedings that lasted 40 min- approximately bimonthly. At 1 year, the mothers’ me- utes were rare across all infant age categories. dian reported feeding frequency was 3.5 feedings per 24 Among the mothers who breastfed at the breast, most hours. reported feedings were typically paired, rather than un- The longest interval between breastfeeding occasions paired, meaning the infant typically fed from both more than doubled over the questionnaire period (Fig breasts at each feeding across all months (range: 68.8%– 3). Paired t tests comparing the mean longest reported 58.8%). We also compared the rates of consistent un- feeding intervals according to breastfeeding type at each paired feedings, defined as mother reported unpaired infant age indicated that (1) differences among the feedings for each month in which data were available, to mothers who did and did not supplement breastfeeding rates of unpaired feedings in any given month (regard- with infant formula were statistically significant at P less of responses in other months’ data). Although the .005 for every time point except at 12 months and (2) mothers increasingly reported unpaired feedings with differences among mothers who did and did not practice increased infant age, consistent unpaired feedings were exclusive breastfeeding were significant at P .005 for less common and accounted for 17.5% of the mothers the first 5 months. who fed at the breast (data not shown). Over the questionnaire time frame, the average re- ported length of individual breastfeeding sessions de- DISCUSSION creased (Fig 4). In the first month, approximately half of Exclusive breastfeeding peaked at 3 months, and for the the respondents estimated that feedings typically lasted first 4 months, exclusive breastfeeding was more com- for 20 minutes. The prevalence of feedings of this mon than breastfeeding along with any others foods or duration increased throughout the year. At 1 year, al- liquids, including infant formula. The prevalence of sup- most all the mothers estimated feeding durations of 20 plementing breastfeeding with infant formula decreased minutes. Short feedings ( 10 minutes) were rare in the throughout the first year. The prevalence of exclusive first month. However, at 1 year, 40% reported average pumping dropped sharply after just the first month. 14 FIGURE 2 Median, interquartile, and 95th percentile ranges of fre- 12 No. of breast milk feedings per 24 h quency of breast milk feedings (includes feedings at the breast and feedings of expressed milk) per 24 hours ac- 10 cording to infant age (among mothers indicating number of breast milk feedings per day [and per week, converted 8 in analyses to feedings per day] in response to the ques- tionnaire item, “In the past 7 days, how often was your 6 infant fed each food listed below? Include feedings by everyone who feeds the infant and include snacks and 4 night-time feedings.”) Sample sizes were as follows: month 1, n 1407; month 2, n 1432; month 3, n 1395; month 4, n 2 1191; month 5, n 1155; month 6, n 1018; month 7, n 900; month 9, n 789; month 10, n 649; and month 0 12, n 456 mothers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 71/2 9 101/2 12 Approximate infant age, mo S52 SHEALY et al Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 5. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1 mo (n = 1452) 2 mo (n = 1466) 3 mo (n = 1405) Approximate infant age, mo (sample size) 4 mo FIGURE 3 (n = 1202) Interquartile ranges of longest interfeeding intervals (as indicated by responses to the questionnaire item, “In an average 24-hour period, what is the longest time for you, 5 mo the mother, between breastfeedings or expressing milk?”) (n = 1167) according to breastfeeding type and infant age. Exclusive BF indicates that the infant consumes only breast milk and absolutely no other foods or liquids; BF with formula, the 6 mo infant consumes breast milk, other foods and liquids, and (n = 1026) infant formula; BF without formula, the infant consumes breast milk and other foods and liquids but not infant 71/2 mo formula. (n = 895) 9 mo (n = 798) 101/2 mo (n = 649) 12 mo (n = 462) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours between breastfeedings In the early postpartum period, nearly half of the to 15 minutes each side per feeding (20 –30 minutes mothers surveyed fed their infants breast milk fewer cumulatively), 1 in 5 of the mothers reported that feed- than 8 times a day, which is below the range typically ings during the neonatal period were longer than this, included in common advice of 8 to 12 feedings per and almost half reported that feeding durations were day.1,5,16 By 3 months postpartum, three quarters of the 10 minutes. As the infants aged, an even greater per- mothers fed breast milk less frequently than is com- centage of mothers breastfed for 20 minutes. Despite monly advised. In contrast to common advice to feed 10 statements anticipating that infants will no longer wake 100 ≥50 min 40–49 min 80 30–39 min FIGURE 4 20–29 min Average length of individual breastfeedings (as indicated 10–19 min by responses to the questionnaire item, “About how long 60 Percent <10 min does an average breastfeeding last?”) according to infant age. Sample sizes were as follows: month 1, n 1345; 40 month 2, n 1361; month 3, n 1336; month 4, n 1138; month 5, n 1108; month 6, n 983; month 7, n 20 882; month 9, n 766; month 10, n 629; and month 12, n 449 mothers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 71/2 9 101/2 12 Approximate infant age, mo PEDIATRICS Volume 122, Supplement 2, October 2008 S53 Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
  • 6. to feed at night after the first several weeks but instead breastfeeding for many months is extremely difficult in will sleep through,18 at 2 months approximately half of the face of many significant breastfeeding problems. the infants in our study were fed within 6 hours of the Given the longer breastfeeding durations, data from previous feedings. Even at 1 year, one quarter of them mothers who continue breastfeeding toward and beyond still did not go more than 6 hours between feedings. the child’s first birthday more likely represent normal Parents place great trust in and seek out the expertise variation than inadequate or problematic breastfeeding. of health professionals on issues related to infant feed- ing25; however, they may not always receive the kind of CONCLUSIONS information they need. The physiology of human lacta- In this study we have noted wide variation in mothers’ tion is extremely complex, but effective lactation is not reports of the number of daily feedings, length of feed- determined by the frequency, duration, intervals, and ings, and time between feedings. It is not yet clear when pairing of feedings.21,26,27 Instead, it is influenced by in- divergences from common advice represent normal vari- teractions among 4 major elements: (1) characteristics of ation in practice or real breastfeeding problems. Simi- how mother’s body makes and stores milk that vary by larly, a better understanding is needed of how adherence time of day26; (2) how completely the child empties the to common advice is actually related to effective breast- breast at an individual feeding28; (3) variations across 24 feeding. Ultimately, given the widespread use of this hours in the child’s need for breastfeedings20; and (4) kind of common breastfeeding advice, it would be ex- which breast the child feeds from first—the breast that is tremely valuable to examine in greater detail how this the dominant or nondominant milk-producing breast.23 kind of advice is perceived by mothers and affects their Because none of these elements are related to the breastfeeding experience and outcomes. themes of common breastfeeding advice, some mothers Health professionals who have a deeper understand- whose infants’ behaviors fail to match up to specific ing of the long-term logistics of breastfeeding manage- expectations inherent to common advice may unneces- ment beyond a simple set of common instructions can then sarily (and prematurely) stop breastfeeding as a result of help mothers make better-informed infant feeding deci- misinterpretation of a benign variation as a problem. sions and help mothers meet their own breastfeeding Others, however, whose infants conform to expectations goals.30–32 Consistent with the AAP’s key breastfeeding- but who nonetheless inadvertently dismiss an actual duration recommendation, when breastfeeding ends, signal of a problem, may fail to seek help for breastfeed- mothers who are adequately supported throughout their ing problems that need expert attention. breastfeeding experience can feel confident that they were Mothers who stop breastfeeding out of concern that indeed able to “continue breastfeeding as long as mutually their breastfeeding practice does not follow the pattern desired by mother and infant.1” of common advice may not cite deviation from the ad- vice as a reason for early weaning; therefore, health care professionals may not be able to address the mother’s ACKNOWLEDGMENTS specific concerns or problems. Mothers more typically This study was funded by the Food and Drug Adminis- cite reasons that fall into a broader category, such as tration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Of- insufficient milk supply.29 For example, a mother who fice of Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health, cannot convince her infant to feed from the second and Maternal and Child Health Bureau in the US De- breast may perceive that her infant is not receiving partment of Health and Human Services. enough milk. If this concern leads her to wean, she may report insufficient milk as the reason for weaning rather REFERENCES than that the infant was not feeding from both breasts. 1. Gartner LM, Morton J, Lawrence RA, et al. Breastfeeding and Combining the findings from these analyses with the the use of human milk. Pediatrics. 2005;115(2):496 –506 findings of Li et al29 about the reasons women give for 2. Cregan MD, Hartmann PE. 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Caring for Your Baby and group.22 Because this was an analysis of breastfeeding Young Child: Birth to Age Five. 7th ed. New York, NY: Bantam; 2004 behaviors, only mothers who started breastfeeding were 6. American Academy of Pediatrics. Guide to Your Child’s Nutrition. included, and mothers who stopped breastfeeding were New York, NY: Villard Books; 1999 not included beyond their stopping point. Data describ- 7. American Academy of Pediatrics. Breastfeeding initiatives: ing breastfeeding patterns in early months of the IFPS II health professionals. Available at: likely include experiences ranging from significant prob- healthProf.cfm. Accessed April 11, 2008 lems to none, which makes interpretation of behavior 8. American Academy of Pediatrics. Breastfeeding initiatives: patterns in these groups difficult. However, continued Breastfeeding Promotion in Physicians’ Office Practices (BPPOP S54 SHEALY et al Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009
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  • 8. Characteristics of Breastfeeding Practices Among US Mothers Katherine R. Shealy, Kelley S. Scanlon, Judith Labiner-Wolfe, Sara B. Fein and Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn Pediatrics 2008;122;S50-S55 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1315f Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at: & Services 0 References This article cites 21 articles, 12 of which you can access for free at: 0#BIBL Citations This article has been cited by 1 HighWire-hosted articles: 0#otherarticles Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Nutrition & Metabolism m Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from by on September 6, 2009