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Virtual Shopping
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1. Title of the project
2. Introduction
3. Project Duration
4. Objectives
5. Need
6. Modular Description
7. DFD’S
8. Data Structure(Tables)
9. Tools Platform used
10. Requirement Specification
11. Code
12. Security mechanism
13. Screen Shorts
14. Conclusion
15. Future Scope & Enhancement
Title ofProject
Virtual Shopping
1. Introduction of Virtual shopping
Virtual store research is an extension of the traditional methods of
marketing research. While marketing research employs techniques like
focus groups, surveys and observation to better understand consumer
decision-making, virtual store research uses these standard research
techniques within a simulated store setting, delivered via computer.
This allows test consumers within the virtual environment to interact
with store merchandise and make purchase decisions in a way that
closely resembles real in-store behavior.
Additionally, virtual store technology can help consumer packaged
goods companies and retailers make daily business decisions without
the need for physically changing stores and products
“This is a product photography website. It is an opportunity for retailers
anywhere in the country to open an online showroom where they can
display their products. Users can scan the products, read/post reviews,
share it and create a user profile. This website is not meant for online
shopping, but one can browse through a wide range of products and In
that particular area people can know these retailers and their product
what they have present time and new patterns and Goods will arrive on
their store. So, we have intended it as an avenue for traditional
retailers to get customers so that they can compete with the online
stores, which are delivering products at doorsteps.
You understand that you have the following obligations before
opening a virtual showroom or entering any details on the website:
i. You must register with the website and create a profile
You must provide a short description of yourself (and/or your
organization) on your profile.
ii. You must provide information that is accurate and up-to-date.
iii. You must not post any content that is intended to de-fraud, cheat
or otherwise mislead or offend any other user of the Website.
iv. You are solely and fully responsible for all the information,
photographs and any other content that you post/upload on your
 About in 7 points
1. is a social on-line platform exclusively for
traditional retailers to open a virtual showroom and it's free for
life time.
2. facilitates a traditional showroom to display
their products on-line and interact with customers.
3. is product photography website and does not
sell them.
4. Users can search products without being a registered member
of the site.
5. Users of the site can access any showroom in a desired
location. The customer interface is exclusively designed for
delivering location based radius search.
6. Users can scan products around their neighborhood
showrooms to make easy, simple and better purchase decisions.
7. is developed and owned by Troikas Marketing
Private Limited, Kerala, India.
 Register (for new users)
 Login (Existing users)
 Register for shopkeepers
 Login for shopkeepers
 View Products by product category
 Select products and add them to cart.
 Update the product quantities in the cart
 View cart contents
 Checkout the cart contents for order processing
 Edit user profile such as address, contact information and
password is an exclusive product photography sharing website for
a traditional retailer forms an online platform for all
traditional retailers to display their product and add value to the
shopping experience of everyone. is based on location based radius search where anyone
can virtually walk-in any showroom of their desired location bypassing
the physical and psychological distance, the idea was developed by
Troikas Marketing Private Limited after a yearlong research and
Any business with a physical product can open a virtual showroom here
and display their product photography and reach out to thousands of
people and create a new shopping experience, which will revolutionize
the product search and add value to everyone's purchase decision.
Your use of the website is governed by this Terms of Service. This
domain name owned and operated by M/s Troikas
Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is an online platform that connects suppliers/ service
providers with interested customers. Sellers, shop owners, retailers and
other service providers can create a profile and upload information and
pictures about their products and services on the website, thus opening
a “Virtual Showroom”
You agree that you are using your best and prudent judgment before
using the website, accessing the information and links available on this
website. Your use is at your sole risk and the website will not be liable
in any manner.
2. Project Duration
The main objective of this project is to raise Local Market. As we know
that the business of normal retailers in our cities is being affected by
the online market.
So, to raise this market we thought to bring all retailers Online. Where
they can update their new arrivals and their product in shop at present
and they can find more consumers and can do business in other cities
as well.
In fact, any business with a ‘physical product’ can open their virtual
showroom. “We have our own professional in-house photographers
who take the product photographs. So, every time a new product is
launched by a firm, it is updated on
The trend of people shopping from the comfort of their own homes
rather than going into stores has contributed to a drop in Black Friday
retail sales in the U.S. for two consecutive years, according to the
National Retail Federation.
Retailers that have yet to jump online are facing some tough
competition, not only because of their physical limitations, but virtual
stores are offering perks that are similar or better, like free worldwide
shipping and returns on purchases, as well as free gift-wrapping and
samples at checkout. Most deals in stores can be found online, and
brick-and-mortar retailers know this.
5. Modules of project
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 1
User Login
View Products
Read/Post Comment
Purchase Things
Sort nearest store
Module 2
Update New
Module 3
User's Post
Security Live Chet
Module 4
About the MVC Model, Controllerand View
Design Pattern:
This software based on concept of the Model View Controller (MVC)
design pattern.
View renders the data from the Model in response to the request made
to the model by controlled events made by user interaction.
Model View Controller is a design approach to separate the application
object model from GUI, originally invented around 80s. Then later on it
has become a widely accepted common design pattern. The main
objective behind this pattern is to decouple the view of the data
(presentation layer) from the actual data processing so that the same
model can be used for various views. This is achieved by using three
different types of objects that interact with each other in loosely
coupled manner with their discreet set of tasks.
These three objects are known as Model, View and Controller.
View is the graphical data presentation (outputting) irrespective of the
real data processing. View is the responsible for look and feel, some
custom formatting, sorting etc. View is completely isolated from actual
complex data operations. For example, online product catalog view is
completely separated from database connection, query, tables etc. It
simply gets final row-data from the model and puts some cosmetics
and formatting before displaying it in browser. View provides interface
to interact with the system. The beauty of MVC approach is that it
supports any kind of view, which is challenging in today’s distributed
and multi-platform environment.
A MVC model can have multiple views, which are controlled by
controller. View interface can be of WEB-FORMS, HTML, XML/XSLT,
XTML, and WML or can be Windows forms etc.
Model is responsible for actual data processing, like database
connection, querying database, implementing business rules etc. It
feeds data to the view without worrying about the actual formatting
and look and feel. Data provided by Model is display-neutral so it can
be interfaced with as many views without code redundancy; this eases
your code maintenance and reduces bugs and allows code -reuse at
good extent. Model responds to the request made by controllers and
notifies the registered views to update their display with new data
A controller can send commands to the model to update the model's
state (e.g., editing a document). It can also send commands to its
associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g.,
by scrolling through a document).
Controller is responsible for Notice of action. Controller responds to the
mouse or keyboard input to command model and view to change.
Controllers are associated with views. User interaction triggers the
events to change the model, which in turn calls some methods of
model to update its state to notify other registered views to refresh
their display.
Following are the few of the benefits of MVC design pattern.
Since MVC handles the multiple views using the same enterprise model
it is easier to maintain, test and upgrade the multiple system.
It will be easier to add new clients just by adding their views and
Since the Model is completely decoupled from view it allows lot of
flexibilities to design and implement the model considering reusability
and modularity. This model also can be extended for further distributed
application. It is possible to have development process in parallel for
model, view and controller.
6. DFD”S
7. Data Structure(Tables)
8. Platform used
9. Requirement Specification
Virtual ShoppingSystem Specification:
The system specification is the final work produced by the system
and requirements engineer. It serves as the foundation for hardware
engineering, software engineering, database engineering and human
engineering. Once requirements have been gathered explore each
requirements in relationship to others, examine requirements for
consistency, omissions and ambiguity.
Hardware Specification
It is recommended that the minimum configuration for clients is as
appended below:-
Microprocessor : Pentium-2 class processor & above
Ram : 128 MB of RAM
Hard Disk : 2.5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive,
Which Includes 500 MB on system drive.
CD ROM Drive : 52 X CD ROM Drive
Software Specifications
Operating System : Windows 8, 7, 10/Windows 2000 NT
RDBMS : Sql Server 2008/2010
Front End : Microsoft Visual Studio.NET with C#
10. Sample Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Retailers.Common;
namespace Retailers.Models
/// <summary>
/// Developed By:Rishabh Atri
/// Developed On:27-March-2015
/// Description:This is mapping class for mapping productCategory
table of database
/// </summary>
public class ProductCategory
DataFunctions ObjDF = new DataFunctions();
[Display(Name = "ProductCategory Id")]
public int ProductCategoryId { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Category name is required")]
[StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Name of Category must be less
then 50")]
[RegularExpression("^[A-Z-a-z]*$", ErrorMessage = "Category
Name must be alphabatic.")]
[Display(Name = "ProductCategory Name")]
public string ProductCategoryName { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
#region Fetching record from ProductCategory Table
public IEnumerable<ProductCategory> productcategoryList
DataTable dtProductCategory =
List<ProductCategory> PCList = new List<ProductCategory>();
if (dtProductCategory.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dr in dtProductCategory.Rows)
ProductCategory objProductCategory = new
objProductCategory.ProductCategoryId =
objProductCategory.ProductCategoryName =
objProductCategory.IsActive =
return PCList;
#region Code for insert record in ProductCategory
public bool InsertProductCategory(ProductCategory product)
SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[2];
param[0] = new SqlParameter("@productCategory",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
param[0].Value = product.ProductCategoryName;
param[1] = new SqlParameter("@isActive", SqlDbType.Bit);
param[1].Value = product.IsActive;
ObjDF.CRUD(StoredProcedures.usp_InsertProductCategory, param);
#region Code for Update record in ProductCategory
public bool UpdateProductCategory(ProductCategory
SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[3];
param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategoryId",
param[0].Value = productUpdate.ProductCategoryId;
param[1] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategory",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
param[1].Value = productUpdate.ProductCategoryName;
param[2] = new SqlParameter("@isActive", SqlDbType.Bit);
param[2].Value = productUpdate.IsActive;
ObjDF.CRUD(StoredProcedures.usp_UpdateProductCategory, param);
#region Code for Delete record from ProductCategory
public bool DeleteProductCategory(ProductCategory
SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[1];
param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategoryId",
param[0].Value = productDelete.ProductCategor
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Retailers.Models;
using System.Configuration;
namespace Retailers.Controllers
/// <summary>
/// Developed By:ShrutiGoyal
/// Developed On:07-April-2015
/// Description:this is interface for access another class members.
/// </summary>
public class ProductCategoryController : Controller
ProductCategory objproductCategory = new ProductCategory();
#region Product Category List
public ActionResult ProductCategoryList()
if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() ==
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString())
return View(objproductCategory.productcategoryList.ToList());
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")
#region Create ProductCategory
public ActionResult Create()
if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() ==
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString())
return View();
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
public ActionResult Create(ProductCategory P)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList");
return View();
#region Edit_ProductCategory
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() ==
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString())
return View(objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x =>
x.ProductCategoryId == id));
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
public ActionResult Edit(ProductCategory ProductCategoryEdit, int
if (ModelState.IsValid)
ProductCategory objProductCategoryEdit =
objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x =>
x.ProductCategoryId == id);
objProductCategoryEdit.ProductCategoryName =
objProductCategoryEdit.IsActive =
return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList");
return View();
#region Active Deactive
public ActionResult DeActivate(int id)
ProductCategory objProductCategoryUpdate =
objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x =>
x.ProductCategoryId == id);
if (objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive)
objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive = false;
return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList");
objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive = true;
return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList");
#endregi }
@model IEnumerable<Retailers.Models.ProductCategory>
ViewBag.Title = "ProductCategoryList";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/AllList.cshtml";
<h2 style="color:maroon;">ProductCategory List</h2>
@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")&gt;
@Html.ActionLink("All ProductCategory", "ProductCategoryList",
"ProductCategory") &gt; @Html.ActionLink("Insert ProductCategory",
"Create", "ProductCategory")
<table class="table">
<tr style="background-color:darkkhaki;">
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model =>
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.IsActive)
@foreach (var item in Model)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ProductCategoryName)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.IsActive)
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id =
item.ProductCategoryId }) |
"DeActivate", new { id = item.ProductCategoryId })
Data Functions.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
namespace Retailers.Common
/// <summary>
///Developed By:Shruti Goyal
///developed on:26-March-2015
///Description:This is Model Class for all DataFunctions
/// </summary>
public class DataFunctions
private SqlConnection con;
private SqlCommand cmd;
private DataSet ds;
private SqlDataAdapter Adapter;
public DataFunctions()
con = new
public DataTable SelectData(StoredProcedures SpName)
cmd = new SqlCommand(SpName.ToString(), con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
ds = new DataSet();
return ds.Tables[0];
public bool CRUD(StoredProcedures SpName,SqlParameter[]
Param )
cmd = new SqlCommand(SpName.ToString(), con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
foreach(SqlParameter p in Param)
int result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return result > 0 ? true : false;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace Retailers.Common
/// <summary>
/// Developed By:Rishabh Atri
/// Developed On:26-March-2015
/// Description:This is mapping class for StoreProcedure
/// </summary>
public enum StoredProcedures
#region ShopCategory
#region Area
usp_DeleteArea ,
#region ProductCategory
#region User
SelectUser ,
#region ProductSubCategory
#region ShopDetail
usp_DeleteShopDetail ,
#region ProductDetail
usp_SelectProductWithShopProductSubcategory ,
usp_DeleteProduct ,
#region ProductImage
usp_InsertProductImage ,
#region Admin
#region UserRole
#region Login

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Virtual shopping

  • 2. CONTENTS OF SYNOPSIS S No Topic 1. Title of the project 2. Introduction 3. Project Duration 4. Objectives 5. Need 6. Modular Description 7. DFD’S 8. Data Structure(Tables) 9. Tools Platform used 10. Requirement Specification 11. Code 12. Security mechanism 13. Screen Shorts 14. Conclusion 15. Future Scope & Enhancement
  • 4. 1. Introduction of Virtual shopping Virtual store research is an extension of the traditional methods of marketing research. While marketing research employs techniques like focus groups, surveys and observation to better understand consumer decision-making, virtual store research uses these standard research techniques within a simulated store setting, delivered via computer. This allows test consumers within the virtual environment to interact with store merchandise and make purchase decisions in a way that closely resembles real in-store behavior. Additionally, virtual store technology can help consumer packaged goods companies and retailers make daily business decisions without the need for physically changing stores and products “This is a product photography website. It is an opportunity for retailers anywhere in the country to open an online showroom where they can display their products. Users can scan the products, read/post reviews, share it and create a user profile. This website is not meant for online shopping, but one can browse through a wide range of products and In that particular area people can know these retailers and their product what they have present time and new patterns and Goods will arrive on their store. So, we have intended it as an avenue for traditional retailers to get customers so that they can compete with the online stores, which are delivering products at doorsteps.
  • 5. You understand that you have the following obligations before opening a virtual showroom or entering any details on the website: i. You must register with the website and create a profile You must provide a short description of yourself (and/or your organization) on your profile. ii. You must provide information that is accurate and up-to-date. iii. You must not post any content that is intended to de-fraud, cheat or otherwise mislead or offend any other user of the Website. iv. You are solely and fully responsible for all the information, photographs and any other content that you post/upload on your profile.  About in 7 points 1. is a social on-line platform exclusively for traditional retailers to open a virtual showroom and it's free for life time. 2. facilitates a traditional showroom to display their products on-line and interact with customers. 3. is product photography website and does not sell them. 4. Users can search products without being a registered member of the site.
  • 6. 5. Users of the site can access any showroom in a desired location. The customer interface is exclusively designed for delivering location based radius search. 6. Users can scan products around their neighborhood showrooms to make easy, simple and better purchase decisions. 7. is developed and owned by Troikas Marketing Private Limited, Kerala, India.  Register (for new users)  Login (Existing users)  Register for shopkeepers  Login for shopkeepers  View Products by product category  Select products and add them to cart.  Update the product quantities in the cart  View cart contents  Checkout the cart contents for order processing  Edit user profile such as address, contact information and password is an exclusive product photography sharing website for a traditional retailer forms an online platform for all traditional retailers to display their product and add value to the shopping experience of everyone. is based on location based radius search where anyone can virtually walk-in any showroom of their desired location bypassing the physical and psychological distance, the idea was developed by
  • 7. Troikas Marketing Private Limited after a yearlong research and development. Any business with a physical product can open a virtual showroom here and display their product photography and reach out to thousands of people and create a new shopping experience, which will revolutionize the product search and add value to everyone's purchase decision. Your use of the website is governed by this Terms of Service. This domain name owned and operated by M/s Troikas Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is an online platform that connects suppliers/ service providers with interested customers. Sellers, shop owners, retailers and other service providers can create a profile and upload information and pictures about their products and services on the website, thus opening a “Virtual Showroom” You agree that you are using your best and prudent judgment before using the website, accessing the information and links available on this website. Your use is at your sole risk and the website will not be liable in any manner. 2. Project Duration 6 MONTH
  • 8. 3. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to raise Local Market. As we know that the business of normal retailers in our cities is being affected by the online market. So, to raise this market we thought to bring all retailers Online. Where they can update their new arrivals and their product in shop at present and they can find more consumers and can do business in other cities as well. In fact, any business with a ‘physical product’ can open their virtual showroom. “We have our own professional in-house photographers who take the product photographs. So, every time a new product is launched by a firm, it is updated on
  • 9. 4. NEED The trend of people shopping from the comfort of their own homes rather than going into stores has contributed to a drop in Black Friday retail sales in the U.S. for two consecutive years, according to the National Retail Federation. Retailers that have yet to jump online are facing some tough competition, not only because of their physical limitations, but virtual stores are offering perks that are similar or better, like free worldwide shipping and returns on purchases, as well as free gift-wrapping and samples at checkout. Most deals in stores can be found online, and brick-and-mortar retailers know this.
  • 10. 5. Modules of project Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 User Admin Shopkeepers
  • 11. Module 1 User Login View Products Read/Post Comment Purchase Things Sort nearest store
  • 15.
  • 16. About the MVC Model, Controllerand View Design Pattern: This software based on concept of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. View renders the data from the Model in response to the request made to the model by controlled events made by user interaction. Model View Controller is a design approach to separate the application object model from GUI, originally invented around 80s. Then later on it has become a widely accepted common design pattern. The main objective behind this pattern is to decouple the view of the data (presentation layer) from the actual data processing so that the same model can be used for various views. This is achieved by using three different types of objects that interact with each other in loosely coupled manner with their discreet set of tasks. These three objects are known as Model, View and Controller.
  • 17. VIEW: View is the graphical data presentation (outputting) irrespective of the real data processing. View is the responsible for look and feel, some custom formatting, sorting etc. View is completely isolated from actual complex data operations. For example, online product catalog view is completely separated from database connection, query, tables etc. It simply gets final row-data from the model and puts some cosmetics and formatting before displaying it in browser. View provides interface to interact with the system. The beauty of MVC approach is that it supports any kind of view, which is challenging in today’s distributed and multi-platform environment. A MVC model can have multiple views, which are controlled by controller. View interface can be of WEB-FORMS, HTML, XML/XSLT, XTML, and WML or can be Windows forms etc. MODEL: Model is responsible for actual data processing, like database connection, querying database, implementing business rules etc. It feeds data to the view without worrying about the actual formatting and look and feel. Data provided by Model is display-neutral so it can be interfaced with as many views without code redundancy; this eases your code maintenance and reduces bugs and allows code -reuse at good extent. Model responds to the request made by controllers and notifies the registered views to update their display with new data
  • 18. CONTROLLER: A controller can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document). It can also send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g., by scrolling through a document). Controller is responsible for Notice of action. Controller responds to the mouse or keyboard input to command model and view to change. Controllers are associated with views. User interaction triggers the events to change the model, which in turn calls some methods of model to update its state to notify other registered views to refresh their display. Following are the few of the benefits of MVC design pattern. Since MVC handles the multiple views using the same enterprise model it is easier to maintain, test and upgrade the multiple system. It will be easier to add new clients just by adding their views and controllers. Since the Model is completely decoupled from view it allows lot of flexibilities to design and implement the model considering reusability and modularity. This model also can be extended for further distributed application. It is possible to have development process in parallel for model, view and controller.
  • 22. 9. Requirement Specification Virtual ShoppingSystem Specification: The system specification is the final work produced by the system and requirements engineer. It serves as the foundation for hardware engineering, software engineering, database engineering and human engineering. Once requirements have been gathered explore each requirements in relationship to others, examine requirements for consistency, omissions and ambiguity. Hardware Specification It is recommended that the minimum configuration for clients is as appended below:- Microprocessor : Pentium-2 class processor & above Ram : 128 MB of RAM Hard Disk : 2.5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive, Which Includes 500 MB on system drive. CD ROM Drive : 52 X CD ROM Drive Software Specifications Operating System : Windows 8, 7, 10/Windows 2000 NT
  • 23. RDBMS : Sql Server 2008/2010 Front End : Microsoft Visual Studio.NET with C# 10. Sample Code Model.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using Retailers.Common; namespace Retailers.Models { /// <summary> /// Developed By:Rishabh Atri /// Developed On:27-March-2015 /// Description:This is mapping class for mapping productCategory table of database /// </summary> /// [Table("ProductCategory")] public class ProductCategory {
  • 24. DataFunctions ObjDF = new DataFunctions(); [Key] [Display(Name = "ProductCategory Id")] public int ProductCategoryId { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Category name is required")] [StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Name of Category must be less then 50")] [RegularExpression("^[A-Z-a-z]*$", ErrorMessage = "Category Name must be alphabatic.")] [Display(Name = "ProductCategory Name")] public string ProductCategoryName { get; set; } public bool IsActive { get; set; } #region Fetching record from ProductCategory Table public IEnumerable<ProductCategory> productcategoryList { get { DataTable dtProductCategory = ObjDF.SelectData(StoredProcedures.usp_SelectProductCategory); List<ProductCategory> PCList = new List<ProductCategory>(); if (dtProductCategory.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtProductCategory.Rows) {
  • 25. ProductCategory objProductCategory = new ProductCategory(); objProductCategory.ProductCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProductCategoryId"].ToString()); objProductCategory.ProductCategoryName = dr["ProductCategoryName"].ToString(); objProductCategory.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsActive"].ToString()); PCList.Add(objProductCategory); } } return PCList; } } #endregion #region Code for insert record in ProductCategory public bool InsertProductCategory(ProductCategory product) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[2]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@productCategory", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); param[0].Value = product.ProductCategoryName; param[1] = new SqlParameter("@isActive", SqlDbType.Bit); param[1].Value = product.IsActive; return ObjDF.CRUD(StoredProcedures.usp_InsertProductCategory, param); }
  • 26. #endregion #region Code for Update record in ProductCategory public bool UpdateProductCategory(ProductCategory productUpdate) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[3]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategoryId", SqlDbType.Int); param[0].Value = productUpdate.ProductCategoryId; param[1] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategory", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); param[1].Value = productUpdate.ProductCategoryName; param[2] = new SqlParameter("@isActive", SqlDbType.Bit); param[2].Value = productUpdate.IsActive; return ObjDF.CRUD(StoredProcedures.usp_UpdateProductCategory, param); } #endregion #region Code for Delete record from ProductCategory public bool DeleteProductCategory(ProductCategory productDelete) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[1]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ProductCategoryId", SqlDbType.Int); param[0].Value = productDelete.ProductCategor
  • 27. Controller.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using Retailers.Models; using System.Configuration; namespace Retailers.Controllers { /// <summary> /// Developed By:ShrutiGoyal /// Developed On:07-April-2015 /// Description:this is interface for access another class members. /// </summary> /// public class ProductCategoryController : Controller { ProductCategory objproductCategory = new ProductCategory(); #region Product Category List public ActionResult ProductCategoryList() { if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString()) { return View(objproductCategory.productcategoryList.ToList());
  • 28. } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home") } } #endregion #region Create ProductCategory [HttpGet] public ActionResult Create() { if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString()) { return View(); } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(ProductCategory P) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { objproductCategory.InsertProductCategory(P); return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList"); } else
  • 29. { return View(); } #endregion #region Edit_ProductCategory [HttpGet] public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (Session["AdminRole"].ToString() == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Super Admin"].ToString()) { return View(objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x => x.ProductCategoryId == id)); } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(ProductCategory ProductCategoryEdit, int id) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ProductCategory objProductCategoryEdit = objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x => x.ProductCategoryId == id); objProductCategoryEdit.ProductCategoryName = ProductCategoryEdit.ProductCategoryName; objProductCategoryEdit.IsActive = ProductCategoryEdit.IsActive;
  • 30. objProductCategoryEdit.UpdateProductCategory(objProductCategoryE dit); return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList"); } else { return View(); } } #endregion #region Active Deactive public ActionResult DeActivate(int id) { ProductCategory objProductCategoryUpdate = objproductCategory.productcategoryList.Single(x => x.ProductCategoryId == id); if (objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive) { objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive = false; objproductCategory.UpdateProductCategory(objProductCategoryUpdat e); return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList"); } else { objProductCategoryUpdate.IsActive = true; objproductCategory.UpdateProductCategory(objProductCategoryUpdat e);
  • 31. return RedirectToAction("ProductCategoryList"); } } #endregi } } View.cshtml @model IEnumerable<Retailers.Models.ProductCategory> @{ ViewBag.Title = "ProductCategoryList"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/AllList.cshtml"; } <h2 style="color:maroon;">ProductCategory List</h2> <p> @Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")&gt; @Html.ActionLink("All ProductCategory", "ProductCategoryList", "ProductCategory") &gt; @Html.ActionLink("Insert ProductCategory", "Create", "ProductCategory") </p> <table class="table"> <tr style="background-color:darkkhaki;"> <th> @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.ProductCategoryName) </th> <th> @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.IsActive) </th> <th>Actions</th>
  • 32. </tr> @foreach (var item in Model) { <tr> <td> @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ProductCategoryName) </td> <td> @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.IsActive) </td> <td> @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.ProductCategoryId }) | @Html.ActionLink(item.IsActive?"DeActivate":"Activate", "DeActivate", new { id = item.ProductCategoryId }) </td> </tr> } </table>
  • 33. Data Functions.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration; namespace Retailers.Common { /// <summary> ///Developed By:Shruti Goyal ///developed on:26-March-2015 ///Description:This is Model Class for all DataFunctions /// </summary> public class DataFunctions { private SqlConnection con; private SqlCommand cmd; private DataSet ds; private SqlDataAdapter Adapter; public DataFunctions()
  • 34. { con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectio n"].ConnectionString); } public DataTable SelectData(StoredProcedures SpName) { con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand(SpName.ToString(), con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); ds = new DataSet(); Adapter.Fill(ds); con.Close(); return ds.Tables[0]; } public bool CRUD(StoredProcedures SpName,SqlParameter[] Param ) { con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand(SpName.ToString(), con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; foreach(SqlParameter p in Param) { cmd.Parameters.Add(p); } int result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return result > 0 ? true : false;
  • 35. } } } StoredProcedures.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace Retailers.Common { /// <summary> /// Developed By:Rishabh Atri /// Developed On:26-March-2015 /// Description:This is mapping class for StoreProcedure /// </summary> public enum StoredProcedures { #region ShopCategory usp_ShopCategory, usp_InsertShopCategory, usp_DeleteShopCategory, usp_UpdateShopCategory, #endregion #region Area usp_SelectArea,
  • 36. usp_InsertArea, usp_UpdateArea, usp_DeleteArea , #endregion #region ProductCategory usp_SelectProductCategory, usp_InsertProductCategory, usp_UpdateProductCategory, usp_DeleteProductCategory, #endregion #region User SelectUser , InsertUser, UpdateUser, DeleteUser, #endregion #region ProductSubCategory usp_InsertSubProduct, usp_UpdateSubProduct, usp_DeleteSubProduct, usp_SelectProductSubCategoryWithProductCategory, #endregion #region ShopDetail usp_SelectShopDetailWithUserAreaShopCategory, usp_InsertShopDetail, usp_UpdateShopDetail, usp_DeleteShopDetail , #endregion
  • 37. #region ProductDetail usp_SelectProductWithShopProductSubcategory , usp_DeleteProduct , usp_UpdateProduct, usp_InsertProduct, #endregion #region ProductImage usp_ProductImageWithProductDetail, usp_DeleteProductImage, usp_UpdateProductImage, usp_InsertProductImage , #endregion #region Admin usp_UpdateAdmin, usp_SelectAdminWithRole, usp_InserAdmin, #endregion #region UserRole usp_SelectUserRole, usp_InsertUserRole, usp_UpdateUserRole, #endregion #region Login usp_SelectAdminLogin, usp_SelectShopLogin, usp_SelectUserLogin #endregion }}