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● Clinicians are sometimes confronted with patients who complain about inability to maintain their
● The prevalence of vertigo and dizziness in people aged>60 years reaches 30%, and due to aging of
world population, the number of patients is rapidly increasing (Fernández, 2015)
● Dizziness is a general term for a sense of imbalance or disequilibrium and it affects approximately
20% to 30% of the general population and it is a strong predictor of falls, which is the leading cause
of accidental death in people older than 65 years
● Common causes of dizziness are peripheral vestibular disorders, but complaint of dizziness may be
due to non-specific ranging from disequilibrium, presyncope, lightheadedness, giddiness, fainting
attacks, to central nervous system disorders.
● The effects of dizziness in the elderly can be particularly disturbing, as it has been associated with
depressive symptoms, perceived fatigue, excessive drowsiness, recurring falls and fall-related
injuries such as fractures of long bones (Moraes et. al, 2013)
● Thus,this study aimed to explore the clinical causes of vestibular disorder among elderly patients
Benign Paroxysmal
Positional Vertigo
Causes of Vestibular Disorders in the Elderly
Meniere’s Disease
Vestibular Neuritis
Central Vestibular disorder
Acoustic Neuroma
Cerebellar infarct
supranuclear palsy
Postural orthostatic
tachycardia syndrome
Peripheral Vestibular disorder
● Most common, estimated lifetime prevalence of 2.4%
(Von Brevern et. al, 2007)
● Prevalent in individuals between the ages 50 - 70
years old (Baloh et. al, 1987)
● precipitated by a change in head
position (i.e: getting out of bed,
rolling over in bed) (Yeolekar,2015)
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
● Caused by calcium crystals (otoconia) that fall into
posterior or lateral semicircular canals after detaching
from ampulla of the utricle (Schuknecht, 2009)
● Detachment occur secondary to trauma, infection,
aging, vestibular neuritis, and
labyrinthitis (Schuknecht, 2009)
● Particle repositioning maneuvers or
canalith repositioning procedures,
has an efficacy of 75 - 100% in lateral
semicircular canal BPPV (Lea et. al, 2019)
● The Epley or Semont maneuvers for posterior
semicircular canal BPPV (Casani et. al, 2002)
Dix-Hallpike maneuver for the
posterior semicircular canal and
head rotation to the side in a
supine position for the horizontal semicircular canal,
should be conducted in vertigo and balance impairments,
despite a negative history as in elderly, the disorder
may present atypically (Furman et. al, 2010; Jahn et. al, 2015)
● Most frequent causes of dizziness of the
inner ear seen in dizziness clinics (Alexander
& Harris, 2010)
● Patients generally present in the third to
seventh decades . (Patel & Isildak, 2016)
● Slight female predominance (Patel & Isildak,
● Low salt diet, avoidance of caffeine derivatives and
alcohol, diuretics, vasodilators, oral steroids, and
intratympanic injection of low-dose gentamycin or
dexamethasone. (Santos,1993)
● Surgical therapy should be considered if there is no
improvement with noninvasive therapy after 3-6
months. (Pullens,2013)
● According to Patel and Isildak (2016) It is
characterized by the disease is characterized by
recurrent attacks of : aural fullness, tinnitus,
vertigo and associated with a progressive hearing
loss over time.
Clinical manifestation
Meniere’s Disease
● Peak age distribution for vestibular neuritis was between
30 and 50 years (Goddard & Fayad, 2011).
● Sekitani et al., approximately 12% of patients were over age
● Primarily supportive – vestibular suppressants and antiemetics.
● Elderly and those with systemic disorders may require
intravenous hydration because they are more susceptible to
● Use of antiviral agents (acyclovir/valacyclovir) is also
● Vestibular exercises can enhance ocular stability and improve
tolerance to various head and body movements.
● Characterized by acute onset of vertigo with associated
nausea, vomiting, and generalized imbalance. (Goddard &
Fayad, 2011).
● According to Sekitani et al., the initial symptoms of
vertigo will subside over a few days, the residual
imbalance might remain for longer.
● Tendency to fall on the affected side and spontaneous
nystagmus. Head or body movements will exacerbate the
Clinical manifestation
Vestibular Neuritis
Researchers think the most likely cause is a
viral infection of the inner ear, swelling around
the vestibulocochlear nerve (caused by a
virus), or a viral infection that has occurred
somewhere else in the body.
Some examples of viral infections in other
areas of the body include herpes virus (causes
cold sores, shingles, chickenpox), measles, flu,
mumps, hepatitis and polio
(Strupp et al., 2014)
● Is a noncancerous (benign) growth on the vestibular nerve.
Acoustic neuroma can be classified into two categories.
● One is rare and associated with neurofibromatosis type 2
(NF-2). In this rare, autosomal dominant disorder, the
acoustic neuromas are bilateral. It usually occurs among
teens or early adulthood.
● The more common type of acoustic neuroma occurs
sporadically [4]. This type is always unilateral and common
in elderly.
Treatment options depend on rate of growth of the lesion as
measured by serial MRIs and include wait and watch policy,
gamma-knife radiation, and surgical excision (Aditya,2015).
Symptoms of an acoustic neuroma generally include
unilateral progressive hearing loss and tinnitus on one
side rarely accompanied by dizziness or imbalance
Clinical Manifestation
Acoustic Neuroma
(Ho & Kveton, 2002)
● Presence of lesion along the vestibular pathway, extending to
brainstem,and eventually reach multisensory vestibular cortex areas
in the temporoparietal cortex. Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007)
● The site of the lesion can be identified by analysis of nystagmus.
Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007)
● In addition with age, the central nervous system capabilities become
impaired, affecting the signals from vestibular, visual, and
proprioceptive which is responsible for maintenance of body balance.
Teixeira, A. R., Wender, M. H., Gonçalves, A. K., Freitas, C. D. L. R., dos Santos, A. M. P. V., & Soldera, C. L. C.
Central Vestibular disorder
Cerebellar infarct
● Manifested with dizziness with nausea and vomiting, unstable gait and sudden
headache.Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016).
● The common cause of the instability is usually caused by multiple white matter lesions or also
known as periventricular leukomalacia. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016).
● However, vertigo and dizziness and dizziness are commonly caused by benign peripheral
vestibular disorders,Kerber, K. A., Brown, D. L., Lisabeth, L. D., Smith, M. A., & Morgenstern, L. B. (2006).
● Stroke can also manifest with Vertigo and dizziness, but the statistical association of instability
with stroke causing vertigo or dizziness is less compared with non stroke causes such as
peripheral vestibular disorders. Kerber, K. A., Brown, D. L., Lisabeth, L. D., Smith, M. A., & Morgenstern, L. B. (2006).
● conditions such as Parkinsonism is also common in older persons. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E.
● Epileptic vertigo can also occur however it is uncommon as it responds well to treatment with
anticonvulsant medication.
Central Vestibular disorder
● causes progressive deterioration in motor and subcortical
cognitive function.
● Is a degenerative movement disorder
● the clinical manifestation of vertical gaze palsy,
pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity, and cognitive impairment.
● One of the cardinal features of PSP are falls, where it
shows that the incidence of falls are associated with the
presence of gaze problems, axial rigidity, cognitive decline.
● Onset of PSP usually occurs among patients age range
from 50 to 70.
Egerton, Williams & Lansek (2012)
● Rare
● Idiopathic
● The slow loss of vestibular
function is distinguished with
difficulty in walking or
standing, especially in the
dark while on soft or uneven
Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016).
Disequilibrium Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
Central Vestibular disorder
● Vestibular disorders require special care
● Vestibular disorders have various causes that need to be identified so that further assessment and
management plan for the elderly can be conducted
● More research are need on how the caregiver can handle these elderly patients in a more effective
way that may benefit both the patient and the caregiver
● Moraes, S. A. De, Jefferson, W., Soares, D. S., Ferriolli, E., & Perracini, M. R. (2013). Prevalence and correlates of dizziness in community-dwelling older people : a cross sectional
population based study. BMC Geriatrics, 13(1), 1.
● Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). Vertigo in the elderly. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 7(1), 23-28
● TeixeiraAlexander TH, Harris JP. Current epidemiology of Meniere’s syndrome. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2010;43(5): 965-970.
● Ballester M, Liard P, Vibert D, et al. Menie`re’s disease in the elderly. Otol Neurotol 2002;23:73–8.
● Baloh RW, Honrubia V, Jacobson K. Benign positional vertigo: clinical and oculographic features in 240 cases. Neurology. 1987;37:371–378.
● Casani AP, Vanucci G, Fattori B, et al. The treatment of horizontal canal positional vertigo: our experience in 66 cases. Laryngoscope.
● Diagnosis, D., & Causes, C. (2008). Central Vertigo and Dizziness, 14(6), 355–364.
● Dickerson, L. M., & Carolina, S. (2010). Dizziness: A Diagnostic Approach
● Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007) 254: 559.
● 8. Egerton, T., Williams, D. R., & Iansek, R. (2012). Comparison of gait in progressive supranuclear palsy, Parkinson’s disease and healthy
older adults. BMC neurology, 12(1), 116.
● 9. Furman JM, Raz Y, Whitney SL: Geriatric vestibulopathy assessment and management. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
● 10. Goddard, J. C., & Fayad, J. N. (2011). Vestibular Neuritis. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 44(2), 361–365.
● Jahn K, Kressig RW, Bridenbaugh SA, Brandt T, Schniepp R: Dizziness and unstable gait in old age: etiology, diagnosis and treatment. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2015;112:387–393.
● Journal, B. (2015). Vestibular disorders in the elderly ଝ Vestibulopatias em idosos, 81(1).
● Kerber, K. A., Brown, D. L., Lisabeth, L. D., Smith, M. A., & Morgenstern, L. B. (2006). Stroke among patients with dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance in the emergency
department: a population-based study. Stroke, 37(10), 2484-2487.
● Kollén, L., Frändin, K., Möller, M., Fagevik Olsén, M., & Möller, C. (2012). Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a common cause of dizziness and unsteadiness in a large
population of 75-year-olds. Aging clinical and experimental research (Vol. 24).
● Lea J, Pothier D (eds): Vestibular Disorders. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger, 2019, vol 82, pp 67–76 DOI: 10.1159/000490273
● Moraes, S. A. De, Jefferson, W., Soares, D. S., Ferriolli, E., & Perracini, M. R. (2013). Prevalence and correlates of dizziness in community-dwelling older people : a cross
sectional population based study. BMC Geriatrics, 13(1), 1.
● Patel, H. H., & Isildak, H. (2016). Meniere’s disease an overview. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 27(4),
● 19. Pullens B, Verschuur HP, van Benthem PP, editors, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2013
● 20. Santos PM, Hall RA, Snyder JM, et al. Diuretic and diet effect on Meniere's disease evaluated by the 1985 Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines.
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● 21. Schuknecht HF. Mechanism of inner ear injury from blows to head. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2009;266:1831–1835.
● 22. Sekitani T, Imate Y, Noguchi T, et al. Vestibular neuronitis: epidemiological survey by questionnaire in Japan. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1993;503:9–12.
● 23. Shupert, B. C., & Health, P. T. O. (n.d.). Balance and Aging, (503), 1–5.
● 24. Strupp M, Zingler V, Arbusow V, et al. Methylprednisolone, valacyclovir, or the combination for vestibular neuritis. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:354–361.
● 25. Teixeira, A. R., Wender, M. H., Gonçalves, A. K., Freitas, C. D. L. R., dos Santos, A. M. P. V., & Soldera, C. L. C. (2016). Dizziness, physical exercise, falls, and depression in
adults and the elderly. International archives of otorhinolaryngology, 20(02), 124-131.
● 26. U¨ neri A, Polat S. Vertigo, dizziness and imbalance in the elderly. J Laryngol Otol 2008;122:466–9.
● 27. Von Brevern M, Radtke A, Lezius F, et al. Epidemiology of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a population based study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
● 28. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). Vertigo in the elderly. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 7(1), 23-28.

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Vestibular disorder in the elderly

  • 3. INTRODUCTION ● Clinicians are sometimes confronted with patients who complain about inability to maintain their balance ● The prevalence of vertigo and dizziness in people aged>60 years reaches 30%, and due to aging of world population, the number of patients is rapidly increasing (Fernández, 2015) ● Dizziness is a general term for a sense of imbalance or disequilibrium and it affects approximately 20% to 30% of the general population and it is a strong predictor of falls, which is the leading cause of accidental death in people older than 65 years ● Common causes of dizziness are peripheral vestibular disorders, but complaint of dizziness may be due to non-specific ranging from disequilibrium, presyncope, lightheadedness, giddiness, fainting attacks, to central nervous system disorders. ● The effects of dizziness in the elderly can be particularly disturbing, as it has been associated with depressive symptoms, perceived fatigue, excessive drowsiness, recurring falls and fall-related injuries such as fractures of long bones (Moraes et. al, 2013) ● Thus,this study aimed to explore the clinical causes of vestibular disorder among elderly patients
  • 4. DISCUSSION Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Causes of Vestibular Disorders in the Elderly Meniere’s Disease Vestibular Neuritis Central Vestibular disorder Acoustic Neuroma Cerebellar infarct Disequilibrium Progressive supranuclear palsy Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome Peripheral Vestibular disorder
  • 5. SATURN ● Most common, estimated lifetime prevalence of 2.4% (Von Brevern et. al, 2007) ● Prevalent in individuals between the ages 50 - 70 years old (Baloh et. al, 1987) ● precipitated by a change in head position (i.e: getting out of bed, rolling over in bed) (Yeolekar,2015) Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Pathophysiology: ● Caused by calcium crystals (otoconia) that fall into posterior or lateral semicircular canals after detaching from ampulla of the utricle (Schuknecht, 2009) ● Detachment occur secondary to trauma, infection, aging, vestibular neuritis, and labyrinthitis (Schuknecht, 2009) Management: ● Particle repositioning maneuvers or canalith repositioning procedures, has an efficacy of 75 - 100% in lateral semicircular canal BPPV (Lea et. al, 2019) ● The Epley or Semont maneuvers for posterior semicircular canal BPPV (Casani et. al, 2002) Diagnosis: Dix-Hallpike maneuver for the posterior semicircular canal and head rotation to the side in a supine position for the horizontal semicircular canal, should be conducted in vertigo and balance impairments, despite a negative history as in elderly, the disorder may present atypically (Furman et. al, 2010; Jahn et. al, 2015)
  • 6. ● Most frequent causes of dizziness of the inner ear seen in dizziness clinics (Alexander & Harris, 2010) ● Patients generally present in the third to seventh decades . (Patel & Isildak, 2016) ● Slight female predominance (Patel & Isildak, 2016) ● Low salt diet, avoidance of caffeine derivatives and alcohol, diuretics, vasodilators, oral steroids, and intratympanic injection of low-dose gentamycin or dexamethasone. (Santos,1993) ● Surgical therapy should be considered if there is no improvement with noninvasive therapy after 3-6 months. (Pullens,2013) ● According to Patel and Isildak (2016) It is characterized by the disease is characterized by recurrent attacks of : aural fullness, tinnitus, vertigo and associated with a progressive hearing loss over time. Clinical manifestation Meniere’s Disease Management Pathophysiology
  • 7. ● Peak age distribution for vestibular neuritis was between 30 and 50 years (Goddard & Fayad, 2011). ● Sekitani et al., approximately 12% of patients were over age 65. ● Primarily supportive – vestibular suppressants and antiemetics. ● Elderly and those with systemic disorders may require intravenous hydration because they are more susceptible to dehydration. ● Use of antiviral agents (acyclovir/valacyclovir) is also recommended. ● Vestibular exercises can enhance ocular stability and improve tolerance to various head and body movements. ● Characterized by acute onset of vertigo with associated nausea, vomiting, and generalized imbalance. (Goddard & Fayad, 2011). ● According to Sekitani et al., the initial symptoms of vertigo will subside over a few days, the residual imbalance might remain for longer. ● Tendency to fall on the affected side and spontaneous nystagmus. Head or body movements will exacerbate the symptoms. Clinical manifestation Vestibular Neuritis Management Researchers think the most likely cause is a viral infection of the inner ear, swelling around the vestibulocochlear nerve (caused by a virus), or a viral infection that has occurred somewhere else in the body. Some examples of viral infections in other areas of the body include herpes virus (causes cold sores, shingles, chickenpox), measles, flu, mumps, hepatitis and polio (Strupp et al., 2014)
  • 8. ● Is a noncancerous (benign) growth on the vestibular nerve. Acoustic neuroma can be classified into two categories. ● One is rare and associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2). In this rare, autosomal dominant disorder, the acoustic neuromas are bilateral. It usually occurs among teens or early adulthood. ● The more common type of acoustic neuroma occurs sporadically [4]. This type is always unilateral and common in elderly. Treatment options depend on rate of growth of the lesion as measured by serial MRIs and include wait and watch policy, gamma-knife radiation, and surgical excision (Aditya,2015). Symptoms of an acoustic neuroma generally include unilateral progressive hearing loss and tinnitus on one side rarely accompanied by dizziness or imbalance (Aditya,2015). Clinical Manifestation Acoustic Neuroma Management (Ho & Kveton, 2002)
  • 9. ● Presence of lesion along the vestibular pathway, extending to brainstem,and eventually reach multisensory vestibular cortex areas in the temporoparietal cortex. Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007) ● The site of the lesion can be identified by analysis of nystagmus. Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007) ● In addition with age, the central nervous system capabilities become impaired, affecting the signals from vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive which is responsible for maintenance of body balance. Teixeira, A. R., Wender, M. H., Gonçalves, A. K., Freitas, C. D. L. R., dos Santos, A. M. P. V., & Soldera, C. L. C. (2016). Central Vestibular disorder
  • 10. Cerebellar infarct ● Manifested with dizziness with nausea and vomiting, unstable gait and sudden headache.Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). ● The common cause of the instability is usually caused by multiple white matter lesions or also known as periventricular leukomalacia. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). ● However, vertigo and dizziness and dizziness are commonly caused by benign peripheral vestibular disorders,Kerber, K. A., Brown, D. L., Lisabeth, L. D., Smith, M. A., & Morgenstern, L. B. (2006). ● Stroke can also manifest with Vertigo and dizziness, but the statistical association of instability with stroke causing vertigo or dizziness is less compared with non stroke causes such as peripheral vestibular disorders. Kerber, K. A., Brown, D. L., Lisabeth, L. D., Smith, M. A., & Morgenstern, L. B. (2006). ● conditions such as Parkinsonism is also common in older persons. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). ● Epileptic vertigo can also occur however it is uncommon as it responds well to treatment with anticonvulsant medication. Central Vestibular disorder
  • 11. ● causes progressive deterioration in motor and subcortical cognitive function. ● Is a degenerative movement disorder ● the clinical manifestation of vertical gaze palsy, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity, and cognitive impairment. ● One of the cardinal features of PSP are falls, where it shows that the incidence of falls are associated with the presence of gaze problems, axial rigidity, cognitive decline. ● Onset of PSP usually occurs among patients age range from 50 to 70. Egerton, Williams & Lansek (2012) ● Rare ● Idiopathic ● The slow loss of vestibular function is distinguished with difficulty in walking or standing, especially in the dark while on soft or uneven surfaces. Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). Disequilibrium Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) Central Vestibular disorder
  • 12. ● Vestibular disorders require special care ● Vestibular disorders have various causes that need to be identified so that further assessment and management plan for the elderly can be conducted ● More research are need on how the caregiver can handle these elderly patients in a more effective way that may benefit both the patient and the caregiver CONCLUSIONS
  • 13. ● Moraes, S. A. De, Jefferson, W., Soares, D. S., Ferriolli, E., & Perracini, M. R. (2013). Prevalence and correlates of dizziness in community-dwelling older people : a cross sectional population based study. BMC Geriatrics, 13(1), 1. ● Yeolekar, A. M., & Yeolekar, M. E. (2016). Vertigo in the elderly. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 7(1), 23-28 ● TeixeiraAlexander TH, Harris JP. Current epidemiology of Meniere’s syndrome. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2010;43(5): 965-970. ● Ballester M, Liard P, Vibert D, et al. Menie`re’s disease in the elderly. Otol Neurotol 2002;23:73–8. ● Baloh RW, Honrubia V, Jacobson K. Benign positional vertigo: clinical and oculographic features in 240 cases. Neurology. 1987;37:371–378. ● Casani AP, Vanucci G, Fattori B, et al. The treatment of horizontal canal positional vertigo: our experience in 66 cases. Laryngoscope. 2002;112:172–178. ● Diagnosis, D., & Causes, C. (2008). Central Vertigo and Dizziness, 14(6), 355–364. ● Dickerson, L. M., & Carolina, S. (2010). Dizziness: A Diagnostic Approach ● Dieterich, M. J Neurol (2007) 254: 559. ● 8. Egerton, T., Williams, D. R., & Iansek, R. (2012). Comparison of gait in progressive supranuclear palsy, Parkinson’s disease and healthy older adults. BMC neurology, 12(1), 116. ● 9. Furman JM, Raz Y, Whitney SL: Geriatric vestibulopathy assessment and management. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2010;18:386–391. ● 10. Goddard, J. C., & Fayad, J. N. (2011). Vestibular Neuritis. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 44(2), 361–365. doi:10.1016/j.otc.2011.01.007 REFERENCES
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