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Vascular supply of face and neck
Dr. Kathirvel Gopalakrishnan
• Arterial supply
 Common carotid artery
 External carotid artery
 Internal carotid artery
• Venous supply
 Venous drainage of face
 Venous drainage of neck
• Journal club discussion
• Divided into right and left common
carotid artery
• It gives terminal branches as Internal
and External carotid artery
Right CCA Left CCA
Origin Bifurcation of
Arch of
Termination At the level of upper border of
thyroid cartilage
Carotid body:
• Small cluster of
chemoreceptors near the
bifurcation of common carotid
• Detects changes in
composition of blood passing
through it, mainly Po2
• It is also sensitive to changes
in Ph and temperature
Carotid sinus
• Localized dilation at the origin of
internal carotid artery
• Contains numerous Baroreceptors for
maintaining blood pressure
• It is innervated by sinus nerve of
hering, which is a branch of
glossopharyngeal nerve
Applied anatomy:
• Common carotid artery is often used in measuring the carotid
pulse, in case of shock
• It can be felt between anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
muscle, above the hyoid bone and lateral to the thyroid cartilage.
• Both carotid artery should not be palpated at the same time, it
may limit the blood flow leading to fainting or brain ischemia
External Carotid artery
It is the terminal branch of CCA
It begins at the level of the upper
border of thyroid cartilage
It passes upward and forward and
then inclines backward to the space
behind the neck of mandible, where it
divides into superficial temporal and
maxillary artery within the parotid gland
Branches of External Carotid Artery
1. Superior thyroid
2. Lingual
3. Facial
1. Posterior auricular
2. Occipital
1.Ascending pharyngeal
1. Maxillary
2. Superficial temporal
First branch
• Arises just below the greater cornu of hyoid bone
Course and Relations:
• Descends forward in Carotid triangle along
thyrohyoid just superficial to external laryngeal nerve
• It passes deep to infrahyoid muscle to reach upper
pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland
• Superficially – Skin, Superficial fascia, platysma,
deep cervical fascia
• Medially – Inferior constrictor, External
Branches and supply:
Infrahyoid branch – inferior to hyoid
bone - Infrahyoid muscles
Sternocleidomastoid artery – deep parts
of sternocleidomastoid muscle
Superior laryngeal artery – within the
larynx it supplies muscles, glands and mucosa
Cricothyroid – cricothyroid muscle
Anterior thyroid – thyroid muscle
Applied anatomy:
• While performing thyroidectomy, this artery
must be ligated lateral to the superior pole of thyroid
gland (close to the gland) to avoid injury to external
laryngeal nerve
• If not ligated then, it bleeds profusely
• In order to gain control of bleeding surgeon may
need to extend the incision laterally to gain access of
its origin from external carotid artery
• Intra arterial infusion chemotherapy for
hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer
Arises from external carotid artery between superior thyroid and facial artery
Arises opposite to the greater cornu of hyoid bone
Course and relationship:
First part lies in carotid triangle runs obliquely upwards and medialward to the greater
cornu of hyoid bone
Second part lies deep to hyoglossus muscle separating it from hypoglossal nerve
Third part runs upwards along the anterior margin of hyoglossus and anastomose with the
opposite side
Branches and supply:
Suprahyoid branch – muscles in its
Dorsal Lingual – basal part of tongue
Deep lingual artery – body and apex of
Sublingual artery – medial to sublingual
gland - sublingual gland, mucous
membrane of floor of mouth,
mylohyoid muscle
Applied Anatomy:
During surgical removal of the
tongue, the first part of the artery is
ligated before it gives any branches to
tongue or tonsil
Injury to sublingual artery may
occur in molar and premolar region when
instrument slip and damage floor of the
mouth which may lead to sublingual
Chief artery of face
Tortuosity of the artery prevents
its wall from being unduly stretched
during movements of mandible, lips and
Arises from ECA just above the
greater cornu of hyoid bone
Two parts 1. Cervical part
2. Facial part
Cervical part
Course and relationship:
Runs upwards on the superior constrictor of pharynx deep to the posterior belly of
digastric, within the stylohyoid and to the ramus of mandible
Grooves at posterior border of submandibular salivary gland
Next the artery makes an S-bend (2 loops) first winding down over the
submandibular gland and then up over the base of the mandible
Cervical Part:
Branch Distribution
Palatine artery
Soft palate,
Palatine tonsil
Tonsilar artery Palatine tonsil
Glandular branch Submandibular
Salivary gland
Submental artery Sublingual
salivary gland,
Submental triangle
Facial part
Course and relationship:
Enters face by winding around the base of
the mandible and piercing the deep cervical fascia at
the anteroinferior angle of the masseter muscle
It runs upwards and forwards to a point 1.25
cm lateral to the angle of the mouth. Then it ascends
by the side of the nose up to the medial angle of the
It terminates by supplying lacrimal sac,
anastomosing with the dorsal nasal branch of
ophthalmic artery
Branch Distribution
Upper lip, antero inferior
part of nasal septum
Lower lip
Ala, Dorsum of nose
Angular Lacrimal sac, orbicularis
Facial part:
Applied Anatomy:
At the antero inferior border of masseter,
It can be palpated – Anesthetists artery
While excising submandibular gland,
facial artery should be ligated in two point
before dividing, otherwise it may be retracted
with stylomandibular ligament causing serious
In 3rd molar impaction, Care should be
taken not to injure the artery while extending
the vertical incision beyond the vestibule
Flaps based on facial artery are widely
used for facial reconstruction
Supplies the back of the scalp and
sternomastoid muscle
Posteriorly 2cm from the ECA origin
Runs backwards and upwards deep to
lower border of posterior belly of digastric
Runs deep to mastoid process and the
muscle attached to it
Finally it pierces the trapezius 2.5cm
from the midline and comes to lie along greater
occipital nerve
Branches and supply
Sternocleidomastoid branch – Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Auricular branches - Skin of the posterior aspect of the auricle
Descending branch - Digastric, stylohyoid
Occipital branch – occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
Distributes partly to the ear and partly to the
Retromandibular fossa above stylohyoid muscle
Course and relationship:
Runs upwards and backwards deep to parotid
gland, follows upper border of stylohyoid muscle,
superficial to styloid process
Crosses base of mastoid process and ascends
behind the auricle
Branches and supply:
Stylomastoid – enters stylomastoid foramen
- supplies upper part of sternocleidomastoid
muscle, middle ear, mastoid antrum and air
cells, semicircular canals and facial nerve
Auricular – Back of auricle, skin over
mastoid process
Occipital – back of scalp
Smallest branch of external carotid artery
Just superior to the bifurcation of common
carotid artery
Runs vertically upwards between side wall
of pharynx and tonsil, medial wall of middle ear
and auditory tube
Deeply seated in the neck among other
branches of ECA and under stylopharyngeus
Branches and supply:
• Pharyngeal branches – medial and
inferior muscles of pharynx and
• Palatine branch – Soft palate and
• Prevertebral branch – Sympathetic
trunk, Hypoglossal and vagus nerve,
lymph glands
• Inferior tympanic – medial wall of
tympanic cavity
• Meningeal branches – Dura mater
Applied anatomy
• Plays an important role in the healing process of Le Fort I
osteotomies, because it supplies the attached posterior palatal
soft-tissue pedicle
• Super selective infusion of the ascending pharyngeal artery is
necessary for successful embolization of cancer of the palate
• It is the primary source of supply to meningiomas and glomus
Maxillary artery
Larger of two terminal
Supplies deep structures of
Arises behind the neck of
the mandible and first embedded
behind the substance of parotid
The maxillary artery continues as one of the terminal divisions of the external carotid
artery at the level of the neck of the mandible and passes forwards between the neck of the
mandible and the sphenomandibular ligament.
It continues its path by running deeply to the lower head of lateral pterygoid and passes
forward between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle to break into its terminal
branches at the pterygopalatine fossa
Divided into 3 parts
• First part – Mandibular
• Second part – Pterygoid
• Third part – Pterygopalatine
Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillary Artery
Ippei Otake Et Al – February 2011
Mandibular part (First part)
Passes between neck of condyle and sphenomandibular ligament, below
auriculotemporal nerve
Branches Foramen Distribution
1.Deep auricular artery Foramen in floor of
external auditory
External acoustic
meatus, Outer surface
of tympanic
2.Anterior tympanic
Petrotympanic fissure Inner surface of
tympanic membrane
3.Middle meningeal
Foramen spinosum 5th and 7th nerve,
middle ear, tensor
4.Accessory meningeal
Foramen ovale Meninges, Structures
in infratemporal fossa
5.Inferior alveolar
Mandibular foramen Lower teeth,
Mylohyoid muscle
Pterygoid part (Second part)
Ascends obliquely forwards medial to temporalis and superficial to
lower head of lateral pterygoid
Branches Distribution
1.Deep temporal branch Temporalis muscle
2.Pterygoid branch Lateral Pterygoid,
Medial Pterygoid
3.Masseteric artery Masseter muscle
4.Buccal artery Buccinator muscle
Pterygopalatine part (Third part)
Passes between heads of pterygoid and through pterygomaxillary fissure
and passes into pterygopalatine fossa
Branches Foramen Distribution
superior alveolar
Alveolar canal
in body of
Upper molar and premolar
teeth, maxillary sinus
2.Infra orbital Infra orbital
Lower orbital muscle,
lacrimal sac
Greater palatine
Soft palate, tonsil, palatine
4.Pharyngeal Pharyngeal
Root of nose, pharynx,
sphenoid sinus
5.Artery of
Pterygoid canal
Pterygoid canal Auditory tube, upper
pharynx, middle ear
(Terminal part)
Lateral and medial wall of
nose and air sinuses
The Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillary Artery in the Pterygopalatine Fossa
Jinho Choi Et Al - J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:72-78, 2003
Applied anatomy:
In surgeries involving condyle,
avoid damage to maxillary artery as it
lies medially to condyle
Ankylotic mass may encircle the
artery. So it is advised to remove the
ankylotic mass in pieces than in toto
During Lefort 1 osteotomy
procedure, Pterygopalatine portion of
maxillary artery may be injured
during fracturing the pterygoid plates
if the tessiers osteotome is directed
It should be directed medial
and downwards
Smaller of the two terminal branch
Begins in parotid gland behind mandible
Runs vertically upwards, crossing the root
of the zygoma or preauricular point.
About 5 cms above of zygoma, It divides
into anterior and posterior branches. Anterior
branch anastomoses with the supraorbital,
supratrochlear branches of ophthalmic artery
Branches & supply
Transverse facial artery
Zygomatico orbital branches –
superficial branch – orbicularis oculi
Middle temporal branch – rises above
zygomatic arch - periosteum of temporal
Frontal branch – Frontal regions
Parietal branch – Lateral areas of scalp
Applied anatomy:
Pulsation of superficial temporal
Infront of the auricle, above the
root of zygomatic arch pulsations can
be felt
Anesthetist mostly depend on
pulsation of superficial temporal artery
Super microsurgical reconstruction of nasal tip defects using the preauricular reversed superficial temporal artery flap
Jiao Weia Et Al - August 26, 2019 - Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Terminal branch of common carotid
It arises between C3 and C5
vertebral level where the common
carotid artery bifurcates
It passes straight up in the
carotid sheath to the carotid canal in the
base of the skull
Segments of ICA:
According to Bouthilliers classification (1996)
C1 - Cervical
C2 - Petrous (Horizontal)
C3 - Lacerum
C4 - Cavernous
C5 - Clinoid
C6 - Ophthalmic (supraclinoid)
C7 - Communicating (Terminal)
Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification
Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification
Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
1.Cervical From Origin of ICA and
ends at Carotid canal of
Petrous bone
2.Petrous From carotid canal and
ends at foramen lacerum
3.Lacerum From vertical canal of
lacerum and ends at
petrolingual ligament
Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification
Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
4.Cavernous Begins at petrolingual
ligament and ends at
proximal dural ring
5.Clinoid Begins at proximal dural
ring and ends at distal
dural ring
6.Ophthalmic Begins at Distal dural
ring and ends at posterior
communicating artery
7.Communicating Begins at posterior
communicating artery
1.Cervical ( no branch )
2.Petrous Caroticotympanic artery
Vidian artery
3.Lacerum (no branch)
4.Cavernous Meningohypophyseal
5.Clinoid (no branch)
6.Ophthalmic Ophthalmic artery
Superior hypophyseal artery
Posterior communicating
Anterior choroidal
Anterior cerebral
Middle cerebral
Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification
Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
Ophthalmic artery
Arises from ICA medially in the
anterior clinoid process
Runs anteriorly passing through
optic canal and inferolateral to the optic
Branch Supply
1.Central retinal artery Retina of eye
2.Lacrimal artery Lacrimal gland, portion
of eyelid and anterior
Gives anterior ciliary
branch to eyeball
3.Posterior ciliary artery Pierces sclera and
supply structures inside
eye ball
4.Supra orbital artery Supply forehead and
5.Supra trochlear artery Supplies antero medial
part of forehead
Branch Supply
6.Post ethmoidal
Nasal cavity,
Ethmoidal cells
ethmoidal artery
Nasal septum,
lateral wall of nose
end as dorsal nasal
8.Dorsal nasal
Root of nose
9.Muscular artery Ocular muscles
Medial part of upper
and lower eyelids
(8) (10)
Applied anatomy:
Keiselbach’s plexus
Veins of Face
• Supra trochlear
• Supra orbital
• Facial
• Superficial temporal
• Pterygoid venous plexus
• Maxillary
• Retromandibular
• Posterior auricular
• Occipital
Supra trochlear vein
Begins on forehead which communicates with
frontal branches of superficial temporal vein
Joins supraorbital vein at median angle of orbit
to form angular vein
Supra orbital vein
Begins on forehead above orbit which
communicates with frontal branches of
superficial temporal vein
Joins supratrochlear vein at the medial angle of
orbit to form the angular vein
Facial vein
Largest vein of face
Begins as angular vein at median
angle of orbit
Downwards and backwards behind
facial artery, but with a straight
Anterior division of retromandibular
• Supratrochlear vein
• Supraorbital vein
• Superior ophthalmic vein
• Vein from Ala of nose
• Masseter
• Superior Labial vein
• Inferior Labial vein
• Deep facial vein
• Tonsillar vein
• Submandibular vein
Applied anatomy
Dangerous area of face - Connected to cavernous sinus
Superficial temporal veins
From a venous plexus on the side
and vertex of the skull
Descends in front of tragus, enters
parotid gland and joins maxillary
vein to form retromandibular vein
• Parotid veins
• Articular veins from TMJ
• Anterior auricular veins
• Transverse facial vein
Pterygoid venous plexus
Location: Partly between the temporalis and lateral pterygoid
Course : Corresponding with the branches of the maxillary artery
• Sphenopalatine
• Middle meningeal
• Deep temporal
• Pterygoid
• Masseteric
• Buccinator
• Alveolar
• Palatine veins
• Infraorbital vein
Applied anatomy:
During PSA nerve block, chance for damaging Pterygoid
plexus and may lead to hematoma formation
Needle track communication may lead to infection to
pterygoid plexus which communicates with cavernous sinus
May also spread infection to eye
Maxillary vein :
The maxillary veins consist of a short
trunk which accompanies the first part
of the maxillary artery.
Formed by a confluence of the veins
of the pterygoid plexus
Passes backward between the
sphenomandibular ligament and the
neck of the mandible and unites with
the superficial temporal vein to form
the retromandibular vein.
Retromandibular vein
Formed by the union of the superficial
temporal and maxillary vein
Descends in the substance of the parotid
gland, superficial to the external carotid
artery but beneath the facial nerve,
between the ramus of the mandible and the
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Applied anatomy:
In normal anatomy, risk of damage to retromandibular vein is less during
parotid surgery
In cases of abnormal anatomic variation where retromandibular vein
passes lateral to the facial nerve and its branches, risk of injury to the vein is
In surgeries, facial nerve can be identified with superficial temporal vein
and retromandibular vein as guide
Occipital Vein:
As a plexus at the posterior aspect of
the scalp from the external occipital
protuberance and superior nuchal line
to the back part of the vertex of the
It joins the posterior auricular vein and
through it opens into the external
Occasionally, it follows the occipital
artery and ends in internal jugular vein
Posterior auricular vein :
Upon the side of the head, in a
plexus which communicates with
the tributaries of the occipital vein
and superficial temporal veins.
It descends behind the auricle, and
joins the retromandibular vein to
form the external jugular.
Veins of neck:
• External jugular vein
• Posterior external jugular vein
• Anterior jugular vein
• Internal jugular vein
• Lingual vein
• Superior thyroid vein
• Inferior thyroid vein
• Middle thyroid vein
• Vertebral vein
• Deep cervical vein
Posterior external jugular
vein :
In the occipital region and returns
the blood from the skin and
superficial muscles in the upper and
back part of the neck, lying between
the Splenius and Trapezius.
Runs down the back part of the
neck, and opens into the external
jugular vein just below the middle of
its course.
External jugular vein :
Receives the greater part of the blood
from the exterior of the cranium and
the deep parts of the face.
Near the mandibular angle, just below
or within the substance of the parotid
Formed by the junction of the
posterior division of the
retromandibular vein with the
posterior auricular vein
Course: It runs inferiorly in the
anterolateral neck, deep to platysma but
superficial to sternocleidomastoid, before
piercing the deep cervical fascia
posterior to the clavicular head of the
•Anterior jugular vein
•Posterior external jugular vein
•Suprascapular vein
•Transverse cervical vein
Drainage: Directly into the subclavian
Clinical significance:
• EJV has relatively superficial course on neck, thus
air may enter into vein when it get severed
• Thus it may cause air embolism and may stop the
blood flow to right atrium. This should be managed by
stopping the bleeding and entry of air
• Most commonly used venous pedicle in facial
transplant for both as donor/ recipient site
Anterior jugular vein :
Begins near the hyoid bone by the
confluence of several superficial veins
from the submaxillary region.
Just above the sternum the two
anterior jugular veins communicate by
a transverse trunk, the venous jugular
arch, which receive tributaries from
the inferior thyroid veins, each
communicates with the internal
There are no valves in this vein.
Lingual vein :
Begin on the dorsum, sides, and under surface of the tongue
Passing backward along the course of the lingual artery ends in the internal
jugular vein.
• Sublingual vein
• Deep lingual vein
• Dorsal lingual vein
• Suprahyoid vein
Internal Jugular vein
Applied Anatomy:
They are capable of rapid absorption of drugs
For this reason, Sublingual route of administration such as nitroglycerin is
given under the tongue to patients suspected of having angina pectoris.
Deep lingual veins may get injured during frenectomy, which may lead to
hematoma formation
Superior thyroid vein
Begins in the substance and on the
surface of upper part of thyroid
Tributaries corresponding with the
branches of the superior thyroid
Upper part of the internal jugular
Middle thyroid vein:
Lower part of the thyroid gland and
joined by some veins from the larynx
and trachea
Drainage: Lower part of the internal
jugular vein.
Inferior thyroid vein:
Frequently three or four in number
Arise in the venous plexus on the
thyroid gland
Communicating with the middle and
superior thyroid veins.
Internal jugular vein :
Collect the blood from the brain, the superficial parts of
the face and the neck.
Originates within the posterior part of
the jugular foramen
Inferior petrosal sinus and the sigmoid sinus join to
form the internal jugular vein.
The right internal jugular vein is at a little distance from
the common carotid artery, and crosses the first part of
the subclavian artery, while the left internal jugular vein
usually overlaps the common carotid artery.
Left vein is generally smaller than the right
Pharyngeal veins
Common facial veins
Lingual veins
Occipital veins
Superior thyroid veins
Middle thyroid veins
Subclavian vein
Clinical significance:
Acts as a guide for surgeons to remove neck nodes
The jugular veins are relatively superficial and not protected by tissues
such as bone or cartilage. This makes them susceptible to damage.
It should also be noted that cuts or abrasions in the skin near the jugular
vein will bleed longer and more profusely
It takes on an average of about 30 minutes to fully stop a shaving abrasion
on the face.
• As there is one pair of valves between the right atrium of the heart and the internal
jugular, blood can flow back into the internal jugular when the pressure in the atrium is
sufficiently high.
• This can be seen from the outside, and allows one to estimate the pressure in the atrium.
The pulsation seen is called the jugular venous pressure
• This is normally viewed with the patient at 45 degrees turning his/her head slightly away
from the observer
Deep cervical vein :
Origin: It begins in the suboccipital region
Course: Accompanies its artery between
Semispinales capitis and colli
• Communicating branches from the
occipital vein
• Small veins from the deep muscles at the
back of the neck.
• From the plexuses around the spinous
processes of the cervical vertebra
Terminates in the lower part of the vertebral
Vertebral vein :
• Origin: Formed in the suboccipital
triangle at the level of the sixth
cervical vertebra
• Course: Runs inferiorly crossing the
lateral sides of the cervical vertebrae,
initially lying over the anterior aspect
of the vertebral artery and then
crossing over its anterolateral side
• Tributaries: Occipital vein, anterior
vertebral vein, accessory vertebral
vein, suboccipital venous plexus
• Drainage : Subclavian vein

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Vascular supply of face and neck

  • 1. Vascular supply of face and neck Dr. Kathirvel Gopalakrishnan M.D.S (OMFS)
  • 2. CONTENTS • Arterial supply  Common carotid artery  External carotid artery  Internal carotid artery • Venous supply  Venous drainage of face  Venous drainage of neck • Journal club discussion
  • 3. COMMON CAROTID ARTERY • Divided into right and left common carotid artery • It gives terminal branches as Internal and External carotid artery Right CCA Left CCA Origin Bifurcation of brachiocephalic trunk Arch of aorta Termination At the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage
  • 4. Carotid body: • Small cluster of chemoreceptors near the bifurcation of common carotid artery • Detects changes in composition of blood passing through it, mainly Po2 • It is also sensitive to changes in Ph and temperature
  • 5. Carotid sinus • Localized dilation at the origin of internal carotid artery • Contains numerous Baroreceptors for maintaining blood pressure • It is innervated by sinus nerve of hering, which is a branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
  • 6. Applied anatomy: • Common carotid artery is often used in measuring the carotid pulse, in case of shock • It can be felt between anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, above the hyoid bone and lateral to the thyroid cartilage. • Both carotid artery should not be palpated at the same time, it may limit the blood flow leading to fainting or brain ischemia
  • 7. External Carotid artery It is the terminal branch of CCA Origin: It begins at the level of the upper border of thyroid cartilage Course: It passes upward and forward and then inclines backward to the space behind the neck of mandible, where it divides into superficial temporal and maxillary artery within the parotid gland
  • 8. Branches of External Carotid Artery Anterior 1. Superior thyroid 2. Lingual 3. Facial Posterior 1. Posterior auricular 2. Occipital Medial 1.Ascending pharyngeal Terminal 1. Maxillary 2. Superficial temporal
  • 9. SUPERIOR THYROID ARTERY First branch Origin: • Arises just below the greater cornu of hyoid bone Course and Relations: • Descends forward in Carotid triangle along thyrohyoid just superficial to external laryngeal nerve • It passes deep to infrahyoid muscle to reach upper pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland • Superficially – Skin, Superficial fascia, platysma, deep cervical fascia • Medially – Inferior constrictor, External Laryngeal
  • 10. Branches and supply: Infrahyoid branch – inferior to hyoid bone - Infrahyoid muscles Sternocleidomastoid artery – deep parts of sternocleidomastoid muscle Superior laryngeal artery – within the larynx it supplies muscles, glands and mucosa Cricothyroid – cricothyroid muscle Anterior thyroid – thyroid muscle
  • 11. Applied anatomy: • While performing thyroidectomy, this artery must be ligated lateral to the superior pole of thyroid gland (close to the gland) to avoid injury to external laryngeal nerve • If not ligated then, it bleeds profusely • In order to gain control of bleeding surgeon may need to extend the incision laterally to gain access of its origin from external carotid artery • Intra arterial infusion chemotherapy for hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer
  • 12. LINGUALARTERY Origin: Arises from external carotid artery between superior thyroid and facial artery Arises opposite to the greater cornu of hyoid bone Course and relationship: First part lies in carotid triangle runs obliquely upwards and medialward to the greater cornu of hyoid bone Second part lies deep to hyoglossus muscle separating it from hypoglossal nerve Third part runs upwards along the anterior margin of hyoglossus and anastomose with the opposite side
  • 13. Branches and supply: Suprahyoid branch – muscles in its vicinity Dorsal Lingual – basal part of tongue Deep lingual artery – body and apex of tongue Sublingual artery – medial to sublingual gland - sublingual gland, mucous membrane of floor of mouth, mylohyoid muscle
  • 14. Applied Anatomy: During surgical removal of the tongue, the first part of the artery is ligated before it gives any branches to tongue or tonsil Injury to sublingual artery may occur in molar and premolar region when instrument slip and damage floor of the mouth which may lead to sublingual hematoma
  • 15. FACIALARTERY Chief artery of face Tortuosity of the artery prevents its wall from being unduly stretched during movements of mandible, lips and cheek Origin Arises from ECA just above the greater cornu of hyoid bone Two parts 1. Cervical part 2. Facial part
  • 16. Cervical part Course and relationship: Runs upwards on the superior constrictor of pharynx deep to the posterior belly of digastric, within the stylohyoid and to the ramus of mandible Grooves at posterior border of submandibular salivary gland Next the artery makes an S-bend (2 loops) first winding down over the submandibular gland and then up over the base of the mandible
  • 17. Cervical Part: Branch Distribution Ascending Palatine artery Soft palate, Palatine tonsil Tonsilar artery Palatine tonsil Glandular branch Submandibular Salivary gland Submental artery Sublingual salivary gland, Submental triangle
  • 18. Facial part Course and relationship: Enters face by winding around the base of the mandible and piercing the deep cervical fascia at the anteroinferior angle of the masseter muscle It runs upwards and forwards to a point 1.25 cm lateral to the angle of the mouth. Then it ascends by the side of the nose up to the medial angle of the eye It terminates by supplying lacrimal sac, anastomosing with the dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic artery
  • 19.
  • 20. Branch Distribution Superior labial Upper lip, antero inferior part of nasal septum Inferior labial Lower lip Lateral nasal Ala, Dorsum of nose Angular Lacrimal sac, orbicularis oculi Facial part:
  • 21. Applied Anatomy: At the antero inferior border of masseter, It can be palpated – Anesthetists artery While excising submandibular gland, facial artery should be ligated in two point before dividing, otherwise it may be retracted with stylomandibular ligament causing serious bleeding In 3rd molar impaction, Care should be taken not to injure the artery while extending the vertical incision beyond the vestibule Flaps based on facial artery are widely used for facial reconstruction
  • 22. OCCIPITAL ARTERY Supplies the back of the scalp and sternomastoid muscle Origin Posteriorly 2cm from the ECA origin Course Runs backwards and upwards deep to lower border of posterior belly of digastric Runs deep to mastoid process and the muscle attached to it Finally it pierces the trapezius 2.5cm from the midline and comes to lie along greater occipital nerve
  • 23. Branches and supply Sternocleidomastoid branch – Sternocleidomastoid muscle Auricular branches - Skin of the posterior aspect of the auricle Descending branch - Digastric, stylohyoid Occipital branch – occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
  • 24. POSTERIOR AURICULAR ARTERY Distributes partly to the ear and partly to the scalp Origin Retromandibular fossa above stylohyoid muscle Course and relationship: Runs upwards and backwards deep to parotid gland, follows upper border of stylohyoid muscle, superficial to styloid process Crosses base of mastoid process and ascends behind the auricle
  • 25. Branches and supply: Stylomastoid – enters stylomastoid foramen - supplies upper part of sternocleidomastoid muscle, middle ear, mastoid antrum and air cells, semicircular canals and facial nerve Auricular – Back of auricle, skin over mastoid process Occipital – back of scalp
  • 26. ASCENDING PHARYNGEAL ARTERY Smallest branch of external carotid artery Origin: Just superior to the bifurcation of common carotid artery Course: Runs vertically upwards between side wall of pharynx and tonsil, medial wall of middle ear and auditory tube Deeply seated in the neck among other branches of ECA and under stylopharyngeus
  • 27. Branches and supply: • Pharyngeal branches – medial and inferior muscles of pharynx and stylopharyngeus • Palatine branch – Soft palate and tonsil • Prevertebral branch – Sympathetic trunk, Hypoglossal and vagus nerve, lymph glands • Inferior tympanic – medial wall of tympanic cavity • Meningeal branches – Dura mater
  • 28. Applied anatomy • Plays an important role in the healing process of Le Fort I osteotomies, because it supplies the attached posterior palatal soft-tissue pedicle • Super selective infusion of the ascending pharyngeal artery is necessary for successful embolization of cancer of the palate • It is the primary source of supply to meningiomas and glomus jugulare
  • 29. Maxillary artery Larger of two terminal branches Supplies deep structures of face Origin Arises behind the neck of the mandible and first embedded behind the substance of parotid
  • 30. Course The maxillary artery continues as one of the terminal divisions of the external carotid artery at the level of the neck of the mandible and passes forwards between the neck of the mandible and the sphenomandibular ligament. It continues its path by running deeply to the lower head of lateral pterygoid and passes forward between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle to break into its terminal branches at the pterygopalatine fossa
  • 31. Divisions: Divided into 3 parts • First part – Mandibular • Second part – Pterygoid • Third part – Pterygopalatine
  • 32. Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillary Artery Ippei Otake Et Al – February 2011
  • 33. Mandibular part (First part) Passes between neck of condyle and sphenomandibular ligament, below auriculotemporal nerve Branches Foramen Distribution 1.Deep auricular artery Foramen in floor of external auditory meatus External acoustic meatus, Outer surface of tympanic membrane 2.Anterior tympanic artery Petrotympanic fissure Inner surface of tympanic membrane 3.Middle meningeal artery Foramen spinosum 5th and 7th nerve, middle ear, tensor tympani 4.Accessory meningeal artery Foramen ovale Meninges, Structures in infratemporal fossa 5.Inferior alveolar artery Mandibular foramen Lower teeth, Mylohyoid muscle 5 34 2 1
  • 34. Pterygoid part (Second part) Ascends obliquely forwards medial to temporalis and superficial to lower head of lateral pterygoid Branches Distribution 1.Deep temporal branch Temporalis muscle 2.Pterygoid branch Lateral Pterygoid, Medial Pterygoid 3.Masseteric artery Masseter muscle 4.Buccal artery Buccinator muscle 11 234
  • 35. Pterygopalatine part (Third part) Passes between heads of pterygoid and through pterygomaxillary fissure and passes into pterygopalatine fossa Branches Foramen Distribution 1.Posterior superior alveolar Alveolar canal in body of maxilla Upper molar and premolar teeth, maxillary sinus 2.Infra orbital Infra orbital fissure Lower orbital muscle, lacrimal sac 3.Greater palatine Greater palatine canal Soft palate, tonsil, palatine glands 4.Pharyngeal Pharyngeal canal Root of nose, pharynx, sphenoid sinus 5.Artery of Pterygoid canal Pterygoid canal Auditory tube, upper pharynx, middle ear 6.Sphenopalatine (Terminal part) Sphenopalatine foramen Lateral and medial wall of nose and air sinuses 1 3 5 6 2 4
  • 36. The Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillary Artery in the Pterygopalatine Fossa Jinho Choi Et Al - J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:72-78, 2003
  • 37. Applied anatomy: In surgeries involving condyle, avoid damage to maxillary artery as it lies medially to condyle Ankylotic mass may encircle the artery. So it is advised to remove the ankylotic mass in pieces than in toto
  • 38. During Lefort 1 osteotomy procedure, Pterygopalatine portion of maxillary artery may be injured during fracturing the pterygoid plates if the tessiers osteotome is directed backwards It should be directed medial and downwards
  • 39. SUPERFICIAL TEMPORAL ARTERY Smaller of the two terminal branch Origin: Begins in parotid gland behind mandible neck Course: Runs vertically upwards, crossing the root of the zygoma or preauricular point. About 5 cms above of zygoma, It divides into anterior and posterior branches. Anterior branch anastomoses with the supraorbital, supratrochlear branches of ophthalmic artery
  • 40. Branches & supply Transverse facial artery Zygomatico orbital branches – superficial branch – orbicularis oculi Middle temporal branch – rises above zygomatic arch - periosteum of temporal bone Frontal branch – Frontal regions Parietal branch – Lateral areas of scalp
  • 41. Applied anatomy: Pulsation of superficial temporal artery: Infront of the auricle, above the root of zygomatic arch pulsations can be felt Anesthetist mostly depend on pulsation of superficial temporal artery
  • 42. Super microsurgical reconstruction of nasal tip defects using the preauricular reversed superficial temporal artery flap Jiao Weia Et Al - August 26, 2019 - Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
  • 43. INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY Terminal branch of common carotid artery Origin: It arises between C3 and C5 vertebral level where the common carotid artery bifurcates It passes straight up in the carotid sheath to the carotid canal in the base of the skull
  • 44. Segments of ICA: According to Bouthilliers classification (1996) C1 - Cervical C2 - Petrous (Horizontal) C3 - Lacerum C4 - Cavernous C5 - Clinoid C6 - Ophthalmic (supraclinoid) C7 - Communicating (Terminal) Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
  • 45. Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D SEGMENT EXTENT 1.Cervical From Origin of ICA and ends at Carotid canal of Petrous bone 2.Petrous From carotid canal and ends at foramen lacerum 3.Lacerum From vertical canal of lacerum and ends at petrolingual ligament
  • 46. Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D SEGMENT EXTENT 4.Cavernous Begins at petrolingual ligament and ends at proximal dural ring 5.Clinoid Begins at proximal dural ring and ends at distal dural ring 6.Ophthalmic Begins at Distal dural ring and ends at posterior communicating artery 7.Communicating Begins at posterior communicating artery
  • 47. Branches: 1.Cervical ( no branch ) 2.Petrous Caroticotympanic artery Vidian artery 3.Lacerum (no branch) 4.Cavernous Meningohypophyseal Inferolateral 5.Clinoid (no branch) 6.Ophthalmic Ophthalmic artery Superior hypophyseal artery 7.Communicating Posterior communicating Anterior choroidal Anterior cerebral Middle cerebral Segments of the internal carotid artery : A new classification Alain Bouthillier, M.D., Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., Jeffrey T Keller, Ph.D
  • 48. Ophthalmic artery Origin: Arises from ICA medially in the anterior clinoid process Course: Runs anteriorly passing through optic canal and inferolateral to the optic nerve
  • 49. Branch Supply 1.Central retinal artery Retina of eye 2.Lacrimal artery Lacrimal gland, portion of eyelid and anterior eyeball. Gives anterior ciliary branch to eyeball 3.Posterior ciliary artery Pierces sclera and supply structures inside eye ball 4.Supra orbital artery Supply forehead and scalp 5.Supra trochlear artery Supplies antero medial part of forehead (1) (3) (3) (2) (5) (4)
  • 50. Branch Supply 6.Post ethmoidal artery Nasal cavity, Ethmoidal cells 7.Anterior ethmoidal artery Nasal septum, lateral wall of nose end as dorsal nasal artery 8.Dorsal nasal artery Root of nose 9.Muscular artery Ocular muscles 10.Median palpebral Medial part of upper and lower eyelids (7) (8) (10) (6) (9)
  • 53. Veins of Face • Supra trochlear • Supra orbital • Facial • Superficial temporal • Pterygoid venous plexus • Maxillary • Retromandibular • Posterior auricular • Occipital
  • 54. Supra trochlear vein Origin: Begins on forehead which communicates with frontal branches of superficial temporal vein Course: Joins supraorbital vein at median angle of orbit to form angular vein Supra orbital vein Origin Begins on forehead above orbit which communicates with frontal branches of superficial temporal vein Course: Joins supratrochlear vein at the medial angle of orbit to form the angular vein
  • 55. Facial vein Largest vein of face Origin Begins as angular vein at median angle of orbit Course: Downwards and backwards behind facial artery, but with a straight course Drainage: Anterior division of retromandibular vein
  • 56. Tributaries: • Supratrochlear vein • Supraorbital vein • Superior ophthalmic vein • Vein from Ala of nose • Masseter • Superior Labial vein • Inferior Labial vein • Deep facial vein • Tonsillar vein • Submandibular vein
  • 57. Applied anatomy Dangerous area of face - Connected to cavernous sinus
  • 58. Superficial temporal veins Origin From a venous plexus on the side and vertex of the skull Course Descends in front of tragus, enters parotid gland and joins maxillary vein to form retromandibular vein Tributaries • Parotid veins • Articular veins from TMJ • Anterior auricular veins • Transverse facial vein
  • 59. Pterygoid venous plexus Location: Partly between the temporalis and lateral pterygoid Course : Corresponding with the branches of the maxillary artery
  • 60. Tributaries: • Sphenopalatine • Middle meningeal • Deep temporal • Pterygoid • Masseteric • Buccinator • Alveolar • Palatine veins • Infraorbital vein
  • 61. Applied anatomy: During PSA nerve block, chance for damaging Pterygoid plexus and may lead to hematoma formation Needle track communication may lead to infection to pterygoid plexus which communicates with cavernous sinus May also spread infection to eye
  • 62. Maxillary vein : The maxillary veins consist of a short trunk which accompanies the first part of the maxillary artery. Origin: Formed by a confluence of the veins of the pterygoid plexus Course: Passes backward between the sphenomandibular ligament and the neck of the mandible and unites with the superficial temporal vein to form the retromandibular vein.
  • 63. Retromandibular vein Origin: Formed by the union of the superficial temporal and maxillary vein Course: Descends in the substance of the parotid gland, superficial to the external carotid artery but beneath the facial nerve, between the ramus of the mandible and the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  • 65.
  • 66. Applied anatomy: In normal anatomy, risk of damage to retromandibular vein is less during parotid surgery In cases of abnormal anatomic variation where retromandibular vein passes lateral to the facial nerve and its branches, risk of injury to the vein is higher In surgeries, facial nerve can be identified with superficial temporal vein and retromandibular vein as guide
  • 67. Occipital Vein: Origin: As a plexus at the posterior aspect of the scalp from the external occipital protuberance and superior nuchal line to the back part of the vertex of the skull Course: It joins the posterior auricular vein and through it opens into the external jugular. Occasionally, it follows the occipital artery and ends in internal jugular vein
  • 68. Posterior auricular vein : Origin: Upon the side of the head, in a plexus which communicates with the tributaries of the occipital vein and superficial temporal veins. Course: It descends behind the auricle, and joins the retromandibular vein to form the external jugular.
  • 69. Veins of neck: • External jugular vein • Posterior external jugular vein • Anterior jugular vein • Internal jugular vein • Lingual vein • Superior thyroid vein • Inferior thyroid vein • Middle thyroid vein • Vertebral vein • Deep cervical vein
  • 70. Posterior external jugular vein : Origin: In the occipital region and returns the blood from the skin and superficial muscles in the upper and back part of the neck, lying between the Splenius and Trapezius. Course: Runs down the back part of the neck, and opens into the external jugular vein just below the middle of its course.
  • 71. External jugular vein : Receives the greater part of the blood from the exterior of the cranium and the deep parts of the face. Origin: Near the mandibular angle, just below or within the substance of the parotid gland Formed by the junction of the posterior division of the retromandibular vein with the posterior auricular vein
  • 72. Course: It runs inferiorly in the anterolateral neck, deep to platysma but superficial to sternocleidomastoid, before piercing the deep cervical fascia posterior to the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid. Tributaries: •Anterior jugular vein •Posterior external jugular vein •Suprascapular vein •Transverse cervical vein Drainage: Directly into the subclavian vein.
  • 73. Clinical significance: • EJV has relatively superficial course on neck, thus air may enter into vein when it get severed • Thus it may cause air embolism and may stop the blood flow to right atrium. This should be managed by stopping the bleeding and entry of air • Most commonly used venous pedicle in facial transplant for both as donor/ recipient site
  • 74. Anterior jugular vein : Origin: Begins near the hyoid bone by the confluence of several superficial veins from the submaxillary region. Course: Just above the sternum the two anterior jugular veins communicate by a transverse trunk, the venous jugular arch, which receive tributaries from the inferior thyroid veins, each communicates with the internal jugular. There are no valves in this vein.
  • 75. Lingual vein : Origin: Begin on the dorsum, sides, and under surface of the tongue Course: Passing backward along the course of the lingual artery ends in the internal jugular vein. Tributaries • Sublingual vein • Deep lingual vein • Dorsal lingual vein • Suprahyoid vein Drainage: Internal Jugular vein
  • 76. Applied Anatomy: They are capable of rapid absorption of drugs For this reason, Sublingual route of administration such as nitroglycerin is given under the tongue to patients suspected of having angina pectoris. Deep lingual veins may get injured during frenectomy, which may lead to hematoma formation
  • 77. Superior thyroid vein Origin: Begins in the substance and on the surface of upper part of thyroid gland Course: Tributaries corresponding with the branches of the superior thyroid artery Drainage: Upper part of the internal jugular vein
  • 78. Middle thyroid vein: Origin: Lower part of the thyroid gland and joined by some veins from the larynx and trachea Drainage: Lower part of the internal jugular vein. Inferior thyroid vein: Frequently three or four in number Origin: Arise in the venous plexus on the thyroid gland Communicating with the middle and superior thyroid veins.
  • 79. Internal jugular vein : Collect the blood from the brain, the superficial parts of the face and the neck. Origin: Originates within the posterior part of the jugular foramen Inferior petrosal sinus and the sigmoid sinus join to form the internal jugular vein. Course: The right internal jugular vein is at a little distance from the common carotid artery, and crosses the first part of the subclavian artery, while the left internal jugular vein usually overlaps the common carotid artery. Left vein is generally smaller than the right
  • 80. Tributaries: Pharyngeal veins Common facial veins Lingual veins Occipital veins (occasionally) Superior thyroid veins Middle thyroid veins Drainage: Subclavian vein
  • 81. Clinical significance: Acts as a guide for surgeons to remove neck nodes The jugular veins are relatively superficial and not protected by tissues such as bone or cartilage. This makes them susceptible to damage. It should also be noted that cuts or abrasions in the skin near the jugular vein will bleed longer and more profusely It takes on an average of about 30 minutes to fully stop a shaving abrasion on the face.
  • 82. JVP • As there is one pair of valves between the right atrium of the heart and the internal jugular, blood can flow back into the internal jugular when the pressure in the atrium is sufficiently high. • This can be seen from the outside, and allows one to estimate the pressure in the atrium. The pulsation seen is called the jugular venous pressure • This is normally viewed with the patient at 45 degrees turning his/her head slightly away from the observer
  • 83. Deep cervical vein : Origin: It begins in the suboccipital region Course: Accompanies its artery between Semispinales capitis and colli Tributaries: • Communicating branches from the occipital vein • Small veins from the deep muscles at the back of the neck. • From the plexuses around the spinous processes of the cervical vertebra Terminates in the lower part of the vertebral vein.
  • 84. Vertebral vein : • Origin: Formed in the suboccipital triangle at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra • Course: Runs inferiorly crossing the lateral sides of the cervical vertebrae, initially lying over the anterior aspect of the vertebral artery and then crossing over its anterolateral side • Tributaries: Occipital vein, anterior vertebral vein, accessory vertebral vein, suboccipital venous plexus • Drainage : Subclavian vein

Editor's Notes

  1. Supplies both head and neck with oxygenated blood