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Valentine Tribute
Have you ever considered
writing a tribute…
Created by HBRYANT2008
to a rock?
Created by HBRYANT2008
How about a poem for your
love of…
Created by HBRYANT2008
Of cheese?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Don’t you think pencils and
skateboards deserve a little
Created by HBRYANT2008
Well, you can write a tribute to them
now, and perform it for all to enjoy!
Yes, you can let the world know how
much love you have for something
non-living by writing a tribute poem!
After all, non-living objects deserve
some love, too!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Let’s look at some fine examples of
poems that offer tribute to something
some people love. Number your paper
1-6 three times
Created by HBRYANT2008
Can you…
1. Find a simile? (Phrase comparing two unlike objects using “like” or “as”) Life
is like a rollercoaster…
2. Detect a metaphor? (Phrase comparing two unlike objects without using
“like” or “as.” Life is a rollercoaster…
3. Tell how the object has been personified (given human qualities or traits)
Potatoes are watching you!
4. Tell which lines rhyme? (Common patterns are AABB, ABCB, AAAA, ABAB)
5. How many stanzas (kind of like paragraphs for poems) does the poem have?
6. What were your favorite word choices that really enhance the writing (make
it more interesting)?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Ode to Jello
Created by HBRYANT2008
Oh, Jello, my jello
Such a handsome, colorful fellow
Hues of yellow and bright red
Wobble around in my head
My love for you, true
Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue
My heart longs to hold you
(But more often, to mold you)
I love you more each passing day
(Even though you lead to tooth decay)
Your box is just your mobile home
If you stay with me, you’ll never roam
Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly
And your lime layer looks like guacamole
At times I wish you were like a Twinkie
Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie
Oh, Jello, you’re swello
When you’re wearing marshmallow
You are such a gooey vice
But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise!
Can you find…
1. Simile?
2. Metaphor?
3. Personification?
4. Rhyme scheme?
5. Stanzas?
6. Great word choice?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Oh, Jello, my jello
Such a handsome, colorful fellow
Hues of yellow and bright red
Wobble around in my head
My love for you, true
Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue
My heart longs to hold you
(But more often, to mold you)
I love you more each passing day
(Even though you lead to tooth decay)
Your box is just your mobile home
If you stay with me, you’ll never roam
Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly
And your lime layer looks like guacamole
At times I wish you were like a Twinkie
Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie
Oh, Jello, you’re swello
When you’re wearing marshmallow
You are such a gooey vice
But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Let’s look at another tribute. This time we’ll
look for…
1. Simile
2. Hyperbole (Exaggeration: I’ve told you a million times
what a hyperbole is!)
3. Personification
4. Rhyme scheme
5. Stanzas
6. Word choice
Created by HBRYANT2008
One Cheesy Tribute
Created by HBRYANT2008
Call it Fromage, call it Queso,
I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so
melt it, bake it, fry it too
take a bath in a pot of fondue!
As a casserole topping
All bubbly and brown,
It makes every snacktime
The talk of the town.
Like a party, a nap
Or a flower bouquet
Cheese helps me cope
When it’s not a Gouda day.
Most every lunch meal
Can be sharpened with cheese
And its pungent aroma
Will keep away fleas!
Moldy and holey
With veins of sky bleu
I love you in
pizza, on crackers, in stew
Can you find…
1. Simile?
2. Hyperbole?
3. Personification?
4. Rhyme scheme?
5. Stanzas?
6. Great word choice?
You'll always be mine
when lasagna I eat
And Muenster should be given out
When we all Trick or Treat!
My heart always melts
for all types of cheese
So just love it like I do
And pass the brie, please!
Call it Fromage, call it Queso,
I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so
melt it, bake it, fry it too
take a bath in a pot of fondue!
As a casserole topping
All bubbly and brown,
It makes every snack time
The talk of the town.
Like a party, a nap
Or a flower bouquet
Cheese helps me cope
When it’s not a Gouda day.
Most every lunch meal
Can be sharpened with cheese
And its pungent aroma
Will keep away fleas!
Moldy and holey
With veins of sky bleu
I love you in
pizza, on crackers, in stew
You'll always be mine
when lasagna I eat
And Muenster should be given out
When we all Trick or Treat!
My heart always melts
for all types of cheese
So just love it like I do
And pass the brie, please!
Let’s take a look at one more tribute (before you
write your own!!!) can you find:
1. Simile
2. Hyperbole (Exaggeration: I’ve told you a million times
what a hyperbole is!)
3. Personification
4. Rhyme scheme
5. Stanzas
6. Word choice
Created by HBRYANT2008
For the Love of a Lathe
Oh, Lathe how I love thee
Your cuts so precise
You turn the oak,
spin the ash
make it look nice
You capture my heart
With your spindle and belt drive
Your bearings that move
Oh, it’s like you’re alive!
Oh, Lathe, how you spin
making art out of pine
table legs, bowls, tops
You’re like a tree shrine!
If I can't have you, lathe
The spinning world shall soon cease
I'll be forced to find some other
way to find peace.
Can you find…
1. Simile?
2. Hyperbole?
3. Personification?
4. Rhyme scheme?
5. Stanzas?
6. Great word choice?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Oh, Lathe how I love thee
Your cuts so precise
You turn the oak,
spin the ash
make it look nice
You capture my heart
With your spindle and belt drive
Your bearings that move
Oh, it’s like you’re alive!
Oh, Lathe, how you spin
making art out of pine
table legs, bowls, tops
You’re like a tree shrine!
If I can't have you, lathe
The spinning world shall soon cease
I'll be forced to find some other
way to find peace.
Created by HBRYANT2008
So, where do you begin so that you can
compete like a Broadway star in this
Valentine’s Tribute Contest?
Well, we’d like you to write about a non-
living object you love and cherish. Just
remember, it can’t be alive
(or have lived), and the more unusual, the
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 1: Brainstorm a list of topics on your paper now. Think
of objects (not animals or stuffed animals) that are non-living
that you adore or think might be funny (but not weird or too
gross) to adore. Try to make them general (shoes) as opposed
to super specific (Nike Shoe). Make sure they’re appropriate
to the audience of 6th graders or teachers. See if you can get a
total of 10!
Examples: glue, French fries, lima beans, your toe, shoes,
skateboard, dirt, the door, locker, gummy bear, golf tee,
glasses, chocolate chip
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 2: Decide if you want to write and perform by yourself,
with a partner, or as a group of 3.
Here are grouping expectations:
…Work by yourself to produce 16 lines or 4 stanzas
…or work with a partner (28 lines or 7 stanzas)*
…or a group of 3 (32 lines or 8 stanzas)
*Best choice!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 3: QUIETLY, Get together with your
partner(s) or stay in your seat and QUIETLY
read over your lists. QUIETLY, circle the best
ideas. Then, try to narrow it down to one by
QUIETLY discussing them. (Remember, the
funnier, the better!)
Created by HBRYANT2008
Valentine Tribute
Step 4: QUIETLY, write (with everyone writing on their own papers)
lists of words and phrases you might want include. List them out like
you’re thinking of a person, rather than an object. This will help you with
writing your poem (You may not be able to fill in all of these):
A. Related words:
B. Appearance:
C. It’s actions:
D. Things it might say:
E. Who it hangs out with:
F. It’s environment (where it lives):
G. Interesting adjectives you might use to describe it (wiggly, blue):
H. Sounds or smells:
I. Interesting similes you might use (It’s as ____as a _______, It’s like a ________.) Make
sure they’re not cliché.
J. Interesting Metaphors? (It’s a ______.)
K. Interesting Hyperbole: (Exaggeration) The wedge of cheese weighed more than the
Created by HBRYANT2008
A. Related words:
B. Appearance:
C. It’s actions:
D. Things it might say:
E. Who it hangs out with:
F. It’s environment (where it lives):
G. Interesting adjectives you might use to describe it (wiggly,
H. Sounds or smells:
I. Interesting similes you might use (It’s as ____as a _______, It’s
like a ________.) Make sure they’re not cliché.
J. Interesting Metaphors? (It’s a ______.)
K. Interesting Hyperbole: (Exaggeration) The wedge of cheese
weighed more than the refrigerator!)
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 5: Start your first lines or stanza introducing the item
in some way. Keep in mind that the goal is to share how much
it is loved, or liked, in a “Valenetiney” type of way. Here are
some interesting ways to begin, which also have rhythm
(rhythm will make it easier for you to perform, but you don’t
have to have rhythm.) You may use them…or not!
Oh, ________, my __________...
Oh, ______, how we love thee…
Nothing can compare to you…
Call it _____, call it _______
Sometimes, when I’m feeling down…
We love it so much, we must tell you why…
______is fantastic, ____is so great
There’s nothing better than a _____...
When I’m sad and lonely, too…
Listen up, I’m here to say…
(Cheese) is great, (Cheese) is good,
Created by HBRYANT2008
• Oh, ________, my __________...
• Oh, ______, how we love thee…
• Nothing can compare to you…
• Call it _____, call it _______
• Sometimes, when I’m feeling down…
• We love it so much, we must tell you why…
• ______is fantastic, ____is so great
• There’s nothing better than a _____...
• When I’m sad and lonely, too…
• Listen up, I’m here to say…
• (Cheese) is great, (Cheese) is good,
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 6: Decide…do you want it to rhyme…
or not?
If rhyming, you can…
A. Think of a 2nd line that rhymes with the first
B. Think of a 2nd line that doesn’t rhyme. (But the ending word
should be easy to rhyme)
Would you like a few examples?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A)
I love it more than pie (B) (Hyperbole)
Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A)
They only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole)
Do you also hear the rhythm?
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 7: Decide…which pattern do you want to use? Here are
some examples. Be sure to look at the END RHYME PATTERN:
Created by HBRYANT2008
AAAA (the toughest, for experts only…)
Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A)
The only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole)
Colby, Swiss and Jack (with meat,) (A)
And cheddar is the cheese to beat! (A)
ABAB (Very tough, too!)
Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A)
We love it more than pie (B) (Hyperbole)
It’s the only thing to eat, (A)
We’re here to tell you why (B)
AABB (Very tough, too!)
Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A)
They only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole)
We love it more than apple pie, (B)
And we’re here to tell you why! (B)
ABCB (The easiest!...take the easy route!)
Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A)
We love it more than pie(B) (Hyperbole)
It’s sharp, it’s mild, it’s simply best(C)
We’re here to tell you why (B)
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 8: Write a rough draft of your poem (EACH PERSON WRITING IT OUT
ON THEIR OWN PAPER) paying attention to the following, as you write:
1. Introduce the awesome item near the beginning.
2. Write from your point of view…put yourself in the writing!
3. Pay attention to rhyme pattern as you write.
4. Lightly tap out the rhythm as you go, like it’s a song…does it sound in rhythm?
5. Use CREATIVE WORDS, rather than average, dull ones…you only get so many
words in a poem…make them count!
6. Write to give an overall picture of the total awesomeness of this object, and
…By yourself? 16 lines or 4 stanzas
…Partners? (28 lines or 7 stanzas)
…Groups of 3 (32 lines or 8 stanzas)
7. Use a good combination or 3 or more of the following
Simile: Comparing unlike things…using LIKE or AS
Hyperbole: Exaggerating to prove a point
Personification: Give the object human traits!
Metaphor: Compare unlike things, without using LIKE/AS
8. Make sure the last lines bring the poem to a conclusion, not just leave us hanging!
Also, make sure there are no cliché endings!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Step 9: Revise and Edit it: Look over the directions again.
Change your writing to make sure everything is there.
* Spelling should be correct…check over every word.
* Write it out on notebook paper…and…
Step 10: All members, design one copy like a Valentine’s card
on large sheet of construction paper. The poem can start on
the outside and finish on the inside….or the poem can be just
on the inside.
* Include a picture on the outside of the card, so it resembles a
card you might give to that thing!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Call it Fromage, call it Queso,
I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so
melt it, bake it, fry it too
take a bath in a pot of fondue!
As a casserole topping
All bubbly and brown,
It makes every snack time
The talk of the town.
Like a party, a nap
Or a flower bouquet
Cheese helps me cope
When it’s not a Gouda day.
Most every lunch meal
Can be sharpened with cheese
And its pungent aroma
Will keep away fleas!
Moldy and holey
With veins of sky bleu
I love you in
pizza, on crackers, in stew
You'll always be mine
when lasagna I eat
And Muenster should be given out
When we all Trick or Treat!
My heart always melts
for all types of cheese
So just love it like I do
And pass the brie, please!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Oh, Jello, my jello
Such a handsome, colorful fellow
Hues of yellow and bright red
Wobble around in my head
My love for you, true
Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue
My heart longs to hold you
(But more often, to mold you)
I love you more each passing day
(Even though you lead to tooth decay)
Your box is just your mobile home
If you stay with me, you’ll never roam
Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly
And your lime layer looks like guacamole
At times I wish you were like a Twinkie
Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie
Oh, Jello, you’re swello
When you’re wearing marshmallow
You are such a gooey vice
But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise!
Created by HBRYANT2008
Created by HBRYANT2008
Created by HBRYANT2008
Created by HBRYANT2008
Created by HBRYANT2008

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  • 2. Have you ever considered writing a tribute… Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 3. to a rock? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 4. How about a poem for your love of… Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 5. Of cheese? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 6. Don’t you think pencils and skateboards deserve a little admiration? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 7. Well, you can write a tribute to them now, and perform it for all to enjoy! Yes, you can let the world know how much love you have for something non-living by writing a tribute poem! After all, non-living objects deserve some love, too! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 8. Let’s look at some fine examples of poems that offer tribute to something some people love. Number your paper 1-6 three times Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 9. Can you… 1. Find a simile? (Phrase comparing two unlike objects using “like” or “as”) Life is like a rollercoaster… 2. Detect a metaphor? (Phrase comparing two unlike objects without using “like” or “as.” Life is a rollercoaster… 3. Tell how the object has been personified (given human qualities or traits) Potatoes are watching you! 4. Tell which lines rhyme? (Common patterns are AABB, ABCB, AAAA, ABAB) 5. How many stanzas (kind of like paragraphs for poems) does the poem have? 6. What were your favorite word choices that really enhance the writing (make it more interesting)? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 10. Ode to Jello Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 11. Oh, Jello, my jello Such a handsome, colorful fellow Hues of yellow and bright red Wobble around in my head My love for you, true Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue My heart longs to hold you (But more often, to mold you) I love you more each passing day (Even though you lead to tooth decay) Your box is just your mobile home If you stay with me, you’ll never roam Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly And your lime layer looks like guacamole At times I wish you were like a Twinkie Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie Oh, Jello, you’re swello When you’re wearing marshmallow You are such a gooey vice But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise! Can you find… 1. Simile? 2. Metaphor? 3. Personification? 4. Rhyme scheme? 5. Stanzas? 6. Great word choice? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 12. Oh, Jello, my jello Such a handsome, colorful fellow Hues of yellow and bright red Wobble around in my head My love for you, true Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue My heart longs to hold you (But more often, to mold you) I love you more each passing day (Even though you lead to tooth decay) Your box is just your mobile home If you stay with me, you’ll never roam Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly And your lime layer looks like guacamole At times I wish you were like a Twinkie Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie Oh, Jello, you’re swello When you’re wearing marshmallow You are such a gooey vice But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise! simile metaphor personification Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 13. Let’s look at another tribute. This time we’ll look for… 1. Simile 2. Hyperbole (Exaggeration: I’ve told you a million times what a hyperbole is!) 3. Personification 4. Rhyme scheme 5. Stanzas 6. Word choice Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 14. One Cheesy Tribute Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 15. Call it Fromage, call it Queso, I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so melt it, bake it, fry it too take a bath in a pot of fondue! As a casserole topping All bubbly and brown, It makes every snacktime The talk of the town. Like a party, a nap Or a flower bouquet Cheese helps me cope When it’s not a Gouda day. Most every lunch meal Can be sharpened with cheese And its pungent aroma Will keep away fleas! Moldy and holey With veins of sky bleu I love you in pizza, on crackers, in stew Can you find… 1. Simile? 2. Hyperbole? 3. Personification? 4. Rhyme scheme? 5. Stanzas? 6. Great word choice? You'll always be mine when lasagna I eat And Muenster should be given out When we all Trick or Treat! My heart always melts for all types of cheese So just love it like I do And pass the brie, please! CreatedbyHBRYANT2008
  • 16. Call it Fromage, call it Queso, I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so melt it, bake it, fry it too take a bath in a pot of fondue! As a casserole topping All bubbly and brown, It makes every snack time The talk of the town. Like a party, a nap Or a flower bouquet Cheese helps me cope When it’s not a Gouda day. Most every lunch meal Can be sharpened with cheese And its pungent aroma Will keep away fleas! Moldy and holey With veins of sky bleu I love you in pizza, on crackers, in stew Simile Hyperbole Personification You'll always be mine when lasagna I eat And Muenster should be given out When we all Trick or Treat! My heart always melts for all types of cheese So just love it like I do And pass the brie, please! CreatedbyHBRYANT2008
  • 17. Let’s take a look at one more tribute (before you write your own!!!) can you find: 1. Simile 2. Hyperbole (Exaggeration: I’ve told you a million times what a hyperbole is!) 3. Personification 4. Rhyme scheme 5. Stanzas 6. Word choice Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 18. For the Love of a Lathe
  • 19. Oh, Lathe how I love thee Your cuts so precise You turn the oak, spin the ash make it look nice You capture my heart With your spindle and belt drive Your bearings that move Oh, it’s like you’re alive! Oh, Lathe, how you spin making art out of pine table legs, bowls, tops You’re like a tree shrine! If I can't have you, lathe The spinning world shall soon cease I'll be forced to find some other way to find peace. Can you find… 1. Simile? 2. Hyperbole? 3. Personification? 4. Rhyme scheme? 5. Stanzas? 6. Great word choice? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 20. Oh, Lathe how I love thee Your cuts so precise You turn the oak, spin the ash make it look nice You capture my heart With your spindle and belt drive Your bearings that move Oh, it’s like you’re alive! Oh, Lathe, how you spin making art out of pine table legs, bowls, tops You’re like a tree shrine! If I can't have you, lathe The spinning world shall soon cease I'll be forced to find some other way to find peace. Simile Hyperbole Personification Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 21. So, where do you begin so that you can compete like a Broadway star in this Valentine’s Tribute Contest? Well, we’d like you to write about a non- living object you love and cherish. Just remember, it can’t be alive (or have lived), and the more unusual, the better! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 22. Step 1: Brainstorm a list of topics on your paper now. Think of objects (not animals or stuffed animals) that are non-living that you adore or think might be funny (but not weird or too gross) to adore. Try to make them general (shoes) as opposed to super specific (Nike Shoe). Make sure they’re appropriate to the audience of 6th graders or teachers. See if you can get a total of 10! Examples: glue, French fries, lima beans, your toe, shoes, skateboard, dirt, the door, locker, gummy bear, golf tee, glasses, chocolate chip Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 23. Step 2: Decide if you want to write and perform by yourself, with a partner, or as a group of 3. Here are grouping expectations: …Work by yourself to produce 16 lines or 4 stanzas …or work with a partner (28 lines or 7 stanzas)* …or a group of 3 (32 lines or 8 stanzas) *Best choice! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 24. Step 3: QUIETLY, Get together with your partner(s) or stay in your seat and QUIETLY read over your lists. QUIETLY, circle the best ideas. Then, try to narrow it down to one by QUIETLY discussing them. (Remember, the funnier, the better!) Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 26. Step 4: QUIETLY, write (with everyone writing on their own papers) lists of words and phrases you might want include. List them out like you’re thinking of a person, rather than an object. This will help you with writing your poem (You may not be able to fill in all of these): A. Related words: B. Appearance: C. It’s actions: D. Things it might say: E. Who it hangs out with: F. It’s environment (where it lives): G. Interesting adjectives you might use to describe it (wiggly, blue): H. Sounds or smells: I. Interesting similes you might use (It’s as ____as a _______, It’s like a ________.) Make sure they’re not cliché. J. Interesting Metaphors? (It’s a ______.) K. Interesting Hyperbole: (Exaggeration) The wedge of cheese weighed more than the refrigerator!) Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 27. A. Related words: B. Appearance: C. It’s actions: D. Things it might say: E. Who it hangs out with: F. It’s environment (where it lives): G. Interesting adjectives you might use to describe it (wiggly, blue): H. Sounds or smells: I. Interesting similes you might use (It’s as ____as a _______, It’s like a ________.) Make sure they’re not cliché. J. Interesting Metaphors? (It’s a ______.) K. Interesting Hyperbole: (Exaggeration) The wedge of cheese weighed more than the refrigerator!) Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 28. Step 5: Start your first lines or stanza introducing the item in some way. Keep in mind that the goal is to share how much it is loved, or liked, in a “Valenetiney” type of way. Here are some interesting ways to begin, which also have rhythm (rhythm will make it easier for you to perform, but you don’t have to have rhythm.) You may use them…or not! Oh, ________, my __________... Oh, ______, how we love thee… Nothing can compare to you… Call it _____, call it _______ Sometimes, when I’m feeling down… We love it so much, we must tell you why… ______is fantastic, ____is so great There’s nothing better than a _____... When I’m sad and lonely, too… Listen up, I’m here to say… (Cheese) is great, (Cheese) is good, Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 29. • Oh, ________, my __________... • Oh, ______, how we love thee… • Nothing can compare to you… • Call it _____, call it _______ • Sometimes, when I’m feeling down… • We love it so much, we must tell you why… • ______is fantastic, ____is so great • There’s nothing better than a _____... • When I’m sad and lonely, too… • Listen up, I’m here to say… • (Cheese) is great, (Cheese) is good, Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 30. Step 6: Decide…do you want it to rhyme… or not? If rhyming, you can… A. Think of a 2nd line that rhymes with the first B. Think of a 2nd line that doesn’t rhyme. (But the ending word should be easy to rhyme) Would you like a few examples? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 31. Examples: Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A) I love it more than pie (B) (Hyperbole) Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A) They only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole) Do you also hear the rhythm? Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 32. Step 7: Decide…which pattern do you want to use? Here are some examples. Be sure to look at the END RHYME PATTERN: Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 33. AAAA (the toughest, for experts only…) Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A) The only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole) Colby, Swiss and Jack (with meat,) (A) And cheddar is the cheese to beat! (A) ABAB (Very tough, too!) Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A) We love it more than pie (B) (Hyperbole) It’s the only thing to eat, (A) We’re here to tell you why (B) AABB (Very tough, too!) Cheese is great, cheese is neat, (A) They only food we want to eat! (A) (Hyperbole) We love it more than apple pie, (B) And we’re here to tell you why! (B) ABCB (The easiest!...take the easy route!) Cheese is great, cheese is neat (A) We love it more than pie(B) (Hyperbole) It’s sharp, it’s mild, it’s simply best(C) We’re here to tell you why (B) Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 34. Step 8: Write a rough draft of your poem (EACH PERSON WRITING IT OUT ON THEIR OWN PAPER) paying attention to the following, as you write: 1. Introduce the awesome item near the beginning. 2. Write from your point of view…put yourself in the writing! 3. Pay attention to rhyme pattern as you write. 4. Lightly tap out the rhythm as you go, like it’s a song…does it sound in rhythm? 5. Use CREATIVE WORDS, rather than average, dull ones…you only get so many words in a poem…make them count! 6. Write to give an overall picture of the total awesomeness of this object, and remember: …By yourself? 16 lines or 4 stanzas …Partners? (28 lines or 7 stanzas) …Groups of 3 (32 lines or 8 stanzas) 7. Use a good combination or 3 or more of the following Simile: Comparing unlike things…using LIKE or AS Hyperbole: Exaggerating to prove a point Personification: Give the object human traits! Metaphor: Compare unlike things, without using LIKE/AS 8. Make sure the last lines bring the poem to a conclusion, not just leave us hanging! Also, make sure there are no cliché endings! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 35. Step 9: Revise and Edit it: Look over the directions again. Change your writing to make sure everything is there. * Spelling should be correct…check over every word. * Write it out on notebook paper…and… Step 10: All members, design one copy like a Valentine’s card on large sheet of construction paper. The poem can start on the outside and finish on the inside….or the poem can be just on the inside. * Include a picture on the outside of the card, so it resembles a card you might give to that thing! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 36. Call it Fromage, call it Queso, I’ll call it on the phone, if you say so melt it, bake it, fry it too take a bath in a pot of fondue! As a casserole topping All bubbly and brown, It makes every snack time The talk of the town. Like a party, a nap Or a flower bouquet Cheese helps me cope When it’s not a Gouda day. Most every lunch meal Can be sharpened with cheese And its pungent aroma Will keep away fleas! Moldy and holey With veins of sky bleu I love you in pizza, on crackers, in stew Simile Hyperbole Personification You'll always be mine when lasagna I eat And Muenster should be given out When we all Trick or Treat! My heart always melts for all types of cheese So just love it like I do And pass the brie, please! Created by HBRYANT2008
  • 37. Oh, Jello, my jello Such a handsome, colorful fellow Hues of yellow and bright red Wobble around in my head My love for you, true Is as strong as a layer of Berry Blue My heart longs to hold you (But more often, to mold you) I love you more each passing day (Even though you lead to tooth decay) Your box is just your mobile home If you stay with me, you’ll never roam Sure, I know you’re a little roly-poly And your lime layer looks like guacamole At times I wish you were like a Twinkie Cream filling would make you better, I thinkie Oh, Jello, you’re swello When you’re wearing marshmallow You are such a gooey vice But to me, you’re a rainbow paradise! simile metaphor personification Created by HBRYANT2008