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U.S. Domestic Terrorism
“These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and
end a way of life. With every atrocity, they hope that America
grows fearful, retreating from the world and forsaking our
friends. They stand against us, because we stand in their way.”
- President George Bush
What IS domestic terrorism?
Information gathered from James S. Albanese’s “The
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice” highlights
three of the most common forms of domestic terrorism:
1) Political
2) Ideological
3) Foreign Nationalist
The FBI defines domestic terrorism as “the unlawful use, or
threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and
operating entirely within the United States (or its territories)
without foreign direction, committed against persons or
property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political
or social objectives.”
Political Domestic Terrorism
The most common political acts of domestic terrorism stem
from either far-left or far-right leaning factions. In the timespan
between 1997 and August 2017 there were a total of 3,342
deaths due to domestic terrorism.
The graph below shows that right wing terrorism was the second
deadliest cause of death by domestic terrorism, and that left-
wing domestic terrorism claimed a total of 23 lives.
(Since the beginning of 2016 deaths caused by left-wing
domestic terrorism overtook deaths caused by right-wing
domestic terrorism.)
Left-Wing Domestic Terrorist Groups
The Anti-Fascist (ANTIFA) movement is an anarchist militia
group that was inspired by a World War II movement that
resisted NAZI oppression.
Antifa history, beliefs, and activity.
The modern day ANTIFA movement has seen a dwindling
amount of support from other slightly less aggressive leftist
groups movements such as “Black Lives Matter” and tend to
come into conflict with any group that they come across.
ANTIFA is classified as an anarchist movement that resurged
in Europe in the 1960s before making its way to the United
States in the 1970s. Its mission is based upon the belief that the
repetition of Nazi occupation can only be prevented through
active aggression. Over time, ANTIFA have broadened the
definition of fascism to include anybody who either supports
conservative political efforts, supports President Donald Trump,
or both.
ANTIFA are known for violent, and often misguided, counter-
protests that have even escalated to the point where they’ve
assaulted themselves by mistake.
Often times police and other peacekeeping groups are targeted
by ANTIFA while attempting to stem the violence between them
and the groups that they counter-protest. ANTIFA counter-
protests are notorious for physical violence, provocation,
arrests, and damage to property as well as desecration of the
American flag.
Violent acts committed by antifa
In January of 2017, Antifa members violently took to the streets
of downtown Washington D.C. Six police officers were injured
and 217 Antifa members were arrested.
In February of 2017, Antifa members (in conjunction with
“Black Bloc” members) caused over $100,000 in damages to the
campus at the University of California at Berkeley. At least six
members sustained injuries.
In March of 2017, Antifa Counter-protest efforts turned violent
as 10 Antifa members were arrested. Four of those arrested were
arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.
Thirteen Antifa members were arrested during a counter-protest
to a pro-Trump rally. Police were able to confiscate sticks,
knives, flagpoles, helmets and more.
25 arrests were made when Antifa members set fire to the
streets in Portland, Oregon. Police property was damaged and
vandalized. Officers themselves were assaulted with various
projectiles that included rocks, ball bearings, and fireworks.
During the Charlottesville riots in August of 2017 six people
were injured and two were hospitalized.
Right wing terrorist groups
Right wing (alt-Right) terrorism
Right wing terrorism has a long history that is ripe with racism
and white supremacy, but there is still a crucial political
advantage to be had. Right wing terrorists almost always have
an ultra-conservative base and will most often times align
themselves with policies that best suit their agenda. Alt-right
rallies have always found their place in the political scene to
this day.
It’s common for right wing terrorists to adhere to multiple
militant right wing groups such as Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and
The facts.
In 2017, 18 out of 34 extremist killings were committed by far -
right radicals according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Over the past decade, 71% of extremist killings have been
carried out by right-wing radicals.
2017 was the fifth deadliest year for domestic terrorism since
the year 1970.
In multiple cases, right wing extremists have aligned themselves
with multiple extremist groups.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, right-wing terror
incidents are most often motivated by white supremacy or anti-
government beliefs.
American Nazi party (ANP)
Founded in 1959 by George Lincoln Rockwell and based in
Virginia, the American Nazi Party is established as an alt-right
political organization aimed at implementing fascist policies
with its main political objectives being based around racist,
anti-semitic, and homophobic foundations. American Nazi Party
members (better known as “Neo-Nazis”) place a firm emphasis
on white supremacy and have historically been known to
commit violent acts against minorities.
During the ANP’s rise in the the 1960s, TIME magazine
reported that there were initially between twenty to one hundred
active APN members. During Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have
a Dream” speech in Washington D.C. it was reported that fewer
than one hundred Neo-Nazis participated in counter-protest, and
that police arrested the only Neo-Nazi who attempted to make a
In May of 2017, Jason Keller, a devout white supremacist and
alt-right activist, organized the “Unite the Right” rally in
Charlottesville, Virginia. The theme of the rally was to promote
white supremacy as well as protest the city council’s decision to
remove confederate statues and other confederate historical
The rally was immediately met by counter-protestors. Because
of the violence that ensued on both sides, police were forced to
end the rally shortly after it had begun.
As events progressed, a man by the name of James Fields, a
known Nazi Sympathizer, drove his car into a crowd of counter
protestors killing one and injuring nineteen others.
According to a Washington POST ABC poll held after the
Charlottesville rally, it is estimated that upwards of 22 million
Americans view white supremacist or Nazi ideals as acceptable.
Jeremy Christian, a known Neo-Nazi activist, stabbed three men
who attempted to stop him from insulting Muslim teenage girls.
Two of those men passed.
Ideological terrorism
Animal liberation front
The Animal Liberation Front became increasingly active in the
1980s more so than it did in the 1970s when it was founded by
Ronnie Lee.
The Animal Liberation Front states that its ultimate objective is
to end animal abuse. ALF members have been known to attempt
to accomplish this task by any means necessary. ALF is
notorious for destruction to property, unlawful entry, and arson.
ALF members act anonymously and adhere to “leaderless
resistance”. The group as a whole has no established leadership
and vows non-violence towards animal life, both human and
In 2006 ALF activists placed a Molotov cocktail on the wrong
property that was intended for UCLA researcher Lynn Fairbank.
A year prior, ALF claimed to have targeted Corpus Christi
College when another incendiary was instead discovered at
Christ Church College. 2006 also saw the arrest of Donald
Currie, an important asset to ALF due to his bomb crafting
skills. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison. In 2008 ALF set
fire to Edythe London’s home in Los Angeles. ALF are most
well known for their death threats and targeting of individuals.
In 1991 ALF was named a domestic terrorist group and were
once again rated as such by the Department of Homeland
Security in 2005.
Environmental liberation front
The Environmental Liberation Front started catching the
country’s attention in the 1990s on account of several bombing
and arson attacks on mines and logging companies. Modern day
ELF members have expanded to torching vehicles on private
property, causing millions of dollars in damages to companies,
and have burned colleges and apartment complexes.
In similar fashion to the Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F), the
Environmental Liberation Front has no organized leadership, or
hardly any leadership whatsoever. Everything they communicate
to the public is delivered through their website, and attacks are
usually done and claimed anonymously.
In an archived transcript from James F. Jarboe, a former FBI
Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, admitted that environmental
terrorism is one of the most pressing forms of terrorism to date.
Religious terrorism
The threat of militant religious ideology continues to rise after
9/11, an event which many know to be the most significant act
of domestic terrorism in US history.
Religious terrorism has played a part in domestic terrorism in
more ways than one. One of the most pressing issues
concerning religious terrorism is the Islamic radicalization of
the youth. Radical religious terrorist groups like ISIS are
quickly adopting a virtual recruitment platform in order to
attract potential jihadists from abroad. This involves the
indoctrination of youth by supplying them with what many
Muslims deem to be a demented interpretation of Islam.
According to the “Combating Terrorism Center” at West Point,
at least 8 out of 38 Islamist inspired attacks between March, 1,
2014 and March , 1, 2017 have involved some form of domestic
terrorism. This type of online activity has led to several attacks
on nearly every continent including the continental United
States. Since 2014 there have been over 82 ISIS inspired
killings in the US. There was an ISIS beheading in Moore,
Oklahoma in 2014 as well as a 3 month killing spree from
Washington to New Jersey that same year. Other religious
attacks include the 11 killings at abortion clinics by self-
claimed Christians.
Foreign nationalist TERRORISM
The statistics
On January 16, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security and
the Department of Justice released a statement that three-fourths
of individuals convicted of international terrorism between 2001
and 2016 were foreign born. Most never became U.S. citizens.
More than 150 Americans have been charged with terroristic
activity linking them to the Islamic-State. This includes cases
like the case involving Mohamed Elshinawy who was supplied
thousands of dollars by ISIS in order to fund an attack that was
thwarted by the Department of Homeland Security.
Orlando attack
In 2016, a 29 year old man by the name of Omar Mateen,
single-handedly killed 49 people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando,
Florida. After the first stage of his attack he reportedly called
emergency services and swore allegiance to ISIS. In May 2013,
Omar was interrogated by the FBI but was later released. The
next year he was interrogated again after an associate of his
joined the Nusrah Front in order to become a suicide bomber.
Boston marathon bombing
On April 15, 2013 two bombs went off at the finish line during
the 117th Boston Marathon. The blast killed three people and
wounded 260 others. Sixteen people received amputations. The
Tsarnaev brothers were both partially raised in the Soviet
republic of Kyrgyzstan.
Dzhokar Tsarnaev (aged 19) was captured while his older
brother, Tamerian Tsarnaev, died in a shootout with police. The
brothers used pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks that
would detonate within moments of each other.
The brothers shot and killed 27 year old officer Sean Collier
dead in his patrol car at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology’s campus in Cambridge. They then stole an SUV at
gun point. They were not found to be connected to any terrorist
groups and operated on their own.
9/11 Attacks
On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists loyal to Al-Qaeda carried
out a three-pronged operation that would go down as the most
devastating terrorist attack in United States History. Aerial
suicide attacks demolished the World Trade Center in New York
City, tore through the west side of the Pentagon in Washington
D.C., and Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville,
Pennsylvania after passengers learned of events in New York
and Washington D.C.. They forced flight 93 into a downward
crash at speeds of over 500 miles per hour. All 44 people
onboard flight 93 were killed at 10:10 am.
2,763 people died at the World Trade Center and 189 people
died at the Pentagon. The resulting reaction from the United
States of America would spark the beginning of a war lasting
almost two decades.
Domestic terrorism prevention
According to the Department of Homeland Security, their
mission includes “…preventing terrorism and enhancing
security; managing our borders; administering immigration
laws; securing cyberspace; and ensuring disaster resilience.”
The Department of Homeland Security is a joint effort between
22 federal departments and agencies. The combination of these
departments forms the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS). On October 8, 2001 executive order 13228 was issued
by President Bush. This executive order would determine
homeland security policy and initiate the creation of the
Department of Homeland Security. The Homeland Security
Advisory Council was established on March 21, 2002.
Threat prevention today
Domestic terrorist attacks can come in many forms that include
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive
weapons, and cyber attacks. The DHS states that their main
approach to preventing domestic terrorism involves enhancing
their ability to detect explosives, safeguarding cyber networks
and “critical infrastructure”, and to nurture relationships that
promote the sharing of information. This involves cooperation
with international partners in the hopes of collecting intel that
will lead to the prevention of an attack.
By 2015 the Department of Homeland Security claimed to have
foiled over 60 ISIS-related attack attempts in the US.
The Department of Homeland Security works in conjunction
with the Department’s Office for Community Partnerships
(OCP) to combat terroristic threats by conducting targeted
threat briefings. This organization operates in accordance with
state and local authorities in order really information from the
street level to Washington. The Department of Homeland
Security utilizes several awareness programs to stay ahead of
terrorists. These programs include the National Network of
Fusions Center and the National Terrorism Advisory System.
These programs gather information, tips, and reports that can be
compiled in order to establish a plan of action to stop terrorists.
They also help alert the public to possible and ongoing attacks.
Suggested Domestic terrorism prevention tips
The New York State police released a series of tips that can be
practiced on an individual and community level.
Individuals should know how to contact emergency services
and report suspicious activity. The individual person should
also have emergency supplies set aside in case of a significant
attack that may require him/her to assist others.
Communities should establish community watch teams and
make an effort to familiarize themselves with each other.
Training and seminar events should be held to enhance
community members’ abilities to effectively protect themselves
against terrorism.
Schools should have reliable security cameras and volunteer
emergency relief teams. Also, assemble an emergency reaction
team that’s intended to meet and neutralize threats as they
Balhorn, L. (2017, May O8). The Lost History of Antifa.
Retrieved May 26, 2018, from
Baynes, C. (2018, January 18). Murders by white supremacists
in America more than doubled last year. Retrieved June 19,
2018, from
Beckett, L. (2017, August 27). George Lincoln Rockwell, father
of American Nazis, still in vogue for some. Retrieved June 12,
2018, from
Haltiwanger, J. (2017, December 11). ISIS in America: How
many times has the Islamic State attacked the U.S.? Retrieved
June 18, 2018, from
LaFree, Gary and Bianca Bersani. “County-level Correlates of
Terrorism in the United States, 1990 to 2010,” Final Report to
the Resilient Systems Division, Science and Technology
Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. College
Park, MD: START, 2013.
Masters, J. (2011, March 11). Radicalization and U.S. Muslims.
Retrieved June 20, 2018, from
Myre, G. (2017, October 02). What Is, And Isn't, Considered
Domestic Terrorism. Retrieved May 26 2018, from
Murse, T. (2018, January 15). How the Department of Homeland
Security Was Created. Retrieved June 14, 2018, from tment-of-homeland-security-
Nowrasteh, A. (2017, October 2). Which Ideology Has Inspired
The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil? Retrieved
May 26, 2018, from
Pengelly, M. (2015, July 19). US missed Chattanooga attack but
foiled 'over 60' Isis-linked plots: Security chair. Retrieved June
13, 2018, from
Ray, M. (2018, June 05). Orlando shooting of 2016. Retrieved
June 22, 2018, from
Tsukayama, H., Berman, M., & Markon, J. (2016, June 13).
Gunman who killed 49 in Orlando nightclub had pledged
allegiance to ISIS. Retrieved June 17, 2018, from
Vadum, M. (2018, April 16). Origins of Antifa. Retrieved May
26, 2018, from
The Only Islamic State-Funded Plot in the U.S.: The Curious
Case of Mohamed Elshinawy. (2018, March 11). Retrieved June
18, 2018, from
A Dark and Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism
in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2018, from
ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled
in 2017. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2018, from
Wright, Marie (Winter 2011). Domestic Terrorism, Cyber-
Radicalization, & U.S. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Springfield.
Vol. 20, Iss. 3. https://search-proquest-
Zalman, A. (2018, May 21). The History and Background of the
Animal Liberation Front (ALF). Retrieved June 19, 2018, from
Citations Staff. (2014). Boston Marathon Bombing.
Retrieved June 22, 2018, from
New York State Police. (n.d.). Crime Prevention: What Teens
Can Do Against Terrorism. Retrieved June 22, 2018, from
Origins of Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist Terms and
Symbols. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2018, from
The Only Islamic State-Funded Plot in the U.S.: The Curious
Case of Mohamed Elshinawy. (2018, March 11). Retrieved June
18, 2018, from
Victim service coordinator
(victim advocate)
COMM110 B004 Spr18
Dr. Leslie Kelly
What is a Victim Service coordinator?
Victim advocates are professionals trained to support victims of
crime and their families and witnesses.
Victim advocates may also be called victim service providers,
victim/witness coordinators, or victim/witness specialists.
What do victim service coordinators do?
Advocates go to court with victims and witnesses and
sometimes speak on behalf of the victim, witness, and/or their
Contact organizations, such as criminal justice or social service
agencies, to get help or information for victims and witnesses.
Some advocates staff crisis hotlines, run support groups, or
provide in-person counseling.
how do victim service coordinators service victims and
Provide information on victimization;
Provide information on crime prevention;
Provide information on victims' legal rights and protections;
Provide information on the criminal justice process;
Provide emotional support to victims;
Provide emergency services
Assisting victims with safety planning;
Assisting victims with victim compensation applications;
Helping victims submit comments to courts and parole boards;
Intervening with creditors, landlords, and employers on behalf
of victims;
Helping victims find shelter and transportation;
Providing referrals for other services for victims; Helping to
arrange funerals; and
Notifying victims of inmates' release or escape.
Education requirements
Associates Degree
Family Advocate
Bachelors Degree
Social Worker
Case Manager
Masters Degree
Social Work Supervisor
Social Services Director
Doctorate Degree (PhD)
Program Coordinator (Non Profit)
Common Career Paths for Victim Advocate
Victim Advocates often transition into upper-level roles like
Social Worker, for which the average compensation is $39K per
To advance your career for a supervisory position, you can
obtain additional certifications which will allow for pay
increases and bonuses
Additional Certifications
Career Advancement
First Aid & CPR
Certified Crisis Counselor, Domestic Violence and Sexual
Assault First Aid
Certified Domestic Abuse Advocate, Level 1 (CDAA I)
Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)
Licensed Social Worker (LSW)
Potential employers
City/Local Government/Courts
Police/Sheriff Departments
State Government/Courts
Federal Government
(FBI) Office of Victim Services
Prosecutors Office
Sexual Assault Crisis Centers
Domestic violence Centers
Child Advocacy Centers
Civil Legal Services
Average salary of $34,948 per year *
*Payscale.comHourly Rate $10.57 - $19.89 Total Pay
$24,536 - $45,974
Many Victim Advocates are paid by grants which could result in
higher salaries but could mean less benefits.
Job outlookSocial and Human Service Assistants2017 Median
Pay$33,120 per year
$15.92 per hour Typical Entry-Level EducationHigh school
diploma or equivalentWork Experience in a Related
OccupationNoneOn-the-job TrainingShort-term on-the-job
trainingNumber of Jobs, 2016389,800Job Outlook, 2016-2616%
(Much faster than average)Employment Change, 2016-
2663,900Social Workers2017 Median Pay$47,980 per year
$23.07 per hourTypical Entry-Level EducationSee How to
Become OneWork Experience in a Related OccupationNoneOn-
the-job TrainingSee How to Become OneNumber of Jobs,
2016682,100Job Outlook, 2016-2616% (Much faster than
average)Employment Change, 2016-26109,700
*Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Community efforts are most often carried out by volunteers who
care about the issue and want to become involved in improving
their community.
Volunteers can perform a number of functions, including:
General office duties
Media relations and public awareness
Court monitoring
Public education
Legislative action
Victim' services.
Bouffard, Leana A., et al. "Service Providers' Knowledge and
Perceptions of the Legal Service Needs of Crime Victims."
American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ 42.3 (2017): 589-
609. ProQuest. Web. 22 Apr. 2018. https://search-proquest-
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,
Occupational Outlook Handbook, Social and Human Service
on the Internet at
social-service/social-and-human-service-assistants.htm (visited
May 15, 2018).
“Graduation- Cap – Diploma.”, 2006.
National Children's Advocacy Center, Victim Advocacy
Training (2012). Retrieved from
Office of Victim Assistance. FBI Victim Assistance Program,
Department of Justice, 2018.
Payne, Brian K. "Victim Advocates' Perceptions of the Role of
Health Care Workers in Sexual Assault Cases." Criminal Justice
Policy Review, vol. 18, no. 1, 2007, pp. 81-94.
“Victim Advocate Salary.”, 14 May 2018,
“Volunteering-Word-Cloud-Heart.”, 2003,
“What Is a Victim Advocate?” Welcome to the National Center
for Victims of Crime, National Center for Victims of Crime,
Woodard, Josh. “Creative Commons Music - Josh Woodward -
Josh Woodward.” Josh Woodward: Creative Commons Music,
Young, Teresa H., Javonda Williams, and Debra Nelson-
Gardell. "Family Victim Advocates: The Importance of Critical
Job Duties." Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, vol. 30, no. 4, 2014,
pp. 393-400.
Josh Woodward
The Simple Life - Instrumental
.MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Fill {
(4 pts)
(3.4 pts)
(3 pts)
(2.6 pts)
(0 pts)
Use Information
Communicates, organizes and
synthesizes information from
sources to fully achieve a
specific purpose, with clarity and
depth. Provides the audience
with substantive information
that increases their knowledge
of the topic.
Communicates, organizes and
synthesizes information from
sources. Intended purpose is
achieved. Provides the
audience with information that
increases their knowledge of
the topic.
Communicates and organizes
information from sources. The
information is not yet
synthesized, so the intended
purpose is not fully achieved.
Did not provide the audience
with information that increases
their knowledge of the topic.
Communicates information from
sources. The information is
fragmented and/or used
inappropriately (misquoted, taken
out of context, or incorrectly
paraphrased, etc.), so the intended
purpose is not achieved. Did not
provide the audience with
information that increases their
knowledge of the topic.
Student did not
The organization of the
presentation includes an
introduction, body, conclusion,
and properly formatted
reference/works cited page.
The organization of the
presentation includes an
introduction, body, conclusion,
and reference/works cited
The organization of the
presentation includes an
introduction, body, and
conclusion, but no
reference/works cited page
The presentation lacks a cohesive
organization or a reference/works
cited page.
Student did not
Graphics and
Effective use of bullets and
spacing on all slides. Pictures, in
addition to the slide background
are used strategically on slides. A
professional-looking slide
background is used.
Effective use of bullets and
spacing on most slides. Pictures
used on some slides. A
professional-looking slide
background is used.
Effective use of bullets and
spacing on is inconsistent on
the slides or pictures are not
used appropriately or a
professional-looking slide
Effective use of bullets and spacing
on is inconsistent on the slides and
pictures are not used appropriately
and a professional-looking slide
background is not used.
Student did not
Sources and
Demonstrates skillful use of
high- quality, credible, relevant
sources to develop ideas that
are appropriate for the discipline
and genre of the writing
Demonstrates consistent use of
credible, relevant sources to
support ideas that are situated
within the discipline and genre
of the writing.
Demonstrates an attempt to
use credible and/or relevant
sources to support ideas that
are appropriate for the
discipline and genre of the
Demonstrates an attempt to use
sources to support ideas in the
Student did not
Writing Quality*
Uses graceful language that
skillfully communicates
meaning to readers with clarity
and fluency, and is virtually
error- free.
Uses straightforward
language that generally
conveys meaning to
readers. The language in
the portfolio has few
Uses language that generally
conveys meaning to readers
with clarity, although writing
may include some errors.
Uses language that sometimes
impedes meaning because of
errors in usage.
Student did not
*Portions of this rubric come from the AAC&U Value Rubrics.
Retrieved from
nd Writing Quality criteria come
from the AAC&U Written Communication Value Rubric
Information Literacy Value Rubric.

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(TITLE)Sung Woo ParkInternational American UniversityFIN
(TITLE)Sung Woo ParkInternational American UniversityFIN(TITLE)Sung Woo ParkInternational American UniversityFIN
(TITLE)Sung Woo ParkInternational American UniversityFIN
(Student Name) UniversityDate of EncounterPreceptorClini
(Student Name) UniversityDate of EncounterPreceptorClini(Student Name) UniversityDate of EncounterPreceptorClini
(Student Name) UniversityDate of EncounterPreceptorClini
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U.S. Domestic Terrorism StudentThese terrorist

  • 1. U.S. Domestic Terrorism Student “These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life. With every atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful, retreating from the world and forsaking our friends. They stand against us, because we stand in their way.” - President George Bush What IS domestic terrorism? Information gathered from James S. Albanese’s “The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice” highlights three of the most common forms of domestic terrorism: 1) Political 2) Ideological 3) Foreign Nationalist The FBI defines domestic terrorism as “the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States (or its territories) without foreign direction, committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
  • 2. Political Domestic Terrorism The most common political acts of domestic terrorism stem from either far-left or far-right leaning factions. In the timespan between 1997 and August 2017 there were a total of 3,342 deaths due to domestic terrorism. The graph below shows that right wing terrorism was the second deadliest cause of death by domestic terrorism, and that left- wing domestic terrorism claimed a total of 23 lives. (Since the beginning of 2016 deaths caused by left-wing domestic terrorism overtook deaths caused by right-wing domestic terrorism.) Left-Wing Domestic Terrorist Groups ANTIFA The Anti-Fascist (ANTIFA) movement is an anarchist militia group that was inspired by a World War II movement that resisted NAZI oppression. Antifa history, beliefs, and activity. The modern day ANTIFA movement has seen a dwindling amount of support from other slightly less aggressive leftist groups movements such as “Black Lives Matter” and tend to come into conflict with any group that they come across. ANTIFA is classified as an anarchist movement that resurged in Europe in the 1960s before making its way to the United
  • 3. States in the 1970s. Its mission is based upon the belief that the repetition of Nazi occupation can only be prevented through active aggression. Over time, ANTIFA have broadened the definition of fascism to include anybody who either supports conservative political efforts, supports President Donald Trump, or both. ANTIFA are known for violent, and often misguided, counter- protests that have even escalated to the point where they’ve assaulted themselves by mistake. Often times police and other peacekeeping groups are targeted by ANTIFA while attempting to stem the violence between them and the groups that they counter-protest. ANTIFA counter- protests are notorious for physical violence, provocation, arrests, and damage to property as well as desecration of the American flag. Violent acts committed by antifa In January of 2017, Antifa members violently took to the streets of downtown Washington D.C. Six police officers were injured and 217 Antifa members were arrested. In February of 2017, Antifa members (in conjunction with “Black Bloc” members) caused over $100,000 in damages to the campus at the University of California at Berkeley. At least six members sustained injuries. In March of 2017, Antifa Counter-protest efforts turned violent as 10 Antifa members were arrested. Four of those arrested were arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Thirteen Antifa members were arrested during a counter-protest to a pro-Trump rally. Police were able to confiscate sticks, knives, flagpoles, helmets and more.
  • 4. 25 arrests were made when Antifa members set fire to the streets in Portland, Oregon. Police property was damaged and vandalized. Officers themselves were assaulted with various projectiles that included rocks, ball bearings, and fireworks. During the Charlottesville riots in August of 2017 six people were injured and two were hospitalized. Right wing terrorist groups Right wing (alt-Right) terrorism Right wing terrorism has a long history that is ripe with racism and white supremacy, but there is still a crucial political advantage to be had. Right wing terrorists almost always have an ultra-conservative base and will most often times align themselves with policies that best suit their agenda. Alt-right rallies have always found their place in the political scene to this day. It’s common for right wing terrorists to adhere to multiple militant right wing groups such as Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and skinheads.
  • 5. The facts. In 2017, 18 out of 34 extremist killings were committed by far - right radicals according to the Anti-Defamation League. Over the past decade, 71% of extremist killings have been carried out by right-wing radicals. 2017 was the fifth deadliest year for domestic terrorism since the year 1970. In multiple cases, right wing extremists have aligned themselves with multiple extremist groups. According to the Anti-Defamation League, right-wing terror incidents are most often motivated by white supremacy or anti- government beliefs. American Nazi party (ANP) Founded in 1959 by George Lincoln Rockwell and based in Virginia, the American Nazi Party is established as an alt-right political organization aimed at implementing fascist policies with its main political objectives being based around racist, anti-semitic, and homophobic foundations. American Nazi Party members (better known as “Neo-Nazis”) place a firm emphasis on white supremacy and have historically been known to commit violent acts against minorities. During the ANP’s rise in the the 1960s, TIME magazine reported that there were initially between twenty to one hundred active APN members. During Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington D.C. it was reported that fewer than one hundred Neo-Nazis participated in counter-protest, and that police arrested the only Neo-Nazi who attempted to make a speech.
  • 6. THE ANP TODAY In May of 2017, Jason Keller, a devout white supremacist and alt-right activist, organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The theme of the rally was to promote white supremacy as well as protest the city council’s decision to remove confederate statues and other confederate historical monuments. The rally was immediately met by counter-protestors. Because of the violence that ensued on both sides, police were forced to end the rally shortly after it had begun. As events progressed, a man by the name of James Fields, a known Nazi Sympathizer, drove his car into a crowd of counter protestors killing one and injuring nineteen others. According to a Washington POST ABC poll held after the Charlottesville rally, it is estimated that upwards of 22 million Americans view white supremacist or Nazi ideals as acceptable. Jeremy Christian, a known Neo-Nazi activist, stabbed three men who attempted to stop him from insulting Muslim teenage girls. Two of those men passed. Ideological terrorism Animal liberation front (A.l.f) The Animal Liberation Front became increasingly active in the 1980s more so than it did in the 1970s when it was founded by Ronnie Lee.
  • 7. The Animal Liberation Front states that its ultimate objective is to end animal abuse. ALF members have been known to attempt to accomplish this task by any means necessary. ALF is notorious for destruction to property, unlawful entry, and arson. ALF members act anonymously and adhere to “leaderless resistance”. The group as a whole has no established leadership and vows non-violence towards animal life, both human and non-human. In 2006 ALF activists placed a Molotov cocktail on the wrong property that was intended for UCLA researcher Lynn Fairbank. A year prior, ALF claimed to have targeted Corpus Christi College when another incendiary was instead discovered at Christ Church College. 2006 also saw the arrest of Donald Currie, an important asset to ALF due to his bomb crafting skills. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison. In 2008 ALF set fire to Edythe London’s home in Los Angeles. ALF are most well known for their death threats and targeting of individuals. In 1991 ALF was named a domestic terrorist group and were once again rated as such by the Department of Homeland Security in 2005. Environmental liberation front (E.L.F) The Environmental Liberation Front started catching the country’s attention in the 1990s on account of several bombing and arson attacks on mines and logging companies. Modern day ELF members have expanded to torching vehicles on private property, causing millions of dollars in damages to companies, and have burned colleges and apartment complexes. In similar fashion to the Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F), the Environmental Liberation Front has no organized leadership, or hardly any leadership whatsoever. Everything they communicate
  • 8. to the public is delivered through their website, and attacks are usually done and claimed anonymously. In an archived transcript from James F. Jarboe, a former FBI Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, admitted that environmental terrorism is one of the most pressing forms of terrorism to date. Religious terrorism The threat of militant religious ideology continues to rise after 9/11, an event which many know to be the most significant act of domestic terrorism in US history. Religious terrorism has played a part in domestic terrorism in more ways than one. One of the most pressing issues concerning religious terrorism is the Islamic radicalization of the youth. Radical religious terrorist groups like ISIS are quickly adopting a virtual recruitment platform in order to attract potential jihadists from abroad. This involves the indoctrination of youth by supplying them with what many Muslims deem to be a demented interpretation of Islam. According to the “Combating Terrorism Center” at West Point, at least 8 out of 38 Islamist inspired attacks between March, 1, 2014 and March , 1, 2017 have involved some form of domestic terrorism. This type of online activity has led to several attacks on nearly every continent including the continental United States. Since 2014 there have been over 82 ISIS inspired killings in the US. There was an ISIS beheading in Moore, Oklahoma in 2014 as well as a 3 month killing spree from Washington to New Jersey that same year. Other religious attacks include the 11 killings at abortion clinics by self- claimed Christians.
  • 9. Foreign nationalist TERRORISM The statistics On January 16, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice released a statement that three-fourths of individuals convicted of international terrorism between 2001 and 2016 were foreign born. Most never became U.S. citizens. More than 150 Americans have been charged with terroristic activity linking them to the Islamic-State. This includes cases like the case involving Mohamed Elshinawy who was supplied thousands of dollars by ISIS in order to fund an attack that was thwarted by the Department of Homeland Security. Orlando attack In 2016, a 29 year old man by the name of Omar Mateen, single-handedly killed 49 people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. After the first stage of his attack he reportedly called emergency services and swore allegiance to ISIS. In May 2013, Omar was interrogated by the FBI but was later released. The next year he was interrogated again after an associate of his joined the Nusrah Front in order to become a suicide bomber. Boston marathon bombing On April 15, 2013 two bombs went off at the finish line during the 117th Boston Marathon. The blast killed three people and wounded 260 others. Sixteen people received amputations. The Tsarnaev brothers were both partially raised in the Soviet
  • 10. republic of Kyrgyzstan. Dzhokar Tsarnaev (aged 19) was captured while his older brother, Tamerian Tsarnaev, died in a shootout with police. The brothers used pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks that would detonate within moments of each other. The brothers shot and killed 27 year old officer Sean Collier dead in his patrol car at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s campus in Cambridge. They then stole an SUV at gun point. They were not found to be connected to any terrorist groups and operated on their own. 9/11 Attacks On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists loyal to Al-Qaeda carried out a three-pronged operation that would go down as the most devastating terrorist attack in United States History. Aerial suicide attacks demolished the World Trade Center in New York City, tore through the west side of the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers learned of events in New York and Washington D.C.. They forced flight 93 into a downward crash at speeds of over 500 miles per hour. All 44 people onboard flight 93 were killed at 10:10 am. 2,763 people died at the World Trade Center and 189 people died at the Pentagon. The resulting reaction from the United States of America would spark the beginning of a war lasting almost two decades. Domestic terrorism prevention
  • 11. According to the Department of Homeland Security, their mission includes “…preventing terrorism and enhancing security; managing our borders; administering immigration laws; securing cyberspace; and ensuring disaster resilience.” The Department of Homeland Security is a joint effort between 22 federal departments and agencies. The combination of these departments forms the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). On October 8, 2001 executive order 13228 was issued by President Bush. This executive order would determine homeland security policy and initiate the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. The Homeland Security Advisory Council was established on March 21, 2002. Threat prevention today Domestic terrorist attacks can come in many forms that include chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive weapons, and cyber attacks. The DHS states that their main approach to preventing domestic terrorism involves enhancing their ability to detect explosives, safeguarding cyber networks and “critical infrastructure”, and to nurture relationships that promote the sharing of information. This involves cooperation with international partners in the hopes of collecting intel that will lead to the prevention of an attack. By 2015 the Department of Homeland Security claimed to have foiled over 60 ISIS-related attack attempts in the US. The Department of Homeland Security works in conjunction with the Department’s Office for Community Partnerships (OCP) to combat terroristic threats by conducting targeted threat briefings. This organization operates in accordance with state and local authorities in order really information from the
  • 12. street level to Washington. The Department of Homeland Security utilizes several awareness programs to stay ahead of terrorists. These programs include the National Network of Fusions Center and the National Terrorism Advisory System. These programs gather information, tips, and reports that can be compiled in order to establish a plan of action to stop terrorists. They also help alert the public to possible and ongoing attacks. Suggested Domestic terrorism prevention tips The New York State police released a series of tips that can be practiced on an individual and community level. Individuals should know how to contact emergency services and report suspicious activity. The individual person should also have emergency supplies set aside in case of a significant attack that may require him/her to assist others. Communities should establish community watch teams and make an effort to familiarize themselves with each other. Training and seminar events should be held to enhance community members’ abilities to effectively protect themselves against terrorism. Schools should have reliable security cameras and volunteer emergency relief teams. Also, assemble an emergency reaction team that’s intended to meet and neutralize threats as they appear. Citations Balhorn, L. (2017, May O8). The Lost History of Antifa. Retrieved May 26, 2018, from
  • 13. hitler-nazis-kpd-spd-germany-cold-war Baynes, C. (2018, January 18). Murders by white supremacists in America more than doubled last year. Retrieved June 19, 2018, from supremacist-murders-us-figures-double-2017-racist-hate-crime- las-vegas-shooting-extremist-a8165416.html Beckett, L. (2017, August 27). George Lincoln Rockwell, father of American Nazis, still in vogue for some. Retrieved June 12, 2018, from lincoln-rockwell-american-nazi-party-alt-right-charlottesville Haltiwanger, J. (2017, December 11). ISIS in America: How many times has the Islamic State attacked the U.S.? Retrieved June 18, 2018, from america-attacks-744497 LaFree, Gary and Bianca Bersani. “County-level Correlates of Terrorism in the United States, 1990 to 2010,” Final Report to the Resilient Systems Division, Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. College Park, MD: START, 2013. Masters, J. (2011, March 11). Radicalization and U.S. Muslims. Retrieved June 20, 2018, from Citations
  • 14. Myre, G. (2017, October 02). What Is, And Isn't, Considered Domestic Terrorism. Retrieved May 26 2018, from considered-domestic-terrorism Murse, T. (2018, January 15). How the Department of Homeland Security Was Created. Retrieved June 14, 2018, from tment-of-homeland-security- 4156795 Nowrasteh, A. (2017, October 2). Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil? Retrieved May 26, 2018, from ideology-has-inspired-the-most-murders-in-terrorist-attacks-on- u-s-soil/#6dfccc1c1e74 Pengelly, M. (2015, July 19). US missed Chattanooga attack but foiled 'over 60' Isis-linked plots: Security chair. Retrieved June 13, 2018, from news/2015/jul/19/chattanooga-isis-terror-plots-homeland- security Ray, M. (2018, June 05). Orlando shooting of 2016. Retrieved June 22, 2018, from shooting-of-2016 Tsukayama, H., Berman, M., & Markon, J. (2016, June 13). Gunman who killed 49 in Orlando nightclub had pledged allegiance to ISIS. Retrieved June 17, 2018, from nation/wp/2016/06/12/orlando-nightclub-shooting-about-20- dead-in-domestic-terror-incident-at-gay- club/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.16a70e671ea2 Vadum, M. (2018, April 16). Origins of Antifa. Retrieved May
  • 15. 26, 2018, from antifa/ Citations The Only Islamic State-Funded Plot in the U.S.: The Curious Case of Mohamed Elshinawy. (2018, March 11). Retrieved June 18, 2018, from funded-plot-us-curious-case-mohamed-elshinawy A Dark and Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2018, from rage-25-years-of-right-wing-terrorism-in-united-states ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2018, from supremacist-murders-more-than-doubled-in-2017 Wright, Marie (Winter 2011). Domestic Terrorism, Cyber- Radicalization, & U.S. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Springfield. Vol. 20, Iss. 3. https://search-proquest- origsite=summon&accountid=8289 Zalman, A. (2018, May 21). The History and Background of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). Retrieved June 19, 2018, from
  • 16. Citations Staff. (2014). Boston Marathon Bombing. Retrieved June 22, 2018, from New York State Police. (n.d.). Crime Prevention: What Teens Can Do Against Terrorism. Retrieved June 22, 2018, from eens_Can_Do_Against_Terrorism/ Origins of Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist Terms and Symbols. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2018, from nazi-and-white-supremacist-terms-and-symbols The Only Islamic State-Funded Plot in the U.S.: The Curious Case of Mohamed Elshinawy. (2018, March 11). Retrieved June 18, 2018, from funded-plot-us-curious-case-mohamed-elshinawy Victim service coordinator
  • 17. (victim advocate) Student COMM110 B004 Spr18 Dr. Leslie Kelly What is a Victim Service coordinator? Victim advocates are professionals trained to support victims of crime and their families and witnesses. Victim advocates may also be called victim service providers, victim/witness coordinators, or victim/witness specialists. What do victim service coordinators do? Advocates go to court with victims and witnesses and sometimes speak on behalf of the victim, witness, and/or their families. Contact organizations, such as criminal justice or social service agencies, to get help or information for victims and witnesses. Some advocates staff crisis hotlines, run support groups, or provide in-person counseling. how do victim service coordinators service victims and families? Provide information on victimization; Provide information on crime prevention;
  • 18. Provide information on victims' legal rights and protections; Provide information on the criminal justice process; Provide emotional support to victims; Provide emergency services Assisting victims with safety planning; Assisting victims with victim compensation applications; Helping victims submit comments to courts and parole boards; Intervening with creditors, landlords, and employers on behalf of victims; Helping victims find shelter and transportation; Providing referrals for other services for victims; Helping to arrange funerals; and Notifying victims of inmates' release or escape. Education requirements Associates Degree Family Advocate Volunteer Bachelors Degree Social Worker Case Manager Masters Degree Social Work Supervisor Social Services Director Doctorate Degree (PhD) Program Coordinator (Non Profit)
  • 19. Common Career Paths for Victim Advocate Victim Advocates often transition into upper-level roles like Social Worker, for which the average compensation is $39K per year. To advance your career for a supervisory position, you can obtain additional certifications which will allow for pay increases and bonuses Additional Certifications Career Advancement First Aid & CPR Certified Crisis Counselor, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault First Aid Certified Domestic Abuse Advocate, Level 1 (CDAA I) Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) Licensed Social Worker (LSW)
  • 20. Potential employers PUBLIC City/Local Government/Courts Police/Sheriff Departments State Government/Courts Federal Government (FBI) Office of Victim Services Prosecutors Office PRIVATE Sexual Assault Crisis Centers Domestic violence Centers Child Advocacy Centers Civil Legal Services Attorneys Paralegals SALARY Average salary of $34,948 per year * *Payscale.comHourly Rate $10.57 - $19.89 Total Pay $24,536 - $45,974 Many Victim Advocates are paid by grants which could result in higher salaries but could mean less benefits. Job outlookSocial and Human Service Assistants2017 Median
  • 21. Pay$33,120 per year $15.92 per hour Typical Entry-Level EducationHigh school diploma or equivalentWork Experience in a Related OccupationNoneOn-the-job TrainingShort-term on-the-job trainingNumber of Jobs, 2016389,800Job Outlook, 2016-2616% (Much faster than average)Employment Change, 2016- 2663,900Social Workers2017 Median Pay$47,980 per year $23.07 per hourTypical Entry-Level EducationSee How to Become OneWork Experience in a Related OccupationNoneOn- the-job TrainingSee How to Become OneNumber of Jobs, 2016682,100Job Outlook, 2016-2616% (Much faster than average)Employment Change, 2016-26109,700 *Bureau of Labor and Statistics HOW TO GET INVOLVED (VOLUNTEER) Community efforts are most often carried out by volunteers who care about the issue and want to become involved in improving their community. Volunteers can perform a number of functions, including: General office duties Media relations and public awareness Fundraising Court monitoring Public education Legislative action Victim' services.
  • 22. WORKS CITED Bouffard, Leana A., et al. "Service Providers' Knowledge and Perceptions of the Legal Service Needs of Crime Victims." American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ 42.3 (2017): 589- 609. ProQuest. Web. 22 Apr. 2018. https://search-proquest- E4CD07FD417APQ/1?accountid=8289 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Social and Human Service Assistants, on the Internet at social-service/social-and-human-service-assistants.htm (visited May 15, 2018). “Graduation- Cap – Diploma.”, 2006. books-diploma-yellow-tassel-139565237 National Children's Advocacy Center, Victim Advocacy Training (2012). Retrieved from Office of Victim Assistance. FBI Victim Assistance Program, Department of Justice, 2018. repository/fbi-victim-assistance-program.pdf/view Payne, Brian K. "Victim Advocates' Perceptions of the Role of Health Care Workers in Sexual Assault Cases." Criminal Justice Policy Review, vol. 18, no. 1, 2007, pp. 81-94. 0887403406294900 “Victim Advocate Salary.”, 14 May 2018, “Volunteering-Word-Cloud-Heart.”, 2003, cloud-heart-concept-425622718. “What Is a Victim Advocate?” Welcome to the National Center
  • 23. for Victims of Crime, National Center for Victims of Crime, 2012, bulletins-for-crime-victims/what-is-a-victim-advocate-. bulletins-for-crime-victims/what-is-a-victim-advocate- Woodard, Josh. “Creative Commons Music - Josh Woodward - Josh Woodward.” Josh Woodward: Creative Commons Music, 2018, Young, Teresa H., Javonda Williams, and Debra Nelson- Gardell. "Family Victim Advocates: The Importance of Critical Job Duties." Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, vol. 30, no. 4, 2014, pp. 393-400. 37722014000400004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en I'm Letting Go - INSTRUMENTAL Josh Woodward The Simple Life - Instrumental 2008 190260.55 .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Fill { fill:#4472C4; } EXEMPLARY (4 pts)
  • 24. ACCOMPLISHED (3.4 pts) DEVELOPING (3 pts) BEGINNING (2.6 pts) DID NOT ATTEMPT (0 pts) Use Information Effectively* (40%) (ILO-AL.A.2) Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, with clarity and depth. Provides the audience with substantive information that increases their knowledge of the topic. Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from
  • 25. sources. Intended purpose is achieved. Provides the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic. Communicates and organizes information from sources. The information is not yet synthesized, so the intended purpose is not fully achieved. Did not provide the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic. Communicates information from sources. The information is fragmented and/or used inappropriately (misquoted, taken out of context, or incorrectly paraphrased, etc.), so the intended purpose is not achieved. Did not provide the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic. Student did not attempt. Presentation Organization
  • 26. (20%) The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/works cited page. The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference/works cited page. The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, but no reference/works cited page The presentation lacks a cohesive organization or a reference/works cited page. Student did not attempt.
  • 27. Graphics and Appearance (20%) Effective use of bullets and spacing on all slides. Pictures, in addition to the slide background are used strategically on slides. A professional-looking slide background is used. Effective use of bullets and spacing on most slides. Pictures used on some slides. A professional-looking slide background is used. Effective use of bullets and spacing on is inconsistent on the slides or pictures are not used appropriately or a professional-looking slide background Effective use of bullets and spacing on is inconsistent on the slides and pictures are not used appropriately and a professional-looking slide background is not used.
  • 28. Student did not attempt. Sources and Evidence* (10%) Demonstrates skillful use of high- quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing. Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing.
  • 29. Student did not attempt. Writing Quality* (10%) Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error- free. Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. Student did not attempt.
  • 30. *Portions of this rubric come from the AAC&U Value Rubrics. Retrieved from nd Writing Quality criteria come from the AAC&U Written Communication Value Rubric Information Literacy Value Rubric.