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Upgrade RAC
DB/RDBMS to in Linux

           By Maclean.liu
About Me
l Oracle Certified Database Administrator Master 10g
and 11g
l Over 6 years experience with Oracle DBA technology
l Over 7 years experience with Linux technology
l Member Independent Oracle Users Group
l Member All China Users Group
l Presents for advanced Oracle topics: RAC,
DataGuard, Performance Tuning and Oracle Internal.
在<Upgrade GI/CRS to in Linux>一文中我们介绍了升级 GI/CRS 到 的详细步骤,因为 GI/CRS 的版本总是要求大于 DB/RDBMS,所以这是我们升级
RDBMS 数据库软件的前提条件。

接下来我们将具体介绍升级 DB/RDBMS 到 的详细步骤:

一、 下载补丁介质 的 patchset 目前没有公开的下载地址,因为 目前已经不再提供 ftp
下载模式,所以我们只能通过登录 My Oracle Support 后进入 Patch 栏目搜索 Patchid 并获得加
(patchid:10098816),可以通过 10098816 这个 id 到 Patch 栏目搜索,并找出对应平台的介质
zip 包。如 在 Linux x86-64 平台上:

以上 和 p10098816_112020_Linux-
,这 2 个 zip 包对应为 Database/RDBMS 软件的介质,我们不需要下载所有的 7 个 zip 包,有
这 2 个升级数据库软件就已经足够了。

完成以上 2 个软件的下载后,分别解压 zip 包:
unzip -d    $PATCHHOME
unzip -d    $PATCHHOME

二、以 out of place 方式安装 DB 数据库软件
因为 的 Patchset 以后都是 out of place 的,所以我们可以不用像在 11gr2 以前那样必


以 DB/RDBMS 数据库软件的拥有者身份(oracle 用户)启动方才解压目录下的 oui 安装界面:
su - oracle

(oracle)$   export DISPLAY=:0
(oracle)$   cd $PATCHHOME
(oracle)$   ./runInstaller

在 Oracle Universal Installer 界面下的 Select Installation Options Screen 选择 install database

在 Grid Installation Options 下若是 RAC 数据库则选择 Oracle Real Application cluster database
installation,注意如果在该屏幕下出现[FATAL] [INS-35354] The system on which you are
attempting to install Oracle RAC is not part of a valid cluster 则可能是在之前的安装 Gird 的过程
中没有正确的 Update Inventory 更新信息库信息,见<11gr2 RAC 安装 INS-35354 问题一例
若是单节点数据库则选择 Single instance database installation
在 Specify Installation Location Screen 上一般 OUI 会帮你自动匹配一个$ORACLE_BASE 变量
下不同于原有数据库软件安装目录的新目录,确认这些目录下有足够的磁盘空间,保 险起
见空间应大于 10GB。注意这里是 out of place 安装,所以千万不要填入原有的安装路径。

以上安装完成后 OUI 会提示要在所有节点上以 root 身份执行 脚本:
su - root
(root #) /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/

Running Oracle 11g root script...

The following environment variables are set as:
  ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
  ORACLE_HOME= /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Finished product-specific root actions.

以上我们完成了 数据库软件的安装工作,但是还没有升级实例和数据字典。
<Oracle 数据库升级前必要的准备工作>


2.如果条件允许的话,建议使用 RMAN 全量备份数据库,前提是数据库没有达到 TB 级别。
rman target / catalog rman/rman@cata

backup as compressed backupset incremental level 0 database ;

3. 收集数据字典的统计信息,若 dictionary 的统计信息不准备可能导致 catupgrd.sql 字典升级
SQL> set timing on;

SQL> EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:27.81

4.运行 dbupgdiag.sql 升级信息收集脚本, 该脚本可以提供数据库的一些版本信息和组建信
cat db_upg_diag_VPROD_07-Sep-2011_0737.log

             *** Start of LogFile ***

 Oracle Database Upgrade Diagnostic Utility        09-07-2011 19:37:23

Database Uptime

19:32 07-SEP-11

Database Wordsize
This is a 64-bit database

Software Version

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production


Compatibility is set as

Component Status

Comp ID Component                            Status    Version          Org_Version
------- ----------------------------------   --------- --------------
-------------- --------------
CATALOG Oracle Database Catalog Views        VALID
CATPROC Oracle Database Packages and Types   VALID
OWM     Oracle Workspace Manager             VALID
RAC     Oracle Real Application Clusters     VALID

List of Invalid Database Objects Owned by SYS / SYSTEM

Number of Invalid Objects
There are no Invalid Objects

DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows.

no rows selected

List of Invalid Database Objects

Number of Invalid Objects
There are no Invalid Objects

DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows.

no rows selected
Identifying whether a database was created as 32-bit or 64-bit

DOC> Result referencing the string 'B023' ==> Database was created as 32-bit
DOC> Result referencing the string 'B047' ==> Database was created as 64-bit
DOC> When String results in 'B023' and when upgrading database to
DOC> (64-bit) , For known issue refer below articles
DOC> Note 412271.1 ORA-600 [22635] and ORA-600 [KOKEIIX1] Reported While
DOC> Upgrading Or Patching Databases To
DOC> Note 579523.1 ORA-600 [22635], ORA-600 [KOKEIIX1], ORA-7445 [KOPESIZ] and
DOC> OCI-21500 [KOXSIHREAD1] Reported While Upgrading To

Metadata Initial DB Creation Info
-------- -----------------------------------
B047     Database was created as 64-bit

Number of Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM

Counting duplicate objects ....


Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM

Querying duplicate objects ....

OBJECT_NAME                                OBJECT_TYPE
AQ$_SCHEDULES                              TABLE
AQ$_SCHEDULES_PRIMARY                      INDEX
DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH                           PACKAGE BODY
DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH                           PACKAGE

DOC> If any objects found please follow below article.
DOC> Note 1030426.6 How to Clean Up Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM
DOC> Read the Exceptions carefully before taking actions.

JVM Verification

JAVAVM - NOT Installed. Below results can be ignored

Checking Existence of Java-Based Users and Roles

DOC> There should not be any Java Based users for database version 9.0.1 and
DOC> If any users found, it is faulty JVM.

User Existence
No Java Based Users

DOC> Healthy JVM Should contain Six Roles.
DOC> If there are more or less than six role, JVM is inconsistent.

No JAVA related Roles


List of Invalid Java Objects owned by SYS

There are no SYS owned invalid JAVA objects

DOC> Check the status of the main JVM interface packages DBMS_JAVA
DOC> and INITJVMAUX and make sure it is VALID.
DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows.

no rows selected

INFO: Below query should succeed with 'foo' as result.
select dbms_java.longname('foo') "JAVAVM TESTING" from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DBMS_JAVA"."LONGNAME": invalid identifier
*** End of LogFile ***

以上 spool 内容显示所要升级的数据库现有 CATALOG、CATPROC、OWM 和 RAC 组件,且
没有安装 JVM,升级 JVM 组建的数据字典将消耗较长的时间。

另外一个建议运行的脚本是 utlu112i.sql,它位于新安装的$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin 目

SQL> @/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/rdbms/admin/utlu112i.sql
Oracle Database 11.2 Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 09-07-2011 20:02:30
Script Version: Build: 001
--> name:          VPROD
--> version:
--> compatible:
--> blocksize:     8192
--> platform:      Linux x86 64-bit
--> timezone file: V11
Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment]
--> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
.... minimum required size: 267 MB
--> SYSAUX tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
.... minimum required size: 150 MB
--> UNDOTBS1 tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
.... minimum required size: 253 MB
--> TEMP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
.... minimum required size: 61 MB
Flashback: ON
--> name:          +SYSTEMDG
--> limit:         4977 MB
--> used:          264 MB
--> size:          4977 MB
--> reclaim:       0 MB
--> files:         7
WARNING: --> Flashback Recovery Area Set. Please ensure adequate disk space
in recover
y areas before performing an upgrade.
Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile]
Note: Pre-upgrade tool was run on a lower version 64-bit database.
--> If Target Oracle is 32-Bit, refer here for Update Parameters:
-- No update parameter changes are required.

--> If Target Oracle is 64-Bit, refer here for Update Parameters:
-- No update parameter changes are required.
Renamed Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile]
-- No renamed parameters found. No changes are required.
Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile]
-- No obsolete parameters found. No changes are required

Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed]
--> Oracle Catalog Views         [upgrade] VALID
--> Oracle Packages and Types    [upgrade] VALID
--> Real Application Clusters    [upgrade] VALID
--> Oracle Workspace Manager     [upgrade] VALID
Miscellaneous Warnings
WARNING: --> The "cluster_database" parameter is currently "TRUE"
.... and must be set to "FALSE" prior to running a manual upgrade.
WARNING: --> Database is using a timezone file older than version 14.
.... After the release migration, it is recommended that DBMS_DST package
.... be used to upgrade the database timezone version
.... to the latest version which comes with the new release.
WARNING: --> Your recycle bin is turned on and currently contains no objects.
.... Because it is REQUIRED that the recycle bin be empty prior to upgrading
.... and your recycle bin is turned on, you may need to execute the command:
.... prior to executing your upgrade to confirm the recycle bin is empty.
Oracle recommends gathering dictionary statistics prior to
upgrading the database.
To gather dictionary statistics execute the following command
while connected as SYSDBA:

  EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;

Oracle recommends removing all hidden parameters prior to upgrading.

To view existing hidden parameters execute the following command
while connected AS SYSDBA:

  SELECT name,description from SYS.V$PARAMETER WHERE name
    LIKE '_%' ESCAPE ''

Changes will need to be made in the init.ora or spfile.

Oracle recommends reviewing any defined events prior to upgrading.

To view existing non-default events execute the following commands
while connected AS SYSDBA:
  SELECT (translate(value,chr(13)||chr(10),' ')) FROM sys.v$parameter2
   WHERE UPPER(name) ='EVENT' AND isdefault='FALSE'

 Trace Events:
  SELECT (translate(value,chr(13)||chr(10),' ')) from sys.v$parameter2
   WHERE UPPER(name) = '_TRACE_EVENTS' AND isdefault='FALSE'

Changes will need to be made in the init.ora or spfile.


5.如果数据库很大那么建议打开闪回数据库 flashback database,并创建还原点,这样可以极

可以通过以下查询判断数据库是或否启用了 flashback database 功能:

SQL> select FLASHBACK_ON from v$database;


若显示 NO 则说明之前没有启用数据库闪回功能,若希望启用数据库闪回功能需要数据库短


SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

启动某一套实例到 mount 状态

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size                  2212936 bytes
Variable Size             603982776 bytes
Database Buffers          637534208 bytes
Redo Buffers                8933376 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database flashback on;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

以上在数据库级别启用了闪回 flashback 功能。

要求停止一切应用程序的链接,关闭数据库,并启动到 restrict 限制模式,以便创建 restore
point,方便可能的升级回退。,strict 模式避免了普通用户的链接。

在所有节点上关闭数据库实例,并在唯一节点上启动数据库到 restrict 模式。

startup restrict;

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size 2212936 bytes
Variable Size 603982776 bytes
Database Buffers 637534208 bytes
Redo Buffers 8933376 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

SQL> conn maclean/maclean
ORA-01035: ORACLE only available to users with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

conn / as sysdba

SQL> create restore point maclean_rollback guarantee flashback database;

Restore point created.

SQL> select * from v$restore_point;

---------- --------------------- --- ------------
RESTORE_POINT_TIME                                                          PRE
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
  601958                     1 YES     15941632
07-SEP-11 PM
1. 关闭所有数据库实例

2. 复制相关的 pfile 或 spfile 形式的参数到新的 ORACLE_HOME 下,这里我们假设使用 ASM
存储共享的 spfile,那么只需要在所有节点上将 init$SID.ora 形式的文件拷贝即可:

(oracle $) cat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initVPROD1.ora

(oracle $) cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initVPROD1.ora

设置 ORACLE_HOME 和 PATH 变量指向新的 数据库软件

(oracle $) export ORACLE_HOME=/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2
(oracle $) export PATH=/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/bin:$PATH


(oracle $) export ORACLE_SID=VPROD1
(oracle $) unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3. 启动实例到 nomount 状态,并修改 cluster_database 参数到 spfile:

SQL> startup nomount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size                  2226072 bytes
Variable Size             402655336 bytes
Database Buffers          838860800 bytes
Redo Buffers                8921088 bytes

SQL> alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile;

System altered.

4. 重启实例到 upgrade 模式,升级数据字典,运行
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql 脚本:

SQL> shutdown immediate;
ORA-01507: database not mounted

ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup upgrade;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size                  2226072 bytes
Variable Size             402655336 bytes
Database Buffers          838860800 bytes
Redo Buffers                8921088 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

SQL> set echo on

SQL> SPOOL /tmp/upgrade.log

SQL> set time on;

20:40:40 SQL> @/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

在以上 catupgrd.sql 脚本运行过程中可以通过 DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY 视图了解组件字典升级的进度

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: view "SYS.DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY" has errors
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_REGISTRY" has errors


SQL> select comp_name,status,version from dba_server_registry;

COMP_NAME                                            STATUS
--------------------------------------------------   --------------------------
Oracle Workspace Manager                             UPGRADING
Oracle Database Catalog Views                        VALID
Oracle Database Packages and Types                   VALID
Oracle Real Application Clusters                     VALID

20:50:40 SQL>
20:50:40 SQL> Rem
20:50:40 SQL> Rem END catupgrd.sql
20:50:40 SQL> Rem
20:50:40 SQL>

以上 catupgrd.sql 脚本运行了 10 分钟左右

重启实例,运行 utlrp.sql 脚本编译失效对象

sqlplus / as sysdba

COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN 2011-09-07 20:53:38

该脚本会自动根据 cpu 数目选择并行度

DOC>   This script automatically chooses serial or parallel recompilation
DOC>   based on the number of CPUs available (parameter cpu_count) multiplied
DOC>   by the number of threads per CPU (parameter parallel_threads_per_cpu).
DOC>   On RAC, this number is added across all RAC nodes.

COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END 2011-09-07 20:55:09

该脚本耗时约 2 分钟

修改 cluster_database 参数为 true,并重启所有节点实例

SQL> alter system set cluster_database=true scope=spfile;

System altered.

可以看到以上在数据库仅安装了 CATALOG、CATPROC、OWM 和 RAC Cluster View 4 种组
件的情况下,catupgrd.sql 字典升级脚本仅耗时 10 分钟左右。 而实际的生产库可能安装了更
多的组件,如 JVM 等组件将耗时较多。

以下总结了各 Oracle 组件升级字典的平均耗时,是一张十分有用的升级时间参考表:
DB Sample Upgrade Time


Oracle Server               00:16:17
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine 00:05:19
Oracle XDK                  00:00:48
Oracle Text                 00:00:58
Oracle XML Database         00:04:09
Oracle Database Java
Gathering Statistics        00:02:43

Total Upgrade Time:         00:30:47


Component                   HH:MM:S
Oracle Server               00:16:17
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine 00:05:19
Oracle Workspace Manager    00:01:01
Oracle Enterprise Manager   00:10:13
Oracle XDK                  00:00:48
Oracle Text                 00:00:58
Oracle XML Database         00:04:09
Oracle Database Java
Oracle Multimedia           00:07:43
Oracle Expression Filter    00:00:18
Oracle Rule Manager         00:00:12
Gathering Statistics        00:04:53

Total Upgrade Time:         00:52:31

5.使用 srvctl 命令更新 ocr 中 DBHOME 相关信息:

su   - oracle

srvctl upgrade database -d VPROD -o $NEW_ORACLE_HOME

srvctl upgrade database -d VPROD -o /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2

[oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d VPROD
Database unique name: VPROD
Database name: VPROD
Oracle home: /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +SYSTEMDG/VPROD/spfileVPROD.ora
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools: VPROD
Database instances: VPROD1,VPROD2
Disk Groups: SYSTEMDG
Mount point paths:
Type: RAC
Database is administrator managed

[oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl stop database -d VPROD
PRCC-1016 : VPROD was already stopped
[oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d VPROD
[oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl status database -d VPROD
Instance VPROD1 is running on node vrh1
Instance VPROD2 is running on node vrh2

6.修改 oracle 用户的 profile 配置文件指中的变量:

cat .bash_profile

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs



SQL> select * from global_name;


SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
7. 数据库升级完成后进入一个 pending area,建议在至少 2 个礼拜内,不要升级 compatible
参数和删除 restore point。

在确认没有回退的必要后,修改 compatible 参数并删除 restore point:

alter system set compatible=’′ scope=spfile;

drop restore point   MACLEAN_ROLLBACK;

srvctl stop database -d VPROD

srvctl start database -d VPROD

以上成功地将 的 RAC 数据库升级到了。

五、回退升级操作(Database Downgrade)
我们可以选择 2 种回退办法:

   1. 通过 restore point 还原到 的数据库
   2. 执行 catdwgrd.sql 降级数据字典


srvctl stop database -d VPROD


sqlplus   / as sysdba

SQL> select * from v$restore_point;

---------- --------------------- --- ------------
RESTORE_POINT_TIME                                                          PRE
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
  601958                     1 YES    462307328
07-SEP-11 PM
SQL> flashback database to restore point MACLEAN_ROLLBACK;

Flashback complete.

flashback database 的速度 视乎 flashback log 多少而定,一般是很快的,在 1 分钟之内。

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

Database altered.

以上通过 restore point 的方法是我所推荐的,这种方法简单、省时省力、高效且问题少少,
是一种绿色方案。同时不要忘记使用 srvctl upgrade 命令还原 ocr 中的 DBHOME 信息,以及
还原 profile 文件。

catdwgrd.sql 的运行有诸多限制,其所消耗的时间可能要略长于 catupgrd.sql。而且该脚本在

关于使用 catdwgrd.sql 脚本降级数据库 到,可以参考 MOS note <How To
Downgrade From Database 11.2 To Previous Release (includes [ID 883335.1]>。

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Upgrade rac db to in linux

  • 1. Upgrade RAC DB/RDBMS to in Linux By Maclean.liu
  • 2. About Me l l l Oracle Certified Database Administrator Master 10g and 11g l Over 6 years experience with Oracle DBA technology l Over 7 years experience with Linux technology l Member Independent Oracle Users Group l Member All China Users Group l Presents for advanced Oracle topics: RAC, DataGuard, Performance Tuning and Oracle Internal.
  • 3. 在<Upgrade GI/CRS to in Linux>一文中我们介绍了升级 GI/CRS 到 的详细步骤,因为 GI/CRS 的版本总是要求大于 DB/RDBMS,所以这是我们升级 RDBMS 数据库软件的前提条件。 接下来我们将具体介绍升级 DB/RDBMS 到 的详细步骤: 一、 下载补丁介质 的 patchset 目前没有公开的下载地址,因为 目前已经不再提供 ftp 下载模式,所以我们只能通过登录 My Oracle Support 后进入 Patch 栏目搜索 Patchid 并获得加 密的下载链接。 补丁集的全称是 PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER (Patchset) (patchid:10098816),可以通过 10098816 这个 id 到 Patch 栏目搜索,并找出对应平台的介质 zip 包。如 在 Linux x86-64 平台上: 以上 和 p10098816_112020_Linux- ,这 2 个 zip 包对应为 Database/RDBMS 软件的介质,我们不需要下载所有的 7 个 zip 包,有 这 2 个升级数据库软件就已经足够了。 完成以上 2 个软件的下载后,分别解压 zip 包: unzip -d $PATCHHOME unzip -d $PATCHHOME 二、以 out of place 方式安装 DB 数据库软件 因为 的 Patchset 以后都是 out of place 的,所以我们可以不用像在 11gr2 以前那样必
  • 4. 须在原有安装低版本软件的基础上才能升级软件,而可以选择在别的位置完全新安装。 注意该步骤不需要停止数据库实例,可以在前期工作中完成。 以 DB/RDBMS 数据库软件的拥有者身份(oracle 用户)启动方才解压目录下的 oui 安装界面: su - oracle (oracle)$ unset ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SID (oracle)$ export DISPLAY=:0 (oracle)$ cd $PATCHHOME (oracle)$ ./runInstaller 在 Oracle Universal Installer 界面下的 Select Installation Options Screen 选择 install database only. 在 Grid Installation Options 下若是 RAC 数据库则选择 Oracle Real Application cluster database installation,注意如果在该屏幕下出现[FATAL] [INS-35354] The system on which you are attempting to install Oracle RAC is not part of a valid cluster 则可能是在之前的安装 Gird 的过程 中没有正确的 Update Inventory 更新信息库信息,见<11gr2 RAC 安装 INS-35354 问题一例 >。
  • 6. 在 Specify Installation Location Screen 上一般 OUI 会帮你自动匹配一个$ORACLE_BASE 变量 下不同于原有数据库软件安装目录的新目录,确认这些目录下有足够的磁盘空间,保 险起 见空间应大于 10GB。注意这里是 out of place 安装,所以千万不要填入原有的安装路径。 以上安装完成后 OUI 会提示要在所有节点上以 root 身份执行 脚本: su - root (root #) /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/ Running Oracle 11g root script... The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= oracle ORACLE_HOME= /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite. The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite. The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite. Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created Finished running generic part of root script.
  • 7. Now product-specific root actions will be performed. Finished product-specific root actions. 三、升级前的准备工作 以上我们完成了 数据库软件的安装工作,但是还没有升级实例和数据字典。 在正式升级之前,极有必要完成一系列的备份和准备工作,这些准备工作可以详见拙作 <Oracle 数据库升级前必要的准备工作> 1.清理数据字典中的无用数据,包括审计和回收站,它们可能拉慢数据字典升级的速度: TRUNCATE TABLE SYS.AUD$; purge DBA_RECYCLEBIN; 2.如果条件允许的话,建议使用 RMAN 全量备份数据库,前提是数据库没有达到 TB 级别。 rman target / catalog rman/rman@cata backup as compressed backupset incremental level 0 database ; 3. 收集数据字典的统计信息,若 dictionary 的统计信息不准备可能导致 catupgrd.sql 字典升级 脚本运行过久: SQL> set timing on; SQL> EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:27.81 4.运行 dbupgdiag.sql 升级信息收集脚本, 该脚本可以提供数据库的一些版本信息和组建信 息,以下为该脚本的示例输出内容: cat db_upg_diag_VPROD_07-Sep-2011_0737.log *** Start of LogFile *** Oracle Database Upgrade Diagnostic Utility 09-07-2011 19:37:23 =============== Database Uptime =============== 19:32 07-SEP-11 ================= Database Wordsize =================
  • 8. This is a 64-bit database ================ Software Version ================ Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production ============= Compatibility ============= Compatibility is set as ================ Component Status ================ Comp ID Component Status Version Org_Version Prv_Version ------- ---------------------------------- --------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CATALOG Oracle Database Catalog Views VALID CATPROC Oracle Database Packages and Types VALID OWM Oracle Workspace Manager VALID RAC Oracle Real Application Clusters VALID ====================================================== List of Invalid Database Objects Owned by SYS / SYSTEM ====================================================== Number of Invalid Objects ------------------------------------------------------------------ There are no Invalid Objects DOC>################################################################ DOC> DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows. DOC> DOC>################################################################ DOC># no rows selected ================================ List of Invalid Database Objects ================================ Number of Invalid Objects ------------------------------------------------------------------ There are no Invalid Objects DOC>################################################################ DOC> DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows. DOC> DOC>################################################################ DOC># no rows selected
  • 9. ============================================================== Identifying whether a database was created as 32-bit or 64-bit ============================================================== DOC>########################################################################### DOC> DOC> Result referencing the string 'B023' ==> Database was created as 32-bit DOC> Result referencing the string 'B047' ==> Database was created as 64-bit DOC> When String results in 'B023' and when upgrading database to DOC> (64-bit) , For known issue refer below articles DOC> DOC> Note 412271.1 ORA-600 [22635] and ORA-600 [KOKEIIX1] Reported While DOC> Upgrading Or Patching Databases To DOC> Note 579523.1 ORA-600 [22635], ORA-600 [KOKEIIX1], ORA-7445 [KOPESIZ] and DOC> OCI-21500 [KOXSIHREAD1] Reported While Upgrading To DOC> DOC>########################################################################### DOC># Metadata Initial DB Creation Info -------- ----------------------------------- B047 Database was created as 64-bit =================================================== Number of Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM =================================================== Counting duplicate objects .... COUNT(1) ---------- 4 ========================================= Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM ========================================= Querying duplicate objects .... OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- AQ$_SCHEDULES TABLE AQ$_SCHEDULES_PRIMARY INDEX DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH PACKAGE BODY DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH PACKAGE DOC> DOC>############################################################################ #### DOC> DOC> If any objects found please follow below article. DOC> Note 1030426.6 How to Clean Up Duplicate Objects Owned by SYS and SYSTEM schema DOC> Read the Exceptions carefully before taking actions. DOC> DOC>############################################################################ #### DOC># ================ JVM Verification
  • 10. ================ JAVAVM - NOT Installed. Below results can be ignored ================================================ Checking Existence of Java-Based Users and Roles ================================================ DOC> DOC>############################################################################ #### DOC> DOC> There should not be any Java Based users for database version 9.0.1 and above. DOC> If any users found, it is faulty JVM. DOC> DOC>############################################################################ #### DOC># User Existence --------------------------- No Java Based Users DOC> DOC>############################################################### DOC> DOC> Healthy JVM Should contain Six Roles. DOC> If there are more or less than six role, JVM is inconsistent. DOC> DOC>############################################################### DOC># Role ------------------------------ No JAVA related Roles Roles ========================================= List of Invalid Java Objects owned by SYS ========================================= There are no SYS owned invalid JAVA objects DOC> DOC>################################################################# DOC> DOC> Check the status of the main JVM interface packages DBMS_JAVA DOC> and INITJVMAUX and make sure it is VALID. DOC> If there are no Invalid objects below will result in zero rows. DOC> DOC>################################################################# DOC># no rows selected INFO: Below query should succeed with 'foo' as result. select dbms_java.longname('foo') "JAVAVM TESTING" from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "DBMS_JAVA"."LONGNAME": invalid identifier
  • 11. *** End of LogFile *** 以上 spool 内容显示所要升级的数据库现有 CATALOG、CATPROC、OWM 和 RAC 组件,且 没有安装 JVM,升级 JVM 组建的数据字典将消耗较长的时间。 另外一个建议运行的脚本是 utlu112i.sql,它位于新安装的$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin 目 录下。 该脚本会给出一些升级前地建议,包括建议保证系统表空间和闪回区域有足够的空间,以及 收集数据字典的统计信息,如以下输出: SQL> @/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/rdbms/admin/utlu112i.sql Oracle Database 11.2 Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 09-07-2011 20:02:30 Script Version: Build: 001 . ********************************************************************** Database: ********************************************************************** --> name: VPROD --> version: --> compatible: --> blocksize: 8192 --> platform: Linux x86 64-bit --> timezone file: V11 . ********************************************************************** Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment] ********************************************************************** --> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade. .... minimum required size: 267 MB --> SYSAUX tablespace is adequate for the upgrade. .... minimum required size: 150 MB --> UNDOTBS1 tablespace is adequate for the upgrade. .... minimum required size: 253 MB --> TEMP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade. .... minimum required size: 61 MB . ********************************************************************** Flashback: ON ********************************************************************** FlashbackInfo: --> name: +SYSTEMDG --> limit: 4977 MB --> used: 264 MB --> size: 4977 MB --> reclaim: 0 MB --> files: 7 WARNING: --> Flashback Recovery Area Set. Please ensure adequate disk space in recover y areas before performing an upgrade. . ********************************************************************** Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile] Note: Pre-upgrade tool was run on a lower version 64-bit database. ********************************************************************** --> If Target Oracle is 32-Bit, refer here for Update Parameters: -- No update parameter changes are required. . --> If Target Oracle is 64-Bit, refer here for Update Parameters:
  • 12. -- No update parameter changes are required. . ********************************************************************** Renamed Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile] ********************************************************************** -- No renamed parameters found. No changes are required. . ********************************************************************** Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.2 init.ora or spfile] ********************************************************************** -- No obsolete parameters found. No changes are required . ********************************************************************** Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed] ********************************************************************** --> Oracle Catalog Views [upgrade] VALID --> Oracle Packages and Types [upgrade] VALID --> Real Application Clusters [upgrade] VALID --> Oracle Workspace Manager [upgrade] VALID . ********************************************************************** Miscellaneous Warnings ********************************************************************** WARNING: --> The "cluster_database" parameter is currently "TRUE" .... and must be set to "FALSE" prior to running a manual upgrade. WARNING: --> Database is using a timezone file older than version 14. .... After the release migration, it is recommended that DBMS_DST package .... be used to upgrade the database timezone version .... to the latest version which comes with the new release. WARNING: --> Your recycle bin is turned on and currently contains no objects. .... Because it is REQUIRED that the recycle bin be empty prior to upgrading .... and your recycle bin is turned on, you may need to execute the command: PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN .... prior to executing your upgrade to confirm the recycle bin is empty. . ********************************************************************** Recommendations ********************************************************************** Oracle recommends gathering dictionary statistics prior to upgrading the database. To gather dictionary statistics execute the following command while connected as SYSDBA: EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; ********************************************************************** Oracle recommends removing all hidden parameters prior to upgrading. To view existing hidden parameters execute the following command while connected AS SYSDBA: SELECT name,description from SYS.V$PARAMETER WHERE name LIKE '_%' ESCAPE '' Changes will need to be made in the init.ora or spfile. ********************************************************************** Oracle recommends reviewing any defined events prior to upgrading. To view existing non-default events execute the following commands while connected AS SYSDBA:
  • 13. Events: SELECT (translate(value,chr(13)||chr(10),' ')) FROM sys.v$parameter2 WHERE UPPER(name) ='EVENT' AND isdefault='FALSE' Trace Events: SELECT (translate(value,chr(13)||chr(10),' ')) from sys.v$parameter2 WHERE UPPER(name) = '_TRACE_EVENTS' AND isdefault='FALSE' Changes will need to be made in the init.ora or spfile. ********************************************************************** 5.如果数据库很大那么建议打开闪回数据库 flashback database,并创建还原点,这样可以极 大地缩短回退时间。 可以通过以下查询判断数据库是或否启用了 flashback database 功能: SQL> select FLASHBACK_ON from v$database; FLASHBACK_ON ------------------ NO 若显示 NO 则说明之前没有启用数据库闪回功能,若希望启用数据库闪回功能需要数据库短 时间停机: 关闭所有的数据库实例 SQL> shutdown immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. 启动某一套实例到 mount 状态 SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes Fixed Size 2212936 bytes Variable Size 603982776 bytes Database Buffers 637534208 bytes Redo Buffers 8933376 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database flashback on; Database altered.
  • 14. 在本节点打开数据库,并启动所有节点 SQL> alter database open; Database altered. 以上在数据库级别启用了闪回 flashback 功能。 接着我们需要停止应用程序,注意在这一步之前的准备工作都可以在线完成,但是本步骤将 要求停止一切应用程序的链接,关闭数据库,并启动到 restrict 限制模式,以便创建 restore point,方便可能的升级回退。,strict 模式避免了普通用户的链接。 在所有节点上关闭数据库实例,并在唯一节点上启动数据库到 restrict 模式。 startup restrict; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes Fixed Size 2212936 bytes Variable Size 603982776 bytes Database Buffers 637534208 bytes Redo Buffers 8933376 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> conn maclean/maclean ERROR: ORA-01035: ORACLE only available to users with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. conn / as sysdba SQL> create restore point maclean_rollback guarantee flashback database; Restore point created. SQL> select * from v$restore_point; SCN DATABASE_INCARNATION# GUA STORAGE_SIZE ---------- --------------------- --- ------------ TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESTORE_POINT_TIME PRE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 601958 1 YES 15941632 07-SEP-11 PM YES MACLEAN_ROLLBACK
  • 15. 四、正式升级数据库实例和数据字典 1. 关闭所有数据库实例 2. 复制相关的 pfile 或 spfile 形式的参数到新的 ORACLE_HOME 下,这里我们假设使用 ASM 存储共享的 spfile,那么只需要在所有节点上将 init$SID.ora 形式的文件拷贝即可: (oracle $) cat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initVPROD1.ora SPFILE='+SYSTEMDG/VPROD/spfileVPROD.ora' (oracle $) cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initVPROD1.ora /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs 设置 ORACLE_HOME 和 PATH 变量指向新的 数据库软件 (oracle $) export ORACLE_HOME=/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 (oracle $) export PATH=/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/bin:$PATH 设置正确的 ORACLE_SID (oracle $) export ORACLE_SID=VPROD1 (oracle $) unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH 3. 启动实例到 nomount 状态,并修改 cluster_database 参数到 spfile: SQL> startup nomount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes Fixed Size 2226072 bytes Variable Size 402655336 bytes Database Buffers 838860800 bytes Redo Buffers 8921088 bytes SQL> alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile; System altered. 4. 重启实例到 upgrade 模式,升级数据字典,运行 $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql 脚本: SQL> shutdown immediate; ORA-01507: database not mounted ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup upgrade; ORACLE instance started.
  • 16. Total System Global Area 1252663296 bytes Fixed Size 2226072 bytes Variable Size 402655336 bytes Database Buffers 838860800 bytes Redo Buffers 8921088 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> set echo on SQL> SPOOL /tmp/upgrade.log SQL> set time on; 20:40:40 SQL> @/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql 在以上 catupgrd.sql 脚本运行过程中可以通过 DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY 视图了解组件字典升级的进度 SQL> select * from DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY; select * from DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04063: view "SYS.DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY" has errors or ERROR at line 1: ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_REGISTRY" has errors 在一开始会提示该视图有错误,这不要紧,稍等一会。 SQL> select comp_name,status,version from dba_server_registry; COMP_NAME STATUS VERSION -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------ Oracle Workspace Manager UPGRADING Oracle Database Catalog Views VALID Oracle Database Packages and Types VALID Oracle Real Application Clusters VALID 20:50:40 SQL> 20:50:40 SQL> Rem ********************************************************************* 20:50:40 SQL> Rem END catupgrd.sql 20:50:40 SQL> Rem ********************************************************************* 20:50:40 SQL> 以上 catupgrd.sql 脚本运行了 10 分钟左右 重启实例,运行 utlrp.sql 脚本编译失效对象 sqlplus / as sysdba startup; @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp
  • 17. TIMESTAMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN 2011-09-07 20:53:38 该脚本会自动根据 cpu 数目选择并行度 DOC> This script automatically chooses serial or parallel recompilation DOC> based on the number of CPUs available (parameter cpu_count) multiplied DOC> by the number of threads per CPU (parameter parallel_threads_per_cpu). DOC> On RAC, this number is added across all RAC nodes. TIMESTAMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END 2011-09-07 20:55:09 该脚本耗时约 2 分钟 修改 cluster_database 参数为 true,并重启所有节点实例 SQL> alter system set cluster_database=true scope=spfile; System altered. 可以看到以上在数据库仅安装了 CATALOG、CATPROC、OWM 和 RAC Cluster View 4 种组 件的情况下,catupgrd.sql 字典升级脚本仅耗时 10 分钟左右。 而实际的生产库可能安装了更 多的组件,如 JVM 等组件将耗时较多。 以下总结了各 Oracle 组件升级字典的平均耗时,是一张十分有用的升级时间参考表: DB Sample Upgrade Time 较少组件情况下 HH:MM:S Component S Oracle Server 00:16:17 JServer JAVA Virtual Machine 00:05:19 Oracle XDK 00:00:48 Oracle Text 00:00:58 Oracle XML Database 00:04:09 Oracle Database Java 00:00:33 Packages Gathering Statistics 00:02:43 Total Upgrade Time: 00:30:47 较多组件情况下 Component HH:MM:S
  • 18. S Oracle Server 00:16:17 JServer JAVA Virtual Machine 00:05:19 Oracle Workspace Manager 00:01:01 Oracle Enterprise Manager 00:10:13 Oracle XDK 00:00:48 Oracle Text 00:00:58 Oracle XML Database 00:04:09 Oracle Database Java 00:00:33 Packages Oracle Multimedia 00:07:43 Oracle Expression Filter 00:00:18 Oracle Rule Manager 00:00:12 Gathering Statistics 00:04:53 Total Upgrade Time: 00:52:31 5.使用 srvctl 命令更新 ocr 中 DBHOME 相关信息: su - oracle srvctl upgrade database -d VPROD -o $NEW_ORACLE_HOME srvctl upgrade database -d VPROD -o /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 [oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d VPROD Database unique name: VPROD Database name: VPROD Oracle home: /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 Oracle user: oracle Spfile: +SYSTEMDG/VPROD/spfileVPROD.ora Domain: Start options: open Stop options: immediate Database role: PRIMARY Management policy: AUTOMATIC Server pools: VPROD Database instances: VPROD1,VPROD2 Disk Groups: SYSTEMDG Mount point paths: Services: Type: RAC Database is administrator managed [oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl stop database -d VPROD PRCC-1016 : VPROD was already stopped [oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d VPROD
  • 19. [oracle@vrh1 ~]$ srvctl status database -d VPROD Instance VPROD1 is running on node vrh1 Instance VPROD2 is running on node vrh2 6.修改 oracle 用户的 profile 配置文件指中的变量: cat .bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs ORACLE_HOME=/s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 ORACLE_SID=VPROD1 ORACLE_BASE=/s01/orabase PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID ORACLE_BASE SQL> select * from global_name; GLOBAL_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
  • 20. 7. 数据库升级完成后进入一个 pending area,建议在至少 2 个礼拜内,不要升级 compatible 参数和删除 restore point。 在确认没有回退的必要后,修改 compatible 参数并删除 restore point: alter system set compatible=’′ scope=spfile; drop restore point MACLEAN_ROLLBACK; srvctl stop database -d VPROD srvctl start database -d VPROD 以上成功地将 的 RAC 数据库升级到了。 五、回退升级操作(Database Downgrade) 我们可以选择 2 种回退办法: 1. 通过 restore point 还原到 的数据库 2. 执行 catdwgrd.sql 降级数据字典 针对第一种方法: 关闭所有节点实例 srvctl stop database -d VPROD export ORACLE_HOME=$OLD_ORACLE_HOME export PATH=$OLD_ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> select * from v$restore_point; SCN DATABASE_INCARNATION# GUA STORAGE_SIZE ---------- --------------------- --- ------------ TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESTORE_POINT_TIME PRE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 601958 1 YES 462307328 07-SEP-11 PM YES MACLEAN_ROLLBACK
  • 21. SQL> flashback database to restore point MACLEAN_ROLLBACK; Flashback complete. flashback database 的速度 视乎 flashback log 多少而定,一般是很快的,在 1 分钟之内。 SQL> alter database open; alter database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open SQL> alter database open resetlogs; Database altered. 以上通过 restore point 的方法是我所推荐的,这种方法简单、省时省力、高效且问题少少, 是一种绿色方案。同时不要忘记使用 srvctl upgrade 命令还原 ocr 中的 DBHOME 信息,以及 还原 profile 文件。 针对第二种方法: catdwgrd.sql 的运行有诸多限制,其所消耗的时间可能要略长于 catupgrd.sql。而且该脚本在 运行过程中可能遇到各种错误,不推荐使用这种方法。 关于使用 catdwgrd.sql 脚本降级数据库 到,可以参考 MOS note <How To Downgrade From Database 11.2 To Previous Release (includes [ID 883335.1]>。