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Our operating systems are failing us. Our regionally scarce past had confused our
selfishness as solutions. Solutions that now present more problems than they solve.
Prosperity with poverty, productivity with pollution, the fat and sick gorging on the miseries of
the weak and starving, while the underlying methods behind the madness go ignored. So, we
continue running our world with the ideas and “isms” that benefit one group over another,
expressed with manifestos...that separate us even more!
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Destroying our world to chase imaginary wealth does not make sense to anyone now...not
even to those who now run the game. We simply cannot fix these problems with the
same thinking that had created them. This is now the time for us to grow up, reorganize
ourselves with the understanding of our true nature, and tap into the deeper wisdom we
have had all along.
Now is the time for our UNMANIFESTO
Image Courtesy of Shutterstock
Image Courtesy of Samuel Greenberg/Sun Gazing on Facebook
Nothing is Ever Lost or Wasted
We are All Created Unique
Everything Connects to Everything Else
Conflict is the Confusion
Wisdom is the Way
Love is the Operating System
All Values are Relative to Other Values
OriginalWe are All Created Unique
Each of us have our own unique gifts to share. How can we
share them freely to help each other, when we have confused
who we really are with our names, faces, skins and places?
Labels we learned from a us or them scarce resource survival
scenario which obviously no longer exists! If it did, why would we
have to plan throwaway obsolescence into perfectly usable
things? Or justify useless incarceration and wars to create “jobs”?
We have long outgrown those time and place boundaries.
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Boundaries are only the conventions to transcend when we can
imagine doing so. We have waited long enough to imagine a
humanity beyond borders.
You were born an original, not a standardized throwaway part of
a malfunctioning machine. To stand up for equal access to be
uniquely ourselves is our inalienable universal right. We are no more
defined by the measures of corporate marketers, just as we were
never defined by the class distinctions made up by our monarchs.
Now is the time to break free!
Image Courtesy of 123RF
We are All Created Unique
Identities unbounded by time and place now free us be true global citizens.
OpenConflict is the Confusion
How can we create a truly free civilization, if our ideas are still
confused by the confines of conflict?
Can we ever protect our true potential with patents and profits
when the best of who we are, and the best of what we have ever
created has been the direct result of sharing openly?
Open, inclusive problem solving has given us gems like agriculture
to now the Internet which speaks volumes for itself. From our tools
to trades, this has been and this is the way forward.
Image Courtesy of
Freedom is a state of mind. Today, we
can see beyond the borders we had
imagined within our immaturity and
ignorance. Now we can choose to live
a life worthy of our timeless wisdom.
Limited Mobility
Unknown Resource Information
(Material Scarcity)
Knowable Connections
Open Accesibility to Resources
(Natural Balance)
Accesible Mobility
Known Resource Information
(Digital Abundance)
Abundance Sustainability
Sharing Creating
Connection Attention
Protection Knowledge Wisdom
Poverty Disinformation Design
Selfish Influential Kind
The Current Debt and
GDP Speculation Based
Socioeconomic Model
The Current Internet and
Other Digital Information
Networked Ecosystems
The Abundance Based
Intelligent Economic
Models like GROW
The expression “conflict of interest” has become business as
usual. Why? Isn’t any conflict just an idea bound by the context of
who “we” think we are in relationship to who we think “they” are?
What happens when we realize that they are us?
Co-creative collaboration is not another new trend, it is the well
established evolutionary path to a higher order of being. The
same pattern that transforms simpler life forms to a higher order
of complex organisms.
Image Courtesy of 123RF
Profit=Poverty=War may have been the regionally scarce
reality for as long as we can remember, but it has blinded us.
How can we ever see our true selves when we are always
fighting whoever “they” are at the moment?
We can and must do better. Conflict now is the position to
overcome, not relish in. Compassion comes from
understanding others who only appear to be our competition.
The moment we understand and feel compassion towards
each other, we are no longer enemies. Now is the time to
realize the obvious.
We cannot steal from ourselves.
We Cannot Steal from Ourselves
Duality is simply our unresolved inner conflict. It is time for us get open and over it.
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CommonEverything Connects to Everything Else
We are the open source collaboration of trillions of cells.
Are each of us not the uniquely conscious, essential creators
within this interdependent and interconnected force called life?
Nothing happens in isolation from one another. Each of our
actions has a compounded network effect, and every choice
we can make moment to moment can change everything!
With every passing moment, each of us have
the power to choose compassion over crime,
love over fear, clarity by wisdom over confusion
by cleverness. We are much more powerful
and essential than we realize.
There is no energy, food, water or population crisis.
The crisis is one of our unconscious ignorance that has
created our collective reality. We now can connect our
consciousness to information with unprecedented
ease, to intelligently upgrade that reality at will by the
informed and compassionate choices we make.
Let us choose wiser now.
Image Courtesy of
We Can Change Everything
You are integral to all of creation. Think, speak and act accordingly.
WholeNothing is Ever Lost or Wasted
Image Courtesy of PicstoPin
Our eyes only see what our minds are ready to comprehend.
Humanity has evolved from the limited views of our scarce
surroundings and we see differences more often than similarities, if
not for anything other than what we had thought necessary for our
immediate survival.
Until now, linear, deterministic, reductionist logic gave us the
comfortable illusions of knowledge, within the isolated age of
hostile local conditions. Now that we can see farther and wider,
should we not also live wiser?
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Survival against outsiders has been exploited within us.
The weak are meat and the strong do eat had been the default
operating principle. Waste has never been my problem,
because my premise has always been about the survival of me
and my tribe and not my neighbors.
Except now we can actually see that the unseen ties that bind
us are not just metaphorical, but literal. Profit will neither provide
empowerment to all nor extrication to space for the “chosen”
few, when pollution is hard wired into the design itself! It is high
time we realized that we cannot crap in our own kitchens!
Waste is simply unacceptable when we see things full circle.
Linear processes are just paths within the whole cycles, nested
within other interconnected cycles within one infinite loop.
There is no “I” without “We” nor any “We” without “me”. When
we can see how our actions translate to reactions that affect all
of us, the experience forever alters the behavior we thought
was acceptable. Those views are available to us here and now.
It is time to see bigger.
A living system intelligently appropriates key resources for
its interdependent essential functions. These core functions
focus on regeneration directly dependent on the optimized
execution of elimination, assimilation and distribution.
We too can rebalance our operating systems with the
simplicity and elegance of natural flows. The R.E.A.D. model
from GROW, designed to account for sustainable systemic
abundance is a good example of this.
Regeneration, or the cycling of essential functions.
Elimination, or the selective filtering to ensure pure inputs.
Assimilation, or the efficiency optimized packaging for delivery.
Distribution, or the matching of resources with needs.
In a living system optimized for system integrity, we no longer have to keep
score for an uncertain future by polluting and pillaging against the present.
Dynamic systems founded on flow, focus on the value optimization now,
instead of speculating on future frictions. It measures energy inputs that
cancel each other out towards equilibrium instead of the uncertain and
often false promises of future equity. We focus on accounting for ZERO.
Zero impact, zero total cost of living, zero frictions between resources and
needs. We are all part of one infinite loop. It’s time to close the circle.
One Infinite Loop
Nothing is ever lost or wasted. Waste is simply unacceptable.
Image Courtesy of Tumblr/lightdrawing
WiseWisdom is the Way
The assumption of scarcity is now persuading us to unnecessarily
produce and consume more, instead of doing more with less. This
has since confused cleverness with wisdom and it is now confusing
leadership with salesmanship.
Leading chooses leaders, not the other way around. When wisdom
is revered as the highest social position, the emphasis is no longer
about selling but solving.
Success is now about service, not selfishness.
Cleverness is not wisdom.
They are diametrically opposing concepts. Cleverness aims to
hide whereas wisdom aims to reveal what was true all along.
Wisdom chooses life, and the role of the wise in society has
always been to empower, enlighten and enable those who are
ready to see the truth.
The truth is singular.
All versions of it are untruths that get in the way of solving for the
actual issues at hand. When wisdom is the aspiration model, the
pursuit of truth becomes the obsession to deliver us from the
delusions du jour. This has been the evolution of our consciousness.
Shouldn’t this be our future of leading humanity?
Image Courtesy of Psychologytoday
Everything is Nothing
The wise simplify. The clever complicate. Leading chooses the wise.
TrueAll Value is Relative to Other Values
Why is life now measured by money when it is money
that should be measured by life?
All value is arbitrary relative to other arbitrary values defined
by our experiences, thus defined by a shared premise.
Currently, economic value is premised on resource scarcity
defined by its production and consumption rate expressed
in terms of price money.
What happens now when the premise of production
and consumption is no longer the real issue?
Image Courtesy of
There are as many currencies as contexts. They exist in our everyday
lives though they often go overlooked through the mirage of money. From
airline miles, time bank co-credits, social network leaderboards, virtual
rewards, complimentary local currencies, bankless, stateless, paperless
cryptocurrencies and more, the mechanics are now maturing into practical
measures to fill in the gaps where centralized fiat currencies are falling short.
They are the new expressions of value exchange. They may only be the
experiments of the mechanics for now. Nonetheless, they are quietly
becoming universally accessible for a preview of better things to come.
With these new instruments in circulation, we can begin mapping our
expectations to experience in real time. Eventually we can free ourselves
of the archaic speculative mechanisms of savings, stocks or bonds to
guarantee the transfer of value.
In this exponentially advancing exabyte digital age, we can actually match
resources to our real needs and wants and measure their impact
relative to agenda. Seeing relative valuation in real time, instead of the
debt fueled production and speculation cycles that now makes a few
“wealthy” at the expense of everyone else.
Image Courtesy of 123RF
What is the highest and best use of any resource? Whether material or metaphysical,
nature has already given us the design manual. All we have to do is follow the flows.
The vector to direct and the velocity to impact is no longer the cryptic guesswork of our
institutional economists. Beyond the new symbols of contextual currencies, we are now
also free to represent what we truly value and exchange.
The only real currency has always been attention and the only real value is trust.
Technology is only the accelerator of human activities of our choosing. We can choose
to exchange our real values on our own terms.
Choosing truth as the ideal, we can
master our instruments instead of the
other way around. Dynamic networks
of intention aligned individuals can
change the game now! We can
rewrite the rules, regulate the flow by
better connections, instead of the
conventions designed for a reality we
can no longer afford to subscribe to.
In truth we trust. Science and art
already know the way. It’s time for the
rest of us to tune into the same.
Returns are in Relationships
All currency is based on the shared context, or the common premise.
Falsely scoped premises equal false values.
True value seekers only seek the truth.
Image Courtesy of
LoveLove is the Operating System
Love is the ultimate game of life.
Critics can reduce it down to a biochemical phenomena, but love’s unseen
forces continue to govern all aspects of our lives. Our material measures to
satisfy the regional recognition is ultimately an means to an end.
What if we bypassed the symbols and went directly to the source?
We all want love. Love is the bridge between you and everything. The only
force that truly binds us to all that we choose to derive meaning from.
We all want to love the life we live, as deeply and as often as
possible. Everything we do, from oppression to ownership, drudgery to
dividends, popularity to privacy is all in the pursuit of love. The mechanics
of this game has been well established, though its mysterious forces
rarely let us clearly see our longing for it through that lens. What if it did?
How would we live our lives if we worked to achieve more love in less time
without the distractions of politics, power, profit and all other activity we think
will help us get it? What if we could go directly to the source?
Into the heart of the game of life itself?
Image Courtesy of
A game can be played in multiple levels of consciousness. The material,
mental and metaphysical. The master players focus on the meta objective
over the material or mental one. They focus only on the endgame and bypass
chaos consuming players of the lower level games. The master game in life
plays to the objective of love. Love is all there is. We are only the pieces.
The chart on the next page is a game lens to see the disconnect from our current
activity to our pursuit of a life we love. It also shows the merging trends and
conscious shifting of activities that more closely align with love centric existence.
We have yet to create the intelligent tools and practices to realize this reality, but it
is no longer an activist aspiration at the fringes.
Assumed Scarce Resources
D i m e n s i o n sAttributes
Win (+)
Lose (-)
Known Abundant Resources
Relative Social Ranking
Relative Social Ranking
Spiritual Objective
* The concept of “innovation” refers to co-creative true innovation that optimizes for systemic benefit, instead of the current concept of innovation which is primarily about securing ownership for market advantage with patents, etc.
Possession Power
Acquiring Persuading
Property Control
Poverty Servitude
Quality of Life
Ambiguious Access
Connection Access
Innovating* Distributing
Harmony Equity
Dischord Liability
Clear & Direct Access
Empowering Others
This loving life is available to us right now, if we so
choose. Our civilization is waking up to the adulthood of
abundance. It is time to walk upright and claim our prize.
To feel genuine joy in the success of others, to give
without expectation, to choose kindness over crime, to
choose love over fear, we can achieve true bliss. A song
is not a song until it is sung, love is not love until we give it
away. Selfishness to service is now both essential and
practically accountable.
We can un-manifest this version of reality to one that
works for everyone on earth.
Love is
In the game of life, love is the prize.
Bypass the symbols and go directly to the source.
The source is the universal connection. It is all that ever is.
Image Courtesy of Rumiquotes on Facebook
Image Courtesy of
Image Courtesy of Flickr
We are All Created Unique
Conflict is the Confusion
Nothing is Ever Lost or Wasted
Everything Connects to Everything Else
Wisdom is the Way
Love is the Operating System
All Values are Relative to Other Values
Ray Podder
The design and content of this document is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License to Ray Podder + GROW. Images used are either public
domain or from other known open sources online. Every reasonable effort has been made to credit the creators or curators of the images used. If there has been any errors or omissions,
please contact us at and we will promptly rectify, and or edit the image in question.

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  • 2. ? ?? Image Courtesy of The Atlantic Image Courtesy of Image Courtesy of 123RFImage Courtesy of Image Courtesy of Takeapart.comImage Courtesy of
  • 4. Our operating systems are failing us. Our regionally scarce past had confused our selfishness as solutions. Solutions that now present more problems than they solve. Prosperity with poverty, productivity with pollution, the fat and sick gorging on the miseries of the weak and starving, while the underlying methods behind the madness go ignored. So, we continue running our world with the ideas and “isms” that benefit one group over another, expressed with manifestos...that separate us even more! Image Courtesy of
  • 5. Destroying our world to chase imaginary wealth does not make sense to anyone now...not even to those who now run the game. We simply cannot fix these problems with the same thinking that had created them. This is now the time for us to grow up, reorganize ourselves with the understanding of our true nature, and tap into the deeper wisdom we have had all along. Now is the time for our UNMANIFESTO Image Courtesy of Shutterstock
  • 6. FOR TUNING IN TO THE FREQUENCY OF A UNIFIED HUMANITY LENSES UN MANI FESTO THE Ray Image Courtesy of Samuel Greenberg/Sun Gazing on Facebook
  • 7. Whole Nothing is Ever Lost or Wasted Original We are All Created Unique Common Everything Connects to Everything Else Open Conflict is the Confusion Wise Wisdom is the Way Love Love is the Operating System True All Values are Relative to Other Values UNBOUND UNIFIED UNIVERSAL
  • 9. OriginalWe are All Created Unique UN MANI FESTO THE 1 UNBOUND
  • 10. Each of us have our own unique gifts to share. How can we share them freely to help each other, when we have confused who we really are with our names, faces, skins and places? Labels we learned from a us or them scarce resource survival scenario which obviously no longer exists! If it did, why would we have to plan throwaway obsolescence into perfectly usable things? Or justify useless incarceration and wars to create “jobs”? We have long outgrown those time and place boundaries. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 UNBOUND Image Courtesy of
  • 11. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 Boundaries are only the conventions to transcend when we can imagine doing so. We have waited long enough to imagine a humanity beyond borders. You were born an original, not a standardized throwaway part of a malfunctioning machine. To stand up for equal access to be uniquely ourselves is our inalienable universal right. We are no more defined by the measures of corporate marketers, just as we were never defined by the class distinctions made up by our monarchs. Now is the time to break free! UNBOUND Image Courtesy of 123RF
  • 12. We are All Created Unique Identities unbounded by time and place now free us be true global citizens.
  • 14. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 How can we create a truly free civilization, if our ideas are still confused by the confines of conflict? Can we ever protect our true potential with patents and profits when the best of who we are, and the best of what we have ever created has been the direct result of sharing openly? Open, inclusive problem solving has given us gems like agriculture to now the Internet which speaks volumes for itself. From our tools to trades, this has been and this is the way forward. UNBOUND Image Courtesy of
  • 15. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 Freedom is a state of mind. Today, we can see beyond the borders we had imagined within our immaturity and ignorance. Now we can choose to live a life worthy of our timeless wisdom. Local Limited Mobility Unknown Resource Information (Material Scarcity) Premise Practice Protocol Promise Problem Persona Living Knowable Connections Open Accesibility to Resources (Natural Balance) Linked Accesible Mobility Known Resource Information (Digital Abundance) Scarcity Owning Profit Abundance Sustainability Sharing Creating Connection Attention Protection Knowledge Wisdom Poverty Disinformation Design Selfish Influential Kind The Current Debt and GDP Speculation Based Socioeconomic Model The Current Internet and Other Digital Information Networked Ecosystems The Abundance Based Intelligent Economic Models like GROW UNBOUND
  • 16. The expression “conflict of interest” has become business as usual. Why? Isn’t any conflict just an idea bound by the context of who “we” think we are in relationship to who we think “they” are? What happens when we realize that they are us? Co-creative collaboration is not another new trend, it is the well established evolutionary path to a higher order of being. The same pattern that transforms simpler life forms to a higher order of complex organisms. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 UNBOUND Image Courtesy of 123RF
  • 17. UN MANI FESTO THE 1 Profit=Poverty=War may have been the regionally scarce reality for as long as we can remember, but it has blinded us. How can we ever see our true selves when we are always fighting whoever “they” are at the moment? We can and must do better. Conflict now is the position to overcome, not relish in. Compassion comes from understanding others who only appear to be our competition. The moment we understand and feel compassion towards each other, we are no longer enemies. Now is the time to realize the obvious. We cannot steal from ourselves. UNBOUND
  • 18. We Cannot Steal from Ourselves Duality is simply our unresolved inner conflict. It is time for us get open and over it. Image Courtesy of
  • 20. CommonEverything Connects to Everything Else UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED
  • 21. We are the open source collaboration of trillions of cells. Are each of us not the uniquely conscious, essential creators within this interdependent and interconnected force called life? Nothing happens in isolation from one another. Each of our actions has a compounded network effect, and every choice we can make moment to moment can change everything! UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED
  • 22. With every passing moment, each of us have the power to choose compassion over crime, love over fear, clarity by wisdom over confusion by cleverness. We are much more powerful and essential than we realize. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED
  • 23. There is no energy, food, water or population crisis. The crisis is one of our unconscious ignorance that has created our collective reality. We now can connect our consciousness to information with unprecedented ease, to intelligently upgrade that reality at will by the informed and compassionate choices we make. Let us choose wiser now. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED Image Courtesy of
  • 24. We Can Change Everything You are integral to all of creation. Think, speak and act accordingly.
  • 25. WholeNothing is Ever Lost or Wasted UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED Image Courtesy of PicstoPin
  • 26. Our eyes only see what our minds are ready to comprehend. Humanity has evolved from the limited views of our scarce surroundings and we see differences more often than similarities, if not for anything other than what we had thought necessary for our immediate survival. Until now, linear, deterministic, reductionist logic gave us the comfortable illusions of knowledge, within the isolated age of hostile local conditions. Now that we can see farther and wider, should we not also live wiser? UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED Image Courtesy of
  • 27. Survival against outsiders has been exploited within us. The weak are meat and the strong do eat had been the default operating principle. Waste has never been my problem, because my premise has always been about the survival of me and my tribe and not my neighbors. Except now we can actually see that the unseen ties that bind us are not just metaphorical, but literal. Profit will neither provide empowerment to all nor extrication to space for the “chosen” few, when pollution is hard wired into the design itself! It is high time we realized that we cannot crap in our own kitchens! UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED
  • 28. Waste is simply unacceptable when we see things full circle. Linear processes are just paths within the whole cycles, nested within other interconnected cycles within one infinite loop. There is no “I” without “We” nor any “We” without “me”. When we can see how our actions translate to reactions that affect all of us, the experience forever alters the behavior we thought was acceptable. Those views are available to us here and now. It is time to see bigger. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED
  • 29. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 A living system intelligently appropriates key resources for its interdependent essential functions. These core functions focus on regeneration directly dependent on the optimized execution of elimination, assimilation and distribution. We too can rebalance our operating systems with the simplicity and elegance of natural flows. The R.E.A.D. model from GROW, designed to account for sustainable systemic abundance is a good example of this. Regeneration, or the cycling of essential functions. Elimination, or the selective filtering to ensure pure inputs. Assimilation, or the efficiency optimized packaging for delivery. Distribution, or the matching of resources with needs. UNIFIED
  • 30. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED In a living system optimized for system integrity, we no longer have to keep score for an uncertain future by polluting and pillaging against the present. Dynamic systems founded on flow, focus on the value optimization now, instead of speculating on future frictions. It measures energy inputs that cancel each other out towards equilibrium instead of the uncertain and often false promises of future equity. We focus on accounting for ZERO. Zero impact, zero total cost of living, zero frictions between resources and needs. We are all part of one infinite loop. It’s time to close the circle.
  • 31. One Infinite Loop Nothing is ever lost or wasted. Waste is simply unacceptable. Image Courtesy of Tumblr/lightdrawing
  • 34. The assumption of scarcity is now persuading us to unnecessarily produce and consume more, instead of doing more with less. This has since confused cleverness with wisdom and it is now confusing leadership with salesmanship. Leading chooses leaders, not the other way around. When wisdom is revered as the highest social position, the emphasis is no longer about selling but solving. Success is now about service, not selfishness. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 35. Cleverness is not wisdom. They are diametrically opposing concepts. Cleverness aims to hide whereas wisdom aims to reveal what was true all along. Wisdom chooses life, and the role of the wise in society has always been to empower, enlighten and enable those who are ready to see the truth. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 36. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 The truth is singular. All versions of it are untruths that get in the way of solving for the actual issues at hand. When wisdom is the aspiration model, the pursuit of truth becomes the obsession to deliver us from the delusions du jour. This has been the evolution of our consciousness. Shouldn’t this be our future of leading humanity? UNIVERSAL Image Courtesy of Psychologytoday
  • 37. Everything is Nothing The wise simplify. The clever complicate. Leading chooses the wise.
  • 38. TrueAll Value is Relative to Other Values UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 39. Why is life now measured by money when it is money that should be measured by life? All value is arbitrary relative to other arbitrary values defined by our experiences, thus defined by a shared premise. Currently, economic value is premised on resource scarcity defined by its production and consumption rate expressed in terms of price money. What happens now when the premise of production and consumption is no longer the real issue? UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL Image Courtesy of
  • 40. There are as many currencies as contexts. They exist in our everyday lives though they often go overlooked through the mirage of money. From airline miles, time bank co-credits, social network leaderboards, virtual rewards, complimentary local currencies, bankless, stateless, paperless cryptocurrencies and more, the mechanics are now maturing into practical measures to fill in the gaps where centralized fiat currencies are falling short. They are the new expressions of value exchange. They may only be the experiments of the mechanics for now. Nonetheless, they are quietly becoming universally accessible for a preview of better things to come. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 41. With these new instruments in circulation, we can begin mapping our expectations to experience in real time. Eventually we can free ourselves of the archaic speculative mechanisms of savings, stocks or bonds to guarantee the transfer of value. In this exponentially advancing exabyte digital age, we can actually match resources to our real needs and wants and measure their impact relative to agenda. Seeing relative valuation in real time, instead of the debt fueled production and speculation cycles that now makes a few “wealthy” at the expense of everyone else. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL Image Courtesy of 123RF
  • 42. UN MANI FESTO THE 2 UNIFIED What is the highest and best use of any resource? Whether material or metaphysical, nature has already given us the design manual. All we have to do is follow the flows. The vector to direct and the velocity to impact is no longer the cryptic guesswork of our institutional economists. Beyond the new symbols of contextual currencies, we are now also free to represent what we truly value and exchange. The only real currency has always been attention and the only real value is trust. Technology is only the accelerator of human activities of our choosing. We can choose to exchange our real values on our own terms.
  • 43. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL Choosing truth as the ideal, we can master our instruments instead of the other way around. Dynamic networks of intention aligned individuals can change the game now! We can rewrite the rules, regulate the flow by better connections, instead of the conventions designed for a reality we can no longer afford to subscribe to. In truth we trust. Science and art already know the way. It’s time for the rest of us to tune into the same.
  • 44. Returns are in Relationships All currency is based on the shared context, or the common premise. Falsely scoped premises equal false values. True value seekers only seek the truth. Image Courtesy of
  • 45. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 LoveLove is the Operating System UNIVERSAL
  • 46. Love is the ultimate game of life. Critics can reduce it down to a biochemical phenomena, but love’s unseen forces continue to govern all aspects of our lives. Our material measures to satisfy the regional recognition is ultimately an means to an end. What if we bypassed the symbols and went directly to the source? We all want love. Love is the bridge between you and everything. The only force that truly binds us to all that we choose to derive meaning from. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 47. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 We all want to love the life we live, as deeply and as often as possible. Everything we do, from oppression to ownership, drudgery to dividends, popularity to privacy is all in the pursuit of love. The mechanics of this game has been well established, though its mysterious forces rarely let us clearly see our longing for it through that lens. What if it did? How would we live our lives if we worked to achieve more love in less time without the distractions of politics, power, profit and all other activity we think will help us get it? What if we could go directly to the source? Into the heart of the game of life itself? UNIVERSAL Image Courtesy of
  • 48. A game can be played in multiple levels of consciousness. The material, mental and metaphysical. The master players focus on the meta objective over the material or mental one. They focus only on the endgame and bypass chaos consuming players of the lower level games. The master game in life plays to the objective of love. Love is all there is. We are only the pieces. The chart on the next page is a game lens to see the disconnect from our current activity to our pursuit of a life we love. It also shows the merging trends and conscious shifting of activities that more closely align with love centric existence. We have yet to create the intelligent tools and practices to realize this reality, but it is no longer an activist aspiration at the fringes. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 49. Material Assumed Scarce Resources D i m e n s i o n sAttributes Goal Activity Win (+) Lose (-) Score Material Known Abundant Resources Mental Relative Social Ranking Mental Relative Social Ranking Meta Spiritual Objective EVOLUTION TO ENLIGHTENMENTTRANSITIONING INTERFACE OPPORTUNITIES WASTE&DISCONNECTGAPSFROMMETAOBJECTIVES * The concept of “innovation” refers to co-creative true innovation that optimizes for systemic benefit, instead of the current concept of innovation which is primarily about securing ownership for market advantage with patents, etc. Possession Power Acquiring Persuading Property Control Poverty Servitude Bliss Giving Love Hate Love/Time Quality of Life Votes Conformity Money Ambiguious Access Connection Access Innovating* Distributing Harmony Equity Dischord Liability Keys Clear & Direct Access Amplification Empowering Others EXTRACTION TO EXTINCTION
  • 50. This loving life is available to us right now, if we so choose. Our civilization is waking up to the adulthood of abundance. It is time to walk upright and claim our prize. To feel genuine joy in the success of others, to give without expectation, to choose kindness over crime, to choose love over fear, we can achieve true bliss. A song is not a song until it is sung, love is not love until we give it away. Selfishness to service is now both essential and practically accountable. We can un-manifest this version of reality to one that works for everyone on earth. UN MANI FESTO THE 3 UNIVERSAL
  • 51. Love is In the game of life, love is the prize. Bypass the symbols and go directly to the source. The source is the universal connection. It is all that ever is. Image Courtesy of Rumiquotes on Facebook
  • 52. SEPARATION IS THE ILLUSION Image Courtesy of
  • 53. LOVE IS THE SOLUTION Image Courtesy of Flickr
  • 54. UN MANI FESTO THE FOR TUNING IN TO THE FREQUENCY OF A UNIFIED HUMANITY Ray Podder LENSES Original We are All Created Unique Open Conflict is the Confusion UNBOUND Whole Nothing is Ever Lost or Wasted Common Everything Connects to Everything Else UNIFIED Wise Wisdom is the Way Love Love is the Operating System True All Values are Relative to Other Values UNIVERSAL
  • 55. THANK YOU FOR SHARING UN MANI FESTO THE Ray Podder The design and content of this document is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License to Ray Podder + GROW. Images used are either public domain or from other known open sources online. Every reasonable effort has been made to credit the creators or curators of the images used. If there has been any errors or omissions, please contact us at and we will promptly rectify, and or edit the image in question.