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Gus Devlin
Candidate Number: 4032
Unit 14 LO3
Contents Page
 5. Setting Up Equipment Evidence
 6. Setting Up Equipment Evidence
 7. Where I have Followed Production Process
 8. Production Process
 9. Production Process
 10. Production Process
 11. Photography Plan
 12. Mood Board
 13. Mood Board
 14. Locations Recce for Images
 15. Locations Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards
Contents Page
 16. Locations Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards
 17. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop
 18. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop
 19. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop
 20. Test Photography
 21. Test Photography
 22. Test Photography
 23. Final Images Ready To Edit
 24. Final Images Ready To Edit
 25. Step by Step (Front Cover)
 26. Step by Step (Front Cover)
Contents Page
 27. Step by Step (Front Cover)
 28. Step by Step (Front Cover)
 29. Step by Step (Front Cover)
 30. Step by Step (Front Cover)
 31. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 32. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 33. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 34. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 35. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 36. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 37. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)
 38. Conclusion
Setting up equipment evidence
These images demonstrate the sort of interview that we are aspiring when
interviewing such a global star such as Eminem as we want to make him feel at home
and we want ourselves to be organised in order to feel confident and secure about the
interview we are conducting with Eminem.
Setting up equipment evidence
We needed to make sure that the camera was correctly fitted and therefore it
was fit for purpose for the interview we were conducting in order for the
interview to not only be formal but also professional in the sense that we
would get the entire interview on camera so we could either take pictures of
the interview or film the interview so we could maybe input some of the film
onto a trailer which would lure the potential customers in.
Where I have Followed The
Production Process
 Pre Production: Within this, I have created a detailed plan for each story as
I need to know what I am talking about so that the editorial team will know
what type of articles they should be writing about in terms of the content
and also the context within the article. I would also need to create a
contents planning page in order to format where everything will be and this
is everything from the Front Cover & DPS designs to the advertising pages.
 Production: The production part of this process, I needed to produce the
Front Cover & DPS and these designs were created on Photoshop along
with the magazine flat plan in which I used to base the ideas from the
magazine flat plan and turn the designs into a much better version which we
are very happy with. When I had finished the designs for the Front Cover &
DPS, I had to proof read the interviews to see if there was any silly
grammatical errors or contextual errors as we could have serious
consequences as fans and music magazine critics might write in and
complain of poor grammatical errors and it might even become
 Post Production: In order to follow the post production, I would double
check the content is suitable which is within our music magazine whether
that is the album reviews, tour date information and DPS interviews with
music star. I would normally get 2 colleagues to do this in order to make
sure that there are no grammatical errors and other errors that may be
within our music magazine.
Production Process
 Source:
 Prior to the production and the printing of Smash Music Magazine, Smash
would need to create a production schedule in order to help to oversee the
production in the time slot available. Additionally deadlines need to be
punctual in the sense that Smash must be reliable with the deadlines so
that Smash get the story submitted to the editors on time, this is important
for Smash to be punctual in order for our reputation to stay intact.
 Conventionally, a content plan needs to be created which Smash should
illustrate all of the pages within a music magazine such as Smash for
example the front covers and double page spreads will be within the
content plan along with the advertising spaces & posters. Therefore, this
plan would need to be confirmed by all of the team involved in the content
of Smash Music Magazine .
Production Process
 Source:
 Smash would need to create a detailed plan for each story that they are
planning to publish and print, therefore Smash would need to seriously
consider the content of a story to check if it matches the target audience in
hand. Additionally, aspects of the music magazine for Smash would also
need to be considered before publishing & printing articles, interviews, news
stories which would need to be considered to make sure that they are fit for
purpose in reference to the target audience. Furthermore, the mock-ups is
one of the most easiest processes within this actual process as Smash
would need to communicate well with the author to both be on the same
page with the quality of the design, the last part of this aspect of this
production process bit part is that the authors need to correctly select which
author is the best fit for purpose & once this is done, deadlines can be
 Next, Smash would need to proof read their stories to see if they are
breaking any ethical & legal codes with the content that they are submitting
Production Process
 Source:
 The last stages include checking to see if there are any grammatical errors
and this could be anything from punctuation to actual word spelling or just
words in a sentence which just don’t make any sense at all. Furthermore,
once all of this completed the distribution technically starts from Smash
sending the prints to the warehouse in which the warehouse take part in the
main distribution and then sell to the public.
Photography Plan
Inspirations (Clash Magazine, Mood Board)
Locations Reece for Images
Location (Time, Date &
(Shot Type,
(Lighting, People &
Permission Needed
(Who & Why?)
Potential Hazards/Risks (Location Specific &
Location of the images
was firstly done indoors,
but then after some
consultation with the
artist, we decided to
proceed with the
pictures outside near a
The dark tone to my
double page
background image
connoted a certain
degree of Eminem’s
home in Detroit as a
signal of intent and
information for the rest
of the double page
In relation to the double
page spread, I needed
permission for Jordan to
impersonate Eminem &
an example of this is in
similarity to Eminem to
make my music
magazine look more
formal. I further needed
permission from Mr
Mitchell to use the
school car park/grounds
to shoot some images
for my double page
Individuals that are partaking in this particular shoot
must be aware and responsible for the potential
hazards/risks that could occur during a shoot. As a
result of this we must take care of ourselves but
people that may be susceptible to hazards must be
fully responsible for their actions therefore safety
measures must be taken through, an example of
this is risk assessments.
Image was
photographed in a
school car park (6th
December 2014) We
took the pictures in the
school car park as the
artist was happy & the
background could be
accustomed to suit the
The image on the front
cover was taken in the
car park which I outlined
in the text to my left, and
due to the fact that is in
Eminem we wanted his
rap fans to know of his
story and his journey to
the top.
In relation to the double
page spread, I needed
permission for Jordan to
impersonate Eminem
and an example of this
is in similarity to Eminem
to make my music
magazine look more
Individuals that are partaking in this particular shoot
must be aware and responsible for the potential
hazards/risks that could occur during a shoot. As a
result of this we must take care of ourselves but
people that may be susceptible to hazards must be
fully responsible for their actions therefore safety
measures must be taken through, an example of
this is risk assessments.
Location Recce Pictures of Potential
As you can see we took
these pictures within
school grounds in a
forestry school car park &
we had to grant
permission from the head
teacher. The main hazards
were the twigs, bits of
trees that were on the floor
in which we could of along
with the music star could
of fallen over, moreover as
you can see the leaves on
the floor were hazards in
the sense that the music
star could of fallen over as
it was particular wet day.
Location Recce Pictures of Potential
The background of this picture
illustrates an element of
hazard as he could of collided
with the brick wall if we
decided to shoot with his head
leaning on the wall.
Furthermore, we decided to
improvise to make sure that
we eradicated this hazard and
therefore decided to shoot a
fair distance away from the
wall to make sure that the
music star had no sort of
hazard that he was self
consciously worrying about
whilst shooting for these
images for our Front Cover &
Double Page Spread.
How I will Manipulate Photos on
 One of the ways in which I will manipulate photos on Photoshop would be to get rid of
the spots/acne that Eminem had so it would make Eminem look better in terms of his
appearance. This is essentially important for us as for our debut issue we need to get
the fans to get to the realisation on what our music stars that feature on our music
magazines should look like and therefore we have done this.
 The way you do this is to click on the Spot Healing Brush Tool which enables you
to simply click on the music star’s face in order to remove the spots/acnes, however
you can either increase or decrease the size of the cursor which makes it more
easier/harder for you to remove the spots/acne.
How I will Manipulate Photos on
 As you can see from the screenshot below, you can adjust the settings for the Spot
Healing Brush Tool and these settings consist of what mode, the size, the
hardness the spacing and the angle. All of these settings can suit what you
want to, for example if you are zoomed in 300% on a picture of someone you
want to remove spots/acne you would keep the size down to the minimal so
about 2-5 PX. Different people may be at different zoom ins as well as zoom
outs and therefore would need to use different settings in order to fit their
requirements in Photoshop when using this tool.
How I will Manipulate Photos on
In order to manipulate this photo to the
best of my ability I needed to use a
tool called the Quick Selection Tool
which allowed me to crop out the
background of the image by selecting
the area that I wanted to keep and
then going to press Select-Inverse.
What this does is that deletes the
background that you have selected.
This is vitally important as this allowed
me remove parts of the background
that I did not want when editing this
Test Photography
 These were some pictures that were taken place which are known as “Test
Photography” which would give us an idea of a potential music magazine
idea in the future, as you can see this is held in someone’s house & if this
front cover was going to be printed it would most likely be in the music star’s
Test Photography
 As you can see, this is yet again the picture of a music star who in which
the picture was not fit for purpose in accordance to the content as plan of
the imagery prior, so therefore we decided to scrap this picture.
Test Photography
As you can see, this is the final batch of “Test Photography” images in which
the music star stares down at the end which demonstrates the significance of
the content which is planned for a later issue but not for the debut issue.
Final Images Ready to edit
Final Images Ready to edit
Step by Step (Front cover)
Firstly, I had to select my background colour which would
need to be “repeated (Steve Neale 1980)” from my magazine
of inspiration which is “Clash Music Magazine” and I found
this colour by utilizing the paint bucket tool.
Next, I had to draw out the grid lines so I knew
where the masthead was going to go. I used in order to select the font which
was fit for purpose for my proposed music
magazine. The text I ended up selecting was
“Myriad Pro” in which I made the outside shadow
to look more conventional.
Step by Step (Front cover)
In order for the cover lines to not look confusing for the customers of our
music magazines we needed to separate the cover lines and therefore
by using the ruler tool drew a line under Iggy Azalea to prevent confusion
from the other music artists.
To make sure that I did not have to select ruler tool and press this,
instead I held down shift on the line that had already been created and
simultaneously press (CTRL +C) and paste the line to where it should go.
This is essentially important as it gives our music magazine a certain
level of consistency through the form of our Front Cover.
Step by Step (Front cover)
Within various Front Covers of music magazines you need to have
barcodes in terms of the legal obligations you have to abide by in
order to sustain ourselves as a formal and professional music
magazine and this will be demonstrated through our Front Cover &
By adding into the barcode, logo of distribution company, issue 1 text
and social media sites. It enables our barcode to look more tidy and
more presentable when in a pitch to a publisher who we want them
to invest in our music magazine. I had to link these together in order
to move these and I did this by selecting one of them and then
pressing (CTRL) and then selecting all of the layers that I want and
then right clicking any layer and pressing link layers. This helped me
a lot as it was more fluid and easy for me to move these layers
Step by Step (Front cover)
Due to the background of the clothing that our cover
music star was wearing this text was difficult to read
from our perspective so we knew that we needed to
use a particular tool which would change this and
therefore we used the rectangle tool in order for the
text to be more recognisable for the buying customer.
Now by adding a shape which is done by selecting
the rectangle tool and inputting the shape needed
around the text, this allows the text to therefore be
more easy to read for the human eye when the
customer purchases a copy of our music magazine.
Step by Step (Front cover)
This is an old masthead in which we created
in order to see how we could develop this
into something better, we then found out that
we should add some effects and drop
shadow was the one particular effect we paid
much attention to.
We added these effects by double clicking on
the layer which is attached to this particular
text and adding the Drop Shadow effect
which enables our masthead to look more
conventional and hopefully it will reach out
and appeal to the customers in which then
we will generate more sales.
Step by Step (Front cover)
I then had to add more grid lines so I could fit in the picture
onto my Front Cover, I then had to go out of my way on
school grounds and take this picture. Furthermore, I utilized
the Quick Selection Tool to get rid of the background from
the original picture.
In order for layers to work for your Front Cover of
your music magazine you must design grid lines
to enable the strapline to be fit for purpose for
our music magazine. This is done through the
form of the text tool so I can type in the text that I
Step by Step (Double Page
For the Double Page Spread, I selected a
background colour which was white as it is plan and
it makes the main image stand our for the reader. I
did this by using the paint bucket tool and the
gradient tool in order to do this and we chose such a
plain cover as a result of our magazine of inspiration.
Next, I needed to design the grid lines so that the
picture that I have taken is fit for purpose in terms of
its placement and selection for this Double Page
Spread. I purposely informed the music star to stare
away in which we will “repeat (Steve Neale)” in order
for our Double Page Spread to become more
Step by Step (Double Page
I had to design some grid lines to create
some space for the masthead to go,
furthermore I used the text tool to input the
text in which I wanted for the masthead. The
site in which I imported the text from was: and this helped me create
some ideas for the masthead.
Brand Identity is vitally important for us as
we need our music magazine to be
conventional in terms of the house style,
colour scheme & page numbers. All of
these aspects which I have just listed are
taken inspiration from Clash Music
Magazine which will be “repeated( Steve
Neale 1980)” throughout my double page
Step by Step (Double Page
As you can see there is very little text as there is only the
Drop Capital & the pull out quote from DPS interview with
“Eminem”. Therefore I needed to put text in as this
interview needed content to solidify it as a professional
music magazine DPS interview.
Now by using the text tool I was able to create the text
boxes that were necessary in order for the content to be
available to be inputted so that our DPS for our debut
edition would look more professional and formal.
Step by Step (Double Page
You can just about see the text that is used for the pull
out quote but obviously due to the fact that you can’t see
this and we can’t afford to let this happen as fans might
not be able to see this pull out quote.
Therefore I used the rectangle tool to create a shape
which would act as the background for this text as it
would not only look conventional but also to make sure
that the text is readable by adding a rectangular shape
and a black background.
Step by Step (Double Page
As you can see we need the masthead/title of this
DPS interview to firstly be conventional in the sense
that it does not look out of place from rival music
magazines. This is very important as we need the
masthead to stand out but at the same time not
become too wacky and out of the ordinary.
With the utilization of the eye dropper tool I was able
to take the colour from the Drop Capital which has
made it able to change the same colour for the Drop
Capital as it is for the Masthead in order to retain the
consistency of he house style and repetition
throughout our music magazine.
Step by Step (Double Page
This music magazine has everything such as Masthead, Social Media,
E-Media Links & Drop Capital to just name a few except for a puff
promotion to excite the fans with an opportunity to win something.
Therefore I decided to add a puff promotion and I did this by using the
Rectangle tool and then changing the tool so I could draw a circle and
this would be where the puff promotion would go.
I decided to use bold text to lure the customers in and therefore using
similar colours to the colours that I am using within my music
magazine to give us a sense of convention and repetition. The main
reason behind this is that it gives the reader a fantastic opportunity to
win some prizes and all they have to do is buy our music magazine.
Step by Step (Double Page
As you can see from the screenshot to the left of
this text, I used the Pen Tool to make sure
that the text would not overlap into the main image
on this Double Page Spread. With the utilization of
the Pen Tool, I was able to make a text box
using the pen tool and I made sure that some of
the pointers from the Pen Tool was an CM to
make sure that the text would definitely not overlap
on the main image on the Double Page Spread.
This is essentially is important as it would look
utterly unprofessional and completely informal if
the text was overlapping on the main image as it
would be very difficult for the customers to read the
text & we would look very poor here in terms of our
rival competitors laughing at us on our debut
 Within this particular unit, I have mainly learnt about the Production
Process which is involved when producing and planning a music
magazine, what I mean by this is that I have learnt a lot about how
music magazines go through the stages of the Pre Production Process,
Production Process & Post Production Process. I know this because of
research that I have conducted.

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Unit 14 LO3

  • 1. Gus Devlin Candidate Number: 4032 Unit 14 LO3
  • 2. Contents Page  5. Setting Up Equipment Evidence  6. Setting Up Equipment Evidence  7. Where I have Followed Production Process  8. Production Process  9. Production Process  10. Production Process  11. Photography Plan  12. Mood Board  13. Mood Board  14. Locations Recce for Images  15. Locations Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards
  • 3. Contents Page  16. Locations Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards  17. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop  18. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop  19. How I Will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop  20. Test Photography  21. Test Photography  22. Test Photography  23. Final Images Ready To Edit  24. Final Images Ready To Edit  25. Step by Step (Front Cover)  26. Step by Step (Front Cover)
  • 4. Contents Page  27. Step by Step (Front Cover)  28. Step by Step (Front Cover)  29. Step by Step (Front Cover)  30. Step by Step (Front Cover)  31. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  32. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  33. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  34. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  35. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  36. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  37. Step by Step (Double Page Spread)  38. Conclusion
  • 5. Setting up equipment evidence These images demonstrate the sort of interview that we are aspiring when interviewing such a global star such as Eminem as we want to make him feel at home and we want ourselves to be organised in order to feel confident and secure about the interview we are conducting with Eminem.
  • 6. Setting up equipment evidence We needed to make sure that the camera was correctly fitted and therefore it was fit for purpose for the interview we were conducting in order for the interview to not only be formal but also professional in the sense that we would get the entire interview on camera so we could either take pictures of the interview or film the interview so we could maybe input some of the film onto a trailer which would lure the potential customers in.
  • 7. Where I have Followed The Production Process  Pre Production: Within this, I have created a detailed plan for each story as I need to know what I am talking about so that the editorial team will know what type of articles they should be writing about in terms of the content and also the context within the article. I would also need to create a contents planning page in order to format where everything will be and this is everything from the Front Cover & DPS designs to the advertising pages.  Production: The production part of this process, I needed to produce the Front Cover & DPS and these designs were created on Photoshop along with the magazine flat plan in which I used to base the ideas from the magazine flat plan and turn the designs into a much better version which we are very happy with. When I had finished the designs for the Front Cover & DPS, I had to proof read the interviews to see if there was any silly grammatical errors or contextual errors as we could have serious consequences as fans and music magazine critics might write in and complain of poor grammatical errors and it might even become embarrassing.  Post Production: In order to follow the post production, I would double check the content is suitable which is within our music magazine whether that is the album reviews, tour date information and DPS interviews with music star. I would normally get 2 colleagues to do this in order to make sure that there are no grammatical errors and other errors that may be within our music magazine.
  • 8. Production Process  Source: producing-a-custom-magazine/  Prior to the production and the printing of Smash Music Magazine, Smash would need to create a production schedule in order to help to oversee the production in the time slot available. Additionally deadlines need to be punctual in the sense that Smash must be reliable with the deadlines so that Smash get the story submitted to the editors on time, this is important for Smash to be punctual in order for our reputation to stay intact.  Conventionally, a content plan needs to be created which Smash should illustrate all of the pages within a music magazine such as Smash for example the front covers and double page spreads will be within the content plan along with the advertising spaces & posters. Therefore, this plan would need to be confirmed by all of the team involved in the content of Smash Music Magazine .
  • 9. Production Process  Source: a-custom-magazine/  Smash would need to create a detailed plan for each story that they are planning to publish and print, therefore Smash would need to seriously consider the content of a story to check if it matches the target audience in hand. Additionally, aspects of the music magazine for Smash would also need to be considered before publishing & printing articles, interviews, news stories which would need to be considered to make sure that they are fit for purpose in reference to the target audience. Furthermore, the mock-ups is one of the most easiest processes within this actual process as Smash would need to communicate well with the author to both be on the same page with the quality of the design, the last part of this aspect of this production process bit part is that the authors need to correctly select which author is the best fit for purpose & once this is done, deadlines can be submitted.  Next, Smash would need to proof read their stories to see if they are breaking any ethical & legal codes with the content that they are submitting
  • 10. Production Process  Source: a-custom-magazine/  The last stages include checking to see if there are any grammatical errors and this could be anything from punctuation to actual word spelling or just words in a sentence which just don’t make any sense at all. Furthermore, once all of this completed the distribution technically starts from Smash sending the prints to the warehouse in which the warehouse take part in the main distribution and then sell to the public.
  • 12.
  • 14. Locations Reece for Images Location (Time, Date & Why? Picture Needed/Required (Shot Type, Props/Equipment), (Lighting, People & Why?) Permission Needed (Who & Why?) Potential Hazards/Risks (Location Specific & Why?) Location of the images was firstly done indoors, but then after some consultation with the artist, we decided to proceed with the pictures outside near a school. The dark tone to my double page background image connoted a certain degree of Eminem’s home in Detroit as a signal of intent and information for the rest of the double page spread. In relation to the double page spread, I needed permission for Jordan to impersonate Eminem & an example of this is in similarity to Eminem to make my music magazine look more formal. I further needed permission from Mr Mitchell to use the school car park/grounds to shoot some images for my double page spread. Individuals that are partaking in this particular shoot must be aware and responsible for the potential hazards/risks that could occur during a shoot. As a result of this we must take care of ourselves but people that may be susceptible to hazards must be fully responsible for their actions therefore safety measures must be taken through, an example of this is risk assessments. Image was photographed in a school car park (6th December 2014) We took the pictures in the school car park as the artist was happy & the background could be accustomed to suit the DPS. The image on the front cover was taken in the car park which I outlined in the text to my left, and due to the fact that is in Eminem we wanted his rap fans to know of his story and his journey to the top. In relation to the double page spread, I needed permission for Jordan to impersonate Eminem and an example of this is in similarity to Eminem to make my music magazine look more formal. Individuals that are partaking in this particular shoot must be aware and responsible for the potential hazards/risks that could occur during a shoot. As a result of this we must take care of ourselves but people that may be susceptible to hazards must be fully responsible for their actions therefore safety measures must be taken through, an example of this is risk assessments.
  • 15. Location Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards As you can see we took these pictures within school grounds in a forestry school car park & we had to grant permission from the head teacher. The main hazards were the twigs, bits of trees that were on the floor in which we could of along with the music star could of fallen over, moreover as you can see the leaves on the floor were hazards in the sense that the music star could of fallen over as it was particular wet day.
  • 16. Location Recce Pictures of Potential Hazards The background of this picture illustrates an element of hazard as he could of collided with the brick wall if we decided to shoot with his head leaning on the wall. Furthermore, we decided to improvise to make sure that we eradicated this hazard and therefore decided to shoot a fair distance away from the wall to make sure that the music star had no sort of hazard that he was self consciously worrying about whilst shooting for these images for our Front Cover & Double Page Spread.
  • 17. How I will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop  One of the ways in which I will manipulate photos on Photoshop would be to get rid of the spots/acne that Eminem had so it would make Eminem look better in terms of his appearance. This is essentially important for us as for our debut issue we need to get the fans to get to the realisation on what our music stars that feature on our music magazines should look like and therefore we have done this.  The way you do this is to click on the Spot Healing Brush Tool which enables you to simply click on the music star’s face in order to remove the spots/acnes, however you can either increase or decrease the size of the cursor which makes it more easier/harder for you to remove the spots/acne.
  • 18. How I will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop  As you can see from the screenshot below, you can adjust the settings for the Spot Healing Brush Tool and these settings consist of what mode, the size, the hardness the spacing and the angle. All of these settings can suit what you want to, for example if you are zoomed in 300% on a picture of someone you want to remove spots/acne you would keep the size down to the minimal so about 2-5 PX. Different people may be at different zoom ins as well as zoom outs and therefore would need to use different settings in order to fit their requirements in Photoshop when using this tool.
  • 19. How I will Manipulate Photos on Photoshop In order to manipulate this photo to the best of my ability I needed to use a tool called the Quick Selection Tool which allowed me to crop out the background of the image by selecting the area that I wanted to keep and then going to press Select-Inverse. What this does is that deletes the background that you have selected. This is vitally important as this allowed me remove parts of the background that I did not want when editing this photograph.
  • 20. Test Photography  These were some pictures that were taken place which are known as “Test Photography” which would give us an idea of a potential music magazine idea in the future, as you can see this is held in someone’s house & if this front cover was going to be printed it would most likely be in the music star’s house.
  • 21. Test Photography  As you can see, this is yet again the picture of a music star who in which the picture was not fit for purpose in accordance to the content as plan of the imagery prior, so therefore we decided to scrap this picture.
  • 22. Test Photography As you can see, this is the final batch of “Test Photography” images in which the music star stares down at the end which demonstrates the significance of the content which is planned for a later issue but not for the debut issue.
  • 25. Step by Step (Front cover) Firstly, I had to select my background colour which would need to be “repeated (Steve Neale 1980)” from my magazine of inspiration which is “Clash Music Magazine” and I found this colour by utilizing the paint bucket tool. Next, I had to draw out the grid lines so I knew where the masthead was going to go. I used in order to select the font which was fit for purpose for my proposed music magazine. The text I ended up selecting was “Myriad Pro” in which I made the outside shadow to look more conventional.
  • 26. Step by Step (Front cover) In order for the cover lines to not look confusing for the customers of our music magazines we needed to separate the cover lines and therefore by using the ruler tool drew a line under Iggy Azalea to prevent confusion from the other music artists. To make sure that I did not have to select ruler tool and press this, instead I held down shift on the line that had already been created and simultaneously press (CTRL +C) and paste the line to where it should go. This is essentially important as it gives our music magazine a certain level of consistency through the form of our Front Cover.
  • 27. Step by Step (Front cover) Within various Front Covers of music magazines you need to have barcodes in terms of the legal obligations you have to abide by in order to sustain ourselves as a formal and professional music magazine and this will be demonstrated through our Front Cover & DPS. By adding into the barcode, logo of distribution company, issue 1 text and social media sites. It enables our barcode to look more tidy and more presentable when in a pitch to a publisher who we want them to invest in our music magazine. I had to link these together in order to move these and I did this by selecting one of them and then pressing (CTRL) and then selecting all of the layers that I want and then right clicking any layer and pressing link layers. This helped me a lot as it was more fluid and easy for me to move these layers collectively.
  • 28. Step by Step (Front cover) Due to the background of the clothing that our cover music star was wearing this text was difficult to read from our perspective so we knew that we needed to use a particular tool which would change this and therefore we used the rectangle tool in order for the text to be more recognisable for the buying customer. Now by adding a shape which is done by selecting the rectangle tool and inputting the shape needed around the text, this allows the text to therefore be more easy to read for the human eye when the customer purchases a copy of our music magazine.
  • 29. Step by Step (Front cover) This is an old masthead in which we created in order to see how we could develop this into something better, we then found out that we should add some effects and drop shadow was the one particular effect we paid much attention to. We added these effects by double clicking on the layer which is attached to this particular text and adding the Drop Shadow effect which enables our masthead to look more conventional and hopefully it will reach out and appeal to the customers in which then we will generate more sales.
  • 30. Step by Step (Front cover) I then had to add more grid lines so I could fit in the picture onto my Front Cover, I then had to go out of my way on school grounds and take this picture. Furthermore, I utilized the Quick Selection Tool to get rid of the background from the original picture. In order for layers to work for your Front Cover of your music magazine you must design grid lines to enable the strapline to be fit for purpose for our music magazine. This is done through the form of the text tool so I can type in the text that I want.
  • 31. Step by Step (Double Page Spread For the Double Page Spread, I selected a background colour which was white as it is plan and it makes the main image stand our for the reader. I did this by using the paint bucket tool and the gradient tool in order to do this and we chose such a plain cover as a result of our magazine of inspiration. Next, I needed to design the grid lines so that the picture that I have taken is fit for purpose in terms of its placement and selection for this Double Page Spread. I purposely informed the music star to stare away in which we will “repeat (Steve Neale)” in order for our Double Page Spread to become more conventional.
  • 32. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) I had to design some grid lines to create some space for the masthead to go, furthermore I used the text tool to input the text in which I wanted for the masthead. The site in which I imported the text from was: and this helped me create some ideas for the masthead. Brand Identity is vitally important for us as we need our music magazine to be conventional in terms of the house style, colour scheme & page numbers. All of these aspects which I have just listed are taken inspiration from Clash Music Magazine which will be “repeated( Steve Neale 1980)” throughout my double page spreads.
  • 33. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) As you can see there is very little text as there is only the Drop Capital & the pull out quote from DPS interview with “Eminem”. Therefore I needed to put text in as this interview needed content to solidify it as a professional music magazine DPS interview. Now by using the text tool I was able to create the text boxes that were necessary in order for the content to be available to be inputted so that our DPS for our debut edition would look more professional and formal.
  • 34. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) You can just about see the text that is used for the pull out quote but obviously due to the fact that you can’t see this and we can’t afford to let this happen as fans might not be able to see this pull out quote. Therefore I used the rectangle tool to create a shape which would act as the background for this text as it would not only look conventional but also to make sure that the text is readable by adding a rectangular shape and a black background.
  • 35. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) As you can see we need the masthead/title of this DPS interview to firstly be conventional in the sense that it does not look out of place from rival music magazines. This is very important as we need the masthead to stand out but at the same time not become too wacky and out of the ordinary. With the utilization of the eye dropper tool I was able to take the colour from the Drop Capital which has made it able to change the same colour for the Drop Capital as it is for the Masthead in order to retain the consistency of he house style and repetition throughout our music magazine.
  • 36. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) This music magazine has everything such as Masthead, Social Media, E-Media Links & Drop Capital to just name a few except for a puff promotion to excite the fans with an opportunity to win something. Therefore I decided to add a puff promotion and I did this by using the Rectangle tool and then changing the tool so I could draw a circle and this would be where the puff promotion would go. I decided to use bold text to lure the customers in and therefore using similar colours to the colours that I am using within my music magazine to give us a sense of convention and repetition. The main reason behind this is that it gives the reader a fantastic opportunity to win some prizes and all they have to do is buy our music magazine.
  • 37. Step by Step (Double Page Spread) As you can see from the screenshot to the left of this text, I used the Pen Tool to make sure that the text would not overlap into the main image on this Double Page Spread. With the utilization of the Pen Tool, I was able to make a text box using the pen tool and I made sure that some of the pointers from the Pen Tool was an CM to make sure that the text would definitely not overlap on the main image on the Double Page Spread. This is essentially is important as it would look utterly unprofessional and completely informal if the text was overlapping on the main image as it would be very difficult for the customers to read the text & we would look very poor here in terms of our rival competitors laughing at us on our debut edition.
  • 38. Conclusion  Within this particular unit, I have mainly learnt about the Production Process which is involved when producing and planning a music magazine, what I mean by this is that I have learnt a lot about how music magazines go through the stages of the Pre Production Process, Production Process & Post Production Process. I know this because of research that I have conducted.