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Health :
• Health means different things to different people,
depending in the situation.
• Level of functional metabolic efficiency of a living
• Good health is a prerequisite of human productive
and developmental process.
 In 1948 the world health organization (WHO)defines
health as,
◦ “A state of complete physical, mental, social, spiritual
wellbeing and not merely absence of disease or
 Dynamic state in which the individual adapts to changes
in internal and external environments to maintain a state
of well being “
(Potter and Perry- 2014)
 Wellness (health) - An active state, oriented toward
maximizing the potential of the individual
“Well being is a subjective perception of vitality and
feeling well…..can be described objectively,
experienced, and measured …..and can be plotted on
a continuum”
(Hood and Leddy,2003)
 Illness - Response of a person to disease, which is based on the
person’s perception ….SYMPTOM
◦ Persons physical ,emotional, intellectual , social, developmental
or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired
 Disease - A pathologic change in structure and/ or function
◦ Disease can be described as an alternation in body functions
resulting in reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal
life span.
 Health is evolved over the centuries as a concept from
individual concern to world wide social goal and
encompasses the whole quality of life.
Changing concept of health till now are,
 Biomedical concept
 Ecological concept
 Psychosocial concept
 Holistic concept
 Traditionally, health viewed as an “absence of
 The medical profession viewed the human body as a
machine, disease as a consequence of the breakdown of
the machine
 Health is viewed as a dynamic equilibrium
between human being and environment
 Disease a maladjustment of the human organism to
 According to Dubos “Health implies the relative
absence of pain and discomfort and a continuous
adaptation and adjustment to the environment to
ensure optimal function.”
 According to psychosocial concept ,
“health is not only biomedical phenomenon, but
is influenced by social, psychological, cultural,
economic and political factors of the people
 Its the synthesis all the above concepts.
 It recognizes the strength of social, economic ,
political and environmental influences on health.
 It described health as a unified or multidimensional
process involving the wellbeing of whole person in
context of his environment .
 Clinical model- state of not being sick
 Role performance model- ability to fulfil societal roles
 Adaptive model- health as a creative process, disease
failure in adaptation
 Eudemonistic model- health as a condition of actualization
 The agent-host- environment model
 Health illness continuum
 The 3 interact in ways that create risk factors
Biological, Nutrient, Physical,
Chemical, Mechanical
Human Host
Age, Sex, Race, Genetic
factors, Personality
 Health –A dynamic state that fluctuates as a person
adapts to changes in the internal and external
environments to maintain a state of well being
 Health and illness –
◦ Are relative concepts (not separate absolutes)
◦ Has two ends as a graduated scale
 Health- illness continuum -
◦ Is used to describe the cause of illness
◦ Helps identify risk factors that result from Agent-Host-
 Health is a constantly changing state with high level
wellness and death on opposite ends
 Composed of two arrows pointing in opposite direction
and joined at a neutral point.
 Movement to the right to the arrows (toward
the high level of wellness) equals an increase
in level of health and wellbeing
Achieved in three steps ,
 Movement to the left to the arrows (towards
premature death) equates a progressively decreasing
state of health.
Achieved in three steps,
◦ High level wellness in a favorable environment – An
example is a person who implements the healthy lifestyle
behaviors and has the biopsychosocial, spiritual and
economic resources to support this lifestyle.
◦ Emergent high-level wellness in an unfavorable
environment – Example, a woman who has the knowledge
to implement healthy lifestyle practices doesn’t implement
adequate self-care practices because of family
responsibilities, job demands or other factors.
◦ Protected poor health in a favorable environment –
Example, An ill person whose needs are met by the health
care system and who has access to appropriate medications,
diet and health care instruction.
◦ Poor health in an unfavorable environment – Example, a
young child who is starving in a draught-stricken country.
Factors and variables of health
Causes and risk factors.
 Biological
 Environmental
 Psychological
◦ Internal variables
◦ External variables
 Developmental stage
 Intellectual background
 Perception of functioning
 Emotional factors
 Spiritual factors
 Developmental stage
◦ Health belief of an adult is different than of child
◦ Level of growth and development
 Intellectual background
◦ Concepts about body functions and illness
◦ Knowledge level
◦ Educational background
◦ Past experiences
 Perception of functioning
◦ People differ in their perception about
physical functioning.
◦ Nurse should gather subjective and objective
 Emotional factors
◦ Stress, depression and fear
 Very calm …………little emotional response
 Depressed …………over react to the illness
 Spiritual factors
 Some religions restrict the use of certain
forms of medical treatment
 Nurses must understand client’s spiritual
levels to involve them effectively in nursing
 Family practices
 Socio-economic factors
 Cultural background
 Family practices
 Depends on how his family uses health care
 Family response to disease and their
preventive care behaviors.
 Socio-economic factors
◦ Social and psychosocial factors influence
health and health practices
 Psycho social variables
 Marital and intimate relationship
 Life style habits and occupational environment
 Economic variables
 Poverty
 Malnourishment
 Deficiency diseases
 Cultural background
 Beliefs about the causes of illness and treatment
 Nurses should be aware of the cultural patterns of
their clients
◦ genetic makeup, growth & development
◦ race, age, sex
◦ pathogenic organisms
◦ Climate
◦ Environmental pollution
◦ Radiation, both from machines and drugs.
◦ Sun’s UV ray’s
◦ mind-body interactions
◦ self-concept- emotions, feelings
◦ Political and economic system in the society
◦ Cultural system.
◦ Income and social status
◦ Education
 Marital and intimate relationship
 Life style habits and occupational environment
 Economic variables
Illness results from a disease(physiological or
psychological)or from an injury that affects body
◦ Multiple causative factors
 Poor immunity
 Poor health
 Accumulation of toxins inside the body
 Exposure to microorganisms
 Poor thoughts
A risk factor is anything that increases the
vulnerability of an individual or community to an
illness or accident.
 Does not mean that the individual develop disease
 Only increases the chance for experiencing the disease
Most common risk factors,
 Genetic factors
 Physiological factors
 Environment
 Age
 Lifestyle
 Dietary habits
 Other factors
 Biological factors and behavioral factors
 Immunologic factors
 Services, social factors and spiritual factors
Illness is a state in which the physical, social,
developmental, intellectual, emotional or spiritual
functioning of the individual is diminished or impaired
 Acute illness
 Chronic illness
Acute illness
◦ Short duration
◦ Mostly severe
◦ Starts abruptly and subsides in relatively short period (less
than 6 months)
Chronic illness
◦ Persist for more than six months
◦ May affect functioning of body in any dimension
◦ Up to the level of disability
◦ Major health problem
 The way the sick person acts is called illness behavior.
◦ Involves :
 How the interpret and view the symptoms
 Use remedial measures
 Utilize the health care facilities
 Nature of illness
 Recognizing of illness symptoms.
 The extent the person perceives symptoms as
 Information, knowledge and cultural assumption.
 Disruption in family work and social activity.
 Frequency of appearance.
 Toleration level.
 Physical proximity of treatment resources
 Denial
 Anger
 Fear
 Grief
 Acceptance
• Edward suchman (1972) identified stages of illness behavior.
1. Symptoms experience
 Awareness of physical changes.
 Pain, rashes and lump etc
2. Assumption of the sick role
 Accept sick role and seek confirmation
 Self treatment
 Excuses
 Emotional responses
 Illness persist seek professional help
3. Medical care contact
 Seek professional advice
 Accept or deny diagnosis
 Follow the treatment plan
4. Dependent patient role
 Dependent for professional help.
 Accept their dependence on the primary care provider.
5. Recovery and rehabilitation
 Relinquish the dependent role
 Resume former roles and responsibilities.
 Acute illness (short term) – recovery fast
 Chronic illness (Long term) – recovery difficult
Illness always puts a patient under stress
◦ Serious illness
 Frustration and he may lose his hope for life
 Assist the client and family to cope up with stress
 Spirituality and spiritual leaders
 Help slowly accept the illness and will try to adjust
with it
 Help to make changes in daily routine and
 Involve family members for patient care
 Should act as a counselor
? Client is bread winner of the family
? Financial problems
? Role reversal
Family dynamics : It is the process by which the
family functions, makes decisions and gives support to
the individuals
If the parent is ill ?
◦ Family activities
◦ Decision making
 Nurses role :
◦ Help the family to gain maximum level of functioning
 Self concept: is that what a person views about his own
strengths and weakness in all aspects of personality
◦ Components
 Identity
 Body image
 Role performance
 Self esteem: is a person’s overall feeling of self worth.
It is the emotional appraisal of self concept
 Self concept the client with illness :
◦ Not be able to perform as per the family expectations
◦ Affect the interaction with the family members
 Nurses role :
◦ Observe the changes in client and family members
◦ Help them overcome the changes
 Changes in the physical appearance
 Depending on the type of change
◦ Short term : they will accept
◦ Permanent(eg: amputation) :show reaction
 Shock
 Withdrawal
 Acknowledgment
 Acceptance
 Rehabilitation
 Use of prosthesis
 Change life style – diet, exercise, activity, sleep & rest
 Acknowledge and accept expression of feelings of
frustration, dependency, anger, grief, and hostility.
 Maintain nonjudgmental attitude while giving care.
 Support verbalization of positive or negative feelings
about the actual or perceived loss.
 Encourage family interaction with each other and with
rehabilitation team.
 Any medical or remedial care or
service, recognized under state
law, for the purpose of
preventing, alleviating and
curing/ healing illness, physical
disability or injury
 Aims to reach optimal (perfect) health by -
◦ Promotion of health
◦ Prevention & control of disease and health hazards
 Depends upon –
◦ Nature & extent of health problem
◦ Level of care required for quality life
Health care services are rendered by multi-
disciplinary team in India
 It’s the totality of services offered by all health
1. Public sector
2. Private sector
Health care services are provided to public
◦ Governmental agencies
◦ Voluntary agencies
◦ Non profit agencies
 Services
◦ curative services
◦ preventive services
◦ Promotive services
◦ Rehabilitative services
 It administered in the central level and state level
 Non governmental agencies
 It comprises largest segment of the health care system
 Preventive & Primary health care
 Secondary care
 Tertiary care
 Restorative care
 Continuing care
1. Preventive & Primary health care (health
promotion)- health for all
 Focuses on improved health outcomes for an entire
 It includes
 Nutrition counseling
 Family planning
 Maternal & child health
 Health education
 Immunization
 Secondary & tertiary care- hospitals
◦ Secondary acute care
• Emergency care
• Acute medical-surgical care
• Radiological procedures
 Tertiary care
◦ Intensive & sub acute care
 Restorative care-to regain maximal functional status,
enhance quality of life, self-care
◦ Home care
◦ Rehabilitation
 Continuing care- for a prolonged period
◦ Nursing centers
 24hr intermediate & custodial care like nursing, rehabilitation,
dietary, recreational etc.
◦ Assisted living
 long term care setting with a homier environment
◦ Respite care
 provides short-term relief or time off for persons providing home
care to an ill, disabled, or frail older adult(-complex medical
◦ Hospice care
 a system of family-centered care
 allows clients to live and remain at home with comfort,
independence, and dignity while easing the pains of terminal
illness- palliative care
 Established at the local ,
state ,federal levels.
 Funds generally from taxes
are administered by elected
or appointed officials.
 Local department have
responsibility for
developing programs.
 Primary care setting
 Majority have their own
 Can be group practices
 Routine screening illness
diagnosis and treatment.
 Provide ambulatory care
 Have diagnostic and
treatment facilities
 Term ambulatory care
replaced the term clinic.
 Setting for the employee
health care
 Recognize the value of
health employees
 Encourage healthy lifestyle
◦ Exercise facilities
◦ Health promotion
 Size from 12 bed (rural) to
1500 bed (metropolitan).
 Governmental or non
 Variety of health care
services based on their size
and location.
 Designed for patient with
acute illness, injury or
exacerbation of disease
 Generally more intensive
than long term care
 Formerly called nursing
 Provide personal care those
who are chronically ill.
 Provide care for elderly
 Consist of separate houses
for residents)
 Offer meals , laundry
services , nursing care,
transportation and social
 Independent community
centers or special units.
 Assist to restore the health
 Eg:- drug and alcoholic
rehabilitation centers.
 Services offered in the
 Education to the client and
 Provide care to acute ,
chronic and terminally ill
 Provide care for infants and
children while parents
 Elder care centers also
available (socializing,
exercise programs and
 Counseling and physical
 Provide emergency care to
clients in rural areas.
 Nurse in rural setting must
be generalists who are able
to manage a wide variety of
clients and health care
 Hospice was a place for
travelers to sit.
 Care provided in the home
or other health care setting .
 Services given to the
terminally ill, their families
and support persons.
 Improving and maintaining
the quality of life.
 Provide emergency services
 24 hr service.
 Help people to cope up with
an immediate crisis.
 Provide guidance and
support for long term care.
 Deal with people
experiencing life crisis
 Alcoholic anonymous
 Health promotion is an important component of nursing
 It is a way of thinking that revolves around a
philosophy of wholeness ,wellness and well-being.
 Health promotion is a process of enabling people to
increase control over the determinants of health and
their by improve their health.
 The process is carried out through –
◦ Activating policy makers to make health supportive policies
◦ Empowering people to live healthy
◦ Building social support systems – for making healthy choices
and lead healthy lives
 Promotes quality of life
 Reduces inequalities in health
 Reduces pressure on services
 Is about making healthier, easier choices”.
 It is cost effective and efficient
 International organizations
 Governmental organizations
 Non-Governmental Organizations
 Health authorities
 Primary health care team
 Private physician
 Other health professions: nurses, allied
 Religious organizations
 Information dissemination.
 Health risk appraisal and wellness assessment.
 Lifestyle and behavioral change.
 Environmental control programs.
 Model healthy life style behaviors and attitudes.
 Facilitate client involvement in the assessment ,
implementation and evaluation of health goal.
 Teach client health care strategies to enhance
fitness improve nutrition ,manage stress and
enhance relationships.
 Assist individuals, families and communities to increase
their levels of health.
 Educate client to be effective health care consumers .
 Assist clients ,families ,and communities to develop and
choose health promoting options.
 Guide clients development in effective problem solving and
decision making
 Reinforce clients personal and family health promoting
 Advocate in the community for changes that promote a
healthy environment.
 Infant parent
 Breast feeding
 Sleep patterns
 Playful activity to stimulate
 Immunization
 Safety promotion and injury
 Nutrition
 Dental checkup
 Rest and exercise
 Immunizations
 Safety promotion and injury
 Communicating with the
 Hormonal changes
 Nutrition
 Exercise and rest
 Peer group influences
 Self concept and body
 Sexuality
 Safety promotion and
accidental prevention.
Health promotion topics
 Adequate sleep
 Appropriate use of alcohol
 Dental/oral health
 Drug management
 Exercise
 Foot health
 Health screening
 Hearing aid use
 Safety precautions
 Weight control etc.
The behavior motivated by a desire to
avoid or detect disease, or to maintain functioning
within the constraints of illness or disability.
(Pender, Murdaugh & Parson, 2006)
 To maintain optimal health by preventing disease
Individual & Mass health
Health promotion &
specific protection
Early diagnosis, treatment,
disability limitation
Restoration &
It is the prevention of emergence of risk factors
in population , in which they have not get appeared.
 Starts early in life -
◦ Individual and Mass health education
On life style
◦ Govt policies – Restrict smoking, sale
of alcohol…
◦ Regular physical activity
◦ Genetic counseling
Primary prevention can be defined
as action taken prior to the onset of
disease, which removes the possibility
that a disease will ever occur,
 Vaccinations, wellness programs, good
nutrition for health, and safe sex
Health Promotion
• Immunizations & seroprophylaxis
• Chemoprophylaxis
• Specific nutrients/ supplements
• Protection against occupational
• Safety of drugs and foods
• Control of environmental hazards
• Health education
• Environmental
• Nutritional interventions
• Lifestyle & behavioural
The action which halts the progress of a disease at
its incipient stage and complications.
◦ Early detection.
◦ Prompt treatment.
 Early detection.
 Individual & mass screening
 Selective examination to cure &
prevent disease process and prevent
disease spread
 Prompt treatment
 To arrest disease process
 Prevent complications
 Limit disability & death
All measures available to reduce or limit
impairment and disabilities , minimize suffering
caused by existing departures from good health and
to promote the patient adjustment irremediable
◦ Disability limitation
◦ Rehabilitation
 Disability limitation
 Provision of hospital & community facilities for retaining
& education
 Rehabilitation
 The action of restoring someone to health or normal life
through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction,
or illness.
 Medical rehabilitation
 Vocational rehabilitation
 Social rehabilitation
 Psychological rehabilitation
Loss/ abnormality of Psychological/
Physical structure or function
Disability that limits/ prevents the
fulfillment of a role in the community
that is normal for that individual
Restriction/ lack of ability to perform
in the manner/ range considered
normal for the human being
 Conclusion :
◦ Health promotion aims at
 Disease prevention
 Health protection
◦ Thus prevention, in a narrow sense, means avoiding the
development of disease in the future, and, in broader sense
consists of all interventions to limit progression of a disease.
 India is rich with many health care agencies
 Function: to promote health, to prevent illness and
to provide curative services
 Aim : to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates
 Provision for promotive and preventive care
 Rendering curative services
 Reduction in population growth rate
 Improvement in nutritional status
 Improvement in sanitation facilities
 Development of manpower resources
 Provision for safe water and food supply
 Increasing the literacy rate
 Reducing the levels of poverty
1. Hospital agencies
◦ It may be private or government
◦ IP and OP services
◦ Govt ,
 Rural hospital
 Taluk hospitals
 District hospitals
 Specialist hospital
 Teaching institutions
2. Day care centers
◦ “Creche” -provided for the infants and
children, where parents are working
3. Health insurance schemes
◦ E.S.I (Employees state insurance)
 Introduced in 1948
 Employees working under the scheme are given,
 maternity benefits
 Medical care in cash and kind
 Benefits in case of employment injury
 Pension for dependents on death of worker due
to employment injury
◦ Central government health scheme (CGHS)
 Introduced in 1954
 Covers employees of autonomous organizations
 Retired central government servants
 Widows receiving family pension
 MP’s
 Ex- governors and retired judges
4. Rehabilitation centers
 Assist the clients to restore their health
 Nurses co-ordinate the client activities and ensure that
clients are complying with their treatments
 Need specialized skills and knowledge
5. Home for aged
 Nurses look after both physical and
psychological needs of the aged clients
6. Nursing homes, clinics and
 Treatments of minor ailments is carried out
7. Defense medical services
 Provides medical care to defense personnel
(Armed forces medical services)
8. Hospices
 Family centered care
 During the course of terminal illness
 Physical ,physiological and spiritual care
 Symptom management is the main aspect of care
9. Voluntary health agencies
 These are organizations administered by
autonomous boards who conduct programmes to
provide health services, health education or
relative activities for the improvement of public
 National voluntary agencies
 Indian Red Cross Society
 Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh
 Bharath Sevak Samaj
 Indian Council For Child Welfare
 Governmental
 Non
◦ Rockefeller
◦ Ford foundation
◦ Indigenous system of medicine
 Ayurvedha
 Siddha
 Unani
 Homeopathy
• Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical
organization ,the functions of which is to provide for
the population complete health care both curative
and preventive , and whose outpatients services
reach out to the family and its home environment
 Patient care
 Diagnosis and treatment of disease
 Outpatient services
 Medical education and training
 Medical and nursing research
 Prevention of disease and promotion of
1. Length of patient
stay - Long term &
short term, Acute
care(1-30 days) 2. Clinical basis-
General &
3. Ownership /control
basis- Public, voluntary,
voluntary nursing
homes, corporative
4. Objectives- Teaching cum
research hospitals, general
hospitals, specialized
hospitals & isolation hospitals
5. Size- District,
Thaluk, CHC, PHC
6. Management -Union
government hospitals,
State government,
Autonomous bodies,
Private hospitals,
Voluntary agencies
7. System of medicine-
Allopathic, Ayurvedic,
 Consultation with doctor
 Undergo investigations
 Minor procedures
 Health education
 Receive specialty
 Rehabilitation services
•OB and Gynec
•Psychiatry etc
• located in an area which is Easily accessible to
•Should have sufficient medical and nursing personnel
•Supplies and equipments and facilities for meeting
the emergency situation
 Victims of accidents
 Patients with cardiac
 Patients with breathing
Dietary dept
Other paramedical services
(radiology and laboratory)
 Patient who require continuous
medical care and attention
 Stay over night or for several days or
weeks or months for diagnosis,
treatment and therapy
 Patients are given the facilities for
lodging, medical and nursing care
 Consist of nursing service and nursing
education service
◦ Nursing service
 Most important dept
 Head : nursing officer / nursing superintendent
 Other personnel
 Assisstant nursing supdt
 Nursing supervisors
 Head nurses
 Staff nurses
◦ All nurses should possess registration/license to
practice as a nurse in the hospital
◦ Nursing education service
 Laboratory : various investigations are carried out in the
 Urine
 Feces
 Blood etc
 Different sessions:
 Hematology
 Biochemistry
 Bacteriology
 Parasitology
 Pathology
 Blood bank
 Radiology : Radiological examinations and
treatment are provided to the patient
 This department should have safety precautions to
prevent radiological exposure to the patients and staff
of the hospital
 Dietary :Meets the dietary requirements of the
 Special diets are served according to the condition of
Eg : Salt restricted diet, fat restricted diet,
diabetic diet etc
 Dietician is the responsible person for his department
 Pharmacy :this department is responsible for storing
and dispensing medicines and IV fluids
 Administration and accounts
 Housekeeping
 Maintenance
 Laundry department
The health care team or health
professionals are nurses and health personnel from
different disciplines who coordinate their skills to assist
clients and their support persons.
 Mutual goal is to restore clients health and promote
 Responsible for medical diagnosis and to determining
the therapy for who has disease or injury.
◦ General medicine
◦ Dermatologist
◦ Oncologist
◦ Pediatrician
◦ Psychiatrist etc
 A registered nurse assesses a clients health status ,
identifies health problems and develops & coordinate
 Registration depending on state regulation.
 Nurse specialist ;
◦ Critical care
◦ Mental health
◦ Oncology etc.
 Role is to ensure that clients receive fiscally sound ,
appropriate care in the best setting.
 They can be a;
◦ Nurse
◦ Social worker
◦ Occupational therapist or
◦ any other member of health care
 Dentist diagnose and treat dental problems
 Involved in preventive measures to maintain healthy
oral structures.
 Registered nutritionist has special knowledge about the
diets required to maintain and to treat diseases.
 Plan therapeutic diet.
 Meet the nutritional needs of individual.
 Supervise the preparation of meals
 Assist patient with impaired function to gain the skills
to perform activities of living.
 Teaches skills that are therapeutic at same time provide
some fulfillment.
 Laboratory technologist, Radiological technologist,
Nuclear medicine technologist.
◦ Lab ;Examines the specimens (urine ,blood , feces etc.)
◦ Radiology (CT ,MRI)
◦ OT technician
 Prepare and dispenses pharmaceuticals in hospital and
community setting.
 Monitoring and evaluating the actions and effects of
medications on clients.
 Assist the clients with musculo skeletal problems.
 Asses clients mobility strength and provide therapeutic
◦ Exercise and heat application
 Independent practitioners at community setup
 Perform certain task under the direction of a physician
,they diagnose and treat certain diseases, conditions
and injuries
 Doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM) diagnose and
treat foot conditions.
 Licensed to perform surgeries and prescribe
 Skilled in therapeutic measures used in the care of
clients with respiratory problems.
 They will be efficient in use of,
◦ Oxygen therapy devices
◦ Intermittent positive pressure breathing respirator
◦ Artificial mechanical ventilator
◦ Administer pulmonary function test.
◦ A social worker counsels clients and their support persons
regarding problems such as,
 Financial issues
 Marital difficulties
 Adoption of children …..
 Chaplains, pastors ,rabbis, priests and other
religious or spirituals advisors serve as part of
the healthcare team by attending spiritual needs
of patients
 Health care staff who assume delegated aspects
of basic client care.
 nurse assistant
 Hospital attenders
 Patient care technician etc
Unit 1 health and illness

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Unit 1 health and illness

  • 1.
  • 2. Health : • Health means different things to different people, depending in the situation. • Level of functional metabolic efficiency of a living organism • Good health is a prerequisite of human productive and developmental process.
  • 3.  In 1948 the world health organization (WHO)defines health as, ◦ “A state of complete physical, mental, social, spiritual wellbeing and not merely absence of disease or infirmity”  Dynamic state in which the individual adapts to changes in internal and external environments to maintain a state of well being “ (Potter and Perry- 2014)
  • 4.  Wellness (health) - An active state, oriented toward maximizing the potential of the individual “Well being is a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well…..can be described objectively, experienced, and measured …..and can be plotted on a continuum” (Hood and Leddy,2003)
  • 5.
  • 6.  Illness - Response of a person to disease, which is based on the person’s perception ….SYMPTOM ◦ Persons physical ,emotional, intellectual , social, developmental or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired  Disease - A pathologic change in structure and/ or function …..SIGN ◦ Disease can be described as an alternation in body functions resulting in reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal life span.
  • 7.  Health is evolved over the centuries as a concept from individual concern to world wide social goal and encompasses the whole quality of life. Changing concept of health till now are,  Biomedical concept  Ecological concept  Psychosocial concept  Holistic concept
  • 8.  Traditionally, health viewed as an “absence of disease”,.  The medical profession viewed the human body as a machine, disease as a consequence of the breakdown of the machine
  • 9.  Health is viewed as a dynamic equilibrium between human being and environment  Disease a maladjustment of the human organism to environment.  According to Dubos “Health implies the relative absence of pain and discomfort and a continuous adaptation and adjustment to the environment to ensure optimal function.”
  • 10.  According to psychosocial concept , “health is not only biomedical phenomenon, but is influenced by social, psychological, cultural, economic and political factors of the people concerned.”
  • 11.  Its the synthesis all the above concepts.  It recognizes the strength of social, economic , political and environmental influences on health.  It described health as a unified or multidimensional process involving the wellbeing of whole person in context of his environment .
  • 12.  Clinical model- state of not being sick  Role performance model- ability to fulfil societal roles  Adaptive model- health as a creative process, disease failure in adaptation  Eudemonistic model- health as a condition of actualization  The agent-host- environment model  Health illness continuum
  • 13.  The 3 interact in ways that create risk factors
  • 14. At Equilibrium Agents Biological, Nutrient, Physical, Chemical, Mechanical Human Host Age, Sex, Race, Genetic factors, Personality Environment Physical, social, Economic, Biological LEVER
  • 15.
  • 16.  Health –A dynamic state that fluctuates as a person adapts to changes in the internal and external environments to maintain a state of well being  Health and illness – ◦ Are relative concepts (not separate absolutes) ◦ Has two ends as a graduated scale  Health- illness continuum - ◦ Is used to describe the cause of illness ◦ Helps identify risk factors that result from Agent-Host- Environment
  • 17.  Health is a constantly changing state with high level wellness and death on opposite ends  Composed of two arrows pointing in opposite direction and joined at a neutral point.
  • 18.  Movement to the right to the arrows (toward the high level of wellness) equals an increase in level of health and wellbeing Achieved in three steps , Awareness Education Growth
  • 19.  Movement to the left to the arrows (towards premature death) equates a progressively decreasing state of health. Achieved in three steps, Signs Symptoms Disability
  • 20.
  • 21. ◦ High level wellness in a favorable environment – An example is a person who implements the healthy lifestyle behaviors and has the biopsychosocial, spiritual and economic resources to support this lifestyle. ◦ Emergent high-level wellness in an unfavorable environment – Example, a woman who has the knowledge to implement healthy lifestyle practices doesn’t implement adequate self-care practices because of family responsibilities, job demands or other factors.
  • 22. ◦ Protected poor health in a favorable environment – Example, An ill person whose needs are met by the health care system and who has access to appropriate medications, diet and health care instruction. ◦ Poor health in an unfavorable environment – Example, a young child who is starving in a draught-stricken country.
  • 23. Factors and variables of health Causes and risk factors.
  • 24.  Biological  Environmental  Psychological  VARIABLES: ◦ Internal variables ◦ External variables
  • 25.  Developmental stage  Intellectual background  Perception of functioning  Emotional factors  Spiritual factors
  • 26.  Developmental stage ◦ Health belief of an adult is different than of child ◦ Level of growth and development
  • 27.  Intellectual background ◦ Concepts about body functions and illness ◦ Knowledge level ◦ Educational background ◦ Past experiences
  • 28.  Perception of functioning ◦ People differ in their perception about physical functioning. ◦ Nurse should gather subjective and objective data
  • 29.  Emotional factors ◦ Stress, depression and fear  Very calm …………little emotional response  Depressed …………over react to the illness
  • 30.  Spiritual factors  Some religions restrict the use of certain forms of medical treatment  Nurses must understand client’s spiritual levels to involve them effectively in nursing care
  • 31.  Family practices  Socio-economic factors  Cultural background
  • 32.  Family practices  Depends on how his family uses health care services  Family response to disease and their preventive care behaviors.
  • 33.  Socio-economic factors ◦ Social and psychosocial factors influence health and health practices  Psycho social variables  Marital and intimate relationship  Life style habits and occupational environment  Economic variables  Poverty  Malnourishment  Deficiency diseases
  • 34.  Cultural background  Beliefs about the causes of illness and treatment practices  Nurses should be aware of the cultural patterns of their clients
  • 35.  BILOGICAL FACTORS- ◦ genetic makeup, growth & development ◦ race, age, sex ◦ pathogenic organisms  ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS- ◦ Climate ◦ Environmental pollution ◦ Radiation, both from machines and drugs. ◦ Sun’s UV ray’s
  • 36.  PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS- ◦ mind-body interactions ◦ self-concept- emotions, feelings  SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT ◦ Political and economic system in the society ◦ Cultural system. ◦ Income and social status ◦ Education  LIFESTYLE  Marital and intimate relationship  Life style habits and occupational environment  Economic variables
  • 37.
  • 38. Illness results from a disease(physiological or psychological)or from an injury that affects body functioning ◦ Multiple causative factors  Poor immunity  Poor health  Accumulation of toxins inside the body  Exposure to microorganisms  Poor thoughts
  • 39. A risk factor is anything that increases the vulnerability of an individual or community to an illness or accident.  Does not mean that the individual develop disease  Only increases the chance for experiencing the disease
  • 40. Most common risk factors,  Genetic factors  Physiological factors  Environment  Age  Lifestyle  Dietary habits  Other factors  Biological factors and behavioral factors  Immunologic factors  Services, social factors and spiritual factors
  • 41.
  • 42. Illness is a state in which the physical, social, developmental, intellectual, emotional or spiritual functioning of the individual is diminished or impaired  Acute illness  Chronic illness
  • 43. Acute illness ◦ Short duration ◦ Mostly severe ◦ Starts abruptly and subsides in relatively short period (less than 6 months) Chronic illness ◦ Persist for more than six months ◦ May affect functioning of body in any dimension ◦ Up to the level of disability ◦ Major health problem
  • 44.  The way the sick person acts is called illness behavior. ◦ Involves :  How the interpret and view the symptoms  Use remedial measures  Utilize the health care facilities  Nature of illness
  • 45.  Recognizing of illness symptoms.  The extent the person perceives symptoms as serious.  Information, knowledge and cultural assumption.  Disruption in family work and social activity.  Frequency of appearance.  Toleration level.  Physical proximity of treatment resources
  • 46.  Denial  Anger  Fear  Grief  Acceptance
  • 47. • Edward suchman (1972) identified stages of illness behavior. 1. Symptoms experience  Awareness of physical changes.  Pain, rashes and lump etc 2. Assumption of the sick role  Accept sick role and seek confirmation  Self treatment  Excuses  Emotional responses  Illness persist seek professional help 3. Medical care contact  Seek professional advice  Accept or deny diagnosis  Follow the treatment plan
  • 48. 4. Dependent patient role  Dependent for professional help.  Accept their dependence on the primary care provider. 5. Recovery and rehabilitation  Relinquish the dependent role  Resume former roles and responsibilities.  Acute illness (short term) – recovery fast  Chronic illness (Long term) – recovery difficult
  • 49.
  • 50. Illness always puts a patient under stress ◦ Serious illness  Frustration and he may lose his hope for life •Irritability •Anger •Resentment •Anxiety •Hopelessness •Shock •Denial •Withdrawal •Powerlessness
  • 51.  Assist the client and family to cope up with stress  Spirituality and spiritual leaders  Help slowly accept the illness and will try to adjust with it  Help to make changes in daily routine and occupation  Involve family members for patient care  Should act as a counselor
  • 52. ? Client is bread winner of the family ? Financial problems ? Role reversal Family dynamics : It is the process by which the family functions, makes decisions and gives support to the individuals If the parent is ill ? ◦ Family activities ◦ Decision making  Nurses role : ◦ Help the family to gain maximum level of functioning
  • 53.  Self concept: is that what a person views about his own strengths and weakness in all aspects of personality ◦ Components  Identity  Body image  Role performance  Self esteem: is a person’s overall feeling of self worth. It is the emotional appraisal of self concept
  • 54.  Self concept the client with illness : ◦ Not be able to perform as per the family expectations ◦ Affect the interaction with the family members  Nurses role : ◦ Observe the changes in client and family members ◦ Help them overcome the changes
  • 55.  Changes in the physical appearance  Depending on the type of change ◦ Short term : they will accept ◦ Permanent(eg: amputation) :show reaction  Shock  Withdrawal  Acknowledgment  Acceptance  Rehabilitation  Use of prosthesis  Change life style – diet, exercise, activity, sleep & rest
  • 56.  Acknowledge and accept expression of feelings of frustration, dependency, anger, grief, and hostility.  Maintain nonjudgmental attitude while giving care.  Support verbalization of positive or negative feelings about the actual or perceived loss.  Encourage family interaction with each other and with rehabilitation team.
  • 57.
  • 58.  Any medical or remedial care or service, recognized under state law, for the purpose of preventing, alleviating and curing/ healing illness, physical disability or injury
  • 59.  Aims to reach optimal (perfect) health by - ◦ Promotion of health ◦ Prevention & control of disease and health hazards  Depends upon – ◦ Nature & extent of health problem ◦ Level of care required for quality life
  • 60. Health care services are rendered by multi- disciplinary team in India  It’s the totality of services offered by all health disciplines 1. Public sector 2. Private sector
  • 61. Health care services are provided to public ◦ Governmental agencies ◦ Voluntary agencies ◦ Non profit agencies  Services ◦ curative services ◦ preventive services ◦ Promotive services ◦ Rehabilitative services  It administered in the central level and state level
  • 62.  Non governmental agencies  It comprises largest segment of the health care system
  • 63.  Preventive & Primary health care  Secondary care  Tertiary care  Restorative care  Continuing care
  • 64. 1. Preventive & Primary health care (health promotion)- health for all  Focuses on improved health outcomes for an entire population  It includes  Nutrition counseling  Family planning  Maternal & child health  Health education  Immunization
  • 65.  Secondary & tertiary care- hospitals ◦ Secondary acute care • Emergency care • Acute medical-surgical care • Radiological procedures  Tertiary care ◦ Intensive & sub acute care
  • 66.  Restorative care-to regain maximal functional status, enhance quality of life, self-care ◦ CPR ◦ Home care ◦ Rehabilitation
  • 67.  Continuing care- for a prolonged period ◦ Nursing centers  24hr intermediate & custodial care like nursing, rehabilitation, dietary, recreational etc. ◦ Assisted living  long term care setting with a homier environment ◦ Respite care  provides short-term relief or time off for persons providing home care to an ill, disabled, or frail older adult(-complex medical problems) ◦ Hospice care  a system of family-centered care  allows clients to live and remain at home with comfort, independence, and dignity while easing the pains of terminal illness- palliative care
  • 68.
  • 69. PUBLIC HEALTH PHYSICIAN’S OFFICES  Established at the local , state ,federal levels.  Funds generally from taxes are administered by elected or appointed officials.  Local department have responsibility for developing programs.  Primary care setting  Majority have their own offices  Can be group practices  Routine screening illness diagnosis and treatment.
  • 71. AMBULATORY CARE CENTERS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CLINIC  Provide ambulatory care  Have diagnostic and treatment facilities  Term ambulatory care replaced the term clinic.  Setting for the employee health care  Recognize the value of health employees  Encourage healthy lifestyle ◦ Exercise facilities ◦ Health promotion activities
  • 73.  Size from 12 bed (rural) to 1500 bed (metropolitan).  Governmental or non governmental.  Variety of health care services based on their size and location.  Designed for patient with acute illness, injury or exacerbation of disease process.  Generally more intensive than long term care HOSPITALS SUBACUTE CARE FACILITIES
  • 75. EXTENDED CARE FACILITIES RETIREMENT AND ASSISTED LIVING CENTERS  Formerly called nursing homes.  Provide personal care those who are chronically ill.  Provide care for elderly clients.  Consist of separate houses condominiums(apartments for residents)  Offer meals , laundry services , nursing care, transportation and social activities.
  • 77. REHABILITATION CENTERS HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCIES  Independent community centers or special units.  Assist to restore the health  Eg:- drug and alcoholic rehabilitation centers.  Services offered in the home.  Education to the client and family.  Provide care to acute , chronic and terminally ill client.
  • 79. DAY CARE CENTERS RURAL CARE  Provide care for infants and children while parents work.  Elder care centers also available (socializing, exercise programs and simulation)  Counseling and physical therapy  Provide emergency care to clients in rural areas.  Nurse in rural setting must be generalists who are able to manage a wide variety of clients and health care problems
  • 81. HOSPICE SERVICES CRISIS CENTERS  Hospice was a place for travelers to sit.  Care provided in the home or other health care setting .  Services given to the terminally ill, their families and support persons.  Improving and maintaining the quality of life.  Provide emergency services  24 hr service.  Help people to cope up with an immediate crisis.  Provide guidance and support for long term care.
  • 82. MUTUAL SUPPORT AND SELF HELP GROUP  Deal with people experiencing life crisis  Alcoholic anonymous groups
  • 83.
  • 84.  Health promotion is an important component of nursing practice.  It is a way of thinking that revolves around a philosophy of wholeness ,wellness and well-being.
  • 85.  Health promotion is a process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and their by improve their health.  The process is carried out through – ◦ Activating policy makers to make health supportive policies ◦ Empowering people to live healthy ◦ Building social support systems – for making healthy choices and lead healthy lives
  • 86.  Promotes quality of life  Reduces inequalities in health  Reduces pressure on services  Is about making healthier, easier choices”.  It is cost effective and efficient
  • 87.  International organizations  Governmental organizations  Non-Governmental Organizations  Health authorities  Primary health care team  Private physician  Other health professions: nurses, allied professions  Religious organizations
  • 88.  Information dissemination.  Health risk appraisal and wellness assessment.  Lifestyle and behavioral change.  Environmental control programs.
  • 89.  Model healthy life style behaviors and attitudes.  Facilitate client involvement in the assessment , implementation and evaluation of health goal.  Teach client health care strategies to enhance fitness improve nutrition ,manage stress and enhance relationships.
  • 90.  Assist individuals, families and communities to increase their levels of health.  Educate client to be effective health care consumers .  Assist clients ,families ,and communities to develop and choose health promoting options.  Guide clients development in effective problem solving and decision making  Reinforce clients personal and family health promoting behaviors.  Advocate in the community for changes that promote a healthy environment.
  • 91. INFANTS  Infant parent attachment/bonding  Breast feeding  Sleep patterns  Playful activity to stimulate development  Immunization  Safety promotion and injury control
  • 92. CHILDREN  Nutrition  Dental checkup  Rest and exercise  Immunizations  Safety promotion and injury control
  • 93. ADOLECENTS  Communicating with the teen  Hormonal changes  Nutrition  Exercise and rest  Peer group influences  Self concept and body image  Sexuality  Safety promotion and accidental prevention. Health promotion topics
  • 94.  Adequate sleep  Appropriate use of alcohol  Dental/oral health  Drug management  Exercise  Foot health  Health screening  Hearing aid use  Safety precautions  Weight control etc. ELDERS
  • 95. The behavior motivated by a desire to avoid or detect disease, or to maintain functioning within the constraints of illness or disability. (Pender, Murdaugh & Parson, 2006) Goal:-  To maintain optimal health by preventing disease
  • 96. TERITIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY PRIMODIAL Individual & Mass health education Health promotion & specific protection Early diagnosis, treatment, disability limitation Restoration & rehabilitation
  • 97.  DEFINITION : It is the prevention of emergence of risk factors in population , in which they have not get appeared.  Starts early in life - ◦ Individual and Mass health education On life style ◦ Govt policies – Restrict smoking, sale of alcohol… ◦ Regular physical activity ◦ Genetic counseling
  • 98.  DEFINITION: Primary prevention can be defined as action taken prior to the onset of disease, which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur,  Vaccinations, wellness programs, good nutrition for health, and safe sex programs.
  • 99. Health Promotion Specific Protection • Immunizations & seroprophylaxis • Chemoprophylaxis • Specific nutrients/ supplements • Protection against occupational hazards • Safety of drugs and foods • Control of environmental hazards • Health education • Environmental modifications • Nutritional interventions • Lifestyle & behavioural changes
  • 100.  DEFINITION: The action which halts the progress of a disease at its incipient stage and complications.  INTERVENTION: ◦ Early detection. ◦ Prompt treatment.
  • 101.  Early detection.  Individual & mass screening surveys  Selective examination to cure & prevent disease process and prevent disease spread  Prompt treatment  To arrest disease process  Prevent complications  Limit disability & death
  • 102.  DEFINITION: All measures available to reduce or limit impairment and disabilities , minimize suffering caused by existing departures from good health and to promote the patient adjustment irremediable conditions.  INTERVENTIONS: ◦ Disability limitation ◦ Rehabilitation
  • 103.  Disability limitation  Provision of hospital & community facilities for retaining & education  Rehabilitation  The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.  Medical rehabilitation  Vocational rehabilitation  Social rehabilitation  Psychological rehabilitation
  • 104. Disease Impairment Disability Handicap Loss/ abnormality of Psychological/ Physical structure or function Disability that limits/ prevents the fulfillment of a role in the community that is normal for that individual Restriction/ lack of ability to perform in the manner/ range considered normal for the human being
  • 105.  Conclusion : ◦ Health promotion aims at  Disease prevention  Health protection ◦ Thus prevention, in a narrow sense, means avoiding the development of disease in the future, and, in broader sense consists of all interventions to limit progression of a disease.
  • 106.
  • 107.  India is rich with many health care agencies  Function: to promote health, to prevent illness and to provide curative services  Aim : to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates
  • 108.  Provision for promotive and preventive care  Rendering curative services  Reduction in population growth rate  Improvement in nutritional status  Improvement in sanitation facilities  Development of manpower resources  Provision for safe water and food supply  Increasing the literacy rate  Reducing the levels of poverty
  • 109.
  • 110. 1. Hospital agencies ◦ It may be private or government ◦ IP and OP services ◦ Govt ,  PHC  CHC  Rural hospital  Taluk hospitals  District hospitals  Specialist hospital  Teaching institutions
  • 111. 2. Day care centers ◦ “Creche” -provided for the infants and children, where parents are working
  • 112. 3. Health insurance schemes ◦ E.S.I (Employees state insurance)  Introduced in 1948  Employees working under the scheme are given,  maternity benefits  Medical care in cash and kind  Benefits in case of employment injury  Pension for dependents on death of worker due to employment injury
  • 113. ◦ Central government health scheme (CGHS)  Introduced in 1954  Covers employees of autonomous organizations  Retired central government servants  Widows receiving family pension  MP’s  Ex- governors and retired judges
  • 114. 4. Rehabilitation centers  Assist the clients to restore their health  Nurses co-ordinate the client activities and ensure that clients are complying with their treatments  Need specialized skills and knowledge
  • 115. 5. Home for aged  Nurses look after both physical and psychological needs of the aged clients 6. Nursing homes, clinics and dispensaries:  Treatments of minor ailments is carried out 7. Defense medical services  Provides medical care to defense personnel (Armed forces medical services)
  • 116. 8. Hospices  Family centered care  During the course of terminal illness  Physical ,physiological and spiritual care  Symptom management is the main aspect of care
  • 117. 9. Voluntary health agencies  These are organizations administered by autonomous boards who conduct programmes to provide health services, health education or relative activities for the improvement of public health  National voluntary agencies  Indian Red Cross Society  Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh  Bharath Sevak Samaj  Indian Council For Child Welfare
  • 118.  Governmental ◦ WHO ◦ UNICEF ◦ UNDP ◦ USAID ◦ UNFPA ◦ FAO ◦ UNAIDS ◦ ILO ◦ CDC  Non Governmental ◦ Rockefeller foundation ◦ Ford foundation ◦ IRC ◦ CARE
  • 119. ◦ Indigenous system of medicine  Ayurvedha  Siddha  Unani  Homeopathy
  • 120. • Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical organization ,the functions of which is to provide for the population complete health care both curative and preventive , and whose outpatients services reach out to the family and its home environment
  • 121.  Patient care  Diagnosis and treatment of disease  Outpatient services  Medical education and training  Medical and nursing research  Prevention of disease and promotion of health.
  • 122. 1. Length of patient stay - Long term & short term, Acute care(1-30 days) 2. Clinical basis- General & speciality 3. Ownership /control basis- Public, voluntary, voluntary nursing homes, corporative hospitals 4. Objectives- Teaching cum research hospitals, general hospitals, specialized hospitals & isolation hospitals 5. Size- District, Thaluk, CHC, PHC 6. Management -Union government hospitals, State government, Autonomous bodies, Private hospitals, Voluntary agencies 7. System of medicine- Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Unani,Others
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125. OUT PATIENT DEPARTMENT  Consultation with doctor  Undergo investigations  Minor procedures  Health education  Receive specialty services  Rehabilitation services •Medical •Surgical •OB and Gynec •Ophthalmology •ENT •Pediatrics •Orthopedic •Cardiology •Urology •Neurology •Psychiatry etc
  • 126. • located in an area which is Easily accessible to patients •Should have sufficient medical and nursing personnel •Supplies and equipments and facilities for meeting the emergency situation EMERGENCY/CASUALTY DEPARTMENT  Victims of accidents  Patients with cardiac arrest  Patients with breathing difficulty
  • 127. Services Dietary dept Pharmacy Other paramedical services (radiology and laboratory)  Patient who require continuous medical care and attention  Stay over night or for several days or weeks or months for diagnosis, treatment and therapy  Patients are given the facilities for lodging, medical and nursing care INPATIENT SERVICE (IP)
  • 128.  Consist of nursing service and nursing education service ◦ Nursing service  Most important dept  Head : nursing officer / nursing superintendent  Other personnel  Assisstant nursing supdt  Nursing supervisors  Head nurses  Staff nurses ◦ All nurses should possess registration/license to practice as a nurse in the hospital ◦ Nursing education service
  • 129.  Laboratory : various investigations are carried out in the laboratories  Urine  Feces  Blood etc  Different sessions:  Hematology  Biochemistry  Bacteriology  Parasitology  Pathology  Blood bank
  • 130.  Radiology : Radiological examinations and treatment are provided to the patient  This department should have safety precautions to prevent radiological exposure to the patients and staff of the hospital  Dietary :Meets the dietary requirements of the patients  Special diets are served according to the condition of patients. Eg : Salt restricted diet, fat restricted diet, diabetic diet etc  Dietician is the responsible person for his department
  • 131.  Pharmacy :this department is responsible for storing and dispensing medicines and IV fluids
  • 132.  Administration and accounts  Housekeeping  Maintenance  CSSD  Laundry department
  • 133.
  • 134. The health care team or health professionals are nurses and health personnel from different disciplines who coordinate their skills to assist clients and their support persons.  Mutual goal is to restore clients health and promote wellness
  • 135.  Responsible for medical diagnosis and to determining the therapy for who has disease or injury. ◦ General medicine ◦ Dermatologist ◦ Oncologist ◦ Pediatrician ◦ Psychiatrist etc
  • 136.  A registered nurse assesses a clients health status , identifies health problems and develops & coordinate care.  Registration depending on state regulation.  Nurse specialist ; ◦ Critical care ◦ Mental health ◦ Oncology etc.
  • 137.  Role is to ensure that clients receive fiscally sound , appropriate care in the best setting.  They can be a; ◦ Nurse ◦ Social worker ◦ Occupational therapist or ◦ any other member of health care
  • 138.  Dentist diagnose and treat dental problems  Involved in preventive measures to maintain healthy oral structures.
  • 139.  Registered nutritionist has special knowledge about the diets required to maintain and to treat diseases.  Plan therapeutic diet.  Meet the nutritional needs of individual.  Supervise the preparation of meals
  • 140.  Assist patient with impaired function to gain the skills to perform activities of living.  Teaches skills that are therapeutic at same time provide some fulfillment.
  • 141.  Laboratory technologist, Radiological technologist, Nuclear medicine technologist. ◦ Lab ;Examines the specimens (urine ,blood , feces etc.) ◦ Radiology (CT ,MRI) ◦ OT technician
  • 142.  Prepare and dispenses pharmaceuticals in hospital and community setting.  Monitoring and evaluating the actions and effects of medications on clients.
  • 143.  Assist the clients with musculo skeletal problems.  Asses clients mobility strength and provide therapeutic measures. ◦ Exercise and heat application  Independent practitioners at community setup
  • 144.  Perform certain task under the direction of a physician ,they diagnose and treat certain diseases, conditions and injuries
  • 145.  Doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM) diagnose and treat foot conditions.  Licensed to perform surgeries and prescribe medications.
  • 146.  Skilled in therapeutic measures used in the care of clients with respiratory problems.  They will be efficient in use of, ◦ Oxygen therapy devices ◦ Intermittent positive pressure breathing respirator ◦ Artificial mechanical ventilator ◦ Administer pulmonary function test.
  • 147. ◦ A social worker counsels clients and their support persons regarding problems such as,  Financial issues  Marital difficulties  Adoption of children …..
  • 148.  Chaplains, pastors ,rabbis, priests and other religious or spirituals advisors serve as part of the healthcare team by attending spiritual needs of patients
  • 149.  Health care staff who assume delegated aspects of basic client care.  nurse assistant  Hospital attenders  Patient care technician etc