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“Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion in big
A virtual roller coaster ride on how big
corporations are re-evaluating their Diversity,
Equity & Inclusion strategies in view of recent
socio-political events like COVID-19, Black Lives
Matter & Stop Asian Hate.
May 26, 2021 - University of Georgia
* This was the entire population of REBORRN & Satori Analytics just a bit over a year ago. 1 year later we are a team of 45 people strong.
We are a hybrid of
consultants & makers
on a mission to help
visionary companies
thrive in the digital
Who we are
Angeliki Sakellaropoulou
People Operations Consultant
Stéphanie Skrindaj
HR & Communications Associate
What this
is about.
Give you inspiration on how to create
inclusive & safe spaces in your university
and your workplace.
Share insights on how recent
socio-political movements are shaping
DEI initiatives in big corporations.
Shed light into what DEI in the
workplace actually means.
Today our goal is to:
1. Who we are.
2. Icebreaker.
3. Introduction to the topic.
4. Definitions: What’s DEI?
5. Anti-Definitions: What’s not DEI.
6. The current situation of DEI in big organizations.
7. Good examples
8. Bad examples
9. Outlook on the future: Dos & Don'ts
10. Outro: Personal Responsibility
11. Q&A
12. HMW Exercise
But first, can
you guess?
Percentage of the people who
reported experiencing at least
one negative interaction
related to their LGBTQ+ identity
at work:
Percentage of the people who
reported experiencing at least
one negative interaction
related to their LGBTQ+ identity
at work:
The percentage of Fortune 100
companies that shared
statements that included plans to
increase their diversity recruiting
and representation strategies
(after BLM) is:
The percentage of Fortune 100
companies that shared
statements that included plans to
increase their diversity recruiting
and representation strategies is:
Diverse teams make
decisions ____ faster:
Diverse teams make
decisions ____ faster:
2020: A turning
point for DEI
“A lot of organisations saw more
change in the second half of 2020 than
they saw probably in the last 10 years.”
- Bendita Malakia, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion,
Hogan Lovells
BLM: A catalyst for change
BLM taught
us that DEI
is a matter
that matters
to all of us.
DEI used to be a nice to have.
The pandemic made it a must-have.
of Asian
Asian Hate brings DEI to
2021 brought an
unprecedented surge
in interest in women
● According to the World Economic Forum,
Covid widened the time estimation to
close the gender gap from 99.5 to 135+
● Throughout the first 10 months of the
pandemic, American women lost 5.4
million jobs, almost 1 million more
than men. It has been described as
the “first female recession”. (Forbes)
COVID-19 pandemic has set
back efforts to close the
gender gap by a generation.
COVID-19 revolutionized Remote Work, thus opening
up opportunity for attracting global talent.
BUT this means that different cultures, religions and
working styles need to be taken into consideration.
Remote Work
is driving
Diversity and
It’s Diversity
that will get
us out of
the crisis.
Diversity promotes innovation and out of the box
thinking, aka what we need to address a global
health & economical crisis.
“The coronavirus pandemic has,
underlined that inclusion is a
fundamental business imperative
rather than an almost social,
bringing-people-together imperative.”
- Roianne Nedd, Global Head of Inclusion and Diversity,
Oliver Wyman
But first
things first:
What’s DEI?
“Diversity is about what makes each of us
unique and includes our backgrounds,
personality, life experiences and beliefs, all
of the things that make us who we are. It is a
combination of our differences that shape
our view of the world, our perspective and
our approach.”
“ Australian
“Diversity is the art of thinking independently
Publisher Malcolm
Types of
Types of
Age, Gender, Race Ethnicity, religion,
physical ability, sexual orientation.
Different working and thinking
styles, different values and beliefs.
Different horizontal and vertical
levels of an organization.
Different customer markets, community
representation, supplier diversity
“ When we treat everyone equally, we
treat everyone the same, but when we
treat everyone equitably, we focus on
individualistic needs. Equity asks us to
acknowledge that everyone has
different needs, experiences, and
opportunities that require support in
different ways.”
Equity vs.
Culture Amp
“Inclusion is defined separately from
diversity as the achievement of a work
environment in which all individuals
are treated fairly and respectfully,
have access to opportunities and
resources, and can contribute fully to
the organization’s success.”
Society for Human
Resource Management
“Diversity is being
invited to the party.
Inclusion is being
asked to dance.”
– Vernā Myers, VP, Inclusion Strategy at Netflix
There’s no
such thing
as a diverse
Diversity is
not an
one size
fits all.
Diversity is
not only
Diversity is
more than a
need DEI?
The Benefits
of a Diverse
& Inclusive
Attracts top talent: 67% of people on the job
market stated that racial and gender diversity is
an important factor in their job search (Glassdoor)
Engages and retains employees: 83% of
millennials feel more engaged at work when their
company fosters an inclusive culture. (Forbes)
Enhances decision making: diverse teams make
better decisions 87% of the times (Cloverpop)
Drives innovation: Companies with above
average diversity scores generate 45% revenue
from innovation in comparison to 26% by non
diverse companies. (BCG)
Enhances brand and customer relationships:
83% of executives agree that diversity improves
the company’s ability to attract & retain clients.
(Nagaoka Review)
Generates greater performance & profit:
Gender-diverse companies perform 21% better
than the average & ethnically and racially diverse
companies have 43% higher profits. (McKinsey)
Apart from
happy people
The current
DEI Situation:
Let’s talk
in Leadership.
White staff represents 85% of executives
Although 13.4% of the total US population is Black,
only 2% of executives are Black. (McKInsey)
18.5% of the U.S. population is Latinx, but only 3% of
executives are Latinxs. (McKInsey)
Women in senior-vice-president positions represent
28% in corporate America, and representation in the
C-suite is at 21%. (McKInsey)
Women of color remain dramatically
underrepresented: Black women face an especially
hard path to a CEO role, with 65% of Black female
employees in a staff role, as opposed to line roles.
A total of 21 Black Americans have held Fortune 500
CEO positions (HBR)
LGBTQ+ men comprise 3% of managerial positions,
while LGBTQ+ women only 1.6% (McKinsey)
HBR Study: Only 9.5% of people of colour
received mentions of leadership qualities in their
performance evaluations. Mistakes were
reported at higher levels in performance reviews
of people of colour than of white people (78% vs.
46% )
HBR: 46% of woman asked whether they feel
disadvantaged in performance assessment
responded with “a great deal”
Black employees are 23% less likely to receive
support to advance, 41% less likely to view
promotions as fair than white employees.
Performance &
According to a Glassdoor study, diversity and
inclusion-related job openings in the US slumped in view
of BLM. One month after Floyd’s killing, on May 25, the
number of positions listed had surged 55 per cent; by the
end of November, the increase was 245 per cent, with
nearly 1,500 openings.
Between 2020 -2021 more than 60 U.S. companies
appointed their first-ever chief diversity officer (CDO).
More and more companies have appointed DEI advisory
boards & have included DEI in their Code of Conduct.
#1 Positive Trend:
Big organizations
are taking DEI
published their full diversity quotas.
reviewed their 2020 DEI initiatives.
shared their 2021 DEI strategy.
showcased their OKRs/SMART goals tied to DEI.
#2 Positive Trend:
Big organizations
are becoming more
Big players in the market, like Apple, Netflix, Microsoft and
Atlassian have reinforced their commitment to Diversity, by
making their stats public. More specifically, they:
Representation Stats: Netflix
Representation Stats: Apple
Goal Setting
The Good
What did
do for their
their recruiting
Atlassian has:
- used Textio software to avoid gender-biased language and
representation on their Careers site.
- formed strategic partnerships with organizations that focus
on tech diversity initiatives, including Women Who Code,
People of Color in Tech, Lesbians Who Tech
- entered into a partnership with Disability Network
Australia to audit their current recruiting methods, tools, and
Apple is investing in Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
offering internship opportunities and 100 additional scholarships
for students from underrepresented communities.
engagement with
internal DEI
Most companies like Netflix, Linkedin and
Nielsen are fostering ERGs especially dedicated
to represent diverse groups, e.g. Latinos, People
of Colour, LGBT+
Loreal Italy launched 10 DEI squads on a
volunteering basis, working on different projects
that promote internal diversity initiatives.
Nielsen Linkedin
Apple: The Career Experience (CE) program gives Retail
and AppleCare team members around the world
opportunities to grow and contribute their talents to other
teams across the company, from engineering to
marketing and beyond.
Publicis Group is organizing women led company wide
Lenovo has come up with on demand trainings with
rewards for participants from underprivileged groups.
Merck has introduced a DEI training curriculum:
Foundations of DEI, Inclusive Leadership development,
Unconscious Bias Education.
Investing in
Development &
Apple doesn't ask for salary history during the
recruiting process. And every year, they examine
the compensation employees receive and ensure
that they maintain pay equity.
Atlassian has introduced a compensation training
program for all managers to ensure equitable pay.
Netflix has opted for Inclusive Benefits. Their
parental leave policy is gender-blind. They support
employees regardless of marital status, gender, or
sexual orientation on their fertility, surrogacy, or
adoption journey. And they cover comprehensive
transgender and non-binary care.
Introducing Bias-free
Compensation &
The Good
What did
do for the
The 3 main trends
Funding and Donations: The most common way we
saw Fortune 100 companies address the BLM
Movement was through funding and donations.
Over 50% of organizations chose to donate to at
least one charitable organization, resulting in
roughly $2 billion worth of contributions from the
world’s largest companies.
Creating Social Awareness: For some
organizations, this simply meant creating awareness
through social media or hosting additional events.
Pushing for Community Equality Advancement:
Standout companies actually leveraged their
business expertise to create shared value for
members of underserved communities.
Awareness: Social Media Examples
Nielsen turned their data into reports for clients to know how
to represent diversity properly and provided pro bono
consulting to support small businesses of diverse
Netflix has spent $100k to increase diversity in film, launched
an incubator for Indigenous creators in Australia, and trained
people from underrepresented groups for a production career
in Brazil.
Verizon announced its “Citizen Verizon” project with the aim of
upskilling 500,000 workers, mostly from minority
demographics, for jobs of the future by 2030.
Community Equality
DEI in big
Bad Examples.
• Two years ago, Google came under fire for a sexist viral
letter one of its employees wrote and for allegedly
paying women less than men.
• In November, roughly 20,000 Googlers walked out of the
company's offices worldwide to protest its handling of
sexual assault allegations directed at key executives.
Thousands of
Employees walked
out to protest.
But why?
• Google's search feature at one time tagged images of
African-Americans as “gorillas"..
• Another tool released in 2018 that matched people's selfies with
popular artworks, inadvertently correlated the faces of African
Americans with artwork depicting slaves.
In June 2020, Starbucks announced that it would donate $1
million to support racial-justice-oriented causes.
The company came under fire for a leaked internal memo
banning employees from wearing any merchandise supporting
Black Lives Matter. Facing criticism, they went as far as to
distribute Black Lives Matter T-shirts to their baristas.
Last summer, tech companies including
Amazon, Google, and Pinterest joined a
corporate chorus of support for Black Lives
Matter in the aftermath of George Floyd’s
A Black employee tweeted that they were
underpaid, threatened, and harassed by
colleagues at Pinterest, even as the
company tweeted support for Black Lives
Pinterest: Real or
fake support?
3 Black employees filed a complaint with the EEOC alleging the
social network doesn’t give Black workers equal opportunity
to advance.
Google listed only five Black female executives among FB’s top
357 officers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Coalition is
currently investigating Facebook for racial bias in its hiring
The racial bias
must stop.
Unilever changed the name of the
fairness cream in response to the
worldwide protest Black lives matter
protests, but they are still selling the
cream and they continue to profit from the
their belief that “lighter skin” is more
🔮 Outlook on
the future:
Dos & Donts
The DOs:
Embed it in the whole employee lifecycle.
Support it with an open & inclusive culture.
Include employees in decision-making.
Raise Awareness, learn and use the right vocabulary.
Lean into the discomfort with compassion.
Change the narrative.
Make it an organizational thing not just an HR thing.
Give back to society in a sustainable way.
Probably the most
important DO: Commit!
Take it seriously: DEI needs to be a part of company ethos, purpose
and values.
Make it strategic: Consider a more strategic approach to inclusion
rather than ad-hoc measures and tie to it to business outcomes.
Own it: Appoint CDOs and DEI Advisory Boards that will hold
executive leaders accountable for driving DEI outcomes.
Audit it continuously: Examine your culture and practices to
determine how well they support or hinder equity.
Make it techy: Leverage AI to eliminate bias when possible.
Measure it: Have a measurement processes in place, e.g. KPIs/ OKRs
or Include DEI as a criterium in employee evaluations.
Review it with employees: Run a internal Diversity survey to collect
employee feedback.
Publish it: Make Diversity Reports public and accessible to all.
The DON’Ts:
Misunderstand the Why.
Reduce importance.
Consider DEI initiatives as a Band-Aid for systemic
Focus on Diversity and forget about Equity and Inclusion.
Self-replicate when hiring.
Believe that DEI is only responsibility of HR.
Avoid the hard conversations.
Fail to track results.
Accountability is
key to sustainable
“We can’t simply tweet our way out of inequity. We
must ask ourselves, how will we change to ensure no
one feels this way again? This is about more than a
program or making a splashy hire. It’s putting
accountabilities in place, such as laws, regulations and
corporate policies, that not only promote inclusion but
also hold people of influence accountable for it. This is
the start to sustainable progress.”
- Jerrell Moore, Global Diversity and Inclusion leader at
to personal
Netflix: Allyship.
• Support and celebrate each other’s differences (Have a
prayer room, celebrate different holidays, etc).
• Be mindful while talking with people whose native
language is not English.
• Create a judgment free environment. By making sure
you listen to your colleagues, asking them questions,
allowing them to be open with no judgement.
• Rethink Your Meetings. Inclusion in meetings is all
about making sure that everyone feels like they can
speak up and contribute to whatever is being discussed.
How can we
make a
should also be
diverse & inclusive.
How Might
We Make Our
Diverse &

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UGA presentation Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in big organizations

  • 1. “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in big organizations.” A virtual roller coaster ride on how big corporations are re-evaluating their Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategies in view of recent socio-political events like COVID-19, Black Lives Matter & Stop Asian Hate. May 26, 2021 - University of Georgia
  • 2. Hello. * This was the entire population of REBORRN & Satori Analytics just a bit over a year ago. 1 year later we are a team of 45 people strong.
  • 3. We are a hybrid of consultants & makers on a mission to help visionary companies thrive in the digital economy.
  • 4. Who we are Angeliki Sakellaropoulou People Operations Consultant Stéphanie Skrindaj HR & Communications Associate
  • 5. What this presentation is about. Give you inspiration on how to create inclusive & safe spaces in your university and your workplace. Share insights on how recent socio-political movements are shaping DEI initiatives in big corporations. Shed light into what DEI in the workplace actually means. Today our goal is to:
  • 6. Agenda. 1. Who we are. 2. Icebreaker. 3. Introduction to the topic. 4. Definitions: What’s DEI? 5. Anti-Definitions: What’s not DEI. 6. The current situation of DEI in big organizations. 7. Good examples 8. Bad examples 9. Outlook on the future: Dos & Don'ts 10. Outro: Personal Responsibility 11. Q&A 12. HMW Exercise
  • 8. Percentage of the people who reported experiencing at least one negative interaction related to their LGBTQ+ identity at work: 47% 75% 64%
  • 9. Percentage of the people who reported experiencing at least one negative interaction related to their LGBTQ+ identity at work: 47% 75% 64%
  • 10. The percentage of Fortune 100 companies that shared statements that included plans to increase their diversity recruiting and representation strategies (after BLM) is: 88% 55% 40%
  • 11. The percentage of Fortune 100 companies that shared statements that included plans to increase their diversity recruiting and representation strategies is: 88% 55% 40%
  • 12. Diverse teams make decisions ____ faster: 60% 53% 73%
  • 13. Diverse teams make decisions ____ faster: 60% 53% 53%
  • 14. 2020: A turning point for DEI “A lot of organisations saw more change in the second half of 2020 than they saw probably in the last 10 years.” - Bendita Malakia, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Hogan Lovells
  • 15. BLM: A catalyst for change
  • 16. BLM taught us that DEI is a matter that matters to all of us.
  • 17. DEI used to be a nice to have. The pandemic made it a must-have.
  • 19. Asian Hate brings DEI to spotlight.
  • 21. 2021 brought an unprecedented surge in interest in women empowerment. ● According to the World Economic Forum, Covid widened the time estimation to close the gender gap from 99.5 to 135+ years. ● Throughout the first 10 months of the pandemic, American women lost 5.4 million jobs, almost 1 million more than men. It has been described as the “first female recession”. (Forbes) . COVID-19 pandemic has set back efforts to close the gender gap by a generation.
  • 22. COVID-19 revolutionized Remote Work, thus opening up opportunity for attracting global talent. BUT this means that different cultures, religions and working styles need to be taken into consideration. Remote Work is driving Diversity and requiring Inclusion.
  • 23. It’s Diversity that will get us out of the crisis. Diversity promotes innovation and out of the box thinking, aka what we need to address a global health & economical crisis.
  • 24. “The coronavirus pandemic has, underlined that inclusion is a fundamental business imperative rather than an almost social, bringing-people-together imperative.” - Roianne Nedd, Global Head of Inclusion and Diversity, Oliver Wyman
  • 26.
  • 27. “Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs, all of the things that make us who we are. It is a combination of our differences that shape our view of the world, our perspective and our approach.” . Diversity: Definition. “ Australian Government “Diversity is the art of thinking independently together.” Publisher Malcolm Forbes
  • 29. Types of Diversity: Organization. Workforce Behavioral Structural Age, Gender, Race Ethnicity, religion, physical ability, sexual orientation. Different working and thinking styles, different values and beliefs. Different horizontal and vertical levels of an organization. Business Different customer markets, community representation, supplier diversity
  • 30. “ When we treat everyone equally, we treat everyone the same, but when we treat everyone equitably, we focus on individualistic needs. Equity asks us to acknowledge that everyone has different needs, experiences, and opportunities that require support in different ways.” Equity vs. Equality: Definition. “ Culture Amp
  • 31.
  • 32. “Inclusion is defined separately from diversity as the achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.” Inclusion: Definition. “ Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • 33. “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” – Vernā Myers, VP, Inclusion Strategy at Netflix
  • 35. 1. There’s no such thing as a diverse employee.
  • 36. 2. Diversity is not an one size fits all.
  • 40. The Benefits of a Diverse & Inclusive Workplace. Attracts top talent: 67% of people on the job market stated that racial and gender diversity is an important factor in their job search (Glassdoor) Engages and retains employees: 83% of millennials feel more engaged at work when their company fosters an inclusive culture. (Forbes) Enhances decision making: diverse teams make better decisions 87% of the times (Cloverpop) Drives innovation: Companies with above average diversity scores generate 45% revenue from innovation in comparison to 26% by non diverse companies. (BCG) Enhances brand and customer relationships: 83% of executives agree that diversity improves the company’s ability to attract & retain clients. (Nagaoka Review) Generates greater performance & profit: Gender-diverse companies perform 21% better than the average & ethnically and racially diverse companies have 43% higher profits. (McKinsey) Apart from happy people 😉
  • 42. Representation in Leadership. White staff represents 85% of executives (McKInsey) Although 13.4% of the total US population is Black, only 2% of executives are Black. (McKInsey) 18.5% of the U.S. population is Latinx, but only 3% of executives are Latinxs. (McKInsey) Women in senior-vice-president positions represent 28% in corporate America, and representation in the C-suite is at 21%. (McKInsey) Women of color remain dramatically underrepresented: Black women face an especially hard path to a CEO role, with 65% of Black female employees in a staff role, as opposed to line roles. (McKInsey) A total of 21 Black Americans have held Fortune 500 CEO positions (HBR) LGBTQ+ men comprise 3% of managerial positions, while LGBTQ+ women only 1.6% (McKinsey)
  • 43. HBR Study: Only 9.5% of people of colour received mentions of leadership qualities in their performance evaluations. Mistakes were reported at higher levels in performance reviews of people of colour than of white people (78% vs. 46% ) HBR: 46% of woman asked whether they feel disadvantaged in performance assessment responded with “a great deal” Black employees are 23% less likely to receive support to advance, 41% less likely to view promotions as fair than white employees. (McKinsey) Performance & Development. Remuneration.
  • 44. According to a Glassdoor study, diversity and inclusion-related job openings in the US slumped in view of BLM. One month after Floyd’s killing, on May 25, the number of positions listed had surged 55 per cent; by the end of November, the increase was 245 per cent, with nearly 1,500 openings. Between 2020 -2021 more than 60 U.S. companies appointed their first-ever chief diversity officer (CDO). More and more companies have appointed DEI advisory boards & have included DEI in their Code of Conduct. #1 Positive Trend: Big organizations are taking DEI seriously.
  • 45. published their full diversity quotas. reviewed their 2020 DEI initiatives. shared their 2021 DEI strategy. showcased their OKRs/SMART goals tied to DEI. #2 Positive Trend: Big organizations are becoming more transparent. Big players in the market, like Apple, Netflix, Microsoft and Atlassian have reinforced their commitment to Diversity, by making their stats public. More specifically, they:
  • 50. Redesigning their recruiting strategies. Atlassian has: - used Textio software to avoid gender-biased language and representation on their Careers site. - formed strategic partnerships with organizations that focus on tech diversity initiatives, including Women Who Code, People of Color in Tech, Lesbians Who Tech - entered into a partnership with Disability Network Australia to audit their current recruiting methods, tools, and processes. Apple is investing in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, offering internship opportunities and 100 additional scholarships for students from underrepresented communities.
  • 51. Reinforcing engagement with internal DEI communities. Most companies like Netflix, Linkedin and Nielsen are fostering ERGs especially dedicated to represent diverse groups, e.g. Latinos, People of Colour, LGBT+ Loreal Italy launched 10 DEI squads on a volunteering basis, working on different projects that promote internal diversity initiatives.
  • 53. Apple: The Career Experience (CE) program gives Retail and AppleCare team members around the world opportunities to grow and contribute their talents to other teams across the company, from engineering to marketing and beyond. Publicis Group is organizing women led company wide Hackathons. Lenovo has come up with on demand trainings with rewards for participants from underprivileged groups. Merck has introduced a DEI training curriculum: Foundations of DEI, Inclusive Leadership development, Unconscious Bias Education. Investing in Development & Training.
  • 54. Apple doesn't ask for salary history during the recruiting process. And every year, they examine the compensation employees receive and ensure that they maintain pay equity. Atlassian has introduced a compensation training program for all managers to ensure equitable pay. Netflix has opted for Inclusive Benefits. Their parental leave policy is gender-blind. They support employees regardless of marital status, gender, or sexual orientation on their fertility, surrogacy, or adoption journey. And they cover comprehensive transgender and non-binary care. Introducing Bias-free Compensation & Benefits.
  • 56. The 3 main trends Funding and Donations: The most common way we saw Fortune 100 companies address the BLM Movement was through funding and donations. Over 50% of organizations chose to donate to at least one charitable organization, resulting in roughly $2 billion worth of contributions from the world’s largest companies. Creating Social Awareness: For some organizations, this simply meant creating awareness through social media or hosting additional events. Pushing for Community Equality Advancement: Standout companies actually leveraged their business expertise to create shared value for members of underserved communities.
  • 58. Nielsen turned their data into reports for clients to know how to represent diversity properly and provided pro bono consulting to support small businesses of diverse communities. Netflix has spent $100k to increase diversity in film, launched an incubator for Indigenous creators in Australia, and trained people from underrepresented groups for a production career in Brazil. Verizon announced its “Citizen Verizon” project with the aim of upskilling 500,000 workers, mostly from minority demographics, for jobs of the future by 2030. Community Equality Advancement.
  • 60. • Two years ago, Google came under fire for a sexist viral letter one of its employees wrote and for allegedly paying women less than men. • In November, roughly 20,000 Googlers walked out of the company's offices worldwide to protest its handling of sexual assault allegations directed at key executives. Thousands of Employees walked out to protest. But why?
  • 61. • Google's search feature at one time tagged images of African-Americans as “gorillas".. • Another tool released in 2018 that matched people's selfies with popular artworks, inadvertently correlated the faces of African Americans with artwork depicting slaves.
  • 62. Starbucks. In June 2020, Starbucks announced that it would donate $1 million to support racial-justice-oriented causes. The company came under fire for a leaked internal memo banning employees from wearing any merchandise supporting Black Lives Matter. Facing criticism, they went as far as to distribute Black Lives Matter T-shirts to their baristas.
  • 63. Last summer, tech companies including Amazon, Google, and Pinterest joined a corporate chorus of support for Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing. A Black employee tweeted that they were underpaid, threatened, and harassed by colleagues at Pinterest, even as the company tweeted support for Black Lives Matter. Pinterest: Real or fake support?
  • 64. 3 Black employees filed a complaint with the EEOC alleging the social network doesn’t give Black workers equal opportunity to advance. Google listed only five Black female executives among FB’s top 357 officers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Coalition is currently investigating Facebook for racial bias in its hiring practices. The racial bias must stop.
  • 65. Unilever changed the name of the fairness cream in response to the worldwide protest Black lives matter protests, but they are still selling the cream and they continue to profit from the their belief that “lighter skin” is more appealing.
  • 66. 🔮 Outlook on the future: Dos & Donts
  • 67. The DOs: Embed it in the whole employee lifecycle. Support it with an open & inclusive culture. Include employees in decision-making. Raise Awareness, learn and use the right vocabulary. Lean into the discomfort with compassion. Change the narrative. Make it an organizational thing not just an HR thing. Give back to society in a sustainable way.
  • 68. Probably the most important DO: Commit! Take it seriously: DEI needs to be a part of company ethos, purpose and values. Make it strategic: Consider a more strategic approach to inclusion rather than ad-hoc measures and tie to it to business outcomes. Own it: Appoint CDOs and DEI Advisory Boards that will hold executive leaders accountable for driving DEI outcomes. Audit it continuously: Examine your culture and practices to determine how well they support or hinder equity. Make it techy: Leverage AI to eliminate bias when possible. Measure it: Have a measurement processes in place, e.g. KPIs/ OKRs or Include DEI as a criterium in employee evaluations. Review it with employees: Run a internal Diversity survey to collect employee feedback. Publish it: Make Diversity Reports public and accessible to all.
  • 69. The DON’Ts: Misunderstand the Why. Reduce importance. Consider DEI initiatives as a Band-Aid for systemic problems. Focus on Diversity and forget about Equity and Inclusion. Self-replicate when hiring. Believe that DEI is only responsibility of HR. Avoid the hard conversations. Fail to track results.
  • 70. Corporate Accountability is key to sustainable change. “We can’t simply tweet our way out of inequity. We must ask ourselves, how will we change to ensure no one feels this way again? This is about more than a program or making a splashy hire. It’s putting accountabilities in place, such as laws, regulations and corporate policies, that not only promote inclusion but also hold people of influence accountable for it. This is the start to sustainable progress.” - Jerrell Moore, Global Diversity and Inclusion leader at Assurant
  • 73. • Support and celebrate each other’s differences (Have a prayer room, celebrate different holidays, etc). • Be mindful while talking with people whose native language is not English. • Create a judgment free environment. By making sure you listen to your colleagues, asking them questions, allowing them to be open with no judgement. • Rethink Your Meetings. Inclusion in meetings is all about making sure that everyone feels like they can speak up and contribute to whatever is being discussed. How can we make a difference?
  • 76. How Might We Make Our University Diverse & Inclusive?