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The Different Types of Media Essay
The Different Types of Media
I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially
individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio,
magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it
becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements.
Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most
over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of
other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise',
or more content...
From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for
all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people
might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain
of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful
documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion
or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind.
Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too
scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an
emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean
they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions,
murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday
things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed.
Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the
younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is
known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages
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Three Types of Friends Essay examples
Through my experiences I have come to realize that there are basically three types of friends a
person can have. There are friends that I call "sometimes" friends, these people appear to be your
friend but only when you are face to face with them, and when you are not around them they act
more like a foe. They are often referred to as two faced or a back stabber. These types of friends
are not very reliable nor should they be trusted. Another type of friend a person can have, and the
best kind, is a "true" friend. A true friend is someone you know you can always trust and rely on no
matter what. The last type of friend is the "acquaintance". These are the type of friends that you do
not necessarily hate, but at the same time you more content...
These people are not very reliable and should not be trusted with things of a personal matter or
with things of great importance. You should confront this person and let them know how you are
feeling about the way they are treating you. Let them know how things look from your point of
view. If they are a true friend they will try to correct their ways and start acting like a real friend
would act. If they do not change their ways and they continue to take advantage of you, it would
probably be smart of you not to associate with them anymore. An "acquaintance" friend is
someone who you will usually encounter every so often for business needs or for some other
reason. You most likely are on good terms with these people, but they are not considered close
friends whom you would talk to about personal problems. They could be someone at the grocery
store where you shop at, the place where you work, the barber shop or salon where you get your
hair cut, or maybe the convenience store where you get gas at. They usually seem as if they are
good people and friendly. The acquaintance friend has the potential to become somewhat closer over
time if there are enough meetings between the two of you. Most friends that people say are good
friends were just an acquaintance at some point in time, but became closer as they got to know each
other better. Last,
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Types of Study Skills Essays
People always said knowledge can change their life. For many reasons, people keep learning new
things, then the skills of study turns to be more important. Nowadays, thanks for the internet; the
world is full of different information. It is difficult to let people study all of them, how to study and
what to study becomes a problem. Therefore, we have different study skills to help us study them;
Cognitive Learning Styles; Info processing model chart; Time management and goal setting; Twelve
Principles of Memory; Brain Dominance Theory and the note taking are part of them. Many people
keep asking the best study skill, but in my opinion, I think what they are looking for is the suitable
way to study.
Cognitive Learning more content...
And right hemisphere involves generalized, spatial, colors, visualization, imagination, pictures,
graphs, charts, intuition, interactive and rhythm.
Many people think they don't perform well on study because they not good at study. They can't
remember things as quick as others. This theory seems let peoples know their brain can be trained.
For example, Mao Yisheng (January 9, 1896 – 1989 12 November) a well knew bridge scientists,
civil engineering scientist, and educator for in China. He keep walk near the river and recite poetry
every morning, later than, he can recite things when other people finish writing. Therefore this is
one of the example shows the memory and brain can be trained.
Info processing model chart
Info processing model chart show that when we have short–term memory, we need to do some
rehearsals, after thatwe are can turn that information to long–term memory. However, when the
times gone, people still will forgot that information. Therefore, they need to keep rehearsals to sure
they will never forget it. For example, Kangxi Emperor also rehearsals 7 times after he recite it
50times.Chung–Hsuan Cheng (2011).
The Twelve Principles of Memory
The Twelve Principles of Memory separate to three part, the first principles are Selectively,
Association, Visualization, Elaboration; the second principles are Concentration, Recitation,
Intention, Big and Little Pictures and the
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Essay on Types Of Research
Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter
everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is
defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the
situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well
as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able
to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry,
investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the
difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content...
Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This
research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems.
One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty
spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's
profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while
conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance,
increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization
(Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related
outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the
hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell
addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization
in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data
collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996).
In the White Page Series, researcher Burke
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Types of Intelligence Essay examples
Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and
ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think
rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to
the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some
intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential
intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this
type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death,
and other realities. more content...
Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than
being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think
in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the
ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the
natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was
necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of
intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical
/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone
whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability
to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the
psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I
define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical
intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical
intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other
structured environments. Practical
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Types of Offence and Courts Essay examples
Types of Offence and Courts This assignment is set out to explain how courts deal with both
criminal and civil matters. It is sets out the role of the Police Service, Fire Service and the Army
within the English legal system. Task One: There are three types of Criminal offences that the
Criminal Courts deal with. The three types of Criminal offence are; В· Summary * Either Way *
Indictable Summary Offences These are dealt only within the Magistrates Court. They are generally
offences that are considered less serious and maximum punishment is six months imprisonment and
/or ВЈ5,000 fine. Examples of Summary offences are; * Minor assaults * more content...
When there is a breach in civil law, an individual or a company will sue another company or
individual. They usually sue for money or compensation. Smaller cases are heard in the County
Court and lager cases are heard in the High Court. For example claims under ВЈ5,000 are dealt with
by the small claims court (that is within the County Court). Claims under ВЈ25,000 would usually be
held in the County Court and claims over ВЈ50,000 are heard in the High Court. However, claims
between ВЈ25,000 – ВЈ50,000 the difficulty of the case would be taken into consideration to decide
which court the case would be heard in. However, there are different procedures for each court. The
Small Claims Procedure The Small Claims court is part of County court and designed to deal what
claims under ВЈ5,000.the stage of the procedure is to take out a summons and pay a small fee
based on the amount being claimed. This summons must include details of the claim; it has to be
clear to the defendant and the court why the claim is being made. When the summons has been
'served' the defendant have fourteen days to send back a defence. The defendant then has several
options: В· They can choose to pay the claim В· They may make an admission and agree
arrangements to pay at a later date В· They may make a defence to the claim В· They may
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Research Methods Essay
Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow
a process system that involved defining a principle of research.
General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research
often involves a subjective element. There are differences designs in qualitative research in
comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects;
Quantitative involves data in the form of numbers and statistics.
However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects
view their world. In quantitative research the researcher uses precise measurement to predict
hypotheses. Whereas, more content...
Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem
by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a
problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets
qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is
holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to
specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research
"is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a
holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a
natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative
research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers
evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that trustworthiness could be judged
by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability.
For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and
transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative research report. In order to prevent
researcher bias they can have other researchers point out
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The Different Types of Sports Essay
"Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life".
This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has
some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of
playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is
healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so
many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players,
the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports
is individual sports, in which a person can more content...
You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives
him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is
dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling,
car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but
especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot
perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two
person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and
can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental
strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at
home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind.
The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the
team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to
achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse,
croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A
person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with
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Essay about Types of Assessment Test
Types of Assessment Tests
1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of
assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address
the following:
a) How is each type of assessment scored?
b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards.
c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity.
2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3.
Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how
it is scored, then its limitations and then more content...
These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic,
start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a
large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of
what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions
tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some
students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher.
Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal
consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the
necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent.
Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for
specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not
normed for ABI or other disease categories.
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong
and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to
administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool.
Scores in Oral Fluency
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Different Cultures, Different Essay
Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way
their own culture or society functions. "A society's culture, consists of whatever it is one has to
know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals,
customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To
understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the
attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies
their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily
misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since more content...
What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic
relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of tongues. (Geertz 241)
Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that
took place is a simple misunderstanding that when took place in clashing cultures with different
views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event.
This conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of
reference they are being seen from.
In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of
views of the father. The concept of heroism and violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father
or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture viewing
him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His
actions are viewed as heroic under the circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the
Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an Indian
woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to
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Different Types of Lies Essay
"To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be
true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth". ( In
other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally,
through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some
might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue
that lying is not always wrong.
There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of
lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest
more content...
For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when
suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe being alone with this boy. She decides she
wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the
truth. So instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom
she would do for her before she got home from work. She knows later on, when she is in a more
controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know.
Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to
the question "How are you doing?" A person's answer would depend on the relationship that they
have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response
that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This
response would be given to that person because it may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them
know otherwise.
Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as
a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes? This would be considered a lie based on the fact that
the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be
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Types Of An Essay With Examples

  • 1. The Different Types of Media Essay The Different Types of Media I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio, magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements. Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise', or more content... From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind. Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions, murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed. Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages Get more content on
  • 2. Three Types of Friends Essay examples Through my experiences I have come to realize that there are basically three types of friends a person can have. There are friends that I call "sometimes" friends, these people appear to be your friend but only when you are face to face with them, and when you are not around them they act more like a foe. They are often referred to as two faced or a back stabber. These types of friends are not very reliable nor should they be trusted. Another type of friend a person can have, and the best kind, is a "true" friend. A true friend is someone you know you can always trust and rely on no matter what. The last type of friend is the "acquaintance". These are the type of friends that you do not necessarily hate, but at the same time you more content... These people are not very reliable and should not be trusted with things of a personal matter or with things of great importance. You should confront this person and let them know how you are feeling about the way they are treating you. Let them know how things look from your point of view. If they are a true friend they will try to correct their ways and start acting like a real friend would act. If they do not change their ways and they continue to take advantage of you, it would probably be smart of you not to associate with them anymore. An "acquaintance" friend is someone who you will usually encounter every so often for business needs or for some other reason. You most likely are on good terms with these people, but they are not considered close friends whom you would talk to about personal problems. They could be someone at the grocery store where you shop at, the place where you work, the barber shop or salon where you get your hair cut, or maybe the convenience store where you get gas at. They usually seem as if they are good people and friendly. The acquaintance friend has the potential to become somewhat closer over time if there are enough meetings between the two of you. Most friends that people say are good friends were just an acquaintance at some point in time, but became closer as they got to know each other better. Last, Get more content on
  • 3. Types of Study Skills Essays Introduction People always said knowledge can change their life. For many reasons, people keep learning new things, then the skills of study turns to be more important. Nowadays, thanks for the internet; the world is full of different information. It is difficult to let people study all of them, how to study and what to study becomes a problem. Therefore, we have different study skills to help us study them; Cognitive Learning Styles; Info processing model chart; Time management and goal setting; Twelve Principles of Memory; Brain Dominance Theory and the note taking are part of them. Many people keep asking the best study skill, but in my opinion, I think what they are looking for is the suitable way to study. Cognitive Learning more content... And right hemisphere involves generalized, spatial, colors, visualization, imagination, pictures, graphs, charts, intuition, interactive and rhythm. Many people think they don't perform well on study because they not good at study. They can't remember things as quick as others. This theory seems let peoples know their brain can be trained. For example, Mao Yisheng (January 9, 1896 – 1989 12 November) a well knew bridge scientists, civil engineering scientist, and educator for in China. He keep walk near the river and recite poetry every morning, later than, he can recite things when other people finish writing. Therefore this is one of the example shows the memory and brain can be trained. Info processing model chart Info processing model chart show that when we have short–term memory, we need to do some rehearsals, after thatwe are can turn that information to long–term memory. However, when the times gone, people still will forgot that information. Therefore, they need to keep rehearsals to sure they will never forget it. For example, Kangxi Emperor also rehearsals 7 times after he recite it 50times.Chung–Hsuan Cheng (2011). The Twelve Principles of Memory The Twelve Principles of Memory separate to three part, the first principles are Selectively, Association, Visualization, Elaboration; the second principles are Concentration, Recitation, Intention, Big and Little Pictures and the Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Types Of Research Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry, investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content... Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems. One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance, increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization (Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996). In the White Page Series, researcher Burke Get more content on
  • 5. Types of Intelligence Essay examples Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more content... Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical /mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other structured environments. Practical Get more content on
  • 6. Types of Offence and Courts Essay examples Types of Offence and Courts This assignment is set out to explain how courts deal with both criminal and civil matters. It is sets out the role of the Police Service, Fire Service and the Army within the English legal system. Task One: There are three types of Criminal offences that the Criminal Courts deal with. The three types of Criminal offence are; В· Summary * Either Way * Indictable Summary Offences These are dealt only within the Magistrates Court. They are generally offences that are considered less serious and maximum punishment is six months imprisonment and /or ВЈ5,000 fine. Examples of Summary offences are; * Minor assaults * more content... When there is a breach in civil law, an individual or a company will sue another company or individual. They usually sue for money or compensation. Smaller cases are heard in the County Court and lager cases are heard in the High Court. For example claims under ВЈ5,000 are dealt with by the small claims court (that is within the County Court). Claims under ВЈ25,000 would usually be held in the County Court and claims over ВЈ50,000 are heard in the High Court. However, claims between ВЈ25,000 – ВЈ50,000 the difficulty of the case would be taken into consideration to decide which court the case would be heard in. However, there are different procedures for each court. The Small Claims Procedure The Small Claims court is part of County court and designed to deal what claims under ВЈ5,000.the stage of the procedure is to take out a summons and pay a small fee based on the amount being claimed. This summons must include details of the claim; it has to be clear to the defendant and the court why the claim is being made. When the summons has been 'served' the defendant have fourteen days to send back a defence. The defendant then has several options: В· They can choose to pay the claim В· They may make an admission and agree arrangements to pay at a later date В· They may make a defence to the claim В· They may Get more content on
  • 7. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 8. Research Methods Essay Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow a process system that involved defining a principle of research. General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research often involves a subjective element. There are differences designs in qualitative research in comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects; Quantitative involves data in the form of numbers and statistics. However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects view their world. In quantitative research the researcher uses precise measurement to predict hypotheses. Whereas, more content... Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research "is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that trustworthiness could be judged by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability. For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative research report. In order to prevent researcher bias they can have other researchers point out Get more content on
  • 9. The Different Types of Sports Essay "Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more content... You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind. The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Types of Assessment Test Types of Assessment Tests 1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address the following: a) How is each type of assessment scored? b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards. c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity. 2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. 3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3. Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how it is scored, then its limitations and then more content... These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic, start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher. Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent. Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not normed for ABI or other disease categories. Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool. Scores in Oral Fluency Get more content on
  • 11. Different Cultures, Different Essay Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. "A society's culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since more content... What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of tongues. (Geertz 241) Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from. In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture viewing him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to Get more content on
  • 12. Different Types of Lies Essay "To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth". ( In other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally, through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue that lying is not always wrong. There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest more content... For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe being alone with this boy. She decides she wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the truth. So instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom she would do for her before she got home from work. She knows later on, when she is in a more controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know. Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to the question "How are you doing?" A person's answer would depend on the relationship that they have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This response would be given to that person because it may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them know otherwise. Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes? This would be considered a lie based on the fact that the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be Get more content on