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24 MARCH-29 MARCH 2019
24th MARCH / Sunday 24/03/2019
This is the first time I travelled by
plane. I was very nervous but I
wasn't scared. We got off from the
plane and we went to Odense by
train. We will stay in Odense. When
we got off from the train, the family
met us. We went their home. The
house was so big. They showed us
our room and we settled room.
The Daughter of the family ( has a
long name, can't remember her
name.) took us an area to play
football so I really enjoyed. When
we returned home it was evening.
Dinner was ready. We had a long
conversation at the dinner. We went
to room to sleep about at 09.00 pm.
It was really exhausting day.
25 MARCH / Monday 25/03/2019
We woke up in the morning and
we went to school. They showed us
weekly plan at the school. After that
we played our game with all the
students. After game Danish
students showed us their school.
School was very big and very
We returned home at 03.00 pm.
The youngest child in the house
offered us to play game and we said
OK . That day we were in the house.
We slept in the night.
26 MARCH / Tuesday
We woke up and we went to
school again. Today we were
going to go to Denmark's
capital city Copenhagen. We
arrived in Copenhagen 2
hours later.Copenhagen was a
really beautiful city. Its
statues, views are fascinating.
We got on the bus at 06.00
pm. We arrived at Odense at
08.00 pm.
27 MARCH / Wednesday
We woke up early and went to
school. There was a conference
about 17 Global Goals. We choosed
top 5 and we made a presentation.
After that we wandered in Odense.
There was a lot of statues .
When we finished our trip we
met in the H.C. ANDERSEN. He is a
famous writer. His tales ‘’ The Little
Match Girl - The Ugly Duckling ''.
After the museum we went to
trampoline park. That was fun.
When we went the home, we go to
room for sleep.
28 MARCH / Thursday 28/03/2019
We went to school in the morning. We went to gym in the school and
we played football. When we finished the game (3 hours later ) the
students were preparing because there was a party at night.
The party started ,we danced and listened to music . When we went
to school we went bed again.
29 MARCH / Friday 29/03/2019
Today was our last day in Denmark. I was both happy and sad. We went
to school and we farewalled with my friends. I made a lot of frieds in
Denmark. I will miss them...
Dear diary,
Today is Sunday. We came denmark.
Our flight was early. It would take about 4 Hours. We went to the Atatürk airport. This airport is the biggest airport in turkey .it was our
first came this airpor. It was the first time some of us who never board a plane. When ı came airport, there were my teachers and some
of my friends came too. When my other friends came, we did our passport transactions. This transactions was took long time so that
we came early. When we say “goodbye” our family, we went to the other transactions. Then we went plane.
Finally we arrived Denmark after 4 hours. We went to airport from the train station. For the first time in my life ı was riding a train. We
went to “odense” with 1 transfer from Kopenhagen. When we arrived “odense”, our danish friends were there with flags in their hands.
Then we went to house with who is stay with us.
My danish friend’s name was “Minna”. But when she introduced herself, she said”my name is Mine. So ı decided to call her mine. We
went to a place like a park from train station. There was a huge lake. Then we bought icecream and when we eat ours ice cream, we
walked around the lake and we asked same question for got to know each other better.
Then we went to home. We played games and we chated for get to know each other again. Then ı fell sleep because ı was very hungry.
25TH MARCH,2019
Dear diary,
• Today is Monday.
• Its the second day in the Denmark. Actually it was a good day. We went to school
after breakfast. School was very big but they said “our school wasn’t big.In the
middle of the school there was a huge hall .It was unusual. Then everybody met in
this hall. When everybody came the countries stood up and introduced their
countries. Then we made groups for wander the school.
• Then there was a break for have lunch. After that we played the games. We had a
game too. Then we danced. We learnt Danish, French and American dance. Then
there was a break again.
• After the school “Mine, Anna (who is Mine’s best friend), Ellise (who is a Portugese
girl stay at Ann’s house) and I went to the name of “kingdom running sushi”. The
first time in my life ı could have a chance to taste sushi. İt was really good.
• Then we came back home and ı was exhausted again. So ı went to bed and the day
was finished.
26th March,2019
Dear diary,
Today is Tuesday.İt is the third day in denmark. Today we went to the “kopenhagen”.
After the breakfast we went to school again. Then a bus came to school for take us. About 1 or 2
hours later we arrived the capital of city. We went to near of the sea and saw a statue. This statue
about the “little mermaid”. Then they told us the tale of little mermaid.
Then we went to “queens castle”. After that we went a little square and there was a fountain.
Then we leaved around. Then we travelled around and bought something to gift we went to
fountain to meet others. We went a long tower to see better kopenhagen. We saw the all city.
Then we had dinner and prepared to leave kopenhagen. The bus came and we went back. But
this voyage was very long.
This time we couldn’t go somewhere again because when we arrived school it was 22.00. my day
was fantastic. The capital city was huge and crowded then odense. This day was really good and ı
was really exhausted.
• Dear diary, 27th March,2019
• Today is Wednesday.
• Today is we were generally at the school. There were presentations and we talked
about “17 global goals”. We sung a song name of” count on me”like Monday.
After school tere was a trip to travel odense. We made groups again and we went
to parks and statue’s near. Then we went to “H.C. Anderson”s musem. And we
took a tour with museum guide.
• When everybody went to their houses, our friends let went to us a place name of
“jumpingfun”. But ı was the person who first went ı played with my
danish friends untill my turkish friends come. Unfourtunetly when my turk friends
came, ı had a little time so ı didnt play them so much. But ıt was really big fun.
• After that everybody (2 pourtugoal friend, anna, minna and ı) went to “aişya”s
house. (Aişya is minnes a friend) first we had dinner then there was a little tour
for see house. Then we went to aişya’s father’ room where he give painting
lessons. We did a party in there.
• When we came home, it was too late so we fell a sleep.
Dear dairy, 28th March,2019
Today is Thursday.
The last days in denmark.the countries would leaving friday so there was a huge party.
First we had breakfast like all times. When we decided to make traditional cake when we didnt come
denmark. Yes, ı have just made cake. I, bilge and yağız selected to make cake and others decided to do sport
event. I hadn’t no idea how seen or how could we make “traditional cake” but even so ı was excited.
İn the school there was a room where take lessons to make cook. We went there. First we took materials then
we started to make cake. Every group had a danish friend and we had a danish friens name of “asis”. He was
friendly. Then we met him we start to make cake. (Actually the milk was few so ı put some milk a raised dough
and ı saved the cake.)
Then made cake we went to odense to take “selfi” for party. It was really fun even we passed red light by a
mistake. After we took our “selfi”s we went back. İn the dinner we ate our pizza’s. Actually it was like
“bazlama”.and there were stands which had the countries traiditinol foods. And of course danish’s stand was
the biggest. (Because they are hosts)
İn the evening the party was started. The start of party was really entertainning but in the middle it was
getting boring because the all of songs were boring ı think. (For a moment we tried to open “erik dalı” but we
couldnt do that)
I guess it was a really beatiful and exhausted day.
29th March,2019
Dear diary,
Today is friday.
The last day. This was the go back time. I checked my suitcase and had
breakfast. Our family where ı stayed gave me a little gift, but it was really
beatiful gift. We came to school early so we had to wait for everybody. When
everybody came to school, goodbye ceremony started. (Actually we just said
each other goodbye) They were very cute even they started hugged and saying
goodbye to us.
It was fine. Then we left school and went to a souvenirs shop. Then we went to
train station. When we were waiting for train we ate our lunch.
After that we went to Kopenhagen with train. Then we went to airport and
again plane…
When we arrived İstanbul the new day has started. Then we met our family
and went our houses.
• This is the first day of us in Denmark.We got to Denmark with an
airplane which starts to fly at 9:00.We had 2 hour train trip after we
arrived.Afrer passing this train trip.We would finally go to our
home.Train trip was over and we were in the houses.We met with the
family.The family was good.They looked after us carefully.They had 2
girls.The girls told us that they can show us the city.We prefered to
accept it.After some trip in the city,we played football on a football
pitch.After 1 hours of playing,we went back home.After we had the
dinner.we prefered to go our rooms.That was an opinion made by me
and Mert.That day was short and it was very quick.
• 25.03.2019
• This day was the first day of the school.So in that case,we woke up early
and get prepared quickly.After we reached the school,I was very
excited.Because there will be a lot of people who is going to represent
their countries.The turn was ours,and we represented our country very
good.After the school,we came back home.After that,we went to an ice-
cream shop.We saw Kaan and Yağız in the ice-cream shop.After the
meeting,we searched a forest.After I came home after searching
forest,my stepping time was 16000.After we came back home,we were
tired so we just ate dinner and went to our rooms.
Today,we went to Copenhagen.After 2 hours of bus trip,we were finally in
Copenhagen.After we searched Copenhagen,I was lost.Yes,I was.But it doesn’t
matter when someone finds you.And after that,nothing special happened.After 3
hours of trip to Odense,I realised that my stepping time was 20000.And we will go to
a different family tomorrow.
• Today,we went to the new family that I told about yesterday.The
family was better than the first one.But we met the family at night.We
gave our packages and went to school.After school,ve visited
Odense.We looked at some sculptures and we entered a mesum.It is
about a fairy tale writer called ‘’H.C. Anderson’’.It was a good
museum.After all of that,we went to a jumping park which is
called’’Jumping Fun’’After that,we came back home
Today is the first day that we stayed with the new family.Same things for
a while,we went to school,and after that we visited Odense.After a trrip
for Odense,we came back home and take some chill.After 1 hour,we
want back school.The reason is there was a party where we all represent
our country by our foods.As Turkish people,we went to there and give
them our traditional foods.After represetning,we had some dancing
party for 2 hours.At 22:00 (with denmark hour)we came home.My
stepping time was 25000.
Today is the last day in Denmark.We went to Turkey after that day.We
went to school to say goodbye.After that,we got into some stores and
we arrived at the train station.We started the train trip at 13:35.And the
flight was going to be at 17:00.We were in airport at 15:30.Anyway,we
flew to the Istanbul and we came there with no illness.So,that was the
end of a journey.
• I woke up early in the morning. I think I woke up too early. I'il tell you why. I took my suitcase and
backpack and got into the car. Where's the ride? Of course Denmark ki
• In fact, the reason I went to Denmark is a school project. Gül Teacher and Elif Teacher manage this
project. Our manager Aykut Teacher is coming with us. The aim here is to fuse people,
• The unification of cultures, the growth of the feeling of togetherness among us. Actually, I really
liked this project. I've been waiting for my teachers for about an hour. A little boring, actually. A
lot of people are passing us with their suitcases. Then my teachers and my friends came. Control
is over. Time to leave! I don't know how to do that. I kissed my mom and dad. We say goodbye.
We waited a bit at the airport. Now I'm on the plane.
• The flight took about 3.5 hours. It was a nice ride. Then we got on a train. Then another train. It's
kind of frustrating. But I think it's a nice experience. Now we're down. Our friends were waiting
for us. Everybody broke up and went home. My friend's name was Ursula. We had a little chat.
We introduced ourselves. We talked about where we live. I came home.
• I threw myself in bed. I slept about two hours. We had dinner later. At dinner we had pasta and
chicken with sauce. I told him I didn't consume pork and meat. They don't consume the family.
That's why I ate my dinner with peace of mind. I gave my presents. They love it. Thank you very
much. I then watched television sit with them a little more. Actually I don't understand much
because most of them are Danish but I get it. It was fun. I slept right after that.
Today I went to school with Ursula. People are used to walking so
much, but I'm not. I think the road was too long, but it was beautiful.
There were everywhere, wherever I looked on the bike. And I think it's
beautiful. That was so fun. Slowly we started to get to know each other.
Then we did our presentations all day long. We introduced our
countries. We played games. And we did a traditional dance. In the
evening I came home with Ursula and had dinner. We played box
games. Then I took a bath. My stay at home was really very clean. The
family was very sincere. In this respect, I have never had any
strangeness. I slept right after that. It was a beautiful day.
We're going to Copenhagen today. Again with Ursula we went to school and waited for
our other friends. We set off on the bus. It was a two-hour ride. We listened to music.
We chatted. We took videos and photos. When we arrived in town, we saw the little
mermaid. We listened to his legend. We were photographed. And we ate the food we
brought with us. Then we went to the center of the city. Again we heard stories and
legends about the places and statues there. We walked a little. And we went up to a
tower. Obviously it was a little tiring. Because there was no ladder and the uphill slope
was rotating. That's a little bit tired. But when we went up to the top, it was a perfect
sight. We took a lot of photos. Then Ozan disappeared. We worry about. But we found
him after a great deal of work. Free time was also given. And we walked around. We
went to a big place with the Lego store. That was perfect. I bought small gifts. Then we
got on the bus. And we're on our way. Me and Elif slept on the road a bit. The weather
was very dark when we arrived. Ursula's father came to get us by car. We got in the car
and came home. We didn't do much later. I slept immediately.
Today I went to school with Ursula. We made the “Danish Cake’ in the
school's kitchen. So actually this is a cinnamon cake (I didn't like it very much
because I dislike cinnamon, but the construction was fun.). Our teachers
prepared bread, salad, chicken-style stuff. We had a lot of fun while eating
together. Then we went back to the center of the city to take photographs
with Ursula and others. We've seen some. We entered the Flying Tiger. The
place was perfect. It was also very cheap. I would recommend it to everyone.
Then I went to the same place again with my friends on the same day. It was
very nice. Then we had a party in the evening. Each country brought its own
famous dishes. Everyone tasted individually. We have brought breakfast stuff,
sausage, Turkish delight, krokan style stuff. It was nice. Later we had dinner
and danced until the evening (I did not get too much but I get it.). Then we
returned home. I immediately started to prepare my suitcase and backpack
for tomorrow. Because we were coming back tomorrow. I actually missed
some Turkey!
Today we're going to Turkey. It was a nice experience for us. We had so much
fun. When we went to school we said goodbye to all our friends, we hugged.
They all waved behind us. We went to the train station with our suitcases.
We ate together. Then we got on the train and set off. It's been a little hard
to find our place. But we finally found it and we sat down. The journey took
about two hours. Some guy helped me lower my suitcase when I was getting
off the train. I said thank you, but he never responded. I told him two more
times that he didn't, but he still didn't answer. We went to the airport. We
got on the plane. They gave us dinner. It was very nice. Everybody cheered
when they landed. Here we were in Turkey. We took our suitcases and found
our families. They miss us. We went in the car and went home. I am very
tired. When we got home, it was 1.30. I slept immediately and dived into
beautiful dreams.

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Turkish team in Denmark

  • 3. 24th MARCH / Sunday 24/03/2019 This is the first time I travelled by plane. I was very nervous but I wasn't scared. We got off from the plane and we went to Odense by train. We will stay in Odense. When we got off from the train, the family met us. We went their home. The house was so big. They showed us our room and we settled room. The Daughter of the family ( has a long name, can't remember her name.) took us an area to play football so I really enjoyed. When we returned home it was evening. Dinner was ready. We had a long conversation at the dinner. We went to room to sleep about at 09.00 pm. It was really exhausting day.
  • 4. 25 MARCH / Monday 25/03/2019 We woke up in the morning and we went to school. They showed us weekly plan at the school. After that we played our game with all the students. After game Danish students showed us their school. School was very big and very beautiful. We returned home at 03.00 pm. The youngest child in the house offered us to play game and we said OK . That day we were in the house. We slept in the night.
  • 5. 26 MARCH / Tuesday 26/03/2019 We woke up and we went to school again. Today we were going to go to Denmark's capital city Copenhagen. We arrived in Copenhagen 2 hours later.Copenhagen was a really beautiful city. Its statues, views are fascinating. We got on the bus at 06.00 pm. We arrived at Odense at 08.00 pm.
  • 6. 27 MARCH / Wednesday 27/03/2019 We woke up early and went to school. There was a conference about 17 Global Goals. We choosed top 5 and we made a presentation. After that we wandered in Odense. There was a lot of statues . When we finished our trip we met in the H.C. ANDERSEN. He is a famous writer. His tales ‘’ The Little Match Girl - The Ugly Duckling ''. After the museum we went to trampoline park. That was fun. When we went the home, we go to room for sleep.
  • 7. 28 MARCH / Thursday 28/03/2019 We went to school in the morning. We went to gym in the school and we played football. When we finished the game (3 hours later ) the students were preparing because there was a party at night. The party started ,we danced and listened to music . When we went to school we went bed again.
  • 8. 29 MARCH / Friday 29/03/2019 Today was our last day in Denmark. I was both happy and sad. We went to school and we farewalled with my friends. I made a lot of frieds in Denmark. I will miss them...
  • 9. ELİF GAMZE GÖÇER’S JOURNAL Dear diary, Today is Sunday. We came denmark. Our flight was early. It would take about 4 Hours. We went to the Atatürk airport. This airport is the biggest airport in turkey .it was our first came this airpor. It was the first time some of us who never board a plane. When ı came airport, there were my teachers and some of my friends came too. When my other friends came, we did our passport transactions. This transactions was took long time so that we came early. When we say “goodbye” our family, we went to the other transactions. Then we went plane. Finally we arrived Denmark after 4 hours. We went to airport from the train station. For the first time in my life ı was riding a train. We went to “odense” with 1 transfer from Kopenhagen. When we arrived “odense”, our danish friends were there with flags in their hands. Then we went to house with who is stay with us. My danish friend’s name was “Minna”. But when she introduced herself, she said”my name is Mine. So ı decided to call her mine. We went to a place like a park from train station. There was a huge lake. Then we bought icecream and when we eat ours ice cream, we walked around the lake and we asked same question for got to know each other better. Then we went to home. We played games and we chated for get to know each other again. Then ı fell sleep because ı was very hungry.
  • 10. 25TH MARCH,2019 Dear diary, • Today is Monday. • Its the second day in the Denmark. Actually it was a good day. We went to school after breakfast. School was very big but they said “our school wasn’t big.In the middle of the school there was a huge hall .It was unusual. Then everybody met in this hall. When everybody came the countries stood up and introduced their countries. Then we made groups for wander the school. • Then there was a break for have lunch. After that we played the games. We had a game too. Then we danced. We learnt Danish, French and American dance. Then there was a break again. • After the school “Mine, Anna (who is Mine’s best friend), Ellise (who is a Portugese girl stay at Ann’s house) and I went to the name of “kingdom running sushi”. The first time in my life ı could have a chance to taste sushi. İt was really good. • Then we came back home and ı was exhausted again. So ı went to bed and the day was finished.
  • 11.
  • 12. 26th March,2019 Dear diary, Today is Tuesday.İt is the third day in denmark. Today we went to the “kopenhagen”. After the breakfast we went to school again. Then a bus came to school for take us. About 1 or 2 hours later we arrived the capital of city. We went to near of the sea and saw a statue. This statue about the “little mermaid”. Then they told us the tale of little mermaid. Then we went to “queens castle”. After that we went a little square and there was a fountain. Then we leaved around. Then we travelled around and bought something to gift we went to fountain to meet others. We went a long tower to see better kopenhagen. We saw the all city. Then we had dinner and prepared to leave kopenhagen. The bus came and we went back. But this voyage was very long. This time we couldn’t go somewhere again because when we arrived school it was 22.00. my day was fantastic. The capital city was huge and crowded then odense. This day was really good and ı was really exhausted.
  • 13. • Dear diary, 27th March,2019 • Today is Wednesday. • Today is we were generally at the school. There were presentations and we talked about “17 global goals”. We sung a song name of” count on me”like Monday. After school tere was a trip to travel odense. We made groups again and we went to parks and statue’s near. Then we went to “H.C. Anderson”s musem. And we took a tour with museum guide. • When everybody went to their houses, our friends let went to us a place name of “jumpingfun”. But ı was the person who first went ı played with my danish friends untill my turkish friends come. Unfourtunetly when my turk friends came, ı had a little time so ı didnt play them so much. But ıt was really big fun. • After that everybody (2 pourtugoal friend, anna, minna and ı) went to “aişya”s house. (Aişya is minnes a friend) first we had dinner then there was a little tour for see house. Then we went to aişya’s father’ room where he give painting lessons. We did a party in there. • When we came home, it was too late so we fell a sleep.
  • 14.
  • 15. Dear dairy, 28th March,2019 Today is Thursday. The last days in denmark.the countries would leaving friday so there was a huge party. First we had breakfast like all times. When we decided to make traditional cake when we didnt come denmark. Yes, ı have just made cake. I, bilge and yağız selected to make cake and others decided to do sport event. I hadn’t no idea how seen or how could we make “traditional cake” but even so ı was excited. İn the school there was a room where take lessons to make cook. We went there. First we took materials then we started to make cake. Every group had a danish friend and we had a danish friens name of “asis”. He was friendly. Then we met him we start to make cake. (Actually the milk was few so ı put some milk a raised dough and ı saved the cake.) Then made cake we went to odense to take “selfi” for party. It was really fun even we passed red light by a mistake. After we took our “selfi”s we went back. İn the dinner we ate our pizza’s. Actually it was like “bazlama”.and there were stands which had the countries traiditinol foods. And of course danish’s stand was the biggest. (Because they are hosts) İn the evening the party was started. The start of party was really entertainning but in the middle it was getting boring because the all of songs were boring ı think. (For a moment we tried to open “erik dalı” but we couldnt do that) I guess it was a really beatiful and exhausted day.
  • 16.
  • 17. 29th March,2019 Dear diary, Today is friday. The last day. This was the go back time. I checked my suitcase and had breakfast. Our family where ı stayed gave me a little gift, but it was really beatiful gift. We came to school early so we had to wait for everybody. When everybody came to school, goodbye ceremony started. (Actually we just said each other goodbye) They were very cute even they started hugged and saying goodbye to us. It was fine. Then we left school and went to a souvenirs shop. Then we went to train station. When we were waiting for train we ate our lunch. After that we went to Kopenhagen with train. Then we went to airport and again plane… When we arrived İstanbul the new day has started. Then we met our family and went our houses.
  • 19. 24.03.2019 • This is the first day of us in Denmark.We got to Denmark with an airplane which starts to fly at 9:00.We had 2 hour train trip after we arrived.Afrer passing this train trip.We would finally go to our home.Train trip was over and we were in the houses.We met with the family.The family was good.They looked after us carefully.They had 2 girls.The girls told us that they can show us the city.We prefered to accept it.After some trip in the city,we played football on a football pitch.After 1 hours of playing,we went back home.After we had the dinner.we prefered to go our rooms.That was an opinion made by me and Mert.That day was short and it was very quick.
  • 20.
  • 21. • 25.03.2019 • This day was the first day of the school.So in that case,we woke up early and get prepared quickly.After we reached the school,I was very excited.Because there will be a lot of people who is going to represent their countries.The turn was ours,and we represented our country very good.After the school,we came back home.After that,we went to an ice- cream shop.We saw Kaan and Yağız in the ice-cream shop.After the meeting,we searched a forest.After I came home after searching forest,my stepping time was 16000.After we came back home,we were tired so we just ate dinner and went to our rooms.
  • 22. 26.03.2019 Today,we went to Copenhagen.After 2 hours of bus trip,we were finally in Copenhagen.After we searched Copenhagen,I was lost.Yes,I was.But it doesn’t matter when someone finds you.And after that,nothing special happened.After 3 hours of trip to Odense,I realised that my stepping time was 20000.And we will go to a different family tomorrow.
  • 23. 27.03.2019 • Today,we went to the new family that I told about yesterday.The family was better than the first one.But we met the family at night.We gave our packages and went to school.After school,ve visited Odense.We looked at some sculptures and we entered a mesum.It is about a fairy tale writer called ‘’H.C. Anderson’’.It was a good museum.After all of that,we went to a jumping park which is called’’Jumping Fun’’After that,we came back home
  • 24. 28.03.2019 Today is the first day that we stayed with the new family.Same things for a while,we went to school,and after that we visited Odense.After a trrip for Odense,we came back home and take some chill.After 1 hour,we want back school.The reason is there was a party where we all represent our country by our foods.As Turkish people,we went to there and give them our traditional foods.After represetning,we had some dancing party for 2 hours.At 22:00 (with denmark hour)we came home.My stepping time was 25000.
  • 25. 29.03.2019 Today is the last day in Denmark.We went to Turkey after that day.We went to school to say goodbye.After that,we got into some stores and we arrived at the train station.We started the train trip at 13:35.And the flight was going to be at 17:00.We were in airport at 15:30.Anyway,we flew to the Istanbul and we came there with no illness.So,that was the end of a journey.
  • 27. 24TH MARCH-SUNDAY • I woke up early in the morning. I think I woke up too early. I'il tell you why. I took my suitcase and backpack and got into the car. Where's the ride? Of course Denmark ki • In fact, the reason I went to Denmark is a school project. Gül Teacher and Elif Teacher manage this project. Our manager Aykut Teacher is coming with us. The aim here is to fuse people, • The unification of cultures, the growth of the feeling of togetherness among us. Actually, I really liked this project. I've been waiting for my teachers for about an hour. A little boring, actually. A lot of people are passing us with their suitcases. Then my teachers and my friends came. Control is over. Time to leave! I don't know how to do that. I kissed my mom and dad. We say goodbye. We waited a bit at the airport. Now I'm on the plane. • The flight took about 3.5 hours. It was a nice ride. Then we got on a train. Then another train. It's kind of frustrating. But I think it's a nice experience. Now we're down. Our friends were waiting for us. Everybody broke up and went home. My friend's name was Ursula. We had a little chat. We introduced ourselves. We talked about where we live. I came home. • I threw myself in bed. I slept about two hours. We had dinner later. At dinner we had pasta and chicken with sauce. I told him I didn't consume pork and meat. They don't consume the family. That's why I ate my dinner with peace of mind. I gave my presents. They love it. Thank you very much. I then watched television sit with them a little more. Actually I don't understand much because most of them are Danish but I get it. It was fun. I slept right after that.
  • 28. 25TH MARCH-MONDAY Today I went to school with Ursula. People are used to walking so much, but I'm not. I think the road was too long, but it was beautiful. There were everywhere, wherever I looked on the bike. And I think it's beautiful. That was so fun. Slowly we started to get to know each other. Then we did our presentations all day long. We introduced our countries. We played games. And we did a traditional dance. In the evening I came home with Ursula and had dinner. We played box games. Then I took a bath. My stay at home was really very clean. The family was very sincere. In this respect, I have never had any strangeness. I slept right after that. It was a beautiful day.
  • 29. 26TH MARCH-TUESDAY We're going to Copenhagen today. Again with Ursula we went to school and waited for our other friends. We set off on the bus. It was a two-hour ride. We listened to music. We chatted. We took videos and photos. When we arrived in town, we saw the little mermaid. We listened to his legend. We were photographed. And we ate the food we brought with us. Then we went to the center of the city. Again we heard stories and legends about the places and statues there. We walked a little. And we went up to a tower. Obviously it was a little tiring. Because there was no ladder and the uphill slope was rotating. That's a little bit tired. But when we went up to the top, it was a perfect sight. We took a lot of photos. Then Ozan disappeared. We worry about. But we found him after a great deal of work. Free time was also given. And we walked around. We went to a big place with the Lego store. That was perfect. I bought small gifts. Then we got on the bus. And we're on our way. Me and Elif slept on the road a bit. The weather was very dark when we arrived. Ursula's father came to get us by car. We got in the car and came home. We didn't do much later. I slept immediately.
  • 30. 28TH MARCH-THURSDAY Today I went to school with Ursula. We made the “Danish Cake’ in the school's kitchen. So actually this is a cinnamon cake (I didn't like it very much because I dislike cinnamon, but the construction was fun.). Our teachers prepared bread, salad, chicken-style stuff. We had a lot of fun while eating together. Then we went back to the center of the city to take photographs with Ursula and others. We've seen some. We entered the Flying Tiger. The place was perfect. It was also very cheap. I would recommend it to everyone. Then I went to the same place again with my friends on the same day. It was very nice. Then we had a party in the evening. Each country brought its own famous dishes. Everyone tasted individually. We have brought breakfast stuff, sausage, Turkish delight, krokan style stuff. It was nice. Later we had dinner and danced until the evening (I did not get too much but I get it.). Then we returned home. I immediately started to prepare my suitcase and backpack for tomorrow. Because we were coming back tomorrow. I actually missed some Turkey!
  • 31. 29TH MARCH-FRIDAY Today we're going to Turkey. It was a nice experience for us. We had so much fun. When we went to school we said goodbye to all our friends, we hugged. They all waved behind us. We went to the train station with our suitcases. We ate together. Then we got on the train and set off. It's been a little hard to find our place. But we finally found it and we sat down. The journey took about two hours. Some guy helped me lower my suitcase when I was getting off the train. I said thank you, but he never responded. I told him two more times that he didn't, but he still didn't answer. We went to the airport. We got on the plane. They gave us dinner. It was very nice. Everybody cheered when they landed. Here we were in Turkey. We took our suitcases and found our families. They miss us. We went in the car and went home. I am very tired. When we got home, it was 1.30. I slept immediately and dived into beautiful dreams.