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     Collective bargaining and union organizing
            in the IT industry in Germany

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt/Main
Martin Weiss,法兰克福五金工会
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, December 4-6, 2011
广州,中山大学 2011年12月4-6日
Topics 话题

  1. Labor relations in Germany 德国劳动关系
  2. A historical abstract on the development of labor
         relations in the IT industry in Germany

  3. Main issues of collective bargaining and union
         organizing in the IT industry in Germany

  4. Contract manufacturing in Germany 德国的合同制造
  5. Decent work in global supply chains for the IT industry
         in Germany 在德国IT产业的全球供应链中的体面工作

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                 2

                1. Labor relations in Germany

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                           3
Labor relations in Germany
  德国的劳资关系                                                Frankfurt

        Different levels to secure rights of the employees in
        German industries

          Individual contracts 个人合同
          Works councils 工作委员会
          Trade unions 工会
          Labor laws 劳动法

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                    4
Individual contracts
  个人合同                                                         Frankfurt

  By law individual contracts have to contain at least the following

     Name and adress of the contractors承包商的姓名和地址
     Start of contract and its end if it is temporary临时合同的开始和结束时间
     Location of work or perhaps several locations工作的地点(一个或多个)
     Job title职称
     Wage with all components and the date for payment工资组成和付薪日期
     Working-hours, usually per week工作时间,通常以一周计算
     Duration of holidays per year每年假期的期限
     Period of notice (dismissal)解雇的通知期限
     Collective agreements or works agreements applied适用的集体协议或工

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                          5
Works councils – election and size
  工作委员会——选举与规模                                                 Frankfurt

        Works councils are not obligatory.工作委员会是非强制性
        的。They can be elected in locations of a company with
        min. five employees, if at least three employees start the
        The size of the works council depends on the amount of employees
        in the location:工作委员会的规模取决于在该地方雇员的人数。
                <= 20:             1         401 - 700:     11
                21 – 50:           3         701 – 1.000:   13
                51 – 100:          5      1.001 – 1.500:    15
               101 – 200:          7      1.501 – 2.000:    17
               210 – 400:          9      .........

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                          6
Works councils –
Workers‗ representation at plant level                             Frankfurt

          Every four years, a works council is elected by secret ballot by
          all the employees in the company. The election is paid for by
          the employer.每隔四年,工作委员会由公司所有的员工以无记名投
          The works council represents the workers‗ interests in the
          company (except the interests of executive staff).工作委员会代

          Members of a works council are protected against dismissal.防
          Management / executive staff cannot be a member of a works
          council and are not allowed to elect it.管理或行政人员不能成为工

          Works councils are not allowed to take industrial actions.工作委
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                              7
Works Council – the rights
   工作委员会——权利                                                      Frankfurt

         The works council ensures that the company follows
             Laws法律
             Regulations 规章
             health and safety measures 健康与安全措施
             collective agreements 集体协议
             works agreements 工作协议

         Furthermore, the works council is the representative of interests of
         the employees inside the company. 还有,工作委员会是雇员在公司内
         And it has rights of information, consultation and co-determination.
         Co-Determination leads to works agreements.

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                             8
Trade unions main tasks
 工会的主要任务                                                     Frankfurt

 Collective bargaining 集体谈判
 Co-operating with the works council and the workforce as provided by
 the works constitution 与工作委员会、工作宪章提供的劳动力共同合作
 Influencing policies and legislation with the aim of improving working
 and living conditions 以提高工作和生存条件为目标影响政策和规章
 Representing their members before the labor courts and social courts
 Executing tasks and duties in many areas of working, social and
 economic life 在工作、社会和经济生活上执行任务与职责
 (e.g. sending lay judges to the labor and social courts, sending
 representatives to the social security institutions, etc.) (例如寄送解雇
  Trade unions act as the ―opposing social partner‖ of the employers‗
  associations in the above-mentioned fields.工会在上述提及领域的雇主
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                     9
German Constitutional Law
  德国宪法                                                  Frankfurt

         Article 9 section 3 of the German Constitutional Law
         guarantees every person the right to join a trade union
         and engage in activities for and in the trade union
         (freedom of association).

         Also the existence, organisational autonomy and
         activities of trade unions themselves are protected by
         the German Constitutional Law.

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                   10
Collective agreements
  in the metal and electrical industry               Frankfurt

  Works agreements cannot settle standards for minimum
  wages, wage increase and working-hours
  Collective agreements are based on the right to strike. So its
  basis is the number of active members of the union in one
  Collective agreements in the metal and electrical industry
  are mainly agreements with an association of employers for
  a whole region.
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                11
Collective bargaining in the IT industry
  在IT行业的集体谈判                                                        Frankfurt

  There is no collective agreement for the whole IT industry in Germany


  In contrast to the metal and electrical industry collective bargaining is
  specific for each company 对比起金属和电子行业,IT行业的集体谈判在

  However, there are certain types of collective agreements for the
  companies of the IT industry 但是,在IT行业的公司有固定类型的集体协议
       Specific collective agreements that base on a collective agreement for the
        metal and electrical industry.特定的集体协议是基于金属和电子行业的集体
       The consequence is that you do not have to bargain about wage increases
        for the specific company.结果是你不需要就特定公司的工资增长进行谈判
       Specific collective agreements for one company 为一个公司特定的集体协
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                               12

     2. A historical abstract on the development of
              labor relations in the IT industry in Germany


Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                13
German IT industry in the 80s                        Frankfurt


            Nearly all of the bigger companies were members of
            the association of employers in the metal and
            electrical industry like IBM and Siemens

            New IT companies like Nixdorf did not join the
            employers association, especially when they focused
            on sales and consulting

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                   14
German IT industry in the 90s (1)                   Frankfurt


         In the beginning of the 90s bigger companies for
         software and services started to expand.
         Daimler founded a consulting company named debis
         without a collective agreement.
         Siemens-Nixdorf was founded and decided to join the
         employers association in 1991 only after a period of
         negotiations with the works councils.
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                  15
German IT industry in the 90s (2)                           Frankfurt

    Employees of Digital Equipment (later Compaq) raised issues to get a
    collective agreement and in 1993 finally went to strike and achieved a
    collective agreement.数字设备公司(后来的康柏)的员工在1993年提出

    In 1993 IBM left the association of employers and in 1994 signed a
    new collective agreement with another union on lower standards.在

    IT companies in Germany changed from selling hardware products to
    software and services.德国的IT公司从卖硬件产品到软件和服务收费

    Wages increased on the same level as in companies with collective
    bargaining or even further. 根据集体协议,工资在不同公司以相同的甚

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                          16
German IT industry after 2001                        Frankfurt


         The burst of the internet bubble in 2001 changed the
         Wage increase only if the market situation requires to
         do so.工资只会在市场情况要求时增长。
         At EDS this led to a big union organizing campaign in
         2009 with a six-week-strike at the end.在EDS,这个导
         The goals of the strike changed to the saving of jobs.
         The strike was an important experience concerning
         union organizing in the IT industry.在IT行业工会里,这

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                   17
Collective agreements for companies in
  the IT industry (1)                                       Frankfurt

            Companies with a collective agreement
            based on the collective agreement for the metal and
            electrical industry基于金属和电子行业集体协议订立集体
                Atos源讯公司
                Fujitsu富士通
                Wincor Nixdorf德利多富
                Infineon英飞凌
                Vodafone沃达丰
                Alcatel-Lucent阿尔卡特朗讯
                Siemens Enterprise Communications西门子企业通讯
                Nokia Siemens Networks诺基亚西门子通讯公司
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                       18
Collective agreements for companies in
  the IT industry (2)                                          Frankfurt

            Specific collective agreements for single companies
                IBM
                Deutsche Telekom德国电信
                T-Systems
                 (IT branch of Deutsche Telekom)德国电信的IT分支

               Responsible for these specific collective agreements is
               ver.di, another union within the German Unions
               负责这些特定集体协议的是ver. Di, 另一个德国工会协会
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                          19
Union organizing is difficult in the IT
  industry 在IT行业里的工会组织是困难的                                    Frankfurt

      Companies without a collective agreement
          HP
          SAP
          Software AG
          CSC
          Microsoft

      All of these companies have works councils.所有这些公司都有工作委员
      So they have collective regulations, but not about working-hours or
      the increase of wages.所以他们有集体规章,但是没有谈及工作时间或工
      The main reason is that IG Metall‗s influence in these companies is
      not strong enough yet.主要原因是五金工会在这些公司的影响力不够强。
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                         20

     3. Main issues in collective bargaining and
              union organizing in the IT-Industry in Germany


Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                               21
Advantages of collective agreements
   Wages 集体协议的优势——工资                                     Frankfurt

         During the last ten years average wages in Germany
         lost 4% of their value.在过去十年,在德国的平均工资丧
         In the same time wages in the coverage of collective
         agreements of the metal and electrical industries
         rised by 15% of their value.与其同时,金属和电子行业
         So this is an attractive reason to gain a collective
         agreement by joining the IG Metall in the IT industry.
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                    22
Advantages of collective agreements
  Working-hours per week                                       Frankfurt
          35 working-hours per week are the standard of the collective
          agreement of the metal and electrical industry in Germany.在德国

          40 working-hours per week are the standard of companies
          without collective agreements.每周40个工作小时是没有集体协议的

          Most of the IT companies have working-hours between 35 and 40
          in the individual contracts.大多数的IT公司在个人合同上拥有工作在

          The main goal for IG Metall is to keep 35 working-hours as a
          standard and to make sure that every working-hour is
          documented and therefore not lost.五金工会的主要目标是保持35
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                          23

     4. Contract manufacturing in Germany

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                       24
An example for IT manufacturing
  in Germany (1)                                                     Frankfurt
            In 2000 Fujitsu Siemens Computers had factories in Augsburg,
            Paderborn and Erfurt富士通西门子计算机公司曾拥有奥格斯堡、帕

            The factory in Paderborn (700 employees) was sold to the
            contract manufacturer Flextronics在帕德博恩(700名员工)的工

            Part of the deal was to keep the standards of the collective

            Today there is no IT manufacturing any more in Paderborn. IG
            Metall has made concessions to save the factory. Today there
            are 500 employees with contracts based on the collective
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                                25
An example for IT manufacturing
  in Germany (2)                                          Frankfurt
           The factories in Augsburg and Erfurt were secured by
           a collective agreement. IG Metall made concessions
           to save the jobs in the factories. The jobs are mainly
           an assembling of IT components according to
           customers‗ orders.在奥格斯堡和埃尔福特的工厂被集体
           Fujitsu hired workers on temporary loan receiving
           very low wages.富士通用雇用工人,他们需要临时贷款,
           IG Metall fights for wages which are as high as the
           wages of the permament staff.
Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                     26

     5. Decent work in global supply chains
              for the IT industry in Germany


Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                          27
What can international unions do
  to secure decent work?                                    Frankfurt

            Forcing the IT companies to agree to rules of the
            International Labor Organization (ILO) and even
            higher levels as well as controlling them or better let
            them be controlled by independent auditors
            How can we force IT companies?
            By giving information on works council meetings
            about working conditions at the international IT

Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt                                       28

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Tue, 09.00h weiss, martin union organizing in germany´s it sector

  • 1. Frankfurt Collective bargaining and union organizing in the IT industry in Germany 德国IT行业的集体谈判与工会组织 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt/Main Martin Weiss,法兰克福五金工会 Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, December 4-6, 2011 广州,中山大学 2011年12月4-6日
  • 2. Topics 话题 Frankfurt 1. Labor relations in Germany 德国劳动关系 2. A historical abstract on the development of labor relations in the IT industry in Germany 德国IT行业劳动关系发展的历史梗概 3. Main issues of collective bargaining and union organizing in the IT industry in Germany 德国IT行业的集体谈判和工会组织的主要问题 4. Contract manufacturing in Germany 德国的合同制造 5. Decent work in global supply chains for the IT industry in Germany 在德国IT产业的全球供应链中的体面工作 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 2
  • 3. Frankfurt 1. Labor relations in Germany 德国的劳动关系 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 3
  • 4. Labor relations in Germany 德国的劳资关系 Frankfurt Different levels to secure rights of the employees in German industries 在德国的产业中,不同的层次以确保员工的权利  Individual contracts 个人合同  Works councils 工作委员会  Trade unions 工会  Labor laws 劳动法 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 4
  • 5. Individual contracts 个人合同 Frankfurt By law individual contracts have to contain at least the following aspects:根据法律规定,个人合同至少包含以下几个方面:  Name and adress of the contractors承包商的姓名和地址  Start of contract and its end if it is temporary临时合同的开始和结束时间  Location of work or perhaps several locations工作的地点(一个或多个)  Job title职称  Wage with all components and the date for payment工资组成和付薪日期  Working-hours, usually per week工作时间,通常以一周计算  Duration of holidays per year每年假期的期限  Period of notice (dismissal)解雇的通知期限  Collective agreements or works agreements applied适用的集体协议或工 作协议 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 5
  • 6. Works councils – election and size 工作委员会——选举与规模 Frankfurt Works councils are not obligatory.工作委员会是非强制性 的。They can be elected in locations of a company with min. five employees, if at least three employees start the election.若有至少三名雇员提出选举,他们可以在一个有至 少五名雇员的公司的地方当选。 The size of the works council depends on the amount of employees in the location:工作委员会的规模取决于在该地方雇员的人数。  <= 20: 1  401 - 700: 11  21 – 50: 3  701 – 1.000: 13  51 – 100: 5  1.001 – 1.500: 15  101 – 200: 7  1.501 – 2.000: 17  210 – 400: 9  ......... Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 6
  • 7. Works councils – Workers‗ representation at plant level Frankfurt 工作委员会——在厂级的工人代表 Every four years, a works council is elected by secret ballot by all the employees in the company. The election is paid for by the employer.每隔四年,工作委员会由公司所有的员工以无记名投 票的方式选出。这次选举是由雇主支付的。 The works council represents the workers‗ interests in the company (except the interests of executive staff).工作委员会代 表着工人在公司的利益。(行政人员的利益除外) Members of a works council are protected against dismissal.防 止解雇工作委员会成员。 Management / executive staff cannot be a member of a works council and are not allowed to elect it.管理或行政人员不能成为工 作委员会成员,也不允许选举。 Works councils are not allowed to take industrial actions.工作委 员会不允许采取工业行动。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 7
  • 8. Works Council – the rights 工作委员会——权利 Frankfurt The works council ensures that the company follows 工作委员会要确保公司遵守  Laws法律  Regulations 规章  health and safety measures 健康与安全措施  collective agreements 集体协议  works agreements 工作协议 Furthermore, the works council is the representative of interests of the employees inside the company. 还有,工作委员会是雇员在公司内 的利益代表。 And it has rights of information, consultation and co-determination. Co-Determination leads to works agreements. 它拥有信息、咨询和共同决定的权利。共同决定引导工作协议。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 8
  • 9. Trade unions main tasks 工会的主要任务 Frankfurt Collective bargaining 集体谈判 Co-operating with the works council and the workforce as provided by the works constitution 与工作委员会、工作宪章提供的劳动力共同合作 Influencing policies and legislation with the aim of improving working and living conditions 以提高工作和生存条件为目标影响政策和规章 Representing their members before the labor courts and social courts 在劳动法庭和社会法庭上代表他们的成员 Executing tasks and duties in many areas of working, social and economic life 在工作、社会和经济生活上执行任务与职责 (e.g. sending lay judges to the labor and social courts, sending representatives to the social security institutions, etc.) (例如寄送解雇 判决给劳动和社会法庭,派送代表到社会保障机构) Trade unions act as the ―opposing social partner‖ of the employers‗ associations in the above-mentioned fields.工会在上述提及领域的雇主 组织内作为反社会伙伴。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 9
  • 10. German Constitutional Law 德国宪法 Frankfurt Article 9 section 3 of the German Constitutional Law guarantees every person the right to join a trade union and engage in activities for and in the trade union (freedom of association). 德国宪法第九章第三条保证每个人有权利加入工会和从事工 会活动(结社自由)。 Also the existence, organisational autonomy and activities of trade unions themselves are protected by the German Constitutional Law. 工会的存在,组织的自主性和活动是由德国宪法保护的。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 10
  • 11. Collective agreements in the metal and electrical industry Frankfurt 在金属和电子工业的集体协议 Works agreements cannot settle standards for minimum wages, wage increase and working-hours 工作协议不能设定标准,包括最低工资、工资增长和工作时间 Collective agreements are based on the right to strike. So its basis is the number of active members of the union in one company. 集体协议是基于罢工的权利。所以它的基础在于在公司里组织的 活跃成员的数量。 Collective agreements in the metal and electrical industry are mainly agreements with an association of employers for a whole region. 在金属和电子行业的集体协议是整个地区的雇员组织的主要协议 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 11
  • 12. Collective bargaining in the IT industry 在IT行业的集体谈判 Frankfurt There is no collective agreement for the whole IT industry in Germany 在德国没有整个IT行业的集体协议 In contrast to the metal and electrical industry collective bargaining is specific for each company 对比起金属和电子行业,IT行业的集体谈判在 每个公司是不同的 However, there are certain types of collective agreements for the companies of the IT industry 但是,在IT行业的公司有固定类型的集体协议  Specific collective agreements that base on a collective agreement for the metal and electrical industry.特定的集体协议是基于金属和电子行业的集体 协议  The consequence is that you do not have to bargain about wage increases for the specific company.结果是你不需要就特定公司的工资增长进行谈判  Specific collective agreements for one company 为一个公司特定的集体协 议 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 12
  • 13. Frankfurt 2. A historical abstract on the development of labor relations in the IT industry in Germany 德国IT行业劳动关系发展的历史梗概 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 13
  • 14. German IT industry in the 80s Frankfurt 在80年代的德国的IT行业 Nearly all of the bigger companies were members of the association of employers in the metal and electrical industry like IBM and Siemens 几乎所有的大公司是金属和电子行业雇主联盟的成员,例 如IBM和西门子。 New IT companies like Nixdorf did not join the employers association, especially when they focused on sales and consulting 新的IT公司如利多富没有加入雇主组织,特别是当他们专 注于销售和咨询后 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 14
  • 15. German IT industry in the 90s (1) Frankfurt 90年代的德国IT产业(1) In the beginning of the 90s bigger companies for software and services started to expand. 在90年代的开始,大的软件和服务公司开始膨胀。 Daimler founded a consulting company named debis without a collective agreement. 戴姆勒成立了一个名为debis的咨询公司,没有集体协议 Siemens-Nixdorf was founded and decided to join the employers association in 1991 only after a period of negotiations with the works councils. 1991年在结束和工作委员会谈判的一段时间后,西门子-利 多富成立并决定加入雇主联盟 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 15
  • 16. German IT industry in the 90s (2) Frankfurt 90年代的德国IT产业(2) Employees of Digital Equipment (later Compaq) raised issues to get a collective agreement and in 1993 finally went to strike and achieved a collective agreement.数字设备公司(后来的康柏)的员工在1993年提出 获得集体协议的问题,最终通过罢工获得集体协议。 In 1993 IBM left the association of employers and in 1994 signed a new collective agreement with another union on lower standards.在 1993年,IBM脱离雇主联盟,在1994年和另一个工会签订新的集体协议, 降低标准。 IT companies in Germany changed from selling hardware products to software and services.德国的IT公司从卖硬件产品到软件和服务收费 Wages increased on the same level as in companies with collective bargaining or even further. 根据集体协议,工资在不同公司以相同的甚 至更高的水平增长 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 16
  • 17. German IT industry after 2001 Frankfurt 2001年后的德国IT产业 The burst of the internet bubble in 2001 changed the situation.2001年的互联网泡沫崩溃改变了情况。 Wage increase only if the market situation requires to do so.工资只会在市场情况要求时增长。 At EDS this led to a big union organizing campaign in 2009 with a six-week-strike at the end.在EDS,这个导 致2009年一个大工会活动以六个月的罢工结束。 The goals of the strike changed to the saving of jobs. 罢工的目的变为保留工作机会。 The strike was an important experience concerning union organizing in the IT industry.在IT行业工会里,这 次罢工是一个重要的经历。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 17
  • 18. Collective agreements for companies in the IT industry (1) Frankfurt 在IT行业里的公司集体协议(1) Companies with a collective agreement based on the collective agreement for the metal and electrical industry基于金属和电子行业集体协议订立集体 协议的公司  Atos源讯公司  Fujitsu富士通  Wincor Nixdorf德利多富  Infineon英飞凌  Vodafone沃达丰  Alcatel-Lucent阿尔卡特朗讯  Siemens Enterprise Communications西门子企业通讯  Nokia Siemens Networks诺基亚西门子通讯公司 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 18
  • 19. Collective agreements for companies in the IT industry (2) Frankfurt 在IT行业里的公司集体协议(1) Specific collective agreements for single companies 单一公司的特定集体协议  IBM  Deutsche Telekom德国电信  T-Systems (IT branch of Deutsche Telekom)德国电信的IT分支 Responsible for these specific collective agreements is ver.di, another union within the German Unions Association. 负责这些特定集体协议的是ver. Di, 另一个德国工会协会 联盟 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 19
  • 20. Union organizing is difficult in the IT industry 在IT行业里的工会组织是困难的 Frankfurt Companies without a collective agreement 没有集体协议的公司  HP  SAP  Software AG  CSC  Microsoft All of these companies have works councils.所有这些公司都有工作委员 会 So they have collective regulations, but not about working-hours or the increase of wages.所以他们有集体规章,但是没有谈及工作时间或工 资的增长。 The main reason is that IG Metall‗s influence in these companies is not strong enough yet.主要原因是五金工会在这些公司的影响力不够强。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 20
  • 21. Frankfurt 3. Main issues in collective bargaining and union organizing in the IT-Industry in Germany 德国IT行业的集体谈判和工会组织的主要问题 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 21
  • 22. Advantages of collective agreements Wages 集体协议的优势——工资 Frankfurt During the last ten years average wages in Germany lost 4% of their value.在过去十年,在德国的平均工资丧 失了其价值的4% In the same time wages in the coverage of collective agreements of the metal and electrical industries rised by 15% of their value.与其同时,金属和电子行业 的工资在集体协议的覆盖范围下增加了其价值的15% So this is an attractive reason to gain a collective agreement by joining the IG Metall in the IT industry. 所以,在IT行业,通过加入五金工会去获得集体协议,是 一个吸引人的原因。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 22
  • 23. Advantages of collective agreements Working-hours per week Frankfurt 集体协议的优势——每周工作时间 35 working-hours per week are the standard of the collective agreement of the metal and electrical industry in Germany.在德国 的金属和电子行业,每周35个工作小时是集体协议的标准。 40 working-hours per week are the standard of companies without collective agreements.每周40个工作小时是没有集体协议的 公司标准。 Most of the IT companies have working-hours between 35 and 40 in the individual contracts.大多数的IT公司在个人合同上拥有工作在 35至40小时的工作时间 The main goal for IG Metall is to keep 35 working-hours as a standard and to make sure that every working-hour is documented and therefore not lost.五金工会的主要目标是保持35 个小时工作时间作为标准,并且保证每个工作时间被记录不被丢失。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 23
  • 24. Frankfurt 4. Contract manufacturing in Germany 德国的合同制造 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 24
  • 25. An example for IT manufacturing in Germany (1) Frankfurt 德国IT制造商的一个例子(1) In 2000 Fujitsu Siemens Computers had factories in Augsburg, Paderborn and Erfurt富士通西门子计算机公司曾拥有奥格斯堡、帕 德博恩和埃尔福特工厂。 The factory in Paderborn (700 employees) was sold to the contract manufacturer Flextronics在帕德博恩(700名员工)的工 厂曾卖给了合同制造商Flextronics Part of the deal was to keep the standards of the collective agreement交易的一部分是为了保持集体协议的标准 Today there is no IT manufacturing any more in Paderborn. IG Metall has made concessions to save the factory. Today there are 500 employees with contracts based on the collective agreement.现在再也没有IT制造商在帕德博恩。五金工会为了保留工 厂作出让步。现在基于集体协议,有500名拥有合同的雇员。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 25
  • 26. An example for IT manufacturing in Germany (2) Frankfurt 德国IT制造商的一个例子(2) The factories in Augsburg and Erfurt were secured by a collective agreement. IG Metall made concessions to save the jobs in the factories. The jobs are mainly an assembling of IT components according to customers‗ orders.在奥格斯堡和埃尔福特的工厂被集体 协议保护着。五金工厂为保留工厂的工作职位作出让步。 这些工作主要是根据客户订单的需求一些IT部件而集装。 Fujitsu hired workers on temporary loan receiving very low wages.富士通用雇用工人,他们需要临时贷款, 收取非常低的工资。 IG Metall fights for wages which are as high as the wages of the permament staff. 五金工会为他们的工资与永久工人保持一致而奋斗 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 26
  • 27. Frankfurt 5. Decent work in global supply chains for the IT industry in Germany 在德国IT产业的全球供应链中的体面工作 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 27
  • 28. What can international unions do to secure decent work? Frankfurt 国际的工会可以做些什么去保证体面的工作? Forcing the IT companies to agree to rules of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and even higher levels as well as controlling them or better let them be controlled by independent auditors 迫使IT公司同意以国际劳动组织(ILO)的规则和更高的层 次以及控制他们或更好地让他们由独立审计师控制 How can we force IT companies? By giving information on works council meetings about working conditions at the international IT suppliers. 我们怎样才能迫使IT企业?通过提供在工作委员会会议上 的信息,关于国际IT供应商的工作条件。 Martin Weiss, IG Metall Frankfurt 28