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A   M E D I C A L   P U B L I C A T I O N

                           T S É H O O T S O O Í                                  M E D I C A L           C E N T E R

             Volume 2 No. 2                                  COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER                                     APRIL/MAY 2012

               Improving Care for Cancer Patients
                                            By: Gail Oglesbee, RN, Cancer Case Manager

              In a smaller community, such as Fort Defiance, not only is the hospital the place to

              go for health needs, it is a place where your neighbors, friends and family work. The

              hospital is an integral part of not only the Fort Defiance community but also all the 16

                Navajo Nation Chapter communities within Tséhootsooí Medical Center’s service area.

                          ur hospital strives to    •  rizona Cancer Center Tucson,
                                                      A                                         here has created a Cancer Care

                          meet the needs of the       AZ,                                       Case Manager position. By
                          community it serves.      	        Decisions to which facility        having a single office receiving
                          The majority of health    a patient is referred to depends on         and sending out information,
              needs can be met right here.          the services the patient needs as           the intent is to make care more
              However, some medical needs           well as travel distance. Sometimes          convenient for patients as well
              are beyond the scope of care that     patients have family in the                 as less confusing. Confusion can
              our local facility can provide. One   vicinity of a treatment center with         lead to patients falling through
              diagnosis that often facilitates      whom they can stay with during              the cracks, causing delay or even
              outside care is cancer. Patients      treatment and that helps to make            cessation of treatment. The
              who need specialized cancer           the decision for them.                      Cancer Care Case Manager will
              surgery, chemotherapy or radiation    	        Once a patient has                                        (Continued on Page 4)
              treatment are referred to cancer      started care at a cancer center,                        INSIDE STORIES
              centers.                              they usually return to their TMC

              	        Currently, TMC patients      care provider for treatment of                           RAISING THE LEVEL:
                                                                                                             Honoring Laboratory
              being treated for cancer are          their other health care needs.                PAGE       Professionals
              receiving care at the following       They also return for radiologic,
                                                                                                             LEADING THE WAY:
              centers:                              pharmaceutical and laboratory                            CEO Message
              • New Mexico Cancer Center            needs as ordered by the cancer care

              (NMCC) Gallup, NM (A satellite        providers. Because these orders are                      BAA HÓZHÓ (IINA):
                                                                                                             Gathering of Native
              facility of New Mexico Oncology       from an outside facility, they have           PAGE       Americans (GONA)
              Hematology Consultants, Ltd. in       to be rewritten by a TMC doctor
              •  niversity of New Mexico
                                                    to be completed. Once studies
                                                    are done, those results have to be
                                                                                                  PAGE  5    EATING HEALTHY:
                                                                                                             Bresatfeeding in the

                Cancer Center, Albuquerque,
                                                    faxed to the care center. Because
                                                    more than one doctor, in more                 PAGE  6    QUALITY OF LIFE:
                                                                                                             NURSES WEEK
                                                                                                             GETTING FIT:

              •  an Juan Oncology Associates
                S                                   than one facility is giving care, it                     Team Defiance
                Farmington, NM                      can become confusing to patients              PAGE
              •  rizona Hematology Oncology
                A                                   and their families.                                      OUR COMMUNITY:

                                                                                                             -Schedule of Events
                Flagstaff, AZ                       	        In the interest of further                      -TMC Directory
              • Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ          assisting our patients, the hospital

                                                                P   a g e   O   n e

newslettermarch.indd 1                                                                                                                 4/10/12 11:51:12 PM
Volume 2 No. 2                                                           H E A L T H Y         W I N D S

                                 T S É H O O T S O O Í                                                        M E D I C A L               C E N T E R

                                       RAISING THE LEVEL
                                      Honoring Laboratory
                                                                By: Arlinda Nez, TMC Laboratory Director

                                       uring the week of April           provides an opportunity to honor the contributions   poster exhibits explaining the technology
                                       22 through 28, 2012,              of pathologists, laboratory technologists and        and medical correlation to disease
                                       Tséhootsooí Medical               technicians in the maintenance of wellness, the      states. Other activities include hospital
                                       Center will celebrate the         diagnosis of illness and the treatment of disease.   departments engaging in various contests, a
                                       contributions of its laboratory   	             Medical laboratory professionals       treasure hunt and a root beer ice cream float
                                       professionals during National     are dedicated to preventing serious illness          party. The laboratory will also give tours to
                                       Medical Laboratory Week.          and disability from before a child is born and       the hospital staff on how it has incorporated
               This year’s theme, “Laboratory Professionals Get          throughout the golden years of life. Using state     the LEAN concept of “doing more with
               Results” highlights the medical laboratory’s role as      of the art technology and instrumentation,           less” and improved its efficiency in order
               a key element of patient care.                            they perform and supervise tests that not only       to perform the additional 23,000 tests that had
               	            “Laboratory medicine provides a              search for potential health problems in the hope     normally been referred out to reference laboratories
               crucial thread that runs through the entire patient       of identifying the disease early when it is most     in order to provide quicker turnaround time results
               care process,” said Arlinda                               treatable, but also guide and assess the ongoing     to the hospital medical staff.
               Lee, BSMT(ASCP), MAHSM,                                   care of patients. More than 10 Billion laboratory    	            Medical laboratory professionals
               administrative laboratory                                 tests are performed in the United States each year   practice in medical laboratories in hospitals,
               director at TMC. “Test results                            to confirm diagnoses, rule out suspected             doctors’ offices, clinics, research facilities, blood
               from the laboratory drive a                               conditions, or monitor treatment.                       banks, public health centers, the Armed Forces,
               significant portion of clinical                           	             Laboratories play a                          veterinary offices, colleges, and many
               decisions, from diagnosis to                              critical, front-line role in the                            industries. Titles include pathologists,
               therapy. We are very fortunate to have                    detection of infectious agents, such                         medical technologist, clinical laboratory
               strong and dedicated hospital leaders such                as those that might be employed in                           scientist, medical laboratory technician,
               as Dr. Michael Tutt, Chief Medical Officer,               a bioterrorist attack.                                     histotechnologist, histologic technician,
               Christopher Anthony, Director of Ancillary                	             “The community                             cytotechnologist, cytopathologist, phlebotomy
               Services, and Dr. Leland Leonard, Chief                   laboratory often is the first to see evidence        technician, clinical chemist, microbiologist,
               Executive Officer. They support our efforts in            of an infectious agent in a patient sample,”         laboratory manager, and medical educator.
               providing the most optimum laboratory testing             Lee said. “Our contribution at the local             Among the departments that make up the
                 services to our healthcare providers and patients.”     level is critical to a process that, ultimately,     medical laboratory are chemistry, serology,
                              Lee says National Medical Laboratory       protects us all from the spread of disease.”         hematology, cytology, microbiology,
                                                        Week             	             TMC Clinical Laboratory plans          immunology, coagulation,
                                                                               to showcase in the hospital rotunda            histology, urinalysis, and

                     HAPPY                                                                                      education     the blood bank.

                      PROFES     AL MED
                            SIONAL      LAB
                                  S WEEK!
                                                                                 P   a g e   T   w o

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H E A L T H Y       W I N D S                                     APRIL/MAY 2012

                              T S É H O O T S O O Í                                                 M E D I C A L        C E N T E R

                                           Leading the Way
              I am honored to provide this statement on behalf of the Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board and the   FORT DEFIANCE INDIAN HOSPITAL
              Tséhootsooí Medical Center (TMC) and the Nahatá Dziil Health Center (NDZ) administration.                      BOARD, INC.

                                                                                                                        Board of Directors:
                                                                                                                        Roy Dempsey, President
              Yá’át’ééh shik’éí doo shidine’é.

                                                                                                                     Caleb Roanhorse, Vice President
                         n Wednesday, March 28, 2012, Tséhootsooí Medical Center                                       Lorraine Nelson, Secretary
                         (TMC) and Nahát’a Dziil Health Center (NDHC) celebrated its                                    Martin Ashley, Treasurer
                         2nd year as Self-Determined health care facilities as authorized
                                                                                                                         Elmer Milford, Member
                         under Public Law 93-638. The Fort Defiance Indian Hospital
              Board, Inc. (FDIHB) is the governing board for the Tséhootsooí Medical                                  Dr. Raymond Reid, Member
              Center in Fort Defiance, Arizona and the Nahát’a Dziil Health Center in                                    Jerry Freddie, Member
              Sanders, Arizona.
                                                                                                                        Tim Goodluck, Member
              	         In celebrating this anniversary, the FDIHB, Inc. leadership
              acknowledges and thanks the community for being visionary in deciding to                                  Leland Anthony, Member
              manage the operation of
              the hospital by passing                                                                                        Leadership Council:
              Chapter resolutions
              supporting the PL-93-                                                                                            Michael Tutt, M.D.,
                                                                                                                               Chief Medical Officer
              638 change. Staff is also
              commended for being                                                                                                Tori Davidson,
              proactive during the                                                                                             Chief Nurse Executive
              transition from a federally                                                                                          Rachel Sorrell,
              managed and operated                                                                                          Interim Chief Finance Officer
              facility to becoming a
              corporation controlled by                                                                                     Dr. Janet Slowman-Chee,
                                                                                                                              Chief Planning Officer
              the FDIHB, Inc.
              	         The past two years                   2nd Anniversary morning blessing ceremony
                                                                                                                          Vivian Santistevan,
              have progressed in such a                                                                               Chief Human Resources Officer
              positive and productive manner. The self-determined status has afforded
                                                                                                                            Valonia Hardy,
              numerous changes and successes. Some significant achievements include:                                 Chief Community Health Officer
              •  uccessful transition of the majority of our federal employees to corporate
                employees,                                                                                                    Tal Moore,
                                                                                                                       Chief Administrative Officer
              •  he completion of our second “unqualified” audit-meaning our finances are
                handled properly,
              • Changing our name to Tséhootsooí Medical Center,
              • Successful completion and implementation of our strategic plan,
              • Determining our mission and vision statements.
              	         As we celebrate our achievements we, once again, roll up our sleeves
              to continue with key initiatives like updating and implementing a new
              strategic plan, implementing Telehealth services, strengthening our Quality
              Assessment Performance Improvement (QAPI), planning to build a long term
              care facility, and always looking for ways to Improve Patient Care (IPC).
              	         Our mission is “to provide superior and compassionate healthcare
              to our community by raising the level of health, Hózhó, and quality of life.”
              Our medical teams at TMC and NDHC take your health needs seriously
              and are committed to providing the best care.                      Miss Navajo
                                                                                          Nation Crystalyne
                                                                                          Curley celebrates
              Respectfully,                                                               2nd Anniversary
                                                                                          with TMC’s
              Dr. Leland Leonard, CEO                                                     CEO Dr. Leland
              Tséhootsooí Medical Center                                                  Leonard
              Nahát’a Dziil Health Center

                                                                              P   a g e   T   h r e e

newslettermarch.indd 3                                                                                                                                      4/10/12 11:51:24 PM
Volume 2 No. 2                                H E A L T H Y          W I N D S

                                         T S É H O O T S O O Í                                          M E D I C A L       C E N T E R

                                                               Baa Hózhó
                                               Gathering of Native
                                               Americans (GONA)
                                                           By: Clytemnestra Davison, Planning  Logistics

                                      he Gathering of Native      Methamphetamine Suicide                          involvement in preventing social
                                      Americans (GONA)            Prevention Initiative (MSPI)                     ills, such as substance abuse and
                                      training was held on        Project sponsored the training                   suicide.
                                      February 27 to March                  which incorporates the                     The three day training was
                              1, 2012, at the Navajo Nation                   values of human                      attended by many including
                              Museum and it was a huge                          growth and                         individuals in recovery, school
                              success! GONA is a healing                         responsibilities                  nurses, community leaders, and
                              journey/process that embraces                       often taught in                  traditional practitioners. The
                              community healing                                   Native Cultures.                 honorable Navajo Nation Vice
                              with a holistic approach                             It also emphasizes              President Rex Lee Jim provided a
                              through the exploration                             community                        blessing way song and prayer.
                              of issues brought on by                                                                  GONA is for anyone interested
                              multigenerational trauma.                                   Navajo Nation Vice       in becoming a change agent,
                                  Tséhootsooí Medical                                      President Rex Lee Jim   community developer, and
                              Center’s (TMC)                                                                       leader. The training teaches the
                                                                                                                   importance of community healing
                                                                                                                   and having healthy traditions for
                                                                                                                   effective prevention. Strategies
                                                                                                                   of the Native belief system and
                                                                                                                   valuing all community members
                                                                                                                   is vital in creating a safe place to
                                                                                                                   share, heal, and plan for action.

                                IMPROVING CARE FOR CANCER PATIENTS (Continued from Page 1)                            The GONA training covered
                                                                                                                   the following four main areas:
                      seek to smooth the course of care        prepared her to take on the expanded role
                      between facilities by facilitating       in the new position. Patients who have              1. BELONGING- “Building and
                      communication between doctors,           questions or referrals are welcome to visit         strengthening the sense of team,
                      the patient and their family.            her office, to be located in the Contract           family, and community”- a place
                      ___________________                      Health area of the hospital.                        for all ages and for all people.
                      Gail Oglesbee, R.N. has worked at        The expansion of services to include all            The first day covered infancy
                      TMC since 1997, when she came            cancer patients, and their primary care             and childhood, a time when we
                      to work at the ‘old hospital’ as an      providers is                                        need to know how we belong.
                      emergency room nurse. Transferring       intended to                                         It is the most important first
                      to the new building, she continued in    continue the                                        lesson a person must learn to
                      that department until about four years   focus of the                                        live comfortably and to work
                      ago when she accepted a position in      hospital to                                         effectively.
                      the Surgery Clinic working as a case     improve overall
                      manager. Many of the patients who        patient care                                        2. MASTERY- “Gaining mastery
                      came into her care and management        and outcome                                         and healing from what holds us
                      during this time were cancer patients.   for their
                      She feels that this experience has       wellness.           Gail Oglesbee, R.N.                                  (Continued on Page 8)

                                                                              P   a g e     F   o u r

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H E A L T H Y       W I N D S                                 APRIL/MAY 2012

                          T S É H O O T S O O Í                                         M E D I C A L    C E N T E R

                                     Healthy Eating
                               Breastfeeding In the

                                                    By: Roberta Duncan, RD, MPH

                       séhootsooí Medical Center     breaks and lunch times to nurse            System, approximately 75% of
                       (TMC) recognizes that         their baby or to pump breast               Navajo Nation babies start out
                       breast milk is the best       milk. Communication between                breastfeeding. This rate falls to less
                       food for growth and the       breastfeeding employees and their          than half (40%) by 6 months. Part
              development of infants. TMC            supervisors, during pregnancy and          of the reason for this drop in the
              encourages all employees to have       after the baby is born, is extremely       breastfeeding rate may be because
              a positive, accepting attitude         important so accommodations can            breastfeeding moms return to work
              toward working women who are           be made to satisfy the needs of            – many out of necessity.
              breastfeeding.                         both the employee and TMC.
              	        TMC                                             	       There are        Did you know?
              promotes                    “Communication               two electric breast      The Navajo Nation Council
              and supports                                             pump motors              passed the “Healthy Start Act”
              breastfeeding             between breastfeeding          in the employee          in October 2008. It was signed
              and the                    employees and their           lactation room           into law by then-president Joe
              expression of                                            (located on              Shirley, Jr. in November 2008.
              breast milk
                                         supervisors, during           the OB Ward).            Under this Navajo Nation Law,
              by employees               pregnancy and after           Breastfeeding            working breastfeeding women and
              who are                    the baby is born, is          employees                their employers work together to
              breastfeeding                                            provide their            create a clean private area, not a
              when they                extremely important so          own attachment           bathroom, to allow a breastfeeding
              return to work.          accommodations can be           kit. A TMC               working mom to breastfeed or
              TMC supports                                             breastfeeding            use a breast pump. The law also
              breastfeeding           made to satisfy the needs        mom can go to            permits a sufficient number of
              mothers because         of both the employee and         the OB Ward              unpaid flexible breaks during work
              there are                                                Nurses station to        for an employee to breastfeed her
              benefits for not                                         sign in and obtain       baby, or to use a breast pump.
              only the mother                                          the key.                 Employers doing business within
              and baby but also for TMC as an                                                   the jurisdiction of the Navajo
              employer. The following are some       The TMC Breastfeeding in the               Nation are required to have a
              employee benefits:                     Workplace policy is communicated           written plan on how they will
              •  ower health care costs
                L                                    to all employees during new                comply with this law.
              •  ower turnover rates
                L                                    employee orientation training.
              •  ower absenteeism rates
                L                                    For more information on the                Who can help?
              •  igher employee productivity
                H                                    Breastfeeding in the Workplace             The Navajo Nation Breastfeeding
                and morale                           policy, please go to the TMC               Coalition is available to provide
              •  ositive public relations in the
                P                                    home page and look for “Reference          support to Navajo Nation
                community as a “family friendly” #4.7.”                                         businesses and their employees
                business                                                                        on how to comply with the
              	        The TMC’s Breastfeeding       Some stats:                                Healthy Start Act (the workplace
              in the Workplace policy allows         According to the 2009 CDC                  breastfeeding law). The Navajo
              breastfeeding employees flexible       Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance           Nation Breastfeeding Coalition can
                                                                                                                      (Continued on Page 8)

                                                                P   a g e   F   i v e

newslettermarch.indd 5                                                                                                                  4/10/12 11:51:31 PM
Volume 2 No. 2                                   H E A L T H Y    W I N D S

                                 T S É H O O T S O O Í                                      M E D I C A L    C E N T E R

                                             Quality of Life
                                        Nurses Week 2012
                                                       By: CAPT. Ruth Kawano, MSN, RN

                               ational Nurses Week         Morgan, RN, Resource Nurse,              embrace
                               begins each year on         MSU, believes that, “nurses must         caring, not
                               May 6th and ends on         speak up for and be compassionate        simply
                               May 12th, Florence          towards the patients so that they        as a task or        TMC Nurses Kent
                   Nightingale’s birthday. The theme       get better.” An advocate, “protects,     professional        Lingafelter, RN, Nurse
                   for this year’s Nurses Week is:         represents and seeks what the            obligation, but     Executive, Susan
                                                                                                                        Morgan, RN,  JoAnna
                   Nurses: Advocating, Leading,            patient and provider goals are so        as the focus        McCabe
                   Caring.                                 that the patient’s care is enhanced,”    of their own
                       Now more than ever, Registered      avows JoAnna McCabe, RN,                 identity as a Nurse. Susan adds
                   Nurses are positioned to assume         MSU.                                     that to be caring is to help the
                   leadership roles in health care,            Nurses have to be leaders. Our       patient physically, mentally, and
                   implement strategies to improve         nurses today are challenged by           spiritually to meet their needs.
                   the quality of care, and play a key     changes in political environments,          Advocating, leading, and
                   role in innovative, patient-centered    budgetary restrictions, staffing         caring are basic components of
                   care delivery models. The nursing       shortages and technological              nursing. Nurses advocate for all
                   profession plays an essential role      advances, to name a few. It is           patients by taking those in need
                   in improving patient outcomes,          important that nurses anticipate         under their care, guiding them in
                   increasing access, coordinating         and adapt to these challenges.           the right path towards health and
                   care, and reducing health care          As leaders, nurses need to be            supporting them through pain, fear,
                   costs. (ANA website, http://www.        professional, visionary, and             and sometimes the hopelessness
                               inspiring while providing the best       of illness and disease. Nurses
                       At the Tséhootsooí Medical          care for patients. Asked how his         do it because of their nature to
                   Center (TMC), nurses assume             nurses lead, Kent states that his        be nurturing and caring. Nurses
                   many roles as an advocate,              nurses as leaders are impacting          are committed to giving quality
                   leader, and caring professional. A      healthcare here at TMC by                and compassionate healthcare at
                   definition of advocate is 1) one that   providing evidence-based care            Tséhootsooí Medical Center.
                   pleads the cause of another and         through research. Susan followed,            During the week of May 6-12,
                   2) one that defends or maintains        “Nurses teach, work as a team, and       2012, nursing awards and other
                   a cause or proposal. In nursing,        lead by example.”                        activities will once again take
                   advocacy is a key role. Kent                Caring is the third component        place during this celebration. The
                   Lingafelter, RN, ICU Nurse              of the theme. JoAnna considers           TMC community is encouraged to
                   Executive, believes that his critical   listening to the patient’s concerns      give thanks to all our nurses. We
                   care nurses advocate for patients       and following through with those         have over 100 Registered Nurses
                   by “ensuring that their rights and      concerns; and being sincere              employed at TMC in twenty
                   wishes are being protected,” and        embody the concept of caring.            two different departments of the
                   that safety is a high priority. Susan   Kent asserts that his nurses             hospital.

                                  Health                              P   a g e   S   i x

newslettermarch.indd 6                                                                                                                    4/10/12 11:51:33 PM
H E A L T H Y      W I N D S                                                                                                APRIL/MAY 2012

                          T S É H O O T S O O Í                                    M E D I C A L                              C E N T E R

                                              Getting Fit
                                         Team Defiance

                        he Super Spartan            were washing mud
                                                                                         Julius Be                          Larry Ho
                                                                                                   ga   y                            skie

                                                                                                                                            Judd Hildre

                        obstacle course race        off and missed
                                                                                                                                                                                            Chris Lar
                                                                                                                                                               Alfred Mu                                sen
                                                                                                                                                                           rphy Jr.                                             Edward

                        is a more than 8 mile       the photo shoot”
                        battlefield of insane mud   laughs Barton.
              running with sand bag carrying,       The team raced                                                    Williama
                                                                                                                                              Jimmy Tso

              trench crossings, nearly six feet     February
                                                                                           Jarom Pro                                                       sie
                                                                                                            ws                                                         Muriel Tso
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Janelle Ya

              deep stream crossings, rope           11, 2012 in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Regina Bro

              climbing, spear throwing, tire        Chandler, AZ.
              flipping, jumping over fire, low      “It was tough
              crawl under barb wire through dirt    and fun at the                                                                                                                                              Team Me
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          mbers No

              and mud, wall climbing, balance       same time and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   t Featured
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Elfreida                     :
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tovarai Te

              beams, multiple hill runs, running/   our team was
              walking through waist and knee        physically fit and ready for
              high deep water, multi-level          such an event and I am proud of
                                                                                                                 also known as
              monkey bars and Spartans. The         them” Barton states.
                                                                                                                 MOCT. The training sessions are
              obstacles test physical strength      	 According to the event website
                                                                                                                 conducted Monday, Wednesday,
              and mental resolve. “This 13          ( “an
                                                                                                                 and Friday from 12:00-1:00
              kilometer mud run is an endurance     obstacle course race is designed
                                                                                                                 pm and Monday, Tuesdays, and
              race which pushes you to your full    to test your resilience, strength,
                                                                                                                 Thursday evening from 5:00 pm
              potential” says Jimmy Tsosie a        stamina, quick decision making
                                                                                                                 -6:00 p.m. She says more and
              materials handler at TMC.             skills, and ability to laugh in the
                                                                                                                 more TMC employees are finding
              	 Tsosie took the lead to             face of adversity.” The website
                                                                                                                 new interests to win the battle
              motivate and recruit TMC              further states “our goal is simple...
                                                                                                                 against health problems and to
              employees who he fitness trains       to get you off your couch, throw
                                                                                                                 stay fit as a team.
              with to be part of Team Defiance.     you in the mud  trails, and feed
                                                                                                                 	 The next event the team is
              The 13 member team also               you one tough endurance event
                                                                                                                 competing in is the 2012 Warrior
              includes six people who work for      day that will be the adrenalin rush
                                                                                                                 Dash scheduled for May 5, 2012
              the Navajo Nation government          of your life.”
                                                                                                                 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
              and Navajo Nation Oil  Gas.          	 Barton says the Spartan Race
                                                                                                                 The Warrior Dash is another
              The team placed 22 out of a total     was only the beginning for team
                                                                                                                 3-mile obstacle course. Over
              of 135 teams.                         challenges that TMC employees
                                                                                                                 22 individuals are signed up
              	 Elfreida Barton, Wellness           and community members can
                                                                                                                 representing the Fort Defiance,
              Center Coordinator at TMC,            participate in. Barton and her team
                                                                                                                 Navajo area. Good luck TMC
              recalls how grueling the event        of fitness specialists train TMC
              was. “We got so muddy that we         employees in the Max Out Circuit

                                                             P   a g e   S   e v e n

newslettermarch.indd 7                                                                                                                                                                                                    4/10/12 11:51:50 PM
Volume 2 No. 2                                                                                H E A L T H Y        W I N D S                                                                                           APRIL/MAY 2012

                                T S É H O O T S O O Í                                                                                           M E D I C A L                    C E N T E R

                                               Our Community
             Newsletter Contact:
             Dr. Janet Slowman-Chee
             Tina James-Tafoya
             Telephone: 928-729-8950

                BREASTFEEDING IN THE                                                                                             SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
                WORK PLACE (Continued from Page 5)                    April 2012                                                                                  April 24, 2012: Child Abuse/Domestic Violence/
             assist businesses in setting up a                        Diabetes Education Class                                                                                     Sexual Abuse Prevention
             lactation program, which includes:                       Every Monday: 5:30 – 6:30 pm in TMC’s Zion
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Parade
                                                                                                                                                                                           ▲▲▲                    ▲▲
                                                                                                                                                                                    Seminar atLTH ▲▲
                                                                                                                                                                                         ▲▲         Ft. Defiance
             •  ow to create an appropriate
               h                                                                    Conference Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                 A            Y



               lactation room                                                                                                                                                      Chapter House



             •help write breastfeeding policies                      April 2, 2012: Yoga for Wellness

             •  rovide employee education
               p                                                      April 5, 2012: Honoring Life Conference NN                                                 April 30, 2012: General Foot Care
               about managing working and

                                                                                    ▲▲▲▲▲Museum ▲▲▲
                                                                                         ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 2-3:30 pm



             •  rovide training for supervisors
                                                                                                        ▲                    ▲▲▲
                                                                                                                                                                  Naháta’Dziil Health Center





               to help them better understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ▲▲                          ▲▲

                                                                                 H                                                                                Diabetes Education Class



                                                                      April 9, 2012: Diabetes Medications


               the positive impact of a

                                                                                                                                                                  April 12, 2012: 8:00am – 12:00 noon
                                                                                 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲

               breastfeeding program on all

               employees.                                                                                                   Y
                                                                      April 16, 2012: Healthy Cooking Class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quality of Life
                                                                                                                                                                  April 26, 2012: 8:00am – 12:00 noon
             Please contact Roberta Duncan,

             RD, MPH, Public Health                                   April 23, 2012: Diabetes Medications


             Nutritionist, at 928-729-8424, for                                                                  CES                                              May 6-12, 2012: Nurses Week


                                                                                                  ▲▲                          ▲▲
             more information.
                                                                                                    ▲▲                      ▲▲
                                                                                                         ▲▲▲▲            ▲▲▲

                                                                                                                                                                                TMC DIRECTORY
                         GATHERING OF NATIVE AMERICANS (Continued from Page 5)
                                                                                                                                                                   General Switchboard:................ 928-729-8000
             back. ”The second day focused on empowering                  TMC’s MSPI extends its sincere appreciation to
                                                                                                                                                                   Adolescent Care Unit:................. 928-729-3750
             individuals and the community, and on adolescence       the following for their support:
                                                                                                                                                                   Adult Medicine Clinic:................. 928-729-8658
             as a time of vision and mastering skills.                                                                                                             Community Health:..................... 928-729-8425
                                                                     Navajo Nation Vice President Rex Lee Jim                                                      Dental Appointments:............... 877-729-8003
             3. INTERDEPENDENCE- “Working together                   Cocina de Dominguez                                                                           Diabetes Program:...................... 928-729-8467
             interdependently for positive change,” such as action   Coalition for Healthy  Resilient Youth                                                       Emergency Dept:.......................... 928-729-8600
             and community leadership. The third day focused         Ellis Tanner                                                                                  Eye Clinic:......................................... 928-729-8925
             on adulthood and the integral and inter-dependent       Express Dollar                                                                                Home Based Care Prog:................928-729- 8032
             relations within families and communities.              Lowe’s Shopping Center of Window Rock, AZ                                                     Intensive Care Unit:.................... 928-729-8980
                                                                     McDonalds of Window Rock, AZ                                                                  Manage Care Service:................. 928-729-8181
             4. GENEROSITY- “Giving back to self and                 Navajo Petroleum                                                                              Mental Health:.............................. 928-729-8500
             community.” The final day honored our elders, who       Navajo Shopping Centers                                                                       Multi-Service Unit:...................... 928-729-8625
             continuously pass their wisdom and teachings            Navajo Technical College, Culinary Arts Program                                               Nursing:............................................ 928-729-8580
             to our children. Each of us has a responsibility to     Ralph Johnson Memorial Rodeo Committee                                                        OB/GYN Clinic:................................. 928-729-8770
             give back to our communities and share graciously       Safeway of Gallup, NM                                                                         OB WARD:......................................... 928-729-8795
             what we have learned. We need to remember our           Tse Haal Taal Consulting                                                                      Operating Room:.......................... 928-729-8740
             teachings and become the best WE can be.                                                                                                              Orthopedic Clinic:......................... 928-729-8678
                                                                                                                                                                   Pediatric Clinic:............................. 928-729-8710
                  Through these four components one can start        For More Information on GONA or TMC’s
                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmacy:........................................ 928-729-8328
             to examine how to be an active participant in their     MSPI contact:
                                                                                                                                                                   Physical Therapy:......................... 928-729-8810
             own life and in their community.                        Lucy Laughter-Begay, MPSI Director
                                                                                                                                                                   Podiatry:........................................... 928-729-8815
                                                                     Kenneth W. Harvey Jr., MSPI Culture Liaison                                                   Respiratory Therapy:.................. 928-729-8835
                  MSPI’s Cultural Liaison and GONA trainer           Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative                                             Social Services:.............................. 928-729-8527
             Kenneth Harvey led the training and was assisted        (MSPI) Project                                                                                Surgery Clinic:................................ 928-729-8695
             by trainers with from the Native American Center for    Tséhootsooí Medical Center                                                                    Naháta’ Dziil Health Center
             Excellence.                                             928-729-3749/8429/3765                                                                          (Sanders):.................................... 928-688-5600

                                                                                                            P   a g e   E   i g h t

newslettermarch.indd 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4/10/12 11:51:52 PM

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Practical eLearning Makeovers for Everyone


  • 1. A M E D I C A L P U B L I C A T I O N T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Volume 2 No. 2 COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER APRIL/MAY 2012 Improving Care for Cancer Patients By: Gail Oglesbee, RN, Cancer Case Manager In a smaller community, such as Fort Defiance, not only is the hospital the place to go for health needs, it is a place where your neighbors, friends and family work. The hospital is an integral part of not only the Fort Defiance community but also all the 16 Navajo Nation Chapter communities within Tséhootsooí Medical Center’s service area. O ur hospital strives to • rizona Cancer Center Tucson, A here has created a Cancer Care Compassionate meet the needs of the AZ, Case Manager position. By community it serves. Decisions to which facility having a single office receiving The majority of health a patient is referred to depends on and sending out information, needs can be met right here. the services the patient needs as the intent is to make care more However, some medical needs well as travel distance. Sometimes convenient for patients as well are beyond the scope of care that patients have family in the as less confusing. Confusion can our local facility can provide. One vicinity of a treatment center with lead to patients falling through diagnosis that often facilitates whom they can stay with during the cracks, causing delay or even outside care is cancer. Patients treatment and that helps to make cessation of treatment. The who need specialized cancer the decision for them. Cancer Care Case Manager will surgery, chemotherapy or radiation Once a patient has (Continued on Page 4) treatment are referred to cancer started care at a cancer center, INSIDE STORIES centers. they usually return to their TMC 2 Currently, TMC patients care provider for treatment of RAISING THE LEVEL: Honoring Laboratory being treated for cancer are their other health care needs. PAGE Professionals receiving care at the following They also return for radiologic, 3 LEADING THE WAY: centers: pharmaceutical and laboratory CEO Message PAGE • New Mexico Cancer Center needs as ordered by the cancer care 4 (NMCC) Gallup, NM (A satellite providers. Because these orders are BAA HÓZHÓ (IINA): Gathering of Native facility of New Mexico Oncology from an outside facility, they have PAGE Americans (GONA) Hematology Consultants, Ltd. in to be rewritten by a TMC doctor Albuquerque) • niversity of New Mexico U to be completed. Once studies are done, those results have to be PAGE 5 EATING HEALTHY: Bresatfeeding in the workplace Cancer Center, Albuquerque, NM faxed to the care center. Because more than one doctor, in more PAGE 6 QUALITY OF LIFE: NURSES WEEK GETTING FIT: 7 • an Juan Oncology Associates S than one facility is giving care, it Team Defiance Farmington, NM can become confusing to patients PAGE • rizona Hematology Oncology A and their families. OUR COMMUNITY: 8 -Schedule of Events Flagstaff, AZ In the interest of further -TMC Directory PAGE • Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ assisting our patients, the hospital P a g e O n e newslettermarch.indd 1 4/10/12 11:51:12 PM
  • 2. Volume 2 No. 2 H E A L T H Y W I N D S T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R RAISING THE LEVEL Honoring Laboratory Professionals By: Arlinda Nez, TMC Laboratory Director D uring the week of April provides an opportunity to honor the contributions poster exhibits explaining the technology 22 through 28, 2012, of pathologists, laboratory technologists and and medical correlation to disease Tséhootsooí Medical technicians in the maintenance of wellness, the states. Other activities include hospital Center will celebrate the diagnosis of illness and the treatment of disease. departments engaging in various contests, a contributions of its laboratory Medical laboratory professionals treasure hunt and a root beer ice cream float professionals during National are dedicated to preventing serious illness party. The laboratory will also give tours to Medical Laboratory Week. and disability from before a child is born and the hospital staff on how it has incorporated This year’s theme, “Laboratory Professionals Get throughout the golden years of life. Using state the LEAN concept of “doing more with Results” highlights the medical laboratory’s role as of the art technology and instrumentation, less” and improved its efficiency in order a key element of patient care. they perform and supervise tests that not only to perform the additional 23,000 tests that had “Laboratory medicine provides a search for potential health problems in the hope normally been referred out to reference laboratories crucial thread that runs through the entire patient of identifying the disease early when it is most in order to provide quicker turnaround time results care process,” said Arlinda treatable, but also guide and assess the ongoing to the hospital medical staff. Lee, BSMT(ASCP), MAHSM, care of patients. More than 10 Billion laboratory Medical laboratory professionals administrative laboratory tests are performed in the United States each year practice in medical laboratories in hospitals, director at TMC. “Test results to confirm diagnoses, rule out suspected doctors’ offices, clinics, research facilities, blood from the laboratory drive a conditions, or monitor treatment. banks, public health centers, the Armed Forces, significant portion of clinical Laboratories play a veterinary offices, colleges, and many decisions, from diagnosis to critical, front-line role in the industries. Titles include pathologists, therapy. We are very fortunate to have detection of infectious agents, such medical technologist, clinical laboratory strong and dedicated hospital leaders such as those that might be employed in scientist, medical laboratory technician, as Dr. Michael Tutt, Chief Medical Officer, a bioterrorist attack. histotechnologist, histologic technician, Christopher Anthony, Director of Ancillary “The community cytotechnologist, cytopathologist, phlebotomy Services, and Dr. Leland Leonard, Chief laboratory often is the first to see evidence technician, clinical chemist, microbiologist, Executive Officer. They support our efforts in of an infectious agent in a patient sample,” laboratory manager, and medical educator. providing the most optimum laboratory testing Lee said. “Our contribution at the local Among the departments that make up the services to our healthcare providers and patients.” level is critical to a process that, ultimately, medical laboratory are chemistry, serology, Lee says National Medical Laboratory protects us all from the spread of disease.” hematology, cytology, microbiology, Week TMC Clinical Laboratory plans immunology, coagulation, to showcase in the hospital rotunda histology, urinalysis, and HAPPY education the blood bank. NATION PROFES AL MED SIONAL LAB S WEEK! P a g e T w o newslettermarch.indd 2 4/10/12 11:51:15 PM
  • 3. H E A L T H Y W I N D S APRIL/MAY 2012 T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Leading the Way I am honored to provide this statement on behalf of the Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board and the FORT DEFIANCE INDIAN HOSPITAL Tséhootsooí Medical Center (TMC) and the Nahatá Dziil Health Center (NDZ) administration. BOARD, INC. Board of Directors: Roy Dempsey, President Yá’át’ééh shik’éí doo shidine’é. O Caleb Roanhorse, Vice President n Wednesday, March 28, 2012, Tséhootsooí Medical Center Lorraine Nelson, Secretary (TMC) and Nahát’a Dziil Health Center (NDHC) celebrated its Martin Ashley, Treasurer 2nd year as Self-Determined health care facilities as authorized Elmer Milford, Member under Public Law 93-638. The Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board, Inc. (FDIHB) is the governing board for the Tséhootsooí Medical Dr. Raymond Reid, Member Center in Fort Defiance, Arizona and the Nahát’a Dziil Health Center in Jerry Freddie, Member Sanders, Arizona. Tim Goodluck, Member In celebrating this anniversary, the FDIHB, Inc. leadership acknowledges and thanks the community for being visionary in deciding to Leland Anthony, Member manage the operation of the hospital by passing Leadership Council: Chapter resolutions supporting the PL-93- Michael Tutt, M.D., Chief Medical Officer 638 change. Staff is also commended for being Tori Davidson, proactive during the Chief Nurse Executive transition from a federally Rachel Sorrell, managed and operated Interim Chief Finance Officer facility to becoming a corporation controlled by Dr. Janet Slowman-Chee, Chief Planning Officer the FDIHB, Inc. The past two years 2nd Anniversary morning blessing ceremony Vivian Santistevan, have progressed in such a Chief Human Resources Officer positive and productive manner. The self-determined status has afforded Valonia Hardy, numerous changes and successes. Some significant achievements include: Chief Community Health Officer • uccessful transition of the majority of our federal employees to corporate S employees, Tal Moore, Chief Administrative Officer • he completion of our second “unqualified” audit-meaning our finances are T handled properly, • Changing our name to Tséhootsooí Medical Center, • Successful completion and implementation of our strategic plan, • Determining our mission and vision statements. As we celebrate our achievements we, once again, roll up our sleeves to continue with key initiatives like updating and implementing a new strategic plan, implementing Telehealth services, strengthening our Quality Assessment Performance Improvement (QAPI), planning to build a long term care facility, and always looking for ways to Improve Patient Care (IPC). Our mission is “to provide superior and compassionate healthcare to our community by raising the level of health, Hózhó, and quality of life.” Our medical teams at TMC and NDHC take your health needs seriously and are committed to providing the best care. Miss Navajo Nation Crystalyne Curley celebrates Respectfully, 2nd Anniversary with TMC’s Dr. Leland Leonard, CEO CEO Dr. Leland Tséhootsooí Medical Center Leonard Nahát’a Dziil Health Center P a g e T h r e e newslettermarch.indd 3 4/10/12 11:51:24 PM
  • 4. Volume 2 No. 2 H E A L T H Y W I N D S NAVA JO WAY OF LIFE T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Baa Hózhó Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) By: Clytemnestra Davison, Planning Logistics T he Gathering of Native Methamphetamine Suicide involvement in preventing social Americans (GONA) Prevention Initiative (MSPI) ills, such as substance abuse and training was held on Project sponsored the training suicide. February 27 to March which incorporates the The three day training was 1, 2012, at the Navajo Nation values of human attended by many including Museum and it was a huge growth and individuals in recovery, school success! GONA is a healing responsibilities nurses, community leaders, and journey/process that embraces often taught in traditional practitioners. The community healing Native Cultures. honorable Navajo Nation Vice with a holistic approach It also emphasizes President Rex Lee Jim provided a through the exploration community blessing way song and prayer. of issues brought on by GONA is for anyone interested __________________ multigenerational trauma. Navajo Nation Vice in becoming a change agent, Tséhootsooí Medical President Rex Lee Jim community developer, and Center’s (TMC) leader. The training teaches the importance of community healing and having healthy traditions for effective prevention. Strategies of the Native belief system and valuing all community members is vital in creating a safe place to share, heal, and plan for action. IMPROVING CARE FOR CANCER PATIENTS (Continued from Page 1) The GONA training covered the following four main areas: seek to smooth the course of care prepared her to take on the expanded role between facilities by facilitating in the new position. Patients who have 1. BELONGING- “Building and communication between doctors, questions or referrals are welcome to visit strengthening the sense of team, the patient and their family. her office, to be located in the Contract family, and community”- a place ___________________ Health area of the hospital. for all ages and for all people. Gail Oglesbee, R.N. has worked at The expansion of services to include all The first day covered infancy TMC since 1997, when she came cancer patients, and their primary care and childhood, a time when we to work at the ‘old hospital’ as an providers is need to know how we belong. emergency room nurse. Transferring intended to It is the most important first to the new building, she continued in continue the lesson a person must learn to that department until about four years focus of the live comfortably and to work ago when she accepted a position in hospital to effectively. the Surgery Clinic working as a case improve overall manager. Many of the patients who patient care 2. MASTERY- “Gaining mastery came into her care and management and outcome and healing from what holds us during this time were cancer patients. for their She feels that this experience has wellness. Gail Oglesbee, R.N. (Continued on Page 8) P a g e F o u r newslettermarch.indd 4 4/10/12 11:51:29 PM
  • 5. H E A L T H Y W I N D S APRIL/MAY 2012 T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Healthy Eating Breastfeeding In the Compassionate Workplace By: Roberta Duncan, RD, MPH T séhootsooí Medical Center breaks and lunch times to nurse System, approximately 75% of (TMC) recognizes that their baby or to pump breast Navajo Nation babies start out breast milk is the best milk. Communication between breastfeeding. This rate falls to less food for growth and the breastfeeding employees and their than half (40%) by 6 months. Part development of infants. TMC supervisors, during pregnancy and of the reason for this drop in the encourages all employees to have after the baby is born, is extremely breastfeeding rate may be because a positive, accepting attitude important so accommodations can breastfeeding moms return to work toward working women who are be made to satisfy the needs of – many out of necessity. breastfeeding. both the employee and TMC. TMC There are Did you know? promotes “Communication two electric breast The Navajo Nation Council and supports pump motors passed the “Healthy Start Act” breastfeeding between breastfeeding in the employee in October 2008. It was signed and the employees and their lactation room into law by then-president Joe expression of (located on Shirley, Jr. in November 2008. breast milk supervisors, during the OB Ward). Under this Navajo Nation Law, by employees pregnancy and after Breastfeeding working breastfeeding women and who are the baby is born, is employees their employers work together to breastfeeding provide their create a clean private area, not a when they extremely important so own attachment bathroom, to allow a breastfeeding return to work. accommodations can be kit. A TMC working mom to breastfeed or TMC supports breastfeeding use a breast pump. The law also breastfeeding made to satisfy the needs mom can go to permits a sufficient number of mothers because of both the employee and the OB Ward unpaid flexible breaks during work there are Nurses station to for an employee to breastfeed her TMC.” benefits for not sign in and obtain baby, or to use a breast pump. only the mother the key. Employers doing business within and baby but also for TMC as an the jurisdiction of the Navajo employer. The following are some The TMC Breastfeeding in the Nation are required to have a employee benefits: Workplace policy is communicated written plan on how they will • ower health care costs L to all employees during new comply with this law. • ower turnover rates L employee orientation training. • ower absenteeism rates L For more information on the Who can help? • igher employee productivity H Breastfeeding in the Workplace The Navajo Nation Breastfeeding and morale policy, please go to the TMC Coalition is available to provide • ositive public relations in the P home page and look for “Reference support to Navajo Nation community as a “family friendly” #4.7.” businesses and their employees business on how to comply with the The TMC’s Breastfeeding Some stats: Healthy Start Act (the workplace in the Workplace policy allows According to the 2009 CDC breastfeeding law). The Navajo breastfeeding employees flexible Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance Nation Breastfeeding Coalition can (Continued on Page 8) P a g e F i v e newslettermarch.indd 5 4/10/12 11:51:31 PM
  • 6. Volume 2 No. 2 H E A L T H Y W I N D S T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R F I T N E S S Quality of Life Nurses Week 2012 By: CAPT. Ruth Kawano, MSN, RN N ational Nurses Week Morgan, RN, Resource Nurse, embrace begins each year on MSU, believes that, “nurses must caring, not May 6th and ends on speak up for and be compassionate simply May 12th, Florence towards the patients so that they as a task or TMC Nurses Kent Nightingale’s birthday. The theme get better.” An advocate, “protects, professional Lingafelter, RN, Nurse for this year’s Nurses Week is: represents and seeks what the obligation, but Executive, Susan Morgan, RN, JoAnna Nurses: Advocating, Leading, patient and provider goals are so as the focus McCabe Caring. that the patient’s care is enhanced,” of their own Now more than ever, Registered avows JoAnna McCabe, RN, identity as a Nurse. Susan adds Nurses are positioned to assume MSU. that to be caring is to help the leadership roles in health care, Nurses have to be leaders. Our patient physically, mentally, and implement strategies to improve nurses today are challenged by spiritually to meet their needs. the quality of care, and play a key changes in political environments, Advocating, leading, and role in innovative, patient-centered budgetary restrictions, staffing caring are basic components of care delivery models. The nursing shortages and technological nursing. Nurses advocate for all profession plays an essential role advances, to name a few. It is patients by taking those in need in improving patient outcomes, important that nurses anticipate under their care, guiding them in increasing access, coordinating and adapt to these challenges. the right path towards health and care, and reducing health care As leaders, nurses need to be supporting them through pain, fear, costs. (ANA website, http://www. professional, visionary, and and sometimes the hopelessness inspiring while providing the best of illness and disease. Nurses At the Tséhootsooí Medical care for patients. Asked how his do it because of their nature to Center (TMC), nurses assume nurses lead, Kent states that his be nurturing and caring. Nurses many roles as an advocate, nurses as leaders are impacting are committed to giving quality leader, and caring professional. A healthcare here at TMC by and compassionate healthcare at definition of advocate is 1) one that providing evidence-based care Tséhootsooí Medical Center. pleads the cause of another and through research. Susan followed, During the week of May 6-12, 2) one that defends or maintains “Nurses teach, work as a team, and 2012, nursing awards and other a cause or proposal. In nursing, lead by example.” activities will once again take advocacy is a key role. Kent Caring is the third component place during this celebration. The Lingafelter, RN, ICU Nurse of the theme. JoAnna considers TMC community is encouraged to Executive, believes that his critical listening to the patient’s concerns give thanks to all our nurses. We care nurses advocate for patients and following through with those have over 100 Registered Nurses by “ensuring that their rights and concerns; and being sincere employed at TMC in twenty wishes are being protected,” and embody the concept of caring. two different departments of the that safety is a high priority. Susan Kent asserts that his nurses hospital. Health P a g e S i x newslettermarch.indd 6 4/10/12 11:51:33 PM
  • 7. H E A L T H Y W I N D S APRIL/MAY 2012 T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Getting Fit Team Defiance T he Super Spartan were washing mud Julius Be Larry Ho ga y skie Judd Hildre obstacle course race off and missed th Chris Lar Alfred Mu sen rphy Jr. Edward Becenti is a more than 8 mile the photo shoot” battlefield of insane mud laughs Barton. running with sand bag carrying, The team raced Williama Jim Jimmy Tso trench crossings, nearly six feet February Jarom Pro sie ws Muriel Tso sie Janelle Ya zzie deep stream crossings, rope 11, 2012 in Regina Bro wn climbing, spear throwing, tire Chandler, AZ. flipping, jumping over fire, low “It was tough crawl under barb wire through dirt and fun at the Team Me mbers No and mud, wall climbing, balance same time and t Featured Elfreida : Barton Tovarai Te norio beams, multiple hill runs, running/ our team was walking through waist and knee physically fit and ready for Training high deep water, multi-level such an event and I am proud of also known as monkey bars and Spartans. The them” Barton states. MOCT. The training sessions are obstacles test physical strength According to the event website conducted Monday, Wednesday, and mental resolve. “This 13 ( “an and Friday from 12:00-1:00 kilometer mud run is an endurance obstacle course race is designed pm and Monday, Tuesdays, and race which pushes you to your full to test your resilience, strength, Thursday evening from 5:00 pm potential” says Jimmy Tsosie a stamina, quick decision making -6:00 p.m. She says more and materials handler at TMC. skills, and ability to laugh in the more TMC employees are finding Tsosie took the lead to face of adversity.” The website new interests to win the battle motivate and recruit TMC further states “our goal is simple... against health problems and to employees who he fitness trains to get you off your couch, throw stay fit as a team. with to be part of Team Defiance. you in the mud trails, and feed The next event the team is The 13 member team also you one tough endurance event competing in is the 2012 Warrior includes six people who work for day that will be the adrenalin rush Dash scheduled for May 5, 2012 the Navajo Nation government of your life.” in Albuquerque, New Mexico. and Navajo Nation Oil Gas. Barton says the Spartan Race The Warrior Dash is another The team placed 22 out of a total was only the beginning for team 3-mile obstacle course. Over of 135 teams. challenges that TMC employees 22 individuals are signed up Elfreida Barton, Wellness and community members can representing the Fort Defiance, Center Coordinator at TMC, participate in. Barton and her team Navajo area. Good luck TMC recalls how grueling the event of fitness specialists train TMC Warriors!! was. “We got so muddy that we employees in the Max Out Circuit P a g e S e v e n newslettermarch.indd 7 4/10/12 11:51:50 PM
  • 8. Volume 2 No. 2 H E A L T H Y W I N D S APRIL/MAY 2012 T S É H O O T S O O Í M E D I C A L C E N T E R Our Community Newsletter Contact: Dr. Janet Slowman-Chee Tina James-Tafoya Telephone: 928-729-8950 BREASTFEEDING IN THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS WORK PLACE (Continued from Page 5) April 2012 April 24, 2012: Child Abuse/Domestic Violence/ assist businesses in setting up a Diabetes Education Class Sexual Abuse Prevention lactation program, which includes: Every Monday: 5:30 – 6:30 pm in TMC’s Zion Awareness▲▲Community▲▲▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Parade ▲▲▲ ▲▲ Seminar atLTH ▲▲ ▲▲ Ft. Defiance • ow to create an appropriate h Conference Room A Y ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲ lactation room Chapter House ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ HE ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲ •help write breastfeeding policies April 2, 2012: Yoga for Wellness ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ • rovide employee education p April 5, 2012: Honoring Life Conference NN April 30, 2012: General Foot Care about managing working and breastfeeding. ▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲Museum ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 2-3:30 pm Health S CH ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ • rovide training for supervisors p ▲ ▲▲▲ Naháta’Dziil Health Center OIC ▲▲ E ▲▲▲ EALT ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ to help them better understand ▲▲ ▲▲ H Diabetes Education Class ▲▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ April 9, 2012: Diabetes Medications ▲▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲▲▲ the positive impact of a ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ H April 12, 2012: 8:00am – 12:00 noon ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲ breastfeeding program on all ▲▲▲▲ employees. Y ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ April 16, 2012: Healthy Cooking Class Quality of Life April 26, 2012: 8:00am – 12:00 noon Please contact Roberta Duncan, ▲▲▲▲ CH RD, MPH, Public Health April 23, 2012: Diabetes Medications ▲▲▲ OI ▲▲▲ Nutritionist, at 928-729-8424, for CES May 6-12, 2012: Nurses Week ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ more information. ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ TMC DIRECTORY GATHERING OF NATIVE AMERICANS (Continued from Page 5) General Switchboard:................ 928-729-8000 back. ”The second day focused on empowering TMC’s MSPI extends its sincere appreciation to Adolescent Care Unit:................. 928-729-3750 individuals and the community, and on adolescence the following for their support: Adult Medicine Clinic:................. 928-729-8658 as a time of vision and mastering skills. Community Health:..................... 928-729-8425 Navajo Nation Vice President Rex Lee Jim Dental Appointments:............... 877-729-8003 3. INTERDEPENDENCE- “Working together Cocina de Dominguez Diabetes Program:...................... 928-729-8467 interdependently for positive change,” such as action Coalition for Healthy Resilient Youth Emergency Dept:.......................... 928-729-8600 and community leadership. The third day focused Ellis Tanner Eye Clinic:......................................... 928-729-8925 on adulthood and the integral and inter-dependent Express Dollar Home Based Care Prog:................928-729- 8032 relations within families and communities. Lowe’s Shopping Center of Window Rock, AZ Intensive Care Unit:.................... 928-729-8980 McDonalds of Window Rock, AZ Manage Care Service:................. 928-729-8181 4. GENEROSITY- “Giving back to self and Navajo Petroleum Mental Health:.............................. 928-729-8500 community.” The final day honored our elders, who Navajo Shopping Centers Multi-Service Unit:...................... 928-729-8625 continuously pass their wisdom and teachings Navajo Technical College, Culinary Arts Program Nursing:............................................ 928-729-8580 to our children. Each of us has a responsibility to Ralph Johnson Memorial Rodeo Committee OB/GYN Clinic:................................. 928-729-8770 give back to our communities and share graciously Safeway of Gallup, NM OB WARD:......................................... 928-729-8795 what we have learned. We need to remember our Tse Haal Taal Consulting Operating Room:.......................... 928-729-8740 teachings and become the best WE can be. Orthopedic Clinic:......................... 928-729-8678 Pediatric Clinic:............................. 928-729-8710 Through these four components one can start For More Information on GONA or TMC’s Pharmacy:........................................ 928-729-8328 to examine how to be an active participant in their MSPI contact: Physical Therapy:......................... 928-729-8810 own life and in their community. Lucy Laughter-Begay, MPSI Director Podiatry:........................................... 928-729-8815 Kenneth W. Harvey Jr., MSPI Culture Liaison Respiratory Therapy:.................. 928-729-8835 MSPI’s Cultural Liaison and GONA trainer Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative Social Services:.............................. 928-729-8527 Kenneth Harvey led the training and was assisted (MSPI) Project Surgery Clinic:................................ 928-729-8695 by trainers with from the Native American Center for Tséhootsooí Medical Center Naháta’ Dziil Health Center Excellence. 928-729-3749/8429/3765 (Sanders):.................................... 928-688-5600 P a g e E i g h t newslettermarch.indd 8 4/10/12 11:51:52 PM