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Winning the Hearts of Experience-Hungry Travelers


  1. Executive Summary: A Quick and Substantive Look at Travel Oregon’s Strategic   1
  2. Priorities 2011-13

  3. By the Numbers
          Travel Oregon Budget                                                     16

           Urban Sources of Business                                               17

           National Outlook for Travel                                             18

  4. Regional Cooperative Marketing Plan (RCMP)                                     19

  5. Appendix – Detailed Plans by Department
         Tourism Development                                                       20

           Consumer Marketing                                                      39

           International                                                           60

       WOW! Stopped in Ashland on our way to SFO. Just had the best Pinot Noir EVER! We
       are staying the night. We will be back in the office tomorrow afternoon…late. I wanted
       to move here but Joel said we could just buy the wine instead.


Ten to one you are wondering about that wine label. “Which Pinot was she talking about?” It
turns out, you are not alone.

In January of 2011, for the first time, the number of messages posted on Facebook exceeded
the number of people using Google search—with more than a billion new postings every day.

Just one more indicator, things are changing fast. Not just fads and fashions; but the very fabric
of how people interact and manage their lives. The mass-market- consumer world is yielding to
a world where people value connections and experiences more than acquiring the next new
thing. The rise of the “real time” web and increasingly
sophisticated mobile devices is providing the means for
people to connect with one another in unprecedented ways.

Social and political milestones are also reshaping our value            In one study of more than 12,000
landscape. The events of 9/11 combined with seismic                     Americans, researchers from Cornell
changes in our economy have shifted the values and                      University and University of Colorado
expectations of Americans in every social demographic.                  found that people reported greater
                                                                        happiness from investing in life
People are thinking differently about the world and what it
                                                                        experiences rather than purchasing
means to be happy and successful. This is especially true for           material goods. The study suggests
an established group dubbed the “Creative Class” by                     that the reason for this is that
Carnegie Mellon Professor Richard Florida1. Essentially, if             experiences are easier to interpret
your job includes developing ideas, then you are part of the            positively, contribute more to social
                                                                        relationships and are a more
Creative Class. It has been estimated that the Creative Class
                                                                        meaningful part of personal identity.
makes up more than 30% of America’s work force, and
among their highest values are travel and the experiences
associated with exploring new places.

 This study appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

These people are looking for more than the “thin value” offered by 20th century top-down
    institutions. The recent cascade of Twitter-fueled revolutions in Africa and the Middle East
    support Umair Haque’s assertions in his latest book that people value renewable, democratic,
                          equitable, peaceful and interactive/meaningful life choices. These changes
                          are creating a profound need to shift life’s perspective from “the
                          bleachers” to “the court.” People are no longer content to just watch the
                          game—they expect to be in the game. Consumers are increasingly hungry
“Increasingly what
will make us happy is     for authentic adventure and exploration. The pre-packaged facades of
spending our time         luxury travel are giving way to a carpe diem embrace of adventure,
and our money             exploration, and excitement. People want their travel experiences to be
satisfying the desire
for authenticity.”        unique and highly personalized. For many there is nothing better than
                          being the one who “discovers” a new bed and breakfast, a secret ocean
                          view trail, or a small winery tucked away in a lush valley.

   These days the news of a “WOW-worthy” amazing (take your pick; food-wine-hotel-trail-beach-
   etc.) find is immediately shared and multiplied as photos, blog posts, video clips, tweets,
   reviews, and GPS coordinates are posted in real time. And these instant reviews make a big
   difference. According to Nielsen: 87% of travelers said reviews impacted hotel choice, 84% said
   reviews impacted method of travel, and 78% said
   reviews impacted choice of dining. To top that off,
   there’s new research from MIT proving that a
   consumer review is over 12 times as powerful as
   any ad. In addition, Phocuswright research tells us
   that a prior visit along with a recommendation
   from friends and family is the primary motivation
   to travel to a destination2.

   For people in the travel and tourism industry the
   message is clear; the consumer must be at the center of everything we do and we must not
   underestimate the power of individuals to wield incredible influence at every step in their travel
   experience. Expectations are high and so are the stakes. For the modern consumer, travel is a
   big deal. In the perfect world, authentic and adventurous travel creates new connections and
   new friends, it refreshes existing relationships, and it sets the groundwork for personal

    Destination Marketing: Understanding the Primary Role and Impact of Destination Marketers. PhoCusWright,
   Pull quote - Joseph Pine, TED conference, “What Consumers Want”.

transformation. All that from a fishing trip on the Rogue? Yes. The good news is, for travel and
tourism professionals, the perfect world feels a lot like Oregon.


                                                                        In our previous strategic plan, Travel
                                                                        Oregon called out Oregon’s “authenticity
                                                                        advantage.” In that plan the consumer
                                                                        marketing approach was to inspire,
                                                                        engage, and multiply; and the results
                                                                        speak for themselves. Travel Oregon’s ad
                                                                        campaign, recognized by the US Travel
                                                                        Association as “Best Overall Campaign” in
                                                                        2010, generated $8 dollars in new tax
                                                                        revenue and $193 dollars in new visitor
                                                                        spending for every $1 dollar invested in
 The Oregon Bounty Cuisinternship campaign generated the largest single domestic media advertising. As a result,
               day spike in visitors to
                                                                        more people than ever before are
engaging with Travel Oregon’s relationship network: over 2 Million unique visitors on Travel
Oregon’s family of sites each year, 21,000 Facebook fans, and an overall consumer response
rate that has increased over 155% from 5 years ago.

The effects of our work are also felt around the
world. Despite the global recession, we’ve been able
to maintain and even grow awareness of Oregon in
both established and emerging international
markets. We’ve seen growth in overall international
visitation to Oregon, have been able to identify
promising emerging markets, and have been savvy
about maximizing our relationships with the travel
trade with first of a kind online strategies—
harnessing Twitter and Facebook in country, for       In country representatives manage regular tweets, in language, to
                                                           fans in Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, UK and France.
example, to drive consumers to tour operator
product featuring Oregon. Importantly, Oregon has sustained the international nonstop air
service to Canada, Amsterdam and Tokyo.

The impacts begin, in fact, at the ground level, where tourism development plays a critical role
in the incubation of small business and its inherent entrepreneurial spirit. One such program is
The Oregon Rural Tourism Studio,
a training initiative designed to
assist with the development of
their tourism industry in a way
that will help stimulate the local
economy, protect and enhance
local natural and cultural
resources, and foster pride
amongst participants. As a result
of the program, Travel Oregon
hopes to see an increase in high-

value, authentic experiences for      European Tour Operators on an Oregon research trip. Promoting shoulder season product is a key
travelers across the state that will                               strategy for international markets.

contribute to community livability
and help strengthen our state’s position as a premiere tourism destination in North America.

Community members participate in Travel Oregon’s Rural Tourism
   Studio in Oakridge. At right, Oakridge’s new visitor guide.

Tourism planning requires relevant research, strategies, resources, timely information, and
partners. Unique tourism niches offer statewide opportunities that can be “owned” by Oregon–
such as cycling.

Oregon is home to a wide range of some of America’s most scenic riding–road and off-road–
   and nurtures one of the world’s most dynamic
   bicycle cultures. This did not happen by
   accident. In large part, it was planned tourism
   development, years in the making – and a
   prime example of the core ethos permeating
   Oregon’s tourism strategy: STEWARDSHIP.
   Reflecting this, Travel Oregon and the state’s
   tourism and hospitality industry have focused
   on the identification and promotion of
   enterprises which adhere to sustainable
                                                             – a comprehensive website for
                                                                                  cycling launched in 2010.
   The risk of a fragmented approach is the loss
   of brand cohesion. That is why this plan places such a premium on our ability to work even
   better together as an industry. So where the impact begins at the ground level—it is
                                                successfully gaining momentum throughout the
                                                industry and driving incredible performance in
                                                Oregon’s overall economy. Together with
                                                Oregon’s dozens of Destination Marketing
                                                Organizations and tens of thousands of businesses
                                                across the state, we’re part of a tourism industry
                                                that generates $313 Million in state and local tax
                                                revenue, 87,500 direct jobs, and an overall impact
                                                of $8.1 billion dollars per year for Oregon’s

                                                Each region is seeing growth, gaining awareness,
 Central Cascades Geotourism Project Website launched in 2010,
                                               and contributing to the magical public
in partnership with Travel Oregon, Washington Tourism, National
                                               understanding of Oregon as a destination, an
         Geographic and dozens of Oregon communities.

                                               experience, a brand, and a feeling. It is not about
   one season or another, it is not about one festival, or sport, or destination.

   It is a catalytic effect that reflects the steady integration of efforts small and large all over the
   state. The leaders in our industry are saying loud and clear that the momentum we are
   experiencing is strong and tangible.


For all of the high technology and real-time web implications in this plan, the work that needs
to be done is more akin to hiking a steep trail on a rainy day than launching a rocket ship. It is
about being prepared; paying attention to every step; and making sure we all know where we
are and where we are going. It is more about discipline than difficulty.

But in this world of constant distraction, focus is a luxury. It is challenging to maintain alignment
in communication, planning efforts, messaging, and marketing within a single agency—much
less an entire industry. But that sense of interdependence and connection throughout the
                                                        entire industry is what we aim to achieve.
                                                        Through efforts like Project Watershed,
                                                        Oregon’s tourism industry is working to
                                                        create rhythm and alignment in strategic
                                                        planning and shared goals. Through the
                                                        Oregon Tourism and Hospitality Consortium
                                                        we are providing an ongoing platform for
                                                        dialogue and adjustments. It is about all
                                                        industry partners recognizing that nobody
                                                        enjoys an abundance of time or money, and
                                                        recognizing the intelligence and urgency of
                                                        working together.
  Stakeholders from across the state meet for Watershed, a long term
                 tourism planning initiative, fall 2010.
                                                      It is about continuing to ensure the highest
and best use of all of our resources and relationships to achieve the substantial goals defined in
this plan. The economic impacts described above represent a fraction of what is possible if we
optimize our connections and focus on ensuring a 21st century standard of quality in every
aspect of a visitor’s experience in Oregon. This is not a strategic plan designed to play defense
against a backdrop of economic woe. This is a strategic plan designed to create alignment and
invite a wide range of private and public partners to contribute and benefit from this
sustainable economic engine.

Not to push the hiking metaphor too far, but even novice hikers know—gear makes a
difference. With the right tools we can be more focused and make smarter choices for how we
apply our limited resources. We can develop more customized communication—connecting
visitors to relevant content through personalized “lenses”—alleviating the overwhelming
nature of searching for travel info online. We can spark actual conversations—to intrigue
visitors and encourage authentic WOW Oregon experiences. We can work hard to deliver

quality experiences and to reward consumers—an Oregon tribe of fans—who take that extra
step and become advocates for the Oregon way. The stories from our tribe will attract others
who choose to build their own personal Oregon adventure—and join the tribe themselves. This
is the stuff of marketing in the world of the real time web.

There is no doubt that managing a brand promise as big as Oregon in the digital world, and
insuring excellence in every visitor experience, is a complicated challenge. And there are parts
of this plan that reflect that complexity. Many elements fall into the category of “business
intelligence” strategies: optimizing online analytics, developing advanced visitor profile
heuristics, etc. But the core impulse behind this plan is simple; keep our visitors, their needs,
their goals, at the center of our focus—and their experiences and stories will take us the rest of
the way.


                                               One of the classic mistakes of businesses in the
                                               digital world is to believe that the internet and
                                               social media resources area marketer’s “field of
                                               dreams.” Put up a cool web site and some
                                               interactive content—and they will come—and
                                               buy whatever you’re selling: marketing made
                                               easy. In reality, marketing has never been more
                                               complex; some say the discipline doesn’t even
                                               exist anymore in its traditional sense. A
                                               consequence of communicating in the digital
                                               world is that people can easily peel back the
                                               layers of any marketing pitch and find the truth of
                                               the value proposition. It may be in consumer
reviews, or blogs, or in interviews with subject matter experts. People know that they can
“check everything out” online. Travel Oregon’s work over the past nine years has created
measurable confidence in our value proposition and brand promise and we are ready for the
scrutiny that comes with digital communications.

Digital communications are a means, not the end. Social media is merely a tool, not the key to
human development. We are not seeking lots of friends on Facebook… Our goals are much
bigger. The goals for Travel Oregon include a resolute stewardship for all of Oregon’s natural
resources the desire to add sustainable, living wage jobs—by the thousands—to Oregon’s
economy: and to provide Millions of people with best in class service and transformative
experiences that ultimately make the whole universe a better place. That is what this plan is

about. That is what we want to accomplish. So you can see, a few clicks here and there aren’t
going to cut it. As we take advantage of modern technology trends we must be careful not to
confuse the map with the territory—the means with the ends.

                                                   It is true, the real time web is changing the way
                                                   humans and computers interact. The rise of the
                                                   App and location aware devices are all combining
                                                   to transform what is possible as the number of
                                                   “smart” devices exceeds 5 billion. Computers are
                                                   acting more and more on our behalf—not on our
                                                   command. The big question is how do these
                                                   technology shifts enable new, more authentic,
                                                   connections and experiences? It is not about
                                                   having a cool GPS unit in your coat pocket—it is
The new Travel Oregon Welcome Center at PDX serves
                                                   about how that peace of mind that comes from
               125,000 visitors a year.            the GPS unit creates a better, safer, more
                                                   challenging hiking experience. Oregon is rich in the
substance of experience; we simply need to make it discoverable in an increasingly crowded
digital universe.


This plan recognizes that whatever boldness we can muster is a function of our ability to define,
connect, and become more self-aware as an industry. The impulse to make connections has
always been a part of our approach at Travel Oregon. It starts with connections between local,
regional, and statewide destination management resources. Next there are connections with
industry partners like hotels, restaurants, travel professionals, etc. Then there are connections
with key State and Federal agencies like Fish and Wildlife, Transportation, National Parks
Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Parks and Recreation. Now a wide range
of small businesses from river guides to breweries are joining us at the planning table. We are
connecting with snow sports associations, bird watchers, foodies and guides and packers, the
list goes on and on. It is not unreasonable to ask, who isn’t a stakeholder in the success of
Oregon’s travel and tourism industry?

What is different about this plan is that these connections are a source for measurable
cooperative action. An example of this “action” approach began in mid-2010 with an initiative
named “Watershed.” The goal for Watershed is to solicit perspectives and opportunities from a
broad cross section of industry experts to clarify a shared, guiding vision for the next 20 years.
Watershed asks the question, “What could happen if we work together with a shared vision in

mind?” During a break in one of the initial Watershed meetings an attendee quipped, “You can
feel the silos melting.” And although it is in the early stages, Watershed is working. An early
result of this effort is a commitment from dozens of stakeholders to participate in an annual
shared strategic planning and
alignment process to create more
efficiency and impact across the
industry. The effort also confirms the
veracity of the strategic planning work we have done over the years; we are at least in the same
chapter if not on exactly the same page with one another.


Travel Oregon has developed this plan, continuing to use an “outcomes-based” approach
where the inclusion and priority of a specific strategy or tactic is determined by the results it
will generate. Examples include economic return on investment, community strategic
development, industry infrastructure, capacity building, and industry workforce metrics. As you
examine Travel Oregon’s list of targeted outcomes below, you’ll see the potential synergies
statewide, and note that each of these statements is ultimately prescriptive and measurable.

   1. Grow strategic partnerships to align & leverage resources to achieve core goals
       Travel Oregon takes full advantage of all business relationships to capitalize on
       Travel Oregon generates revenue opportunities that bring in additional dollars that
         leverage the 1% lodging tax revenue
      Key Partner Examples:
       Public land management agencies
       Economic development/business development
       Private sector (consumer goods and services, tourism businesses)
       Foundations
       Destination Marketing Organizations
       Educational institutions

Grow Strategic Partnerships to Align & Leverage Resources to Achieve Core Goals
Key Metrics                                   Results 2009-11     Goal 2011-13

Domestic Consumer Marketing

The Orb: Data partners                        13 data partners:   Double
                                              10 active DMOs, 3   participating DMOs;
                                              statewide trade     explore other
                                              organizations       possible trade

The Orb: Training/Support                     10 DMO training     Double training
                                              sessions            sessions

The Orb: Distribution partners (sites other   2                   Increase to 10
than TO)

Advertising/Partner Opportunities: Ad         $654,780 (based on
Network - Increase Ad Revenue by 16%          CY 2010 contract   $760,547 (avg. per
(from '10)                                    period)            year)
Key Metrics                                   Results 2009-11    Goal 2011-13

Tourism Development

Governor’s Conference
Number of Delegates                           862                 1,000
Percentage of Program Cost Supported by       60%                 50%
Delegate Fees (event meets budget
Key Metrics                                   Results 2009-11     Goal 2011-13

International & Domestic Travel Trade

Increase Oregon Tour Operator Product
awareness through strategic retail
partnership                                   1 event             2 events

2. Continue to Implement Global Brand Campaign to Maximize Consumer Impact and
      Overnight Trip Generation
       Consumers are inundated with messages; consistent, cooperative branding creates
         greater impact and retention of our message
       Continue to implement evocative, resonant brand work that communicates
         Oregon’s core values and experiences, and that motivates people to visit
       Help partners effectively adapt voice and/or style of Travel Oregon brand campaign
         that can be used in various markets for tourism businesses/destinations

Continue to Implement Global Brand Campaign to Maximize Consumer Impact and
Trip Generation
Key Metrics                              Results 2009-11     Goal 2011-13

Domestic Consumer Marketing

Advertising: Increase ROI in Expenditures   $193 in visitor       $203 in visitor
5% (every $1 invested in advertising        spending (based on    spending (to be
generates visitor spending)                 '08 Longwoods Ad      based on '10
                                            Accountability        Longwoods Ad
                                            study)                Accountability
                                                                  study, est. final
                                                                  report May 2014)

Advertising: Reduce Cost to Generate Trip   $1.14 (based on '08   $1.08 (to be based
5%                                          Longwoods Ad          on '10 Longwoods
                                            Accountability        Ad Accountability
                                            study)                study; est. final
                                                                  report May 2014)

Advertising: Maintain Average               $0.64 (based on FY    $0.64
Cost/Inquiry**                              '09-'10)

Advertising: Increase Total Inquiries* 9%   2.29 Million (per     2.50 Million (avg.
                                            year, based on FY     per year)

                                            11 Overall Reach for Digital 2.2 Million (avg. per Increase by 10% to
Platforms (Visitation)                      year)                 2.42 Million (avg.
                                                                  per year) Time on Site                 6.72 minutes        Maintain Overall Engagement           11.24%              Increase to 15%

National Media Relations: Print Circulation    529 Million         600 Million

                                               (2 years)           (2 years)

National Media Relations: Online               638 (FY10-11 online 1,700 (2 years)
Circulation (Millions)                         coverage only, not
                                               tracked in '09)

National Media Relations: # of Print Stories   357                 360

National Media Relations: # of Online          170 (FY10-11 online 550 (2 years)
Stories                                        coverage only)

Key Metrics                                    Results 2009-11     Goal 2011-13

International & Domestic Travel Trade

International Website Visits
-                              24,380 Visits       25,000 Visits
-                              18,201 Visits       24,000 Visits
-                              New                 20,000 Visits
-                              New                 20,000 Visits
-                              New                 15,000 Visits
VisaVue®                                       FY 10 Benchmark     Goal 6% Increase
Track VisaVue® top key and emerging            1,424,000           1,509,440
markets statistics                                                 per year

Tour Operator Product Listings                      FY 09-10                   Goal 6% Increase
- United Kingdom                                    902                        950
- Germany                                           1334                       1350
- France                                            17                         20
- Netherlands                                       106                        Maintain
- Scandinavia                                       New                        10
- Japan                                             30                         Maintain
- Canada                                            63                         70
- Australia                                         New                        5
Domestic Travel Trade                               287                        300
Media Relations: Print Circulation **               FY 09-10                   Goal per year
- United Kingdom                                    66,384,687                 66,500,000
- Germany                                           6,888,229                  6,900,000
- France                                            828,761                    900,000
- Netherlands                                       4,787,215                  4,800,000
- Scandinavia                                       New                        200,000
- Japan                                             103,202,114                100,000,000
- Canada                                            310,961                    330,000
- Domestic Travel Trade                             359,456                    400,000
       * Avg. inquiries per year (Response Rates) currently includes BRCs, phone inquiries,,
       Blog,,, Food + Drink site, Kids Site (TO investigating inclusion of
       other key TO branded "outposts" like Facebook, YouTube)
       ** Online International circulation will begin being tracked July 1, 2011.

   3. Deliver the Brand Promise of Oregon to our Industry and Consumers of Personalized,
      Best in Class Service

       Travel Oregon is the number one trusted resource for trip planning to Oregon
       Oregon information and inspiration is available to the world
       Oregon has a seamless visitor information network—both online and face to face
       Grow deeper understanding of our customers so we can better serve their needs.
         Provide customized information
       Oregon is a playground where visitors can easily connect with transportation
         (reservations, activities, etc.) throughout the entire experience

       Travel Oregon is a global leader and source of inspiration for tourism marketing
          innovation, use of technology, and small business incubation
       Businesses and communities are able to make effective decisions about their
          development because they have adequate research
       Oregon’s Tourism Industry has robust access to Travel Oregon resources, tools and

Deliver the Brand Promise of Oregon to our Industry and Consumers of Personalized,
Best in Class Service
Key Metrics                                  Results 2009-11    Goal 2011-13

Tourism Development

Visitor Information Network: Cost per        <$2.00/visitor        <$1.80/visitor
Industry Website: Unique Visitors to Site    30,000                50,000

   4. Oregonians, Business Leaders and Elected Officials See Tourism as a Vital Strategy for
      Economic Development and Preserving Oregon’s Quality of Life
       Create jobs and earnings in the tourism and hospitality cluster, delivering on both
         quantity and quality of jobs
       Generate visitor spending and tax revenue
       Facilitate transformation/revitalization of urban and rural areas

Oregonians, Business Leaders and Elected Officials See Tourism as a Vital Strategy for
Economic Development and Preserving Oregon’s Quality of Life
Key Metrics                                 Results 2009-11        Goal 2011-13

Tourism Development

Rural Tourism Studio: Engaged Participants   175                   200
Consortium: Regional Town Halls Delivered    6                     8

5. Oregon Preserves and Enhances its Natural and Cultural Resources Through Tourism
       Oregon is a leader in the sustainable travel experience
       Tourism improves the quality of life for visitors to/within Oregon, and maintains the
         Oregon ethos
       Identify and develop visitor experience niches/products that align with Oregon’s
         core values and generate positive economic impact across the state (e.g., “Oregon is
         the number one cycling tourism destination in North America” and “Oregon is the
         number one local, organic, sustainably managed culinary travel experience in North
       Visitors are able to travel and practice their environmental values easily. Tourism
         businesses operate with the triple bottom line in mind (people, planet, profit)

Oregon Preserves and Enhances its Natural and Cultural Resources Through Tourism
Key Metrics                                 Results 2009-11       Goal 2011-13
Tourism Development
Sustainability Initiatives: Business        N/A                   250
Challenge Participants
Number of hoteliers participating in the    N/A                   70
Travel Philanthropy Program
Number of eating establishments             N/A                   25
participating in the Travel Philanthropy


         Total Travel Oregon Budget 2011 – 2013                                              $23,696,773

         Tourism Development                                                                  $3,913,000

         Domestic Consumer Marketing                                                         $10,782,157

         International Marketing/Sales & Domestic Travel Trade                                $3,317,453

         Regional Cooperative Marketing Program                                               $2,776,758

         Administration Budget                                                                $2,907,405


 Urban Sources of                 Willamette   Southern       Central   Eastern   Greater    Mt. Hood/
 Business             The Coast     Valley      Oregon        Oregon    Oregon    Portland   The Gorge     Oregon

 Portland               54%          40%          14%          38%       38%        19%        32%          40%
 Seattle                 6%           6%          10%          14%        7%        25%        13%          13%
 Eugene                  9%          21%          5%           10%        6%                   4%            9%
 Medford                 6%                       17%          5%         5%                                 5%
 Bend                    3%                       5%           5%         5%        5%                       4%
 LA                                               5%           4%                   5%          7%           3%
 SF                                               13%          5%         5%        8%          4%           3%
 Spokane                                                                  3%        4%          4%           3%
 Boise                                                                   13%                    4%           2%
 Sacramento                                       8%                                                         2%

             Travel Forecast Summary
Year                                                            2006          2007          2008          2009          2010         2011          2012       2013


Real GDP ($ Billions)                                          12,976.3      13,228.9     13,228.9      12,880.6      13,214.4      13,538.3      14,011.0   14,547.1

Unemployment Rate (%)                                                4.6           4.6           5.8          9.3           9.7             9.2        8.0        6.9

Consumer Price Index * (CPI)                                      201.6         207.3         215.2         214.5        217.9            221.1     226.1      232.7

Travel Price Index * (TPI)                                        233.5         244.0         257.7         241.5        251.6            259.2     267.6      275.5

Total Travel Expenditures in U.S. ($ Billions)                    695.7         738.0         772.5         704.4        755.6            794.9     834.7      878.8

       U.S. Residents                                             610.0         641.3         662.4         610.2        654.0            683.1     713.2      749.8

       International Visitors **                                    85.7         96.7         110.1          94.2        101.7            111.8     121.6      129.0

Total International Visitors to the U.S. (Millions)                 51.0         56.0          57.9          54.9          59.3            61.5       64.4       66.9

Overseas Arrivals to the U.S. (Millions)                            21.7         23.9          25.3          23.8          25.8            27.1       28.5       29.8

Total Domestic Person-Trips *** (Millions)                      2,000.5       2,004.5       1,964.9       1,898.8      1,957.2       1,992.5       2032.4     2080.7

       Business                                                   508.7         494.3         461.1         431.1        449.0            460.8     469.0      476.5

       Leisure                                                  1,491.8       1,510.2       1,503.8       1,467.6      1,508.2       1,531.7       1,563.4    1,604.1

Percent Change from Prior Year

Real GDP (%)                                                         2.7           1.9           0.0          -2.6          2.6             2.5        3.5        3.8

Consumer Price Index (CPI %)                                         3.2           2.9           3.8          -0.3          1.6             1.4        2.3        2.9

Travel Price Index (TPI %)                                           4.9           4.5           5.6          -6.3          4.2             3.0        3.3        2.9

Total Travel Expenditures in U.S. (%)                                6.4           6.1           4.7          -8.8          7.3             5.2        5.0        5.3

       U.S. Residents                                                6.6           5.1           3.3          -7.9          7.2             4.5        4.4        5.1

       International Visitors                                        4.9         12.9          13.8         -14.4           7.9            10.0        8.7        6.1

Total International Visitors to the U.S. (%)                         3.6           9.8           3.5          -5.3          8.0             3.7        4.7        3.8

Overseas Arrivals to the U.S. (%)                                   -0.1         10.3            6.1          -6.3          8.6             5.2        4.9        4.7

Total Domestic Person-Trips * (%)                                    0.4           0.2          -2.0          -3.4          3.1             1.8        2.0        2.4

       Business                                                     -0.2          -2.8          -6.7          -6.5          4.2             2.6        1.8        1.6

       Leisure                                                       0.6           1.2          -0.4          -2.4          2.8             1.6        2.1        2.6
             *1982-84 = 100
             **Excludes international visitors’ spending on traveling to the U.S. on U.S. flag carriers, and other misc. transportation
             ***One person on one trip 50 miles or more, one way, away from home or including one or more nights away from home.
             Sources: US Travel Association’s Travel Forecast Model; BLS, Department of Labor; OTTI, BEA, Department of Commerce


Under the 1% statewide lodging tax legislation, the Oregon Tourism Commission may
appropriate as much as 15% of the revenue to Oregon’s seven tourism regions for cooperative
regional and multi-regional marketing efforts.

The Travel Oregon team continues to dedicate significant time and resources to running an
effective and efficient RCMP program. We convene in-person planning summits and
supplemental conference calls as needed with the seven Regional Destination Marketing
Organizations (RDMOs) to cover project updates and brainstorm joint initiatives. The regions
submit a six month progress report and a final annual report in February and August,

The timeline for the RCMP is as follows:

Summer/Fall – Brainstorming/Planning Summit with RDMOs and Travel Oregon team. Travel
Oregon team shares key initiatives and the group develops statewide program ideas.

Early Winter – Travel Oregon team presents at ODMO (Oregon Destination Marketing
Organizations) winter conference on strategic direction and partnering opportunities.

Winter to Spring – RDMOs convene marketing committees and build plans. RDMOs present
plans to each other and to Travel Oregon team in April.

Spring – Plans are negotiated with regions and finalized, pending commission approval.

Early Summer – Plans presented at Oregon Tourism Commission meeting for approval.
These plans are posted on the Travel Oregon website at:


This section provides plans by department in more detail. If you have additional questions
regarding our plans and opportunities for partnering with Travel Oregon, please contact us at or 503.378.8850.


Nine commissioners oversee the activities of the Oregon Tourism Commission (at the time of
this plan we are awaiting the appointment of one commissioner). The Governor appoints all
Commission members with five representing Oregon’s lodging industry, three representing the
tourism industry at-large and one representing the public-at-large:

Tom Luersen, Chair

Chris Erickson, Vice-Chair

Alana Audette

Jackie Edmunds-Manz

Hank Hickox

Jeffrey Kohnstamm

Win McCormack

Karen Utz

Kari Westlund


The Tourism Development Department embraces its mission to “assist Oregon communities
and organizations to develop, enhance and implement sustainable tourism plans and
products.” During the next biennium our efforts will be focused on the following:

      Tourism Research – Travel Oregon will continue to conduct actionable research on
       industry health and Travel Oregon’s performance, as well as the overall contribution to
       Oregon’s economy by both Travel Oregon and the industry.

      Industry Strategy & Communication – Travel Oregon will continue to pursue its efforts
       to strategically communicate the socio-economic value of the state’s tourism industry.
       This communication platform will be delivered through a “best in class” interactive
       industry interface.

      Product & Business Development - Travel Oregon will continue to focus on emerging
       sustainable tourism development opportunities.

      Destination-Based Development – Travel Oregon will continue to strengthen and
       deepen our commitment to assist communities working toward their full tourism

      Visitor Relations – Improve Travel Oregon’s and partners’ consumer experience
       deliverables to “best in class” by deepening the reach of the program and broadening a
       statewide commitment to on-site visitor information delivery.

Industry Research

Travel Oregon recognizes that research can be the key to successful marketing and
development – but not all tourism constituents can afford to build their own research platform.
Therefore, Travel Oregon dedicates resources to produce and purchase proactive research
products. These materials help the tourism industry make informed decisions regarding
product development, marketing programs, trending and performance at the local, state,
national and international levels, and provide performance measures for the agency and the
industry. This commitment to a consistent research platform allows for educated and efficient
use of resources.

Conduct actionable research that provides Travel Oregon and industry partners tools to make
strategic marketing, development and communication decisions. The industry platform for the
upcoming biennium will include the following:

   Annual Industry Economic Impact Research (Dean Runyan & Associates)
      Advertising Impact Evaluation Research (Longwoods International)
      Visitor Profile Research (Longwoods International)
      International Spending Research (VisaVue®)
      Lodging Industry Health Research (Smith Travel Research)
      National Trending Research (US Travel Association)

Key Measurements: Provide timely research results to Travel Oregon and Oregon’s tourism
industry that are utilized to advance industry interests.

Tourism & Hospitality Consortium

Prior to the passage of the Oregon Tourism Investment Plan in 2003, the state’s tourism
marketing efforts were inadequately funded or ranked 47th in the country out of 50 states. As a
result, Oregon was losing market share to its tourism competitors. In 2003, tourism industry
leaders crafted a plan that resulted in strong administrative and “executive” legislative support.
This new funding structure allowed Travel Oregon and its tourism marketing partners to make
long-term plans to bolster the state’s tourism industry.

The success of that legislative victory led to the formation of the Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Consortium (Consortium). Its mission focused on the broader strategic outcomes for both the
industry and the state. The goal was a productive dialogue with policymakers, economic
development professionals, and business and industry leaders throughout Oregon. The
Consortium organized and built a strategic plan with four imperatives:
    Create a clearinghouse for industry positions/messages
    Create a leadership vehicle for industry action
    Create a common communication platform for conveying industry value
    Share the experience values of Oregon

Travel Oregon will continue to build on the Consortium successes experienced over the last six
years. We will work to adapt the organization’s structure to encourage a broader and deeper
industry positioning platform. This will include the possibility of partnering with industry
organizations to help broaden the communication audiences for strategic industry messages.
Specifically, Travel Oregon will address the following during the 2011-13 biennium:

      Convene and Participate in quarterly Tourism & Hospitality Consortium Steering
       Committee meetings
      Convene annual Consortium Industry Summit
      Convene four regional town hall meetings per year
      Act on the findings of Project Watershed

   Produce, deliver and maintain industry communication toolkit and platform
      Advocate industry value to state’s economic development infrastructure
      Advocate industry value to state’s policy-maker infrastructure

Key Measurements
Consortium                                    Results 2009-2011     Goal 2011-2013

Number of Town Halls delivered                6                     8

Produce Robust and Interactive Industry       N/A                   In place by fiscal
Messaging Toolkit on Updated                                        2012-13

Convene Annual Consortium Summits             2 summits – 150       2 summits – 200
                                              total participants    total participants

Industry Communications

Since the formation of Travel Oregon, the organization has understood it operates in service to
the state’s tourism industry. We also appreciate that real industry success will only occur when
all partners are aligned and leveraged in their efforts. This dynamic depends on clear
communication that leads to trust which leads to strong partnerships.

It’s a new era of collaboration. We’re all working toward the same purpose: get visitors to
Oregon. As the go-to resource, Travel Oregon forges alliances that inform our collective work
and ultimately serve to create jobs and build our economy.

Travel Oregon must demonstrate its value to the industry by establishing a superior and reliable
industry information resource.

To advance and support the work of the industry, Travel Oregon will develop a communications
strategy and tools to help partners statewide share our collective intelligence and communicate
with one voice. We will:
 Build out our industry website content with a wealth of exceptional tools and stories that
    share our industry’s value and impact
 Deploy our knowledge in communication tools partners can utilize to share the tourism
    industry story
 Provide businesses and media with the latest industry information

   Support tourism development projects such as the Sustainable Business Initiative and
    Traveler’s Philanthropy with business-to-business communications

Anticipating industry needs, Travel Oregon will develop a state-of-the-art interactive interface
that engages partners as THE trusted foundation for industry communication. To achieve a top-
notch platform, the existing website needs new focus. Working with the industry, we will
develop a user-friendly, intuitive “destination platform” that drives the Travel Oregon message
and delivers in a timely manner:
 Information resources (news, key research, industry contacts, earned media, key industry
   messages, Consortium/Watershed updates-opportunities, etc.)
 Interactive project tools (brand elements, images, FAQs/guides, case studies, etc.)
 Social media and intra-industry messaging (blogs, problem-solving asks, etc.)
 Partnership opportunities (with Travel Oregon and industry-wide)

Key Measurements
Industry Communication Platform              Results 2009-2011      Goal 2011-2013

Launch of Upgraded Industry Site             N/A                    1/1/2012

Unique Visitors to Site                      30,000                 50,000

Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism

For over 25 years, Travel Oregon has organized and convened the annual Oregon Governor’s
Conference on Tourism. The purpose of this annual gathering is to provide opportunities for
Oregon tourism industry professionals to learn about new travel trends, acquire new skills and
interact with colleagues from throughout the state. Travel Oregon works closely with a broad
range of industry, agency and economic development partners to produce a high value,
comprehensive, and interactive program that is a “can’t miss” experience. It is also the intent
of Travel Oregon to move the conference each year to different regions in the state to
encourage a broad range of Oregon experiences for delegates that attend year after year. The
conference has seen growth over the last decade and currently enjoys annual attendance of
over 400 delegates. The conference is predominantly supported by registration fees,
sponsorships and exhibitor attendance.

Travel Oregon will continue to produce a “best in class” conference experience for attendees by
sharing timely information and opportunities that can be “taken home” and put to use. We will
work with our partners to ensure that we also showcase the areas where the conference is held
as well as recognize the partnerships necessary to produce the event.

The objectives for the upcoming biennium are:
    Provide the highest level of educational, inspirational and networking opportunities for
       Oregon’s tourism industry members
    Encourage agencies, communities and organizations to participate in the event
    Look for opportunities for deeper leveraging relationships with sponsors, exhibitors and
    Make the conference less reliant on delegate fees
    Create and utilize feedback tools to measure success and to inform future conferences

Key Measurements
Governor’s Conference                                Results 2009-2011         Goal 2011-2013

Number of Delegates                                  862                       1,000

Percentage of Program Cost Supported by              60%                       50%
Delegate Fees (event meets budget

Cycling Tourism Program: Making Oregon a Premiere Cycling Destination

Background: Cycling Tourism is on the Rise
Oregon is home to exceptional leadership and visionary pioneers who have pushed the cycling
frontier. Our state initiated many of the nation’s “firsts,” including the Oregon Bicycle Bill in
1971, Cycle Oregon, Oregon Bicycle Tourism Partnership, Oregon Scenic Bikeways Program, an
International Mountain Bicycling Association Ride Center designation, and

As a result, Travel Oregon (with partners3) has identified cycling tourism - road and off-road - as
an important economic development strategy for Oregon. Per the Adventure Cycling
Association (2010), bicycle travel continues to grow as part of North American and global travel
markets, based on empirical research and anecdotal evidence from tour operators and
promoters throughout the country.

Bicycle travel is an increasingly visible part of the global adventure travel market, which
generates $89 billion annually.4 While Oregon has not conducted a thorough study of cycling

  A sample set of partners includes Cycle Oregon, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, Lane County, Clackamas
County, Wallowa County and Washington County.
  Adventure Tourism Market Report by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, August 2010

tourism, Longwoods International has extrapolated a few points from a general visitor study
conducted 20095:
    1.3 Million tourists6 bicycled while visiting Oregon
    Those 1.3 Million tourists spent $223 Million primarily on lodging, meals, and retail
    Overnight visitors that cycled spent eight times more than day travelers ($199 Million
       vs. $24 Million)

To advance Oregon as a premiere destination, Travel Oregon will lead in the following ways:

    1. Convene & Partner
       We will convene and contribute to the Oregon Bicycle Tourism Partnership’s key
       objectives, and also invest in new partnerships to bolster additional cycling tourism

    2. Amplify Connectivity with Cycling Visitors
       We will upgrade with new features:
              o lists of guided tours
              o a calendar integrated with
              o a catalog of itineraries, including suggestions for how to enjoy the new
                 Oregon Scenic Bikeways

         The creation of a ‘Bike Ambassador’ program will be pursued, whereby one designated
         cycling ‘expert’ per tourism region would serve as an Oregon trip planning resource.

         Working with local tour operators, multi-day packages will be created for inbound tour
         operators (domestic and international) interested in bringing medium/large size cycling
         tours to Oregon; we have not been able to accommodate these to date.

    3. Leverage the Oregon Scenic Bikeways Program
       As a founding partner, Travel Oregon supports the development of this program by
       offering assistance to proponent groups. This includes:
               o assistance with marketing plans
               o marketing the designated Bikeways
               o serving on the committee that shapes the program
               o offering community-based workshops to support small business
                  development & visitor amenities along Bikeway routes

  Oregon 2009 Cyclist Visitor Analysis, Longwoods International, August 2010
  A tourist is defined as someone traveling more than 50 miles from their residence or staying overnight. Tourists,
in this case, are inclusive of in-state and out-of-state travelers.

Key Measurements
Cycling Tourism Program                                Results 2009-2011          Goal 2011-2013

Active members in the Oregon Bicycle                   +60%7 (increased           +30%
Tourism Partnership                                    from 25 to 40)             (increase from 40
                                                                                  to 52)
Number of new strategic partnerships to                38                         5
advance cycling tourism formed
Number of visitors to               205,423*                   +35%

Total miles designated as Scenic Bikeways              929                        16749
Number of community-based Scenic                       N/A                        15
Bikeway workshops that have been held

                 * Visits occurring between September 2009 (website launch) to March 29, 2011.

Sustainable Tourism Development

While being green is only one facet to sustainable travel, it is clear from the recent
TravelHorizons study conducted by the U.S. Travel Association in 2010 that cross-tabulates
green travel behavior with the desire to travel to Oregon that the environmentally conscious
consumer has a higher propensity to travel to Oregon than to other destinations in the U.S.10
With Portland and Oregon’s international reputation for its leadership in sustainable
development, green building, innovative land use practices, and bike-friendly communities, this
provides Travel Oregon with an incredible opportunity to:
    Align the Oregon experience with the Oregon reputation
    Add value through increased visitation from this travel segment
    Protect and enhance the natural and cultural assets from which the Oregon tourism
       industry stems

  Active participation in the OBTP went from about 25 to 40 within the last biennium. Active participation means
participating regularly in meetings and between meetings.
  Alta Planning + Design, Bricker Consulting, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department
  Aiming for an additional 445 in 2011 and 300 in 2012.
   Travel Oregon/Green Traveler Analysis conducted by the U.S. Travel Association with data collected for the 2009
Wave III travelhorizons™ survey.

Travelers who consider themselves to be environmentally conscious.

While relatively few travelers are willing to pay extra for green travel, significantly more
travelers (15%) considering travel to Oregon are willing to pay extra when compared to those
who aren’t considering travel to Oregon (5%).

And of those Oregon travelers willing to pay more for green travel, about 25% would be willing
to pay a premium of up to 9%.

Maximum additional percentage one would pay for a hotel stay, airline flight or other travel purchase to patronize an environmentally
responsible travel company.

Stewardship of our natural and cultural resources is a way of life for Oregonians. To ensure
that the visitor experiences our stewardship ethic while traveling in Oregon, we will lead several
initiatives to support sustainable practices in the industry and facilitate easier connections
between the visitor and those places that have embraced this ethic. By doing so, we will
positively impact our industry’s environmental footprint and contribute to the preservation of

Oregon’s natural and cultural assets. We will lead five key initiatives under the banner of
“Travel Oregon Forever” and they are:

       1. Travel Oregon Sustainable Business Challenge
       A voluntary reporting program created to measure the commitment of tourism
       organizations operating sustainable businesses. Participating organizations receive
       rewards through Travel Oregon and partners resulting in increased market access.

       2. Oregon Travel Philanthropy Fund
       This pioneering statewide program supports sustainable tourism development by
       engaging travelers and travel businesses to channel visitor donations into area projects
       that will enhance the places they have visited.

       3. Sustainable Travel Education & Assistance
       Travel Oregon will launch an online Sustainability Center, provide statewide educational
       workshops, and continue stewardship efforts through the Rural Tourism Studio

       4. Partnering for sustainable transportation options
       To ensure Oregon is a top travel destination, we will assist in connecting the visitor
       industry with the development of alternative forms of transportation. These include:
           o Electric vehicle charging station network
           o High-speed rail in the Willamette Valley/Oregon
           o See ‘Cycling Tourism’ appendix.

       5. Sustainable Travel Portal
       Information gathered through the Sustainable Business Challenge will be brought
       together with other existing sustainable travel assets such as geotourism data,
       sustainable transportation options, how to enjoy Oregon’s conservation areas and
       public lands, and tips on how to travel in a sustainable manner together into one
       Sustainable Travel Portal for Oregon.

Key Measurements
Sustainable tourism initiatives                  Results 2009-2011      Goal 2011-2013

Number of businesses/organizations               N/A                    250
participating in the sustainable business
Number of hoteliers participating in the         N/A                    70
Travel Philanthropy Program

Number of eating establishments                  N/A                             25
   participating in the Travel Philanthropy
   Amount that the seven Travel Philanthropy        N/A                             $70,000
   projects receive as a result of participating in
   the program
   Number of people who benefit directly from       N/A                             54011
   educational workshops specific to sustainable

   Travel Oregon’s Sustainable Operations

   Background: Travel Oregon has embarked on a process to identify its impact and understand
   how it can affect sustainable development both through its internal operations as well as its
   external programs that influence the industry. To date, Travel Oregon has worked with a
   graduate student consultant team at the University of Oregon to identify its carbon footprint
   and has involved all staff in sustainability training by the U.S. Natural Step Network. Through
   these efforts, Travel Oregon has begun to identify where it can have the most significant impact
   to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and improve our impact on the environment and
   communities across Oregon.

                                   Under the leadership of the Travel Oregon Green Team, the
                                   organization has adopted a number of environmentally-friendly
                                   initiatives at its headquarters in Salem. As a result, the
Sustainable Tourism: a level       organization received Marion County’s EarthWISE sustainable
of tourism activity that can be    business certification and has been recognized as one of Oregon’s
maintained over the long           top 100 green companies to work for by the Oregon Business
term because it results in a       Magazine12.
net benefit for the socio-
cultural, economic, and
natural environments of the
area in which it takes place.Description:
                             In the upcoming biennium, Travel Oregon will utilize information
                             gathered over the past two years to develop an organization-wide
                             sustainability plan that will inform internal operations as well as
   external programming to encourage sustainable practices in the broader industry.

      Estimating at least 14 community-based workshops with an average of 30 people per workshop and 4 conference
   sessions with an average of 40 people per session.
   12 Travel Oregon received this recognition from the Oregon Business Magazine in March 2011.

The Travel Oregon Green Team will lead the development of the plan in coordination with the
Executive Team and the Oregon Tourism Commission.

In order to develop the plan, Travel Oregon staff will continue to work with and learn from
organizations such as the U.S. Natural Step Network and the University of Oregon’s
Sustainability Leadership program.

Key Measurements
Sustainable Operations                        Results 2009-2011     Goal 2011-2013

Recognition for sustainability practices      EarthWISE             Obtain certification
                                              Sustainable           or recognition from
                                              Business              two additional
                                              Certification;        organizations
                                              Oregon Business
                                              Top 100 Green
                                              Businesses in
                                              Oregon Ranking
Organizational sustainability plan            N/A                   Complete

Product Development Center

In the past, Travel Oregon has budgeted for development of individual niche markets; our
approach has varied for each. For the upcoming cycle, Travel Oregon will combine all niches for
one strategic fund to assist with the development of tourism product as the need or
opportunity arises. We believe this fund will be utilized as “match” against partner dollars to
augment our reach and impact.

Travel Oregon foresees the following opportunities in product development:
 Tribal tourism business development:
           o The continual group work that produces the Tribal Guide also helped craft
              emerging programs like the Rez Kitchen Tour. We’ll continue to work with the
              Oregon Tribal Tourism Working Group to explore new cultural development

   Agri-tourism business development:
           o Many small farmers are looking for ways to supplement their farm business
           o There is a desire to keep Oregon visitors connected with Oregon products when
               visiting the state - and after returning home
           o Farm Stay operations are being organized on; these assets
               could be integrated into the Oregon Bounty campaign
           o Existing agri-tourism activities can also be integrated into the Oregon Bounty

   Assistance with assembling content for the content lenses:
           o Facilitate conversations with existing niche groups or new niche groups in order
               to properly assemble their content for’s new lenses
           o Provide tools and coaching to these niche groups so they can continue to build
               content and showcase product through these lenses over time
           o Work with our digital interactive team to evolve the content lenses
           o Niches may include but would not be limited to: wildlife watching, paddle-sports,
               wind-sports, and trail recreation

Key Measurement
Product Development Center                   Results 2009-2011     Goal 2011-2013

Number of new content lenses created /       N/A                   4
niche markets convened and coached
Number of agri-tourism businesses (from      N/A                   50
Farm Stands to Farm Stays) integrated into
the Oregon Bounty campaign

Matching Grants Program

The mission of Travel Oregon, is to "encourage economic growth and to enhance the quality of
life in Oregon through a strengthened economic impact of tourism throughout the state." As
such, Travel Oregon established a program to make grant awards to eligible applicants for
tourism projects that contribute to the development and improvement of local economies and
communities by means of the enhancement, expansion and promotion of the visitor industry.
Travel Oregon’s Matching Grants Program has historically provided “seed” money to Oregon’s
tourism industry for tourism development and planning projects. Given the state of Oregon’s
economy, each year this competitive program receives on average funding requests three times
the amount of resources available. Over the past few years we have streamlined the process to
include pre-screening, online application and connecting applicants to their local destination
marketing organization. This has improved the content of the proposals and ensured that
successful grants are already leveraging the marketing programs in their local areas.

Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Matching Grants Program during the next two years.
Working with an experienced and diversified grant committee, we will work with those
organizations that are eligible to receive the funds to make sure the process is clear and the
results from the grants are meaningful. The program will continue to leverage the grant
funding with other Travel Oregon and industry partner programs seeking to get the best overall
return for the investment. As designed, the program requires a 50% match from the qualifying
applicants. This match is important to ensure the strong partnership necessary to create strong
tourism products. Those entities eligible for grant qualification are:
     Cities & Counties
     Port districts
     Federally recognized Tribes

Key Measurements:
Continue to invest in qualifying projects that meet the program ROI guidelines

Rural Tourism Studio

The percentage of direct travel-generated earnings per capita as a share of total earnings is
more than double in rural counties as compared with the five most urbanized counties 13. These
same rural counties are experiencing a higher unemployment rate as of December 201014 than
the rest of Oregon. In addition, vast amounts of Oregon’s natural and cultural tourism
“product” resides within and around rural areas. Therefore, it is vitally important that Travel
Oregon continues to make strategic investments in the development of community-based
capacity for developing tourism and harnessing the economic potential at the local level. Since
piloting the RTS program in two communities in 2009, Travel Oregon has received applications
from six regions and inquiries from over 15 communities/regions interested in hosting the
program to enhance their capacity and develop their tourism product. Travel Oregon has also
been approached by the U.S. Forest Service which expressed interest in collaborating through
the Rural Tourism Studio to advance their goals of sustainable recreation planning and
management in communities surrounded by National Forestlands. It is clear from both the
opportunity and the demand that this is a critical program for advancing Oregon’s tourism

  Five most urbanized counties in Oregon include Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, Marion and
Lane. Source: Oregon Travel Impacts 1991-2009, Dean Runyan Associates
     Oregon Employment Department

Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Rural Tourism Studio in at least two
communities/regions in Oregon per year. Communities that demonstrate a significant need for
assistance and potential for accelerated development through the program will be selected.

The RTS will assist rural community and business leaders with the development of their tourism
industry in a way that will:
    Help stimulate the local economy
    Protect and enhance local natural and cultural resources
    Foster pride amongst participants

In the 2011-2013 biennium, we will develop strategic partnerships to augment the program
budget and impact, expand program offerings, diversify and lengthen follow up services to
communities that have graduated from the program, and consider outsourcing program

We will consider forging strategic partnerships with groups such as:
   U.S. Forest Service
   Business Oregon
   Oregon’s Main Street Program
   The Ford Family Foundation

We will consider adding modules such as:
   International travel market
   Sustainable business practices

      Main Street development
      Small town branding

Additional follow up assistance may include providing:
          Consulting to assist with developing a formalized strategic plan for tourism
          Coaching to help with establishing a new organization or committee
          One-day follow up workshops or training

Key Measurements
Rural Tourism Studio                                   Results 2009-2011          Goal 2011-2013
Number of RTS programs delivered                       415                        4

Number of participants engaged                         Wallowa (63),              200
                                                       Oakridge (41), John
                                                       Day River Territory
                                                       (37), McKenzie
                                                       River Valley (37, to
                                                       date); total (178, to
Number of partner organizations engaged                1616                       19
in design and delivery

Integrating & Bolstering National Geographic Geotourism Efforts

Geotourism is defined as:
   Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place - its
   environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.

In 2007, Travel Oregon joined a broad partnership17 to impact sustainable tourism development
in rural communities across the “Central Cascades” – a bi-state region from Mt. Rainier National
Park in Washington to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. After two years of planning,
fundraising and working with Central Cascades communities to identify special places they
wanted to share with visitors, the project’s Stewardship Council produced a printed MapGuide
and website. Released in January 2010, these travel tools contain a unique dataset of over
1,200 off-the-beaten path places recommended by the people who live there. A copy of the
printed MapGuide was distributed in the April 2010 issue of National Geographic Traveler

   Wallowa County, Oakridge area, John Day River Territory, McKenzie River Valley
   Rural Development Initiatives, Great Destination Strategies, Alta Planning + Design, International Mountain
Biking Association, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, U.S. Forest Service, Bricker Consulting, Sustainable
Travel International, Innovative Leadership USA, Write to Know Consulting, Northeast Oregon Economic
Development District, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, Lane County Small Business Development
Center, Mercy Corps Northwest, Eastern Oregon Visitors Association, Travel Lane County
   Travel Oregon was part of a core advisory committee consisting of Washington State Tourism, Rural
Development Initiatives, Sustainable Northwest, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and
Sustainable Travel International.

In January 2011, National Geographic convened all of the project leads from the western states’
geotourism projects18 to discuss lessons learned and next steps.

In 2011-2013, Travel Oregon will work in partnership to:
     Support the efforts of a National Geotourism Stewardship Council and the development
       of a National Online Geotourism Atlas that would contain the Central Cascades
       geotourism data
     Assess the value and interest in re-convening a bi-state or statewide Stewardship
     Implement a set of program measurements to determine the success of the first phase
       of the project
     Assess the value of expanding the community-based sustainable tourism identification
       process to the rest of the state
     Assess the interest in reproducing the MapGuide into a format with enhanced National
       Geographic branding and in a mapping format that facilitates navigation of the region,
       to be sold and distributed by National Geographic

With Travel Oregon’s Consumer Marketing Team, we will:
1) Determine how to integrate geotourism data into a new sustainable travel portal site for
2) Explore ways to bolster our marketing efforts to continue to get the MapGuide distributed.

Key Measurements
Geotourism                                             Results 2009-2011          Goal 2011-2013

Number of unique visitors to the                       27,27319                   +200-300% (or a future
geotourism lens on
Number of Central Cascades Geotourism                  12,20020                   10,000
MapGuides distributed

Number of businesses/locations on the                  N/A                        80
MapGuide or website indicating increased
visitation due to the project

   Travel Oregon joined representatives from other geotourism projects in the Western United States including the
California Redwood Coast, Sierra Nevada, Crown of the Continent, Greater Yellowstone and Four Corners Region.
   Google Analytics as of March 17, 2010
   As of March 15, 2011

Oregon Q CARE Program

The Oregon Q CARE Program is a statewide customer service training certification created to
support the development of the tourism and hospitality industry through enhanced guest
experiences. The program provides statewide standardized customer service, emphasizing the
importance of quality visitor care in the tourism industry, and equips Oregon employees with
tools and resources needed to better serve our visitors. Initially launched in 2003, the Oregon
Q-CARE Program was implemented in all seven Oregon tourism regions and trained over 10,000
people through 2007. Beginning in 2007, the program transitioned to a free, behavior-based
online training curriculum. Since the implementation of the online offering another 5,000
people have been trained.

Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Oregon Q-CARE program for the next two years.
Great customer service is vital to the success of any business, tourism-based or not. Every
personal or interactive contact with consumers is an important opportunity to make those
consumers believers in Oregon.

The objectives for the program in the coming biennium are:
    Establish Oregon Q-CARE as a vital training tool in private and public sector
    Establish strategic delivery partnership with industry training partners
    Develop sponsorships, scholarships and funding sources to support the training
    Review curriculum and tourism content and investigate producing additional online
    Schedule annual regional in-person trainings to help promote the value of customer
    Leverage Oregon Q CARE training through all Travel Oregon programs

Key Measurements
Oregon Q CARE                                 Results 2009-2011     Goal 2011-2013

Number of Q-CARE Certificates                 3,000                 6,000
Regional Trainings Delivered                  N/A                   6

Visitor Information Network

Oregon is primarily a drive travel market with over 85%21 of its traffic arriving by automobile.
Research shows that a majority of those visitors view Welcome Centers/Rest Areas as
important destinations in their travels22. One of the primary reasons they look for these
centers is to find restrooms. However, it is also important to note that finding “brochures and
maps” and “staff” are also high on travelers’ minds. Even in this day of rapidly expanding
interactive travel information, travelers continue to seek tourism collateral and in-person travel

Travel Oregon is responsible for the management of the State Welcome Centers. Currently, we
operate nine centers located at the borders of Washington, Idaho and California. The majority
of the centers are operated seasonally; only the center at Portland International Airport is open
all year. The nine centers are listed below:
      Ashland (Siskiyou)
      Astoria
      Brookings (Crissey Field)
      Klamath Falls (Midland)
      Lakeview
      Ontario
      Oregon City
      Portland International Airport (PDX)
      Umatilla

Travel Oregon will continue to direct the State Welcome Centers. It is important to understand
that the State Welcome Centers are simply one piece of the state’s overall visitor information
environment. This environment contains regional and local destination centers as well as
private sector locations that also function as visitor information outlets. The mission of all
components of this environment is to deliver first class customer service and information to
Oregon visitors. The desired outcome is to enhance the visitors’ experience while they are in
Oregon in hopes of creating return customers.

In the next biennium, we seek to help create a stronger, more efficient overall visitor
information environment. The objectives to achieve this goal are the following:
     Assess Welcome Center/Visitor Information Center system realities and opportunities
     Support development of new Siskiyou Welcome Center

     Longwoods International, Visitor Profile
     US Travel Association, Travel Horizons

   Upgrade strategic Welcome Center locations with Brand Oregon assets
      Introduce qualified web-based surveys throughout the system to collect actionable data
      Conduct continued topical and industry trainings for staff
      Improve brochure program opportunities for industry members
      Deliver first-class visitor experience in the most efficient manner possible
      Measure visitor experience through secret-shoppers & satisfaction surveys

Key Measurements
Visitor Information Network                  Results 2009-2011    Goal 2011-2013

Total Welcome Center Visitation              400,179              525,000

Average System Cost/Visitor                  $2.00                $1.80

Brochure Program Occupancy                   N/A                  80%

Visitor Information Network Facilitated                           Occurs by 10/1/11
Conversation                                 N/A


Over the last five years Travel Oregon has seen significant growth in consumer
contact/engagement to our marketing programs with responses having more than doubled
since 2006 (an increase of 109%). With over 2.1 Million unique visitors to
each year, 21,000 Facebook fans, and 193,327 subscribers to our segmented e-newsletters, we
now have more potential travelers than ever before in Travel Oregon’s relationship network.

Over the next biennium Consumer Marketing programs in Advertising, PR, Promotions and
Digital Marketing will continue to build awareness for Oregon with a focus on deeper
relationship building and conversion of our fans, and greater efficiency with our program
implementation and resources. An in depth analysis of the visitor purchase cycle—from
inspiration, to on the ground, to post trip—will yield innovative and compelling ways to break
through message clutter and surprise and delight each consumer we come in contact with. Our
marketing efforts will position Travel Oregon as a trusted source for inspiration and trip
planning visitors will rely on and recommend to others.


Media Landscape:
The media environment is changing rapidly and is more fragmented than ever with consumers
continuing to exert increased control over the media delivered to them
    It’s important to efficiently target niche audiences because of premiums charged for
       these limited-reach impressions. (Note: there are still efficiencies to be gained by
       purchasing through more traditional, broad reach media.)
    Studies indicate that TV and online media continue to dominate consumer media
       consumption. Per eMarketer, the average time spent per day per channel is:
           o Online - 4:30 hours
           o TV & Video - 3:17 hours
           o Music & Radio - 1:26 hours
           o Mobile phone - 1:18 hours
    Other media trends:
           o Mobile: "It is estimated that by 2014 half of Americans’ web browsing will be
               done on mobile devices."23
           o Online video usage is up 45% over the prior year24
           o Social media: travelers are spending more time on social media venues even
               while traveling25


o People over 65 are adopting Facebook faster than any other age group; 6.5
              Million of members 65+ joined in May 2010 alone. Less surprising is that the
              fastest growing age group on Twitter is 35-49 year olds. Add to this the fastest
              growing group on is over 50.
            o Over all, 47 percent of 50-64 year olds are using social media; an 88 percent
              growth from 200926

Advertising Objectives:
    Motivate overnight travel to Oregon
    Communicate the state’s travel product in a way that elevates it within a crowded
    Continue to grow and strengthen awareness for travel to or within Oregon
    Stimulate interest and response for additional information about travel in Oregon
       (generate leads)
    Engage consumers through Travel Oregon’s family of sites, as well as other Travel
       Oregon branded “outposts”

    Our target has evolved to include an International component to our advertising
           o Adults 25-64
           o Spend $1,000+ on vacation travel (per year)
           o Geotarget
    Primary: No. CA, OR, WA, ID
    Key business driver markets27
    Secondary: So. CA, NY
    International: Vancouver BC
    Within our demographic target, we’ll look to incorporate psychographic/behavioral
       segmentation as a way to provide a tighter focus in identifying potential travelers to
       Oregon—a mix of more adventurous, more curious, and more experience-driven people
       for whom travel has become a lifestyle.

   eMarketer How Travelers Use Social Media
   ‘09 Longwoods Visitor Profile Study

Urban Sources of                  Willamette    Southern     Central   Eastern   Greater    Mt. Hood/
Business              The Coast     Valley       Oregon      Oregon    Oregon    Portland   The Gorge        Oregon

Portland                54%          40%          14%           38%     38%        19%         32%            40%
Seattle                 6%           6%           10%           14%     7%         25%         13%            13%
Eugene                  9%           21%          5%            10%     6%                     4%              9%
Medford                 6%                        17%           5%      5%                                     5%
Bend                    3%                        5%            5%      5%         5%                          4%
LA                                                5%            4%                 5%          7%              3%
SF                                                13%           5%      5%         8%          4%              3%
Spokane                                                                 3%         4%          4%              3%
Boise                                                                   13%                    4%              2%
Sacramento                                        8%                                                           2%

         Advertising Program Description:
         We continue to tie our advertising communications to our focused two pillar strategy that:
             Provides a culinary focus during the Fall and positions Oregon as a premier foodie
                destination. Oregon Bounty anchors this portion of the campaign.
             Features Oregon’s outdoor recreation stories during the spring/summer when Oregon
                can deliver a wide array of outdoor adventure product.

         We see the opportunity to weave other priority messages like Arts & Culture, Sustainability, and
         Scenic Byways to these pillars. And, all of Oregon’s other events, activities, and travel product
         will continue to be promoted through the agency’s other channels (, visitor
         guide, e-newsletters, PR, etc.).
         Advantages to this strategy:
              Oregon stands out with focused advertising messages
              Highlights the state’s greatest assets…within season
              Leverages the success of Oregon Bounty by combining promotion with fall brand
              Partners can build co-ops around seasonal focus, when consumers are more likely to
                 plan seasonal travel

         It is important to note that we are now able to gain traction with a more focused message and
         more efficient digital channels because of our success establishing the Oregon brand. And we
         must continue to reinforce that brand’s recognition. As such, the core brand message will
         remain the heartbeat of our effort for the coming years—and we will look for ways to not
         simply “send” the brand message—but also create ways for people to interact, engage and
         share our brand. This “engagement” shift is a critical step in creating a sincere dialogue with
         consumers to further communicate our value proposition, to build relationships, a strong fan
         base, and trust.

During the last biennium we refreshed the brand creative and shifted from a print-focused
campaign to one that included a heavy mix of online media:
    The Market: Travelers taking shorter, closer-to home vacations; planning cycle
       compression, more online travel planning, social media usage, and a decline in print.
    Research: Longwoods Ad Accountability study indicated that being more specific, while
       maintaining brand positioning/voice, will have positive impact on image & trip
       generation. Surprise and inspire travelers with actual things they can see and do in a
       place they think they may already know.
    Industry: We felt our Book of Oregon creative had started to show signs of wear as it
       had been running for five years and we found other advertisers copying our creative.

Oregon is a refuge for idealism. It’s a place for dreamers. It’s a place with a unique voice, a
sense of humor, and a drive to do things differently. It’s a place of authenticity, of intimacy, of
stories. While we continue to evolve our advertising messaging, this concept embodied as the
Oregon Dreamer continues to be the backbone of our creative body of work.

During the Spring 2011 season, we introduced high impact television advertising spots as the
foundation creative to our brand campaign:
    It allows us to leverage the sight, sound, motion environment of this medium.
    The two minute video vignettes that produced for the two pillar campaigns did a great
       job of rich storytelling. TV allows us to get more eyes on this powerful creative
    We’re able to repurpose/reuse our growing library of excellent HD footage, which
       provides a significant increase in video production value/efficiencies.

We will continue to produce banner ads that complement the TV spots and leverage the retail-
nature of the medium to drive consumers to our website.

Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan
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Travel Oregon 2011 - 2013 Strategic Plan

  • 1. Winning the Hearts of Experience-Hungry Travelers TRAVEL OREGON 2011-2013 STRATEGIC PLAN
  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary: A Quick and Substantive Look at Travel Oregon’s Strategic 1 2. Priorities 2011-13 3. By the Numbers  Travel Oregon Budget 16  Urban Sources of Business 17  National Outlook for Travel 18 4. Regional Cooperative Marketing Plan (RCMP) 19 5. Appendix – Detailed Plans by Department  Tourism Development 20  Consumer Marketing 39  International 60
  • 3. JANUARY 5TH 2011: FACEBOOK POSTING WOW! Stopped in Ashland on our way to SFO. Just had the best Pinot Noir EVER! We are staying the night. We will be back in the office tomorrow afternoon…late. I wanted to move here but Joel said we could just buy the wine instead. THE WOW EXPERIENCE Ten to one you are wondering about that wine label. “Which Pinot was she talking about?” It turns out, you are not alone. In January of 2011, for the first time, the number of messages posted on Facebook exceeded the number of people using Google search—with more than a billion new postings every day. Just one more indicator, things are changing fast. Not just fads and fashions; but the very fabric of how people interact and manage their lives. The mass-market- consumer world is yielding to a world where people value connections and experiences more than acquiring the next new thing. The rise of the “real time” web and increasingly sophisticated mobile devices is providing the means for people to connect with one another in unprecedented ways. Social and political milestones are also reshaping our value In one study of more than 12,000 landscape. The events of 9/11 combined with seismic Americans, researchers from Cornell changes in our economy have shifted the values and University and University of Colorado expectations of Americans in every social demographic. found that people reported greater happiness from investing in life People are thinking differently about the world and what it experiences rather than purchasing means to be happy and successful. This is especially true for material goods. The study suggests an established group dubbed the “Creative Class” by that the reason for this is that Carnegie Mellon Professor Richard Florida1. Essentially, if experiences are easier to interpret your job includes developing ideas, then you are part of the positively, contribute more to social relationships and are a more Creative Class. It has been estimated that the Creative Class meaningful part of personal identity. makes up more than 30% of America’s work force, and among their highest values are travel and the experiences associated with exploring new places. 1 This study appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86133972.html 1
  • 4. These people are looking for more than the “thin value” offered by 20th century top-down institutions. The recent cascade of Twitter-fueled revolutions in Africa and the Middle East support Umair Haque’s assertions in his latest book that people value renewable, democratic, equitable, peaceful and interactive/meaningful life choices. These changes are creating a profound need to shift life’s perspective from “the bleachers” to “the court.” People are no longer content to just watch the game—they expect to be in the game. Consumers are increasingly hungry “Increasingly what will make us happy is for authentic adventure and exploration. The pre-packaged facades of spending our time luxury travel are giving way to a carpe diem embrace of adventure, and our money exploration, and excitement. People want their travel experiences to be satisfying the desire for authenticity.” unique and highly personalized. For many there is nothing better than being the one who “discovers” a new bed and breakfast, a secret ocean view trail, or a small winery tucked away in a lush valley. These days the news of a “WOW-worthy” amazing (take your pick; food-wine-hotel-trail-beach- etc.) find is immediately shared and multiplied as photos, blog posts, video clips, tweets, reviews, and GPS coordinates are posted in real time. And these instant reviews make a big difference. According to Nielsen: 87% of travelers said reviews impacted hotel choice, 84% said reviews impacted method of travel, and 78% said reviews impacted choice of dining. To top that off, there’s new research from MIT proving that a consumer review is over 12 times as powerful as any ad. In addition, Phocuswright research tells us that a prior visit along with a recommendation from friends and family is the primary motivation to travel to a destination2. For people in the travel and tourism industry the message is clear; the consumer must be at the center of everything we do and we must not underestimate the power of individuals to wield incredible influence at every step in their travel experience. Expectations are high and so are the stakes. For the modern consumer, travel is a big deal. In the perfect world, authentic and adventurous travel creates new connections and new friends, it refreshes existing relationships, and it sets the groundwork for personal 2 Destination Marketing: Understanding the Primary Role and Impact of Destination Marketers. PhoCusWright, 2009 Pull quote - Joseph Pine, TED conference, “What Consumers Want”. 2
  • 5. transformation. All that from a fishing trip on the Rogue? Yes. The good news is, for travel and tourism professionals, the perfect world feels a lot like Oregon. THE IMPACT OF AUTHENTICITY In our previous strategic plan, Travel Oregon called out Oregon’s “authenticity advantage.” In that plan the consumer marketing approach was to inspire, engage, and multiply; and the results speak for themselves. Travel Oregon’s ad campaign, recognized by the US Travel Association as “Best Overall Campaign” in 2010, generated $8 dollars in new tax revenue and $193 dollars in new visitor spending for every $1 dollar invested in The Oregon Bounty Cuisinternship campaign generated the largest single domestic media advertising. As a result, day spike in visitors to more people than ever before are engaging with Travel Oregon’s relationship network: over 2 Million unique visitors on Travel Oregon’s family of sites each year, 21,000 Facebook fans, and an overall consumer response rate that has increased over 155% from 5 years ago. The effects of our work are also felt around the world. Despite the global recession, we’ve been able to maintain and even grow awareness of Oregon in both established and emerging international markets. We’ve seen growth in overall international visitation to Oregon, have been able to identify promising emerging markets, and have been savvy about maximizing our relationships with the travel trade with first of a kind online strategies— harnessing Twitter and Facebook in country, for In country representatives manage regular tweets, in language, to fans in Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, UK and France. example, to drive consumers to tour operator product featuring Oregon. Importantly, Oregon has sustained the international nonstop air service to Canada, Amsterdam and Tokyo. 3
  • 6. The impacts begin, in fact, at the ground level, where tourism development plays a critical role in the incubation of small business and its inherent entrepreneurial spirit. One such program is The Oregon Rural Tourism Studio, a training initiative designed to assist with the development of their tourism industry in a way that will help stimulate the local economy, protect and enhance local natural and cultural resources, and foster pride amongst participants. As a result of the program, Travel Oregon hopes to see an increase in high- value, authentic experiences for European Tour Operators on an Oregon research trip. Promoting shoulder season product is a key travelers across the state that will strategy for international markets. contribute to community livability and help strengthen our state’s position as a premiere tourism destination in North America. Community members participate in Travel Oregon’s Rural Tourism Studio in Oakridge. At right, Oakridge’s new visitor guide. Tourism planning requires relevant research, strategies, resources, timely information, and partners. Unique tourism niches offer statewide opportunities that can be “owned” by Oregon– such as cycling. 4
  • 7. Oregon is home to a wide range of some of America’s most scenic riding–road and off-road– and nurtures one of the world’s most dynamic bicycle cultures. This did not happen by accident. In large part, it was planned tourism development, years in the making – and a prime example of the core ethos permeating Oregon’s tourism strategy: STEWARDSHIP. Reflecting this, Travel Oregon and the state’s tourism and hospitality industry have focused on the identification and promotion of enterprises which adhere to sustainable practices. – a comprehensive website for cycling launched in 2010. The risk of a fragmented approach is the loss of brand cohesion. That is why this plan places such a premium on our ability to work even better together as an industry. So where the impact begins at the ground level—it is successfully gaining momentum throughout the industry and driving incredible performance in Oregon’s overall economy. Together with Oregon’s dozens of Destination Marketing Organizations and tens of thousands of businesses across the state, we’re part of a tourism industry that generates $313 Million in state and local tax revenue, 87,500 direct jobs, and an overall impact of $8.1 billion dollars per year for Oregon’s economy. Each region is seeing growth, gaining awareness, Central Cascades Geotourism Project Website launched in 2010, and contributing to the magical public in partnership with Travel Oregon, Washington Tourism, National understanding of Oregon as a destination, an Geographic and dozens of Oregon communities. experience, a brand, and a feeling. It is not about one season or another, it is not about one festival, or sport, or destination. It is a catalytic effect that reflects the steady integration of efforts small and large all over the state. The leaders in our industry are saying loud and clear that the momentum we are experiencing is strong and tangible. 5
  • 8. LEVERAGING CONNECTIONS AND EXPERIENCE For all of the high technology and real-time web implications in this plan, the work that needs to be done is more akin to hiking a steep trail on a rainy day than launching a rocket ship. It is about being prepared; paying attention to every step; and making sure we all know where we are and where we are going. It is more about discipline than difficulty. But in this world of constant distraction, focus is a luxury. It is challenging to maintain alignment in communication, planning efforts, messaging, and marketing within a single agency—much less an entire industry. But that sense of interdependence and connection throughout the entire industry is what we aim to achieve. Through efforts like Project Watershed, Oregon’s tourism industry is working to create rhythm and alignment in strategic planning and shared goals. Through the Oregon Tourism and Hospitality Consortium we are providing an ongoing platform for dialogue and adjustments. It is about all industry partners recognizing that nobody enjoys an abundance of time or money, and recognizing the intelligence and urgency of working together. Stakeholders from across the state meet for Watershed, a long term tourism planning initiative, fall 2010. It is about continuing to ensure the highest and best use of all of our resources and relationships to achieve the substantial goals defined in this plan. The economic impacts described above represent a fraction of what is possible if we optimize our connections and focus on ensuring a 21st century standard of quality in every aspect of a visitor’s experience in Oregon. This is not a strategic plan designed to play defense against a backdrop of economic woe. This is a strategic plan designed to create alignment and invite a wide range of private and public partners to contribute and benefit from this sustainable economic engine. Not to push the hiking metaphor too far, but even novice hikers know—gear makes a difference. With the right tools we can be more focused and make smarter choices for how we apply our limited resources. We can develop more customized communication—connecting visitors to relevant content through personalized “lenses”—alleviating the overwhelming nature of searching for travel info online. We can spark actual conversations—to intrigue visitors and encourage authentic WOW Oregon experiences. We can work hard to deliver 6
  • 9. quality experiences and to reward consumers—an Oregon tribe of fans—who take that extra step and become advocates for the Oregon way. The stories from our tribe will attract others who choose to build their own personal Oregon adventure—and join the tribe themselves. This is the stuff of marketing in the world of the real time web. There is no doubt that managing a brand promise as big as Oregon in the digital world, and insuring excellence in every visitor experience, is a complicated challenge. And there are parts of this plan that reflect that complexity. Many elements fall into the category of “business intelligence” strategies: optimizing online analytics, developing advanced visitor profile heuristics, etc. But the core impulse behind this plan is simple; keep our visitors, their needs, their goals, at the center of our focus—and their experiences and stories will take us the rest of the way. KEEPING GOALS AND VALUES FRONT AND CENTER One of the classic mistakes of businesses in the digital world is to believe that the internet and social media resources area marketer’s “field of dreams.” Put up a cool web site and some interactive content—and they will come—and buy whatever you’re selling: marketing made easy. In reality, marketing has never been more complex; some say the discipline doesn’t even exist anymore in its traditional sense. A consequence of communicating in the digital world is that people can easily peel back the layers of any marketing pitch and find the truth of the value proposition. It may be in consumer reviews, or blogs, or in interviews with subject matter experts. People know that they can “check everything out” online. Travel Oregon’s work over the past nine years has created measurable confidence in our value proposition and brand promise and we are ready for the scrutiny that comes with digital communications. Digital communications are a means, not the end. Social media is merely a tool, not the key to human development. We are not seeking lots of friends on Facebook… Our goals are much bigger. The goals for Travel Oregon include a resolute stewardship for all of Oregon’s natural resources the desire to add sustainable, living wage jobs—by the thousands—to Oregon’s economy: and to provide Millions of people with best in class service and transformative experiences that ultimately make the whole universe a better place. That is what this plan is 7
  • 10. about. That is what we want to accomplish. So you can see, a few clicks here and there aren’t going to cut it. As we take advantage of modern technology trends we must be careful not to confuse the map with the territory—the means with the ends. It is true, the real time web is changing the way humans and computers interact. The rise of the App and location aware devices are all combining to transform what is possible as the number of “smart” devices exceeds 5 billion. Computers are acting more and more on our behalf—not on our command. The big question is how do these technology shifts enable new, more authentic, connections and experiences? It is not about having a cool GPS unit in your coat pocket—it is The new Travel Oregon Welcome Center at PDX serves about how that peace of mind that comes from 125,000 visitors a year. the GPS unit creates a better, safer, more challenging hiking experience. Oregon is rich in the substance of experience; we simply need to make it discoverable in an increasingly crowded digital universe. STRENGTHENING OUTCOMES THROUGH ALIGNMENT This plan recognizes that whatever boldness we can muster is a function of our ability to define, connect, and become more self-aware as an industry. The impulse to make connections has always been a part of our approach at Travel Oregon. It starts with connections between local, regional, and statewide destination management resources. Next there are connections with industry partners like hotels, restaurants, travel professionals, etc. Then there are connections with key State and Federal agencies like Fish and Wildlife, Transportation, National Parks Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Parks and Recreation. Now a wide range of small businesses from river guides to breweries are joining us at the planning table. We are connecting with snow sports associations, bird watchers, foodies and guides and packers, the list goes on and on. It is not unreasonable to ask, who isn’t a stakeholder in the success of Oregon’s travel and tourism industry? What is different about this plan is that these connections are a source for measurable cooperative action. An example of this “action” approach began in mid-2010 with an initiative named “Watershed.” The goal for Watershed is to solicit perspectives and opportunities from a broad cross section of industry experts to clarify a shared, guiding vision for the next 20 years. Watershed asks the question, “What could happen if we work together with a shared vision in 8
  • 11. mind?” During a break in one of the initial Watershed meetings an attendee quipped, “You can feel the silos melting.” And although it is in the early stages, Watershed is working. An early result of this effort is a commitment from dozens of stakeholders to participate in an annual shared strategic planning and alignment process to create more efficiency and impact across the industry. The effort also confirms the veracity of the strategic planning work we have done over the years; we are at least in the same chapter if not on exactly the same page with one another. KEY OUTCOMES AND PERFORMANCE METRICS FOR THE 2011-13 STRATEGIC PLAN Travel Oregon has developed this plan, continuing to use an “outcomes-based” approach where the inclusion and priority of a specific strategy or tactic is determined by the results it will generate. Examples include economic return on investment, community strategic development, industry infrastructure, capacity building, and industry workforce metrics. As you examine Travel Oregon’s list of targeted outcomes below, you’ll see the potential synergies statewide, and note that each of these statements is ultimately prescriptive and measurable. 1. Grow strategic partnerships to align & leverage resources to achieve core goals  Travel Oregon takes full advantage of all business relationships to capitalize on efficiencies  Travel Oregon generates revenue opportunities that bring in additional dollars that leverage the 1% lodging tax revenue Key Partner Examples:  Public land management agencies  Economic development/business development  Private sector (consumer goods and services, tourism businesses)  Foundations  Destination Marketing Organizations  Educational institutions 9
  • 12. Grow Strategic Partnerships to Align & Leverage Resources to Achieve Core Goals Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Domestic Consumer Marketing The Orb: Data partners 13 data partners: Double 10 active DMOs, 3 participating DMOs; statewide trade explore other organizations possible trade associations The Orb: Training/Support 10 DMO training Double training sessions sessions The Orb: Distribution partners (sites other 2 Increase to 10 than TO) Advertising/Partner Opportunities: Ad $654,780 (based on Network - Increase Ad Revenue by 16% CY 2010 contract $760,547 (avg. per (from '10) period) year) Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Tourism Development Governor’s Conference Number of Delegates 862 1,000 Percentage of Program Cost Supported by 60% 50% Delegate Fees (event meets budget expectations) Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 International & Domestic Travel Trade Increase Oregon Tour Operator Product awareness through strategic retail partnership 1 event 2 events 10
  • 13. 2. Continue to Implement Global Brand Campaign to Maximize Consumer Impact and Overnight Trip Generation  Consumers are inundated with messages; consistent, cooperative branding creates greater impact and retention of our message  Continue to implement evocative, resonant brand work that communicates Oregon’s core values and experiences, and that motivates people to visit  Help partners effectively adapt voice and/or style of Travel Oregon brand campaign that can be used in various markets for tourism businesses/destinations Continue to Implement Global Brand Campaign to Maximize Consumer Impact and Trip Generation Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Domestic Consumer Marketing Advertising: Increase ROI in Expenditures $193 in visitor $203 in visitor 5% (every $1 invested in advertising spending (based on spending (to be generates visitor spending) '08 Longwoods Ad based on '10 Accountability Longwoods Ad study) Accountability study, est. final report May 2014) Advertising: Reduce Cost to Generate Trip $1.14 (based on '08 $1.08 (to be based 5% Longwoods Ad on '10 Longwoods Accountability Ad Accountability study) study; est. final report May 2014) Advertising: Maintain Average $0.64 (based on FY $0.64 Cost/Inquiry** '09-'10) Advertising: Increase Total Inquiries* 9% 2.29 Million (per 2.50 Million (avg. year, based on FY per year) '09-'10) 11
  • 14. Overall Reach for Digital 2.2 Million (avg. per Increase by 10% to Platforms (Visitation) year) 2.42 Million (avg. per year) Time on Site 6.72 minutes Maintain Overall Engagement 11.24% Increase to 15% National Media Relations: Print Circulation 529 Million 600 Million (2 years) (2 years) National Media Relations: Online 638 (FY10-11 online 1,700 (2 years) Circulation (Millions) coverage only, not tracked in '09) National Media Relations: # of Print Stories 357 360 National Media Relations: # of Online 170 (FY10-11 online 550 (2 years) Stories coverage only) Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 International & Domestic Travel Trade International Website Visits - 24,380 Visits 25,000 Visits - 18,201 Visits 24,000 Visits - New 20,000 Visits - New 20,000 Visits - New 15,000 Visits VisaVue® FY 10 Benchmark Goal 6% Increase Track VisaVue® top key and emerging 1,424,000 1,509,440 markets statistics per year 12
  • 15. Tour Operator Product Listings FY 09-10 Goal 6% Increase Benchmark - United Kingdom 902 950 - Germany 1334 1350 - France 17 20 - Netherlands 106 Maintain - Scandinavia New 10 - Japan 30 Maintain - Canada 63 70 - Australia New 5 Domestic Travel Trade 287 300 Media Relations: Print Circulation ** FY 09-10 Goal per year Benchmark - United Kingdom 66,384,687 66,500,000 - Germany 6,888,229 6,900,000 - France 828,761 900,000 - Netherlands 4,787,215 4,800,000 - Scandinavia New 200,000 - Japan 103,202,114 100,000,000 - Canada 310,961 330,000 - Domestic Travel Trade 359,456 400,000 * Avg. inquiries per year (Response Rates) currently includes BRCs, phone inquiries,, Blog,,, Food + Drink site, Kids Site (TO investigating inclusion of other key TO branded "outposts" like Facebook, YouTube) ** Online International circulation will begin being tracked July 1, 2011. 3. Deliver the Brand Promise of Oregon to our Industry and Consumers of Personalized, Best in Class Service Consumer:  Travel Oregon is the number one trusted resource for trip planning to Oregon globally  Oregon information and inspiration is available to the world  Oregon has a seamless visitor information network—both online and face to face  Grow deeper understanding of our customers so we can better serve their needs. Provide customized information  Oregon is a playground where visitors can easily connect with transportation (reservations, activities, etc.) throughout the entire experience 13
  • 16. Industry:  Travel Oregon is a global leader and source of inspiration for tourism marketing innovation, use of technology, and small business incubation  Businesses and communities are able to make effective decisions about their development because they have adequate research  Oregon’s Tourism Industry has robust access to Travel Oregon resources, tools and training Deliver the Brand Promise of Oregon to our Industry and Consumers of Personalized, Best in Class Service Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Tourism Development Visitor Information Network: Cost per <$2.00/visitor <$1.80/visitor Visitor Industry Website: Unique Visitors to Site 30,000 50,000 4. Oregonians, Business Leaders and Elected Officials See Tourism as a Vital Strategy for Economic Development and Preserving Oregon’s Quality of Life  Create jobs and earnings in the tourism and hospitality cluster, delivering on both quantity and quality of jobs  Generate visitor spending and tax revenue  Facilitate transformation/revitalization of urban and rural areas Oregonians, Business Leaders and Elected Officials See Tourism as a Vital Strategy for Economic Development and Preserving Oregon’s Quality of Life Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Tourism Development Rural Tourism Studio: Engaged Participants 175 200 Consortium: Regional Town Halls Delivered 6 8 14
  • 17. 5. Oregon Preserves and Enhances its Natural and Cultural Resources Through Tourism  Oregon is a leader in the sustainable travel experience  Tourism improves the quality of life for visitors to/within Oregon, and maintains the Oregon ethos  Identify and develop visitor experience niches/products that align with Oregon’s core values and generate positive economic impact across the state (e.g., “Oregon is the number one cycling tourism destination in North America” and “Oregon is the number one local, organic, sustainably managed culinary travel experience in North America”)  Visitors are able to travel and practice their environmental values easily. Tourism businesses operate with the triple bottom line in mind (people, planet, profit) Oregon Preserves and Enhances its Natural and Cultural Resources Through Tourism Key Metrics Results 2009-11 Goal 2011-13 Tourism Development Sustainability Initiatives: Business N/A 250 Challenge Participants Number of hoteliers participating in the N/A 70 Travel Philanthropy Program Number of eating establishments N/A 25 participating in the Travel Philanthropy program 15
  • 18. BY THE NUMBERS Total Travel Oregon Budget 2011 – 2013 $23,696,773 Tourism Development $3,913,000 Domestic Consumer Marketing $10,782,157 International Marketing/Sales & Domestic Travel Trade $3,317,453 Regional Cooperative Marketing Program $2,776,758 Administration Budget $2,907,405 URBAN SOURCES OF BUSINESS Regions Urban Sources of Willamette Southern Central Eastern Greater Mt. Hood/ Business The Coast Valley Oregon Oregon Oregon Portland The Gorge Oregon Portland 54% 40% 14% 38% 38% 19% 32% 40% Seattle 6% 6% 10% 14% 7% 25% 13% 13% Eugene 9% 21% 5% 10% 6% 4% 9% Medford 6% 17% 5% 5% 5% Bend 3% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% LA 5% 4% 5% 7% 3% SF 13% 5% 5% 8% 4% 3% Spokane 3% 4% 4% 3% Boise 13% 4% 2% Sacramento 8% 2% 16
  • 19. NATIONAL OUTLOOK FOR TRAVEL Travel Forecast Summary Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Measurement Real GDP ($ Billions) 12,976.3 13,228.9 13,228.9 12,880.6 13,214.4 13,538.3 14,011.0 14,547.1 Unemployment Rate (%) 4.6 4.6 5.8 9.3 9.7 9.2 8.0 6.9 Consumer Price Index * (CPI) 201.6 207.3 215.2 214.5 217.9 221.1 226.1 232.7 Travel Price Index * (TPI) 233.5 244.0 257.7 241.5 251.6 259.2 267.6 275.5 Total Travel Expenditures in U.S. ($ Billions) 695.7 738.0 772.5 704.4 755.6 794.9 834.7 878.8 U.S. Residents 610.0 641.3 662.4 610.2 654.0 683.1 713.2 749.8 International Visitors ** 85.7 96.7 110.1 94.2 101.7 111.8 121.6 129.0 Total International Visitors to the U.S. (Millions) 51.0 56.0 57.9 54.9 59.3 61.5 64.4 66.9 Overseas Arrivals to the U.S. (Millions) 21.7 23.9 25.3 23.8 25.8 27.1 28.5 29.8 Total Domestic Person-Trips *** (Millions) 2,000.5 2,004.5 1,964.9 1,898.8 1,957.2 1,992.5 2032.4 2080.7 Business 508.7 494.3 461.1 431.1 449.0 460.8 469.0 476.5 Leisure 1,491.8 1,510.2 1,503.8 1,467.6 1,508.2 1,531.7 1,563.4 1,604.1 Percent Change from Prior Year Real GDP (%) 2.7 1.9 0.0 -2.6 2.6 2.5 3.5 3.8 Consumer Price Index (CPI %) 3.2 2.9 3.8 -0.3 1.6 1.4 2.3 2.9 Travel Price Index (TPI %) 4.9 4.5 5.6 -6.3 4.2 3.0 3.3 2.9 Total Travel Expenditures in U.S. (%) 6.4 6.1 4.7 -8.8 7.3 5.2 5.0 5.3 U.S. Residents 6.6 5.1 3.3 -7.9 7.2 4.5 4.4 5.1 International Visitors 4.9 12.9 13.8 -14.4 7.9 10.0 8.7 6.1 Total International Visitors to the U.S. (%) 3.6 9.8 3.5 -5.3 8.0 3.7 4.7 3.8 Overseas Arrivals to the U.S. (%) -0.1 10.3 6.1 -6.3 8.6 5.2 4.9 4.7 Total Domestic Person-Trips * (%) 0.4 0.2 -2.0 -3.4 3.1 1.8 2.0 2.4 Business -0.2 -2.8 -6.7 -6.5 4.2 2.6 1.8 1.6 Leisure 0.6 1.2 -0.4 -2.4 2.8 1.6 2.1 2.6 *1982-84 = 100 **Excludes international visitors’ spending on traveling to the U.S. on U.S. flag carriers, and other misc. transportation ***One person on one trip 50 miles or more, one way, away from home or including one or more nights away from home. Sources: US Travel Association’s Travel Forecast Model; BLS, Department of Labor; OTTI, BEA, Department of Commerce 17
  • 20. REGIONAL COOPERATIVE MARKETING PROGRAM (RCMP) Under the 1% statewide lodging tax legislation, the Oregon Tourism Commission may appropriate as much as 15% of the revenue to Oregon’s seven tourism regions for cooperative regional and multi-regional marketing efforts. The Travel Oregon team continues to dedicate significant time and resources to running an effective and efficient RCMP program. We convene in-person planning summits and supplemental conference calls as needed with the seven Regional Destination Marketing Organizations (RDMOs) to cover project updates and brainstorm joint initiatives. The regions submit a six month progress report and a final annual report in February and August, respectively. The timeline for the RCMP is as follows: Summer/Fall – Brainstorming/Planning Summit with RDMOs and Travel Oregon team. Travel Oregon team shares key initiatives and the group develops statewide program ideas. Early Winter – Travel Oregon team presents at ODMO (Oregon Destination Marketing Organizations) winter conference on strategic direction and partnering opportunities. Winter to Spring – RDMOs convene marketing committees and build plans. RDMOs present plans to each other and to Travel Oregon team in April. Spring – Plans are negotiated with regions and finalized, pending commission approval. Early Summer – Plans presented at Oregon Tourism Commission meeting for approval. These plans are posted on the Travel Oregon website at: Cooperative-Marketing-Program.aspx 18
  • 21. APPENDIX This section provides plans by department in more detail. If you have additional questions regarding our plans and opportunities for partnering with Travel Oregon, please contact us at or 503.378.8850. TRAVEL OREGON COMMISSIONERS Nine commissioners oversee the activities of the Oregon Tourism Commission (at the time of this plan we are awaiting the appointment of one commissioner). The Governor appoints all Commission members with five representing Oregon’s lodging industry, three representing the tourism industry at-large and one representing the public-at-large: Tom Luersen, Chair Chris Erickson, Vice-Chair Alana Audette Jackie Edmunds-Manz Hank Hickox Jeffrey Kohnstamm Win McCormack Karen Utz Kari Westlund 19
  • 22. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The Tourism Development Department embraces its mission to “assist Oregon communities and organizations to develop, enhance and implement sustainable tourism plans and products.” During the next biennium our efforts will be focused on the following:  Tourism Research – Travel Oregon will continue to conduct actionable research on industry health and Travel Oregon’s performance, as well as the overall contribution to Oregon’s economy by both Travel Oregon and the industry.  Industry Strategy & Communication – Travel Oregon will continue to pursue its efforts to strategically communicate the socio-economic value of the state’s tourism industry. This communication platform will be delivered through a “best in class” interactive industry interface.  Product & Business Development - Travel Oregon will continue to focus on emerging sustainable tourism development opportunities.  Destination-Based Development – Travel Oregon will continue to strengthen and deepen our commitment to assist communities working toward their full tourism potential.  Visitor Relations – Improve Travel Oregon’s and partners’ consumer experience deliverables to “best in class” by deepening the reach of the program and broadening a statewide commitment to on-site visitor information delivery. Industry Research Background: Travel Oregon recognizes that research can be the key to successful marketing and development – but not all tourism constituents can afford to build their own research platform. Therefore, Travel Oregon dedicates resources to produce and purchase proactive research products. These materials help the tourism industry make informed decisions regarding product development, marketing programs, trending and performance at the local, state, national and international levels, and provide performance measures for the agency and the industry. This commitment to a consistent research platform allows for educated and efficient use of resources. Description: Conduct actionable research that provides Travel Oregon and industry partners tools to make strategic marketing, development and communication decisions. The industry platform for the upcoming biennium will include the following: 20
  • 23. Annual Industry Economic Impact Research (Dean Runyan & Associates)  Advertising Impact Evaluation Research (Longwoods International)  Visitor Profile Research (Longwoods International)  International Spending Research (VisaVue®)  Lodging Industry Health Research (Smith Travel Research)  National Trending Research (US Travel Association) Key Measurements: Provide timely research results to Travel Oregon and Oregon’s tourism industry that are utilized to advance industry interests. Tourism & Hospitality Consortium Background: Prior to the passage of the Oregon Tourism Investment Plan in 2003, the state’s tourism marketing efforts were inadequately funded or ranked 47th in the country out of 50 states. As a result, Oregon was losing market share to its tourism competitors. In 2003, tourism industry leaders crafted a plan that resulted in strong administrative and “executive” legislative support. This new funding structure allowed Travel Oregon and its tourism marketing partners to make long-term plans to bolster the state’s tourism industry. The success of that legislative victory led to the formation of the Tourism & Hospitality Industry Consortium (Consortium). Its mission focused on the broader strategic outcomes for both the industry and the state. The goal was a productive dialogue with policymakers, economic development professionals, and business and industry leaders throughout Oregon. The Consortium organized and built a strategic plan with four imperatives:  Create a clearinghouse for industry positions/messages  Create a leadership vehicle for industry action  Create a common communication platform for conveying industry value  Share the experience values of Oregon Description: Travel Oregon will continue to build on the Consortium successes experienced over the last six years. We will work to adapt the organization’s structure to encourage a broader and deeper industry positioning platform. This will include the possibility of partnering with industry organizations to help broaden the communication audiences for strategic industry messages. Specifically, Travel Oregon will address the following during the 2011-13 biennium:  Convene and Participate in quarterly Tourism & Hospitality Consortium Steering Committee meetings  Convene annual Consortium Industry Summit  Convene four regional town hall meetings per year  Act on the findings of Project Watershed 21
  • 24. Produce, deliver and maintain industry communication toolkit and platform  Advocate industry value to state’s economic development infrastructure  Advocate industry value to state’s policy-maker infrastructure Key Measurements Consortium Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of Town Halls delivered 6 8 Produce Robust and Interactive Industry N/A In place by fiscal Messaging Toolkit on Updated 2012-13 Convene Annual Consortium Summits 2 summits – 150 2 summits – 200 total participants total participants Industry Communications Background: Since the formation of Travel Oregon, the organization has understood it operates in service to the state’s tourism industry. We also appreciate that real industry success will only occur when all partners are aligned and leveraged in their efforts. This dynamic depends on clear communication that leads to trust which leads to strong partnerships. It’s a new era of collaboration. We’re all working toward the same purpose: get visitors to Oregon. As the go-to resource, Travel Oregon forges alliances that inform our collective work and ultimately serve to create jobs and build our economy. Travel Oregon must demonstrate its value to the industry by establishing a superior and reliable industry information resource. Description: To advance and support the work of the industry, Travel Oregon will develop a communications strategy and tools to help partners statewide share our collective intelligence and communicate with one voice. We will:  Build out our industry website content with a wealth of exceptional tools and stories that share our industry’s value and impact  Deploy our knowledge in communication tools partners can utilize to share the tourism industry story  Provide businesses and media with the latest industry information 22
  • 25. Support tourism development projects such as the Sustainable Business Initiative and Traveler’s Philanthropy with business-to-business communications Anticipating industry needs, Travel Oregon will develop a state-of-the-art interactive interface that engages partners as THE trusted foundation for industry communication. To achieve a top- notch platform, the existing website needs new focus. Working with the industry, we will develop a user-friendly, intuitive “destination platform” that drives the Travel Oregon message and delivers in a timely manner:  Information resources (news, key research, industry contacts, earned media, key industry messages, Consortium/Watershed updates-opportunities, etc.)  Interactive project tools (brand elements, images, FAQs/guides, case studies, etc.)  Social media and intra-industry messaging (blogs, problem-solving asks, etc.)  Partnership opportunities (with Travel Oregon and industry-wide) Key Measurements Industry Communication Platform Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Launch of Upgraded Industry Site N/A 1/1/2012 Unique Visitors to Site 30,000 50,000 Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism Background: For over 25 years, Travel Oregon has organized and convened the annual Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism. The purpose of this annual gathering is to provide opportunities for Oregon tourism industry professionals to learn about new travel trends, acquire new skills and interact with colleagues from throughout the state. Travel Oregon works closely with a broad range of industry, agency and economic development partners to produce a high value, comprehensive, and interactive program that is a “can’t miss” experience. It is also the intent of Travel Oregon to move the conference each year to different regions in the state to encourage a broad range of Oregon experiences for delegates that attend year after year. The conference has seen growth over the last decade and currently enjoys annual attendance of over 400 delegates. The conference is predominantly supported by registration fees, sponsorships and exhibitor attendance. Description: Travel Oregon will continue to produce a “best in class” conference experience for attendees by sharing timely information and opportunities that can be “taken home” and put to use. We will work with our partners to ensure that we also showcase the areas where the conference is held as well as recognize the partnerships necessary to produce the event. 23
  • 26. The objectives for the upcoming biennium are:  Provide the highest level of educational, inspirational and networking opportunities for Oregon’s tourism industry members  Encourage agencies, communities and organizations to participate in the event  Look for opportunities for deeper leveraging relationships with sponsors, exhibitors and delegates  Make the conference less reliant on delegate fees  Create and utilize feedback tools to measure success and to inform future conferences Key Measurements Governor’s Conference Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of Delegates 862 1,000 Percentage of Program Cost Supported by 60% 50% Delegate Fees (event meets budget expectations) Cycling Tourism Program: Making Oregon a Premiere Cycling Destination Background: Cycling Tourism is on the Rise Oregon is home to exceptional leadership and visionary pioneers who have pushed the cycling frontier. Our state initiated many of the nation’s “firsts,” including the Oregon Bicycle Bill in 1971, Cycle Oregon, Oregon Bicycle Tourism Partnership, Oregon Scenic Bikeways Program, an International Mountain Bicycling Association Ride Center designation, and As a result, Travel Oregon (with partners3) has identified cycling tourism - road and off-road - as an important economic development strategy for Oregon. Per the Adventure Cycling Association (2010), bicycle travel continues to grow as part of North American and global travel markets, based on empirical research and anecdotal evidence from tour operators and promoters throughout the country. Bicycle travel is an increasingly visible part of the global adventure travel market, which generates $89 billion annually.4 While Oregon has not conducted a thorough study of cycling 3 A sample set of partners includes Cycle Oregon, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, Lane County, Clackamas County, Wallowa County and Washington County. 4 Adventure Tourism Market Report by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, August 2010 24
  • 27. tourism, Longwoods International has extrapolated a few points from a general visitor study conducted 20095:  1.3 Million tourists6 bicycled while visiting Oregon  Those 1.3 Million tourists spent $223 Million primarily on lodging, meals, and retail  Overnight visitors that cycled spent eight times more than day travelers ($199 Million vs. $24 Million) Description: To advance Oregon as a premiere destination, Travel Oregon will lead in the following ways: 1. Convene & Partner We will convene and contribute to the Oregon Bicycle Tourism Partnership’s key objectives, and also invest in new partnerships to bolster additional cycling tourism infrastructure. 2. Amplify Connectivity with Cycling Visitors We will upgrade with new features: o lists of guided tours o a calendar integrated with o a catalog of itineraries, including suggestions for how to enjoy the new Oregon Scenic Bikeways The creation of a ‘Bike Ambassador’ program will be pursued, whereby one designated cycling ‘expert’ per tourism region would serve as an Oregon trip planning resource. Working with local tour operators, multi-day packages will be created for inbound tour operators (domestic and international) interested in bringing medium/large size cycling tours to Oregon; we have not been able to accommodate these to date. 3. Leverage the Oregon Scenic Bikeways Program As a founding partner, Travel Oregon supports the development of this program by offering assistance to proponent groups. This includes: o assistance with marketing plans o marketing the designated Bikeways o serving on the committee that shapes the program o offering community-based workshops to support small business development & visitor amenities along Bikeway routes 5 Oregon 2009 Cyclist Visitor Analysis, Longwoods International, August 2010 6 A tourist is defined as someone traveling more than 50 miles from their residence or staying overnight. Tourists, in this case, are inclusive of in-state and out-of-state travelers. 25
  • 28. Key Measurements Cycling Tourism Program Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Active members in the Oregon Bicycle +60%7 (increased +30% Tourism Partnership from 25 to 40) (increase from 40 to 52) Number of new strategic partnerships to 38 5 advance cycling tourism formed Number of visitors to 205,423* +35% Total miles designated as Scenic Bikeways 929 16749 (+80%) Number of community-based Scenic N/A 15 Bikeway workshops that have been held * Visits occurring between September 2009 (website launch) to March 29, 2011. Sustainable Tourism Development Background: While being green is only one facet to sustainable travel, it is clear from the recent TravelHorizons study conducted by the U.S. Travel Association in 2010 that cross-tabulates green travel behavior with the desire to travel to Oregon that the environmentally conscious consumer has a higher propensity to travel to Oregon than to other destinations in the U.S.10 With Portland and Oregon’s international reputation for its leadership in sustainable development, green building, innovative land use practices, and bike-friendly communities, this provides Travel Oregon with an incredible opportunity to:  Align the Oregon experience with the Oregon reputation  Add value through increased visitation from this travel segment  Protect and enhance the natural and cultural assets from which the Oregon tourism industry stems 7 Active participation in the OBTP went from about 25 to 40 within the last biennium. Active participation means participating regularly in meetings and between meetings. 8 Alta Planning + Design, Bricker Consulting, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department 9 Aiming for an additional 445 in 2011 and 300 in 2012. 10 Travel Oregon/Green Traveler Analysis conducted by the U.S. Travel Association with data collected for the 2009 Wave III travelhorizons™ survey. 26
  • 29. Travelers who consider themselves to be environmentally conscious. While relatively few travelers are willing to pay extra for green travel, significantly more travelers (15%) considering travel to Oregon are willing to pay extra when compared to those who aren’t considering travel to Oregon (5%). And of those Oregon travelers willing to pay more for green travel, about 25% would be willing to pay a premium of up to 9%. Maximum additional percentage one would pay for a hotel stay, airline flight or other travel purchase to patronize an environmentally responsible travel company. Description: Stewardship of our natural and cultural resources is a way of life for Oregonians. To ensure that the visitor experiences our stewardship ethic while traveling in Oregon, we will lead several initiatives to support sustainable practices in the industry and facilitate easier connections between the visitor and those places that have embraced this ethic. By doing so, we will positively impact our industry’s environmental footprint and contribute to the preservation of 27
  • 30. Oregon’s natural and cultural assets. We will lead five key initiatives under the banner of “Travel Oregon Forever” and they are: 1. Travel Oregon Sustainable Business Challenge A voluntary reporting program created to measure the commitment of tourism organizations operating sustainable businesses. Participating organizations receive rewards through Travel Oregon and partners resulting in increased market access. 2. Oregon Travel Philanthropy Fund This pioneering statewide program supports sustainable tourism development by engaging travelers and travel businesses to channel visitor donations into area projects that will enhance the places they have visited. 3. Sustainable Travel Education & Assistance Travel Oregon will launch an online Sustainability Center, provide statewide educational workshops, and continue stewardship efforts through the Rural Tourism Studio program. 4. Partnering for sustainable transportation options To ensure Oregon is a top travel destination, we will assist in connecting the visitor industry with the development of alternative forms of transportation. These include: o Electric vehicle charging station network o High-speed rail in the Willamette Valley/Oregon o See ‘Cycling Tourism’ appendix. 5. Sustainable Travel Portal Information gathered through the Sustainable Business Challenge will be brought together with other existing sustainable travel assets such as geotourism data, sustainable transportation options, how to enjoy Oregon’s conservation areas and public lands, and tips on how to travel in a sustainable manner together into one Sustainable Travel Portal for Oregon. Key Measurements Sustainable tourism initiatives Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of businesses/organizations N/A 250 participating in the sustainable business challenge Number of hoteliers participating in the N/A 70 Travel Philanthropy Program 28
  • 31. Number of eating establishments N/A 25 participating in the Travel Philanthropy program Amount that the seven Travel Philanthropy N/A $70,000 projects receive as a result of participating in the program Number of people who benefit directly from N/A 54011 educational workshops specific to sustainable travel Travel Oregon’s Sustainable Operations Background: Travel Oregon has embarked on a process to identify its impact and understand how it can affect sustainable development both through its internal operations as well as its external programs that influence the industry. To date, Travel Oregon has worked with a graduate student consultant team at the University of Oregon to identify its carbon footprint and has involved all staff in sustainability training by the U.S. Natural Step Network. Through these efforts, Travel Oregon has begun to identify where it can have the most significant impact to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and improve our impact on the environment and communities across Oregon. Under the leadership of the Travel Oregon Green Team, the organization has adopted a number of environmentally-friendly initiatives at its headquarters in Salem. As a result, the Sustainable Tourism: a level organization received Marion County’s EarthWISE sustainable of tourism activity that can be business certification and has been recognized as one of Oregon’s maintained over the long top 100 green companies to work for by the Oregon Business term because it results in a Magazine12. net benefit for the socio- cultural, economic, and natural environments of the area in which it takes place.Description: In the upcoming biennium, Travel Oregon will utilize information gathered over the past two years to develop an organization-wide sustainability plan that will inform internal operations as well as external programming to encourage sustainable practices in the broader industry. 11 Estimating at least 14 community-based workshops with an average of 30 people per workshop and 4 conference sessions with an average of 40 people per session. 12 Travel Oregon received this recognition from the Oregon Business Magazine in March 2011. 29
  • 32. The Travel Oregon Green Team will lead the development of the plan in coordination with the Executive Team and the Oregon Tourism Commission. In order to develop the plan, Travel Oregon staff will continue to work with and learn from organizations such as the U.S. Natural Step Network and the University of Oregon’s Sustainability Leadership program. Key Measurements Sustainable Operations Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Recognition for sustainability practices EarthWISE Obtain certification Sustainable or recognition from Business two additional Certification; organizations Oregon Business Top 100 Green Businesses in Oregon Ranking Organizational sustainability plan N/A Complete Product Development Center Background: In the past, Travel Oregon has budgeted for development of individual niche markets; our approach has varied for each. For the upcoming cycle, Travel Oregon will combine all niches for one strategic fund to assist with the development of tourism product as the need or opportunity arises. We believe this fund will be utilized as “match” against partner dollars to augment our reach and impact. Description: Travel Oregon foresees the following opportunities in product development:  Tribal tourism business development: o The continual group work that produces the Tribal Guide also helped craft emerging programs like the Rez Kitchen Tour. We’ll continue to work with the Oregon Tribal Tourism Working Group to explore new cultural development opportunities. 30
  • 33. Agri-tourism business development: o Many small farmers are looking for ways to supplement their farm business o There is a desire to keep Oregon visitors connected with Oregon products when visiting the state - and after returning home o Farm Stay operations are being organized on; these assets could be integrated into the Oregon Bounty campaign o Existing agri-tourism activities can also be integrated into the Oregon Bounty campaign  Assistance with assembling content for the content lenses: o Facilitate conversations with existing niche groups or new niche groups in order to properly assemble their content for’s new lenses o Provide tools and coaching to these niche groups so they can continue to build content and showcase product through these lenses over time o Work with our digital interactive team to evolve the content lenses o Niches may include but would not be limited to: wildlife watching, paddle-sports, wind-sports, and trail recreation Key Measurement Product Development Center Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of new content lenses created / N/A 4 niche markets convened and coached Number of agri-tourism businesses (from N/A 50 Farm Stands to Farm Stays) integrated into the Oregon Bounty campaign Matching Grants Program Background: The mission of Travel Oregon, is to "encourage economic growth and to enhance the quality of life in Oregon through a strengthened economic impact of tourism throughout the state." As such, Travel Oregon established a program to make grant awards to eligible applicants for tourism projects that contribute to the development and improvement of local economies and communities by means of the enhancement, expansion and promotion of the visitor industry. Travel Oregon’s Matching Grants Program has historically provided “seed” money to Oregon’s tourism industry for tourism development and planning projects. Given the state of Oregon’s economy, each year this competitive program receives on average funding requests three times the amount of resources available. Over the past few years we have streamlined the process to include pre-screening, online application and connecting applicants to their local destination marketing organization. This has improved the content of the proposals and ensured that successful grants are already leveraging the marketing programs in their local areas. 31
  • 34. Description: Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Matching Grants Program during the next two years. Working with an experienced and diversified grant committee, we will work with those organizations that are eligible to receive the funds to make sure the process is clear and the results from the grants are meaningful. The program will continue to leverage the grant funding with other Travel Oregon and industry partner programs seeking to get the best overall return for the investment. As designed, the program requires a 50% match from the qualifying applicants. This match is important to ensure the strong partnership necessary to create strong tourism products. Those entities eligible for grant qualification are:  Cities & Counties  Port districts  Federally recognized Tribes Key Measurements: Continue to invest in qualifying projects that meet the program ROI guidelines Rural Tourism Studio Background: The percentage of direct travel-generated earnings per capita as a share of total earnings is more than double in rural counties as compared with the five most urbanized counties 13. These same rural counties are experiencing a higher unemployment rate as of December 201014 than the rest of Oregon. In addition, vast amounts of Oregon’s natural and cultural tourism “product” resides within and around rural areas. Therefore, it is vitally important that Travel Oregon continues to make strategic investments in the development of community-based capacity for developing tourism and harnessing the economic potential at the local level. Since piloting the RTS program in two communities in 2009, Travel Oregon has received applications from six regions and inquiries from over 15 communities/regions interested in hosting the program to enhance their capacity and develop their tourism product. Travel Oregon has also been approached by the U.S. Forest Service which expressed interest in collaborating through the Rural Tourism Studio to advance their goals of sustainable recreation planning and management in communities surrounded by National Forestlands. It is clear from both the opportunity and the demand that this is a critical program for advancing Oregon’s tourism economy. 13 Five most urbanized counties in Oregon include Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, Marion and Lane. Source: Oregon Travel Impacts 1991-2009, Dean Runyan Associates 14 Oregon Employment Department 32
  • 35. Description: Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Rural Tourism Studio in at least two communities/regions in Oregon per year. Communities that demonstrate a significant need for assistance and potential for accelerated development through the program will be selected. The RTS will assist rural community and business leaders with the development of their tourism industry in a way that will:  Help stimulate the local economy  Protect and enhance local natural and cultural resources  Foster pride amongst participants In the 2011-2013 biennium, we will develop strategic partnerships to augment the program budget and impact, expand program offerings, diversify and lengthen follow up services to communities that have graduated from the program, and consider outsourcing program production. We will consider forging strategic partnerships with groups such as:  U.S. Forest Service  Business Oregon  Oregon’s Main Street Program  The Ford Family Foundation We will consider adding modules such as:  International travel market  Sustainable business practices  Main Street development  Small town branding Additional follow up assistance may include providing:  Consulting to assist with developing a formalized strategic plan for tourism  Coaching to help with establishing a new organization or committee  One-day follow up workshops or training 33
  • 36. Key Measurements Rural Tourism Studio Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of RTS programs delivered 415 4 Number of participants engaged Wallowa (63), 200 Oakridge (41), John Day River Territory (37), McKenzie River Valley (37, to date); total (178, to date) Number of partner organizations engaged 1616 19 in design and delivery Integrating & Bolstering National Geographic Geotourism Efforts Background: Geotourism is defined as: Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place - its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents. In 2007, Travel Oregon joined a broad partnership17 to impact sustainable tourism development in rural communities across the “Central Cascades” – a bi-state region from Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. After two years of planning, fundraising and working with Central Cascades communities to identify special places they wanted to share with visitors, the project’s Stewardship Council produced a printed MapGuide and website. Released in January 2010, these travel tools contain a unique dataset of over 1,200 off-the-beaten path places recommended by the people who live there. A copy of the printed MapGuide was distributed in the April 2010 issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine. 15 Wallowa County, Oakridge area, John Day River Territory, McKenzie River Valley 16 Rural Development Initiatives, Great Destination Strategies, Alta Planning + Design, International Mountain Biking Association, Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, U.S. Forest Service, Bricker Consulting, Sustainable Travel International, Innovative Leadership USA, Write to Know Consulting, Northeast Oregon Economic Development District, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, Lane County Small Business Development Center, Mercy Corps Northwest, Eastern Oregon Visitors Association, Travel Lane County 17 Travel Oregon was part of a core advisory committee consisting of Washington State Tourism, Rural Development Initiatives, Sustainable Northwest, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and Sustainable Travel International. 34
  • 37. In January 2011, National Geographic convened all of the project leads from the western states’ geotourism projects18 to discuss lessons learned and next steps. Description: In 2011-2013, Travel Oregon will work in partnership to:  Support the efforts of a National Geotourism Stewardship Council and the development of a National Online Geotourism Atlas that would contain the Central Cascades geotourism data  Assess the value and interest in re-convening a bi-state or statewide Stewardship Council  Implement a set of program measurements to determine the success of the first phase of the project  Assess the value of expanding the community-based sustainable tourism identification process to the rest of the state  Assess the interest in reproducing the MapGuide into a format with enhanced National Geographic branding and in a mapping format that facilitates navigation of the region, to be sold and distributed by National Geographic With Travel Oregon’s Consumer Marketing Team, we will: 1) Determine how to integrate geotourism data into a new sustainable travel portal site for Oregon 2) Explore ways to bolster our marketing efforts to continue to get the MapGuide distributed. Key Measurements Geotourism Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of unique visitors to the 27,27319 +200-300% (or a future geotourism lens on Number of Central Cascades Geotourism 12,20020 10,000 MapGuides distributed Number of businesses/locations on the N/A 80 MapGuide or website indicating increased visitation due to the project 18 Travel Oregon joined representatives from other geotourism projects in the Western United States including the California Redwood Coast, Sierra Nevada, Crown of the Continent, Greater Yellowstone and Four Corners Region. 19 Google Analytics as of March 17, 2010 20 As of March 15, 2011 35
  • 38. Oregon Q CARE Program Background: The Oregon Q CARE Program is a statewide customer service training certification created to support the development of the tourism and hospitality industry through enhanced guest experiences. The program provides statewide standardized customer service, emphasizing the importance of quality visitor care in the tourism industry, and equips Oregon employees with tools and resources needed to better serve our visitors. Initially launched in 2003, the Oregon Q-CARE Program was implemented in all seven Oregon tourism regions and trained over 10,000 people through 2007. Beginning in 2007, the program transitioned to a free, behavior-based online training curriculum. Since the implementation of the online offering another 5,000 people have been trained. Description: Travel Oregon will continue to deliver the Oregon Q-CARE program for the next two years. Great customer service is vital to the success of any business, tourism-based or not. Every personal or interactive contact with consumers is an important opportunity to make those consumers believers in Oregon. The objectives for the program in the coming biennium are:  Establish Oregon Q-CARE as a vital training tool in private and public sector organizations  Establish strategic delivery partnership with industry training partners  Develop sponsorships, scholarships and funding sources to support the training  Review curriculum and tourism content and investigate producing additional online modules  Schedule annual regional in-person trainings to help promote the value of customer service  Leverage Oregon Q CARE training through all Travel Oregon programs Key Measurements Oregon Q CARE Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Number of Q-CARE Certificates 3,000 6,000 Regional Trainings Delivered N/A 6 36
  • 39. Visitor Information Network Background: Oregon is primarily a drive travel market with over 85%21 of its traffic arriving by automobile. Research shows that a majority of those visitors view Welcome Centers/Rest Areas as important destinations in their travels22. One of the primary reasons they look for these centers is to find restrooms. However, it is also important to note that finding “brochures and maps” and “staff” are also high on travelers’ minds. Even in this day of rapidly expanding interactive travel information, travelers continue to seek tourism collateral and in-person travel advice. Travel Oregon is responsible for the management of the State Welcome Centers. Currently, we operate nine centers located at the borders of Washington, Idaho and California. The majority of the centers are operated seasonally; only the center at Portland International Airport is open all year. The nine centers are listed below:  Ashland (Siskiyou)  Astoria  Brookings (Crissey Field)  Klamath Falls (Midland)  Lakeview  Ontario  Oregon City  Portland International Airport (PDX)  Umatilla Description: Travel Oregon will continue to direct the State Welcome Centers. It is important to understand that the State Welcome Centers are simply one piece of the state’s overall visitor information environment. This environment contains regional and local destination centers as well as private sector locations that also function as visitor information outlets. The mission of all components of this environment is to deliver first class customer service and information to Oregon visitors. The desired outcome is to enhance the visitors’ experience while they are in Oregon in hopes of creating return customers. In the next biennium, we seek to help create a stronger, more efficient overall visitor information environment. The objectives to achieve this goal are the following:  Assess Welcome Center/Visitor Information Center system realities and opportunities  Support development of new Siskiyou Welcome Center 21 Longwoods International, Visitor Profile 22 US Travel Association, Travel Horizons 37
  • 40. Upgrade strategic Welcome Center locations with Brand Oregon assets  Introduce qualified web-based surveys throughout the system to collect actionable data  Conduct continued topical and industry trainings for staff  Improve brochure program opportunities for industry members  Deliver first-class visitor experience in the most efficient manner possible  Measure visitor experience through secret-shoppers & satisfaction surveys Key Measurements Visitor Information Network Results 2009-2011 Goal 2011-2013 Total Welcome Center Visitation 400,179 525,000 Average System Cost/Visitor $2.00 $1.80 Brochure Program Occupancy N/A 80% Visitor Information Network Facilitated Occurs by 10/1/11 Conversation N/A 38
  • 41. DOMESTIC CONSUMER MARKETING Over the last five years Travel Oregon has seen significant growth in consumer contact/engagement to our marketing programs with responses having more than doubled since 2006 (an increase of 109%). With over 2.1 Million unique visitors to each year, 21,000 Facebook fans, and 193,327 subscribers to our segmented e-newsletters, we now have more potential travelers than ever before in Travel Oregon’s relationship network. Over the next biennium Consumer Marketing programs in Advertising, PR, Promotions and Digital Marketing will continue to build awareness for Oregon with a focus on deeper relationship building and conversion of our fans, and greater efficiency with our program implementation and resources. An in depth analysis of the visitor purchase cycle—from inspiration, to on the ground, to post trip—will yield innovative and compelling ways to break through message clutter and surprise and delight each consumer we come in contact with. Our marketing efforts will position Travel Oregon as a trusted source for inspiration and trip planning visitors will rely on and recommend to others. Advertising Background: Media Landscape: The media environment is changing rapidly and is more fragmented than ever with consumers continuing to exert increased control over the media delivered to them  It’s important to efficiently target niche audiences because of premiums charged for these limited-reach impressions. (Note: there are still efficiencies to be gained by purchasing through more traditional, broad reach media.)  Studies indicate that TV and online media continue to dominate consumer media consumption. Per eMarketer, the average time spent per day per channel is: o Online - 4:30 hours o TV & Video - 3:17 hours o Music & Radio - 1:26 hours o Mobile phone - 1:18 hours  Other media trends: o Mobile: "It is estimated that by 2014 half of Americans’ web browsing will be done on mobile devices."23 o Online video usage is up 45% over the prior year24 o Social media: travelers are spending more time on social media venues even while traveling25 23 24 39
  • 42. o People over 65 are adopting Facebook faster than any other age group; 6.5 Million of members 65+ joined in May 2010 alone. Less surprising is that the fastest growing age group on Twitter is 35-49 year olds. Add to this the fastest growing group on is over 50. o Over all, 47 percent of 50-64 year olds are using social media; an 88 percent growth from 200926 Advertising Objectives:  Motivate overnight travel to Oregon  Communicate the state’s travel product in a way that elevates it within a crowded category  Continue to grow and strengthen awareness for travel to or within Oregon  Stimulate interest and response for additional information about travel in Oregon (generate leads)  Engage consumers through Travel Oregon’s family of sites, as well as other Travel Oregon branded “outposts” Targeting:  Our target has evolved to include an International component to our advertising communications o Adults 25-64 o Spend $1,000+ on vacation travel (per year) o Geotarget  Primary: No. CA, OR, WA, ID  Key business driver markets27  Secondary: So. CA, NY  International: Vancouver BC  Within our demographic target, we’ll look to incorporate psychographic/behavioral segmentation as a way to provide a tighter focus in identifying potential travelers to Oregon—a mix of more adventurous, more curious, and more experience-driven people for whom travel has become a lifestyle. 25 eMarketer How Travelers Use Social Media 26 27 ‘09 Longwoods Visitor Profile Study 40
  • 43. Regions Urban Sources of Willamette Southern Central Eastern Greater Mt. Hood/ Business The Coast Valley Oregon Oregon Oregon Portland The Gorge Oregon Portland 54% 40% 14% 38% 38% 19% 32% 40% Seattle 6% 6% 10% 14% 7% 25% 13% 13% Eugene 9% 21% 5% 10% 6% 4% 9% Medford 6% 17% 5% 5% 5% Bend 3% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% LA 5% 4% 5% 7% 3% SF 13% 5% 5% 8% 4% 3% Spokane 3% 4% 4% 3% Boise 13% 4% 2% Sacramento 8% 2% Advertising Program Description: We continue to tie our advertising communications to our focused two pillar strategy that:  Provides a culinary focus during the Fall and positions Oregon as a premier foodie destination. Oregon Bounty anchors this portion of the campaign.  Features Oregon’s outdoor recreation stories during the spring/summer when Oregon can deliver a wide array of outdoor adventure product. We see the opportunity to weave other priority messages like Arts & Culture, Sustainability, and Scenic Byways to these pillars. And, all of Oregon’s other events, activities, and travel product will continue to be promoted through the agency’s other channels (, visitor guide, e-newsletters, PR, etc.). Advantages to this strategy:  Oregon stands out with focused advertising messages  Highlights the state’s greatest assets…within season  Leverages the success of Oregon Bounty by combining promotion with fall brand advertising  Partners can build co-ops around seasonal focus, when consumers are more likely to plan seasonal travel It is important to note that we are now able to gain traction with a more focused message and more efficient digital channels because of our success establishing the Oregon brand. And we must continue to reinforce that brand’s recognition. As such, the core brand message will remain the heartbeat of our effort for the coming years—and we will look for ways to not simply “send” the brand message—but also create ways for people to interact, engage and share our brand. This “engagement” shift is a critical step in creating a sincere dialogue with consumers to further communicate our value proposition, to build relationships, a strong fan base, and trust. 41
  • 44. During the last biennium we refreshed the brand creative and shifted from a print-focused campaign to one that included a heavy mix of online media:  The Market: Travelers taking shorter, closer-to home vacations; planning cycle compression, more online travel planning, social media usage, and a decline in print.  Research: Longwoods Ad Accountability study indicated that being more specific, while maintaining brand positioning/voice, will have positive impact on image & trip generation. Surprise and inspire travelers with actual things they can see and do in a place they think they may already know.  Industry: We felt our Book of Oregon creative had started to show signs of wear as it had been running for five years and we found other advertisers copying our creative. Creative: Oregon is a refuge for idealism. It’s a place for dreamers. It’s a place with a unique voice, a sense of humor, and a drive to do things differently. It’s a place of authenticity, of intimacy, of stories. While we continue to evolve our advertising messaging, this concept embodied as the Oregon Dreamer continues to be the backbone of our creative body of work. During the Spring 2011 season, we introduced high impact television advertising spots as the foundation creative to our brand campaign:  It allows us to leverage the sight, sound, motion environment of this medium.  The two minute video vignettes that produced for the two pillar campaigns did a great job of rich storytelling. TV allows us to get more eyes on this powerful creative  We’re able to repurpose/reuse our growing library of excellent HD footage, which provides a significant increase in video production value/efficiencies. We will continue to produce banner ads that complement the TV spots and leverage the retail- nature of the medium to drive consumers to our website. 42