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Transformational Opportunities Exist With The United...
Transformational Opportunities Exist to Integrate the United States Mental Health System Mental
illness refers to all diagnosable mental disorders defined as "health conditions that are characterized
by alterations in thinking, mood or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress
and/or impaired functioning." (Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 221) With one in every five American
adults experiencing mental illness, the resulting economic burden exceeds $300 billion per year to
include approximately $100 billion in direct health care expenditures, $24 billion in disability
benefits, and $193 billion in lost earnings. (Insel, 2008) This estimate is conservative as it excludes
the components of incarceration, homelessness, comorbid conditions, early mortality and the
incalculable costs to families that absorb much of the financial and emotional burdens of these
illnesses. Despite the fact mental illness contributes over 6% to the nation's health care spending;
the United States (U.S.) mental health system has historically lacked integration with physical
medicine and public policy support. (Insel, 2008) "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(ACA), though not a panacea, has provided an opportunity to bolster a broken mental health system.
The ACA includes a variety of provisions to effect the biggest expansion of mental health and
substance abuse services in a generation." (Golden & Vail, 2014, p. 96) The expansion of health
insurance coverage
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Compare And Contrast Night Rhythms And The Yellow Wallpaper
Some people believe in fate, luck, and religion, whereas others believe in only things that are
tangible. The "you have to see it to believe it" mentality is a major aspect as to why people have a
hard time understanding mental illness, and why in turn patients with mental illness have a hard
time getting the help they need. In comparing the texts, Night Rhythms and The Yellow Wallpaper,
these distinct differences between physical and mental illness are highlighted. The idea of not
believing in what is not tangible is shown in the beginning of Night Rhythms, in the description of
the woman's husband. It says, "He scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put
down in figures (p. )". This is significant because mental illness cannot always be felt, seen, or put
down in figures. Society is more understanding and sympathetic of physical illness than mental
illness. In these two texts, the illnesses described are cerebral palsy and postpartum depression.
Cystic fibrosis is a congenital disease that affects motor skills. This is a physical illness. Postpartum
depression occurs after a mother delivers her baby. After delivers, the hormone levels in the
mother's body drop and this combined with sleep deprivation and new stress can leave the mother
feeling very down. This is a mental illness. In Night Rhythms, Deans illness is described as "he
choked during birth, which means the rhythm of the contractions were wrong. His lungs opened too
soon (p. 102)". It is
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Chronic And Complex Illness Important From A Nursing...
1. How is chronicity defined? Why is an illness rather than a disease approach to chronic and
complex illness important from a nursing perspective? Discuss in regard to depression as co–
Chronicity is generally used as an umbrella term of chronic illness or disease that refers to persistent
impairments or disabilities deviating from normal life, which require long period of rehabilitation,
supervision, observation and care (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). However, in order to understand its
complex context, the distinct difference between disease and illness should be understood (Johnson
& Chang 2008; Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Disease can be defined as the pathophysiology of the
condition, which refers to changes in structure and function (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). However, the
context of illness is much broader than disease, as it mainly focuses on symptoms and human
experience that includes how individuals perceive and live with and respond to diseases including
carers and health professionals (Johnson & Chang 2008; Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Therefore, chronic
illness is often considered as irreversible and incurable condition, which requires ongoing care and
attention on all aspects of the person's life (Johnson & Chang 2008).
The medical cure of chronic disease is not considered in nursing's domain, but a nurse can make a
difference in individuals' and their families' experiences of chronic illness as a member of the
multidisciplinary team (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Although, the
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Physical And Psychological Factors Affecting Health And...
Stress is a quantity that every human is afforded. It is how the body and mind interact in response to
a stressor. Each stressor whether in the form of a major life experiences, traumatic events, work,
school, and even exercise can be stressful. Stress of any amount makes an impact on a persons'
health and behaviors. Therefore, it is important to take notice of how you manage stressful events in
your life however great or small an effect. Though everyone experiences stress in one way or
another, no two people cope with stress in the same manner. Some individuals are more effective
and recover from demanding situations quicker than others do. Consequently, the quality of health is
contingent upon the type of stress and duration of ... Show more content on ...
For instance, the more occasions of stress there are, the perception of stress is heightened thus, the
older you are, less stress is reported whereas, more stress is reported if younger. When comparing
seniors to non–seniors, t–scores for hypothesis #1, the mean average for seniors (mean=39.17) was
similar to non–seniors (mean=39.41) showing the seniors did not have a significantly higher scores
of perceived stress and USQ. Needless to say, the report doesn't exactly prove all elements of the
said theory to be true. How we coping with stressors aren't limited to a biological perspective, where
the genetic makeup can alter how people respond to traumatic events, but it extends to a host of
external factors such as family, friends, employment, time, and money. (Straub, 2014, pg.157).
Stressors are ever present and no one can escape them but, the more resources you have, the more
effective you are in coping with such events. All of the external elements contribute to the
socioeconomic status and it is one of the more significant factors that affects health. I revisit the idea
of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological factors in response to health and stressful events.
The influence that stress has on the totality of our being is pretty impressive. Insomuch as in a
younger individual, acute stress can potentially become adaptive and may not inflict
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Biopsychosial Medical Model
Don't treat the disease, treat the patient" –WO. A quote that makes a big statement in the medical
world questioning the treatment the patient receives. George Engel believed in understanding the
patient not the disease who he or she is suffering from. This lead to the creation and development of
the Biopsychosial Model of health and illness a work instrument used by psychologist in order to
understand the cause and effect of life outcomes on health and wellbeing. This model was
developed by George L. Engle an American medical doctor, who specialized in psychiatry. He
created this model with the whole purpose of understanding patients' better, but as well as providing
a better quality service to others. He believed that the biomedical model
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Research-Based Practice with Families in Stress...
Research–Based Practice with Families in Stress Pediatric nurse practitioners in primary health care
play a very important role in the care of children with chronic health conditions. Many times,
primary health care providers are the first to assess, recognize, and diagnose a child with a chronic
health condition. Children with chronic conditions, along with their families, face multiple
challenges that should be of concern to the health care providers in which they interact (Allen,
Vessey, Schapiro, 2010). For the purpose of this paper, focus will be on JD, a 10 year old African
American male who was recently diagnosed with asthma after an acute exacerbation. He lives in a
basement bedroom of his family's home. His mother is single ... Show more content on ...
More familial involvement in disease management is associated with healthier family functioning
(Gavin & Wysocki, 2005). The context in which assessment takes place includes not only specific
characteristics of the illness, but also a patient's individual traits and daily activities (Corbin, 1991).
Before, during, and after the clinic visit, it is the responsibility of the PNP to recognize traits in JD
such as his age, race, gender, hobbies, and personality characteristics that may help in the diagnosis
and management of the projected condition.
Health is defined as neither the absence nor the cure of the disease, but rather management of the
condition that will produce the best quality of life for the patient (George, 2011). A person's health
and its outcomes can be measured at a number of levels, the most prominent being mortality,
morbidity, functional status and handicaps, and economic values (Koot & Wallander, 2013). Health
in the assessment of JD will be tailored to the management of the chronic illness of focus, asthma.
This calls for the PNP to do a thorough respiratory assessment of the lungs and chest using a
systematic approach. This includes inspection, palpitation, percussion, and most importantly
auscultation (Duderstadt, 2006). With a baseline respiratory assessment, the PNP can utilize data in
future assessments and follow up visits to manage disease progression.
In the nursing metaparadigm, the
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Psychogenic Treatment
Everybody's chemical makeup is unique. Discovering how everyone functions is an interesting
process involving many different techniques and tools. Throughout previous years, the evolution of
treating mental illness has improved drastically due to new medicines, physical therapy, and
treatment centers. However, there are still controversial methods used today, including the use of
prescription drugs. Finding the best methods of treatment can take a long time because of how
everyone reacts to new substances entering Their bodies. With new technology such as MRI and CT
scans help identify where the issue is located, making it easier to find the right treatment. The first
methods of treatment were simple and included three basic theories of the ... Show more content on ...
Also, there are many types of disorders to be picked from. Depression is one of the most major and
easily identifiable, though people tend to hide it away. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a
persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical
depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and
physical problems. To trace it back in history, the first signs of it emerged around the 5th century
B.C. and was originally called melancholia. At the time, it was considered to be a form of demonic
possession only to be cured by noble priests. The first understandings were that it was a spiritual
problem rather than a physical one. Literature of the time was filled with references to mental illness
caused by spirits or demons. The early Babylonian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations also viewed
mental illness as a form of demonic possession, and used exorcism techniques (such as beatings,
restraint, and starvation) designed to drive demons out of the afflicted person's body as treatments.
In one of hippocrates works, he recommended diet, exercise, distraction, travel, purgatives
(cleansers that purge the body of toxins), bloodletting, herbal remedies, marriage, and even music
therapy as
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Importance Of Lifespan Psychology In Nursing
Developmental psychologists study changes in Lifespan Development that apply intermediately to
health care. Lifespan Developmental psychology is the focus on human growth and changes across
the lifespan, and how and why human beings change over the course of their life (Santrock). Nurses
in particular are call upon for much more to administer a medicine or do a treatment. There is an
important role in understanding the relationship between a patient's medical and psychological
needs (Potter & Perry). The reason being that lifespan developmental psychology, is a critical
component to the training of every nurse. The nursing fields applies to all areas of Lifespan
Development, and nurses work in a setting where they are required to work and interact with other
professionals in a effort to bring the best quality of care to their patients. This involves the need for
the full understanding how or why a person may behave in any given situation. With the knowledge
of psychology nurses will learn to interact with patient all based on different factors such as gender
and age. If two patients were undergoing the same procedure, the patient who is younger could be
more afraid than the adult ( Difficulties in understanding the true meaning of their
illness. Nurses must use this broad range of psychological knowledge in order to relate to younger
or older patients, improving the nurse–pt relationship; allowing open interaction in communication
informing medical professionals
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Depression And Mental Illness
When one thinks of an illness, most individuals picture a visible decline in one's physical health.
Individuals picture a person coughing, sneezing, or vomiting; however, not all illnesses are
outwardly shown. Depression is a mental illness. Mental illnesses are not illnesses that can be seen
just by glancing at an individual; nonetheless, they are just as harmful and detrimental as physical
ailments. According to Healthy People 2020, depression is one of the most common forms of mental
illness (Reeves et al 2011). Depression affects individuals of all ages, but it is especially prominent
in college students. Research has also shown that approximately 1 in 12 adults have experienced
depression or depressive symptoms within a 12 month period ... Show more content on ...
Depression has been identified as the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of
burden (Whisman 2015). The result of depression can lead to deteriorated relationships, poor
academic outcomes, and low outlook on life. Likewise, depression has been shown to increase the
likelihood of chronic diseases in an individual. Depression increases one's probability of diabetes,
cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and obesity (Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion 2017). Depression can also have a more serious ramification. This illness does not cause
death, however, untreated this illness can lead to suicide. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death
in the United States (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 2017) and the 3rd leading
cause of death in individuals aged 15–24 (Smith 2015). Suicide can occur as a result of many
different situations, but negative mental health is a common precursor. It was found that
approximately 1,110 college students commit suicide per year (Smith 2015). This alarming statistic
solidifies college students' need for help. Like other mental illnesses, depression can be a life–long
battle. Depression, along with other chronic illnesses, is expensive. This illness not only creates
emotional detriment, but also enables economic hardship as well. According to Healthy People
2020, depression causes "psychosocial and economic costs–not only for people living with the
disorder, but also for their families, schools, workplaces, and communities" (Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Health
The definition of health describes the way we feel physically, mentally and socially and being free
from any illness or injury. Health is not an easy term to define as for some people it includes mental
health and for others it just involves physical health and these two are very different.
The term 'Illness' refers to the way in which disease is experienced. Characteristics of a person with
good health include a working immune system, good complexion, high energy, good
communication, positive mood and mental state. Poor health will be basically the opposite, with
being unwell frequently, mental illness, weight issues, poor complexion or substance abuse.
The definition of illness is when you have a condition or feeling that isn't normal ... Show more
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Health and mental health is not just defined within the medical context, it can also be defined by the
person and the persons family and social networks. This is one of the main reasons the terms are
hard to define as the definitions may vary from culture to culture. The three main categories are
physical appearance, emotional disposition and behaviour. Some people believe that there are no
symptoms then there is no disease. Other cultures believe that physical, emotional and spiritual
wellbeing are the three most important things for good health.
Sociologists think that a society depends on health people and being able to control illness. A man
named Talcott Parsons identified what he called the sick role. He meant to describe the behaviour
towards the sick person and the behaviour of the sick person. Parsons identified four roles of the
sick role:
– Not held responsible for being sick
– Not responsible for normal duties
– Not supposed to like the role
– Supposed to seek help to get out of the role
In a society, people who are acting sick will get sympathy. If people do not act sick or ask for any
help they will lose the sympathy they were getting.
Some people believe that you can only determine whether you are ill or not by science. A good
example is some people only class diseases as legitimate if they have a common scientific diagnosis
such as cancer or heart disease. These people are likely to slow less sympathy if someone is
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Biomedical of Health
The biomedical model of health states that the individual is not responsible for their illness and that
the mind and body work independently from each other. Ogden J, (2004) However, for example, in
the case of an individual who is suffering from an eating disorder i.e. bulimia, this indicates that
there is a clear link between the mind and body due to the sufferer vomiting after ingesting food;
therefore resulting in the sufferer being responsible for their physical illness due to psychological
illness. The biomedical model also suggests that treatment is to change the physical state of the body
and that only the medical profession can treat the sufferer but in this case; this would be very
problematic due to the mind causing the ... Show more content on ...
This is through the biological (e.g. viruses, bacteria), psychological (e.g. behaviour) and social (e.g.
employment, class) factors that can affect health. Ogden, J (2004).
The model aims to give the health professional an holistic view of the individual, therefore making
prognosis easier and treatment can be varied through a more humane and emotional approach along
side a medical approach.
Engel p, (cited in Munitz H, et al datastarweb online 2000) wrote a responding letter to Mr
Greenberg; the editor of the paper written by Munitz et al, in the letter he states his father when
alive argued that speech creates a pathway to information that would not be available by any other
means which has a special value in understanding the individuals illness and disease.
I believe that the biopsychosocial model of medicine is a more human and emotional model that
aims to understand and help the individual as a whole.
The application of psychology to health is beneficial to the individual by emphasizing the medical,
psychological and social factors that contribute to the cause and effects of health and ill health.
Health professionals can analyse all the factors that can affect the individual's well being and aim at
treating the person as a whole. (i.e. Medical professionals can treat the medical factors, Counselling
for psychological factors and Social workers/ Community workers for social factors).
Health psychology can be crucial in the promotion of health
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Essay about Depression in Men Brings Physical and...
The Problem Of Depression in Men Depression is a physical illness as well as a psychological one.
It makes you feel bad physically, but the problems start with your emotions. Do not expect yourself
to "snap out of it." It will take time to treat depression. A mental health provider skilled in cognitive
therapy may help you feel better. You may need a medication. There are many new medications that
have few side effects and work well for most people. Many times, a combination of medication and
therapy can help you get well quickly and stay well. There are different types of depression: Major
Depression It is an illness many doctors believe is related to an imbalance of a natural chemical in
the body called serotonin. It can be triggered ... Show more content on ...
Bipolar disorder is much less common than the other types of depression. To help with diagnosis,
doctors look for signs and symptoms of depression and assess their severity, duration, and effects on
everyday life. ( The Way Men
Think About Themselves The way that men think about themselves can be quite unhelpful.
Compared with women, they tend to be far more concerned with being competitive, powerful and
successful. Most men don't like to admit that they feel fragile or vulnerable, and so are less likely to
talk about their feelings with their friends, loved ones or their doctors. This may be the reason that
they often don't ask for help when they become depressed. Men tend to feel that they should rely
only on themselves and that it is somehow weak to have to depend on someone else, even for a short
time. This traditional view of how men should be always tough and self–reliant. Some men find that
owning up to their depression actually results in their partner rejecting them because of this. Even
professionals sometimes share this view, and may not diagnose depression in men when they
should. Instead of talking about how they feel, men may try to make themselves feel better by using
alcohol or drugs. This will usually make things worse in the long run. Their work will suffer and
alcohol often leads to
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Cause And Effect Of A Gunshot Wound Be Treated With...
Illness We tend to think of every medically treatable condition as an illness, and every illness as a
medically treatable condition; and that is just not the case. There are many physical factors that
detrimentally affect our health: disease, infection, genetics, diet, injury, exhaustion, accidents,
poison, warfare, pollution, heredity, birth defects, and more. All of these can be considered the cause
of an unhealthy condition; but none of them are an illness. A bullet is bad for one's health, but no
one is suggesting that a gunshot wound is an illness or a disease. [Though, some community
activists would call gun violence a social sickness.] No one is suggesting that a gunshot wound be
treated with affirmations and prayer. [But, there are often prayer vigils and church services that aim
to put an end to shooting incidents.] During recovery from a gunshot wound there may be
difficulties that could properly be called illness. We could properly consider the person in recovery
to not yet be well. Affirmation and prayer may be effective at this point, in re–establishing a state of
well–being. Though studies have not shown that this affects one's physical recovery, an increased
sense of wellness is, by definition, of benefit to their health. Holmes properly uses the term illness
when recommending a course of spiritual mind treatment; but it would be a mistake to think that
every condition can be treated in this way. Not every condition that requires treatment is an
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Psychoeducation. Since the concept of mental illness is very vague for many Somalis, providing
psychoeducation through community events, and visits with service providers is very essential.
Many Somalis specifically the elderly and the new immigrants are not familiar with the names, the
symptoms, and the different treatments of the mental illness they are going through. Professionals
who are working with this community should make it a priority to educate clients in their office
about these illnesses and help normalize the illnesses. Normalizing can take place in the form of
comparing it to a physical illness since physical illnesses are more accepted among Somalis. For
example, if there was a wound on a person's arm that person would go and
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The Benefits Of Mental Health Care Coverage
According to, "In 2014, 43.6 million adults had a mental illness... Fewer than half of
these people received treatment" (Ollove). Mental health disorders are a growing epidemic in the
United States. Tens of thousands are diagnosed each year, however few decide to seek treatment.
Costly medications and treatment options are often to blame, as they are difficult for patients to
afford. Mental health care coverage should be included in all health insurance plans because mental
health disorders should be treated the same as any physical illness, it benefits society as a whole,
and many mentally ill patients cannot afford necessary medication or care.
A mental health disorder should be treated the same as a physical ailment. Insurers ... Show more
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Both should be treated equally, as there are similarities between mental and physical illnesses.
According to The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, "People without insurance put off treatment and
their mental health deteriorates... A patient must be institutionalized for an illness that could have
been treated effectively months earlier" (Williams). Just as a physical condition deteriorates without
treatment, mental conditions do too. If patients cannot afford to pay for treatment without coverage,
they put it off (Williams). Therefore, both illnesses should be treated equally, because both require
treatment to prevent them from
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Compare And Contrast Mental Illnesses
Mental and physical illnesses are both very serious, but also very different. Mental illnesses are
often overlooked, as well as overshadowed by physical illnesses. Mental and physical illnesses,
while vastly different, do have similarities. Both can require intense treatment, and both can get
overlooked. The difference is that mental illnesses are more difficult to diagnose. Say if you break
your arm, you know the bone is broken or fractured. Nobody could argue that. Where if you are
always sad and melancholy, it's just assumed you are having a bad day, or blamed on mood swings.
Physical illnesses are often caused by something specific, whether if it runs in your family, you
caught it from somebody else, or any other reason, there is almost ... Show more content on ...
Ableism is described as discrimination in favor of able–bodied people. It applies to physical as well
as mental illnesses. It is a problem that most people are not aware of, and also accidentally a part of
it. Using terms such as stupid, retarded, crazy, freak, lame, as well as many others. To most people
they are viewed as innocent terms, not as ableist slurs. The best comparison that could be made is
that it's the same situation as using racial slurs. Racial slurs are more well known and fought against
compared to ableist slurs. Ableism is a very real problem, often pushed aside as 'not a real problem'.
Most problems dealing with mental illnesses are overlooked, including ableism. When someone is
corrected on using an ableism, most claim it is because of 'how they were raised' or because they
'don't find it offensive'. They generally are resistant to change words and phrases they commonly
use because they don't see the problem in
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Anorexia Nervos A Serious Physical And Emotional Illness...
Introduction What is anorexia? According to Merriam–Webster, anorexia is defined as, "A serious
physical and emotional illness in which an abnormal fear of being fat leads to very poor eating
habits and dangerous weight loss" (Anorexia, Merriam–Webster). Or in other words, those who
suffer from anorexia have a fear of being fat, so they consume little to no food. Anorexia is also
linked to the anorexia nervosa, which is an illness that can potentially be a life threatening eating
disorder caused by starvation and excessive weight loss (Anorexia Nervosa, Studies have concluded that 90–95% of girl's and women suffer from
anorexia nervosa and 0.5–1% of American women suffer from anorexia nervosa. This disorder is
one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in young women and is also one of the highest death
rates of any mental health condition (Anorexia Nervosa, This paper
will discuss the causes of anorexia and anorexia nervosa, as well as the signs and symptoms of both,
including how these disorders are linked to dental and if available, what treatments can be used.
What causes anorexia? Research has concluded that the cause for anorexia is inconclusive or
unknown. But many do urge that those who do suffer from anorexia, have this illness simply
because it runs in their family. It is said that females who have a parent or even a sibling who suffer
from anorexia or even an eating disorder in general may
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Mental Illness : The Results Of Psychotherapy
Jessie Laudermilk
Mrs. Bowman
25 April 2016
One reason for treating mental illness is the results of psychotherapy. How does psychotherapy
work? Psychotherapy is defined as, "A treatment for managing mental health problems and
emotional difficulties through talking about thoughts and feelings with a trained mental health
practitioner. There are many different psychotherapies based on different theories about how
psychological problems develop and are overcome "(Banov 293). A common type of therapy is
behavior therapy. Behavior therapy lessens the connection between situations and emotional
reactions. This will begin to help control anxieties and depression and behavioral emotions (Muir
53). Why is psychotherapy important? Psychotherapy gives an opportunity for mental illness
patients to receive help and recovery from the illness. Many people are afraid to try medications,
and psychotherapy gives those people an alternative to possibly damaging drugs. Psychotherapy
began with Sigmund Freud, who is known as the father of modern psychology. He was a doctor that
was interested in the conscious thoughts that guide our emotions and actions. He started testing his
patients by using his different theories about mental illnesses. Although Freud might have been
wrong about certain things and did not have enough resources at his time to do extensive research,
he did influence that progression of psychotherapy (Macpherson 396). Psychiatrists help with the
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Approaches to Health
This report will be investigating the various sociological perspectives on health as well as the
models and definitions of health and ill health. These topics will assist in the understanding of how
different people and different cultures react to ill health.
In modern society there is a general consensus that 'good health' is something that everyone wants to
experience and that each individual knows what this involves. Because there are so many different
definitions of health and ill health it can become a very complicated concept. Walsh (2011) states
that "In sociological terms 'health' and 'illness' are contested concepts. This means that the general
meaning of these words should not be taken for granted.
Negative Definition of Health
The negative model is based on the idea that health is the opposite of disease. The definition
believes that disease is a biological state where the individual is afflicted by a physical condition or
illness (Walsh, 2011: 325). It views the body as a machine that may malfunction at times, because
for some reason or another, its parts have stopped working. The damage to these machine parts is
the disease. It a health care professional's role to identify these fault and repair them. This is based
on medical intervention via drugs or surgery. This can be a very negative outlook on health because
some conditions could be caused by social factors, so a physical approach to
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The Effects Of Physical Abuse On Mental Illness
Today, a colossal four hundred and fifty million (and growing) people in the world suffer from some
form of mental illness in the world, however, only around one third of them seek any form of help
( World Health Report). This number was probably much lower in 1904, when this story was
written, but I imagine it was also much more shameful and frightening to admit that you had a
problem and needed help with all of the closer knit neighborhoods and insane asylums that have
closed down over the last hundred years. While I read Paul 's case, I thought of a number of things,
history of physical abuse or trauma that might have made him shy away from physical contact, drug
use (even one prescribed for a chronic illness or disease,) and that even a terminal illness had made
him misanthropic. Nevertheless, I always came back to mental illness. The few sentences that
solidified my belief were: I don't really believe that smile of his comes altogether from insolence;
there 's something sort of haunted about it. The boy is not strong for one Thing. There is something
wrong with the fellow (Paul 's Case, Willa Cather). Paul had dramatic changes in mood from one
place to another, anywhere art related or the finer things in life created an intoxicating, manic state;
the unremarkable had the opposite effect, he became disdainful and lethargic. Paul 's delusions of
grandeur, his dramatic mood and personality changes from manic to depressive, and his disposition
led me to
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Self-Management Programs
PATH – Personal Action Toward Health
Description of the Program Summary
One of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States is due to chronic diseases.
According to CDC as of 2012, almost 117 million people had one or more chronic health
conditions. Seven of ten death cases in the United States in 2010 were chronic diseases. More than
half of Americans have at least one chronic condition, and majority of them have multiple chronic
illnesses. Chronic diseases may be due to many causes and there are programs that are used to
address and deliver services to such conditions.
One of the self–management programs in Michigan is PATH which is (Personal ... Show more
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The individuals who participate in these kind of self–management programs will learn how to:
a) Incorporate management of symptoms
b) How to use medications and
c) Healthy diet maintenance, physical activity
d) Concentrating on symptoms that are common to people with a variety of health conditions and
approach to address them
e) Emphasizing on making individual activity and setting practical and achievable objectives
f) The workshops are led by trained facilitators, a considerable lot of who have a chronic condition
g) Offering services free of cost or low cost
h) Offered in advantageous and effortlessly available community areas
Unintended Outcomes
There may be certain unintended outcomes due to such programs. Some people may not be aware if
they have chronic illness. Some people may not provide the accurate information in the registration
Reformulate the Program to be more effective or equitable
Screening programs should be implemented so that it helps individuals to be diagnosed of any
chronic illness and help them learn more about their health
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Biomedical Model
In order to understand the Biomedical model of health and wellbeing, the meaning behind the terms
biomedical, health and wellbeing must be understood. The term 'biomedical' combines both
biological and medical science. It is a term used consistently within health care, that helps portray
the clear links with the biomedical concepts. 'Bio' simply means living, or living organism. 'Medical'
refers to the diagnosis and cure of a disease with the input of science. Health can be defined as a
'complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.'
This means that any disturbances that would effect either physical, mental or social well being, will
have possible consequences regarding one's health in the ... Show more content on
Psychological and social factors are excluded from this model. Excluding these will improve a
service provider's understanding of an individuals illness, with the only contribution from biological
factors. The main focus of this model is entirely on the individuals health and wellbeing, seeking to
treat/cure them through various applications. Reasons for a disease or illness are completely
unnecessary. This model of care is implemented through health care professionals as a medical
approach. Diseases or illnesses will be approached through diagnosis, treatment and the possibility
of a cure. An example of this could be; x–ray, ultrasound, blood tests and so. The action followed
from the diagnostic is known as the treatment. Treatment aims to improve an individuals health and
wellbeing, for example; hospitalisation, surgery, medication, physiotherapy and so on. To cure an
individual means to successfully aid their return to the pre–illness state. The biomedical model has
gradually developed and evolved due to the new advances in technology, as well as other advances
in areas like; medical science, increased rates in treatments and cures. The concept of the biomedical
model of health is usually the first thought that arises when an individual thinks of healthcare. This
model informs that no responsibility lies with an individual who has an illness or disease, as both
body and mind function
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The National Resources For Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetic Resource Patients who are suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, will
sometimes require the need for financial assistance, physical and psychological support. There are
local and national resources available throughout the community for the patient. As a health care
professional, education and providing the patient with the resources for diabetes, will further assist
with managing diabetes. This essay will discuss the national resources available for patients who
suffer from diabetes mellitus. There will be further discussion regarding the national resources
benefits for patients with diabetes mellitus. This will include specific information about the services,
fees, criteria for eligibility, application process, and transportation available for patients. The
available resources will be integrated in the plan of care for a family member diagnosed with
diabetes. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages will be discussed for the vulnerable population
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Living with diabetes can become very frustrating and stressful for
the patient. When the resources needed to cope with this illness is available, this will assist with
management of this chronic illness. The purpose of this essay, is to discuss the national resources
available for patient's diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and how the health care professionals can
assist with this transition.
National Resources There are several national resources to assist the
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The Characteristics Of Hidden Illnesses
Hidden Illnesses
Tayden Kayli Hansen
Dixie High/ Dixie State University
Hidden Illnesses Depression, anxiety, personality, eating, trauma related, and substance abuse
disorders are only a small amount of mental illnesses that are known to man. Each disorder differs
from one another and none are alike when helping the affected to be cured. Many illnesses are
hidden from the public completely unnoticed while others are easy to spot. Mental illness is a
condition changing the way the patient thinks, behaves, and functions. A ballerina named Rosie may
appear to be perfectly graceful and no different than any other as she twirls and leaps across the
floor. Many see her elegance as her turns are spotted to perfection. Rosie finishes her dance and
heads into the locker room, the passion and joy she felt a few seconds ago on the stage vanishes.
She stresses over the mistakes made worried for the judges seeing the imperfect sickle of her footing
or the misplacement of the arms. She throws these feelings or anxiety aside for the thoughts may
ruin her passion. Rosie arrives home, dinner cooked for her celebration of her dance competition.
She refuses to eat. A concerned look appears on her mother's face, curious as to why she will not
eat. Rosie expresses how she is just too tired and heads to bed, but she appreciates the gesture. This
example may appear to just be a simple day for Rosie, but what isn't noticed is the fact that as Rosie
lays in bed, she is intentionally
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Mental Illness And The Barriers For Physical Activity
Mental illness and the barriers for physical activity: Why is motivation a major limitation?
Improvement in quality of life for people suffering from mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder and major depression) has recently been shown to have a correlation with increased levels
of physical activity (1). Treatment approaches have begun to favor increased levels of physical
activity to assist in symptom management as well as emerging evidence for an improvement in
physiology (1). A major barrier for this approach however, is the motivation of people suffering
from mental illness to participate in increased levels of physical activity. When compared to the
general population, people suffering from mental illness have a ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, strategies to improve motivation for physical activity for mental illness patients is
limited. The aim of this study is to determine the major intrinsic barriers for physical activity in
patients with mental illness through interview and questionnaire to determine the levels of self–
efficacy, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and readiness for physical activity. A cognitive
behavioral approach will be adopted to further understand the motivational barriers which present
themselves and to provide guidance to promoting physical activity through a mental health care
Current research for motivation towards physical activity is largely based on the general population
or for patients who are suffering from cardiovascular disease with studies that include a
motivational aspect which is not being based on the application to a theory (5). The application of a
theory for motivation for physical activity in mental illness may assist in enhancing the participation
in physical activity and ultimately improve the quality of life for patients suffering from a mental
illness. However, for a theory to be developed, barriers to physical activity must be identified to
ensure the efficacy of any developed or pre–existing theory that may be applied. The utilization of
Grounded Theory in this research will assist in determining the appropriateness of current theories
or the development of a new theory to enhance the motivation for physical
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Biopsychosocial and Biomedical Model of Health
Human beliefs about the causes of illness and injury vary from one era to another. In the Neolithic
times (c.a 8000– 9000 b.c ), illness and injury being common phenomena's, were directly associated
to natural events manipulated by higher powers which also controlled climate changes and other
natural events. Overtime, healing ceremonies, songs, sacred objects, and incantations were
developed as means of pacifying the evil forces which were believed to cause diseases, and
illnesses. Then, during the period of intellectual development, ways of western medicine was first
implemented by Hippocrates, who was regarded to as the most celebrated Greek practitioner and till
date is known as the father of medicine. Hippocrates helped overcome the ... Show more content on ...
This supported Sigmund Freud's proposal of the idea of illness, which stated that, physical illness
such as blindness occurred due to stress, harmful social relationships and emotional problems.
However, before Modern Greek theorists studied about the mind and other bodily mechanisms, it
was for long believed that animating spirits governed human behavior, their actions and functions.
This belief was known as animism; overtime theories and laws regarding physical elements evolved,
these laws mainly spoke about inanimate objects while the belief that spirits determined human
behavior and actions remained only due to lack of evolution of better explanations that could take
over the theory of animism. Then came Hippocrates and Galen who reformulated the idea and
perception of illness and diseases which were previously attributed to behavior as a result of evil
spirit or demon possession.; by proposing that an imbalance of humors ( yellow bile, black bile,
phlegm and blood) and that personality was determined on the basis of the levels of these 4 humors,
where , if phlegm was the dominant humor the individual tends to be apathic, dominance of blood
leads the person to be more cheerful, while yellow bile
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The Effects Of Physical Abuse On Mental Illness
Today, a colossal four hundred and fifty million (and growing) people in the world suffer from some
form of mental illness, however, only around one third of them seek any form of help (
World Health Report). This number was probably much lower in 1904, when this story was written,
but I imagine it was also far more shameful and frightening to admit that you had a problem and
needed help with all of the closely knit neighborhoods and insane asylums that have closed down
over the last hundred years. While I read Paul 's case, I thought of a number of things, history of
physical abuse or trauma that might have made him shy away from physical contact, drug use (even
one prescribed for a chronic illness or disease,) and that even a terminal illness had made him
misanthropic. Nevertheless, I always came back to mental illness. The few sentences that solidified
my belief were: I don't really believe that smile of his comes altogether from insolence; there 's
something sort of haunted about it. The boy is not strong for one Thing. There is something wrong
with the fellow (Paul 's Case, Willa Cather). Paul had dramatic changes in mood from one place to
another, one minute to the next. Anything related the arts or the finer things in life created an
intoxicating, manic state; the unremarkable had the opposite effect, he became disdainful and
lethargic. Paul 's delusions of grandeur, his dramatic mood and personality changes from manic to
depressive, and his disposition
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The Effects Of Physical Therapy On Health Care Delivery...
A prevention program can be described as an arrangement of activities that attempt to alter a
situation from happening, reduce problems, or promote a certain outcome. Prevention programs are
available throughout the world covering many different aspects present in today's issues. Physical
therapy services have a direct connection to prevention programs in that a therapist makes an effort
to treat a condition in order for it to be avoided, reduced, or changed if at all possible whether it is
an injury or infection. As stated by the Alabama Physical Therapy Association (APTA), "Physical
therapists can provide valuable contributions to the transformation of the health care delivery
system by improving health care quality and outcomes through the prevention, treatment, and
management of impairments and health care needs of patients," (Health Care 2). Preventative
actions initiate restoration and achievement of a patient's functional ability, and decreases
dependency and impairments due to an illness or disease. Preventing an illness from progressing at a
rapid rate, and educating the patient to better adapt to surroundings are also services provided.
Physical therapy prevention services can be categorized by being primary, secondary, or tertiary.
Primary prevention can be classified as a physical therapist recognizing potential risk factors in a
given population or age group, and providing therapeutic services to decrease the specific risk from
occurring. Simply put, it stops
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Cause And Effect Of A Gun Shot Wound Be Treated With...
Illness We tend to think of every medically treatable condition as an illness, and every illness as a
medically treatable condition; and that is just not the case. There are many physical factors that have
a detrimental affect on our health: disease, infection, genetics, diet, injury, exhaustion, accidents,
poison, warfare, pollution, heredity, birth defects, and more. All of these can be considered the cause
of an unhealthy condition; but none of them are an illness. A bullet is bad for one's health, but no
one is suggesting that a gun shot wound is an illness or a disease. [Though, some community
activists would call gun violence a social sickness.] No one is suggesting that a gun shot wound be
treated with affirmations and prayer. [But, there are often prayer vigils and church services that aim
to put an end to shooting incidents.] During recovery from a gun shot wound there may be
difficulties that could properly be call illness. We could properly consider the person in recovery to
not yet be well. Affirmation and prayer may be effective at this point, in re–establishing a state of
well–being. Though studies have not shown that this has a beneficial affect on one's physical
recovery, an increased sense of wellness is by definition of benefit to their health. Holmes properly
uses the term illness when recommending a course of spiritual mental treatment; but it would be a
mistake to think that every condition can be treated in this way. Not every condition that
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Mental Health : Improving Overall And Reduce Health...
Mental health should improve overall and reduce health inequalities.
Name; Hanif Askari Unit Name; Understanding Health Unit Code; HBS107 Lecturer; Nicole
Burges Assignment; Research Assignment #; 2 Due Date; 05/09/2014
Q1) Choose one of the following health promotion priorities:
I chose Mental Health as my health promotion priorities. Q2) Identify a health issue of interest that
relates to one of these priorities:
Depression is also a serious illness, with an enormous effect on worsening health (Online 2014)
Essay: Mental health should improve overall and reduce health inequalities.
This essay demonstrates that Mental health is a major problem in society, it is growing day by day
and if it is not approached immediately, it can lead to permanent disability and death in Australia
and worldwide. 'A mental illness can be defined as a health condition that changes a person 's
thinking, feelings, or behavior (or all three) and that causes the person distress and difficulty in
functioning'. (Online 2014) thus people who are affected by it has a great chance of growing serious
health hazards which has an impact on changing a person's perceptions of everything around them
from positive to a negative, bleak and can be the most disadvantaged in the community.
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The Effects Of Stress On Physical Illness
Effects of Stress on Physical Illness Stress is an example of a behavior and experience explained in
physiological and psychological terms. Recently, awareness has been heightened concerning the
harmful effects of stress and how it can be successfully managed and prevented. Stults–
Kolehmainen (2013) definition of stress focuses on some kind of force or mental pressure exerted
upon an individual. Often, stress is often associated with anxiety, strain, tension, distress and fatigue
(Childs & de–Wit, 2013). The effects of stress comprise psychological and biochemical
physiological changes, many of which are associated with ill health effects. Therefore,
psychological and medical research findings are vital in aiding to understand this issue. Ropponen,
Svedberg and Koskenvuo (2014) suggest that stress occurs as a result of interaction between a
person and their environment. Rytwinski and Avena (2014) state that symptoms of stress can
actually be evident in varied ways including; mentally, emotionally or physically. This paper
discusses the effect of stress on physical illness. The paper will start by showing the connection
between the two terms and then the mechanisms that lead to correction of stress and body parts.
Physical A situation that is stressful can easily cause the body to exhibit various symptoms such as
inability to sleep, nervousness, tension headaches, alopecia, increased blood pressure, and problems
associated with the digestive system (Twisk & Ickmans, 2013).
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Chronic Health Issues Research Paper
As a medical student, regardless of the field in which you wish to develop your expertise, the
careful consideration of the patient's overall wellbeing is essential. But one of the most complex and
challenging cases you will face is caring for patients with chronic health issues. For many of these
patients, they live with debilitating conditions that really impact their quality of life. Some are only
in their twenties or thirties with much of their lives ahead of them. Learning how to work with
patients with diagnosed chronic health concerns is important as it helps to provide a holistic
approach to their treatment.
A chronic illness is defined as a condition that is long–lasting and usually cannot be completely
cured. Some examples of chronic illness are heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis,
and kidney disease. Other ... Show more content on ...
Actually, depression is one of the most common side effects of chronic illness. Living with a
condition that robs you of your ability to enjoy even the simplest things in life is devastating, so it's
not hard to draw a connection between chronic illness and feelings of despair. Limited mobility, loss
of independence and the growing burden on loved ones weighs heavily on the minds of many
patients. In some cases, the physical effects of the illness, or even the side effects of the medication
used can also lead to mental health issues.
Working with patients with chronic healthcare concerns required a happy balance of physical,
mental and emotional support. Treating the condition with a holistic approach helps to elevate the
human at the centre of the suffering. Management of their illness often requires the committed
attention of several specialists, working in tandem to ensure the patient has some semblance of
normalcy. Remembering there is a human being amid the pain and suffering of a chronic health
issue is paramount, and most humbling as a healthcare
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The Transcultural Nursing Theory : The Role Of Culture In...
Each culture, belief and heritage contrasts from person to person. Individuals have their
"independent health behaviors which are affected by their religion and illness beliefs" (Jarvis, 2016).
The definition of both terms health and illness various in all cultures, including how the situation is
directed. But, "In the Transcultural Nursing Theory, nurses have a responsibility to understand the
role of culture in the health of the patient" ("Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health", n.d.).
The origin of these individuals depends on their personal "health and illness beliefs, illness
causation, health maintenance, health protection, health restoration, and traditional healers" (Jarvis,
2016). Without exception, anyone employed in hospitals should have knowledge of these respects
before the physical examination. "Each health care organization should ensure that patients receive
from all staff members effect, understandable and respectful care in a manner compatible with their
culture, health, beliefs, and in their language" (Jarvis 2016).
Obviously, there are many emerging minority group trends whom are "different in age, poverty
level, and household composition" whom have different beliefs in the health care system" (Jarvis
2016). Controversially, according to Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health, "In the United
States an estimated 38% of adults use some form of complementary therapy to treat an illness,
including acupuncture, chiropractic, deep–breathing
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Essay on Understanding the Sociology of Health
Health can be defined in three different ways; negatively, positively and holistically as well as
contextually, that will differ from person to person. The English word for health is derived from the
old English word 'hale' meaning "Wholeness and wellness", in this essay I will be exploring the
different definitions, views and models of health. The World Health organization defines health as
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity." Firstly the negative definition equates to the lack of any disease or body
abnormalities, or an pessimistic outlook due to illness, disease (both physical and mental) or injury.
Examples of this would be a soldier who lost ... Show more content on ...
this model includes six sections that cover the physical, mental and social well being aspects of a
person's health these are; Physical – Physical aspects of health or physical wellness is concerned
with the aspects that the individual takes to achieve and maintain optimal physical health through
the combined efforts of beneficial activities (ie. exercise) and a positive view of diet and food as
well as healthy eating habits. This aspect empowers the individual to take responsibility to take care
of their own health such as caring for themselves through minor illnesses and knowing when to seek
professional medical attention. While the individual is empowered to take these steps they may have
little or no control of them if they suffer from an condition such as anorexia. Mental – Mental health
is described by the World Health Organization as " state of well–being in which every individual
realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively
and fruitfully" and typically covers topics regarding the happiness derived from work , relationships,
family and life in general. Previously stigmatized in society , ferm links have been establish
between mental health effecting physical health, in which the holistic approach , similar to the social
model, draws attention to the root cause of the condition and its triggers. Social – Social
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Mental Health Assessment
Social work plays a key role in the diagnosis, treatment and day to day living of individuals who
have a mental illness. The Australian Government Department of Health (2014) defines mental
illness as "a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and
interacts with other people". The social work profession has numerous dealings with this client base
through a multiplicity of practice contexts. It is therefore imperative that social workers have the
capacity to be able to recognise and appropriately respond to the needs of the individual;
understanding how mental illness may impact on an emotional, psychological, physical and
cognitive level.
This case study will consider the various components of a mental health assessment of the fictitious
client Amber, highlighting the principles and values which underpin the social work profession. The
difficulties which social workers face when working with clients with a mental illness will be
discussed, with strategies to respond to these challenges identified. ... Show more content on ...
In conjunction with the AASW guidelines the main assessment process which would be undertaken
with Amber whilst she was in the ED would be a psychosocial assessment (see appendix B for more
details). The psychosocial assessment illustrates the way in which a range of contextual factors in
Amber's life are inter–related and affected by one another. This assessment considers predisposing,
social and psychological aspects and helps the practitioner to determine an affective intervention
plan which suits the individual client (Schlundt & Johnson, 2012). This assessment allows the social
worker to gain an understanding of Amber's strengths and current problems as well as the support
systems which she has in
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Cultural Awareness And Delivery Of Appropriate Care
Cultural Heritage As health care providers, it is imperative to acknowledge the relationship between
cultural awareness and delivery of appropriate care. The first step in creating cultural awareness
may begin by the provider assessing their own cultural heritage, and it's views on health and
wellness. Reflection on one's cultural heritage requires knowledge and understanding of the concept
of cultural heritage itself. When assessing my cultural heritage, I first examined the factors that are
identified as contributors to one's heritage. According the Joint Commission (2010), culture can be
defined as "integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts,
communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or
social groups". Once reflecting on these patterns, I concluded that my ethnicity and religious
upbringing were the two components of my heritage that most greatly affected my behaviors. I
belong to the Franco American, English, and Scottish ethnic groups. However, being predominately
Franco American and having closer relationships with my family members of this ethnicity as a
child, I mainly identify with this group. Since their migration to various locations in New England;
primarily throughout the late eighteen hundreds to early nineteen hundreds, French–Canadians have
been recognized for their rigorous work ethics. Many immigrant men, women, and children worked
in mills after relocating to the
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Mental Health Research Paper
Importance of Mental Health When selecting my topic I tried to think of something i'm good at, a
sport, a certain subject in school, or even my place of employment. Only one thing came to my
mind that has affected me over the past few years and that has been mental illness. I'm very
dedicated to removing the negative connotation on mental illness, by talking openly about it. In
order to remove the stigma on mental illness it is very important to view it like you would if
someone had a physical injury, don't view it as an embarrassment or a weakness, and that patience is
the key when talking to someone suffering from a mental illness. Mental illness is just about as
serious, if not more serious than any other medical illness. The difference ... Show more content on ...
You can visibly see when someone has some sort of physical issue, like a broken bone, but you can
never tell when someone is mentally in pain. This is why it's very important for mental illness to be
accepted by the public and talked about in our everyday lives. Talking about it openly should
become a normality. "One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological
disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such
conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill–health and disability
worldwide. ("World Health Report 2001 Press Kit." WHO, World Health Organization," This may not affect everyone and disrupt their lives,
but it has been a very impactful factor in my life. I've lost some good friends to mental illness and
one last year to suicide, which is why I think it's very important to not stigmatize people who are
suffering from one whether it's depression, anxiety, bipolar, ocd, or schizophrenia. It's important not
shame someone because they are mentally sick, because it could make them resist seeking help. Be
someone they can confide in when
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Analysis Of Health Of Health And Wellness Essay
Analysis of Health Views Health is defined by Straub as, " a state of complete physical, mental, and
social well–being. It involves physical as well as psychological and social well– being" (2012). The
well being of an individual also includes social conditions, biological factors, and personality traits
(Straub, 2012). Both health and wellness is highly looked over by individuals, this is until they
understand how an illness destroys their body. However, to understand the views individuals have
towards the concept of health and wellness one must first be aware of the definition of the term.
According to the Sage Handbook of Health Psychology, Sutton, Baum, & Johnston (2004) explains
the term health refers to a range of positive states of mental, physical, and social wellbeing. The
term is not only determined by the absence of disease and illness but also by the variation of
healthful signs composed of a person 's lifestyle. In addition, to physician's findings of the illness,
there are an assortment of environmental, opinionated, and behavioral factors that add to the
possible reasons behind the individual's health and illness. The purpose of the paper is to go over the
many different views of health, events that made change come true, I'll also provide the description
of the biomedical model, the transition of the biomedical model into other fields of practice, and an
explanation of the development of behavioral medicine.
Changes in the Historical Views of
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  • 2. Compare And Contrast Night Rhythms And The Yellow Wallpaper Some people believe in fate, luck, and religion, whereas others believe in only things that are tangible. The "you have to see it to believe it" mentality is a major aspect as to why people have a hard time understanding mental illness, and why in turn patients with mental illness have a hard time getting the help they need. In comparing the texts, Night Rhythms and The Yellow Wallpaper, these distinct differences between physical and mental illness are highlighted. The idea of not believing in what is not tangible is shown in the beginning of Night Rhythms, in the description of the woman's husband. It says, "He scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in figures (p. )". This is significant because mental illness cannot always be felt, seen, or put down in figures. Society is more understanding and sympathetic of physical illness than mental illness. In these two texts, the illnesses described are cerebral palsy and postpartum depression. Cystic fibrosis is a congenital disease that affects motor skills. This is a physical illness. Postpartum depression occurs after a mother delivers her baby. After delivers, the hormone levels in the mother's body drop and this combined with sleep deprivation and new stress can leave the mother feeling very down. This is a mental illness. In Night Rhythms, Deans illness is described as "he choked during birth, which means the rhythm of the contractions were wrong. His lungs opened too soon (p. 102)". It is ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Chronic And Complex Illness Important From A Nursing... 1. How is chronicity defined? Why is an illness rather than a disease approach to chronic and complex illness important from a nursing perspective? Discuss in regard to depression as co– morbidity. Chronicity is generally used as an umbrella term of chronic illness or disease that refers to persistent impairments or disabilities deviating from normal life, which require long period of rehabilitation, supervision, observation and care (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). However, in order to understand its complex context, the distinct difference between disease and illness should be understood (Johnson & Chang 2008; Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Disease can be defined as the pathophysiology of the condition, which refers to changes in structure and function (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). However, the context of illness is much broader than disease, as it mainly focuses on symptoms and human experience that includes how individuals perceive and live with and respond to diseases including carers and health professionals (Johnson & Chang 2008; Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Therefore, chronic illness is often considered as irreversible and incurable condition, which requires ongoing care and attention on all aspects of the person's life (Johnson & Chang 2008). The medical cure of chronic disease is not considered in nursing's domain, but a nurse can make a difference in individuals' and their families' experiences of chronic illness as a member of the multidisciplinary team (Lubkin & Larsen 2006). Although, the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Physical And Psychological Factors Affecting Health And... Stress is a quantity that every human is afforded. It is how the body and mind interact in response to a stressor. Each stressor whether in the form of a major life experiences, traumatic events, work, school, and even exercise can be stressful. Stress of any amount makes an impact on a persons' health and behaviors. Therefore, it is important to take notice of how you manage stressful events in your life however great or small an effect. Though everyone experiences stress in one way or another, no two people cope with stress in the same manner. Some individuals are more effective and recover from demanding situations quicker than others do. Consequently, the quality of health is contingent upon the type of stress and duration of ... Show more content on ... For instance, the more occasions of stress there are, the perception of stress is heightened thus, the older you are, less stress is reported whereas, more stress is reported if younger. When comparing seniors to non–seniors, t–scores for hypothesis #1, the mean average for seniors (mean=39.17) was similar to non–seniors (mean=39.41) showing the seniors did not have a significantly higher scores of perceived stress and USQ. Needless to say, the report doesn't exactly prove all elements of the said theory to be true. How we coping with stressors aren't limited to a biological perspective, where the genetic makeup can alter how people respond to traumatic events, but it extends to a host of external factors such as family, friends, employment, time, and money. (Straub, 2014, pg.157). Stressors are ever present and no one can escape them but, the more resources you have, the more effective you are in coping with such events. All of the external elements contribute to the socioeconomic status and it is one of the more significant factors that affects health. I revisit the idea of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological factors in response to health and stressful events. The influence that stress has on the totality of our being is pretty impressive. Insomuch as in a younger individual, acute stress can potentially become adaptive and may not inflict ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Biopsychosial Medical Model Don't treat the disease, treat the patient" –WO. A quote that makes a big statement in the medical world questioning the treatment the patient receives. George Engel believed in understanding the patient not the disease who he or she is suffering from. This lead to the creation and development of the Biopsychosial Model of health and illness a work instrument used by psychologist in order to understand the cause and effect of life outcomes on health and wellbeing. This model was developed by George L. Engle an American medical doctor, who specialized in psychiatry. He created this model with the whole purpose of understanding patients' better, but as well as providing a better quality service to others. He believed that the biomedical model ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Research-Based Practice with Families in Stress... Research–Based Practice with Families in Stress Pediatric nurse practitioners in primary health care play a very important role in the care of children with chronic health conditions. Many times, primary health care providers are the first to assess, recognize, and diagnose a child with a chronic health condition. Children with chronic conditions, along with their families, face multiple challenges that should be of concern to the health care providers in which they interact (Allen, Vessey, Schapiro, 2010). For the purpose of this paper, focus will be on JD, a 10 year old African American male who was recently diagnosed with asthma after an acute exacerbation. He lives in a basement bedroom of his family's home. His mother is single ... Show more content on ... More familial involvement in disease management is associated with healthier family functioning (Gavin & Wysocki, 2005). The context in which assessment takes place includes not only specific characteristics of the illness, but also a patient's individual traits and daily activities (Corbin, 1991). Before, during, and after the clinic visit, it is the responsibility of the PNP to recognize traits in JD such as his age, race, gender, hobbies, and personality characteristics that may help in the diagnosis and management of the projected condition. Health Health is defined as neither the absence nor the cure of the disease, but rather management of the condition that will produce the best quality of life for the patient (George, 2011). A person's health and its outcomes can be measured at a number of levels, the most prominent being mortality, morbidity, functional status and handicaps, and economic values (Koot & Wallander, 2013). Health in the assessment of JD will be tailored to the management of the chronic illness of focus, asthma. This calls for the PNP to do a thorough respiratory assessment of the lungs and chest using a systematic approach. This includes inspection, palpitation, percussion, and most importantly auscultation (Duderstadt, 2006). With a baseline respiratory assessment, the PNP can utilize data in future assessments and follow up visits to manage disease progression. Environment In the nursing metaparadigm, the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Psychogenic Treatment Everybody's chemical makeup is unique. Discovering how everyone functions is an interesting process involving many different techniques and tools. Throughout previous years, the evolution of treating mental illness has improved drastically due to new medicines, physical therapy, and treatment centers. However, there are still controversial methods used today, including the use of prescription drugs. Finding the best methods of treatment can take a long time because of how everyone reacts to new substances entering Their bodies. With new technology such as MRI and CT scans help identify where the issue is located, making it easier to find the right treatment. The first methods of treatment were simple and included three basic theories of the ... Show more content on ... Also, there are many types of disorders to be picked from. Depression is one of the most major and easily identifiable, though people tend to hide it away. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. To trace it back in history, the first signs of it emerged around the 5th century B.C. and was originally called melancholia. At the time, it was considered to be a form of demonic possession only to be cured by noble priests. The first understandings were that it was a spiritual problem rather than a physical one. Literature of the time was filled with references to mental illness caused by spirits or demons. The early Babylonian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations also viewed mental illness as a form of demonic possession, and used exorcism techniques (such as beatings, restraint, and starvation) designed to drive demons out of the afflicted person's body as treatments. In one of hippocrates works, he recommended diet, exercise, distraction, travel, purgatives (cleansers that purge the body of toxins), bloodletting, herbal remedies, marriage, and even music therapy as ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Importance Of Lifespan Psychology In Nursing Developmental psychologists study changes in Lifespan Development that apply intermediately to health care. Lifespan Developmental psychology is the focus on human growth and changes across the lifespan, and how and why human beings change over the course of their life (Santrock). Nurses in particular are call upon for much more to administer a medicine or do a treatment. There is an important role in understanding the relationship between a patient's medical and psychological needs (Potter & Perry). The reason being that lifespan developmental psychology, is a critical component to the training of every nurse. The nursing fields applies to all areas of Lifespan Development, and nurses work in a setting where they are required to work and interact with other professionals in a effort to bring the best quality of care to their patients. This involves the need for the full understanding how or why a person may behave in any given situation. With the knowledge of psychology nurses will learn to interact with patient all based on different factors such as gender and age. If two patients were undergoing the same procedure, the patient who is younger could be more afraid than the adult ( Difficulties in understanding the true meaning of their illness. Nurses must use this broad range of psychological knowledge in order to relate to younger or older patients, improving the nurse–pt relationship; allowing open interaction in communication informing medical professionals ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Depression And Mental Illness When one thinks of an illness, most individuals picture a visible decline in one's physical health. Individuals picture a person coughing, sneezing, or vomiting; however, not all illnesses are outwardly shown. Depression is a mental illness. Mental illnesses are not illnesses that can be seen just by glancing at an individual; nonetheless, they are just as harmful and detrimental as physical ailments. According to Healthy People 2020, depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness (Reeves et al 2011). Depression affects individuals of all ages, but it is especially prominent in college students. Research has also shown that approximately 1 in 12 adults have experienced depression or depressive symptoms within a 12 month period ... Show more content on ... Depression has been identified as the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of burden (Whisman 2015). The result of depression can lead to deteriorated relationships, poor academic outcomes, and low outlook on life. Likewise, depression has been shown to increase the likelihood of chronic diseases in an individual. Depression increases one's probability of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and obesity (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 2017). Depression can also have a more serious ramification. This illness does not cause death, however, untreated this illness can lead to suicide. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 2017) and the 3rd leading cause of death in individuals aged 15–24 (Smith 2015). Suicide can occur as a result of many different situations, but negative mental health is a common precursor. It was found that approximately 1,110 college students commit suicide per year (Smith 2015). This alarming statistic solidifies college students' need for help. Like other mental illnesses, depression can be a life–long battle. Depression, along with other chronic illnesses, is expensive. This illness not only creates emotional detriment, but also enables economic hardship as well. According to Healthy People 2020, depression causes "psychosocial and economic costs–not only for people living with the disorder, but also for their families, schools, workplaces, and communities" (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Symptoms And Treatment Of Health The definition of health describes the way we feel physically, mentally and socially and being free from any illness or injury. Health is not an easy term to define as for some people it includes mental health and for others it just involves physical health and these two are very different. The term 'Illness' refers to the way in which disease is experienced. Characteristics of a person with good health include a working immune system, good complexion, high energy, good communication, positive mood and mental state. Poor health will be basically the opposite, with being unwell frequently, mental illness, weight issues, poor complexion or substance abuse. The definition of illness is when you have a condition or feeling that isn't normal ... Show more content on ... 1.2 Health and mental health is not just defined within the medical context, it can also be defined by the person and the persons family and social networks. This is one of the main reasons the terms are hard to define as the definitions may vary from culture to culture. The three main categories are physical appearance, emotional disposition and behaviour. Some people believe that there are no symptoms then there is no disease. Other cultures believe that physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing are the three most important things for good health. Sociologists think that a society depends on health people and being able to control illness. A man named Talcott Parsons identified what he called the sick role. He meant to describe the behaviour towards the sick person and the behaviour of the sick person. Parsons identified four roles of the sick role: – Not held responsible for being sick – Not responsible for normal duties – Not supposed to like the role – Supposed to seek help to get out of the role In a society, people who are acting sick will get sympathy. If people do not act sick or ask for any help they will lose the sympathy they were getting. Some people believe that you can only determine whether you are ill or not by science. A good example is some people only class diseases as legitimate if they have a common scientific diagnosis such as cancer or heart disease. These people are likely to slow less sympathy if someone is ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Biomedical of Health The biomedical model of health states that the individual is not responsible for their illness and that the mind and body work independently from each other. Ogden J, (2004) However, for example, in the case of an individual who is suffering from an eating disorder i.e. bulimia, this indicates that there is a clear link between the mind and body due to the sufferer vomiting after ingesting food; therefore resulting in the sufferer being responsible for their physical illness due to psychological illness. The biomedical model also suggests that treatment is to change the physical state of the body and that only the medical profession can treat the sufferer but in this case; this would be very problematic due to the mind causing the ... Show more content on ... This is through the biological (e.g. viruses, bacteria), psychological (e.g. behaviour) and social (e.g. employment, class) factors that can affect health. Ogden, J (2004). The model aims to give the health professional an holistic view of the individual, therefore making prognosis easier and treatment can be varied through a more humane and emotional approach along side a medical approach. Engel p, (cited in Munitz H, et al datastarweb online 2000) wrote a responding letter to Mr Greenberg; the editor of the paper written by Munitz et al, in the letter he states his father when alive argued that speech creates a pathway to information that would not be available by any other means which has a special value in understanding the individuals illness and disease. I believe that the biopsychosocial model of medicine is a more human and emotional model that aims to understand and help the individual as a whole. The application of psychology to health is beneficial to the individual by emphasizing the medical, psychological and social factors that contribute to the cause and effects of health and ill health. Health professionals can analyse all the factors that can affect the individual's well being and aim at treating the person as a whole. (i.e. Medical professionals can treat the medical factors, Counselling for psychological factors and Social workers/ Community workers for social factors). Health psychology can be crucial in the promotion of health ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about Depression in Men Brings Physical and... The Problem Of Depression in Men Depression is a physical illness as well as a psychological one. It makes you feel bad physically, but the problems start with your emotions. Do not expect yourself to "snap out of it." It will take time to treat depression. A mental health provider skilled in cognitive therapy may help you feel better. You may need a medication. There are many new medications that have few side effects and work well for most people. Many times, a combination of medication and therapy can help you get well quickly and stay well. There are different types of depression: Major Depression It is an illness many doctors believe is related to an imbalance of a natural chemical in the body called serotonin. It can be triggered ... Show more content on ... Bipolar disorder is much less common than the other types of depression. To help with diagnosis, doctors look for signs and symptoms of depression and assess their severity, duration, and effects on everyday life. ( The Way Men Think About Themselves The way that men think about themselves can be quite unhelpful. Compared with women, they tend to be far more concerned with being competitive, powerful and successful. Most men don't like to admit that they feel fragile or vulnerable, and so are less likely to talk about their feelings with their friends, loved ones or their doctors. This may be the reason that they often don't ask for help when they become depressed. Men tend to feel that they should rely only on themselves and that it is somehow weak to have to depend on someone else, even for a short time. This traditional view of how men should be always tough and self–reliant. Some men find that owning up to their depression actually results in their partner rejecting them because of this. Even professionals sometimes share this view, and may not diagnose depression in men when they should. Instead of talking about how they feel, men may try to make themselves feel better by using alcohol or drugs. This will usually make things worse in the long run. Their work will suffer and alcohol often leads to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Cause And Effect Of A Gunshot Wound Be Treated With... Illness We tend to think of every medically treatable condition as an illness, and every illness as a medically treatable condition; and that is just not the case. There are many physical factors that detrimentally affect our health: disease, infection, genetics, diet, injury, exhaustion, accidents, poison, warfare, pollution, heredity, birth defects, and more. All of these can be considered the cause of an unhealthy condition; but none of them are an illness. A bullet is bad for one's health, but no one is suggesting that a gunshot wound is an illness or a disease. [Though, some community activists would call gun violence a social sickness.] No one is suggesting that a gunshot wound be treated with affirmations and prayer. [But, there are often prayer vigils and church services that aim to put an end to shooting incidents.] During recovery from a gunshot wound there may be difficulties that could properly be called illness. We could properly consider the person in recovery to not yet be well. Affirmation and prayer may be effective at this point, in re–establishing a state of well–being. Though studies have not shown that this affects one's physical recovery, an increased sense of wellness is, by definition, of benefit to their health. Holmes properly uses the term illness when recommending a course of spiritual mind treatment; but it would be a mistake to think that every condition can be treated in this way. Not every condition that requires treatment is an ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Psychoeducation Psychoeducation. Since the concept of mental illness is very vague for many Somalis, providing psychoeducation through community events, and visits with service providers is very essential. Many Somalis specifically the elderly and the new immigrants are not familiar with the names, the symptoms, and the different treatments of the mental illness they are going through. Professionals who are working with this community should make it a priority to educate clients in their office about these illnesses and help normalize the illnesses. Normalizing can take place in the form of comparing it to a physical illness since physical illnesses are more accepted among Somalis. For example, if there was a wound on a person's arm that person would go and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Benefits Of Mental Health Care Coverage According to, "In 2014, 43.6 million adults had a mental illness... Fewer than half of these people received treatment" (Ollove). Mental health disorders are a growing epidemic in the United States. Tens of thousands are diagnosed each year, however few decide to seek treatment. Costly medications and treatment options are often to blame, as they are difficult for patients to afford. Mental health care coverage should be included in all health insurance plans because mental health disorders should be treated the same as any physical illness, it benefits society as a whole, and many mentally ill patients cannot afford necessary medication or care. A mental health disorder should be treated the same as a physical ailment. Insurers ... Show more content on ... Both should be treated equally, as there are similarities between mental and physical illnesses. According to The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, "People without insurance put off treatment and their mental health deteriorates... A patient must be institutionalized for an illness that could have been treated effectively months earlier" (Williams). Just as a physical condition deteriorates without treatment, mental conditions do too. If patients cannot afford to pay for treatment without coverage, they put it off (Williams). Therefore, both illnesses should be treated equally, because both require treatment to prevent them from ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Compare And Contrast Mental Illnesses Mental and physical illnesses are both very serious, but also very different. Mental illnesses are often overlooked, as well as overshadowed by physical illnesses. Mental and physical illnesses, while vastly different, do have similarities. Both can require intense treatment, and both can get overlooked. The difference is that mental illnesses are more difficult to diagnose. Say if you break your arm, you know the bone is broken or fractured. Nobody could argue that. Where if you are always sad and melancholy, it's just assumed you are having a bad day, or blamed on mood swings. Physical illnesses are often caused by something specific, whether if it runs in your family, you caught it from somebody else, or any other reason, there is almost ... Show more content on ... Ableism is described as discrimination in favor of able–bodied people. It applies to physical as well as mental illnesses. It is a problem that most people are not aware of, and also accidentally a part of it. Using terms such as stupid, retarded, crazy, freak, lame, as well as many others. To most people they are viewed as innocent terms, not as ableist slurs. The best comparison that could be made is that it's the same situation as using racial slurs. Racial slurs are more well known and fought against compared to ableist slurs. Ableism is a very real problem, often pushed aside as 'not a real problem'. Most problems dealing with mental illnesses are overlooked, including ableism. When someone is corrected on using an ableism, most claim it is because of 'how they were raised' or because they 'don't find it offensive'. They generally are resistant to change words and phrases they commonly use because they don't see the problem in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Anorexia Nervos A Serious Physical And Emotional Illness... Introduction What is anorexia? According to Merriam–Webster, anorexia is defined as, "A serious physical and emotional illness in which an abnormal fear of being fat leads to very poor eating habits and dangerous weight loss" (Anorexia, Merriam–Webster). Or in other words, those who suffer from anorexia have a fear of being fat, so they consume little to no food. Anorexia is also linked to the anorexia nervosa, which is an illness that can potentially be a life threatening eating disorder caused by starvation and excessive weight loss (Anorexia Nervosa, Studies have concluded that 90–95% of girl's and women suffer from anorexia nervosa and 0.5–1% of American women suffer from anorexia nervosa. This disorder is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in young women and is also one of the highest death rates of any mental health condition (Anorexia Nervosa, This paper will discuss the causes of anorexia and anorexia nervosa, as well as the signs and symptoms of both, including how these disorders are linked to dental and if available, what treatments can be used. Etiology What causes anorexia? Research has concluded that the cause for anorexia is inconclusive or unknown. But many do urge that those who do suffer from anorexia, have this illness simply because it runs in their family. It is said that females who have a parent or even a sibling who suffer from anorexia or even an eating disorder in general may ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mental Illness : The Results Of Psychotherapy Jessie Laudermilk Mrs. Bowman Rhetoric 25 April 2016 One reason for treating mental illness is the results of psychotherapy. How does psychotherapy work? Psychotherapy is defined as, "A treatment for managing mental health problems and emotional difficulties through talking about thoughts and feelings with a trained mental health practitioner. There are many different psychotherapies based on different theories about how psychological problems develop and are overcome "(Banov 293). A common type of therapy is behavior therapy. Behavior therapy lessens the connection between situations and emotional reactions. This will begin to help control anxieties and depression and behavioral emotions (Muir 53). Why is psychotherapy important? Psychotherapy gives an opportunity for mental illness patients to receive help and recovery from the illness. Many people are afraid to try medications, and psychotherapy gives those people an alternative to possibly damaging drugs. Psychotherapy began with Sigmund Freud, who is known as the father of modern psychology. He was a doctor that was interested in the conscious thoughts that guide our emotions and actions. He started testing his patients by using his different theories about mental illnesses. Although Freud might have been wrong about certain things and did not have enough resources at his time to do extensive research, he did influence that progression of psychotherapy (Macpherson 396). Psychiatrists help with the vast ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Approaches to Health INTRODUCTION This report will be investigating the various sociological perspectives on health as well as the models and definitions of health and ill health. These topics will assist in the understanding of how different people and different cultures react to ill health. 1.1–CONTRASTING SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON HEALTH In modern society there is a general consensus that 'good health' is something that everyone wants to experience and that each individual knows what this involves. Because there are so many different definitions of health and ill health it can become a very complicated concept. Walsh (2011) states that "In sociological terms 'health' and 'illness' are contested concepts. This means that the general meaning of these words should not be taken for granted. Negative Definition of Health The negative model is based on the idea that health is the opposite of disease. The definition believes that disease is a biological state where the individual is afflicted by a physical condition or illness (Walsh, 2011: 325). It views the body as a machine that may malfunction at times, because for some reason or another, its parts have stopped working. The damage to these machine parts is the disease. It a health care professional's role to identify these fault and repair them. This is based on medical intervention via drugs or surgery. This can be a very negative outlook on health because some conditions could be caused by social factors, so a physical approach to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Effects Of Physical Abuse On Mental Illness Today, a colossal four hundred and fifty million (and growing) people in the world suffer from some form of mental illness in the world, however, only around one third of them seek any form of help ( World Health Report). This number was probably much lower in 1904, when this story was written, but I imagine it was also much more shameful and frightening to admit that you had a problem and needed help with all of the closer knit neighborhoods and insane asylums that have closed down over the last hundred years. While I read Paul 's case, I thought of a number of things, history of physical abuse or trauma that might have made him shy away from physical contact, drug use (even one prescribed for a chronic illness or disease,) and that even a terminal illness had made him misanthropic. Nevertheless, I always came back to mental illness. The few sentences that solidified my belief were: I don't really believe that smile of his comes altogether from insolence; there 's something sort of haunted about it. The boy is not strong for one Thing. There is something wrong with the fellow (Paul 's Case, Willa Cather). Paul had dramatic changes in mood from one place to another, anywhere art related or the finer things in life created an intoxicating, manic state; the unremarkable had the opposite effect, he became disdainful and lethargic. Paul 's delusions of grandeur, his dramatic mood and personality changes from manic to depressive, and his disposition led me to ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Self-Management Programs CHRONIC ILLNESS SELF–MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS IN MICHIGAN PATH – Personal Action Toward Health Description of the Program Summary One of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States is due to chronic diseases. According to CDC as of 2012, almost 117 million people had one or more chronic health conditions. Seven of ten death cases in the United States in 2010 were chronic diseases. More than half of Americans have at least one chronic condition, and majority of them have multiple chronic illnesses. Chronic diseases may be due to many causes and there are programs that are used to address and deliver services to such conditions. One of the self–management programs in Michigan is PATH which is (Personal ... Show more content on ... The individuals who participate in these kind of self–management programs will learn how to: a) Incorporate management of symptoms b) How to use medications and c) Healthy diet maintenance, physical activity d) Concentrating on symptoms that are common to people with a variety of health conditions and approach to address them e) Emphasizing on making individual activity and setting practical and achievable objectives f) The workshops are led by trained facilitators, a considerable lot of who have a chronic condition themselves g) Offering services free of cost or low cost h) Offered in advantageous and effortlessly available community areas Unintended Outcomes There may be certain unintended outcomes due to such programs. Some people may not be aware if they have chronic illness. Some people may not provide the accurate information in the registration form. Reformulate the Program to be more effective or equitable Screening programs should be implemented so that it helps individuals to be diagnosed of any chronic illness and help them learn more about their health
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Biomedical Model In order to understand the Biomedical model of health and wellbeing, the meaning behind the terms biomedical, health and wellbeing must be understood. The term 'biomedical' combines both biological and medical science. It is a term used consistently within health care, that helps portray the clear links with the biomedical concepts. 'Bio' simply means living, or living organism. 'Medical' refers to the diagnosis and cure of a disease with the input of science. Health can be defined as a 'complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.' This means that any disturbances that would effect either physical, mental or social well being, will have possible consequences regarding one's health in the ... Show more content on ... Psychological and social factors are excluded from this model. Excluding these will improve a service provider's understanding of an individuals illness, with the only contribution from biological factors. The main focus of this model is entirely on the individuals health and wellbeing, seeking to treat/cure them through various applications. Reasons for a disease or illness are completely unnecessary. This model of care is implemented through health care professionals as a medical approach. Diseases or illnesses will be approached through diagnosis, treatment and the possibility of a cure. An example of this could be; x–ray, ultrasound, blood tests and so. The action followed from the diagnostic is known as the treatment. Treatment aims to improve an individuals health and wellbeing, for example; hospitalisation, surgery, medication, physiotherapy and so on. To cure an individual means to successfully aid their return to the pre–illness state. The biomedical model has gradually developed and evolved due to the new advances in technology, as well as other advances in areas like; medical science, increased rates in treatments and cures. The concept of the biomedical model of health is usually the first thought that arises when an individual thinks of healthcare. This model informs that no responsibility lies with an individual who has an illness or disease, as both body and mind function ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The National Resources For Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Diabetic Resource Patients who are suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, will sometimes require the need for financial assistance, physical and psychological support. There are local and national resources available throughout the community for the patient. As a health care professional, education and providing the patient with the resources for diabetes, will further assist with managing diabetes. This essay will discuss the national resources available for patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus. There will be further discussion regarding the national resources benefits for patients with diabetes mellitus. This will include specific information about the services, fees, criteria for eligibility, application process, and transportation available for patients. The available resources will be integrated in the plan of care for a family member diagnosed with diabetes. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages will be discussed for the vulnerable population diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Living with diabetes can become very frustrating and stressful for the patient. When the resources needed to cope with this illness is available, this will assist with management of this chronic illness. The purpose of this essay, is to discuss the national resources available for patient's diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and how the health care professionals can assist with this transition. National Resources There are several national resources to assist the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Characteristics Of Hidden Illnesses Hidden Illnesses Tayden Kayli Hansen Dixie High/ Dixie State University 5B Hidden Illnesses Depression, anxiety, personality, eating, trauma related, and substance abuse disorders are only a small amount of mental illnesses that are known to man. Each disorder differs from one another and none are alike when helping the affected to be cured. Many illnesses are hidden from the public completely unnoticed while others are easy to spot. Mental illness is a condition changing the way the patient thinks, behaves, and functions. A ballerina named Rosie may appear to be perfectly graceful and no different than any other as she twirls and leaps across the floor. Many see her elegance as her turns are spotted to perfection. Rosie finishes her dance and heads into the locker room, the passion and joy she felt a few seconds ago on the stage vanishes. She stresses over the mistakes made worried for the judges seeing the imperfect sickle of her footing or the misplacement of the arms. She throws these feelings or anxiety aside for the thoughts may ruin her passion. Rosie arrives home, dinner cooked for her celebration of her dance competition. She refuses to eat. A concerned look appears on her mother's face, curious as to why she will not eat. Rosie expresses how she is just too tired and heads to bed, but she appreciates the gesture. This example may appear to just be a simple day for Rosie, but what isn't noticed is the fact that as Rosie lays in bed, she is intentionally ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Mental Illness And The Barriers For Physical Activity Mental illness and the barriers for physical activity: Why is motivation a major limitation? Introduction Improvement in quality of life for people suffering from mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression) has recently been shown to have a correlation with increased levels of physical activity (1). Treatment approaches have begun to favor increased levels of physical activity to assist in symptom management as well as emerging evidence for an improvement in physiology (1). A major barrier for this approach however, is the motivation of people suffering from mental illness to participate in increased levels of physical activity. When compared to the general population, people suffering from mental illness have a ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, strategies to improve motivation for physical activity for mental illness patients is limited. The aim of this study is to determine the major intrinsic barriers for physical activity in patients with mental illness through interview and questionnaire to determine the levels of self– efficacy, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and readiness for physical activity. A cognitive behavioral approach will be adopted to further understand the motivational barriers which present themselves and to provide guidance to promoting physical activity through a mental health care unit. Current research for motivation towards physical activity is largely based on the general population or for patients who are suffering from cardiovascular disease with studies that include a motivational aspect which is not being based on the application to a theory (5). The application of a theory for motivation for physical activity in mental illness may assist in enhancing the participation in physical activity and ultimately improve the quality of life for patients suffering from a mental illness. However, for a theory to be developed, barriers to physical activity must be identified to ensure the efficacy of any developed or pre–existing theory that may be applied. The utilization of Grounded Theory in this research will assist in determining the appropriateness of current theories or the development of a new theory to enhance the motivation for physical ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Biopsychosocial and Biomedical Model of Health Human beliefs about the causes of illness and injury vary from one era to another. In the Neolithic times (c.a 8000– 9000 b.c ), illness and injury being common phenomena's, were directly associated to natural events manipulated by higher powers which also controlled climate changes and other natural events. Overtime, healing ceremonies, songs, sacred objects, and incantations were developed as means of pacifying the evil forces which were believed to cause diseases, and illnesses. Then, during the period of intellectual development, ways of western medicine was first implemented by Hippocrates, who was regarded to as the most celebrated Greek practitioner and till date is known as the father of medicine. Hippocrates helped overcome the ... Show more content on ... This supported Sigmund Freud's proposal of the idea of illness, which stated that, physical illness such as blindness occurred due to stress, harmful social relationships and emotional problems. However, before Modern Greek theorists studied about the mind and other bodily mechanisms, it was for long believed that animating spirits governed human behavior, their actions and functions. This belief was known as animism; overtime theories and laws regarding physical elements evolved, these laws mainly spoke about inanimate objects while the belief that spirits determined human behavior and actions remained only due to lack of evolution of better explanations that could take over the theory of animism. Then came Hippocrates and Galen who reformulated the idea and perception of illness and diseases which were previously attributed to behavior as a result of evil spirit or demon possession.; by proposing that an imbalance of humors ( yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and blood) and that personality was determined on the basis of the levels of these 4 humors, where , if phlegm was the dominant humor the individual tends to be apathic, dominance of blood leads the person to be more cheerful, while yellow bile ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Effects Of Physical Abuse On Mental Illness Today, a colossal four hundred and fifty million (and growing) people in the world suffer from some form of mental illness, however, only around one third of them seek any form of help ( World Health Report). This number was probably much lower in 1904, when this story was written, but I imagine it was also far more shameful and frightening to admit that you had a problem and needed help with all of the closely knit neighborhoods and insane asylums that have closed down over the last hundred years. While I read Paul 's case, I thought of a number of things, history of physical abuse or trauma that might have made him shy away from physical contact, drug use (even one prescribed for a chronic illness or disease,) and that even a terminal illness had made him misanthropic. Nevertheless, I always came back to mental illness. The few sentences that solidified my belief were: I don't really believe that smile of his comes altogether from insolence; there 's something sort of haunted about it. The boy is not strong for one Thing. There is something wrong with the fellow (Paul 's Case, Willa Cather). Paul had dramatic changes in mood from one place to another, one minute to the next. Anything related the arts or the finer things in life created an intoxicating, manic state; the unremarkable had the opposite effect, he became disdainful and lethargic. Paul 's delusions of grandeur, his dramatic mood and personality changes from manic to depressive, and his disposition ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Effects Of Physical Therapy On Health Care Delivery... A prevention program can be described as an arrangement of activities that attempt to alter a situation from happening, reduce problems, or promote a certain outcome. Prevention programs are available throughout the world covering many different aspects present in today's issues. Physical therapy services have a direct connection to prevention programs in that a therapist makes an effort to treat a condition in order for it to be avoided, reduced, or changed if at all possible whether it is an injury or infection. As stated by the Alabama Physical Therapy Association (APTA), "Physical therapists can provide valuable contributions to the transformation of the health care delivery system by improving health care quality and outcomes through the prevention, treatment, and management of impairments and health care needs of patients," (Health Care 2). Preventative actions initiate restoration and achievement of a patient's functional ability, and decreases dependency and impairments due to an illness or disease. Preventing an illness from progressing at a rapid rate, and educating the patient to better adapt to surroundings are also services provided. Physical therapy prevention services can be categorized by being primary, secondary, or tertiary. Primary prevention can be classified as a physical therapist recognizing potential risk factors in a given population or age group, and providing therapeutic services to decrease the specific risk from occurring. Simply put, it stops ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Cause And Effect Of A Gun Shot Wound Be Treated With... Illness We tend to think of every medically treatable condition as an illness, and every illness as a medically treatable condition; and that is just not the case. There are many physical factors that have a detrimental affect on our health: disease, infection, genetics, diet, injury, exhaustion, accidents, poison, warfare, pollution, heredity, birth defects, and more. All of these can be considered the cause of an unhealthy condition; but none of them are an illness. A bullet is bad for one's health, but no one is suggesting that a gun shot wound is an illness or a disease. [Though, some community activists would call gun violence a social sickness.] No one is suggesting that a gun shot wound be treated with affirmations and prayer. [But, there are often prayer vigils and church services that aim to put an end to shooting incidents.] During recovery from a gun shot wound there may be difficulties that could properly be call illness. We could properly consider the person in recovery to not yet be well. Affirmation and prayer may be effective at this point, in re–establishing a state of well–being. Though studies have not shown that this has a beneficial affect on one's physical recovery, an increased sense of wellness is by definition of benefit to their health. Holmes properly uses the term illness when recommending a course of spiritual mental treatment; but it would be a mistake to think that every condition can be treated in this way. Not every condition that ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Mental Health : Improving Overall And Reduce Health... Mental health should improve overall and reduce health inequalities. Name; Hanif Askari Unit Name; Understanding Health Unit Code; HBS107 Lecturer; Nicole Burges Assignment; Research Assignment #; 2 Due Date; 05/09/2014 Q1) Choose one of the following health promotion priorities: I chose Mental Health as my health promotion priorities. Q2) Identify a health issue of interest that relates to one of these priorities: Depression is also a serious illness, with an enormous effect on worsening health (Online 2014) Essay: Mental health should improve overall and reduce health inequalities. This essay demonstrates that Mental health is a major problem in society, it is growing day by day and if it is not approached immediately, it can lead to permanent disability and death in Australia and worldwide. 'A mental illness can be defined as a health condition that changes a person 's thinking, feelings, or behavior (or all three) and that causes the person distress and difficulty in functioning'. (Online 2014) thus people who are affected by it has a great chance of growing serious health hazards which has an impact on changing a person's perceptions of everything around them from positive to a negative, bleak and can be the most disadvantaged in the community. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Effects Of Stress On Physical Illness Effects of Stress on Physical Illness Stress is an example of a behavior and experience explained in physiological and psychological terms. Recently, awareness has been heightened concerning the harmful effects of stress and how it can be successfully managed and prevented. Stults– Kolehmainen (2013) definition of stress focuses on some kind of force or mental pressure exerted upon an individual. Often, stress is often associated with anxiety, strain, tension, distress and fatigue (Childs & de–Wit, 2013). The effects of stress comprise psychological and biochemical physiological changes, many of which are associated with ill health effects. Therefore, psychological and medical research findings are vital in aiding to understand this issue. Ropponen, Svedberg and Koskenvuo (2014) suggest that stress occurs as a result of interaction between a person and their environment. Rytwinski and Avena (2014) state that symptoms of stress can actually be evident in varied ways including; mentally, emotionally or physically. This paper discusses the effect of stress on physical illness. The paper will start by showing the connection between the two terms and then the mechanisms that lead to correction of stress and body parts. Physical A situation that is stressful can easily cause the body to exhibit various symptoms such as inability to sleep, nervousness, tension headaches, alopecia, increased blood pressure, and problems associated with the digestive system (Twisk & Ickmans, 2013). ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Chronic Health Issues Research Paper As a medical student, regardless of the field in which you wish to develop your expertise, the careful consideration of the patient's overall wellbeing is essential. But one of the most complex and challenging cases you will face is caring for patients with chronic health issues. For many of these patients, they live with debilitating conditions that really impact their quality of life. Some are only in their twenties or thirties with much of their lives ahead of them. Learning how to work with patients with diagnosed chronic health concerns is important as it helps to provide a holistic approach to their treatment. A chronic illness is defined as a condition that is long–lasting and usually cannot be completely cured. Some examples of chronic illness are heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and kidney disease. Other ... Show more content on ... Actually, depression is one of the most common side effects of chronic illness. Living with a condition that robs you of your ability to enjoy even the simplest things in life is devastating, so it's not hard to draw a connection between chronic illness and feelings of despair. Limited mobility, loss of independence and the growing burden on loved ones weighs heavily on the minds of many patients. In some cases, the physical effects of the illness, or even the side effects of the medication used can also lead to mental health issues. Working with patients with chronic healthcare concerns required a happy balance of physical, mental and emotional support. Treating the condition with a holistic approach helps to elevate the human at the centre of the suffering. Management of their illness often requires the committed attention of several specialists, working in tandem to ensure the patient has some semblance of normalcy. Remembering there is a human being amid the pain and suffering of a chronic health issue is paramount, and most humbling as a healthcare ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Transcultural Nursing Theory : The Role Of Culture In... Each culture, belief and heritage contrasts from person to person. Individuals have their "independent health behaviors which are affected by their religion and illness beliefs" (Jarvis, 2016). The definition of both terms health and illness various in all cultures, including how the situation is directed. But, "In the Transcultural Nursing Theory, nurses have a responsibility to understand the role of culture in the health of the patient" ("Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health", n.d.). The origin of these individuals depends on their personal "health and illness beliefs, illness causation, health maintenance, health protection, health restoration, and traditional healers" (Jarvis, 2016). Without exception, anyone employed in hospitals should have knowledge of these respects before the physical examination. "Each health care organization should ensure that patients receive from all staff members effect, understandable and respectful care in a manner compatible with their culture, health, beliefs, and in their language" (Jarvis 2016). Obviously, there are many emerging minority group trends whom are "different in age, poverty level, and household composition" whom have different beliefs in the health care system" (Jarvis 2016). Controversially, according to Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health, "In the United States an estimated 38% of adults use some form of complementary therapy to treat an illness, including acupuncture, chiropractic, deep–breathing ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on Understanding the Sociology of Health Health can be defined in three different ways; negatively, positively and holistically as well as contextually, that will differ from person to person. The English word for health is derived from the old English word 'hale' meaning "Wholeness and wellness", in this essay I will be exploring the different definitions, views and models of health. The World Health organization defines health as "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Firstly the negative definition equates to the lack of any disease or body abnormalities, or an pessimistic outlook due to illness, disease (both physical and mental) or injury. Examples of this would be a soldier who lost ... Show more content on ... this model includes six sections that cover the physical, mental and social well being aspects of a person's health these are; Physical – Physical aspects of health or physical wellness is concerned with the aspects that the individual takes to achieve and maintain optimal physical health through the combined efforts of beneficial activities (ie. exercise) and a positive view of diet and food as well as healthy eating habits. This aspect empowers the individual to take responsibility to take care of their own health such as caring for themselves through minor illnesses and knowing when to seek professional medical attention. While the individual is empowered to take these steps they may have little or no control of them if they suffer from an condition such as anorexia. Mental – Mental health is described by the World Health Organization as " state of well–being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully" and typically covers topics regarding the happiness derived from work , relationships, family and life in general. Previously stigmatized in society , ferm links have been establish between mental health effecting physical health, in which the holistic approach , similar to the social model, draws attention to the root cause of the condition and its triggers. Social – Social ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Mental Health Assessment Social work plays a key role in the diagnosis, treatment and day to day living of individuals who have a mental illness. The Australian Government Department of Health (2014) defines mental illness as "a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people". The social work profession has numerous dealings with this client base through a multiplicity of practice contexts. It is therefore imperative that social workers have the capacity to be able to recognise and appropriately respond to the needs of the individual; understanding how mental illness may impact on an emotional, psychological, physical and cognitive level. This case study will consider the various components of a mental health assessment of the fictitious client Amber, highlighting the principles and values which underpin the social work profession. The difficulties which social workers face when working with clients with a mental illness will be discussed, with strategies to respond to these challenges identified. ... Show more content on ... In conjunction with the AASW guidelines the main assessment process which would be undertaken with Amber whilst she was in the ED would be a psychosocial assessment (see appendix B for more details). The psychosocial assessment illustrates the way in which a range of contextual factors in Amber's life are inter–related and affected by one another. This assessment considers predisposing, social and psychological aspects and helps the practitioner to determine an affective intervention plan which suits the individual client (Schlundt & Johnson, 2012). This assessment allows the social worker to gain an understanding of Amber's strengths and current problems as well as the support systems which she has in ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cultural Awareness And Delivery Of Appropriate Care Cultural Heritage As health care providers, it is imperative to acknowledge the relationship between cultural awareness and delivery of appropriate care. The first step in creating cultural awareness may begin by the provider assessing their own cultural heritage, and it's views on health and wellness. Reflection on one's cultural heritage requires knowledge and understanding of the concept of cultural heritage itself. When assessing my cultural heritage, I first examined the factors that are identified as contributors to one's heritage. According the Joint Commission (2010), culture can be defined as "integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups". Once reflecting on these patterns, I concluded that my ethnicity and religious upbringing were the two components of my heritage that most greatly affected my behaviors. I belong to the Franco American, English, and Scottish ethnic groups. However, being predominately Franco American and having closer relationships with my family members of this ethnicity as a child, I mainly identify with this group. Since their migration to various locations in New England; primarily throughout the late eighteen hundreds to early nineteen hundreds, French–Canadians have been recognized for their rigorous work ethics. Many immigrant men, women, and children worked in mills after relocating to the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Mental Health Research Paper Importance of Mental Health When selecting my topic I tried to think of something i'm good at, a sport, a certain subject in school, or even my place of employment. Only one thing came to my mind that has affected me over the past few years and that has been mental illness. I'm very dedicated to removing the negative connotation on mental illness, by talking openly about it. In order to remove the stigma on mental illness it is very important to view it like you would if someone had a physical injury, don't view it as an embarrassment or a weakness, and that patience is the key when talking to someone suffering from a mental illness. Mental illness is just about as serious, if not more serious than any other medical illness. The difference ... Show more content on ... You can visibly see when someone has some sort of physical issue, like a broken bone, but you can never tell when someone is mentally in pain. This is why it's very important for mental illness to be accepted by the public and talked about in our everyday lives. Talking about it openly should become a normality. "One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill–health and disability worldwide. ("World Health Report 2001 Press Kit." WHO, World Health Organization," This may not affect everyone and disrupt their lives, but it has been a very impactful factor in my life. I've lost some good friends to mental illness and one last year to suicide, which is why I think it's very important to not stigmatize people who are suffering from one whether it's depression, anxiety, bipolar, ocd, or schizophrenia. It's important not shame someone because they are mentally sick, because it could make them resist seeking help. Be someone they can confide in when ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Analysis Of Health Of Health And Wellness Essay Analysis of Health Views Health is defined by Straub as, " a state of complete physical, mental, and social well–being. It involves physical as well as psychological and social well– being" (2012). The well being of an individual also includes social conditions, biological factors, and personality traits (Straub, 2012). Both health and wellness is highly looked over by individuals, this is until they understand how an illness destroys their body. However, to understand the views individuals have towards the concept of health and wellness one must first be aware of the definition of the term. According to the Sage Handbook of Health Psychology, Sutton, Baum, & Johnston (2004) explains the term health refers to a range of positive states of mental, physical, and social wellbeing. The term is not only determined by the absence of disease and illness but also by the variation of healthful signs composed of a person 's lifestyle. In addition, to physician's findings of the illness, there are an assortment of environmental, opinionated, and behavioral factors that add to the possible reasons behind the individual's health and illness. The purpose of the paper is to go over the many different views of health, events that made change come true, I'll also provide the description of the biomedical model, the transition of the biomedical model into other fields of practice, and an explanation of the development of behavioral medicine. Changes in the Historical Views of ... Get more on ...