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Task 3: Collaborative Activity 1
JULY 19TH 2017
America's Amish; model society?
America's Amish; model society?
America's Amish communities live a lifestyle that has changed little since the 18th century;
but in other respects, they are showing other Americans the way forward into the twenty-
The roadsign is, to say the least, unexpected ; driving through a prosperous rural part of North
America, the last thing you expect to see beside the highway is a yellow diamond roadsign
with a horse and buggy in the middle! Watch out for horses and buggies on the road? What is
this? Do they exercise racehorses here, or what?
You keep an eye open for horses; for two miles you see nothing, then all of a sudden, look!
Coming towards you on the other side of the road, two black horse-drawn buggies! As they
go by, your surprise turns to disbelief; what's going on? Are they making a movie about
eighteenth century America? The men and the women in the buggy look like they jumped out
of a novel by Fennimore Cooper. Then, another mile and things get even stranger; beside a
neat-looking farm-house, there is a whole line of buggies. In the door of the house, half a
dozen men in black coats, and with long beards, are talking while some women dressed in a
curiously ancient fashion are sitting on a bench. Is this 2015 or 1715 ?
Las comunidades Amish de América viven un estilo de vida que ha cambiado un poco desde
el siglo XVIII; Pero en otros aspectos, están mostrando a otros estadounidenses el camino a
seguir en el vigésimo primer ...
La señal de tráfico es, por decir lo menos, inesperado; Conduciendo a través de una próspera
parte rural de América del Norte, ¡lo último que se espera ver al lado de la carretera es una
señal de tráfico de color amarillo diamante con un caballo y buggy en el medio! ¿Cuidado con
los caballos y buggies en la carretera? ¿Que es esto? ¿Existen caballos de carreras aquí, o
Debe tener el ojo abierto para los caballos; ¡Por dos millas no ves nada, entonces de repente,
mira! ¡Viniendo hacia ti en el otro lado de la carretera, dos buggies negros dibujados por
caballos! A medida que pasan, su sorpresa se convierte en incredulidad; ¿que está pasando?
¿Están haciendo una película sobre la América del siglo XVIII? Los hombres y las mujeres en
el buggy parecen saltar de una novela de Fennimore Cooper.
Luego, otro kilómetro y las cosas se vuelven aún más extrañas; Al lado de una finca de
aspecto elegante, hay toda una línea de buggies. En la puerta de la casa, media docena de
hombres de abrigos negros y barbas largas hablan mientras algunas mujeres vestidas de una
manera curiosamente antigua están sentadas en un banco. ¿Es este 2015 o 1715?
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
The text did not seem complex; however, it has some expressions that if you translate them
word for word would not have any meaning or sound a little strange, that's why what I do is
try to make sense of the sentences, many times looking for synonyms of some words so that
when reading them in Spanish they are coherent and are easy to understand. Some words cost
me to translate them, for example the word roadsign, the word sudden.
I feel that you cannot learn a language in its entirety, simply by translating, but you do
strengthen the grammar, you understand every symbol, every phrase and meaning you want
to understand the text, I think you easily begin to understand and read a book fluently,
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique.
It is the way the translator
confronts the original text
and develops the translation
These are procedures to
solve problems, or achieve
the objectives, allow better
use of the skills available to
perform a translation.
It is the concrete application,
is to use some specific
mechanisms to solve
problems in translations.
You drive on, wondering what has happened to this part of the United States of
America? Have you driven into a time-warp, and without realizing it, gone back 300 years,
or is it the people you've just seen who're stuck in a time warp?
A quick enquiry at the nearest gas station gives you the answer; you are in Amish country,
and the men and women you have just seen are Amish, part of a strange religious group that
settled in America in the 18th century, and much of whose lifestyle has changed little since
If you had seen the movie "Witness", you would have already known something about the
Amish, how their community is strictly religious and self-contained, how Amish people do
without the essentials of modern-day life such as electricity and cars, and how they do not
mix with people outside of their own community. It is virtually unheard of for anyone to
become an Amish, who was not born an Amish.
This is about all that most Americans know about Amish people, unless, that is, they actually
live near them and come across them in daily life. So who are they?
Usted Sigue conduciendo, y se pregunta ¿qué ha pasado con esta parte de los Estados Unidos
de América? se habrá metido en una capsula de tiempo, y sin darse cuenta, ha retrocedido
300 años, o ¿será que la gente que acaba de ver son quienes están atrapados en esa capsula
del tiempo?
Una investigación rápida en la gasolinera más cercana le dará la respuesta; Usted está en
territorio Amish, y los hombres y las mujeres que usted acaba de ver son Amish, parte de un
extraño grupo religioso que se estableció en América en el siglo XVIII, y cuyo estilo de vida
ha cambiado muy poco desde entonces.
Si usted hubiera visto la película "Testigo", ya habría sabido algo sobre los Amish, cómo
el hecho de que su comunidad es estrictamente religiosa y autónoma, que la gente Amish
vive sin los elementos esenciales de la vida moderna como la electricidad y los autos, y que
no se mezclan con personas ajenas a su propia comunidad. Es casi inaudito que alguien que
no nació como Amish se convierta en un Amish.
Esto es casi todo lo que la mayoría de los estadounidenses conocen acerca de la gente Amish,
a menos que, realmente viven cerca de ellos y se crucen con ellos en su vida cotidiana.
Entonces, ¿quiénes son ellos?
In brief, the Amish are members of an ultra-protestant religious movement that first came
to America from the upper Rhine valley over three hundred years ago, and have kept their
traditions and lifestyles. They are very law-abiding citizens, and their community is one in
which crime is almost, though not entirely, inexistent; Amish families live strict lives,
following the same code of morals as their ancestors. In a sense, they are indeed stuck in a
time warp.
Yet the most remarkable things to note about the Amish are not their quaint lifestyles and
their home-made clothes, but the expansion of their community, its efficiency, its social
cohesion, and their recent adoption of "green" technology, including wind-power and solar
energy. Although they work the land using traditional horse-drawn machines, and use no
chemical fertilizers, their agriculture is - interestingly - among the most productive in North
En resumen, los Amish son miembros de un movimiento religioso ultra-protestante que
llegó por primera vez a América desde el valle superior del Rin hace más de trescientos años,
y ha mantenido sus tradiciones y estilos de vida. Son ciudadanos muy respetuosos de la ley,
y en su comunidad el crimen es casi, aunque no del todo inexistente; Las familias Amish
viven vidas estrictas, siguiendo el mismo código de moral que sus antepasados. En cierto
sentido, están realmente atrapados en una capsula del tiempo.
Sin embargo, lo más notable de los Amish no son sus pintorescos estilos de vida y su ropa
hecha en casa, sino la expansión de su comunidad, su eficiencia, su cohesión social y su
reciente adopción de la tecnología "verde", incluida la energía eólica Y la energía solar. A
pesar de que trabajan la tierra con máquinas tradicionales tiradas por caballos y no utilizan
fertilizantes químicos, su agricultura esta - curiosamente - ¡entre las más productivas en
América del Norte!
Due to the fact that this is not an everyday topic, sometimes it becomes difficult to try to
convey meaning in some of the expressions given. I encountered some new and unfamiliar
words such as: time-warp, law-abiding and quaint.
Reading and understanding the text as a whole, helped me out to make sure I was using the
correct translation given by word reference.
Also the choice of formal or informal translation was an issue at first. I couldn’t decide if I
should use formal “usted” or informal “tu”, so I thought about the articles I usually read and
realized the formal format was the most appropriate for this type of text.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique.
method strategy technique
Are the different types of
translation required for
different types of texts, the
most common are:
 Word-for-word
 Literal translation
 Faithful translation
 Semantic translation
 Adaptation
 Free translation
 Idiomatic translation
 Communicative
There are various definitions
on what a strategy is when it
comes to translation.
Among them is the
translator's potentially
conscious plans for solving
concrete translation
problems in the framework
of a concrete translation
task," Krings (1986:18)
Also is defined as a
procedure for solving a
problem faced in translating
a text, or any segment of
it."Loescher (1991:8)
Others say a strategies are
the basic tasks of choosing
the foreign text to be
translated and developing a
method to translate it."
Venuti (1998:240)
Translation techniques are
the ones the translator
decides to use in order to
make sure the translated text
means the same as the
original text.
There are several
techniques, and is up to the
translator to use one or more
to convey the same
Among them we have:
borrowing, calque, literal
translation, transposition,
modulation, reformulation,
adaptation and
REFERENCE (2017). America's Amish; Advanced level English:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017]. (2017). Translation procedures, strategies and methods. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017].
While white America is, on the whole, a population that is stable in numbers, the Amish
community is growing faster than virtually any other community in the USA. In the 40
years from 1950 to 1990, the number of Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the
original and still the largest Amish community in the USA, grew by exactly 400%, all by
natural growth, not through the influx of immigrants. The Amish do not keep statistics, but
it is fairly safe to assume that the total Amish population of the United States in the year
1900 was no more than a couple of thousand; today the Old Order Amish, those who have
kept up the strictest traditions of their religion and society, number over 100,000, spread in
communities across the eastern US and Ontario. The total number of Amish living in the
United States in 2011 was estimated at over 260,000.
Amish, who reject modern medicine and all forms of birth control, have some of the
biggest families in America, with an average of over six children per family. Few abandon
their community. Amish teenagers tend to be as normally rebellious as any other
American teens, until they are baptized. Until this happens, they are not obliged to conform
to the strict Amish codes of dress, hairstyle and behavior, and many make the most of this
liberty; before baptism, Amish teenagers behave much like other American teens; up to
30% of older unbaptized Amish teens own cars, and 40% have drivers licences! Amish
teens also enjoy baseball, dancing and even alcohol! Amish baptism takes place between
the ages of 16 and 21, sometimes even later.
Mientras que la América blanca es, en general, una población estable en número, la
comunidad Amish está creciendo más rápido que prácticamente cualquier otra comunidad
en los Estados Unidos. En los 40 años de 1950 a 1990, el número de Amish en el condado
de Lancaster, Pensilvania, la comunidad original y aún más grande Amish en los EE.UU.,
creció en exactamente el 400%, todo por crecimiento natural, no a través de la afluencia de
inmigrantes. Los amish no guardan estadísticas, pero es bastante seguro asumir que la
población Amish total de los Estados Unidos en el año 1900 no era más que un par de mil;
Hoy en día, los antiguos Amish, aquellos que han mantenido las tradiciones más estrictas
de su religión y la sociedad, más de 100.000, se extendió en las comunidades en el este de
EE.UU. y Ontario. El número total de Amish que viven en los Estados Unidos en 2011 se
estimó en más de 260.000.
Los Amish, que rechazan la medicina moderna y todas las formas de control de la
natalidad, tienen algunas de las familias más grandes en América, con un promedio de más
de seis hijos por familia. Pocos abandonan su comunidad. Los adolescentes Amish tienden
a ser tan normalmente rebeldes como cualquier otro adolescente estadounidense, hasta que
son bautizados. Hasta que esto sucede, no están obligados a ajustarse a los estrictos códigos
Amish de vestimenta, peinado y comportamiento, y muchos aprovechan esta libertad;
Antes del bautismo, los adolescentes Amish se comportan como otros adolescentes
estadounidenses; Hasta el 30% de los mayores no bautizados adolescentes Amish tienes sus
propios coches, y el 40% tienen licencias de conducir! Los adolescentes de Amish también
disfrutan del béisbol, del baile e incluso del alcohol! El bautismo amish tiene lugar entre las
edades de 16 y 21, a veces incluso más tarde.
The fact that only about 18% of young Amish abandon the austere way of life of their
ancestors is not the only reason why the community is growing so fast. Other factors
include increasing life-expectancy, and higher standards of living.
As for machines and modernity, Amish families do not live a primitive life; while they
reject the use of mains electricity in the home, they accept the use of kerosene and efficient
wood-burning stoves that provide plenty of light and heat and comfort in their homes; and
they are certainly not out of touch with technology. It was estimated that in 2007, 80% of
homes in some Amish communities were using wind or solar power ! In this respect, far
from being stuck in the past, they can be considered as one of the most advanced
communities in the world !
As for leisure, it is not one of their major preoccupations! While they do not have
televisions or radios, they have other social activities; yet Amish leaders actually fear that
the development of a cult of leisure could rapidly destroy their society.
Contrary to popular belief, the Amish are not cut off from the rest of America; like any
farmers, they need markets for their products and suppliers for their goods; some work for
non-Amish employers. Many have non-Amish neighbors. They know what is going on in
the rest of the United States, and like many other Americans, they are alarmed by many
modern developments.
This too explains why most young Amish opt to carry on with the hard-working and
strict way of life of their community. Though Amish life is hard in many ways, it is free of
most of the pressures and problems of the rest of American society. As long as this lifestyle
is not forced into radical change, many of those who have been brought up in it will
continue to see it as an attractive option.
El hecho de que sólo alrededor del 18% de los jóvenes de Amish abandonan el
estilo de vida austero de sus antepasados no es la única razón por la que la comunidad está
creciendo tan rápido. Otros factores incluyen el aumento de la esperanza de vida y un
mayor nivel de vida. En cuanto a las máquinas y la modernidad, las familias Amish no
viven una vida primitiva; Mientras que rechazan el uso de la electricidad de la red en el
hogar, aceptan el uso de queroseno y estufas de leña eficientes que proporcionan mucha
luz, calor y comodidad en sus casas; Y ciertamente no están fuera de contacto con la
tecnología. Se estimó que en 2007, el 80% de los hogares en algunas comunidades Amish
estaban utilizando la energía eólica o solar! En este sentido, lejos de estar atrapados en el
pasado, ¡pueden ser considerados como una de las comunidades más avanzadas del
mundo! En cuanto al ocio, no es una de sus principales preocupaciones! Aunque no
tienen televisores o radios, tienen otras actividades sociales; Pero los líderes Amish temen
que el desarrollo de un culto de ocio pueda destruir rápidamente su
sociedad. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, los Amish no son aislados del resto de
América; Como cualquier agricultor, necesitan mercados para sus productos y proveedores
para sus bienes; Algunos trabajos para los empleadores no Amish. Muchos tienen vecinos
no Amish. Ellos saben lo que está pasando en el resto de los Estados Unidos, y como
muchos otros estadounidenses, están alarmados por muchos desarrollos modernos. Esto
también explica por qué la mayoría de los jóvenes Amish optan por seguir con el duro y
estricto modo de vida de su comunidad. Aunque la vida Amish es dura de muchas maneras,
está libre de la mayoría de las presiones y problemas del resto de la sociedad americana.
Mientras que este estilo de vida no se ve obligado a un cambio radical, muchos de los que
han sido educados en ella la seguirán viendo como una opción atractiva.
It is always hard to translate any text, between any two languages, in order to maintain the
same meaning and style. Because sometimes it is acceptable to preserve the meaning with
slight changes in the tone. However, when it comes to specific fields, the everlasting
challenge of translation is to maintain the original meaning and style.
Eventhough the paragraphs were not difficult to translate I could find new unfamilar words
such as: Kerosene and influx
One of the most interesting thing about translating these paragraphs is that I learned about a
new culture and Amish life style.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique.
Method is a way, of
performing something in a
systematic, organized and or
structured way. It refers to a
technique or set of tasks to
perform a task. In some
cases, a person based on
experience, custom and
personal preferences also
understands it as the
habitual way of doing
A strategy is a plan that
specifies a series of steps
or concepts that have as
purpose the attainment of a
certain objective
A systematic procedure,
formula, or routine by which
a task is accomplished.
In other words is a detailed
list of rules for any teaching
REFERENCE (2017). America's Amish; Advanced level English:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017].
Hello Daniel,
I was checking your translations and I think you did a great job, because you translated the
text in a correct way and it had coherence and sense, and the most important thing is that
you did not lose the idea of the text.
On the other hand I checked your chart and it was well structured and you could establish
the differences between method, strategy and technique in a clear way,
Congratulations because you finished your contributions on time and it was to work with
Dear Aura,
The translation you did was completely accurate, it is clear that you have followed the
guidance given by the course. The expressions were well expressed and it was clear from
top to bottom.
There weren't any inappropriate uses of the vocabulary in terms of misleading the meaning
from the original text.
Thanks’ for your attention.

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Tranlation techniques done

  • 2. TRANSLATION TEXT America's Amish; model society? TASK 1. TRANSLATION BY JESSICA PARIAS America's Amish; model society? PARAGRAPH 1 America's Amish communities live a lifestyle that has changed little since the 18th century; but in other respects, they are showing other Americans the way forward into the twenty- first.... The roadsign is, to say the least, unexpected ; driving through a prosperous rural part of North America, the last thing you expect to see beside the highway is a yellow diamond roadsign with a horse and buggy in the middle! Watch out for horses and buggies on the road? What is this? Do they exercise racehorses here, or what? You keep an eye open for horses; for two miles you see nothing, then all of a sudden, look! Coming towards you on the other side of the road, two black horse-drawn buggies! As they go by, your surprise turns to disbelief; what's going on? Are they making a movie about eighteenth century America? The men and the women in the buggy look like they jumped out of a novel by Fennimore Cooper. Then, another mile and things get even stranger; beside a neat-looking farm-house, there is a whole line of buggies. In the door of the house, half a dozen men in black coats, and with long beards, are talking while some women dressed in a curiously ancient fashion are sitting on a bench. Is this 2015 or 1715 ?
  • 3. AMISH DE AMÉRICA; ¿MODELO DE SOCIEDAD? PÁRRAFO 1 Las comunidades Amish de América viven un estilo de vida que ha cambiado un poco desde el siglo XVIII; Pero en otros aspectos, están mostrando a otros estadounidenses el camino a seguir en el vigésimo primer ... La señal de tráfico es, por decir lo menos, inesperado; Conduciendo a través de una próspera parte rural de América del Norte, ¡lo último que se espera ver al lado de la carretera es una señal de tráfico de color amarillo diamante con un caballo y buggy en el medio! ¿Cuidado con los caballos y buggies en la carretera? ¿Que es esto? ¿Existen caballos de carreras aquí, o qué? Debe tener el ojo abierto para los caballos; ¡Por dos millas no ves nada, entonces de repente, mira! ¡Viniendo hacia ti en el otro lado de la carretera, dos buggies negros dibujados por caballos! A medida que pasan, su sorpresa se convierte en incredulidad; ¿que está pasando? ¿Están haciendo una película sobre la América del siglo XVIII? Los hombres y las mujeres en el buggy parecen saltar de una novela de Fennimore Cooper. Luego, otro kilómetro y las cosas se vuelven aún más extrañas; Al lado de una finca de aspecto elegante, hay toda una línea de buggies. En la puerta de la casa, media docena de hombres de abrigos negros y barbas largas hablan mientras algunas mujeres vestidas de una manera curiosamente antigua están sentadas en un banco. ¿Es este 2015 o 1715?
  • 4. TASK 2. REFLECTION BY JESSICA PARIAS Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results. The text did not seem complex; however, it has some expressions that if you translate them word for word would not have any meaning or sound a little strange, that's why what I do is try to make sense of the sentences, many times looking for synonyms of some words so that when reading them in Spanish they are coherent and are easy to understand. Some words cost me to translate them, for example the word roadsign, the word sudden. I feel that you cannot learn a language in its entirety, simply by translating, but you do strengthen the grammar, you understand every symbol, every phrase and meaning you want to understand the text, I think you easily begin to understand and read a book fluently,
  • 5. TASK 3. CHART BY JESSICA PARIAS Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique. DIFFERENCES METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE It is the way the translator confronts the original text and develops the translation process. These are procedures to solve problems, or achieve the objectives, allow better use of the skills available to perform a translation. It is the concrete application, is to use some specific mechanisms to solve problems in translations. PARAGRAPH 2 BY DANIEL DUQUE You drive on, wondering what has happened to this part of the United States of America? Have you driven into a time-warp, and without realizing it, gone back 300 years, or is it the people you've just seen who're stuck in a time warp? A quick enquiry at the nearest gas station gives you the answer; you are in Amish country, and the men and women you have just seen are Amish, part of a strange religious group that settled in America in the 18th century, and much of whose lifestyle has changed little since then. If you had seen the movie "Witness", you would have already known something about the Amish, how their community is strictly religious and self-contained, how Amish people do without the essentials of modern-day life such as electricity and cars, and how they do not mix with people outside of their own community. It is virtually unheard of for anyone to become an Amish, who was not born an Amish. This is about all that most Americans know about Amish people, unless, that is, they actually live near them and come across them in daily life. So who are they?
  • 6. TRANSLATION PARAGRAHP 2 BY DANIEL DUQUE Usted Sigue conduciendo, y se pregunta ¿qué ha pasado con esta parte de los Estados Unidos de América? se habrá metido en una capsula de tiempo, y sin darse cuenta, ha retrocedido 300 años, o ¿será que la gente que acaba de ver son quienes están atrapados en esa capsula del tiempo? Una investigación rápida en la gasolinera más cercana le dará la respuesta; Usted está en territorio Amish, y los hombres y las mujeres que usted acaba de ver son Amish, parte de un extraño grupo religioso que se estableció en América en el siglo XVIII, y cuyo estilo de vida ha cambiado muy poco desde entonces. Si usted hubiera visto la película "Testigo", ya habría sabido algo sobre los Amish, cómo el hecho de que su comunidad es estrictamente religiosa y autónoma, que la gente Amish vive sin los elementos esenciales de la vida moderna como la electricidad y los autos, y que no se mezclan con personas ajenas a su propia comunidad. Es casi inaudito que alguien que no nació como Amish se convierta en un Amish. Esto es casi todo lo que la mayoría de los estadounidenses conocen acerca de la gente Amish, a menos que, realmente viven cerca de ellos y se crucen con ellos en su vida cotidiana. Entonces, ¿quiénes son ellos? PARAGRAPH 3 BY DANIEL DUQUE In brief, the Amish are members of an ultra-protestant religious movement that first came to America from the upper Rhine valley over three hundred years ago, and have kept their traditions and lifestyles. They are very law-abiding citizens, and their community is one in which crime is almost, though not entirely, inexistent; Amish families live strict lives, following the same code of morals as their ancestors. In a sense, they are indeed stuck in a time warp. Yet the most remarkable things to note about the Amish are not their quaint lifestyles and their home-made clothes, but the expansion of their community, its efficiency, its social cohesion, and their recent adoption of "green" technology, including wind-power and solar energy. Although they work the land using traditional horse-drawn machines, and use no chemical fertilizers, their agriculture is - interestingly - among the most productive in North America!
  • 7. TRANSLATION PARAGRAPH 3 BY DANIEL DUQUE En resumen, los Amish son miembros de un movimiento religioso ultra-protestante que llegó por primera vez a América desde el valle superior del Rin hace más de trescientos años, y ha mantenido sus tradiciones y estilos de vida. Son ciudadanos muy respetuosos de la ley, y en su comunidad el crimen es casi, aunque no del todo inexistente; Las familias Amish viven vidas estrictas, siguiendo el mismo código de moral que sus antepasados. En cierto sentido, están realmente atrapados en una capsula del tiempo. Sin embargo, lo más notable de los Amish no son sus pintorescos estilos de vida y su ropa hecha en casa, sino la expansión de su comunidad, su eficiencia, su cohesión social y su reciente adopción de la tecnología "verde", incluida la energía eólica Y la energía solar. A pesar de que trabajan la tierra con máquinas tradicionales tiradas por caballos y no utilizan fertilizantes químicos, su agricultura esta - curiosamente - ¡entre las más productivas en América del Norte! TASK 2. REFLECTION BY DANIEL DUQUE Due to the fact that this is not an everyday topic, sometimes it becomes difficult to try to convey meaning in some of the expressions given. I encountered some new and unfamiliar words such as: time-warp, law-abiding and quaint. Reading and understanding the text as a whole, helped me out to make sure I was using the correct translation given by word reference. Also the choice of formal or informal translation was an issue at first. I couldn’t decide if I should use formal “usted” or informal “tu”, so I thought about the articles I usually read and realized the formal format was the most appropriate for this type of text.
  • 8. TASK 3. CHART BY DANIEL DUQUE Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique. method strategy technique Are the different types of translation required for different types of texts, the most common are:  Word-for-word translation  Literal translation  Faithful translation  Semantic translation  Adaptation  Free translation  Idiomatic translation  Communicative translation There are various definitions on what a strategy is when it comes to translation. Among them is the translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task," Krings (1986:18) Also is defined as a procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it."Loescher (1991:8) Others say a strategies are the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it." Venuti (1998:240) Translation techniques are the ones the translator decides to use in order to make sure the translated text means the same as the original text. There are several techniques, and is up to the translator to use one or more to convey the same meaning. Among them we have: borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, reformulation, adaptation and compensation. REFERENCE (2017). America's Amish; Advanced level English:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017]. (2017). Translation procedures, strategies and methods. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017].
  • 9. PARAGRAPGH 4 BY AURA RINCÓN While white America is, on the whole, a population that is stable in numbers, the Amish community is growing faster than virtually any other community in the USA. In the 40 years from 1950 to 1990, the number of Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the original and still the largest Amish community in the USA, grew by exactly 400%, all by natural growth, not through the influx of immigrants. The Amish do not keep statistics, but it is fairly safe to assume that the total Amish population of the United States in the year 1900 was no more than a couple of thousand; today the Old Order Amish, those who have kept up the strictest traditions of their religion and society, number over 100,000, spread in communities across the eastern US and Ontario. The total number of Amish living in the United States in 2011 was estimated at over 260,000. Amish, who reject modern medicine and all forms of birth control, have some of the biggest families in America, with an average of over six children per family. Few abandon their community. Amish teenagers tend to be as normally rebellious as any other American teens, until they are baptized. Until this happens, they are not obliged to conform to the strict Amish codes of dress, hairstyle and behavior, and many make the most of this liberty; before baptism, Amish teenagers behave much like other American teens; up to 30% of older unbaptized Amish teens own cars, and 40% have drivers licences! Amish teens also enjoy baseball, dancing and even alcohol! Amish baptism takes place between the ages of 16 and 21, sometimes even later. TRANSLATION BY AURA RINCÓN PARRAFO 4 Mientras que la América blanca es, en general, una población estable en número, la comunidad Amish está creciendo más rápido que prácticamente cualquier otra comunidad en los Estados Unidos. En los 40 años de 1950 a 1990, el número de Amish en el condado de Lancaster, Pensilvania, la comunidad original y aún más grande Amish en los EE.UU., creció en exactamente el 400%, todo por crecimiento natural, no a través de la afluencia de inmigrantes. Los amish no guardan estadísticas, pero es bastante seguro asumir que la población Amish total de los Estados Unidos en el año 1900 no era más que un par de mil; Hoy en día, los antiguos Amish, aquellos que han mantenido las tradiciones más estrictas de su religión y la sociedad, más de 100.000, se extendió en las comunidades en el este de EE.UU. y Ontario. El número total de Amish que viven en los Estados Unidos en 2011 se estimó en más de 260.000. Los Amish, que rechazan la medicina moderna y todas las formas de control de la natalidad, tienen algunas de las familias más grandes en América, con un promedio de más de seis hijos por familia. Pocos abandonan su comunidad. Los adolescentes Amish tienden a ser tan normalmente rebeldes como cualquier otro adolescente estadounidense, hasta que son bautizados. Hasta que esto sucede, no están obligados a ajustarse a los estrictos códigos Amish de vestimenta, peinado y comportamiento, y muchos aprovechan esta libertad;
  • 10. Antes del bautismo, los adolescentes Amish se comportan como otros adolescentes estadounidenses; Hasta el 30% de los mayores no bautizados adolescentes Amish tienes sus propios coches, y el 40% tienen licencias de conducir! Los adolescentes de Amish también disfrutan del béisbol, del baile e incluso del alcohol! El bautismo amish tiene lugar entre las edades de 16 y 21, a veces incluso más tarde. PARAGRAPH 5 BY AURA RINCÓN The fact that only about 18% of young Amish abandon the austere way of life of their ancestors is not the only reason why the community is growing so fast. Other factors include increasing life-expectancy, and higher standards of living. As for machines and modernity, Amish families do not live a primitive life; while they reject the use of mains electricity in the home, they accept the use of kerosene and efficient wood-burning stoves that provide plenty of light and heat and comfort in their homes; and they are certainly not out of touch with technology. It was estimated that in 2007, 80% of homes in some Amish communities were using wind or solar power ! In this respect, far from being stuck in the past, they can be considered as one of the most advanced communities in the world ! As for leisure, it is not one of their major preoccupations! While they do not have televisions or radios, they have other social activities; yet Amish leaders actually fear that the development of a cult of leisure could rapidly destroy their society. Contrary to popular belief, the Amish are not cut off from the rest of America; like any farmers, they need markets for their products and suppliers for their goods; some work for non-Amish employers. Many have non-Amish neighbors. They know what is going on in the rest of the United States, and like many other Americans, they are alarmed by many modern developments. This too explains why most young Amish opt to carry on with the hard-working and strict way of life of their community. Though Amish life is hard in many ways, it is free of most of the pressures and problems of the rest of American society. As long as this lifestyle is not forced into radical change, many of those who have been brought up in it will continue to see it as an attractive option.
  • 11. PARRAFO 5 BY AURA RINCÓN El hecho de que sólo alrededor del 18% de los jóvenes de Amish abandonan el estilo de vida austero de sus antepasados no es la única razón por la que la comunidad está creciendo tan rápido. Otros factores incluyen el aumento de la esperanza de vida y un mayor nivel de vida. En cuanto a las máquinas y la modernidad, las familias Amish no viven una vida primitiva; Mientras que rechazan el uso de la electricidad de la red en el hogar, aceptan el uso de queroseno y estufas de leña eficientes que proporcionan mucha luz, calor y comodidad en sus casas; Y ciertamente no están fuera de contacto con la tecnología. Se estimó que en 2007, el 80% de los hogares en algunas comunidades Amish estaban utilizando la energía eólica o solar! En este sentido, lejos de estar atrapados en el pasado, ¡pueden ser considerados como una de las comunidades más avanzadas del mundo! En cuanto al ocio, no es una de sus principales preocupaciones! Aunque no tienen televisores o radios, tienen otras actividades sociales; Pero los líderes Amish temen que el desarrollo de un culto de ocio pueda destruir rápidamente su sociedad. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, los Amish no son aislados del resto de América; Como cualquier agricultor, necesitan mercados para sus productos y proveedores para sus bienes; Algunos trabajos para los empleadores no Amish. Muchos tienen vecinos no Amish. Ellos saben lo que está pasando en el resto de los Estados Unidos, y como muchos otros estadounidenses, están alarmados por muchos desarrollos modernos. Esto también explica por qué la mayoría de los jóvenes Amish optan por seguir con el duro y estricto modo de vida de su comunidad. Aunque la vida Amish es dura de muchas maneras, está libre de la mayoría de las presiones y problemas del resto de la sociedad americana. Mientras que este estilo de vida no se ve obligado a un cambio radical, muchos de los que han sido educados en ella la seguirán viendo como una opción atractiva. TASK 2. REFLECTION BY AURA RINCÓN It is always hard to translate any text, between any two languages, in order to maintain the same meaning and style. Because sometimes it is acceptable to preserve the meaning with slight changes in the tone. However, when it comes to specific fields, the everlasting challenge of translation is to maintain the original meaning and style. Eventhough the paragraphs were not difficult to translate I could find new unfamilar words such as: Kerosene and influx One of the most interesting thing about translating these paragraphs is that I learned about a new culture and Amish life style.
  • 12. TASK 3. CHART BY AURA RINCÓN Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique. METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE Method is a way, of performing something in a systematic, organized and or structured way. It refers to a technique or set of tasks to perform a task. In some cases, a person based on experience, custom and personal preferences also understands it as the habitual way of doing something. A strategy is a plan that specifies a series of steps or concepts that have as purpose the attainment of a certain objective A systematic procedure, formula, or routine by which a task is accomplished. In other words is a detailed list of rules for any teaching activity. REFERENCE (2017). America's Amish; Advanced level English:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2017].
  • 13. TASK 4 FEEDBACK AURA MILENA RINCON Hello Daniel, I was checking your translations and I think you did a great job, because you translated the text in a correct way and it had coherence and sense, and the most important thing is that you did not lose the idea of the text. On the other hand I checked your chart and it was well structured and you could establish the differences between method, strategy and technique in a clear way, Congratulations because you finished your contributions on time and it was to work with you. DANIEL DUQUE Dear Aura, The translation you did was completely accurate, it is clear that you have followed the guidance given by the course. The expressions were well expressed and it was clear from top to bottom. There weren't any inappropriate uses of the vocabulary in terms of misleading the meaning from the original text. Thanks’ for your attention.