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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
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Direction: Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. What type of nuclear synthesis is believed to be the origin of the production of heavy elements?
A. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis C. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
2. What is the ability of an atom in a compound to attract electrons towards itself called?
A. Electromotive force C. Electronegativity
B. Electron Affinity D. Ionization energy
3. Which of the following is the measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow?
A. Boiling point C. Solubility
B. Melting point D. Viscosity
4. Which of the following is the building block of protein?
A. Amino acid C. Monomer
B. Glycogen D. Nucleotide
5. What do you call the substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without itself being
consumed by the reaction?
A. Activation energy C. Product
B. Catalyst D. Reactant
6. Which of the following describes a stellar nucleosynthesis?
A. It is the process by which elements are formed within stars
B. It is the formation of elements during a supernova explosion
C. It is the formation of light elements such as helium and hydrogen
D. It is the process by which elements are produced within gas clouds
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about non polar molecules?
A. They have high boiling point
B. They have high melting point
C. They have low surface tension
D. They have low vapor pressure
8. Which will result in an ion- dipole interaction?
A. Attraction between an ion and a polar molecule
B. Attraction between a polar with a polar molecule
C. Repulsion between dipole and another dipole
D. Repulsion between a polar and a nonpolar molecule
9. Why are lipids insoluble in water?
A. Because Lipids are hydrophilic
B. Because Lipids are hydrophobic
C. Because Lipids are neutral
D. Because Lipids are ionic compound
10.What will be the effect of temperature rise in a chemical reaction?
A. It increases molecular concentration and slows down reaction rate
B. It increases the number of effective collisions among reactants, thus increasing the reaction rate
C. It decreases the system’s energy and limits how much further reaction can take place
D. It decreases the number of collisions and the energy of molecules to limit further reaction
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
11. Light is a form of energy that behaves like a particle and sometimes like a wave. What answer below
best supports the given statement?
A. Light is made of photons C. neither A nor B
B. Light travels through empty space D. both A and B
12. Why do the component colors of the rainbow appear when light passes through a prism?
A. diffraction is taking place C. interference is happening
B. refraction is taking place D. scattering of light is happening
13. Radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Which of the following
materials would allow the flow of radio waves through it?
A. Aluminum C. Paper
B. Glass D. Styrofoam
14. Which of the following describes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?
A. The motion of an object is based on the observer’s viewpoint.
B. The speed of light in an empty space has the same magnitude for all observers regardless of its
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
15. Suppose an astronomer takes a picture of a specific star, waits for six months to pass so that the Earth
has moved two AU, and then takes a photo of the same star to compare the changes in its position. What
is being measured by the astronomer?
A. astronomical unit C. light years
B. doppler effect D. parallax
16. Which reactant is completely used up or consumed in a chemical reaction?
A. Excess Reactant C. Both A & B
B. Limiting Reactant D. Neither A nor B
17. Which from the choices given is mainly formed from plants subjected to high temperature and pressure
for millions of years?
A. Biofuels C. Biomass
B. Biogas D. Fossil fuels
18. Bleach oxidizes or breaks down the molecular bonds of stains and germs. It is normally found in
different cleaning products. How will you classify bleach as an ingredient?
A. Active ingredient C. Inactive ingredient
B. Hazardous ingredient D. Preservatives
19. Who among the choices given proposed the Heliocentric model of the universe?
A. Aristotle C. Ptolemy
B. Copernicus D. Tycho Brahe
20. According to him the rate of fall of an object is independent of its mass. Who is he?
A. Aristotle C. Both A& B
B. Galileo D. Neither A nor B
21.In a laboratory experiment, Sodium (Na) metal was reacted with Chlorine gas (Cl2) and the observed
actual yield was 13.0 grams. What is the percent yield if the calculated theoretical yield is 12.5 grams?
A. 100% B.104% C. 96% D. 1.04%
22. In an outreach program, you noticed that in the area you’ve visited, there was an abundance of organic
waste such as food scrap and animal waste. Having known different types of energy sources which do you
think will be the best energy source to tap in that particular area?
A. Biogas C. Hydropower
B. Fossil fuels D. Solar cells
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
23.In laundry washing, oil is removed from clothes when the nonpolar end of the detergent molecule
attracts the non-polar oil molecules, while its polar end is attracted by the polar molecules of water. What
conclusion can you give based on the information?
A. Dissolution occurs in substances with similar polarities
B. Nonpolar compounds dissolves a polar compound
C. Polar compounds dissolves a non-polar compound
D. Dissolution process takes place in any combination of compounds
24. Considering Kepler’s first law, which of the figure below best describes the path of a planet as it moves
around the sun?
A. B. C. D.
25. Suppose you are standing in the aisle of a moving bus, and the driver suddenly takes a left turn. You
are you likely to lurch to the right because of ___________.
A. the momentum
B. an unbalanced force
C. an equilibrium challenge
D. the tendency to keep moving forward
26. What happens to the speed of light when it travels from one medium to another with a different density?
A. It decreases C. It remains the same
B. It increases D. Either A or B
27. When do we know if two light sources are coherent?
A. If they are of the same frequency
B. If they are of the same frequency and amplitude
C. If they are of the same amplitude and maintain a constant phase difference
D. If they are of the same frequency and maintain a constant phase difference
28. The following correctly explains light passing through a cellophane EXCEPT:
A. As white light passes through a red cellophane, the cellophane absorbs all colors except red.
B. Green light can’t easily pass through the green cellophane because it shows the same color
C. A red light passing through a red cellophane will simply go through since they have the same color
D. Red light can’t easily pass-through green cellophane, since the cellophane absorbs the red light
29. Which of the following displays the use of special relativity in everyday life?
A. Global Positioning System (GPS) C. Microwave ovens
B. Graphing Calculators D. Oven Toasters
30. If a certain photon emitted by an object has a rest wavelength of 2 x 1010
km and a measured
wavelength of 3 x 1010
km. What is the speed of the object relative to the speed of light?
A. 5 times the speed of light C. 0.2 times the speed of light
B. 0.5 times the speed of light D. 2 times the speed of light
31. Which of the following is TRUE according to the theory of Special Relativity?
A. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which accelerate
B. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move in circles
C. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move in ellipses
D. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move at uniform velocity
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
32. What is missing in this nuclear equation: + _________________?
A. B. C. D.
33. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about CO2 ?
A. It is a polar molecule
B. Polar bond is present
C. It has a linear molecular shape
D. it has an electronegativity difference of 1.0
34. Considering the liquid in a tube shown below, it demonstrates that adhesion is stronger than cohesion.
Why do you think so?
A. The liquid is pulled upwards and results to concave meniscus
B. The liquid is pushed downwards and results to a convex meniscus
C. The liquid is pulled upward and becomes higher than the surrounding liquid
D. The liquid is pushed downward and becomes lower than the surrounding liquid
35. Referring to the images below, why do you think maltose, lactose and sucrose considered as isomers?
A. They have different chemical formulas and structures
B. They have the same chemical formulas and structures
C. They have different chemical formulas but the same structures
D. They have the same chemical formulas but different in structures
36. Your Science teacher demonstrates an interesting chemical reaction in your class. The teacher
dissolves zinc strips in a container with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The teacher then added more
hydrochloric acid in the container and added more pieces of zinc strips. What factor will NOT affect the
reaction rate?
A. The size of the container
B. The concentration of the reactants
C. The surface area of zinc strips
D. The amount of hydrochloric acid
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
37. You are tasked to determine the limiting reactant in a chemical reaction. Which of the following will you
select to start performing that task?
A. Calculate bond energies
B. Determine the molar mass of the products
C. Determine the masses of 100 mol of each reactant
D. Calculate the mass of a single product formed from each reactant
38. In a hydroelectric powerplant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater
height. How will you interpret it?
A. Its temperature increases
B. More water molecules dissociate with ions
C. The electricity content of water increases with height
D. Large amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
39. Which among the choices given is TRUE about bulking agents?
A. It gives color to the product
B. It enhances the flavor of the product
C. It adds volume to the product without altering the quality
D. It prevents bacteria and viruses in sticking to your clothes
40. Referring to the image below of a lunar eclipse, which of the statements below best describes it?
A. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the moon and the Sun
B. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun
C. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is forming ninety-degree angle with the Earth.
D. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is behind the Sun and the moon is in front of the Sun
41.Which of the following best describes an accelerating object?
A. It is an object at rest
B. It is an object moving slower
C. It is an object in mechanical equilibrium
D. It is an object moving at constant velocity
42. Which statement is NOT true about light?
A. It has a dual nature
B. It is an electromagnetic wave
C. It travels in vacuum at 3x108
D. It travels the path that requires the longest time
43. From the choices below, which is NOT an example of the phenomenon of the scattering of light?
A. Rainbow after the rain
B. Sky appears blue at midday
C. Sky appears bluish in the evening
D. Sky appears reddish in the evening
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
44. When illustrating a Ray diagram, you can illustrate the mirrored image by using at least how many
A. 1 line B. 2 lines C. 3 lines D. 4 lines
45. Consider the list of physical properties below, which one(s) is / are dependent on the observer’s speed
according to the theory of Special relativity?
A. Energy B. Length C. Time D. All of these
46. Suppose you are asked to create a statement that will describe the inverse square relationship of
brightness and distance, which statement will you use?
A. The star’s brightness increases proportionally when distance is doubled
B. The star’s brightness decreases proportionally when distance is doubled
C. The star’s brightness increases proportionally to the square of the distance
D. The star’s brightness decreases proportionally to the square of the distance
47. Brahe’s model of the universe is shown below:
Choose a statement that will best design his idea of the center of the universe?
A. There are two centers the Earth and the Sun
B. The Earth, not the Sun is the center of the universe
C. The Sun, not the Earth is the center of the universe
D. Neither the Earth not the Sun is the center of the universe
48. Based on Galileo’s idea, predict what will happen if you roll a ball on a level surface.
A. Keep rolling if friction is absent
B. Soon rolls in the opposite direction
C. Soon slow down due to its natural place
D. Roll as long as its inertia nudges it along
49. Which of the following phenomena is NOT a consequence of the General Theory of Relativity?
A. Black hole
B. weightlessness
C. Gravitational Lenses
D. Precession of Mercury’s orbit
50. Your classmate asks you: Why is a black hole black? Which answer will you give?
A. Because no light can leave the hole
B. Because no light is absorbed by the hole
C. Because all colors are absorbed in that hole
D. Because all colors are reflected from that hole.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
51. What can you do if the mass of a given body and the net force acting on it are both given?
A. Calculate its weight
B. Deduce its acceleration
C. Predict its motion
D. Predict its motion, calculate its weight, and deduce its acceleration.
52. Consider the models shown below:
On the left is known as the Ptolemaic Model and on the right is the Copernican Model. Comparing both
models, which idea appears to be common to both?
A. Planets move in circular orbits
B. Earth is the center of the universe
C. Sun is the center of the universe
D. none of the above
53. Food is refrigerated to slow down its decomposition caused by bacterial action. Which best explains
this situation?
A. the decrease in the surface area of the food upon refrigeration
B. the decrease in the number of particles possessing activation energy
C. the decrease in the temperature of the decomposition reaction
D. the introduction of an alternative pathway for decomposition to take place
54. The vapor pressure on top of the mountain is low. What will happen to the cooking time of an egg up
A. The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is higher.
B. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is higher.
C. The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is lower.
D. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is lower
55. How does the enzyme improve the quality of a paper sheet?
A. It makes it whiter
B. It makes it more writable
C. It makes it stronger and thicker
D. It adds color to the paper
56. Why is there a discussion about energy crisis when energy can neither be created nor destroyed?
A. Energy transforms into different forms continuously.
B. Usable forms of energy is dissipated to the surroundings in less usable forms.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. Energy is consumed and cannot be used again.
D. All of these
57.What type of intermolecular interaction results from dissolving sodium chloride in water?
A. Dipole- dipole
B. Ion dipole
C. Hydrogen bond
D. London dispersion
58.E=hf is an equation that describes the relationship between energy (E) and frequency of light
(f). What will happen to the energy of light as the frequency goes higher?
A. It goes higher
B. remains the same
C. goes lower
D. undetermined
59. Interference of light waves is said to be evident on soap bubbles. How will you describe it
A. They become larger
B. They become heavier
C. They produced different colors at the surface.
D. They produced images of objects like a mirror.
60.Supposed you are given a task to determine the distance of stars that are less than 300 light
years away. Which method would you use?
A. parallax
B. photometry
C. spectroscopy
D. standard candles

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  • 1. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ REGIONAL DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE Name _________________________________________ Score _____________________ Direction: Choose the correct answer for each item. 1. What type of nuclear synthesis is believed to be the origin of the production of heavy elements? A. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis C. Stellar Nucleosynthesis B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis 2. What is the ability of an atom in a compound to attract electrons towards itself called? A. Electromotive force C. Electronegativity B. Electron Affinity D. Ionization energy 3. Which of the following is the measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow? A. Boiling point C. Solubility B. Melting point D. Viscosity 4. Which of the following is the building block of protein? A. Amino acid C. Monomer B. Glycogen D. Nucleotide 5. What do you call the substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without itself being consumed by the reaction? A. Activation energy C. Product B. Catalyst D. Reactant 6. Which of the following describes a stellar nucleosynthesis? A. It is the process by which elements are formed within stars B. It is the formation of elements during a supernova explosion C. It is the formation of light elements such as helium and hydrogen D. It is the process by which elements are produced within gas clouds 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about non polar molecules? A. They have high boiling point B. They have high melting point C. They have low surface tension D. They have low vapor pressure 8. Which will result in an ion- dipole interaction? A. Attraction between an ion and a polar molecule B. Attraction between a polar with a polar molecule C. Repulsion between dipole and another dipole D. Repulsion between a polar and a nonpolar molecule 9. Why are lipids insoluble in water? A. Because Lipids are hydrophilic B. Because Lipids are hydrophobic C. Because Lipids are neutral D. Because Lipids are ionic compound 10.What will be the effect of temperature rise in a chemical reaction? A. It increases molecular concentration and slows down reaction rate B. It increases the number of effective collisions among reactants, thus increasing the reaction rate C. It decreases the system’s energy and limits how much further reaction can take place D. It decreases the number of collisions and the energy of molecules to limit further reaction
  • 2. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 11. Light is a form of energy that behaves like a particle and sometimes like a wave. What answer below best supports the given statement? A. Light is made of photons C. neither A nor B B. Light travels through empty space D. both A and B 12. Why do the component colors of the rainbow appear when light passes through a prism? A. diffraction is taking place C. interference is happening B. refraction is taking place D. scattering of light is happening 13. Radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Which of the following materials would allow the flow of radio waves through it? A. Aluminum C. Paper B. Glass D. Styrofoam 14. Which of the following describes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? A. The motion of an object is based on the observer’s viewpoint. B. The speed of light in an empty space has the same magnitude for all observers regardless of its velocity. C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B 15. Suppose an astronomer takes a picture of a specific star, waits for six months to pass so that the Earth has moved two AU, and then takes a photo of the same star to compare the changes in its position. What is being measured by the astronomer? A. astronomical unit C. light years B. doppler effect D. parallax 16. Which reactant is completely used up or consumed in a chemical reaction? A. Excess Reactant C. Both A & B B. Limiting Reactant D. Neither A nor B 17. Which from the choices given is mainly formed from plants subjected to high temperature and pressure for millions of years? A. Biofuels C. Biomass B. Biogas D. Fossil fuels 18. Bleach oxidizes or breaks down the molecular bonds of stains and germs. It is normally found in different cleaning products. How will you classify bleach as an ingredient? A. Active ingredient C. Inactive ingredient B. Hazardous ingredient D. Preservatives 19. Who among the choices given proposed the Heliocentric model of the universe? A. Aristotle C. Ptolemy B. Copernicus D. Tycho Brahe 20. According to him the rate of fall of an object is independent of its mass. Who is he? A. Aristotle C. Both A& B B. Galileo D. Neither A nor B 21.In a laboratory experiment, Sodium (Na) metal was reacted with Chlorine gas (Cl2) and the observed actual yield was 13.0 grams. What is the percent yield if the calculated theoretical yield is 12.5 grams? A. 100% B.104% C. 96% D. 1.04% 22. In an outreach program, you noticed that in the area you’ve visited, there was an abundance of organic waste such as food scrap and animal waste. Having known different types of energy sources which do you think will be the best energy source to tap in that particular area? A. Biogas C. Hydropower B. Fossil fuels D. Solar cells
  • 3. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 23.In laundry washing, oil is removed from clothes when the nonpolar end of the detergent molecule attracts the non-polar oil molecules, while its polar end is attracted by the polar molecules of water. What conclusion can you give based on the information? A. Dissolution occurs in substances with similar polarities B. Nonpolar compounds dissolves a polar compound C. Polar compounds dissolves a non-polar compound D. Dissolution process takes place in any combination of compounds 24. Considering Kepler’s first law, which of the figure below best describes the path of a planet as it moves around the sun? A. B. C. D. 25. Suppose you are standing in the aisle of a moving bus, and the driver suddenly takes a left turn. You are you likely to lurch to the right because of ___________. A. the momentum B. an unbalanced force C. an equilibrium challenge D. the tendency to keep moving forward 26. What happens to the speed of light when it travels from one medium to another with a different density? A. It decreases C. It remains the same B. It increases D. Either A or B 27. When do we know if two light sources are coherent? A. If they are of the same frequency B. If they are of the same frequency and amplitude C. If they are of the same amplitude and maintain a constant phase difference D. If they are of the same frequency and maintain a constant phase difference 28. The following correctly explains light passing through a cellophane EXCEPT: A. As white light passes through a red cellophane, the cellophane absorbs all colors except red. B. Green light can’t easily pass through the green cellophane because it shows the same color C. A red light passing through a red cellophane will simply go through since they have the same color D. Red light can’t easily pass-through green cellophane, since the cellophane absorbs the red light 29. Which of the following displays the use of special relativity in everyday life? A. Global Positioning System (GPS) C. Microwave ovens B. Graphing Calculators D. Oven Toasters 30. If a certain photon emitted by an object has a rest wavelength of 2 x 1010 km and a measured wavelength of 3 x 1010 km. What is the speed of the object relative to the speed of light? A. 5 times the speed of light C. 0.2 times the speed of light B. 0.5 times the speed of light D. 2 times the speed of light 31. Which of the following is TRUE according to the theory of Special Relativity? A. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which accelerate B. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move in circles C. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move in ellipses D. Physical Laws are the same in frames of reference which move at uniform velocity
  • 4. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 32. What is missing in this nuclear equation: + _________________? A. B. C. D. 33. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about CO2 ? A. It is a polar molecule B. Polar bond is present C. It has a linear molecular shape D. it has an electronegativity difference of 1.0 34. Considering the liquid in a tube shown below, it demonstrates that adhesion is stronger than cohesion. Why do you think so? A. The liquid is pulled upwards and results to concave meniscus B. The liquid is pushed downwards and results to a convex meniscus C. The liquid is pulled upward and becomes higher than the surrounding liquid D. The liquid is pushed downward and becomes lower than the surrounding liquid 35. Referring to the images below, why do you think maltose, lactose and sucrose considered as isomers? A. They have different chemical formulas and structures B. They have the same chemical formulas and structures C. They have different chemical formulas but the same structures D. They have the same chemical formulas but different in structures 36. Your Science teacher demonstrates an interesting chemical reaction in your class. The teacher dissolves zinc strips in a container with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The teacher then added more hydrochloric acid in the container and added more pieces of zinc strips. What factor will NOT affect the reaction rate? A. The size of the container B. The concentration of the reactants C. The surface area of zinc strips D. The amount of hydrochloric acid
  • 5. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 37. You are tasked to determine the limiting reactant in a chemical reaction. Which of the following will you select to start performing that task? A. Calculate bond energies B. Determine the molar mass of the products C. Determine the masses of 100 mol of each reactant D. Calculate the mass of a single product formed from each reactant 38. In a hydroelectric powerplant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater height. How will you interpret it? A. Its temperature increases B. More water molecules dissociate with ions C. The electricity content of water increases with height D. Large amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy 39. Which among the choices given is TRUE about bulking agents? A. It gives color to the product B. It enhances the flavor of the product C. It adds volume to the product without altering the quality D. It prevents bacteria and viruses in sticking to your clothes 40. Referring to the image below of a lunar eclipse, which of the statements below best describes it? A. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the moon and the Sun B. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun C. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is forming ninety-degree angle with the Earth. D. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is behind the Sun and the moon is in front of the Sun 41.Which of the following best describes an accelerating object? A. It is an object at rest B. It is an object moving slower C. It is an object in mechanical equilibrium D. It is an object moving at constant velocity 42. Which statement is NOT true about light? A. It has a dual nature B. It is an electromagnetic wave C. It travels in vacuum at 3x108 m/s D. It travels the path that requires the longest time 43. From the choices below, which is NOT an example of the phenomenon of the scattering of light? A. Rainbow after the rain B. Sky appears blue at midday C. Sky appears bluish in the evening D. Sky appears reddish in the evening
  • 6. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 44. When illustrating a Ray diagram, you can illustrate the mirrored image by using at least how many lines? A. 1 line B. 2 lines C. 3 lines D. 4 lines 45. Consider the list of physical properties below, which one(s) is / are dependent on the observer’s speed according to the theory of Special relativity? A. Energy B. Length C. Time D. All of these 46. Suppose you are asked to create a statement that will describe the inverse square relationship of brightness and distance, which statement will you use? A. The star’s brightness increases proportionally when distance is doubled B. The star’s brightness decreases proportionally when distance is doubled C. The star’s brightness increases proportionally to the square of the distance D. The star’s brightness decreases proportionally to the square of the distance 47. Brahe’s model of the universe is shown below: Choose a statement that will best design his idea of the center of the universe? A. There are two centers the Earth and the Sun B. The Earth, not the Sun is the center of the universe C. The Sun, not the Earth is the center of the universe D. Neither the Earth not the Sun is the center of the universe 48. Based on Galileo’s idea, predict what will happen if you roll a ball on a level surface. A. Keep rolling if friction is absent B. Soon rolls in the opposite direction C. Soon slow down due to its natural place D. Roll as long as its inertia nudges it along 49. Which of the following phenomena is NOT a consequence of the General Theory of Relativity? A. Black hole B. weightlessness C. Gravitational Lenses D. Precession of Mercury’s orbit 50. Your classmate asks you: Why is a black hole black? Which answer will you give? A. Because no light can leave the hole B. Because no light is absorbed by the hole C. Because all colors are absorbed in that hole D. Because all colors are reflected from that hole.
  • 7. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ 51. What can you do if the mass of a given body and the net force acting on it are both given? A. Calculate its weight B. Deduce its acceleration C. Predict its motion D. Predict its motion, calculate its weight, and deduce its acceleration. 52. Consider the models shown below: On the left is known as the Ptolemaic Model and on the right is the Copernican Model. Comparing both models, which idea appears to be common to both? A. Planets move in circular orbits B. Earth is the center of the universe C. Sun is the center of the universe D. none of the above 53. Food is refrigerated to slow down its decomposition caused by bacterial action. Which best explains this situation? A. the decrease in the surface area of the food upon refrigeration B. the decrease in the number of particles possessing activation energy C. the decrease in the temperature of the decomposition reaction D. the introduction of an alternative pathway for decomposition to take place 54. The vapor pressure on top of the mountain is low. What will happen to the cooking time of an egg up there? A. The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is higher. B. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is higher. C. The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is lower. D. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is lower 55. How does the enzyme improve the quality of a paper sheet? A. It makes it whiter B. It makes it more writable C. It makes it stronger and thicker D. It adds color to the paper 56. Why is there a discussion about energy crisis when energy can neither be created nor destroyed? A. Energy transforms into different forms continuously. B. Usable forms of energy is dissipated to the surroundings in less usable forms.
  • 8. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III __________________________________________________________________________ C. Energy is consumed and cannot be used again. D. All of these 57.What type of intermolecular interaction results from dissolving sodium chloride in water? A. Dipole- dipole B. Ion dipole C. Hydrogen bond D. London dispersion 58.E=hf is an equation that describes the relationship between energy (E) and frequency of light (f). What will happen to the energy of light as the frequency goes higher? A. It goes higher B. remains the same C. goes lower D. undetermined 59. Interference of light waves is said to be evident on soap bubbles. How will you describe it effect? A. They become larger B. They become heavier C. They produced different colors at the surface. D. They produced images of objects like a mirror. 60.Supposed you are given a task to determine the distance of stars that are less than 300 light years away. Which method would you use? A. parallax B. photometry C. spectroscopy D. standard candles