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TPP 2012 at Chiba, Nov 21, 2012

       Coq に於ける
Monads with Predicate Liftings

      千葉大学大学院 理学研究科 須田 啓司
Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
                     :C        ! Cat

                  hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i        hT , ⌘, µi
  Kl(T )                                     Kl(T )

           #              #            ⇧
hT, ⌘, ( ) i   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i    hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq
‣ 関数型プログラミングの文脈に於けるモナド
- 手続き的にプログラムを記述するための枠組み
- 計算効果を統一的に扱うことを可能にする
‣ 型クラスとしてのモナド
- 型変換子Tでパラメタライズされた型クラス
- モナド則をメンバとして持つ
 • モナドそのものを推論の対象と出来る
- 個々の計算効果はモナドのサブクラスとして記述される
 • 失敗,状態,非決定性など
Record TypeModifier: Type :=
   tm_modify :> Set -> Set;
   tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A)

Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B)
 (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity).
Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):=
   ret {A: Set}: A -> T A;

  bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B
   where "x >>= y" := (bind y x);

   forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A),
    (ret a) >>= f =t= f a;
   forall (A: Set)(m: T A),
    m >>= ret =t= m;
   forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A),
    (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g);

    forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B),
      m =t= m' ->
      (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) ->
      m >>= f =t= m' >>= f'
Record TypeModifier: Type :=
   tm_modify :> Set -> Set;
   tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A)

Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B)
 (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity).
Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):=
   ret {A: Set}: A -> T A;

  bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B
   where "x >>= y" := (bind y x);

   forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A),
    (ret a) >>= f =t= f a;
   forall (A: Set)(m: T A),
    m >>= ret =t= m;
   forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A),
    (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g);

    forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B),
      m =t= m' ->
      (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) ->
      m >>= f =t= m' >>= f'
Record TypeModifier: Type :=
   tm_modify :> Set -> Set;
   tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A)

Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B)
 (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity).
Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):=
   ret {A: Set}: A -> T A;

  bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B
   where "x >>= y" := (bind y x);

   forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A),
    (ret a) >>= f =t= f a;                                               モナド則
   forall (A: Set)(m: T A),                                      (Kleisli Tripleの3等式)
    m >>= ret =t= m;
   forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A),
    (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g);

    forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B),
      m =t= m' ->
      (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) ->
      m >>= f =t= m' >>= f'
Record TypeModifier: Type :=
   tm_modify :> Set -> Set;
   tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A)

Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B)
 (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity).
Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):=
   ret {A: Set}: A -> T A;

  bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B
   where "x >>= y" := (bind y x);

   forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A),
    (ret a) >>= f =t= f a;                                               モナド則
   forall (A: Set)(m: T A),                                      (Kleisli Tripleの3等式)
    m >>= ret =t= m;
   forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A),
    (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g);

    forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B),
      m =t= m' ->                                                モナド自体も推論の対象
      (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) ->
      m >>= f =t= m' >>= f'
Record TypeModifier: Type :=
   tm_modify :> Set -> Set;
   tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A)

Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B)
 (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity).
Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):=
   ret {A: Set}: A -> T A;

  bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B
   where "x >>= y" := (bind y x);

   forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A),
    (ret a) >>= f =t= f a;                                               モナド則
   forall (A: Set)(m: T A),                                      (Kleisli Tripleの3等式)
    m >>= ret =t= m;
   forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A),
    (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g);


    forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B),
      m =t= m' ->                                                モナド自体も推論の対象
      (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) ->
      m >>= f =t= m' >>= f'
‣ 等式推論では
- プログラムmと,性質Pを満たすことが 容易にわかる プ
- 間接的な方法
‣ 述語を使いたい
- プログラムmが性質Pを満たす という形の直接的記述
 • 特に,bind記法に倣って次のように書きたい.

            x   m; (P x)
‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究
- Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990.
 • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張
- A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993.
 • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束
   などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張
- Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010
 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用
‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究
- Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990.
 • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張
- A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993.
 • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束
   などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張
- Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010
 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用
‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究
- Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990.
 • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張
Kleisli Tripleの言葉に言い換え,
- A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993.
 • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束
   などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張
- Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010
 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用
- モナドやKleisli圏,添字付圏など
Predicate Liftingの定義
- 函手,モナドとPredicate Lifting
Grothendieck構成とPredicate Lifting
- 述語の圏 の構成
Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
- Coqで実装するための議論と結果
Kleisli Triple
‣ 圏C上のKleisli Triple
 - 次のものからなる三つ組 hT, ⌘, ( )# i
  • 対象の割り当て
  • 射の族
  • 射の族
 - これらは以下の等式を満たす

‣ HaskellやCoqのモナドクラスの実体はこれ
‣ 圏C上のモナド
 - 自己函手と2つの自然変換からなる三つ組

 - 次の図式を可換にする(モナド則)

‣ Kleisli Tripleと同値
 -                    として互いを構成可能
‣ モナドTのKleisli圏Kl(T)
 - 圏C上のモナド    から以下のように構成する
  • 対象は圏Cの対象と同じ
  • 射      はCの射
  •            の合成射はCの射
  • 恒等射は
  • 圏の公理はモナド則によって与えられる
 - プログラムはKleisli圏の射として解釈される
‣ 添字付圏         : C op ! Cat
 - 例えば
‣ 圏IndCat
 - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏
 - 射(1-cell)
 - 射の変換(2-cell)
‣ 添字付圏         : C op ! Cat
 - 例えば
‣ 圏IndCat
 - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏
 - 射(1-cell)
 - 射の変換(2-cell)
‣ 添字付圏         : C op ! Cat
 - 例えば
‣ 圏IndCat
 - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏
 - 射(1-cell)
 - 射の変換(2-cell)

                :C        ! Cat

   Kl(T )

 hT, ⌘, ( ) i
Predicate Liftingの定義
‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings
 - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと
 -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ
   • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に
‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings
 - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと
 -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ
   • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に

      (   : C op ! Cat)   (F, )   /(   : C op ! Cat)
‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings
 - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと
 -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ
   • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に
                         op        op
                     C         C
                              +3 C op

                     ✏         ✏
                    Cat       Cat
‣ Monads with Predicate Liftings
 - IndCatの自己射(1-cell)と2つの2-cellからなる三つ組

 - Predicate Liftingのsplitness
   •    が全て恒等射であるときsplitであるという
            ✓X,P : P ⇠
                     =      (⌘X )(⌧X (P ))
            ⌫X,P   : ⌧T X (⌧X (P )) ⇠ (µX )(⌧X (P ))
‣ Monads with Predicate Liftings
 - IndCatの自己射(1-cell)と2つの2-cellからなる三つ組
        T : C ! C, ⌧ : ) T
        ⌘ : Id ) T, ✓ = {✓X : Id (X) ) (⌘X )⌧X }
        µ : T 2 ) T, ⌫ = {⌫X : ⌧T X ⌧X ) (µX )⌧X }
 - Predicate Liftingのsplitness
   •    が全て恒等射であるときsplitであるという
            ✓X,P : P ⇠
                     =      (⌘X )(⌧X (P ))
            ⌫X,P   : ⌧T X (⌧X (P )) ⇠ (µX )(⌧X (P ))
モナド with P.L. のモナド則
モナド with P.L. のモナド則
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

               µX     ⌘T X = idT X
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

               µX     ⌘T X = idT X

               µX     T ⌘X = idT X
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

               µX     ⌘T X = idT X

               µX     T ⌘X = idT X

              µX   µT X = µX    T µX
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

               µX     ⌘T X = idT X

               µX     T ⌘X = idT X

              µX   µT X = µX    T µX
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

               µX     ⌘T X = idT X

               µX     T ⌘X = idT X

              µX   µT X = µX    T µX
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

                µX    ⌘T X = idT X

                µX    T ⌘X = idT X

              µX   µT X = µX    T µX

             (⌘T X )⌫X   ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

                µX    ⌘T X = idT X

                µX    T ⌘X = idT X

              µX   µT X = µX     T µX

             (⌘T X )⌫X    ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X

              (T ⌘X )⌫X   ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

                      µX    ⌘T X = idT X

                      µX   T ⌘X = idT X

                    µX   µT X = µX     T µX

                (⌘T X )⌫X       ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X

                    (T ⌘X )⌫X   ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X

        (µT X )⌫X     ⌫ T X ⌧X =   (T µX )⌫X     ⌧T 2 X ⌫ X
モナド with P.L. のモナド則

                      µX    ⌘T X = idT X

                      µX   T ⌘X = idT X

                    µX   µT X = µX     T µX

                (⌘T X )⌫X       ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X

                    (T ⌘X )⌫X   ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X

        (µT X )⌫X     ⌫ T X ⌧X =   (T µX )⌫X     ⌧T 2 X ⌫ X

                :C        ! Cat

   Kl(T )

 hT, ⌘, ( ) i
 Predicate Lifting
‣ 添字付圏     から新たな圏  を作る
- 対象は        の組
- 射は              の組
- 合成は
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
                 :C        ! Cat
X with P.L. = X
‣ 函手 with P.L. は   上の函手
                           R     R
 -            から函手 F :         !     が定まる
            F (X, P ) := (F (X), X (P ))
             F (f, p) := (F (f ),   X (p))

‣ モナド with P.L. は     上のモナド
 -                  からモナド    が定まる
                         hT , ⌘, µi
              ⌘ (X,P ) := (⌘X , ✓X,P )
              µ(X,P ) := (µX , ⌫X,P )

                       :C        ! Cat

       モノイダル圏                      モノイド対象


        End( )

        End(       )                     hT , ⌘, µi
‣ 反変函手
    - splitなモナド with P.L.          の下で
    - 函手性の証明にsplitnessが要る
    - Kleisli圏 Kl(T ) についての 述語の圏

                :C        ! Cat

                                  hT , ⌘, µi

   Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

 hT, ⌘, ( ) i
               :C        ! Cat

                                 hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i
               :C        ! Cat

                                 hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i
モナド on Coq

               :C        ! Cat

                                 hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i
モナド on Coq

               :C        ! Cat

                                 hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i
モナド on Coq     モナド with P.L.

               :C        ! Cat

                                 hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                          Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i
モナド on Coq     モナド with P.L.

               :C        ! Cat

                                  hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                           Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i                     hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq     モナド with P.L.

               :C        ! Cat

                                 =    hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                               Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i                         hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq     モナド with P.L.

               :C        ! Cat

                                 =   hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                              Kl(T )

hT, ⌘, ( ) i                     = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq              モナド with P.L.

                        :C        ! Cat

                                              =    hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                            Kl(T )

           #                         #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i   h(T, ⌧ ), (⌘, ✓), (( ) , [ ? ])i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq              モナド with P.L.

                        :C        ! Cat

                     hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i       =    hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                            Kl(T )

           #                         #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i   h(T, ⌧ ), (⌘, ✓), (( ) , [ ? ])i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq           モナド with P.L.

                     :C        ! Cat

                  hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i       =   hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                        Kl(T )

           #              #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i   = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド on Coq           モナド with P.L.

                     :C        ! Cat

                  hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i       =   hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                        Kl(T )

           #              #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i   = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド with P.L. on Coq
モナド on Coq            モナド with P.L.

                      :C        ! Cat

                   hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i       =   hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                         Kl(T )

           #               #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i    hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i   = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
モナド with P.L. on Coq
モナド on Coq            モナド with P.L.

                      :C        ! Cat

                   hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i       =   hT , ⌘, µi

  Kl(T )                                         Kl(T )

           #               #
hT, ⌘, ( ) i    hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i   = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
Kleisli Triples with
Predicate Liftings
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣        上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                         R                     R
    -(    )#
           := {( ) :        ((X, P ), T (Y, Q)) ! (T (X, P ), T (Y, Q
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                             p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣        上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                    #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                             p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣       上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
       (f, p) : (X, P ) ! (T Y, ⌧Y (Q))
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                  #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                           p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣       上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
       (f, p) : (X, P ) ! (T Y, ⌧Y (Q))
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                  #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
               #(f # , p⇧ ) :⇧(T X, ⌧ (P )) ! (T Y, ⌧ (Q))
  - hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i         X               Y
     • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                           p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣        上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                    #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                             p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣        上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ
                    #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • p : P ! f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q)) 7! p⇧ : ⌧X (P ) ! (f # )⇤ (⌧Y (Q))
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                             p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli TripleとP.L.
‣        上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i
    - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ

                    #   ⇧
    -   (f, p)#
             := (f , p )
‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
  - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i
     • p : P ! f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q)) 7! p⇧ : ⌧X (P ) ! (f # )⇤ (⌧Y (Q))
‣ splitness
    - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる
                             p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

      hT, ⌘, ( )# i
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

      hT, ⌘, ( )# i

     f       ⌘X = f
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

      hT, ⌘, ( )# i

     f       ⌘X = f
      ⌘X     = idT X
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

          hT, ⌘, ( )# i

          f       ⌘X = f
          ⌘X      = idT X
      #       #          #        #
  g       f       = (g       f)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

          hT, ⌘, ( )# i

          f       ⌘X = f
          ⌘X      = idT X
      #       #          #        #
  g       f       = (g       f)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

                              hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i

          f       ⌘X = f
          ⌘X      = idT X
      #       #          #        #
  g       f       = (g       f)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

                              hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i

          f   #
                  ⌘X = f                       (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p

          ⌘X      = idT X
      #       #          #        #
  g       f       = (g       f)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

                              hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i

          f   #
                  ⌘X = f                       (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p

           #                                      ⇧
          ⌘X      = idT X                        ✓X,P   = id⌧X (P )

      #       #          #        #
  g       f       = (g       f)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

                              hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i

          f   #
                  ⌘X = f                       (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p

           #                                      ⇧
          ⌘X      = idT X                        ✓X,P   = id⌧X (P )

      #       #          #        #        #    ⇧       ⇧             ⇧   ⇧
  g       f       = (g       f)         (f )(q ) p = ( (f )(q ) p)
Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式

                              hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i

          f   #
                  ⌘X = f                       (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p

           #                                      ⇧
          ⌘X      = idT X                        ✓X,P   = id⌧X (P )

      #       #          #        #        #    ⇧       ⇧             ⇧   ⇧
  g       f       = (g       f)         (f )(q ) p = ( (f )(q ) p)
splitness       #
            f       = µT   Tf
splitness                 #
                      f       = µT   Tf

              #   ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
splitness                       #
                            f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT          T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
splitness                         #
                              f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT            T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))

                        p =       (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)
splitness                         #
                              f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT            T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))

                        p =       (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)

                            ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q))
splitness                         #
                              f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT            T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))

                            ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q))
                        p =       (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)
splitness                         #
                              f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT            T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))

                            ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q))

                                  p⇧ = ⌧X (p)
splitness                       #
                            f       = µT    Tf

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT          T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
splitness                              #
                              µX =   idT X

                    #   ⇧
                  (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
              #     ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT      T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
splitness                             #
                             µX =   idT X

                  (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
              #   ⇧
            (f , p ) = (µT     T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
                     ⌫X,P =    id⌧X (P )
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
                     ⌫X,P =    id⌧X (P )
                       p = ⌧X (p)
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )

                       p = ⌧X (p)

                     ⌫X,P = id⇧X (P )
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )

                       p = ⌧X (p)

                  ⌫X,P = id⌧T X (⌧X (P ))
splitness                        #
                       µX =    idT X

            (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                 #       ⇧
             (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
splitness                            #
                          µX =     idT X

             (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )#
                                     #       ⇧
                 (µX , ⌫X,P ) =   (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )

            p = ⌧X (p) , ⌫X,P = id⌧T X (⌧X (P ))
P.L. on Coq
‣ 添字付圏 について
 - 今回は,Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftingsの一般的
 - Moggiの論文に拠れば,述語として用いるなら添字付交
  • 今後の課題
‣ PredLiftクラス
 - モナドにPredicate Liftingを追加したサブクラス
  • ✓, ( ) はクラスの持つべき性質として現れる
P.L. on Coq
‣ 添字付圏 について
 - 今回は,Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftingsの一般的
 - Moggiの論文に拠れば,述語として用いるなら添字付交
  • 今後の課題            ?
‣ PredLiftクラス
 - モナドにPredicate Liftingを追加したサブクラス
  • ✓, ( ) はクラスの持つべき性質として現れる
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
P.L. on Coq                                  #                ⇧
                                   hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i

 Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type :=
    (* predicate liftings *)
    predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A);

   (* naturality of predlift *)

   (* kleisli triple with predlift *)
     forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
      P --> ret*[(predlift P)];

    forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
      (P --> f*[predlift Q]) ->
      ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]);

    (* monad law’s of pl *)
splitness on Coq

 Context `(plm: PLMonad).

 (* splitness of monad *)
 Definition ret_pl_splitness :=
   forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
    ret*[(predlift P)] --> P.

 Definition bind_pl_splitness :=
  forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
   predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <->
   predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]).

 Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
splitness on Coq

 Context `(plm: PLMonad).

 (* splitness of monad *)
 Definition ret_pl_splitness :=
   forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
    ret*[(predlift P)] --> P.

 Definition bind_pl_splitness :=
  forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
   predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <->
   predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]).

 Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
splitness on Coq

 Context `(plm: PLMonad).

 (* splitness of monad *)
 Definition ret_pl_splitness :=
   forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
    ret*[(predlift P)] --> P.

 Definition bind_pl_splitness :=
  forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
   predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <->
   predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]).

 Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
splitness on Coq

 Context `(plm: PLMonad).

 (* splitness of monad *)
 Definition ret_pl_splitness :=
   forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
    ret*[(predlift P)] --> P.

 Definition bind_pl_splitness :=
  forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
   predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <->
   predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]).

 Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
splitness on Coq

 Context `(plm: PLMonad).

 (* splitness of monad *)
 Definition ret_pl_splitness :=
   forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A),
    ret*[(predlift P)] --> P.

 Definition bind_pl_splitness :=
  forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B),
   predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <->
   predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]).

 Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
‣ 直接ソースコードをお見せします
‣ Coq上でPredicate Liftingを定義
 - Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings
 - Kleisli Tripleのsplitnessの導出と実装
 - 具体例の実装
  • Maybeモナド with P.L. や Stateモナド with P.L.
  • MonadStateに関するホーアトリプル
‣ モナド則やsplitnessのCoqに於ける記述方法
 - 記述する必要が可能性も
 - Proof IrrelevanceとPredicate Lifting
‣ 強モナド,Predicate Lifting,Kleisli Triple
 - これらの間の関連の議論がまだまだ出来ていない
‣ 述語 の取扱について
 - 添字付交わり半束+αに制限するべきか
‣ 実装に至るまでに用いた性質の証明をCoqで
 - 余裕があれば
‣ モノイダル圏
- 圏 ,双函手       ,対象   からなる組
- 結合律
- 単位元律
‣ 対象モノイダル圏
- 積が可換 なモノイダル圏
‣ モノイド対象
- モノイダル圏の対象で, 演算 と 単位元 を与える自然変
  換を伴い,それらが モノイドの公理 を満たすもの
‣ モノイダル圏
- 圏 ,双函手       ,対象   からなる組
- 結合律
- 単位元律
‣ 対象モノイダル圏
- 積が可換 なモノイダル圏
‣ モノイド対象
- モノイダル圏の対象で, 演算 と 単位元 を与える自然変
  換を伴い,それらが モノイドの公理 を満たすもの

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  • 2. 正確には Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings の実装です
  • 4. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i hT , ⌘, µi 各々の道具の中身よりも それらの関係性に重点を置きます Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i hT , ⌘, ( )# i
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  • 8. Record TypeModifier: Type := { tm_modify :> Set -> Set; tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A) }. Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B) (at level 70, no associativity). Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity). Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):= { ret {A: Set}: A -> T A; bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B where "x >>= y" := (bind y x); unit_left: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A), (ret a) >>= f =t= f a; unit_right: forall (A: Set)(m: T A), m >>= ret =t= m; assoc: forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A), (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g); bind_subst: forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B), m =t= m' -> (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) -> m >>= f =t= m' >>= f' }.
  • 9. Record TypeModifier: Type := { tm_modify :> Set -> Set; tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A) }. Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B) (at level 70, no associativity). Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity). Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):= { ret {A: Set}: A -> T A; bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B where "x >>= y" := (bind y x); unit_left: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A), (ret a) >>= f =t= f a; unit_right: forall (A: Set)(m: T A), m >>= ret =t= m; assoc: forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A), (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g); bind_subst: forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B), m =t= m' -> (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) -> m >>= f =t= m' >>= f' }.
  • 10. Record TypeModifier: Type := { tm_modify :> Set -> Set; tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A) }. Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B) (at level 70, no associativity). Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity). Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):= { ret {A: Set}: A -> T A; bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B where "x >>= y" := (bind y x); unit_left: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A), (ret a) >>= f =t= f a; モナド則 unit_right: forall (A: Set)(m: T A), (Kleisli Tripleの3等式) m >>= ret =t= m; assoc: forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A), (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g); bind_subst: forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B), m =t= m' -> (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) -> m >>= f =t= m' >>= f' }.
  • 11. Record TypeModifier: Type := { tm_modify :> Set -> Set; tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A) }. Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B) (at level 70, no associativity). Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity). Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):= { ret {A: Set}: A -> T A; bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B where "x >>= y" := (bind y x); unit_left: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A), (ret a) >>= f =t= f a; モナド則 unit_right: forall (A: Set)(m: T A), (Kleisli Tripleの3等式) m >>= ret =t= m; assoc: forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A), (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g); bind_subst: forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B), m =t= m' -> モナド自体も推論の対象 (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) -> m >>= f =t= m' >>= f' }.
  • 12. Record TypeModifier: Type := { tm_modify :> Set -> Set; tm_equivalence {A: Set}: Equivalence (tm_modify A) }. Notation "A =t= B" := (equiv_eq (Equivalence:=tm_equivalence _) A B) (at level 70, no associativity). Reserved Notation "x >>= y" (at level 60, left associativity). Class Monad (T: TypeModifier):= { ret {A: Set}: A -> T A; bind {A B: Set}: (A -> T B) -> T A -> T B where "x >>= y" := (bind y x); unit_left: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(a: A), (ret a) >>= f =t= f a; モナド則 unit_right: forall (A: Set)(m: T A), (Kleisli Tripleの3等式) m >>= ret =t= m; assoc: forall (A B C: Set)(f: A -> T B)(g: B -> T C)(m: T A), (m >>= f >>= g) =t= m >>= (fun x => (f x) >>= g); bind_subst: 等式推論のみ forall (A B: Set)(m m': T A)(f f': A -> T B), m =t= m' -> モナド自体も推論の対象 (forall a: A, f a =t= f' a) -> m >>= f =t= m' >>= f' }.
  • 13. モナドと推論 ‣ 等式推論では - プログラムmと,性質Pを満たすことが 容易にわかる プ ログラムnとの間の等価性を示す. - 間接的な方法 ‣ 述語を使いたい - プログラムmが性質Pを満たす という形の直接的記述 • 特に,bind記法に倣って次のように書きたい. x m; (P x)
  • 14. モナドと述語論理 ‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究 - Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990. • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張 - A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993. • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束 などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張 - Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用 いて,モナドのKleisli圏(や代数)の述語の圏を構成
  • 15. モナドと述語論理 ‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究 - Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990. • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張 - A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993. • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束 などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張 - Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用 いて,モナドのKleisli圏(や代数)の述語の圏を構成
  • 16. モナドと述語論理 ‣ (圏論的な)モナドと述語論理に関する研究 - Evaluation Logic. A.M.Pitts. 1990. • 計算型付ラムダ計算を,その上の述語論理へ拡張 Kleisli Tripleの言葉に言い換え, - A Semantics for Evaluation Logic. E.Moggi. 1993. Coqで実装するのが本発表の目的 • モナドによる計算型付ラムダ計算の意味論を,交わり半束 などを用いて,Evaluation Logicの意味論へと拡張 - Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads. B.Jacobs. 2010 • 述語の一般化とも言える添字付圏と,Predicate Liftingを用 いて,モナドのKleisli圏(や代数)の述語の圏を構成
  • 17. 流れ 圏論的準備 - モナドやKleisli圏,添字付圏など Predicate Liftingの定義 - 函手,モナドとPredicate Lifting Grothendieck構成とPredicate Lifting - 述語の圏 の構成 Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - Coqで実装するための議論と結果
  • 19. Kleisli Triple ‣ 圏C上のKleisli Triple - 次のものからなる三つ組 hT, ⌘, ( )# i • 対象の割り当て • 射の族 • 射の族 - これらは以下の等式を満たす ‣ HaskellやCoqのモナドクラスの実体はこれ
  • 20. モナド ‣ 圏C上のモナド - 自己函手と2つの自然変換からなる三つ組 - 次の図式を可換にする(モナド則) ‣ Kleisli Tripleと同値 - として互いを構成可能
  • 21. Kleisli圏 ‣ モナドTのKleisli圏Kl(T) - 圏C上のモナド    から以下のように構成する • 対象は圏Cの対象と同じ • 射      はCの射 •            の合成射はCの射 • 恒等射は • 圏の公理はモナド則によって与えられる - プログラムはKleisli圏の射として解釈される
  • 22. 添字付圏 ‣ 添字付圏 : C op ! Cat - 例えば ‣ 圏IndCat - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏 - 射(1-cell) •  - 射の変換(2-cell) • 
  • 23. 添字付圏 ‣ 添字付圏 : C op ! Cat - 例えば ‣ 圏IndCat - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏 - 射(1-cell) •  - 射の変換(2-cell) • 
  • 24. 添字付圏 ‣ 添字付圏 : C op ! Cat - 例えば ‣ 圏IndCat - 添字付圏全体からなる2-圏 - 射(1-cell) •  - 射の変換(2-cell) • 
  • 25. ここまでに出てきたもの op :C ! Cat Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 27. 函手とP.L. ‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に
  • 28. 函手とP.L. ‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に ( : C op ! Cat) (F, ) /( : C op ! Cat)
  • 29. 函手とP.L. ‣ Functors with Predicate Liftings - IndCatに於ける自己射       のこと -       をpredicate liftingと呼ぶ • X上の述語     をFX上の述語         に op op C C F ✏ +3 C op ✏ ✏ Cat Cat
  • 30. モナドとP.L. ‣ Monads with Predicate Liftings - IndCatの自己射(1-cell)と2つの2-cellからなる三つ組 •  - Predicate Liftingのsplitness • が全て恒等射であるときsplitであるという ✓X,P : P ⇠ = (⌘X )(⌧X (P )) ⌫X,P : ⌧T X (⌧X (P )) ⇠ (µX )(⌧X (P )) =
  • 31. モナドとP.L. ‣ Monads with Predicate Liftings - IndCatの自己射(1-cell)と2つの2-cellからなる三つ組 •  T : C ! C, ⌧ : ) T ⌘ : Id ) T, ✓ = {✓X : Id (X) ) (⌘X )⌧X } µ : T 2 ) T, ⌫ = {⌫X : ⌧T X ⌧X ) (µX )⌧X } - Predicate Liftingのsplitness • が全て恒等射であるときsplitであるという ✓X,P : P ⇠ = (⌘X )(⌧X (P )) ⌫X,P : ⌧T X (⌧X (P )) ⇠ (µX )(⌧X (P )) =
  • 32. モナド with P.L. のモナド則
  • 33. モナド with P.L. のモナド則
  • 34. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X
  • 35. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X
  • 36. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX
  • 37. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX
  • 38. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX
  • 39. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX (⌘T X )⌫X ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X
  • 40. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX (⌘T X )⌫X ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X (T ⌘X )⌫X ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X
  • 41. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX (⌘T X )⌫X ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X (T ⌘X )⌫X ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X (µT X )⌫X ⌫ T X ⌧X = (T µX )⌫X ⌧T 2 X ⌫ X
  • 42. モナド with P.L. のモナド則 µX ⌘T X = idT X µX T ⌘X = idT X µX µT X = µX T µX (⌘T X )⌫X ✓T X ⌧X = id⌧X (T ⌘X )⌫X ⌧X ✓X = id⌧X (µT X )⌫X ⌫ T X ⌧X = (T µX )⌫X ⌧T 2 X ⌫ X
  • 43. ここまでに出てきたもの op :C ! Cat Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 45. Grothendieck構成 ‣ 添字付圏 から新たな圏  を作る - 対象は の組 - 射は              の組 - 合成は
  • 51. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 52. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 53. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 54. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 55. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 56. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 57. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 58. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 59. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 60. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 61. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 62. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 63. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 64. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 65. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 66. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 67. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 68. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 69. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 70. Grothendieck構成 op :C ! Cat
  • 82. X with P.L. = X ‣ 函手 with P.L. は 上の函手 R R - から函手 F : ! が定まる F (X, P ) := (F (X), X (P )) F (f, p) := (F (f ), X (p)) ‣ モナド with P.L. は 上のモナド - からモナド    が定まる hT , ⌘, µi ⌘ (X,P ) := (⌘X , ✓X,P ) µ(X,P ) := (µX , ⌫X,P )
  • 83. “モナド”達の関連 op :C ! Cat モノイダル圏 モノイド対象 End(C) End( ) R End( ) hT , ⌘, µi
  • 84. Kleisli添字付圏 ‣ 反変函手 - splitなモナド with P.L. の下で •  • - 函手性の証明にsplitnessが要る ‣ - Kleisli圏 Kl(T ) についての 述語の圏
  • 85. ここまでに出てきたもの op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 86. op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 87. op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 88. モナド on Coq op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 89. モナド on Coq op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 90. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i
  • 91. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 92. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 93. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # hT, ⌘, ( ) i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 94. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i h(T, ⌧ ), (⌘, ✓), (( ) , [ ? ])i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 95. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i h(T, ⌧ ), (⌘, ✓), (( ) , [ ? ])i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 96. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 97. モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 98. モナド with P.L. on Coq モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 99. モナド with P.L. on Coq モナド on Coq モナド with P.L. op :C ! Cat hT, ⌘, µ, ⌧, ✓, ⌫i = hT , ⌘, µi Kl(T ) Kl(T ) # # hT, ⌘, ( ) i hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, [ ? ]i = hT , ⌘, ( )# i
  • 101. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # R R -( )# := {( ) : ((X, P ), T (Y, Q)) ! (T (X, P ), T (Y, Q ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 102. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 103. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i (f, p) : (X, P ) ! (T Y, ⌧Y (Q)) - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 104. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i (f, p) : (X, P ) ! (T Y, ⌧Y (Q)) - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings #(f # , p⇧ ) :⇧(T X, ⌧ (P )) ! (T Y, ⌧ (Q)) - hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i X Y • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 105. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • ( )⇧ := {( )⇧ : (X)(P, f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q))) ! (T X)(⌧X (P ), (f #   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 106. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • p : P ! f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q)) 7! p⇧ : ⌧X (P ) ! (f # )⇤ (⌧Y (Q))   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 107. Kleisli TripleとP.L. ‣ 上のKleisli Triple hT , ⌘, ( )# i - T , ⌘ はモナドのそれと同じ ? # ⇧ - (f, p)# := (f , p ) ‣ Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i • p : P ! f ⇤ (⌧Y (Q)) 7! p⇧ : ⌧X (P ) ! (f # )⇤ (⌧Y (Q))   ‣ splitness - モナドとKleisli Tripleの対応から,次のようになる p⇧ = ⌧x (p)
  • 108. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式
  • 109. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# i
  • 110. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# i # f ⌘X = f
  • 111. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# i # f ⌘X = f # ⌘X = idT X
  • 112. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# i # f ⌘X = f # ⌘X = idT X # # # # g f = (g f)
  • 113. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# i # f ⌘X = f # ⌘X = idT X # # # # g f = (g f)
  • 114. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i # f ⌘X = f # ⌘X = idT X # # # # g f = (g f)
  • 115. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i f # ⌘X = f (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p # ⌘X = idT X # # # # g f = (g f)
  • 116. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i f # ⌘X = f (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p # ⇧ ⌘X = idT X ✓X,P = id⌧X (P ) # # # # g f = (g f)
  • 117. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i f # ⌘X = f (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p # ⇧ ⌘X = idT X ✓X,P = id⌧X (P ) # # # # # ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ g f = (g f) (f )(q ) p = ( (f )(q ) p)
  • 118. Kleisli Triple with P.L. が満たす等式 hT, ⌘, ( )# , ⌧, ✓, ( )⇧ i f # ⌘X = f (⌘X )(p⇧ ) ✓X,P = p # ⇧ ⌘X = idT X ✓X,P = id⌧X (P ) # # # # # ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ g f = (g f) (f )(q ) p = ( (f )(q ) p)
  • 119. splitness # f = µT Tf
  • 120. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p))
  • 121. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
  • 122. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)) ⇧ p = (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)
  • 123. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)) ⇧ p = (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p) ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q))
  • 124. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)) ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q)) ⇧ p = (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)
  • 125. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p)) ⌫Y,Q = id⌧T Y (⌧Y (Q)) p⇧ = ⌧X (p)
  • 126. splitness # f = µT Tf # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
  • 127. splitness # µX = idT X # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT , ⌫Y,Q ) (T f, ⌧X (p)) # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
  • 128. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (f , p ) = (µT T f, (T f )(⌫Y,Q ) ⌧X (p))
  • 129. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
  • 130. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) ) ⇧ ⌫X,P = id⌧X (P )
  • 131. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) ) ⇧ ⌫X,P = id⌧X (P ) ⇧ p = ⌧X (p)
  • 132. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) ) ⇧ p = ⌧X (p) ⌫X,P = id⇧X (P ) ⌧
  • 133. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) ) ⇧ p = ⌧X (p) ⌫X,P = id⌧T X (⌧X (P ))
  • 134. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )
  • 135. splitness # µX = idT X (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) )# # ⇧ (µX , ⌫X,P ) = (idT X , id⌧X (P ) ) ⇧ p = ⌧X (p) , ⌫X,P = id⌧T X (⌧X (P ))
  • 136. P.L. on Coq ‣ 添字付圏 について - 今回は,Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftingsの一般的 な定義・実装を目指したので,反変函手とだけ仮定 - Moggiの論文に拠れば,述語として用いるなら添字付交 わり半束+αの性質を持つものとすべき • 今後の課題 ‣ PredLiftクラス - モナドにPredicate Liftingを追加したサブクラス ⇧ • ✓, ( ) はクラスの持つべき性質として現れる
  • 137. P.L. on Coq ‣ 添字付圏 について - 今回は,Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftingsの一般的 な定義・実装を目指したので,反変函手とだけ仮定 - Moggiの論文に拠れば,述語として用いるなら添字付交 わり半束+αの性質を持つものとすべき • 今後の課題 ? ‣ PredLiftクラス - モナドにPredicate Liftingを追加したサブクラス ⇧ • ✓, ( ) はクラスの持つべき性質として現れる
  • 138. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 139. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 140. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 141. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 142. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 143. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 144. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 145. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 146. P.L. on Coq # ⇧ hT, ⌘, ( ) , ⌧, ✓, ( ) i Class PLMonad `(monad: Monad)(gp: GPred): Type := { (* predicate liftings *) predlift {A: Set}: gpred A -> gpred (T A); (* naturality of predlift *) ... (* kleisli triple with predlift *) ret_pl: forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), P --> ret*[(predlift P)]; bind_pl: forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), (P --> f*[predlift Q]) -> ((predlift P) --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)]); (* monad law’s of pl *) ... }.
  • 147. splitness on Coq Context `(plm: PLMonad). (* splitness of monad *) Definition ret_pl_splitness := forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), ret*[(predlift P)] --> P. Definition bind_pl_splitness := forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <-> predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]). Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
  • 148. splitness on Coq Context `(plm: PLMonad). (* splitness of monad *) Definition ret_pl_splitness := forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), ret*[(predlift P)] --> P. Definition bind_pl_splitness := forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <-> predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]). Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
  • 149. splitness on Coq Context `(plm: PLMonad). (* splitness of monad *) Definition ret_pl_splitness := forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), ret*[(predlift P)] --> P. Definition bind_pl_splitness := forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <-> predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]). Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
  • 150. splitness on Coq Context `(plm: PLMonad). (* splitness of monad *) Definition ret_pl_splitness := forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), ret*[(predlift P)] --> P. Definition bind_pl_splitness := forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <-> predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]). Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
  • 151. splitness on Coq Context `(plm: PLMonad). (* splitness of monad *) Definition ret_pl_splitness := forall (A: Set)(P: gpred A), ret*[(predlift P)] --> P. Definition bind_pl_splitness := forall (A B: Set)(f: A -> T B)(P: gpred A)(Q: gpred B), predlift P --> (bind f)*[(predlift Q)] <-> predlift P --> predlift (f*[(predlift Q)]). Definition is_split := ret_pl_splitness/bind_pl_splitness.
  • 154. できたこと ‣ Coq上でPredicate Liftingを定義 - Kleisli Triples with Predicate Liftings - Kleisli Tripleのsplitnessの導出と実装 - 具体例の実装 • Maybeモナド with P.L. や Stateモナド with P.L. • MonadStateに関するホーアトリプル
  • 155. 課題と考察 ‣ モナド則やsplitnessのCoqに於ける記述方法 - 記述する必要が可能性も - Proof IrrelevanceとPredicate Lifting ‣ 強モナド,Predicate Lifting,Kleisli Triple - これらの間の関連の議論がまだまだ出来ていない ‣ 述語 の取扱について - 添字付交わり半束+αに制限するべきか ‣ 実装に至るまでに用いた性質の証明をCoqで - 余裕があれば
  • 157. モノイダル圏 ‣ モノイダル圏 - 圏 ,双函手       ,対象   からなる組 - 結合律 - 単位元律 ‣ 対象モノイダル圏 - 積が可換 なモノイダル圏 ‣ モノイド対象 - モノイダル圏の対象で, 演算 と 単位元 を与える自然変 換を伴い,それらが モノイドの公理 を満たすもの
  • 158. モノイダル圏 ‣ モノイダル圏 - 圏 ,双函手       ,対象   からなる組 - 結合律 - 単位元律 圏Cの自己函手からなる圏はモノイダル圏 ‣ 対象モノイダル圏 C上のモナドとは,この圏のモノイド対象 - 積が可換 なモノイダル圏 ‣ モノイド対象 - モノイダル圏の対象で, 演算 と 単位元 を与える自然変 換を伴い,それらが モノイドの公理 を満たすもの