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Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 5th “C”
Date: 05/11/15
Lesson number: 1(40’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the communicative approach.The
main aspects of this approach refer to enhance the communicative competence in the
language classroom. Therefore, interaction is a must in the lesson so that to encourage
learners to use the language in meaningful contexts. Following the communicative approach
involves taking into account meaning for students to find a purpose in using the language,
contextualization to create the situations for students to use the language and
comprehensible input that is far beyond students’ language level.
One of the strategies I used was providing comprehensible input that students could
understand. As I observed the lesson before, the group teacher used both, L1 and L2 during
the lesson as students found it difficult to follow her if she spoke L2 all the time. Therefore, I
tried to be as clear as possible using L2 but I also employed L1 when necessary. The
vocabulary I prepared for students to learn was also appropriate to their level as it was
related to their reality: trips and gifts. Together with the use of comprehensible input, I also
focused on the employment of visual aids. In this case I used pictures taken from real life
situations that made the relation between words and image possible and even help students
with their understanding of the meaning of the words in context.
As one of the aims of the lesson was to review previous knowledge regarding the uses of the
Present Perfect, another strategy was to make the connections between new and previous
knowledge. To make that possible, I helped students remember the uses of the tense
watching a video that exemplified it through dialogues in context.
Finally, one last strategy was to encourage students to work in pairs. Cooperative work leads
students to interact among themselves, this is the main reason for students to receive
feedback and create new and appropriate input over again. Therefore, through interaction
students were able to use the language meaningfully. As it is explained in Hedge (2000)
students need to practise in order to provide comprehensible input.
I think that these strategies were effective as I found the group interested in the activities,
even more with the videos and the use of pictures to contextualize. As regards pair work,
boys were more interested but they didn`t have the time to show their role plays.
One of the main setbacks in the lesson was that students arrived late at school, more than
half of the group arrived at eight when the lesson began at fifteen to eight;so, I had only
twenty five minutes to give the lesson. I asked the teacher if the same situation happened to
her, and she explained it was common for them to arrive late.
Another mistake was that volume of one of the videos was very low and very few students
could listen to it. I performed the dialogue again for the rest of the group. Next time I have to
check IT beforehand.
If it weren`t because of those setbacks, students reacted in a positive manner to the material
and the activities prepared. I asked several times if they could follow me and they seemed to
understand at least the main idea. Just two or three girls remained chatting during the whole
lesson, but every time I approached them there were positive answers or they began paying
attention, at least for some minutes.
I think that the use of visual aids helped students get the main idea of the lesson. Students
seemed attracted to the use of videos, and they could easily understand the new vocabulary
as it was presented in context.
Apart from that, they answered to almost all the questions I asked them, they were eager to
I think that the aspects of the lesson that need adjustment are related to time management
as I should consider that students arrive late, at least to Thursday lessons that begin so early
and the lesson shortens. Besides, a careful use of IT is of paramount importance and a
thoughtful use of L1, too.
After the lesson I felt quite motivated as I thought students liked it and could take something
from it. Maybe I could have more and better results in the following lesson that begins later
and lasts longer.
I consider that realia, visual aids and IT are the main tools in the language lessons,so I think
I will continue using them when it’s necessary. Even more as students felt interested in what
they could see or learn through those resources.
Some observations are that the teacher only uses the book to work with the group and that
she uses L2 during the lesson.
Tricia Hedge (2000)Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom - 1.2.3 p13
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 5th “C”
Date: 12/11/15
Lesson number: 2 (40’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson is the communicative
approach.Throughout this approach, learners get involved in communicative activities and
use the language to share information. Some features of this approach are the use of
contextualization as the main premise together with a strong emphasis on meaning. These
characteristics of the approach prepare the students to work with dialogues that are similar
to real life situations.
This lesson was prepared for an eighty minutes class, but as the group was going on a trip,
we had to called the lesson off. The lesson was shorten to a forty minutes lesson.
Some of the teaching approaches I put into practice are the use of comprehensible input, the
use of visuals for contextualization, try to link previous knowledge to new one, and the use of
cooperative strategies.
I tried to deliver comprehensive input taking into account the student's’ level of English and
the way in which the group teacher is used to work with them. One of the main aspects I
considered is that the teacher also uses L1 during the lessons as students tend to get lost If
she used too much L2. So, I tried to use L1 when necessary, that is to say, when it helped
students get the meaning of what I was trying to explain. I also tried to lessen the speed of
speech so that to use the language as clear as I could. I think that when I lessen the speech
and I accompanied it with visuals, students could easily get the idea of what i was trying to
Another strategy was the use of visuals for contextualization. I modified the power point
presentation and also omitted the use of decontextualized sentences that were thought as a
fill in the gaps activity. I understood the importance of contextualization in all aspects of the
lesson. Sometimes, It happens to me that I tend to use the same techniques I was taught
through; the use of isolated sentences to complete mechanically was a must when I first
studied English. Therefore, It gets difficult for me to find the context throughout the whole
lesson. I need to review didactics ¾ and take a deep view to specific aspects related with
contextualization. However, the examples I showed students through the power point were
successful as students understood the main aim of the presentation.
Before presenting the new items, I tried to review previous knowledge with questions.
Although I used the same kind of questions as the lesson before, this time students could
answer as they already knew how to answer.
Finally, students had to work in pairs to do the second activity with the copies. They only got
to the discussion section, but they could think and make some questions to their mates.
Sometimes It gets difficult to create the best atmosphere to work with adolescents. Some of
them said “I don't feel like working today” and that was their last word, others spent the
lesson chatting. I think I only had two lessons of about half an hour that are not enough to be
able to create an atmosphere and a teacher - students rapport as positive enough so that
the group feels at ease with me. Maybe, I need more time.
I think students reacted positively to the materials and activities I brought for them. The use
of videos and presentations were good opportunities for them to listen or read about the
language being used. They had a different view of the language, apart from all the material
they can find in their student’s book.
Regarding the lesson, I was asked several times to explain in L1, so I tried to use it the less I
I think that the lesson was good. The students engaged in the activities I presented to them
and also gave their opinions regarding the examples they saw. Some of them didn’t want to
work, and that was all. They didn’t give any options. Others just said “I take a photo to the
activity and complete it at home”. Although I asked them several times to work, they just
didn’t want to. I believe that was the worst aspect of the lesson. I couldn’t find the way to
enhance them to work with their mates.
5. What aspects of the lesson require change / improvement?3
This last aspects needs improvement. Maybe asking them to finish the activity during the
lesson, taking all the cellphones before coming into the lesson. But, I don’t think these were
good “methodologies” to make them change their minds. Nobody checks if they arrive on
time or not, so we won’t be able to have a forty minutes lesson that way. Sometimes I think
there is few control on students and because of that they are not interested in doing, at least,
classroom homework. Therefore, I think I need to have a longer lesson so that to be able to
try different ways to call their attention; It could be through different activities, with more
interesting information, or with games that aim at involving the whole group in a physical
activity that may help them feel part of a group.
Something that I find useful from this lesson is that I need to include more activities that help
include the whole group of students in a game or in interactive activities that aim at inclusion
and student’s interaction. Maybe, this way students get involved in the lesson and feel eager
to work more enthusiastically.
Following Banegas (2010) words, maybe including controversial issues in the lessons could
benefit students in a way in which they feel free to say what they think about something that
touches them. Nevertheless, as expressed in the article, it depends on the way the group
welcomes controversial issues and on the ways I encourage them to use the foreign
language to talk about such issues. Perhaps, I just need to give it a try.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 5th “C”
Date: 19/11/15
Lesson number: 3 (lesson plan 3 has been modified and used on the 12th November) (40’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. One
of the main objectives of this approach is to help learners gain communicative competence.
To be able to help learners acquire that goal, teachers need to create the possibilities
through the use of comprehensible input, contextualization and interaction. Sometimes,
teachers are the main resource of input for the learners; therefore, it is important to use the
language as much as possible.
Some of the teaching strategies I used involve comprehensible input, visuals for
contextualization and the use of realia that also helped as contextualization.
To be sincere, students didn`t get on time at the lesson so we started 10 minutes later as
there were only three students at 7:45 hs. Students couldn’t get to the production stage in
which they were expected to write about books and use the great amount of books I’d
chosen for them.
As regards comprehensible input, I had to use L1 as students got lost if I spoke only L2.
However, I tried to use it only to help students understand what I was trying to say or what I
was showing to them. It was not the mere use of L2 during the whole lesson. I even
encouraged students to use L2, rephrasing their answers and asking them to use the
Related to visuals, I accompanied a listening activity with pictures. Those pictures served the
purpose of pre - teaching vocabulary, necessary for students to understand the interview
they were about to listen. As the vocabulary was close to students context: there was a
famous football player and a famous book series also known by it’s movie; students, even
more boys, were really interested.
An important aspect of the lesson was the use of realia. I brought two bags of books, one to
review vocabulary about book or story types, and the other for students to work in a short
writing activity. Students recognized some of the books and even gave more examples
useful to illustrate the vocabulary they were using.
Another important aspect was that I organized students desks in a semicircle, so that to work
closer to them and also because of the audio recorder. I wanted all of them to be able to
listen to the interview. I worked almost all the lesson in the centre of the semicircle and on
the board so that to show the pictures, that I also took for students to watch closely.
I think that all these strategies were effective as students could finally understand the point
of the lesson, which was using the language to talk about reading habits; and I felt the group
was comfortable. Again, there were three girls who didn't pay attention and spent the whole
lesson talking; I don’t want to confront them and I also got the feeling that the group teacher
feels the same. I need to find a way to get them interested in the lesson.
I felt that students were involved in the lesson. Almost all of them participated, gave their
opinions, worked with the activities I presented to them and liked the idea of having books to
work with.
I also realized students have never used the book's website and that they have never been
told before. This time, although we didn’t get to the last activities (activity 2 and the closure
section) I gave them the website address so that they could have another type of practice
with the language. This type of homework could help students get more autonomy, using the
language in a different environment.
I felt good working with the group and I also felt students were interested in the lesson and
felt good with it. I hope it’s been like that, maybe I make assumptions and in fact students
feel or think differently.
I think that the use of realia was a great aspect of the lesson that couldn’t be exploited
because of time. Everything was prepared for students to use and to exploit themselves. The
dialogue was clearly understood, the pictures were really useful to understand the topic of
the dialogue, and the books helped students remember the vocabulary. Nevertheless, I left
the school with a feeling of dissatisfaction as the lesson was not complete and because
nobody expects that students arrive on time at school. Nobody asks them to arrive earlier.
It’s a fact that the 7:45 hs lesson will take only 20, 25 minutes. Unless I planned a half an
hour lesson, I would not be able to give a complete lesson with this group.
The main aspect of the lesson that requires improvement is group management regarding
the girls who do not pay attention during the lesson. I do not find the way to approach them.
Maybe, I need more time to know them and to let them know me. In addition, they arrive late
to the lesson. Maybe if I ask them to do collaborative work they may get more involved in the
lesson. As we have studied through different subjects, adolescence is a difficult period in
which several aspects of the student's growing process affect their learning
process.Perhaps, these girls are friends and they have their own rituals and beliefs as
regards learning or school life, or they feel identified among themselves behaving this way.
I think that the organization of the lesson was really helpful. Although students couldn’t get to
the last stages, the lesson flowed easily. I could follow the same organization for the coming
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 4th “E”
Date: 20/11/15
Lesson number: 4 (80’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. The
aim of this approach is for students to gain the necessary tools so that to be able to use the
language for communication. Teachers should offer the possibilities for learners to use the
language through contextualization, comprehensible input and interaction.
The teaching strategies I used are the use of a game, the use of a video and the use of
images. I also tried to encourage pair work and group work through different activities.
The use of a game was a good strategy as it served the function of ice breaker and of
warming up activity in which students reviewed vocabulary about food.
As regards the video and images, both worked as support and as meaningful input. The
pictures were useful for the reading and understanding of a text. And, the video was useful
for the interpretation of the benefits of consuming healthy food. It helped also as support to
make the ideas visual, and to cater for audio and visual learning styles.
Regarding pair work , I tried to encourage it but it was difficult as only a few students had the
book. Therefore , one girl read the text and the rest of the group tried to listen to her and to
solve the questions which were solved as a whole class activity.
The group activity was successful as firstly, we discussed and wrote on the board the
benefits and drawbacks as a group; and secondly, students had to complete the posters with
the information required. It help as a collaborative activity as students had to decide on what
sentence they wanted to add to the poster and on how to illustrate them.
I think that the lesson was a successful one as students got engaged in the activities,
participated and liked the idea of sticking the posters on the wall.
Although only one student read the text, the rest of the group was very attentive to the
reading and then they gave the answers to the questions helped by me and by the reader.
I think that the game was a great strategy. Almost all students were eager to participate and
also gave more vocabulary than the required.
The text students worked with was also useful. Students found out that a very young
celebrity was well known because of being able to cook.
The posters activity was a good activity too. Students found a meaningful way to use the
new vocabulary and ideas they were working with.
Maybe, I should have also accompanied the video with more pictures so that to introduce the
ideas the video dealt with. That could have improved student’s understanding. However,
several students understood the main point of the video which was related to the idea of
eating healthily; more specifically with adding vegetables and fruits to their diet and with
varying their colours.
As not all of the students had the book, there were only three books, I should have brought
copies of the pages just in case. All the same, the girl who read the article expressed she
likes reading so, all of the group enjoyed her reading.
I think that adding games is useful as they help the group to feel integrated and it also
fosters interaction. I will continue working with visuals as it is necessary for students to
receive visual input during the lesson. They relate vocabulary to pictures and it gets easier
for them to understand the meaning of the words or phrases. Another helpful aspect was the
use of posters as students felt that what they learnt was useful for everyday life. And, it was
also their own production, so it became even more meaningful for them. I found that working
with posters fosters group integration and interaction, too.
At the beginning of the lesson one student came into the classroom in a strange way. He
was drunk and high. The rest of the teachers didn’t notice that, but later he was taken
outside of the classroom. Fortunately, he didn't interrupt the lesson anymore and I think that
he realized what he was doing was wrong. The rest of the students didn’t pay much attention
to their mate’s reactions.
When this boy came back to the classroom I tried to include him in the activities, and he
even worked with two girls to make the poster. He did what he could do.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 4th “F”
Date: 20/11/15
Lesson number: 5 (80’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the delivery of the lesson was the Communicative
approach. Through this approach the main goal is communication. There are several
strategies that a teacher could deliver so that to guarantee a warm atmosphere in which
students can feel comfortable enough and can find the tools they need so that to construct
their own learning experiences. Some of those strategies are the use of visuals, the creation
of meaningful contexts that help understanding, and the use of comprehensible input that is
a little bit further than the student’s level. All these strategies, among others are necessary
for the learner to gain autonomy and understanding.
2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not?
I used a game again. This group was different from the other ones, the students misbehaved
and talked during the whole lesson. However, they participated the same and I think they
enjoyed it. They could review the vocabulary orally and in written form. What differentiated
this game from the other one was that for this group the game included body movement and
writing the vocabulary on the board. Therefore, several learning styles were taken into
account and the game also worked as an activity that needed students to move, talk and
write so that they didn’t loose their time chatting with other mates.
Apart from that, I also used a video, but this video was also different from the other one as it
wasn’t just a presentation of items and the explanation of specific benefits. This video was
contextualized and it also left students a message. The same one as the other video,
“making people aware of consuming healthy food”, and students got the main idea. In this
case, students worked in pairs so that to solve a matching activity. I gave them time to solve
it, and it was good to see that some of them discussed the answers. Later, it was difficult for
them to say the answers aloud, but at the end they did complete the activity.
Pictures were also added to the lesson so that to help students understand the text they
were about to read. Again, nobody brought books to the lesson, so one student read the
whole text. The group worked with the questions orally and they were advised to get a copy
of the book and work with the text at home.
This time I also used miming so that to let students understand the meanings of the word –
cards I used to introduce the topic of the text. I did the same to explain some aspects of the
video and to explain some vocabulary that students found in the matching activity.
I think that students were enthusiastic with the activities I proposed. They liked working with
flashcards and the game was a successful stage in the lesson. They also enjoyed the video
as it was very funny and they had a good time watching it.
I’m always trying to create a good student – teacher rapport, but sometimes I don’t know if
I’m ok at working with the students who are actually interested in the lesson and leaving the
rest who keep on talking although I ask them several times to pay attention. I feel like if I say
something to them, they could not care about it or that they wouldn’t take my advice
seriously because I’m new and I’m with them only for a few lessons.
Maybe, I should establish some norms or rules for the class; but I don’t think students take
them into account as we are finishing the year and they just want to know if they pass the
subject or not.
The game and the use of visuals was really helpful to work with this group as apart from
learning they were having fun.
In this case, students worked in pairs so that to solve a matching activity. I gave them time to
solve it, and it was good to see that some of them discussed the answers. Later, it was
difficult for them to say the answers aloud, but at the end they did complete the activity.
Group work was also good, but not all the students worked.
One of the main problems of this lesson was that students didn’t have the books so that to
work with the reading activity. Students continued eating and chatting among them and they
didn’t care about the activity. I felt like if the milk time cut the atmosphere of the lesson.
Maybe I should have stated a time limit regarding the milk, so that to continue with the
lesson. However, I asked them if they had kind of a stated time to eat, and they said they
didn’t have and that they are used to eating up to the end of the lesson.
Another aspects of the lessons that require change is the way in which I ask students to pay
attention; I need to find a way of doing so.
I think that this lesson with this type of group is a complete challenge for me. I work at
primary schools and I often find myself in difficult situations but I try to solve them because I
know my students and we are all used to working together. But, with these secondary
groups every day I teach is a new lesson with a completely unknown group. Although I
observed each group, I feel it wasn’t enough and that is why lessons are difficult.
Nevertheless, to work with different groups was the last option I had so that to comply with
the practicum hours required.
In the middle of the lesson one student stood up and threw a bottle to the other side of the
classroom, where the dustbin was. The group teacher and me came closer to the boy and
explained to him that he was being disrespectful and that he shouldn’t have done that. I tried
to explain to him that we were in the middle of a lesson and that it was important for him to
pay attention.
Another drawback in the lesson was that I wasn’t told that students had a break in the
classroom to eat. All students begun eating and taking food for one or the other, and this
really interrupted the lesson. They spent the rest of the lesson eating.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 4th “E”
Date: 24/11/15
Lesson number: 6 (40’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative
approach. Through this approach communicative competence is enhanced. To be
able to base a lesson on this approach meaning, contextualization and
comprehensible input should be used so that to create the possibilities for students to
learn. In this lesson I tried to include several features of the communicative approach
as it fosters students’ interactions using L2.
The teaching strategies I used involve the use of visuals. Through this strategy I tried to
present vocabulary and also to relate students’ knowledge about food to the new topic. It
serves to give meaning to isolated words. Besides, I tried to reinforce students’ attitudes
regarding English as sometimes they felt lost, so whenever I asked something I tried to
encourage the whole group to answer, also pair work and even used mime so that
students could understand. Monitoring students’ work and checking the activities on the
board helped students gain autonomy as they worked on their own while I just guided
them. The most outstanding strategies I put into practice were using visuals as it helped
with students understanding of the vocabulary and guiding the listening activity students
had to work with.
I felt that students reacted positively to the lesson as they were eager to participate and
most of them payed attention to the explanations. I think students really enjoy being part
of the lesson and not just being the audience. They participated in almost all the
activities, as I found that it was difficult for them to get concentrated and work on it.
Besides that, I also found that some students who did not want to participate in the
previews lesson felt the desire to do it in this lesson.
Some students laughed when I took my food cards, again.
I think students enjoyed the lesson and most of them worked on it.
The lesson was good. I think that one of the mains aspects is that I try to give students
the possibility to participate and to become part of the lesson. I tried to give them all the
information necessary to solve the activities I presented and I also tried to encourage
them to be part of the lesson. I just wanted students to feel comfortable and able to solve
the activities and participate.
Maybe, students could have listened to the whole conversation they were working with
without the copies, so that they could discuss its meaning. That could have helped better
understanding of the audio, as they wouldn’t have been searching for words to fill in the
gaps instead of listening. I took this into account and used it in the afternoon lesson. The
results were better.
This was the last lesson with the group.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 4th “F”
Date: 24/11/15
Lesson number: 7 (40’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach.
Through this approach communicative competence is enhanced. To be able to base a
lesson on this approach meaning, contextualization and comprehensible input should be
used so that to create the possibilities for students to learn. In this lesson I tried to include
several features of the communicative approach as it fosters students’ interactions using L2.
The teaching strategies I used involve the use of visuals. Through this strategy I tried to
present vocabulary and also to relate students’ knowledge about food to the new topic. It
served to give meaning to isolated words. Besides, I tried to reinforce students’ attitudes
regarding English as sometimes they felt lost, so whenever I asked something I tried to
encourage the whole group to answer, also pair work was encouraged and I also used
miming so that students could understand. Monitoring students’ work and checking the
activities on the board helped students gain autonomy as they worked on their own while I
just guided them. The most outstanding strategies I put into practice were using visuals as it
helped with students understanding of the vocabulary and guiding the listening activity
students had to work with.
I also changed the development of one activity that had poor results in the previews lesson.
Students were supposed to listen to a conversation, answer comprehension questions while
listening and working with a fill in the gap activity from the book. In the morning lesson (4”E”)
I gave out all the copies before listening. I considered that action as wrong because students
focused on the completion of the fill in the blank activity instead of paying attention to the
content of the audio. Therefore, I asked students to listen to the conversation before giving
out the copies. That way students could work on the meaning of the audio successfully.
I felt that students reacted positively to the lesson as they were eager to participate and most
of them payed attention to the explanations. I think students really enjoy being part of the
lesson and not just being the audience. They participated in almost all the activities, I found
that the role play was difficult for them as they couldn’t get concentrated and work on it.
Besides that, I also found that some students who did not want to participate in the previews
lesson felt the desire to do it in this lesson.
Some students laughed when I took my food cards, again.
I think students enjoyed the lesson and most of them worked on it.
The lesson was good. I think that one of the main aspects is that I try to give students the
possibility to participate and to become part of the lesson. I tried to give them all the
information necessary to solve the activities I presented and I also tried to encourage them
to be part of the lesson. I just wanted students to feel comfortable and able to solve the
activities and participate.
This was the last lesson with the group.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 5th “C”
Date: 25/11/15
Lesson number: 8(80’)
The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the communicative approach.
Some features of this approach are that lessons should enhance communication using the
L2 or foreign language. Some of the aspects to bear in mind when following this approach
are the uses of comprehensible input, visuals, contextualization and interaction. During this
lesson I tried to employ several of these aspects through different strategies.
The strategies I used in the lesson were using visuals like pictures and a video so that to
help learners understand the new vocabulary and to gain more understanding on the
importance of reading. The images served as representation for new vocabulary that were
meaningful input so that to work with new information the video contained.
I also included realia in the lesson which worked as meaningful input. Using concrete
materials in the classroom help students get interested in the topic being developed and also
enhances them to participate more. Some students took more time to complete the activities
because they were reading the content of the books I gave them to work. It was not so good
to lose time for the activities, but it was great to see them interested in the books I offered
Apart from that, I also tried to elicit information from students about the aspects that they
have already worked during the last lessons. This helped me connect that lesson to the new
information I was presenting them with.
I keep on thinking that enhancing students’ participation and presenting realia and visuals
are great strategies to work in the classroom.
I think students received the lesson positively. They participated in almost all the activities. I
have to make it clear that there is a girl who has lived in an English speaking country so she
speaks perfectly. I tried to take advantage from that as students enjoy listening to her. I
asked her several times to read and the group also asked her to tell them the main ideas of
the videos they watched. This time she was open to speak and she also answered to all my
suggestions and ideas in L2; I felt she was comfortable speaking English with me.
In general the group received the lesson in good ways; however, some boys and girls didn’t
want to work at all, but they did something at least. Two of those students did not stop
bothering so I decided to make them change sits, so they calmed down and finished
disturbing. Another students was asleep listening to music, so I woke him up and asked him
to take off his earphones so that to pay attention and work with the activities. He did
something at last.
They enjoyed the story game and they created short but funny stories. They liked the idea of
working with books and almost all the charts were completed. The video was also interesting
as some of the students had already seen the movie and liked the main message of the
The most successful aspects of the lesson were the use of realia and the use of visuals.
They could relate the visuals to the vocabulary without problems and they enjoyed the video.
Besides that, they were really interested working with books and even the group teacher was
surprised for their works.
I think that if I had more confidence with the students it could be easier to perform some
activities as role playing. There are several talkative students who tend to be difficult to
approach to. So I think that if I had more time to spend with them, they could work easily with
many other activities. In my opinion, because of the lack of classes and the lack of school
organization, these groups (including 4th E and F) do not feel comfortable and do not have a
sense of belonging toward the school.
One aspect that can help me work with the last lesson is that I have to change from one
activity to the other as fast as I can so that the group has no time to get distracted.
Moreover, I should not be afraid of raising my voice as I think they need to listen to a
stronger voice that commands the lesson. I do not mean shouting, I mean just raising my
voice so that to feel that I’m there and that I’ve something to show them.
Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena
Practicum level: Secondary
Group: 5th “C”
Date: 26/11/15
Lesson number: 9 (40’) called off because of strike.

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  • 1. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 5th “C” Date: 05/11/15 Lesson number: 1(40’) The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the communicative approach.The main aspects of this approach refer to enhance the communicative competence in the language classroom. Therefore, interaction is a must in the lesson so that to encourage learners to use the language in meaningful contexts. Following the communicative approach involves taking into account meaning for students to find a purpose in using the language, contextualization to create the situations for students to use the language and comprehensible input that is far beyond students’ language level. One of the strategies I used was providing comprehensible input that students could understand. As I observed the lesson before, the group teacher used both, L1 and L2 during the lesson as students found it difficult to follow her if she spoke L2 all the time. Therefore, I tried to be as clear as possible using L2 but I also employed L1 when necessary. The vocabulary I prepared for students to learn was also appropriate to their level as it was related to their reality: trips and gifts. Together with the use of comprehensible input, I also focused on the employment of visual aids. In this case I used pictures taken from real life situations that made the relation between words and image possible and even help students with their understanding of the meaning of the words in context. As one of the aims of the lesson was to review previous knowledge regarding the uses of the Present Perfect, another strategy was to make the connections between new and previous knowledge. To make that possible, I helped students remember the uses of the tense watching a video that exemplified it through dialogues in context. Finally, one last strategy was to encourage students to work in pairs. Cooperative work leads students to interact among themselves, this is the main reason for students to receive feedback and create new and appropriate input over again. Therefore, through interaction students were able to use the language meaningfully. As it is explained in Hedge (2000) students need to practise in order to provide comprehensible input. I think that these strategies were effective as I found the group interested in the activities, even more with the videos and the use of pictures to contextualize. As regards pair work, boys were more interested but they didn`t have the time to show their role plays. One of the main setbacks in the lesson was that students arrived late at school, more than half of the group arrived at eight when the lesson began at fifteen to eight;so, I had only twenty five minutes to give the lesson. I asked the teacher if the same situation happened to her, and she explained it was common for them to arrive late.
  • 2. Another mistake was that volume of one of the videos was very low and very few students could listen to it. I performed the dialogue again for the rest of the group. Next time I have to check IT beforehand. If it weren`t because of those setbacks, students reacted in a positive manner to the material and the activities prepared. I asked several times if they could follow me and they seemed to understand at least the main idea. Just two or three girls remained chatting during the whole lesson, but every time I approached them there were positive answers or they began paying attention, at least for some minutes. I think that the use of visual aids helped students get the main idea of the lesson. Students seemed attracted to the use of videos, and they could easily understand the new vocabulary as it was presented in context. Apart from that, they answered to almost all the questions I asked them, they were eager to participate. I think that the aspects of the lesson that need adjustment are related to time management as I should consider that students arrive late, at least to Thursday lessons that begin so early and the lesson shortens. Besides, a careful use of IT is of paramount importance and a thoughtful use of L1, too. After the lesson I felt quite motivated as I thought students liked it and could take something from it. Maybe I could have more and better results in the following lesson that begins later and lasts longer. I consider that realia, visual aids and IT are the main tools in the language lessons,so I think I will continue using them when it’s necessary. Even more as students felt interested in what they could see or learn through those resources. Some observations are that the teacher only uses the book to work with the group and that she uses L2 during the lesson. Tricia Hedge (2000)Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom - 1.2.3 p13 Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary
  • 3. Group: 5th “C” Date: 12/11/15 Lesson number: 2 (40’) The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson is the communicative approach.Throughout this approach, learners get involved in communicative activities and use the language to share information. Some features of this approach are the use of contextualization as the main premise together with a strong emphasis on meaning. These characteristics of the approach prepare the students to work with dialogues that are similar to real life situations. This lesson was prepared for an eighty minutes class, but as the group was going on a trip, we had to called the lesson off. The lesson was shorten to a forty minutes lesson. Some of the teaching approaches I put into practice are the use of comprehensible input, the use of visuals for contextualization, try to link previous knowledge to new one, and the use of cooperative strategies. I tried to deliver comprehensive input taking into account the student's’ level of English and the way in which the group teacher is used to work with them. One of the main aspects I considered is that the teacher also uses L1 during the lessons as students tend to get lost If she used too much L2. So, I tried to use L1 when necessary, that is to say, when it helped students get the meaning of what I was trying to explain. I also tried to lessen the speed of speech so that to use the language as clear as I could. I think that when I lessen the speech and I accompanied it with visuals, students could easily get the idea of what i was trying to say. Another strategy was the use of visuals for contextualization. I modified the power point presentation and also omitted the use of decontextualized sentences that were thought as a fill in the gaps activity. I understood the importance of contextualization in all aspects of the lesson. Sometimes, It happens to me that I tend to use the same techniques I was taught through; the use of isolated sentences to complete mechanically was a must when I first studied English. Therefore, It gets difficult for me to find the context throughout the whole lesson. I need to review didactics ¾ and take a deep view to specific aspects related with contextualization. However, the examples I showed students through the power point were successful as students understood the main aim of the presentation. Before presenting the new items, I tried to review previous knowledge with questions. Although I used the same kind of questions as the lesson before, this time students could answer as they already knew how to answer. Finally, students had to work in pairs to do the second activity with the copies. They only got to the discussion section, but they could think and make some questions to their mates. Sometimes It gets difficult to create the best atmosphere to work with adolescents. Some of them said “I don't feel like working today” and that was their last word, others spent the lesson chatting. I think I only had two lessons of about half an hour that are not enough to be able to create an atmosphere and a teacher - students rapport as positive enough so that the group feels at ease with me. Maybe, I need more time. I think students reacted positively to the materials and activities I brought for them. The use of videos and presentations were good opportunities for them to listen or read about the
  • 4. language being used. They had a different view of the language, apart from all the material they can find in their student’s book. Regarding the lesson, I was asked several times to explain in L1, so I tried to use it the less I could. I think that the lesson was good. The students engaged in the activities I presented to them and also gave their opinions regarding the examples they saw. Some of them didn’t want to work, and that was all. They didn’t give any options. Others just said “I take a photo to the activity and complete it at home”. Although I asked them several times to work, they just didn’t want to. I believe that was the worst aspect of the lesson. I couldn’t find the way to enhance them to work with their mates. 5. What aspects of the lesson require change / improvement?3 This last aspects needs improvement. Maybe asking them to finish the activity during the lesson, taking all the cellphones before coming into the lesson. But, I don’t think these were good “methodologies” to make them change their minds. Nobody checks if they arrive on time or not, so we won’t be able to have a forty minutes lesson that way. Sometimes I think there is few control on students and because of that they are not interested in doing, at least, classroom homework. Therefore, I think I need to have a longer lesson so that to be able to try different ways to call their attention; It could be through different activities, with more interesting information, or with games that aim at involving the whole group in a physical activity that may help them feel part of a group. Something that I find useful from this lesson is that I need to include more activities that help include the whole group of students in a game or in interactive activities that aim at inclusion and student’s interaction. Maybe, this way students get involved in the lesson and feel eager to work more enthusiastically. Following Banegas (2010) words, maybe including controversial issues in the lessons could benefit students in a way in which they feel free to say what they think about something that touches them. Nevertheless, as expressed in the article, it depends on the way the group welcomes controversial issues and on the ways I encourage them to use the foreign language to talk about such issues. Perhaps, I just need to give it a try. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 5th “C” Date: 19/11/15
  • 5. Lesson number: 3 (lesson plan 3 has been modified and used on the 12th November) (40’) 1- The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. One of the main objectives of this approach is to help learners gain communicative competence. To be able to help learners acquire that goal, teachers need to create the possibilities through the use of comprehensible input, contextualization and interaction. Sometimes, teachers are the main resource of input for the learners; therefore, it is important to use the language as much as possible. 2- Some of the teaching strategies I used involve comprehensible input, visuals for contextualization and the use of realia that also helped as contextualization. To be sincere, students didn`t get on time at the lesson so we started 10 minutes later as there were only three students at 7:45 hs. Students couldn’t get to the production stage in which they were expected to write about books and use the great amount of books I’d chosen for them. As regards comprehensible input, I had to use L1 as students got lost if I spoke only L2. However, I tried to use it only to help students understand what I was trying to say or what I was showing to them. It was not the mere use of L2 during the whole lesson. I even encouraged students to use L2, rephrasing their answers and asking them to use the language. Related to visuals, I accompanied a listening activity with pictures. Those pictures served the purpose of pre - teaching vocabulary, necessary for students to understand the interview they were about to listen. As the vocabulary was close to students context: there was a famous football player and a famous book series also known by it’s movie; students, even more boys, were really interested. An important aspect of the lesson was the use of realia. I brought two bags of books, one to review vocabulary about book or story types, and the other for students to work in a short writing activity. Students recognized some of the books and even gave more examples useful to illustrate the vocabulary they were using. Another important aspect was that I organized students desks in a semicircle, so that to work closer to them and also because of the audio recorder. I wanted all of them to be able to listen to the interview. I worked almost all the lesson in the centre of the semicircle and on the board so that to show the pictures, that I also took for students to watch closely. I think that all these strategies were effective as students could finally understand the point of the lesson, which was using the language to talk about reading habits; and I felt the group was comfortable. Again, there were three girls who didn't pay attention and spent the whole lesson talking; I don’t want to confront them and I also got the feeling that the group teacher feels the same. I need to find a way to get them interested in the lesson. 3- I felt that students were involved in the lesson. Almost all of them participated, gave their opinions, worked with the activities I presented to them and liked the idea of having books to work with. I also realized students have never used the book's website and that they have never been told before. This time, although we didn’t get to the last activities (activity 2 and the closure section) I gave them the website address so that they could have another type of practice
  • 6. with the language. This type of homework could help students get more autonomy, using the language in a different environment. 4- I felt good working with the group and I also felt students were interested in the lesson and felt good with it. I hope it’s been like that, maybe I make assumptions and in fact students feel or think differently. I think that the use of realia was a great aspect of the lesson that couldn’t be exploited because of time. Everything was prepared for students to use and to exploit themselves. The dialogue was clearly understood, the pictures were really useful to understand the topic of the dialogue, and the books helped students remember the vocabulary. Nevertheless, I left the school with a feeling of dissatisfaction as the lesson was not complete and because nobody expects that students arrive on time at school. Nobody asks them to arrive earlier. It’s a fact that the 7:45 hs lesson will take only 20, 25 minutes. Unless I planned a half an hour lesson, I would not be able to give a complete lesson with this group. 5- The main aspect of the lesson that requires improvement is group management regarding the girls who do not pay attention during the lesson. I do not find the way to approach them. Maybe, I need more time to know them and to let them know me. In addition, they arrive late to the lesson. Maybe if I ask them to do collaborative work they may get more involved in the lesson. As we have studied through different subjects, adolescence is a difficult period in which several aspects of the student's growing process affect their learning process.Perhaps, these girls are friends and they have their own rituals and beliefs as regards learning or school life, or they feel identified among themselves behaving this way. 6- I think that the organization of the lesson was really helpful. Although students couldn’t get to the last stages, the lesson flowed easily. I could follow the same organization for the coming lessons. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 4th “E” Date: 20/11/15 Lesson number: 4 (80’) 1-
  • 7. The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. The aim of this approach is for students to gain the necessary tools so that to be able to use the language for communication. Teachers should offer the possibilities for learners to use the language through contextualization, comprehensible input and interaction. 2- The teaching strategies I used are the use of a game, the use of a video and the use of images. I also tried to encourage pair work and group work through different activities. The use of a game was a good strategy as it served the function of ice breaker and of warming up activity in which students reviewed vocabulary about food. As regards the video and images, both worked as support and as meaningful input. The pictures were useful for the reading and understanding of a text. And, the video was useful for the interpretation of the benefits of consuming healthy food. It helped also as support to make the ideas visual, and to cater for audio and visual learning styles. Regarding pair work , I tried to encourage it but it was difficult as only a few students had the book. Therefore , one girl read the text and the rest of the group tried to listen to her and to solve the questions which were solved as a whole class activity. The group activity was successful as firstly, we discussed and wrote on the board the benefits and drawbacks as a group; and secondly, students had to complete the posters with the information required. It help as a collaborative activity as students had to decide on what sentence they wanted to add to the poster and on how to illustrate them. 3- I think that the lesson was a successful one as students got engaged in the activities, participated and liked the idea of sticking the posters on the wall. Although only one student read the text, the rest of the group was very attentive to the reading and then they gave the answers to the questions helped by me and by the reader. 4- I think that the game was a great strategy. Almost all students were eager to participate and also gave more vocabulary than the required. The text students worked with was also useful. Students found out that a very young celebrity was well known because of being able to cook. The posters activity was a good activity too. Students found a meaningful way to use the new vocabulary and ideas they were working with. 5- Maybe, I should have also accompanied the video with more pictures so that to introduce the ideas the video dealt with. That could have improved student’s understanding. However, several students understood the main point of the video which was related to the idea of eating healthily; more specifically with adding vegetables and fruits to their diet and with varying their colours. As not all of the students had the book, there were only three books, I should have brought copies of the pages just in case. All the same, the girl who read the article expressed she likes reading so, all of the group enjoyed her reading. 6- I think that adding games is useful as they help the group to feel integrated and it also fosters interaction. I will continue working with visuals as it is necessary for students to receive visual input during the lesson. They relate vocabulary to pictures and it gets easier for them to understand the meaning of the words or phrases. Another helpful aspect was the use of posters as students felt that what they learnt was useful for everyday life. And, it was
  • 8. also their own production, so it became even more meaningful for them. I found that working with posters fosters group integration and interaction, too. 7- At the beginning of the lesson one student came into the classroom in a strange way. He was drunk and high. The rest of the teachers didn’t notice that, but later he was taken outside of the classroom. Fortunately, he didn't interrupt the lesson anymore and I think that he realized what he was doing was wrong. The rest of the students didn’t pay much attention to their mate’s reactions. When this boy came back to the classroom I tried to include him in the activities, and he even worked with two girls to make the poster. He did what he could do. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 4th “F” Date: 20/11/15 Lesson number: 5 (80’) 1- The pedagogical principle that supported the delivery of the lesson was the Communicative approach. Through this approach the main goal is communication. There are several strategies that a teacher could deliver so that to guarantee a warm atmosphere in which students can feel comfortable enough and can find the tools they need so that to construct their own learning experiences. Some of those strategies are the use of visuals, the creation of meaningful contexts that help understanding, and the use of comprehensible input that is a little bit further than the student’s level. All these strategies, among others are necessary for the learner to gain autonomy and understanding. 2. What teaching strategies did you use? Which ones were effective? Why / why not? I used a game again. This group was different from the other ones, the students misbehaved and talked during the whole lesson. However, they participated the same and I think they enjoyed it. They could review the vocabulary orally and in written form. What differentiated this game from the other one was that for this group the game included body movement and writing the vocabulary on the board. Therefore, several learning styles were taken into account and the game also worked as an activity that needed students to move, talk and write so that they didn’t loose their time chatting with other mates. Apart from that, I also used a video, but this video was also different from the other one as it wasn’t just a presentation of items and the explanation of specific benefits. This video was contextualized and it also left students a message. The same one as the other video, “making people aware of consuming healthy food”, and students got the main idea. In this case, students worked in pairs so that to solve a matching activity. I gave them time to solve it, and it was good to see that some of them discussed the answers. Later, it was difficult for them to say the answers aloud, but at the end they did complete the activity.
  • 9. Pictures were also added to the lesson so that to help students understand the text they were about to read. Again, nobody brought books to the lesson, so one student read the whole text. The group worked with the questions orally and they were advised to get a copy of the book and work with the text at home. This time I also used miming so that to let students understand the meanings of the word – cards I used to introduce the topic of the text. I did the same to explain some aspects of the video and to explain some vocabulary that students found in the matching activity. 3- I think that students were enthusiastic with the activities I proposed. They liked working with flashcards and the game was a successful stage in the lesson. They also enjoyed the video as it was very funny and they had a good time watching it. I’m always trying to create a good student – teacher rapport, but sometimes I don’t know if I’m ok at working with the students who are actually interested in the lesson and leaving the rest who keep on talking although I ask them several times to pay attention. I feel like if I say something to them, they could not care about it or that they wouldn’t take my advice seriously because I’m new and I’m with them only for a few lessons. Maybe, I should establish some norms or rules for the class; but I don’t think students take them into account as we are finishing the year and they just want to know if they pass the subject or not. 4- The game and the use of visuals was really helpful to work with this group as apart from learning they were having fun. In this case, students worked in pairs so that to solve a matching activity. I gave them time to solve it, and it was good to see that some of them discussed the answers. Later, it was difficult for them to say the answers aloud, but at the end they did complete the activity. Group work was also good, but not all the students worked. 5- One of the main problems of this lesson was that students didn’t have the books so that to work with the reading activity. Students continued eating and chatting among them and they didn’t care about the activity. I felt like if the milk time cut the atmosphere of the lesson. Maybe I should have stated a time limit regarding the milk, so that to continue with the lesson. However, I asked them if they had kind of a stated time to eat, and they said they didn’t have and that they are used to eating up to the end of the lesson. Another aspects of the lessons that require change is the way in which I ask students to pay attention; I need to find a way of doing so. 6- I think that this lesson with this type of group is a complete challenge for me. I work at primary schools and I often find myself in difficult situations but I try to solve them because I know my students and we are all used to working together. But, with these secondary groups every day I teach is a new lesson with a completely unknown group. Although I observed each group, I feel it wasn’t enough and that is why lessons are difficult. Nevertheless, to work with different groups was the last option I had so that to comply with the practicum hours required. 7- In the middle of the lesson one student stood up and threw a bottle to the other side of the classroom, where the dustbin was. The group teacher and me came closer to the boy and
  • 10. explained to him that he was being disrespectful and that he shouldn’t have done that. I tried to explain to him that we were in the middle of a lesson and that it was important for him to pay attention. Another drawback in the lesson was that I wasn’t told that students had a break in the classroom to eat. All students begun eating and taking food for one or the other, and this really interrupted the lesson. They spent the rest of the lesson eating. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 4th “E” Date: 24/11/15 Lesson number: 6 (40’) 1- The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. Through this approach communicative competence is enhanced. To be able to base a lesson on this approach meaning, contextualization and comprehensible input should be used so that to create the possibilities for students to learn. In this lesson I tried to include several features of the communicative approach as it fosters students’ interactions using L2. 2- The teaching strategies I used involve the use of visuals. Through this strategy I tried to present vocabulary and also to relate students’ knowledge about food to the new topic. It serves to give meaning to isolated words. Besides, I tried to reinforce students’ attitudes regarding English as sometimes they felt lost, so whenever I asked something I tried to encourage the whole group to answer, also pair work and even used mime so that students could understand. Monitoring students’ work and checking the activities on the board helped students gain autonomy as they worked on their own while I just guided them. The most outstanding strategies I put into practice were using visuals as it helped with students understanding of the vocabulary and guiding the listening activity students had to work with. 3- I felt that students reacted positively to the lesson as they were eager to participate and most of them payed attention to the explanations. I think students really enjoy being part of the lesson and not just being the audience. They participated in almost all the activities, as I found that it was difficult for them to get concentrated and work on it. Besides that, I also found that some students who did not want to participate in the previews lesson felt the desire to do it in this lesson. Some students laughed when I took my food cards, again.
  • 11. I think students enjoyed the lesson and most of them worked on it. 4- The lesson was good. I think that one of the mains aspects is that I try to give students the possibility to participate and to become part of the lesson. I tried to give them all the information necessary to solve the activities I presented and I also tried to encourage them to be part of the lesson. I just wanted students to feel comfortable and able to solve the activities and participate. 5- Maybe, students could have listened to the whole conversation they were working with without the copies, so that they could discuss its meaning. That could have helped better understanding of the audio, as they wouldn’t have been searching for words to fill in the gaps instead of listening. I took this into account and used it in the afternoon lesson. The results were better. 6- This was the last lesson with the group. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 4th “F” Date: 24/11/15 Lesson number: 7 (40’) The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the Communicative approach. Through this approach communicative competence is enhanced. To be able to base a lesson on this approach meaning, contextualization and comprehensible input should be used so that to create the possibilities for students to learn. In this lesson I tried to include several features of the communicative approach as it fosters students’ interactions using L2. 2- The teaching strategies I used involve the use of visuals. Through this strategy I tried to present vocabulary and also to relate students’ knowledge about food to the new topic. It served to give meaning to isolated words. Besides, I tried to reinforce students’ attitudes regarding English as sometimes they felt lost, so whenever I asked something I tried to encourage the whole group to answer, also pair work was encouraged and I also used
  • 12. miming so that students could understand. Monitoring students’ work and checking the activities on the board helped students gain autonomy as they worked on their own while I just guided them. The most outstanding strategies I put into practice were using visuals as it helped with students understanding of the vocabulary and guiding the listening activity students had to work with. I also changed the development of one activity that had poor results in the previews lesson. Students were supposed to listen to a conversation, answer comprehension questions while listening and working with a fill in the gap activity from the book. In the morning lesson (4”E”) I gave out all the copies before listening. I considered that action as wrong because students focused on the completion of the fill in the blank activity instead of paying attention to the content of the audio. Therefore, I asked students to listen to the conversation before giving out the copies. That way students could work on the meaning of the audio successfully. 3- I felt that students reacted positively to the lesson as they were eager to participate and most of them payed attention to the explanations. I think students really enjoy being part of the lesson and not just being the audience. They participated in almost all the activities, I found that the role play was difficult for them as they couldn’t get concentrated and work on it. Besides that, I also found that some students who did not want to participate in the previews lesson felt the desire to do it in this lesson. Some students laughed when I took my food cards, again. I think students enjoyed the lesson and most of them worked on it. 4- The lesson was good. I think that one of the main aspects is that I try to give students the possibility to participate and to become part of the lesson. I tried to give them all the information necessary to solve the activities I presented and I also tried to encourage them to be part of the lesson. I just wanted students to feel comfortable and able to solve the activities and participate. This was the last lesson with the group. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 5th “C” Date: 25/11/15 Lesson number: 8(80’) The pedagogical principle that supported the lesson was the communicative approach. Some features of this approach are that lessons should enhance communication using the L2 or foreign language. Some of the aspects to bear in mind when following this approach are the uses of comprehensible input, visuals, contextualization and interaction. During this lesson I tried to employ several of these aspects through different strategies.
  • 13. The strategies I used in the lesson were using visuals like pictures and a video so that to help learners understand the new vocabulary and to gain more understanding on the importance of reading. The images served as representation for new vocabulary that were meaningful input so that to work with new information the video contained. I also included realia in the lesson which worked as meaningful input. Using concrete materials in the classroom help students get interested in the topic being developed and also enhances them to participate more. Some students took more time to complete the activities because they were reading the content of the books I gave them to work. It was not so good to lose time for the activities, but it was great to see them interested in the books I offered them. Apart from that, I also tried to elicit information from students about the aspects that they have already worked during the last lessons. This helped me connect that lesson to the new information I was presenting them with. I keep on thinking that enhancing students’ participation and presenting realia and visuals are great strategies to work in the classroom. I think students received the lesson positively. They participated in almost all the activities. I have to make it clear that there is a girl who has lived in an English speaking country so she speaks perfectly. I tried to take advantage from that as students enjoy listening to her. I asked her several times to read and the group also asked her to tell them the main ideas of the videos they watched. This time she was open to speak and she also answered to all my suggestions and ideas in L2; I felt she was comfortable speaking English with me. In general the group received the lesson in good ways; however, some boys and girls didn’t want to work at all, but they did something at least. Two of those students did not stop bothering so I decided to make them change sits, so they calmed down and finished disturbing. Another students was asleep listening to music, so I woke him up and asked him to take off his earphones so that to pay attention and work with the activities. He did something at last. They enjoyed the story game and they created short but funny stories. They liked the idea of working with books and almost all the charts were completed. The video was also interesting as some of the students had already seen the movie and liked the main message of the video. The most successful aspects of the lesson were the use of realia and the use of visuals. They could relate the visuals to the vocabulary without problems and they enjoyed the video. Besides that, they were really interested working with books and even the group teacher was surprised for their works. I think that if I had more confidence with the students it could be easier to perform some activities as role playing. There are several talkative students who tend to be difficult to approach to. So I think that if I had more time to spend with them, they could work easily with many other activities. In my opinion, because of the lack of classes and the lack of school organization, these groups (including 4th E and F) do not feel comfortable and do not have a sense of belonging toward the school. One aspect that can help me work with the last lesson is that I have to change from one activity to the other as fast as I can so that the group has no time to get distracted. Moreover, I should not be afraid of raising my voice as I think they need to listen to a stronger voice that commands the lesson. I do not mean shouting, I mean just raising my voice so that to feel that I’m there and that I’ve something to show them.
  • 14. Trainee’s name: Naiman lorena Practicum level: Secondary Group: 5th “C” Date: 26/11/15 Lesson number: 9 (40’) called off because of strike.