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A Class DIvided Essay
Thirty years ago Jane Elliott taught the third grade in the white, Christian community of Riceville,
Iowa. The day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed she planned an exercise that wouldn't just show her
students what racism is – rather, it would give them first–hand experience of what it felt like to be
oppressed for something out of their control.
Elliott divided her class by the color of their eyes, marked them with armbands and proceeded to treat
one group as if superior in capabilities to the other. The superior students performed better than they
ever had before, while the inferior students' performance dropped. The next day, the third graders
traded ranks and their performance reversed in accordance to more content...
learned that discrimination has a tangible affect on their performance in everyday activities. Elliott
has gone on to do the exercise with numerous adults and almost without exception the participants'
abilities, such as reading and writing, are grossly affected.
Jane Elliott's approach is especially relevant today. It demonstrates that even without juridical
discrimination; hate speech, lowered expectations, and dismissive behavior can have devastating
effects on achievement. Black members of the blue–eyed group forcefully remind whites that they
undergo similar stresses, not just for a few hours in a controlled experiment, but every day of their
lives. Although these concepts are food for thought... they are merely preludes to the main course.
The most important lesson to be learned here is that just one person can make a difference.
Next we join a group of 40 teachers, police, school administrators and social workers in Kansas City
– blacks, Hispanics, whites, women and men. The blue–eyed members are subjected to
pseudo–scientific explanations of their inferiority, culturally biased IQ tests and blatant
discrimination. When the inevitable resistance by a blue–eyes surfaces, Elliot cites the outburst as
an example of
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Classification Essay Students
Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate.
Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces
many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few
details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions
about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration
will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are
underachievers, average students, and overachievers.
The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack
more content...
Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance.
They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra
credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that
Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who
contain these characteristics make up the most common category.
The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising
their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students
despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are
active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and
much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although
they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they
separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and
would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become
Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these
students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists.
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Classification of Music Essay
The Division/Classification Essay
Essentially, a comic book is a graphic, animated, colorful booklet, which could be black and white
as well, and it also tells a story. ("Types of Comic Books). As crazy as it may seem, music videos
also have the same characteristics. If you think about it, music videos can be very graphic,
animated, colorful or black and white, and they tell a story also. Music videos can be divided into
three major genres according to the mood, style, and the fanzines, which usually refer to– essentially
if you break it down–fans. ("Types of Comic Books).
The most known type of music videos is hip–hop videos. Hip–hop videos are the most popular
simply because they are looked down upon the worst, or the most more content...
The music video "Invented Sex" sung by Trey Songz is clearly about sex so however sex makes you
feel, that's how you would feel about this video. Then there's the song "Please Don't Go" by Tank
which exerts the pain of losing a loved one. R & b music videos, as you can see, can exert many
different moods.
The style of r & b is for the most part very smooth, sensual, and soulful. It gives people a piece of
mind. Rhythm and blues styles have changed a lot over the years but it continues to be the most
popular songs at weddings. As for r & b videos, they usually involve only two people, a man and a
woman. Most of the time in r & b videos the two people involved are having a wedding, fighting, or
making love. Most r & b fans are older married couples who know what real love and hurt is all
about. The true fans understand what the singer is trying to portray in the video, probably because it
looks similar to a situation they have been in before.
The last type of music video is gospel videos. Everyone should agree that there is something about
gospel music videos that just makes you get up and dance or just cry out to God. The mood of
gospel music videos is very dynamic. They can be sad, as if you know you've done something
wrong and you just want to cry out to God and apologize for it, or they can make you really happy
and excited that you know God. Gospel music videos that make you happy just make you want to
praise God for all that he's done in your life. Not
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Essay on Classification and Division
Jason Schaeffer
English Comp 1
Fridays 1230
Classification and Division
The video game industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry, so it isn't hard to understand why
they go through great strides to protect their image. They provide entertainment to all ages, genders,
nationalities, and ethnicities. Contrary to the opinions of the industries opponents, video games are
not destroying our youth, they challenge, educate, and provide an escape from an oppressive
world. There are four main types of video games; RPG or role–playing game, RTS or real–time
strategy, FPS or first person shooter, and sports titles. Of these the FPS is probably the most
popular, allowing people to get together with their friends, or more content...
They must learn economics, politics, diplomacy, construction, military tactics, naval power, and
siege tactics in order to survive for more than an hour of play. Rome: Total War has two different
screens that a player must learn to master, the campaign map, where armies, navies, and diplomats
are moved, and where cities are managed. Then there is the battle screen which changes every
time a player attacks or defends a different location. It is on this screen that the game is truly won
or lost. Gamers must fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of not only their units, but the
units of their enemy. This is but one challenge for gamers, they must also learn how to confront
elephants, chariots, siege weapons, and the naked fanatics of the Gauls. The next type of game is
sports titles, which are probably the most popular for a group of people, rather than the individual
gamer. Sports titles cover everything from football and baseball to golf and auto racing. These
games are equally enjoyed by both players who are or were jocks, and for those who wish they
were. A person learns the mechanics and intricacies, giving them a greater appreciation for the game
overall. Sometimes the video game can create a fan of a sport where none existed before. It is
obvious that video games are not all about sex, drugs and violence. While there are certain titles that
are questionable, but most games are quite harmless. With school becoming less
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My Cabinet Classifications
Cabinet Classification Classification and division occur everywhere we look. Almost every single
thing belongs to some department or group, and maybe even more than just one. I am part of a
division myself; I am a year two at Butler Community College. Like the classes in the Academy, I
like to organize things in my home. Between all the different groups of belongings in my home, I
place things specifically based on their classification. At home I drink hot tea often and other warm
drinks like hot chocolate and occasionally coffee. I have placed my cups and mugs in a specific
order in the cabinet based on my preference. I have noticed that my order was determined by how
much I like the cup or glass. There are three shelves in the cabinet with the cups and glasses. On
the very top shelf the plastic cups and other cups we have saved from events are stored. I have one
cup at the front of the top that is plastic. If you push the button on the bottom of the cup it starts to
light up blue and red flashing lights. I placed that cup in the front of the shelf purposely for the days
I am feeling fun and want an interesting cup to more content...
The shorter glasses are on the left, and the tall glasses are on the right. On the left the thinner
glasses we use more frequently are placed up front. The right where the tall glasses are kept has
the skinny and medium length glasses at the front which is what we use more often. The longer
and tall glasses are kept at the back because we do not use those as much as the others. While I
looked into the cabinet I noticed none of the glasses were missing and they were all clean. I
figured that was because glasses break easier and it is more of a special thing to use a glass for
me and I learned that from the only other person in my home, my mom. I thought about how I do
not usually use a glass unless on occasion, and I assume that my mother does the same because they
were all still
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Sports Classification Essay
Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come
watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into three different types: the attention–getters, the
true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many
players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands
and bring an exciting atmosphere to the game, spectators, and even the players.
The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir
things up unruly with not only their verbal language but their body language towards the players,
referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually
hanging out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell
loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content...
They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally
understand the sport but do not get worked up if the calls from the referees may not go into their
favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they
come just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The
entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the attention–getter, and gain
knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd.
The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the
attention–getters make the game hectic. After the game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the
win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game
would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter,
and the true–supporters all doing their
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Classification Essay
The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems
interested in his subject and his students. The first thing a positive teacher does is try to learn all
of the student's names. This kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in class and does
not seem to mind if a student disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class
as well. Not only is he available for conferences, but he encourages students to see him if they need
help. The students tend to feel comfortable in the presence of this teacher. A good example of a
positive teacher is my French teacher, Monsieur Poirrot. He always allows time during the class more content...
The negative teacher is too often inflexible; in fact, he seems more like a machine than a human
being. Fortunately, this group is in the minority.
Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my
work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came
to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the
same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the
positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers.
The type of teacher students get can directly affect how much they learn. Obviously, students learn
more from a positive teacher; unfortunately, as we have seen, this type makes the minority. Since the
mission of the university is to educate, administrators should try to get the neutral and negative
teachers to improve their teaching methods and attitudes; otherwise, the administrators should
consider dismissing at least the negative teachers and make every effort to hire those teachers who
show promise of being positive ones.
Unlike the positive teachers, the neutral teachers are not very agreeable. In general, the neutral
teachers just do not seem interested in either the subject or the student. These teachers usually do not
learn all of the student's names, though they may learn a few. Their classes tend to be more boring
than the
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Ah-Q: Class Division
The aspect of characterization is developed through this class division. This is shown in the
character of Ah–Q who represents the class division of the time and how the upper class proceeded
to act towards the lower class. An example of this is when Ah–Q believes he needs a woman and
finds out that Mrs. Wu had been recently widowed. He acts in a manner which is impolite and Mrs.
Wu being a servant to Mr. Zhao goes to him for help against Ah–Q. After this Ah–Q is treated like
trash by the Zhaos' due to this and other complications. Ah–Q is made to repent by completing 5
actions. "1. To take a pair of red candles – a pound each – and a packet of incense to the Zhaos' [the
next day], as an apology. / 2. To cover the costs of the Daoist priest
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Topics For Division And Classification Essays

  • 1. A Class DIvided Essay A CLASS DIVIDED Thirty years ago Jane Elliott taught the third grade in the white, Christian community of Riceville, Iowa. The day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed she planned an exercise that wouldn't just show her students what racism is – rather, it would give them first–hand experience of what it felt like to be oppressed for something out of their control. Elliott divided her class by the color of their eyes, marked them with armbands and proceeded to treat one group as if superior in capabilities to the other. The superior students performed better than they ever had before, while the inferior students' performance dropped. The next day, the third graders traded ranks and their performance reversed in accordance to more content... (INTERVIEW WITH JANE ELLIOT) The children learned that discrimination has a tangible affect on their performance in everyday activities. Elliott has gone on to do the exercise with numerous adults and almost without exception the participants' abilities, such as reading and writing, are grossly affected. Jane Elliott's approach is especially relevant today. It demonstrates that even without juridical discrimination; hate speech, lowered expectations, and dismissive behavior can have devastating effects on achievement. Black members of the blue–eyed group forcefully remind whites that they undergo similar stresses, not just for a few hours in a controlled experiment, but every day of their lives. Although these concepts are food for thought... they are merely preludes to the main course. The most important lesson to be learned here is that just one person can make a difference. Next we join a group of 40 teachers, police, school administrators and social workers in Kansas City – blacks, Hispanics, whites, women and men. The blue–eyed members are subjected to pseudo–scientific explanations of their inferiority, culturally biased IQ tests and blatant discrimination. When the inevitable resistance by a blue–eyes surfaces, Elliot cites the outburst as an example of Get more content on
  • 2. Classification Essay Students Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate. Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are underachievers, average students, and overachievers. The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack more content... Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance. They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who contain these characteristics make up the most common category. The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists. Get more content on
  • 3. Classification of Music Essay The Division/Classification Essay Essentially, a comic book is a graphic, animated, colorful booklet, which could be black and white as well, and it also tells a story. ("Types of Comic Books). As crazy as it may seem, music videos also have the same characteristics. If you think about it, music videos can be very graphic, animated, colorful or black and white, and they tell a story also. Music videos can be divided into three major genres according to the mood, style, and the fanzines, which usually refer to– essentially if you break it down–fans. ("Types of Comic Books). The most known type of music videos is hip–hop videos. Hip–hop videos are the most popular simply because they are looked down upon the worst, or the most more content... The music video "Invented Sex" sung by Trey Songz is clearly about sex so however sex makes you feel, that's how you would feel about this video. Then there's the song "Please Don't Go" by Tank which exerts the pain of losing a loved one. R & b music videos, as you can see, can exert many different moods. The style of r & b is for the most part very smooth, sensual, and soulful. It gives people a piece of mind. Rhythm and blues styles have changed a lot over the years but it continues to be the most popular songs at weddings. As for r & b videos, they usually involve only two people, a man and a woman. Most of the time in r & b videos the two people involved are having a wedding, fighting, or making love. Most r & b fans are older married couples who know what real love and hurt is all about. The true fans understand what the singer is trying to portray in the video, probably because it looks similar to a situation they have been in before. The last type of music video is gospel videos. Everyone should agree that there is something about gospel music videos that just makes you get up and dance or just cry out to God. The mood of gospel music videos is very dynamic. They can be sad, as if you know you've done something wrong and you just want to cry out to God and apologize for it, or they can make you really happy and excited that you know God. Gospel music videos that make you happy just make you want to praise God for all that he's done in your life. Not Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Classification and Division Jason Schaeffer English Comp 1 Fridays 1230 11/03/06 Classification and Division The video game industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry, so it isn't hard to understand why they go through great strides to protect their image. They provide entertainment to all ages, genders, nationalities, and ethnicities. Contrary to the opinions of the industries opponents, video games are not destroying our youth, they challenge, educate, and provide an escape from an oppressive world. There are four main types of video games; RPG or role–playing game, RTS or real–time strategy, FPS or first person shooter, and sports titles. Of these the FPS is probably the most popular, allowing people to get together with their friends, or more content... They must learn economics, politics, diplomacy, construction, military tactics, naval power, and siege tactics in order to survive for more than an hour of play. Rome: Total War has two different screens that a player must learn to master, the campaign map, where armies, navies, and diplomats are moved, and where cities are managed. Then there is the battle screen which changes every time a player attacks or defends a different location. It is on this screen that the game is truly won or lost. Gamers must fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of not only their units, but the units of their enemy. This is but one challenge for gamers, they must also learn how to confront elephants, chariots, siege weapons, and the naked fanatics of the Gauls. The next type of game is sports titles, which are probably the most popular for a group of people, rather than the individual gamer. Sports titles cover everything from football and baseball to golf and auto racing. These games are equally enjoyed by both players who are or were jocks, and for those who wish they were. A person learns the mechanics and intricacies, giving them a greater appreciation for the game overall. Sometimes the video game can create a fan of a sport where none existed before. It is obvious that video games are not all about sex, drugs and violence. While there are certain titles that are questionable, but most games are quite harmless. With school becoming less Get more content on
  • 5. My Cabinet Classifications Cabinet Classification Classification and division occur everywhere we look. Almost every single thing belongs to some department or group, and maybe even more than just one. I am part of a division myself; I am a year two at Butler Community College. Like the classes in the Academy, I like to organize things in my home. Between all the different groups of belongings in my home, I place things specifically based on their classification. At home I drink hot tea often and other warm drinks like hot chocolate and occasionally coffee. I have placed my cups and mugs in a specific order in the cabinet based on my preference. I have noticed that my order was determined by how much I like the cup or glass. There are three shelves in the cabinet with the cups and glasses. On the very top shelf the plastic cups and other cups we have saved from events are stored. I have one cup at the front of the top that is plastic. If you push the button on the bottom of the cup it starts to light up blue and red flashing lights. I placed that cup in the front of the shelf purposely for the days I am feeling fun and want an interesting cup to more content... The shorter glasses are on the left, and the tall glasses are on the right. On the left the thinner glasses we use more frequently are placed up front. The right where the tall glasses are kept has the skinny and medium length glasses at the front which is what we use more often. The longer and tall glasses are kept at the back because we do not use those as much as the others. While I looked into the cabinet I noticed none of the glasses were missing and they were all clean. I figured that was because glasses break easier and it is more of a special thing to use a glass for me and I learned that from the only other person in my home, my mom. I thought about how I do not usually use a glass unless on occasion, and I assume that my mother does the same because they were all still Get more content on
  • 6. Sports Classification Essay Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into three different types: the attention–getters, the true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands and bring an exciting atmosphere to the game, spectators, and even the players. The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir things up unruly with not only their verbal language but their body language towards the players, referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually hanging out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content... They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally understand the sport but do not get worked up if the calls from the referees may not go into their favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they come just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the attention–getter, and gain knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd. The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the attention–getters make the game hectic. After the game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter, and the true–supporters all doing their Get more content on
  • 7. Classification Essay A SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION ESSAY COLLEGE TEACHERS The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems interested in his subject and his students. The first thing a positive teacher does is try to learn all of the student's names. This kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in class and does not seem to mind if a student disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class as well. Not only is he available for conferences, but he encourages students to see him if they need help. The students tend to feel comfortable in the presence of this teacher. A good example of a positive teacher is my French teacher, Monsieur Poirrot. He always allows time during the class more content... The negative teacher is too often inflexible; in fact, he seems more like a machine than a human being. Fortunately, this group is in the minority. Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers. The type of teacher students get can directly affect how much they learn. Obviously, students learn more from a positive teacher; unfortunately, as we have seen, this type makes the minority. Since the mission of the university is to educate, administrators should try to get the neutral and negative teachers to improve their teaching methods and attitudes; otherwise, the administrators should consider dismissing at least the negative teachers and make every effort to hire those teachers who show promise of being positive ones. Unlike the positive teachers, the neutral teachers are not very agreeable. In general, the neutral teachers just do not seem interested in either the subject or the student. These teachers usually do not learn all of the student's names, though they may learn a few. Their classes tend to be more boring than the Get more content on
  • 8. Ah-Q: Class Division The aspect of characterization is developed through this class division. This is shown in the character of Ah–Q who represents the class division of the time and how the upper class proceeded to act towards the lower class. An example of this is when Ah–Q believes he needs a woman and finds out that Mrs. Wu had been recently widowed. He acts in a manner which is impolite and Mrs. Wu being a servant to Mr. Zhao goes to him for help against Ah–Q. After this Ah–Q is treated like trash by the Zhaos' due to this and other complications. Ah–Q is made to repent by completing 5 actions. "1. To take a pair of red candles – a pound each – and a packet of incense to the Zhaos' [the next day], as an apology. / 2. To cover the costs of the Daoist priest Get more content on