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Topic- Contemporary business issue
Name of the Student:
Lecturer Name: Dess Pearson
Submission Date: 09/11/2019
Jeske, D., & Santuzzi, A. M. (2015). Monitoring what and how:
psychological implications of electronic performance
monitoring. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30(1),
Debora Jeske and Alecia M. Santuzzi have written the
article named “Monitoring what and how: psychological
implications of electronic performance monitoring.” This article
aims to assess the application of electronic performance
checking and analyse whether this monitoring system can
improve the employee’s performance and efficiency or not. An
employee has an adverse reaction to staff performance
monitoring. Data from one hundred ninety student workers are
used to complete a survey, which helped to conclude the
decision. According to the survey result, close monitoring of
employee performance creates an adverse impact on the
employee. These initiatives of the authority curtail the
employee engagement and job satisfaction and efficiency of the
staff. This survey suggests that though there is a benefit of
close monitoring of employees, yet the benefits are
overshadowed by the adverse reaction of the employee (Jeske &
Santuzzi, 2015).
Decramer, A., Smolders, C., & Vanderstraeten, A. (2013).
Employee performance management culture and system features
in higher education: relationship with employee performance
management satisfaction. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 24(2), 352-371.
This article, which discusses the effect of staff
performance management, is written by Adelien Decramer,
Carine Smolders and Alex Vanderstraeten. This article evaluates
satisfaction related to staff performance management in higher
education institutions. Five hundred eighty-nine staff of a
Flemish University participated in a survey, which was
conducted to complete the analysis. This analysis suggests that
an internal staff performance management procedure on a
regular basis through communication and enhanced control can
increase employee satisfaction. The staff performance
management procedure can increase the employee’s job
satisfaction, which rests on the tenure type. In the higher
education centre, the authority has to take a diverse staff
performance management procedure to maximise the job
satisfaction of the employee (Decramer, Smolders &
Vanderstraeten, 2013).
Audenaert, M., Decramer, A., George, B., Verschuere, B., &
Van Waeyenberg, T. (2019). When employee performance
management affects individual innovation in public
organisations: The role of consistency and LMX. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(5),
This article, which is written by Mike Audenaert, Adelien
Decramer, Bert George, Bram Verschuere and Thomas Van
Waeyenberg, discusses the impact of staff performance
management on the innovation ability of the employee.
Individual innovation is needed to survive in the public sector
job. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and constant focus on the
staff performance management procedure helped the author to
complete this analysis. Multilevel data from 1095 care providers
of Flanders and sixty-eight elderly homes are used to complete
the analysis. This study suggests that individual innovation is
connected with the constant staff performance management
procedure. To enhance the innovation of the employee, LMX
plays as a moderator. This study will help the researcher to
understand the impact of staff performance management
procedure in the individual innovation of the employee of the
public sector (Audenaert et al., 2019).
Yerby, J. (2013). Legal and ethical issues of employee
monitoring. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge
Management, 1(2), 44-55.
This journal, developed by Johnathan Yerby, discusses the
lawful and moral aspects of staff monitoring. In this journal,
answers to several important questions are provided. The
definition of employee monitoring, the significance of staff
monitoring, and the reason why employers are interested in
implying this system are discussed in this journal. This paper
discusses the employee performance procedure, its necessity in
the workplace, and legal and ethical issues related to the staff
performance management procedure. Monitoring the employee
has some legal and ethical issues which are addressed in this
journal. Does the authority has the right to monitor the
employee, or what is the reason they are monitoring the
employee is the critical legal problem of staff monitoring. The
strategy, which should be followed by the authority of the
organisation, will help the authority to monitor the employee
performance without being affected by the ethical and legal
issues (Yerby, 2013).
Mtshali, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of employee performance
management development systems policy as implemented
amongst social service professionals within department of
Social Development (Doctoral dissertation, University of
This paper, completed by Rosemary Makhosazane Mtshali,
discusses the valuation of staff performance management
procedure as policy and implication of the policy on the social
service professionals. The exact process to imply the staff
performance procedure as a policy in the department of social
improvement and approach of the employee and employer
towards the staff performance monitoring is discussed in this
paper. To evaluate the performance of the social service
professionals, the employee performance monitoring procedure
can be applied. However, the drawbacks of the policy and
identifying the best tool to improve the policy is done by this
study. This study identifies the complication of implementing
the proposed procedure to monitor the social service providers
and the effect of new monitoring policy on the staff’s
performance (Mtshali, 2013).
Sserwadda, M., Nuwagaba, D., Kakooza, W., & Sseruyange, O.
(2018). Daily performance and task monitoring system.
This report, which is developed by Mathias Sserwadda,
Derrick Nuwagaba, Williams Kakooza, and Oscar Sseruyange,
discusses the task monitoring system for the employee of a
small business organisation. The development of a system
named ‘Daily performance and task monitoring procedure’ is
presented in this report. Quantitative method collection,
information from the interviews, and questionnaire techniques
are used to collect data to complete the report. This system is
tested in three different ways to identify its error and fault.
Three different ways of testing for the new system are unit
testing, which scrutinises the proper operation of the system,
Integration testing, which is used to recheck the system whether
the system can operate appropriately, and system testing, which
is a complete and integrated process to check this new system.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of
the new system named daily performance and task monitoring
procedure (Sserwadda et al., 2018).
Bhave, D. P. (2014). The invisible eye? Electronic performance
monitoring and employee job performance. Personnel
psychology, 67(3), 605-635.
This article, developed by Devasheesh P. Bhave, discusses
the electronic performance monitoring (EPM) and the
performance of the employee. Many business organisations are
implying the EPM procedure to enhance staff performance
(Chang, Liu & Lin, 2015). The impact of electronic monitoring
performance on the staff is discussed in this article. Two field
studies are evaluated to complete the report. In the first case
study, specific longitudinal information sets are used which
identify that small time lag between two back to back staff
performance evaluation are helpful to improve the performance
of the worker. The second case study investigates the use of
EPM by the supervisor and other criteria like
‘Counterproductive work behaviours’ and ‘Organisational
citizenship behaviours,’ This analysis refers that through the
implication of EPM, a business organisation can help the
employee to provide better performance (Bhave, 2014).
Kaare, K. K., & Otto, T. (2015). Smart health care monitoring
technologies to improve employee performance in
manufacturing. Procedia Engineering, 100, 826-833.
This article, written by Kati KõrbeKaare and Tauno Otto,
discusses the importance of monitoring technologies to develop
staff performance in the area of manufacturing. In the
manufacturing sector, to gain a competitive advantage, the
business organisation has to focus on the productivity of the
employee. There are specific factors like comfort, employee
satisfaction, safety, welfare, and health, which affect the
performance of the employee. This article evaluates the human
factors and the impact of human factors in productivity. By
using the collected data, a human-oriented staff performance
assessment procedure is developed. This measurement
procedure will help the authority to evaluate the performance of
the employee and identify the disputes. To gain competitive
advantages, the authority will prioritise the human factors,
which will help the company to support the employees (Kaare &
Otto, 2015).
Balch, C. (2014). Correlation of employee performance and
electronic employee monitoring. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise
Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE) (p. 1). The
Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer
Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing
This paper, developed by C. Balch, discusses the relation
between electronic staff monitoring and the performance of the
employee. With the use of technology, many surveys related to
employee surveillance is easily accessible to the business
organisation. The authority of a business organisation can imply
the electronic monitoring of employee performance to evaluate
staff performance (Holland, Cooper & Hecker, 2015). These
initiatives of the authority can create an adverse impact on the
workers. The performance of the employee can be affected by
this action of the authority. For the employee, performance
monitoring by the authority is administrative involvement. The
involvement of the administration in the work procedure can
create an adverse impact on the productivity of the staff (Balch,
Choudhary, G. B., & Puranik, S. (2014). A study on employee
performance appraisal in health care. Asian J Manag Sci, 2(3),
This paper, developed by Ganesh B. Choudhary and
Shankar Puranik, discusses the staff performance assessment in
health care. In the health sector, performance appraisals are
essential. The performance appraisal is conducted to assess the
staff’s performance. This action by the hospital authority
motivates the employees to improve the work. Appraisal
approaches by the senior expertise may vary as it contains
behavioural approaches (Choudhary & Puranik, 2014). Health
care professionals must receive and provide feedback on a time
basis to evaluate the quality of the work. The ability of the
employee to provide the best health care service will be
reviewed by the specific departmental manager. The necessity
of the performance assessments and criteria for the appraisals to
assess the performance of the health care centre’s employee.
Audenaert, M., Decramer, A., George, B., Verschuere, B., &
Van Waeyenberg, T. (2019). When employee performance
management affects individual innovation in public
organisations: The role of consistency and LMX. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(5),
Balch, C. (2014). Correlation sof employee performance and
electronic employee monitoring. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise
Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE) (p. 1). The
Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer
Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing
Bhave, D. P. (2014). The invisible eye? Electronic performance
monitoring and employee job performance. Personnel
psychology, 67(3), 605-635.
Chang, S. E., Liu, A. Y., & Lin, S. (2015). Exploring privacy
and trust for employee monitoring. Industrial Management &
Data Systems, 115(1), 88-106.
Choudhary, G. B., & Puranik, S. (2014). A study on employee
performance appraisal in health care. Asian J Manag Sci, 2(3),
Decramer, A., Smolders, C., & Vanderstraeten, A. (2013).
Employee performance management culture and system features
in higher education: relationship with employee performance
management satisfaction. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 24(2), 352-371.
Holland, P. J., Cooper, B., & Hecker, R. (2015). Electronic
monitoring and surveillance in the workplace: The effects on
trust in management, and the moderating role of occupational
type. Personnel Review, 44(1), 161-175.
Jeske, D., & Santuzzi, A. M. (2015). Monitoring what and how:
psychological implications of electronic performance
monitoring. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30(1),
Kaare, K. K., & Otto, T. (2015). Smart health care monitoring
technologies to improve employee performance in
manufacturing. Procedia Engineering, 100, 826-833.
Mtshali, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of employee performance
management development systems policy as implemented
amongst social service professionals within department of
Social Development (Doctoral dissertation, University of
Sserwadda, M., Nuwagaba, D., Kakooza, W., & Sseruyange, O.
(2018). Daily performance and task monitoring system.
Yerby, J. (2013). Legal and ethical issues of employee
monitoring. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge
Management, 1(2), 44-55.
SSCI 316 Final Essay Paper Rubric:
HIGHLY ENGAGING introduction provides THOUGHTFUL
ENGAGING introduction provides RELEVANT background
Introduction provides SOME relevant background information. .
Introduction provides LIMITED and/or IRRELEVANT
background information. TOO BRIEF.
ALL body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic
sentences and CLEAR transitions allowing the paper to FLOW
MOST body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic
sentences and transitions allowing the paper to FLOW
MOST body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic
sentences, but information appears as UNCONNECTED
CHUNKS. Paragraphs still have a sense of logical order.
MANY body paragraphs LACK topic sentences or topic
sentences and body content do not always match. MANY body
paragraphs develop more than one topic. Paragraphs DO NOT
follow a LOGICAL order. Poorly organized.
INSIGHTFUL conclusion revisits thesis and main points.
Conclusion revisits thesis and main points. PERSUASIVE.
Conclusion revisits thesis and main points. It does what it has
POOR conclusion does not revisit thesis, and main points and/or
conclusion are omitted.
purpose of paper and matches the content. Conveys an
ATTITUDE in support or against.
FOCUSED thesis shapes purpose of paper and matches content.
Conveys an ATTITUDE in support or against.
Thesis ADEQUATELY shapes purpose of paper and matches
content but is only a list. BEGINS to convey an ATTITUDE.
Thesis FAILS to shape purpose of paper and/or does not match
the content of the paper. Thesis is CONFUSED or FACTUAL or
Multiple sources SKILLFULLY interwoven in body paragraphs
demonstrating RELEVANT, THOROUGH, and
SOPHISTICATED support of thesis. Writer manages
information well and avoids redundancy and reliance on direct
Multiple sources CONSISTENTLY interwoven in body
paragraphs demonstrating RELEVANT and THOROUGH
support of thesis. Writer manages the information and avoids
redundancy and reliance on direct quotes.
MOST information supports the thesis by using a SINGLE
source per body paragraph. Info. is STACKED, LISTED,
reliance on direct quotes.
SOME information supports the thesis, but information is
INACCURATE. Paper exhibits information dumping. Heavy
reliance on direct quotes.
Paragraphs show SKILLFUL integration of student’s own words
with researched info. ELOQUENT word choice and transitions.
ALL body paragraphs end with student’s observation or
conclusion. Shows a CLEAR understanding of the topic
Paragraphs show BALANCE between student voice and
researched info. Body paragraphs end with student’s
observations or conclusion. Analysis of info shows and
understanding of the topic.
There is SOME student voice integrated with researched info.
Analysis of info shows SOME understanding of the topic.
Paragraph conclusions are quotes or are missing. No student
interpretation is evident. Analysis of info. shows a LACK of
understanding of the topic. Much of the paper is written in “I,”
“YOU,” or “WE.”
Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure errors RARELY occur, but DO NOT OBSCURE
Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure errors SELDOM occur, but DO NOT OBSCURE
Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure errors OCCASIONALLY occur, but DON’T
Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence
structure errors FREQUENTLY occur and OBSCURE
Work Cited
Works cited page properly formatted.
Works cited page has very few errors
Works cited page has many errors.
Works cited page is missing or improperly formatted.
Paper Length
Over and above requirement.
At or slightly above requirement.
Below requirement.
Extremely below requirement.
Instructions: This paper must follow a format of your choice
(APA, MLA, Chicago, etc) You will select a subject of your
choice that relates to the class and take a position in support or
against, and argue it with documentation of no less than 4 peer
reviewed (scholarly) articles and 2 resources from class
(textbook is fine or anything in learning modules). There is a
900 word minimum and NO maximum words on this assignment.
You must have a title page and a works cited page, with 4-5
pages on the body of the essay. (always double spaced)
The due date is March 16, 2020 at 11:59pm with absolutely NO
extensions under any circumstances because grades must be
posted on time with the registrar. This is the last possible date
you can turn in the essay. The essay is worth 250 points, so do
the best job you can.
Suggestions for subject matter:
· Has Institutional Racism held minorities back from success?
· How does Economic Racism work? Does it actually exist?
· Is Cultural Relativism important? Are some things taboo no
matter what culture practices them?
· Should we forget the past of slavery and racism and make our
own way at this juncture?
· Is everyone equal in America? Is the American Dream within
reach for everyone? Why or why not?
· Is it wrong for people to be LGBTQ or gender fluid? Is it a
choice or are we “born that way”?
· Do men do a better job at running the country? Why or why
· Should women get equal pay for equal work?
· Do religions cause racism?
· Is Islamaphobia racist or justified?
· Is racism a mental illness or a choice? Or something else?
· Are we in a Post Racial society or not even close?
· Were the Aztecs savages?
· Are Native Americans still here?
· Should English be the only language we speak in America?
· Is there such a thing as Reverse Racism?
· Does White Privilege exist?
· What kinds of racism exist?
· What is Critical Race Theory?
· What is Intersectionality?
· Does Genetic Racism exist? What is it?
· How did Eugenics shape our ideas about race?
· Is racism ever justified?
· What are the differences between a Holocaust and Genocide?
Discuss a few.
· How did Cortez manage to take over Tenochtitlan?
· Discuss your favorite black intellectuals. Why have they been
ignored in the history books?
· Discuss why Ethnic Studies is so often banned or left out of
American History classes.
· Choose your own favorite idea or question!

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  • 1. Topic- Contemporary business issue Name of the Student: Lecturer Name: Dess Pearson Submission Date: 09/11/2019 Jeske, D., & Santuzzi, A. M. (2015). Monitoring what and how: psychological implications of electronic performance monitoring. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30(1), 62-78. Debora Jeske and Alecia M. Santuzzi have written the article named “Monitoring what and how: psychological implications of electronic performance monitoring.” This article aims to assess the application of electronic performance checking and analyse whether this monitoring system can improve the employee’s performance and efficiency or not. An employee has an adverse reaction to staff performance monitoring. Data from one hundred ninety student workers are used to complete a survey, which helped to conclude the decision. According to the survey result, close monitoring of employee performance creates an adverse impact on the employee. These initiatives of the authority curtail the employee engagement and job satisfaction and efficiency of the staff. This survey suggests that though there is a benefit of close monitoring of employees, yet the benefits are
  • 2. overshadowed by the adverse reaction of the employee (Jeske & Santuzzi, 2015). Decramer, A., Smolders, C., & Vanderstraeten, A. (2013). Employee performance management culture and system features in higher education: relationship with employee performance management satisfaction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(2), 352-371. This article, which discusses the effect of staff performance management, is written by Adelien Decramer, Carine Smolders and Alex Vanderstraeten. This article evaluates satisfaction related to staff performance management in higher education institutions. Five hundred eighty-nine staff of a Flemish University participated in a survey, which was conducted to complete the analysis. This analysis suggests that an internal staff performance management procedure on a regular basis through communication and enhanced control can increase employee satisfaction. The staff performance management procedure can increase the employee’s job satisfaction, which rests on the tenure type. In the higher education centre, the authority has to take a diverse staff performance management procedure to maximise the job satisfaction of the employee (Decramer, Smolders & Vanderstraeten, 2013). Audenaert, M., Decramer, A., George, B., Verschuere, B., & Van Waeyenberg, T. (2019). When employee performance management affects individual innovation in public organisations: The role of consistency and LMX. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(5), 815-834. This article, which is written by Mike Audenaert, Adelien Decramer, Bert George, Bram Verschuere and Thomas Van Waeyenberg, discusses the impact of staff performance management on the innovation ability of the employee. Individual innovation is needed to survive in the public sector job. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and constant focus on the staff performance management procedure helped the author to
  • 3. complete this analysis. Multilevel data from 1095 care providers of Flanders and sixty-eight elderly homes are used to complete the analysis. This study suggests that individual innovation is connected with the constant staff performance management procedure. To enhance the innovation of the employee, LMX plays as a moderator. This study will help the researcher to understand the impact of staff performance management procedure in the individual innovation of the employee of the public sector (Audenaert et al., 2019). Yerby, J. (2013). Legal and ethical issues of employee monitoring. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 1(2), 44-55. This journal, developed by Johnathan Yerby, discusses the lawful and moral aspects of staff monitoring. In this journal, answers to several important questions are provided. The definition of employee monitoring, the significance of staff monitoring, and the reason why employers are interested in implying this system are discussed in this journal. This paper discusses the employee performance procedure, its necessity in the workplace, and legal and ethical issues related to the staff performance management procedure. Monitoring the employee has some legal and ethical issues which are addressed in this journal. Does the authority has the right to monitor the employee, or what is the reason they are monitoring the employee is the critical legal problem of staff monitoring. The strategy, which should be followed by the authority of the organisation, will help the authority to monitor the employee performance without being affected by the ethical and legal issues (Yerby, 2013). Mtshali, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of employee performance management development systems policy as implemented amongst social service professionals within department of Social Development (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zululand).
  • 4. This paper, completed by Rosemary Makhosazane Mtshali, discusses the valuation of staff performance management procedure as policy and implication of the policy on the social service professionals. The exact process to imply the staff performance procedure as a policy in the department of social improvement and approach of the employee and employer towards the staff performance monitoring is discussed in this paper. To evaluate the performance of the social service professionals, the employee performance monitoring procedure can be applied. However, the drawbacks of the policy and identifying the best tool to improve the policy is done by this study. This study identifies the complication of implementing the proposed procedure to monitor the social service providers and the effect of new monitoring policy on the staff’s performance (Mtshali, 2013). Sserwadda, M., Nuwagaba, D., Kakooza, W., & Sseruyange, O. (2018). Daily performance and task monitoring system. This report, which is developed by Mathias Sserwadda, Derrick Nuwagaba, Williams Kakooza, and Oscar Sseruyange, discusses the task monitoring system for the employee of a small business organisation. The development of a system named ‘Daily performance and task monitoring procedure’ is presented in this report. Quantitative method collection, information from the interviews, and questionnaire techniques are used to collect data to complete the report. This system is tested in three different ways to identify its error and fault. Three different ways of testing for the new system are unit testing, which scrutinises the proper operation of the system, Integration testing, which is used to recheck the system whether the system can operate appropriately, and system testing, which is a complete and integrated process to check this new system. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the new system named daily performance and task monitoring procedure (Sserwadda et al., 2018). Bhave, D. P. (2014). The invisible eye? Electronic performance monitoring and employee job performance. Personnel
  • 5. psychology, 67(3), 605-635. This article, developed by Devasheesh P. Bhave, discusses the electronic performance monitoring (EPM) and the performance of the employee. Many business organisations are implying the EPM procedure to enhance staff performance (Chang, Liu & Lin, 2015). The impact of electronic monitoring performance on the staff is discussed in this article. Two field studies are evaluated to complete the report. In the first case study, specific longitudinal information sets are used which identify that small time lag between two back to back staff performance evaluation are helpful to improve the performance of the worker. The second case study investigates the use of EPM by the supervisor and other criteria like ‘Counterproductive work behaviours’ and ‘Organisational citizenship behaviours,’ This analysis refers that through the implication of EPM, a business organisation can help the employee to provide better performance (Bhave, 2014). Kaare, K. K., & Otto, T. (2015). Smart health care monitoring technologies to improve employee performance in manufacturing. Procedia Engineering, 100, 826-833. This article, written by Kati KõrbeKaare and Tauno Otto, discusses the importance of monitoring technologies to develop staff performance in the area of manufacturing. In the manufacturing sector, to gain a competitive advantage, the business organisation has to focus on the productivity of the employee. There are specific factors like comfort, employee satisfaction, safety, welfare, and health, which affect the performance of the employee. This article evaluates the human factors and the impact of human factors in productivity. By using the collected data, a human-oriented staff performance assessment procedure is developed. This measurement procedure will help the authority to evaluate the performance of the employee and identify the disputes. To gain competitive advantages, the authority will prioritise the human factors, which will help the company to support the employees (Kaare & Otto, 2015).
  • 6. Balch, C. (2014). Correlation of employee performance and electronic employee monitoring. In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE) (p. 1). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp). This paper, developed by C. Balch, discusses the relation between electronic staff monitoring and the performance of the employee. With the use of technology, many surveys related to employee surveillance is easily accessible to the business organisation. The authority of a business organisation can imply the electronic monitoring of employee performance to evaluate staff performance (Holland, Cooper & Hecker, 2015). These initiatives of the authority can create an adverse impact on the workers. The performance of the employee can be affected by this action of the authority. For the employee, performance monitoring by the authority is administrative involvement. The involvement of the administration in the work procedure can create an adverse impact on the productivity of the staff (Balch, 2014). Choudhary, G. B., & Puranik, S. (2014). A study on employee performance appraisal in health care. Asian J Manag Sci, 2(3), 59-64. This paper, developed by Ganesh B. Choudhary and Shankar Puranik, discusses the staff performance assessment in health care. In the health sector, performance appraisals are essential. The performance appraisal is conducted to assess the staff’s performance. This action by the hospital authority motivates the employees to improve the work. Appraisal approaches by the senior expertise may vary as it contains behavioural approaches (Choudhary & Puranik, 2014). Health care professionals must receive and provide feedback on a time basis to evaluate the quality of the work. The ability of the employee to provide the best health care service will be reviewed by the specific departmental manager. The necessity
  • 7. of the performance assessments and criteria for the appraisals to assess the performance of the health care centre’s employee. References: Audenaert, M., Decramer, A., George, B., Verschuere, B., & Van Waeyenberg, T. (2019). When employee performance management affects individual innovation in public organisations: The role of consistency and LMX. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(5), 815-834. Balch, C. (2014). Correlation sof employee performance and electronic employee monitoring. In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE) (p. 1). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp). Bhave, D. P. (2014). The invisible eye? Electronic performance monitoring and employee job performance. Personnel psychology, 67(3), 605-635. Chang, S. E., Liu, A. Y., & Lin, S. (2015). Exploring privacy and trust for employee monitoring. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115(1), 88-106. Choudhary, G. B., & Puranik, S. (2014). A study on employee performance appraisal in health care. Asian J Manag Sci, 2(3), 59-64. Decramer, A., Smolders, C., & Vanderstraeten, A. (2013). Employee performance management culture and system features in higher education: relationship with employee performance management satisfaction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(2), 352-371. Holland, P. J., Cooper, B., & Hecker, R. (2015). Electronic monitoring and surveillance in the workplace: The effects on trust in management, and the moderating role of occupational type. Personnel Review, 44(1), 161-175. Jeske, D., & Santuzzi, A. M. (2015). Monitoring what and how:
  • 8. psychological implications of electronic performance monitoring. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30(1), 62-78. Kaare, K. K., & Otto, T. (2015). Smart health care monitoring technologies to improve employee performance in manufacturing. Procedia Engineering, 100, 826-833. Mtshali, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of employee performance management development systems policy as implemented amongst social service professionals within department of Social Development (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zululand). Sserwadda, M., Nuwagaba, D., Kakooza, W., & Sseruyange, O. (2018). Daily performance and task monitoring system. Yerby, J. (2013). Legal and ethical issues of employee monitoring. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 1(2), 44-55. SSCI 316 Final Essay Paper Rubric: EXCEPTIONAL (4) COMMENDABLE (3) ACCEPTABLE (2) UNACCEPTABLE (1) ORGANIZATION Introduction HIGHLY ENGAGING introduction provides THOUGHTFUL background ENGAGING introduction provides RELEVANT background
  • 9. information Introduction provides SOME relevant background information. . Introduction provides LIMITED and/or IRRELEVANT background information. TOO BRIEF. Body ALL body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic sentences and CLEAR transitions allowing the paper to FLOW LOGICALLY. FOCUSED and CONTROLLED. MOST body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic sentences and transitions allowing the paper to FLOW LOGICALLY, FOCUSED AND COTROLLED. MOST body paragraphs develop a single topic, have topic sentences, but information appears as UNCONNECTED CHUNKS. Paragraphs still have a sense of logical order. MANY body paragraphs LACK topic sentences or topic sentences and body content do not always match. MANY body paragraphs develop more than one topic. Paragraphs DO NOT follow a LOGICAL order. Poorly organized. Conclusion INSIGHTFUL conclusion revisits thesis and main points. CONVINCINGLY PERSUASIVE. Conclusion revisits thesis and main points. PERSUASIVE. Conclusion revisits thesis and main points. It does what it has to—but PERSUASIVE. POOR conclusion does not revisit thesis, and main points and/or conclusion are omitted. CONTENT Thesis INTRIGUING AND FOCUSED Thesis CLEARLY shapes purpose of paper and matches the content. Conveys an ATTITUDE in support or against. FOCUSED thesis shapes purpose of paper and matches content. Conveys an ATTITUDE in support or against. Thesis ADEQUATELY shapes purpose of paper and matches content but is only a list. BEGINS to convey an ATTITUDE. Thesis FAILS to shape purpose of paper and/or does not match
  • 10. the content of the paper. Thesis is CONFUSED or FACTUAL or is NOT PROVEN. Research Multiple sources SKILLFULLY interwoven in body paragraphs demonstrating RELEVANT, THOROUGH, and SOPHISTICATED support of thesis. Writer manages information well and avoids redundancy and reliance on direct quotes. Multiple sources CONSISTENTLY interwoven in body paragraphs demonstrating RELEVANT and THOROUGH support of thesis. Writer manages the information and avoids redundancy and reliance on direct quotes. MOST information supports the thesis by using a SINGLE source per body paragraph. Info. is STACKED, LISTED, REDUNDANT, or CONTINUALLY PARAPHRASED. Some reliance on direct quotes. SOME information supports the thesis, but information is LIMITED, IRRELEVANT, REDUNDANT, WEAK or INACCURATE. Paper exhibits information dumping. Heavy reliance on direct quotes. Voice Paragraphs show SKILLFUL integration of student’s own words with researched info. ELOQUENT word choice and transitions. ALL body paragraphs end with student’s observation or conclusion. Shows a CLEAR understanding of the topic Paragraphs show BALANCE between student voice and researched info. Body paragraphs end with student’s observations or conclusion. Analysis of info shows and understanding of the topic. There is SOME student voice integrated with researched info. Analysis of info shows SOME understanding of the topic. Paragraph conclusions are quotes or are missing. No student interpretation is evident. Analysis of info. shows a LACK of understanding of the topic. Much of the paper is written in “I,” “YOU,” or “WE.” Mechanics
  • 11. Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure errors RARELY occur, but DO NOT OBSCURE MEANING. Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure errors SELDOM occur, but DO NOT OBSCURE MEANING. Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure errors OCCASIONALLY occur, but DON’T OBSCURE MEANING Grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure errors FREQUENTLY occur and OBSCURE MEANING. Work Cited Works cited page properly formatted. Works cited page has very few errors Works cited page has many errors. Works cited page is missing or improperly formatted. Paper Length Over and above requirement. At or slightly above requirement. Below requirement. Extremely below requirement. Instructions: This paper must follow a format of your choice (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc) You will select a subject of your choice that relates to the class and take a position in support or against, and argue it with documentation of no less than 4 peer reviewed (scholarly) articles and 2 resources from class (textbook is fine or anything in learning modules). There is a 900 word minimum and NO maximum words on this assignment. You must have a title page and a works cited page, with 4-5 pages on the body of the essay. (always double spaced) The due date is March 16, 2020 at 11:59pm with absolutely NO extensions under any circumstances because grades must be posted on time with the registrar. This is the last possible date you can turn in the essay. The essay is worth 250 points, so do
  • 12. the best job you can. Suggestions for subject matter: · Has Institutional Racism held minorities back from success? · How does Economic Racism work? Does it actually exist? · Is Cultural Relativism important? Are some things taboo no matter what culture practices them? · Should we forget the past of slavery and racism and make our own way at this juncture? · Is everyone equal in America? Is the American Dream within reach for everyone? Why or why not? · Is it wrong for people to be LGBTQ or gender fluid? Is it a choice or are we “born that way”? · Do men do a better job at running the country? Why or why not? · Should women get equal pay for equal work? · Do religions cause racism? · Is Islamaphobia racist or justified? · Is racism a mental illness or a choice? Or something else? · Are we in a Post Racial society or not even close? · Were the Aztecs savages? · Are Native Americans still here? · Should English be the only language we speak in America? · Is there such a thing as Reverse Racism? · Does White Privilege exist? · What kinds of racism exist? · What is Critical Race Theory? · What is Intersectionality? · Does Genetic Racism exist? What is it? · How did Eugenics shape our ideas about race? · Is racism ever justified? · What are the differences between a Holocaust and Genocide? Discuss a few. · How did Cortez manage to take over Tenochtitlan? · Discuss your favorite black intellectuals. Why have they been
  • 13. ignored in the history books? · Discuss why Ethnic Studies is so often banned or left out of American History classes. · Choose your own favorite idea or question!