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Topic 9: Part 2
Financial Planning

Demographic Trends

• The proportion of the Australian older population is
  increasing rapidly. Low fertility rates and continuous
  increases in life expectancy have contributed to a
  decrease in the number of workers supporting retirees.

• The predictions are that by the year 2030, two people in
  the working age group will support one retired person and
  this number will fall to 1.4 by 2050.

• Today, the dependency ratio is 3.5 workers for every
  retired person.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Macroeconomic implications of
                 ageing population

•   Due to low fertility rates, the labour force participation rate is predicted
    to fall. Smaller number of workers will produce less products and
    services. Thus, the shrinking workforce will negatively affect GDP

•   The shrinking workforce combined with the growing number of older
    Australians, will put pressure on Australian fiscal sustainability.
•   As it is more costly to support an aged person than a young person,
    total expenditure associated with ageing is anticipated to rise in the
    future, creating a budgetary gap.

•   The workforce will also experience ageing, with an increase of
    workers aged 65 and over by around 50%.

Source: Productivity Commission 2005.

Government initiatives to improve
           fiscal sustainability

• An introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge -
  9% of Gross earnings (contributions will be slowly
  increased to 12% starting from the year 2013) paid by
  employers to designated superannuation funds, and its
  reforms such as: 15% tax charged only at the point of
  entry and on earnings, no tax charged on withdrawals
  whether lump sums or pensions for people retiring at the
  age of 60 and over. Further, abolishment of RBL, ability of
  drawing on super while still at work, allowable deductions
  for employers on contributions paid to employees aged up
  to 70. Raising the accessibility age to draw super from 55
  years to 60.

Government initiatives to improve
   fiscal sustainability (continued)
• Keeping fiscal expenses as low as possible by
  providing pensions at the equivalent of 1/3 of the
  average male salary which are means/asset tested.

• Encouraging people to stay longer at work by the
  introduction of tax incentives for people staying at
  work beyond the ‘normal’ age of retirement (currently
  being 65 for men).

• Increasing of the “normal” retirement age for women
  to 65 by 2014 and men to 67 by 2024.
Life Cycle Hypotheses
Financial planning has its roots in the “life cycle” theory of
and saving ( Modigliani and Brumberg 1954, Friedman 1957) and
considers paths of expenditure and income over a lifetime.

• Friedman & Modigliani and Brumberg assumed that households
  save for future consumption.
• According to Friedman (1957), households will save more and
  consume less if the level of income they currently earn is
  temporarily. However, they will save less and consume more if the
  level of income they earn is permanent, hence the term “permanent
  income theory”.
• In the Modigliani-Brumberg model, the planning period is finite:
  people save only for themselves, hence consumption and saving
  patterns reflect an individual’s stage in the life cycle with saving for
  retirement being a primary motive for deferred consumption
  (Modigliani and Brumberg 1954; Ando and Modigliani 1963).
The graphical depiction of the Modigliani’s
   and Brumberg’s model of the LCH

The proposition of the Modigliani’s
 and Bloomerg’s model of the LCH
• People depend on others to expend money on their
  behalf (e.g. children being dependent on their
  parents, young people obtaining loans) while they are
  in their infancy or at the beginning of their adult lives.

• Later, during their working lives, people generate
  sufficient income to meet their current expenditure
  and to provide some savings for future expenditure at

• At retirement, people draw on their savings when
  salaries and wages are no longer available.

What is Financial Planning ?
• Financial planning is a process that helps to set
  objectives and arranging financial means to satisfy
  those objectives.

• Financial means are achieved by analysing financial
  and non-financial position and working out a suitable
  investment plan which is consistent with risk-return

• Financial planning involves managing the portfolio to
  evaluate its actual behaviour in relation to expected

How a $1000 investment grows
             over time
     45000                                                        45259
                                                                          8% rate of return
                                                                  21725 10% rate of return
     10000                                           10063
      5000                               6727
         0       1000
             0          10          20          30           40

•   Source: Gitman, LJ.

Reasons for seeking financial advice
• Changes in personal circumstances such as:
  - marriage or divorce;
  - birth of a child;
  - buying a home;
  - changing jobs;
  - death or illness of a family member.

• Investment of a windfall gain such as an inheritance,
  compensation payment or redundancy payment.

• Saving for retirement.

Why retirement financial planning?

• Retired people will no longer be able to rely on the
  government to provide financial support.
• As a rule, most of people do not start thinking about
  retirement until well into their 40s or 50s, which results in
  a substantially reduced level of retirement income.
• People do not save adequately. The introduction of
  compulsory super should help but we still have to wait to
  see its full impact.
• The sooner retirement saving starts (coupled with
  compounded interest and salary sacrifice arrangements),
  the better off retirees will be.

Attitudes towards retirement planning

• Comments of some planners regarding financial
   understanding of retirement issues in the community.
   For example, their clients:
 - were surprised at how low the Age Pension is;
 - generally had poor funding for retirement;
 - thought that a lump sum of $50,000 to $60,000
   constituted ‘substantial’ funds in super; and
 - under estimated the cost of what they want to do in

Will the projected superannuation payout
     on retirement be sufficient to meet
           lifestyle requirements?
• According to government estimates, saving of 12% of
  annual income for the 40 years of working life would
  give an income equal to 40% of pre-retirement salary.
  However, 60-80% is preferred.
• According to the LCH, people want to smooth their
  consumption over their life cycle (keep the same life
  style before and after retirement), thus 40% of pre-
  retirement salary might not be enough.
• People usually need more savings to support them in
  retirement than they anticipate. The outcome of under-
  provision is to retire later or work part-time after
Six Steps Financial Planning
•   Step 1: Gathering data
•   Step 2: Setting goals and objectives
•   Step 3: Identifying any financial issues
•   Step 4: Preparing a financial plan
•   Step 5: Implementing the financial plan
•   Step 6: Reviewing the financial plan

(Source: “Good Advice – for Peace of Mind”, Financial Planning Association of
   Australia, 2006.)

Step 1: Gathering data
•   Personal details
•   Details of children/dependants
•   Employment details
•   Income from all sources and expenditure details
    (including investment income or other such as
    distribution from a trust)
•   Asset and liabilities schedule
•   Superannuation details
•   Details of existing insurance and information of
    further insurance needs
•   Tax rates

Step 2: Setting goals and objectives
• Goals can be short (<1 year), medium term (2-5
  years) and long term (>5 years).

• Establishing financials goals and objectives which will
  determine the types of investments made:
   – saving for major expenditures;
   – accumulating retirement funds;
   – being free of personal debt in retirement;
   – non-specific goals such as: utilise surplus income
     to accelerate investment capital without sacrificing
     the current life style.

Life cycle requirements or life strategies
• Consumption phase - young single people and
  married couples with a desire to save for the future
• Wealth accumulation phase - people with
  established careers and with no or small mortgages
  seeking to establish well structured retirement plans.
• Approaching retirement phase - people at the age
  55 - 65 seeking to maximise their retirement funds.
• Post-retirement phase - people with desire to
  provide satisfactory income during their retirement
  and seeking to preserve their savings for the long life

Step 2: Setting goals and objectives

• Other issues: accessibility and liquidity

   As circumstances change throughout a life,
  liquidity and accessibility of investments need
  to be considered. Investing a small proportion
  of portfolio (around 5% of the total holding) in
  easy accessible investment vehicles such as
  term deposits should be recommended.

How financial goals change with a person’s life
Personal        Long term      Intermediate-       Short-term goals
Situation       goals (5+      term goals (2-5     (1 year)
                years)         years)

1. University   Repay          Undertake           Find a job
Student         university     student
                and other      exchange
                loans          program or travel
2. Single,      Buy a home     Save enough for     Attend
mid 20s                        a deposit for a     investment
                               home                seminars

                               Travel overseas     Begin to invest

How financial goals change with a person’s life situation
3. Married      Build a           Begin an             Seek a financial
couple with     substantial       education fund       planner advice
children        diversified                            and begin to
                investment                             invest
                Buy a larger      Increase             Implement tax
                home              superannuation       minimisation
                                  contribution         strategies
                                  (salary sacrifice)
4. Married      Retire at age     Travel overseas      Shift investment
Couple with     62                                     portfolio into
grown                                                  growth securities
children, mid
50s             Take long                              Reduce expenses
                                                       (salary sacrifice)
Step 3: Identifying any financial
• Analyse financial position to determine the current net
  worth, the current cash flow situation, and the saving
  capacity now and in the future.

• Identify goals that are unattainable such as: a desire to
  retire early but having insufficient funds to achieve this

• Categorise trade-offs e.g.: increase saving, accept
  higher level of risk (invest in growth assets), retire later,
   or accept lower accumulation of funds (lower income
  at retirement).

Risk profiling and asset allocation
1. Very conservative investors – defensive
   investments such as cash and bonds (government or
   carrying high credit ratings).
2. Conservative investors – aiming to reduce risk of
   loss and therefore accepting a lower return over the
   long term, mixed defensive and growth investments
   such as blue chips but substantial higher weighting
   (around 60-70%) is given to cash and bonds holdings
   (capital stable).
3. Balanced investors – aiming to achieve reasonable
   returns, but less than growth funds, equal exposure
   to both growth (shares and property) and income
   investments (cash and fixed interest).

Risk profiling and asset allocation
4.    Growth investors – aiming for higher returns over
      the long term but accepting a higher risk of losses
      in bad years, mostly growth assets such as shares
      and property with small proportion of portfolio
      shifted towards defensive/income assets.

5.    Aggressive investors – portfolio constructed from
      growth and speculative assets such as futures,
      options, warrants and other derivatives.

Step 4: Preparing financial plan
After careful analysis of the information gathered, and
identifying goals and any issues, a financial plan will be
prepared outlining the current position, goals, and
recommended strategies and investments.

A good financial plan should recommend the most
appropriate strategies which will meet the client’s goals
without substantially sacrificing their current lifestyle.

A good financial plan should contain strategies that will defer
and minimise an individual’s level of taxes over the long run
e.g. negative gearing, salary sacrifice, income splitting.

Step 5 and 6: Implementing and
         reviewing financial plan

• The implementation occurs once the plan has been
  presented to the client and subsequently agreed to.

• On at least an annual basis the plan should be
  reviewed to ensure that recommendations remain
  appropriate given changes to personal circumstances
  and external factors (e.g. changes to legislation,
  changes to economic conditions).

•   Please note: for the purpose of this subject, we only discuss the
    first 4 goals.

What is a Statement of Advice?
•   Under the Financial Services Reform Act 2004 (FSRA) a financial
    plan/Statement of Advice (SOA) must be provided to a client whenever
    personal advice has been given by the planner.

•   The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) views the
    plan as a document that outlines to the client how their goals and
    objectives can be met (suitable to their risk profile), while providing all
    information required for any reasonable person to make a decision
    regarding that advice. That is, not only should the plan outline the
    recommended strategies and investments, but also explain to the client
    why these have been recommended, any risks associated with the
    recommendations, the costs of the advice/recommendations, and how
    the planner/dealer group is remunerated for this advice.

Statement of Advice (SOA)
1. Scope of advice – are there any limitations to the
2.   Executive summary – what is recommended and
     what is the outcome of the recommendations?
3.   Existing position – personal and financial details,
     current cash flow analysis.
4.   Goals and objectives.
5.   Investor risk profile – how should the client’s assets
     be allocated given their tolerance to risk?
•    Strategic recommendations – what are the
     strategies recommended to meet the client’s goals
     and objectives and why those strategies are

Statement of Advice (continued)
 7. Investment recommendations – what are the
    investments recommended to meet the client’s
    goals and objectives?
 8. Revised position – what are the changes to cash
    flow after the recommendations, and what is the
    projected capital due to the recommendations?
 9. Services – what level of service does the planner
10. Fees and interests – what is the cost of the advice,
    and how is the planner compensated?
11. Disclaimer – what are the legal limitations of the
    advice, and what should the client be aware of prior
    to implementing the advice?
12. Appendices – usually include further information
    relating to recommended strategies and
Timing in the market
• Deciding what to invest when the world is heading for a
  recession, or at least an economic slowdown, is difficult.
  A financial planner in order to provide the best advice,
  should be aware of the economic cycles and its impact
  on investment.

• A tool which people could use to understand the likely
  repercussions of a changing economy and how it might
  impact them is called an economic clock.

The Economic Clock

What is the economic clock?
• The economic clock demonstrates that as an economy
  moves through its economic cycle there is a time to buy
  certain types of investments and possible a time not to
  buy. That does not mean sell, because one of the most
  important investment habits to develop is a long-term
  investment horizon.

• The economic clock identifies that the return a particular
  investment will generate depends on what time it is in
  the economic cycle.

• The economic clock provides a guidance but there is no
  guarantee that the economy will go through the whole
The Six O’clock Recession
•   Recessions mark the peak of a downward swing in an economic

•   A recession is defined as a period of two or more successive
    quarters of decreasing production. Production is usually measured
    in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so in layman's terms,
    any two consecutive periods of negative GDP will constitute a

•   Recessions are characterised by high unemployment, caused by
    employers shedding staff as production levels fall, cutting
    profitability and the need for labour. With less employment comes a
    drop in the average weekly earnings and with fewer dollars to
    spend, consumers demand less, resulting in even lower

Recovery Till Midnight
•   A recovery from recession begins with a fall of interest rates.
•   It is an excellent time to invest in the stockmarket as companies are
    well placed to obtain higher earnings from growth in target markets
    resulting in higher share prices and bigger profit distributions.
•   Share prices move through a period of gradual increases as the
    hour hands pass between six o'clock until about eleven o'clock
    when those who have missed out on the stockmarket gain start
    buying leading to more aggressive market highs. A frenzy begins
    which marks the beginning of the end of the recovery cycle, which
    peaks when the economy is booming.
•   Just before midnight a phenomenon known as 'the greater fool
    theory' begins. The greater fool theory suggests that no matter what
    price an investor pays for a share, someone (the greater fool), with
    less education and less understanding of the market, will buy it at a
    higher price. You know you are in the 'great fool' period when you
    hear that investors with little or no knowledge of the fundamentals of
    investing believe they can't lose.
Midnight Boom Before The Impending
• Well before the clock strikes midnight the wise
  investors have exited stocks and are looking for the
  next opportunity. They have left because they
  understand that there is likely to be a correction in the
  market, since share prices cannot be justified by
  traditional stock valuation methods.

• As investors leave the market, supply become higher
  than demand triggering a sell off and a slump in share
  prices. Investors who were too slow (or greedy) are
  burned, particularly those that have leveraged (via
  margin lending facilities) and the market is in a fall.

Property 'Till Three O'Clock
• The smart investors that 'got out' at the top move into property with
  reliable 'bricks and mortar'.

• Extra demand in property pushes demand above supply and results
  in higher prices.

• This itself isn't a problem, except that the government sees the
  economy is overheating and looks to introduce measures to enable
  a 'soft landing' through increasing interest rates to flatten demand by

• With higher interest rates comes less profit in real estate since most
  investors have leveraged their property purchases. Rises in interest
  rates continue until it is no longer viable for purchasers to continue
  investing in property and soon there are more sellers than buyers.
  Property prices, like share prices, correct.

Decline Back To Six O'Clock
•   Decline begins as business confidence begins to fall. Investors find
    little value in either stocks or property and with impending trouble on
    the horizon fixed interest securities become very popular again.

•   Lower business confidence means that new capital ventures are

•   Less spending and higher interest rates result in lower demand,
    which results in less production. With fewer sales there is a squeeze
    on earnings, resulting in profit downgrades.

•   The economy slows to the point where productivity stalls and then
    declines. When this happens for two periods in a row, the economy
    is said to be in a recession.


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Topic 9 fin.planning

  • 1. Topic 9: Part 2 Financial Planning HBC242N 1
  • 2. Demographic Trends • The proportion of the Australian older population is increasing rapidly. Low fertility rates and continuous increases in life expectancy have contributed to a decrease in the number of workers supporting retirees. • The predictions are that by the year 2030, two people in the working age group will support one retired person and this number will fall to 1.4 by 2050. • Today, the dependency ratio is 3.5 workers for every retired person. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2
  • 3. Macroeconomic implications of ageing population • Due to low fertility rates, the labour force participation rate is predicted to fall. Smaller number of workers will produce less products and services. Thus, the shrinking workforce will negatively affect GDP growth. • The shrinking workforce combined with the growing number of older Australians, will put pressure on Australian fiscal sustainability. • As it is more costly to support an aged person than a young person, total expenditure associated with ageing is anticipated to rise in the future, creating a budgetary gap. • The workforce will also experience ageing, with an increase of workers aged 65 and over by around 50%. Source: Productivity Commission 2005. 3
  • 4. Government initiatives to improve fiscal sustainability • An introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge - 9% of Gross earnings (contributions will be slowly increased to 12% starting from the year 2013) paid by employers to designated superannuation funds, and its reforms such as: 15% tax charged only at the point of entry and on earnings, no tax charged on withdrawals whether lump sums or pensions for people retiring at the age of 60 and over. Further, abolishment of RBL, ability of drawing on super while still at work, allowable deductions for employers on contributions paid to employees aged up to 70. Raising the accessibility age to draw super from 55 years to 60. 4
  • 5. Government initiatives to improve fiscal sustainability (continued) • Keeping fiscal expenses as low as possible by providing pensions at the equivalent of 1/3 of the average male salary which are means/asset tested. • Encouraging people to stay longer at work by the introduction of tax incentives for people staying at work beyond the ‘normal’ age of retirement (currently being 65 for men). • Increasing of the “normal” retirement age for women to 65 by 2014 and men to 67 by 2024. 5
  • 6. Life Cycle Hypotheses Financial planning has its roots in the “life cycle” theory of consumption and saving ( Modigliani and Brumberg 1954, Friedman 1957) and considers paths of expenditure and income over a lifetime. • Friedman & Modigliani and Brumberg assumed that households save for future consumption. • According to Friedman (1957), households will save more and consume less if the level of income they currently earn is temporarily. However, they will save less and consume more if the level of income they earn is permanent, hence the term “permanent income theory”. • In the Modigliani-Brumberg model, the planning period is finite: people save only for themselves, hence consumption and saving patterns reflect an individual’s stage in the life cycle with saving for retirement being a primary motive for deferred consumption (Modigliani and Brumberg 1954; Ando and Modigliani 1963). 6
  • 7. The graphical depiction of the Modigliani’s and Brumberg’s model of the LCH 7
  • 8. The proposition of the Modigliani’s and Bloomerg’s model of the LCH • People depend on others to expend money on their behalf (e.g. children being dependent on their parents, young people obtaining loans) while they are in their infancy or at the beginning of their adult lives. • Later, during their working lives, people generate sufficient income to meet their current expenditure and to provide some savings for future expenditure at retirement. • At retirement, people draw on their savings when salaries and wages are no longer available. 8
  • 9. What is Financial Planning ? • Financial planning is a process that helps to set objectives and arranging financial means to satisfy those objectives. • Financial means are achieved by analysing financial and non-financial position and working out a suitable investment plan which is consistent with risk-return preferences. • Financial planning involves managing the portfolio to evaluate its actual behaviour in relation to expected performance. 9
  • 10. How a $1000 investment grows over time 50000 45000 45259 40000 35000 30000 8% rate of return 25000 21725 10% rate of return 20000 17449 15000 10000 10063 5000 6727 4661 2594 2159 0 1000 0 10 20 30 40 • Source: Gitman, LJ. 10
  • 11. Reasons for seeking financial advice • Changes in personal circumstances such as: - marriage or divorce; - birth of a child; - buying a home; - changing jobs; - death or illness of a family member. • Investment of a windfall gain such as an inheritance, compensation payment or redundancy payment. • Saving for retirement. 11
  • 12. Why retirement financial planning? • Retired people will no longer be able to rely on the government to provide financial support. • As a rule, most of people do not start thinking about retirement until well into their 40s or 50s, which results in a substantially reduced level of retirement income. • People do not save adequately. The introduction of compulsory super should help but we still have to wait to see its full impact. • The sooner retirement saving starts (coupled with compounded interest and salary sacrifice arrangements), the better off retirees will be. 12
  • 13. Attitudes towards retirement planning • Comments of some planners regarding financial understanding of retirement issues in the community. For example, their clients: - were surprised at how low the Age Pension is; - generally had poor funding for retirement; - thought that a lump sum of $50,000 to $60,000 constituted ‘substantial’ funds in super; and - under estimated the cost of what they want to do in retirement. 13
  • 14. Will the projected superannuation payout on retirement be sufficient to meet lifestyle requirements? • According to government estimates, saving of 12% of annual income for the 40 years of working life would give an income equal to 40% of pre-retirement salary. However, 60-80% is preferred. • According to the LCH, people want to smooth their consumption over their life cycle (keep the same life style before and after retirement), thus 40% of pre- retirement salary might not be enough. • People usually need more savings to support them in retirement than they anticipate. The outcome of under- provision is to retire later or work part-time after retirement. 14
  • 15. Six Steps Financial Planning Process • Step 1: Gathering data • Step 2: Setting goals and objectives • Step 3: Identifying any financial issues • Step 4: Preparing a financial plan • Step 5: Implementing the financial plan • Step 6: Reviewing the financial plan (Source: “Good Advice – for Peace of Mind”, Financial Planning Association of Australia, 2006.) 15
  • 16. Step 1: Gathering data • Personal details • Details of children/dependants • Employment details • Income from all sources and expenditure details (including investment income or other such as distribution from a trust) • Asset and liabilities schedule • Superannuation details • Details of existing insurance and information of further insurance needs • Tax rates 16
  • 17. Step 2: Setting goals and objectives • Goals can be short (<1 year), medium term (2-5 years) and long term (>5 years). • Establishing financials goals and objectives which will determine the types of investments made: – saving for major expenditures; – accumulating retirement funds; – being free of personal debt in retirement; – non-specific goals such as: utilise surplus income to accelerate investment capital without sacrificing the current life style. 17
  • 18. Life cycle requirements or life strategies • Consumption phase - young single people and married couples with a desire to save for the future consumption. • Wealth accumulation phase - people with established careers and with no or small mortgages seeking to establish well structured retirement plans. • Approaching retirement phase - people at the age 55 - 65 seeking to maximise their retirement funds. • Post-retirement phase - people with desire to provide satisfactory income during their retirement and seeking to preserve their savings for the long life expectancy. 18
  • 19. Step 2: Setting goals and objectives (continues) • Other issues: accessibility and liquidity As circumstances change throughout a life, liquidity and accessibility of investments need to be considered. Investing a small proportion of portfolio (around 5% of the total holding) in easy accessible investment vehicles such as term deposits should be recommended. 19
  • 20. How financial goals change with a person’s life situation Personal Long term Intermediate- Short-term goals Situation goals (5+ term goals (2-5 (1 year) years) years) 1. University Repay Undertake Find a job Student university student and other exchange loans program or travel overseas 2. Single, Buy a home Save enough for Attend mid 20s a deposit for a investment home seminars   Travel overseas Begin to invest 20
  • 21. How financial goals change with a person’s life situation (continued) 3. Married Build a Begin an Seek a financial couple with substantial education fund planner advice children diversified and begin to investment invest portfolio Buy a larger Increase Implement tax home superannuation minimisation contribution strategies (salary sacrifice) 4. Married Retire at age Travel overseas Shift investment Couple with 62 portfolio into grown growth securities children, mid 50s Take long Reduce expenses holiday Increase superannuation contribution (salary sacrifice) 21
  • 22. Step 3: Identifying any financial issues • Analyse financial position to determine the current net worth, the current cash flow situation, and the saving capacity now and in the future. • Identify goals that are unattainable such as: a desire to retire early but having insufficient funds to achieve this goal. • Categorise trade-offs e.g.: increase saving, accept higher level of risk (invest in growth assets), retire later, or accept lower accumulation of funds (lower income at retirement). 22
  • 23. Risk profiling and asset allocation 1. Very conservative investors – defensive investments such as cash and bonds (government or carrying high credit ratings). 2. Conservative investors – aiming to reduce risk of loss and therefore accepting a lower return over the long term, mixed defensive and growth investments such as blue chips but substantial higher weighting (around 60-70%) is given to cash and bonds holdings (capital stable). 3. Balanced investors – aiming to achieve reasonable returns, but less than growth funds, equal exposure to both growth (shares and property) and income investments (cash and fixed interest). 23
  • 24. Risk profiling and asset allocation (CONTINUE) 4. Growth investors – aiming for higher returns over the long term but accepting a higher risk of losses in bad years, mostly growth assets such as shares and property with small proportion of portfolio shifted towards defensive/income assets. 5. Aggressive investors – portfolio constructed from growth and speculative assets such as futures, options, warrants and other derivatives. 24
  • 25. Step 4: Preparing financial plan After careful analysis of the information gathered, and identifying goals and any issues, a financial plan will be prepared outlining the current position, goals, and recommended strategies and investments. A good financial plan should recommend the most appropriate strategies which will meet the client’s goals without substantially sacrificing their current lifestyle. A good financial plan should contain strategies that will defer and minimise an individual’s level of taxes over the long run e.g. negative gearing, salary sacrifice, income splitting. 25
  • 26. Step 5 and 6: Implementing and reviewing financial plan • The implementation occurs once the plan has been presented to the client and subsequently agreed to. • On at least an annual basis the plan should be reviewed to ensure that recommendations remain appropriate given changes to personal circumstances and external factors (e.g. changes to legislation, changes to economic conditions). • Please note: for the purpose of this subject, we only discuss the first 4 goals. 26
  • 27. What is a Statement of Advice? • Under the Financial Services Reform Act 2004 (FSRA) a financial plan/Statement of Advice (SOA) must be provided to a client whenever personal advice has been given by the planner. • The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) views the plan as a document that outlines to the client how their goals and objectives can be met (suitable to their risk profile), while providing all information required for any reasonable person to make a decision regarding that advice. That is, not only should the plan outline the recommended strategies and investments, but also explain to the client why these have been recommended, any risks associated with the recommendations, the costs of the advice/recommendations, and how the planner/dealer group is remunerated for this advice. 27
  • 28. Statement of Advice (SOA) 1. Scope of advice – are there any limitations to the advice? 2. Executive summary – what is recommended and what is the outcome of the recommendations? 3. Existing position – personal and financial details, current cash flow analysis. 4. Goals and objectives. 5. Investor risk profile – how should the client’s assets be allocated given their tolerance to risk? • Strategic recommendations – what are the strategies recommended to meet the client’s goals and objectives and why those strategies are recommended? 28
  • 29. Statement of Advice (continued) 7. Investment recommendations – what are the investments recommended to meet the client’s goals and objectives? 8. Revised position – what are the changes to cash flow after the recommendations, and what is the projected capital due to the recommendations? 9. Services – what level of service does the planner offer? 10. Fees and interests – what is the cost of the advice, and how is the planner compensated? 11. Disclaimer – what are the legal limitations of the advice, and what should the client be aware of prior to implementing the advice? 12. Appendices – usually include further information relating to recommended strategies and investments. 29
  • 30. Timing in the market • Deciding what to invest when the world is heading for a recession, or at least an economic slowdown, is difficult. A financial planner in order to provide the best advice, should be aware of the economic cycles and its impact on investment. • A tool which people could use to understand the likely repercussions of a changing economy and how it might impact them is called an economic clock. (source: 30
  • 32. What is the economic clock? • The economic clock demonstrates that as an economy moves through its economic cycle there is a time to buy certain types of investments and possible a time not to buy. That does not mean sell, because one of the most important investment habits to develop is a long-term investment horizon. • The economic clock identifies that the return a particular investment will generate depends on what time it is in the economic cycle. • The economic clock provides a guidance but there is no guarantee that the economy will go through the whole cycle. 32
  • 33. The Six O’clock Recession • Recessions mark the peak of a downward swing in an economic cycle. • A recession is defined as a period of two or more successive quarters of decreasing production. Production is usually measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so in layman's terms, any two consecutive periods of negative GDP will constitute a recession. • Recessions are characterised by high unemployment, caused by employers shedding staff as production levels fall, cutting profitability and the need for labour. With less employment comes a drop in the average weekly earnings and with fewer dollars to spend, consumers demand less, resulting in even lower consumption. 33
  • 34. Recovery Till Midnight • A recovery from recession begins with a fall of interest rates. • It is an excellent time to invest in the stockmarket as companies are well placed to obtain higher earnings from growth in target markets resulting in higher share prices and bigger profit distributions. • Share prices move through a period of gradual increases as the hour hands pass between six o'clock until about eleven o'clock when those who have missed out on the stockmarket gain start buying leading to more aggressive market highs. A frenzy begins which marks the beginning of the end of the recovery cycle, which peaks when the economy is booming. • Just before midnight a phenomenon known as 'the greater fool theory' begins. The greater fool theory suggests that no matter what price an investor pays for a share, someone (the greater fool), with less education and less understanding of the market, will buy it at a higher price. You know you are in the 'great fool' period when you hear that investors with little or no knowledge of the fundamentals of investing believe they can't lose. 34
  • 35. Midnight Boom Before The Impending Correction • Well before the clock strikes midnight the wise investors have exited stocks and are looking for the next opportunity. They have left because they understand that there is likely to be a correction in the market, since share prices cannot be justified by traditional stock valuation methods. • As investors leave the market, supply become higher than demand triggering a sell off and a slump in share prices. Investors who were too slow (or greedy) are burned, particularly those that have leveraged (via margin lending facilities) and the market is in a fall. 35
  • 36. Property 'Till Three O'Clock • The smart investors that 'got out' at the top move into property with reliable 'bricks and mortar'. • Extra demand in property pushes demand above supply and results in higher prices. • This itself isn't a problem, except that the government sees the economy is overheating and looks to introduce measures to enable a 'soft landing' through increasing interest rates to flatten demand by consumers. • With higher interest rates comes less profit in real estate since most investors have leveraged their property purchases. Rises in interest rates continue until it is no longer viable for purchasers to continue investing in property and soon there are more sellers than buyers. Property prices, like share prices, correct. 36
  • 37. Decline Back To Six O'Clock • Decline begins as business confidence begins to fall. Investors find little value in either stocks or property and with impending trouble on the horizon fixed interest securities become very popular again. • Lower business confidence means that new capital ventures are postponed. • Less spending and higher interest rates result in lower demand, which results in less production. With fewer sales there is a squeeze on earnings, resulting in profit downgrades. • The economy slows to the point where productivity stalls and then declines. When this happens for two periods in a row, the economy is said to be in a recession. 37