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Top Free SEO Analysis Tools - Master Your Website's
In today's digital landscape, a strong online presence is essential for businesses and
individuals. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures that your website ranks higher in
search engine results, drives organic traffic, and increases visibility to your target audience.
Implementing effective SEO strategies can be a challenging and time-consuming process.
Still, with the right tools, you can streamline this task and make data-driven decisions to
improve your website's performance.
Free SEO website analysis tools can help you identify areas for improvement, monitor your
progress, and stay ahead of your competitors. These tools offer a wide range of features that
cater to different aspects of SEO, such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization,
keyword research, site speed and performance analysis, and mobile SEO.
This guide will outline various free SEO tools to enhance your website's search engine
ranking and overall performance.
On-Page SEO Analysis Tools
On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and attract more
relevant traffic in search engines. It involves optimizing content, Metadata, and HTML source
code. Here are some popular free on-page SEO analysis tools that can help you improve
your website's on-page optimization:
1. Google Search Console
Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service
offered by Google that helps website owners, webmasters, and SEO professionals monitor
and maintain their websites' presence in Google search results. It provides valuable insights
into how Google crawls, indexes, and ranks your site, helping you optimize its performance
and identify any issues that may impact your search engine rankings.
Key features
Index coverage reports: These reports provide detailed information about the
indexing status of your website's pages. You can identify which pages are indexed,
discover any indexing errors, and understand the reasons behind them. This enables
you to take the necessary actions to ensure proper website indexing.
performance reports: Performance reports give you valuable data about your
website's Performance in Google search results, such as clicks, impressions, average
click-through rate (CTR), and average position for specific queries. You can use this
information to identify opportunities for improvement and optimize your content for
better search visibility.
URL inspection tool: This feature allows you to examine the indexing status, crawl
ability, and other relevant information of a specific URL on your website. It helps you
understand how Google sees your page and provides suggestions for improvements if
there are any issues.
Mobile usability reports: With the increasing importance of mobile-friendliness in
search engine rankings, this report helps you identify any usability issues that might
affect your website's performance on mobile devices. It offers recommendations to fix
these issues and improve the overall mobile user experience.
How to Use Google Search Console
Verify your website ownership: To start using Google Search Console, verify that you
own the website you want to analyze. Sign in with your Google account, add your
website URL, and follow the instructions to verify your site using one of the several
methods available, such as HTML file upload, DNS record, or Google Analytics.
Submit a sitemap: Once your website is verified, submit a sitemap to help Google
discover and index your site's pages more efficiently. This ensures that your content
gets indexed faster and is more likely to appear in search results.
Monitor performance and identify issues: Regularly review the index coverage and
performance reports to keep track of your website's search performance and uncover
any potential issues. Use the URL inspection tool to examine individual pages and fix
any indexing or ranking problems.
Address errors and optimize on-page elements: Based on the insights from Google
Search Console, take the necessary actions to fix any errors or issues affecting your
website's performance. Optimize your content, Metadata, and other on-page elements
to improve your search engine rankings and overall visibility.
2. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a powerful and widely-used website crawling tool that helps
SEO professionals, webmasters, and website owners audit and optimize their websites. It
gathers essential data about various on-page SEO elements, enabling users to identify and
fix issues that may negatively impact their search engine rankings and user experience.
Key features
Website crawling and indexing: SEO Spider crawls your website like a search engine
bot, indexing all the URLs, images, CSS, JavaScript, and other resources. It provides
an in-depth overview of your website's structure and helps identify any crawlability
Broken link detection: The tool scans your website for broken links (404 errors) and
displays them in a comprehensive report. Fixing broken links is essential for improving
user experience and maintaining your site's SEO health.
Duplicate content analysis: SEO Spider identifies duplicate content, such as
duplicate titles, meta descriptions, and headings, which can negatively impact your
search rankings. You can enhance your site's SEO performance by addressing
duplicate content issues.
Metadata and heading analysis: The tool reviews your website's Metadata, including
title tags, meta descriptions, and headings (H1, H2, etc.). It highlights any issues, such
as missing or too long/short tags, allowing you to optimize these elements for better
search visibility.
How to use Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Install and run the software: Download the Screaming Frog SEO Spider software
from their official website and install it on your computer. The free version has certain
limitations, but it's sufficient for small to medium-sized websites.
Input your website's URL and start the crawl: Launch the software, enter your URL
in the input field, and click the "Start" button to initiate the crawl. The tool will scan your
website and gather relevant data about its on-page elements.
Analyze the results for issues and optimization opportunities: Once the crawl is
complete, you'll see a detailed report about your website's URLs, status codes,
metadata, headings, and more. Review this data to identify issues that may affect your
site's SEO performance, such as broken links, duplicate content, or suboptimal
Export the data and prioritize fixes based on the findings: You can export the crawl
data into Excel, CSV, or Google Sheets format for further analysis or to share with your
team. Prioritize the issues based on their impact on your website's SEO health and
user experience, and develop a plan to address them accordingly. Regularly use SEO
Spider to monitor your website's on-page SEO performance and ensure it remains
optimized for search engines.
Off-Page SEO Analysis Tools
Off-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques outside your website to improve its
search engine rankings, visibility, and authority. It primarily involves building high-quality
backlinks, a significant ranking factor for search engines like Google. Off-page SEO analysis
tools help you identify and analyze backlinks and discover opportunities to acquire new,
valuable links. Here are some popular free off-page SEO analysis tools:
Ahrefs Backlink Checker
Key features
Backlink profile overview: Ahrefs Backlink Checker provides a snapshot of your
website's backlink profile, including the total number of backlinks, referring domains,
and domain rating (DR).
Top backlinks: The tool lists the most valuable backlinks to your website, sorted by
their URL Rating (UR) and Domain Rating (DR).
Anchor text distribution: This feature displays the most commonly used anchor texts
pointing to your website in the backlinks.
Top referring domains: The tool identifies the highest quality referring domains that
link to your site, helping you understand the strength of your backlink profile.
How to use
Visit the Ahrefs Backlink Checker page.
Enter your website's URL and click "Check backlinks."
Analyze the backlink profile overview and top backlinks to understand the strength and
quality of your backlinks.
Review the anchor text distribution and top referring domains to identify patterns and
potential opportunities for acquiring new, high-quality backlinks.
Moz Link Explorer
Key features
Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores: Moz Link Explorer provides
these proprietary metrics to help you understand the overall authority and strength of
your website and individual pages.
Inbound link analysis: The tool displays a list of your website's inbound links, along
with their respective DA, PA, and Spam scores.
Linking domains: This feature shows the domains that link to your website, allowing
you to assess the quality of your backlink profile.
Discovered and lost backlinks: Moz Link Explorer helps you track newly acquired
and lost backlinks over time.
How to use
Visit the Moz Link Explorer page and sign up for a free account.
Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze."
Examine the DA, PA, and backlink data to evaluate the quality and authority of your
website and its pages.
Monitor newly discovered and lost backlinks to understand how your off-page SEO
efforts are performing and identify opportunities for improvement.
Key features
Backlink profile analysis: Ubersuggest provides an overview of your website's
backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and domain
New and lost backlinks: The tool highlights recently gained and lost backlinks,
helping you track the progress of your off-page SEO efforts.
Anchor text distribution: Ubersuggest displays the most frequently used anchor texts
in your website's backlinks.
Competitor backlink analysis: This feature allows you to analyze your competitors'
backlink profiles and identify potential link-building opportunities.
How to use
Visit the Ubersuggest website and enter your website's URL.
Click on the "Backlinks" tab to view your website's backlink profile.
Analyze the backlink data, anchor text distribution, and new/lost backlinks to
understand the quality and strength of your backlink profile
Keyword Research Tools
Keyword research is a critical component of SEO, as it helps you identify the search terms
and phrases your target audience uses to find information, products, or services related to
your niche. Optimizing your website's content for these keywords can improve its search
engine rankings, drive targeted traffic, and increase conversions. Here are some popular free
keyword research tools:
Google Keyword Planner
Key features
1. Keyword ideas: Discover new keyword ideas based on your seed keywords or
website URL.
2. Search volume and trends: View historical search volume data and trends for specific
3. Keyword competition and bid estimates: Gauge the level of competition and cost-
per-click (CPC) estimates for keywords in Google Ads.
4. Keyword grouping: Group keywords by a theme to create targeted ad groups or
content clusters.
How to use
1. Sign up for a free Google Ads account.
2. Access the Google Keyword Planner tool from the Google Ads dashboard.
3. Enter seed keywords or a website URL to generate keyword ideas.
4. Analyze the search volume, trends, competition, and CPC data to identify high-
potential keywords for your SEO and content marketing efforts.
Keyword Surfer
Key features
Search volume data: View search volume data for keywords directly in Google search
Keyword suggestions: Discover related keyword ideas based on your search queries.
Content analysis: Examine the word count, keyword density, and other on-page
factors of top-ranking pages for a specific keyword.
Domain-level data: Access domain-level metrics, such as monthly organic traffic and
the number of ranking keywords, for websites appearing in the search results.
How to use
Install the Keyword Surfer browser extension (available for Google Chrome and Mozilla
Conduct a Google search using your target keywords or phrases.
Review the search volume data, keyword suggestions, and content analysis provided
by the extension to identify high-potential keywords and optimize your content
Answer The Public
Key features
Visual keyword exploration: Generate a visual representation of keyword ideas
based on your seed keywords.
Question-based keywords: Discover question-based keyword ideas that can help you
create informative and engaging content.
Prepositions and comparisons: Identify keyword ideas containing prepositions and
comparison terms, which can help create in-depth and comparative content.
Alphabetical keyword suggestions: Access an extensive list of alphabetical keyword
suggestions for comprehensive keyword research.
How to use
Visit the Answer The Public website.
Enter your seed keyword(s) and choose your desired language and location.
Click "Search" to generate a visual representation of keyword ideas.
Analyze the question-based, prepositional, comparative, and alphabetical keyword
suggestions to identify high-potential keywords for your content creation and
optimization efforts.
Site Speed and Performance Analysis Tools
Site speed and performance are essential for user experience and search engine rankings. A
fast-loading, well-performing website is more likely to retain visitors, reduce bounce rates,
and rank higher in search results. Here are some popular free tools for analyzing and
optimizing your website's speed and performance:
Google PageSpeed Insights
Key features
Speed score: Receive an overall speed score for mobile and desktop devices based
on Google's performance metrics.
Performance metrics: View key performance metrics, such as First Contentful Paint
(FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
Optimization suggestions: Get actionable recommendations for improving your
website's speed and performance.
Diagnostics: Access detailed information about your site's performance-related
How to use
Visit the Google PageSpeed Insights website.
Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze."
Review the speed scores, performance metrics, and optimization suggestions provided
by the tool.
Implement the recommended changes to improve your website's speed and
performance on mobile and desktop devices.
Key features
Page performance analysis: Obtain a comprehensive analysis of your website's
performance, including load time, page size, and the total number of requests.
Performance scores: Receive PageSpeed and YSlow scores based on performance
best practices.
Waterfall chart: Visualize your website's loading process with a waterfall chart,
highlighting areas for optimization.
Recommendations: Access actionable suggestions for improving your website's
How to use
Visit the GTmetrix website and sign up for a free account.
Enter your website's URL and click "Test your site."
Review the performance analysis, scores, and waterfall chart provided by the tool.
Implement the suggested optimizations to enhance your website's overall performance.
Key features
Customizable test settings: Choose from various test locations, browsers, and
connection types to simulate user scenarios.
Load time breakdown: Analyze the load time of individual page elements, such as
images, stylesheets, and scripts.
Waterfall view: Visualize the loading process of your website with a detailed waterfall
Performance grades: Receive performance grades based on various optimization
categories, such as caching, compression, and image optimization.
How to use
Visit the WebPageTest website.
Enter your website's URL and customize the test settings to your requirements.
Click "Start Test" to initiate the performance analysis.
Review the tool's load time breakdown, waterfall view, and performance grades.
Implement the recommended changes to optimize your website's speed and
performance for different user scenarios.
Using these tools, you can regularly analyze and optimize your website's speed and
performance to ensure a positive user experience and improved search engine rankings.
Read More: Domain Authority Checker
Mobile SEO Analysis Tools
As mobile devices have become the primary internet access, optimizing your website for
mobile search and user experience has become increasingly important. Mobile SEO analysis
tools help you assess your website's mobile-friendliness, performance, and visibility in
search results. Here are some popular mobile SEO analysis tools:
Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Key features
Mobile-friendliness assessment: Determine whether your website is mobile-friendly
according to Google's criteria.
Usability issues: Identify mobile usability issues, such as small text, touch element
spacing, or viewport configuration.
Rendering issues: Detect rendering problems that may affect your website's
appearance or functionality on mobile devices.
How to use
Visit the Google Mobile-Friendly Test website.
Enter your website's URL and click "Test URL."
Review the mobile-friendliness assessment and any identified usability or rendering
Implement the recommended changes to improve your website's mobile-friendliness
and user experience.
Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool
Key features
Mobile-friendliness evaluation: Assess your website's mobile-friendliness according
to Bing's guidelines.
Usability and compatibility issues: Identify any usability or compatibility problems
affecting your website's performance on mobile devices.
Detailed recommendations: Receive actionable suggestions for improving your
website's mobile-friendliness.
How to use
Visit the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool website.
Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze."
Review the mobile-friendliness evaluation and any identified issues.
Implement the recommendations to enhance your website's mobile-friendliness and
user experience on mobile devices.
MobileMoxie SERPerator
Key features
Mobile SERP emulator: Simulate mobile search engine results pages (SERPs) for
your target keywords and locations.
Mobile search visibility: Assess your website's visibility in search results for specific
keywords and locations.
Competitor analysis: Analyze your competitors' mobile search performance to identify
potential opportunities for improvement.
How to use
Visit the MobileMoxie SERPerator website and sign up for a free account.
Enter your target keyword, location, and device type.
Click "Run Test" to generate the mobile SERP emulator.
Review your website's visibility in the mobile SERP and analyze your competitors'
performance to identify areas for optimization.
By leveraging these mobile SEO analysis tools, you can ensure your website is optimized for
mobile search, providing an excellent user experience across all devices and improving your
search engine rankings.
All-in-One SEO Analysis Tools
All-in-One SEO analysis tools provide a comprehensive suite of features covering various
SEO aspects, such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization, keyword research, site
speed, and performance analysis. These tools help you streamline your SEO efforts and
quickly identify areas for improvement. Here are some popular all-in-one SEO analysis tools:
Key features
Keyword research: Discover new keyword ideas, search volume data, and difficulty
Site audit: Analyze your website's on-page SEO, identify technical issues, and receive
recommendations for improvements.
Backlink analysis: Review your website's backlink profile, identify high-quality
referring domains, and monitor new and lost backlinks.
Competitor analysis: Compare your website's performance with competitors and
identify potential growth opportunities.
How to use
Visit the Ubersuggest website and sign up for a free account.
Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as
keyword research, site audit, and backlink analysis.
Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to improve
your website's overall SEO performance.
Key features
Domain Overview: Get a comprehensive overview of your website's organic search
performance, backlink profile, and advertising efforts.
Keyword research: Discover new keyword opportunities, analyze search volume data,
and track rankings.
Site audit: Evaluate your website's on-page and technical SEO, identify issues, and
receive actionable recommendations.
Backlink analysis: Analyze your website's backlink profile and monitor referring
domains, anchor texts, and new/lost backlinks.
How to use
Visit the SEMrush website and sign up for a free account.
Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as
domain overview, keyword research, site audit, and backlink analysis.
Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to enhance
your website's overall SEO performance.
Moz Pro
Key features
Keyword research: Discover new keyword ideas, analyze search volume data, and
track keyword rankings.
Site audit: Evaluate your website's on-page and technical SEO, identify issues, and
receive actionable recommendations.
Backlink analysis: Review your website's backlink profile, monitor referring domains,
and track Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores.
Rank tracking: Monitor your website's search engine rankings for target keywords and
compare them with competitors.
How to use
Visit the Moz Pro website and sign up for a free trial account.
Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as
keyword research, site audit, backlink analysis, and rank tracking.
Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to improve
your website's overall SEO performance.
While some features of these all-in-one SEO analysis tools may require a paid subscription,
their free versions can still provide valuable insights and recommendations to optimize your
website's SEO performance across multiple dimensions.
Additional Free SEO Tools
In addition to the abovementioned tools, many other free SEO tools can help you improve
your website's search engine performance. Here's a list of some additional free SEO tools to
Broken Link Checker
Key features
Broken link detection: Identity broke internal and external links on your website.
Error code reporting: Receive detailed reports on HTTP error codes, such as 404,
301, and 302.
Exportable results: Export broken link reports in CSV format for further analysis or
Continuous monitoring: Set up automatic monitoring for broken links on your
XML Sitemap Generator
Key features
Sitemap creation: Generate XML sitemaps for your website, which help search
engines crawl and index your pages more efficiently.
Customization options: Customize your sitemap's priority, change frequency, and
other settings.
Image and video sitemaps: Create image and video sitemaps to improve the indexing
of your multimedia content.
Sitemap submission: Submit your generated sitemap to major search engines like
Google and Bing.
Key features
Duplicate content detection: Identify duplicate content on your website, which can
harm your search engine rankings.
Broken link detection: Find broken internal and external links on your site.
Page power analysis: Analyze the internal link structure of your website and identify
the most important pages.
Comprehensive reports: Receive detailed reports on your site's performance,
including average page load time, word count, and more.
SERP Simulator
Key features
SERP snippet preview: Preview your website's appearance in search engine results
pages (SERPs) based on your title, meta description, and URL.
Optimization suggestions: Receive recommendations for improving your title and
meta description for better click-through rates (CTR) and visibility.
Character limits: Check your title and meta description length to ensure they comply
with search engine guidelines.
Mobile and desktop previews: View how your website snippet will appear on mobile
and desktop devices.
Google Trends
Key features
Search trends analysis: Analyze the popularity and seasonality of specific keywords
or topics over time.
Geographical insights: Identify regional search interest for specific keywords or
Related queries: Discover related search queries and rising trends in your niche.
Comparison tool: Compare the search interest of multiple keywords or topics to
identify potential opportunities.
These additional free SEO tools can enhance your website's search engine performance by
identifying issues, providing optimization recommendations, and helping you stay up-to-date
with search trends.
You Can Also Read: Top 10 Google Chrome SEO Extensions
Final words
Effective search engine optimization is crucial for any website seeking to gain visibility, drive
organic traffic, and succeed in today's competitive online landscape. The variety of free SEO
tools discussed in this guide, covering on-page and off-page SEO analysis, keyword
research, site speed and performance, mobile SEO, and all-in-one tools, can provide
valuable insights and actionable recommendations to improve your website's overall SEO
Regularly using these tools to analyze and optimize your website can ensure a positive user
experience across all devices, enhance your search engine rankings, and stay ahead of your
competitors. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort,
adaptation to algorithm updates, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best
practices. By leveraging these free SEO tools, you can take a data-driven approach to
optimize your website and achieve long-term success in the digital world.

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Top Free SEO Analysis Tools - Master Your Websites SEO.pdf

  • 1. 1/17 Top Free SEO Analysis Tools - Master Your Website's SEO In today's digital landscape, a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures that your website ranks higher in search engine results, drives organic traffic, and increases visibility to your target audience. Implementing effective SEO strategies can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Still, with the right tools, you can streamline this task and make data-driven decisions to improve your website's performance. Free SEO website analysis tools can help you identify areas for improvement, monitor your progress, and stay ahead of your competitors. These tools offer a wide range of features that cater to different aspects of SEO, such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization, keyword research, site speed and performance analysis, and mobile SEO. This guide will outline various free SEO tools to enhance your website's search engine ranking and overall performance. On-Page SEO Analysis Tools On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic in search engines. It involves optimizing content, Metadata, and HTML source code. Here are some popular free on-page SEO analysis tools that can help you improve your website's on-page optimization: 1. Google Search Console
  • 2. 2/17 Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service offered by Google that helps website owners, webmasters, and SEO professionals monitor and maintain their websites' presence in Google search results. It provides valuable insights into how Google crawls, indexes, and ranks your site, helping you optimize its performance and identify any issues that may impact your search engine rankings. Key features Index coverage reports: These reports provide detailed information about the indexing status of your website's pages. You can identify which pages are indexed, discover any indexing errors, and understand the reasons behind them. This enables you to take the necessary actions to ensure proper website indexing. performance reports: Performance reports give you valuable data about your website's Performance in Google search results, such as clicks, impressions, average click-through rate (CTR), and average position for specific queries. You can use this information to identify opportunities for improvement and optimize your content for better search visibility. URL inspection tool: This feature allows you to examine the indexing status, crawl ability, and other relevant information of a specific URL on your website. It helps you understand how Google sees your page and provides suggestions for improvements if there are any issues. Mobile usability reports: With the increasing importance of mobile-friendliness in search engine rankings, this report helps you identify any usability issues that might affect your website's performance on mobile devices. It offers recommendations to fix these issues and improve the overall mobile user experience. How to Use Google Search Console Verify your website ownership: To start using Google Search Console, verify that you own the website you want to analyze. Sign in with your Google account, add your website URL, and follow the instructions to verify your site using one of the several methods available, such as HTML file upload, DNS record, or Google Analytics.
  • 3. 3/17 Submit a sitemap: Once your website is verified, submit a sitemap to help Google discover and index your site's pages more efficiently. This ensures that your content gets indexed faster and is more likely to appear in search results. Monitor performance and identify issues: Regularly review the index coverage and performance reports to keep track of your website's search performance and uncover any potential issues. Use the URL inspection tool to examine individual pages and fix any indexing or ranking problems. Address errors and optimize on-page elements: Based on the insights from Google Search Console, take the necessary actions to fix any errors or issues affecting your website's performance. Optimize your content, Metadata, and other on-page elements to improve your search engine rankings and overall visibility. 2. Screaming Frog SEO Spider Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a powerful and widely-used website crawling tool that helps SEO professionals, webmasters, and website owners audit and optimize their websites. It gathers essential data about various on-page SEO elements, enabling users to identify and fix issues that may negatively impact their search engine rankings and user experience. Key features Website crawling and indexing: SEO Spider crawls your website like a search engine bot, indexing all the URLs, images, CSS, JavaScript, and other resources. It provides an in-depth overview of your website's structure and helps identify any crawlability issues. Broken link detection: The tool scans your website for broken links (404 errors) and displays them in a comprehensive report. Fixing broken links is essential for improving user experience and maintaining your site's SEO health. Duplicate content analysis: SEO Spider identifies duplicate content, such as duplicate titles, meta descriptions, and headings, which can negatively impact your search rankings. You can enhance your site's SEO performance by addressing duplicate content issues.
  • 4. 4/17 Metadata and heading analysis: The tool reviews your website's Metadata, including title tags, meta descriptions, and headings (H1, H2, etc.). It highlights any issues, such as missing or too long/short tags, allowing you to optimize these elements for better search visibility. How to use Screaming Frog SEO Spider Install and run the software: Download the Screaming Frog SEO Spider software from their official website and install it on your computer. The free version has certain limitations, but it's sufficient for small to medium-sized websites. Input your website's URL and start the crawl: Launch the software, enter your URL in the input field, and click the "Start" button to initiate the crawl. The tool will scan your website and gather relevant data about its on-page elements. Analyze the results for issues and optimization opportunities: Once the crawl is complete, you'll see a detailed report about your website's URLs, status codes, metadata, headings, and more. Review this data to identify issues that may affect your site's SEO performance, such as broken links, duplicate content, or suboptimal Metadata. Export the data and prioritize fixes based on the findings: You can export the crawl data into Excel, CSV, or Google Sheets format for further analysis or to share with your team. Prioritize the issues based on their impact on your website's SEO health and user experience, and develop a plan to address them accordingly. Regularly use SEO Spider to monitor your website's on-page SEO performance and ensure it remains optimized for search engines. Off-Page SEO Analysis Tools Off-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques outside your website to improve its search engine rankings, visibility, and authority. It primarily involves building high-quality backlinks, a significant ranking factor for search engines like Google. Off-page SEO analysis tools help you identify and analyze backlinks and discover opportunities to acquire new, valuable links. Here are some popular free off-page SEO analysis tools: Ahrefs Backlink Checker
  • 5. 5/17 Key features Backlink profile overview: Ahrefs Backlink Checker provides a snapshot of your website's backlink profile, including the total number of backlinks, referring domains, and domain rating (DR). Top backlinks: The tool lists the most valuable backlinks to your website, sorted by their URL Rating (UR) and Domain Rating (DR). Anchor text distribution: This feature displays the most commonly used anchor texts pointing to your website in the backlinks. Top referring domains: The tool identifies the highest quality referring domains that link to your site, helping you understand the strength of your backlink profile. How to use Visit the Ahrefs Backlink Checker page. Enter your website's URL and click "Check backlinks." Analyze the backlink profile overview and top backlinks to understand the strength and quality of your backlinks. Review the anchor text distribution and top referring domains to identify patterns and potential opportunities for acquiring new, high-quality backlinks. Moz Link Explorer Key features Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores: Moz Link Explorer provides these proprietary metrics to help you understand the overall authority and strength of your website and individual pages. Inbound link analysis: The tool displays a list of your website's inbound links, along with their respective DA, PA, and Spam scores. Linking domains: This feature shows the domains that link to your website, allowing you to assess the quality of your backlink profile. Discovered and lost backlinks: Moz Link Explorer helps you track newly acquired and lost backlinks over time.
  • 6. 6/17 How to use Visit the Moz Link Explorer page and sign up for a free account. Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze." Examine the DA, PA, and backlink data to evaluate the quality and authority of your website and its pages. Monitor newly discovered and lost backlinks to understand how your off-page SEO efforts are performing and identify opportunities for improvement. Ubersuggest Key features Backlink profile analysis: Ubersuggest provides an overview of your website's backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and domain score. New and lost backlinks: The tool highlights recently gained and lost backlinks, helping you track the progress of your off-page SEO efforts. Anchor text distribution: Ubersuggest displays the most frequently used anchor texts in your website's backlinks. Competitor backlink analysis: This feature allows you to analyze your competitors' backlink profiles and identify potential link-building opportunities. How to use Visit the Ubersuggest website and enter your website's URL. Click on the "Backlinks" tab to view your website's backlink profile. Analyze the backlink data, anchor text distribution, and new/lost backlinks to understand the quality and strength of your backlink profile Keyword Research Tools Keyword research is a critical component of SEO, as it helps you identify the search terms and phrases your target audience uses to find information, products, or services related to your niche. Optimizing your website's content for these keywords can improve its search
  • 7. 7/17 engine rankings, drive targeted traffic, and increase conversions. Here are some popular free keyword research tools: Google Keyword Planner Key features 1. Keyword ideas: Discover new keyword ideas based on your seed keywords or website URL. 2. Search volume and trends: View historical search volume data and trends for specific keywords. 3. Keyword competition and bid estimates: Gauge the level of competition and cost- per-click (CPC) estimates for keywords in Google Ads. 4. Keyword grouping: Group keywords by a theme to create targeted ad groups or content clusters. How to use 1. Sign up for a free Google Ads account. 2. Access the Google Keyword Planner tool from the Google Ads dashboard. 3. Enter seed keywords or a website URL to generate keyword ideas. 4. Analyze the search volume, trends, competition, and CPC data to identify high- potential keywords for your SEO and content marketing efforts. Keyword Surfer
  • 8. 8/17 Key features Search volume data: View search volume data for keywords directly in Google search results. Keyword suggestions: Discover related keyword ideas based on your search queries. Content analysis: Examine the word count, keyword density, and other on-page factors of top-ranking pages for a specific keyword. Domain-level data: Access domain-level metrics, such as monthly organic traffic and the number of ranking keywords, for websites appearing in the search results. How to use Install the Keyword Surfer browser extension (available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox). Conduct a Google search using your target keywords or phrases. Review the search volume data, keyword suggestions, and content analysis provided by the extension to identify high-potential keywords and optimize your content accordingly. Answer The Public Key features Visual keyword exploration: Generate a visual representation of keyword ideas based on your seed keywords. Question-based keywords: Discover question-based keyword ideas that can help you create informative and engaging content. Prepositions and comparisons: Identify keyword ideas containing prepositions and comparison terms, which can help create in-depth and comparative content. Alphabetical keyword suggestions: Access an extensive list of alphabetical keyword suggestions for comprehensive keyword research. How to use Visit the Answer The Public website. Enter your seed keyword(s) and choose your desired language and location.
  • 9. 9/17 Click "Search" to generate a visual representation of keyword ideas. Analyze the question-based, prepositional, comparative, and alphabetical keyword suggestions to identify high-potential keywords for your content creation and optimization efforts. Site Speed and Performance Analysis Tools Site speed and performance are essential for user experience and search engine rankings. A fast-loading, well-performing website is more likely to retain visitors, reduce bounce rates, and rank higher in search results. Here are some popular free tools for analyzing and optimizing your website's speed and performance: Google PageSpeed Insights Key features Speed score: Receive an overall speed score for mobile and desktop devices based on Google's performance metrics. Performance metrics: View key performance metrics, such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Optimization suggestions: Get actionable recommendations for improving your website's speed and performance. Diagnostics: Access detailed information about your site's performance-related issues. How to use Visit the Google PageSpeed Insights website. Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze." Review the speed scores, performance metrics, and optimization suggestions provided by the tool. Implement the recommended changes to improve your website's speed and performance on mobile and desktop devices. GTmetrix
  • 10. 10/17 Key features Page performance analysis: Obtain a comprehensive analysis of your website's performance, including load time, page size, and the total number of requests. Performance scores: Receive PageSpeed and YSlow scores based on performance best practices. Waterfall chart: Visualize your website's loading process with a waterfall chart, highlighting areas for optimization. Recommendations: Access actionable suggestions for improving your website's performance. How to use Visit the GTmetrix website and sign up for a free account. Enter your website's URL and click "Test your site." Review the performance analysis, scores, and waterfall chart provided by the tool. Implement the suggested optimizations to enhance your website's overall performance. WebPageTest Key features Customizable test settings: Choose from various test locations, browsers, and connection types to simulate user scenarios.
  • 11. 11/17 Load time breakdown: Analyze the load time of individual page elements, such as images, stylesheets, and scripts. Waterfall view: Visualize the loading process of your website with a detailed waterfall view. Performance grades: Receive performance grades based on various optimization categories, such as caching, compression, and image optimization. How to use Visit the WebPageTest website. Enter your website's URL and customize the test settings to your requirements. Click "Start Test" to initiate the performance analysis. Review the tool's load time breakdown, waterfall view, and performance grades. Implement the recommended changes to optimize your website's speed and performance for different user scenarios. Using these tools, you can regularly analyze and optimize your website's speed and performance to ensure a positive user experience and improved search engine rankings. Read More: Domain Authority Checker Mobile SEO Analysis Tools As mobile devices have become the primary internet access, optimizing your website for mobile search and user experience has become increasingly important. Mobile SEO analysis tools help you assess your website's mobile-friendliness, performance, and visibility in search results. Here are some popular mobile SEO analysis tools: Google Mobile-Friendly Test Key features Mobile-friendliness assessment: Determine whether your website is mobile-friendly according to Google's criteria.
  • 12. 12/17 Usability issues: Identify mobile usability issues, such as small text, touch element spacing, or viewport configuration. Rendering issues: Detect rendering problems that may affect your website's appearance or functionality on mobile devices. How to use Visit the Google Mobile-Friendly Test website. Enter your website's URL and click "Test URL." Review the mobile-friendliness assessment and any identified usability or rendering issues. Implement the recommended changes to improve your website's mobile-friendliness and user experience. Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool Key features Mobile-friendliness evaluation: Assess your website's mobile-friendliness according to Bing's guidelines. Usability and compatibility issues: Identify any usability or compatibility problems affecting your website's performance on mobile devices. Detailed recommendations: Receive actionable suggestions for improving your website's mobile-friendliness. How to use Visit the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool website. Enter your website's URL and click "Analyze." Review the mobile-friendliness evaluation and any identified issues. Implement the recommendations to enhance your website's mobile-friendliness and user experience on mobile devices. MobileMoxie SERPerator
  • 13. 13/17 Key features Mobile SERP emulator: Simulate mobile search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords and locations. Mobile search visibility: Assess your website's visibility in search results for specific keywords and locations. Competitor analysis: Analyze your competitors' mobile search performance to identify potential opportunities for improvement. How to use Visit the MobileMoxie SERPerator website and sign up for a free account. Enter your target keyword, location, and device type. Click "Run Test" to generate the mobile SERP emulator. Review your website's visibility in the mobile SERP and analyze your competitors' performance to identify areas for optimization. By leveraging these mobile SEO analysis tools, you can ensure your website is optimized for mobile search, providing an excellent user experience across all devices and improving your search engine rankings. All-in-One SEO Analysis Tools All-in-One SEO analysis tools provide a comprehensive suite of features covering various SEO aspects, such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization, keyword research, site speed, and performance analysis. These tools help you streamline your SEO efforts and quickly identify areas for improvement. Here are some popular all-in-one SEO analysis tools: Ubersuggest Key features Keyword research: Discover new keyword ideas, search volume data, and difficulty scores.
  • 14. 14/17 Site audit: Analyze your website's on-page SEO, identify technical issues, and receive recommendations for improvements. Backlink analysis: Review your website's backlink profile, identify high-quality referring domains, and monitor new and lost backlinks. Competitor analysis: Compare your website's performance with competitors and identify potential growth opportunities. How to use Visit the Ubersuggest website and sign up for a free account. Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as keyword research, site audit, and backlink analysis. Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to improve your website's overall SEO performance. SEMrush Key features Domain Overview: Get a comprehensive overview of your website's organic search performance, backlink profile, and advertising efforts. Keyword research: Discover new keyword opportunities, analyze search volume data, and track rankings. Site audit: Evaluate your website's on-page and technical SEO, identify issues, and receive actionable recommendations. Backlink analysis: Analyze your website's backlink profile and monitor referring domains, anchor texts, and new/lost backlinks. How to use Visit the SEMrush website and sign up for a free account. Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as domain overview, keyword research, site audit, and backlink analysis. Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to enhance your website's overall SEO performance. Moz Pro Key features Keyword research: Discover new keyword ideas, analyze search volume data, and track keyword rankings. Site audit: Evaluate your website's on-page and technical SEO, identify issues, and receive actionable recommendations.
  • 15. 15/17 Backlink analysis: Review your website's backlink profile, monitor referring domains, and track Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores. Rank tracking: Monitor your website's search engine rankings for target keywords and compare them with competitors. How to use Visit the Moz Pro website and sign up for a free trial account. Enter your website's URL or target keywords to access the various features, such as keyword research, site audit, backlink analysis, and rank tracking. Review the generated reports and implement the recommended changes to improve your website's overall SEO performance. While some features of these all-in-one SEO analysis tools may require a paid subscription, their free versions can still provide valuable insights and recommendations to optimize your website's SEO performance across multiple dimensions. Additional Free SEO Tools In addition to the abovementioned tools, many other free SEO tools can help you improve your website's search engine performance. Here's a list of some additional free SEO tools to consider: Broken Link Checker Key features Broken link detection: Identity broke internal and external links on your website. Error code reporting: Receive detailed reports on HTTP error codes, such as 404, 301, and 302. Exportable results: Export broken link reports in CSV format for further analysis or record-keeping. Continuous monitoring: Set up automatic monitoring for broken links on your website. XML Sitemap Generator Key features Sitemap creation: Generate XML sitemaps for your website, which help search engines crawl and index your pages more efficiently. Customization options: Customize your sitemap's priority, change frequency, and other settings.
  • 16. 16/17 Image and video sitemaps: Create image and video sitemaps to improve the indexing of your multimedia content. Sitemap submission: Submit your generated sitemap to major search engines like Google and Bing. Siteliner Key features Duplicate content detection: Identify duplicate content on your website, which can harm your search engine rankings. Broken link detection: Find broken internal and external links on your site. Page power analysis: Analyze the internal link structure of your website and identify the most important pages. Comprehensive reports: Receive detailed reports on your site's performance, including average page load time, word count, and more. SERP Simulator Key features SERP snippet preview: Preview your website's appearance in search engine results pages (SERPs) based on your title, meta description, and URL. Optimization suggestions: Receive recommendations for improving your title and meta description for better click-through rates (CTR) and visibility. Character limits: Check your title and meta description length to ensure they comply with search engine guidelines. Mobile and desktop previews: View how your website snippet will appear on mobile and desktop devices. Google Trends Key features
  • 17. 17/17 Search trends analysis: Analyze the popularity and seasonality of specific keywords or topics over time. Geographical insights: Identify regional search interest for specific keywords or topics. Related queries: Discover related search queries and rising trends in your niche. Comparison tool: Compare the search interest of multiple keywords or topics to identify potential opportunities. These additional free SEO tools can enhance your website's search engine performance by identifying issues, providing optimization recommendations, and helping you stay up-to-date with search trends. You Can Also Read: Top 10 Google Chrome SEO Extensions Final words Effective search engine optimization is crucial for any website seeking to gain visibility, drive organic traffic, and succeed in today's competitive online landscape. The variety of free SEO tools discussed in this guide, covering on-page and off-page SEO analysis, keyword research, site speed and performance, mobile SEO, and all-in-one tools, can provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations to improve your website's overall SEO performance. Regularly using these tools to analyze and optimize your website can ensure a positive user experience across all devices, enhance your search engine rankings, and stay ahead of your competitors. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, adaptation to algorithm updates, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. By leveraging these free SEO tools, you can take a data-driven approach to optimize your website and achieve long-term success in the digital world.