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             ENTERPRISE IT

             IN 2012

             By Bob Hayward
             Chief Technology and
             Innovation Officer,
             CSC Australia and CSC Asia


                                          TO C
It’s time to look back over 2011 and try to discern the key technologies

TOP                             and trends likely to be top of mind for enterprise IT in 2012.

                                Innovations, products and concepts from the consumer world contin-
                                ued to dominate enterprise technology during 2011. This trend started
                                more than 10 years ago and shows no sign of slowing down.

                                Finishing the year as the world’s second-largest PC firm, Apple contin-
                                ues to grow at a phenomenal rate. Their innovations fuelled the explo-
                                sion of smartphones and tablet devices. In 2011, the post-PC era arrived,
                                and who would have guessed just 5 years ago that Apple (iPads, iPods),
TRENDS                          Google (with Android), Samsung (Galaxy) and Amazon (Kindle Fire)
                                would emerge as the major players?

Competition in this space has become brutal. Patent battles      Having a presence in social media, using the sites to glean
and deals to acquire firms with important patent assets are      sentiment and market insights, and emulating them through
commonplace headlines in the news. Even the incumbent            corporate-sanctioned facsimiles were priorities of enterprise
favourite for enterprise mobility — RIM with their BlackBerry    IT in 2011.
devices — stumbled badly during the past 12 months.
                                                                 High-profile incidents in 2011 involving WikiLeaks, Sony,
                                                                 RSA and Epsilon changed the way we think about informa-
                                                                 tion security. Now all enterprises must continually assess
Other consumer firms and technologies that forced en-            their levels of protection and treatment of sensitive data.
terprise IT to respond in 2011 included Twitter, Facebook,
                                                                 2011 was not a banner year for systems reliability and
LinkedIn and a number of other social media sites.
                                                                 availability. Serious website outages affected Common-
                                                                 wealth Bank, Qantas, Virgin, RIM, Distribute.IT, the ASX
                                                                 and the Australian Parliament.

                                                                 GET YOUR HEAD IN THE CLOUDS

                                                                 Yet, if there was one prevailing ray of hope during the
                                                                 darker days of 2011, the one answer that could change
                                                                 everything, it was ‘the Cloud’. Enterprises started to un-
                                                                 derstand cloud services. They considered the increasing
                                                                 number of choices and options from cloud service providers
                                                                 as serious alternatives to the normal delivery of IT services.

                                                                 During the last year, we started to discuss the phenomenon
                                                                 of ‘big data’ as we grasped the potential to use a growing
                                                                 variety of data architectures to more optimally support
                                                                 diverse workload requirements. No longer is the answer
                                                                 always a SQL database.

                                                                 The IT industry lost many pioneers and innovators in 2011,
                                                                 including one of the greatest of all time. Steve Jobs left
                                                                 us at far too early an age. Other greats who have sadly
                                                                 departed include Ken Olsen, Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy
                                                                 and Robert Morris. The part of the Baby Boomer generation
                                                                 that gave birth to this incredible IT industry is now
                                                                 reaching its twilight.

T REND        1          2          3          4             5      6          7          8          9          10          TO C
                                                                       The Sky Is Not the Limit
                                                                       HEAD FOR THE CLOUDS

                                                                       A Legacy Transformed
                                                                       REWRITE HISTORY

                                                                       Big Data
                                                                       MORE IS BETTER NOW

SO WHAT DOES 2012 HOLD IN STORE?                                       Convergence of IT and OT

I predict a lot more of the same. Consumer tech disruptions            CLOSE THE DIVIDE
will drive agendas, even within the largest of enterprises.
2012 is shaping up to be tough for business, with a great

deal of uncertainty about the economic outlook in Europe
clouding global sentiment. Unless something changes                    Strategic Leaking
soon, economic growth will be slow during the next several             OPEN THE PIPELINE
months. Business will pare IT budgets to the bone. Every-
thing that can be pushed back or deferred will be.

Nevertheless, the momentum behind technology-enabled
                                                                       Post-PC Era
business growth and innovation remains strong. IT
investment does not come to a complete stop as in-flight               MOBILITY FOR EVERYONE
projects continue.

                                                                       The User Is the Universe
For 2012, Gartner still project over US$2.7 trillion of global
enterprise spending on information and communications
                                                                       WORK ANYWHERE
technology. CSC’s Leading Edge Forum (LEF) has identi-
fied, as the service economy of the new world matures, that

enterprise is changing its view of IT from a choice between
                                                                       Rapid Knowledge Capture
lower costs and more value to a new view where cheaper
and better is the new norm.                                            KEEP KNOW-HOW
In this new world, enterprise IT functions must reduce
their back-office focus so they can keep up with the

explosion of technology at the front of the company.                   Taking IT Seriously
As a result, enterprises in Australia will be casting their
eyes over several technology trends in 2012, trying to
                                                                       GREEN IT IS IN FULL BLOOM
discern the right time and the best approach to take
the best advantage.

Here are my top 10 technology trends for                               Collaborate Without Borders
enterprise IT in 2012:                                                 FINDING TALENT EVERYWHERE

T REND         1           2          3           4           5   6       7          8            9   10   TO C

                    The Sky Is Not the Limit

                    HEAD FOR THE CLOUDS

                                       THE SILVER LINING FOR ENTERPRISE IT

                                       The cloud bandwagon rolls on, transforming and redefining
                                       service availability in its path. The five defining elements of
                                       a cloud service (elasticity, on-demand, metered consump-
                                       tion, shared resources and Web access) start to become
                                       the default means by which new IT services are rolled out
                                       and implemented. Cloud elements are made available in the
                                       public, private, community and hybrid models to support
                                       infrastructure, platform, software, and business process
                                       service types.

                                       Improved agility and removal of all the impediments for
                                       innovation become the most significant advantages gained

         The growing need for          by choosing cloud.

                                       There are subtle changes underway as the overall adop-
         transparency, trust and       tion of cloud increases. The growing need for transparency,
         governance will gradually     trust and governance will gradually lead to the emergence of
                                       voluntary industry codes of conduct, trust marks and confor-
         lead to the emergence of      mance to emerging standards, like the CloudTrust Protocol.
         voluntary industry codes of   Currently, weak scrutiny by SMEs and consumers on the

         conduct, trust marks and      credentials of cloud providers will adjust to reflect growing
                                       concerns over treatment of data, privacy and security. And
         conformance to emerging       larger enterprises remain somewhat cautious about using
                                       global public clouds. These public cloud ‘take it or leave
         standards, like the           it’ offerings do have a role to play in modern enterprise IT,
         CloudTrust Protocol.          and leading organisations will always find some part of the
                                       portfolio of IT to run here. But they are not that interested
                                       in running the majority of their portfolio in offshore clouds,
                                       or clouds that might be reached through the public Internet
                                       using fraudulent credentials and currency.

                                       As a result, enterprises start to lean towards clouds that
                                       are inaccessible from the public Internet. Participation is
                                       by invitation only to selected like-minded enterprises. The
                                       participants will be in-country, and usually in community
                                       or private clouds. And service delivery is by reputable
                                       providers with a pedigree in handling sensitive
                                       enterprise requirements.

T REND   1      2      3     4     5      6          7           8          9          10        TO C

                              A Legacy Transformed

                              REWRITE HISTORY


The huge inventory of legacy systems and applications is a      Enterprises in 2012 start to seriously consider retiring,
substantial part of many enterprise IT portfolios. And yet it   replacing or decommissioning legacy assets. And many will
is missing out on all the exciting innovation from consumer     look to transform legacy to more contemporary languages
tech, cloud and mobility.                                       (Java, C#, Ruby) and environments (x86, cloud) using a
                                                                growing number of automated and semi-automated tools
Something has to be done.
                                                                now coming into the market. The costs of inaction are now
Legacy systems cost a fortune to operate. They voraciously      outweighed by the benefits of using more contemporary IT
consume scarce energy using outdated hardware and               environments.
lazily operate obsolete software/languages with
dwindling expertise.
                                                                Enterprises in 2012 start
                                                                to transform and seriously
                                                                consider retiring, replacing or
                                                                decommissioning legacy assets.

T REND        1           2          3          4          5       6         7         8          9         10       TO C

                              Big Data

                             MORE IS BETTER NOW


The potential value of gaining insights from analysing large   A word of caution ...
and increasingly unstructured data sets has hit mainstream.
                                                               Big data means big backups and big recovery. Enterprises
So be prepared for ‘big data’ questions from your business.
                                                               that do not engage comprehensive disaster recovery plan-
CSC’s recent Leading Edge Forum (LEF) report The Data          ning are playing with fire.
rEvolution revealed the impressive range of data-intensive
technologies, applications and future possibilities. But the
gap between the promise and the reality of big data
usage is still wide.
                                                               Be prepared for ‘big data’
In 2012 many organisations will try to apply the new           questions from your business.
shared-nothing architecture and distributed processing
frameworks to store, process and manage business
information. By the end of 2012, IT strategy and
architecture vocabulary will grow to include terms
like MapReduce, Direct Record Access or Queries,
NoSQL Databases, Parallel Relational Databases,
Hadoop (MapReduce engines) and many more.

T REND        1          2           3          4         5       6          7         8        9          10       TO C

                             Convergence of IT and OT

                             CLOSE THE DIVIDE


Business will look to exploit the increasing convergence         This convergence of ‘white collar’ and ‘blue collar’
between traditional information technology (IT) used across      enterprise technologies will be given many names: the
enterprises and operational technology (OT) used to sup-         Internet of Things, Smart [name your thing here],
port production and control assets. IT/OT convergence            Machine to Machine and IT/OT, to name a few.
promises to integrate machines with enterprise systems,
driving value-based optimisation and bullet-proof reliability.

While IT has matured in reliability, its convergence with OT     While IT has matured in reliability,
will not rapidly expand the traditional patch of enterprise
                                                                 its convergence with OT will not
IT as some are promising. The convergence is happening
at different paces and it depends on the operational stack       rapidly expand the traditional
you are talking about (e.g., MES/SCADA, control, intelligent
sensors) and the industry you are dealing with (e.g.,
                                                                 patch of enterprise IT as
manufacturing, mining, defence).                                 some are promising.
Nevertheless, we expect that in 2012 enterprise IT will
increasingly work in the operational space. But the focus
for enterprise IT must address the age-old divide between
OT managers (mainly engineers) and their IT counterparts.

TR END        1          2          3          4          5         6         7          8         9          10         TO C

                             Strategic Leaking

                             OPEN THE PIPELINE


The 2011 disclosures of hundreds of thousands of U.S. State
Department diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks led CEOs,
CIOs and senior managers to ask, “How can I lock down
my organisation’s information and make sure this doesn’t
happen to me?”

It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that companies
will have to become more transparent, whether they want
to or not.

In 2012 we expect that the more strategic firms will ask a
completely different question: “What data and information
that we’ve always considered confidential should we be
making available online — and how could we leverage the
disclosure of that information?”

As part of ongoing Leading Edge Forum (LEF) research,
CSC has found that organisations that practice strategic
leaking will gain big advantages over their competitors in
a wide variety of ways: better publicity; deeper customer
loyalty and trust; more satisfied and motivated employees;
stronger links to vendors, contractors and partners;
improved recruiting; and better relations with investors.

It is becoming increasingly clear
that companies will have to
become more transparent,
whether they want to or not.

T REND        1          2         3          4          5    6   7   8   9   10   TO C

                              Post-PC Era

                              MOBILITY FOR


Smart, context-aware, mobile devices and enterprise              Enterprise IT must make significant changes in procurement,
applications that exploit the latest devices are making the      vendor management, employee support, security policies
traditional desktop/laptop computer seem old-fashioned,          and legal compliance. This became clear as part of the
unintuitive and generally a drain on productivity. In            CSC Leading Edge Forum (LEF) ongoing study of the
combination with in-built location-based presence,               accelerating consumerisation of IT.
augmented reality and sensors, employees are exposed
                                                                 Designing enterprise applications that redefine
to a new way of interacting with the digital world.
                                                                 productivity using the newly emerging interfaces of smart
2012 will be the year that these truly mobile devices and        devices will be a critical competitive differentiator.
applications become pervasive across the enterprise (in the      Exploiting voice (think of the longer-term impacts of
new post-PC era). Enterprise IT must find ways to embrace        Apple’s Siri on the iPhone 4S) and gesture- and
this trend so it does not end up on the wrong side of history.   expression-recognition technologies. Leveraging
                                                                 improved real-time translation capabilities and using
                                                                 video and augmented reality. These will be the new
                                                                 skills of the transformative developer.

                                                                 Enterprise IT must find ways to
                                                                 embrace this trend so it does not
                                                                 end up on the wrong side of history.

T REND        1           2          3          4          5        6         7          8          9          10       TO C

                             The User Is the Universe

                             WORK ANYWHERE


If we are indeed in a post-PC trend, then enterprise IT       Traditional enterprise will grow
will require a greater level of understanding of our new
perimeter at the edges. With increasing mobility, users are   beyond its accustomed perimeter,
able to work anywhere, on any device and over any network
                                                              moving out to the edges.
(business, shared or third-party). Robust access like this
raises notable security concerns.

Traditional enterprise will grow beyond its accustomed
perimeter, moving out to the edges. With stories of
high-profile data breaches constantly in the news, security
identity management will be in the spotlight. In 2012,
forward-thinking organisations will understand the new
perimeter and change current enterprise-centric
approaches to a new user-centric federated identity
management approach.

T REND        1          2          3          4         5     6      7     8     9     10       TO C

                             Rapid Knowledge Capture

                             KEEP KNOW-HOW


There are thousands of baby boomers retiring now every           In particular, organisations leverage principles from the
year. Many are irreplaceable, and unfortunately there are        computer gaming industry to make business processes and
simply not enough people to take their place. The result: a      education ‘sticky’ (addictive). The gaming sector definitely
huge loss of critical knowledge and IP, most of which is tacit   has the user engagement formula nailed. The 2011 launches
know-how built up over years of experiences that can’t be        of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 were
easily transferred.                                              larger than any Hollywood blockbuster movie during the year.

The mass exodus, or ‘great crew change’ as some                  So stay tuned to hear the phrase ‘gamification’ a lot more.
industries have labelled it, will drive targeted spending
on rapid knowledge capture, storing and transference.
In 2012, expect to see the use of virtual environments           The mass exodus, or ‘great crew
to communicate key business processes. New human–
computer interfaces, like Microsoft Kinect and Augmented         change’ as some industries have
Reality, could allow some retirees to remotely stay on the       labelled it, will drive targeted
job, shadowing and interacting with their younger peers.
                                                                 spending on rapid knowledge
                                                                 capture, storing and transference.

T REND        1          2          3          4          5         6          7          8          9          10       TO C

                              Taking IT Seriously

                              GREEN IT
                              IS IN FULL BLOOM


IT sustainability has dropped off in importance due to           continuous improvements in energy, ethical waste removal
global financial uncertainties. But the introduction of a        and water use. Nationally, initiatives such as Mandatory
carbon tax in Australia and rising energy costs will force       Energy Performance and Government-led product
enterprises to take sustainable IT seriously.                    stewardship will place sustainability firmly on any
                                                                 enterprise IT agenda.
The visibility and urgency of electricity spending —
especially in Australia, where the public grid energy is         IT use of energy is projected to grow four-fold between
almost entirely produced from coal — will rapidly rise up the    now and 2020. But the IT systems deployed in areas such
corporate hierarchy. In 2012 IT will lead the deployment of      as smart grids, intelligent buildings, optimised supply chains
better tools required for detailed reports on energy use by      and fleet management should help offset energy use
business unit across the IT infrastructure, and to track         as they utilise improved efficiencies across industries
                                                                 and economies.

IT use of energy is projected                                    By the prudent and focused investment in intelligent IT
                                                                 systems in building management, supply chain, transport,
to grow four-fold between                                        logistics and energy production/distribution, the national
now and 2020.                                                    goals of achieving carbon emission reductions in excess
                                                                 of 25% by 2020 can be achieved (without the need for a
                                                                 tax or trading scheme).

T REND        1           2          3          4            5      6          7          8          9          10        TO C

                            Collaborate Without Borders

                            FINDING TALENT


The global search for talent and insight at a competitive    Technologies that enable or
price will drive an increased emphasis on offshoring of
knowledge work and the outsourcing of business processes     facilitate collaboration across the
in 2012. A readiness to go outside the organisation for
                                                             world in virtual teams will be major
skills and feedback will also raise the acceptance of
crowd-sourcing and the use of social media to converse       areas of investment.
with the market, stay alive to new opportunities, generate
ideas and create content. Technologies that enable or
facilitate collaboration across the world in virtual teams
will be major areas of investment.

T REND       1          2         3          4         5       6     7      8      9      10    TO C
So, what’s the point here? Well, if you’re not actively discussing or
                                even debating and assessing the implications of these trends in
                                your organisation, then enterprise IT is not doing its job. It’s
                                imperative that your organisation understand these trends and
                                incorporates them into strategic thinking. It will help you create
                                new ways of doing things. Find better markets. Rise above the
IN SUMMARY                      competition. And thrive in this fast-paced and ever-growing,
                                innovative world.

                                                             What do you

 CSC Chief Innovation Officer Lem Lasher’s IT-Business
 Predictions for 2012

 CSC Chief Innovation Officer Lem Lasher’s IT-Business
 Predictions for 2012 (Video)
                                                             think will be
 CSC’s Leading Edge Forum
                                                             on the agenda
                                                             of enterprise IT
 Gartner Predictions 2012

 IDC Australian ICT 2012 Top 10 Predictions

 Ovum Super Themes in 2012
                                                             in 2012?

 T REND       1          2         3          4          5    6      7        8        9        10      TO C
Worldwide CSC Headquarters

26 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

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United States

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Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1PZ
United Kingdom

20 Anson Road #11-01
Twenty Anson
Singapore 079912

About CSC
The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing technology-enabled business solutions and services.

With the broadest range of capabilities, CSC offers clients the solutions they need to manage complexity,
focus on core businesses, collaborate with partners and clients and improve operations.

CSC makes a special point of understanding its clients and provides experts with real-world experience to
work with them. CSC is vendor independent, delivering solutions that best meet each client’s unique requirements.

For more than 50 years, clients in industries and governments worldwide have trusted CSC with their business
process and information systems outsourcing, systems integration and consulting needs.

The company trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CSC.”

For more information, visit the company’s website at
or email

© 2012 Computer Sciences Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Top 10 IT trends 2012

  • 1. TOP ENTERPRISE IT IN 2012 10 By Bob Hayward Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, CSC Australia and CSC Asia TECHNOLOGY TRENDS TO C
  • 2. It’s time to look back over 2011 and try to discern the key technologies TOP and trends likely to be top of mind for enterprise IT in 2012. 10 Innovations, products and concepts from the consumer world contin- ued to dominate enterprise technology during 2011. This trend started more than 10 years ago and shows no sign of slowing down. Finishing the year as the world’s second-largest PC firm, Apple contin- ues to grow at a phenomenal rate. Their innovations fuelled the explo- sion of smartphones and tablet devices. In 2011, the post-PC era arrived, TECHNOLOGY and who would have guessed just 5 years ago that Apple (iPads, iPods), TRENDS Google (with Android), Samsung (Galaxy) and Amazon (Kindle Fire) would emerge as the major players? Competition in this space has become brutal. Patent battles Having a presence in social media, using the sites to glean and deals to acquire firms with important patent assets are sentiment and market insights, and emulating them through commonplace headlines in the news. Even the incumbent corporate-sanctioned facsimiles were priorities of enterprise favourite for enterprise mobility — RIM with their BlackBerry IT in 2011. devices — stumbled badly during the past 12 months. High-profile incidents in 2011 involving WikiLeaks, Sony, RSA and Epsilon changed the way we think about informa- BE MORE SOCIAL tion security. Now all enterprises must continually assess Other consumer firms and technologies that forced en- their levels of protection and treatment of sensitive data. terprise IT to respond in 2011 included Twitter, Facebook, 2011 was not a banner year for systems reliability and LinkedIn and a number of other social media sites. availability. Serious website outages affected Common- wealth Bank, Qantas, Virgin, RIM, Distribute.IT, the ASX and the Australian Parliament. GET YOUR HEAD IN THE CLOUDS Yet, if there was one prevailing ray of hope during the darker days of 2011, the one answer that could change everything, it was ‘the Cloud’. Enterprises started to un- derstand cloud services. They considered the increasing number of choices and options from cloud service providers as serious alternatives to the normal delivery of IT services. During the last year, we started to discuss the phenomenon of ‘big data’ as we grasped the potential to use a growing variety of data architectures to more optimally support diverse workload requirements. No longer is the answer always a SQL database. The IT industry lost many pioneers and innovators in 2011, including one of the greatest of all time. Steve Jobs left us at far too early an age. Other greats who have sadly departed include Ken Olsen, Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy and Robert Morris. The part of the Baby Boomer generation that gave birth to this incredible IT industry is now reaching its twilight. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 3. 1 The Sky Is Not the Limit HEAD FOR THE CLOUDS 2 A Legacy Transformed REWRITE HISTORY 3 Big Data MORE IS BETTER NOW 4 SO WHAT DOES 2012 HOLD IN STORE? Convergence of IT and OT I predict a lot more of the same. Consumer tech disruptions CLOSE THE DIVIDE will drive agendas, even within the largest of enterprises. 2012 is shaping up to be tough for business, with a great 5 deal of uncertainty about the economic outlook in Europe clouding global sentiment. Unless something changes Strategic Leaking soon, economic growth will be slow during the next several OPEN THE PIPELINE months. Business will pare IT budgets to the bone. Every- thing that can be pushed back or deferred will be. 6 Nevertheless, the momentum behind technology-enabled Post-PC Era business growth and innovation remains strong. IT investment does not come to a complete stop as in-flight MOBILITY FOR EVERYONE projects continue. 7 DELIVER CHEAPER AND BETTER The User Is the Universe For 2012, Gartner still project over US$2.7 trillion of global enterprise spending on information and communications WORK ANYWHERE technology. CSC’s Leading Edge Forum (LEF) has identi- fied, as the service economy of the new world matures, that 8 enterprise is changing its view of IT from a choice between Rapid Knowledge Capture lower costs and more value to a new view where cheaper and better is the new norm. KEEP KNOW-HOW In this new world, enterprise IT functions must reduce their back-office focus so they can keep up with the 9 explosion of technology at the front of the company. Taking IT Seriously As a result, enterprises in Australia will be casting their eyes over several technology trends in 2012, trying to GREEN IT IS IN FULL BLOOM discern the right time and the best approach to take the best advantage. 10 Here are my top 10 technology trends for Collaborate Without Borders enterprise IT in 2012: FINDING TALENT EVERYWHERE T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 4. 1 TREND The Sky Is Not the Limit HEAD FOR THE CLOUDS THE SILVER LINING FOR ENTERPRISE IT The cloud bandwagon rolls on, transforming and redefining service availability in its path. The five defining elements of a cloud service (elasticity, on-demand, metered consump- tion, shared resources and Web access) start to become the default means by which new IT services are rolled out and implemented. Cloud elements are made available in the public, private, community and hybrid models to support infrastructure, platform, software, and business process service types. Improved agility and removal of all the impediments for innovation become the most significant advantages gained The growing need for by choosing cloud. There are subtle changes underway as the overall adop- transparency, trust and tion of cloud increases. The growing need for transparency, governance will gradually trust and governance will gradually lead to the emergence of voluntary industry codes of conduct, trust marks and confor- lead to the emergence of mance to emerging standards, like the CloudTrust Protocol. voluntary industry codes of Currently, weak scrutiny by SMEs and consumers on the conduct, trust marks and credentials of cloud providers will adjust to reflect growing concerns over treatment of data, privacy and security. And conformance to emerging larger enterprises remain somewhat cautious about using global public clouds. These public cloud ‘take it or leave standards, like the it’ offerings do have a role to play in modern enterprise IT, CloudTrust Protocol. and leading organisations will always find some part of the portfolio of IT to run here. But they are not that interested in running the majority of their portfolio in offshore clouds, or clouds that might be reached through the public Internet using fraudulent credentials and currency. As a result, enterprises start to lean towards clouds that are inaccessible from the public Internet. Participation is by invitation only to selected like-minded enterprises. The participants will be in-country, and usually in community or private clouds. And service delivery is by reputable providers with a pedigree in handling sensitive enterprise requirements. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 5. 2 TREND A Legacy Transformed REWRITE HISTORY THE DEMISE OF LEGACY ASSETS The huge inventory of legacy systems and applications is a Enterprises in 2012 start to seriously consider retiring, substantial part of many enterprise IT portfolios. And yet it replacing or decommissioning legacy assets. And many will is missing out on all the exciting innovation from consumer look to transform legacy to more contemporary languages tech, cloud and mobility. (Java, C#, Ruby) and environments (x86, cloud) using a growing number of automated and semi-automated tools Something has to be done. now coming into the market. The costs of inaction are now Legacy systems cost a fortune to operate. They voraciously outweighed by the benefits of using more contemporary IT consume scarce energy using outdated hardware and environments. lazily operate obsolete software/languages with dwindling expertise. Enterprises in 2012 start to transform and seriously consider retiring, replacing or decommissioning legacy assets. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 6. 3 TREND Big Data MORE IS BETTER NOW THE REVOLUTION CHANGING EVERYTHING The potential value of gaining insights from analysing large A word of caution ... and increasingly unstructured data sets has hit mainstream. Big data means big backups and big recovery. Enterprises So be prepared for ‘big data’ questions from your business. that do not engage comprehensive disaster recovery plan- CSC’s recent Leading Edge Forum (LEF) report The Data ning are playing with fire. rEvolution revealed the impressive range of data-intensive technologies, applications and future possibilities. But the gap between the promise and the reality of big data usage is still wide. Be prepared for ‘big data’ In 2012 many organisations will try to apply the new questions from your business. shared-nothing architecture and distributed processing frameworks to store, process and manage business information. By the end of 2012, IT strategy and architecture vocabulary will grow to include terms like MapReduce, Direct Record Access or Queries, NoSQL Databases, Parallel Relational Databases, Hadoop (MapReduce engines) and many more. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 7. 4 TREND Convergence of IT and OT CLOSE THE DIVIDE WE’RE NOT AT A CROSSROADS. WE’RE AT AN INTERSECTION. Business will look to exploit the increasing convergence This convergence of ‘white collar’ and ‘blue collar’ between traditional information technology (IT) used across enterprise technologies will be given many names: the enterprises and operational technology (OT) used to sup- Internet of Things, Smart [name your thing here], port production and control assets. IT/OT convergence Machine to Machine and IT/OT, to name a few. promises to integrate machines with enterprise systems, driving value-based optimisation and bullet-proof reliability. While IT has matured in reliability, its convergence with OT While IT has matured in reliability, will not rapidly expand the traditional patch of enterprise its convergence with OT will not IT as some are promising. The convergence is happening at different paces and it depends on the operational stack rapidly expand the traditional you are talking about (e.g., MES/SCADA, control, intelligent sensors) and the industry you are dealing with (e.g., patch of enterprise IT as manufacturing, mining, defence). some are promising. Nevertheless, we expect that in 2012 enterprise IT will increasingly work in the operational space. But the focus for enterprise IT must address the age-old divide between OT managers (mainly engineers) and their IT counterparts. TR END 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 8. 5 TREND Strategic Leaking OPEN THE PIPELINE THE POWER OF INFORMATION TRANSPARENCY The 2011 disclosures of hundreds of thousands of U.S. State Department diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks led CEOs, CIOs and senior managers to ask, “How can I lock down my organisation’s information and make sure this doesn’t happen to me?” It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that companies will have to become more transparent, whether they want to or not. In 2012 we expect that the more strategic firms will ask a completely different question: “What data and information that we’ve always considered confidential should we be making available online — and how could we leverage the disclosure of that information?” As part of ongoing Leading Edge Forum (LEF) research, CSC has found that organisations that practice strategic leaking will gain big advantages over their competitors in a wide variety of ways: better publicity; deeper customer loyalty and trust; more satisfied and motivated employees; stronger links to vendors, contractors and partners; improved recruiting; and better relations with investors. It is becoming increasingly clear that companies will have to become more transparent, whether they want to or not. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 9. 6 TREND Post-PC Era MOBILITY FOR EVERYONE THE CONSUMERISATION OF IT Smart, context-aware, mobile devices and enterprise Enterprise IT must make significant changes in procurement, applications that exploit the latest devices are making the vendor management, employee support, security policies traditional desktop/laptop computer seem old-fashioned, and legal compliance. This became clear as part of the unintuitive and generally a drain on productivity. In CSC Leading Edge Forum (LEF) ongoing study of the combination with in-built location-based presence, accelerating consumerisation of IT. augmented reality and sensors, employees are exposed Designing enterprise applications that redefine to a new way of interacting with the digital world. productivity using the newly emerging interfaces of smart 2012 will be the year that these truly mobile devices and devices will be a critical competitive differentiator. applications become pervasive across the enterprise (in the Exploiting voice (think of the longer-term impacts of new post-PC era). Enterprise IT must find ways to embrace Apple’s Siri on the iPhone 4S) and gesture- and this trend so it does not end up on the wrong side of history. expression-recognition technologies. Leveraging improved real-time translation capabilities and using video and augmented reality. These will be the new skills of the transformative developer. Enterprise IT must find ways to embrace this trend so it does not end up on the wrong side of history. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 10. 7 TREND The User Is the Universe WORK ANYWHERE THE ENTERPRISE IS NO LONGER THE CENTRE If we are indeed in a post-PC trend, then enterprise IT Traditional enterprise will grow will require a greater level of understanding of our new perimeter at the edges. With increasing mobility, users are beyond its accustomed perimeter, able to work anywhere, on any device and over any network moving out to the edges. (business, shared or third-party). Robust access like this raises notable security concerns. Traditional enterprise will grow beyond its accustomed perimeter, moving out to the edges. With stories of high-profile data breaches constantly in the news, security identity management will be in the spotlight. In 2012, forward-thinking organisations will understand the new perimeter and change current enterprise-centric approaches to a new user-centric federated identity management approach. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 11. 8 TREND Rapid Knowledge Capture KEEP KNOW-HOW THE DRIVE TO RETAIN RETIRING BABY BOOMERS There are thousands of baby boomers retiring now every In particular, organisations leverage principles from the year. Many are irreplaceable, and unfortunately there are computer gaming industry to make business processes and simply not enough people to take their place. The result: a education ‘sticky’ (addictive). The gaming sector definitely huge loss of critical knowledge and IP, most of which is tacit has the user engagement formula nailed. The 2011 launches know-how built up over years of experiences that can’t be of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 were easily transferred. larger than any Hollywood blockbuster movie during the year. The mass exodus, or ‘great crew change’ as some So stay tuned to hear the phrase ‘gamification’ a lot more. industries have labelled it, will drive targeted spending on rapid knowledge capture, storing and transference. In 2012, expect to see the use of virtual environments The mass exodus, or ‘great crew to communicate key business processes. New human– computer interfaces, like Microsoft Kinect and Augmented change’ as some industries have Reality, could allow some retirees to remotely stay on the labelled it, will drive targeted job, shadowing and interacting with their younger peers. spending on rapid knowledge capture, storing and transference. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 12. 9 TREND Taking IT Seriously GREEN IT IS IN FULL BLOOM THE URGENCY TO PAINT IT GREEN IT sustainability has dropped off in importance due to continuous improvements in energy, ethical waste removal global financial uncertainties. But the introduction of a and water use. Nationally, initiatives such as Mandatory carbon tax in Australia and rising energy costs will force Energy Performance and Government-led product enterprises to take sustainable IT seriously. stewardship will place sustainability firmly on any enterprise IT agenda. The visibility and urgency of electricity spending — especially in Australia, where the public grid energy is IT use of energy is projected to grow four-fold between almost entirely produced from coal — will rapidly rise up the now and 2020. But the IT systems deployed in areas such corporate hierarchy. In 2012 IT will lead the deployment of as smart grids, intelligent buildings, optimised supply chains better tools required for detailed reports on energy use by and fleet management should help offset energy use business unit across the IT infrastructure, and to track as they utilise improved efficiencies across industries and economies. IT use of energy is projected By the prudent and focused investment in intelligent IT systems in building management, supply chain, transport, to grow four-fold between logistics and energy production/distribution, the national now and 2020. goals of achieving carbon emission reductions in excess of 25% by 2020 can be achieved (without the need for a tax or trading scheme). T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 13. 10 TREND Collaborate Without Borders FINDING TALENT EVERYWHERE THE EMPHASIS ON OFFSHORING KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESS The global search for talent and insight at a competitive Technologies that enable or price will drive an increased emphasis on offshoring of knowledge work and the outsourcing of business processes facilitate collaboration across the in 2012. A readiness to go outside the organisation for world in virtual teams will be major skills and feedback will also raise the acceptance of crowd-sourcing and the use of social media to converse areas of investment. with the market, stay alive to new opportunities, generate ideas and create content. Technologies that enable or facilitate collaboration across the world in virtual teams will be major areas of investment. T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 14. So, what’s the point here? Well, if you’re not actively discussing or even debating and assessing the implications of these trends in your organisation, then enterprise IT is not doing its job. It’s imperative that your organisation understand these trends and incorporates them into strategic thinking. It will help you create new ways of doing things. Find better markets. Rise above the IN SUMMARY competition. And thrive in this fast-paced and ever-growing, innovative world. What do you ADDITIONAL INSIGHTS: CSC Chief Innovation Officer Lem Lasher’s IT-Business Predictions for 2012 CSC Chief Innovation Officer Lem Lasher’s IT-Business Predictions for 2012 (Video) think will be CSC’s Leading Edge Forum on the agenda of enterprise IT Gartner Predictions 2012 IDC Australian ICT 2012 Top 10 Predictions Ovum Super Themes in 2012 in 2012? T REND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO C
  • 15. Worldwide CSC Headquarters Australia 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia +61(0)2.9034.3000 The Americas 3170 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church, Virginia 22042 United States +1.703.876.1000 Europe, Middle East, Africa Royal Pavilion Wellesley Road Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1PZ United Kingdom +44(0)1252.534000 Asia 20 Anson Road #11-01 Twenty Anson Singapore 079912 +65.6221.9095 About CSC The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing technology-enabled business solutions and services. With the broadest range of capabilities, CSC offers clients the solutions they need to manage complexity, focus on core businesses, collaborate with partners and clients and improve operations. CSC makes a special point of understanding its clients and provides experts with real-world experience to work with them. CSC is vendor independent, delivering solutions that best meet each client’s unique requirements. For more than 50 years, clients in industries and governments worldwide have trusted CSC with their business process and information systems outsourcing, systems integration and consulting needs. The company trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CSC.” For more information, visit the company’s website at or email © 2012 Computer Sciences Corporation. All rights reserved. 2437-12