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I.E.S. “La Rosaleda” 
Isabel Pérez 
Recopilación de textos sobre diversos temas relacionados con la estafa mundial de este nuevo siglo
I. - There is a big problem in Spain now 
II. - John Ralston Saul: there is no reason why we should rescue the banks 
III. - The Death Road 
IV. - Being on strike 
V. - Once more students on strike 
VI. – Being on strike at the institute 
VII. - Working on International News Headlines about Juan Carlos and Felipe VI 
VIII.- Recession and Cutbacks
I. - There is a big problem in Spain now 
12 de diciembre de 2012 
Mortgage hipoteca 
Bill factura 
Loan préstamo 
Encourage animar 
Client cliente 
Pay slip nómina 
Business negocio 
Furnish amueblar 
Enjoy divertirse 
Debt deuda 
Quote palabras 
Company compañia 
Struggling asfixiado 
Lend prestar 
Afford afrontar 
Therefore por lo tanto 
Factory fábrica 
Be forced to forzar a 
Reduce reducir
Outgoing gastos 
Dismiss echar 
Benefit beneficio 
However sin embargo 
Wonder preguntarse 
Even though aún cuando 
Already ya 
Huge enorme 
High alto 
Be about to estar a punto de 
Lend prestar 
Get rid of deshacerse de 
Earn ganar 
Get out of salir de 
Even though aún cuando 
Good producto 
Meanwhile mientras tanto 
Evict desahuciar 
Throw out echar 
Expel expulsar 
Commit cometer 
Suicide suicidio
Guys chicos 
Eat out of your hands Tener el destino en tus manos 
Common Area Maintenance Gastos de la Comunidad (de nuestra casa) 
Six years ago I bought a house. I had a good job with a good salary. Now however, I have to pay the mortgage, the electricity, the phone bill, the gas bill, the expense of Common Area Maintenance, food, clothes and the kids studies, my salary has gone down, my wife doesn´t have a job anymore and … “We can’t get to the end of the month”. 
I. - Before the crisis banks wanted you to ask for any kind of loans. Banks used to encourage you to do so. You were considered a good client if you had loans with them. There were many possibilities; it was very easy to ask for one. All you needed was a pay slip. 
Money, money, and money all around time after time……… that was a big business and you could enjoy playing that game too. 
Once you had the money you could buy a car or a house. You could even furnish it. You could take a trip…… there were no problems….. Ask for a loan and enjoy it! 
Many people were in debt but that wasn’t a problem for the banks at all!! It seemed the money had no end. There was money, a lot of it. 
Don’t you remember the quotes: “Spain is doing well”. 
II. - Now “we are” in crisis”. That is what “they” say, don’t they? 
Now people don’t have jobs because they lost them and many companies have closed down. However, people keep their debts with the banks and banks have clients with a lot of debts that, in many cases, cannot be paid. 
There are lots of companies that are struggling because many clients (other companies or just people) can’t pay their bills. Banks don’t lend money to be able to afford those bills and therefore the factories and companies are forced to close their businesses.
Many companies and factories have to reduce production because people aren´t able to spend money buying their products. People have a lot of debt and less money to afford their outgoings. Therefore, companies have to dismiss workers from their business: less production, less workers because companies will always defend their interests: to keep the benefits high. 
III. - Now banks don’t have money. That is what we are told. However, I wonder where all the money has gone? I ask this question even though I already know the answer. 
Money can´t move by itself. Money has gone from one hand to another, or as we say in Spain, “money has no legs at all”. 
Spanish money banks go to German banks. Why? Let me explain it like this: 
Spanish banks asked the German and French banks for money. The Spanish banks have such a huge debt that if they ask for more money they will not get it. Now they have to give the money back to them. However, the Spanish bank debts are so high that the Spanish Government has been forced to ask for help from the European Banks. 
The Spanish Government is about to get a big European loan to help the Spanish banks to be able to pay back the German and French Banks. 
Spanish banks will have money, but, what for? As I have already said: to pay their debts back to the European banks. 
So Spanish banks won’t be able to lend money to the Spanish companies or factories, the Spanish banks won’t help people to get rid of their debts with the banks. 
The Spanish people will earn less money because this is what the Government says will help the companies get out of the crisis so they can pay their bills. Even though people won´t have enough money to buy goods to live and enjoy their lives… 
This seems to be a catch-22, or as we say in Spain, “a fish biting its own tail”. Don´t you think?
Meanwhile, there are many people that are evicted from their houses, without a place for them or their families to stay. They are thrown out and expelled as if they were dogs. 
Meanwhile, there are many people that throw themselves out of windows; there are so many people that commit suicide… But it doesn´t matter because there are still a few people that are making a good business from all of this ....."the show goes on" !!! 
Goldman Sack and Company… well done, guys you did great. 
You have people eating out of your hands. 
The best of it is that they don´t know about this situation… 
# 1 Write down the expenses the narrator is talking about at the beginning of the text. 
# 2 At the beginning of the crisis it was very easy to get a loan. According to the text, is that sentence right or wrong? 
# 3 Imagine you have a lot of money and most of your friends ask you for it. You lend them all your money and then you decide to ask for more money to the bank because you want to help them. What do you think will be the consequences? 
# 4 Why are so many people without a job? 
# 5 Why are so many companies that have closed? 
#6 Why are there so many companies that have reduced their production? 
# 7 why do the companies have to dismiss most of their workers? 
# 8 where do you think the money has gone? 
# 9 whom do the Spanish banks owe money?
# 10 Can you explain why the narrator says that “this seems to be a catch- 22”? 
II.- John Ralston Saul: there is no reason why we should rescue the banks 
Málaga, 5 de febrero del 2013 
The magazine “Utne Reader” has named him as one of the one hundred most important thinkers of the world. He is the President of PEN International and has recently been interviewed by the weekly Spanish magazine “EL PAÍS SEMANAL”. 
To highlight 
To rescue 
Instead of 
To save 
To corrode 
To reset 
To spend 
To end up 
To suggest 
To lock 
To throw away 
To beat 
To get rid of 
Discurso sin paños calientes: don’t beat around the bush. Aplicar las siguientes recetas: apply the following metods Hablar sin pelos en la lengua: not to mince words Pasar página: turn the page
I would like to bring here some of the important arguments that have been highlighted by Joseba Elola who has written an article in that weekly magazine. Joseba Elola describes J. R. Saul as a tall, thin and smart man with a dandy stile and who doesn’t beat around the bush. He doesn’t mince his words. 
- John Ralston believes that countries should reconsider what a debt is as well as the role that banks play in the new world. 
- He proposes that citizens should be rescued instead of the banks. 
- He says we find ourselves in a dark period of the economy and “they” continue using the same methods everywhere (Governments must control their expenses –austerity- and the economy must grow). He believes that growth and austerity can’t save us from this current situation. This is putting democracy in danger. 
# The interviewer asks him a question: Should we save the banks? He responds that there is no reason why we should save them. 
A good policy is that the government pays people’s mortgages. 
He believes that if you pay people’s mortgages, you will also save the banks. People would keep their houses and could spend their money as consumers. 
# European Union is corroded by debt. He wants to bring “the debt” to an end. “They” can’t admit that they made a mistake. He asks himself, ‘How can we reset the watch?’. He suggests that, basically we should put “the debt” inside an envelope and put on it: “this is very important”, put the envelope in a drawer, lock it and throw the key away. “We must turn page, we must beat it”. If the private sector can get rid of the debt, the public sector can too. 
- Saul is described as a tall, thin and fashionable man: T F 
- Ralston believes it is better to save banks rather than people: T F 
- He thinks the establishment keeps on using the same methods: T F 
- It is a good policy to pay people mortgages instead of giving the money directly to banks: T F 
- Democracy is not now in danger: T F 
- Governments shouldn’t “reset” most of the debts: T F 
- Austerity is going to take out of the current crisis: T F
- He/ not/ beat/ does/ bush/ the/ around 
- find/ We/ in/ a/ ourselves/ period/ dark/ economy/ of/ the 
- houses/ People / would/ their/ keep 
- “They”/a / mistake/ can’t/ made/ admit/ that/ they/ 
- page/ We /must /turn missing a word?
Málaga, 6 de febrero de 2013 
On the 6th February 1937 the troops of the general Gonzalo Queipo de Llano got into Málaga. Nearly 100.000 republican people had to run away to Almeria by the only possible way, the N-340 which was named “The Death Road”. 
About 150.000 men, women and children tried to escape and look for a place to hide and be saved. They were rather scared of the “National troops”. There was no place to run away but the N-340 and there they were, all the fascists, who were bombarding everyone from the ships, from the air from the earth with the tanks. 
The Italian troops came from the north, Queipo de Llano’ soldiers came from the west and, the ships from the fascist F. Franco were waiting on the sea. These assassin troops were helped by Italian and German fascists. To know precisely how many people died there is absolutely impossible. However, some sources say that many dead bodies ended up in mass graves or that the Guadalfeo River took them with it. In San Rafael mass grave there have been identified more than 4.300 victims according with Andrés Fernández, who is a scientist and responsible for the researching in the Cemetery San Rafael. 
“Boys only wore their trousers and girls only wore their wide dresses. All of them were half-dressed and beneath the sun…. “(Norman Bethune’s notes who was a Canadian Surgeon and a voluntary doctor working with the “Socorro Rojo”).
Yesterday, 22nd of May 2012, I went on strike. 
Ayer, el 22 de Mayo del 2012, yo fui a la Huelga. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
She is my teacher and she went on strike on 22nd May 2012 
Ella es mi profesora y ella fue a la huelga el 22 de mayo del 2012
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
Those are my classmates and they participated on the strike too 
Estos son mis compañeros y ellos también participaron en la huelga 
All the trade unions organized the Strike. 
Todos los sindicatos convocaron la Huelga. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
One of the slogans 
Uno de los eslogans- 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
The Parents´ Association also called for the strike. 
La Asociación de Padres (CODAPA) también llamó a 
la Huelga. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
Many primary and secondary schools were empty. 
Muchos colegios de primaria y secundaria 
estaban vacíos. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
Many universities also stopped for the day. 
Muchas universidades también pararon ese día. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
Today, 23rd of May 2012, we can read the news and see the photos of many 
Andalusian cities with their streets full of students, parents and 
teachers who took to the streets to defend the public educational system. 
Hoy, el 23 de Mayo 2012, podemos leer en las noticias y ver las fotos de 
muchas ciudades Andaluzas con sus calles llenas de estudiantes, padres y 
profesores que tomaron las calles para defender la Enseñanza Pública. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
A scab is a worker who goes to work when his workmates 
are on strike. 
Un esquirol es un trabajador que va al trabajo cuando 
sus compañeros están en huelga 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
The State Government obliged the Andalusian Government to cut 10,000 
Million euros from the budget and so the Andalusian Government cut 
3,000 Million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
A scholarship is the public money a student gets for free to be able to 
study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to get one. 
Una beca es dinero público que obtiene un estudiante gratuitamente para poder 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students 
so they can improve their relationships. 
El Ministro de Educación quiere que las clases tengan cinco alumnos más y así 
Los alumnos podrán mejorar sus relaciones. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary 
reduced about a 15% of them. 
A los profesores interinos les reducirán el horario y su salario. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary 
reduced about a 15% of them. 
A los profesores interinos les reducirán el horario y su salario. 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 
Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have 
the chance to work in a school 
Los interinos deberían estar felices porque, al menos la mitad de ellos, 
Tendrán la oportunidad de trabajar en un colegio.
VOCABULARY To go on strike (v) ir a la huelga Classmate (n) compañero 
To participate on (v) participar en Trade Union (n) sindicato To organize (v) organizar, convocar 
To call for (v) llamar a 
Primary (n) primaria 
Secondary (n) secundaria 
Empty (adj) vacio 
To stop (v) parar 
Full of sth (adj) lleno de algo To take the streets (v) tomar las calles To defend (v) defender 
To oblige (v) obligar 
To cut (v) cortar Budget (n) presupuesto Healthcare (n) sanidad 
To improve (v) mejorar 
Relationships (n) Relaciones 
Temporary teacher (n) Profesores interinos 
Timetable (n) horario
To reduce (v) reducir 
Yo be used as (v) ser usado como 
To wear (v) llevar puesto 
T-shirt (n) camiseta 
Temporary (adj) interino 
Half (adj) mitad, medio 
The chance (v) la oportunidad 
Quite (adv) bastante 
Also (adv) también 
Less (adj) menos To increase (v) aumentar 
At least (adv) al menos 
Scab (n) esquirol 
Scholarship (n) beca 
Young (adj) joven Workmate (n) compañero de trabajo Company (n) empresa 
For free gratuito 
To be able to (v) ser capaz de
1# Fill in the blanks with these verbs: GO, PARTICIPATE, DEFEND, AGREE, OBLIGE, CUT, HAVE (x2), EARN, IMPROVE, INCREASE, WORK, and REDUCE. Be careful and use the correct form. 
1. She is my teacher and she _________ on strike on 22nd May 2012 
2. Those are my classmate´s parents and they _____________ in the strike too. 
3. I study at I.E.S. “La Rosaleda”. We went on 22nd May 2012 because we were ___________ our rights. 
4. All Trade Unions ___________ on being all together to fight for the Public Educational System. 
5. The State Government _____________ the Andalusian Government to _________ 10,000 million euros from the budget, and so the Andalusian Government cut 3,000 million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from healthcare. 
6. We will _______ quite a small number of teachers. They will also __________ less money because their salaries will be reduced. 
7. The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students so they can _____________ their relationships. 
8. Because there will be less money for schools, the numbers of working hours at school for teachers will be _________ by two more hours per week. 
9. Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have the chance to ___________ in a school. 
10. Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary _____________ by 15%. 
2# Make five sentences using some of the words which are outlined in yellow 
3# Now fill in the blanks using the following words: FULL, T-SHIRTS, SYMBOL, SCAB, SALARY, SCHOLARSHIP and GET.
1. The streets were ________ of young people, parents and teachers. 
2. Most of them wore green ____________ which is used as a ____________ to defend the Public Educational System. 
3. A _______________ is a worker who goes to work when his workmates are on strike. 
4. The company will take one day´s pay from your __________ when you are on strike. 
5. A ____________ is the public money a student gets for free to be able to study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to _________ one. 
 The Church does not have to pay property taxes like all Spanish house owners do.
Málaga, 6 de Febrero del 2013. 
Spanish students are on strike for three days from the 5th February 2013 till 7th February 2013. They claim to the Minister of Education: 
1. To retire the draft law called LOMCE. 
2. To leave his position (to dismiss). educativa_609865/ 
Students Trade Unions are satisfied with the number of the students that have followed the strike. They affirm that between 80% and 90% of the students haven’t gone to class. 
Students from the third and four year of Secondary School, High School and Vocational Training courses have been called to go on strike. 
“Thousands of students and hundreds of pickets explained the reasons why a strike to defend Public Teaching, Public Education. 
Yesterday many students in the protests in Madrid chanted together: “Where are our envelopes”. 
Let me remind you what the law says about the fundamental right to assembly to discuss whether or not going to class when students are called to go on strike. It will not be consider a fault. Teachers are not allowed to penalise students. However students have to communicate on writing the decision of going on strike by their student delegate. 
Ir a la huelga to go on strike 
Pedir/reclamar to ask for, to claim 
Retirar to retire 
Dimitir to dismiss 
Seguir la huelga to follow the strike 
Secundaria Secondary 
Bachillerato High School 
Formación Profesional Vocational Training 
Llamados a la huelga to be called on strike 
Enseñanza Pública Public Teaching 
Manifestación Protest 
Corear to sing/ to chant together 
Regular to regulate 
Derecho de reunión the right to assembly 
Sancionar penalise 
Falta fault
Permitir to allow 
Sancionar to penalise 
Piquete picket 
Esquirol strike-breaker reforma-educativa-wert_2013020600023.html 
1. Students Trade Unions represent students who fight for their rights 
2. If the Trade Union calls you to go on strike you are obliged to go to 
3. Students are not allowed to assemble in class and discuss their decisions 
4. A strike breaker is a person who doesn’t follow the strike and goes to work 
5. If the students go on strike they will be penalised and punished 
Students chanted together “Where are our envelopes”. Is there any important and current news about possible corruptions within the members of the Spanish Government? Try to write about it as much as you can. Don’t forget to add the web pages you have been visiting. 
Right now, many different sectors of the Civil Servants are claiming for their rights because of the cuts and reforms: the Health Sector, the Educational Sector and the Justice Sector. Look for images and don’t forget to add their links. Can you write down only one claim of each sector?
VOCABULARY To go on strike (v) ir a la huelga Classmate (n) compañero 
To participate on (v) participar en Trade Union (n) sindicato To organize (v) organizar, convocar 
To call for (v) llamar a 
Primary (n) primaria 
Secondary (n) secundaria 
Empty (adj) vacio 
To stop (v) parar 
Full of sth (adj) lleno de algo To take the streets (v) tomar las calles To defend (v) defender 
To oblige (v) obligar 
To cut (v) cortar Budget (n) presupuesto Healthcare (n) sanidad 
To improve (v) mejorar 
Relationships (n) Relaciones 
Temporary teacher (n) Profesores interinos
Timetable (n) horario To reduce (v) reducir 
Yo be used as (v) ser usado como 
To wear (v) llevar puesto 
T-shirt (n) camiseta 
Temporary (adj) interino 
Half (adj) mitad, medio 
The chance (v) la oportunidad 
Quite (adv) bastante 
Also (adv) también 
Less (adj) menos To increase (v) aumentar 
At least (adv) al menos 
Scab (n) esquirol 
Scholarship (n) beca 
Young (adj) joven Workmate (n) compañero de trabajo Company (n) empresa 
For free gratuito 
To be able to (v) ser capaz de 
# Fill in the blanks with these verbs: GO, PARTICIPATE, DEFEND, AGREE, OBLIGE, CUT, HAVE (x2), EARN, IMPROVE, INCREASE, WORK, and REDUCE. Be careful and use the correct form.
1. She is my teacher and she _________ on strike on 22nd May 2012 
2. Those are my classmate´s parents and they _____________ in the strike too. 
3. I study at I.E.S. “La Rosaleda”. We went on 22nd May 2012 because we were ___________ our rights. 
4. All Trade Unions ___________ on being all together to fight for the Public Educational System. 
5. The State Government _____________ the Andalusian Government to _________ 10,000 million euros from the budget, and so the Andalusian Government cut 3,000 million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from healthcare. 
6. We will _______ quite a small number of teachers. They will also __________ less money because their salaries will be reduced. 
7. The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students so they can _____________ their relationships. 
8. Because there will be less money for schools, the numbers of working hours at school for teachers will be _________ by two more hours per week. 
9. Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have the chance to ___________ in a school. 
10. Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary _____________ by 15%. 
# Make five sentences using some of the words which are outlined in yellow 
# Now fill in the blanks using the following words: FULL, T-SHIRTS, SYMBOL, SCAB, SALARY, SCHOLARSHIP and GET. 
1. The streets were ________ of young people, parents and teachers. 
2. Most of them wore green ____________ which is used as a ____________ to defend the Public Educational System. 
3. A _______________ is a worker who goes to work when his workmates are on strike.
4. The company will take one day´s pay from your __________ when you are on strike. 
5. A ____________ is the public money a student gets for free to be able to study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to _________ one. 
 The Church does not have to pay property taxes like all Spanish house owners do.
I.- TELEGRAPH Juan-Carlos-to-abdicate-Spanish-throne.html 
"76-year-old monarch says it's time for a younger generation to take over as he announces plan to step down amid health woes and financial scandals." 
EXERCISE #1: Link the words on the left with the CORRECT meaning on the right 
Woes entre 
To take over problemas 
To step down tomar el mando 
amid dimitir, dejar el cargo 
"As it happened: Spanish King Juan Carlos I to abdicate 
Key Points 
 King of Spain Juan Carlos is abdicating 
 Crown Prince Felipe is to take over the throne 
 A constitutional amendment will be proposed to allow the abdication to happen 
 The 76-year-old has had health problems in recent years
 His popularity has fallen following corruption scandals and gaffes" 
EXERCISE #2: Link the words on the left with the right meaning on the right 
Key points enmienda 
throne permitir 
amendment proponer 
to propose trono 
to allow puntos clave 
III.- WASHINGTON POST mix/wp/2014/06/02/deeply-unpopular-spanish-king-to-abdicate-throne-in- favor-of-son/ 
Here we are going to work on part of an article from the Washington post. I have made some changes so you will find it easier to read and make the exercises. 
Exercise#3: Fill the gaps with the right word: himself/ in favor of/ standing/ coup. 
"Spanish king to abdicate throne _________ son." 
King Juan Carlos of Spain will abdicate and pass the crown to his son, Crown Prince Felipe. Juan Carlos, once a popular hero for resisting a military ____________, was losing ground both in his health and in his ____________ in Spain. 
The announcement came Monday morning from Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and later from Juan Carlos _________. 
Exercise#4: translate the following paragraph: 
The king said he is abdicating to make way for his son to become the nation’s next monarch so that a “new generation” can take over. Political analysts believe that the conservative People’s Party wanted to put the more popular Felipe on the throne to try to combat increasingly anti-
monarchist sentiment, after small leftist and anti-establishment parties did surprisingly well in last month’s European Parliament election..... 
Exercise#5: These are the meaning of some words: vencer, sucesor, sacado de una, marcha, crisis, personificar. Now, you have to find out which are the words with that meaning in the following paragraph. 
Spain’s leader Francisco Franco with his future successor as Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon, as they watch a military parade in Madrid in 1973 . (AP) 
He arrived like something out of a Disney movie and came to embody the hope of an entire nation. 
But even his popularity could not surmount (defeat) Spain’s crippling (incapacitating) economic slump (depression, crisis), which has left 4.7 million Spaniards unemployed. 
IV.- NATIONAL PRESS: PÚBLICO la-abdicacion-del-rey/slideshow#2 
EXERCISE #6: watch the picture on the right. How many faces are shown? Write down their names. Then make a sentence for each one using one of these words in each sentence: dictator, King, Prince. 
TV: republica/402544.html 
OTHER NEWS: abdica-felipe-vi-201406020942.html 
CONCENTRACIONES REPUBLICANAS 2, junio 2014 20140602195848-rc.html 
La abdicación se resolverá a través de una Ley Orgánica.
Spanish government is making a lot of cutbacks in many different sectors such as education, health, worker conditions, etc. Citizens now have to pay more taxes if they need to go to court; citizens are seeing that the government is passing laws that will reduce their freedom to express their ideas and thoughts as they may be fined if they talk about corruption. Citizens are losing some of the rights workers gained with suffering and effort a long time ago. 
Spanish government defends those actions because they believe ‘we are in recession’. 
I believe I have done nothing to be in recession. I have always paid my debts. I never spent money than I didn’t have. However, I don’t know if my bank can say the same. I don’t know if my bank has acted as I always do. Nevertheless, banks have been playing with people’s money; they have lost our savings and now we have to give them back the money they lost. 
I am not responsible for the recession, but I have to pay for the bank’s responsibilities. Have you ever heard of a Spanish banking director being sent to prison? None of the most important representatives of the banks have ever been taken to court. What is more, the judge who dared to do so is now relieved of his responsibilities, and may suffer a sentence of 40 years suspension. 
There are many jobs the Administration has cut. Many of my fellows are no longer in my school. There are more students in the classes, teachers have to work more hours per month, and there is less income to invest in education….. Why has the one responsible for this situation not been prosecuted? We should look at Iceland. They sent those responsible for the banks to jail. Citizens had to lend their own money to the ‘bad banks’ but now they have surpassed the recession. 
Nobody does anything to stop it. Everybody accepts it. Everybody believes and assumes the world has been living beyond their means. 
 1 Translate the words in bold. 
 2 Then write four sentences in English using as many of the words in bold as possible.
is making, is passing, are losing, defends, are, have done, have paid, spent, 
don’t know, has acted, have, have been playing, have heard, have been taken, dared, has been prosecuted, sent. 
 What things do you think are changing now? And how are these things changing now? 
o The salary is changing now 
o The number of working hours are changing now 
o The labour conditions are changing now 
o The labour rights are changing now 
o The taxes I have to pay are changing now 
o The benefits the employers get are changing now 
o The employers ‘ taxes are changing now

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Todos ensayos crisis valores siglo xxi

  • 1. 2014 I.E.S. “La Rosaleda” Isabel Pérez ENSAYOS SOBRE LA ESTAFA MUNDIAL DEL SIGLO XXI Recopilación de textos sobre diversos temas relacionados con la estafa mundial de este nuevo siglo
  • 2. SUMMARY I. - There is a big problem in Spain now II. - John Ralston Saul: there is no reason why we should rescue the banks III. - The Death Road IV. - Being on strike V. - Once more students on strike VI. – Being on strike at the institute VII. - Working on International News Headlines about Juan Carlos and Felipe VI VIII.- Recession and Cutbacks
  • 3. I. - There is a big problem in Spain now 12 de diciembre de 2012 Mortgage hipoteca Bill factura Loan préstamo Encourage animar Client cliente Pay slip nómina Business negocio Furnish amueblar Enjoy divertirse Debt deuda Quote palabras Company compañia Struggling asfixiado Lend prestar Afford afrontar Therefore por lo tanto Factory fábrica Be forced to forzar a Reduce reducir
  • 4. Outgoing gastos Dismiss echar Benefit beneficio However sin embargo Wonder preguntarse Even though aún cuando Already ya Huge enorme High alto Be about to estar a punto de Lend prestar Get rid of deshacerse de Earn ganar Get out of salir de Even though aún cuando Good producto Meanwhile mientras tanto Evict desahuciar Throw out echar Expel expulsar Commit cometer Suicide suicidio
  • 5. Guys chicos Eat out of your hands Tener el destino en tus manos Common Area Maintenance Gastos de la Comunidad (de nuestra casa) Six years ago I bought a house. I had a good job with a good salary. Now however, I have to pay the mortgage, the electricity, the phone bill, the gas bill, the expense of Common Area Maintenance, food, clothes and the kids studies, my salary has gone down, my wife doesn´t have a job anymore and … “We can’t get to the end of the month”. I. - Before the crisis banks wanted you to ask for any kind of loans. Banks used to encourage you to do so. You were considered a good client if you had loans with them. There were many possibilities; it was very easy to ask for one. All you needed was a pay slip. Money, money, and money all around time after time……… that was a big business and you could enjoy playing that game too. Once you had the money you could buy a car or a house. You could even furnish it. You could take a trip…… there were no problems….. Ask for a loan and enjoy it! Many people were in debt but that wasn’t a problem for the banks at all!! It seemed the money had no end. There was money, a lot of it. Don’t you remember the quotes: “Spain is doing well”. II. - Now “we are” in crisis”. That is what “they” say, don’t they? Now people don’t have jobs because they lost them and many companies have closed down. However, people keep their debts with the banks and banks have clients with a lot of debts that, in many cases, cannot be paid. There are lots of companies that are struggling because many clients (other companies or just people) can’t pay their bills. Banks don’t lend money to be able to afford those bills and therefore the factories and companies are forced to close their businesses.
  • 6. Many companies and factories have to reduce production because people aren´t able to spend money buying their products. People have a lot of debt and less money to afford their outgoings. Therefore, companies have to dismiss workers from their business: less production, less workers because companies will always defend their interests: to keep the benefits high. III. - Now banks don’t have money. That is what we are told. However, I wonder where all the money has gone? I ask this question even though I already know the answer. Money can´t move by itself. Money has gone from one hand to another, or as we say in Spain, “money has no legs at all”. Spanish money banks go to German banks. Why? Let me explain it like this: Spanish banks asked the German and French banks for money. The Spanish banks have such a huge debt that if they ask for more money they will not get it. Now they have to give the money back to them. However, the Spanish bank debts are so high that the Spanish Government has been forced to ask for help from the European Banks. The Spanish Government is about to get a big European loan to help the Spanish banks to be able to pay back the German and French Banks. Spanish banks will have money, but, what for? As I have already said: to pay their debts back to the European banks. So Spanish banks won’t be able to lend money to the Spanish companies or factories, the Spanish banks won’t help people to get rid of their debts with the banks. The Spanish people will earn less money because this is what the Government says will help the companies get out of the crisis so they can pay their bills. Even though people won´t have enough money to buy goods to live and enjoy their lives… This seems to be a catch-22, or as we say in Spain, “a fish biting its own tail”. Don´t you think?
  • 7. Meanwhile, there are many people that are evicted from their houses, without a place for them or their families to stay. They are thrown out and expelled as if they were dogs. Meanwhile, there are many people that throw themselves out of windows; there are so many people that commit suicide… But it doesn´t matter because there are still a few people that are making a good business from all of this ....."the show goes on" !!! Goldman Sack and Company… well done, guys you did great. You have people eating out of your hands. The best of it is that they don´t know about this situation… WELL DONE!!! YOU ARE GOOD BOYS!! EXERCICES # 1 Write down the expenses the narrator is talking about at the beginning of the text. # 2 At the beginning of the crisis it was very easy to get a loan. According to the text, is that sentence right or wrong? # 3 Imagine you have a lot of money and most of your friends ask you for it. You lend them all your money and then you decide to ask for more money to the bank because you want to help them. What do you think will be the consequences? # 4 Why are so many people without a job? # 5 Why are so many companies that have closed? #6 Why are there so many companies that have reduced their production? # 7 why do the companies have to dismiss most of their workers? # 8 where do you think the money has gone? # 9 whom do the Spanish banks owe money?
  • 8. # 10 Can you explain why the narrator says that “this seems to be a catch- 22”? WEBGRAFÍA
  • 9. II.- John Ralston Saul: there is no reason why we should rescue the banks Málaga, 5 de febrero del 2013 The magazine “Utne Reader” has named him as one of the one hundred most important thinkers of the world. He is the President of PEN International and has recently been interviewed by the weekly Spanish magazine “EL PAÍS SEMANAL”. VOCABULARY AND IDIOMS: Argument To highlight Magazine Debt Role To rescue Instead of Growth To save Current Policy Mortgage To corrode To reset To spend To end up Envelope To suggest Drawer To lock To throw away To beat To get rid of Discurso sin paños calientes: don’t beat around the bush. Aplicar las siguientes recetas: apply the following metods Hablar sin pelos en la lengua: not to mince words Pasar página: turn the page
  • 10. I would like to bring here some of the important arguments that have been highlighted by Joseba Elola who has written an article in that weekly magazine. Joseba Elola describes J. R. Saul as a tall, thin and smart man with a dandy stile and who doesn’t beat around the bush. He doesn’t mince his words. - John Ralston believes that countries should reconsider what a debt is as well as the role that banks play in the new world. - He proposes that citizens should be rescued instead of the banks. - He says we find ourselves in a dark period of the economy and “they” continue using the same methods everywhere (Governments must control their expenses –austerity- and the economy must grow). He believes that growth and austerity can’t save us from this current situation. This is putting democracy in danger. # The interviewer asks him a question: Should we save the banks? He responds that there is no reason why we should save them. A good policy is that the government pays people’s mortgages. He believes that if you pay people’s mortgages, you will also save the banks. People would keep their houses and could spend their money as consumers. # European Union is corroded by debt. He wants to bring “the debt” to an end. “They” can’t admit that they made a mistake. He asks himself, ‘How can we reset the watch?’. He suggests that, basically we should put “the debt” inside an envelope and put on it: “this is very important”, put the envelope in a drawer, lock it and throw the key away. “We must turn page, we must beat it”. If the private sector can get rid of the debt, the public sector can too. #TRUE OR FALSE EXERCISE: - Saul is described as a tall, thin and fashionable man: T F - Ralston believes it is better to save banks rather than people: T F - He thinks the establishment keeps on using the same methods: T F - It is a good policy to pay people mortgages instead of giving the money directly to banks: T F - Democracy is not now in danger: T F - Governments shouldn’t “reset” most of the debts: T F - Austerity is going to take out of the current crisis: T F
  • 11. # PUT THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER - He/ not/ beat/ does/ bush/ the/ around - find/ We/ in/ a/ ourselves/ period/ dark/ economy/ of/ the - houses/ People / would/ their/ keep - “They”/a / mistake/ can’t/ made/ admit/ that/ they/ - page/ We /must /turn missing a word?
  • 12. III.- THE DEATH ROAD Málaga, 6 de febrero de 2013 On the 6th February 1937 the troops of the general Gonzalo Queipo de Llano got into Málaga. Nearly 100.000 republican people had to run away to Almeria by the only possible way, the N-340 which was named “The Death Road”. About 150.000 men, women and children tried to escape and look for a place to hide and be saved. They were rather scared of the “National troops”. There was no place to run away but the N-340 and there they were, all the fascists, who were bombarding everyone from the ships, from the air from the earth with the tanks. The Italian troops came from the north, Queipo de Llano’ soldiers came from the west and, the ships from the fascist F. Franco were waiting on the sea. These assassin troops were helped by Italian and German fascists. To know precisely how many people died there is absolutely impossible. However, some sources say that many dead bodies ended up in mass graves or that the Guadalfeo River took them with it. In San Rafael mass grave there have been identified more than 4.300 victims according with Andrés Fernández, who is a scientist and responsible for the researching in the Cemetery San Rafael. “Boys only wore their trousers and girls only wore their wide dresses. All of them were half-dressed and beneath the sun…. “(Norman Bethune’s notes who was a Canadian Surgeon and a voluntary doctor working with the “Socorro Rojo”).
  • 13. IV.- BEING ON STRIKE BEING ON STRIKE Yesterday, 22nd of May 2012, I went on strike. Ayer, el 22 de Mayo del 2012, yo fui a la Huelga. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE She is my teacher and she went on strike on 22nd May 2012 Ella es mi profesora y ella fue a la huelga el 22 de mayo del 2012
  • 14. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE Those are my classmates and they participated on the strike too Estos son mis compañeros y ellos también participaron en la huelga All the trade unions organized the Strike. Todos los sindicatos convocaron la Huelga. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 15. A PUBLIC SCHOOL FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF US A PUBLIC SCHOOL FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF US BEING ON STRIKE One of the slogans Uno de los eslogans- 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA The Parents´ Association also called for the strike. La Asociación de Padres (CODAPA) también llamó a la Huelga. BEING ON STRIKE 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 16. Many primary and secondary schools were empty. Muchos colegios de primaria y secundaria estaban vacíos. BEING ON STRIKE 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA Many universities also stopped for the day. Muchas universidades también pararon ese día. BEING ON STRIKE 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 17. Today, 23rd of May 2012, we can read the news and see the photos of many Andalusian cities with their streets full of students, parents and teachers who took to the streets to defend the public educational system. BEING ON STRIKE Hoy, el 23 de Mayo 2012, podemos leer en las noticias y ver las fotos de muchas ciudades Andaluzas con sus calles llenas de estudiantes, padres y profesores que tomaron las calles para defender la Enseñanza Pública. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE A scab is a worker who goes to work when his workmates are on strike. Un esquirol es un trabajador que va al trabajo cuando sus compañeros están en huelga 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 18. BEING ON STRIKE The State Government obliged the Andalusian Government to cut 10,000 Million euros from the budget and so the Andalusian Government cut 3,000 Million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from healthcare. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE A scholarship is the public money a student gets for free to be able to study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to get one. Una beca es dinero público que obtiene un estudiante gratuitamente para poder estudiar. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 19. BEING ON STRIKE The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students so they can improve their relationships. El Ministro de Educación quiere que las clases tengan cinco alumnos más y así Los alumnos podrán mejorar sus relaciones. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary reduced about a 15% of them. A los profesores interinos les reducirán el horario y su salario. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA
  • 20. BEING ON STRIKE Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary reduced about a 15% of them. A los profesores interinos les reducirán el horario y su salario. 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA 23/05/2012 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega I.E.S. " LA ROSALEDA" MÁLAGA BEING ON STRIKE Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have the chance to work in a school Los interinos deberían estar felices porque, al menos la mitad de ellos, Tendrán la oportunidad de trabajar en un colegio.
  • 21. BEING ON STRIKE AT THE INSTITUTE VOCABULARY To go on strike (v) ir a la huelga Classmate (n) compañero To participate on (v) participar en Trade Union (n) sindicato To organize (v) organizar, convocar To call for (v) llamar a Primary (n) primaria Secondary (n) secundaria Empty (adj) vacio To stop (v) parar Full of sth (adj) lleno de algo To take the streets (v) tomar las calles To defend (v) defender To oblige (v) obligar To cut (v) cortar Budget (n) presupuesto Healthcare (n) sanidad To improve (v) mejorar Relationships (n) Relaciones Temporary teacher (n) Profesores interinos Timetable (n) horario
  • 22. To reduce (v) reducir Yo be used as (v) ser usado como To wear (v) llevar puesto T-shirt (n) camiseta Temporary (adj) interino Half (adj) mitad, medio The chance (v) la oportunidad Quite (adv) bastante Also (adv) también Less (adj) menos To increase (v) aumentar At least (adv) al menos Scab (n) esquirol Scholarship (n) beca Young (adj) joven Workmate (n) compañero de trabajo Company (n) empresa For free gratuito To be able to (v) ser capaz de
  • 23. EXERCICES 1# Fill in the blanks with these verbs: GO, PARTICIPATE, DEFEND, AGREE, OBLIGE, CUT, HAVE (x2), EARN, IMPROVE, INCREASE, WORK, and REDUCE. Be careful and use the correct form. 1. She is my teacher and she _________ on strike on 22nd May 2012 2. Those are my classmate´s parents and they _____________ in the strike too. 3. I study at I.E.S. “La Rosaleda”. We went on 22nd May 2012 because we were ___________ our rights. 4. All Trade Unions ___________ on being all together to fight for the Public Educational System. 5. The State Government _____________ the Andalusian Government to _________ 10,000 million euros from the budget, and so the Andalusian Government cut 3,000 million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from healthcare. 6. We will _______ quite a small number of teachers. They will also __________ less money because their salaries will be reduced. 7. The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students so they can _____________ their relationships. 8. Because there will be less money for schools, the numbers of working hours at school for teachers will be _________ by two more hours per week. 9. Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have the chance to ___________ in a school. 10. Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary _____________ by 15%. 2# Make five sentences using some of the words which are outlined in yellow 3# Now fill in the blanks using the following words: FULL, T-SHIRTS, SYMBOL, SCAB, SALARY, SCHOLARSHIP and GET.
  • 24. 1. The streets were ________ of young people, parents and teachers. 2. Most of them wore green ____________ which is used as a ____________ to defend the Public Educational System. 3. A _______________ is a worker who goes to work when his workmates are on strike. 4. The company will take one day´s pay from your __________ when you are on strike. 5. A ____________ is the public money a student gets for free to be able to study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to _________ one. DID YOU KNOW THAT....?  The Church does not have to pay property taxes like all Spanish house owners do.
  • 25. V.- ONCE MORE STUDENTS ON STRIKE Málaga, 6 de Febrero del 2013. Spanish students are on strike for three days from the 5th February 2013 till 7th February 2013. They claim to the Minister of Education: 1. To retire the draft law called LOMCE. 2. To leave his position (to dismiss). educativa_609865/ Students Trade Unions are satisfied with the number of the students that have followed the strike. They affirm that between 80% and 90% of the students haven’t gone to class. Students from the third and four year of Secondary School, High School and Vocational Training courses have been called to go on strike. “Thousands of students and hundreds of pickets explained the reasons why a strike to defend Public Teaching, Public Education. Yesterday many students in the protests in Madrid chanted together: “Where are our envelopes”. Let me remind you what the law says about the fundamental right to assembly to discuss whether or not going to class when students are called to go on strike. It will not be consider a fault. Teachers are not allowed to penalise students. However students have to communicate on writing the decision of going on strike by their student delegate. VOCABULARY Ir a la huelga to go on strike Pedir/reclamar to ask for, to claim Retirar to retire Dimitir to dismiss Seguir la huelga to follow the strike Secundaria Secondary Bachillerato High School Formación Profesional Vocational Training Llamados a la huelga to be called on strike Enseñanza Pública Public Teaching Manifestación Protest Corear to sing/ to chant together Regular to regulate Derecho de reunión the right to assembly Sancionar penalise Falta fault
  • 26. Permitir to allow Sancionar to penalise Piquete picket Esquirol strike-breaker reforma-educativa-wert_2013020600023.html # EXERCISE TRUE OR FALSE: (T F) 1. Students Trade Unions represent students who fight for their rights 2. If the Trade Union calls you to go on strike you are obliged to go to 3. Students are not allowed to assemble in class and discuss their decisions 4. A strike breaker is a person who doesn’t follow the strike and goes to work 5. If the students go on strike they will be penalised and punished # EXERCISE 2 Students chanted together “Where are our envelopes”. Is there any important and current news about possible corruptions within the members of the Spanish Government? Try to write about it as much as you can. Don’t forget to add the web pages you have been visiting. # EXERCISE 3 Right now, many different sectors of the Civil Servants are claiming for their rights because of the cuts and reforms: the Health Sector, the Educational Sector and the Justice Sector. Look for images and don’t forget to add their links. Can you write down only one claim of each sector?
  • 27. VI.- BEING ON STRIKE AT THE INSTITUTE VOCABULARY To go on strike (v) ir a la huelga Classmate (n) compañero To participate on (v) participar en Trade Union (n) sindicato To organize (v) organizar, convocar To call for (v) llamar a Primary (n) primaria Secondary (n) secundaria Empty (adj) vacio To stop (v) parar Full of sth (adj) lleno de algo To take the streets (v) tomar las calles To defend (v) defender To oblige (v) obligar To cut (v) cortar Budget (n) presupuesto Healthcare (n) sanidad To improve (v) mejorar Relationships (n) Relaciones Temporary teacher (n) Profesores interinos
  • 28. Timetable (n) horario To reduce (v) reducir Yo be used as (v) ser usado como To wear (v) llevar puesto T-shirt (n) camiseta Temporary (adj) interino Half (adj) mitad, medio The chance (v) la oportunidad Quite (adv) bastante Also (adv) también Less (adj) menos To increase (v) aumentar At least (adv) al menos Scab (n) esquirol Scholarship (n) beca Young (adj) joven Workmate (n) compañero de trabajo Company (n) empresa For free gratuito To be able to (v) ser capaz de EXERCICES # Fill in the blanks with these verbs: GO, PARTICIPATE, DEFEND, AGREE, OBLIGE, CUT, HAVE (x2), EARN, IMPROVE, INCREASE, WORK, and REDUCE. Be careful and use the correct form.
  • 29. 1. She is my teacher and she _________ on strike on 22nd May 2012 2. Those are my classmate´s parents and they _____________ in the strike too. 3. I study at I.E.S. “La Rosaleda”. We went on 22nd May 2012 because we were ___________ our rights. 4. All Trade Unions ___________ on being all together to fight for the Public Educational System. 5. The State Government _____________ the Andalusian Government to _________ 10,000 million euros from the budget, and so the Andalusian Government cut 3,000 million euros from schools and 7,000 million euros from healthcare. 6. We will _______ quite a small number of teachers. They will also __________ less money because their salaries will be reduced. 7. The Minister of Education wants the Institute classes with five more students so they can _____________ their relationships. 8. Because there will be less money for schools, the numbers of working hours at school for teachers will be _________ by two more hours per week. 9. Temporary teachers should be happy because half of them will at least have the chance to ___________ in a school. 10. Temporary teachers will have their timetable and their salary _____________ by 15%. # Make five sentences using some of the words which are outlined in yellow # Now fill in the blanks using the following words: FULL, T-SHIRTS, SYMBOL, SCAB, SALARY, SCHOLARSHIP and GET. 1. The streets were ________ of young people, parents and teachers. 2. Most of them wore green ____________ which is used as a ____________ to defend the Public Educational System. 3. A _______________ is a worker who goes to work when his workmates are on strike.
  • 30. 4. The company will take one day´s pay from your __________ when you are on strike. 5. A ____________ is the public money a student gets for free to be able to study. Now it will be a bit more difficult to _________ one. DID YOU KNOW THAT....?  The Church does not have to pay property taxes like all Spanish house owners do.
  • 31. VII.- WORKING ON INTERNATIONAL NEWS HEADLINES ABOUT JUAN CARLOS AND FELIPE I.- TELEGRAPH Juan-Carlos-to-abdicate-Spanish-throne.html "76-year-old monarch says it's time for a younger generation to take over as he announces plan to step down amid health woes and financial scandals." EXERCISE #1: Link the words on the left with the CORRECT meaning on the right Woes entre To take over problemas To step down tomar el mando amid dimitir, dejar el cargo II.- BBC "As it happened: Spanish King Juan Carlos I to abdicate Key Points  King of Spain Juan Carlos is abdicating  Crown Prince Felipe is to take over the throne  A constitutional amendment will be proposed to allow the abdication to happen  The 76-year-old has had health problems in recent years
  • 32.  His popularity has fallen following corruption scandals and gaffes" EXERCISE #2: Link the words on the left with the right meaning on the right Key points enmienda throne permitir amendment proponer to propose trono to allow puntos clave III.- WASHINGTON POST mix/wp/2014/06/02/deeply-unpopular-spanish-king-to-abdicate-throne-in- favor-of-son/ Here we are going to work on part of an article from the Washington post. I have made some changes so you will find it easier to read and make the exercises. Exercise#3: Fill the gaps with the right word: himself/ in favor of/ standing/ coup. "Spanish king to abdicate throne _________ son." King Juan Carlos of Spain will abdicate and pass the crown to his son, Crown Prince Felipe. Juan Carlos, once a popular hero for resisting a military ____________, was losing ground both in his health and in his ____________ in Spain. The announcement came Monday morning from Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and later from Juan Carlos _________. Exercise#4: translate the following paragraph: The king said he is abdicating to make way for his son to become the nation’s next monarch so that a “new generation” can take over. Political analysts believe that the conservative People’s Party wanted to put the more popular Felipe on the throne to try to combat increasingly anti-
  • 33. monarchist sentiment, after small leftist and anti-establishment parties did surprisingly well in last month’s European Parliament election..... Exercise#5: These are the meaning of some words: vencer, sucesor, sacado de una, marcha, crisis, personificar. Now, you have to find out which are the words with that meaning in the following paragraph. Spain’s leader Francisco Franco with his future successor as Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon, as they watch a military parade in Madrid in 1973 . (AP) He arrived like something out of a Disney movie and came to embody the hope of an entire nation. But even his popularity could not surmount (defeat) Spain’s crippling (incapacitating) economic slump (depression, crisis), which has left 4.7 million Spaniards unemployed. IV.- NATIONAL PRESS: PÚBLICO la-abdicacion-del-rey/slideshow#2 EXERCISE #6: watch the picture on the right. How many faces are shown? Write down their names. Then make a sentence for each one using one of these words in each sentence: dictator, King, Prince. TV: republica/402544.html HIMNO DE RIEGO CANTADO POR UN HOMBRE Y UNA MUJER: OTHER NEWS:
  • 34. abdica-felipe-vi-201406020942.html CONCENTRACIONES REPUBLICANAS 2, junio 2014 20140602195848-rc.html La abdicación se resolverá a través de una Ley Orgánica.
  • 35. VIII.- RECESSION AND CUTBACKS Spanish government is making a lot of cutbacks in many different sectors such as education, health, worker conditions, etc. Citizens now have to pay more taxes if they need to go to court; citizens are seeing that the government is passing laws that will reduce their freedom to express their ideas and thoughts as they may be fined if they talk about corruption. Citizens are losing some of the rights workers gained with suffering and effort a long time ago. Spanish government defends those actions because they believe ‘we are in recession’. I believe I have done nothing to be in recession. I have always paid my debts. I never spent money than I didn’t have. However, I don’t know if my bank can say the same. I don’t know if my bank has acted as I always do. Nevertheless, banks have been playing with people’s money; they have lost our savings and now we have to give them back the money they lost. I am not responsible for the recession, but I have to pay for the bank’s responsibilities. Have you ever heard of a Spanish banking director being sent to prison? None of the most important representatives of the banks have ever been taken to court. What is more, the judge who dared to do so is now relieved of his responsibilities, and may suffer a sentence of 40 years suspension. There are many jobs the Administration has cut. Many of my fellows are no longer in my school. There are more students in the classes, teachers have to work more hours per month, and there is less income to invest in education….. Why has the one responsible for this situation not been prosecuted? We should look at Iceland. They sent those responsible for the banks to jail. Citizens had to lend their own money to the ‘bad banks’ but now they have surpassed the recession. THE GOVERNMENT HAS CUT PEOPLE’S DIGNITY AND HAS TRAMPLED EQUITY AND SOLIDARITY. Nobody does anything to stop it. Everybody accepts it. Everybody believes and assumes the world has been living beyond their means. EXERCISES:  1 Translate the words in bold.  2 Then write four sentences in English using as many of the words in bold as possible.
  • 36.  3 PUT INTO THE RIGHT BOX THE FOLLOWING VERBS: is making, is passing, are losing, defends, are, have done, have paid, spent, don’t know, has acted, have, have been playing, have heard, have been taken, dared, has been prosecuted, sent. SIMPLE PRESENT PRESENT CONTINUOSU PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE PAST PASSIVE  What things do you think are changing now? And how are these things changing now? o The salary is changing now o The number of working hours are changing now o The labour conditions are changing now o The labour rights are changing now o The taxes I have to pay are changing now o The benefits the employers get are changing now o The employers ‘ taxes are changing now