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Wrongful	birth	damages	in	Australia:	Difficult	questions,	Incomplete	answers
Bill	Madden,	Carroll	&	O’Dea	Lawyers	+	Tina	Cockburn,	QUT	ACHLR	 1Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Some	statistics
Annual	birth	rate	300,000;	Median	age	31	years
Down	syndrome	275	per	year
Cystic	fibrosis	120	per	year
Fragile	X	(full)	50	per	year
2Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Looking	for	a	framework
• A	child	not	wanted,	ever	– or	just	not	now?	
• A	child	wanted,	but	not	this	child.
• And	in	any	event,	what	compensation?
3Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Aria’s	story
• Aria’s	mother,	aged	39,	does	not	
wish	to	have	any	more	children.	
She	obtains	a	referral	for	a	
sterilisation procedure	which	is	
performed	negligently.	
• Aria	is	born	suffering	a	mild	
intellectual	disability.
4Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
A	child	not	wanted,	ever.
Failed	sterilisation
5Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Dahl	v	Purcell	(1993)	15	QLR	33
• Failed	vasectomy
• Pratt	DCJ	awarded	damages	including
• Prenatal	distress	and	pain	and	suffering	of	child	birth
• Past	and	future	costs	of	bringing	up	the	child
• Out	of	pocket	expenses	– maternity	clothes	and	medical	expenses
• Loss	of	consortium
• And	parents’	voluntary	services,	past	and	future,	associated	with	raising	the	
child	BUT	reduced	by	¼	to	reflect	the	intangible	benefits	of	a	healthy	child
• Public	policy	considerations	did	not	prevent	P’s	claim
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 6
Cattanach v	Melchior	(2003)	215	CLR	1
• Failed	tubal	ligation	
• Held:	past	and	future	costs	of	raising	child	recoverable,	regardless	of	
whether	child	suffers	a	disability
• Without	reference	to	benefits	and	pleasures	derived,	or	to	be	derived,	from	
the	child
• Kirby	J:	“it	is	not	the	birth	of	the	child	that	constitutes	the	harm,	
injury	or	damage	for	which	the	parents	sue.		Instead,	it	is	for	the	
economic	harm	inflicted	upon	them	by	the	injury	they	have	suffered	
as	a	consequence	of	the	negligence	that	they	have	proved.”	(57)	
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Gentile	v	Ferri [2004]	WADC	144
• Failed	tubal	ligation	with	Filshie clips
• Costs	of	raising	child	awarded	
• Additional	claim,	for	voluntary	services	based	on	commercial	costs	of	
paying	someone	to	discharge	the	parents’	duty	of	bringing	up	the	
child,	unsuccessful	
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 8
Civil	Liability	Legislation	
• Cannot	recover	the	costs	of	a	healthy	child’s	upbringing
• Damages	for	the	costs	ordinarily	associated	with	rearing	or	maintaining	a	
child	not	recoverable	
• Civil	Liability	Act	2003	(Qld)	ss49A,	49B
• Civil	Liability	Act	1936	(SA)	ss67(1),(3),(4)
• Recoverability	of	child	raising	costs	limited	to	those	associated	with	rearing	or	
maintaining	a	child	who	suffers	from	a	disability
• Civil	Liability	Act	2003	(NSW)	ss71(1)(a),(2)
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Aria’s	story
• Aria,	when	aged	17	years,		would	like	
to	have	a	child	when	she	is	25.
• After	a	night	out	with	friends	she	
does	not	remember	clearly,	she	
consults	a	local	GP	for	a	‘morning	
after	pill’	as	a	form	of	contraception.	
• The	GP’s	prescription	is	incorrect	and	
the	pregnancy	continues,	despite	
another	GP	visit,	beyond	a	point	at	
which	Aria	is	comfortable	with	
10Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
A	child	not	wanted,	at	present.
Failed	contraception
Failed	termination
Loss	of	opportunity	to	terminate	pregnancy
11Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Neville	v	Lam	(No	3)	[2014]	NSWSC	607
• Alleged	failure	to	advise	of	a	risk	of	pregnancy	following	an	
endometrial	ablation.		
• P	asserted	that	after	the	procedure	she	believed	that	she	could	no	
longer	fall	pregnant	and	therefore	did	not	pursue	contraceptive	or	
sterilization	treatments.		
• As	a	result,	she	conceived	and	gave	birth	to	a	child	who	suffered	from	
a	range	of	disabilities
• Held:	claim	failed	because	failure	to	advise	of	possible	pregnancy	not	
a	breach	of	duty	BUT	comments	on	assessment	of	damages.
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CES	v	Superclinics (1995)	38	NSWLR	47
• CES	alleged	loss	of	opportunity	to	terminate	pregnancy	because	medical	
practitioners	failed	to	detect	her	pregnancy	despite	repeated	consultations
• CES	visited	D	5	times	over	a	period	of	2	months,	concerned	that	she	was	
pregnant	and	wishing	to	terminate	the	pregnancy	if	she	was
• When	pregnancy	finally	diagnosed	CES	was	19	weeks	pregnant	and	was	
told	that	it	was	too	late	to	perform	a	lawful	termination
• Held:	Kirby	ACJ	and	Priestly	J	disallowed	damages	from	the	point	at	which	
adoption	could	occur.	(at	73)
• Justice	Meagher	dissented	- abhorrent	that	the	birth	of	a	healthy	child	could	lead	to	
an	award	of	damages.	It	might	be	damaging	to	the	child	to	become	aware	that	she	
was	an	unwanted	child.	(at	79)
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Veivers v	Connolly	[1995]	2	QdR 326
• Failure	to	test	a	pregnant	woman	for	rubella	(German	measles)	
• Baby	subsequently	born	with	congenital	rubella	embryopathy leading	to	
severe	disabilities
• Mother	asserted	that	she	would	have	terminated	the	pregnancy	had	she	
been	informed	that	she	had	Rubella	at	an	early	stage	in	her	pregnancy
• Mother	successfully	sued	for	extra	costs	of	raising	a	disabled	child	
• De	Jersey	J:	damages	award	reduced	by	5%	to	reflect	that	the	case	was	
essentially	for	loss	of	chance	to	terminate	pregnancy	and	there	was	a	
possibility	that	she	may	not	have	been	able	to	obtain	a	lawful	termination.
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FJ	v	Cth	of	Australia	[2017]	VSCA	84
• Pregnancy	of	FJ	not	detected	in	medical	examinations	conducted	by	
Commonwealth	after	she	entered	service	in	the	Navy
• FJ	alleged	that	if	her	pregnancy	had	been	detected	she	would	have	
had	a	termination
• FJ	sought	to	recover	costs	of	raising	her	child
• Held:	for	purposes	of	the	Military	Rehabilitation	and	Compensation	
Act	2004 (Cth)	pregnancy	and	childbirth	are	not	an	“injury”	so	claim	
was	not	one	in	respect	of	a	service	injury	and	was	not	barred	by	s388	
of	the	Act.
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FJ	v	Cth of	Australia
• “In	ordinary	language,	pregnancy	and	childbirth	are	not	injuries.	The	
definition	of	‘injury’	in	the	Act	broadly	reflects	its	meaning	in	ordinary	
usage	and	the	statutory	context	of	the	Act	sharpens	that	meaning	by	
deploying	the	concepts	of	‘rehabilitation’	and	‘treatment’.	The	
statutory	context	here	is	of	considerable	significance.”
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Acceleration	of	costs
• Should	a	child	born	at	a	particular	time	(rather	than	later)	give	rise	to	
damages	for	the	entire	cost	of	child	raising,	or	should	the	damages	
only	be	for	the	acceleration	of	costs?
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 17
Aria’s	story
• Aria’s	older	sister	Zoe	has	tried	but	
failed	to	conceive.	She	presents	
with	her	husband	for	assisted	
reproduction	treatment	which	is	
• On	the	birth	of	the	child	it	is	soon	
apparent	that	the	husband	was	
not	the	source	of	the	donor	
18Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
A	child	wanted,	but	not	this	child
Wrong	donor	materials
• Incorrect	father
• Misleading	donor	profile
19Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
G	&	M	v	Armellin [2009]	ACTCA	68
• Claim	arising	from	assisted	conception	procedure	alleging	breach	of	
duty	in	transferring	two	embryos	when	only	one	embryo	requested
• Held:	failure	by	respondent	to	confirm	number	of	embryos	for	
transfer	with	fertility	centre	staff	was	breach	of	duty	
• Damages	assessed	by	trial	judge	included	$234,600	for	costs	of	raising	
the	child
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Waller	v	James	[2013]	NSWSC	497;	[2015]	
• D	should	have	advised	Mr	and	Mrs	W	that	Mr	Ws anti-thrombin	3	(AT3)	
deficiency	was	genetic	and	susceptible	of	being	transferred	to	his	children
• If	such	advice	had	been	given,	Mr	and	Mrs	W	would	have	deferred	
undergoing	artificial	insemination	until	methods	were	available	to	ensure	
that	only	embryos	without	the	AT3	deficiency	were	transferred,	would	have	
used	donor	sperm,	avoiding	the	risk,	or	would	have	terminated	the	
pregnancy	upon	discovery	of	the	risks	of	a	child	being	born	with	serious	
genetic	disabilities	
• Claim	costs	of	upbringing	and	compensation	for	gratuitous	care
• Held	causation	not	established	but	comments	on	damages	assessment
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Backwell v	AAA		(1996)	Aust Torts	Rep	81-387
• D	inseminated	P	with	incorrect	donor	sperm.	
• D	discovered	error	>	told	P	not	to	worry	&	return	next	week	for	pregnancy	test.	
• Test	revealed	P	pregnant		
• D	advised	termination	– risk	of	stillbirth
• D	threatened	P	that	if	baby	stillborn,	her	identity	might	be	revealed	&	publicity	
might	cause	closure	of	clinic.	
• D	told	P	that	if	she	did	not	terminate,	further	IVF	might	be	difficult	to	receive
• P	terminated	pregnancy	
• P	suffered	depressive	disorder	
• Held:	compensatory	damages	and	$60,000	exemplary	damages
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ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	
[2017]	1	SLR 918
• A	and	H	sought	to	conceive	a	child	through	IVF	– baby	P	born
• Mistake:	A’s	ovum	fertilised	using	unknown	donor	sperm	instead	of	H’s	
• A	Chinese	Singaporean	woman	– H	Caucasian	male	– donor	sperm	mistakenly	used	
was	Indian
• Court	drew	attention	to	the	race	of	the	parties	involved	not	because	of	any	approval	of		
outmoded	attitudes	towards	race	and	ethnicity,	but	because	of	a	recognition	of	‘the complex	
role	that	physical	resemblance,	race,	and	cultural	and	ethnic	identity	have	had	and	continue	
to	have	on	our	individual	well-being’,	as	they	so	evidently	did	have	on	A’s.	[134]
• Claims:	
• Financial	costs	of	raising	child	to	age	21
• Loss	of	autonomy
• Punitive	damages
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ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
• Costs	of	child	rearing	claim	failed	– compare	Australian	position
• ‘[t]he	duty	to	maintain	one’s	child	is	a	duty	which	lies	at	the	very	heart	of	
parenthood,	and	thus	the	expenses	which	are	incurred	towards	the	discharge	
of	this	estate	are	not	capable	of	characterisation	as	a	loss.’	[93]
• Loss	not	recognised	by	the	Court	as	legally	actionable
• Conflict	of	interest	between	parent’s	private	interests	in	litigation	and	their	duties	
vis	a	vis	their	children
• A	only	entitled	to	recover	damages	for:	pain	and	suffering	arising	from	the	
pregnancy	AND	costs	of	failed	IVF	procedure
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 24
ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
• Loss	of	autonomy	claim	failed	– compare	English	position
• Conceptual	objection:	concept	of	autonomy	too	nebulous	and	contested	a	
• Coherence:	action	for	loss	of	autonomy	akin	to	action	for	vindication	of	a	legal	
right	BUT	negligence	action	sees	damage	in	terms	of	objective	detriment	and	
damages	are	compensatory	in	nature
• Over-inclusiveness	objection:	recognition	of	loss	of	autonomy	would	allow	for	
circumvention	of	“damage	requirement”	as	any	form	of	damage	could	be	
potentially	reconceptualised	in	terms	of	damage	to	autonomy
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 25
ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
• However:	recognised	claim	for	loss	of	genetic	affinity
• Loss	suffered	by	A	was	product	of	‘complex	amalgam	of	biological,	social,	
ethical,	and	historical	factors’.	
• Many	of	these	factors	had	to	‘do	with	certain	aspects	of	human	relationships	
and	personhood	that	are	fundamental	parts	of	the	human	condition,	such	as	
the	role	of	genetic	relatedness,	physical	resemblance,	race,	culture,	and	the	
importance	of	familial	relations.’	
• Some	of	these	factors	were	rightly	cherished;	while	others	were	‘perhaps	
regrettable	features	of	the	society	which	we	inhabit’.	[135]	
• A’s	interest	in	‘genetic	affinity’	was	one	which	the	law	ought	to	recognise	
and	protect.
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 26
ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
• Assessment	of	damages	for	a	loss	of	genetic	affinity	- fraught	with	difficulty.	
• Loss	of	genetic	affinity	could	be	seen	as	an	element	of	non-pecuniary	loss,	akin	in	some	
ways	to	an	award	for	pain	and	suffering,	but	with	distinct	incidents.
• As	in	all	cases	involving	non-pecuniary	loss,	there	was	no	objective	yardstick	which	could	
be	used,	and	the	sum	which	was	awarded	was	‘conventional’	in	the	sense	that	it	was	not	
the	product	of	precise	calculation	but	was	instead	a	sum	that	afforded	reasonable	
compensation	in	the	circumstances	of	the	case.	
• In	the	absence	of	comparable	precedents,	the	Court	held	that	the	award	would	be	
benchmarked	as	a	percentage	of	the	financial	costs	of	raising	Baby	P.	[149]
• This	did	not	derogate	from	the	finding	that	the	obligations	of	parenthood	were	incapable	
of	being	regarded	as	loss,	but	was	a	practical	approach	that	prevented	the	court	from	
having	to	pluck	a	figure	out	of	thin	air.	Having	regard	to	all	the	circumstances	of	the	case,	
the	Court	found	that	an	award	equivalent	to	30	per	cent	of	the	financial	costs	of	raising	
Baby	P properly	reflected	the	seriousness	of	the	appellant’s	loss	and	would	be	just,	
equitable,	and	proportionate.[150]
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 27
ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
• Exemplary	damages	declined	- facts	too	scant	to	support	a	finding	of	outrageous	
• Allegation	in	the	statement	of	claim	that	the	mix-up	had	taken	place	because	
more	than	one	sample	had	been	handled	in	the	laminar	hood	at	the	same	time	
and	because	the	disposable	pipettes	were	not	discarded	promptly	after	each	use.	
• Held:	Even	accepting	both	of	these	assertions	to	be	correct,	Court	could	not	
conclude	— from	this	single	instance	of	negligence	alone	— that	the	respondents’	
conduct	was	of	such	a	character	as	to	be	considered	outrageous.	
• However,	if	an	award	of	punitive	damages	had	been	justified,	it	would	have	been	
an	additional	head	of	damages,	and	the	sum	awarded	would	be	additional	to,	
and	not	in	lieu	of	any	compensatory	award	that	might	be	made.	[209]
• Compare:	Civil	Liability	legislation	abolition	of	exemplary	and	aggravated	damages	in	negligence	claims	
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 28
ACB	v	Thomson	Medical	Pte	Ltd	(cont…)
This	has	been	a	difficult	case,	possibly	one	of	the	most	difficult	to	come	before	this	
court	thus	far.	However,	not	once	have	we	wavered	in	our	conviction	as	to	the	truth	
of	the	following	principle,	which	has	already	been	emphasised right	at	the	outset	of	
this	judgment:	the	life	of	every	person	carries	with	it	its	own	inestimable	value	
and	dignity	and	the	worth	of	a	person	can	neither	be	enlarged	nor	its	importance	
abridged	by	any	pronouncement	of	this	court	— nothing	we	have	said	should	(or,	
indeed,	could)	be	taken	as	a	reflection	of	this	court’s	view	of	the	worth	of	Baby	P.	
That	is	not	the	issue	before	this	court	nor	can	it	ever	be.	The	question	in	this	
appeal	was	the	proper	legal	response	to	what	is,	by	any	account,	a	tragic	set	of	
facts	...	[210]
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 29
The	accident
• Aria’s	mother	died	leaving	her	a	
substantial	inheritance,	but	she	
develops	severe	depression.
• Shortly	before	hearing	of	her	
wrongful	birth	claim,	when	Liam	is	
aged	5	years,	Aria	dies	from	an	
overdose	of	prescription	
• Her	sister	Zoe	takes	over	conduct	
of	the	compensation	claim	as	
executrix	of	her	estate	and	with	a	
view	to	caring	for	Liam.
30Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Can	the	claim	continue?
• Would	the	law	recognise	a	claim	for	costs	incurred	by	someone	other	than	the	
• Is	the	claim	a	claim	by	the	estate	and	or	by	the	person	who	assumes	the	
responsibility	for	the	child?	
• And	if	there	is	a	claim	in	such	circumstances	does	that	mean	that	all	claims	should	
not	be	limited	to	the	life	expectancy	of	the	parents?
31Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Does	parental	wealth	matter?
“[t]he	common	law	does	not	permit	courts	to	impose	a	means	test	upon	plaintiffs.	
Wealthy	parents,	who	might	reasonably	be	expected	to	spend	more	on	bringing	up	
their	children,	may	have	a	larger	claim	than	poor	parents.”	
Cattanach v	Melchior	(Gleeson	CJ)
32Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Waller	v	James
• As	an	alternative	to	gratuitous	care	claim,	P	sought	compensation	for	
‘future	paid	care	on	the	basis	of	24	hour,	seven	days	a	week	live-in	care	
provided	at	commercial	rates’.		
• No	evidence	that	P	could	fund	such	care	absent	a	substantial	verdict
• P	had	not	employed	paid	carers	to	date,	but	had	adequately	and	appropriately	cared	
for	their	child	themselves.	
• D	submitted	that	application	of	“compensatory	principles”	eg indemnity	
principle,	meant	that	P	could	not	recover	compensation	for	an	expense	
they	would	not	incur,	absent	a	damages	award.		
• Hislop J:	
• labelled	D’s	submission	‘unattractive’,	but	as	a	court	at	first	instance,	felt	‘bound	to	
accede	to	it’		by	limiting	P’s	claim	to	the	income	that	they	had	and	would	forego	
because	of	the	care	they	had	and	would	provide	to	their	child.		
• acknowledged	that	a	‘more	pragmatic	approach	may	well	prevail’	if	a	higher	court	
were	to	perceive	the	rule	as	requiring	an	unfair	or	unjust	result.	
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 33
Neville	v	Lam	
• Beech	Jones	J:
• For	costs	of	care	to	be	recoverable	the	court	must	be	satisfied	that	relevant	
expenditure	would	be	incurred	regardless	of	whether	or	not	the	parents’	
claim	is	successful
• Insofar	as	“this	requirement	clearly	favours	a	parent	of	a	disabled	child	who	
has	means	compared	with	the	less	well	off”	while	“it	is	unjust	…	it	is	the	law	
as	it	stands.”
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 34
Can	time	spent	on	care	be	claimed?
• Time
• Wages
• NDIS	impact
35Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017
Waller	v	James
• Claim	for	compensation	at	commercial	rates	for	time	spent	and	to	be	
spent	in	the	future	providing	care	for	their	child	(Griffiths	v	
Kerkemeyer analogy)
• Held	Hislop J:
• Claim	denied	– instead	awarded	an	amount	for	past	and	future	wages	lost	by	
them	from	reducing	working	hours	to	care	for	their	son
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 36
Neville	v	Lam	
• Beech	Jones	J:	
• “	No	recovery	for	the	‘cost’	or	value	of	any	voluntary	care	of	the	child	
provided	by	anyone.”	
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 37
Cattanach v	Melchior
• McHugh,	Gummow J	(obiter)
• “the	relevant	damage	suffered	by	the	Melchiors is	the	expenditure	that	they	
have	incurred	or	will	incur	in	the	future,	not	the	creation	or	existence	of	the	
parent-child	relationship.		If,	for	example,	their	child	had	been	voluntarily	
cared	for	up	to	the	date	of	trial,	they	could	have	recovered	no	damages	for	
that	part	of	the	child’s	upbringing.”
Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017 38
Wrongful	birth	damages	in	Australia:	Difficult	questions,	Incomplete	answers
Bill	Madden,	Carroll	&	O’Dea	Lawyers	+	Tina	Cockburn,	QUT	ACHLR 39Tina	Cockburn	+	Bill	Madden	- August	2017

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