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Time Management
( Managing yourself to become a leader)
   Peter Drucker” Time is your scarcest
    resource and if you cannot manage it
    nothing else can be managed well”
   Time passes in fixed rhythm and it never
   60 secs x 60 mins x 24 hrs x 365 days per
   Mans most important task is to utilise this
    resource well.
   In fact you cannot manage time, but you
    have to manage yourself to get the
    maximum out of the time available.
   Time passes too fast/ too slow
Common complaint

   Do not have enough time and
    bogged down with work.
   Excuses made for not talking to
    friends, parents, being with
    family, exercising, taking up
    exams, reading, social work is
    no time.
Analyse Time Spent
   Assume you live 36 years more

Getting ready 1/24 x 36years = 1 1/2 years
Traveling 2/24 x 36 years     = 3 years
Working 7/24 x 36years       = 10 1/2 years
Sleeping 8/24 x 36 years      = 12 years
Television 3/24 x 36 years    = 4 1/2years
Gossiping 2/24 x 36 years     = 3 years
Day dreaming 1/24 x 36 years = 1 ½ years
Total                         = 36 years
What can you reduce and use it for better
  purpose ?
Analyse how you spent time

   write down the activities you did
   And day before.
   Can you remember all the
    activities you did and how much
    of time you used.
   If you can remember them and
    do it within 10 minutes you are a
    good time manager.
Time Wasters

                          Meetings for sake of having a meeting. No
   Meetings               agenda- no time to end- unwanted

    Telephone Calls Long discussions- repeating the to verify
                                                     same thing-
                    no specific message- talk again

                          Yours or others message is vague or not
   Poor                   clear. You need to spend more time to
                           decipher what is in the message.

   Fantasizing and You have no business or objective You
                      cannot ever achieve or take part but keep
    day dreaming fantasising and day dreaming
    Inability to say No have tosorry I need to go orstory and do
                      You         listen to the whole
                      cannot say                      I need to
                           an urgent job
Time wasters
   Drop Ins                  Good Old friends- Guys who
                               do not have work to do come
                               and indulge in your time
   Waiting for other         Irresponsible team mates do
    team mates                 not keep time and targets
                              Everyone comes to you for
   Poor delegation            even for trivial things that
                               could have done by a
   Procrastination           Putting off task always to the
                               end. Do not worry we can do
                               it later syndrome
   Time wasting              Internet, TV, Watching
    hobbies                    matches, politics, War and
                              Too much of friends,
   Too much Socializing       drinking, gossiping
                              No plan, No objective
   Day dreaming               nothing to do.
How well you manage time ?

1. Do you make a list of things to do? ( Yes/No)
2. Do you make a night audit of what you did?
3. Do task often take longer than you
4. Can you usually estimate the time correctly
   without a wrist watch?
5. Do you have a fairly well set schedule for
   rising, going to work, meals and going to
6. Are you punctual for work and
7. Do you iron and prepare your cloths in
8. You do not feel panic because you have
   many things to do than time permits?
9. You do not waste time in finding things like
   cell phone, keys, pens, books, files, notes
10. You do not take long coffee or lunch
11. You have analysed how much of time is
   used for regular activities such as getting
12. Do you read a book or listen to
   educational stuff on travel?
   13. Do you have diary or piece of
    paper always with you to write down
   14. Do you take a book to read when
    you go to see a specialist doctor?
   15. Do you plan and jot down or
    think and plan what to talk before
    you take a call?
   16. You do not often use your cell
    phone for more than 3 minutes on
    incoming or out going calls?
   17. Are you are prompt in
   18. Do you get ready in advance with
    relevant data and material when you go for
    a meeting by reading the agenda?
   19. Do you write down everything that you
    undertook to do in a meeting?
   20. Do you prepare an agenda before a
   21. Do you read the agenda before the
   22. Do you get at least 30 minutes for
    general reading?
   23. Do you get at least 30
    minutes to talk with your family?
   24. Do you get at least 20
    minutes for yourself to think/
   25. Do you exercise at least for
    30 minutes
Steven Coveys Time quadrants

   Quadrant 1               Quadrant 2
   Important – Urgent       Important- Not
   Crisis                   Preparation
   Pressing Problems        Prevention
   Deadline driven          Planning
    projects, meetings,      Relationship
    exams,                    building
    presentations            Finding new
                             Real recreation
   Quadrant 3          Quadrant 4
   Not important       Not important
    but urgent           and not urgent
   Interruptions,      Trivia,
    phone calls,        Junk mail
    SMS, mails etc      Time wasters
   Pressing            Escape
    matters              activities
   Many popular        Some phone
    activities           calls
Keys to effective time
   If you need to manage time
    effectively, you need to have a
    vision, mission and objectives.
   Then you can have plan to
    achieve such goals by using the
    time available
Vision, Mission and Goal Setting for
Personnel and Professional Development
Developing vision, mission and

   Do a self assessment of your
   List your strengths ( rank them)
   List your weaknesses( rank
   Build on your strengths to
    overcome the weaknesses
My vision- Whom do I want to be ( link
this with your profession?)

My mission ( what should I be doing
now )

My objectives/goals- professional,
family, social, personal
Personal Vision, Mission, Goals
and Strategies


 Goal 1                Goal 2   Goal 3    Goal 4   Goal 5

          Strategy 1

          Strategy 2

Personal Vision
   Your personal vision
    statement is the light
    shining in the darkness
    toward which you turn to
    find your way.
   Your personal vision
    statement illuminates
    your way
   Your personal vision
    statement guides your
   Your personal vision
    statement provides the
    direction necessary to
    guide the course of your
    days and the choices you
    make about your career.
Guidelines to write a personal
vision statement
1.What are the ten things you
  most enjoy doing?
  Be honest. (These are the ten
  things without which your
  weeks, months, and years
  would feel incomplete)
2.What three things must you
  do every single day to feel
  fulfilled in your work?
3.What are your five-six
  most important values?
Examples of Values
   ambition, competency, individuality,
    equality, integrity, service,
    responsibility, accuracy, respect,
    dedication, diversity, improvement,
    enjoyment/fun, loyalty, credibility,
    honesty, innovativeness, teamwork,
    excellence, accountability,
    empowerment, quality, efficiency
    collaboration, empathy,
    accomplishment, courage, wisdom,
    independence, security, challenge,
    influence, learning, compassion,
    friendliness, discipline/order,
4. If you never had to work
  another day in your life, how
  would you spend your time
  instead of working?
5. When your life is ending,
  what will you regret not doing,
  seeing, or achieving?
6. What strengths have other
  people commented on about
  you and your
7. What strengths do you see in
8. What weaknesses have other people
commented on about you and what do you
believe are your weaknesses?
9. What material things that you like to
  have in life?
10.What have been the happiest
  moments in your life?
11. What are the things you
  have always dreamt of doing?
12. What traits do you want to
Personnel Vision
Personal Vision Statement
   Once you have thoughtfully prepared
    answers to these questions and
    others that you identify, you are
    ready to craft a personal vision
   Write in first person and make
    statements about the future you
    hope to achieve.
   Write the statements as if you are
    already making them happen in your
    Some experts recommend 50 words
    or less, but I would rather see you
    fully describe the vision you want for
   Keep in mind that your personal
    vision statement can also
    change over time, depending
    upon what is happening in your
   You will be amazed, however, at
    how many components remain
    consistent over time.
   However, writing them down
    lends power and commitment to
    their accomplishment.
Vision of great teacher
   To become a person who helped students
    to discover and maximize their true given
   To become a person who helped them to
    develop their leadership, social and
    emotional skills
   To become a sought after person for
    teaching and development of skills
   To become a person of integrity
   To become a financially independent
   To become a person who shared
    knowledge for the common benefit.
Personal Vision Statement
   Once you have thoughtfully prepared
    answers to these questions and
    others that you identify, you are
    ready to craft a personal vision
   Write in first person and make
    statements about the future you
    hope to achieve.
   Write the statements as if you are
    already making them happen in your
    Some experts recommend 50 words
    or less, but I would rather see you
    fully describe the vision you want for
   Keep in mind that your personal
    vision statement can also
    change over time, depending
    upon what is happening in your
   You will be amazed, however, at
    how many components remain
    consistent over time.
   However, writing them down
    lends power and commitment to
    their accomplishment.
Personal Mission

   A personal mission statement provides
    clarity and gives you a sense of
    purpose. It defines how you will
    live in order to see your
   Jim Rohn said, “You cannot change
    your destination overnight, but you can
    change your direction overnight.”
    Creating a mission statement will help
    you change your direction
   Destination = Vision
   Direction = mission
   The integration of your personal
    mission statement into daily and
    weekly planning gives you a
    tangible method of keeping your
    vision constantly before you.
   Personal mission statement is
    what you should be doing now
    to achieve the vision.
   Now write a personal mission
Mission Statement of a Great
   Enhance subject knowledge and skill in the selected field
    of discipline
   Obtain recognized qualifications
   Get affiliated to recognized educational institutions
   Apply proven technologies in teaching and developing
   Be a student friendly person
   Get involved in finding solutions to problems of the society
   Have a balanced professional and family life
   Take care of personal health
   Develop spiritual life
   Be an intelligent consumer
   Respect and appreciate good qualities of other people
    and develop such qualities in yourself
   Personally lead a life centered around values of
    excellence, integrity, humility and trustworthiness
   After vision and mission are
    adequately formulated it is
    easier now to break it down to
    Goals which need to have
    measurable components.
   You have heard of SMART
    ( Goals) Objectives- and this is
    where it becomes handy.
 Make sure your goals are clear, well thought out and well defined. They need to





                            Time Tabled

Personal Vision, Mission, Goals
and Strategies


 Goal 1                Goal 2   Goal 3    Goal 4   Goal 5

          Strategy 1

          Strategy 2

Write you goals keeping in mind
your vision and mission
   Education
   Career
   Personal Life
   Family Life
   Social Life
   Spiritual Life
My major goals
   Practice Time Management immediately
   Continue education – Become a Degree Holder
    within 4 years- Pass CIMA with 3 years
   Build a house in Colombo within 5 years
   Marry before 30 years
   Exercise 30 minutes a day
   Give up smoking immediately
   Improve English within 2 years
   Become the Managing Director of the firm I work
    within 7 years
   Be involved in finding solutions to the problems of
    the society with immediate effect
   Get a job within 2 months
   Write an article per month to the newspapers
   Read 12 novels per annum
Develop a strategy/plan to
achieve goals
   Dream about your vision, fantasize, imagine clearly
    how you will feel if you achieve your vision and plan
    to achieve it.
   Use psychological methods (such as NLP)
    in embedding your vision, mission and plans to your
    sub conscious
    “If you do not plan you are planning to fail” Peter
   Planning is an essential tool in achieving your vision
   Be realistic- your goals should measurable and time
   Plan should be flexible as nothing is certain.
   Exercise : Lets develop a Plan to become fluent in
   Develop a strategy to be fluent in English
    within 2 years
       Take up a grammar course ( taught/self)
       Read newspaper everyday and somehow
        seriously read the editorial
       Find 3 new words for vocabulary
       Listen to radio or TV news attentively to learn
        English ( 15 minutes a day)
        Write emails to a friend
       Find the opportunity to speak in English with a
        friend or colleague for 10 minutes
       Read a novel for 15 minutes a day ( at night
        before going to bed)
At least have a plan for 5 years.

 Break the plan into years
 Break it to Quarters
 Break it to months
 Break it to weeks
 Break it to days.
 Break it to hours
 Break it to minutes and seconds

Then you will use every second to
  achieve your goals..
Take action to implement your
plan to achieve goals
   Meditate everyday about your goals and
    never let it go out of your touch or control
   Put the list of your goals where you can
    see them daily in a place in your room
   Use your imagination and be creative. You
    need to think “out of box”
   Be realistic and develop a positive mind
   Read books on successful people
   Develop an idea if they can do why cant I?
   Read books on failures and analyse
    where they have gone wrong
   Get advice and help when you need
   Have a good network of friends
   Trust yourself and your capabilities
   Break problems into components
    and handle one by one whenever
   Achieve Your Dreams: Six Steps
    to Accomplish Your Goals
    and Resolutions

   Don't let your goals and resolutions
    fall by the wayside. Chances are that
    to achieve your dreams and live a
    life you love, those goals and
    resolutions are crucial
   Goal setting and goal achievement
    are easier if you follow these six
    steps for effective and successful
    goal setting and resolution
   You need to deeply desire the goal
    or resolution.
   Napoleon Hill, in his landmark book “
    Think and Grow Rich”had it right.
    "The starting point of all
    achievement is desire. Keep this
    constantly in mind. Weak desires
    bring weak results, just as a small
    amount of fire makes a small amount
    of heat."
   So, your first step in goal setting and
    achieving your dreams is that you've
    got to really, really want to achieve
    the goal.
   Visualize yourself achieving the goal.
    Lee Iacocca said, "The greatest discovery
    of my generation is that human beings can
    alter their lives by altering their attitudes of
    What will your achievement feel like? How
    will your life unfold differently as a result? If
    the goal is a thing, some gurus of goal
    setting recommend that you keep a picture
    of the item where you see and are
    reminded of it every day
   Make a plan for the path you need
    to follow to accomplish the goal.
   Create action steps to follow. Identify
    a critical path. The critical path
    defines the key accomplishments
    along the way, the most important
    steps that must happen for the goal
    to become a reality.
   Stephen Covey said, "All things are
    created twice. There's a mental or
    first creation, and a physical or
    second creation of all things.
   Commit to achieving the goal by writing
    down the goal.
   Lee Iacocca said, "The discipline of writing
    something down is the first step toward
    making it happen."
   Write down the plan, the action steps and
    the critical path.
   Somehow, writing down the goal, the plan
    and a timeline sets events in motion that
    may not have happened otherwise.
   In my own life, it is as if I am making a deeper
    commitment to goal accomplishment. I can’t fool
    myself later. The written objective really was the
   Establish times for checking your
    progress in your calendar system,
    whatever it is: a day planner, a PDA,
    a PDA phone or a hand written list. If
    you’re not making progress or don't
    let your optimism keep you from
    accomplishing your goals.
    No matter how positively you are
    thinking, you need to assess your
    lack of progress
   Take a look at all of the factors that
    are keeping you from accomplishing
    your goal and develop a plan to
    overcome them.
   Review your overall progress
    regularly. Make sure you are
    making progress. If you are not
    making progress, hire a coach, tap
    into the support of loved ones,
    analyze why the goal is not being
    Don’t allow the goal to just fade
    away. Figure out what you need to
    do to accomplish it.
   Check the prior five steps starting
    with an assessment of how deeply
    you actually want to achieve the
You need to Develop Self
Discipline to achieve success
   Reign over your self before you
    control anything
   Take your life into your grips and
    control it
   Your worst enemy is no one else but
   When we are foolish we want to
    conquer the world but when we are
    wise we want to conquer ourselves
ENS in self Discipline

   Start Early
   Start Now
   Start Small
Start Early
   If you start early, you will not have a
    accumulation of negatives
   You will have a bundle of positive to
   Your will to succeed will follow your
    will to prepare
   “ I will get ready then perhaps my
    chances will come” Abraham Lincon
   Hard work is the accumulation of
    easy things that you did not do when
    you should have done
Start Now

   Before you become a star you have
    to start
   What you are going to be tomorrow
    you are becoming today
   Action is required to get ready
   Positive attitudes are really actions
   All worthwhile men have good
    thoughts, ideas and intentions but
    few translate them to action.
Start Small
   Do not worry as you have a big plan to
    implement to achieve your goals and reach
    your vision
   Be mindful that before we walked we all
   It takes time to develop your self discipline
   No body can do it over night
   It is easier to suppress the first desire than
    to satisfy all that follow
   Let your self discipline grow and you will
    feel stronger day by day in taking control of
    your self
Guide lines for managing yourself to
get the maximum out of the time
available to achieve your goals
   1. Develop a fixed daily routine to do
    regular things.
   2. Do the important jobs when you
    are at your best
   3. Set time limits for tasks and stick
    to them
   4. Never put off unpleasant or
    difficult task if they are important
   5. Put off things that are not
   6. Analyse interruptions and
    take steps to avoid them
   7. Set up a quiet time and
    publicise it
   8. Do one thing at a time
   9. Plan phone calls and stick to
    the plan
   10. keep a notebook to collect
    ideas in one place
   11. Wherever possible finish your
   12. Only take work home if you
    intend to do it.
   Arrange breaks at times when you
    really cannot work.
   13. Learn to say “No” to other and to
   14. Make list and cross off task when
How to make a list

   Make a Weekly Plan with a view of
    achieving your goals and daily
   Find out how many roles that you
    have to play in life during the week
       Student/ Businessman
       Family person
       Citizen of the society
       Member/ Official of an organisation
       Person ( personal life)
       Other
Weekly plan and
                        Ti       Mond    Tu   Wedn    Thursd   Frid   Saturd
                                     a            e       a                a   Su
Role         Activity                y            s       y                y
     t   1              6.3

         2              7.3

         3              8.3

         4              9.3

         6               11

         8               12

                                       Tu   Wedn    Thursd   Frid   Saturd
                                                e       a                a   Su
Role          Activity   Time                   s       y                y
Family                    2.30
Person    1
     al                   5.30

                                              Wed       Thurs          Satur
                                         Tu         n       d   Frid        d
                                                    e       a               a   Su
Role            Activity   Time                     s       y               y

Social     25               8.30

           26               9.00

           27                 9.3

           28               10.3
       l   29                 11

           30               11.3
31   12


Other    33



   Just write down all the activities that
    you have to do in each role
    eg. Student
       Lecture 1
       Lecture 2
       Lecture 3
       Lecture 4
       Assignments
       Studies
       Reports
       Meetings/ group work
   Work place
      Task 1
      Task 2
       Task 3
   Family
     Call mother
     Get sisters books

     Contact brother

     Call Uncle

     Visit home

     Pay electricity bill

     Get some plants to grow
   Personal
     Exercises
     Reading a novel

     Call girl friend/boy friend

     Meditation

     Going to temple/church

     Finding funds for task x

     Visit to doctor, priest, advisor
   Social
     Meeting at Dayaka sabhawa/
      Parish Council
     Meeting at Club/union
     Shramadanaya at village
     Ctizens goup picket
     Alumni

       Other …………………
   Then number all the activities as it has
   Then give each and every job a time in the
    weekly schedule
   Have a remarks column and use the other
    side of the paper to write more information
    for the task at hand.
   Do a night Audit daily to monitor the weekly
   End of the week- transfer unfinished work
    to new Weekly Plan
   Place the used Plan in a ring file for future
Start today
   You will see that you go a long way
    than the others who do not plan and
    organizes themselves
   Take 12 copies of the weekly plan
    developed by Maxwell and just do it.
   You will see a tremendous
    improvement in your day to day
    activities and life as a whole.
   It is a simple Magic
   Good luck - Maxwell
This is a presentation done by Maxwell
Ranasinghe to Students of the Final Year
in the Department of Marketing at the
University of Kelaniya.
 Please develop it further with your own
insight, knowledge and experience, share
with your friends and members of your
staff. Send comments to
The knowledge is universal, we need to
share it for the common benefit.
We, Sri Lankans need a big change in this
attitudes more than any other thing.
So act now and send it to many friends as
Good luck …………

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  • 1. Time Management ( Managing yourself to become a leader)  Peter Drucker” Time is your scarcest resource and if you cannot manage it nothing else can be managed well”  Time passes in fixed rhythm and it never stops  60 secs x 60 mins x 24 hrs x 365 days per year  Mans most important task is to utilise this resource well.  In fact you cannot manage time, but you have to manage yourself to get the maximum out of the time available.  Time passes too fast/ too slow
  • 2. Common complaint  Do not have enough time and bogged down with work.  Excuses made for not talking to friends, parents, being with family, exercising, taking up exams, reading, social work is no time. 
  • 3. Analyse Time Spent  Assume you live 36 years more Getting ready 1/24 x 36years = 1 1/2 years Traveling 2/24 x 36 years = 3 years Working 7/24 x 36years = 10 1/2 years Sleeping 8/24 x 36 years = 12 years Television 3/24 x 36 years = 4 1/2years Gossiping 2/24 x 36 years = 3 years Day dreaming 1/24 x 36 years = 1 ½ years Total = 36 years What can you reduce and use it for better purpose ?
  • 4. Analyse how you spent time  write down the activities you did yesterday  And day before.  Can you remember all the activities you did and how much of time you used.  If you can remember them and do it within 10 minutes you are a good time manager.
  • 5. Time Wasters  Meetings for sake of having a meeting. No  Meetings agenda- no time to end- unwanted discussions. Telephone Calls Long discussions- repeating the to verify same thing-   no specific message- talk again  Yours or others message is vague or not  Poor clear. You need to spend more time to decipher what is in the message. Communications  Fantasizing and You have no business or objective You  cannot ever achieve or take part but keep day dreaming fantasising and day dreaming Inability to say No have tosorry I need to go orstory and do You listen to the whole   cannot say I need to an urgent job
  • 6. Time wasters  Drop Ins  Good Old friends- Guys who do not have work to do come and indulge in your time  Waiting for other  Irresponsible team mates do team mates not keep time and targets  Everyone comes to you for  Poor delegation even for trivial things that could have done by a subordinate  Procrastination  Putting off task always to the end. Do not worry we can do it later syndrome  Time wasting  Internet, TV, Watching hobbies matches, politics, War and peace  Too much of friends,  Too much Socializing drinking, gossiping  No plan, No objective  Day dreaming nothing to do.
  • 7. How well you manage time ? 1. Do you make a list of things to do? ( Yes/No) 2. Do you make a night audit of what you did? 3. Do task often take longer than you anticipate? 4. Can you usually estimate the time correctly without a wrist watch? 5. Do you have a fairly well set schedule for rising, going to work, meals and going to bed? 6. Are you punctual for work and appointments?
  • 8. 7. Do you iron and prepare your cloths in advance? 8. You do not feel panic because you have many things to do than time permits? 9. You do not waste time in finding things like cell phone, keys, pens, books, files, notes etc.? 10. You do not take long coffee or lunch breaks? 11. You have analysed how much of time is used for regular activities such as getting ready? 12. Do you read a book or listen to educational stuff on travel?
  • 9. 13. Do you have diary or piece of paper always with you to write down something?  14. Do you take a book to read when you go to see a specialist doctor?  15. Do you plan and jot down or think and plan what to talk before you take a call?  16. You do not often use your cell phone for more than 3 minutes on incoming or out going calls?
  • 10. 17. Are you are prompt in correspondence?  18. Do you get ready in advance with relevant data and material when you go for a meeting by reading the agenda?  19. Do you write down everything that you undertook to do in a meeting?  20. Do you prepare an agenda before a meeting?  21. Do you read the agenda before the meeting?  22. Do you get at least 30 minutes for general reading?
  • 11. 23. Do you get at least 30 minutes to talk with your family?  24. Do you get at least 20 minutes for yourself to think/  25. Do you exercise at least for 30 minutes
  • 12. Steven Coveys Time quadrants  Quadrant 1  Quadrant 2  Important – Urgent  Important- Not Urgent  Crisis  Preparation  Pressing Problems  Prevention  Deadline driven  Planning projects, meetings,  Relationship exams, building presentations  Finding new opportunities  Real recreation
  • 13. Quadrant 3  Quadrant 4  Not important  Not important but urgent and not urgent  Interruptions,  Trivia, phone calls,  Junk mail SMS, mails etc  Time wasters  Pressing  Escape matters activities  Many popular  Some phone activities calls
  • 14. Keys to effective time management  If you need to manage time effectively, you need to have a vision, mission and objectives.  Then you can have plan to achieve such goals by using the time available
  • 15. Vision, Mission and Goal Setting for Personnel and Professional Development
  • 16. Developing vision, mission and goals  Do a self assessment of your self  List your strengths ( rank them)  List your weaknesses( rank them)  Build on your strengths to overcome the weaknesses
  • 17. My vision- Whom do I want to be ( link this with your profession?) My mission ( what should I be doing now ) My objectives/goals- professional, family, social, personal
  • 18. Personal Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies Vision Mission Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Strategy 1 Strategy 2 strategy3
  • 19. Personal Vision  Your personal vision statement is the light shining in the darkness toward which you turn to find your way.  Your personal vision statement illuminates your way  Your personal vision statement guides your life.  Your personal vision statement provides the direction necessary to guide the course of your days and the choices you make about your career.
  • 20.
  • 21. Guidelines to write a personal vision statement 1.What are the ten things you most enjoy doing? Be honest. (These are the ten things without which your weeks, months, and years would feel incomplete)
  • 22. 2.What three things must you do every single day to feel fulfilled in your work?
  • 23. 3.What are your five-six most important values?
  • 24. Examples of Values  ambition, competency, individuality, equality, integrity, service, responsibility, accuracy, respect, dedication, diversity, improvement, enjoyment/fun, loyalty, credibility, honesty, innovativeness, teamwork, excellence, accountability, empowerment, quality, efficiency collaboration, empathy, accomplishment, courage, wisdom, independence, security, challenge, influence, learning, compassion, friendliness, discipline/order,
  • 25. 4. If you never had to work another day in your life, how would you spend your time instead of working?
  • 26. 5. When your life is ending, what will you regret not doing, seeing, or achieving?
  • 27. 6. What strengths have other people commented on about you and your accomplishments?
  • 28. 7. What strengths do you see in yourself?
  • 29. 8. What weaknesses have other people commented on about you and what do you believe are your weaknesses?
  • 30. 9. What material things that you like to have in life?
  • 31. 10.What have been the happiest moments in your life?
  • 32. 11. What are the things you have always dreamt of doing?
  • 33. 12. What traits do you want to change?
  • 35. Personal Vision Statement  Once you have thoughtfully prepared answers to these questions and others that you identify, you are ready to craft a personal vision statement.  Write in first person and make statements about the future you hope to achieve.  Write the statements as if you are already making them happen in your life.  Some experts recommend 50 words or less, but I would rather see you fully describe the vision you want for
  • 36. Keep in mind that your personal vision statement can also change over time, depending upon what is happening in your life.  You will be amazed, however, at how many components remain consistent over time.  However, writing them down lends power and commitment to their accomplishment.
  • 37. Vision of great teacher  To become a person who helped students to discover and maximize their true given potential  To become a person who helped them to develop their leadership, social and emotional skills  To become a sought after person for teaching and development of skills  To become a person of integrity  To become a financially independent person  To become a person who shared knowledge for the common benefit.
  • 38. Personal Vision Statement  Once you have thoughtfully prepared answers to these questions and others that you identify, you are ready to craft a personal vision statement.  Write in first person and make statements about the future you hope to achieve.  Write the statements as if you are already making them happen in your life.  Some experts recommend 50 words or less, but I would rather see you fully describe the vision you want for
  • 39. Keep in mind that your personal vision statement can also change over time, depending upon what is happening in your life.  You will be amazed, however, at how many components remain consistent over time.  However, writing them down lends power and commitment to their accomplishment.
  • 40. Personal Mission  A personal mission statement provides clarity and gives you a sense of purpose. It defines how you will live in order to see your vision  Jim Rohn said, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” Creating a mission statement will help you change your direction  Destination = Vision  Direction = mission
  • 41. The integration of your personal mission statement into daily and weekly planning gives you a tangible method of keeping your vision constantly before you.  Personal mission statement is what you should be doing now to achieve the vision.  Now write a personal mission statement
  • 42. Mission Statement of a Great Teacher  Enhance subject knowledge and skill in the selected field of discipline  Obtain recognized qualifications  Get affiliated to recognized educational institutions  Apply proven technologies in teaching and developing skills  Be a student friendly person  Get involved in finding solutions to problems of the society  Have a balanced professional and family life  Take care of personal health  Develop spiritual life  Be an intelligent consumer  Respect and appreciate good qualities of other people and develop such qualities in yourself  Personally lead a life centered around values of excellence, integrity, humility and trustworthiness
  • 43. After vision and mission are adequately formulated it is easier now to break it down to Goals which need to have measurable components.  You have heard of SMART ( Goals) Objectives- and this is where it becomes handy.
  • 44. SMARTS Make sure your goals are clear, well thought out and well defined. They need to be Specific Measurable Achievable Results-based Time Tabled Supported
  • 45. Personal Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies Vision Mission Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Strategy 1 Strategy 2 strategy3
  • 46. Write you goals keeping in mind your vision and mission  Education  Career  Personal Life  Family Life  Social Life  Spiritual Life
  • 47. My major goals  Practice Time Management immediately  Continue education – Become a Degree Holder within 4 years- Pass CIMA with 3 years  Build a house in Colombo within 5 years  Marry before 30 years  Exercise 30 minutes a day  Give up smoking immediately  Improve English within 2 years  Become the Managing Director of the firm I work within 7 years  Be involved in finding solutions to the problems of the society with immediate effect  Get a job within 2 months  Write an article per month to the newspapers  Read 12 novels per annum
  • 48. Develop a strategy/plan to achieve goals  Dream about your vision, fantasize, imagine clearly how you will feel if you achieve your vision and plan to achieve it.  Use psychological methods (such as NLP) in embedding your vision, mission and plans to your sub conscious “If you do not plan you are planning to fail” Peter Drucker  Planning is an essential tool in achieving your vision  Be realistic- your goals should measurable and time bound  Plan should be flexible as nothing is certain.  Exercise : Lets develop a Plan to become fluent in English
  • 49. Develop a strategy to be fluent in English within 2 years  Take up a grammar course ( taught/self)  Read newspaper everyday and somehow seriously read the editorial  Find 3 new words for vocabulary  Listen to radio or TV news attentively to learn English ( 15 minutes a day)  Write emails to a friend  Find the opportunity to speak in English with a friend or colleague for 10 minutes  Read a novel for 15 minutes a day ( at night before going to bed)
  • 50. At least have a plan for 5 years.  Break the plan into years  Break it to Quarters  Break it to months  Break it to weeks  Break it to days.  Break it to hours  Break it to minutes and seconds Then you will use every second to achieve your goals..
  • 51. Take action to implement your plan to achieve goals  Meditate everyday about your goals and never let it go out of your touch or control  Put the list of your goals where you can see them daily in a place in your room  Use your imagination and be creative. You need to think “out of box”  Be realistic and develop a positive mind  Read books on successful people  Develop an idea if they can do why cant I?
  • 52. Read books on failures and analyse where they have gone wrong  Get advice and help when you need  Have a good network of friends  Trust yourself and your capabilities  Break problems into components and handle one by one whenever possible.
  • 53. Achieve Your Dreams: Six Steps to Accomplish Your Goals and Resolutions  Don't let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Chances are that to achieve your dreams and live a life you love, those goals and resolutions are crucial  Goal setting and goal achievement are easier if you follow these six steps for effective and successful goal setting and resolution accomplishment.
  • 54. You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution.  Napoleon Hill, in his landmark book “ Think and Grow Rich”had it right.  "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat."  So, your first step in goal setting and achieving your dreams is that you've got to really, really want to achieve the goal.
  • 55. Visualize yourself achieving the goal. Lee Iacocca said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.“  What will your achievement feel like? How will your life unfold differently as a result? If the goal is a thing, some gurus of goal setting recommend that you keep a picture of the item where you see and are reminded of it every day
  • 56. Make a plan for the path you need to follow to accomplish the goal.  Create action steps to follow. Identify a critical path. The critical path defines the key accomplishments along the way, the most important steps that must happen for the goal to become a reality.  Stephen Covey said, "All things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation of all things.
  • 57. Commit to achieving the goal by writing down the goal.  Lee Iacocca said, "The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen."  Write down the plan, the action steps and the critical path.  Somehow, writing down the goal, the plan and a timeline sets events in motion that may not have happened otherwise.  In my own life, it is as if I am making a deeper commitment to goal accomplishment. I can’t fool myself later. The written objective really was the goal.
  • 58. Establish times for checking your progress in your calendar system, whatever it is: a day planner, a PDA, a PDA phone or a hand written list. If you’re not making progress or don't let your optimism keep you from accomplishing your goals.  No matter how positively you are thinking, you need to assess your lack of progress  Take a look at all of the factors that are keeping you from accomplishing your goal and develop a plan to overcome them.
  • 59. Review your overall progress regularly. Make sure you are making progress. If you are not making progress, hire a coach, tap into the support of loved ones, analyze why the goal is not being met.  Don’t allow the goal to just fade away. Figure out what you need to do to accomplish it.  Check the prior five steps starting with an assessment of how deeply you actually want to achieve the goal.
  • 60. You need to Develop Self Discipline to achieve success  Reign over your self before you control anything  Take your life into your grips and control it  Your worst enemy is no one else but you  When we are foolish we want to conquer the world but when we are wise we want to conquer ourselves
  • 61. ENS in self Discipline  Start Early  Start Now  Start Small
  • 62. Start Early  If you start early, you will not have a accumulation of negatives  You will have a bundle of positive to cherish  Your will to succeed will follow your will to prepare  “ I will get ready then perhaps my chances will come” Abraham Lincon  Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you did not do when you should have done
  • 63. Start Now  Before you become a star you have to start  What you are going to be tomorrow you are becoming today  Action is required to get ready  Positive attitudes are really actions  All worthwhile men have good thoughts, ideas and intentions but few translate them to action.
  • 64. Start Small  Do not worry as you have a big plan to implement to achieve your goals and reach your vision  Be mindful that before we walked we all crawled.  It takes time to develop your self discipline  No body can do it over night  It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow  Let your self discipline grow and you will feel stronger day by day in taking control of your self
  • 65. Guide lines for managing yourself to get the maximum out of the time available to achieve your goals  1. Develop a fixed daily routine to do regular things.  2. Do the important jobs when you are at your best  3. Set time limits for tasks and stick to them  4. Never put off unpleasant or difficult task if they are important  5. Put off things that are not important
  • 66. 6. Analyse interruptions and take steps to avoid them  7. Set up a quiet time and publicise it  8. Do one thing at a time  9. Plan phone calls and stick to the plan  10. keep a notebook to collect ideas in one place
  • 67. 11. Wherever possible finish your task  12. Only take work home if you intend to do it.  Arrange breaks at times when you really cannot work.  13. Learn to say “No” to other and to you.  14. Make list and cross off task when done.
  • 68. How to make a list  Make a Weekly Plan with a view of achieving your goals and daily activities  Find out how many roles that you have to play in life during the week  Student/ Businessman  Family person  Citizen of the society  Member/ Official of an organisation  Person ( personal life)  Other
  • 69. Weekly plan and appointments Dat Ti Mond Tu Wedn Thursd Frid Saturd a e a a Su Role Activity y s y y Studen t 1 6.3 2 7.3 3 8.3 4 9.3 10. 5 6 11 11. 7 8 12 12. 9 1 1 1 1.3 1 2
  • 70. Date Mon Tu Wedn Thursd Frid Saturd e a a Su Role Activity Time s y y 1 Family 2.30 1 3.00 1 3.30 1 4.00 1 4.30 1 5.00 Person 1 al 5.30 2 6.00 2 6.30 2 7.00 2
  • 71. Date Mo Wed Thurs Satur Tu n d Frid d e a a Su Role Activity Time s y y Social 25 8.30 26 9.00 27 9.3 28 10.3 spiritu a l 29 11 30 11.3
  • 72. 31 12 32 Other 33 34 35 Remar ks
  • 73. Just write down all the activities that you have to do in each role  eg. Student  Lecture 1  Lecture 2  Lecture 3  Lecture 4  Assignments  Studies  Reports  Meetings/ group work
  • 74. Work place Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 meetings/ Projects other
  • 75. Family  Call mother  Get sisters books  Contact brother  Call Uncle  Visit home  Pay electricity bill  Get some plants to grow
  • 76. Personal  Exercises  Reading a novel  Call girl friend/boy friend  Meditation  Going to temple/church  Finding funds for task x  Visit to doctor, priest, advisor
  • 77. Social  Meeting at Dayaka sabhawa/ Parish Council  Meeting at Club/union  Shramadanaya at village  Ctizens goup picket  Alumni  Other …………………
  • 78. Then number all the activities as it has written  Then give each and every job a time in the weekly schedule  Have a remarks column and use the other side of the paper to write more information for the task at hand.  Do a night Audit daily to monitor the weekly plan.  End of the week- transfer unfinished work to new Weekly Plan  Place the used Plan in a ring file for future reference.
  • 79. Start today  You will see that you go a long way than the others who do not plan and organizes themselves  Take 12 copies of the weekly plan developed by Maxwell and just do it.  You will see a tremendous improvement in your day to day activities and life as a whole.  It is a simple Magic  Good luck - Maxwell
  • 80. This is a presentation done by Maxwell Ranasinghe to Students of the Final Year in the Department of Marketing at the University of Kelaniya. Please develop it further with your own insight, knowledge and experience, share with your friends and members of your staff. Send comments to The knowledge is universal, we need to share it for the common benefit. We, Sri Lankans need a big change in this attitudes more than any other thing. So act now and send it to many friends as possible Good luck …………