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Functional Objects

Eelco Visser

         University of
         Technology             Concepts of Programming Languages
         Challenge the future
getting started with Scala

Object-Oriented Programming in Scala

•   Expressions
•   Immutable and mutable variables (val, var)
•   Function definitions
•   Classes and objects
•   Class members
    •   instance variables
    •   methods

•   Singleton objects

                             B:6.1               TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   2
today’s lecture


•   Binding, name spaces

Functional objects

•   Objects without mutable state

•   Defining operators

Built-in Control Structures

•   If, While, For, Exceptions

•   Variable scope

                          B:6.1     TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   3
Concept: Name Binding

          B:6.1         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   4
Binding Variable Identifiers
  name binding

defining occurrence

        val msg = "Hello, " + "world!"


                               applied occurrence

                val variables cannot be rebound

                      B:6.1                TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   5
Binding Variable Identifiers
   name binding

defining occurrence

    var greeting = "Hello, world!"

    greeting = "Leave me alone, world!"

                 var variables can be rebound

                      B:6.1             TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   6
Binding Function Identifiers
  name binding

defining occurrence

     def widthOfLength(s: String) =

     val maxWidth = widthOfLength(longestLine)

                              applied occurrence

                      B:6.1            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   7
Binding Class Identifiers
 name binding
defining occurrence

  class ChecksumAccumulator {
    var sum = 0

  var acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
  var csa = new ChecksumAccumulator

  acc.sum = 3
  csa = acc           applied occurrence

                                       TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   8
Rebinding vs Mutation
name binding

 class ChecksumAccumulator {
   var sum = 0
 }                    binding
 var acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
 var csa = new ChecksumAccumulator
 acc.sum = 3
 csa = acc


                                     TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects   9
Name Spaces
name binding

       object foo {
         val foo : Int = 0
         def foo(x : Int) = x + 1

       object bar {
         def bar() =

     variables, functions, objects are in separate name spaces

                   B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 10
name binding

    val msg = "Hello, " + "world!"



    println("Hello, " + "world!")

   can we replace applied occurrence with bound expression/value?

                    B:6.1                 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 11
Functional Objects

           B:6.1     TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 12
Rational Numbers
mathematical laws

•   Rational = Int x Int

•   Notation: numerator/denominator

•   Addition

    •   example: 1/2 + 2/3 = 3/6 + 4/6 = (3 + 4)/6 = 7/6

    •   general: n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1*d2 + n2*d1) / (d1*d2)

•   Multiplication

    •   n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1 * n2) / (d1 * d2)

•   Division

    •   n1/d1 / n2/d2 = n1/d2 * d2/n2

                           B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 13
Constructing a Rational
class parameters

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  println("Created " + n + "/" + d)

scala> new Rational(1, 2)
Created 1/2
res0: Rational = Rational@2d83e895

                    B:6.2            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 14
Immutable Object Trade-offs


•   easier reasoning

•   pass around freely (no risk of undesired mutations)

•   cannot be changed concurrently in two threads

•   immutable object make safe hashtable keys


•   copying large object graphs vs in-place update

                         B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 15
Reimplementing toString
overriding methods

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  override def toString = n + "/" + d

scala> val half = new Rational(1, 2)
half: Rational = 1/2

                    B:6.3              TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 16
Checking Preconditions

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  override def toString = n + "/" + d

scala> val half = new Rational(1, 0)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed

                    B:6.4                TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 17
Visibility of Class Parameters

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  override def toString = n + "/" + d
  def add(that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d, d * that.d)

$ fsc Rational.scala
Rational.scala:5: error: value d is not a   member of Rational
    new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d,   d * that.d)
Rational.scala:5: error: value d is not a   member of Rational
    new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d,   d * that.d)
two errors found

                       B:6.5                    TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 18
Adding Fields

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  val numer: Int = n
  val denom: Int = d
  override def toString = numer + "/" + denom
  def add(that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
      numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
      denom * that.denom)

scala> new Rational(1,2) add new Rational(2,3)
res0: Rational = 7/6

                       B:6.5                 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 19
Non-Functional Objects
destructive update
class ImperativeRational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  var numer: Int = n
  var denom: Int = d
  override def toString = numer + "/" + denom
  def add(that: ImperativeRational) {
    numer = numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom;
    denom = denom * that.denom;
}                           scala> val half = new ImperativeRational(1, 2)
                              half: ImperativeRational = 1/2

                              scala> val twothirds = new ImperativeRational(2,3)
                              twothirds: ImperativeRational = 2/3

                              scala> half.add(twothirds)

                              scala> half
                              res1: ImperativeRational = 7/6

                      B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 20
Self References

def lessThan(that: Rational) =
  this.numer * that.denom < that.numer * this.denom

def max(that: Rational) =
  if (this.lessThan(that)) that else this

                 B:6.6            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 21
Auxiliary Constructors

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  val numer = n
  val denom = d
  def this(n: Int) = this(n, 1) // auxiliary constructor

scala> new Rational(6)
res1: Rational = 6/1

                         B:6.7    TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 22
Private Fields and Methods

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  private val g = gcd(n.abs, d.abs)
  val numer = n / g
  val denom = d / g
  private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
    if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)

scala> new Rational(6,42)
res1: Rational = 1/7

                      B:6.7          TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 23
Defining Operators
use functions as infix operators

def add(that: Rational): Rational =
  new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
               denom * that.denom)

scala> new Rational(1,2).add(new Rational(2,3))
res0: Rational = 7/6
scala> new Rational(1,2) add new Rational(2,3)
res0: Rational = 7/6

                       B:6.7                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 24
Invoking Operators
operator call is method call

                B:6.7          TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 25
Defining Operators
operator identifiers

def +(that: Rational): Rational =
  new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
               denom * that.denom)

def *(that: Rational): Rational =
  new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)

scala> val d = a + b * c
d: Rational = 11/14
scala> val d = a.+(b.*(c))
d: Rational = 11/14
scala> val d = a * b + c
d: Rational = 16/21
scala> val d = (a.*(b)).+(c)
d: Rational = 16/21

                      B:6.7       TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 26
lexical syntax

Alphanumeric identifier

•   identifier: [$A-Za-z_][$A-Za-z_0-9]* ($ reserved for Scala compiler)

•   camel-case convention: toString, HashSet

Operator identifier

•   Unicode set of mathematical symbols(Sm) or other symbols(So), or to
    the 7-bit ASCII characters that are not letters, digits, parentheses,
    square brackets, curly braces, single or double quote, or an underscore,
    period,semi-colon, comma, or back tick character.

Literal Identifier

•   arbitrary string enclosed in back ticks (` . . . `).

                            B:6.1                     TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 27
Method Overloading
for different argument types

 def *(that: Rational): Rational =
   new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)

 def *(i: Int): Rational =
   new Rational(numer * i, denom)

 scala> val c = new Rational(3,7)
 c: Rational = 3/7

 scala> c * 2
 res1: Rational = 6/7

                        B:6.1       TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 28
Method Overloading
does not apply to this

 def *(that: Rational): Rational =
   new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)

 def *(i: Int): Rational =
   new Rational(numer * i, denom)

 scala> 2 * c
 <console>:7: error: overloaded method value * with alternatives: (Double)
 Double <and> (Float)Float <and> (Long)Long <and> (Int)Int <and> (Char)Int
 <and> (Short)Int <and> (Byte)Int cannot be applied to (Rational)
        2 * c

                       B:6.1                 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 29
Implicit Conversions

def *(that: Rational): Rational =
  new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)

def *(i: Int): Rational =
  new Rational(numer * i, denom)

implicit def intToRational(x: Int)     = new Rational(x)

scala> 2 * c
res4: Rational = 6/7

                       B:6.1       TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 30
functional objects

Immutable objects

•   class parameters

•   immutable fields (val)

•   methods don’t change object, but return value

Natural, concise notation

•   methods as infix operators, operator identifiers

•   method overloading

•   implicit conversion

                          B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 31
Exam Question
How many Rational objects are created while executing:

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
  require(d != 0)
  val numer: Int = n
  val denom: Int = d
  override def toString = numer + "/" + denom
  def +(that: Rational): Rational =
    new Rational(
      numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
      denom * that.denom)
var half = new Rational(1,2)
half = half + half + half

(a)   1
(b)   2
(c)   3
(d)   4

                                                         TI1220 - Introduction 32
coffee break

               B:6.1   TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 33
Built-in Control Structures

             B:6         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 34
Control-Flow Structures

Control-Flow Structures

•   ordering execution

•   choice, iteration, exception

Functional Control Structures

•   can be used as expression

•   return a value

Minimal set of built-in control structures

•   control abstraction using function literals (next week)

                          B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 35
If Expressions
conditional choice

var filename = "default.txt"
if (!args.isEmpty)                           imperative style
  filename = args(0)

val filename =
  if (!args.isEmpty) args(0)                  functional style
  else "default.txt"

                 B:7.1         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 36
Equational Reasoning
replace equals by equals

val filename =
  if (!args.isEmpty) args(0)
  else "default.txt"

println(if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "default.txt")

                 B:7.1            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 37
Equational Reasoning
replace equals by equals

val x = e; f(x)             <=>          f(e)

if e has no side effects

                    B:7.1         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 38
While Loops

def gcdLoop(x: Long, y: Long): Long = {
  var a = x
  var b = y
  while (a != 0) {
    val temp = a
    a = b % a
    b = temp

                 B:7.2            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 39
Do-While Loops

var line = ""
do {
  line = readLine()
  println("Read: " + line)
} while (line != "")

                 B:7.2       TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 40
Assignment has Type Unit

var line = ""
while ((line = readLine()) != "") // This doesn’t work!
  println("Read: " + line)

                 B:7.2            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 41
Iteration vs Recursion

                         def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long =
                           if (y == 0) x else gcd(y, x % y)

def gcdLoop(x: Long, y: Long): Long = {
  var a = x
  var b = y
  while (a != 0) {
    val temp = a
    a = b % a
    b = temp

                 B:7.2            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 42
For Expressions
functional iteration

val filesHere = (new".")).listFiles
for (file <- filesHere)

                 B:7.3            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 43
iterating over sequence of numbers

scala> for (i <- 1 to 4)
     |   println("Iteration " + i)
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 4

// Not common in Scala...
for (i <- 0 to filesHere.length - 1)

                 B:7.3               TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 44
iterating over subset of a collection

for (file <- filesHere)
  if (file.getName.endsWith(".scala"))

for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala"))

                 B:6.1            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 45
Multiple Filters

for (
  file <- filesHere if file.isFile;
  if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")
) println(file)

                 B:7.3            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 46
Nested Iteration

def fileLines(file: =

def grep(pattern: String) =
  for (
    file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala");
    line <- fileLines(file) if line.trim.matches(pattern)
  ) println(file + ": " + line.trim)


                  B:7.3           TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 47
Mid-Stream Variable Binding

def grep(pattern: String) =
  for {
    file <- filesHere
    if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")
    line <- fileLines(file)
    trimmed = line.trim
    if trimmed.matches(pattern)
  } println(file + ": " + trimmed)

                 B:7.3            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 48
Producing a New Collection

def scalaFiles =
  for {
    file <- filesHere
    if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")
  } yield file

                 B:7.3            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 49
Composing filters

val forLineLengths =
  for {
    file <- filesHere
    if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")
    line <- fileLines(file)
    trimmed = line.trim
    if trimmed.matches(".*for.*")
  } yield trimmed.length

                 B:7.3            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 50
Throwing Exceptions
exception handling

val half =
  if (n % 2 == 0)
    n / 2
    throw new RuntimeException("n must be even")

                 B:7.4            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 51
Catching Exceptions
exception handling

try {
  val f = new FileReader("input.txt")
  // Use and close file
} catch {
  case ex: FileNotFoundException => // Handle missing file
  case ex: IOException => // Handle other I/O error

                 B:7.4            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 52
exception handling

val file = new FileReader("input.txt")
try {
  // Use the file
} finally {
  file.close() // Be sure to close the file

                 B:7.4            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 53
Yielding a Value
exception handling

def urlFor(path: String) =
  try {
    new URL(path)
  } catch {
    case e: MalformedURLException =>
      new URL("")

                 B:7.4            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 54
Match Expressions
choosing between actions

val firstArg = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else ""
firstArg match {
  case "salt" => println("pepper")
  case "chips" => println("salsa")
  case "eggs" => println("bacon")
  case _ => println("huh?")

                 B:7.5            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 55
Match Expressions
choosing between values

val firstArg = if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else ""
val friend =
  firstArg match {
    case "salt" => "pepper"
    case "chips" => "salsa"
    case "eggs" => "bacon"
    case _ => "huh?"

                 B:7.5            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 56
Break and Continue in Java
not in Scala

int i = 0; // This is Java
boolean foundIt = false;
while (i < args.length) {
  if (args[i].startsWith("")) {
    i = i + 1;
  if (args[i].endsWith(".scala")) {
    foundIt = true;
  i = i + 1;

                 B:7.6            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 57
Replace Break/Continue with If ...

var i = 0
var foundIt = false
while (i < args.length && !foundIt) {
  if (!args(i).startsWith("")) {
    if (args(i).endsWith(".scala"))
      foundIt = true
  i = i + 1

                 B:7.6            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 58
... or with Recursion

def searchFrom(i: Int): Int =
  if (i >= args.length) 1
  else if (args(i).startsWith("")) searchFrom(i + 1)
  else if (args(i).endsWith(".scala")) i
  else searchFrom(i + 1)
val i = searchFrom(0)

                 B:7.6            TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 59
Variable Scope
almost identical to Java

Variables are declared in a scope

•   { var j = 1; ... }

Inner scopes shadow variables in outer scopes

•   { var j = 1; { var j = 2; ... } }

                           B:7.7        TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 60
Multiplication Table

$ scala printmultitable.scala
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7     8    9 10
   2   4   6   8 10 12 14       16   18 20
   3   6   9 12 15 18 21        24   27 30
   4   8 12 16 20 24 28         32   36 40
   5 10 15 20 25 30 35          40   45 50
   6 12 18 24 30 36 42          48   54 60
   7 14 21 28 35 42 49          56   63 70
   8 16 24 32 40 48 56          64   72 80
   9 18 27 36 45 54 63          72   81 90
  10 20 30 40 50 60 70          80   90 100

                 B:6.1               TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 61
def printMultiTable() {
  var i = 1
  // only i in scope here
  while (i <= 10) {
    var j = 1
    // both i and j in scope here
    while (j <= 10) {
      val prod = (i * j).toString
      // i, j, and prod in scope here
      var k = prod.length
      // i, j, prod, and k in scope here
      while (k < 4) {
        print(" ")
        k += 1
      j += 1
    // i and j still in scope; prod and k out of scope
    i += 1
  // i still in scope; j, prod, and k out of scope

                      B:7.7               TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 62
Refactoring Imperative-Style Code
// Returns a row as a sequence
def makeRowSeq(row: Int) =
  for (col <- 1 to 10) yield {
    val prod = (row * col).toString
    val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length)
    padding + prod

// Returns a row as a string
def makeRow(row: Int) = makeRowSeq(row).mkString

// Returns table as a string with one row per line
def multiTable() = {
  val tableSeq = // a sequence of row strings
  for (row <- 1 to 10)
    yield makeRow(row)

                     B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 63

          Term Rewriting 64
lessons learned

Functional Objects

•   immutable objects

•   operations create new objects

Functional Control Structures

•   return a value

•   have a type

•   can be used as expressions

                                    TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 65
required reading

Programming in Scala

•   Chapter 6: Functional Objects

•   Chapter 7: Built-in Control Structures

                                             TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 66
Exercises Week 2
complex numbers

Scala Test

•   using unit testing framework to define executable tests

Complex numbers

•   define class to represent complex numbers

•   define tests

Note: all assignments should be done individually!

                         B:6.1                  TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 67

                                 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 68
Scala Style Guide
formatting rules

indentation: 2 spaces

                   B:6.1         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 69
coming next

Lecture 3: Functions & Closures
•   Chapters 8, 9
Lecture 4: List Programming
•   Chapters 15, 16, 17
Lecture 5: Trees
•   Chapters 26, 22, 23

Lab Week 2

•   Complex numbers in Scala

                          B:6.1   TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 70
Exam Question (Week 1)

What happens when we execute the following code:

val greetStrings = new Array[String](3)
greetStrings(0) = "Hello"
greetStrings(1) = ", "
greetStrings(2) = "world!n"

(a) Error: greetStrings is an immutable variable that cannot
    be assigned to
(b) Error: Array is a immutable data structure that cannot
    be assigned to
(c) No error: greetStrings is a mutable variable that can be
    assigned to
(d) No error: Array is a mutable data structure that can be
    assigned to

                                                          TI1220 - Introduction 71
Exam Question (Week 1)

What happens when we execute the following code:

val greetStrings = new Array[String](3)
greetStrings(0) = "Hello"
greetStrings(1) = ", "
greetStrings(2) = "world!n"

(a) Error: greetStrings is an immutable variable that cannot
    be assigned to
(b) Error: Array is a immutable data structure that cannot
    be assigned to
(c) No error: greetStrings is a mutable variable that can be
    assigned to
(d) No error: Array is a mutable data structure that can be
    assigned to

                                                          TI1220 - Introduction 72
Exam Question (Week 2)

What is the return type of makeRowSeq:

def makeRowSeq(row: Int) =
  for (col <- 1 to 10) yield {
    val prod = (row * col).toString
    val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length)
    padding + prod

(a)   String
(b)   Int
(c)   IndexedSeq[String]
(d)   IndexedSeq[Int]

                                            TI1220 - Introduction 73
Slide 1:
   A Plumpish Proportion by SSG Robert Stewart some rights reserved
Slide 3:
   McPhillips’ Map of the City of Winnipeg by Manitoba Historical Maps, some rights reserved

Slide 19:
   Envelopes by benchilada, some rights reserved
Slide 20:
   Report card by Carosaurus, some rights reserved
Slide 30:
   Sun is Shining by el patojo, some rights reserved

                                B:6.1                          TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 74
    Dinner at Roussillon (Martin Odersky) by Miles Sabin, some rights reserved
    Portrait: Alex Payne by Dave Fayram, some rights reserved
     “Plumbing Nightmare” by Natalie Wilkie, some rights reserved
    HIV: The Moleskine Summary by Niels Olson
    remember to thank all the books you haven’t read over the past three years
    by Natalia Osiatynska, Some rights reserved
    Stupid Exam by Remi Carreiro, Some rights reserved
   Practice makes perfect by Simon Probert Bombe detail by Garret Coakley, Some rights

                                B:6.1                         TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 75

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Ti1220 Lecture 2

  • 1. Functional Objects Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology Concepts of Programming Languages Challenge the future
  • 2. Recap getting started with Scala Object-Oriented Programming in Scala • Expressions • Immutable and mutable variables (val, var) • Function definitions • Classes and objects • Class members • instance variables • methods • Singleton objects B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 2
  • 3. Overview today’s lecture Names • Binding, name spaces Functional objects • Objects without mutable state • Defining operators Built-in Control Structures • If, While, For, Exceptions • Variable scope B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 3
  • 4. I Concept: Name Binding B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 4
  • 5. Binding Variable Identifiers name binding binding defining occurrence val msg = "Hello, " + "world!" println(msg) applied occurrence val variables cannot be rebound B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 5
  • 6. Binding Variable Identifiers name binding binding defining occurrence var greeting = "Hello, world!" greeting = "Leave me alone, world!" rebinding var variables can be rebound B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 6
  • 7. Binding Function Identifiers name binding binding defining occurrence def widthOfLength(s: String) = s.length.toString.length val maxWidth = widthOfLength(longestLine) applied occurrence B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 7
  • 8. Binding Class Identifiers name binding binding defining occurrence class ChecksumAccumulator { var sum = 0 } var acc = new ChecksumAccumulator var csa = new ChecksumAccumulator acc.sum = 3 csa = acc applied occurrence TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 8
  • 9. Rebinding vs Mutation name binding class ChecksumAccumulator { var sum = 0 } binding var acc = new ChecksumAccumulator var csa = new ChecksumAccumulator mutation acc.sum = 3 csa = acc rebinding TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 9
  • 10. Name Spaces name binding object foo { val foo : Int = 0 def foo(x : Int) = x + 1 } object bar { def bar() = } variables, functions, objects are in separate name spaces B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 10
  • 11. Substitution name binding val msg = "Hello, " + "world!" println(msg) ? println("Hello, " + "world!") can we replace applied occurrence with bound expression/value? B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 11
  • 12. II Functional Objects B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 12
  • 13. Rational Numbers mathematical laws • Rational = Int x Int • Notation: numerator/denominator • Addition • example: 1/2 + 2/3 = 3/6 + 4/6 = (3 + 4)/6 = 7/6 • general: n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1*d2 + n2*d1) / (d1*d2) • Multiplication • n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1 * n2) / (d1 * d2) • Division • n1/d1 / n2/d2 = n1/d2 * d2/n2 B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 13
  • 14. Constructing a Rational class parameters class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { println("Created " + n + "/" + d) } scala> new Rational(1, 2) Created 1/2 res0: Rational = Rational@2d83e895 B:6.2 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 14
  • 15. Immutable Object Trade-offs Advantages • easier reasoning • pass around freely (no risk of undesired mutations) • cannot be changed concurrently in two threads • immutable object make safe hashtable keys Disadvantages • copying large object graphs vs in-place update B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 15
  • 16. Reimplementing toString overriding methods class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { override def toString = n + "/" + d } scala> val half = new Rational(1, 2) half: Rational = 1/2 B:6.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 16
  • 17. Checking Preconditions class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) override def toString = n + "/" + d } scala> val half = new Rational(1, 0) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed B:6.4 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 17
  • 18. Visibility of Class Parameters class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) override def toString = n + "/" + d def add(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d, d * that.d) } $ fsc Rational.scala Rational.scala:5: error: value d is not a member of Rational new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d, d * that.d) ^ Rational.scala:5: error: value d is not a member of Rational new Rational(n * that.d + that.n * d, d * that.d) ^ two errors found B:6.5 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 18
  • 19. Adding Fields class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) val numer: Int = n val denom: Int = d override def toString = numer + "/" + denom def add(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational( numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom) } scala> new Rational(1,2) add new Rational(2,3) res0: Rational = 7/6 B:6.5 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 19
  • 20. Non-Functional Objects destructive update class ImperativeRational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) var numer: Int = n var denom: Int = d override def toString = numer + "/" + denom def add(that: ImperativeRational) { numer = numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom; denom = denom * that.denom; } } scala> val half = new ImperativeRational(1, 2) half: ImperativeRational = 1/2 scala> val twothirds = new ImperativeRational(2,3) twothirds: ImperativeRational = 2/3 scala> half.add(twothirds) scala> half res1: ImperativeRational = 7/6 B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 20
  • 21. Self References this def lessThan(that: Rational) = this.numer * that.denom < that.numer * this.denom def max(that: Rational) = if (this.lessThan(that)) that else this B:6.6 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 21
  • 22. Auxiliary Constructors class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) val numer = n val denom = d def this(n: Int) = this(n, 1) // auxiliary constructor ... } scala> new Rational(6) res1: Rational = 6/1 B:6.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 22
  • 23. Private Fields and Methods class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) private val g = gcd(n.abs, d.abs) val numer = n / g val denom = d / g ... private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b) } scala> new Rational(6,42) res1: Rational = 1/7 B:6.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 23
  • 24. Defining Operators use functions as infix operators def add(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom) scala> new Rational(1,2).add(new Rational(2,3)) res0: Rational = 7/6 scala> new Rational(1,2) add new Rational(2,3) res0: Rational = 7/6 B:6.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 24
  • 25. Invoking Operators operator call is method call B:6.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 25
  • 26. Defining Operators operator identifiers def +(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom) def *(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom) scala> val d = a + b * c d: Rational = 11/14 scala> val d = a.+(b.*(c)) d: Rational = 11/14 scala> val d = a * b + c d: Rational = 16/21 scala> val d = (a.*(b)).+(c) d: Rational = 16/21 B:6.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 26
  • 27. Identifiers lexical syntax Alphanumeric identifier • identifier: [$A-Za-z_][$A-Za-z_0-9]* ($ reserved for Scala compiler) • camel-case convention: toString, HashSet Operator identifier • Unicode set of mathematical symbols(Sm) or other symbols(So), or to the 7-bit ASCII characters that are not letters, digits, parentheses, square brackets, curly braces, single or double quote, or an underscore, period,semi-colon, comma, or back tick character. Literal Identifier • arbitrary string enclosed in back ticks (` . . . `). B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 27
  • 28. Method Overloading for different argument types def *(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom) def *(i: Int): Rational = new Rational(numer * i, denom) scala> val c = new Rational(3,7) c: Rational = 3/7 scala> c * 2 res1: Rational = 6/7 B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 28
  • 29. Method Overloading does not apply to this def *(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom) def *(i: Int): Rational = new Rational(numer * i, denom) scala> 2 * c <console>:7: error: overloaded method value * with alternatives: (Double) Double <and> (Float)Float <and> (Long)Long <and> (Int)Int <and> (Char)Int <and> (Short)Int <and> (Byte)Int cannot be applied to (Rational) 2 * c ^ B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 29
  • 30. Implicit Conversions def *(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom) def *(i: Int): Rational = new Rational(numer * i, denom) implicit def intToRational(x: Int) = new Rational(x) scala> 2 * c res4: Rational = 6/7 B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 30
  • 31. Summary functional objects Immutable objects • class parameters • immutable fields (val) • methods don’t change object, but return value Natural, concise notation • methods as infix operators, operator identifiers • method overloading • implicit conversion B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 31
  • 32. Exam Question How many Rational objects are created while executing: class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) val numer: Int = n val denom: Int = d override def toString = numer + "/" + denom def +(that: Rational): Rational = new Rational( numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom) } var half = new Rational(1,2) half = half + half + half (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 TI1220 - Introduction 32
  • 33. coffee break B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 33
  • 34. II Built-in Control Structures B:6 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 34
  • 35. Control-Flow Structures Control-Flow Structures • ordering execution • choice, iteration, exception Functional Control Structures • can be used as expression • return a value Minimal set of built-in control structures • control abstraction using function literals (next week) B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 35
  • 36. If Expressions conditional choice var filename = "default.txt" if (!args.isEmpty) imperative style filename = args(0) val filename = if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) functional style else "default.txt" B:7.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 36
  • 37. Equational Reasoning replace equals by equals val filename = if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "default.txt" println(filename) println(if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "default.txt") B:7.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 37
  • 38. Equational Reasoning replace equals by equals val x = e; f(x) <=> f(e) if e has no side effects B:7.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 38
  • 39. While Loops iteration def gcdLoop(x: Long, y: Long): Long = { var a = x var b = y while (a != 0) { val temp = a a = b % a b = temp } b } B:7.2 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 39
  • 40. Do-While Loops iteration var line = "" do { line = readLine() println("Read: " + line) } while (line != "") B:7.2 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 40
  • 41. Assignment has Type Unit var line = "" while ((line = readLine()) != "") // This doesn’t work! println("Read: " + line) B:7.2 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 41
  • 42. Iteration vs Recursion def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long = if (y == 0) x else gcd(y, x % y) def gcdLoop(x: Long, y: Long): Long = { var a = x var b = y while (a != 0) { val temp = a a = b % a b = temp } b } B:7.2 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 42
  • 43. For Expressions functional iteration val filesHere = (new".")).listFiles for (file <- filesHere) println(file) B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 43
  • 44. Ranges iterating over sequence of numbers scala> for (i <- 1 to 4) | println("Iteration " + i) Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 // Not common in Scala... for (i <- 0 to filesHere.length - 1) println(filesHere(i)) B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 44
  • 45. Filtering iterating over subset of a collection for (file <- filesHere) if (file.getName.endsWith(".scala")) println(file) for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")) println(file) B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 45
  • 46. Multiple Filters for ( file <- filesHere if file.isFile; if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") ) println(file) B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 46
  • 47. Nested Iteration def fileLines(file: = def grep(pattern: String) = for ( file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala"); line <- fileLines(file) if line.trim.matches(pattern) ) println(file + ": " + line.trim) grep(".*gcd.*") B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 47
  • 48. Mid-Stream Variable Binding def grep(pattern: String) = for { file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") line <- fileLines(file) trimmed = line.trim if trimmed.matches(pattern) } println(file + ": " + trimmed) grep(".*gcd.*") B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 48
  • 49. Producing a New Collection yield def scalaFiles = for { file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") } yield file B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 49
  • 50. Composing filters val forLineLengths = for { file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") line <- fileLines(file) trimmed = line.trim if trimmed.matches(".*for.*") } yield trimmed.length B:7.3 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 50
  • 51. Throwing Exceptions exception handling val half = if (n % 2 == 0) n / 2 else throw new RuntimeException("n must be even") B:7.4 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 51
  • 52. Catching Exceptions exception handling import import import try { val f = new FileReader("input.txt") // Use and close file } catch { case ex: FileNotFoundException => // Handle missing file case ex: IOException => // Handle other I/O error } B:7.4 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 52
  • 53. Finally exception handling import val file = new FileReader("input.txt") try { // Use the file } finally { file.close() // Be sure to close the file } B:7.4 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 53
  • 54. Yielding a Value exception handling import import def urlFor(path: String) = try { new URL(path) } catch { case e: MalformedURLException => new URL("") } B:7.4 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 54
  • 55. Match Expressions choosing between actions val firstArg = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else "" firstArg match { case "salt" => println("pepper") case "chips" => println("salsa") case "eggs" => println("bacon") case _ => println("huh?") } B:7.5 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 55
  • 56. Match Expressions choosing between values val firstArg = if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "" val friend = firstArg match { case "salt" => "pepper" case "chips" => "salsa" case "eggs" => "bacon" case _ => "huh?" } println(friend) B:7.5 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 56
  • 57. Break and Continue in Java not in Scala int i = 0; // This is Java boolean foundIt = false; while (i < args.length) { if (args[i].startsWith("")) { i = i + 1; continue; } if (args[i].endsWith(".scala")) { foundIt = true; break; } i = i + 1; } B:7.6 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 57
  • 58. Replace Break/Continue with If ... var i = 0 var foundIt = false while (i < args.length && !foundIt) { if (!args(i).startsWith("")) { if (args(i).endsWith(".scala")) foundIt = true } i = i + 1 } B:7.6 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 58
  • 59. ... or with Recursion def searchFrom(i: Int): Int = if (i >= args.length) 1 else if (args(i).startsWith("")) searchFrom(i + 1) else if (args(i).endsWith(".scala")) i else searchFrom(i + 1) val i = searchFrom(0) B:7.6 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 59
  • 60. Variable Scope almost identical to Java Variables are declared in a scope • { var j = 1; ... } Inner scopes shadow variables in outer scopes • { var j = 1; { var j = 2; ... } } B:7.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 60
  • 61. Multiplication Table $ scala printmultitable.scala 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 61
  • 62. def printMultiTable() { var i = 1 // only i in scope here while (i <= 10) { var j = 1 // both i and j in scope here while (j <= 10) { val prod = (i * j).toString // i, j, and prod in scope here var k = prod.length // i, j, prod, and k in scope here while (k < 4) { print(" ") k += 1 } print(prod) j += 1 } // i and j still in scope; prod and k out of scope println() i += 1 } // i still in scope; j, prod, and k out of scope } B:7.7 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 62
  • 63. Refactoring Imperative-Style Code // Returns a row as a sequence def makeRowSeq(row: Int) = for (col <- 1 to 10) yield { val prod = (row * col).toString val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length) padding + prod } // Returns a row as a string def makeRow(row: Int) = makeRowSeq(row).mkString // Returns table as a string with one row per line def multiTable() = { val tableSeq = // a sequence of row strings for (row <- 1 to 10) yield makeRow(row) tableSeq.mkString("n") } B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 63
  • 64. VII Summary Term Rewriting 64
  • 65. Summary lessons learned Functional Objects • immutable objects • operations create new objects Functional Control Structures • return a value • have a type • can be used as expressions TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 65
  • 66. Literature required reading Programming in Scala • Chapter 6: Functional Objects • Chapter 7: Built-in Control Structures TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 66
  • 67. Exercises Week 2 complex numbers Scala Test • using unit testing framework to define executable tests Complex numbers • define class to represent complex numbers • define tests Note: all assignments should be done individually! B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 67
  • 68. TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 68
  • 69. Scala Style Guide formatting rules indentation: 2 spaces B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 69
  • 70. Outlook coming next Lecture 3: Functions & Closures • Chapters 8, 9 Lecture 4: List Programming • Chapters 15, 16, 17 Lecture 5: Trees • Chapters 26, 22, 23 Lab Week 2 • Complex numbers in Scala B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 70
  • 71. Exam Question (Week 1) What happens when we execute the following code: val greetStrings = new Array[String](3) greetStrings(0) = "Hello" greetStrings(1) = ", " greetStrings(2) = "world!n" (a) Error: greetStrings is an immutable variable that cannot be assigned to (b) Error: Array is a immutable data structure that cannot be assigned to (c) No error: greetStrings is a mutable variable that can be assigned to (d) No error: Array is a mutable data structure that can be assigned to TI1220 - Introduction 71
  • 72. Exam Question (Week 1) What happens when we execute the following code: val greetStrings = new Array[String](3) greetStrings(0) = "Hello" greetStrings(1) = ", " greetStrings(2) = "world!n" (a) Error: greetStrings is an immutable variable that cannot be assigned to (b) Error: Array is a immutable data structure that cannot be assigned to (c) No error: greetStrings is a mutable variable that can be assigned to (d) No error: Array is a mutable data structure that can be assigned to TI1220 - Introduction 72
  • 73. Exam Question (Week 2) What is the return type of makeRowSeq: def makeRowSeq(row: Int) = for (col <- 1 to 10) yield { val prod = (row * col).toString val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length) padding + prod } (a) String (b) Int (c) IndexedSeq[String] (d) IndexedSeq[Int] TI1220 - Introduction 73
  • 74. Pictures copyrights Slide 1: A Plumpish Proportion by SSG Robert Stewart some rights reserved Slide 3: McPhillips’ Map of the City of Winnipeg by Manitoba Historical Maps, some rights reserved Slide 19: Envelopes by benchilada, some rights reserved Slide 20: Report card by Carosaurus, some rights reserved Slide 30: Sun is Shining by el patojo, some rights reserved B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 74
  • 75. Pictures copyrights Slide: Dinner at Roussillon (Martin Odersky) by Miles Sabin, some rights reserved Slide: Portrait: Alex Payne by Dave Fayram, some rights reserved Slide: “Plumbing Nightmare” by Natalie Wilkie, some rights reserved Slide: HIV: The Moleskine Summary by Niels Olson Slide: remember to thank all the books you haven’t read over the past three years by Natalia Osiatynska, Some rights reserved Slide: Stupid Exam by Remi Carreiro, Some rights reserved Slide: Practice makes perfect by Simon Probert Bombe detail by Garret Coakley, Some rights reserved B:6.1 TI 1220 - Lecture 2: Functional Objects 75