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Donovan Jones
CARL is standing outside of his school’s building on the
phone speaking with his roommate JASON.
... Hey man, I’m telling you. I’m
bringing home a girl and she wants
to meet you so don’t mess this up!
What? No, no, no, no, no, I can do
it myself. I don’t need you setting
me up. Everytime you try to get
involved with my love life you
bring home the most awkward girls
who aren’t even close to my type.
"No, no, no, no." Come on man,
whose the guy always complaining to
me about how he wishes he was in a
relationship? Just trust me on this
one. You’re going to like her! so
clean up because we’re about to
leave the school.
Jason sighs
Okay... But this time she better
look good.
Dude if you don’t take her. I’ll
definitely try to make a move on
Jason is slouching on the sofa watching TV when his roommate
Carl enters the room with his new pretty friend Fendi.
Hey! Man, What’s up?
Jason looks to Carl and smiles while nodding his head. He
then looks to Fendi and awkwardly turns his head away while
fixing his posture on the couch.
Jason begins taking off his shoes and leaves them on the
(referring to the shoes)
Do I have to...?
Fendi balances around on one foot, trying to take off her
Jason watches and wonders if he should comment on the
Carl begins to take off his jacket and starts to make
himself more at home. Fendi walks over and takes a seat next
to Jason on the couch.
They both sit awkwardly next to each other for a moment,
since they had not been properly introduced.
Jason fake coughs in an attempt to grab Carl’s attention.
Oh, right, this is Fendi and umm..
Fendi, this is Jason.
Fendi reaches out to shake Jason’s hand.
Nice to meet you.
(Shaking hands)
(under his breath)
Finally. Nice to meet you, too.
They both laugh a little.
Fendi’s attention turns toward the T.V.
Oh, what? I love this movie!
Really? Me too. I always thought it
was kinda cheesy but I can’t stop
watching it when it’s on.
Jason scoots a little closer to Fendi, clearing his throat.
(Quoting a scene from the
Gentlemen, from this day forward,
you will all refer to me by the
name.. Betty. Eh he he he heeh.
Fendi begins laughing at the random quote.
What was that?
Oh, come on, you know. Remember
when he was walking up to the table
and said that before they all were
about to fight?
Oh, yeah!! That part’s so funny.
They both make eye contact for a short amount of time until
Jason awkwardly looks away.
Carl walks over into the kitchen and begins pouring himself
a glass juice to drink.
This juice is so good! Fendi, do
you want some?
Fendi shakes her head "no".
No, thank you.
So, how was the party last night,
man? Meet any cute girls?
Jason quickly looks over to Fendi, then quickly looks to
(trying to sound cool)
WHAT!? No! I mean, Come on, man.
You know... I talked to some girls;
they liked me.
Jason is standing alone against the wall with a cup in his
hand, gazing out into the party. He looks to his left and
notices a girl also standing against the wall alone.
He inconspicuously eases slightly closer to her, hoping she
won’t notice.
As he inches closer and closer to the girl, she notices him
and his cover is blown. Jason pretends to cough and looks
around, then leaves the area.
Jason and Fendi are sitting on the living room couch
watching T.V.
Carl walks into the room with his cup of juice in hand.
Jason looks to Fendi as she is engaged with his
...but I didn’t really like anyone
Fendi breaks a smile. Jason smiles also but then looks to
So are you two like umm...
Fendi shakes her head, "No".
No, no, no, no. we’re just friends.
We just got out of class and she
gave me a ride home. So we’re just
hanging out here for a while.
Yeah, but I have to go back for
another class in a few minutes.
Oh, cool. Well, you’re welcome to
come by whenever, you know, we can
like watch T.V. and stuff, or
Fendi smiles and nods her head. Jason looks down to his
thumb’s twittling and smiles.
Alright, thanks.
A moment of awkward silence fills the room.
Jason looks to Carl.
Carl raises his eyebrows and smiles, attempting to signal
Jason to make a move on Fendi.
Jason slightly nods his head, "No".
(Breaking the silence)
Well... What class do you have to
go to next?
Algebra... I don’t even know why
it’s called that when the teacher
is teaching us like space
They all chuckle for a moment.
Yeah.. that guy’s crazy.
Another, shorter, moment of awkward silence fills the room.
Well, I should get going, class
starts in 15 minutes and I don’t
want to be late. It was very nice
meeting you...
Sorry, I’m bad with new names. I
wont forget it again.
Oh, it’s okay.
Fendi stands up and begins making her way for the door.
Jasons looks to Carl one last time.
Carl’s attempt to tell Jason to hit on Fendi is much
stronger as she walks for her shoes.
Jason closes his eyes.
(We enter a state of Jason’s imagination of what he thinks
will happen. The audience does not know that this is his
imagination and they will believe this to be real-time.
Fendi, wait.
Fendi stops next to the door and turns around.
This is just uhh.. I don’t know.
But maybe later you would want to
go out and do something?
Are you serious? You know what? I
don’t know what it is with guys and
them thinking that I like them. I
was just being nice to you and now,
all of a sudden, you think you can
just ask me out?
Jason freezes from Fendi’s outburst
I mean. Jesus Christ! look at
you... Look at me!... NO!
(We exit Jason’s imagination)
Jason opens his eyes and looks to his roommate, Carl, still
trying to signal him to make a move.
Jason looks to Fendi, as she turns and looks at him one last
time before she exits the apartment.
Jason gazes at Fendi.
Fendi closes the door.
Jason and Carl are outside enjoying their ice cream and the
Dude, I can’t believe you didn’t
ask her out.
I just met her, what did you expect
me to do? Just up and say, "Oh, hi
Fendi, I think you’re kinda cute.
Wanna go out sometime?"
Yes! that’s exactly what I want you
to do. It doesn’t have to be some
elaborate plan just to ask a girl
out. It’s that easy.
Okay, than why don’t you have a
What are you talking about? I’ve
had plenty of girlfriends. You’re
the one who’s too afraid to ask
them out.
Carl notices a GIRL walking towards the entrance of the
Look, it’s not that hard. What is
it? Your confidence? No-homo, but
you’re a pretty good looking guy.
Just based off looks, I’m sure a
girl would say "yes" to you even if
she didn’t know you.
Yeah right... girls aren’t like
Says the guy who’s never had a
As the Girl walking towards the entrance comes closer, Carl
stands and waves for her to come to them.
(Hiding his face)
Dude, no.
Hi, can I bother you for a moment?
Okay, just hypothetically speaking,
say you saw this guy and he seemed
to be pretty nice. And let’s say
you were single and looking for
someone to date. Would you date
Carl stops hiding his face, and looks to the Girl. The Girl
checks Carl out for a moment.
Hmm... No.
The Girl walks away from them, then enters the shop.
Jason stands and throws away his trash.
That was embarrassing. You are
Okay, that doesn’t count. She was
ugly, anyway.
They both laugh.
Okay, whatever, man, let’s go.
Carl picks up his ice cream from the table, takes one last
bite; then throws it into the trash.
Jason is browsing through books at the library.
He finds a book labeled, "Quick Tips On How To Tell If A
Woman Likes You."
He stands in the isle reading the book to himself.
(reading to himself)
"The best way to tell if a woman
likes you is to first read her
vibes. If they are positive, then
she could be attracted to you."
A LADY walks by and begins browsing books next to him.
(walking by)
Excuse me.
Jason moves to the side.
(reading to himself)
"Another way to tell if a woman
likes you is to read her body
language. Check to see if she is
playing with her hair or leaning
towards you. This means she might
want you to talk to her first."
Jason looks to his side and notices the Lady reading a book
in the isle. She looks to him and smiles, then begins to
twirl her hair with her finger.
Jason quickly looks to his book again.
(reading to himself)
"The most obvious way to tell if a
girl likes you is if she smiles at
you. Smiles are a great positive
vibe to give someone new."
Jason turns a few pages in the book with haste, to learn
more information.
(reading to himself)
"Typically, when a girl is
screaming for attention she will
JASON (cont’d)
ask you something silly, even
though the answer is obvious. Use
this chance to start a new
conversation with her."
The Lady approaches Jason, then taps him on the shoulder.
Jason quickly shuts his book and hides it from her.
Excuse me.
Jason turns around.
Hi, I know you don’t work here or
anything but would you happen to
know where I could find the mystery
Oh, you’re really close. It’s
actually right down the isle but on
the back side.
Thank you.
The Lady walks a few feet down the isle and begins browsing
the books again.
Jason opens his book and turns a few more pages and begins
reading again.
(reading to himself)
"The best way to ask a girl out is
to just do it. There are no magic
tricks you can play. Simply
approach her, then say the words,
Just ask her out."
Jason places the book back onto the shelf and looks to the
girl, then back to his book. He looks to the girl again, and
she looks to him. She smiles and slowly looks back to her
book. Jason looks to his book on the shelf one more time. He
takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
(We enter Jason’s imagination again. The viewer does not
know this is his imagination and will perceive it to be
(To Lady)
Jason approaches Lady.
So, what kind of mystery books are
you into? Like murder mystery?
Well actually I don’t know for
sure! Usually when I read books I
go straight for the drama and
romance novels but today I thought
I’d try something new.
Starting new is good.
Jason and Lady both smile for a moment.
So I was wondering if maybe you
would like to go for a coffee and
we can talk about mystery books or
anything you like.
Lady turns her attention towards the bookshelf, slaps her
book shut and jams it back into its position.
What is wrong with you? I don’t
know you. You can’t just come up to
me and ask me that. How do I know
you aren’t one of those crazy
stalker guys? Or some murderer? You
know what? I’m calling my boyfriend
to come kick your ass. I ask you
one question and then you start
staring at me while I’m looking for
books. What is wrong with you?
Lady begins digging through her bag, searching for her
Jason quickly backs away and hightails it out of the
(We leave Jasons imagination and he is exhaling, looking at
the book he just placed onto the shelf.)
Jason looks to Lady.
(to himself quietly)
Jason turns around and walks off.
Jason is back to slouching on his couch watching the same
T.V. movie again, and eating chips.
Carl and Fendi both enter the apartment and begin taking off
their shoes.
Hey, how’s it going?
Hey, haven’t seen you in a while.
Carl heads for the kitchens and begins looking for food.
Fendi begins walking over to Jason.
Well, if someone would come over
Fendi takes a seat on the couch next to Jason.
Your favorite movie.
(Nodding his head)
My favorite movie.
So what have you been up to?
Well, you know, saving the world.
Making things explode. Some of
this. Some of that.
They both laugh a little.
My hero.
Carl comes out from the kitchen with two glasses of juice in
his hand.
Hey Fendi, come here. You gotta try
some of this. It’s so good.
Fendi gets up and take the cup from Carl.
(Referring to the drink)
Wow, what is this? It’s amazing!
It’s good, right? My secret drink.
Well, I would stay but I have to
go. I only came just to drop you
Thanks. I hope my juice was a good
enough payback.
The greatest kind.
They both laugh. Fendi begins putting on her shoes again.
Carl looks to Jason and tries to signal him to make his move
Jason closes his eyes.
Jason opens his eyes.
Hey, Fendi.
Fendi puts on her second shoe and turns toward Jason.
Would you like to maybe hang out
with me later sometime? We can see
a movie or go out for ice cream or
Oh, I just recently got a
boyfriend. Like two days ago. I
don’t think that would be a good
idea, but maybe we can do something
as friends?
Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.
No, it’s fine. You’re fine. I’ll
just, see you later.
Fendi opens the door.
C’ya later guys.
They both say, "bye". Carl walks over and sits next to
Jason, putting his arm around his shoulder drinking his
That wasn’t so bad, now, was it?
(in a state of shock)
I felt like a polar bear caught me
swiming naked down a freezing
stream. Picked me up, then slowly
devoured my insides. All while I
was not able to die.
They both pause for a moment.
Jason begins to laugh and breaks the silence. Carl begins to
laugh with him.
I’m kidding. You were right. It
really isn’t that hard.
(sipping his juice)
I know.

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Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Five - Part 4(A)


  • 2. EXT. SCHOOL - DAY CARL is standing outside of his school’s building on the phone speaking with his roommate JASON. CARL ... Hey man, I’m telling you. I’m bringing home a girl and she wants to meet you so don’t mess this up! JASON What? No, no, no, no, no, I can do it myself. I don’t need you setting me up. Everytime you try to get involved with my love life you bring home the most awkward girls who aren’t even close to my type. NO! CARL (mocking) "No, no, no, no." Come on man, whose the guy always complaining to me about how he wishes he was in a relationship? Just trust me on this one. You’re going to like her! so clean up because we’re about to leave the school. Jason sighs JASON Okay... But this time she better look good. CARL Dude if you don’t take her. I’ll definitely try to make a move on her. FADE OUT: INT. JASON’S APT. - DAY Jason is slouching on the sofa watching TV when his roommate Carl enters the room with his new pretty friend Fendi. CARL Hey! Man, What’s up? Jason looks to Carl and smiles while nodding his head. He then looks to Fendi and awkwardly turns his head away while fixing his posture on the couch. (CONTINUED)
  • 3. CONTINUED: 2. Jason begins taking off his shoes and leaves them on the mat. FENDI (referring to the shoes) Do I have to...? CARL Yeah... Fendi balances around on one foot, trying to take off her shoes. Jason watches and wonders if he should comment on the situation. Carl begins to take off his jacket and starts to make himself more at home. Fendi walks over and takes a seat next to Jason on the couch. They both sit awkwardly next to each other for a moment, since they had not been properly introduced. Jason fake coughs in an attempt to grab Carl’s attention. CARL Oh, right, this is Fendi and umm.. Fendi, this is Jason. Fendi reaches out to shake Jason’s hand. FENDI Nice to meet you. JASON (Shaking hands) (under his breath) Finally. Nice to meet you, too. They both laugh a little. Fendi’s attention turns toward the T.V. FENDI Oh, what? I love this movie! JASON Really? Me too. I always thought it was kinda cheesy but I can’t stop watching it when it’s on. Jason scoots a little closer to Fendi, clearing his throat. (CONTINUED)
  • 4. CONTINUED: 3. JASON (Quoting a scene from the movie) Gentlemen, from this day forward, you will all refer to me by the name.. Betty. Eh he he he heeh. Fendi begins laughing at the random quote. FENDI What was that? JASON Oh, come on, you know. Remember when he was walking up to the table and said that before they all were about to fight? FENDI Oh, yeah!! That part’s so funny. They both make eye contact for a short amount of time until Jason awkwardly looks away. Carl walks over into the kitchen and begins pouring himself a glass juice to drink. CARL This juice is so good! Fendi, do you want some? Fendi shakes her head "no". FENDI No, thank you. CARL So, how was the party last night, man? Meet any cute girls? Jason quickly looks over to Fendi, then quickly looks to Carl. JASON (trying to sound cool) WHAT!? No! I mean, Come on, man. You know... I talked to some girls; they liked me. CUT TO:
  • 5. 4. INT. PARTY - NIGHT Jason is standing alone against the wall with a cup in his hand, gazing out into the party. He looks to his left and notices a girl also standing against the wall alone. He inconspicuously eases slightly closer to her, hoping she won’t notice. As he inches closer and closer to the girl, she notices him and his cover is blown. Jason pretends to cough and looks around, then leaves the area. CUT TO: INT. JASON’S APT. - SAME DAY Jason and Fendi are sitting on the living room couch watching T.V. Carl walks into the room with his cup of juice in hand. Jason looks to Fendi as she is engaged with his conversation. JASON ...but I didn’t really like anyone there. Fendi breaks a smile. Jason smiles also but then looks to Carl. JASON So are you two like umm... Fendi shakes her head, "No". CARL No, no, no, no. we’re just friends. We just got out of class and she gave me a ride home. So we’re just hanging out here for a while. FENDI Yeah, but I have to go back for another class in a few minutes. JASON Oh, cool. Well, you’re welcome to come by whenever, you know, we can like watch T.V. and stuff, or whatever. (CONTINUED)
  • 6. CONTINUED: 5. Fendi smiles and nods her head. Jason looks down to his thumb’s twittling and smiles. FENDI Alright, thanks. A moment of awkward silence fills the room. Jason looks to Carl. Carl raises his eyebrows and smiles, attempting to signal Jason to make a move on Fendi. Jason slightly nods his head, "No". CARL (Breaking the silence) Well... What class do you have to go to next? FENDI (Groaning) Algebra... I don’t even know why it’s called that when the teacher is teaching us like space physics... They all chuckle for a moment. CARL Yeah.. that guy’s crazy. Another, shorter, moment of awkward silence fills the room. FENDI Well, I should get going, class starts in 15 minutes and I don’t want to be late. It was very nice meeting you... JASON Jason. FENDI Sorry, I’m bad with new names. I wont forget it again. JASON Oh, it’s okay. Fendi stands up and begins making her way for the door. Jasons looks to Carl one last time. (CONTINUED)
  • 7. CONTINUED: 6. Carl’s attempt to tell Jason to hit on Fendi is much stronger as she walks for her shoes. Jason closes his eyes. (We enter a state of Jason’s imagination of what he thinks will happen. The audience does not know that this is his imagination and they will believe this to be real-time. JASON Fendi, wait. Fendi stops next to the door and turns around. JASON This is just uhh.. I don’t know. But maybe later you would want to go out and do something? FENDI Are you serious? You know what? I don’t know what it is with guys and them thinking that I like them. I was just being nice to you and now, all of a sudden, you think you can just ask me out? Jason freezes from Fendi’s outburst FENDI I mean. Jesus Christ! look at you... Look at me!... NO! (We exit Jason’s imagination) Jason opens his eyes and looks to his roommate, Carl, still trying to signal him to make a move. Jason looks to Fendi, as she turns and looks at him one last time before she exits the apartment. FENDI Bye. Jason gazes at Fendi. JASON Bye. Fendi closes the door. CUT TO: (ON DOOR SHUT NOISE)
  • 8. 7. EXT. ICE CREAM SHOP - DAY Jason and Carl are outside enjoying their ice cream and the weather. CARL Dude, I can’t believe you didn’t ask her out. JASON I just met her, what did you expect me to do? Just up and say, "Oh, hi Fendi, I think you’re kinda cute. Wanna go out sometime?" CARL Yes! that’s exactly what I want you to do. It doesn’t have to be some elaborate plan just to ask a girl out. It’s that easy. JASON Okay, than why don’t you have a girlfriend? CARL What are you talking about? I’ve had plenty of girlfriends. You’re the one who’s too afraid to ask them out. Carl notices a GIRL walking towards the entrance of the shop. CARL Look, it’s not that hard. What is it? Your confidence? No-homo, but you’re a pretty good looking guy. Just based off looks, I’m sure a girl would say "yes" to you even if she didn’t know you. JASON Yeah right... girls aren’t like that. CARL Says the guy who’s never had a girl... As the Girl walking towards the entrance comes closer, Carl stands and waves for her to come to them. (CONTINUED)
  • 9. CONTINUED: 8. JASON (Hiding his face) Dude, no. CARL Hi, can I bother you for a moment? GIRL Sure. CARL Okay, just hypothetically speaking, say you saw this guy and he seemed to be pretty nice. And let’s say you were single and looking for someone to date. Would you date him? Carl stops hiding his face, and looks to the Girl. The Girl checks Carl out for a moment. GIRL Hmm... No. The Girl walks away from them, then enters the shop. Jason stands and throws away his trash. JASON That was embarrassing. You are embarrassing. CARL Okay, that doesn’t count. She was ugly, anyway. They both laugh. JASON (Laughing) Okay, whatever, man, let’s go. Carl picks up his ice cream from the table, takes one last bite; then throws it into the trash. FADE TO BLACK:
  • 10. 9. INT. LIBRARY - DAY Jason is browsing through books at the library. He finds a book labeled, "Quick Tips On How To Tell If A Woman Likes You." He stands in the isle reading the book to himself. JASON (reading to himself) "The best way to tell if a woman likes you is to first read her vibes. If they are positive, then she could be attracted to you." A LADY walks by and begins browsing books next to him. LADY (walking by) Excuse me. Jason moves to the side. JASON (reading to himself) "Another way to tell if a woman likes you is to read her body language. Check to see if she is playing with her hair or leaning towards you. This means she might want you to talk to her first." Jason looks to his side and notices the Lady reading a book in the isle. She looks to him and smiles, then begins to twirl her hair with her finger. Jason quickly looks to his book again. JASON (reading to himself) "The most obvious way to tell if a girl likes you is if she smiles at you. Smiles are a great positive vibe to give someone new." Jason turns a few pages in the book with haste, to learn more information. JASON (reading to himself) "Typically, when a girl is screaming for attention she will (MORE) (CONTINUED)
  • 11. CONTINUED: 10. JASON (cont’d) ask you something silly, even though the answer is obvious. Use this chance to start a new conversation with her." The Lady approaches Jason, then taps him on the shoulder. Jason quickly shuts his book and hides it from her. LADY Excuse me. Jason turns around. LADY Hi, I know you don’t work here or anything but would you happen to know where I could find the mystery genre? JASON Oh, you’re really close. It’s actually right down the isle but on the back side. LADY Thank you. The Lady walks a few feet down the isle and begins browsing the books again. Jason opens his book and turns a few more pages and begins reading again. JASON (reading to himself) "The best way to ask a girl out is to just do it. There are no magic tricks you can play. Simply approach her, then say the words, Just ask her out." Jason places the book back onto the shelf and looks to the girl, then back to his book. He looks to the girl again, and she looks to him. She smiles and slowly looks back to her book. Jason looks to his book on the shelf one more time. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. (We enter Jason’s imagination again. The viewer does not know this is his imagination and will perceive it to be real-time.) (CONTINUED)
  • 12. CONTINUED: 11. JASON (To Lady) Hey! Jason approaches Lady. JASON So, what kind of mystery books are you into? Like murder mystery? or... LADY Well actually I don’t know for sure! Usually when I read books I go straight for the drama and romance novels but today I thought I’d try something new. JASON Starting new is good. Jason and Lady both smile for a moment. JASON So I was wondering if maybe you would like to go for a coffee and we can talk about mystery books or anything you like. Lady turns her attention towards the bookshelf, slaps her book shut and jams it back into its position. LADY What is wrong with you? I don’t know you. You can’t just come up to me and ask me that. How do I know you aren’t one of those crazy stalker guys? Or some murderer? You know what? I’m calling my boyfriend to come kick your ass. I ask you one question and then you start staring at me while I’m looking for books. What is wrong with you? Lady begins digging through her bag, searching for her phone. Jason quickly backs away and hightails it out of the library. (We leave Jasons imagination and he is exhaling, looking at the book he just placed onto the shelf.) Jason looks to Lady. (CONTINUED)
  • 13. CONTINUED: 12. JASON (to himself quietly) No... Jason turns around and walks off. FADE TO BLACK: INT. JASON’S APT - DAY Jason is back to slouching on his couch watching the same T.V. movie again, and eating chips. Carl and Fendi both enter the apartment and begin taking off their shoes. JASON Hey! CARL Hey, how’s it going? FENDI Hey, haven’t seen you in a while. Carl heads for the kitchens and begins looking for food. Fendi begins walking over to Jason. JASON Well, if someone would come over more... Fendi takes a seat on the couch next to Jason. FENDI Your favorite movie. JASON (Nodding his head) My favorite movie. FENDI So what have you been up to? JASON Well, you know, saving the world. Making things explode. Some of this. Some of that. They both laugh a little. (CONTINUED)
  • 14. CONTINUED: 13. FENDI My hero. Carl comes out from the kitchen with two glasses of juice in his hand. CARL Hey Fendi, come here. You gotta try some of this. It’s so good. Fendi gets up and take the cup from Carl. FENDI (Referring to the drink) Wow, what is this? It’s amazing! CARL It’s good, right? My secret drink. FENDI Well, I would stay but I have to go. I only came just to drop you off. CARL Thanks. I hope my juice was a good enough payback. FENDI The greatest kind. They both laugh. Fendi begins putting on her shoes again. Carl looks to Jason and tries to signal him to make his move again. Jason closes his eyes. MONTAGE OF PREVIOUS ENCOUNTERS FROM HIS IMAGINATION. GIRL FROM ICE CREAM STORE FENDI FROM DAY 1 LADY FROM LIBRARY Jason opens his eyes. JASON Hey, Fendi. Fendi puts on her second shoe and turns toward Jason. (CONTINUED)
  • 15. CONTINUED: 14. FENDI Yeah? JASON Would you like to maybe hang out with me later sometime? We can see a movie or go out for ice cream or something. FENDI Oh, I just recently got a boyfriend. Like two days ago. I don’t think that would be a good idea, but maybe we can do something as friends? JASON Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. FENDI Sorry. JASON No, it’s fine. You’re fine. I’ll just, see you later. Fendi opens the door. FENDI C’ya later guys. They both say, "bye". Carl walks over and sits next to Jason, putting his arm around his shoulder drinking his juice. CARL That wasn’t so bad, now, was it? JASON (in a state of shock) I felt like a polar bear caught me swiming naked down a freezing stream. Picked me up, then slowly devoured my insides. All while I was not able to die. They both pause for a moment. Jason begins to laugh and breaks the silence. Carl begins to laugh with him. (CONTINUED)
  • 16. CONTINUED: 15. JASON I’m kidding. You were right. It really isn’t that hard. CARL (sipping his juice) I know. CUT TO BLACK: END.