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Foster Me
Israel Gordon had a difficult upbringing his entire life, his mother suffered with bi-
polar disorder, with his mother suffering with this mental disorder it meant that his
mother went through different faces where at one point she will be herself but most
of the time she wouldn’t making it hard for Israel to connect with is mother as
sometime she wouldn’t acknowledge his existence, where as his father is never at
home as he is always occupied at work. As Israel has complications and difficulties
communication with his mother his basic needs are not catered to such as basic
hygiene (wearing clean clothes and even washing in a daily bases) and nutrition
Israel sometimes lives for days having nothing to eat or only eating once a day as his
mother fail to recall his existence. Because of the relationship Israel has with his
mother and father Israel has difficulties communicating with other children his ages
and making friends as he has never experienced the acknowledgment of other
people. Israel always wanted to build a relationship with his mother but one day a
life changing event happens to him meaning that he will never be able to have a
relationship with his mother.
It was a grey bloomy day, where you could hear nothing but the sound of the wind
blowing and the slight sound of the echo of the bins rustling outside in the wind. But
despite the terrible weather there was one child in his home that tried to brighten
up his day with a drawing of him and his parents, in the drawing Israel included
dialogue of his parents saying ‘I love you’ Israel had never heard this from his
parents and always dreamt of the day he did. But today wasn’t the day when Israel
showed his mother the drawing she simply just said ‘what is this?’ Israel start to
explain his drawing and sees his mother with a face of discuss as she knows that the
perfect family doesn’t exist for them, but Israel ignores it and still cares on
discussing the drawing to his mother, but when he points out the dialogue to his
mother, she erupts in rage and fury, screaming about how she brought up a selfish
ungrateful child as he doesn’t take into account the struggle she goes through taking
care of him, she finally tells him how she will not nor will ever love him after that
drawing. While she was still stressed and angry she rips up Israel’s drawing and tell
him to go to his room and to leave her alone to be in peace and amity.
Deprived of any reluctance Israel runs to his room trying to hold in his tiers, which
he wasn’t able to do for very long and burst into tears when he enters his bedroom,
while crying Israel starts to think back about what had just happened with him and
his mother. That she rejected a representation of his love to her that he spent so
much time and effort to perfect for her. To make himself feel better Israel starts to
picture how his father would of reacted to the drawing if he had showed it to him,
then his image starts to fade as Israel realises that his father wouldn’t spend the
time or day to sit down with him let alone to gaze at his drawing. Because of what
Israel just pictured he realised that his family is breaking him with isolation by not
giving him the love and attention that a child should receive. This unexpected
realisation leads to Israel to get out of his room and find the house phone and soon
return to his room once again.
When Israel enters his room with the house phone he starts to dial ‘999’ he reaches
an operator asking which service he would like require, as so as Israel hears the
operator he starts to burst in to tears again, as he feels guilty and ashamed about
what he was going to do, as he knows that if he tells the police about what is current
situation is that he will never again see his parent again and get taken away from
them and get taken in to foster care. But Israel starts to think about what he has and
knows that this isn’t a family that he will forever be tramped in isolation without the
help of the police as they are the only people that can save him. After reflecting on
this Israel asks for the services of the police and hers and hears a voice at the end of
the other line saying ‘you’ve reached the Federal Government, how can we help’ and
Israel simply utters ‘help me.’
A couple of minutes after the phone call Israel mad, there was a knock on the door.
Israel’s mother opens the door to see a police officer and a social worker standing
outside. Israel’s mother was confused about the reason for their visit to her house,
she asked for the reason why they were present, but they both insisted that they
should come in and talk about the matter of their visit.
When they both enter the house Israel came out of his room down to see what was
happening, then and there Israel’s mother realised what he had just done, then and
there Israel’s mother started to feel fume, to show her anger to Israel she stated to
widen her eye and stare directly at him Israel could feel her Piercing eyes
penetrating him. After the police officer and social worker discussed the reason for
their visit, saying that there was a child domestic call and that they just want to see
if everything was all right there. As Israel started to feel his mother’s blame growing
on him as he called the police, is guilt stated to grow, as he was begging to get
questioned for hours, it felt like days to Israel as the questions where getting even
more difficult as they went on. When Israel was getting question he couldn’t take his
eyes off the police officer as he was taken notes of everything he said. This made him
feel more anxious as this made him realised that he couldn’t stop this situation from
growing, that he couldn’t go back on his word, and that everything he says will be
used against his own mother. This distorted his mother as every time he spoke his
led to a tear run down her face. As Israel’s mother was so devastated about what
was happening she didn’t respond or answer any of the questions she was asked as
the thought that her own son turned on her broke her heart. But when the social
worker says she is taking Israel her silence is broken.
The police office and social worker are working out of the door with Israel, and
when his mother’s silence is broken she tries and vow that Israel was lying about
everything, but her response was too late as Israel was already out of the house
going in to the car. Israel was so shattered about what he has done and tries not to
turn back and look at his mother as he did not want to see agony and discomfort he
had placed on his mother. Israel tried to stay strong in this situation but as soon as
the car door closes Israel brakes down in tears and tries to look at his mother one
last time, as he turns around he sees his mother get taken away with another police
offices and going in a different car he stats to scream from the top of his lungs. As
the car Israel is in starts to move Israel watches his mother screaming and trying to
pull out of the officer’s clenches, as he watches this only two thoughts come in his
mind, what will happen to his mother and what will his father do and make of this
In 5 months in care a middle-aged woman named Sarah Miller fosters Israel, the
time that Sarah Miller met Israel she instantaneously welcomed him with open arms
while greeting Israel she gave him a kiss his head, as if he was already a member of
her family. When Sarah Miller was giving and showing Israel some affection he had
never experienced before from his mother or anyone else before. It made Israel feel
as if he was finally seen and that he existed making him feel vulnerable towards his
new foster mother. When Ms Miller was taking Israel to is new home his new
siblings opened the door Ayana, Zaina the two twins and Kim greeting him outside
the door. Israel is the youngest member of his new family as his new siblings are
aged 14 and over. His new home is very comfortable and family orientated, as in
Sarah Millers house she has placed pictures off all her children all over the house.
Israel is having the time of his life with his new family, doing activities he has never
done with his biological mother and father, making him finally feel a part of a family.
Israel spent valuable time with his new family such as going to the park and eating
in restraints. What made Israel feel even more a part of the family is that, making
him feel as if maybe calling the police on his mother was meant to happen for a
better life for him, was that he knew foster mother Ms Miller would read to him at
night before he sleeps so that he doesn’t have nightmares about what he had done to
his mother, enabling him to feel more connected to his foster mother as she is
making him feel protected. Though, one day everything changes.
The next morning Israel finds himself feeling drifted from his new family, as he
wakes up alone and isolated from everyone in the house. When Israel wakes up he
gets out of his bed and walks in the kitchen where he sees his foster mother cooking
however, she fails to acknowledge his existence by not greeting or speaking to him
as if he is not even there. This makes Israel remember how he was treated and how
he felt back when he lived with his parents. Making him feel more secluded and
terrified being there. What scared Israel the most was when he saw his foster sister
Kim staring laughing ambiguously at a blank screen on the TV. Scared and confused
about what he saw Israel started to walk back slowly in to the corridor, and ran up
the stairs where he starts to hear loud whispers in the twins room, he starts to walk
towards their bedroom and hears the whispers getting louder and louder. When
Israel was at their door he starts to peak through and sees them talking to each
other in a very fast paste. Then suddenly the twins hear a noise outside there room
and turn around to see Israel, they palled him. The ambiance just turned silent while
the twins was just staring and gazing into Israel’s eyes. Israel breaks the silence of
the room and asks the twins why was everyone acting so different and strange
today. They tell Israel to shut the room if he would like to know what is happening
the house.
The door was slowly closed to not alarm anyone what they was talking about. The
twins start to explain that the spirits are nearby and present in their house. Israel
was confused about what Zaina and Ayana was telling him, so the explained that the
spirits are the spirits of the children Miss Miller fostered in the past, and killed one
by one when she was unsatisfied about their actions, making her think that she is
loosing control over them, making her feel as if she has no place for them anymore
in her house and family. The point of origin that her anger and frustration comes
from is the fact that she was never to bare her own child with her ex-husband as she
was infertile, all the years of trying with no results lead to her husband leaving her.
Henceforth her fixation of fostering kids. Fostering children allowed her to have the
opportunity to raise a child, which she thought would never be possible before. But
because of the entire tremor that she has been through, to not being able to have her
own child. Making her feel weak and pathetic. If one of her foster children disobeyed
her orders, it took Sahara back to that place in her mind where she would never like
to return to. Causing her to lash out on the children. Because of Sahara Millers
traumatic passed she has killed five children in her care, when they disobeyed her,
each death of the children was witnessed and watched by Kim, Zaina and Ayana.
Because of this them being present at each of their deaths, the spirits of the dead
siblings take over their souls. In addition to this, when the spirits enter their house,
each sister’s soul is taken over by a dead spirit, causing the sisters to act strangely at
night, they also grow angrily towards their mother to show were they want to kill
her for revenge for what she had done to them. After this happens the twins point at
their mother and tell Israel that that’s the reason why their mother is quiet… as she
can feel the presents of the spirits of the children in the house and knows that they
want to take revenge on her by killing her. Sahara Miller is scared and if no one is
careful its could lead to someone including Israel’s death.
Israel’s eyes start to widen open, showing the fear he has, but the twins assure to
Israel that everything will be all right if he just stays in his room, as ‘he is too young.’
As Israel was to scare he stayed in his room for the rest of the day, avoiding any
communication with anyone, since he was so afraid of what he was told. When night
finally came by Israel tucked himself in to bed. Then all of a sudden Israel hears loud
whispers coming from right under his ears, making it hard for him to find sleep. As
Israel gets up the sound travels father away causing Israel to follow the sound. Israel
follows the whispers until he got into the hallway where he’s foster mother Sahara
Miller standing on the other side of the corridor. Sahara miller had a displeasing
facial expression and asked Israel where he is going, Israel didn’t utter a word and
remained silent, this angered Sahara and caused her to scream and chase him to his
room. Israel shouts the door on her, causing her to start banging on his door.
…All of a sudden everything in the house just stood style and silent, but this stopped
as Israel thought that everything was fine he starts to hear children laughing.
After what had occurred a series negative of events continues to happen such as
Israel Witnessing the spirits. The first two spirits that Israel saw rooming around
the house were two deceased sisters, Nebula and Numaya, who were very close to
Kim. However their connection with Kim hadn’t changed, as Israel sees them
following Kim. When Israel plays with is toys he’s never alone as is joined by a little
boy named Kelvin who is five years old. When ever Kelvin disappears Israel notices
that he starts to feel that he has mentally changed and doesn’t feel him self like
someone else is in him, causing him to relies that Kelvin has entered his soul.
Israel suddenly starts to feel angry and hatred towards his foster mother, as he
starts to plan the ways in which he will kill her. Israel doesn’t plan this on his own
but with his foster sisters who’s have also ben possessed by the other spirits of the
children. Miss Miller starts to realize that something was going on with her foster
children when they all refused to eat with or even communicate with her, leading
her to suspect that they where planning something. As the spirits have taken over all
the children’s souls its leads them to only see hate and anger when they look at
Sahara Miller. This causes a battle between the physical and spiritual world due to
the fact that Sahara Miller knows that her children would never want to hurt her
except all the others that she had taken there life’s from unfairly.
All the deceased children want Sahara to die a slow and painful death which would
lead her to apologies and admit the truth about what she had done, and plan on
doing this when she sleeps before tying her up and torturing her. This didn’t come
as easily as the spirits wanted, because as fear took over Miss Miller causing making
to find difficulty sleeping due to her paranoia. In addition to this, Miss Miller plans
on killing each child, one by one before they catch up to her. Later she finds out that
the kids are much stronger that her and more powerful when she was confronted by
all the spirits in her home. At this moment in time Sahara finds herself losing to the
spirits, leading her to run away from her own home to seek for help but no one
could here her pleading for help. This was done by the spirits they used there
supernatural powers to make Sahara Miller to not have a voice that could be heard
in the physical world, making none but only them to hear voice.
Eventually, Sahara Miller finds herself in the woods, unaware of how she got there
and where is actually is, nut before she turns around to go someplace else, the
spirits have grabbed her and drag her deeper and deeper into the woods before
tying her up, while they do this they start playing and celebrating in front of her,
teasing and torturing her. Israel then says to Sahara “apologies or else I will kill
you”. As Israel says this all the kids and the spirits scream out her in laughter, to
show their excitement, this leads to Sahara to have her fear grow increasingly as she
is scared she will die. As her fear grows Sahara thinks about her actions and is
shocked that she made it reach this point which leads her to burst in to tears
because of the hate and disappointment she has for herself.
If only she could control herself and didn’t let her anger get the better of her…..
The laughs of the kids turn louder, but starts to quiet down when Sahara Miller
starts to apologies in a quiet whisper like tone, she also begs the kids to not kill her.
However all the spirits gather around in a circle before saying ‘Its too late’. As they
all attack her until they are satisfied that she is finally dead.
After Sahara Miller dies the spirits leave and Kim, Ayana, Zaina and Israel are back
to having control of there own bodies and their lives again. While the girls remain
clam about what had just happened, Israel is disturbed about what he did to Sahara,
with blood all around them the sisters are relived and assure Israel that they are all
fine since nothing life threatening had happened to them and they also had to tell
Israel that it wasn’t them that did that to Sahara it was their deceased siblings. After
having this convocation the sisters all suggest that they should go home and tidy up
the house to avoid any suspicion of what had happened in the house.
After 3 days pass, the girls are acting like nothing had happened, they did not kill
their foster mother, causing Israel to feel depressed and unwell. The image of his
Sahara’s dead body hunts him every single day of every moment. This lead to Israel
to feel unsafe to live in that house because off what happened happened and that he
is the only one with a conscience about what had happened. Israel also thought that
it was unsafe for him to say in that house as he does not have a parental figure to
look up at, which he explains to the girls, they all understood what he was saying so
Kim calls the police, telling them that Sahara Miller had ‘ran way’.
The sisters find themselves in a CPS care home until they meet Paul Miller. Sahara
Millers ex husband. In the eyes of the career, she see’s a man who is happy to foster
the siblings in a group all together, but this feeling is not mutual as the sibling look
past his eyes and smile and they see something lurking behind all that.
He left her, yes. But he always and still has a deep connection with her and only her,
he had never felt that spiritual connection with anyone but Sahara. And this was all
stole from him by the kids, because of what all the children that Sahara fostered it
made him loss the love of his life and because of this he wants to take revenge on
them for the death of Sahara Miller.
Foster me treatment

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Foster me treatment

  • 1. Foster Me Treatment Israel Gordon had a difficult upbringing his entire life, his mother suffered with bi- polar disorder, with his mother suffering with this mental disorder it meant that his mother went through different faces where at one point she will be herself but most of the time she wouldn’t making it hard for Israel to connect with is mother as sometime she wouldn’t acknowledge his existence, where as his father is never at home as he is always occupied at work. As Israel has complications and difficulties communication with his mother his basic needs are not catered to such as basic hygiene (wearing clean clothes and even washing in a daily bases) and nutrition Israel sometimes lives for days having nothing to eat or only eating once a day as his mother fail to recall his existence. Because of the relationship Israel has with his mother and father Israel has difficulties communicating with other children his ages and making friends as he has never experienced the acknowledgment of other people. Israel always wanted to build a relationship with his mother but one day a life changing event happens to him meaning that he will never be able to have a relationship with his mother. It was a grey bloomy day, where you could hear nothing but the sound of the wind blowing and the slight sound of the echo of the bins rustling outside in the wind. But despite the terrible weather there was one child in his home that tried to brighten up his day with a drawing of him and his parents, in the drawing Israel included dialogue of his parents saying ‘I love you’ Israel had never heard this from his parents and always dreamt of the day he did. But today wasn’t the day when Israel showed his mother the drawing she simply just said ‘what is this?’ Israel start to explain his drawing and sees his mother with a face of discuss as she knows that the perfect family doesn’t exist for them, but Israel ignores it and still cares on discussing the drawing to his mother, but when he points out the dialogue to his mother, she erupts in rage and fury, screaming about how she brought up a selfish ungrateful child as he doesn’t take into account the struggle she goes through taking care of him, she finally tells him how she will not nor will ever love him after that drawing. While she was still stressed and angry she rips up Israel’s drawing and tell him to go to his room and to leave her alone to be in peace and amity. Deprived of any reluctance Israel runs to his room trying to hold in his tiers, which he wasn’t able to do for very long and burst into tears when he enters his bedroom, while crying Israel starts to think back about what had just happened with him and his mother. That she rejected a representation of his love to her that he spent so much time and effort to perfect for her. To make himself feel better Israel starts to picture how his father would of reacted to the drawing if he had showed it to him, then his image starts to fade as Israel realises that his father wouldn’t spend the time or day to sit down with him let alone to gaze at his drawing. Because of what Israel just pictured he realised that his family is breaking him with isolation by not giving him the love and attention that a child should receive. This unexpected
  • 2. realisation leads to Israel to get out of his room and find the house phone and soon return to his room once again. When Israel enters his room with the house phone he starts to dial ‘999’ he reaches an operator asking which service he would like require, as so as Israel hears the operator he starts to burst in to tears again, as he feels guilty and ashamed about what he was going to do, as he knows that if he tells the police about what is current situation is that he will never again see his parent again and get taken away from them and get taken in to foster care. But Israel starts to think about what he has and knows that this isn’t a family that he will forever be tramped in isolation without the help of the police as they are the only people that can save him. After reflecting on this Israel asks for the services of the police and hers and hears a voice at the end of the other line saying ‘you’ve reached the Federal Government, how can we help’ and Israel simply utters ‘help me.’ A couple of minutes after the phone call Israel mad, there was a knock on the door. Israel’s mother opens the door to see a police officer and a social worker standing outside. Israel’s mother was confused about the reason for their visit to her house, she asked for the reason why they were present, but they both insisted that they should come in and talk about the matter of their visit. When they both enter the house Israel came out of his room down to see what was happening, then and there Israel’s mother realised what he had just done, then and there Israel’s mother started to feel fume, to show her anger to Israel she stated to widen her eye and stare directly at him Israel could feel her Piercing eyes penetrating him. After the police officer and social worker discussed the reason for their visit, saying that there was a child domestic call and that they just want to see if everything was all right there. As Israel started to feel his mother’s blame growing on him as he called the police, is guilt stated to grow, as he was begging to get questioned for hours, it felt like days to Israel as the questions where getting even more difficult as they went on. When Israel was getting question he couldn’t take his eyes off the police officer as he was taken notes of everything he said. This made him feel more anxious as this made him realised that he couldn’t stop this situation from growing, that he couldn’t go back on his word, and that everything he says will be used against his own mother. This distorted his mother as every time he spoke his led to a tear run down her face. As Israel’s mother was so devastated about what was happening she didn’t respond or answer any of the questions she was asked as the thought that her own son turned on her broke her heart. But when the social worker says she is taking Israel her silence is broken. The police office and social worker are working out of the door with Israel, and when his mother’s silence is broken she tries and vow that Israel was lying about everything, but her response was too late as Israel was already out of the house going in to the car. Israel was so shattered about what he has done and tries not to turn back and look at his mother as he did not want to see agony and discomfort he had placed on his mother. Israel tried to stay strong in this situation but as soon as
  • 3. the car door closes Israel brakes down in tears and tries to look at his mother one last time, as he turns around he sees his mother get taken away with another police offices and going in a different car he stats to scream from the top of his lungs. As the car Israel is in starts to move Israel watches his mother screaming and trying to pull out of the officer’s clenches, as he watches this only two thoughts come in his mind, what will happen to his mother and what will his father do and make of this situation. In 5 months in care a middle-aged woman named Sarah Miller fosters Israel, the time that Sarah Miller met Israel she instantaneously welcomed him with open arms while greeting Israel she gave him a kiss his head, as if he was already a member of her family. When Sarah Miller was giving and showing Israel some affection he had never experienced before from his mother or anyone else before. It made Israel feel as if he was finally seen and that he existed making him feel vulnerable towards his new foster mother. When Ms Miller was taking Israel to is new home his new siblings opened the door Ayana, Zaina the two twins and Kim greeting him outside the door. Israel is the youngest member of his new family as his new siblings are aged 14 and over. His new home is very comfortable and family orientated, as in Sarah Millers house she has placed pictures off all her children all over the house. Israel is having the time of his life with his new family, doing activities he has never done with his biological mother and father, making him finally feel a part of a family. Israel spent valuable time with his new family such as going to the park and eating in restraints. What made Israel feel even more a part of the family is that, making him feel as if maybe calling the police on his mother was meant to happen for a better life for him, was that he knew foster mother Ms Miller would read to him at night before he sleeps so that he doesn’t have nightmares about what he had done to his mother, enabling him to feel more connected to his foster mother as she is making him feel protected. Though, one day everything changes. The next morning Israel finds himself feeling drifted from his new family, as he wakes up alone and isolated from everyone in the house. When Israel wakes up he gets out of his bed and walks in the kitchen where he sees his foster mother cooking however, she fails to acknowledge his existence by not greeting or speaking to him as if he is not even there. This makes Israel remember how he was treated and how he felt back when he lived with his parents. Making him feel more secluded and terrified being there. What scared Israel the most was when he saw his foster sister Kim staring laughing ambiguously at a blank screen on the TV. Scared and confused about what he saw Israel started to walk back slowly in to the corridor, and ran up the stairs where he starts to hear loud whispers in the twins room, he starts to walk towards their bedroom and hears the whispers getting louder and louder. When Israel was at their door he starts to peak through and sees them talking to each other in a very fast paste. Then suddenly the twins hear a noise outside there room and turn around to see Israel, they palled him. The ambiance just turned silent while the twins was just staring and gazing into Israel’s eyes. Israel breaks the silence of
  • 4. the room and asks the twins why was everyone acting so different and strange today. They tell Israel to shut the room if he would like to know what is happening the house. The door was slowly closed to not alarm anyone what they was talking about. The twins start to explain that the spirits are nearby and present in their house. Israel was confused about what Zaina and Ayana was telling him, so the explained that the spirits are the spirits of the children Miss Miller fostered in the past, and killed one by one when she was unsatisfied about their actions, making her think that she is loosing control over them, making her feel as if she has no place for them anymore in her house and family. The point of origin that her anger and frustration comes from is the fact that she was never to bare her own child with her ex-husband as she was infertile, all the years of trying with no results lead to her husband leaving her. Henceforth her fixation of fostering kids. Fostering children allowed her to have the opportunity to raise a child, which she thought would never be possible before. But because of the entire tremor that she has been through, to not being able to have her own child. Making her feel weak and pathetic. If one of her foster children disobeyed her orders, it took Sahara back to that place in her mind where she would never like to return to. Causing her to lash out on the children. Because of Sahara Millers traumatic passed she has killed five children in her care, when they disobeyed her, each death of the children was witnessed and watched by Kim, Zaina and Ayana. Because of this them being present at each of their deaths, the spirits of the dead siblings take over their souls. In addition to this, when the spirits enter their house, each sister’s soul is taken over by a dead spirit, causing the sisters to act strangely at night, they also grow angrily towards their mother to show were they want to kill her for revenge for what she had done to them. After this happens the twins point at their mother and tell Israel that that’s the reason why their mother is quiet… as she can feel the presents of the spirits of the children in the house and knows that they want to take revenge on her by killing her. Sahara Miller is scared and if no one is careful its could lead to someone including Israel’s death. Israel’s eyes start to widen open, showing the fear he has, but the twins assure to Israel that everything will be all right if he just stays in his room, as ‘he is too young.’ As Israel was to scare he stayed in his room for the rest of the day, avoiding any communication with anyone, since he was so afraid of what he was told. When night finally came by Israel tucked himself in to bed. Then all of a sudden Israel hears loud whispers coming from right under his ears, making it hard for him to find sleep. As Israel gets up the sound travels father away causing Israel to follow the sound. Israel follows the whispers until he got into the hallway where he’s foster mother Sahara Miller standing on the other side of the corridor. Sahara miller had a displeasing facial expression and asked Israel where he is going, Israel didn’t utter a word and remained silent, this angered Sahara and caused her to scream and chase him to his room. Israel shouts the door on her, causing her to start banging on his door.
  • 5. …All of a sudden everything in the house just stood style and silent, but this stopped as Israel thought that everything was fine he starts to hear children laughing. After what had occurred a series negative of events continues to happen such as Israel Witnessing the spirits. The first two spirits that Israel saw rooming around the house were two deceased sisters, Nebula and Numaya, who were very close to Kim. However their connection with Kim hadn’t changed, as Israel sees them following Kim. When Israel plays with is toys he’s never alone as is joined by a little boy named Kelvin who is five years old. When ever Kelvin disappears Israel notices that he starts to feel that he has mentally changed and doesn’t feel him self like someone else is in him, causing him to relies that Kelvin has entered his soul. Israel suddenly starts to feel angry and hatred towards his foster mother, as he starts to plan the ways in which he will kill her. Israel doesn’t plan this on his own but with his foster sisters who’s have also ben possessed by the other spirits of the children. Miss Miller starts to realize that something was going on with her foster children when they all refused to eat with or even communicate with her, leading her to suspect that they where planning something. As the spirits have taken over all the children’s souls its leads them to only see hate and anger when they look at Sahara Miller. This causes a battle between the physical and spiritual world due to the fact that Sahara Miller knows that her children would never want to hurt her except all the others that she had taken there life’s from unfairly. All the deceased children want Sahara to die a slow and painful death which would lead her to apologies and admit the truth about what she had done, and plan on doing this when she sleeps before tying her up and torturing her. This didn’t come as easily as the spirits wanted, because as fear took over Miss Miller causing making to find difficulty sleeping due to her paranoia. In addition to this, Miss Miller plans on killing each child, one by one before they catch up to her. Later she finds out that the kids are much stronger that her and more powerful when she was confronted by all the spirits in her home. At this moment in time Sahara finds herself losing to the spirits, leading her to run away from her own home to seek for help but no one could here her pleading for help. This was done by the spirits they used there supernatural powers to make Sahara Miller to not have a voice that could be heard in the physical world, making none but only them to hear voice. Eventually, Sahara Miller finds herself in the woods, unaware of how she got there and where is actually is, nut before she turns around to go someplace else, the spirits have grabbed her and drag her deeper and deeper into the woods before tying her up, while they do this they start playing and celebrating in front of her, teasing and torturing her. Israel then says to Sahara “apologies or else I will kill you”. As Israel says this all the kids and the spirits scream out her in laughter, to show their excitement, this leads to Sahara to have her fear grow increasingly as she is scared she will die. As her fear grows Sahara thinks about her actions and is shocked that she made it reach this point which leads her to burst in to tears because of the hate and disappointment she has for herself.
  • 6. If only she could control herself and didn’t let her anger get the better of her….. The laughs of the kids turn louder, but starts to quiet down when Sahara Miller starts to apologies in a quiet whisper like tone, she also begs the kids to not kill her. However all the spirits gather around in a circle before saying ‘Its too late’. As they all attack her until they are satisfied that she is finally dead. After Sahara Miller dies the spirits leave and Kim, Ayana, Zaina and Israel are back to having control of there own bodies and their lives again. While the girls remain clam about what had just happened, Israel is disturbed about what he did to Sahara, with blood all around them the sisters are relived and assure Israel that they are all fine since nothing life threatening had happened to them and they also had to tell Israel that it wasn’t them that did that to Sahara it was their deceased siblings. After having this convocation the sisters all suggest that they should go home and tidy up the house to avoid any suspicion of what had happened in the house. After 3 days pass, the girls are acting like nothing had happened, they did not kill their foster mother, causing Israel to feel depressed and unwell. The image of his Sahara’s dead body hunts him every single day of every moment. This lead to Israel to feel unsafe to live in that house because off what happened happened and that he is the only one with a conscience about what had happened. Israel also thought that it was unsafe for him to say in that house as he does not have a parental figure to look up at, which he explains to the girls, they all understood what he was saying so Kim calls the police, telling them that Sahara Miller had ‘ran way’. The sisters find themselves in a CPS care home until they meet Paul Miller. Sahara Millers ex husband. In the eyes of the career, she see’s a man who is happy to foster the siblings in a group all together, but this feeling is not mutual as the sibling look past his eyes and smile and they see something lurking behind all that. He left her, yes. But he always and still has a deep connection with her and only her, he had never felt that spiritual connection with anyone but Sahara. And this was all stole from him by the kids, because of what all the children that Sahara fostered it made him loss the love of his life and because of this he wants to take revenge on them for the death of Sahara Miller. THE END