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Things I believe in.
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Black LivesMatter
Climate action
LGBTQ community
I believe you need to use your own voice to stand for what you believe in as long as you are
not harming anyone. Never force your beliefs on anyone. Everyone has a choice.
I do not believe in any form of racism, discrimination, or segregation. I believe and practice in
equality. I do not believe in hate I do believe in love, tolerance and understanding. I would
like to see a time where George Floyd protests do not need to happen. Where different races
have love for each other and can see value in each other. Where we forget skin colour and
believe in equality for all. Law has made everyone equal however far rightism is trying to turn
back time. I advise all things which are necessary to live together in peace. We can learn from
Martin Luther King Jr who’s lifededication was for love and justiceand died due to that effort.
It’s a difficult time for race relations. What type of nation do you want to live in? What
direction do you want to move in? What BLM campaign promoted was not to move forward
in hatred and violence. We need to replace violence with compassion and love. The vast
majority of white and blackcommunities want to live together and improve allquality of their
lives. It’s time we all moved forward in united strength.
Black Lives Matter
‘’I do not believe in the law of hate. I believe in the law of love. I believe you can do nothing
with hatred. I would like to see a time when we forget a person’s colour or creed. We will
never be civilised until that time comes.’’ Clarence Darrow.
In relation to George Floyd’s death I spent time educating myself on Black lives matter, black
history in America where peaceful protests have worked in bringing racial reform and
advancement of Civil Rights. I have mostly learned in these times it’s not enough to be a non
- racist (you are not a racist person) we need to be anti-racist too (challenge racism where
you see it happening). Anti-racism is needed to challenge systems and acts of injustice. Anti-
racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose
racism much like we saw in protests for justice for George Floyd’s death. It has made a lot of
us ask ourselves why we allow black communities to continuingly be attacked via racists
words and acts of violence especially at the hands of those who are here to protect us. All
lives do matter however black lives matter more now because they are being attacked. In
order for all lives to matter black lives need to matter too.
More police and community relations are needed in order to protect black communities from
acts of prejudice. One thing I have learned is black communities have been victims of racial
discrimination all through their history and evidently it is still happening today and not just
from some police officers it’s far-rightism too. We can no longer allow it to happen. In order
to protect our future generations, we need to challenge racial discrimination everywhere we
see it. Black communities much like all ethnic communities lead two lives. How they see
themselves and how society sees and treats them. It was inspiring to see peaceful protests,
all communities across our world, everyone joining together for black lives matter. There is
strength in unity.
Black lives matter was founded after an unprovoked death of unarmed black teenager
Trayvon Martin in 2013. Their aimis to build local power to intervene on violence inflicted on
black communities via the state. They are trying to promote love and understanding. They are
building a world free of anti-blackness where every black person has social, economic and
political power to thrive in society along with all other communities. They embody and
practice justice, liberation and peace in their engagements with one another. It is why voting
is so vital. Voting for those who share their vision, make a difference and want to help their
communities thrive and keep them safe from effects of systematic racism. All black lives
matter and are striving for liberation. They are fighting for a world where they want their
future generations to not just live however to thrive as equals to all.They do not want anyone
to face discrimination in their lives due to the colour of their skin. All black citizen’s need to
be given a fair chance at life. We need to look inward at ourselves. We can stand against
racism. We can stand against violence. We can stand for inclusion. We can stand for equality.
We can stand for unity.
Anti-Donald Trump
Hatred has no value however I do not stand with Donald Trump. I remember when Trump
was elected President, I could not get my head around it. I expected Hillary Clinton to win a
landslide victory especially after Barack Obama’s successful two terms in office who I
advocated for over both elections. How did we go from an inclusive progressive President
Barack Obama to Donald Trump who revised everything Barack Obama accomplished? Why
would I go from believing in what Barack Obama stood for to what Trump stands for? My
interest in politics only goes so far as to educating myself and giving my opinion on what
matters to me like a lot of social media users. Politicians are in charge of how we live. I try to
use any influence I have in a positive way trying to make our world better, giving back. Shining
a light on charities and campaigns I stand for. I disagreed with Trumps presidency and made
it clear on my social media. I decided to make my social media Trump free zone I did not want
to give Trump any more attention I guess it was my way of protesting Trumps negativity. I
didn’t want to get attacked via those millions who stood with Trump it’s a lot to take mentally
and mental health wise.However I am saying more now as I feelit is right to do. It’s important
sometimes to be bold and gutsy. I disagreedwith Trumps views on Mexico, easing gun control
laws, women, racism, climate action and more. I made it a point to keep supporting women’s
rights, anti-racism, gender rights, equality, climate action and more. I disagreed with Trump
retracting Obama’s polices. Remember when Trump asked for Obama to be impeached due
to passing an Affordable Care Act which help citizens in being able to afford health care?
Trump does not believe in being impeached for inciting a violent insurrection.
Things came to a head with all George Floyd protests last summer. Trump used words like
‘’When the looting starts the shooting starts.’’ However, all rioted all who breached security
at Capital Hill and stormed the building – not one gun was raised against them to stop their
charge. Not one warning shot fired. Why? And multiple innocent civilians were fatally
attacked. If the riot never happened, they would still be alive here today. Black Lives matter
rallies and Far-rightism were treated very differently to each other. According to news Trump
cited an insurrection months before it happened. Trump incited violence to happen. Trump
invited them to go there. Trump gave approval. Those who rioted shattered all principles on
which democracy is founded.
To all who rioted at Capital Hill Trump used words like ‘’we love you’’ trying to justify their
actions in order not to lose their support. Removing Trump from office will send a clear
message to any who riot to stay away. After continuing to self-study reasons behind world
war two and holocaust I was left thinking something of that scale will not happen again we
have learned from our mistakes in allowing it to happen. I was inspired to write and publish
anti-war poetry. However, after Charlottesville and Capitol Hillfar-right way of thinking seems
to be rising and enabled via Trump. America is very divided and needs unity now. Both
Democrats and Republican’s need to be willing to put their differences aside in order to work
together to rebuild their country. Joe Biden won the election in a fairway and is now President
and it must now be accepted in order to move forward in a progressive way.
As Arnold Schwarzenegger said ‘’We need to heal together. We need to heal not just as
democrats or republicans but as Americans.’’
Remember Charlottesville? Far roghtsim descended on Charlottesville marching toward a
statue of confederate general Robert E Lee carrying swastika’s, rifles, and chanting phrases
like ‘’Jews will not replace us,’’ ‘’Black Lives Matter will not replace us,’’ and ‘’Immigrants will
not replace us.’’ An innocent woman died there too. Trump responded saying ‘’There are fine
people on both sides.’’ Trump did not make it clear acts of violence and division will not be
tolerated. And now another violent far-right rioting has happened in Capitol Hill.
If America is to denounce events like Charlottesville and Capitol Hill then there needs to be a
restructure of the systems that create ignorance that ignite events like it. Trump has a
negative approach to national and international responsibilities. What did we learn from
Charlottesville? Not enough as the events of Capitol Hill happened. Now it is vital to make
sure these acts of violence never happen again. No more loss of life. Removing Trump will
send a clear signal to far-right citizens any violent behavior will not be tolerated.
It is not enough to stand back and allow hate and divisive rhetoric to happen in any political
discourse. Our leaders and elected officials must do better and set a good example to others.
It’s time to redefine American unity and show that what sets them apart as citizens of their
country are their values of respect, openness and tolerance towards one another. This begins
with removing Trump or Trump using his position to clearly denounce the far-right and
instating President Joe Biden and let the process of unifying America begin.
Do not get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance. What kind of society do we want to live
in? What are the values that will define it? How do we put these values into action? Believe
in diversity and inclusivity. I come from a multi-cultural family, country, and world. All
communities must work together regardless of any differences to move our world forward.
Believe there are better days to come.
It is time to break away from a cycle of violence and focus on peace and reconciliation. An
open dialogue between Democrats and Republicans is needed here. To anyone who believe
in far-rights I say use your platform to request all to refrain from violence.
America is a country centered in liberty. Unity is strength. America is building back better and
heading towards a new dawn a dawn of extraordinary hope.
Climate Action
I have believed in Climate action for well over a decade now. Climate action is focusing on
efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen resilience and sustainability and
adaptive capacity to climate-induced impacts, including integrating climate action measures
into national policies, strategies and planning; and improving education. Moving economies
to clean energy will bring significant benefits to all counties. Renewable energy has been
praised for creating a lot of new jobs and improving health and well being.
In 2007 I attended Live Earth an international benefit concert promoting Climate action led
via Al Gore. I wrote an article on it during my time as an article writer with Actionaid’s youth
network. Some prominent names in music performed there like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo
Fighters, Metalica, Kasabian, The Black Eyed Peas, The Beastie Boys, Snow Patrol, Madonna,
Genesis, Spinal Tap to name a few. It was an incredible atmosphere that I have ever been
apart of and all for saving planet earth. Music showed it can be used to promote positive living
messages and it was inspiring to watch and what an amazing atmosphere it was.
“We’re here to save the earth, can you help?” was an opening statement for Live Earth at
Wembley. This was one of 7 concerts taking place across 7 continents, producing a 24 hour
music marathon with an intention of sending an SOS to our world to save our planet Earth.
This campaign is pushing to inspire individuals to change their consumer behaviours and to
motivate political leaders to take action against the current climate crisis. “Everyone,
everywhere can and must Answer the Call to solve the climate crisis.” If all worlds leading
scientists are correct, we have just over ten years to take action to prevent our world from a
dramatic increase of extreme weather conditions including flooding, hurricanes, fires and
heat waves.. Christian Aid has recently stated that by 2050 at least 1 billion people could be
left homeless as a result of global warming if nothing is done now. However, looking at news
coverage of flooding crisis in UK and bush fires in Australia and America some could argue it’s
already started which is why raising awareness is so important.
A 7 Point Pledge was created via Al Gore.
1. Demand my country join an international treaty that reduces global warming pollution by
90 percent in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for our next
generation to inherit a healthy earth
2. To take personal action to help solve any climate crisis by reducing my own C02 pollution
as much as I can.
3. To fight for a moratorium on constructions of any new generating facility that burns coal
with no capacity to safely trap and store C02
4. To work for a dramatic increase in energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place
of worship.
5. To fight for laws and policies that expand all use of renewable energy sources and reduce
dependence on oil and coal
6. To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests
7. To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving any
climate crises and building a sustainable, just and prosperous world for the 21st century.
These points are still relevant today, a little goes far, saves lives and can save you money.
There are people living in huts and deprived villages across our world struggling to break
bonds with mass poverty. Developed countries who are able to help should pledge their best
efforts to help them help themselves for however long it takes because it is right to do. If a
free society can not help those who are poor it can not save those who are rich.
I joined Make Poverty History walks and campaigns including going to Live 8 concert named
after G8 Summit in 2005. Make Poverty History campaign was aimed at G8 leaders to act on
global poverty. There was a need to find a new settlement for poorest countries in our world
and discussions forrelieving debt and afocus on trade justice. Over $30 billion of aidand debt
relief was reached before 2010 deadline. Today poverty is stillhere and we need to make sure
any country or society who are experiencing poverty is never forgotten especially during a
pandemic where our help is needed more. Countries need to work together inorder to survive
together. Pleasefeelinspired to donate to any charity which is helping countries recover from
poverty if you can. You will be saving their lives.
Nelson Mandela
I adored how determined Nelson Mandela was to make our world a better place where
everyone is free from poverty, valued and treated equally. Nelson’s life was dedicated to
stopping discrimination, segregation, freeing South Africa from Apartheid and helping
countries facing poverty. Nelson’s book ‘’Long Walk to Freedom’’ really inspired me and I was
lucky to get to go to London Hyde Park to celebrate Nelson’s 90th birthday at a birthday
concert. I was inspired to watch Nelson’s speech:
‘’A concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making
our world a better place. One we passionately dream of. Where there is poverty and
oppression there is more work to be done. Our work is for freedom for all. We say tonight
after 90 years of life it is time for new hands to lift all burdens. It is in your hands now.’’
Women’s rights and gender equality
I have had a life long dedication to women’s rights especially when I was young and educated
myself on anti-sexismand gender equality. I wrote articles on women’s rights during my time
as a youth network article writer. There’s an assumption women are different and do not
have executive ability, orderly minds, stability, leadership skills and they are too emotional.
Women who do not conform to a system, who try to break patterns are stigmatised as being
odd. Women who aspire to be chairperson of a board, member of a house or CEO etc does so
for exactly the same reasons as any man. These reasons are that she thinks she can do a good
job and she wants to try. There needs to be laws to protect working women, guarantee them
fair pay and safe working conditions. Being a feminist does not mean you are anti-men and
saying women should have equal rights isn’t anti-men either women need men to support
their ideals. I value my male friends and family for their love, respect and achievements. Men
can be feminists too. We need to work together to progress forward. All women can break
that glass ceiling.
I stood alongsideWomen’s march in 2017 which inspired me to trust their cause and promote
their peaceful protests. Women's March convened a broad and diverse group of leaders to
produce an intersectional platform known as Unity Principles. Representing a new
understanding of connected nature of our struggles and a vision of our collective liberation.
Unity Principles continue to be a guiding light for their movement. I recommend reading
Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘’Lean In’’ and Women’s march ‘’Together We Rise.’’ There are women
living in our world especially in the middle east who do not have rights to education and to
build a career of their choosing. Women who stand for their rights and rights of others are
oppressed and attacked. They need to be set free and be able to live a free life where they
can accomplish anything they want to. Remember what happened to Women’s rights icon
Malala Yousafzai? Look at where she is now and what she has achieved and is still achieving.
Remember what Rosa Parks achieved? We need more women like her to stand for gender
equality everywhere.
LGBTQ community
I am a natural woman, heterosexual and believe in abstinence before marriage. I am a life
long supporter of LGBTQ rights as I have friends who are part of LGBTQ community. It doesn’t
matter to me what anyone’s sexualchoice is who amI to stop anyone from falling in love with
each other and wanting to live their lives together married. As long as you are not harming
anyone it’s fine to be with whoever you choose. Over past decade there has been a lot of laws
written allowing LGBTQ community to marry and are entitled to same benefits as
heterosexuals. I have always said to myself why can’t they have the same rights as I have?
I try to use inclusive language where I am able too. Love is love.
I’ve read a lot of books from a lot of different genres in my lifetime. Which has had most
impact on me? It has got to be Mark Klempner’s ‘’Holocaust survivors and their stories of
courage.’’ It tells stories of Dutch people who rescued Jewish families during world war two’s
holocaust. Their interviews are very awe-inspiring. They showed a willingness to risk
everything to help others during war with Nazi’s. I learned it’s important to learn from their
experiences. In relation to taking a stand against racism and injustices It’s vital to maintain
an open heart and never giving in. They teach you to become a better human being. Being
there for your neighbour and knowing they will be there for you if ever needed.
‘’You can not let people be treated in an inhumane way around you. Otherwise you start to
become inhuman too.’’ Hetty Voute (rescuer). If you wouldn’t allow discrimination to happen
to you why would you allow it to happen to others?
I have always lived a life where I hope I can make our world a better place in some way not
for me however for others who are in need of help. I volunteered for a lot of charities and
campaigned for lots of causes I believe in. I use my social media to promote charities and
causes I believe in and why.
Even if no one acknowledges it don’t stop doing good in your life. Do good anyway as it’s the
right thing to do.
Live a life of service to others.
There is positive in everything. Never allow anything to stop you from achieving your goals.
Sometimes you can not control what happens to you in life. It is how you respond to it that
matters. Life teaches you everything, always learn. Never allow anyone’s stories to become
your lifestory. Your friends and family know you. Be positive. Be kind. Begenuine. Behumble.
Always keep your faith and dignity in tact . Never stop believing in you and those you love. Do
good in your life especially to others.
Understand to achieve anything requires faith, hard work and determination. Here’s to
learning new things and to pushing our boundaries like never before. We can achieveanything
we want to. Believe and you will achieve. Always believe there is good in our world and keep
pushing to make a very positive difference to your own lifeand others. Be inspired to be giving
in your life to help others.
Every dream takes time to achieve. Don’t ever stop because winners are not people who
never fail however are those who never quit. It is impossible to go through your entire life
and try something new and not fail however you learn, work at it and push harder until you
are winning again. Look at everything you have achieved in your life and how you got there.
Wishing you all live your best life always. Wishing 2021 is your best year yet.
Rupinder K Gill

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Things I Believe In

  • 1. Things I believe in. Page 1/7 Anti-racism Black LivesMatter Anti-Trump Climate action Anti-poverty Women’srights LGBTQ community Books Advice I believe you need to use your own voice to stand for what you believe in as long as you are not harming anyone. Never force your beliefs on anyone. Everyone has a choice. Anti-Racism I do not believe in any form of racism, discrimination, or segregation. I believe and practice in equality. I do not believe in hate I do believe in love, tolerance and understanding. I would like to see a time where George Floyd protests do not need to happen. Where different races have love for each other and can see value in each other. Where we forget skin colour and believe in equality for all. Law has made everyone equal however far rightism is trying to turn back time. I advise all things which are necessary to live together in peace. We can learn from Martin Luther King Jr who’s lifededication was for love and justiceand died due to that effort. It’s a difficult time for race relations. What type of nation do you want to live in? What direction do you want to move in? What BLM campaign promoted was not to move forward in hatred and violence. We need to replace violence with compassion and love. The vast majority of white and blackcommunities want to live together and improve allquality of their lives. It’s time we all moved forward in united strength. Black Lives Matter ‘’I do not believe in the law of hate. I believe in the law of love. I believe you can do nothing with hatred. I would like to see a time when we forget a person’s colour or creed. We will never be civilised until that time comes.’’ Clarence Darrow. In relation to George Floyd’s death I spent time educating myself on Black lives matter, black history in America where peaceful protests have worked in bringing racial reform and advancement of Civil Rights. I have mostly learned in these times it’s not enough to be a non - racist (you are not a racist person) we need to be anti-racist too (challenge racism where you see it happening). Anti-racism is needed to challenge systems and acts of injustice. Anti- racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism much like we saw in protests for justice for George Floyd’s death. It has made a lot of
  • 2. us ask ourselves why we allow black communities to continuingly be attacked via racists words and acts of violence especially at the hands of those who are here to protect us. All lives do matter however black lives matter more now because they are being attacked. In order for all lives to matter black lives need to matter too. More police and community relations are needed in order to protect black communities from acts of prejudice. One thing I have learned is black communities have been victims of racial discrimination all through their history and evidently it is still happening today and not just from some police officers it’s far-rightism too. We can no longer allow it to happen. In order to protect our future generations, we need to challenge racial discrimination everywhere we see it. Black communities much like all ethnic communities lead two lives. How they see themselves and how society sees and treats them. It was inspiring to see peaceful protests, all communities across our world, everyone joining together for black lives matter. There is strength in unity. Black lives matter was founded after an unprovoked death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2013. Their aimis to build local power to intervene on violence inflicted on black communities via the state. They are trying to promote love and understanding. They are building a world free of anti-blackness where every black person has social, economic and political power to thrive in society along with all other communities. They embody and practice justice, liberation and peace in their engagements with one another. It is why voting is so vital. Voting for those who share their vision, make a difference and want to help their communities thrive and keep them safe from effects of systematic racism. All black lives matter and are striving for liberation. They are fighting for a world where they want their future generations to not just live however to thrive as equals to all.They do not want anyone to face discrimination in their lives due to the colour of their skin. All black citizen’s need to be given a fair chance at life. We need to look inward at ourselves. We can stand against racism. We can stand against violence. We can stand for inclusion. We can stand for equality. We can stand for unity. Anti-Donald Trump Hatred has no value however I do not stand with Donald Trump. I remember when Trump was elected President, I could not get my head around it. I expected Hillary Clinton to win a landslide victory especially after Barack Obama’s successful two terms in office who I advocated for over both elections. How did we go from an inclusive progressive President Barack Obama to Donald Trump who revised everything Barack Obama accomplished? Why would I go from believing in what Barack Obama stood for to what Trump stands for? My interest in politics only goes so far as to educating myself and giving my opinion on what matters to me like a lot of social media users. Politicians are in charge of how we live. I try to use any influence I have in a positive way trying to make our world better, giving back. Shining a light on charities and campaigns I stand for. I disagreed with Trumps presidency and made it clear on my social media. I decided to make my social media Trump free zone I did not want to give Trump any more attention I guess it was my way of protesting Trumps negativity. I didn’t want to get attacked via those millions who stood with Trump it’s a lot to take mentally and mental health wise.However I am saying more now as I feelit is right to do. It’s important
  • 3. sometimes to be bold and gutsy. I disagreedwith Trumps views on Mexico, easing gun control laws, women, racism, climate action and more. I made it a point to keep supporting women’s rights, anti-racism, gender rights, equality, climate action and more. I disagreed with Trump retracting Obama’s polices. Remember when Trump asked for Obama to be impeached due to passing an Affordable Care Act which help citizens in being able to afford health care? Trump does not believe in being impeached for inciting a violent insurrection. Things came to a head with all George Floyd protests last summer. Trump used words like ‘’When the looting starts the shooting starts.’’ However, all rioted all who breached security at Capital Hill and stormed the building – not one gun was raised against them to stop their charge. Not one warning shot fired. Why? And multiple innocent civilians were fatally attacked. If the riot never happened, they would still be alive here today. Black Lives matter rallies and Far-rightism were treated very differently to each other. According to news Trump cited an insurrection months before it happened. Trump incited violence to happen. Trump invited them to go there. Trump gave approval. Those who rioted shattered all principles on which democracy is founded. To all who rioted at Capital Hill Trump used words like ‘’we love you’’ trying to justify their actions in order not to lose their support. Removing Trump from office will send a clear message to any who riot to stay away. After continuing to self-study reasons behind world war two and holocaust I was left thinking something of that scale will not happen again we have learned from our mistakes in allowing it to happen. I was inspired to write and publish anti-war poetry. However, after Charlottesville and Capitol Hillfar-right way of thinking seems to be rising and enabled via Trump. America is very divided and needs unity now. Both Democrats and Republican’s need to be willing to put their differences aside in order to work together to rebuild their country. Joe Biden won the election in a fairway and is now President and it must now be accepted in order to move forward in a progressive way. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said ‘’We need to heal together. We need to heal not just as democrats or republicans but as Americans.’’ Remember Charlottesville? Far roghtsim descended on Charlottesville marching toward a statue of confederate general Robert E Lee carrying swastika’s, rifles, and chanting phrases like ‘’Jews will not replace us,’’ ‘’Black Lives Matter will not replace us,’’ and ‘’Immigrants will not replace us.’’ An innocent woman died there too. Trump responded saying ‘’There are fine people on both sides.’’ Trump did not make it clear acts of violence and division will not be tolerated. And now another violent far-right rioting has happened in Capitol Hill. If America is to denounce events like Charlottesville and Capitol Hill then there needs to be a restructure of the systems that create ignorance that ignite events like it. Trump has a negative approach to national and international responsibilities. What did we learn from Charlottesville? Not enough as the events of Capitol Hill happened. Now it is vital to make sure these acts of violence never happen again. No more loss of life. Removing Trump will send a clear signal to far-right citizens any violent behavior will not be tolerated. It is not enough to stand back and allow hate and divisive rhetoric to happen in any political discourse. Our leaders and elected officials must do better and set a good example to others.
  • 4. It’s time to redefine American unity and show that what sets them apart as citizens of their country are their values of respect, openness and tolerance towards one another. This begins with removing Trump or Trump using his position to clearly denounce the far-right and instating President Joe Biden and let the process of unifying America begin. Do not get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance. What kind of society do we want to live in? What are the values that will define it? How do we put these values into action? Believe in diversity and inclusivity. I come from a multi-cultural family, country, and world. All communities must work together regardless of any differences to move our world forward. Believe there are better days to come. It is time to break away from a cycle of violence and focus on peace and reconciliation. An open dialogue between Democrats and Republicans is needed here. To anyone who believe in far-rights I say use your platform to request all to refrain from violence. America is a country centered in liberty. Unity is strength. America is building back better and heading towards a new dawn a dawn of extraordinary hope. Climate Action I have believed in Climate action for well over a decade now. Climate action is focusing on efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen resilience and sustainability and adaptive capacity to climate-induced impacts, including integrating climate action measures into national policies, strategies and planning; and improving education. Moving economies to clean energy will bring significant benefits to all counties. Renewable energy has been praised for creating a lot of new jobs and improving health and well being. In 2007 I attended Live Earth an international benefit concert promoting Climate action led via Al Gore. I wrote an article on it during my time as an article writer with Actionaid’s youth network. Some prominent names in music performed there like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo Fighters, Metalica, Kasabian, The Black Eyed Peas, The Beastie Boys, Snow Patrol, Madonna, Genesis, Spinal Tap to name a few. It was an incredible atmosphere that I have ever been apart of and all for saving planet earth. Music showed it can be used to promote positive living messages and it was inspiring to watch and what an amazing atmosphere it was. “We’re here to save the earth, can you help?” was an opening statement for Live Earth at Wembley. This was one of 7 concerts taking place across 7 continents, producing a 24 hour music marathon with an intention of sending an SOS to our world to save our planet Earth. This campaign is pushing to inspire individuals to change their consumer behaviours and to motivate political leaders to take action against the current climate crisis. “Everyone, everywhere can and must Answer the Call to solve the climate crisis.” If all worlds leading scientists are correct, we have just over ten years to take action to prevent our world from a dramatic increase of extreme weather conditions including flooding, hurricanes, fires and heat waves.. Christian Aid has recently stated that by 2050 at least 1 billion people could be left homeless as a result of global warming if nothing is done now. However, looking at news coverage of flooding crisis in UK and bush fires in Australia and America some could argue it’s already started which is why raising awareness is so important.
  • 5. A 7 Point Pledge was created via Al Gore. 1. Demand my country join an international treaty that reduces global warming pollution by 90 percent in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for our next generation to inherit a healthy earth 2. To take personal action to help solve any climate crisis by reducing my own C02 pollution as much as I can. 3. To fight for a moratorium on constructions of any new generating facility that burns coal with no capacity to safely trap and store C02 4. To work for a dramatic increase in energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship. 5. To fight for laws and policies that expand all use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal 6. To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests 7. To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving any climate crises and building a sustainable, just and prosperous world for the 21st century. These points are still relevant today, a little goes far, saves lives and can save you money. Anti-Poverty There are people living in huts and deprived villages across our world struggling to break bonds with mass poverty. Developed countries who are able to help should pledge their best efforts to help them help themselves for however long it takes because it is right to do. If a free society can not help those who are poor it can not save those who are rich. I joined Make Poverty History walks and campaigns including going to Live 8 concert named after G8 Summit in 2005. Make Poverty History campaign was aimed at G8 leaders to act on global poverty. There was a need to find a new settlement for poorest countries in our world and discussions forrelieving debt and afocus on trade justice. Over $30 billion of aidand debt relief was reached before 2010 deadline. Today poverty is stillhere and we need to make sure any country or society who are experiencing poverty is never forgotten especially during a pandemic where our help is needed more. Countries need to work together inorder to survive together. Pleasefeelinspired to donate to any charity which is helping countries recover from poverty if you can. You will be saving their lives. Nelson Mandela I adored how determined Nelson Mandela was to make our world a better place where everyone is free from poverty, valued and treated equally. Nelson’s life was dedicated to stopping discrimination, segregation, freeing South Africa from Apartheid and helping countries facing poverty. Nelson’s book ‘’Long Walk to Freedom’’ really inspired me and I was lucky to get to go to London Hyde Park to celebrate Nelson’s 90th birthday at a birthday concert. I was inspired to watch Nelson’s speech:
  • 6. ‘’A concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making our world a better place. One we passionately dream of. Where there is poverty and oppression there is more work to be done. Our work is for freedom for all. We say tonight after 90 years of life it is time for new hands to lift all burdens. It is in your hands now.’’ Women’s rights and gender equality I have had a life long dedication to women’s rights especially when I was young and educated myself on anti-sexismand gender equality. I wrote articles on women’s rights during my time as a youth network article writer. There’s an assumption women are different and do not have executive ability, orderly minds, stability, leadership skills and they are too emotional. Women who do not conform to a system, who try to break patterns are stigmatised as being odd. Women who aspire to be chairperson of a board, member of a house or CEO etc does so for exactly the same reasons as any man. These reasons are that she thinks she can do a good job and she wants to try. There needs to be laws to protect working women, guarantee them fair pay and safe working conditions. Being a feminist does not mean you are anti-men and saying women should have equal rights isn’t anti-men either women need men to support their ideals. I value my male friends and family for their love, respect and achievements. Men can be feminists too. We need to work together to progress forward. All women can break that glass ceiling. I stood alongsideWomen’s march in 2017 which inspired me to trust their cause and promote their peaceful protests. Women's March convened a broad and diverse group of leaders to produce an intersectional platform known as Unity Principles. Representing a new understanding of connected nature of our struggles and a vision of our collective liberation. Unity Principles continue to be a guiding light for their movement. I recommend reading Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘’Lean In’’ and Women’s march ‘’Together We Rise.’’ There are women living in our world especially in the middle east who do not have rights to education and to build a career of their choosing. Women who stand for their rights and rights of others are oppressed and attacked. They need to be set free and be able to live a free life where they can accomplish anything they want to. Remember what happened to Women’s rights icon Malala Yousafzai? Look at where she is now and what she has achieved and is still achieving. Remember what Rosa Parks achieved? We need more women like her to stand for gender equality everywhere. LGBTQ community I am a natural woman, heterosexual and believe in abstinence before marriage. I am a life long supporter of LGBTQ rights as I have friends who are part of LGBTQ community. It doesn’t matter to me what anyone’s sexualchoice is who amI to stop anyone from falling in love with each other and wanting to live their lives together married. As long as you are not harming anyone it’s fine to be with whoever you choose. Over past decade there has been a lot of laws written allowing LGBTQ community to marry and are entitled to same benefits as heterosexuals. I have always said to myself why can’t they have the same rights as I have? I try to use inclusive language where I am able too. Love is love.
  • 7. Book I’ve read a lot of books from a lot of different genres in my lifetime. Which has had most impact on me? It has got to be Mark Klempner’s ‘’Holocaust survivors and their stories of courage.’’ It tells stories of Dutch people who rescued Jewish families during world war two’s holocaust. Their interviews are very awe-inspiring. They showed a willingness to risk everything to help others during war with Nazi’s. I learned it’s important to learn from their experiences. In relation to taking a stand against racism and injustices It’s vital to maintain an open heart and never giving in. They teach you to become a better human being. Being there for your neighbour and knowing they will be there for you if ever needed. ‘’You can not let people be treated in an inhumane way around you. Otherwise you start to become inhuman too.’’ Hetty Voute (rescuer). If you wouldn’t allow discrimination to happen to you why would you allow it to happen to others? Advice I have always lived a life where I hope I can make our world a better place in some way not for me however for others who are in need of help. I volunteered for a lot of charities and campaigned for lots of causes I believe in. I use my social media to promote charities and causes I believe in and why. Even if no one acknowledges it don’t stop doing good in your life. Do good anyway as it’s the right thing to do. Live a life of service to others. There is positive in everything. Never allow anything to stop you from achieving your goals. Sometimes you can not control what happens to you in life. It is how you respond to it that matters. Life teaches you everything, always learn. Never allow anyone’s stories to become your lifestory. Your friends and family know you. Be positive. Be kind. Begenuine. Behumble. Always keep your faith and dignity in tact . Never stop believing in you and those you love. Do good in your life especially to others. Understand to achieve anything requires faith, hard work and determination. Here’s to learning new things and to pushing our boundaries like never before. We can achieveanything we want to. Believe and you will achieve. Always believe there is good in our world and keep pushing to make a very positive difference to your own lifeand others. Be inspired to be giving in your life to help others. Every dream takes time to achieve. Don’t ever stop because winners are not people who never fail however are those who never quit. It is impossible to go through your entire life and try something new and not fail however you learn, work at it and push harder until you are winning again. Look at everything you have achieved in your life and how you got there. Wishing you all live your best life always. Wishing 2021 is your best year yet. Rupinder K Gill