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The upper limb
Muscles That Move the Pectoral Girdle
 Originate on the axial skeleton and insert on the clavicle and
 Stabilize the scapula and move it to increase the arm’s angle of
 Some of the superficial muscles of the thorax are grouped together
according to the scapular movement they direct.
 elevation, depression, protraction, or retraction
The muscles of back
Superficial group
 Trapezius
 Latissimus dorsi
 Levator scapulae
 Rhomboideus
Deep group
 Erector spinae
 Splenius
 Thoracolumbar fascia
The muscles of thorax
Extrinsic muscles
 Pectoralis major
 Pectoralis minor
 Serratus anterior
Intrinsic muscles
 Intercostales externi
 Intercostales interni
 Intercostales intimi
The Muscles of Upper Limb
Muscles of shoulder
 Deltoid
 supraspinatus
 Infraspinatus
 Teres minor
 Teres major
 subscapularis
Major muscles of upper limb
 Origin: lateral third of
clavicle, acromion, and spine
of scapula
 Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
of humerus
 Action: abducts,flexes and
medically rotates, extends,
and laterally rotates arm
Teres major
 Origin: dorsal surface
of inferior angle of
 Insertion: crest of
lesser tubercle of
 Action: medially
rotates and adducts
Foramen axillare laterale et mediale
Arm Muscles That Move the Shoulder/Elbow
 (Flexor) compartment
 Posterior (extensor) compartment
 Anterior compartment
 primarily contains shoulder/elbow flexors
 Posterior compartment contains elbow extensors
 the principal flexors
 biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis
 muscles that extend the elbow joint
 triceps brachii and the anconeus
Muscles of arm
 Antererior group
 Biceps brachii
 Coracobrachialis
 Brachialis
 Posterior group –
triceps brachii
Biceps brachii
 Origin: long head,
supraglenoid tubercle; short
head, coracoid process
 Insertion: radical tuberosity
 Action: supinator of forearm,
flexor of elbow joint, weak
flexor of should joint
Pronator teres
 Origin: medical epicondyle of
humerus and deep fascia of
 Insertion: middle of lateral
surface of radius
 Action: pronation of forearm
and flexion of elbow
Triceps brachii
 Origin: long head,
infraglenoid tubercle; lateral
head, above groove for
radical n., medical head,
below groove for radical n.
 Insertion: olecranon of ulna
 Action: extends elbow joint),
long head can extend and
adduct shoulder joint
Surface anatomy
M. triceps brachii
caput longum, medialis, lateralis
Surface elements
Skin thick and movable
Subcutaneous tissue well expressed
n. cutaneus brachii posterior
n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior
n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior
Posterior of the arm
Deep structures
А. Fascia brachialis
- Thick, thins distally
B. Neurovascular bundles
1. Upper - in canalis humero-muscularis, between:
- sulcus n. radialis
- medial and lateral head of m. triceps brachii
1.1. n. radialis – lies on the humerus
- n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inerior
- n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior
- rr. musculres
1.2. a. profunda brachii
- a. collateralis media
- collateralis radialis
Lower neurovascular bundle
behind medial epicondyle
n. ulnaris
a. collateralis ulnaris inferior
Elbow region
Anterior elbow
Surface anatomy
Three eminences
Two grooves
Lateral groove - v. cephalica, n. cutaneus
antebrachii lateralis
Medial groove – v. basilica, n. cutaneus
antebrachii medialis
V. mediana cubiti
Deep structures
А. Muscles
Flexors of forearm – medial eminence
Extensors of forearm – lateral eminence
Brachial muscles, mm. biceps, brachialis –
middle eminence
Deep structures
B. Vessels and nerves
Medial bundle - between m. biceps brachii and pronator
- a.v. brachialis, n. medianus
Lateral bundle - between m. brachialis and
- n. radialis, a. collateralis radialis, a. recurrens radialis
C. Cubital fossa
- m. brachioradialis (lateral), m. pronator teres (medial)
- tendo m. brachialis, m. biceps brachii, bursa bicipitoradialis
Layers of the elbow
1 v. cephalica
2 v. basilica
3 v. mediana cubiti
1 aponeurosis bicipis
2 tendo m. biceps brachii
1 a. brachialis
2 n. medianus
1 m. supinator
2 m. brachialis
3 tendo m. biceps brachii
1 humerus
2 radius
3 ulna
Anterior elbow
Arteries of upper limb
Axillary artery
 Continuation of subclavian artery at
lateral border of first rib
 Becomes brachial artery at lower
border of teres major
 Divided into three parts by overlying
pectoralis minor
 First portion, above muscle-gives rise
to thoracoacromial a.
 Second portion, behind muscle-gives
rise to lateral thoracic a.
 Third portion, below muscle-gives rise
to subscapular a.
 divides into throcodorsal a.
 and circumflex scapular a.
 anterior and posterior humeral
circumflex a.;
Brachial artery
 Continuation of axillary artery
 Divides into radial and ulnar
arteries at level of neck of radius
 Branches
 Deep brachial a. accompanies
radial nerve
 Superior ulnar collaeral a.
accompanies ulnar nerve
 Inferior ulnar collateral a.
Radial artery and branches
 Radial recurrent a.
 Superfical palmar branch
 Principal artery of thumb
Ulnar artery and branches
 Ulnar recurrent a.
 Common interosseous artery
 Anterior interossous a.
 Posterior interosseous a.
 Deep palmar branch
 Basilic vein
 Arises from the medial side of the
dorsal venous rete of hand
 Ascends on the ulnar side of forearm
to the elbow and then in the medial
bicepital brachii furrow to middle of
the arm where it pierces the deep
fascia and joins the brachial vein or
axillary vein
 Median cubital vein
links cephalic vein and basilic vein in
the cubital fossa. It is a frequent site
for venipuncture to remove a sample
of blood or add fluid to the blood
The lymphatic drainage of upper limb
Lymphatic vessels
 Superficial-follow the
superficial veins, drain into
supratrochlear and axillary
lymph nodes
 Deep-accompany main vessels,
end in axillary lymph nodes
Lymph nodes
 Cubital lymph node: lies above
medial epicondyle of humerus
 Axillary lymph node-arranged
in five groups
Axillary lymph nodes
Arranged in five groups
 Lateral lymph nodes lie around
the distal end of axillary vein ,
receiving drainage from the arm,
forearm, and hand
 Pectoral lymph nodes lie along
lateral thoracic vessels, receive
afferents from anterior thoracic wall
including central and lateral portion of
 Subscapular lymph node along
subscapular vessels, receive lymph
from nape and scapular region
 Efferents above three groups pass to
central lymph node
Brachial plexus
 Five roots: anterior rami of C5-C8
and T1 spinal nerves, roots C5-
C7give rise to long thoracic n.
 Three trunks
 Upper trunk formed by the joining of
roots C4,C5,C6.
 Middle trunk continuation of root C7.
 Lower trunk formed by the joining of
roots C8 and T1.
 Six divisions: above clavicle,
trunks form anterior and posterior
 Three cords: below clavicle,
divisions form three cords that
surround the second portion of
axillary a.
passes through the scalene fissure to
posterosuperior of subclavian artery, then
enters the axilla to form lateral, medial and
posterior cords
Main branches
 Lateral cord
 Musculocutaneous n.
 Lateral root to median n.
 Medial cord
 Medial root to median n.
 Ulnar n.
 Medial brachial cutaneous n.
 Medial antebrachial cutaneous n.
 Posterior cord
 radial n.
 axillary n.
 thoracodorsal n.
Musculocutaneous nerve
Muscles -‘BBC nerve’
 Biceps brachii,
 Brachalis
 Coracobrachialis;
skin on the anterior aspect of
Median nerve
 Flexors of forearm except
 Flexor carpi ulnaris
 flexor digitorum profundus - ulnar half
 Thenar except adductor pollicis, two
lateral lumbricals;
 Skin of thenar, central part of palm,
palmar aspect of radial three and one-
half fingers, including middle and
distal fingers on dorsum
Injury: Ape hand
 produces sign of benediction,
the index and middle fingers cannot
be flexed and the thumb cannot be
Ulnar nerve
 flexor carpi ulnaris,
 ulnar half of flexor digitorum
 hypothenar muscles, interossei,
 3rd and 4th lumbricals and adductor
 skin of hypothenar, palmar surface
of ulnar one and one-half fingers,
ulnar half of dorsum of hand,
posterior aspect of ulnar two and
one-half fingers
Injury: claw hand
 Extensor muscles of arm and
 Brachioradialis;
 skin on back of arm, forearm,
and radial side of dorsum of
hand and radial two and one-
half fingers
Injury: Wrist drop
Axillary nerve
 Deltoid and teres
minor muscle;
 skin over deltoid and
upper posterior aspect
of arm
 deltoid and teres minor
paralysis (loss of
shoulder abdution and
wheel external rotation)
 loss of sensation over
the deltoid
Forearm Muscles
Supinate and Pronate
 Supinator muscle supinates the forearm.
 Biceps brachii supinates the forearm.
 Pronator teres and pronator quadratus pronate the forearm.
Move the Wrist Joint, Hand, and Fingers
 Muscles in the forearm move the hand at the wrist and/or the fingers.
 Extrinsic muscles of the wrist and hand originate on the forearm, not
the wrist or hand.
 Tendons of forearm muscles typically are surrounded by tendon
(synovial) sheaths and held adjacent to the skeletal elements by strong
fascial structures.
 At the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm forms thickened, fibrous
bands termed retinacula.
 The forearm extends
from elbow to wrist.
 It posses two bones
radius laterally & Ulna
 The two bones are
connected together
by the interosseous
 This membrane
allows movement of
Pronation and
Supination while the
two bones are
connected together.
 Also it gives origin for the
deep muscles.
Sheath of deep fascia
attached to the posterior
border of the ulna .
The fascial sheath,
interosseous membrane &
fibrous intermuscular septa,
divide the forearm into 3
compartments, each
having its own muscles,
nerves, and blood supply.
Fascial Compartments of the Forearm
I-Superficial: 4
 Pronator teres
 Flexor carpi radialis
 Palmaris longus
 Flexor carpi ulnaris
II-Intermediate: 1
 Flexor digitorum superficialis
These muscles: 8
 Act on the elbow & wrist
joints and those of the
 Form fleshy masses in the
proximal part and become
tendinous in the distal part
of the forearm.
•Arranged in three groups:
III- Deep: 3
 Flexor digitorum profundus
 Flexor pollicis longus
 Pronator quadratus
Superficial Flexors:
 They arise - more or
less- from the
common flexor origin
(front of medial
 All are supplied by
median nerve except
one, flexor carpi
ulnaris, FCU (ulnar).
 All cross the wrist
joint except one,
pronator teres, (PT).
Muscles of forearm
 Superficial layer
 Brachioradialis
 Pronator teres
 Flexor carpi radialis
 Palmaris longus
 Flexor carpi ulnaris
 common flexor origin (front of
medial epicondyle)
 supplied by median nerve except
flexor carpi ulnaris
 All cross the wrist joint except
pronator teres
Second layer
Flexor digitorum superficials
 Common flexor origin,
 Coronoid process of ulna;
 Anterior surface of radius
 Base of middle phalanges of 2nd to 5th fingers.
 Flexes middle and proximal phalanges of 2nd
to 5th fingers, and the hand
 Third layer
 Flexor digitorum
 Flexor pollicis longus
 Fourth layer
 Pronator quadratus
Action: flex radiocarpal
joint and fingers,
pronate forearm
Lateral compartment (3)
 Brachioradialis
 Extensor carpi radialis longus
 Extensor carpi radialis brevis
 Common extensor origin,
(front of lateral epicondyle of
the humerus), EXCEPT, 2 (BR
& ECRL).
 Cross the wrist EXCEPT
 Supplied by deep branch of
radial nerve
Posterior compartment (8)
 Superficial layer (3)
 Extensor digitorum
 Extensor digiti minimi
 Extensor carpi ulnaris
 Common extensor origin, (front of
lateral epicondyle of the humerus),
 Cross the wrist.
 Supplied by deep branch of radial
Deep layer (5)
 Supinator
 Abductor pollicis longus
 Extensor pollicis brevis
 Extensor pollicis longus
 Extensor indicis
 Action: extend
radiocapral joint and
fingers, and supinate
Extensor carpi radialis brevis:
base of 3rd metacarpal bone.
Extensor digitorum:
Extensor expansion of the
medial 4 fingers.
Extensor digiti minimi:
Extensor expansion of the
little finger.
Extensor carpi ulnaris:
Base of the 5th metacarpal
It occurs in the superior
and inferior radioulnar
Muscles produce
 Biceps brachii.
 Supinator.
Muscles produce
 Pronator teres.
 Pronator quadratus.
NB. Brachioradialis put
the forearm in midprone-
Human hand – masterpiece of art
Muscles of hand (palm)
 Lateral group thenar (4)
 Abductor pollicis brevis
 Flexor pollicis brevis
 Opponens pollicis
 Adductor pollicis
 Action: flex, abduct, adduct and
oppose thumb
 Medial group hypothenar (3)
 Abductor digiti minimi
 Flexor digiti minimi brevis
 Opponens digiti minimi
 Action: flex, abduct , and oppose
little finger
Intermedial group
 Lumbricals (4) flex
fingers at MP joints;
extend fingers at IP
 Palmar interossei (3)
adduct fingers towards
middle finger at MP
 Dorsal interossei (3)
abduct fingers away
from middle finger at
MP joints
Arteries of upper limb
Axillary artery
 Continuation of subclavian artery at
lateral border of first rib
 Becomes brachial artery at lower
border of teres major
 Divided into three parts by overlying
pectoralis minor
 First portion, above muscle-gives rise
to thoracoacromial a.
 Second portion, behind muscle-gives
rise to lateral thoracic a.
 Third portion, below muscle-gives rise
to subscapular a.
 divides into throcodorsal a.
 and circumflex scapular a.
 anterior and posterior humeral
circumflex a.;
Brachial artery
 Continuation of axillary artery
 Divides into radial and ulnar
arteries at level of neck of radius
 Branches
 Deep brachial a. accompanies
radial nerve
 Superior ulnar collaeral a.
accompanies ulnar nerve
 Inferior ulnar collateral a.
Radial artery and branches
 Radial recurrent a.
 Superfical palmar branch
 Principal artery of thumb
Ulnar artery and branches
 Ulnar recurrent a.
 Common interosseous artery
 Anterior interossous a.
 Posterior interosseous a.
 Deep palmar branch
Superficial palmar arch
 Formed by ulnar artery and
superficial palmar branch
of radial artery
 Curve of arch lies across
the palm, level with the
distal border of fully
extended thumb
 Gives rise to three common
palmar digital arteries each
then divides into two
proper palmar digital
Deep palmar arch
 Formed by radial artery
and deep palmar branch of
ulnar artery
 Curve of arch lies across
upper part of palmar at
level with proximal border
of extended thumb
 Gives rise to three palmar
metacarpal arteries
Veins of the upper limb
Deep veins: accompany the arteries of
the same region and bear similar
Superficial veins
 Cephalic vein
 Arises from the lateral side of the
dorsal venous rete of hand
 Ascends on radial side of the forearm
to the elbow and then in the lateral
side of biceps brachii furrow,
continues up the arm in the
deltopectoral groove and then to the
infraclavicular fossa, where it pierces
clavipectoral fascia to drain into
axillary vein

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  • 2. Muscles That Move the Pectoral Girdle  Originate on the axial skeleton and insert on the clavicle and scapula.  Stabilize the scapula and move it to increase the arm’s angle of movements.  Some of the superficial muscles of the thorax are grouped together according to the scapular movement they direct.  elevation, depression, protraction, or retraction
  • 3. The muscles of back Superficial group  Trapezius  Latissimus dorsi  Levator scapulae  Rhomboideus Deep group  Erector spinae  Splenius  Thoracolumbar fascia
  • 4. The muscles of thorax Extrinsic muscles  Pectoralis major  Pectoralis minor  Serratus anterior Intrinsic muscles  Intercostales externi  Intercostales interni  Intercostales intimi
  • 5. The Muscles of Upper Limb Muscles of shoulder  Deltoid  supraspinatus  Infraspinatus  Teres minor  Teres major  subscapularis
  • 6. Major muscles of upper limb Deltoid  Origin: lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula  Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus  Action: abducts,flexes and medically rotates, extends, and laterally rotates arm
  • 7. Teres major  Origin: dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapula  Insertion: crest of lesser tubercle of humerus  Action: medially rotates and adducts arm
  • 9. Arm Muscles That Move the Shoulder/Elbow Joint  (Flexor) compartment  Posterior (extensor) compartment  Anterior compartment  primarily contains shoulder/elbow flexors  Posterior compartment contains elbow extensors  the principal flexors  biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis  muscles that extend the elbow joint  triceps brachii and the anconeus
  • 10.
  • 11. Muscles of arm  Antererior group  Biceps brachii  Coracobrachialis  Brachialis  Posterior group – triceps brachii
  • 12. Biceps brachii  Origin: long head, supraglenoid tubercle; short head, coracoid process  Insertion: radical tuberosity  Action: supinator of forearm, flexor of elbow joint, weak flexor of should joint Pronator teres  Origin: medical epicondyle of humerus and deep fascia of forearm  Insertion: middle of lateral surface of radius  Action: pronation of forearm and flexion of elbow
  • 13. Triceps brachii  Origin: long head, infraglenoid tubercle; lateral head, above groove for radical n., medical head, below groove for radical n.  Insertion: olecranon of ulna  Action: extends elbow joint), long head can extend and adduct shoulder joint
  • 14. Surface anatomy M. triceps brachii caput longum, medialis, lateralis Surface elements Skin thick and movable Subcutaneous tissue well expressed n. cutaneus brachii posterior n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior Posterior of the arm
  • 15. Deep structures А. Fascia brachialis - Thick, thins distally B. Neurovascular bundles 1. Upper - in canalis humero-muscularis, between: - sulcus n. radialis - medial and lateral head of m. triceps brachii 1.1. n. radialis – lies on the humerus - n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inerior - n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior - rr. musculres 1.2. a. profunda brachii - a. collateralis media - collateralis radialis
  • 16. Lower neurovascular bundle behind medial epicondyle n. ulnaris a. collateralis ulnaris inferior
  • 17.
  • 19. Anterior elbow Surface anatomy Three eminences Two grooves Elements Lateral groove - v. cephalica, n. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis Medial groove – v. basilica, n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis V. mediana cubiti
  • 20. Deep structures А. Muscles Flexors of forearm – medial eminence Extensors of forearm – lateral eminence Brachial muscles, mm. biceps, brachialis – middle eminence
  • 21. Deep structures B. Vessels and nerves Medial bundle - between m. biceps brachii and pronator teres - a.v. brachialis, n. medianus Lateral bundle - between m. brachialis and brachioradialis - n. radialis, a. collateralis radialis, a. recurrens radialis C. Cubital fossa Boundaries - m. brachioradialis (lateral), m. pronator teres (medial) Content - tendo m. brachialis, m. biceps brachii, bursa bicipitoradialis
  • 22. Layers of the elbow Venous 1 v. cephalica 2 v. basilica 3 v. mediana cubiti Apponeurotic 1 aponeurosis bicipis 2 tendo m. biceps brachii
  • 23. Neurovascular 1 a. brachialis 2 n. medianus Muscle 1 m. supinator 2 m. brachialis 3 tendo m. biceps brachii Bone 1 humerus 2 radius 3 ulna
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Arteries of upper limb Axillary artery  Continuation of subclavian artery at lateral border of first rib  Becomes brachial artery at lower border of teres major  Divided into three parts by overlying pectoralis minor  First portion, above muscle-gives rise to thoracoacromial a.  Second portion, behind muscle-gives rise to lateral thoracic a.  Third portion, below muscle-gives rise to subscapular a.  divides into throcodorsal a.  and circumflex scapular a.  anterior and posterior humeral circumflex a.;
  • 28.
  • 29. Brachial artery  Continuation of axillary artery  Divides into radial and ulnar arteries at level of neck of radius  Branches  Deep brachial a. accompanies radial nerve  Superior ulnar collaeral a. accompanies ulnar nerve  Inferior ulnar collateral a.
  • 30. Radial artery and branches  Radial recurrent a.  Superfical palmar branch  Principal artery of thumb Ulnar artery and branches  Ulnar recurrent a.  Common interosseous artery  Anterior interossous a.  Posterior interosseous a.  Deep palmar branch
  • 31.  Basilic vein  Arises from the medial side of the dorsal venous rete of hand  Ascends on the ulnar side of forearm to the elbow and then in the medial bicepital brachii furrow to middle of the arm where it pierces the deep fascia and joins the brachial vein or axillary vein  Median cubital vein links cephalic vein and basilic vein in the cubital fossa. It is a frequent site for venipuncture to remove a sample of blood or add fluid to the blood
  • 32. The lymphatic drainage of upper limb Lymphatic vessels  Superficial-follow the superficial veins, drain into supratrochlear and axillary lymph nodes  Deep-accompany main vessels, end in axillary lymph nodes Lymph nodes  Cubital lymph node: lies above medial epicondyle of humerus  Axillary lymph node-arranged in five groups
  • 33. Axillary lymph nodes Arranged in five groups  Lateral lymph nodes lie around the distal end of axillary vein , receiving drainage from the arm, forearm, and hand  Pectoral lymph nodes lie along lateral thoracic vessels, receive afferents from anterior thoracic wall including central and lateral portion of mamma  Subscapular lymph node along subscapular vessels, receive lymph from nape and scapular region  Efferents above three groups pass to central lymph node
  • 34. Brachial plexus Formation:  Five roots: anterior rami of C5-C8 and T1 spinal nerves, roots C5- C7give rise to long thoracic n.  Three trunks  Upper trunk formed by the joining of roots C4,C5,C6.  Middle trunk continuation of root C7.  Lower trunk formed by the joining of roots C8 and T1.  Six divisions: above clavicle, trunks form anterior and posterior divisions  Three cords: below clavicle, divisions form three cords that surround the second portion of axillary a.
  • 35. Position: passes through the scalene fissure to posterosuperior of subclavian artery, then enters the axilla to form lateral, medial and posterior cords Main branches  Lateral cord  Musculocutaneous n.  Lateral root to median n.  Medial cord  Medial root to median n.  Ulnar n.  Medial brachial cutaneous n.  Medial antebrachial cutaneous n.
  • 36.  Posterior cord  radial n.  axillary n.  thoracodorsal n.
  • 37. Musculocutaneous nerve Supplies: Muscles -‘BBC nerve’  Biceps brachii,  Brachalis  Coracobrachialis; skin on the anterior aspect of forearm
  • 38. Median nerve Supplies:  Flexors of forearm except brachioradialis,  Flexor carpi ulnaris  flexor digitorum profundus - ulnar half  Thenar except adductor pollicis, two lateral lumbricals;  Skin of thenar, central part of palm, palmar aspect of radial three and one- half fingers, including middle and distal fingers on dorsum Injury: Ape hand  produces sign of benediction, the index and middle fingers cannot be flexed and the thumb cannot be opposed
  • 39. Ulnar nerve Supplies:  flexor carpi ulnaris,  ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus,  hypothenar muscles, interossei,  3rd and 4th lumbricals and adductor pollicis;  skin of hypothenar, palmar surface of ulnar one and one-half fingers, ulnar half of dorsum of hand, posterior aspect of ulnar two and one-half fingers Injury: claw hand
  • 40. Radial Supplies:  Extensor muscles of arm and forearm,  Brachioradialis;  skin on back of arm, forearm, and radial side of dorsum of hand and radial two and one- half fingers Injury: Wrist drop
  • 41. Axillary nerve Supplies:  Deltoid and teres minor muscle;  skin over deltoid and upper posterior aspect of arm Injury:  deltoid and teres minor paralysis (loss of shoulder abdution and wheel external rotation)  loss of sensation over the deltoid
  • 42. Forearm Muscles Supinate and Pronate  Supinator muscle supinates the forearm.  Biceps brachii supinates the forearm.  Pronator teres and pronator quadratus pronate the forearm. Move the Wrist Joint, Hand, and Fingers  Muscles in the forearm move the hand at the wrist and/or the fingers.  Extrinsic muscles of the wrist and hand originate on the forearm, not the wrist or hand.  Tendons of forearm muscles typically are surrounded by tendon (synovial) sheaths and held adjacent to the skeletal elements by strong fascial structures.  At the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm forms thickened, fibrous bands termed retinacula.
  • 43.  The forearm extends from elbow to wrist.  It posses two bones radius laterally & Ulna medially.  The two bones are connected together by the interosseous membrane.  This membrane allows movement of Pronation and Supination while the two bones are connected together.  Also it gives origin for the deep muscles.
  • 44. Sheath of deep fascia attached to the posterior border of the ulna . The fascial sheath, interosseous membrane & fibrous intermuscular septa, divide the forearm into 3 compartments, each having its own muscles, nerves, and blood supply. Fascial Compartments of the Forearm
  • 45. I-Superficial: 4  Pronator teres  Flexor carpi radialis  Palmaris longus  Flexor carpi ulnaris II-Intermediate: 1  Flexor digitorum superficialis These muscles: 8  Act on the elbow & wrist joints and those of the fingers.  Form fleshy masses in the proximal part and become tendinous in the distal part of the forearm. •Arranged in three groups: III- Deep: 3  Flexor digitorum profundus  Flexor pollicis longus  Pronator quadratus FLEXOR GROUP
  • 46. Superficial Flexors:  They arise - more or less- from the common flexor origin (front of medial epicondyle).  All are supplied by median nerve except one, flexor carpi ulnaris, FCU (ulnar).  All cross the wrist joint except one, pronator teres, (PT).
  • 47. Muscles of forearm  Superficial layer  Brachioradialis  Pronator teres  Flexor carpi radialis  Palmaris longus  Flexor carpi ulnaris  common flexor origin (front of medial epicondyle)  supplied by median nerve except flexor carpi ulnaris  All cross the wrist joint except pronator teres
  • 48. Second layer Flexor digitorum superficials Origin:  Common flexor origin,  Coronoid process of ulna;  Anterior surface of radius Insertion:  Base of middle phalanges of 2nd to 5th fingers. Action:  Flexes middle and proximal phalanges of 2nd to 5th fingers, and the hand
  • 49.  Third layer  Flexor digitorum profundus  Flexor pollicis longus  Fourth layer  Pronator quadratus Action: flex radiocarpal joint and fingers, pronate forearm
  • 50. Lateral compartment (3)  Brachioradialis  Extensor carpi radialis longus  Extensor carpi radialis brevis  Common extensor origin, (front of lateral epicondyle of the humerus), EXCEPT, 2 (BR & ECRL).  Cross the wrist EXCEPT brachioradialis.  Supplied by deep branch of radial nerve
  • 51. Posterior compartment (8)  Superficial layer (3)  Extensor digitorum  Extensor digiti minimi  Extensor carpi ulnaris  Common extensor origin, (front of lateral epicondyle of the humerus),  Cross the wrist.  Supplied by deep branch of radial nerve
  • 52. Deep layer (5)  Supinator  Abductor pollicis longus  Extensor pollicis brevis  Extensor pollicis longus  Extensor indicis  Action: extend radiocapral joint and fingers, and supinate forearm
  • 53. Extensor carpi radialis brevis: base of 3rd metacarpal bone. Extensor digitorum: Extensor expansion of the medial 4 fingers. Extensor digiti minimi: Extensor expansion of the little finger. Extensor carpi ulnaris: Base of the 5th metacarpal bone. INSERTION
  • 54. Supination and pronation It occurs in the superior and inferior radioulnar joints; Muscles produce supination  Biceps brachii.  Supinator. Muscles produce pronation  Pronator teres.  Pronator quadratus. NB. Brachioradialis put the forearm in midprone- position.
  • 55. Human hand – masterpiece of art
  • 56. Muscles of hand (palm)  Lateral group thenar (4)  Abductor pollicis brevis  Flexor pollicis brevis  Opponens pollicis  Adductor pollicis  Action: flex, abduct, adduct and oppose thumb  Medial group hypothenar (3)  Abductor digiti minimi  Flexor digiti minimi brevis  Opponens digiti minimi  Action: flex, abduct , and oppose little finger
  • 57. Intermedial group  Lumbricals (4) flex fingers at MP joints; extend fingers at IP joints  Palmar interossei (3) adduct fingers towards middle finger at MP joints  Dorsal interossei (3) abduct fingers away from middle finger at MP joints
  • 58. Arteries of upper limb Axillary artery  Continuation of subclavian artery at lateral border of first rib  Becomes brachial artery at lower border of teres major  Divided into three parts by overlying pectoralis minor  First portion, above muscle-gives rise to thoracoacromial a.  Second portion, behind muscle-gives rise to lateral thoracic a.  Third portion, below muscle-gives rise to subscapular a.  divides into throcodorsal a.  and circumflex scapular a.  anterior and posterior humeral circumflex a.;
  • 59.
  • 60. Brachial artery  Continuation of axillary artery  Divides into radial and ulnar arteries at level of neck of radius  Branches  Deep brachial a. accompanies radial nerve  Superior ulnar collaeral a. accompanies ulnar nerve  Inferior ulnar collateral a.
  • 61. Radial artery and branches  Radial recurrent a.  Superfical palmar branch  Principal artery of thumb Ulnar artery and branches  Ulnar recurrent a.  Common interosseous artery  Anterior interossous a.  Posterior interosseous a.  Deep palmar branch
  • 62. Superficial palmar arch  Formed by ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of radial artery  Curve of arch lies across the palm, level with the distal border of fully extended thumb  Gives rise to three common palmar digital arteries each then divides into two proper palmar digital arteries
  • 63. Deep palmar arch  Formed by radial artery and deep palmar branch of ulnar artery  Curve of arch lies across upper part of palmar at level with proximal border of extended thumb  Gives rise to three palmar metacarpal arteries
  • 64. Veins of the upper limb Deep veins: accompany the arteries of the same region and bear similar names Superficial veins  Cephalic vein  Arises from the lateral side of the dorsal venous rete of hand  Ascends on radial side of the forearm to the elbow and then in the lateral side of biceps brachii furrow, continues up the arm in the deltopectoral groove and then to the infraclavicular fossa, where it pierces clavipectoral fascia to drain into axillary vein