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⦁ The bones primarily give support to the appendages
and protect the fragile organs of the body such as
the brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs.
⦁ They also store calcium and phoshorus in the hard
bone matrix, which can be released when needed
⦁ The bumps, ridges, and grooves on the surface of
bones provide attachment sites for the skeletal
⦁ Additionally, many bones contain a soft tissue called
marrow that produces new blood cells and stores fat
⦁ Bone is one of the hardest parts of the body
⦁ Very lightweight
⦁ Can resist tension
◦ Calcium salts make it hard
◦ Collagen fibers make it strong and flexible
⚫ Support
⚫ Internal framework of body
⚫ Ex: Legs support body trunk,
rib cage supports chest wall
⚫ Protection
⚫ Protects soft body organs (skull
protects brain, ribs protect
heart and lungs, etc)
⚫ Movement*
⚫ Muscles use bones as levers to
move body
⚫ NOT a function skeletal system
can do on it’s own
⚫ Storage
⚫ Fat storage
⚫ In yellow marrow
⚫ Mineral storage
⚫ Calcium, phosphorus, and
⚫ Blood cell formation
⚫ Hematopoeisis
⚫ Occurs in bone marrow of long
⦁ The adult human skeleton is a framework of 206
bones and is anatomically divided into two parts,
◦ The axial skeleton
◦ The appendicular skeleton
⦁ Two types of bone
◦ Compact bone
🞄 Homogeneous appearance
🞄 Dense, looks smooth
◦ Spongy bone
🞄 Small needle-like pieces
🞄 Lots of open spaces
🞄 (Looks like a sponge, hence the name)
⦁ In embryos…
◦ Skeleton made of hyaline cartilage
◦ Gets replaced by bone with age
⦁ Cartilage remains in a few places…
◦ Bridge of nose
◦ Parts of ribs
◦ Joints
⚫ Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone
during childhood
⚫New cartilage is continuously formed
⚫Older cartilage becomes ossified
⚫Cartilage is broken down
⚫Bone replaces cartilage
⚫ Bones remodeled, lengthened until growth stops
⚫Bones change shape somewhat
⚫Bones grow in width
⦁ Osteocyte
◦ Mature bone cell
⦁ Osteoblast
◦ “Bone builders”
⦁ Osteoclast
◦ “Bone destroyers”
◦ Break down bone matrix to remodel and/or release
⚫ Bone remodeling is done by osteoblasts and osteoclasts
⚫ Essential for bones to keep normal proportions and
⚫ Bones get larger/thicker when…
⚫Large muscles are attached to them
⚫Need more bone to attach the large muscle to
⚫ Bones get smaller/weaker when…
⚫Physical inactivity
⚫Non-use of musclesatrophy
⚫Small muscles don’t need large bones to attach to
⚫ Bones remodeled to become smaller
⚫ Long Bones
⚫Longer than wide
⚫Contain shaft with head at
each end
⚫Mostly compact bone
⚫Limbs (not ankle or wrist
⚫ Short Bones
⚫Mostly spongy bone
⚫Wrist and ankle bones
⚫Patella (kneecap)
⚫ Flat Bones
⚫Thin, flat, usually curved
⚫Two layers of compact
bone with spongy bone in
⚫Skull, ribs, breastbone
⚫ Irregular Bones
⚫Don’t fit into the other
⚫Vertebrae, hip bones
⚫ Diaphysis
⚫Made of compact bone
⚫ Epiphyses
⚫Ends of long bone
⚫Made of compact
bone surrounding
spongy bone
⚫Covered with articular
⚫Smooth, glassy, decreases
friction at joints
⦁ Epiphyseal Line
◦ Line of bone tissue that
looks different from rest
of bone
◦ Remnant of epiphyseal
🞄 Hyaline cartilage
🞄 Causes long bones to grow
⦁ Periosteum
◦ Outer covering of shaft
◦ Like “skin” on chicken
⦁ Sharpey’s fibers
◦ Attach periosteum to
⦁ Arteries
◦ Supply nutrients to bone
⦁ Medullary Cavity
◦ In shaft
◦ Contains yellow marrow
(adipose) in adults
◦ Contains red marrow in
infants (for blood cell
⦁ Osteon (Haversian system)
◦ A “unit” of bone
⦁ Central (Haversian) canal
◦ Opening in center of osteon
◦ Contains blood vessels
⦁ Perforating (Volkman’s) canal
◦ Perpendicular to central canal
◦ Contains blood vessels and nerves
⚫ Lacunae
⚫Cavities that contain
osteocytes (bone cells)
⚫Arranged in concentric
rings (like tree rings)
⚫ Lamellae
⚫Rings around the central
⚫Where the lacunae
can be found
⦁ Canaliculi
◦ Tiny canals
◦ Radiate from central
canal to lacunae
◦ Transport nutrients to
bone cells
⦁ The human skeleton can be divided into two
◦ The axial skeleton
◦ The appendicular skeleton.
⦁ The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral
column, the rib cage, the skull and other associated
⦁ The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the
axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle,
the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and
lower limbs.
⦁ The core of the skeleton is referred to as the axial
skeleton. It consists of the following 80 bones.
⦁ The upright posture of humans is maintained by the
axial skeleton, which transmits the weight from the
head, the trunk, and the upper extremities down to
the lower extremities at the hip joints.
◦ Skull: 22 bones
◦ Hyoid: 1 bone
◦ Vertebrae: 32 -34 bones
◦ Ribs: 24 bones
◦ Sternum: 1 bone
⦁ The skull consists of 22 bones and 7 associated
bones. All the larger skull bones are shown in this
exploded view. They fall into two main groups.
◦ One group (including the frontal, parietal, and temporal
bones) surrounds the brain and is fused together to form the
◦ The remainder of the bones form the face.
⦁ Sutures
◦ Interlocking, immovable joints holding most skullbones
🞄 Mandible-only freely movable bone in skull
⦁ This highly flexible structure, also called the
vertebral column, supports the head and body.
⦁ It also protects the delicate tissues of the spinal
⦁ It is made up of 32-34 bones called vertebrae,
separated by intervertebral discs, which act as shock
⦁ The bones of the spine are kept in place and
supported by attached ligaments and muscles.
⦁ Hollow portions of bone around nasal cavity
◦ Named for bones they are found in
◦ Lighten skull
◦ Amplify sounds when speaking/ give resonance
⦁ Large in comparison
to body length of
⦁ Contains fontanelles
◦ Soft fibrous membranes
connecting cranial bones
🞄“Soft Spots”
🞄 Usually convert to bone
around 24 months after
⦁ Vertebrae named for
their location
◦ 7 cervical vertebrae
🞄 C1 = Atlas
🞄 C2 = Axis
◦ 12 thoracic vertebrae
◦ 5 lumbar vertebrae
◦ Sacrum
🞄 5 fused vertebrae
◦ Coccyx
🞄 4 fused vertebrae
⦁ Vertebrae separated by
fibrocartilage discs
◦ Cushions/absorbs shock
⦁ Forms a cage to protect
⦁ Three parts
◦ Sternum
🞄 Flat bone
🞄 3 fused bones
🞄 Manubrium
🞄 Body
🞄 Xyphoid process
🞄 Attached to first 7 pair of
◦ Rib Cage
🞄 12 pairs
🞄 True Ribs= 7 pair
🞄 False Ribs = 5 pair
🞄 Floating Ribs = 2 pair
◦ Thoracic vertebrae
The appendicular skeleton is
divided into six major regions:
⦁ Pectoral girdles (4 bones) –
◦ Left and right clavicle (2)
◦ Scapula (2).
⦁ Arms and forearms (6 bones) –
◦ Left and right humerus (2) (arm)
◦ Ulna (2)
◦ Radius (2) (forearm).
⦁ Hands (54 bones) –
◦ Left and right carpals (16) (wrist)
◦ Metacarpals(10)
◦ Proximal phalanges (10),
◦ Intermediate phalanges (8)
◦ Distal phalanges (10)
⦁ Pelvis (2 bones) –
◦ Left and right hip bone (2).
⦁ Thighs and legs (8 bones) –
◦ Left and right femur (2) (thigh)
◦ Patella (2) (knee)
◦ Tibia (2)
◦ Fibula (2) (leg).
⦁ Feet and ankles (52 bones)
⦁ Left and right tarsals (14) (ankle)
⦁ Metatarsals (10)
⦁ Proximal phalanges (10)
⦁ Intermediate phalanges (8)
⦁ Distal phalanges (10).
⦁ Pectoral girdles (4 bones)
◦ Left and right clavicle (2)
◦ Scapula (2).
⦁ Arms and forearms (6 bones) –
◦ Left and right humerus (2) (arm)
◦ Ulna (2)
◦ Radius (2) (forearm).
⦁ Hands (54 bones) –
◦ Left and right carpals (16) (wrist)
◦ Metacarpals (10)
◦ Proximal phalanges (10),
◦ Intermediate phalanges (8)
◦ Distal phalanges (10)
⦁ Three pairs of fused
◦ Ilium
◦ Ischium
◦ Pubic bone
⦁ Carries total weight of
upper body
⦁ Protects
◦ Reproductive organs
◦ Bladder
◦ Part of large intestine
⦁ Female inlet larger/more
⦁ Female pelvis is shallower,
bones lighter/thinner
⦁ Female hip bones flare
⦁ Female sacrum is
shorter/less curved
⦁ Female pubic arch is more
rounded/angle is greater
◦ Left and right femur
(2) (thigh)
◦ Patella (2) (knee)
◦ Tibia (2)
◦ Fibula (2) (leg).
⦁ Left and
right tarsals (14)
⦁ Metatarsals (10)
⦁ Proximal
phalanges (10)
⦁ Intermediate
phalanges (8)
⦁ Distal phalanges (10).
⦁ Articulations of bones
⦁ Functions
◦ Hold bones together
◦ Mobility
⦁ Classified by
⦁ Fibrous joints
◦ Immovable
🞄 EX: sutures of skull
⦁ Cartilaginous joints
◦ Immovable OR slightly
🞄 EX: Pubic symphysis and
⦁ Synovial joints
◦ Freely movable
⦁ Articulating bones
separated by joint cavity
◦ Articular cartilage covers
bone ends
◦ Joint surfaces enclosed by
fibrous capsule
◦ Cavity contains synovial
◦ Ligaments help reinforce
the joint
⦁ Associated Joint
◦ Bursae
🞄Flat fibrous sacs
🞄 Lined with synovial
🞄Contains synovial fluid
🞄 Common where ligaments,
muscles, skin, tendons rub
◦ Tendon sheath
🞄 Elongated bursa wrapping
around a tendon that deals
with lots of friction
🞄 Like a bun around hot dog
⦁ A break in a bone
⦁ Types of Fractures
◦ Simple (closed) fracture
🞄 Bone breaks cleanly, does not penetrate skin
◦ Compound (open) Fracture
🞄 When bone ends penetrate through skin
⦁ Treated by reduction and immobilization
◦ Realignment of bone ends
⚫ Hematoma forms
⚫Blood vessels rupture
when bone breaks
⚫Blood filled swelling
⚫Cells without nutrients die
⚫ Fibrocartilage callus
⚫Made of connective tissue
⚫Splints the break
⚫Phagocytes dispose of dead
⚫ Bony callus forms
⚫Osteoblasts/clasts move in,
create callus of spongy
⚫ Remodeling
⚫Osteoblasts/clasts remodel
in response to stress on the
⚫Helps strengthen bone
⚫Creates a permanent “patch”
at the site
⚫Often, a healed fracture can
be stronger than the rest of
the bone

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  • 1.
  • 2. ⦁ The bones primarily give support to the appendages and protect the fragile organs of the body such as the brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs. ⦁ They also store calcium and phoshorus in the hard bone matrix, which can be released when needed elsewhere. ⦁ The bumps, ridges, and grooves on the surface of bones provide attachment sites for the skeletal muscles. ⦁ Additionally, many bones contain a soft tissue called marrow that produces new blood cells and stores fat
  • 3. ⦁ Bone is one of the hardest parts of the body ⦁ Very lightweight ⦁ Can resist tension ◦ Calcium salts make it hard ◦ Collagen fibers make it strong and flexible
  • 4. ⚫ Support ⚫ Internal framework of body ⚫ Ex: Legs support body trunk, rib cage supports chest wall ⚫ Protection ⚫ Protects soft body organs (skull protects brain, ribs protect heart and lungs, etc) ⚫ Movement* ⚫ Muscles use bones as levers to move body ⚫ NOT a function skeletal system can do on it’s own ⚫ Storage ⚫ Fat storage ⚫ In yellow marrow ⚫ Mineral storage ⚫ Calcium, phosphorus, and others. ⚫ Blood cell formation ⚫ Hematopoeisis ⚫ Occurs in bone marrow of long bones
  • 5. ⦁ The adult human skeleton is a framework of 206 bones and is anatomically divided into two parts, ◦ The axial skeleton ◦ The appendicular skeleton ⦁ Two types of bone ◦ Compact bone 🞄 Homogeneous appearance 🞄 Dense, looks smooth ◦ Spongy bone 🞄 Small needle-like pieces 🞄 Lots of open spaces 🞄 (Looks like a sponge, hence the name)
  • 6. ⦁ In embryos… ◦ Skeleton made of hyaline cartilage ◦ Gets replaced by bone with age ⦁ Cartilage remains in a few places… ◦ Bridge of nose ◦ Parts of ribs ◦ Joints
  • 7. ⚫ Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone during childhood ⚫New cartilage is continuously formed ⚫Older cartilage becomes ossified ⚫Cartilage is broken down ⚫Bone replaces cartilage ⚫ Bones remodeled, lengthened until growth stops ⚫Bones change shape somewhat ⚫Bones grow in width
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. ⦁ Osteocyte ◦ Mature bone cell ⦁ Osteoblast ◦ “Bone builders” ⦁ Osteoclast ◦ “Bone destroyers” ◦ Break down bone matrix to remodel and/or release calcium
  • 11. ⚫ Bone remodeling is done by osteoblasts and osteoclasts ⚫ Essential for bones to keep normal proportions and strength ⚫ Bones get larger/thicker when… ⚫Large muscles are attached to them ⚫Need more bone to attach the large muscle to ⚫ Bones get smaller/weaker when… ⚫Physical inactivity ⚫Non-use of musclesatrophy ⚫Small muscles don’t need large bones to attach to ⚫ Bones remodeled to become smaller
  • 12. ⚫ Long Bones ⚫Longer than wide ⚫Contain shaft with head at each end ⚫Mostly compact bone ⚫Limbs (not ankle or wrist bones) ⚫ Short Bones ⚫Cube-shaped ⚫Mostly spongy bone ⚫Wrist and ankle bones ⚫Patella (kneecap) ⚫ Flat Bones ⚫Thin, flat, usually curved ⚫Two layers of compact bone with spongy bone in between ⚫Skull, ribs, breastbone ⚫ Irregular Bones ⚫Don’t fit into the other categories ⚫Vertebrae, hip bones
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  • 14. ⚫ Diaphysis ⚫Shaft ⚫Made of compact bone ⚫ Epiphyses ⚫Ends of long bone ⚫Made of compact bone surrounding spongy bone ⚫Covered with articular cartilage ⚫Smooth, glassy, decreases friction at joints
  • 15. ⦁ Epiphyseal Line ◦ Line of bone tissue that looks different from rest of bone ◦ Remnant of epiphyseal plate 🞄 Hyaline cartilage 🞄 Causes long bones to grow lengthwise
  • 16. ⦁ Periosteum ◦ Outer covering of shaft ◦ Like “skin” on chicken bone ⦁ Sharpey’s fibers ◦ Attach periosteum to bone ⦁ Arteries ◦ Supply nutrients to bone cells
  • 17. ⦁ Medullary Cavity ◦ In shaft ◦ Contains yellow marrow (adipose) in adults ◦ Contains red marrow in infants (for blood cell formation)
  • 18. ⦁ Osteon (Haversian system) ◦ A “unit” of bone ⦁ Central (Haversian) canal ◦ Opening in center of osteon ◦ Contains blood vessels ⦁ Perforating (Volkman’s) canal ◦ Perpendicular to central canal ◦ Contains blood vessels and nerves
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  • 20. ⚫ Lacunae ⚫Cavities that contain osteocytes (bone cells) ⚫Arranged in concentric rings (like tree rings) ⚫ Lamellae ⚫Rings around the central canal ⚫Where the lacunae can be found
  • 21. ⦁ Canaliculi ◦ Tiny canals ◦ Radiate from central canal to lacunae ◦ Transport nutrients to bone cells
  • 22. ⦁ The human skeleton can be divided into two ◦ The axial skeleton ◦ The appendicular skeleton. ⦁ The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral column, the rib cage, the skull and other associated bones. ⦁ The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and lower limbs.
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  • 24. ⦁ The core of the skeleton is referred to as the axial skeleton. It consists of the following 80 bones. ⦁ The upright posture of humans is maintained by the axial skeleton, which transmits the weight from the head, the trunk, and the upper extremities down to the lower extremities at the hip joints. ◦ Skull: 22 bones ◦ Hyoid: 1 bone ◦ Vertebrae: 32 -34 bones ◦ Ribs: 24 bones ◦ Sternum: 1 bone
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  • 26. ⦁ The skull consists of 22 bones and 7 associated bones. All the larger skull bones are shown in this exploded view. They fall into two main groups. ◦ One group (including the frontal, parietal, and temporal bones) surrounds the brain and is fused together to form the cranium. ◦ The remainder of the bones form the face. ⦁ Sutures ◦ Interlocking, immovable joints holding most skullbones together 🞄 Mandible-only freely movable bone in skull
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  • 28. ⦁ This highly flexible structure, also called the vertebral column, supports the head and body. ⦁ It also protects the delicate tissues of the spinal cord. ⦁ It is made up of 32-34 bones called vertebrae, separated by intervertebral discs, which act as shock absorbers. ⦁ The bones of the spine are kept in place and supported by attached ligaments and muscles.
  • 29. ⦁ Hollow portions of bone around nasal cavity ◦ Named for bones they are found in ◦ Lighten skull ◦ Amplify sounds when speaking/ give resonance
  • 30. ⦁ Large in comparison to body length of infant ⦁ Contains fontanelles ◦ Soft fibrous membranes connecting cranial bones 🞄“Soft Spots” 🞄 Usually convert to bone around 24 months after birth
  • 31. ⦁ Vertebrae named for their location ◦ 7 cervical vertebrae 🞄 C1 = Atlas 🞄 C2 = Axis ◦ 12 thoracic vertebrae ◦ 5 lumbar vertebrae ◦ Sacrum 🞄 5 fused vertebrae ◦ Coccyx 🞄 4 fused vertebrae ⦁ Vertebrae separated by fibrocartilage discs ◦ Cushions/absorbs shock
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  • 33. ⦁ Forms a cage to protect organs ⦁ Three parts ◦ Sternum 🞄 Flat bone 🞄 3 fused bones 🞄 Manubrium 🞄 Body 🞄 Xyphoid process 🞄 Attached to first 7 pair of ribs ◦ Rib Cage 🞄 12 pairs 🞄 True Ribs= 7 pair 🞄 False Ribs = 5 pair 🞄 Floating Ribs = 2 pair ◦ Thoracic vertebrae
  • 34. The appendicular skeleton is divided into six major regions: ⦁ Pectoral girdles (4 bones) – ◦ Left and right clavicle (2) ◦ Scapula (2). ⦁ Arms and forearms (6 bones) – ◦ Left and right humerus (2) (arm) ◦ Ulna (2) ◦ Radius (2) (forearm). ⦁ Hands (54 bones) – ◦ Left and right carpals (16) (wrist) ◦ Metacarpals(10) ◦ Proximal phalanges (10), ◦ Intermediate phalanges (8) ◦ Distal phalanges (10) ⦁ Pelvis (2 bones) – ◦ Left and right hip bone (2). ⦁ Thighs and legs (8 bones) – ◦ Left and right femur (2) (thigh) ◦ Patella (2) (knee) ◦ Tibia (2) ◦ Fibula (2) (leg). ⦁ Feet and ankles (52 bones) ⦁ Left and right tarsals (14) (ankle) ⦁ Metatarsals (10) ⦁ Proximal phalanges (10) ⦁ Intermediate phalanges (8) ⦁ Distal phalanges (10).
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  • 36. ⦁ Pectoral girdles (4 bones) ◦ Left and right clavicle (2) ◦ Scapula (2).
  • 37. ⦁ Arms and forearms (6 bones) – ◦ Left and right humerus (2) (arm) ◦ Ulna (2) ◦ Radius (2) (forearm).
  • 38. ⦁ Hands (54 bones) – ◦ Left and right carpals (16) (wrist) ◦ Metacarpals (10) ◦ Proximal phalanges (10), ◦ Intermediate phalanges (8) ◦ Distal phalanges (10)
  • 39. ⦁ Three pairs of fused bones ◦ Ilium ◦ Ischium ◦ Pubic bone ⦁ Carries total weight of upper body ⦁ Protects ◦ Reproductive organs ◦ Bladder ◦ Part of large intestine
  • 40. ⦁ Female inlet larger/more circular ⦁ Female pelvis is shallower, bones lighter/thinner ⦁ Female hip bones flare wider ⦁ Female sacrum is shorter/less curved ⦁ Female pubic arch is more rounded/angle is greater
  • 41. ◦ Left and right femur (2) (thigh) ◦ Patella (2) (knee) ◦ Tibia (2) ◦ Fibula (2) (leg).
  • 42. ⦁ Left and right tarsals (14) (ankle) ⦁ Metatarsals (10) ⦁ Proximal phalanges (10) ⦁ Intermediate phalanges (8) ⦁ Distal phalanges (10).
  • 43. ⦁ Articulations of bones ⦁ Functions ◦ Hold bones together ◦ Mobility ⦁ Classified by structure/function ⦁ Fibrous joints ◦ Immovable 🞄 EX: sutures of skull ⦁ Cartilaginous joints ◦ Immovable OR slightly movable 🞄 EX: Pubic symphysis and Vertebrae ⦁ Synovial joints ◦ Freely movable
  • 44. ⦁ Articulating bones separated by joint cavity ◦ Articular cartilage covers bone ends ◦ Joint surfaces enclosed by fibrous capsule ◦ Cavity contains synovial fluid ◦ Ligaments help reinforce the joint ⦁ Associated Joint Structures ◦ Bursae 🞄Flat fibrous sacs 🞄 Lined with synovial membrane 🞄Contains synovial fluid 🞄 Common where ligaments, muscles, skin, tendons rub together ◦ Tendon sheath 🞄 Elongated bursa wrapping around a tendon that deals with lots of friction 🞄 Like a bun around hot dog
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  • 48. ⦁ A break in a bone ⦁ Types of Fractures ◦ Simple (closed) fracture 🞄 Bone breaks cleanly, does not penetrate skin ◦ Compound (open) Fracture 🞄 When bone ends penetrate through skin ⦁ Treated by reduction and immobilization ◦ Realignment of bone ends
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  • 50. ⚫ Hematoma forms ⚫Blood vessels rupture when bone breaks ⚫Blood filled swelling ⚫Cells without nutrients die ⚫ Fibrocartilage callus forms ⚫Made of connective tissue ⚫Splints the break ⚫Phagocytes dispose of dead tissue ⚫ Bony callus forms ⚫Osteoblasts/clasts move in, create callus of spongy bone ⚫ Remodeling ⚫Osteoblasts/clasts remodel in response to stress on the bone ⚫Helps strengthen bone ⚫Creates a permanent “patch” at the site ⚫Often, a healed fracture can be stronger than the rest of the bone
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