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Theories presented 
A few weeks ago I started to collect the overview of my professional activity during 4-5 
decades in the research in information systems. I could read my CV and the list of 
publications, but was not satisfied with the picture they gave. Then I chose to start listing my 
contributions to various theoretical frameworks, followed by a brief explanation of each 
contribution. This list I liked much more, it was more representative and it was loaded with 
significance. Research is, after all, one particular form of political activity in the society, isn’t 
it? Therefore I decided to make this latter list available to my friends. This list is 
supplemented by another list. It consists of names for some peculiar concepts used in 
different frameworks. Since these concepts are not (yet) in wider use, I define them briefly. 
Most of this work has taken place in different groups of my co-workers. Thus I do not want to 
make any claim of having done all the work alone. But yet it gives me a consistent view about 
the intellectual path along which I have travelled. Hopefully it also challenges some of my 
friends to prepare a similar time line of their own journey. 
HIS Human-scale Information System 
A conceptual construct of system architecture that is decentralised to consist of subsystems 
that are used by one individual employee. Such system units have a set of locally stored files 
and application software. This integrates the IT tasks to an inherent part of work tasks of the 
related actors. In addition, the structure divides the responsibility of the IS quality to the 
respective actors. Communication between such personal systems is naturally interpreted as 
organisational coordination. 
The HIS theory was introduced during the spring term in 1982, when I gave my first special 
course in my new position at the University of Bergen, Norway (informasjonsvitenskap, 
Information Science). It was “published” in the form of local lecture notes. In this document 
the new architecture was analysed from multiple perspectives, among others ontological, 
epistemological, cognitive, behavioral, organisational, sociological, and technical. 
Three Perspectives 
The framework of three perspectives of seeing information systems continued naturally the 
HIS approach. The three perspectives were systems-theoretical, socio-technical and 
humanistic. The humanistic perspective was fully consistent with the HIS architecture. The 
two other perspectives were needed as scaffoldings to the humanistic perspective; it had 
turned out that not even all co-workers in Bergen had been able to understand the HIS 
concept and to admit that also their own work had been biased by a particular perspective 
they had assumed. 
The strength of the three parallel perspectives was in their ability to give different 
interpretations to one existing phenomenon, an IS in use. The perspectives can be assigned to 
different groups: IT-experts were likely to subscribe the systems-theoretical perspective, 
whereas the humanistic perspective fitted best for the users. The socio-technical perspective
was most useful for management, since they had to find optimal balances to the entire 
organisation. The perspectives were characterised by means of ideal types, and differences in 
the notions of knowledge, of human being, of organisation were identified. 
The framework of three perspectives was published 1986 in Finnish (WSOY) and 1988 in 
English (Studentlitteratur), even if most of the material was presented within the department 
in Bergen already before I had to return back to Finland in 1984. 
Social interpretation 
Social interpretation is given to the processes performed by computer information systems: 
The computer does not qualify as an actor. The IS functions need another type of 
interpretation. The most obvious candidate is the user and her work tasks. In other words, the 
user is using the information system as one tool among others for performing her work. The 
social interpretation is started by bracketing the current IS solution. Sometimes it is 
appropriate to describe the core contents of work entirely without IT, sometimes the work 
proper can be made visible by an alternative design (why not e.g. the HIS). 
In terms of the Activity Theory (Leontjew), the tasks to be performed by means of computers 
cannot belong to the category activity, because it does not make sense to assign the computer 
with a notion “motive”. On the other hand, single instructions within the software processes 
are quite naturally interpreted as operations, since the automatic execution of algorithms 
does not leave space for the deliberate choice of a particular instruction. These limitations 
suggest that a software transaction best corresponds the actions, deliberately chosen 
sequences of operations. The actor first performs an articulation in order to ensure that just 
this particular transaction is what he wants to do in order to live up with the motives of his 
The interest in the social interpretation of IS originates naturally in the humanistic 
perspective. In 1986-1990 I was working in the research project “Knowledge and Work”, 
financed by the Academy of Finland. The main case environment was the product inventory in 
a factory in food industry. We decided that we want to tell our findings and results to our 
main informants, the inventory workers by using a simulation through role playing. We 
constructed a miniature inventory environment and a socially interpreted (manual) 
information system. The simulated information system was run by two members of our 
research team. One had a set or manual card files (database) to describe the up-to-date state 
of the inventory space. The other simulated the processing unit by performing various 
calculations and other processing tasks. The workers were asked to simulate their ordinary 
working practices while thinking aloud. This setting was obviously helping the inventory 
workers to understand what they are doing when they use the system. An extra bonus was 
that they also recognised some problematic situations that created troubles for their work. 
They were even able to invent hints for better design that would be free of these problems. 
The social interpretation has many significant consequences. One is found in the evaluation of 
information systems. When we first bracket the current IS solution, the core activity and its 
objectives become visible. This situation not only calls for alternative designs, but it offers the 
genuine objectives to be used in the evaluation of the IS. What we have to do is to assess, to
what extent the IS contributes to these objectives. Implicitly this means that the IS does not 
have any objectives of its own. 
The ONION model reformulates the interest in the better exploitation of information systems. 
Its focus is in the integrated character of many, if not most information systems. This implies 
that the exploitability can be good for one user group, whereas another group may suffer from 
it. Such integrated systems are analysed and evaluated according to the social interpretation. 
The Onion serves as a metaphor for organisational activities that are structured as layers 
embedded into larger layers, each of which has the objectives of its own. The model was 
developed during a case study that was initiated by a customer organisation with some 
problems in the computer interfaces of a purchasing system. It was quite straightforward to 
find solutions to the interface problem recognised by the customer. But the bottleneck did 
disappear only partly, because the clerks who recorded the orders to the database continued 
to receive only partial information and had to contact the senders in order to complete the 
records. This problem was more serious than the interface failures had been. It turned out to 
be an organisational game in which single departments tried to get their orders to be paid 
from the company’s overhead, i.e. it belonged to the layer of middle management. Some 
discipline had to be exercised to improve the quality of the order data in order to work out 
comprehensive purchasing report to fulfil the spelled out intention to follow a centralised 
purchasing policy. We decided to continue our analysis by estimating the benefits of this 
report to the organisation. It was a big surprise for us to learn that nobody in the top 
management was interested in reading this report. This observation did put a question mark 
to the centralised purchasing policy: nobody seemed to be interested to supervise it. The 
whole order processing could be redesigned with great savings. The customer received help 
to the recognised problem, but it was probably much more valuable to become aware about 
the other problems and their hierarchical dependencies. 
Organisational implementation 
Organisational implementation is based on the notion of inseparability of IT from the work in 
a use situation. This notion is one of the cornerstones of the Work Informatics (see the next 
item). Organisational implementation emphasises the need to make changes to all aspects of 
the work and its organisation, technical installation alone is not enough. The broad range of 
the change is well illustrated by an example of user education of a new electronic patient 
record (EPR) system in the city of Turku. There were about 600 future users, 60 per cent of 
which never had used any computer-based information system before at their work. The 
system supplier had installed a learning environment, in which the users could safely 
experiment with various aspects of the system. The first session was organised by the 
supplier: one of their software experts was introducing the system and its functions. People 
were dissatisfied and refused to continue the collaboration with a person who had no insight 
of their professional practices.
Dramatic changes were implemented. A team of experienced nurses was recruited for 
redesigning the entire education project. Lots of new material was produced. The teaching 
event was organised as a sequence of episodes of work activities relevant for the group in the 
learning environment. Each episode consisted of two parts: 1) this is how we used to perform 
these work tasks earlier, and 2) this is how we shall do the same tasks in the future. In the 
phase 2 the new practices with the new system were demonstrated and displayed on a big 
screen, and then the participants were encouraged to try the procedures with their 
workstations. To sum up, the basic unit of the education was not a system feature but rather a 
work practice. The basic unit of new learning was not a set of operations (Leontjew) but 
entire chains of actions that were loaded with the spirit of activity (good work practice) of 
health care. This new emphasis is illustrated by the aphorism (Irmeli Sinkkonen): The work of 
the users is not to use the system!” 
Work Informatics 
Work Informatics is a sub-discipline of Informatics (Information Systems Research) that 
addresses the relationship between ICT and work. I have developed my interpretation of 
Work Informatics. This work brings together and summarises most of my earlier frameworks 
(above). The main decision is not to build a tandem construction of the two ingredients. I 
want to give the work the principal role; the use of information technology is subordinated as 
a part of work. 
The conceptualisation of Work Informatics is not started from the ICT but rather from the 
work. Three modalities of work are identified: individual work, collective work and service. 
The individual and collective dimensions are traditionally the two sides of work that are 
dialectically dependent on each other, i.e. none of them can be properly understood without a 
reference to the other. Service-modality adds the external interest of the customer on the 
outcome of work. It is extremely useful in dealing with e-services, such as e.g. e-commerce, e-government, 
e-health. When we have built a better understanding in work with all its 
modalities, we introduce the use of ICT by embedding it in the work processes and practices. 
It is probably crucial to human work that the actor takes the time for articulation of the future 
work task, i.e. for making it clear to himself what he intends to accomplish. This articulation 
will be an important reference to be compared with when he afterwards evaluates the 
outcome in order to deliver it. 
I am starting to write a book about the fundamentals of Work Informatics. It will hopefully be 
available in 2015. 
Service Theory 
The third modality of work, the service, was developed in an intellectual environment that 
aims at promoting the idea of co-creation of the added value by the producer and the 
customer of the service. Sometimes also other stakeholders are involved in the co-creation. 
This approach is likely to obscure the clear roles of the customer and service provider. The 
roles are not on the same side of the counter and the two parties do not share same processes 
or objectives. In terms of the General Systems Theory, the group members are doing their
work within the system unit, whereas the producer of the service and the customer are on 
different sides of the system boundary. Work Informatics does not, however, throw away the 
need to create added value. Without the potential of added value there is no justification for a 
service. And more specifically: the added value is supposed to come to the benefit of the 
customer, who in one form or another, pays for it. 
Many people today are frequent customers of various e-services. Yet they are guided to 
register themselves to the provider’s systems and platforms. Work Informatics advices to 
regard BtoC services according to the same principles as BtoB services. The services appear 
then as outsourced substitutes for in-house production/performance. The customer’s practice 
must be known if we want to estimate the added value of an outsourced service in 
comparison of corresponding self-service. Self-service turns out to be a very useful concept in 
the analysis of e-services, this is due to the observation that most of the use of the ICT 
happens in the form of self-service. 
Coper is the name for a concept for a personal tool for coping with the jungle of wellbeing and 
its various services. It applies the service theory (above) and recognises the citizen as the 
owner of her health issues as well as other projects in wellbeing. Thus all her health records 
belong to her herself. They constitute a part of the personal information system. The Coper 
has been illustrated by means of two metaphors. 
1. Navigator. A traveller can use a navigator for managing the travelling information 
(time tables, positioning, etc.). Car traveller can use the satnav system for 
determination of target, for the selection of the route to the destination out of a few 
alternatives, for the follow-up of the progress and for receiving advices for right 
decision. This metaphor underlines the driver as the principal actor of her own project 
and the route (sequence of steps) towards the destination. 
2. Case Manager (CM). Case Manager is a fictitious role that takes care of all aspects of 
successful project for care or wellbeing. For example an elderly person living 
independently at home may have multiple projects that can be partly outsourced: 
projects on health, social issues, maintenance of the home, shopping, banking, eating, 
cleaning, washing, etc. All these must be scheduled and adequate resources must be 
made available. Some of planned transactions (services) may need transportation to 
the point of service delivery. Contracts with various suppliers must be negotiated and 
maintained. All details in the integrated network of projects are taken care of by the 
case manager. Fortunately, most adult persons continue to live their lives 
independently performing their daily routines themselves; such actions can be seen as 
self-services. In the same way most persons are capable of functioning as the case 
managers of their own. For this purpose the Coper could be a welcomed tool to 
support the articulation and follow-up of the set of all projects.
Home made concepts 
Business processes are oriented towards outcome: something should be accomplished. 
Furthermore, all unnecessary steps and delays should be eliminated. Yet, there are interests 
that only can be fulfilled by using time and waiting. For example, process re-engineering does 
not and should not help in speeding up the pregnancy process. Storage-keeping is another 
activity during which no changes (e.g. damages) are desired to happen to the items stored. In 
addition, many tasks related with maintenance keep hoping that nothing unwanted would 
happen; of course the same holds also for many situations in health care. Anti-process can be 
selective: sometimes any change should be prevented, sometimes it may be crucial for a 
patient not to do a particular action, e.g. to smoke a cigarette. Such interest of not doing some 
actions have to be used to supplement the efficiency-directed business processes. There is a 
connection between anti-processes and the recent movement of “Slow Computing”. For me it 
seems that the actor of any work task/process has a need to articulate it, i.e. to make it clear 
for her what she is going to do and to formulate the requirements for the expected outcome. 
This articulation often takes time, and is thus a good candidate for focusing in slow 
computing, whereas the task proper can be rapidly executed by means of computer, when 
first properly articulated. 
The title of the concept for a coping with personal projects with multiple outsourced services, 
e.g. health services, see the section “Coper” above. Coper has a free association to a 
Copernican revolution, because it makes the important shift of the center of the services from 
service providers to the citizens (customers). 
Hamburger-model of work performance 
Hamburger metaphor comes from the two frames surrounding the performance of a work 
procedure. Before the work proper can be started, it has to be articulated. Articulation turns 
an external description to the internalised one. After the performance the actor has to 
evaluate the outcome. The reference to be used in this evaluation is created during the 
articulation: does the outcome meet the objectives defined in the articulation? Articulation 
and evaluation thus turn out to be like the two sides of the same bread as they are in a 
Hamburger, with a beef in between. 
This implies that the analysis of work often benefit from a symmetrical approach, in which the 
details are studied from both ends in order to find the correspondence of articulation and 
evaluation. The work proper then is naturally located between them. 
I introduced the term “Negativism” in the frustration of the label “Anti-positivism” that was 
used for any approach that did not subscribe most of the positivist stances. Whereas 
positivism aims at defining things in positive terms by stating what the things are, negativism 
gives definitions by stating what the things are NOT. Ironically, the term anti-positivism itself 
is a negativist construct. The negativist thinking reminds us about the Marxist epistemology 
with the special meaning of the negation of negation, that is not necessarily the same as the 
original point of departure. There is also a connection to the anti-processes. Anti-processes 
attempt at a laissez-faire, i.e. prolonged time of no changes. Maintenance and health care 
(what is the difference?) are two examples of the areas in which negativist thinking has 
relevance. A Finnish sculptor once was asked whether it is not difficult to create the form in a 
big block of stone. No, he answered, all I have to do is to take the extra pieces away. In the 
same way, an actor/user may say that he is free to create high quality to the outcome as long 
as he does NOT violate the minimum requirements expressed in the process model. 
Sleeping labour 
Sleeping labour continues the metaphors of living labour and dead labour. Dead labour was 
once embedded in the tools and infrastructures to be later used by actors (living labour). This 
makes them usable and implies a potential to added value. Dead labour refers to the work of 
people who prepared these artefacts. Also information systems can be seen as tools and 
infrastructures. Somebody has created them, too (dead labour). In addition, the software can 
be seen as a representation of work, but not the work of the developers, but the work of the 
users. Such representations have the peculiar property that, when coded as software, they 
lend themselves to be executed as a part of the work of the users. Metaphorically, the user can 
wake up the “sleeping” representation. This justifies the talking about the information system 
as a collection of sleeping labour. 
A good delivery of an information system includes therefore a description of the potential 
actions that can be done by means of it. This is not a good affordance in terms of operations 
with the interface, but a functional affordance of the contents of the actions: what will happen 
when I push the Enter button? and can I do even my special tasks with this tool?

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Theories presented

  • 1. Theories presented A few weeks ago I started to collect the overview of my professional activity during 4-5 decades in the research in information systems. I could read my CV and the list of publications, but was not satisfied with the picture they gave. Then I chose to start listing my contributions to various theoretical frameworks, followed by a brief explanation of each contribution. This list I liked much more, it was more representative and it was loaded with significance. Research is, after all, one particular form of political activity in the society, isn’t it? Therefore I decided to make this latter list available to my friends. This list is supplemented by another list. It consists of names for some peculiar concepts used in different frameworks. Since these concepts are not (yet) in wider use, I define them briefly. Most of this work has taken place in different groups of my co-workers. Thus I do not want to make any claim of having done all the work alone. But yet it gives me a consistent view about the intellectual path along which I have travelled. Hopefully it also challenges some of my friends to prepare a similar time line of their own journey. HIS Human-scale Information System A conceptual construct of system architecture that is decentralised to consist of subsystems that are used by one individual employee. Such system units have a set of locally stored files and application software. This integrates the IT tasks to an inherent part of work tasks of the related actors. In addition, the structure divides the responsibility of the IS quality to the respective actors. Communication between such personal systems is naturally interpreted as organisational coordination. The HIS theory was introduced during the spring term in 1982, when I gave my first special course in my new position at the University of Bergen, Norway (informasjonsvitenskap, Information Science). It was “published” in the form of local lecture notes. In this document the new architecture was analysed from multiple perspectives, among others ontological, epistemological, cognitive, behavioral, organisational, sociological, and technical. Three Perspectives The framework of three perspectives of seeing information systems continued naturally the HIS approach. The three perspectives were systems-theoretical, socio-technical and humanistic. The humanistic perspective was fully consistent with the HIS architecture. The two other perspectives were needed as scaffoldings to the humanistic perspective; it had turned out that not even all co-workers in Bergen had been able to understand the HIS concept and to admit that also their own work had been biased by a particular perspective they had assumed. The strength of the three parallel perspectives was in their ability to give different interpretations to one existing phenomenon, an IS in use. The perspectives can be assigned to different groups: IT-experts were likely to subscribe the systems-theoretical perspective, whereas the humanistic perspective fitted best for the users. The socio-technical perspective
  • 2. was most useful for management, since they had to find optimal balances to the entire organisation. The perspectives were characterised by means of ideal types, and differences in the notions of knowledge, of human being, of organisation were identified. The framework of three perspectives was published 1986 in Finnish (WSOY) and 1988 in English (Studentlitteratur), even if most of the material was presented within the department in Bergen already before I had to return back to Finland in 1984. Social interpretation Social interpretation is given to the processes performed by computer information systems: The computer does not qualify as an actor. The IS functions need another type of interpretation. The most obvious candidate is the user and her work tasks. In other words, the user is using the information system as one tool among others for performing her work. The social interpretation is started by bracketing the current IS solution. Sometimes it is appropriate to describe the core contents of work entirely without IT, sometimes the work proper can be made visible by an alternative design (why not e.g. the HIS). In terms of the Activity Theory (Leontjew), the tasks to be performed by means of computers cannot belong to the category activity, because it does not make sense to assign the computer with a notion “motive”. On the other hand, single instructions within the software processes are quite naturally interpreted as operations, since the automatic execution of algorithms does not leave space for the deliberate choice of a particular instruction. These limitations suggest that a software transaction best corresponds the actions, deliberately chosen sequences of operations. The actor first performs an articulation in order to ensure that just this particular transaction is what he wants to do in order to live up with the motives of his activity. The interest in the social interpretation of IS originates naturally in the humanistic perspective. In 1986-1990 I was working in the research project “Knowledge and Work”, financed by the Academy of Finland. The main case environment was the product inventory in a factory in food industry. We decided that we want to tell our findings and results to our main informants, the inventory workers by using a simulation through role playing. We constructed a miniature inventory environment and a socially interpreted (manual) information system. The simulated information system was run by two members of our research team. One had a set or manual card files (database) to describe the up-to-date state of the inventory space. The other simulated the processing unit by performing various calculations and other processing tasks. The workers were asked to simulate their ordinary working practices while thinking aloud. This setting was obviously helping the inventory workers to understand what they are doing when they use the system. An extra bonus was that they also recognised some problematic situations that created troubles for their work. They were even able to invent hints for better design that would be free of these problems. The social interpretation has many significant consequences. One is found in the evaluation of information systems. When we first bracket the current IS solution, the core activity and its objectives become visible. This situation not only calls for alternative designs, but it offers the genuine objectives to be used in the evaluation of the IS. What we have to do is to assess, to
  • 3. what extent the IS contributes to these objectives. Implicitly this means that the IS does not have any objectives of its own. ONION The ONION model reformulates the interest in the better exploitation of information systems. Its focus is in the integrated character of many, if not most information systems. This implies that the exploitability can be good for one user group, whereas another group may suffer from it. Such integrated systems are analysed and evaluated according to the social interpretation. The Onion serves as a metaphor for organisational activities that are structured as layers embedded into larger layers, each of which has the objectives of its own. The model was developed during a case study that was initiated by a customer organisation with some problems in the computer interfaces of a purchasing system. It was quite straightforward to find solutions to the interface problem recognised by the customer. But the bottleneck did disappear only partly, because the clerks who recorded the orders to the database continued to receive only partial information and had to contact the senders in order to complete the records. This problem was more serious than the interface failures had been. It turned out to be an organisational game in which single departments tried to get their orders to be paid from the company’s overhead, i.e. it belonged to the layer of middle management. Some discipline had to be exercised to improve the quality of the order data in order to work out comprehensive purchasing report to fulfil the spelled out intention to follow a centralised purchasing policy. We decided to continue our analysis by estimating the benefits of this report to the organisation. It was a big surprise for us to learn that nobody in the top management was interested in reading this report. This observation did put a question mark to the centralised purchasing policy: nobody seemed to be interested to supervise it. The whole order processing could be redesigned with great savings. The customer received help to the recognised problem, but it was probably much more valuable to become aware about the other problems and their hierarchical dependencies. Organisational implementation Organisational implementation is based on the notion of inseparability of IT from the work in a use situation. This notion is one of the cornerstones of the Work Informatics (see the next item). Organisational implementation emphasises the need to make changes to all aspects of the work and its organisation, technical installation alone is not enough. The broad range of the change is well illustrated by an example of user education of a new electronic patient record (EPR) system in the city of Turku. There were about 600 future users, 60 per cent of which never had used any computer-based information system before at their work. The system supplier had installed a learning environment, in which the users could safely experiment with various aspects of the system. The first session was organised by the supplier: one of their software experts was introducing the system and its functions. People were dissatisfied and refused to continue the collaboration with a person who had no insight of their professional practices.
  • 4. Dramatic changes were implemented. A team of experienced nurses was recruited for redesigning the entire education project. Lots of new material was produced. The teaching event was organised as a sequence of episodes of work activities relevant for the group in the learning environment. Each episode consisted of two parts: 1) this is how we used to perform these work tasks earlier, and 2) this is how we shall do the same tasks in the future. In the phase 2 the new practices with the new system were demonstrated and displayed on a big screen, and then the participants were encouraged to try the procedures with their workstations. To sum up, the basic unit of the education was not a system feature but rather a work practice. The basic unit of new learning was not a set of operations (Leontjew) but entire chains of actions that were loaded with the spirit of activity (good work practice) of health care. This new emphasis is illustrated by the aphorism (Irmeli Sinkkonen): The work of the users is not to use the system!” Work Informatics Work Informatics is a sub-discipline of Informatics (Information Systems Research) that addresses the relationship between ICT and work. I have developed my interpretation of Work Informatics. This work brings together and summarises most of my earlier frameworks (above). The main decision is not to build a tandem construction of the two ingredients. I want to give the work the principal role; the use of information technology is subordinated as a part of work. The conceptualisation of Work Informatics is not started from the ICT but rather from the work. Three modalities of work are identified: individual work, collective work and service. The individual and collective dimensions are traditionally the two sides of work that are dialectically dependent on each other, i.e. none of them can be properly understood without a reference to the other. Service-modality adds the external interest of the customer on the outcome of work. It is extremely useful in dealing with e-services, such as e.g. e-commerce, e-government, e-health. When we have built a better understanding in work with all its modalities, we introduce the use of ICT by embedding it in the work processes and practices. It is probably crucial to human work that the actor takes the time for articulation of the future work task, i.e. for making it clear to himself what he intends to accomplish. This articulation will be an important reference to be compared with when he afterwards evaluates the outcome in order to deliver it. I am starting to write a book about the fundamentals of Work Informatics. It will hopefully be available in 2015. Service Theory The third modality of work, the service, was developed in an intellectual environment that aims at promoting the idea of co-creation of the added value by the producer and the customer of the service. Sometimes also other stakeholders are involved in the co-creation. This approach is likely to obscure the clear roles of the customer and service provider. The roles are not on the same side of the counter and the two parties do not share same processes or objectives. In terms of the General Systems Theory, the group members are doing their
  • 5. work within the system unit, whereas the producer of the service and the customer are on different sides of the system boundary. Work Informatics does not, however, throw away the need to create added value. Without the potential of added value there is no justification for a service. And more specifically: the added value is supposed to come to the benefit of the customer, who in one form or another, pays for it. Many people today are frequent customers of various e-services. Yet they are guided to register themselves to the provider’s systems and platforms. Work Informatics advices to regard BtoC services according to the same principles as BtoB services. The services appear then as outsourced substitutes for in-house production/performance. The customer’s practice must be known if we want to estimate the added value of an outsourced service in comparison of corresponding self-service. Self-service turns out to be a very useful concept in the analysis of e-services, this is due to the observation that most of the use of the ICT happens in the form of self-service. Coper Coper is the name for a concept for a personal tool for coping with the jungle of wellbeing and its various services. It applies the service theory (above) and recognises the citizen as the owner of her health issues as well as other projects in wellbeing. Thus all her health records belong to her herself. They constitute a part of the personal information system. The Coper has been illustrated by means of two metaphors. 1. Navigator. A traveller can use a navigator for managing the travelling information (time tables, positioning, etc.). Car traveller can use the satnav system for determination of target, for the selection of the route to the destination out of a few alternatives, for the follow-up of the progress and for receiving advices for right decision. This metaphor underlines the driver as the principal actor of her own project and the route (sequence of steps) towards the destination. 2. Case Manager (CM). Case Manager is a fictitious role that takes care of all aspects of successful project for care or wellbeing. For example an elderly person living independently at home may have multiple projects that can be partly outsourced: projects on health, social issues, maintenance of the home, shopping, banking, eating, cleaning, washing, etc. All these must be scheduled and adequate resources must be made available. Some of planned transactions (services) may need transportation to the point of service delivery. Contracts with various suppliers must be negotiated and maintained. All details in the integrated network of projects are taken care of by the case manager. Fortunately, most adult persons continue to live their lives independently performing their daily routines themselves; such actions can be seen as self-services. In the same way most persons are capable of functioning as the case managers of their own. For this purpose the Coper could be a welcomed tool to support the articulation and follow-up of the set of all projects.
  • 6. Home made concepts Anti-process Business processes are oriented towards outcome: something should be accomplished. Furthermore, all unnecessary steps and delays should be eliminated. Yet, there are interests that only can be fulfilled by using time and waiting. For example, process re-engineering does not and should not help in speeding up the pregnancy process. Storage-keeping is another activity during which no changes (e.g. damages) are desired to happen to the items stored. In addition, many tasks related with maintenance keep hoping that nothing unwanted would happen; of course the same holds also for many situations in health care. Anti-process can be selective: sometimes any change should be prevented, sometimes it may be crucial for a patient not to do a particular action, e.g. to smoke a cigarette. Such interest of not doing some actions have to be used to supplement the efficiency-directed business processes. There is a connection between anti-processes and the recent movement of “Slow Computing”. For me it seems that the actor of any work task/process has a need to articulate it, i.e. to make it clear for her what she is going to do and to formulate the requirements for the expected outcome. This articulation often takes time, and is thus a good candidate for focusing in slow computing, whereas the task proper can be rapidly executed by means of computer, when first properly articulated. Coper The title of the concept for a coping with personal projects with multiple outsourced services, e.g. health services, see the section “Coper” above. Coper has a free association to a Copernican revolution, because it makes the important shift of the center of the services from service providers to the citizens (customers). Hamburger-model of work performance Hamburger metaphor comes from the two frames surrounding the performance of a work procedure. Before the work proper can be started, it has to be articulated. Articulation turns an external description to the internalised one. After the performance the actor has to evaluate the outcome. The reference to be used in this evaluation is created during the articulation: does the outcome meet the objectives defined in the articulation? Articulation and evaluation thus turn out to be like the two sides of the same bread as they are in a Hamburger, with a beef in between. This implies that the analysis of work often benefit from a symmetrical approach, in which the details are studied from both ends in order to find the correspondence of articulation and evaluation. The work proper then is naturally located between them. Negativism
  • 7. I introduced the term “Negativism” in the frustration of the label “Anti-positivism” that was used for any approach that did not subscribe most of the positivist stances. Whereas positivism aims at defining things in positive terms by stating what the things are, negativism gives definitions by stating what the things are NOT. Ironically, the term anti-positivism itself is a negativist construct. The negativist thinking reminds us about the Marxist epistemology with the special meaning of the negation of negation, that is not necessarily the same as the original point of departure. There is also a connection to the anti-processes. Anti-processes attempt at a laissez-faire, i.e. prolonged time of no changes. Maintenance and health care (what is the difference?) are two examples of the areas in which negativist thinking has relevance. A Finnish sculptor once was asked whether it is not difficult to create the form in a big block of stone. No, he answered, all I have to do is to take the extra pieces away. In the same way, an actor/user may say that he is free to create high quality to the outcome as long as he does NOT violate the minimum requirements expressed in the process model. Sleeping labour Sleeping labour continues the metaphors of living labour and dead labour. Dead labour was once embedded in the tools and infrastructures to be later used by actors (living labour). This makes them usable and implies a potential to added value. Dead labour refers to the work of people who prepared these artefacts. Also information systems can be seen as tools and infrastructures. Somebody has created them, too (dead labour). In addition, the software can be seen as a representation of work, but not the work of the developers, but the work of the users. Such representations have the peculiar property that, when coded as software, they lend themselves to be executed as a part of the work of the users. Metaphorically, the user can wake up the “sleeping” representation. This justifies the talking about the information system as a collection of sleeping labour. A good delivery of an information system includes therefore a description of the potential actions that can be done by means of it. This is not a good affordance in terms of operations with the interface, but a functional affordance of the contents of the actions: what will happen when I push the Enter button? and can I do even my special tasks with this tool?