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The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers
The Vietnam War was a gruesome war that left many soldiers reeling in constant psychological
turmoil not only in the years of the war, but in the years following the war as well. The terrifying
events that occurred in Vietnam forced the soldiers to become different people with only one thing
on their mind, survival. In Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried, it is seen how the war
negatively impacted the soldiers of the Alpha Company and changed their personalities severely.
One of the main changes that is seen in the men is the loss of innocence that accompanies them as
they move through the war. In times of war, boundaries are crossed and morals are thrown out the
windows. The dangerous situations that the men are thrust into cause ... Show more content on ...
At first, as Kiley interacts with the water buffalo, he seems friendly towards the animal, offering it
food and petting it. His interaction with the animal soon changes however as he begins to physically
assault and shoot the young water buffalo. In the passage, O'Brien describes that Kiley went
"automatic", (O'Brien 75) harming the buffalo in every possible way before breaking down. I
believe that this situation shows a loss of innocence because under normal circumstances, a regular
person would not have killed the animal for no reason. After the buffalo has died, Mitchell Saunders
says, "'Well that's Nam. Garden of Evil. Over here, man, every sin's real fresh and original" (O'Brien
75). This quote reflects Kiley's loss of innocence because he is committing a sin that is horrific and
unnecessary in nature all due to the death of a friend. It also shows that Kiley had no sense of
control in this situation because hatred overcame him due to the death of Lemon. Scholar Rosalind
Poppleton–Pritchard also believes that the slaying of the buffalo was done in part of Kiley's personal
"The baby buffalo and Rat are united in their dumb anguish: Rat has no way of articulating the pain
he feels through language; it is an animal instinct, a 'response to signal, ' and he maims the creature
in an almost suicidal attempt to end his own suffering" (Poppleton–Pritchard 4).
This quote from Poppleton–Pritchard shows that Kiley's suffering in the war was
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Innocence And The Death Penalty Analysis
In Richard Dieter's article "Innocence and the Death Penalty: The Increasing Danger of Executing
the Innocent", he shares the mistakes and the dangers of the death penalty. Capital punishment had
gotten more and more controversial during the 90's because of the risk of innocence. There was no
DNA evidence during this time to prove if a person was innocent or guilty, so when putting them to
death there was still a possibility that they were incorrect on the verdict. Today there are DNA tests
that help prove whether someone is innocent or guilty, but it cannot bring those back who have been
executed unjustly because of the death penalty. Lack of witnesses, the pressure from the public to
solve the case, and limited resources for the defendant were common obstacles and quickened them
to be charged as a suspect and then sentenced them to death based on the crime they "committed".
As technology advanced with DNA evidence, some criminals who were on death row were let out
of ... Show more content on ...
The American Civil Liberties Union believes that the death penalty is unjust and goes against a lot
of what America believes in. Under the Constitution, Americans are promised equal protection
under law and cruel punishment is banned. The ACLU feels that the death penalty is the polar
opposite from what is stated in the Constitution. Executions planned out spectacles and people
gather around to witness a ceremonial killing. They don't believe the state should have the authority
or right to end a human life. Capital punishment is also very expensive. This costs taxpayers more
money than it does to house them in a federal prison for life. Not only is it affecting the family of
the suspect but it is also affects taxpayer's wallets. Performing the death penalty goes against all
beliefs in our Constitution, specifically the banishment of cruel and unusual
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Loss Of Innocence In Julius Caesar Death
All through the novel, signs and incidents point to the way that Santiago Nasar's demise is destined
to happen. Even though people made the mistake of knowing and doing nothing about it, the way
things occur can help us infer that his death was going to happen either way no matter what they
did. Once Nasar was murder the towns people use the excuse that Nasar death was meant to be
killed and that they couldn't stop it even though they knew of the Vicario brother's intention before it
happen because Nasar death was already fated . A quote from the book says, "For years we couldn't
talk about anything else. Our daily conduct, dominated then by so many linear habits, had suddenly
begun to spin around a single common anxiety. The cocks of dawn would ... Show more content on ...
97)This show an example of guilt. The death of Nasar seems to deeply affect the town's people in
the future, for instance Hortensia Baute"whose only participation was having seen two bloody
knives that weren't bloody yet, felt so affected by the hallucination that she fell into a penitential
crisis, and one day, unable to stand it any longer, she ran out naked into the street." (Pg. 98) The
character of Flora Miguel who was the future wife of Santiago, felt sad and humiliated when she
found out about why her
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Charles Death: Innocence Or Homicide?
Charles death is an accident. So therefore margaret is innocent. Evidence proves that charles was
drunk coming down the stairs. Charles was so drunk that he was at a point that he couldn't walk
anymore and he came down stairs for another drink but he tripped and fell down the stairs and died
from a wound in his head. Second Piece of evidence that proves that margaret is innocent is because
she was cooking. Margaret was cooking while charles was upstairs drinking there is no way
margaret would have pushed him because if margaret would have pushed him then the food she was
cooking would have overcooked and smoke would have been all around. Last piece of evidence
proves that margaret is innocent because charles looks likes he has slippery shoes
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Analysis Of Kofi Awoonor's 'At The Gates'
"Who knows when evil matters will come" the poem "At The Gates" talks of a man dealing with the
death and poisoning of his "daughter" or a symbol for his innocence in the case of his daughters
supposed death. The loss of one's life, emotion, or anything close in that regard is a common theme
displayed in African Literature and are used highly in Kofi Awoonor's "At the Gates." The loss of
one man's life in battle and his ascent to Heaven above is largely what "At the Gates" talks about as
it is a man waiting at the gates of Heaven. Discussing the different thoughts and emotions going
through the dead man at the time and what emotions he is feeling about his fate and what lies before
him, "I move into the gates demanding which war it is" ... Show more content on ...
First of all being "It is Akpabli Horsu who sent me" (Awoonor 38) used to show the author's
perspective on the murder of a man being simplified into the man being delivered to Heaven by the
man they were killed by. "My daughter death called her" (Awoonor 39) the author describes the
death of a man's innocences as the loss of his daughter, and uses this as deeper meaning to show that
the man's innocence has been killed by those of all he trusted who had sent him to fight in the first
place. "It is an evil god who sent me" (Awoonor 39) death is seen as sent by an evil God who wishes
the loss of life upon a man and sends them to Heaven above or to to Hell below judging them.
Diction is used to help show an author's theme and the tone they use throughout the story to help
show a deeper meaning or a message through the story.
Symbolism is a literary device used to give an object an entirely different meaning which is deeper
and more significant to the story. The supposed "daughter" of the man of the story is the man's
innocence taken from him by the men he trusted the elders and chiefs who sent him to war in the
first place stripping him of the innocence he had once had forcibly. The gates are the gates of
Heaven where the man was sent after his death in war to a famous warrior a place in which he
awaits to open and see judgement for what he has done. "A snake has bitten my daughter" (Awoonor
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Innocence Of Death In Macbeth
Macbeth by Shakespeare is a play about envy, greed, impatience, revenge and copious amounts of
death. Most of the death in the play was completely unjust and unnecessary. The play isn't really a
plea for peace and harmony, but more of a lesson that greed and impatience will be your ultimate
demise. Although honorable and dishonorable death is not plainly distinguished and stated, it is very
obvious. For example, when Macbeth just had to speed up the process of being crowned king, he
decided killing an innocent person was the right way to go. Macbeth's first death includes our main
character, Macbeth, and the king of Scotland. After the first prediction by the three mythological
witches (who also seem to be the source for all of the insanity), Fate, comes true and he is Thane of
Cawdor, Macbeth goes mad and decides that murdering the king will speed up the process. He
would have become king with or without the blood on his hands; he was just too impatient and
couldn't take the taunting and teasing from his wife. When the deed was done, Macbeth stated "This
is a sorry ... Show more content on ...
When Macbeth realizes that his power and the power of his family in the future is threatened
because of the prediction from Fate, he decides that Banquo needs to die. The death of Banquo is a
pivotal point in the play, because it shows how much Macbeth has changed and what he has
developed into. Macbeth states "I am in blood, stepped in so far that should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go'oer" basically saying that since he has killed this much, why not
continue? He has transformed from a morally correct person, into an envious person with his mind
set on gaining power. Once again, this death was completely unjust and surprising considering he
would take part in murdering one of his own friends. Banquo did no wrong, so he did not deserve
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Death In The Age Of Innocence Essay
In her novel, The Age of Innocence, author Edith Wharton examines two different viewpoints of
death. Wharton specifically highlights the view of death as an escape and the view of death as
condemnation. Readers see these contrasting viewpoints through the impacts of the death of May
Welland on Newland Archer.
Readers have a pre–established view on Archer's opinion of May's death from chapter 25. In chapter
25 Archer exemplifies what an inconvenience his wife's life is when he says: "How young she is!
For what endless years this life will have to go on!" (360). Rather than be glad his wife has
seemingly many years left, he dreads having to spend a lifetime with her. He refers to their life
together as being full of "deadly monotony" (176). Archer is also quoted in chapter 30: "What if it
were she who was dead! If she were going to die–to die soon–and leave him free!" (178). Wharton
is showing the emotional and mental bonds of an unhappy marriage. She is using May's life as a trap
for Archer and characterizes him in a way that makes it seem as if he is sworn into lifelong ... Show
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Wharton sets the scene in a manner that leaves readers anticipating the reunion of Archer and Ellen.
Readers see May's death as an escape only for a brief moment. Little is said of the mourning process
on Archer's part, only that "he had honestly mourned her" (208). However, in the same paragraph it
is mentioned that Archer also "honored his own past and mourned for it" (208). Readers once again
see Archer placing importance of his life over that of his wife's life. We see his freedom from the
restrictions of his marriage when he agrees to take a trip to Paris with his son, Dallas. It is
mentioned that "May had disliked to move except for valid reasons" and "she could imagine no
other motive for leaving the house in Thirty–Ninth Street"
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The Loss Of Innocence: An Explication Of The Death Of...
The Loss of Innocence: An Explication of "The Death of Santa Claus" by Charles Webb
Children often are told the lie of Santa Claus. When kids find out that Santa Claus is not real they do
one of two things: they freak out or they are completely calm. On the inside though they're all
freaking out. The mythical amazing man that they've believed in all of their lives is a fake and thats
a devastating blow. Being told that Santa is not real is often when most children start to lose their
innocence.In the poem "The Death of Santa Claus" by Charles Webb, the speaker compares the end
of his childhood and his loss of childhood innocence with Santa dying. The child compares heart
attacks and such to the "death" of his childhood. In Charles Webb's poem "The Death of Santa
Claus", the speaker compares the death to the loss of innocence in a child. ... Show more content on ...
The speaker says "He's had the chest pains for weeks"(1). He uses the symptoms to compare to the
heartache the child has when he discovers Santa isn't real. The child genuinely cared for Santa. He
left him cookies every year and now he is discovering that he isn't real. It's almost as if the child has
lost someone he knew. It shapes him into an adult. The next line makes Santa a far away thing in his
mind. The speaker says, "but doctors don't make house/calls to the North Pole"(3–4). The child is
trying to clutch on to these childish ideas so he can grow up. The next group of lines explain why he
can't/won't go to the doctor for his pains. Just like how the child won't accept that Santa isn't real.
The speaker
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Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In Frankenstein
As people gain new experiences different losses of innocence come along with that, this is shown in
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Throughout the book innocence plays a big role in the characterization
of Frankenstein, the monster and most of the other characters in the book. But, as tragedies in the
book occur they also symbolize losses of innocence in both the monster and Frankenstein. As these
losses of innocence occur the reader begins to realize that each of them also seems to symbolize
another loss of innocence but one that is just under the surface of literal meanings. One of the
common double losses of innocence is all of the deaths that occur in the book. While examining the
characterization and the deaths of Elizabeth and Justine, the reader comes to realize that all of those
deaths symbolize the loss of innocence. Through these deaths, it is shown that Frankenstein and the
monster continued to lose their innocence until it is nonexistent. All throughout Justine's
imprisonment and death, Shelley plays with the idea of innocence versus guilt. When William is
killed Justine who is portrayed as an innocent bystander is convicted of the crime. When she is
arrested everyone is confused because no one believes that she could have done this. This is because
everyone sees her as cute and innocent."Who is safe , if she is to be convicted of crime? I rely on
her innocence as certainly as i do upon my own"(81). Even most of the characters believe that she is
innocent but,
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Mean Creek Essay
In the film 'Mean Creek', the director Jacob Aaron Estes uses visual and verbal techniques to
successfully convey the main idea of loss of innocence; this idea is relevant today to teenagers and
shows their actions due to it. The main idea is presented to the viewer in three vignettes; banks of
the river, burial site, and taking the police to the burial site.
In the vignette 'Banks of the river' the director successfully displayed the use of verbal and visual
techniques to show the relevant idea of loss of innocence. For instance, the visual technique blue
filter shows that the characters have become sorrowful because of the death of George; it also makes
the setting dark grey–blue which reflects how the characters lost their innocence. ... Show more
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In this vignette it is in contrast the water began to drift slowly across the creek which gives the
impression of a tranquil mood. The verbal techniques of lament and synthetic music was also used.
This really connects to the main idea as it emphasises the relevance of death and loss of innocence
to real life situations today; it also shows that it can ruin someone's life. 'Digetic voice over cuts to
non–digetic scene' this suggests that the character George did not deserve this and also that he was
different. He also says in his voice over " People that do not see inside my mind don't get there are
gazzilion things going on" This is relevant today as people should not judge one's personality
through looking at him or by his actions but to look inside and see his inner feelings.
In conclusion, the director Jacob Aaron Estes successfully conveyed the idea of loss of innocence
sing visual and verbal techniques in the three vignettes Banks of the river, Burial site and taking
police to the burial site. The viewer's learn the relevance of losing innocence and how it can affect
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Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel
During the holocaust many children and teens suffered from the loss of their innocence. In the
memoir Night, Elie Wiesel explained the loss of his innocence through experiences during the
holocaust such as the harsh new laws and the death of his family and friends. The death of a family
member and harsh punishment cause the loss of innocence. In concentration camps, the Jewish
people were given harsh laws that contributed to the loss of their innocence. Before the Jewish
people were stuffed into concentration camps, they were moved throughout the night to different
holding places. The Hungarian police yelled at the Jewish citizens,"'Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy
good–for–nothings!' the Hungarian police were screaming. That was when I began ... Show more
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After Eliezer had seen someone he known had died, he realized, "The night had passed completely.
The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of Talmud, the
child I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My
soul had been invaded – and devoured – by a black flame"(Weisel 37) The child weisel is referring
to is the innocence. The loss of innocence is referred to as being eaten up by flames because it
slowly is going away due to the death of the people surrounding him. When something gets
swallowed by a fire it takes a while to start and then rapidly starts to deteriorate. Eliezer had just
witnessed his father being beaten and realized, "My father had just been struck, in front of me, and I
had not even blinked. I had watched and kept silent. Only yesterday, I would have dug my nails into
this criminal's flesh. Had I changed that much? So fast? Remorse began to gnaw at me. All I could
think was: I shall never forgive them for this (Weisel 39). The way Weisel refers to his skin as
criminals flesh proving that he has lost his innocence. The definition of innocence is lack of guilt.
Eliezer wanted to hurt the criminal for beating his father because he had no guilt. After he had been
beaten a few times Weisel shows Eliezer not sticking up for him because he knows if he does he
would also get punished. Eppler stated in her psychology study that, "...because the child is not
capable of isolating intense hurt and feelings of anger. Grief is not isolated; rather it affects
transactions and circumstances in every environment" (Eppler 189). The loss of innocence due to
the death of a family member is revealed as a coping method. Eppler showed how children will have
so much grief that they think the cause of death is their fault. The children will then lose their
innocence due to
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Innocence In Brave New World
Innocence is something that can only be lost once. Within both The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara
Kingsolver and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there are various characters that lose their
innocence in very dramatic ways. A character can lose their innocence due to the death of someone
else. They can also lose their innocence by just being looked at from a different perspective by
others, this can be seen through the characters Bernard and Rachel. ADD ANOTHER TOPIC
Someone who has lost their innocence changes their personality and perspective on life, which
results in them acting in situations differently than they would before. When someone loses their
innocence from the death of another this can very negatively affect the character's emotions. ...
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This is most seen from Bernard in A Brave New World and from Rachel in The Poisonwood Bible.
When Bernard brings a Savage back to the city he lives in he is seen like a superstar which makes
him feel like he is finally wanted by someone, when previously no one liked him. Rachel goes
through the same process as Bernard, but backwards. She is used to living the good life and being
pretty in the United States, but when she goes to the Congo she is different then everyone else which
makes her feel self–conscious. When Bernard brings back John the Savage from the Indian
reservation to the big city he is a celebrity. He is constantly invited to parties and gets the
opportunities to meet very important people within the city. Since he is now seen as a very
important person in the city this makes him feel more welcome, but he also acts very differently
compared to his previous timider self. This is shown most clearly when he gets frustrated with his
only friend Helmholtz about his resent popularity. It is said
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Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Innocence Essay
In Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez, nearly all characters were guilty
regarding the killing of Santiago, either of the physical murder or by association. It was often
difficult for the reader to get the entire story as not all information was revealed by the narrator,
making it crucial to make inferences about the actions and thoughts of the people in the novel.
However, Pablo Vicario is the guiltiest as he continued on with the crime, although Pedro wanted to
give up on finding the accused. Furthermore, Santiago himself is the most innocent because there
was no evidence against him and Angela, in all likelihood, did not lose her virginity to him before
she was married. Out of the many characters guilty by association ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel, it becomes extremely clear that there was no evidence against him and he
most likely did not take Angela's virginity. It could have been any of one of the characters who
performed such actions on her or possibly even someone that never appeared in the story. Next, due
to the amount of pressure Angela was in at the time, she could have just chosen to say Santiago's
name when being questioned, perhaps because he was a genuine, honest, and caring man who would
not participate in such an activity prior to marriage. Also, when interrogated, she said his name very
softly, as if she was not confident in her answer and was lying. In addition, Santiago was somewhat
of an outsider in the village who kept to himself, which may have unjustly caused him to be an
obvious target. Furthermore, he was described as having "very good judgment but without much
luck" (Márquez 5), meaning he may have just had an unlucky moment. Later on, it became
increasingly clear that Santiago had no motives or reasons to have intercourse with Angela,
especially because he was not in any sort of relationship with her. At the end of the story, he was
killed while wearing a white outfit, which is a symbol for innocence, cleanliness, and purity. Finally,
it is stated that Santiago "died without understanding his own death"
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The Color White In Ayn Rand's Anthem
In the book Anthem, the color white is a symbol for innocence or lack of individuality of the
citizens and also symbolizes death. This is because the color white often shows up at important parts
of the plot to show the state of Equality 7–2521's belief (or lack there of) in the society that he lives
in. Anthem was written by a woman named Ayn Rand, who escaped communism and strongly
believed in the importance of individuality. Her views show up in both the surface meaning and the
symbolic meaning of Anthem. In chapter one of Anthem, Equality 7–2521 finds an old subway
tunnel, and the white glow of the iron tracks lead him to break the law even more than he already
has by creating the light bulb. This leads to the death of his belief in the
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Death Of Innocence By Mamie Till- Mobley
Death of Innocence is a non–fictional novel written by Mamie Till– Mobley about the tragedy of her
son's brutal murder. Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 to parents Louis Till, and Mamie
Till Mobley, Emmett was born breeched, and was going to endure multiple health complications in
his short fourteen years. Emmett wanted to visit family in Mississippi although Mama and Mamie
were very hesitant. They tried to educate Emmett the dangers of a black person in the South.
Emmett was born in Chicago, and was not aware of the type of racism blacks endured in the South.
Unfortunately, due to Emmett's heath complications when he started to stutter Emmett would
whistle. A black male whistling at a white woman during this time of age was prohibited. Mamie
educated Emmett before he left that he should not even walk on the same side of the street as a
white woman. Emmett apparently whistled at a white woman while in a store. This led to white
racists kidnapping him in the middle of the night and inhumanly murdered Emmett on August 28,
1955. Mamie chose to have an open casket funeral for Emmett. Though it was hard for her to turn
her privacy of grieving the loss of her son, she chose to turn this into a public issue. She became an
activist for the black community and educated children and churches on lynches. Emmett's death led
to America's civil rights movement. Growing up in Chicago Mamie did not experience as much
racism as she would have in the South. When she was a little
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Raymond's Innocence In The Book 'After The First Death'
Many characters innocence were stolen in the book 'After The First Death'. Raymond's innocence
was stolen because he had to eat the candy that the hijackers had. 'Raymond put the candy in his
mouth, chewed, the tears rolling down his cheeks, looking at neither Artkin or Kate. Kate's
innocence was stolen because she was a child herself and she had to take care of all the children.
'Take care of them. See to their needs. This will convince you that we mean no harm.' Ben's
innocence was taken from him because his father used him as a messenger to the terrorists. 'That
you must deliver the stone to the hijackers as proof of Sedeete's capture, to prove to the hijackers
that their leader has been captured,the entire episode now pointless, that they were in no position to
dictate terms but faced complete surrender at the most, negotiations at the least.' Innocence is a very
important characteristic that can stolen very easily. Raymond was a child that lost his innocence
very ... Show more content on ...
Ben did not have a very good relationship with his dad. They did not talk with each other like a
father and son should. 'He really wanted out of here, out of this room, away from this person is by
accident of birth his son'. He once fell in love with a girl named Nettie Halversham. She did not love
him back though. 'Finally i asked her if she'd go to a movie with me. Another pause. And then: oh i
don't think so. Those devastating words of boredom in her voice'. When ben had to be the
messenger to the terrorists, he wasn't supposed to answer their questions. The hijackers asked him
questions and if he didn't answer them then they tortured him. 'I have questions for you. And what
you answer will decide whether or not you will survive. Do you understand? You must speak the
truth and quickly'. Ben's father choose his own son to go to the terrorists, even though he knew they
would hurt
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Innocence In Book Thief And The Boy In The Striped Pa
Topic: Compare how the theme of innocence is represented in The Book Thief and The Boy in the
Striped Pyjamas.
The author of the novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas (John Boyne) and director of the film The
Book Thief (Brian Percival) have both succeeded in capturing the audience's attention and emotions,
by having innocence as a key theme. Therefore intriguing the reader and taking an emotional effect
unto their life. In order to do this, innocence is not directly mentioned, but rather hinted throughout
many different aspects throughout the story. Both novel and movie use different approaches when it
comes to innocence. By intensively comparing and contrasting the stories, the different aspects in
which innocence plays a role throughout the stories are brought to light. Both pieces of work are
secondary media that tell the story of families living during World ... Show more content on ...
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas represented innocence as a weapon of death by having Bruno's
innocence lead up to sacrifice. Even though Bruno's innocence was never lost, it led him to his own
death. Whilst Liesel's innocence was forgotten, she remained alive through the ending. She began
stealing at a very young age, her childhood innocence crushed by the ambitions of the Fuhrer, for a
better Germany. Although Germany was never reborn, he did make a positive impact on their
economy before the war started. After witnessing the detrimental effects of The Great Depression,
Hitler had a dream to be Germany's hero and he started building his plans from there. Both The
Book Thief and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas effectively incorporate innocence in their media by
selectively choosing the actions and words that are to be performed by the characters in order to
have an emotional appeal and add more meaning to the
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Characters 'Innocence In After The First Death'
In the book "After the First Death" some of the characters had their innocence was stolen from
them. First, raymond was a small, brave child who didn't deserve to die. Second, kate was a
character in the wrong place at the wrong time who didn't deserve the responsibility of saving
everyone. Lastly, Ben was too young to have the weight of serving his country on his shoulders. '
Raymond was really smart for a five year old. Kate realized he hadn't ate the candy because he
wasn't asleep. His mom told him candy wasn't good for his teeth. Whenever Antibe got shot by a
sniper, someone had to go in his place also as punishment. "Artkin picked up the boy to help him
down the steps of the bus outside" " later, they heard a shot " "kate could not
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The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh Essay
The poem " The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" symbolizes loss of innocence, death, and gain from the
civil war. On April 6, 1862 The Battle of Shiloh in the Civil War started. In the two days of fighting
over 23,000 soldiers died. At the time it was the bloodiest battle in American history. In this battle
the Drummer Boy represents youth and the heart beat. The general represents the father and
experience. The drum represents a useless toy. The peach tree represents life and death. Shiloh
represents the loss and gain. Owl Creek represents the dead and the loss of innocence. "The
Drummer Boy of Shiloh" if about a young boy who is the Drummer for the Battle of Palito Ranch.
It also focuses on the general of the army. The Drummer Boy at first thought he was useless, but
then learns that he is the heartbeat of the army. He was the heartbeat of the army because he was the
rhythm and the life. The better he drums the better the soldiers fight. Without the heartbeat there is
no life. He also represented youth he was the youngest in the battle so ... Show more content on ...
The drum is thought of as a useless toy, but I believe it is a useless toy unless used. Any instrument
even in precaution is just a sound until used by a person with emotion and a soul. Then it becomes
something greater than the useless toy the drum is. Although he can't fight with the drum it is the
most important tool for him to have. The peach tree at the beginning represents life because the
tree's fruit is ripe and full of life. Towards the end, however, the tree has a fallen leaf this represents
the death and loss of the tree. The death and the loss of the tree represents the death and loss of
soldiers. The beginning also views the tree as innocents before the war. The tree at the end
represents the blood shed and loss of innocence. The drum represents a useless toy until used by a
person and the peach tree represents innocence, life, loss, and
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Innocence And The Death Penalty
The United States is one of approximately 58 countries around the world that retain the death
penalty. Of these 58 countries the United States was fifth of the six countries that accounted for
nearly ninety–five percent of all executions conducted in 2015 ("Death Sentences and Executions
2014"). This position has drawn widespread criticism from our allies and the international
community–majority of whom have all legally abolished the death penalty or have abolished it in
practice. Since the early 1970s the US has had over 150 death row inmates exonerated prior to being
executed ("Innocence and the Death Penalty: Assessing The Danger of Mistaken Executions").
These facts alone show that the US cannot stand among the same countries we denounce ... Show
more content on ...
Their take on the death penalty is usually more pragmatic in the sense that it is focused more on the
economic costs of the death penalty and the several incidents of innocent people being executed.
They feel that the government should only apply the death penalty in more extreme cases like serial
killing, mass murder, and murder with intent. This viewpoint would eventually phase out most of
the need for the death penalty putting us more in line with our western allies and less grouped with
those who strongly hold onto the death penalty. This view may lessen the overall total of executions
but may lead to an increase in costs due to the possibility of added protections and safeguards to
prevent innocent people from being executed. These views are most commonly held by the center–
left and the Democratic
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The Book Thief Movie Themes
The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark
Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler's
reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the
friendship of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and
the narrative perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to
emphasise how innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts.
Through the friendship of child protagonists in both films, the audience is able to view and
understand how innocence is portrayed and corrupted. Bruno in The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, is the
main ... Show more content on ...
With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the
boy she loved which is another way that the idea of innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene
the director uses a bird's eye view angle of the death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this
text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience
to feel heartbroken just as The Boy in Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although,
the friendship between child protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent
friendship and remains that way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through
playful love whereas the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries and
restrictions to their freedom, being stuck on opposite sides of the fence. Another friendship that
occurs is the friendship between Liesel and a Jewish man named Max that her family is hiding
under their basement. In this friendship, Liesel herself symbolises innocence which enables Max to
find the strength to survive. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, however, does not include another
important friendship to the main protagonist, it only focuses on the unlikely friendship between a
Jew and a boy with a commander for a father.
The influence of father figures in both
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Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience By William Blake...
Songs of Innocence and of Experience is the foundation of the work of one of the greatest. English
poets and artists. The two sets of poems reveal what William Blake calls "the two contrary states of
the human soul." In both series, he offers clues to deeper meanings and suggests ways out of the
apparent trap of selfhood, so that each reading provides greater insight and understanding, not only
to the poems but also to human life. Throughout this poem, the logic of this poem favors experience
rather than innocence since in most of the poem , because purity is has little durability and is
temporary but experience is permament and strong causing people to learn acceptance and adapt to
reality. The light apparently returns again in ... Show more content on ...
The speaker urges the other boys to continue with their work, "So if all do their duty, they need not
fear harm.". Songs of Experience reveals that this acceptance of society as it is and belief in a caring
God is naïve. This series does not begin with joy in a pastoral landscape, as does Songs of
Innocence, but instead the "Introduction" is spoken with "the voice of the Bard . Who Present, Past,
& Future, sees" and who describes a fallen world with a "lapsed Soul . weeping in the evening dew."
In the next poem, "Earth's Answer," the earth itself asks to be released from the chains of jealousy
and fear. "The Clod and the Pebble" presents two views of love, the clod finding the experience
selfless and giving, the pebble stating that love is selfish and restricting.
The child in "London" has parents, but is more bitter than the orphan of the "innocence" "Chimney
Sweeper," because he is intelligent enough to recognize what is being done to him. His response,
coupled with that of the accepting adult in the "innocence" version of "Holy Thursday," show that
the sour viewpoint of the "experience" poems is not a result of obtaining wisdom by growing older.
Some children are able to see the larger truth; some adults never perceive it. Intelligence and
circumstance cause
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Cycle Of Life And Imagery In 'The Grave' By Katherine Anne...
'The Grave' by Katherine Anne Porter is a story that illustrates the initiation of a child from
innocence to experience. The underlying theme behind the central idea of innocence to experience is
the cycle of life and death and rebirth. This theme is illustrated in the young protagonist, Miranda,
and her epiphany on the concept of the cycle of life and rebirth. The dominant tone in 'The Grave' is
melancholic, and that tone is created through the language elements of symbolism, diction, and
imagery. The story's tone is also supported by the fiction element character. Porter begins the story
with Miranda and her brother Paul exploring a graveyard while out hunting. As they continue with
their hunt, Paul shoots a rabbit that is about to give birth. Paul proceeds to carefully slit the dead
rabbit open revealing her young unborn babies. This moment is an epiphany for young Miranda as
she understands the meaning of rebirth and the cycle of life and death. Miranda later reflects upon
this incident years later in a foreign city's busy bazaar and is reminded of the event that transformed
her from an innocent child to a more experienced and knowledgeable young woman. One of the
most important language elements that Porter uses in the story is symbolism, which illustrates
innocence and experience. Porter uses symbolism when Miranda and Paul explore their forefathers
graves. The graves represent death and experience, while Miranda and Paul represent childhood and
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How Does Adam Lose His Innocence
Adam has lost his mind and his innocence after he went through the terrifying experience that is his
life. In the beginning of the book, Adam was undeniably naïve and innocent then after everything he
went through he lost his innocence. As you read the book it is clear that even as a young child Adam
was naïve and thought that everything was congenial before he learned the truth. Cormier shows
how the protagonist Adam is a dynamic character that loses his childlike innocence because his
parents' death and learning the truth regarding his life and his identity. Adam was naïve and innocent
at the beginning of the novel however that shifts as you read on. He was innocent because as a
young boy he didn't have a care in the world and he always sang the same song "The Farmer in The
Dell'. Adam didn't notice that his family was in grave danger until he heard his parents' conversation
and knew ... Show more content on ...
Once Adam learned that he isn't who he thought he was and that his family was running away he
didn't know who he was. It made him lose his innocence because it showed him a different world
and it changed everything. He needed to take precautions of where he went and who he talked to
and that made him grow up. He needed to change his ways and live a different life and that once
again transformed him. Learning that he wasn't Adam Farmer changed him so much because he
didn't know who he was. Everything that he knew or thought he knew change and he was so
surprised he didn't know who he was anymore. Once Adam didn't know who he was anymore it
made him think differently and that definitely took away his childlike innocence. He was, without a
doubt, naïve because he didn't understand many things but after he learned the truth he learned what
to do and what not to do. That is how Adam lost his childlike innocence because of learning the
truth regarding his life and his
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Evil And Innocence In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Evil is a word that is rooted in thoughts, and actions. The concept of evil is a convoluted force. In
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, morals are reexamined through each tale. Chaucer discusses moral
evil and its relevance to innocence, specifically in the Pardoner's Tale, with the three rakes, and in
the Prioress Tale, with the young boy. The seducing of innocence to become dishonorable is evil. All
things wicked start from innocence. Innocence is beautiful. The three rakes and the young boy
illustrate the most simplest form of innocence which reserves the revelation of evil. In the
Pardoner's Tale, the three rakes insist on discovering who "smote the man's heart in two" (Chaucer
355). The murder, Death is dangerous and the rakes courageously took this opportunity to help
themselves and others from the danger. This demonstrates the rakes ability to want to improve other
people's lives while also showcasing the righteousness they contain. The murderer, Death, "shall be
slain" and the three men "pledged their word of honor to live and die for the other,/ as though each
were the other's brother born" (357). Chaucer demonstrates the virtue these men have for themselves
and for each other. Although, they drink too much they still embody supportive and honorable
friends. The hope that "death shall be dead, if they catch him" (357) depicts the beauty in their
hopes and innocence. The beauty of the widow's son, seven years of age, in the Prioress Tale, paints
the unknown virtue during the walk to and from school. The mother has always teaches her son "to
worship our blissful Lady,/ Christ's dear Mother, and he did not forget it" (373). Chaucer proves that
innocent children "will always learn quickly" (373). The young child studies his book and he heard
the Alma redemptoris being sung. The young child innocent and interested, "listened to the words
and notes/ until he knew the first verse all by heart" (373). However, the innocent boy does "not at
all what this Latin meant,/since he was of so young and tender an age" (375). Chaucer makes known
that this young boy is intelligent and innocent as he listens to his mother and is curious for his age.
The innocence in the rakes and the young boy is beautiful and tender,
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Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird And The Death Of Innocence
In both the novels To Kill a Mockingbird, by Lee Harper, and The Death of Innocence, by Mamie–
Till Mobley, a parallel is evident between the themes of the works, as well as, their courageous
characters. The fictional character Atticus Finch describes fortitude with stating " It's when you
know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what" (
Lee 112). His ideals and fearless persona show similarities to that of Mamie–Till Mobley, who, in
The Death of Innocence, fights for the civil rights movement after her son is murdered. Mr.Finch's
definition of bravery fits that of the figure Mamie–Till.
The unfortunate manslaughter of Emmett Till was the spark that ignited an inferno of civil rights
ideals ... Show more content on ...
Deceit is no shade of the rainbow, is is a facet of human life. Affirming this fact audibly is brash,
like his choice to give Tom the best defense possible. The lawyer's gallant defense of Tom Robinson
displayed his progressive convictions regarding a colorless courtroom. Mr.Finch is entirely aware of
the prejudice environment surrounding him, and the disgrace his choice to defend Tom has brought
upon his children from their peers. His campaigning attempt for Tom is long and difficult, and based
on the quote above, he is aware victory will not result. His reasoning is explained when he says,
"The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the
rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box." ( Lee 295 )
Atticus's occupation revolves around the belief that fair trial is mandatory, and a racially biased jury
should not be able to destroy this. Mr. Finch chooses to make his lifestyle revolve around this idea,
and consequently is active in enforcing it in his community. This aspect of life is similarly mirrored
in the way Mamie–Till Mobley approached living after the death of her son. Mamie traveled to
various conferences,
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William Golding 's Lord Of The Flies
Past Innocence Innocence is usually referring to children who have not experienced, or have no
knowledge about the evils and sufferings of the real world. However, at some point of your life you
will lose that innocence and what is it replaced by? Maturity? In the novel Lord of the Flies, the
author, William Golding includes many symbols throughout the story, that represent the corruption
taking place inside the boys, as they survive on the island. Thus, throughout the story the symbols
that best represent the boys' transformation from innocence to savagery are the clearing as it
changes from a natural paradise to a dystopia, the chant that signifies the boys fall deep into
savagery, and the death of Piggy and Simon, which mark the ... Show more content on ...
The interaction between the littluns and Simon here shows the boys are innocent and enjoying life
on the island. However, later on, the hunters under Jack's command hunt a pig and its slaughter took
place in the clearing. After they kill the pig, Jack holds out his hand and: " giggled and flinked them
while the boys laughed at his reeking palms. [After that, the boys impaled the dead pig with a spear
up it's behind, and laughing afterwards. Jack then proceeds to clean out the insides of the pig while
leaving the pig's head behind and left the clearing along with the hunters.] Even the butterflies
deserted the open space where the obscene thing [pig's head] grinned and dripped" (Golding, 149–
151) Now the clearing is dirtied by the pig's remains and has lost its former beauty, flies replacing
the butterflies that were once there. In real life, butterflies are mostly seen as beautiful creatures,
while flies are seen as pests and unwanted creatures. In the story, the butterflies symbolize the boys'
innocence, and the flies symbolize the boys' savagery. The boys lose their innocence by dirtying
their hands with another living being's blood, and the said innocence is now replaced by savagery.
The boys' savagery is evident as they laugh and giggle when they play with the dead pig's corpse
and walk away after as if they have done nothing wrong. Therefore,
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Perry's Innocence In The Death Of Truman Capote
Although Capote highlights the unexpectedness of the murders of the Clutter family, his primary
objective is to show Perry's duplicitous nature, therefore, indicating that society needs to closely
examine the character of criminals before determining innocence. Capote uses euphemisms and
juxtaposition to demonstrate Perry's humanity and Dick's lack of emotion. While Perry and Dick
were driving in the car to Mexico, Perry asks Dick, "'Know what I think?...I think there must be
something wrong with us. To do what we did.' 'Did what?' 'Out there'" (Capote 108). This exchange
between Perry and Dick highlights the majority of their conversations. Perry worries about getting
caught and the morality of the situation, while Dick is oblivious to Perry's
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Loss Of Innocence In The Outsiders
'The Outsiders' by S.E Hinton was written in the 1960's, a time of rebels and outlaws. The novel
follows the story of two rival gangs, the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs are rich and powerful but
feel no emotion; they are cool to the point of not feeling anymore while the Greasers are in poverty
and are often shunned by society,but they have a passion for life, the exact opposite of the Socs. The
story also discusses the loss of innocence in the main character, Ponyboy Curtis, a young teen in the
1960's. Throughout the story he is subjected to many forms of corruption to make him lose his
childhood innocence and make him cold and hard. Hinton explains this message to us through the
use of a poem by Robert Frost 'Nothing Gold Can Stay ' ... Show more content on ...
This was the first time that Ponyboy was subjected to a form of corruption, you can confirm this
through his reaction of pure horror as he thought " I'm gonna be sick." Ponyboy Pg 49. This event
refers to the first and second verse of the poem when it reads "Nature's first green is gold, Her
hardest hue to hold" Pg 67 which means the wondrous amazement of childhood (gold) is soon
overtaken by corruption.This serves to Hinton's message which says that the older people get the
harder it is to preserve their blithe nature Another instance of Pony boy losing his innocence is when
Johnny dies. The death of Johnny is significant because Hinton uses his death as a symbol for the
loss of innocence in Ponyboy. As Ponyboy struggles to accept the harsh reality of Johnny's death he
mutters to himself "Johnny is not dead."[his voice shaking]. "Johnny is not dead."Ponyboy Pg 141.
This was Hinton showing us Ponyboy's innocence (Johnny) slowly being ripped away from him
This situation corresponds to the line in the poem which say "dawn goes down to day" Pg67. Which
means the once "gold" Ponyboy is changing to be cold and
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Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment
Nichole Hopkins
Mrs. Gallos
English 2
21 November 2017
Capital Punishment "But secondly you say 'society must exact vengeance, and society must punish'.
Wrong on both counts. Vengeance comes from the individual and punishment from God."
― Victor Hugo, The Last Day of a Condemned Man (Quotes)
Capital punishment or the death penalty. Should we have it or should we not. This report will make
you think about what could happen if we did not have it. Using capital punishment is very costly. It
causes taxpayers to pay close to ninety thousand dollars a year. The other main problem is the
innocent people who are wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to death row and later executed
but shortly after they are executed the are found innocent. While reading this you will discover all
the alternative ways that can save taxpayer money and save the lives of those who were wrongly
accused. One of the many problems with capital punishment is the cost. The death penalty alone
makes taxpayers pay ninety thousand dollars more a year. Not all states still use the death penalty
but those who do have separate costs. People today think that if someone are serving life in prison
that it's more expensive but it's not. That's one of the main misconceptions. "Between 1982–1997
the extra cost of capital trials was 1.6 billion that's just in the US. North Carolina alones spends
eleven million for the death penalty. If all the expenses were added up the cost would be
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The Kite Runner And Lord Of The Flies Literary Analysis
Loss of innocence in Amir and Ralph What would it be like if your best friend/acquaintance did not
stand up for you when you were in trouble? This question is great for how the two protagonists
Amir and Ralph lose their innocence after their closest relationship dies. The Kite Runner by Khaled
Hosseini and Lord of The Flies by William Golding can be associated with one another in many
ways. The first way that they are similar is the loss of innocence that is evident in each novel. Both
Amir and Ralph experience a loss of innocence because of events that take place throughout the
novel. This loss of innocence change Amir and Ralph in positive and negative ways. Some ways the
two novels can be compared with regards to loss of innocence is firstly, how a death of a friend
affects them, secondly, how Ralph and Amir deal with it and finally how they mature after their
friends' deaths. Regarding loss of innocence, a friend's death affected Amir and Ralph in similar
ways, such as how they matured from it. An example is evident in The Kite Runner "Why are you
here?", "For the boy", when Amir decides he wants to adopt Sohrab (Hosseini 267). It is evident in
Lord of the Flies, "the tears began to flow and Ralph was sobbing", when Golding tries to depict
Ralph growing into a man as he matures through the book and after Piggy's death, acknowledging
Piggy's intellect (Golding 202). Another way, a way they affected each other similarly is when Amir
and Ralph feel remorse and grief to their dead friends. They both act like this in the book because
they know they could have prevented it. In contrast, regarding the loss of innocence, a friend's death
affected Amir and Ralph in different ways. One way they affected Amir is that he felt guilty and
Ralph did not feel as guilty. This is evident because Amir lost his innocence after watching Hassan
get raped when he clearly could have prevented it, "I watched his face, but I didn't do anything."
(Hosseini 76). Another way Amir is different from Ralph is that Amir seeks redemption and Ralph
seeks salvation, an example of Ralph's disparity is when the savages are about to kill him and Ralph
is frightened
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Death Of Innocence By Mamie Till- Mobley
Death of Innocence is a non–fictional novel written by Mamie Till– Mobley about the tragedy of her
son's brutal murder. Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 to parents Louis Till, and Mamie
Till Mobley, Emmett was born breeched, and was going to endure multiple health complications in
his short fourteen years. Emmett wanted to visit family in Mississippi although Mama and Mamie
were very hesitant. They tried to educate Emmett the dangers of a black person in the South.
Emmett was born in Chicago, and was not aware of the type of racism blacks endured in the South.
Unfortunately, due to Emmett's heath complications when he started to stutter Emmett would
whistle. A black male whistling at a white woman during this time of age was prohibited. Mamie
educated Emmett before he left that he should not even walk on the same side of the street as a
white woman. Emmett apparently whistled at a white woman while in a store. This led to white
racists kidnapping him in the middle of the night and inhumanly murdered Emmett on August 28,
1955. Mamie chose to have an open casket funeral for Emmett. Though it was hard for her to turn
her privacy of grieving the loss of her son, she chose to turn this into a public issue. She became an
activist for the black community and educated children and churches on lynches. Emmett's death led
to America's civil rights movement. Growing up in Chicago Mamie did not experience as much
racism as she would have in the South. When she was a little
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Comparing William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Experience
In William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems correlate in
numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney
Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child
The Chimney Sweeper in Innocence vs. The Chimney Sweeper in Experience
In William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems correlate in
numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney
Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child with both a naïve and
experienced persona. Blake uses the aspects of religion, light versus dark imagery, and the usage of
the chimney sweeper itself to convey the similarities and differences of the figure in both poems.
The ... Show more content on ...
After Tom awakes from this dream, he was "happy and warm" with the knowledge that with God,
there was no need to fear death.
However, in Songs of Experience, the outlook on life and death is not so joyful. The religious
imagery is not so much as in Songs of
Innocence, possibly because people tend to believe more religiously when innocence dominates
terrible experiences. In the latter poem, however, the "little black thing" has been "clothed in the
clothes of death" by his parents forcing him to become a chimney sweeper. His parents have "gone
to praise God and his Priest and King, who make up a heaven of our misery" and the boy cannot
understand this as he
"sings the notes of woe" and not happiness. This chimney sweeper does not have the innocence and
hopefulness of the chimney sweeper in Songs of Innocence. This child possesses experience of
hardship and does not hold much faith in God and religion. This version of The Chimney
Sweeper lacks the hopefulness and faith found in the former version although it is the same setting,
factors, and occupation.
William Blake conveys both innocence and experience with the literary technique of light versus
dark imagery. In Songs of Innocence, Blake discusses the issue of soot on several instances. In the
beginning verse, the young chimney sweeper slept in soot, showing the incorruptibility and despair
of the young child. Also, Tom Dacre's
"white hair" was shaved so that the dark soot
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Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Innocence Essay
Justin Barker Crime and Punishment RGR 400 Sec 02_7013 April 3, 2016 Chronicle of a Death
Foretold: Innocence and Guilt In court, innocence is easily defined. To define innocence is to define
guilt; one is either guilt, or not guilty. Discovery is displayed, also known as evidence, and a final
decision, based on the assumptions of the jury or judge, is made. However, outside of a courtroom,
innocence is not so black and white. No person, at any part of their life, or any trivial circumstance
is completely, or purely innocent. Everyone holds at least some variation of guilt and innocence
when involved in a situation. This concept holds true in Gabriel Garcia's novel, Chronicle of a Death
Foretold; no one is completely innocent, yet no one ... Show more content on ...
The brothers clearly made their plans to kill Santiago Nasar to the town. The twins made it that
much easier for the town to stop the killing when they told Clotilde Armenta, "We're going to kill
Santiago Nasar" (52). Even though the twins made their plans known to the entire town, no one
attempts to stop them. The town's determination in sticking with their societal norms and honor code
resulted in, possibly, an innocent death. The only evidence determining that Santiago was guilty is
Angela's word and Pedro Vicario stating, "He [Santiago] knows why" (55). Furthermore, Colonel
Aponte confirms that there was no evidence of Santiago's crime by stating, "No one is arrested just
on suspicion" (57). Following the death of Santiago Nasar, the guilt of the town causes the
townspeople to commit strange acts. For example, shortly after Santiago's death, Hortensia Baute
ran naked into the street, Don Rogelio de la Flor died of shock, and Aura Villeros suffered a bladder
spasm due to guilt inspired hallucinations (97). The town maintained an attitude that implied that it
would have been pointless to stop the killing. Eventually, the town had become an "open wound"
(98) plagued of guilt. However, there are those that do not feel as though they had any part in
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Loss Of Innocence In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies
Norman Cousins, American journalist and peace activist, once said, "The tragedy of life is not death
but what we let die inside of us while we live." In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William
Golding, the characters go through a loss of innocence which can be illustrated by the words of
Norman Cousins. Throughout the novel, the young boys are put in situations in which their
innocence slowly dwindles away by being revealed to the born hate inside of everyone. The
characters' loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies is shown when Jack killed a pig for the first time,
by the truth from the Lord of the Flies, and the gradual death of the island itself. Jack killing a pig is
a scene in the novel where innocence is lost. After landing on the island, Jack went with the choir to
find meat. He went up to pigs twice before he could bring himself to kill one. On page 74, the
author writes, "The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless. Behind Jack walked the
twins, carrying a great stake on their shoulders. The gutted carcass of a pig swung from the stake,
swinging heavily as the twins toiled over the uneven ground...Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her
blood" (Golding 74). This passage displays how once Jack had slaughtered the pig, he showed his
accomplishment to the boys and acted as if he was powerful with his new skill. Before killing a pig,
there were two instances in which Jack told everyone he could kill but did not have the guts to take
the life of a living animal. Taking a pig's life unleashed a side of Jack that none of his companions
had seen before. The first kill was a trigger for Jacks lust for hunting and eventually his loss of
innocence. The revelation made by the Lord of the flies expresses loss of innocence in Simon.
During a mirage, Simon hallucinates that the sow head on the stick came to life and spoke about
innate hatred born in all people. The Lord of the Flies says, "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you"
(Goulding 143). This quote shows that sin is a part of us and always will be. Goulding made the
point very clear by having the Lord of the Flies divulge such a dark message because he was
symbolic of hatred and the devil. The conversation Simon had with the Lord of the
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Symbolism Of Sleep In Macbeth
In the Bible it says, "Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put a person asleep, an
innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty". God speaks about the harm of
killing the innocent and the people asleep. In the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare uses this
idea of sleep symbolizing the innocence and when provoked will lead to the eternal sleep of honest
people, the madness upon the guilty, and the death of innocence. The protagonist, Macbeth,
challenges god's testament and does wicked actions which reel in the sleep theme. Firstly, Macbeth
provokes the symbol of sleep which is a gift of god by leading honest people into eternal sleep,
death. Macbeth's actions reflect his character as vile perpetrator ... Show more content on ...
Macbeth hears cries that continuously haunt his life. It cries, "'Sleep no more' to all the house;
Glamis hath murdered sleep; and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more" (II, ii, l.44). This quote
interconnects with the sleep theme because Glamis and Cawdor are both Macbeth's roles prior to
being king and that now that Macbeth has killed a person in their sleep, he shall never sleep. This
idea shows the main point of madness if you don't go to sleep you will be tired and start feeling mad
and ill–tempered. Another example would be Lady Macbeth doing strange things in her sleep. Her
servants say, "I have seen her rise from her bed, throw her night–gown upon her...the benefit of
sleep, and do the effects of watching" (V, i, l. 3–7). This shows the madness of Lady Macbeth who
helped Macbeth murder King Duncan which makes her guilty was in the bubble in her mind that she
is doing everything awake but she is doing it in her sleep. This madness is led by the guilt of killing
the innocence and depriving them of their peaceful sleep. Macbeth's power influences madness,
eternal sleep and death of
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Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel
The loss of innocence, caused by the Holocaust, a genocide against the Jewish population that
ultimately devastated the families of the six millions lives lost by destroying their previous lives,
dreams, and future. Addressing the impacts on the biggest massacre in Human history, Night, a
memoir by Elie Wiesel describes the horrors on the suffering, killings, and the true loss of
innocence. In the novel, Wiesel a Jew living in Germany during the time of Hitler's reign was sent
off to a concentration camp, at the age of 15 years old he is separated from half of his family and
eventually will never see them again. Wiesel witnesses many deaths and suffers mentally and
physically as he is forced into labor. Elie struggles to keep himself and his ... Show more content on ...
Death was normal to Wiesel at a young age after being in the concentration camp he realizes that the
world is cruel affecting his innocence, he shows no feelings of sorrow towards his father's death.
After being emotionally scarred from the deaths he witnessed, the dead no longer affected him for
he is desensitized he shows no emotions towards the death of his father, impacting his loss of
innocence. Wiesel saw many deaths, many lives taken, he is numb to the feeling of death. As his
father is taken away from him he shows no emotions, "' I did not weep, and it pained me that I could
not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could not weep. But I was out of tears [..] I
might have found something like: Free at last!'" (Wiesel 112). As a young child, regardless of age,
crying is a way to release emotions. Realizing that Wiesel showed no emotions, "I did not weep, and
it pained me that I could not weep," it shows that he has completely loss his innocence and was
emotionally exhausted. Wiesel struggles to keep himself and his father alive, that when his father
passed it was a relief, and he no longer carried a burden, "' Free at last.'" As Elie is impacted from
showing no emotions he is also affected by losing his faith in
... Get more on ...
Essay on The Death of Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye
Holden identifies with, yearns for, and despises traits of the adult and child realms. In the novel The
Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, fears becoming an adult who
exhibits the characteristics that he holds complaints against. Throughout this Bildungsroman
narrative, Holden searches for his identity. He tries to figure out his place either in the adult or child
Holden possesses a combination of fear and hatred for "phonies". Holden uses this term to describe
a wide range of people including shallow, superficial, fake, untruthful, or hypocritical individuals.
"One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies... They
were coming in the ... Show more content on ...
Since he knows so many "phonies" he may feel that by joining the adult world, one must submit to a
certain degree of "phoniness", and he already has. Holden shows the characteristics of a
pathological liar, " `May I ask your name, dear [Mrs. Morrow]?' `Rudolf Schmidt,' I told her... Then
I started shooting the old crap around a little bit... `your nose is bleeding, dear,'...`I got hit with a
snowball...One of those very icy ones.'. Clearly, the way "phonies" lie rubs off on Holden. Since
Holden shows signs of a "phony", and he hates "phonies", he in a sense, hates himself. Holden
knows he has lost his own innocence; now he realizes he possesses the ability to protect the
innocence of other children. While narrating The Catcher in the Rye, Holden persistently uses the
word "phony" to describe many adults. This entails that people lose their innocence when entering
the adult realm.
Holden experiences the corruption and cruelty of the adult world. He interacts with individuals who
cause him physical and emotional pain. "...all of a sudden this booze hound her mother was married
to came out on the porch and asked Jane if there were any cigarettes in the house... old Jane
wouldn't answer him...Then all of a sudden, this tear plopped down on the checkerboard... I asked
her... if Mr. Cudahy¾ that was the booze hounds name¾ had ever tried to get wise with her... she
said no though." The possibility that Jane is sexually abused greatly
... Get more on ...
Comparing The Book Thief And The Boy In Striped Pyjamas
How is innocence portrayed and corrupted in The Book Thief and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas?
The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark
Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler's
reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the
friendship of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and
the narrative perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to
emphasise how innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts. The Boy in The Striped
Pyjamas reflects on the horrifying events of the holocaust where the protagonist, ... Show more
content on ...
The innocence of Bruno is portrayed through the stylistic device, dramatic irony, such as 'Not fair,
me stuck by my own and you have all your friends in there.' The innocent friendship between the
two boys leads them to their deaths in the ending scene, mise en scene comes into place as the scene
shows the empty room with only the clothes and boots that were left after the boys and other Jews
got gassed. In this scene, there is a form of diegetic music being played and the film finishes with a
fading camera shot, that creates a heart–breaking tone to the film and the audience is able to feel the
loss of innocence after the boys' death. With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the
bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the boy she loved which is another way that the idea of
innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene the director uses a bird's eye view angle of the
death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the
middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience to feel heartbroken just as The Boy in
Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although, the friendship between child
protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent friendship and remains that
way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through playful love whereas the
friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries
... Get more on ...

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The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers

  • 1. The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers The Vietnam War was a gruesome war that left many soldiers reeling in constant psychological turmoil not only in the years of the war, but in the years following the war as well. The terrifying events that occurred in Vietnam forced the soldiers to become different people with only one thing on their mind, survival. In Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried, it is seen how the war negatively impacted the soldiers of the Alpha Company and changed their personalities severely. One of the main changes that is seen in the men is the loss of innocence that accompanies them as they move through the war. In times of war, boundaries are crossed and morals are thrown out the windows. The dangerous situations that the men are thrust into cause ... Show more content on ... At first, as Kiley interacts with the water buffalo, he seems friendly towards the animal, offering it food and petting it. His interaction with the animal soon changes however as he begins to physically assault and shoot the young water buffalo. In the passage, O'Brien describes that Kiley went "automatic", (O'Brien 75) harming the buffalo in every possible way before breaking down. I believe that this situation shows a loss of innocence because under normal circumstances, a regular person would not have killed the animal for no reason. After the buffalo has died, Mitchell Saunders says, "'Well that's Nam. Garden of Evil. Over here, man, every sin's real fresh and original" (O'Brien 75). This quote reflects Kiley's loss of innocence because he is committing a sin that is horrific and unnecessary in nature all due to the death of a friend. It also shows that Kiley had no sense of control in this situation because hatred overcame him due to the death of Lemon. Scholar Rosalind Poppleton–Pritchard also believes that the slaying of the buffalo was done in part of Kiley's personal agony. "The baby buffalo and Rat are united in their dumb anguish: Rat has no way of articulating the pain he feels through language; it is an animal instinct, a 'response to signal, ' and he maims the creature in an almost suicidal attempt to end his own suffering" (Poppleton–Pritchard 4). This quote from Poppleton–Pritchard shows that Kiley's suffering in the war was ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Innocence And The Death Penalty Analysis In Richard Dieter's article "Innocence and the Death Penalty: The Increasing Danger of Executing the Innocent", he shares the mistakes and the dangers of the death penalty. Capital punishment had gotten more and more controversial during the 90's because of the risk of innocence. There was no DNA evidence during this time to prove if a person was innocent or guilty, so when putting them to death there was still a possibility that they were incorrect on the verdict. Today there are DNA tests that help prove whether someone is innocent or guilty, but it cannot bring those back who have been executed unjustly because of the death penalty. Lack of witnesses, the pressure from the public to solve the case, and limited resources for the defendant were common obstacles and quickened them to be charged as a suspect and then sentenced them to death based on the crime they "committed". As technology advanced with DNA evidence, some criminals who were on death row were let out of ... Show more content on ... The American Civil Liberties Union believes that the death penalty is unjust and goes against a lot of what America believes in. Under the Constitution, Americans are promised equal protection under law and cruel punishment is banned. The ACLU feels that the death penalty is the polar opposite from what is stated in the Constitution. Executions planned out spectacles and people gather around to witness a ceremonial killing. They don't believe the state should have the authority or right to end a human life. Capital punishment is also very expensive. This costs taxpayers more money than it does to house them in a federal prison for life. Not only is it affecting the family of the suspect but it is also affects taxpayer's wallets. Performing the death penalty goes against all beliefs in our Constitution, specifically the banishment of cruel and unusual ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Loss Of Innocence In Julius Caesar Death All through the novel, signs and incidents point to the way that Santiago Nasar's demise is destined to happen. Even though people made the mistake of knowing and doing nothing about it, the way things occur can help us infer that his death was going to happen either way no matter what they did. Once Nasar was murder the towns people use the excuse that Nasar death was meant to be killed and that they couldn't stop it even though they knew of the Vicario brother's intention before it happen because Nasar death was already fated . A quote from the book says, "For years we couldn't talk about anything else. Our daily conduct, dominated then by so many linear habits, had suddenly begun to spin around a single common anxiety. The cocks of dawn would ... Show more content on ... 97)This show an example of guilt. The death of Nasar seems to deeply affect the town's people in the future, for instance Hortensia Baute"whose only participation was having seen two bloody knives that weren't bloody yet, felt so affected by the hallucination that she fell into a penitential crisis, and one day, unable to stand it any longer, she ran out naked into the street." (Pg. 98) The character of Flora Miguel who was the future wife of Santiago, felt sad and humiliated when she found out about why her ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Charles Death: Innocence Or Homicide? Charles death is an accident. So therefore margaret is innocent. Evidence proves that charles was drunk coming down the stairs. Charles was so drunk that he was at a point that he couldn't walk anymore and he came down stairs for another drink but he tripped and fell down the stairs and died from a wound in his head. Second Piece of evidence that proves that margaret is innocent is because she was cooking. Margaret was cooking while charles was upstairs drinking there is no way margaret would have pushed him because if margaret would have pushed him then the food she was cooking would have overcooked and smoke would have been all around. Last piece of evidence proves that margaret is innocent because charles looks likes he has slippery shoes ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of Kofi Awoonor's 'At The Gates' "Who knows when evil matters will come" the poem "At The Gates" talks of a man dealing with the death and poisoning of his "daughter" or a symbol for his innocence in the case of his daughters supposed death. The loss of one's life, emotion, or anything close in that regard is a common theme displayed in African Literature and are used highly in Kofi Awoonor's "At the Gates." The loss of one man's life in battle and his ascent to Heaven above is largely what "At the Gates" talks about as it is a man waiting at the gates of Heaven. Discussing the different thoughts and emotions going through the dead man at the time and what emotions he is feeling about his fate and what lies before him, "I move into the gates demanding which war it is" ... Show more content on ... First of all being "It is Akpabli Horsu who sent me" (Awoonor 38) used to show the author's perspective on the murder of a man being simplified into the man being delivered to Heaven by the man they were killed by. "My daughter death called her" (Awoonor 39) the author describes the death of a man's innocences as the loss of his daughter, and uses this as deeper meaning to show that the man's innocence has been killed by those of all he trusted who had sent him to fight in the first place. "It is an evil god who sent me" (Awoonor 39) death is seen as sent by an evil God who wishes the loss of life upon a man and sends them to Heaven above or to to Hell below judging them. Diction is used to help show an author's theme and the tone they use throughout the story to help show a deeper meaning or a message through the story. Symbolism is a literary device used to give an object an entirely different meaning which is deeper and more significant to the story. The supposed "daughter" of the man of the story is the man's innocence taken from him by the men he trusted the elders and chiefs who sent him to war in the first place stripping him of the innocence he had once had forcibly. The gates are the gates of Heaven where the man was sent after his death in war to a famous warrior a place in which he awaits to open and see judgement for what he has done. "A snake has bitten my daughter" (Awoonor ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Innocence Of Death In Macbeth Macbeth by Shakespeare is a play about envy, greed, impatience, revenge and copious amounts of death. Most of the death in the play was completely unjust and unnecessary. The play isn't really a plea for peace and harmony, but more of a lesson that greed and impatience will be your ultimate demise. Although honorable and dishonorable death is not plainly distinguished and stated, it is very obvious. For example, when Macbeth just had to speed up the process of being crowned king, he decided killing an innocent person was the right way to go. Macbeth's first death includes our main character, Macbeth, and the king of Scotland. After the first prediction by the three mythological witches (who also seem to be the source for all of the insanity), Fate, comes true and he is Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth goes mad and decides that murdering the king will speed up the process. He would have become king with or without the blood on his hands; he was just too impatient and couldn't take the taunting and teasing from his wife. When the deed was done, Macbeth stated "This is a sorry ... Show more content on ... When Macbeth realizes that his power and the power of his family in the future is threatened because of the prediction from Fate, he decides that Banquo needs to die. The death of Banquo is a pivotal point in the play, because it shows how much Macbeth has changed and what he has developed into. Macbeth states "I am in blood, stepped in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go'oer" basically saying that since he has killed this much, why not continue? He has transformed from a morally correct person, into an envious person with his mind set on gaining power. Once again, this death was completely unjust and surprising considering he would take part in murdering one of his own friends. Banquo did no wrong, so he did not deserve ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Death In The Age Of Innocence Essay In her novel, The Age of Innocence, author Edith Wharton examines two different viewpoints of death. Wharton specifically highlights the view of death as an escape and the view of death as condemnation. Readers see these contrasting viewpoints through the impacts of the death of May Welland on Newland Archer. Readers have a pre–established view on Archer's opinion of May's death from chapter 25. In chapter 25 Archer exemplifies what an inconvenience his wife's life is when he says: "How young she is! For what endless years this life will have to go on!" (360). Rather than be glad his wife has seemingly many years left, he dreads having to spend a lifetime with her. He refers to their life together as being full of "deadly monotony" (176). Archer is also quoted in chapter 30: "What if it were she who was dead! If she were going to die–to die soon–and leave him free!" (178). Wharton is showing the emotional and mental bonds of an unhappy marriage. She is using May's life as a trap for Archer and characterizes him in a way that makes it seem as if he is sworn into lifelong ... Show more content on ... Wharton sets the scene in a manner that leaves readers anticipating the reunion of Archer and Ellen. Readers see May's death as an escape only for a brief moment. Little is said of the mourning process on Archer's part, only that "he had honestly mourned her" (208). However, in the same paragraph it is mentioned that Archer also "honored his own past and mourned for it" (208). Readers once again see Archer placing importance of his life over that of his wife's life. We see his freedom from the restrictions of his marriage when he agrees to take a trip to Paris with his son, Dallas. It is mentioned that "May had disliked to move except for valid reasons" and "she could imagine no other motive for leaving the house in Thirty–Ninth Street" ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Loss Of Innocence: An Explication Of The Death Of... The Loss of Innocence: An Explication of "The Death of Santa Claus" by Charles Webb Children often are told the lie of Santa Claus. When kids find out that Santa Claus is not real they do one of two things: they freak out or they are completely calm. On the inside though they're all freaking out. The mythical amazing man that they've believed in all of their lives is a fake and thats a devastating blow. Being told that Santa is not real is often when most children start to lose their innocence.In the poem "The Death of Santa Claus" by Charles Webb, the speaker compares the end of his childhood and his loss of childhood innocence with Santa dying. The child compares heart attacks and such to the "death" of his childhood. In Charles Webb's poem "The Death of Santa Claus", the speaker compares the death to the loss of innocence in a child. ... Show more content on ... The speaker says "He's had the chest pains for weeks"(1). He uses the symptoms to compare to the heartache the child has when he discovers Santa isn't real. The child genuinely cared for Santa. He left him cookies every year and now he is discovering that he isn't real. It's almost as if the child has lost someone he knew. It shapes him into an adult. The next line makes Santa a far away thing in his mind. The speaker says, "but doctors don't make house/calls to the North Pole"(3–4). The child is trying to clutch on to these childish ideas so he can grow up. The next group of lines explain why he can't/won't go to the doctor for his pains. Just like how the child won't accept that Santa isn't real. The speaker ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In Frankenstein As people gain new experiences different losses of innocence come along with that, this is shown in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Throughout the book innocence plays a big role in the characterization of Frankenstein, the monster and most of the other characters in the book. But, as tragedies in the book occur they also symbolize losses of innocence in both the monster and Frankenstein. As these losses of innocence occur the reader begins to realize that each of them also seems to symbolize another loss of innocence but one that is just under the surface of literal meanings. One of the common double losses of innocence is all of the deaths that occur in the book. While examining the characterization and the deaths of Elizabeth and Justine, the reader comes to realize that all of those deaths symbolize the loss of innocence. Through these deaths, it is shown that Frankenstein and the monster continued to lose their innocence until it is nonexistent. All throughout Justine's imprisonment and death, Shelley plays with the idea of innocence versus guilt. When William is killed Justine who is portrayed as an innocent bystander is convicted of the crime. When she is arrested everyone is confused because no one believes that she could have done this. This is because everyone sees her as cute and innocent."Who is safe , if she is to be convicted of crime? I rely on her innocence as certainly as i do upon my own"(81). Even most of the characters believe that she is innocent but, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Mean Creek Essay In the film 'Mean Creek', the director Jacob Aaron Estes uses visual and verbal techniques to successfully convey the main idea of loss of innocence; this idea is relevant today to teenagers and shows their actions due to it. The main idea is presented to the viewer in three vignettes; banks of the river, burial site, and taking the police to the burial site. In the vignette 'Banks of the river' the director successfully displayed the use of verbal and visual techniques to show the relevant idea of loss of innocence. For instance, the visual technique blue filter shows that the characters have become sorrowful because of the death of George; it also makes the setting dark grey–blue which reflects how the characters lost their innocence. ... Show more content on ... In this vignette it is in contrast the water began to drift slowly across the creek which gives the impression of a tranquil mood. The verbal techniques of lament and synthetic music was also used. This really connects to the main idea as it emphasises the relevance of death and loss of innocence to real life situations today; it also shows that it can ruin someone's life. 'Digetic voice over cuts to non–digetic scene' this suggests that the character George did not deserve this and also that he was different. He also says in his voice over " People that do not see inside my mind don't get there are gazzilion things going on" This is relevant today as people should not judge one's personality through looking at him or by his actions but to look inside and see his inner feelings. In conclusion, the director Jacob Aaron Estes successfully conveyed the idea of loss of innocence sing visual and verbal techniques in the three vignettes Banks of the river, Burial site and taking police to the burial site. The viewer's learn the relevance of losing innocence and how it can affect ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel During the holocaust many children and teens suffered from the loss of their innocence. In the memoir Night, Elie Wiesel explained the loss of his innocence through experiences during the holocaust such as the harsh new laws and the death of his family and friends. The death of a family member and harsh punishment cause the loss of innocence. In concentration camps, the Jewish people were given harsh laws that contributed to the loss of their innocence. Before the Jewish people were stuffed into concentration camps, they were moved throughout the night to different holding places. The Hungarian police yelled at the Jewish citizens,"'Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good–for–nothings!' the Hungarian police were screaming. That was when I began ... Show more content on ... After Eliezer had seen someone he known had died, he realized, "The night had passed completely. The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of Talmud, the child I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded – and devoured – by a black flame"(Weisel 37) The child weisel is referring to is the innocence. The loss of innocence is referred to as being eaten up by flames because it slowly is going away due to the death of the people surrounding him. When something gets swallowed by a fire it takes a while to start and then rapidly starts to deteriorate. Eliezer had just witnessed his father being beaten and realized, "My father had just been struck, in front of me, and I had not even blinked. I had watched and kept silent. Only yesterday, I would have dug my nails into this criminal's flesh. Had I changed that much? So fast? Remorse began to gnaw at me. All I could think was: I shall never forgive them for this (Weisel 39). The way Weisel refers to his skin as criminals flesh proving that he has lost his innocence. The definition of innocence is lack of guilt. Eliezer wanted to hurt the criminal for beating his father because he had no guilt. After he had been beaten a few times Weisel shows Eliezer not sticking up for him because he knows if he does he would also get punished. Eppler stated in her psychology study that, "...because the child is not capable of isolating intense hurt and feelings of anger. Grief is not isolated; rather it affects transactions and circumstances in every environment" (Eppler 189). The loss of innocence due to the death of a family member is revealed as a coping method. Eppler showed how children will have so much grief that they think the cause of death is their fault. The children will then lose their innocence due to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Innocence In Brave New World Innocence is something that can only be lost once. Within both The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there are various characters that lose their innocence in very dramatic ways. A character can lose their innocence due to the death of someone else. They can also lose their innocence by just being looked at from a different perspective by others, this can be seen through the characters Bernard and Rachel. ADD ANOTHER TOPIC Someone who has lost their innocence changes their personality and perspective on life, which results in them acting in situations differently than they would before. When someone loses their innocence from the death of another this can very negatively affect the character's emotions. ... Show more content on ... This is most seen from Bernard in A Brave New World and from Rachel in The Poisonwood Bible. When Bernard brings a Savage back to the city he lives in he is seen like a superstar which makes him feel like he is finally wanted by someone, when previously no one liked him. Rachel goes through the same process as Bernard, but backwards. She is used to living the good life and being pretty in the United States, but when she goes to the Congo she is different then everyone else which makes her feel self–conscious. When Bernard brings back John the Savage from the Indian reservation to the big city he is a celebrity. He is constantly invited to parties and gets the opportunities to meet very important people within the city. Since he is now seen as a very important person in the city this makes him feel more welcome, but he also acts very differently compared to his previous timider self. This is shown most clearly when he gets frustrated with his only friend Helmholtz about his resent popularity. It is said ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Innocence Essay In Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez, nearly all characters were guilty regarding the killing of Santiago, either of the physical murder or by association. It was often difficult for the reader to get the entire story as not all information was revealed by the narrator, making it crucial to make inferences about the actions and thoughts of the people in the novel. However, Pablo Vicario is the guiltiest as he continued on with the crime, although Pedro wanted to give up on finding the accused. Furthermore, Santiago himself is the most innocent because there was no evidence against him and Angela, in all likelihood, did not lose her virginity to him before she was married. Out of the many characters guilty by association ... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, it becomes extremely clear that there was no evidence against him and he most likely did not take Angela's virginity. It could have been any of one of the characters who performed such actions on her or possibly even someone that never appeared in the story. Next, due to the amount of pressure Angela was in at the time, she could have just chosen to say Santiago's name when being questioned, perhaps because he was a genuine, honest, and caring man who would not participate in such an activity prior to marriage. Also, when interrogated, she said his name very softly, as if she was not confident in her answer and was lying. In addition, Santiago was somewhat of an outsider in the village who kept to himself, which may have unjustly caused him to be an obvious target. Furthermore, he was described as having "very good judgment but without much luck" (Márquez 5), meaning he may have just had an unlucky moment. Later on, it became increasingly clear that Santiago had no motives or reasons to have intercourse with Angela, especially because he was not in any sort of relationship with her. At the end of the story, he was killed while wearing a white outfit, which is a symbol for innocence, cleanliness, and purity. Finally, it is stated that Santiago "died without understanding his own death" ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Color White In Ayn Rand's Anthem In the book Anthem, the color white is a symbol for innocence or lack of individuality of the citizens and also symbolizes death. This is because the color white often shows up at important parts of the plot to show the state of Equality 7–2521's belief (or lack there of) in the society that he lives in. Anthem was written by a woman named Ayn Rand, who escaped communism and strongly believed in the importance of individuality. Her views show up in both the surface meaning and the symbolic meaning of Anthem. In chapter one of Anthem, Equality 7–2521 finds an old subway tunnel, and the white glow of the iron tracks lead him to break the law even more than he already has by creating the light bulb. This leads to the death of his belief in the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Death Of Innocence By Mamie Till- Mobley Death of Innocence is a non–fictional novel written by Mamie Till– Mobley about the tragedy of her son's brutal murder. Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 to parents Louis Till, and Mamie Till Mobley, Emmett was born breeched, and was going to endure multiple health complications in his short fourteen years. Emmett wanted to visit family in Mississippi although Mama and Mamie were very hesitant. They tried to educate Emmett the dangers of a black person in the South. Emmett was born in Chicago, and was not aware of the type of racism blacks endured in the South. Unfortunately, due to Emmett's heath complications when he started to stutter Emmett would whistle. A black male whistling at a white woman during this time of age was prohibited. Mamie educated Emmett before he left that he should not even walk on the same side of the street as a white woman. Emmett apparently whistled at a white woman while in a store. This led to white racists kidnapping him in the middle of the night and inhumanly murdered Emmett on August 28, 1955. Mamie chose to have an open casket funeral for Emmett. Though it was hard for her to turn her privacy of grieving the loss of her son, she chose to turn this into a public issue. She became an activist for the black community and educated children and churches on lynches. Emmett's death led to America's civil rights movement. Growing up in Chicago Mamie did not experience as much racism as she would have in the South. When she was a little ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Raymond's Innocence In The Book 'After The First Death' Many characters innocence were stolen in the book 'After The First Death'. Raymond's innocence was stolen because he had to eat the candy that the hijackers had. 'Raymond put the candy in his mouth, chewed, the tears rolling down his cheeks, looking at neither Artkin or Kate. Kate's innocence was stolen because she was a child herself and she had to take care of all the children. 'Take care of them. See to their needs. This will convince you that we mean no harm.' Ben's innocence was taken from him because his father used him as a messenger to the terrorists. 'That you must deliver the stone to the hijackers as proof of Sedeete's capture, to prove to the hijackers that their leader has been captured,the entire episode now pointless, that they were in no position to dictate terms but faced complete surrender at the most, negotiations at the least.' Innocence is a very important characteristic that can stolen very easily. Raymond was a child that lost his innocence very ... Show more content on ... Ben did not have a very good relationship with his dad. They did not talk with each other like a father and son should. 'He really wanted out of here, out of this room, away from this person is by accident of birth his son'. He once fell in love with a girl named Nettie Halversham. She did not love him back though. 'Finally i asked her if she'd go to a movie with me. Another pause. And then: oh i don't think so. Those devastating words of boredom in her voice'. When ben had to be the messenger to the terrorists, he wasn't supposed to answer their questions. The hijackers asked him questions and if he didn't answer them then they tortured him. 'I have questions for you. And what you answer will decide whether or not you will survive. Do you understand? You must speak the truth and quickly'. Ben's father choose his own son to go to the terrorists, even though he knew they would hurt ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Innocence In Book Thief And The Boy In The Striped Pa Topic: Compare how the theme of innocence is represented in The Book Thief and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The author of the novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas (John Boyne) and director of the film The Book Thief (Brian Percival) have both succeeded in capturing the audience's attention and emotions, by having innocence as a key theme. Therefore intriguing the reader and taking an emotional effect unto their life. In order to do this, innocence is not directly mentioned, but rather hinted throughout many different aspects throughout the story. Both novel and movie use different approaches when it comes to innocence. By intensively comparing and contrasting the stories, the different aspects in which innocence plays a role throughout the stories are brought to light. Both pieces of work are secondary media that tell the story of families living during World ... Show more content on ... The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas represented innocence as a weapon of death by having Bruno's innocence lead up to sacrifice. Even though Bruno's innocence was never lost, it led him to his own death. Whilst Liesel's innocence was forgotten, she remained alive through the ending. She began stealing at a very young age, her childhood innocence crushed by the ambitions of the Fuhrer, for a better Germany. Although Germany was never reborn, he did make a positive impact on their economy before the war started. After witnessing the detrimental effects of The Great Depression, Hitler had a dream to be Germany's hero and he started building his plans from there. Both The Book Thief and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas effectively incorporate innocence in their media by selectively choosing the actions and words that are to be performed by the characters in order to have an emotional appeal and add more meaning to the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Characters 'Innocence In After The First Death' In the book "After the First Death" some of the characters had their innocence was stolen from them. First, raymond was a small, brave child who didn't deserve to die. Second, kate was a character in the wrong place at the wrong time who didn't deserve the responsibility of saving everyone. Lastly, Ben was too young to have the weight of serving his country on his shoulders. ' Raymond was really smart for a five year old. Kate realized he hadn't ate the candy because he wasn't asleep. His mom told him candy wasn't good for his teeth. Whenever Antibe got shot by a sniper, someone had to go in his place also as punishment. "Artkin picked up the boy to help him down the steps of the bus outside" " later, they heard a shot " "kate could not ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh Essay The poem " The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" symbolizes loss of innocence, death, and gain from the civil war. On April 6, 1862 The Battle of Shiloh in the Civil War started. In the two days of fighting over 23,000 soldiers died. At the time it was the bloodiest battle in American history. In this battle the Drummer Boy represents youth and the heart beat. The general represents the father and experience. The drum represents a useless toy. The peach tree represents life and death. Shiloh represents the loss and gain. Owl Creek represents the dead and the loss of innocence. "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" if about a young boy who is the Drummer for the Battle of Palito Ranch. It also focuses on the general of the army. The Drummer Boy at first thought he was useless, but then learns that he is the heartbeat of the army. He was the heartbeat of the army because he was the rhythm and the life. The better he drums the better the soldiers fight. Without the heartbeat there is no life. He also represented youth he was the youngest in the battle so ... Show more content on ... The drum is thought of as a useless toy, but I believe it is a useless toy unless used. Any instrument even in precaution is just a sound until used by a person with emotion and a soul. Then it becomes something greater than the useless toy the drum is. Although he can't fight with the drum it is the most important tool for him to have. The peach tree at the beginning represents life because the tree's fruit is ripe and full of life. Towards the end, however, the tree has a fallen leaf this represents the death and loss of the tree. The death and the loss of the tree represents the death and loss of soldiers. The beginning also views the tree as innocents before the war. The tree at the end represents the blood shed and loss of innocence. The drum represents a useless toy until used by a person and the peach tree represents innocence, life, loss, and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Innocence And The Death Penalty The United States is one of approximately 58 countries around the world that retain the death penalty. Of these 58 countries the United States was fifth of the six countries that accounted for nearly ninety–five percent of all executions conducted in 2015 ("Death Sentences and Executions 2014"). This position has drawn widespread criticism from our allies and the international community–majority of whom have all legally abolished the death penalty or have abolished it in practice. Since the early 1970s the US has had over 150 death row inmates exonerated prior to being executed ("Innocence and the Death Penalty: Assessing The Danger of Mistaken Executions"). These facts alone show that the US cannot stand among the same countries we denounce ... Show more content on ... Their take on the death penalty is usually more pragmatic in the sense that it is focused more on the economic costs of the death penalty and the several incidents of innocent people being executed. They feel that the government should only apply the death penalty in more extreme cases like serial killing, mass murder, and murder with intent. This viewpoint would eventually phase out most of the need for the death penalty putting us more in line with our western allies and less grouped with those who strongly hold onto the death penalty. This view may lessen the overall total of executions but may lead to an increase in costs due to the possibility of added protections and safeguards to prevent innocent people from being executed. These views are most commonly held by the center– left and the Democratic ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Book Thief Movie Themes The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler's reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the friendship of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and the narrative perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to emphasise how innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts. Through the friendship of child protagonists in both films, the audience is able to view and understand how innocence is portrayed and corrupted. Bruno in The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, is the main ... Show more content on ... With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the boy she loved which is another way that the idea of innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene the director uses a bird's eye view angle of the death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience to feel heartbroken just as The Boy in Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although, the friendship between child protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent friendship and remains that way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through playful love whereas the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries and restrictions to their freedom, being stuck on opposite sides of the fence. Another friendship that occurs is the friendship between Liesel and a Jewish man named Max that her family is hiding under their basement. In this friendship, Liesel herself symbolises innocence which enables Max to find the strength to survive. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, however, does not include another important friendship to the main protagonist, it only focuses on the unlikely friendship between a Jew and a boy with a commander for a father. The influence of father figures in both ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience By William Blake... Songs of Innocence and of Experience is the foundation of the work of one of the greatest. English poets and artists. The two sets of poems reveal what William Blake calls "the two contrary states of the human soul." In both series, he offers clues to deeper meanings and suggests ways out of the apparent trap of selfhood, so that each reading provides greater insight and understanding, not only to the poems but also to human life. Throughout this poem, the logic of this poem favors experience rather than innocence since in most of the poem , because purity is has little durability and is temporary but experience is permament and strong causing people to learn acceptance and adapt to reality. The light apparently returns again in ... Show more content on ... The speaker urges the other boys to continue with their work, "So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.". Songs of Experience reveals that this acceptance of society as it is and belief in a caring God is naïve. This series does not begin with joy in a pastoral landscape, as does Songs of Innocence, but instead the "Introduction" is spoken with "the voice of the Bard . Who Present, Past, & Future, sees" and who describes a fallen world with a "lapsed Soul . weeping in the evening dew." In the next poem, "Earth's Answer," the earth itself asks to be released from the chains of jealousy and fear. "The Clod and the Pebble" presents two views of love, the clod finding the experience selfless and giving, the pebble stating that love is selfish and restricting. The child in "London" has parents, but is more bitter than the orphan of the "innocence" "Chimney Sweeper," because he is intelligent enough to recognize what is being done to him. His response, coupled with that of the accepting adult in the "innocence" version of "Holy Thursday," show that the sour viewpoint of the "experience" poems is not a result of obtaining wisdom by growing older. Some children are able to see the larger truth; some adults never perceive it. Intelligence and circumstance cause ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Cycle Of Life And Imagery In 'The Grave' By Katherine Anne... 'The Grave' by Katherine Anne Porter is a story that illustrates the initiation of a child from innocence to experience. The underlying theme behind the central idea of innocence to experience is the cycle of life and death and rebirth. This theme is illustrated in the young protagonist, Miranda, and her epiphany on the concept of the cycle of life and rebirth. The dominant tone in 'The Grave' is melancholic, and that tone is created through the language elements of symbolism, diction, and imagery. The story's tone is also supported by the fiction element character. Porter begins the story with Miranda and her brother Paul exploring a graveyard while out hunting. As they continue with their hunt, Paul shoots a rabbit that is about to give birth. Paul proceeds to carefully slit the dead rabbit open revealing her young unborn babies. This moment is an epiphany for young Miranda as she understands the meaning of rebirth and the cycle of life and death. Miranda later reflects upon this incident years later in a foreign city's busy bazaar and is reminded of the event that transformed her from an innocent child to a more experienced and knowledgeable young woman. One of the most important language elements that Porter uses in the story is symbolism, which illustrates innocence and experience. Porter uses symbolism when Miranda and Paul explore their forefathers graves. The graves represent death and experience, while Miranda and Paul represent childhood and innocence. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. How Does Adam Lose His Innocence Adam has lost his mind and his innocence after he went through the terrifying experience that is his life. In the beginning of the book, Adam was undeniably naïve and innocent then after everything he went through he lost his innocence. As you read the book it is clear that even as a young child Adam was naïve and thought that everything was congenial before he learned the truth. Cormier shows how the protagonist Adam is a dynamic character that loses his childlike innocence because his parents' death and learning the truth regarding his life and his identity. Adam was naïve and innocent at the beginning of the novel however that shifts as you read on. He was innocent because as a young boy he didn't have a care in the world and he always sang the same song "The Farmer in The Dell'. Adam didn't notice that his family was in grave danger until he heard his parents' conversation and knew ... Show more content on ... Once Adam learned that he isn't who he thought he was and that his family was running away he didn't know who he was. It made him lose his innocence because it showed him a different world and it changed everything. He needed to take precautions of where he went and who he talked to and that made him grow up. He needed to change his ways and live a different life and that once again transformed him. Learning that he wasn't Adam Farmer changed him so much because he didn't know who he was. Everything that he knew or thought he knew change and he was so surprised he didn't know who he was anymore. Once Adam didn't know who he was anymore it made him think differently and that definitely took away his childlike innocence. He was, without a doubt, naïve because he didn't understand many things but after he learned the truth he learned what to do and what not to do. That is how Adam lost his childlike innocence because of learning the truth regarding his life and his ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Evil And Innocence In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales Evil is a word that is rooted in thoughts, and actions. The concept of evil is a convoluted force. In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, morals are reexamined through each tale. Chaucer discusses moral evil and its relevance to innocence, specifically in the Pardoner's Tale, with the three rakes, and in the Prioress Tale, with the young boy. The seducing of innocence to become dishonorable is evil. All things wicked start from innocence. Innocence is beautiful. The three rakes and the young boy illustrate the most simplest form of innocence which reserves the revelation of evil. In the Pardoner's Tale, the three rakes insist on discovering who "smote the man's heart in two" (Chaucer 355). The murder, Death is dangerous and the rakes courageously took this opportunity to help themselves and others from the danger. This demonstrates the rakes ability to want to improve other people's lives while also showcasing the righteousness they contain. The murderer, Death, "shall be slain" and the three men "pledged their word of honor to live and die for the other,/ as though each were the other's brother born" (357). Chaucer demonstrates the virtue these men have for themselves and for each other. Although, they drink too much they still embody supportive and honorable friends. The hope that "death shall be dead, if they catch him" (357) depicts the beauty in their hopes and innocence. The beauty of the widow's son, seven years of age, in the Prioress Tale, paints the unknown virtue during the walk to and from school. The mother has always teaches her son "to worship our blissful Lady,/ Christ's dear Mother, and he did not forget it" (373). Chaucer proves that innocent children "will always learn quickly" (373). The young child studies his book and he heard the Alma redemptoris being sung. The young child innocent and interested, "listened to the words and notes/ until he knew the first verse all by heart" (373). However, the innocent boy does "not at all what this Latin meant,/since he was of so young and tender an age" (375). Chaucer makes known that this young boy is intelligent and innocent as he listens to his mother and is curious for his age. The innocence in the rakes and the young boy is beautiful and tender, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird And The Death Of Innocence In both the novels To Kill a Mockingbird, by Lee Harper, and The Death of Innocence, by Mamie– Till Mobley, a parallel is evident between the themes of the works, as well as, their courageous characters. The fictional character Atticus Finch describes fortitude with stating " It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what" ( Lee 112). His ideals and fearless persona show similarities to that of Mamie–Till Mobley, who, in The Death of Innocence, fights for the civil rights movement after her son is murdered. Mr.Finch's definition of bravery fits that of the figure Mamie–Till. The unfortunate manslaughter of Emmett Till was the spark that ignited an inferno of civil rights ideals ... Show more content on ... Deceit is no shade of the rainbow, is is a facet of human life. Affirming this fact audibly is brash, like his choice to give Tom the best defense possible. The lawyer's gallant defense of Tom Robinson displayed his progressive convictions regarding a colorless courtroom. Mr.Finch is entirely aware of the prejudice environment surrounding him, and the disgrace his choice to defend Tom has brought upon his children from their peers. His campaigning attempt for Tom is long and difficult, and based on the quote above, he is aware victory will not result. His reasoning is explained when he says, "The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box." ( Lee 295 ) Atticus's occupation revolves around the belief that fair trial is mandatory, and a racially biased jury should not be able to destroy this. Mr. Finch chooses to make his lifestyle revolve around this idea, and consequently is active in enforcing it in his community. This aspect of life is similarly mirrored in the way Mamie–Till Mobley approached living after the death of her son. Mamie traveled to various conferences, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. William Golding 's Lord Of The Flies Past Innocence Innocence is usually referring to children who have not experienced, or have no knowledge about the evils and sufferings of the real world. However, at some point of your life you will lose that innocence and what is it replaced by? Maturity? In the novel Lord of the Flies, the author, William Golding includes many symbols throughout the story, that represent the corruption taking place inside the boys, as they survive on the island. Thus, throughout the story the symbols that best represent the boys' transformation from innocence to savagery are the clearing as it changes from a natural paradise to a dystopia, the chant that signifies the boys fall deep into savagery, and the death of Piggy and Simon, which mark the ... Show more content on ... The interaction between the littluns and Simon here shows the boys are innocent and enjoying life on the island. However, later on, the hunters under Jack's command hunt a pig and its slaughter took place in the clearing. After they kill the pig, Jack holds out his hand and: " giggled and flinked them while the boys laughed at his reeking palms. [After that, the boys impaled the dead pig with a spear up it's behind, and laughing afterwards. Jack then proceeds to clean out the insides of the pig while leaving the pig's head behind and left the clearing along with the hunters.] Even the butterflies deserted the open space where the obscene thing [pig's head] grinned and dripped" (Golding, 149– 151) Now the clearing is dirtied by the pig's remains and has lost its former beauty, flies replacing the butterflies that were once there. In real life, butterflies are mostly seen as beautiful creatures, while flies are seen as pests and unwanted creatures. In the story, the butterflies symbolize the boys' innocence, and the flies symbolize the boys' savagery. The boys lose their innocence by dirtying their hands with another living being's blood, and the said innocence is now replaced by savagery. The boys' savagery is evident as they laugh and giggle when they play with the dead pig's corpse and walk away after as if they have done nothing wrong. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Perry's Innocence In The Death Of Truman Capote Although Capote highlights the unexpectedness of the murders of the Clutter family, his primary objective is to show Perry's duplicitous nature, therefore, indicating that society needs to closely examine the character of criminals before determining innocence. Capote uses euphemisms and juxtaposition to demonstrate Perry's humanity and Dick's lack of emotion. While Perry and Dick were driving in the car to Mexico, Perry asks Dick, "'Know what I think?...I think there must be something wrong with us. To do what we did.' 'Did what?' 'Out there'" (Capote 108). This exchange between Perry and Dick highlights the majority of their conversations. Perry worries about getting caught and the morality of the situation, while Dick is oblivious to Perry's ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Loss Of Innocence In The Outsiders 'The Outsiders' by S.E Hinton was written in the 1960's, a time of rebels and outlaws. The novel follows the story of two rival gangs, the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs are rich and powerful but feel no emotion; they are cool to the point of not feeling anymore while the Greasers are in poverty and are often shunned by society,but they have a passion for life, the exact opposite of the Socs. The story also discusses the loss of innocence in the main character, Ponyboy Curtis, a young teen in the 1960's. Throughout the story he is subjected to many forms of corruption to make him lose his childhood innocence and make him cold and hard. Hinton explains this message to us through the use of a poem by Robert Frost 'Nothing Gold Can Stay ' ... Show more content on ... This was the first time that Ponyboy was subjected to a form of corruption, you can confirm this through his reaction of pure horror as he thought " I'm gonna be sick." Ponyboy Pg 49. This event refers to the first and second verse of the poem when it reads "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold" Pg 67 which means the wondrous amazement of childhood (gold) is soon overtaken by corruption.This serves to Hinton's message which says that the older people get the harder it is to preserve their blithe nature Another instance of Pony boy losing his innocence is when Johnny dies. The death of Johnny is significant because Hinton uses his death as a symbol for the loss of innocence in Ponyboy. As Ponyboy struggles to accept the harsh reality of Johnny's death he mutters to himself "Johnny is not dead."[his voice shaking]. "Johnny is not dead."Ponyboy Pg 141. This was Hinton showing us Ponyboy's innocence (Johnny) slowly being ripped away from him This situation corresponds to the line in the poem which say "dawn goes down to day" Pg67. Which means the once "gold" Ponyboy is changing to be cold and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment Nichole Hopkins Mrs. Gallos English 2 21 November 2017 Capital Punishment "But secondly you say 'society must exact vengeance, and society must punish'. Wrong on both counts. Vengeance comes from the individual and punishment from God." ― Victor Hugo, The Last Day of a Condemned Man (Quotes) Capital punishment or the death penalty. Should we have it or should we not. This report will make you think about what could happen if we did not have it. Using capital punishment is very costly. It causes taxpayers to pay close to ninety thousand dollars a year. The other main problem is the innocent people who are wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to death row and later executed but shortly after they are executed the are found innocent. While reading this you will discover all the alternative ways that can save taxpayer money and save the lives of those who were wrongly accused. One of the many problems with capital punishment is the cost. The death penalty alone makes taxpayers pay ninety thousand dollars more a year. Not all states still use the death penalty but those who do have separate costs. People today think that if someone are serving life in prison that it's more expensive but it's not. That's one of the main misconceptions. "Between 1982–1997 the extra cost of capital trials was 1.6 billion that's just in the US. North Carolina alones spends eleven million for the death penalty. If all the expenses were added up the cost would be ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Kite Runner And Lord Of The Flies Literary Analysis Loss of innocence in Amir and Ralph What would it be like if your best friend/acquaintance did not stand up for you when you were in trouble? This question is great for how the two protagonists Amir and Ralph lose their innocence after their closest relationship dies. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and Lord of The Flies by William Golding can be associated with one another in many ways. The first way that they are similar is the loss of innocence that is evident in each novel. Both Amir and Ralph experience a loss of innocence because of events that take place throughout the novel. This loss of innocence change Amir and Ralph in positive and negative ways. Some ways the two novels can be compared with regards to loss of innocence is firstly, how a death of a friend affects them, secondly, how Ralph and Amir deal with it and finally how they mature after their friends' deaths. Regarding loss of innocence, a friend's death affected Amir and Ralph in similar ways, such as how they matured from it. An example is evident in The Kite Runner "Why are you here?", "For the boy", when Amir decides he wants to adopt Sohrab (Hosseini 267). It is evident in Lord of the Flies, "the tears began to flow and Ralph was sobbing", when Golding tries to depict Ralph growing into a man as he matures through the book and after Piggy's death, acknowledging Piggy's intellect (Golding 202). Another way, a way they affected each other similarly is when Amir and Ralph feel remorse and grief to their dead friends. They both act like this in the book because they know they could have prevented it. In contrast, regarding the loss of innocence, a friend's death affected Amir and Ralph in different ways. One way they affected Amir is that he felt guilty and Ralph did not feel as guilty. This is evident because Amir lost his innocence after watching Hassan get raped when he clearly could have prevented it, "I watched his face, but I didn't do anything." (Hosseini 76). Another way Amir is different from Ralph is that Amir seeks redemption and Ralph seeks salvation, an example of Ralph's disparity is when the savages are about to kill him and Ralph is frightened ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Death Of Innocence By Mamie Till- Mobley Death of Innocence is a non–fictional novel written by Mamie Till– Mobley about the tragedy of her son's brutal murder. Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 to parents Louis Till, and Mamie Till Mobley, Emmett was born breeched, and was going to endure multiple health complications in his short fourteen years. Emmett wanted to visit family in Mississippi although Mama and Mamie were very hesitant. They tried to educate Emmett the dangers of a black person in the South. Emmett was born in Chicago, and was not aware of the type of racism blacks endured in the South. Unfortunately, due to Emmett's heath complications when he started to stutter Emmett would whistle. A black male whistling at a white woman during this time of age was prohibited. Mamie educated Emmett before he left that he should not even walk on the same side of the street as a white woman. Emmett apparently whistled at a white woman while in a store. This led to white racists kidnapping him in the middle of the night and inhumanly murdered Emmett on August 28, 1955. Mamie chose to have an open casket funeral for Emmett. Though it was hard for her to turn her privacy of grieving the loss of her son, she chose to turn this into a public issue. She became an activist for the black community and educated children and churches on lynches. Emmett's death led to America's civil rights movement. Growing up in Chicago Mamie did not experience as much racism as she would have in the South. When she was a little ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Comparing William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Experience In William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems correlate in numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child The Chimney Sweeper in Innocence vs. The Chimney Sweeper in Experience In William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, many of the poems correlate in numerous aspects. For example, The Chimney Sweeper is a key poem in both collections that portrays the soul of a child with both a naïve and experienced persona. Blake uses the aspects of religion, light versus dark imagery, and the usage of the chimney sweeper itself to convey the similarities and differences of the figure in both poems. The ... Show more content on ... After Tom awakes from this dream, he was "happy and warm" with the knowledge that with God, there was no need to fear death. However, in Songs of Experience, the outlook on life and death is not so joyful. The religious imagery is not so much as in Songs of Innocence, possibly because people tend to believe more religiously when innocence dominates terrible experiences. In the latter poem, however, the "little black thing" has been "clothed in the clothes of death" by his parents forcing him to become a chimney sweeper. His parents have "gone to praise God and his Priest and King, who make up a heaven of our misery" and the boy cannot understand this as he "sings the notes of woe" and not happiness. This chimney sweeper does not have the innocence and hopefulness of the chimney sweeper in Songs of Innocence. This child possesses experience of hardship and does not hold much faith in God and religion. This version of The Chimney Sweeper lacks the hopefulness and faith found in the former version although it is the same setting, factors, and occupation. William Blake conveys both innocence and experience with the literary technique of light versus dark imagery. In Songs of Innocence, Blake discusses the issue of soot on several instances. In the beginning verse, the young chimney sweeper slept in soot, showing the incorruptibility and despair of the young child. Also, Tom Dacre's "white hair" was shaved so that the dark soot
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  • 35. Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Innocence Essay Justin Barker Crime and Punishment RGR 400 Sec 02_7013 April 3, 2016 Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Innocence and Guilt In court, innocence is easily defined. To define innocence is to define guilt; one is either guilt, or not guilty. Discovery is displayed, also known as evidence, and a final decision, based on the assumptions of the jury or judge, is made. However, outside of a courtroom, innocence is not so black and white. No person, at any part of their life, or any trivial circumstance is completely, or purely innocent. Everyone holds at least some variation of guilt and innocence when involved in a situation. This concept holds true in Gabriel Garcia's novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold; no one is completely innocent, yet no one ... Show more content on ... The brothers clearly made their plans to kill Santiago Nasar to the town. The twins made it that much easier for the town to stop the killing when they told Clotilde Armenta, "We're going to kill Santiago Nasar" (52). Even though the twins made their plans known to the entire town, no one attempts to stop them. The town's determination in sticking with their societal norms and honor code resulted in, possibly, an innocent death. The only evidence determining that Santiago was guilty is Angela's word and Pedro Vicario stating, "He [Santiago] knows why" (55). Furthermore, Colonel Aponte confirms that there was no evidence of Santiago's crime by stating, "No one is arrested just on suspicion" (57). Following the death of Santiago Nasar, the guilt of the town causes the townspeople to commit strange acts. For example, shortly after Santiago's death, Hortensia Baute ran naked into the street, Don Rogelio de la Flor died of shock, and Aura Villeros suffered a bladder spasm due to guilt inspired hallucinations (97). The town maintained an attitude that implied that it would have been pointless to stop the killing. Eventually, the town had become an "open wound" (98) plagued of guilt. However, there are those that do not feel as though they had any part in Santiago's ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Loss Of Innocence In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies Norman Cousins, American journalist and peace activist, once said, "The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live." In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, the characters go through a loss of innocence which can be illustrated by the words of Norman Cousins. Throughout the novel, the young boys are put in situations in which their innocence slowly dwindles away by being revealed to the born hate inside of everyone. The characters' loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies is shown when Jack killed a pig for the first time, by the truth from the Lord of the Flies, and the gradual death of the island itself. Jack killing a pig is a scene in the novel where innocence is lost. After landing on the island, Jack went with the choir to find meat. He went up to pigs twice before he could bring himself to kill one. On page 74, the author writes, "The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless. Behind Jack walked the twins, carrying a great stake on their shoulders. The gutted carcass of a pig swung from the stake, swinging heavily as the twins toiled over the uneven ground...Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood" (Golding 74). This passage displays how once Jack had slaughtered the pig, he showed his accomplishment to the boys and acted as if he was powerful with his new skill. Before killing a pig, there were two instances in which Jack told everyone he could kill but did not have the guts to take the life of a living animal. Taking a pig's life unleashed a side of Jack that none of his companions had seen before. The first kill was a trigger for Jacks lust for hunting and eventually his loss of innocence. The revelation made by the Lord of the flies expresses loss of innocence in Simon. During a mirage, Simon hallucinates that the sow head on the stick came to life and spoke about innate hatred born in all people. The Lord of the Flies says, "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you" (Goulding 143). This quote shows that sin is a part of us and always will be. Goulding made the point very clear by having the Lord of the Flies divulge such a dark message because he was symbolic of hatred and the devil. The conversation Simon had with the Lord of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Symbolism Of Sleep In Macbeth In the Bible it says, "Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put a person asleep, an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty". God speaks about the harm of killing the innocent and the people asleep. In the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare uses this idea of sleep symbolizing the innocence and when provoked will lead to the eternal sleep of honest people, the madness upon the guilty, and the death of innocence. The protagonist, Macbeth, challenges god's testament and does wicked actions which reel in the sleep theme. Firstly, Macbeth provokes the symbol of sleep which is a gift of god by leading honest people into eternal sleep, death. Macbeth's actions reflect his character as vile perpetrator ... Show more content on ... Macbeth hears cries that continuously haunt his life. It cries, "'Sleep no more' to all the house; Glamis hath murdered sleep; and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more" (II, ii, l.44). This quote interconnects with the sleep theme because Glamis and Cawdor are both Macbeth's roles prior to being king and that now that Macbeth has killed a person in their sleep, he shall never sleep. This idea shows the main point of madness if you don't go to sleep you will be tired and start feeling mad and ill–tempered. Another example would be Lady Macbeth doing strange things in her sleep. Her servants say, "I have seen her rise from her bed, throw her night–gown upon her...the benefit of sleep, and do the effects of watching" (V, i, l. 3–7). This shows the madness of Lady Macbeth who helped Macbeth murder King Duncan which makes her guilty was in the bubble in her mind that she is doing everything awake but she is doing it in her sleep. This madness is led by the guilt of killing the innocence and depriving them of their peaceful sleep. Macbeth's power influences madness, eternal sleep and death of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Examples Of Innocence In Night By Elie Wiesel The loss of innocence, caused by the Holocaust, a genocide against the Jewish population that ultimately devastated the families of the six millions lives lost by destroying their previous lives, dreams, and future. Addressing the impacts on the biggest massacre in Human history, Night, a memoir by Elie Wiesel describes the horrors on the suffering, killings, and the true loss of innocence. In the novel, Wiesel a Jew living in Germany during the time of Hitler's reign was sent off to a concentration camp, at the age of 15 years old he is separated from half of his family and eventually will never see them again. Wiesel witnesses many deaths and suffers mentally and physically as he is forced into labor. Elie struggles to keep himself and his ... Show more content on ... Death was normal to Wiesel at a young age after being in the concentration camp he realizes that the world is cruel affecting his innocence, he shows no feelings of sorrow towards his father's death. After being emotionally scarred from the deaths he witnessed, the dead no longer affected him for he is desensitized he shows no emotions towards the death of his father, impacting his loss of innocence. Wiesel saw many deaths, many lives taken, he is numb to the feeling of death. As his father is taken away from him he shows no emotions, "' I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could not weep. But I was out of tears [..] I might have found something like: Free at last!'" (Wiesel 112). As a young child, regardless of age, crying is a way to release emotions. Realizing that Wiesel showed no emotions, "I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep," it shows that he has completely loss his innocence and was emotionally exhausted. Wiesel struggles to keep himself and his father alive, that when his father passed it was a relief, and he no longer carried a burden, "' Free at last.'" As Elie is impacted from showing no emotions he is also affected by losing his faith in ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay on The Death of Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye Holden identifies with, yearns for, and despises traits of the adult and child realms. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, fears becoming an adult who exhibits the characteristics that he holds complaints against. Throughout this Bildungsroman narrative, Holden searches for his identity. He tries to figure out his place either in the adult or child realm. Holden possesses a combination of fear and hatred for "phonies". Holden uses this term to describe a wide range of people including shallow, superficial, fake, untruthful, or hypocritical individuals. "One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies... They were coming in the ... Show more content on ... Since he knows so many "phonies" he may feel that by joining the adult world, one must submit to a certain degree of "phoniness", and he already has. Holden shows the characteristics of a pathological liar, " `May I ask your name, dear [Mrs. Morrow]?' `Rudolf Schmidt,' I told her... Then I started shooting the old crap around a little bit... `your nose is bleeding, dear,'...`I got hit with a snowball...One of those very icy ones.'. Clearly, the way "phonies" lie rubs off on Holden. Since Holden shows signs of a "phony", and he hates "phonies", he in a sense, hates himself. Holden knows he has lost his own innocence; now he realizes he possesses the ability to protect the innocence of other children. While narrating The Catcher in the Rye, Holden persistently uses the word "phony" to describe many adults. This entails that people lose their innocence when entering the adult realm. Holden experiences the corruption and cruelty of the adult world. He interacts with individuals who cause him physical and emotional pain. "...all of a sudden this booze hound her mother was married to came out on the porch and asked Jane if there were any cigarettes in the house... old Jane wouldn't answer him...Then all of a sudden, this tear plopped down on the checkerboard... I asked her... if Mr. Cudahy¾ that was the booze hounds name¾ had ever tried to get wise with her... she said no though." The possibility that Jane is sexually abused greatly ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Comparing The Book Thief And The Boy In Striped Pyjamas How is innocence portrayed and corrupted in The Book Thief and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas? The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler's reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the friendship of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and the narrative perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to emphasise how innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts. The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas reflects on the horrifying events of the holocaust where the protagonist, ... Show more content on ... The innocence of Bruno is portrayed through the stylistic device, dramatic irony, such as 'Not fair, me stuck by my own and you have all your friends in there.' The innocent friendship between the two boys leads them to their deaths in the ending scene, mise en scene comes into place as the scene shows the empty room with only the clothes and boots that were left after the boys and other Jews got gassed. In this scene, there is a form of diegetic music being played and the film finishes with a fading camera shot, that creates a heart–breaking tone to the film and the audience is able to feel the loss of innocence after the boys' death. With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the boy she loved which is another way that the idea of innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene the director uses a bird's eye view angle of the death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience to feel heartbroken just as The Boy in Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although, the friendship between child protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent friendship and remains that way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through playful love whereas the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries ... Get more on ...