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The Road To Independence By Joe Hagmann Analysis
From the perspective of a parent, whose primary concern is the wellbeing of their child, some of the author's points seem valid. However, I find the
author, Joe Hagmann, has his tin foil hat on, and the thought that the entertainment industry is conducting an elaborate scheme to brainwash children, is
a tad further than ridiculous.
To eliminate independence from the equation doesn't seem like a sound idea in my opinion. Yes, for the most part parents are an excellent force of
guidance that can steer a child in the correct direction, but limited exposure to the media and the un–Godly world we live in won't be as useful when
they're old enough to leave the nest. I don't believe that a parent's word will be enough to prepare oneself for reality. For instance, you can describe to
someone how to make a movie with an infinite amount of detail, but it's trumped by the much simpler option of showing them a movie and learning by
example. Would a 9 year old, like Hagmann's be too young for complete autonomy and control in their life. Yes. I, however, believe that the road to
independence should be gradual, and that parents should have full authority, and then throw them into the deep end when they're still highly dependent
on them.
I view a bad TV show, like the one described by the author, as an excellent opportunity to draw a line in the sand between right and wrong. Besides,
plenty of TV shows exemplify good morals and virtues, and often when the characters make an horrendous
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Igbo Dictionary
onaryDictionary of Ònìchà Igbo 2nd edition of the Igbo dictionary, Kay Williamson, Ethiope Press, 1972. Kay Williamson (†) This version
prepared and edited by Roger Blench Roger Blench Mallam Dendo 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Fax. 0044–(0)1223–
560687 Mobile worldwide (00–44)–(0)7967–696804 E–mail To whom all
correspondence should be addressed. This printout: November 16, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations:
................................................................................................................................................. 2 Editor's ... Show more content on ...
12 5.1 Alphabet ............................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Double vowels
...................................................................................................................................... 13 5.3 Syllabic nasal
....................................................................................................................................... 13 5.4
Tones..................................................................................................................................................... 13 5.5 Word division
...................................................................................................................................... 13 5.6 A note on 'y'
......................................................................................................................................... 14 6. Grammatical sketch
.................................................................................................................................. 15 6.1 Parts of speech
..................................................................................................................................... 15 6.2
Verbs..................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.2.1. Types of verbs
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The Nature Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
I rate Fahrenheit 451 a "one star", because I found the writer's style uninteresting. The author, Ray Bradbury, failed to pull me in, and the novel didn't
open my eyes to the viewpoints portrayed in the novel. Although Fahrenheit 451 carries themes of rebirth of society, government censorship, and the
nature of humanity, these themes were overwhelmed by one theme that bled into every action, dialogue piece, and narrative section: technology
corrupts. This theme could have made for a wonderful book, as there are intriguing and thoughtful pieces on the nature of technology, like the TV series
Black Mirror. Black Mirror offers both positives and negatives to each piece of technology it covers in each episode–– it poses questions like 'how ...
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Knowing this, many of the characters make more sense: Mildred and her friends can't even comprehend the thought of reading, and every character
who does read has amazing wisdom, no matter their age. Which brings me to the second point of why I dislike the book: it preaches at every available
moment. Whether it's the teenage girl giving a monologue or the scared old man, all the characters sound the same when they're preaching Bradbury's
anti–technology agenda. Subsequently, they don't exist as round characters, they only exist to preach Bradbury's views, which ranges from the dislikes
of the arts or listening to radio through earbuds. He presumes that someone who watches TV or listens to radio cannot enjoy the world around them,
however, in my view, these medias have only broadened our view of the world. Many of us will not be able to go to Africa, but through TV
documentaries, we can. The jazz of New Orleans would be out of reach for most, were it not for radio and other electronic transmissions. Perhaps
Bradbury might have had a real fear of the changes a world view would initiate when the book was written, but now it carries the gravitas of someone
wearing a tin foil hat. I couldn't enjoy the book because I found the characters flat and uninteresting. Many of them have no character development––
except for Montag, but his development doesn't come from a great self
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Metacognitive Reading Log Survey
To Kill a Mockingbird Metacognitive Reading Log Survey of Composition and Literature
Directions: For each night of reading, complete the following:
Summary: Summarize five important pieces of information you learn in the reading.
Quote: Find a quote that relates to one of the essay topics. Write the quote with the page number. (It is helpful but not necessary to use the same topic
throughout the reading.) You should look for both positive and negative examples of the theme in the book (i.e. When courage is shown and when
people show cowardice/when people have power and when they are powerless.)
Essay Topics:
Empathy ("Walking in another's shoes"): What does this novel teach about the importance of empathy?
Courage: What is ... Show more content on ...
She was the childhood friend of Jack, Scout's uncle.
Miss audie talks to Scout about Boo Radley still being alive and it is her theory that Boo is the victim of a bad father (dead), a "foot–washing" Baptist
that thought most people will go to hell. Miss Maudie says that Boo was always proper and cordial as a child. And that the theories of him being crazy
as a child aren't true but he is probably crazy by now. Jem and Dill try to send a message inviting Boo to ice cream on his window but Atticus gets mad
and tells them to stop immediately.
Jem and dill don't listen to Atticus until the last day that Dill is there and decide to go into the house accompanied by Scout. Then, they see a shadow
and hear a gun shot and get out of there ASAP. In the time of the escape, Jem's pants got caught on the fence and ripped. After the escape they run into
the neighborhood adults.
Miss Maudie says that Mr. radley shot a negro in his yard and will shoot at the next sound he hears.
Atticus asks where the kids were and Dill says they were playing poker and he won the pants and then later Jem went to go get his
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Personal Narrative: Wally Team Leader
We started doing night at first then we both went on 12 hours shifts 4 day on with 4 days off followed by 4 night on then 4 nights off we had to wear
Hygiene coats white Wellington boot a hair net with a hard hat and no make–up, nail vanish or Jewellery very soon they offend Wally Team Leader and
me QC (At long last I had letters after my name QC lol)
No Not Queens council it stands for Quality control
As we needed to keep a float so to speak we were desperate for any overtime so would both put our self's forward for any that was available, when there
wasn't any overtime we both signed up to an agency we done some very interesting jobs, one was we had to put food baskets (the ones that the
supermarkets have their fruit and vegetables in) through a sanitizing machine, another one was removing an electric lead from a item in its box and
replacing it with a UK lead, then there was the one where I had to pack medication at a laboratory
Then we both went to another job that made plastic milk bottles shampoo/conditioner bottles for L'Oreal and many more kind of bottles there seemed to
be a lot more work plus plenty of overtime so we left Beni foods we had been there for nearly 2 years and went to work at Alpla again Wally was
picked out to go and work in the warehouse as a forklift driver, I carried ... Show more content on ...
I encourage the older ones to organise a fate outside our house they made posters and put them up around the estate and posted notes through all the
houses in inviting them to join in and help them raise money for the school they really got into it they iced and decorated biscuits made juice drinks,
they made friendship bracelets had a table set up with some board games like droughts, snakes and ladders, snap etc lucky duck with numbers on the
bottom in a paddling pool with ducks from another game, nail and face painting and they collected toys and books to sell plus lots more games we had a
two seated rounder about and a bouncy castle that they charge at 10p
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The Film Analysis Of The Wizard Of Oz
The Wizard of Oz was first filmed in 1939 and has been revised several times to keep up with the time frame at present. It started out as a black and
white film and was originally produced by Metro–Goldwyn–Meyer. Judy Garland is playing the role of Dorothy Gale, who in this film is a restless
bored young girl that wants something other than the dreary life she lives in Kansas, (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014, Ch. 4.3 para. 1,2) This film focuses
on the power of the imagination and gives a place for mental escape and relaxation. The power of the imagination is demonstrated throughout this entire
film. It begins with Dorothy ended up in a place called Munchinland that has little people, and is filled with colors and excitement, the opposite of
Kansas where everything is black and white. The most magical scene is the scene when Dorothy and her dog, The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the
Scary Lion meets the Wizard. When they arrive to their destination an image of a man appears during a blazing fire and thick smoke, and he speaks
with authority and control. The fear in Dorothy and her friends is overwhelming to them, especially for the scary lion who faints before he can speak.
The cinematography technique is crystal clear in capturing the fear and confusion in the characters, as well as the audience. The special effect in editing
allowed the audience to see long views of the face in the fire and smoke and experience the fear along with Dorothy and her friends. The lighting was
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Capitalism In America
Capitalism is essentially the economic system in which private owners are able to control industry, rather than the government. This system
fundamentally drives American society and what makes America particularly attractive to foreigners especially. In a capitalist society, class is not solely
based on birthright, but one has the ability to change his/her class based on income. Ideally, the more income a person has, the more freedom and power
this person is able to exercise. However, business moguls and government have been known to exploit this fundamental feature of market economy and
use it to their advantage by harboring money (power). But before I put on my tin foil hat and start spewing on about the government, allow me to ask
this question: "Where does this system come from?" I believe in order understand the oppressive issues of this system, it's crucial to understand the
conditions that formulated it. It's safe to say that American government is a descendent of English government. The colonies along the east coast of
North America were settled by mostly English settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries. As the English travelled across the Atlantic Ocean, they not only
extended the rule of the English monarchy but also transported their cultural heritage as well. Subsequently, the colonists revolted against English
monarch, King George III, during the American Revolutionary War in the late 18th century. Simply put, colonists felt devalued and exploited by the
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American Presidency : The Utopia Of Government? How About...
American Presidency: the Utopia of Government? How about UNOPEia? The question sparks conspiracists to throw in their two cents right now, go
ahead, and argue with a sheet of paper. Unless you're one to never leave your house and wear hats made out of tin foil, you know that as a Democracy,
we elect our own leaders. Now me? I'm here to highlight with a large red sharpie the worst of what three past leaders in particular have done, first with
FDR, then JFK and lastly Nixon. While a president could get many things done in their time in office, as previously stated, this paper is focusing on the
skeletons of each of the three carefully selected men of office. Roosevelt was criticized for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from
individualism to collectivism with the dramatic expansion of the welfare state and regulation of the economy. Criticized by right–wing conservatives
and libertarians for his extensive economic interventionism, these critics often accuse his policies of prolonging what they believe would otherwise
have been a much shorter recession. Their argument is that government planning of the economy was both unnecessary and counterproductive, and that
laissez–faire policies would have ended the suffering much sooner. A 2004 econometric study by Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian concluded that the
"New Deal labor and industrial policies did not lift the economy out of the Depression as President Roosevelt and his economic planners had hoped,"
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1. Tamika comes to a psychology clinic with complaints of poor concentration. As she was talking with the psychologist, she spoke very rapidly and it
was difficult to follow her train of thought. Tamika reported that she felt invincible and had not slept for three days since she had been very busy with
various tasks. She also reported that in the past, she had frequently experienced periods of time that she felt "down".
Answer: Bipolar Disorder
2. Roy has not been feeling himself lately fpr the past 3 weeks. He lays in bed all day because he does not have the energy to get up and because he
feels worthless and guilty for "being a burden to everyone." His family reported that he appears to have lost a significant amount of weight. ... Show
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His palms begin to sweat his mouth goes dry, and he stutters when he tries to speak. As a result, he never goes to parties, conferences for work, or
Answer: Social Phobia
7. Orlando believes that the FBI is hunting him down because they want information from him. He reports that he receives telephone calls from FBI
agents who are threatening to imprison him if he doesn't give them the information they need. Orlando has stopped showering and shaving. He wears a
tin foil hat so that the FBI agents cannot "steal his thoughts".
Answer: Specific Phobia
8. Kristina has always been a very clean and neat person. She just went to college and now had to live with a roommate. Kristina reports that her
roommate is not messy, but is just not as clean as Kristina would like. Kristina states that she vacuums their floor and wipes all of the furniture
(including her roommate's desk) with disinfectant spray once day. The whole process takes her about 2 hours. She also puts a special cover on her bed
so that the germs won't get in it.
Answer: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
9. Beth has never been very religious, and her parents are concerned because she has stopped going to work and talks about how she has seen God. She
says that she often sees God and he speaks to her. Beth states that God has chosen her the next leader of the church. Beth spends up to 5 hours per day
speaking with God in tongues.
Answer: Schizophrenia
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"And, well... I eventually went to reach under my bed for one of those iron plates we'd used as a backstop while zapping Phillip's rock with the small
magnetron I'd built. But it turned out, that the police did indeed confiscate those also, but... but when I looked under my bed for the iron plates, I found
in its place this computer. And, this darn thing is state–of–the–art in the PC world, and powerful beyond your imagination. Along, with the laptop I also
found this..." Inez then proceeded to hand Cassidy the note that he'd been searching for. It read: It isn't much, but I hope this new computer can help you
find Phillip. The wifi card with it is untraceable and I've set up a hidden dummy account so you can access all the government's ... Show more content
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Where it said, suspect in question, was his name typed out as Inez–tin foil hat man–Tate. He then showed this to Cassidy. She only looked back at him
bewildered. "I didn't tell the police that I nor you nor Phillip, had ever donned a tinfoil hat, did you?" "No," Cassidy responded. "Then how would they
have known?" "They wouldn't have," Cassidy said gently shaking her head side to side. "No, they wouldn't have," Inez agreed. "Someone accessed their
records and added that. Someone who is watching... watching the police, watching me, watching what happened down at the town hall that day and
what will become of it. Someone who figured, I myself, may have the ability to access my own police report and records and would go snooping
around to see what the police thought of me after the town hall incident. Someone threw up a flag in plain sight." "Phillip," Cassidy said. Inez just
smiled. "So, I kept searching," he said, "and I kept looking for anything else, any sort of clue, any sort of communication. It would be subtle, no doubt.
It would have to stay out of the sight of those on our side who could take action and those on the volunteers' side who could do the same. But,
ultimately, I found this still on the same case report against me." Cassidy examined what Inez was pointing to on his computer's monitor. It was still the
police incident report against Inez but what he was referring to was up in the right–hand corner. Cassidy
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Alien Abduction Analysis
The premise of the article is based around the concept of repressed and fake memories. In essence the article mentions that there are various reasons
that would result in fake or repressed memories. The reasons that are initially mentioned are cases of traumatic events and in some cases nontraumatic
events. As for the main argument of the article simply put the author(s) are attempting to find an explanation of the reasons of alien abductions as a way
to find the reasons as to why some people report various accounts of alien abduction with no actual concept or explanation to support the validity of the
claim outside of simple knowing they were abducted on the basis that they just know. As for the results of their study the researchers found that in many
cases false ... Show more content on ...
As for my thoughts on the article it was a rather interesting concept in regards to the general functionality of the mind that in most cases people are
more or less unaware of the subtle changes. Further solidifying the simple fact that one's memory of past events are simply unreliable. Basically due to
the fact that as time pases a large section of details related to that memory become forgotten ultimately resulting in the brain creating a replacement
memory in many cases changing slightly after every attempt to recall that select memory. Although at the same time i understand that the alien
abduction had only been a concept to test it was rather distracting as something that seemed so outlandish it painted a picture of a 'garden variety'
conspiracy theorist sitting in the office of the researches rambling on about how they simply know they had been abducted and that's why they can
never take off their tin foil hats. Granted that is not to say that there is no possible chance that there are other life forms on different planets (particularly
in a statistical perspective) however, for a article that had an important and serious study results the general concept of a
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Sonic Monologue
Scourage's POV I mind as well stay in this damn jail for the rest of my days. Things just aren't the same anymore. So what if I lost my temper and was
about to go ape shit on the rest of my crew? All's I wanted to was get back at sonic and those damn freedom fighters and now here I am, barely feeling
like myself let alone an anti–sonic in jail without any of my other team mates. "this straight up sucks!" I said punching my hand into the wall. When I
did get here it was to look for sonic, but instead I found shadow. I didn't mind picking a fight with that dude, I'd figure I'd give him a run for his money,
but even in my super form I lost, and it felt like it didn't take much either. "at least I don't get bullied around here..." I said to myself, ... Show more
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Knuckles! What are you doing up?" eggman said to knuckles. "I couldn't get any sleep, and now, I'm going to destroy you're robots and be known as a
village hero." Knuckles said with a pose and fireworks going off in the background. "seriously? fireworks? No one gives my entrance fireworks!"
Knuckles continued to battle the robots, but eggman refused to give up. "luckily, I have other robots, that have already made it to your friends house."
"oh no you don't!" said knuckles. He quickly headed to the homes of his friends. They were begin carried out by the robots. Knuckles picked them up
and put them down somewhere else and destroyed the robots. He then went inside to do the same, only to find them watching tv. "all right, this is my
favorite show! Pass the popcorn!" he then sat down with them and watched some tv. One show later Knuckles destroyed the robots and sent eggman
flying, literally. "seriously, one does not simply get a giant slingshot–" and he flew off.
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What Does Shukhov Mean To Me
I just spent twenty minutes trying to decide what I want for breakfast by reading over a 30–page nutrition guide. Then I cracked open my book and
read, "Apart from sleep, the only time a prisoner lives for himself is ten minutes in the morning at breakfast, five minutes over dinner, and five at
supper" (Solzhenitsyn 16). I spend a lot of time thinking about food, but I only take minutes to devour it. If it were up to me I could eat a half gallon of
my favorite ice cream in one sitting. Shukhov, like many others today, could only dream about eating as much as his heart desired. No matter what or
how much food he had, he always saved part of it. He was not just saving food, he was saving strength to both physically and mentally, get through the
day. Shukhov's spoon was his most prized possession. That spoon was precious for a few reasons. It was with Shukhov during all of his trials and
tribulations while in the gulag system. It represents his past experiences and dictates his future. It is symbolic of his identity and his history. It gives
Shukhov ... Show more content on ...
The harder he worked and the more favors he did for his fellow prisoners, the more food he got. An extra serving here and there can make the
difference between life and death. Shukhov took advantage of that. "But Shukhov wasn't made that way– eight years in a camp couldn't change his
nature. He worried about anything he could make use of, about every scrap of work he could do– nothing must be wasted without good reason"
(Solzhenitsyn 105). I think Shukhov kept himself occupied by doing all of those odd jobs. He viewed repairing shoes, tailoring, and saving a spot in
line as an opportunity to earn food, not as a job. He enjoyed working with his hands he was good at it and it gave him a sense of accomplishment, but
what kept him going was the
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Big Brother Research Paper
Natalie I really like how you approached this subject. Showing how the media and some groups misinterpret government actions can be very eye
opening to many people. I have family member, and work with people that are so set in this thinking that "Big Brother" is always looking over their
shoulder, and collecting all kinds of information about them. I have tried to tell them that the government has way bigger issues to worry about than
trying to learn about some middle class person living in the middle of Missouri. I think one of the biggest reasons so many people think that the
government is always looking in their windows is the simple fact that many people outside the intelligence world have no idea what actually goes on,
and how hard it can be to gather information. Do you think if the American public was more educated on what goes on within the intelligence agencies
that they would lower their fear of ... Show more content on ...
The first issue is that the everyday American would have a little more faith in the government. This group of people I believe is the majority of the
American public, which some would call the educated voter. The second outcome of the government educating the American public, involves the group
of people that believes that government is out to get them, these are the people that wear tin foil hats to protect themselves from the aliens. These people
would take this new education and start spreading the rumors that the government did this just to distract the American public to actually what was
going on. The third outcome involves the intelligence agencies and their ability to work in the shadows. If the American public is over educated on what
goes on when collecting intelligence then so dose our enemies. Keeping the ability to allow these agencies to work in the dark is key. There has to be a
balance between over educating and under
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Joseph Conrad Critical Lens
Joseph Conrad, The Heart of Darkness Critical Lens Essay
Racism, a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a
particular race. ("Racism."Merriam–Webster) Prejudice, an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their
supposed characteristics. ("Prejudice."Merriam–Webster)
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness perpetuates distinctiveness between black and white, primitive and civilized, ignorance and tradition, kinship and
dissimilar. Often, Conrad portrays the Congo as a foil to Europe and the rest of civilization, implying that Africa is the "other" or lesser. Throughout the
book, Africa is presented as a ... Show more content on ...
Another mine on the cliff went off, followed by a slight shudder of the soil under my feet. The work was going on. The work! And this was the place
where some of the helpers had withdrawn to die. They were dying slowly–it was very clear. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were
nothing earthly now nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation, lying confusedly in the greenish gloom...the legality of time contracts, lost in
uncongenial surroundings, fed on unfamiliar food, they sickened, became inefficient, and were then allowed to crawl away and rest. These moribund
shapes were free as air–and nearly as thin." Whenever referring to the natives, Marlow has a sort of sympathy for their conditions yet invalidates the
natives for the very same conditions amongst them, he cannot see them as equal because to him the natives are weakened and the severity of their
weakness enforces their being animal like unlike his first encounter with the colonizers and white
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Tkam Djs
Chapter 1 "Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it." Page 5 This quote is important to the narrator, because it
upturns her feelings about her home. Chapter 2 " 'Your father does not know how to teach. You can have a seat now. ' I mumbled that I was sorry and
retired meditating upon my crime." Page 17 This quote shows how Scout's teacher is mad at her because she knows how to read instead of being proud.
It shows how closed minded some people in Maycomb were. Chapter 3 "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point
of view– ' 'Sir? ' '–until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. '" Page 30 This quote shows the special bond between ... Show more content on ...
Chapter 12 " 'It 's not necessary to tell all you know. It 's not ladylike –in the second place, folks don 't like to have someone around knowin ' more than
they do. It aggravates 'em. You 're not gonna change any of them by talkin ' right, they 've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don 't want to
learn there 's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language. '" Page 126 Calpurnia explains her understanding of different kinds of
people. Calpurnia also sets an example for Scout by telling her what it means to be ladylike. Chapter 13 "I never understood her preoccupation with
heredity. Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt
Alexandra was of the opinion, obliquely expressed, that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was." Page 130 Scout
explains how differently she and Aunt Alexandra see the world. Scout is way younger, but has a more mature understanding of people than Aunt
Alexandra. Chapter 14 " 'That 's because you can 't hold something in your mind but a little while, ' said Jem. 'It 's different with grown folks, we– ' His
maddening superiority was unbearable these days. He did not want to do anything but read and go off by himself." Page 138 This shows how Jem
thinks he is way more mature than Scout,
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Hw 1-Logic Essay
Philosophy 201–Practical Logic Loyola University New Orleans Ben Bayer Summer 2012
Homework #1
DUE: Tuesday, September 11th, (at 11:59pm, just before midnight)
For each of the listed fallacious arguments, select an answer to each of questions (a) and (b). For both (a) and (b), select ONE AND ONLY ONE answer
from (i) through (vii). For most of the answers in (b) you will need to fill in the specified blanks with details from the argument to fully explain your
answer. Please copy and paste the text of your answers for both (a) and (b) into your submission. For part (b) answers, type over the underscore,
preferably in capital letters, to complete your answer.
1. A breadbox is ... Show more content on ...
But this premise is the very idea most in need of proof. It is especially controversial because__________________. xxv. Because a key concept,
__________________, is implicitly redefined to make the conclusion come out as true. A more ordinary definition of that concept is something like
__________________. xxvi. The premise, __________________, is false. We know this because __________________. xxvii. Because the conclusion
is immediately restated through the use of words with identical meaning: __________________ means the same as __________________. xxviii. The
idea most in need of proof , __________________, is being taken for granted as true, which we can tell because __________________.
3. The new oil pipeline will only cause a massive increase in noxious effluent. Therefore, we can conclude that it will result in an upswing in toxic
e. What is the specific name of the error or fallacy? xxix. Premises are not known to be true: at least one is false xxx. Begging the question: mere
restatement xxxi. Begging the question: restatement through synonymy xxxii. Begging the question: circular reasoning xxxiii. Begging the question:
implicit controversial premises xxxiv. Begging the question: arbitrary redefinition of terms xxxv. Begging the question: other
f. How do know that this fallacy is
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The Power Elite Summary
C. Wright Mills was a very bright American sociologist, he is best known for introducing us to many controversial theories. In his book "The Power
Elite," he talks about the corruption that exists within our democracy. Mills talks about a concept called "the revolving door," which states that there is
only a certain amount of people who hold all the power in their hands, and these same people will move from one seat of institutional power to another,
in a revolving door matter. In today's society, I think that this behavior is a lot more common and obvious. We often see this happen with CEO's moving
into a government position, and the problems that come with this is that they will more than likely vote in favor of laws which will benefit their ... Show
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American politics, as discussed and voted and campaigned for, have largely to do with these middle levels, and often only with them. Most 'political'
news is news and gossip about middle–level issues and conflicts (The Power Elite, C Wright Mills.)" When we fail to lift the veil and look at what is
happening behind the scenes, we don't have a choice but to believe the things that the media is trying to feed us. Most of the news that you see on TV or
hear on the radio is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't mean to sound like I'm in a tin foil hat, but I firmly believe that the news that we are shown aren't
the true problems, I think that it is important to dig deeper and find the real problems, but not only that, it is important to know the cause of these
problems. It is 2018 and almost impossible to get away from sites trying to feed us "fake news," whether you're on Facebook or surfing the web, you
will almost always encounter some sort of news article talking about things that shouldn't even make the news, such as celebrity drama. Why aren't
people being enlightened about the real problems happening before our eyes, such as our government constantly passing laws which will really benefit
only the corporations? Or Americas' CEO's pay to average worker ratio, which is ridiculous? Well, because it is not in the best interest of the
government nor the
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New World Order in Conspiracy Theory
New World Order (conspiracy theory)
This article is about the use of the term New World Order in conspiracy theory. For other uses, see New World Order (disambiguation).
The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal
since 1782 and on the back of the U.S one–dollar bill since 1935, means "New Order of the Ages" and only alludes to the beginning of an era where the
United States of America is an independent nation–state, but is often improperly translated by conspiracy theorists as "New World Order".[1]
In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a ... Show more content on ...
Thus, activists around the globe formed a world federalist movement bent on creating a "real" new world order.[11] In the 1940s, British writer and
futurist H. G. Wells would go further by appropriating and redefining the term "new world order" as a synonym for the establishment of a
scientifically–managed world state and socialist economy.[12]
During the Red Scare of 1947–1957, conspiracy theorists of the American secular and Christian right increasingly embraced and mongered unfounded
fears of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Jews being the driving force behind an "international communist conspiracy". The threat ofworld communism in
the form of a state atheistic and bureaucratic collectivist world government, demonized as a "Red Menace", therefore became the main focus of
apocalyptic millenarian conspiracism.[13]
In the 1960s, right–wing populist individuals and groups with a producerist worldview, such as members of the John Birch Society, disseminated a great
deal of conspiracy theories claiming that the governments of both the United States and the Soviet
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Andy Warhol Essay
Andy Warhol
Works Cited Missing
"I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about... I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do
it because I like it is Andy's philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and at the same time the most confusing individual you will
ever read about. Andy's work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the
idea of mass media on values. Andy's father Ondrej Wharhola is best described as a bald, burly man with a bulging belly and massive upper arms,
pudgy nose and bristling sideburns. Ondrej was born in 1889 in Minkova. (Bekris, 6) He was married and living ... Show more content on ...
This might explain Andy's later fascination with death related topics. In 1930 Andy's father got a steady job laying roads and moving houses. This was a
high paying job at the time because of the mass rate of growth in the cities. Ondrej saved his money and one–year later moved his family into a larger
house on Beelan Street. Shortly after moving into the house Ondrej lost his job and was forced to move into a two–bedroom apartment. The rent was
six dollars a week and Andy's father had to work odd jobs to just barley pay the rent. It was not just Andy and his parents. Andy had two other brothers,
one older and one younger. All three of the children were said to be afraid of their father. "Dad didn't like us to start commotion because he was so
exhausted and he would get emotionally upset. Usually all he had to do was look at you." (Beckris 12) Andy always had a problem with grammar
school. He was not a social child and preferred to keep to himself.
As most children do, they saw this in Andy and picked on him frequently. (Bekris, 18) Andy's brother Paul stated, "At age four Andy cried a lot at
school and one day a little black girl slapped him" (Beckris 15) He was very traumatized by this incident and asked his mother if she could keep him
home from school. As the loving mother she was, she took Andy out of school and kept him home for two years. Over this time he became very close to
his mother. When it was time
... Get more on ...
Remember The Perpetrator Essay
Remember, the perpetrator can create multiple diseases simultaneously to make the victim restless, angry, and loose cool. But I suffered through all
these calmly; I know this is the only way to win. Winning is important because I take this as a game, and If I fail, then disappointed and angry. I am not
expecting to win all the time, I am aware. Finally, I have to surrender. Now I am on the verge of defeat.
The perpetrators put me to sleep for a few hours several times in a day when I was sitting on my sofa, defenseless, unable to keep awake, and then they
stream pulses to my ears. When I woke up, I felt severe burning sensation in both ears as if someone has inserted a screwdriver and mildly twisted.
What are they doing? Damage my brain or, ... Show more content on ...
I wore a diaper when I went on long trips and traveled by taxi. Now I have the pass to ride access bus–a bus service for disabled people––, so I can
reach the destination faster than the regular bus.
Other diseases the perpetrators can create: change the skin color, coughing, sneezing, cold, etc. The intensity and frequency of the diseases depend on
how badly the perpetrator wants to torture the victim. Here only mentioned a few samples of diseases, but a multitude of diseases can be created
simultaneously and make the victims' life miserable.
The Perpetrators can control the muscles of a victim through the nervous system, so they could make the victim to move the limbs to touch another
If the same symptoms always occur, then it could be due to microwave weapon attack, for example, feeling to itch at the tip of the nose when both
hands are busy while washing the dishes. Many more cases such as: coughing while handling food, or on a telephone, runny nose or sneezing while
having a meal or with people around, often feel tired, difficult to walk, joint pain, and frequent cold for a short duration,
... Get more on ...

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The Road To Independence By Joe Hagmann Analysis

  • 1. The Road To Independence By Joe Hagmann Analysis From the perspective of a parent, whose primary concern is the wellbeing of their child, some of the author's points seem valid. However, I find the author, Joe Hagmann, has his tin foil hat on, and the thought that the entertainment industry is conducting an elaborate scheme to brainwash children, is a tad further than ridiculous. To eliminate independence from the equation doesn't seem like a sound idea in my opinion. Yes, for the most part parents are an excellent force of guidance that can steer a child in the correct direction, but limited exposure to the media and the un–Godly world we live in won't be as useful when they're old enough to leave the nest. I don't believe that a parent's word will be enough to prepare oneself for reality. For instance, you can describe to someone how to make a movie with an infinite amount of detail, but it's trumped by the much simpler option of showing them a movie and learning by example. Would a 9 year old, like Hagmann's be too young for complete autonomy and control in their life. Yes. I, however, believe that the road to independence should be gradual, and that parents should have full authority, and then throw them into the deep end when they're still highly dependent on them. I view a bad TV show, like the one described by the author, as an excellent opportunity to draw a line in the sand between right and wrong. Besides, plenty of TV shows exemplify good morals and virtues, and often when the characters make an horrendous ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Igbo Dictionary onaryDictionary of Ònìchà Igbo 2nd edition of the Igbo dictionary, Kay Williamson, Ethiope Press, 1972. Kay Williamson (†) This version prepared and edited by Roger Blench Roger Blench Mallam Dendo 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Fax. 0044–(0)1223– 560687 Mobile worldwide (00–44)–(0)7967–696804 E–mail To whom all correspondence should be addressed. This printout: November 16, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations: ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Editor's ... Show more content on ... 12 5.1 Alphabet ............................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Double vowels ...................................................................................................................................... 13 5.3 Syllabic nasal ....................................................................................................................................... 13 5.4 Tones..................................................................................................................................................... 13 5.5 Word division ...................................................................................................................................... 13 5.6 A note on 'y' ......................................................................................................................................... 14 6. Grammatical sketch .................................................................................................................................. 15 6.1 Parts of speech ..................................................................................................................................... 15 6.2 Verbs..................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.2.1. Types of verbs ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Nature Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury I rate Fahrenheit 451 a "one star", because I found the writer's style uninteresting. The author, Ray Bradbury, failed to pull me in, and the novel didn't open my eyes to the viewpoints portrayed in the novel. Although Fahrenheit 451 carries themes of rebirth of society, government censorship, and the nature of humanity, these themes were overwhelmed by one theme that bled into every action, dialogue piece, and narrative section: technology corrupts. This theme could have made for a wonderful book, as there are intriguing and thoughtful pieces on the nature of technology, like the TV series Black Mirror. Black Mirror offers both positives and negatives to each piece of technology it covers in each episode–– it poses questions like 'how ... Show more content on ... Knowing this, many of the characters make more sense: Mildred and her friends can't even comprehend the thought of reading, and every character who does read has amazing wisdom, no matter their age. Which brings me to the second point of why I dislike the book: it preaches at every available moment. Whether it's the teenage girl giving a monologue or the scared old man, all the characters sound the same when they're preaching Bradbury's anti–technology agenda. Subsequently, they don't exist as round characters, they only exist to preach Bradbury's views, which ranges from the dislikes of the arts or listening to radio through earbuds. He presumes that someone who watches TV or listens to radio cannot enjoy the world around them, however, in my view, these medias have only broadened our view of the world. Many of us will not be able to go to Africa, but through TV documentaries, we can. The jazz of New Orleans would be out of reach for most, were it not for radio and other electronic transmissions. Perhaps Bradbury might have had a real fear of the changes a world view would initiate when the book was written, but now it carries the gravitas of someone wearing a tin foil hat. I couldn't enjoy the book because I found the characters flat and uninteresting. Many of them have no character development–– except for Montag, but his development doesn't come from a great self ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Metacognitive Reading Log Survey To Kill a Mockingbird Metacognitive Reading Log Survey of Composition and Literature Directions: For each night of reading, complete the following: Summary: Summarize five important pieces of information you learn in the reading. Quote: Find a quote that relates to one of the essay topics. Write the quote with the page number. (It is helpful but not necessary to use the same topic throughout the reading.) You should look for both positive and negative examples of the theme in the book (i.e. When courage is shown and when people show cowardice/when people have power and when they are powerless.) Essay Topics: Empathy ("Walking in another's shoes"): What does this novel teach about the importance of empathy? Courage: What is ... Show more content on ... She was the childhood friend of Jack, Scout's uncle. Miss audie talks to Scout about Boo Radley still being alive and it is her theory that Boo is the victim of a bad father (dead), a "foot–washing" Baptist that thought most people will go to hell. Miss Maudie says that Boo was always proper and cordial as a child. And that the theories of him being crazy as a child aren't true but he is probably crazy by now. Jem and Dill try to send a message inviting Boo to ice cream on his window but Atticus gets mad and tells them to stop immediately. Jem and dill don't listen to Atticus until the last day that Dill is there and decide to go into the house accompanied by Scout. Then, they see a shadow and hear a gun shot and get out of there ASAP. In the time of the escape, Jem's pants got caught on the fence and ripped. After the escape they run into the neighborhood adults. Miss Maudie says that Mr. radley shot a negro in his yard and will shoot at the next sound he hears. Atticus asks where the kids were and Dill says they were playing poker and he won the pants and then later Jem went to go get his ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Personal Narrative: Wally Team Leader We started doing night at first then we both went on 12 hours shifts 4 day on with 4 days off followed by 4 night on then 4 nights off we had to wear white Hygiene coats white Wellington boot a hair net with a hard hat and no make–up, nail vanish or Jewellery very soon they offend Wally Team Leader and me QC (At long last I had letters after my name QC lol) No Not Queens council it stands for Quality control As we needed to keep a float so to speak we were desperate for any overtime so would both put our self's forward for any that was available, when there wasn't any overtime we both signed up to an agency we done some very interesting jobs, one was we had to put food baskets (the ones that the supermarkets have their fruit and vegetables in) through a sanitizing machine, another one was removing an electric lead from a item in its box and replacing it with a UK lead, then there was the one where I had to pack medication at a laboratory Then we both went to another job that made plastic milk bottles shampoo/conditioner bottles for L'Oreal and many more kind of bottles there seemed to be a lot more work plus plenty of overtime so we left Beni foods we had been there for nearly 2 years and went to work at Alpla again Wally was picked out to go and work in the warehouse as a forklift driver, I carried ... Show more content on ... I encourage the older ones to organise a fate outside our house they made posters and put them up around the estate and posted notes through all the houses in inviting them to join in and help them raise money for the school they really got into it they iced and decorated biscuits made juice drinks, they made friendship bracelets had a table set up with some board games like droughts, snakes and ladders, snap etc lucky duck with numbers on the bottom in a paddling pool with ducks from another game, nail and face painting and they collected toys and books to sell plus lots more games we had a two seated rounder about and a bouncy castle that they charge at 10p ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Film Analysis Of The Wizard Of Oz The Wizard of Oz was first filmed in 1939 and has been revised several times to keep up with the time frame at present. It started out as a black and white film and was originally produced by Metro–Goldwyn–Meyer. Judy Garland is playing the role of Dorothy Gale, who in this film is a restless bored young girl that wants something other than the dreary life she lives in Kansas, (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014, Ch. 4.3 para. 1,2) This film focuses on the power of the imagination and gives a place for mental escape and relaxation. The power of the imagination is demonstrated throughout this entire film. It begins with Dorothy ended up in a place called Munchinland that has little people, and is filled with colors and excitement, the opposite of Kansas where everything is black and white. The most magical scene is the scene when Dorothy and her dog, The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Scary Lion meets the Wizard. When they arrive to their destination an image of a man appears during a blazing fire and thick smoke, and he speaks with authority and control. The fear in Dorothy and her friends is overwhelming to them, especially for the scary lion who faints before he can speak. The cinematography technique is crystal clear in capturing the fear and confusion in the characters, as well as the audience. The special effect in editing allowed the audience to see long views of the face in the fire and smoke and experience the fear along with Dorothy and her friends. The lighting was ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Capitalism In America Capitalism is essentially the economic system in which private owners are able to control industry, rather than the government. This system fundamentally drives American society and what makes America particularly attractive to foreigners especially. In a capitalist society, class is not solely based on birthright, but one has the ability to change his/her class based on income. Ideally, the more income a person has, the more freedom and power this person is able to exercise. However, business moguls and government have been known to exploit this fundamental feature of market economy and use it to their advantage by harboring money (power). But before I put on my tin foil hat and start spewing on about the government, allow me to ask this question: "Where does this system come from?" I believe in order understand the oppressive issues of this system, it's crucial to understand the conditions that formulated it. It's safe to say that American government is a descendent of English government. The colonies along the east coast of North America were settled by mostly English settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries. As the English travelled across the Atlantic Ocean, they not only extended the rule of the English monarchy but also transported their cultural heritage as well. Subsequently, the colonists revolted against English monarch, King George III, during the American Revolutionary War in the late 18th century. Simply put, colonists felt devalued and exploited by the English ... Get more on ...
  • 8. American Presidency : The Utopia Of Government? How About... American Presidency: the Utopia of Government? How about UNOPEia? The question sparks conspiracists to throw in their two cents right now, go ahead, and argue with a sheet of paper. Unless you're one to never leave your house and wear hats made out of tin foil, you know that as a Democracy, we elect our own leaders. Now me? I'm here to highlight with a large red sharpie the worst of what three past leaders in particular have done, first with FDR, then JFK and lastly Nixon. While a president could get many things done in their time in office, as previously stated, this paper is focusing on the skeletons of each of the three carefully selected men of office. Roosevelt was criticized for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from individualism to collectivism with the dramatic expansion of the welfare state and regulation of the economy. Criticized by right–wing conservatives and libertarians for his extensive economic interventionism, these critics often accuse his policies of prolonging what they believe would otherwise have been a much shorter recession. Their argument is that government planning of the economy was both unnecessary and counterproductive, and that laissez–faire policies would have ended the suffering much sooner. A 2004 econometric study by Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian concluded that the "New Deal labor and industrial policies did not lift the economy out of the Depression as President Roosevelt and his economic planners had hoped," but ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Disorders 1. Tamika comes to a psychology clinic with complaints of poor concentration. As she was talking with the psychologist, she spoke very rapidly and it was difficult to follow her train of thought. Tamika reported that she felt invincible and had not slept for three days since she had been very busy with various tasks. She also reported that in the past, she had frequently experienced periods of time that she felt "down". Answer: Bipolar Disorder 2. Roy has not been feeling himself lately fpr the past 3 weeks. He lays in bed all day because he does not have the energy to get up and because he feels worthless and guilty for "being a burden to everyone." His family reported that he appears to have lost a significant amount of weight. ... Show more content on ... His palms begin to sweat his mouth goes dry, and he stutters when he tries to speak. As a result, he never goes to parties, conferences for work, or restaurants. Answer: Social Phobia 7. Orlando believes that the FBI is hunting him down because they want information from him. He reports that he receives telephone calls from FBI agents who are threatening to imprison him if he doesn't give them the information they need. Orlando has stopped showering and shaving. He wears a tin foil hat so that the FBI agents cannot "steal his thoughts". Answer: Specific Phobia 8. Kristina has always been a very clean and neat person. She just went to college and now had to live with a roommate. Kristina reports that her roommate is not messy, but is just not as clean as Kristina would like. Kristina states that she vacuums their floor and wipes all of the furniture (including her roommate's desk) with disinfectant spray once day. The whole process takes her about 2 hours. She also puts a special cover on her bed so that the germs won't get in it. Answer: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 9. Beth has never been very religious, and her parents are concerned because she has stopped going to work and talks about how she has seen God. She says that she often sees God and he speaks to her. Beth states that God has chosen her the next leader of the church. Beth spends up to 5 hours per day speaking with God in tongues. Answer: Schizophrenia 10. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay "And, well... I eventually went to reach under my bed for one of those iron plates we'd used as a backstop while zapping Phillip's rock with the small magnetron I'd built. But it turned out, that the police did indeed confiscate those also, but... but when I looked under my bed for the iron plates, I found in its place this computer. And, this darn thing is state–of–the–art in the PC world, and powerful beyond your imagination. Along, with the laptop I also found this..." Inez then proceeded to hand Cassidy the note that he'd been searching for. It read: It isn't much, but I hope this new computer can help you find Phillip. The wifi card with it is untraceable and I've set up a hidden dummy account so you can access all the government's ... Show more content on ... Where it said, suspect in question, was his name typed out as Inez–tin foil hat man–Tate. He then showed this to Cassidy. She only looked back at him bewildered. "I didn't tell the police that I nor you nor Phillip, had ever donned a tinfoil hat, did you?" "No," Cassidy responded. "Then how would they have known?" "They wouldn't have," Cassidy said gently shaking her head side to side. "No, they wouldn't have," Inez agreed. "Someone accessed their records and added that. Someone who is watching... watching the police, watching me, watching what happened down at the town hall that day and what will become of it. Someone who figured, I myself, may have the ability to access my own police report and records and would go snooping around to see what the police thought of me after the town hall incident. Someone threw up a flag in plain sight." "Phillip," Cassidy said. Inez just smiled. "So, I kept searching," he said, "and I kept looking for anything else, any sort of clue, any sort of communication. It would be subtle, no doubt. It would have to stay out of the sight of those on our side who could take action and those on the volunteers' side who could do the same. But, ultimately, I found this still on the same case report against me." Cassidy examined what Inez was pointing to on his computer's monitor. It was still the police incident report against Inez but what he was referring to was up in the right–hand corner. Cassidy ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Alien Abduction Analysis The premise of the article is based around the concept of repressed and fake memories. In essence the article mentions that there are various reasons that would result in fake or repressed memories. The reasons that are initially mentioned are cases of traumatic events and in some cases nontraumatic events. As for the main argument of the article simply put the author(s) are attempting to find an explanation of the reasons of alien abductions as a way to find the reasons as to why some people report various accounts of alien abduction with no actual concept or explanation to support the validity of the claim outside of simple knowing they were abducted on the basis that they just know. As for the results of their study the researchers found that in many cases false ... Show more content on ... As for my thoughts on the article it was a rather interesting concept in regards to the general functionality of the mind that in most cases people are more or less unaware of the subtle changes. Further solidifying the simple fact that one's memory of past events are simply unreliable. Basically due to the fact that as time pases a large section of details related to that memory become forgotten ultimately resulting in the brain creating a replacement memory in many cases changing slightly after every attempt to recall that select memory. Although at the same time i understand that the alien abduction had only been a concept to test it was rather distracting as something that seemed so outlandish it painted a picture of a 'garden variety' conspiracy theorist sitting in the office of the researches rambling on about how they simply know they had been abducted and that's why they can never take off their tin foil hats. Granted that is not to say that there is no possible chance that there are other life forms on different planets (particularly in a statistical perspective) however, for a article that had an important and serious study results the general concept of a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sonic Monologue Scourage's POV I mind as well stay in this damn jail for the rest of my days. Things just aren't the same anymore. So what if I lost my temper and was about to go ape shit on the rest of my crew? All's I wanted to was get back at sonic and those damn freedom fighters and now here I am, barely feeling like myself let alone an anti–sonic in jail without any of my other team mates. "this straight up sucks!" I said punching my hand into the wall. When I did get here it was to look for sonic, but instead I found shadow. I didn't mind picking a fight with that dude, I'd figure I'd give him a run for his money, but even in my super form I lost, and it felt like it didn't take much either. "at least I don't get bullied around here..." I said to myself, ... Show more content on ... Knuckles! What are you doing up?" eggman said to knuckles. "I couldn't get any sleep, and now, I'm going to destroy you're robots and be known as a village hero." Knuckles said with a pose and fireworks going off in the background. "seriously? fireworks? No one gives my entrance fireworks!" Knuckles continued to battle the robots, but eggman refused to give up. "luckily, I have other robots, that have already made it to your friends house." "oh no you don't!" said knuckles. He quickly headed to the homes of his friends. They were begin carried out by the robots. Knuckles picked them up and put them down somewhere else and destroyed the robots. He then went inside to do the same, only to find them watching tv. "all right, this is my favorite show! Pass the popcorn!" he then sat down with them and watched some tv. One show later Knuckles destroyed the robots and sent eggman flying, literally. "seriously, one does not simply get a giant slingshot–" and he flew off. "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo he ... Get more on ...
  • 13. What Does Shukhov Mean To Me I just spent twenty minutes trying to decide what I want for breakfast by reading over a 30–page nutrition guide. Then I cracked open my book and read, "Apart from sleep, the only time a prisoner lives for himself is ten minutes in the morning at breakfast, five minutes over dinner, and five at supper" (Solzhenitsyn 16). I spend a lot of time thinking about food, but I only take minutes to devour it. If it were up to me I could eat a half gallon of my favorite ice cream in one sitting. Shukhov, like many others today, could only dream about eating as much as his heart desired. No matter what or how much food he had, he always saved part of it. He was not just saving food, he was saving strength to both physically and mentally, get through the day. Shukhov's spoon was his most prized possession. That spoon was precious for a few reasons. It was with Shukhov during all of his trials and tribulations while in the gulag system. It represents his past experiences and dictates his future. It is symbolic of his identity and his history. It gives Shukhov ... Show more content on ... The harder he worked and the more favors he did for his fellow prisoners, the more food he got. An extra serving here and there can make the difference between life and death. Shukhov took advantage of that. "But Shukhov wasn't made that way– eight years in a camp couldn't change his nature. He worried about anything he could make use of, about every scrap of work he could do– nothing must be wasted without good reason" (Solzhenitsyn 105). I think Shukhov kept himself occupied by doing all of those odd jobs. He viewed repairing shoes, tailoring, and saving a spot in line as an opportunity to earn food, not as a job. He enjoyed working with his hands he was good at it and it gave him a sense of accomplishment, but what kept him going was the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Big Brother Research Paper Natalie I really like how you approached this subject. Showing how the media and some groups misinterpret government actions can be very eye opening to many people. I have family member, and work with people that are so set in this thinking that "Big Brother" is always looking over their shoulder, and collecting all kinds of information about them. I have tried to tell them that the government has way bigger issues to worry about than trying to learn about some middle class person living in the middle of Missouri. I think one of the biggest reasons so many people think that the government is always looking in their windows is the simple fact that many people outside the intelligence world have no idea what actually goes on, and how hard it can be to gather information. Do you think if the American public was more educated on what goes on within the intelligence agencies that they would lower their fear of ... Show more content on ... The first issue is that the everyday American would have a little more faith in the government. This group of people I believe is the majority of the American public, which some would call the educated voter. The second outcome of the government educating the American public, involves the group of people that believes that government is out to get them, these are the people that wear tin foil hats to protect themselves from the aliens. These people would take this new education and start spreading the rumors that the government did this just to distract the American public to actually what was going on. The third outcome involves the intelligence agencies and their ability to work in the shadows. If the American public is over educated on what goes on when collecting intelligence then so dose our enemies. Keeping the ability to allow these agencies to work in the dark is key. There has to be a balance between over educating and under ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Joseph Conrad Critical Lens Joseph Conrad, The Heart of Darkness Critical Lens Essay Racism, a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. ("Racism."Merriam–Webster) Prejudice, an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. ("Prejudice."Merriam–Webster) Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness perpetuates distinctiveness between black and white, primitive and civilized, ignorance and tradition, kinship and dissimilar. Often, Conrad portrays the Congo as a foil to Europe and the rest of civilization, implying that Africa is the "other" or lesser. Throughout the book, Africa is presented as a ... Show more content on ... Another mine on the cliff went off, followed by a slight shudder of the soil under my feet. The work was going on. The work! And this was the place where some of the helpers had withdrawn to die. They were dying slowly–it was very clear. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation, lying confusedly in the greenish gloom...the legality of time contracts, lost in uncongenial surroundings, fed on unfamiliar food, they sickened, became inefficient, and were then allowed to crawl away and rest. These moribund shapes were free as air–and nearly as thin." Whenever referring to the natives, Marlow has a sort of sympathy for their conditions yet invalidates the natives for the very same conditions amongst them, he cannot see them as equal because to him the natives are weakened and the severity of their weakness enforces their being animal like unlike his first encounter with the colonizers and white ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Tkam Djs Chapter 1 "Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it." Page 5 This quote is important to the narrator, because it upturns her feelings about her home. Chapter 2 " 'Your father does not know how to teach. You can have a seat now. ' I mumbled that I was sorry and retired meditating upon my crime." Page 17 This quote shows how Scout's teacher is mad at her because she knows how to read instead of being proud. It shows how closed minded some people in Maycomb were. Chapter 3 "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view– ' 'Sir? ' '–until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. '" Page 30 This quote shows the special bond between ... Show more content on ... Chapter 12 " 'It 's not necessary to tell all you know. It 's not ladylike –in the second place, folks don 't like to have someone around knowin ' more than they do. It aggravates 'em. You 're not gonna change any of them by talkin ' right, they 've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don 't want to learn there 's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language. '" Page 126 Calpurnia explains her understanding of different kinds of people. Calpurnia also sets an example for Scout by telling her what it means to be ladylike. Chapter 13 "I never understood her preoccupation with heredity. Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion, obliquely expressed, that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was." Page 130 Scout explains how differently she and Aunt Alexandra see the world. Scout is way younger, but has a more mature understanding of people than Aunt Alexandra. Chapter 14 " 'That 's because you can 't hold something in your mind but a little while, ' said Jem. 'It 's different with grown folks, we– ' His maddening superiority was unbearable these days. He did not want to do anything but read and go off by himself." Page 138 This shows how Jem thinks he is way more mature than Scout, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Hw 1-Logic Essay Philosophy 201–Practical Logic Loyola University New Orleans Ben Bayer Summer 2012 Homework #1 DUE: Tuesday, September 11th, (at 11:59pm, just before midnight) Directions For each of the listed fallacious arguments, select an answer to each of questions (a) and (b). For both (a) and (b), select ONE AND ONLY ONE answer from (i) through (vii). For most of the answers in (b) you will need to fill in the specified blanks with details from the argument to fully explain your answer. Please copy and paste the text of your answers for both (a) and (b) into your submission. For part (b) answers, type over the underscore, preferably in capital letters, to complete your answer. Problems 1. A breadbox is ... Show more content on ... But this premise is the very idea most in need of proof. It is especially controversial because__________________. xxv. Because a key concept, __________________, is implicitly redefined to make the conclusion come out as true. A more ordinary definition of that concept is something like __________________. xxvi. The premise, __________________, is false. We know this because __________________. xxvii. Because the conclusion is immediately restated through the use of words with identical meaning: __________________ means the same as __________________. xxviii. The idea most in need of proof , __________________, is being taken for granted as true, which we can tell because __________________. 3. The new oil pipeline will only cause a massive increase in noxious effluent. Therefore, we can conclude that it will result in an upswing in toxic pollution. e. What is the specific name of the error or fallacy? xxix. Premises are not known to be true: at least one is false xxx. Begging the question: mere restatement xxxi. Begging the question: restatement through synonymy xxxii. Begging the question: circular reasoning xxxiii. Begging the question: implicit controversial premises xxxiv. Begging the question: arbitrary redefinition of terms xxxv. Begging the question: other f. How do know that this fallacy is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Power Elite Summary C. Wright Mills was a very bright American sociologist, he is best known for introducing us to many controversial theories. In his book "The Power Elite," he talks about the corruption that exists within our democracy. Mills talks about a concept called "the revolving door," which states that there is only a certain amount of people who hold all the power in their hands, and these same people will move from one seat of institutional power to another, in a revolving door matter. In today's society, I think that this behavior is a lot more common and obvious. We often see this happen with CEO's moving into a government position, and the problems that come with this is that they will more than likely vote in favor of laws which will benefit their ... Show more content on ... American politics, as discussed and voted and campaigned for, have largely to do with these middle levels, and often only with them. Most 'political' news is news and gossip about middle–level issues and conflicts (The Power Elite, C Wright Mills.)" When we fail to lift the veil and look at what is happening behind the scenes, we don't have a choice but to believe the things that the media is trying to feed us. Most of the news that you see on TV or hear on the radio is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't mean to sound like I'm in a tin foil hat, but I firmly believe that the news that we are shown aren't the true problems, I think that it is important to dig deeper and find the real problems, but not only that, it is important to know the cause of these problems. It is 2018 and almost impossible to get away from sites trying to feed us "fake news," whether you're on Facebook or surfing the web, you will almost always encounter some sort of news article talking about things that shouldn't even make the news, such as celebrity drama. Why aren't people being enlightened about the real problems happening before our eyes, such as our government constantly passing laws which will really benefit only the corporations? Or Americas' CEO's pay to average worker ratio, which is ridiculous? Well, because it is not in the best interest of the government nor the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. New World Order in Conspiracy Theory ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– New World Order (conspiracy theory) This article is about the use of the term New World Order in conspiracy theory. For other uses, see New World Order (disambiguation). The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S one–dollar bill since 1935, means "New Order of the Ages" and only alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation–state, but is often improperly translated by conspiracy theorists as "New World Order".[1] In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a ... Show more content on ... Thus, activists around the globe formed a world federalist movement bent on creating a "real" new world order.[11] In the 1940s, British writer and futurist H. G. Wells would go further by appropriating and redefining the term "new world order" as a synonym for the establishment of a scientifically–managed world state and socialist economy.[12] During the Red Scare of 1947–1957, conspiracy theorists of the American secular and Christian right increasingly embraced and mongered unfounded fears of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Jews being the driving force behind an "international communist conspiracy". The threat ofworld communism in the form of a state atheistic and bureaucratic collectivist world government, demonized as a "Red Menace", therefore became the main focus of apocalyptic millenarian conspiracism.[13] In the 1960s, right–wing populist individuals and groups with a producerist worldview, such as members of the John Birch Society, disseminated a great deal of conspiracy theories claiming that the governments of both the United States and the Soviet ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Andy Warhol Essay Andy Warhol Works Cited Missing "I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about... I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do it because I like it is Andy's philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and at the same time the most confusing individual you will ever read about. Andy's work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the idea of mass media on values. Andy's father Ondrej Wharhola is best described as a bald, burly man with a bulging belly and massive upper arms, pudgy nose and bristling sideburns. Ondrej was born in 1889 in Minkova. (Bekris, 6) He was married and living ... Show more content on ... This might explain Andy's later fascination with death related topics. In 1930 Andy's father got a steady job laying roads and moving houses. This was a high paying job at the time because of the mass rate of growth in the cities. Ondrej saved his money and one–year later moved his family into a larger house on Beelan Street. Shortly after moving into the house Ondrej lost his job and was forced to move into a two–bedroom apartment. The rent was six dollars a week and Andy's father had to work odd jobs to just barley pay the rent. It was not just Andy and his parents. Andy had two other brothers, one older and one younger. All three of the children were said to be afraid of their father. "Dad didn't like us to start commotion because he was so exhausted and he would get emotionally upset. Usually all he had to do was look at you." (Beckris 12) Andy always had a problem with grammar school. He was not a social child and preferred to keep to himself. As most children do, they saw this in Andy and picked on him frequently. (Bekris, 18) Andy's brother Paul stated, "At age four Andy cried a lot at school and one day a little black girl slapped him" (Beckris 15) He was very traumatized by this incident and asked his mother if she could keep him home from school. As the loving mother she was, she took Andy out of school and kept him home for two years. Over this time he became very close to his mother. When it was time ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Remember The Perpetrator Essay Remember, the perpetrator can create multiple diseases simultaneously to make the victim restless, angry, and loose cool. But I suffered through all these calmly; I know this is the only way to win. Winning is important because I take this as a game, and If I fail, then disappointed and angry. I am not expecting to win all the time, I am aware. Finally, I have to surrender. Now I am on the verge of defeat. The perpetrators put me to sleep for a few hours several times in a day when I was sitting on my sofa, defenseless, unable to keep awake, and then they stream pulses to my ears. When I woke up, I felt severe burning sensation in both ears as if someone has inserted a screwdriver and mildly twisted. What are they doing? Damage my brain or, ... Show more content on ... I wore a diaper when I went on long trips and traveled by taxi. Now I have the pass to ride access bus–a bus service for disabled people––, so I can reach the destination faster than the regular bus. Other diseases the perpetrators can create: change the skin color, coughing, sneezing, cold, etc. The intensity and frequency of the diseases depend on how badly the perpetrator wants to torture the victim. Here only mentioned a few samples of diseases, but a multitude of diseases can be created simultaneously and make the victims' life miserable. The Perpetrators can control the muscles of a victim through the nervous system, so they could make the victim to move the limbs to touch another person. If the same symptoms always occur, then it could be due to microwave weapon attack, for example, feeling to itch at the tip of the nose when both hands are busy while washing the dishes. Many more cases such as: coughing while handling food, or on a telephone, runny nose or sneezing while having a meal or with people around, often feel tired, difficult to walk, joint pain, and frequent cold for a short duration, ... Get more on ...