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The Road Not Taken Response
1.The poem "The Road Not Taken" is about more than choosing a path, it is about choosing the path which you want. Despite the authors
contradiction in the second stanza by claiming that one path was "grassy and wanted wear" compared to the other, both paths are equal. This is
confirmed in the next two lines where it states "had worn them really about the same" which simply meant that both paths were equally used and
both bore a claim as well as the other. The idea behind the poem was that the person choosing the path chose the one which they wanted regardless of
what other people chose. 2.The theme of this poem is that people should do what they want in order to be happy in life. 3."Learning to Drive" can
easily fit the theme of the poem
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Road Not Taken Thesis
The poem I have selected for my topic is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874. He was Born in San
Francisco, his father, William Prescott Frost Jr., and his mother, Isabelle Moodie, moved there shortly after getting married in Pennsylvania. Robert's
dad died from tuberculosis when he was eleven years of age. He then moved in with his mother and sister, Jeanie, in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His
only sister, Jeanie, was two years younger than him, at the age of nine when he moved in with them.
Whenever he was in high school he started picking up the hobby of reading in writing. He graduated high school and attended Dartmouth College,
located in Hanover, New Hampshire. He then enrolled to Harvard University
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Poetry Essay
Shamyra Thompson
Liberty University
Poetry Essay Outline
"A Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
Thesis: In the poem "A Road Not Taken", Robert Frost shares how sometimes in life one has to make decisions rather they're good or bad. However
there are consequences following one's decisions and choices. One can use their second chance by looking forward and choosing to take the right paths
in life.
I.Mood & Theme
a.The poem's author, Robert Frost, focuses on the theme and the mood by representing the choices and decisions that have to be made.
b.In the ending of the poem, regret is displayed after realizing the wrong choices were made.
II.Poetic Devices & Figurative Language
a.Reading this poem, more content...
Although Robert Frost shares how sometimes in life one has to make decisions
rather they're good or bad, however there are consequences following one's decisions
and choices. One can use their second chance by looking forward and choosing to take
the right paths in life.
Mood & Theme
In this poem written by author Robert Frost, the poem focuses on the theme and
the mood by representing the choices and decisions that have to be made. The whole
poem is based on someone who spends time throughout his traveling journey making
choices and knowing that making the wrong choices can't be taken back once the choices
and decisions have been made. In the poem Frost wrote, "Two roads diverged in a yellow
wood, And sorry I could not travel both."(Frost, 1916) This is his way of setting the
mood for the readers to get a better understanding of where he was coming from as he
explains how there are different paths in life one can take, but one can only take one at a
time in hopes of making the right decision. Frost developed metaphors such as "Two
roads diverged in a yellow wood" (Frost, 1916) throughout the poem.
Poetic Devices & Figurative
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The Meaning Of The Road Not Taken Essay
In this generation, people copy other people by their actions and the things that they buy. During school, most girls wear the same shoes, and they think
it is cool to own expensive well–known shoes such as Nike and Addidas. Shoes are shoes at the end my point is why don't people just do their own
thing and buy what they love, not what they assume to love. Well, the poem the road not taken by Robert frost is about two roads, let's say the right
is travelled by most people and the left is travelled by less people. I am a person that likes to be different and unique and I am against people who like
to copy other people.
When social media was created a while ago, people would always stick with something was trending, especially now, just because a celebrity bought
hoverboard; a self–balancing two wheeled board, that doesn't mean that everybody should get it. Social media caused all of this and made people
waste money on the stupidest things that instead we could all make something better and more meaningful to help the world be a better world not
worse. The road not taken relates to me in so many different ways and it explains things that I see around me. It has a deep meaning of what life is now. more content...
And I would try turning it into something even better than what is trending. Sometimes I buy plain shirts and put on my favorite picture on the internet,
and if people asked me from where I bought it, I would say I made it by myself and I could inspire them to make their own shirts. Sometimes i wish
if I was like a celebrity and do all of the things that celebrities do, they get what they want and everything is right in front of them, other times I want
to be cool and wear all of the expensive and trendy stuff, but being yourself is the best feeling a person could ever
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Literary Analysis
ВЃ "The Road Not Taken"
Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" describes a traveler faced with a choice of which one of two roads to travel. He knows not where either
road might lead. In order to continue on his journey, he can pick only one road. He scrutinizes both roads for the possibilities of where they may take
him in his travels. Frost's traveler realizes that regret is inevitable. Regardless of his choice, he knows that he will miss the experiences he might have
encountered on the road not taken.
Images in the poem reflect the difficulties of the choice the traveler faces. The difficulty is shown in the passage "long I stood" (3) more content...
He predicts that he will always remember this moment of choice and will be telling it "with a sigh" (16) when he is old. His choice will have made
"all the difference" (20) and affected his whole journey. Frost creates a tone of inevitability that no matter what the choice, there will always be regret.
Frost presents the traveler's choice of paths as a metaphor for the difficult decisions a person must make in life. The divergent paths are the
choices to be made at various points along the way. Regardless of how he tries, the traveler cannot see beyond where the path is "bent in the
undergrowth" (5). Likewise, nobody can predict what effect one choice will have on his life. The traveler sees the two paths as very similar or "just
as fair" (6). As much as the traveler would like to return to the diverging roads, he realizes that he will not get another chance to travel the other path.
With maturity comes a resignation that a choice has affected a person's life and there is no going back. He also tries to make the best of his decision
by saying that it has "made all the difference." (20).
In "The Road Not Taken", images of the bright woods and wide open opportunity to choose are contrasted with the indecision and regret of only being
able to travel one path. Word choice and a slight sorrowful tone reinforce the theme of regret. Frost presents divergent roads as a metaphor for the
choices a person must make in life. The traveler's rueful resignation that
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Examples Of Imagery In The Road Not Taken
Imagery in "The Road Not Taken" "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is about a man having to make a decision between two paths. The
narrator finds himself at a fork in the road, and considers both options carefully before making a decision. Throughout the poem, Frost uses imagery
to frequently display indecisiveness, in addition to fear and regret. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/And sorry I could not travel both" (1–2) is
the first depiction of indecisiveness within the poem. There are two possible paths, and the narrator cannot decide between them. "And be one
traveler, long I stood/And looked down one as far I could" (3–4). In this passage the narrator tries to identify the end of each path in order to come to a
conclusion, more content...
"And looked down one as far as I could/To where it bent in the undergrowth" (4–5). When the narrator looks down the first path, he shows uncertainty
due to the undergrowth. The uncertainty breeds fear within the narrator, and the undergrowth represents potential danger and an unpleasant fate. "Then
took the other, as just as fair/And having perhaps the better claim/Because it was grassy and wanted wear" (6–8). With the knowledge that the first
path proves undesirable, the second path is chosen, although it "wanted wear". This implies that few people have taken that path before. Plagued
with the fear of the unknown, the narrator chooses the seemingly easier route. The decision of the narrator displays how fear of the unknown can
interfere with the decision making process. The narrator shows signs of regret throughout the poem, even before he decided which path to travel.
"And sorry I could not travel both" (2). He apologizes for having to choose one path, and regrets that he cannot take both. This regret carries on
throughout the rest of the poem. "I shall be telling this with a sigh" (16). The narrator claims to have taken "the path less traveled by" (19), while the
sigh implies that he regrets his decision. The final statement "And that has made all the difference" (20) shows the importance of decisions made in
every day life, and how they can have an impact on individual
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The Road Not Taken
My own Analysis of the poem "The Road Not Taken"
The poem "The Road Not Taken" is a piece of literature written by the American poet Robert Frost. Its genre is poetry. It is considered poetry because
of its structure. It has a distinct numbered group of lines in verse normally called stanza.
The structure used in Robert Frost poem varies with different types of poetry and can be seen in the structural elements that it includes the line,
couplet, and stanza. It is a straight forward series of five line stanzas and each stanza presents a single idea. Its form is a traditional poetry which is
iambic pentameter, where each stanza has the same amount of lines. In the poem, it has five lines in every canto with twenty lines in all. This form of more content...
It shows here how our decision would affect us in the later years. If I am twenty two now and whatever road I take will probably impact my life as I
reach thirty. "The Road Not Taken" reminds us of the consequences of the principle of selection in all aspects of life, namely that all choices in
knowledge or in action exclude many others and lead to an ironic recognitions of our achievements.
There are three tenses of verbs used in the poem; the present, past, and future. The poem leads us to travel from present, going to the past after the
present situation and directing us to the future. It started from a person who travels to take one road out of the two roads, going on to the experience
of 'what' when the road to take was chosen and directs us to 'what' of next afterwards.
In the final stanza, the use of the word 'shall' signals the change of tense to future, we hear a different story, one that will be told "with a sigh" or one
that will set out a deep audible breath of weariness or sorrow and "ages and ages hence" which means sometime or somewhere a long time later . At
that imagined time and unspecified place, the voice will have nobly simplified and exalted the whole impetuous matter into a deliberate one of taking
the "less travelled"
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The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essays
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
In his poem "The Road Not Taken" Frost's theme is about how the choices one makes affect life. When we come to a fork in the road, a decision
needs to be made. Both paths are different and choosing the right one – if there is a right one – will depend on where we have been. Each choice that we
make plays out differently in our lives. We can look back and wonder what would have happened if we choose differently. But that is outweighed in
what we would have missed. Each choice affects who we are, where we are going, and moreover our lives.
The persona had two roads to chose from and wonders what would have happened had he taken the other road. Frost's title reflects this. The first three more content...
And that at this point in time one of the roads must be chosen.
After the choice of roads is described and considered, Frost writes "Oh, I kept the first for another day! /Yet knowing how way leads on to way, /I
doubted if I should ever come back." This is where the narrator makes his choice. Here, he knows he is bound by that choice. He wants to hold on
to the other possibility, but knows this cannot be. His choice becomes the road taken. The choice he did not make, becomes "The Road Not
Taken." He takes the other road that is "grassy and wanted wear." The road he chooses has a "better claim," because it is the road that is less
traveled on. By taking this road, a clue to his personality is revealed. He is the type of person that wants to try something new and different. He
makes the choice based on who he is and what choices he has made in the past. Knowing that this choice will again change his life and bring him new
In the third stanza, the image of the leaves that cover the ground have not been stepped on and "no step had trodden black," indicates that no one has
walked down the road since the leaves have fallen, therefore describing a road not traveled. That path does not fit who he is at this juncture in life. "I
kept the first for another day," relates to his desire to travel down both paths. "knowing how way leads on to
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In the Robert Frost poem ''The Road Not Taken'' there is a pervasive and in many ways intrinsic sense of journey throughout. In such, the poem
explores an aspect associated with human decision, or indecision, relative to the oxymoron, that choices with the least the difference should bear the
most indifference, but realistically, carry the most difficulty. This is conveyed through the use of several pivotal techniques. Where the first such
instance is the use of an extended metaphor, where the poem as a whole becomes a literary embodiment of something more, the journey of life. The
second technique used is the writing style of first person. Where in using this, the reader can depict a clear train of thought from the walker and more content...
Wherein this is the extent of the metaphor, where in this poem it is a changeable anomaly subject to the readers interpretation of taking the road less
travelled and whether it be a positive (sigh of satisfaction) or negative (sigh of regret). This is all one can hope when using a metaphor relating to the
readers life, that they substitute their own feelings and create their own meaning, their own attitude towards to such decisions and subsequently, such
Furthermore, we have the use of first person, where the almost universal effect is to have an in–depth look into the character and their immediate
response to a problem or dilemma. This poem no different, where in the first stanza we are ushered in with the use of anaphora in lines 2, 3 and 4 with
the repetition of the word ''and''. This specific use of anaphora is used to create the mindset and intelligible deduction of the traveller to the events
and dilemma prescribed to him. Insofar as his immediate reaction be being presented with a choice. It shows his reaction of regret in that he is
''sorry he could not travel both'' and explains what he wish he could do ''be two travellers'' but also how he initiates his decision making process ''looked
down one as far as I could''. Also, the use of first person is used to connect with the reader, enforcing the affore–used notion that the reader substitutes
their own personal truth into a positive
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The Road Not Taken Essay
"The Road Not Taken", written by Robert Frost, is an intriguing poem in which the speaker finds himself caught in a fork in the road upon needing
to choose between two roads. When comparing the two paths, the speaker decides on taking the road that is less traveled by and subsequently voices
why he chose that road and the outcome. Robert Frost is an American poet and author. He was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, and is well
known for writing poems, "The Road Not Taken" being his most famous. He began writing poetry in high school, and though never earning a formal
college degree, he attended both Dartmouth College in Hanover and Harvard University in Boston. He credits his wife, Elinor Miriam for being his
major inspiration for more content...
He conveys his uncertainty of which path he should take, and compares the two roads in order to convince himself which one he should take. Up until
this point, his tone is neither optimistic nor pessimistic and does not imply whether his choice was a good one or a bad one. However, reading the last
stanza, you understand that the speaker's tone has changed to a more satisfied one. He is pleased with the road he took, as it has "made all the
difference." From a different perspective, upon reading the fourth stanza, you can understand that the speaker has changed to a morose, and possibly
regretful tone, and in the first line, the speaker states that he "shall be telling this with a sigh." This shows that the speaker is convinced he regrets his
choice. At the start of the poem when the speaker mentions "yellow wood", the color yellow sets you into a warm, kind mood. Then, throughout the
first two stanzas the speaker is trying to pick which road to take. This makes the readers want to know which path he is taking and why. This puts the
readers in a mood of anticipatory, or in the mood to find out more and to find out what will happen
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The Road Not Taken
Although most haven't read it in its entirety, Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken," is one of the most popular American poems of the twentieth
century. The story is often misremembered as the tale of an adventurer who chooses the path where fewer have been. Frost begins his poem with
juxtaposing two roads diverging in a wood. He cannot see very far ahead on either path. The narrator is a quintessential nonconformist when he,
theoretically, "choose[s] the one less traveled by." (19) Frost presents a classic conflict: the decision between the common, easy path and the
exceptional, challenging path. The road less traveled is more challenging to travel because the reader assumes there is a reason he road more traveled is
more traveled more content...
The speaker says that both roads are equally beautiful, and also equally worn. He says he will leave the first path for another day, then admits to
himself: "Yet knowing how way leads on to way, / I doubted if I should ever come back." (14–15) The speaker never fully rules out taking the road less
traveled, and never officially denies that he will come back. Yet, he admits to himself that one choice leads to another and most likely he will
never journey back to the fork and be faced with the same decision. The speaker anticipates the regret he will feel when "telling this with a sigh"
(16) based on his decision no matter which path he takes. But in the last stanza the speaker argues he should not feel any regret because it does not
matter either way. The narrator says how he will someday look back and claim "with a sigh" that choosing the "one less traveled ... made all the
difference." He knows that he will comfort himself by saying that the choices he has made have lead to the place he is in his life, when, in reality, his
position is a combination of his choices and chance. He knows that his choice was really arbitrary, and his destiny will likely not be impacted his
outcome either way. In this last stanza, the speaker acknowledges the stereotype of the
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The Road Not Taken Analysis Essay
The Road not Taken (Analysis) In my ninth grade, I came across Robert Frost's work of the Road not Taken. Although I have been an avid reader of
several other literary works such as Shakespeare, Ernest Hemmingway, George Orwell, Joseph Conrad, Frost's work has been of great influence in my
life so far. In the book, the author combines creative and technical writing styles to bring forth the understanding of how difficult situations could be
challenging in making significant decisions (Frost and Untermeyer 62). Additionally, the book is influencing in educating individuals on the need for
proper choices when making crucial decisions in life. From the onset, the author pits humans against two different paths where they need to make
difficult choices that are characteristic of presenting dilemma. The character in the book chose to travel the road less used. However, Frost is keen not to
reveal to the audience whether the character made the right choice or not although the he acknowledges that, the choice had a significant impact on the
man's life.
Judging the book's title, one recognizes the presentation of the theme of nonconformity and uniqueness. However, it becomes apparent that the road not
taken is an implication that the narrator more content...
The figurative meaning of the poem is obvious since it describes tough choices we have to make, especially during a dilemma. The first literary
device of metaphor of the yellow nature to mean autumn occurs in the beginning of the woods and has the effect of making choices at old age or at
the fall of one's life. The second literary device to be discussed is that of antithesis and occurs in the first stanza where the traveller wishes to "travel
both" roads at the same time. The device has the effect of explaining confusion and lack of a definite choice of
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The Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost
Opportunity is the major theme in "The Road Not Taken," "Love and a Question," and "Asking for Roses." In all of these poems, there is a decision
that needs to be made. Will it be right or wrong? There is no way of knowing if the choice they make is, until they choose. There are many
opportunities in life and chances that people should or should not take, but the choice is upon them. One famous poem by Robert Frost is "The Road
Not Taken." In this poem, Frost tells of someone who has stopped at a fork in the road and is trying to choose between two paths. The two paths are
both long but he can only choose one. In the end, he chooses the one that not many people go through. The paths in the poem symbolize a choice. His
choice is about more content...
There is a strong sense of choosing right from wrong in each poem. In "The Road Not Taken," the man chose a path. In the poem, it could also be
talking about Frost's career decision. Frost could have become anything he wished, but he became a poet. The sigh in the poem could mean that
he regretted his career, but in "A 1925 Letter Come to Light," he stated that he was not a remorseful person. In "Asking for Roses," the couple
chose to ask rather than steal the roses. In Frost's daily life, he followed a strict code or motto. This motto was revealed in "The Daily Living of
Robert Frost." It was carpe diem, or seize the day. In the poem "Asking for Roses," the rose that fell symbolizes that. It meant to seized the day
before there were no more to seize. The final poem "Love and a Question," the husband chose to keep the wife safe and comfortable and to give the
stranger money, food, and the promise of keeping him in their prayers. This was the same as the romance between Frost and Elinor White. The
husband wanted to protect his wife, as did Frost. In "Robert Frost's: Love Question," they say that Frost was absorbing love, the main factor in human
life that caused pain and pleasure. The poems were about Frost and taking chances. In taking chances in life, people can find new ways to explore and
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Road Not Taken Essay
Critical essay for "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear:
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence:
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Every human throughout the course of more content...
This road represents life's easy way out. Because it has been more traveled by, it is a much more common and predictable way of going through life.
For the most part, if this road is chosen the outcome is predetermined and the traveler can rest at ease with the knowledge of the direction his life is
heading. Everyone in life is presented the more common path. Many say the world is made up of leaders and followers. The followers take this
path because it is the popular and easy way of achieving simple goals. The other, however, is covered with tall grass and has few trail marks or
footprints. This is the road the writer decides to take, which, I believe shows remarkable things about his personality. The people that avoid following
group ideas and patterns are the people more likely to create change and make a difference in the world we live in. These people are willing to take
chances and accept the consequences, should they fail.
These people, for the most part are proud and creative. This world would be a completely different place if we were without risk takers. Every great
achievement in history occurred because someone decided to take a different direction in order to create change. I greatly admire the writer for this
and he should become something everyone strives to become. I think the reason people in general take the easier path is because it helps them feel
secure and aware of what the future
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The Road Not Taken
Choices of Life
All people are travelers, all choosing their paths on a map of their life. "The great thing about man for Frost is that he has the power of standing still
where he is." There is never a straight road there are always curves and turns in which one must encounter and act upon. Readers can interpret the
poem "The Road Not Taken" in many ways. It is a persons past, present and the way one see things, which determines their choices and paths they
follow. This poem shows how Frost believes that it is the road that you choose that makes you the person you are.
Decisions are always hard to make. It is impossible not to wonder what would have happened before you made your decision and what could have
happened after you made more content...
When the traveler is about to make his decision he "looks down one as far as I could". The road leads to the unknown, as do choices in life. When
he looks at the paths he does not know where they lead, nor does he have any knowledge of what he will encounter. He must choose which path he
will take and which one he will leave behind, the same way you decide what to choose in any choice of life. "Then took the other, just as fair, and
having perhaps the better claim," There is a reason that the path he chooses had the better claim "it was grassy and wanted wear;" It was not a
path for everyone because the other path was more worn and most people had traveled that one. He calls the path he chose "the road less traveled
by". The traveler's choice reflects his personality. It shows that he is an individual and does not follow the crowd. He wants to do what is
different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." The leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had
fallen no one has passed on the road. Frost does this because each time a person comes to the point where they have to make a choice, it is new to
them, somewhere they have never been, and they feel like no one else has either. "I kept the first for another day!" The desire to travel both paths is
not unusual, but "knowing how way leads on to way", the speaker of this poem realizes that the decision is not a temporary one and he "doubted if he
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Reflection Paper On The Road Not Taken
Response Paper "The Road Not Taken" "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost, is probably the most recognized poem in American culture. Anyone
who has graduated from middle school at least recognizes the words found in the poem's final stanza about the road less traveled and the difference it
has made (Frost 20), to which the poem's perceived themes of individual empowerment, and "follow your heart" decision–making, is attributed. This
considered, it's no surprise that I was considerably shocked to discover, upon inspection of the entire poem, that "The Road Not Taken" is not at all what
I thought, but is in fact self–contradictory, and thereby a criticism of the nature of human beings. The first thing that I noticed as I read through the
poem was that it didn't make sense because the conclusion that the narrator comes to, that he has taken the road less traveled, doesn't match up with
the experience that he describes having in the woods. The narrator arrives at a fork in the road and begins to look down one as far as he can,
describing it in detail. He then states that the other path was "... as just as fair," suggesting that it looks about the same (Frost 6). The narrator explains
that he took the other path, considering that it sat, "... having perhaps [my emphasis added] the better claim, / Because it was grassy and wanted wear;"
but quickly dismisses the thought in the following lines, "Though as for that the passing there / had worn them really about the same," (Frost
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Road Not Taken Figurative Language
In the poem, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, there were many uses of symbolism, imagery, and figurative language throughout the poem. The
poem also contains a significant and powerful theme.
There are many different types of symbolism in the poem, "The Road Not Taken". In line one of the poem, the author describes aroad that branches
into two distinct paths. This road may represent a choice in life one might face. They could take one path, or they could take another. In line five, the
author recounts the undergrowth he observed, and how it hid the two paths from his sight. This symbolizes the unknown. The choices in life one may
make always has an outcome or result, and sometimes that result is not clear. One may make a choice that
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The Road Not Taken Analysis
The Road Not Taken As I read and analyzed this poem I became aware that it is indeed a great poem and that the reader must dig deep in order to
find the true message of the poem. Careful readers shall not be tricked. The Basic Subject of the Poem The poem starts off with the title "The Road
Not Taken." At first sight this title could be used as foreshadow that the following poem will be about making a mistake, not making the right choice
(not taking the right road) therefore establishing a gloomy, mournful tone. It promises that the poem will be about a road not taken or the road that the
author does take "because it was grassy and wanted wear." Another possible foreshadow of the title is that in the poem it does not matter
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The same first line of the poem is repeated in the last stanza as well "Two roads diverged in a wood." Not word by word but it's still showing that
the author is at point zero; still. *Big Metaphor: Fork stands for all the crisis and decisions to make in a lifetime. Format of the Poem and Word
Choice This poem consists of four stanzas of five lines each. There is also a rhyming pattern that can be described as ABAAB. All the rhymes are
strict and masculine except for that peculiar last line. This rhyming patter adds to the fluency in which the poem in read out loud and, in my
opinion, it makes an emphasis on all the "B" rhymes of each stanza which have the more significance to the poem. The poem is written in
tetrameters. Difference in stressed and unstressed syllables in the poem not only do they contribute to the main meaning of the poem but they also
add a dramatic effect on the poem; taking longer or shorter periods of time on a specific syllable. Don't ask me how the syllables work out in the
poem. As specific words are being emphasized, the gloomy, mournful mood builds up throughout the poem. This is to a certain point in which the
poem clearly becomes ironic and not mournful and gloomy; otherwise the poem would be called "The Road Less Travelled." It is a simple irony, "I
took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." Beautiful build up by Robert Frost by using rhyme and metrics. Oddly enough the
last word ends with the
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The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essay examples
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" tells of someone faced with one of life's major decisions whereas only one direction can be chosen.
Whichever road is taken will be final and will determine the direction that their life takes. Frost writes this poem with a calm and collective
narration, spoken by the traveler, who is talking with himself trying to decide which road is the better choice. In line one Frost introduces the
diverging roads, which are his main metaphors. Diverging being the key word in this line because it suggests that the traveler must make a choice.
Line two the traveler expresses his grief of not being able to travel both. Yet, the choice is not easy, since "long I stood" (3) more content...
The exclamation point after line 13 conveys excitement, but that excitement is severed by his admission in the following lines. "way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back"(14). In the final stanza, lines 16–20 the tone of the poem changes completely. This is the only stanza that begins
with a new sentence, indicating that it is a stronger break from the previous ideas. The speaker puts himself in a future situation discussing his life.
What he states here seems to contradict what he has said earlier. From his future prospective he says that the paths where different and that he did not
choose the one most traveled by. Perhaps he will in the future actually believe this and he only wishes that he could choose in the present "the one less
traveled by."(20) "The Road Not Taken" was written with standard, simple diction. The most complex word used is "trodden"(12). The majority of the
lines contain nine syllables. This structure is maintained throughout the entire poem. The stanzas are arranged like that of a thought. One continues to
undermine the other, much like decision making. Our first thoughts are always second–guessed by our second and so forth until we make our final
decision, which cancels out all that was thought before. This is what Frost manages to do in the arrangement of his stanzas. Imagery is the primary
concept of this work. The two roads are each described in such a way that the reader can easy
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The Road Not Taken Response

  • 1. The Road Not Taken Response 1.The poem "The Road Not Taken" is about more than choosing a path, it is about choosing the path which you want. Despite the authors contradiction in the second stanza by claiming that one path was "grassy and wanted wear" compared to the other, both paths are equal. This is confirmed in the next two lines where it states "had worn them really about the same" which simply meant that both paths were equally used and both bore a claim as well as the other. The idea behind the poem was that the person choosing the path chose the one which they wanted regardless of what other people chose. 2.The theme of this poem is that people should do what they want in order to be happy in life. 3."Learning to Drive" can easily fit the theme of the poem Get more content on
  • 2. Road Not Taken Thesis The poem I have selected for my topic is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874. He was Born in San Francisco, his father, William Prescott Frost Jr., and his mother, Isabelle Moodie, moved there shortly after getting married in Pennsylvania. Robert's dad died from tuberculosis when he was eleven years of age. He then moved in with his mother and sister, Jeanie, in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His only sister, Jeanie, was two years younger than him, at the age of nine when he moved in with them. Whenever he was in high school he started picking up the hobby of reading in writing. He graduated high school and attended Dartmouth College, located in Hanover, New Hampshire. He then enrolled to Harvard University Get more content on
  • 3. Poetry Essay Shamyra Thompson Liberty University Poetry Essay Outline "A Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost Thesis: In the poem "A Road Not Taken", Robert Frost shares how sometimes in life one has to make decisions rather they're good or bad. However there are consequences following one's decisions and choices. One can use their second chance by looking forward and choosing to take the right paths in life. I.Mood & Theme a.The poem's author, Robert Frost, focuses on the theme and the mood by representing the choices and decisions that have to be made. b.In the ending of the poem, regret is displayed after realizing the wrong choices were made. II.Poetic Devices & Figurative Language a.Reading this poem, more content... Although Robert Frost shares how sometimes in life one has to make decisions rather they're good or bad, however there are consequences following one's decisions and choices. One can use their second chance by looking forward and choosing to take
  • 4. the right paths in life. Mood & Theme In this poem written by author Robert Frost, the poem focuses on the theme and the mood by representing the choices and decisions that have to be made. The whole poem is based on someone who spends time throughout his traveling journey making choices and knowing that making the wrong choices can't be taken back once the choices and decisions have been made. In the poem Frost wrote, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both."(Frost, 1916) This is his way of setting the mood for the readers to get a better understanding of where he was coming from as he explains how there are different paths in life one can take, but one can only take one at a time in hopes of making the right decision. Frost developed metaphors such as "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" (Frost, 1916) throughout the poem. Poetic Devices & Figurative Get more content on
  • 5. The Meaning Of The Road Not Taken Essay In this generation, people copy other people by their actions and the things that they buy. During school, most girls wear the same shoes, and they think it is cool to own expensive well–known shoes such as Nike and Addidas. Shoes are shoes at the end my point is why don't people just do their own thing and buy what they love, not what they assume to love. Well, the poem the road not taken by Robert frost is about two roads, let's say the right is travelled by most people and the left is travelled by less people. I am a person that likes to be different and unique and I am against people who like to copy other people. When social media was created a while ago, people would always stick with something was trending, especially now, just because a celebrity bought hoverboard; a self–balancing two wheeled board, that doesn't mean that everybody should get it. Social media caused all of this and made people waste money on the stupidest things that instead we could all make something better and more meaningful to help the world be a better world not worse. The road not taken relates to me in so many different ways and it explains things that I see around me. It has a deep meaning of what life is now. more content... And I would try turning it into something even better than what is trending. Sometimes I buy plain shirts and put on my favorite picture on the internet, and if people asked me from where I bought it, I would say I made it by myself and I could inspire them to make their own shirts. Sometimes i wish if I was like a celebrity and do all of the things that celebrities do, they get what they want and everything is right in front of them, other times I want to be cool and wear all of the expensive and trendy stuff, but being yourself is the best feeling a person could ever Get more content on
  • 6. Literary Analysis ВЃ "The Road Not Taken" Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" describes a traveler faced with a choice of which one of two roads to travel. He knows not where either road might lead. In order to continue on his journey, he can pick only one road. He scrutinizes both roads for the possibilities of where they may take him in his travels. Frost's traveler realizes that regret is inevitable. Regardless of his choice, he knows that he will miss the experiences he might have encountered on the road not taken. Images in the poem reflect the difficulties of the choice the traveler faces. The difficulty is shown in the passage "long I stood" (3) more content... He predicts that he will always remember this moment of choice and will be telling it "with a sigh" (16) when he is old. His choice will have made "all the difference" (20) and affected his whole journey. Frost creates a tone of inevitability that no matter what the choice, there will always be regret. Frost presents the traveler's choice of paths as a metaphor for the difficult decisions a person must make in life. The divergent paths are the choices to be made at various points along the way. Regardless of how he tries, the traveler cannot see beyond where the path is "bent in the undergrowth" (5). Likewise, nobody can predict what effect one choice will have on his life. The traveler sees the two paths as very similar or "just as fair" (6). As much as the traveler would like to return to the diverging roads, he realizes that he will not get another chance to travel the other path. With maturity comes a resignation that a choice has affected a person's life and there is no going back. He also tries to make the best of his decision by saying that it has "made all the difference." (20). In "The Road Not Taken", images of the bright woods and wide open opportunity to choose are contrasted with the indecision and regret of only being able to travel one path. Word choice and a slight sorrowful tone reinforce the theme of regret. Frost presents divergent roads as a metaphor for the choices a person must make in life. The traveler's rueful resignation that Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Imagery In The Road Not Taken Imagery in "The Road Not Taken" "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is about a man having to make a decision between two paths. The narrator finds himself at a fork in the road, and considers both options carefully before making a decision. Throughout the poem, Frost uses imagery to frequently display indecisiveness, in addition to fear and regret. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/And sorry I could not travel both" (1–2) is the first depiction of indecisiveness within the poem. There are two possible paths, and the narrator cannot decide between them. "And be one traveler, long I stood/And looked down one as far I could" (3–4). In this passage the narrator tries to identify the end of each path in order to come to a conclusion, more content... "And looked down one as far as I could/To where it bent in the undergrowth" (4–5). When the narrator looks down the first path, he shows uncertainty due to the undergrowth. The uncertainty breeds fear within the narrator, and the undergrowth represents potential danger and an unpleasant fate. "Then took the other, as just as fair/And having perhaps the better claim/Because it was grassy and wanted wear" (6–8). With the knowledge that the first path proves undesirable, the second path is chosen, although it "wanted wear". This implies that few people have taken that path before. Plagued with the fear of the unknown, the narrator chooses the seemingly easier route. The decision of the narrator displays how fear of the unknown can interfere with the decision making process. The narrator shows signs of regret throughout the poem, even before he decided which path to travel. "And sorry I could not travel both" (2). He apologizes for having to choose one path, and regrets that he cannot take both. This regret carries on throughout the rest of the poem. "I shall be telling this with a sigh" (16). The narrator claims to have taken "the path less traveled by" (19), while the sigh implies that he regrets his decision. The final statement "And that has made all the difference" (20) shows the importance of decisions made in every day life, and how they can have an impact on individual Get more content on
  • 8. The Road Not Taken My own Analysis of the poem "The Road Not Taken" The poem "The Road Not Taken" is a piece of literature written by the American poet Robert Frost. Its genre is poetry. It is considered poetry because of its structure. It has a distinct numbered group of lines in verse normally called stanza. The structure used in Robert Frost poem varies with different types of poetry and can be seen in the structural elements that it includes the line, couplet, and stanza. It is a straight forward series of five line stanzas and each stanza presents a single idea. Its form is a traditional poetry which is iambic pentameter, where each stanza has the same amount of lines. In the poem, it has five lines in every canto with twenty lines in all. This form of more content... It shows here how our decision would affect us in the later years. If I am twenty two now and whatever road I take will probably impact my life as I reach thirty. "The Road Not Taken" reminds us of the consequences of the principle of selection in all aspects of life, namely that all choices in knowledge or in action exclude many others and lead to an ironic recognitions of our achievements. There are three tenses of verbs used in the poem; the present, past, and future. The poem leads us to travel from present, going to the past after the present situation and directing us to the future. It started from a person who travels to take one road out of the two roads, going on to the experience of 'what' when the road to take was chosen and directs us to 'what' of next afterwards. In the final stanza, the use of the word 'shall' signals the change of tense to future, we hear a different story, one that will be told "with a sigh" or one that will set out a deep audible breath of weariness or sorrow and "ages and ages hence" which means sometime or somewhere a long time later . At that imagined time and unspecified place, the voice will have nobly simplified and exalted the whole impetuous matter into a deliberate one of taking the "less travelled" Get more content on
  • 9. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essays The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost In his poem "The Road Not Taken" Frost's theme is about how the choices one makes affect life. When we come to a fork in the road, a decision needs to be made. Both paths are different and choosing the right one – if there is a right one – will depend on where we have been. Each choice that we make plays out differently in our lives. We can look back and wonder what would have happened if we choose differently. But that is outweighed in what we would have missed. Each choice affects who we are, where we are going, and moreover our lives. The persona had two roads to chose from and wonders what would have happened had he taken the other road. Frost's title reflects this. The first three more content... And that at this point in time one of the roads must be chosen. After the choice of roads is described and considered, Frost writes "Oh, I kept the first for another day! /Yet knowing how way leads on to way, /I doubted if I should ever come back." This is where the narrator makes his choice. Here, he knows he is bound by that choice. He wants to hold on to the other possibility, but knows this cannot be. His choice becomes the road taken. The choice he did not make, becomes "The Road Not Taken." He takes the other road that is "grassy and wanted wear." The road he chooses has a "better claim," because it is the road that is less traveled on. By taking this road, a clue to his personality is revealed. He is the type of person that wants to try something new and different. He makes the choice based on who he is and what choices he has made in the past. Knowing that this choice will again change his life and bring him new experiences. In the third stanza, the image of the leaves that cover the ground have not been stepped on and "no step had trodden black," indicates that no one has walked down the road since the leaves have fallen, therefore describing a road not traveled. That path does not fit who he is at this juncture in life. "I kept the first for another day," relates to his desire to travel down both paths. "knowing how way leads on to Get more content on
  • 10. In the Robert Frost poem ''The Road Not Taken'' there is a pervasive and in many ways intrinsic sense of journey throughout. In such, the poem explores an aspect associated with human decision, or indecision, relative to the oxymoron, that choices with the least the difference should bear the most indifference, but realistically, carry the most difficulty. This is conveyed through the use of several pivotal techniques. Where the first such instance is the use of an extended metaphor, where the poem as a whole becomes a literary embodiment of something more, the journey of life. The second technique used is the writing style of first person. Where in using this, the reader can depict a clear train of thought from the walker and more content... Wherein this is the extent of the metaphor, where in this poem it is a changeable anomaly subject to the readers interpretation of taking the road less travelled and whether it be a positive (sigh of satisfaction) or negative (sigh of regret). This is all one can hope when using a metaphor relating to the readers life, that they substitute their own feelings and create their own meaning, their own attitude towards to such decisions and subsequently, such journeys. Furthermore, we have the use of first person, where the almost universal effect is to have an in–depth look into the character and their immediate response to a problem or dilemma. This poem no different, where in the first stanza we are ushered in with the use of anaphora in lines 2, 3 and 4 with the repetition of the word ''and''. This specific use of anaphora is used to create the mindset and intelligible deduction of the traveller to the events and dilemma prescribed to him. Insofar as his immediate reaction be being presented with a choice. It shows his reaction of regret in that he is ''sorry he could not travel both'' and explains what he wish he could do ''be two travellers'' but also how he initiates his decision making process ''looked down one as far as I could''. Also, the use of first person is used to connect with the reader, enforcing the affore–used notion that the reader substitutes their own personal truth into a positive Get more content on
  • 11. The Road Not Taken Essay "The Road Not Taken", written by Robert Frost, is an intriguing poem in which the speaker finds himself caught in a fork in the road upon needing to choose between two roads. When comparing the two paths, the speaker decides on taking the road that is less traveled by and subsequently voices why he chose that road and the outcome. Robert Frost is an American poet and author. He was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, and is well known for writing poems, "The Road Not Taken" being his most famous. He began writing poetry in high school, and though never earning a formal college degree, he attended both Dartmouth College in Hanover and Harvard University in Boston. He credits his wife, Elinor Miriam for being his major inspiration for more content... He conveys his uncertainty of which path he should take, and compares the two roads in order to convince himself which one he should take. Up until this point, his tone is neither optimistic nor pessimistic and does not imply whether his choice was a good one or a bad one. However, reading the last stanza, you understand that the speaker's tone has changed to a more satisfied one. He is pleased with the road he took, as it has "made all the difference." From a different perspective, upon reading the fourth stanza, you can understand that the speaker has changed to a morose, and possibly regretful tone, and in the first line, the speaker states that he "shall be telling this with a sigh." This shows that the speaker is convinced he regrets his choice. At the start of the poem when the speaker mentions "yellow wood", the color yellow sets you into a warm, kind mood. Then, throughout the first two stanzas the speaker is trying to pick which road to take. This makes the readers want to know which path he is taking and why. This puts the readers in a mood of anticipatory, or in the mood to find out more and to find out what will happen Get more content on
  • 12. The Road Not Taken Although most haven't read it in its entirety, Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken," is one of the most popular American poems of the twentieth century. The story is often misremembered as the tale of an adventurer who chooses the path where fewer have been. Frost begins his poem with juxtaposing two roads diverging in a wood. He cannot see very far ahead on either path. The narrator is a quintessential nonconformist when he, theoretically, "choose[s] the one less traveled by." (19) Frost presents a classic conflict: the decision between the common, easy path and the exceptional, challenging path. The road less traveled is more challenging to travel because the reader assumes there is a reason he road more traveled is more traveled more content... The speaker says that both roads are equally beautiful, and also equally worn. He says he will leave the first path for another day, then admits to himself: "Yet knowing how way leads on to way, / I doubted if I should ever come back." (14–15) The speaker never fully rules out taking the road less traveled, and never officially denies that he will come back. Yet, he admits to himself that one choice leads to another and most likely he will never journey back to the fork and be faced with the same decision. The speaker anticipates the regret he will feel when "telling this with a sigh" (16) based on his decision no matter which path he takes. But in the last stanza the speaker argues he should not feel any regret because it does not matter either way. The narrator says how he will someday look back and claim "with a sigh" that choosing the "one less traveled ... made all the difference." He knows that he will comfort himself by saying that the choices he has made have lead to the place he is in his life, when, in reality, his position is a combination of his choices and chance. He knows that his choice was really arbitrary, and his destiny will likely not be impacted his outcome either way. In this last stanza, the speaker acknowledges the stereotype of the Get more content on
  • 13. The Road Not Taken Analysis Essay The Road not Taken (Analysis) In my ninth grade, I came across Robert Frost's work of the Road not Taken. Although I have been an avid reader of several other literary works such as Shakespeare, Ernest Hemmingway, George Orwell, Joseph Conrad, Frost's work has been of great influence in my life so far. In the book, the author combines creative and technical writing styles to bring forth the understanding of how difficult situations could be challenging in making significant decisions (Frost and Untermeyer 62). Additionally, the book is influencing in educating individuals on the need for proper choices when making crucial decisions in life. From the onset, the author pits humans against two different paths where they need to make difficult choices that are characteristic of presenting dilemma. The character in the book chose to travel the road less used. However, Frost is keen not to reveal to the audience whether the character made the right choice or not although the he acknowledges that, the choice had a significant impact on the man's life. Judging the book's title, one recognizes the presentation of the theme of nonconformity and uniqueness. However, it becomes apparent that the road not taken is an implication that the narrator more content... The figurative meaning of the poem is obvious since it describes tough choices we have to make, especially during a dilemma. The first literary device of metaphor of the yellow nature to mean autumn occurs in the beginning of the woods and has the effect of making choices at old age or at the fall of one's life. The second literary device to be discussed is that of antithesis and occurs in the first stanza where the traveller wishes to "travel both" roads at the same time. The device has the effect of explaining confusion and lack of a definite choice of Get more content on
  • 14. The Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost Opportunity is the major theme in "The Road Not Taken," "Love and a Question," and "Asking for Roses." In all of these poems, there is a decision that needs to be made. Will it be right or wrong? There is no way of knowing if the choice they make is, until they choose. There are many opportunities in life and chances that people should or should not take, but the choice is upon them. One famous poem by Robert Frost is "The Road Not Taken." In this poem, Frost tells of someone who has stopped at a fork in the road and is trying to choose between two paths. The two paths are both long but he can only choose one. In the end, he chooses the one that not many people go through. The paths in the poem symbolize a choice. His choice is about more content... There is a strong sense of choosing right from wrong in each poem. In "The Road Not Taken," the man chose a path. In the poem, it could also be talking about Frost's career decision. Frost could have become anything he wished, but he became a poet. The sigh in the poem could mean that he regretted his career, but in "A 1925 Letter Come to Light," he stated that he was not a remorseful person. In "Asking for Roses," the couple chose to ask rather than steal the roses. In Frost's daily life, he followed a strict code or motto. This motto was revealed in "The Daily Living of Robert Frost." It was carpe diem, or seize the day. In the poem "Asking for Roses," the rose that fell symbolizes that. It meant to seized the day before there were no more to seize. The final poem "Love and a Question," the husband chose to keep the wife safe and comfortable and to give the stranger money, food, and the promise of keeping him in their prayers. This was the same as the romance between Frost and Elinor White. The husband wanted to protect his wife, as did Frost. In "Robert Frost's: Love Question," they say that Frost was absorbing love, the main factor in human life that caused pain and pleasure. The poems were about Frost and taking chances. In taking chances in life, people can find new ways to explore and Get more content on
  • 15. Road Not Taken Essay Critical essay for "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, Because it was grassy and wanted wear: Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Every human throughout the course of more content... This road represents life's easy way out. Because it has been more traveled by, it is a much more common and predictable way of going through life. For the most part, if this road is chosen the outcome is predetermined and the traveler can rest at ease with the knowledge of the direction his life is heading. Everyone in life is presented the more common path. Many say the world is made up of leaders and followers. The followers take this
  • 16. path because it is the popular and easy way of achieving simple goals. The other, however, is covered with tall grass and has few trail marks or footprints. This is the road the writer decides to take, which, I believe shows remarkable things about his personality. The people that avoid following group ideas and patterns are the people more likely to create change and make a difference in the world we live in. These people are willing to take chances and accept the consequences, should they fail. These people, for the most part are proud and creative. This world would be a completely different place if we were without risk takers. Every great achievement in history occurred because someone decided to take a different direction in order to create change. I greatly admire the writer for this and he should become something everyone strives to become. I think the reason people in general take the easier path is because it helps them feel secure and aware of what the future Get more content on
  • 17. The Road Not Taken Choices of Life All people are travelers, all choosing their paths on a map of their life. "The great thing about man for Frost is that he has the power of standing still where he is." There is never a straight road there are always curves and turns in which one must encounter and act upon. Readers can interpret the poem "The Road Not Taken" in many ways. It is a persons past, present and the way one see things, which determines their choices and paths they follow. This poem shows how Frost believes that it is the road that you choose that makes you the person you are. Decisions are always hard to make. It is impossible not to wonder what would have happened before you made your decision and what could have happened after you made more content... When the traveler is about to make his decision he "looks down one as far as I could". The road leads to the unknown, as do choices in life. When he looks at the paths he does not know where they lead, nor does he have any knowledge of what he will encounter. He must choose which path he will take and which one he will leave behind, the same way you decide what to choose in any choice of life. "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim," There is a reason that the path he chooses had the better claim "it was grassy and wanted wear;" It was not a path for everyone because the other path was more worn and most people had traveled that one. He calls the path he chose "the road less traveled by". The traveler's choice reflects his personality. It shows that he is an individual and does not follow the crowd. He wants to do what is different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." The leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had fallen no one has passed on the road. Frost does this because each time a person comes to the point where they have to make a choice, it is new to them, somewhere they have never been, and they feel like no one else has either. "I kept the first for another day!" The desire to travel both paths is not unusual, but "knowing how way leads on to way", the speaker of this poem realizes that the decision is not a temporary one and he "doubted if he Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Paper On The Road Not Taken Response Paper "The Road Not Taken" "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost, is probably the most recognized poem in American culture. Anyone who has graduated from middle school at least recognizes the words found in the poem's final stanza about the road less traveled and the difference it has made (Frost 20), to which the poem's perceived themes of individual empowerment, and "follow your heart" decision–making, is attributed. This considered, it's no surprise that I was considerably shocked to discover, upon inspection of the entire poem, that "The Road Not Taken" is not at all what I thought, but is in fact self–contradictory, and thereby a criticism of the nature of human beings. The first thing that I noticed as I read through the poem was that it didn't make sense because the conclusion that the narrator comes to, that he has taken the road less traveled, doesn't match up with the experience that he describes having in the woods. The narrator arrives at a fork in the road and begins to look down one as far as he can, describing it in detail. He then states that the other path was "... as just as fair," suggesting that it looks about the same (Frost 6). The narrator explains that he took the other path, considering that it sat, "... having perhaps [my emphasis added] the better claim, / Because it was grassy and wanted wear;" but quickly dismisses the thought in the following lines, "Though as for that the passing there / had worn them really about the same," (Frost Get more content on
  • 19. Road Not Taken Figurative Language In the poem, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, there were many uses of symbolism, imagery, and figurative language throughout the poem. The poem also contains a significant and powerful theme. There are many different types of symbolism in the poem, "The Road Not Taken". In line one of the poem, the author describes aroad that branches into two distinct paths. This road may represent a choice in life one might face. They could take one path, or they could take another. In line five, the author recounts the undergrowth he observed, and how it hid the two paths from his sight. This symbolizes the unknown. The choices in life one may make always has an outcome or result, and sometimes that result is not clear. One may make a choice that Get more content on
  • 20. The Road Not Taken Analysis The Road Not Taken As I read and analyzed this poem I became aware that it is indeed a great poem and that the reader must dig deep in order to find the true message of the poem. Careful readers shall not be tricked. The Basic Subject of the Poem The poem starts off with the title "The Road Not Taken." At first sight this title could be used as foreshadow that the following poem will be about making a mistake, not making the right choice (not taking the right road) therefore establishing a gloomy, mournful tone. It promises that the poem will be about a road not taken or the road that the author does take "because it was grassy and wanted wear." Another possible foreshadow of the title is that in the poem it does not matter more content... The same first line of the poem is repeated in the last stanza as well "Two roads diverged in a wood." Not word by word but it's still showing that the author is at point zero; still. *Big Metaphor: Fork stands for all the crisis and decisions to make in a lifetime. Format of the Poem and Word Choice This poem consists of four stanzas of five lines each. There is also a rhyming pattern that can be described as ABAAB. All the rhymes are strict and masculine except for that peculiar last line. This rhyming patter adds to the fluency in which the poem in read out loud and, in my opinion, it makes an emphasis on all the "B" rhymes of each stanza which have the more significance to the poem. The poem is written in tetrameters. Difference in stressed and unstressed syllables in the poem not only do they contribute to the main meaning of the poem but they also add a dramatic effect on the poem; taking longer or shorter periods of time on a specific syllable. Don't ask me how the syllables work out in the poem. As specific words are being emphasized, the gloomy, mournful mood builds up throughout the poem. This is to a certain point in which the poem clearly becomes ironic and not mournful and gloomy; otherwise the poem would be called "The Road Less Travelled." It is a simple irony, "I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." Beautiful build up by Robert Frost by using rhyme and metrics. Oddly enough the last word ends with the Get more content on
  • 21. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essay examples The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" tells of someone faced with one of life's major decisions whereas only one direction can be chosen. Whichever road is taken will be final and will determine the direction that their life takes. Frost writes this poem with a calm and collective narration, spoken by the traveler, who is talking with himself trying to decide which road is the better choice. In line one Frost introduces the diverging roads, which are his main metaphors. Diverging being the key word in this line because it suggests that the traveler must make a choice. Line two the traveler expresses his grief of not being able to travel both. Yet, the choice is not easy, since "long I stood" (3) more content... The exclamation point after line 13 conveys excitement, but that excitement is severed by his admission in the following lines. "way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back"(14). In the final stanza, lines 16–20 the tone of the poem changes completely. This is the only stanza that begins with a new sentence, indicating that it is a stronger break from the previous ideas. The speaker puts himself in a future situation discussing his life. What he states here seems to contradict what he has said earlier. From his future prospective he says that the paths where different and that he did not choose the one most traveled by. Perhaps he will in the future actually believe this and he only wishes that he could choose in the present "the one less traveled by."(20) "The Road Not Taken" was written with standard, simple diction. The most complex word used is "trodden"(12). The majority of the lines contain nine syllables. This structure is maintained throughout the entire poem. The stanzas are arranged like that of a thought. One continues to undermine the other, much like decision making. Our first thoughts are always second–guessed by our second and so forth until we make our final decision, which cancels out all that was thought before. This is what Frost manages to do in the arrangement of his stanzas. Imagery is the primary concept of this work. The two roads are each described in such a way that the reader can easy Get more content on