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The Dimensions Of Social Responsibility Essay
There are four dimensions of social responsibility are economical, legal, ethical, and voluntary including philanthropic (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2009,
p. 41). The economic dimension is the basis that the firm demands profits and being profitable assures its endurance. A firm is accountable to its
shareholders, to its employees and to the customers in the economic sense. It has the responsibility to make profit for the investors that trusted the
corporation with their funds and have a reasonable and acceptable return on their investment for them. Furthermore the corporation has the duty to
have fair compensation for the employees employed by it. To the customers the responsibility is to provide product and services for a fair price. Thus,
meeting the economic responsibility is the foundation of responsibilities and the basis for the subsequent responsibilities. These are responsibilities
that are required by the society (Carroll, 1991). Also when thinking about the economical aspect of social responsibilities, there is also another external
consideration which is the supplier. The fate of the company can be closely tied to the fate of the supplier (Freeman, 2001), although depending on
variables and factors exceptions can be made. The company–supplier relationship a lot of times determine when expansion and growth can happen or
vice versa. Therefore the willingness of the supplier to follow company's ethical behaviour or resist it can have major impact on the company
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of
third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and
implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made.
Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perception and perspective an individual or group has towards
the situation; the definition has also varied through time. In general terms, Manakkalathll & Rudolf (1995) define corporate social responsibility (CSR)
as "the duty of organisations more content...
"CSR is now intertwined with international development and the related goals of poverty alleviation and sustainability," (Blowfield, 2005). There are
many benefits for a company who develops a high CSR profile. Although the costs of implementing a CSR strategy can be high, the overall outcome
can prove most beneficial for both the bottom line and reputation of the company; as well as the development of third world countries and as stated
above, the alleviation of poverty.
The Body Shop is an example of an organisation that is highly successful due to their deep commitment to social responsibility and environmental
change. The core values that drive their business include being: against animal testing, supporting community trade, activating self esteem, defending
human rights, and protecting our planet. The Body Shop thrives off these beliefs, and in staying true to themselves and the positive development of our
world, they have become one of the most respected, internationally successful, socially responsible organisations in the world. Company CEO Jean
Paul Agon states that "their values have been upheld for over thirty years...and they will continue to be nurtured for the benefit of all," (The Body Shop
Values CSR Report 2007).
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As a teacher, social responsibility is very important. It is our job, as teacher 's, to provide a nurturing, welcoming and safe learning environment for
all students. It is very important that as teachers, we take very seriously the influence that we have with our students'. A teacher has the power to
influence their students' conversations, their thinking and even where they set their standards for themselves. Our students need to know that their
dreams do not stop at the classroom door. It is our job to instill the confidence in them to reach for the stars and accomplish their goals. As teachers,
we need to build our students skills, so they will be successful next grade level. This is something that I do not, and no one for that matter, should
take lightly. Our student's future is in our hands. Therefore, it is very important for us to our very best in reaching every student and preparing them
for their future. Decision Making Essay (Commitment/Work Ethic) I believe that it is important have beliefs and goals when preparing to teach. I
am very confident in who I am as a person. I have beliefs that I am very passionate about. I plan to integrate this into my daily lesson planning. The
way I came up with my theme of my philosophy paper is because this is something that I have thought about since I started taking college courses and
in speaking with other teachers. I believe having a strong foundation and knowing what you want your leadership in the classroom
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What is Social Responsibility?
Social responsibility is an ethical ideology or theory by an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social
responsibility is a duty every individual or organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystem. A
trade–off always exists between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and environment. Social responsibility
means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone who's any action impacts the
environment. This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly advance
social goals.
As the cost and profit were major subjects of business reports, but it should not step over social responsibility. Social responsibility involves in saving
environment and using nature resources properly, serving community by defending human rights, and insuring safety standards among working
environment and production.
Among modern century more companies are being interested about corporate social responsibility (CSR) as business reports proved that it became a fact
in business growth. CSR is a mechanism accomplished to maintain the economic, legal, and ethical responsibility to the community as same as
organization. Stakeholder theory enables managers to take account of these different interests in business ethical responsibility:
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Responsibility And Social Responsibility
"We have a social responsibility, a constitutional opportunity and a moral obligation to help others"– Janie Lewis (EnkiQuotes, 2017).
As the quote suggests, it is our law–abiding obligation to take care of the society by helping each other in tough situations and make the world a better
place to live. Social Responsibility is the foremost responsibility in which all individuals are responsible for consummating their ethical duties which
would benefit the society and make a balance between the social welfare of the environment and economic growth (Anon, 2017). In October 2011, A
new policy was published on corporate social responsibility by the European Commission which is in relevance to our responsibility towards our
environment as the responsibility relies upon the attitude of the enterprise towards the environment and more importantly, the society. As talking about more content...
And as said, a student's life is just not about scoring good grades and finding a job, there are more things which has to come to their attention. The
universities should continue to open new doors for the students to learn the importance of social responsibility so that they can remove the social
barriers that are running on the basis of racial division and discrimination. There are still so many unethical activities going on in the community and
someone has to take a step forward to stop it and the only power who can stop the destruction, is a student because a student is a pillar of tomorrow
who has been taught so much about his responsibility towards the society. Now, it is his chance to implement his knowledge and bring a change to this
community which would eradicate all the unprincipled activities and that is how we can make a change to this world and finally the students would be
able to adapt to the famous quote of Mahatma Gandhi "Be the Change that you wish to see in the
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Some of the important values identified in statements and artifacts of the organization are: respect, accountability, justice, integrity, altruism,
compassion, social responsibility, honesty, courage, collaboration, competence, professional behavior, confidentiality, excellence, community building,
rituals, and legacy. These values are expressed in agency's statements and various artifacts. The Vision statement "All Children Deserve the Best"
acknowledges social responsibility and excellence. The Mission statement states, "Partnering with parents and community, we provide a strong
educational foundation to prepare children for future success" expresses collaboration and social responsibility. Agency's Parent Handbook has all the
relevant information for parents to get familiar with the rules, procedures, expectations, and recourses thus articulating accountability as the main
value. Classroom Manual assists staff working with children and families, understand the requirements to work with children, families, and staff, thus
expressing competency and accountability. Personal Policies discuss values such as fairness, integrity, professional development, staffs benefits, staff
hiring process. Code of Professional Conduct requires professional behavior that meets the standards aligned with the NAEYC professional code. The
values expressed are respect, honesty, accountability, concern for others, and courage. Confidentiality statement discusses privacy of clients and staff to
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Social Responsibility And Its Impact On Society
Aaron Dread
Ms. Banks
Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an idea that has been of concern to mankind for many years. Over the last two decades, however, it has become of increasing
concern to the business world. This has resulted in growing interaction between governments, businesses and society as a whole. In the past, businesses
primarily concerned themselves with the economic results of their decisions. Today, however, businesses must also reflect on the legal, ethical, moral
and social consequences of their decisions. This paper will discuss the concept of corporate social responsibility. It will give the definition of the phrase,
and identify some of the global factors that necessitate corporate social responsibility. It will discuss the importance of corporations setting up corporate
social responsibility projects, and the impact these have on society, it will also highlight a business for its outstanding work when it comes it SCR.
Social corporate responsibility and the maintenance of high ethical standards is not an option but an obligation for all business.
Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities
that improve the quality of people's lives. Corporate Responsibility has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community
and is progressively becoming a mainstream activity. There is mounting recognition of
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The ever–growing social demands and the intense competitions between individuals continuously change education institutions' behavior. This
perspective comes from the socio–economic environment. Under this circumstance, more attention has been paid to Social Responsibility (SR) that all
organizations need to take for the interests and welfare of the society (Vasilescu et al., 2010). When it comes toHigher Education Institutions (HEI), SR
becomes the obligation of universities via responsible actions to make social and economic impacts on the society (Vallaeys, 2014). There is no
denying that universities play increasingly paramount roles in a global context. The primary aim for them is to instill knowledge which has become
the key driver of economic growth (Faust, 2010). From a broader perspective, universities address societal problems and bring advantages to the
society where they are based. Due to the needs of attracting and retaining students, universities pay more attention to SR when they make decisions and
plans (SГЎnchez–HernГЎndez and Mainardes, 2016). Thus, this essay will determine the importance of being a socially responsible university, the
obligation of a responsible university, together with a focus on the way a university makes its different stakeholders believe its commitment to social
It is hard to give a precise definition of University Social Responsibility (USR). It is simply about universities show their ethical performance to the
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Personal Responsibility And Social Responsibility
Democracy means government by the people, which is people participate in every action and makes decision. The system of democracy gave us
many opportunities, such as the right to vote, the right to speech, the right to religion and others. In the Democracy system responsibility have a
big place, personal responsibility and social responsibility of its citizen have a big effect on the decision of the political process. Every four years
there is an election and there are different candidates, who run for president with different ideas and goals. The people can viewed the candidates
ideas and goals in different ways, or they may agree all together by some ideas. But there is always different point of view of the candidates from
different people, which makes the political system more diverse. People have the right to vote and choose their president to lead them to the highest
achievement, but many people are not using their right. Votingis one of the personal responsibility of one citizen, and also participating in the
political, social life. We watch and heard on TV and radio or on social medias, different candidates talking about political, social, environmental and
continental topics. We can elect only one candidate to be a president, and we should to understand the candidates political agenda in every direction.
We can not elect a candidate just to fulfill our need only, we should think about the others too. So the act of voting is the personal responsibility of every
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Social Responsibility is the idea that a company should embrace its social responsibilities and not be solely focused on maximizing profits. Social
responsibility has a hidden connotation attached to it, which is awareness. When I hear the phrase "being socially responsible," I think of the
repercussions that come with not being socially responsible. According to,social responsibility is "The responsibility of an organization for
the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior that: contributes to sustainable
development, including health and the welfare of society" (ASQ, 2016). It also, "takes into account the expectations of stakeholders" (ASQ, 2016). In
addition, social responsibility "is in compliance with applicable laws and consistent with international norms of behavior" (ASQ, 2016). Finally, it "is
integrated throughout the organization and practiced in its relationships" (ASQ, 2016).
The burden of being socially responsible ultimately falls on the one with the most to lose. Chief Executive Officers rarely go out of their way to take
social and political stances unless it is something they are passionate about, and they prepare themselves to take a financial and public relations hit.
The act of taking stances on political and social issues could be the difference between millions of people siding or distancing themselves from an
entity. There have been many examples where the act of
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Reflection On Corporate Social Responsibility
From the beginning of Fall semester BUAD 3111, I was not sure exactly which topic would provide a key learning experience in this class. I must
point out the fact that learning of the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has and will affect me as I develop my career. Based on the
lectures and research to answer the discussion questions, I see the great importance CSR plays in the business world. CSR demonstrates to both
consumers and the media that a company takes an interest in wider social issues that have no direct impact on profit margins. These issues may be
local, national or global, with a concern for the health and wellness of others. Nevertheless, to provide additional insight as to the impact of a company's
CSR policy, I will define CSR and business ethic fundamentals, identify stakeholder's roles, discuss consumers as stakeholders' information issues
/responses and lastly, discuss the natural environment as a stakeholder. In my attempt to further explain, CSR is a model for incorporating ethical
business regulations into a business model. This model provides companies a framework to embrace a responsibility towards the employees,
community, and the environment. In other words, their financial success or profit, their contributions to a livable environment and their contribution to
solving social problems. The business contribution to a charity, cause or community can be a significant amount of charitable funds, product donations
or other ventures. For
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Csr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and it is a concept with many definitions and practices and also a buzzword in the media. In general,
corporate social responsibility is the policies and programs of business corporations which tend to benefit society while improving a corporation's public
image and profitability at the same time. The meaning of it is implemented in different countries and companies differently.
Warren Buffet said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and only 5 minutes to ruin it which means he mentioned the activity of the corporations
here. In accordance with Buffet's dialogue, business should be responsible to the society, environment and towards a sustainable developed planet.
Many names are used to mention CSR such as socially responsible business, responsible entrepreneurship, corporate citizenship, corporate
accountability or corporate sustainability etc. Corporate social responsibility is the continuing commitment by business companies to behave ethically
& contribute to economic development and simultaneously improve the standard of life and quality of life of the workforce & their families, local
communities and the society according to the World Business Council. For example – Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, facilitating primary
education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, making policies for the improvement of maternal health, HIV
/ AIDS, Malaria & other fatal diseases, ensuring
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Cooke and Mendelson define social responsibility as, 'the concern for the welfare of society which restrains business from engaging in destructive
activities, whatever their immediate profitability and focuses their contributions on the betterment of society' . Intrinsically, corporate social
responsibility ("CSR") as Yamusa postulates, involves not just charitable gestures by a company but also the application of internationally recognised
best practices of business standards in its operations taking into consideration the dilemma of host communities and government and ensuring that
issues of human rights, human capital development and the environment are incorporated into the company 's policies and decision–making .Thus,
CSR is an issue that borders on economic, legal, ethical, and unrestricted expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time. It
requires organizations to adopt a broader view of its responsibilities that includes not only stockholders, but many other participants as well, including
employees, the local community, local, state, and federal governments, environmental groups, and other special interest groups. Corporate codes of
conduct, community development projects and voluntary social reporting are key tools of CSR employed by multi–national corporations(MNCs);
while the areas covered by their CSR initiatives include; human rights, transparency issues, employees ' welfare, environmental issues, disclosure of
information, and
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Business and Social Responsibility Essay
Business and Social Responsibility It is widely known that for a business to be successful it needs to provide a good or service that is desired by the
public and also to obtain a profit in providing said good or service. Now while these are the most important components to a successful business, they
are not the only ones. The social responsibilities of a business include the following: environmental protection and preservation, employee safety and
morale, product safety for the consumer. The financial manager must keep these three social responsibilities in mind when making any and all
decisions. The environment has become a big issue over the last 30–40 years, especially for the businesses that may negatively affect more
In turn this bad publicity has negatively affected the business and in a lot of cases, caused the business to fade away. It is the job of the financial
manager to oversee these environmental issues and make socially responsible decisions not only to avoid bad publicity, but to do their part in aiding
the environment in a financially sound manner.
A business's employees are probably the most important part of the organization. In short, if there is something that hinders the performance of the
employees the whole company suffers. Providing a safe and stimulating work environment is another thing that a financial manager should do to
efficiently and effectively turn out a superior product. By keeping employee accidents to a minimum a business will avoid costly lawsuits and
Every business must realize that an unsafe product will not last in the open market and will, in the long run, cost more money to correct. The financial
manager must understand that, above all, the product must be safe. He/she must decide the most cost–effective manner to manufacture the product and
also have it deemed safe to use. I believe that this detail of product safety should be addressed very early on in the production process, as should the
other two.
In conclusion, a business has an obligation to return something to society. Although the financial manager's main purpose is to acquire and control
funds efficiently and effectively to maximize
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Leadership, Ethics And Social Responsibility
This written analysis is research–based analysis on Everest Simulation, which analyse its individual and team experiences on Leadership, Ethics and
Social Responsibility. The aim of Everest Simulation was to achieve personal goals and team goals, as climbing up to the summit. Not all members had
a goal of reaching the summit, such as, Environmentalist and the Photographer. As being a physician in the simulation, 6 out of 10 marks were
achieved and the total team score of 54% was achieved. Throughout this simulation experience, it was satisfied that, the opportunities were given to
students to self–educate how the theories of leadership, ethics and social responsibility are important in real life group society and how to apply these more content...
This may have influenced the substitutes for leadership, which has affected the team performance of receiving team score of 54%.
Throughout the first journal article, it was discovered that substitutes for leadership have significant relationship between transformational of leader's
behaviours; as the results show some variables of transformational behaviours correlate with variables in substitutes for leadership (Podsakoff, 1996).
To gain these findings, data was collected from 1,539 employees has been used as the evidences to support the outcomes. The result further displays,
there are each unique effects on follower criterion variables in transformational leader behaviours and substitutes for leadership and there are greater
substantial amount of variance accounted between substitutes for leadership and the transformational leader behaviours than reports in prior leadership
research (Podsakoff, 1996). However, these findings do not provide strong evidence to support these finding, as researches have not yet found the
specific proof. Although, it is clear that, there is relationship between transformational of leader's behaviours and substitutes for leadership in certain
way, which further research and experiments is needed it.
Throughout the second journal article, it was discovered that the organisation climate appeared to affect whether the leader's behaviour would have
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Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay
Ethics is concerned with the study of morality and the application of reason to elucidate specific rules and principles that determine right and wrong
for a given situation (Crane & Matten, 2010). Since law does not necessarily cover the morality of many controversial issues, moral reflection ought to
be performed on any action, regardless of its lawfulness. The growing power of business in today's society has enabled businesses to significantly
impact the world. Hence, business ethics is highly relevant as it could determine whether businesses contribute or cause harm to the society at large.
Using ethical theories to guide moral reflection, business ethics can help businesses avoid scandalous conduct that could harm more content...
A utilitarian would strongly advocate businesses to consider all the happiness and pains of all its stakeholders and focus on maximising happiness for
the greatest number. Businesses have to look beyond short–term monetary gains and consider the impact of their actions on their significant
stakeholders. In the subprime mortgage crisis, the financial institutes could have better analysed the extensive pains that its external stakeholders may
face when they invest in subprime mortgages. Although high returns from risky investments may seem beneficial to the investors in the short run,
greater costs may be incurred in the long run due to subprime mortgage foreclosures and its significant repercussions on the society. If the financial
institutes had adopted the utilitarian framework and acted in a way that maximises overall happiness and not out of self–interest, the society could have
avoided a major economic downturn.
Nevertheless, businesses may face challenges when applying the utilitarian framework. In many real life situations, businesses may not have sufficient
time to make adequate predictions of the consequences of their intended actions. It may also be difficult to quantify happiness and justify what action
will maximise the overall happiness. In order to optimize the utilitarian framework, it is critical that businesses can efficiently
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Social Responsibility and Civic Engagement Essay
At the beginning of this course I wasn't sure what was meant by social responsibility and civic engagement. During this course I realized the meaning
of both and the responsibilities that both imply. A definition of social responsibility that I found particularly poignant and concise comes from
Entrepreneur Magazine, "Acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged"
(Entrepreneur Social responsibility can be as simple as paying your taxes or recycling your glass bottles. Social responsibility can be as
complex as finding solutions to global warming or hunger in Africa. You can be personally socially responsible or you can be socially more
I grew up in an environment where I was sensitive to the needs of those immediately around me; my family, my neighbors, my classmates but my
world was a very narrow one. This course has taught be to look at the world as my neighbors and feel a responsibility to the health, safety and
welfare of all. I used to believe there was nothing I could do about the famine in Africa or the genocide in Croatia but I now realize that ANY small
step I take is a step toward a path leading to action and understanding. One of my closest friends is a Major in the U.S. Army and she has been to
Croatia, Iraq and Afghanistan; I am blessed to have her in my life because through her eyes and her stories, I am more in touch with the trials of our
modern day world. "Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" (Loeb, 2010).
My opinions on specific topics have also evolved throughout this course. For example: my group project group chose to tackle the issue of capital
punishment. "What goes around comes around. Or does it? I believe my awareness of this issue started when the five of us decided which side, pro or
con, we were going to speak for. Originally we had four for pro and only one for con. Well, this was not going to be a balanced paper obviously so I
said I would join the con side. Therefore, I had to research a view that I previously had discounted.
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Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Many people believe that they have a social responsibility to take care of their community and the people within that community. The community can
expand from local and regional to national and international in scope. Social responsibility in not limited to individuals, but many businesses and
organization have joined the call for social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is when business and corporations make this a priority
in their operations. Two questions come to mind, why a company needs to practice CSR and how can they do it?
To address why companies need to practice CSR, Liu and Liu in their article, "Implementing Corporate External Social Responsibilities Strategies
Through, Organizational Design more content...
79). Customers may purchase from a company based on a corporation's CSR. As the external stakeholders respond positively to CSR, a company will
see it as "a strategic tool to win" (Liu and Liu, p. 79). The CSR can provide a competitive edge in the open market.
As the pressure to meet the customers' expectations, a company's commitment to CSR may change. Liu and Liu state that Multinational corporations,
like Starbucks, Shell Oil, and Nike, have felt the external pressure to act more socially responsible. The negative campaigns brought against them,
compelled them to change their global image. (2009, p. 80). Although these corporations practiced CSR, the extent of their commitment changed due to
external stakeholders' perceptions. .
These changes due to increased external stakeholders pressure has also brought into question the motivation for these changes. The changes made to
satisfy just the external pressure are unacceptable. Liu and Liu note, "Some critics complain that these companies lack sincerity and only pay
lip–service to the concept" (2009, p. 80). To combat the usage of CSR to meet the needs of the shareholders, and not the stakeholders, companies
should publish CSR reports, detailing their CSR involvement in their communities (Liu and Liu, p. 79).
To address how a company can develop a CSR, in "Demystifying Corporate Responsibility," McKnight presents a method to make CSR easier for
companies. A CSR need not be expensive or
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The notion of ethics deals with people's behaviors within a company. Social responsibility involves a company's moral obligations and the manner in
which the organization makes its decisions. Although ethics and social responsibility are similar on a conceptual basis, each has its own unique
characteristics that express their differences and its independence of the other.Ethics and social responsibility have to be present and coincide with one
another for a business to be ethically sound.
Ethics is the application of one's personal beliefs and the impact on how a person makes decisions regarding the relationships involving a company. The
most common agents that involve a person's decisions are owners, employees, customers, clients, more content...
There is a fine line between what is ethically right or wrong with an action committed by an organization. According to Audi, "sometimes ethics is
compromised without dishonesty but by deficiencies in clarity or candor or both" (Audi, 2009). Being dishonest and not telling the entire truth are
examples of ethical dilemmas. On the contrary, social responsibility applies only to an organization or business, whereas ethics applies to people's
behaviors and how the obligations determine whether an action is right or wrong. Social responsibility is the application of a set of ethics to a business
or organization. Edwin Epstein's definition of corporate social responsibility supports the idea that corporate responsibility is ethically based in its
decisions with the agents associated with the company. Epstein stated, "Corporate social responsibility relates primarily to achieving outcomes from
organizational decisions concerning specific issues or problems which have beneficial rather than adverse effects upon pertinent corporate
stakeholders" (Carroll, 1996). Social responsibility contains both the responsibility to discover employee misconduct while also maintaining good
relationships with those outside of the business. According to Berenbeim, it is the corporation's responsibility to maintain those good relationships with
the agents of interest paramount to the obligations to minimize the risk of employee misconduct (Berenbeim,
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The Dimensions Of Social Responsibility Essay

  • 1. The Dimensions Of Social Responsibility Essay There are four dimensions of social responsibility are economical, legal, ethical, and voluntary including philanthropic (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2009, p. 41). The economic dimension is the basis that the firm demands profits and being profitable assures its endurance. A firm is accountable to its shareholders, to its employees and to the customers in the economic sense. It has the responsibility to make profit for the investors that trusted the corporation with their funds and have a reasonable and acceptable return on their investment for them. Furthermore the corporation has the duty to have fair compensation for the employees employed by it. To the customers the responsibility is to provide product and services for a fair price. Thus, meeting the economic responsibility is the foundation of responsibilities and the basis for the subsequent responsibilities. These are responsibilities that are required by the society (Carroll, 1991). Also when thinking about the economical aspect of social responsibilities, there is also another external consideration which is the supplier. The fate of the company can be closely tied to the fate of the supplier (Freeman, 2001), although depending on variables and factors exceptions can be made. The company–supplier relationship a lot of times determine when expansion and growth can happen or vice versa. Therefore the willingness of the supplier to follow company's ethical behaviour or resist it can have major impact on the company Get more content on
  • 2. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made. Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perception and perspective an individual or group has towards the situation; the definition has also varied through time. In general terms, Manakkalathll & Rudolf (1995) define corporate social responsibility (CSR) as "the duty of organisations more content... "CSR is now intertwined with international development and the related goals of poverty alleviation and sustainability," (Blowfield, 2005). There are many benefits for a company who develops a high CSR profile. Although the costs of implementing a CSR strategy can be high, the overall outcome can prove most beneficial for both the bottom line and reputation of the company; as well as the development of third world countries and as stated above, the alleviation of poverty. The Body Shop is an example of an organisation that is highly successful due to their deep commitment to social responsibility and environmental change. The core values that drive their business include being: against animal testing, supporting community trade, activating self esteem, defending human rights, and protecting our planet. The Body Shop thrives off these beliefs, and in staying true to themselves and the positive development of our world, they have become one of the most respected, internationally successful, socially responsible organisations in the world. Company CEO Jean Paul Agon states that "their values have been upheld for over thirty years...and they will continue to be nurtured for the benefit of all," (The Body Shop Values CSR Report 2007). Get more content on
  • 3. As a teacher, social responsibility is very important. It is our job, as teacher 's, to provide a nurturing, welcoming and safe learning environment for all students. It is very important that as teachers, we take very seriously the influence that we have with our students'. A teacher has the power to influence their students' conversations, their thinking and even where they set their standards for themselves. Our students need to know that their dreams do not stop at the classroom door. It is our job to instill the confidence in them to reach for the stars and accomplish their goals. As teachers, we need to build our students skills, so they will be successful next grade level. This is something that I do not, and no one for that matter, should take lightly. Our student's future is in our hands. Therefore, it is very important for us to our very best in reaching every student and preparing them for their future. Decision Making Essay (Commitment/Work Ethic) I believe that it is important have beliefs and goals when preparing to teach. I am very confident in who I am as a person. I have beliefs that I am very passionate about. I plan to integrate this into my daily lesson planning. The way I came up with my theme of my philosophy paper is because this is something that I have thought about since I started taking college courses and in speaking with other teachers. I believe having a strong foundation and knowing what you want your leadership in the classroom Get more content on
  • 4. What is Social Responsibility? Social responsibility is an ethical ideology or theory by an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual or organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystem. A trade–off always exists between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and environment. Social responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone who's any action impacts the environment. This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly advance social goals. As the cost and profit were major subjects of business reports, but it should not step over social responsibility. Social responsibility involves in saving environment and using nature resources properly, serving community by defending human rights, and insuring safety standards among working environment and production. Among modern century more companies are being interested about corporate social responsibility (CSR) as business reports proved that it became a fact in business growth. CSR is a mechanism accomplished to maintain the economic, legal, and ethical responsibility to the community as same as organization. Stakeholder theory enables managers to take account of these different interests in business ethical responsibility: Get more content on
  • 5. Responsibility And Social Responsibility "We have a social responsibility, a constitutional opportunity and a moral obligation to help others"– Janie Lewis (EnkiQuotes, 2017). As the quote suggests, it is our law–abiding obligation to take care of the society by helping each other in tough situations and make the world a better place to live. Social Responsibility is the foremost responsibility in which all individuals are responsible for consummating their ethical duties which would benefit the society and make a balance between the social welfare of the environment and economic growth (Anon, 2017). In October 2011, A new policy was published on corporate social responsibility by the European Commission which is in relevance to our responsibility towards our environment as the responsibility relies upon the attitude of the enterprise towards the environment and more importantly, the society. As talking about more content... And as said, a student's life is just not about scoring good grades and finding a job, there are more things which has to come to their attention. The universities should continue to open new doors for the students to learn the importance of social responsibility so that they can remove the social barriers that are running on the basis of racial division and discrimination. There are still so many unethical activities going on in the community and someone has to take a step forward to stop it and the only power who can stop the destruction, is a student because a student is a pillar of tomorrow who has been taught so much about his responsibility towards the society. Now, it is his chance to implement his knowledge and bring a change to this community which would eradicate all the unprincipled activities and that is how we can make a change to this world and finally the students would be able to adapt to the famous quote of Mahatma Gandhi "Be the Change that you wish to see in the Get more content on
  • 6. Some of the important values identified in statements and artifacts of the organization are: respect, accountability, justice, integrity, altruism, compassion, social responsibility, honesty, courage, collaboration, competence, professional behavior, confidentiality, excellence, community building, rituals, and legacy. These values are expressed in agency's statements and various artifacts. The Vision statement "All Children Deserve the Best" acknowledges social responsibility and excellence. The Mission statement states, "Partnering with parents and community, we provide a strong educational foundation to prepare children for future success" expresses collaboration and social responsibility. Agency's Parent Handbook has all the relevant information for parents to get familiar with the rules, procedures, expectations, and recourses thus articulating accountability as the main value. Classroom Manual assists staff working with children and families, understand the requirements to work with children, families, and staff, thus expressing competency and accountability. Personal Policies discuss values such as fairness, integrity, professional development, staffs benefits, staff hiring process. Code of Professional Conduct requires professional behavior that meets the standards aligned with the NAEYC professional code. The values expressed are respect, honesty, accountability, concern for others, and courage. Confidentiality statement discusses privacy of clients and staff to be Get more content on
  • 7. Social Responsibility And Its Impact On Society Aaron Dread Ms. Banks 6/4/2015 Social Responsibility Social responsibility is an idea that has been of concern to mankind for many years. Over the last two decades, however, it has become of increasing concern to the business world. This has resulted in growing interaction between governments, businesses and society as a whole. In the past, businesses primarily concerned themselves with the economic results of their decisions. Today, however, businesses must also reflect on the legal, ethical, moral and social consequences of their decisions. This paper will discuss the concept of corporate social responsibility. It will give the definition of the phrase, and identify some of the global factors that necessitate corporate social responsibility. It will discuss the importance of corporations setting up corporate social responsibility projects, and the impact these have on society, it will also highlight a business for its outstanding work when it comes it SCR. Social corporate responsibility and the maintenance of high ethical standards is not an option but an obligation for all business. Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people's lives. Corporate Responsibility has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community and is progressively becoming a mainstream activity. There is mounting recognition of Get more content on
  • 8. The ever–growing social demands and the intense competitions between individuals continuously change education institutions' behavior. This perspective comes from the socio–economic environment. Under this circumstance, more attention has been paid to Social Responsibility (SR) that all organizations need to take for the interests and welfare of the society (Vasilescu et al., 2010). When it comes toHigher Education Institutions (HEI), SR becomes the obligation of universities via responsible actions to make social and economic impacts on the society (Vallaeys, 2014). There is no denying that universities play increasingly paramount roles in a global context. The primary aim for them is to instill knowledge which has become the key driver of economic growth (Faust, 2010). From a broader perspective, universities address societal problems and bring advantages to the society where they are based. Due to the needs of attracting and retaining students, universities pay more attention to SR when they make decisions and plans (SГЎnchez–HernГЎndez and Mainardes, 2016). Thus, this essay will determine the importance of being a socially responsible university, the obligation of a responsible university, together with a focus on the way a university makes its different stakeholders believe its commitment to social responsibility. It is hard to give a precise definition of University Social Responsibility (USR). It is simply about universities show their ethical performance to the whole Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Responsibility And Social Responsibility Democracy means government by the people, which is people participate in every action and makes decision. The system of democracy gave us many opportunities, such as the right to vote, the right to speech, the right to religion and others. In the Democracy system responsibility have a big place, personal responsibility and social responsibility of its citizen have a big effect on the decision of the political process. Every four years there is an election and there are different candidates, who run for president with different ideas and goals. The people can viewed the candidates ideas and goals in different ways, or they may agree all together by some ideas. But there is always different point of view of the candidates from different people, which makes the political system more diverse. People have the right to vote and choose their president to lead them to the highest achievement, but many people are not using their right. Votingis one of the personal responsibility of one citizen, and also participating in the political, social life. We watch and heard on TV and radio or on social medias, different candidates talking about political, social, environmental and continental topics. We can elect only one candidate to be a president, and we should to understand the candidates political agenda in every direction. We can not elect a candidate just to fulfill our need only, we should think about the others too. So the act of voting is the personal responsibility of every Get more content on
  • 10. Social Responsibility is the idea that a company should embrace its social responsibilities and not be solely focused on maximizing profits. Social responsibility has a hidden connotation attached to it, which is awareness. When I hear the phrase "being socially responsible," I think of the repercussions that come with not being socially responsible. According to,social responsibility is "The responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior that: contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society" (ASQ, 2016). It also, "takes into account the expectations of stakeholders" (ASQ, 2016). In addition, social responsibility "is in compliance with applicable laws and consistent with international norms of behavior" (ASQ, 2016). Finally, it "is integrated throughout the organization and practiced in its relationships" (ASQ, 2016). The burden of being socially responsible ultimately falls on the one with the most to lose. Chief Executive Officers rarely go out of their way to take social and political stances unless it is something they are passionate about, and they prepare themselves to take a financial and public relations hit. The act of taking stances on political and social issues could be the difference between millions of people siding or distancing themselves from an entity. There have been many examples where the act of Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection On Corporate Social Responsibility From the beginning of Fall semester BUAD 3111, I was not sure exactly which topic would provide a key learning experience in this class. I must point out the fact that learning of the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has and will affect me as I develop my career. Based on the lectures and research to answer the discussion questions, I see the great importance CSR plays in the business world. CSR demonstrates to both consumers and the media that a company takes an interest in wider social issues that have no direct impact on profit margins. These issues may be local, national or global, with a concern for the health and wellness of others. Nevertheless, to provide additional insight as to the impact of a company's CSR policy, I will define CSR and business ethic fundamentals, identify stakeholder's roles, discuss consumers as stakeholders' information issues /responses and lastly, discuss the natural environment as a stakeholder. In my attempt to further explain, CSR is a model for incorporating ethical business regulations into a business model. This model provides companies a framework to embrace a responsibility towards the employees, community, and the environment. In other words, their financial success or profit, their contributions to a livable environment and their contribution to solving social problems. The business contribution to a charity, cause or community can be a significant amount of charitable funds, product donations or other ventures. For Get more content on
  • 12. Csr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and it is a concept with many definitions and practices and also a buzzword in the media. In general, corporate social responsibility is the policies and programs of business corporations which tend to benefit society while improving a corporation's public image and profitability at the same time. The meaning of it is implemented in different countries and companies differently. Warren Buffet said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and only 5 minutes to ruin it which means he mentioned the activity of the corporations here. In accordance with Buffet's dialogue, business should be responsible to the society, environment and towards a sustainable developed planet. Many names are used to mention CSR such as socially responsible business, responsible entrepreneurship, corporate citizenship, corporate accountability or corporate sustainability etc. Corporate social responsibility is the continuing commitment by business companies to behave ethically & contribute to economic development and simultaneously improve the standard of life and quality of life of the workforce & their families, local communities and the society according to the World Business Council. For example – Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, facilitating primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, making policies for the improvement of maternal health, HIV / AIDS, Malaria & other fatal diseases, ensuring Get more content on
  • 13. Cooke and Mendelson define social responsibility as, 'the concern for the welfare of society which restrains business from engaging in destructive activities, whatever their immediate profitability and focuses their contributions on the betterment of society' . Intrinsically, corporate social responsibility ("CSR") as Yamusa postulates, involves not just charitable gestures by a company but also the application of internationally recognised best practices of business standards in its operations taking into consideration the dilemma of host communities and government and ensuring that issues of human rights, human capital development and the environment are incorporated into the company 's policies and decision–making .Thus, CSR is an issue that borders on economic, legal, ethical, and unrestricted expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time. It requires organizations to adopt a broader view of its responsibilities that includes not only stockholders, but many other participants as well, including employees, the local community, local, state, and federal governments, environmental groups, and other special interest groups. Corporate codes of conduct, community development projects and voluntary social reporting are key tools of CSR employed by multi–national corporations(MNCs); while the areas covered by their CSR initiatives include; human rights, transparency issues, employees ' welfare, environmental issues, disclosure of information, and Get more content on
  • 14. Business and Social Responsibility Essay Business and Social Responsibility It is widely known that for a business to be successful it needs to provide a good or service that is desired by the public and also to obtain a profit in providing said good or service. Now while these are the most important components to a successful business, they are not the only ones. The social responsibilities of a business include the following: environmental protection and preservation, employee safety and morale, product safety for the consumer. The financial manager must keep these three social responsibilities in mind when making any and all decisions. The environment has become a big issue over the last 30–40 years, especially for the businesses that may negatively affect more content... In turn this bad publicity has negatively affected the business and in a lot of cases, caused the business to fade away. It is the job of the financial manager to oversee these environmental issues and make socially responsible decisions not only to avoid bad publicity, but to do their part in aiding the environment in a financially sound manner. A business's employees are probably the most important part of the organization. In short, if there is something that hinders the performance of the employees the whole company suffers. Providing a safe and stimulating work environment is another thing that a financial manager should do to efficiently and effectively turn out a superior product. By keeping employee accidents to a minimum a business will avoid costly lawsuits and down–time. Every business must realize that an unsafe product will not last in the open market and will, in the long run, cost more money to correct. The financial manager must understand that, above all, the product must be safe. He/she must decide the most cost–effective manner to manufacture the product and also have it deemed safe to use. I believe that this detail of product safety should be addressed very early on in the production process, as should the other two. In conclusion, a business has an obligation to return something to society. Although the financial manager's main purpose is to acquire and control funds efficiently and effectively to maximize Get more content on
  • 15. Leadership, Ethics And Social Responsibility This written analysis is research–based analysis on Everest Simulation, which analyse its individual and team experiences on Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility. The aim of Everest Simulation was to achieve personal goals and team goals, as climbing up to the summit. Not all members had a goal of reaching the summit, such as, Environmentalist and the Photographer. As being a physician in the simulation, 6 out of 10 marks were achieved and the total team score of 54% was achieved. Throughout this simulation experience, it was satisfied that, the opportunities were given to students to self–educate how the theories of leadership, ethics and social responsibility are important in real life group society and how to apply these more content... This may have influenced the substitutes for leadership, which has affected the team performance of receiving team score of 54%. Throughout the first journal article, it was discovered that substitutes for leadership have significant relationship between transformational of leader's behaviours; as the results show some variables of transformational behaviours correlate with variables in substitutes for leadership (Podsakoff, 1996). To gain these findings, data was collected from 1,539 employees has been used as the evidences to support the outcomes. The result further displays, there are each unique effects on follower criterion variables in transformational leader behaviours and substitutes for leadership and there are greater substantial amount of variance accounted between substitutes for leadership and the transformational leader behaviours than reports in prior leadership research (Podsakoff, 1996). However, these findings do not provide strong evidence to support these finding, as researches have not yet found the specific proof. Although, it is clear that, there is relationship between transformational of leader's behaviours and substitutes for leadership in certain way, which further research and experiments is needed it. Throughout the second journal article, it was discovered that the organisation climate appeared to affect whether the leader's behaviour would have positive Get more content on
  • 16. Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay INTRODUCTION Ethics is concerned with the study of morality and the application of reason to elucidate specific rules and principles that determine right and wrong for a given situation (Crane & Matten, 2010). Since law does not necessarily cover the morality of many controversial issues, moral reflection ought to be performed on any action, regardless of its lawfulness. The growing power of business in today's society has enabled businesses to significantly impact the world. Hence, business ethics is highly relevant as it could determine whether businesses contribute or cause harm to the society at large. Using ethical theories to guide moral reflection, business ethics can help businesses avoid scandalous conduct that could harm more content... A utilitarian would strongly advocate businesses to consider all the happiness and pains of all its stakeholders and focus on maximising happiness for the greatest number. Businesses have to look beyond short–term monetary gains and consider the impact of their actions on their significant stakeholders. In the subprime mortgage crisis, the financial institutes could have better analysed the extensive pains that its external stakeholders may face when they invest in subprime mortgages. Although high returns from risky investments may seem beneficial to the investors in the short run, greater costs may be incurred in the long run due to subprime mortgage foreclosures and its significant repercussions on the society. If the financial institutes had adopted the utilitarian framework and acted in a way that maximises overall happiness and not out of self–interest, the society could have avoided a major economic downturn. Nevertheless, businesses may face challenges when applying the utilitarian framework. In many real life situations, businesses may not have sufficient time to make adequate predictions of the consequences of their intended actions. It may also be difficult to quantify happiness and justify what action will maximise the overall happiness. In order to optimize the utilitarian framework, it is critical that businesses can efficiently Get more content on
  • 17. Social Responsibility and Civic Engagement Essay Reevaluation At the beginning of this course I wasn't sure what was meant by social responsibility and civic engagement. During this course I realized the meaning of both and the responsibilities that both imply. A definition of social responsibility that I found particularly poignant and concise comes from Entrepreneur Magazine, "Acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged" (Entrepreneur Social responsibility can be as simple as paying your taxes or recycling your glass bottles. Social responsibility can be as complex as finding solutions to global warming or hunger in Africa. You can be personally socially responsible or you can be socially more content... I grew up in an environment where I was sensitive to the needs of those immediately around me; my family, my neighbors, my classmates but my world was a very narrow one. This course has taught be to look at the world as my neighbors and feel a responsibility to the health, safety and welfare of all. I used to believe there was nothing I could do about the famine in Africa or the genocide in Croatia but I now realize that ANY small step I take is a step toward a path leading to action and understanding. One of my closest friends is a Major in the U.S. Army and she has been to Croatia, Iraq and Afghanistan; I am blessed to have her in my life because through her eyes and her stories, I am more in touch with the trials of our modern day world. "Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" (Loeb, 2010). My opinions on specific topics have also evolved throughout this course. For example: my group project group chose to tackle the issue of capital punishment. "What goes around comes around. Or does it? I believe my awareness of this issue started when the five of us decided which side, pro or con, we were going to speak for. Originally we had four for pro and only one for con. Well, this was not going to be a balanced paper obviously so I said I would join the con side. Therefore, I had to research a view that I previously had discounted. Get more content on
  • 18. Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Many people believe that they have a social responsibility to take care of their community and the people within that community. The community can expand from local and regional to national and international in scope. Social responsibility in not limited to individuals, but many businesses and organization have joined the call for social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is when business and corporations make this a priority in their operations. Two questions come to mind, why a company needs to practice CSR and how can they do it? To address why companies need to practice CSR, Liu and Liu in their article, "Implementing Corporate External Social Responsibilities Strategies Through, Organizational Design more content... 79). Customers may purchase from a company based on a corporation's CSR. As the external stakeholders respond positively to CSR, a company will see it as "a strategic tool to win" (Liu and Liu, p. 79). The CSR can provide a competitive edge in the open market. As the pressure to meet the customers' expectations, a company's commitment to CSR may change. Liu and Liu state that Multinational corporations, like Starbucks, Shell Oil, and Nike, have felt the external pressure to act more socially responsible. The negative campaigns brought against them, compelled them to change their global image. (2009, p. 80). Although these corporations practiced CSR, the extent of their commitment changed due to external stakeholders' perceptions. . These changes due to increased external stakeholders pressure has also brought into question the motivation for these changes. The changes made to satisfy just the external pressure are unacceptable. Liu and Liu note, "Some critics complain that these companies lack sincerity and only pay lip–service to the concept" (2009, p. 80). To combat the usage of CSR to meet the needs of the shareholders, and not the stakeholders, companies should publish CSR reports, detailing their CSR involvement in their communities (Liu and Liu, p. 79). To address how a company can develop a CSR, in "Demystifying Corporate Responsibility," McKnight presents a method to make CSR easier for companies. A CSR need not be expensive or Get more content on
  • 19. The notion of ethics deals with people's behaviors within a company. Social responsibility involves a company's moral obligations and the manner in which the organization makes its decisions. Although ethics and social responsibility are similar on a conceptual basis, each has its own unique characteristics that express their differences and its independence of the other.Ethics and social responsibility have to be present and coincide with one another for a business to be ethically sound. Ethics is the application of one's personal beliefs and the impact on how a person makes decisions regarding the relationships involving a company. The most common agents that involve a person's decisions are owners, employees, customers, clients, more content... There is a fine line between what is ethically right or wrong with an action committed by an organization. According to Audi, "sometimes ethics is compromised without dishonesty but by deficiencies in clarity or candor or both" (Audi, 2009). Being dishonest and not telling the entire truth are examples of ethical dilemmas. On the contrary, social responsibility applies only to an organization or business, whereas ethics applies to people's behaviors and how the obligations determine whether an action is right or wrong. Social responsibility is the application of a set of ethics to a business or organization. Edwin Epstein's definition of corporate social responsibility supports the idea that corporate responsibility is ethically based in its decisions with the agents associated with the company. Epstein stated, "Corporate social responsibility relates primarily to achieving outcomes from organizational decisions concerning specific issues or problems which have beneficial rather than adverse effects upon pertinent corporate stakeholders" (Carroll, 1996). Social responsibility contains both the responsibility to discover employee misconduct while also maintaining good relationships with those outside of the business. According to Berenbeim, it is the corporation's responsibility to maintain those good relationships with the agents of interest paramount to the obligations to minimize the risk of employee misconduct (Berenbeim, Get more content on