SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Arithmetic Operators, 183
Assignment Operators, 184
Bitwise Operators, 184
Introduction, 182
Logical Operators, 183
Misc Operators, 184
Operators Precedence, 184
Relational Operators, 183
Using the Natural Library, 398
Operators Precedence
Operators, 184
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 784
OSCopyFile() Function
Stdlib Functions, 353
OSCopyFolder() Function
Stdlib Functions, 353
OSCreateOpenFolder() Function
Stdlib Functions, 353
OSDeleteFile() Function
Stdlib Functions, 354
OSDeleteFolder() Function
Stdlib Functions, 353
OSRenameFile() Function
Stdlib Functions, 354
Other Widgets Events
Desktop and Mobile Development, 652
Reflection and Meta-programming, 336
Object Oriented Programming, 309
Reflection and Meta-programming, 323
Reflection and Meta-programming, 326
Page Class
Web Development (CGI Library), 450
Stdlib Functions, 347
Pass Error
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 814
Passing Lists to Functions
Lists, 222
Passing Parameters Arguments Using List Array
Lists, 224
Passing Parameters or Arguments Using List
Lists, 223
Command Line Options, 779
Stdlib Functions, 348
Files, 255
Philosophy behind data types in Ring
Frequently Asked Questions, 860
Play Sound
RingLibSDL, 481
Playing Sound
Desktop and Mobile Development, 662
Game Engine for 2D Games, 499
Graphics and Game Programming, 470
Low Level Functions, 794
Post Request
RingLibCurl, 455
Applications developed in little hours, 20
Prefix for Functions Names
Code Generator, 837
PrevFileName() Function
System Functions, 264
Print files in Zip file
RingZip, 459
Print List of ODBC Data Sources
ODBC Functions, 276
Print List of ODBC Drivers
ODBC Functions, 275
Print Query Result
MySQL Functions, 287
Stdlib Functions, 337
Print2Str() Function
Stdlib Functions, 337
Printing Final Intermediate Code
Command Line Options, 774
Printing Instruction Operation Code
Command Line Options, 779
Printing Intermediate Code
Command Line Options, 772
Printing Objects
Object Oriented Programming, 309
Printing Rules
Command Line Options, 768
Printing Tokens
Command Line Options, 766
Printing using QPrinter
Desktop and Mobile Development, 660
Private Attributes and Methods
Object Oriented Programming, 305
Stdlib Functions, 346
Program Structure
Introduction, 214
Load Package, 215
Source Code File Sections, 215
Using Many Source Code Files, 215
Project Folder
Index 1912
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Building Games For Android, 541
Project Layers
Game Engine for 2D Games, 491
Protecting the Source Code
Distributing Ring Application, 781
Low Level Functions, 795
Pure Functions
Functional Programming, 314
Stdlib Functions, 337
QAbstractButton Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 900
QAbstractItemView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 901
QAbstractScrollArea Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 903
QAbstractSlider Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 903
QAbstractSocket Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 904
QAbstractSpinBox Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 906
QAction Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 906
QAllEvents Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 908
QApp Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 912
QAxBase Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 912
QAxObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 913
QBitmap Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 913
QBluetoothAddress Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 913
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 913
QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 914
QBluetoothHostInfo Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 914
QBluetoothLocalDevice Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 915
QBoxLayout Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 915
QBrush Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 915
QBuffer Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 916
QButtonGroup Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 916
QByteArray Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 917
QCalendarWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 919
QCamera Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 920
QCameraImageCapture Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 921
QCameraViewfinder Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 922
QCheckBox Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 922
QColor Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 922
QColorDialog Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 925
QComboBox Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 925
QCompleter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 927
QCompleter2 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 928
QCompleter3 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 928
QCoreApplication Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 928
QCursor Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 929
QDate Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 930
QDateEdit Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 931
QDateTime Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 931
QDateTimeEdit Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 932
QDesktopServices Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 933
QDesktopWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 934
QDial Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 934
QDialog Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 935
QDir Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 935
QDirModel Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 935
QDockWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 936
QEvent Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 937
QFileDialog Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 937
Index 1913
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
QFileInfo Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 939
QFileSystemModel Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 940
QFont Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 941
QFontDialog Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 943
QFontMetrics Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 944
QFrame Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 944
QFrame2 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 945
QFrame3 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 945
QGradient Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 945
QGraphicsVideoItem Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 946
QGridLayout Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 946
QGuiApplication Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 947
QHBoxLayout Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 949
QHeaderView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 949
QHostAddress Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 952
QHostInfo Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 952
QIcon Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 953
QImage Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 953
QInputDialog Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 955
QIODevice Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 952
QJsonArray Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 956
QJsonDocument Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 957
QJsonObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 958
QJsonParseError Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 958
QJsonValue Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 958
QKeySequence Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 959
QLabel Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 960
QLayout Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 961
QLCDNumber Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 959
QLinearGradient Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 964
QLineEdit Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 962
QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox
Desktop and Mobile Development, 650
QListView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 964
QListWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 965
QListWidgetItem Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 966
QMainWindow Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 967
QMatrix4x4 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 969
QMdiArea Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 970
QMdiSubWindow Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 971
QMediaObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 971
QMediaPlayer Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 972
QMediaPlaylist Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 973
QMenu Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 973
QMenuBar Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 974
QMessageBox Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 975
QMessagebox Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 665
QMutex Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 976
QMutexLocker Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 976
QNetworkAccessManager Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 976
QNetworkProxy Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 977
QNetworkReply Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 978
QNetworkRequest Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 978
QObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 979
QOpenGLBuffer Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 979
Index 1914
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
QOpenGLContext Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 980
QOpenGLDebugLogger Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 981
QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 981
QOpenGLFunctions Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 982
QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 986
QOpenGLPaintDevice Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 994
QOpenGLShader Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 995
QOpenGLShaderProgram Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 995
QOpenGLTexture Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 999
QOpenGLTimerQuery Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1001
QOpenGLVersionProfile Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1001
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1002
QOpenGLWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1002
QPaintDevice Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1003
QPainter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1003
QPainter2 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1005
QPainterPath Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1006
QPen Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1007
QPicture Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1008
QPixmap Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1008
QPixmap2 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1009
QPlainTextEdit Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1009
QPoint Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1012
QPointF Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1012
QPrinter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1013
QProcess Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1014
QProgressBar Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1015
QPushButton Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1016
QQuaternion Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1016
QRadioButton Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1017
QRect Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1017
QRegion Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1019
QRegularExpression Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1020
QRegularExpressionMatch Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1020
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1021
QScreen Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1021
QScrollArea Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1022
QSerialPort Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1023
QSerialPortInfo Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1024
QSize Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1024
QSlider Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1025
QSpinBox Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1025
QSplashScreen Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1026
QSplitter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1026
QSqlDatabase Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1027
QSqlDriver Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1028
QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1028
QSqlError Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1029
QSqlField Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1029
QSqlIndex Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1030
QSqlQuery Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1030
QSqlRecord Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1031
QStackedWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1032
QStatusBar Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1032
Index 1915
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
QString2 Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1033
QStringList Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1033
QStringRef Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1034
QSurfaceFormat Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1036
QSystemTrayIcon Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1037
Qt Class Convertor
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 108
Qt configuration file
Code Generator, 844
QTableView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1039
QTableWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1040
QTableWidgetItem Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1042
QTabWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1038
QTcpServer Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1044
QTcpSocket Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1044
QTest Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1045
QTextBlock Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1045
QTextBrowser Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1046
QTextCharFormat Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1047
QTextCodec Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1048
QTextCursor Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1049
QTextDocument Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1050
QTextEdit Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1052
QThread Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1055
QThreadPool Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1056
QTime Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1057
QTimer Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1057
QToolBar Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1058
QToolButton Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1058
QTreeView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1059
QTreeWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1061
QTreeWidgetItem Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1063
Queue Class
Stdlib Classes, 360
Quotes about Ring
Applications developed in little hours, 1
QUrl Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1065
QUuid Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1066
QVariant Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1066
QVBoxLayout Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1066
QVector2D Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1068
QVector3D Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1068
QVector4D Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1069
QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer
Desktop and Mobile Development, 644
QVideoWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1070
QVideoWidgetControl Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1071
QWebView Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1071
QWidget Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1072
QWindow Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1077
QXmlStreamAttribute Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1081
QXmlStreamAttributes Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1081
QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1082
QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1082
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1082
QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1082
QXmlStreamReader Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1083
QXmlStreamWriter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1084
Index 1916
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Eval() and Debugging, 268
Security and Internet Functions, 299
Random Image
Web Development (CGI Library), 421
Mathematical Functions, 247
Read File using Read()
Files, 251
Stdlib Functions, 349
Real Natual Code
Natural Language Programming, 390
Functions - First Style, 206
Functions - Second Style, 210
Functions - Third Style, 214
Compiler Errors, 889
Environment Errors, 891
Introduction, 886
Language Functions, 888
Language Grammar, 892
Language Keywords, 887
Runtime Errors, 890
Virtual Machine Instructions, 893
Reflection and Meta-programming
addattribute(), 331
addmethod(), 331
attributes(), 328
cfunctions(), 321
classes(), 325
classname(), 327
functions(), 321
getattribute(), 333
globals(), 320
Introduction, 318
isattribute(), 329
iscfunction(), 323
isclass(), 325
isfunction(), 322
isglobal(), 322
islocal(), 322
ismethod(), 330
isobject(), 328
ispackage(), 324
ispackagesclass(), 326
isprivateattribute(), 329
isprivatemethod(), 330
locals(), 320
mergemethods(), 335
methods(), 328
objectid(), 327
packagename(), 336
packages(), 323
packagesclasses(), 326
setattribute(), 334
Register New Functions
Code Generator, 838
Regular Expressions
Desktop and Mobile Development, 679
Relational Operators
Operators, 183
Files, 252
Files, 252
Contact the Autor, 1894
Introduction, 1893
Ring Group, 1894
Ring Language Website, 1894
Restore Image From The Database
MySQL Functions, 289
Return object by reference
Declarative Programming, 379
Return Self by Reference
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 122
Return Value
Extension, 825
Functions - First Style, 205
Functions - Second Style, 209
Functions - Third Style, 213
Lists, 220
Files, 254
Strings, 228
Ring and other languages
Introduction, 23
RING API - list Functions
Extension, 827
RING API - String Functions
Extension, 829
Ring CGI Hello World Program
Web Development (CGI Library), 402
Ring Group
Resources, 1894
Ring Language Website
Resources, 1894
Ring mode for Emacs Editor
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 120
Ring Notepad
Introduction, 160
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first con-
sole application, 161
Index 1917
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game,
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI
application, 164
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web
application, 165
Ring Notepad - Main Window, 161
The Browser Menu, 172
The Distribute Menu, 173
The Edit Menu, 169
The File Menu, 169
The Help Menu, 173
The Main File in the Project, 168
The Program Menu, 172
The Tools Menu, 173
The View Menu, 170
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first console
Ring Notepad, 161
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game
Ring Notepad, 167
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI ap-
Ring Notepad, 164
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web ap-
Ring Notepad, 165
Ring Notepad - Main Window
Ring Notepad, 161
Ring State
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 832
Ring State Functions
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 832
Ring State Variables
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 833
Ring VM - Tracing Functions
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 82
Extension, 822
Extension, 822
ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile()
Embedding Ring in Ring, 820
ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 40
Embedding Ring in Ring, 819
RingAllegro Functions Reference
Introduction, 1100
RingCodeHighlighter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1085
RingConsoleColors Extension
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 49
RingConsoleColors Functions Reference
Introduction, 1098
RingFreeGLUT Extension
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 68
RingFreeGLUT Functions Reference
Introduction, 1152
Facebook Login, 455
Get Request, 455
Get Stock Data From Yahoo, 457
Introduction, 454
Post Request, 455
Save output to string, 456
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 129
RingLibCurl Functions Reference
Introduction, 1088
Close Window Event, 479
Create Window, 476
Display Image, 476
Display PNG Images, 477
Display Transparent Images, 478
Draw Rectangle, 477
Introduction, 475
Mouse Events, 480
Play Sound, 481
Switch Between Two Images, 476
Use TTF Fonts, 478
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 138
RingLibSDL Functions Reference
Introduction, 1119
Client Example, 485
Client Example - Using Classes, 488
First Application using RingLibuv, 483
Introduction, 482
Server Example, 484
Server Example using Classes, 487
The Events Loop, 484
Threads Example, 489
Threads Example - Using Classes, 490
RingLibuv Extension
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 43
RingLibuv Functions Reference
Introduction, 1143
RingLibZip Functions Reference
Introduction, 1097
RingMurmurHash Extension
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 49
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference
Example, 1087
Introduction, 1086
MurmurHash1 functions, 1087
MurmurHash2 functions, 1087
MurmurHash3 functions, 1087
Index 1918
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1161
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1186
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1212
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.4) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1241
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.5) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1271
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1302
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1336
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1378
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1423
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1469
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1516
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1563
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1610
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1657
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1704
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.4) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1751
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.5) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1798
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.6) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1845
RingOpenGL Extension
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 77
RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation
Desktop and Mobile Development, 713
RingQt Classes Reference
CodeEditor Class, 900
Introduction, 899
QAbstractButton Class, 900
QAbstractItemView Class, 901
QAbstractScrollArea Class, 903
QAbstractSlider Class, 903
QAbstractSocket Class, 904
QAbstractSpinBox Class, 906
QAction Class, 906
QAllEvents Class, 908
QApp Class, 912
QAxBase Class, 912
QAxObject Class, 913
QBitmap Class, 913
QBluetoothAddress Class, 913
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class, 913
QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class, 914
QBluetoothHostInfo Class, 914
QBluetoothLocalDevice Class, 915
QBoxLayout Class, 915
QBrush Class, 915
QBuffer Class, 916
QButtonGroup Class, 916
QByteArray Class, 917
QCalendarWidget Class, 919
QCamera Class, 920
QCameraImageCapture Class, 921
QCameraViewfinder Class, 922
QCheckBox Class, 922
QColor Class, 922
QColorDialog Class, 925
QComboBox Class, 925
QCompleter Class, 927
QCompleter2 Class, 928
QCompleter3 Class, 928
QCoreApplication Class, 928
QCursor Class, 929
QDate Class, 930
QDateEdit Class, 931
QDateTime Class, 931
QDateTimeEdit Class, 932
QDesktopServices Class, 933
QDesktopWidget Class, 934
QDial Class, 934
QDialog Class, 935
QDir Class, 935
QDirModel Class, 935
QDockWidget Class, 936
QEvent Class, 937
QFileDialog Class, 937
QFileInfo Class, 939
QFileSystemModel Class, 940
QFont Class, 941
QFontDialog Class, 943
QFontMetrics Class, 944
QFrame Class, 944
QFrame2 Class, 945
QFrame3 Class, 945
QGradient Class, 945
QGraphicsVideoItem Class, 946
QGridLayout Class, 946
QGuiApplication Class, 947
QHBoxLayout Class, 949
QHeaderView Class, 949
QHostAddress Class, 952
QHostInfo Class, 952
QIcon Class, 953
Index 1919
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
QImage Class, 953
QInputDialog Class, 955
QIODevice Class, 952
QJsonArray Class, 956
QJsonDocument Class, 957
QJsonObject Class, 958
QJsonParseError Class, 958
QJsonValue Class, 958
QKeySequence Class, 959
QLabel Class, 960
QLayout Class, 961
QLCDNumber Class, 959
QLinearGradient Class, 964
QLineEdit Class, 962
QListView Class, 964
QListWidget Class, 965
QListWidgetItem Class, 966
QMainWindow Class, 967
QMatrix4x4 Class, 969
QMdiArea Class, 970
QMdiSubWindow Class, 971
QMediaObject Class, 971
QMediaPlayer Class, 972
QMediaPlaylist Class, 973
QMenu Class, 973
QMenuBar Class, 974
QMessageBox Class, 975
QMutex Class, 976
QMutexLocker Class, 976
QNetworkAccessManager Class, 976
QNetworkProxy Class, 977
QNetworkReply Class, 978
QNetworkRequest Class, 978
QObject Class, 979
QOpenGLBuffer Class, 979
QOpenGLContext Class, 980
QOpenGLDebugLogger Class, 981
QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class, 981
QOpenGLFunctions Class, 982
QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class, 986
QOpenGLPaintDevice Class, 994
QOpenGLShader Class, 995
QOpenGLShaderProgram Class, 995
QOpenGLTexture Class, 999
QOpenGLTimerQuery Class, 1001
QOpenGLVersionProfile Class, 1001
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class, 1002
QOpenGLWidget Class, 1002
QPaintDevice Class, 1003
QPainter Class, 1003
QPainter2 Class, 1005
QPainterPath Class, 1006
QPen Class, 1007
QPicture Class, 1008
QPixmap Class, 1008
QPixmap2 Class, 1009
QPlainTextEdit Class, 1009
QPoint Class, 1012
QPointF Class, 1012
QPrinter Class, 1013
QProcess Class, 1014
QProgressBar Class, 1015
QPushButton Class, 1016
QQuaternion Class, 1016
QRadioButton Class, 1017
QRect Class, 1017
QRegion Class, 1019
QRegularExpression Class, 1020
QRegularExpressionMatch Class, 1020
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class, 1021
QScreen Class, 1021
QScrollArea Class, 1022
QSerialPort Class, 1023
QSerialPortInfo Class, 1024
QSize Class, 1024
QSlider Class, 1025
QSpinBox Class, 1025
QSplashScreen Class, 1026
QSplitter Class, 1026
QSqlDatabase Class, 1027
QSqlDriver Class, 1028
QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class, 1028
QSqlError Class, 1029
QSqlField Class, 1029
QSqlIndex Class, 1030
QSqlQuery Class, 1030
QSqlRecord Class, 1031
QStackedWidget Class, 1032
QStatusBar Class, 1032
QString2 Class, 1033
QStringList Class, 1033
QStringRef Class, 1034
QSurfaceFormat Class, 1036
QSystemTrayIcon Class, 1037
QTableView Class, 1039
QTableWidget Class, 1040
QTableWidgetItem Class, 1042
QTabWidget Class, 1038
QTcpServer Class, 1044
QTcpSocket Class, 1044
QTest Class, 1045
QTextBlock Class, 1045
QTextBrowser Class, 1046
QTextCharFormat Class, 1047
QTextCodec Class, 1048
QTextCursor Class, 1049
QTextDocument Class, 1050
QTextEdit Class, 1052
Index 1920
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
QThread Class, 1055
QThreadPool Class, 1056
QTime Class, 1057
QTimer Class, 1057
QToolBar Class, 1058
QToolButton Class, 1058
QTreeView Class, 1059
QTreeWidget Class, 1061
QTreeWidgetItem Class, 1063
QUrl Class, 1065
QUuid Class, 1066
QVariant Class, 1066
QVBoxLayout Class, 1066
QVector2D Class, 1068
QVector3D Class, 1068
QVector4D Class, 1069
QVideoWidget Class, 1070
QVideoWidgetControl Class, 1071
QWebView Class, 1071
QWidget Class, 1072
QWindow Class, 1077
QXmlStreamAttribute Class, 1081
QXmlStreamAttributes Class, 1081
QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class, 1082
QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class, 1082
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class, 1082
QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class, 1082
QXmlStreamReader Class, 1083
QXmlStreamWriter Class, 1084
RingCodeHighlighter Class, 1085
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 104
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 139
Low Level Functions, 804
Low Level Functions, 800
Low Level Functions, 796
Low Level Functions, 796
Low Level Functions, 803
Low Level Functions, 801
Low Level Functions, 796
ringvm_give() function
Low Level Functions, 812
Low Level Functions, 803
Low Level Functions, 798
Low Level Functions, 797
Low Level Functions, 803
Low Level Functions, 803
ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 39
ringvm_see() function
Low Level Functions, 811
Low Level Functions, 802
Low Level Functions, 802
Low Level Functions, 802
Low Level Functions, 803
Create Zip File, 459
Extract Zip File, 459
Introduction, 458
Print files in Zip file, 459
Using RingZip Classes, 459
Zip Class Reference, 461
ZipEntry Class Reference, 461
RingZip Library
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 123
Rotate Text
Desktop and Mobile Development, 676
The Type Hints Library, 764
Run the program
Getting Started - First Style, 153
Getting Started - Second Style, 156
Getting Started - Third Style, 158
Running Forms
Form Designer, 728
Runtime Errors
Reference, 890
How to contribute?, 151
Samples in this book
Applications developed in little hours, 13
Samples Source (Authors)
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 544
Save and Restore Images
ODBC Functions, 281
Save Image Inside the Database
MySQL Functions, 289
Save output to string
RingLibCurl, 456
Index 1921

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The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 195 of 196

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Arithmetic Operators, 183 Assignment Operators, 184 Bitwise Operators, 184 Introduction, 182 Logical Operators, 183 Misc Operators, 184 Operators Precedence, 184 Relational Operators, 183 Using the Natural Library, 398 Operators Precedence Operators, 184 Options Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 784 OSCopyFile() Function Stdlib Functions, 353 OSCopyFolder() Function Stdlib Functions, 353 OSCreateOpenFolder() Function Stdlib Functions, 353 OSDeleteFile() Function Stdlib Functions, 354 OSDeleteFolder() Function Stdlib Functions, 353 OSRenameFile() Function Stdlib Functions, 354 Other Widgets Events Desktop and Mobile Development, 652 packagename() Reflection and Meta-programming, 336 Packages Object Oriented Programming, 309 packages() Reflection and Meta-programming, 323 packagesclasses() Reflection and Meta-programming, 326 Page Class Web Development (CGI Library), 450 palindrome() Stdlib Functions, 347 Pass Error The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 814 Passing Lists to Functions Lists, 222 Passing Parameters Arguments Using List Array Lists, 224 Passing Parameters or Arguments Using List Lists, 223 Performance Command Line Options, 779 permutation() Stdlib Functions, 348 Perror() Files, 255 Philosophy behind data types in Ring Frequently Asked Questions, 860 Play Sound RingLibSDL, 481 Playing Sound Desktop and Mobile Development, 662 Game Engine for 2D Games, 499 Graphics and Game Programming, 470 pointer2object() Low Level Functions, 794 Post Request RingLibCurl, 455 Practical Applications developed in little hours, 20 Prefix for Functions Names Code Generator, 837 PrevFileName() Function System Functions, 264 Print files in Zip file RingZip, 459 Print List of ODBC Data Sources ODBC Functions, 276 Print List of ODBC Drivers ODBC Functions, 275 Print Query Result MySQL Functions, 287 print() Stdlib Functions, 337 Print2Str() Function Stdlib Functions, 337 Printing Final Intermediate Code Command Line Options, 774 Printing Instruction Operation Code Command Line Options, 779 Printing Intermediate Code Command Line Options, 772 Printing Objects Object Oriented Programming, 309 Printing Rules Command Line Options, 768 Printing Tokens Command Line Options, 766 Printing using QPrinter Desktop and Mobile Development, 660 Private Attributes and Methods Object Oriented Programming, 305 prodlist() Stdlib Functions, 346 Program Structure Introduction, 214 Load Package, 215 Source Code File Sections, 215 Using Many Source Code Files, 215 Project Folder Index 1912
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Building Games For Android, 541 Project Layers Game Engine for 2D Games, 491 Protecting the Source Code Distributing Ring Application, 781 ptrcmp() Low Level Functions, 795 Pure Functions Functional Programming, 314 puts() Stdlib Functions, 337 QAbstractButton Class RingQt Classes Reference, 900 QAbstractItemView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 901 QAbstractScrollArea Class RingQt Classes Reference, 903 QAbstractSlider Class RingQt Classes Reference, 903 QAbstractSocket Class RingQt Classes Reference, 904 QAbstractSpinBox Class RingQt Classes Reference, 906 QAction Class RingQt Classes Reference, 906 QAllEvents Class RingQt Classes Reference, 908 QApp Class RingQt Classes Reference, 912 QAxBase Class RingQt Classes Reference, 912 QAxObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 913 QBitmap Class RingQt Classes Reference, 913 QBluetoothAddress Class RingQt Classes Reference, 913 QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class RingQt Classes Reference, 913 QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class RingQt Classes Reference, 914 QBluetoothHostInfo Class RingQt Classes Reference, 914 QBluetoothLocalDevice Class RingQt Classes Reference, 915 QBoxLayout Class RingQt Classes Reference, 915 QBrush Class RingQt Classes Reference, 915 QBuffer Class RingQt Classes Reference, 916 QButtonGroup Class RingQt Classes Reference, 916 QByteArray Class RingQt Classes Reference, 917 QCalendarWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 919 QCamera Class RingQt Classes Reference, 920 QCameraImageCapture Class RingQt Classes Reference, 921 QCameraViewfinder Class RingQt Classes Reference, 922 QCheckBox Class RingQt Classes Reference, 922 QColor Class RingQt Classes Reference, 922 QColorDialog Class RingQt Classes Reference, 925 QComboBox Class RingQt Classes Reference, 925 QCompleter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 927 QCompleter2 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 928 QCompleter3 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 928 QCoreApplication Class RingQt Classes Reference, 928 QCursor Class RingQt Classes Reference, 929 QDate Class RingQt Classes Reference, 930 QDateEdit Class RingQt Classes Reference, 931 QDateTime Class RingQt Classes Reference, 931 QDateTimeEdit Class RingQt Classes Reference, 932 QDesktopServices Class RingQt Classes Reference, 933 QDesktopWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 934 QDial Class RingQt Classes Reference, 934 QDialog Class RingQt Classes Reference, 935 QDir Class RingQt Classes Reference, 935 QDirModel Class RingQt Classes Reference, 935 QDockWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 936 QEvent Class RingQt Classes Reference, 937 QFileDialog Class RingQt Classes Reference, 937 Index 1913
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 QFileInfo Class RingQt Classes Reference, 939 QFileSystemModel Class RingQt Classes Reference, 940 QFont Class RingQt Classes Reference, 941 QFontDialog Class RingQt Classes Reference, 943 QFontMetrics Class RingQt Classes Reference, 944 QFrame Class RingQt Classes Reference, 944 QFrame2 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 945 QFrame3 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 945 QGradient Class RingQt Classes Reference, 945 QGraphicsVideoItem Class RingQt Classes Reference, 946 QGridLayout Class RingQt Classes Reference, 946 QGuiApplication Class RingQt Classes Reference, 947 QHBoxLayout Class RingQt Classes Reference, 949 QHeaderView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 949 QHostAddress Class RingQt Classes Reference, 952 QHostInfo Class RingQt Classes Reference, 952 QIcon Class RingQt Classes Reference, 953 QImage Class RingQt Classes Reference, 953 QInputDialog Class RingQt Classes Reference, 955 QIODevice Class RingQt Classes Reference, 952 QJsonArray Class RingQt Classes Reference, 956 QJsonDocument Class RingQt Classes Reference, 957 QJsonObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 958 QJsonParseError Class RingQt Classes Reference, 958 QJsonValue Class RingQt Classes Reference, 958 QKeySequence Class RingQt Classes Reference, 959 QLabel Class RingQt Classes Reference, 960 QLayout Class RingQt Classes Reference, 961 QLCDNumber Class RingQt Classes Reference, 959 QLinearGradient Class RingQt Classes Reference, 964 QLineEdit Class RingQt Classes Reference, 962 QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox Desktop and Mobile Development, 650 QListView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 964 QListWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 965 QListWidgetItem Class RingQt Classes Reference, 966 QMainWindow Class RingQt Classes Reference, 967 QMatrix4x4 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 969 QMdiArea Class RingQt Classes Reference, 970 QMdiSubWindow Class RingQt Classes Reference, 971 QMediaObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 971 QMediaPlayer Class RingQt Classes Reference, 972 QMediaPlaylist Class RingQt Classes Reference, 973 QMenu Class RingQt Classes Reference, 973 QMenuBar Class RingQt Classes Reference, 974 QMessageBox Class RingQt Classes Reference, 975 QMessagebox Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 665 QMutex Class RingQt Classes Reference, 976 QMutexLocker Class RingQt Classes Reference, 976 QNetworkAccessManager Class RingQt Classes Reference, 976 QNetworkProxy Class RingQt Classes Reference, 977 QNetworkReply Class RingQt Classes Reference, 978 QNetworkRequest Class RingQt Classes Reference, 978 QObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 979 QOpenGLBuffer Class RingQt Classes Reference, 979 Index 1914
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 QOpenGLContext Class RingQt Classes Reference, 980 QOpenGLDebugLogger Class RingQt Classes Reference, 981 QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 981 QOpenGLFunctions Class RingQt Classes Reference, 982 QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class RingQt Classes Reference, 986 QOpenGLPaintDevice Class RingQt Classes Reference, 994 QOpenGLShader Class RingQt Classes Reference, 995 QOpenGLShaderProgram Class RingQt Classes Reference, 995 QOpenGLTexture Class RingQt Classes Reference, 999 QOpenGLTimerQuery Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1001 QOpenGLVersionProfile Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1001 QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1002 QOpenGLWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1002 QPaintDevice Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1003 QPainter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1003 QPainter2 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1005 QPainterPath Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1006 QPen Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1007 QPicture Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1008 QPixmap Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1008 QPixmap2 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1009 QPlainTextEdit Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1009 QPoint Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1012 QPointF Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1012 QPrinter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1013 QProcess Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1014 QProgressBar Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1015 QPushButton Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1016 QQuaternion Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1016 QRadioButton Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1017 QRect Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1017 QRegion Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1019 QRegularExpression Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1020 QRegularExpressionMatch Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1020 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1021 QScreen Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1021 QScrollArea Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1022 QSerialPort Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1023 QSerialPortInfo Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1024 QSize Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1024 QSlider Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1025 QSpinBox Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1025 QSplashScreen Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1026 QSplitter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1026 QSqlDatabase Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1027 QSqlDriver Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1028 QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1028 QSqlError Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1029 QSqlField Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1029 QSqlIndex Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1030 QSqlQuery Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1030 QSqlRecord Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1031 QStackedWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1032 QStatusBar Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1032 Index 1915
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 QString2 Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1033 QStringList Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1033 QStringRef Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1034 QSurfaceFormat Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1036 QSystemTrayIcon Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1037 Qt Class Convertor What is new in Ring 1.4?, 108 Qt configuration file Code Generator, 844 QTableView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1039 QTableWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1040 QTableWidgetItem Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1042 QTabWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1038 QTcpServer Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1044 QTcpSocket Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1044 QTest Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1045 QTextBlock Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1045 QTextBrowser Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1046 QTextCharFormat Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1047 QTextCodec Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1048 QTextCursor Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1049 QTextDocument Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1050 QTextEdit Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1052 QThread Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1055 QThreadPool Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1056 QTime Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1057 QTimer Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1057 QToolBar Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1058 QToolButton Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1058 QTreeView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1059 QTreeWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1061 QTreeWidgetItem Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1063 Queue Class Stdlib Classes, 360 Quotes about Ring Applications developed in little hours, 1 QUrl Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1065 QUuid Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1066 QVariant Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1066 QVBoxLayout Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1066 QVector2D Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1068 QVector3D Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1068 QVector4D Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1069 QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer Desktop and Mobile Development, 644 QVideoWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1070 QVideoWidgetControl Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1071 QWebView Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1071 QWidget Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1072 QWindow Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1077 QXmlStreamAttribute Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1081 QXmlStreamAttributes Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1081 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1082 QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1082 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1082 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1082 QXmlStreamReader Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1083 QXmlStreamWriter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1084 Raise() Index 1916
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Eval() and Debugging, 268 RandBytes() Security and Internet Functions, 299 Random Image Web Development (CGI Library), 421 Random() Mathematical Functions, 247 Read File using Read() Files, 251 readline() Stdlib Functions, 349 Real Natual Code Natural Language Programming, 390 Recursion Functions - First Style, 206 Functions - Second Style, 210 Functions - Third Style, 214 Reference Compiler Errors, 889 Environment Errors, 891 Introduction, 886 Language Functions, 888 Language Grammar, 892 Language Keywords, 887 Runtime Errors, 890 Virtual Machine Instructions, 893 Reflection and Meta-programming addattribute(), 331 addmethod(), 331 attributes(), 328 cfunctions(), 321 classes(), 325 classname(), 327 functions(), 321 getattribute(), 333 globals(), 320 Introduction, 318 isattribute(), 329 iscfunction(), 323 isclass(), 325 isfunction(), 322 isglobal(), 322 islocal(), 322 ismethod(), 330 isobject(), 328 ispackage(), 324 ispackagesclass(), 326 isprivateattribute(), 329 isprivatemethod(), 330 locals(), 320 mergemethods(), 335 methods(), 328 objectid(), 327 packagename(), 336 packages(), 323 packagesclasses(), 326 setattribute(), 334 Register New Functions Code Generator, 838 Regular Expressions Desktop and Mobile Development, 679 Relational Operators Operators, 183 Remove() Files, 252 Rename() Files, 252 Resources Contact the Autor, 1894 Introduction, 1893 Ring Group, 1894 Ring Language Website, 1894 Restore Image From The Database MySQL Functions, 289 Return object by reference Declarative Programming, 379 Return Self by Reference What is new in Ring 1.3?, 122 Return Value Extension, 825 Functions - First Style, 205 Functions - Second Style, 209 Functions - Third Style, 213 Reverse() Lists, 220 Rewind() Files, 254 Right() Strings, 228 Ring and other languages Introduction, 23 RING API - list Functions Extension, 827 RING API - String Functions Extension, 829 Ring CGI Hello World Program Web Development (CGI Library), 402 Ring Group Resources, 1894 Ring Language Website Resources, 1894 Ring mode for Emacs Editor What is new in Ring 1.3?, 120 Ring Notepad Introduction, 160 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first con- sole application, 161 Index 1917
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game, 167 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI application, 164 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web application, 165 Ring Notepad - Main Window, 161 The Browser Menu, 172 The Distribute Menu, 173 The Edit Menu, 169 The File Menu, 169 The Help Menu, 173 The Main File in the Project, 168 The Program Menu, 172 The Tools Menu, 173 The View Menu, 170 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first console application Ring Notepad, 161 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game Ring Notepad, 167 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI ap- plication Ring Notepad, 164 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web ap- plication Ring Notepad, 165 Ring Notepad - Main Window Ring Notepad, 161 Ring State Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 832 Ring State Functions Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 832 Ring State Variables Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 833 Ring VM - Tracing Functions What is new in Ring 1.5?, 82 ring_ext.c Extension, 822 ring_ext.h Extension, 822 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() Embedding Ring in Ring, 820 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions What is new in Ring 1.7?, 40 ring_state_setvar() Embedding Ring in Ring, 819 RingAllegro Functions Reference Introduction, 1100 RingCodeHighlighter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1085 RingConsoleColors Extension What is new in Ring 1.6?, 49 RingConsoleColors Functions Reference Introduction, 1098 RingFreeGLUT Extension What is new in Ring 1.5?, 68 RingFreeGLUT Functions Reference Introduction, 1152 RingLibCurl Facebook Login, 455 Get Request, 455 Get Stock Data From Yahoo, 457 Introduction, 454 Post Request, 455 Save output to string, 456 What is new in Ring 1.2?, 129 RingLibCurl Functions Reference Introduction, 1088 RingLibSDL Close Window Event, 479 Create Window, 476 Display Image, 476 Display PNG Images, 477 Display Transparent Images, 478 Draw Rectangle, 477 Introduction, 475 Mouse Events, 480 Play Sound, 481 Switch Between Two Images, 476 Use TTF Fonts, 478 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 138 RingLibSDL Functions Reference Introduction, 1119 RingLibuv Client Example, 485 Client Example - Using Classes, 488 First Application using RingLibuv, 483 Introduction, 482 Server Example, 484 Server Example using Classes, 487 The Events Loop, 484 Threads Example, 489 Threads Example - Using Classes, 490 RingLibuv Extension What is new in Ring 1.7?, 43 RingLibuv Functions Reference Introduction, 1143 RingLibZip Functions Reference Introduction, 1097 RingMurmurHash Extension What is new in Ring 1.6?, 49 RingMurmurHash Functions Reference Example, 1087 Introduction, 1086 MurmurHash1 functions, 1087 MurmurHash2 functions, 1087 MurmurHash3 functions, 1087 Index 1918
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1161 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1186 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1212 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.4) Functions Reference Introduction, 1241 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.5) Functions Reference Introduction, 1271 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1302 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1336 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1378 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1423 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1469 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1516 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1563 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1610 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1657 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1704 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.4) Functions Reference Introduction, 1751 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.5) Functions Reference Introduction, 1798 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.6) Functions Reference Introduction, 1845 RingOpenGL Extension What is new in Ring 1.5?, 77 RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation Desktop and Mobile Development, 713 RingQt Classes Reference CodeEditor Class, 900 Introduction, 899 QAbstractButton Class, 900 QAbstractItemView Class, 901 QAbstractScrollArea Class, 903 QAbstractSlider Class, 903 QAbstractSocket Class, 904 QAbstractSpinBox Class, 906 QAction Class, 906 QAllEvents Class, 908 QApp Class, 912 QAxBase Class, 912 QAxObject Class, 913 QBitmap Class, 913 QBluetoothAddress Class, 913 QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class, 913 QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class, 914 QBluetoothHostInfo Class, 914 QBluetoothLocalDevice Class, 915 QBoxLayout Class, 915 QBrush Class, 915 QBuffer Class, 916 QButtonGroup Class, 916 QByteArray Class, 917 QCalendarWidget Class, 919 QCamera Class, 920 QCameraImageCapture Class, 921 QCameraViewfinder Class, 922 QCheckBox Class, 922 QColor Class, 922 QColorDialog Class, 925 QComboBox Class, 925 QCompleter Class, 927 QCompleter2 Class, 928 QCompleter3 Class, 928 QCoreApplication Class, 928 QCursor Class, 929 QDate Class, 930 QDateEdit Class, 931 QDateTime Class, 931 QDateTimeEdit Class, 932 QDesktopServices Class, 933 QDesktopWidget Class, 934 QDial Class, 934 QDialog Class, 935 QDir Class, 935 QDirModel Class, 935 QDockWidget Class, 936 QEvent Class, 937 QFileDialog Class, 937 QFileInfo Class, 939 QFileSystemModel Class, 940 QFont Class, 941 QFontDialog Class, 943 QFontMetrics Class, 944 QFrame Class, 944 QFrame2 Class, 945 QFrame3 Class, 945 QGradient Class, 945 QGraphicsVideoItem Class, 946 QGridLayout Class, 946 QGuiApplication Class, 947 QHBoxLayout Class, 949 QHeaderView Class, 949 QHostAddress Class, 952 QHostInfo Class, 952 QIcon Class, 953 Index 1919
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 QImage Class, 953 QInputDialog Class, 955 QIODevice Class, 952 QJsonArray Class, 956 QJsonDocument Class, 957 QJsonObject Class, 958 QJsonParseError Class, 958 QJsonValue Class, 958 QKeySequence Class, 959 QLabel Class, 960 QLayout Class, 961 QLCDNumber Class, 959 QLinearGradient Class, 964 QLineEdit Class, 962 QListView Class, 964 QListWidget Class, 965 QListWidgetItem Class, 966 QMainWindow Class, 967 QMatrix4x4 Class, 969 QMdiArea Class, 970 QMdiSubWindow Class, 971 QMediaObject Class, 971 QMediaPlayer Class, 972 QMediaPlaylist Class, 973 QMenu Class, 973 QMenuBar Class, 974 QMessageBox Class, 975 QMutex Class, 976 QMutexLocker Class, 976 QNetworkAccessManager Class, 976 QNetworkProxy Class, 977 QNetworkReply Class, 978 QNetworkRequest Class, 978 QObject Class, 979 QOpenGLBuffer Class, 979 QOpenGLContext Class, 980 QOpenGLDebugLogger Class, 981 QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class, 981 QOpenGLFunctions Class, 982 QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class, 986 QOpenGLPaintDevice Class, 994 QOpenGLShader Class, 995 QOpenGLShaderProgram Class, 995 QOpenGLTexture Class, 999 QOpenGLTimerQuery Class, 1001 QOpenGLVersionProfile Class, 1001 QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class, 1002 QOpenGLWidget Class, 1002 QPaintDevice Class, 1003 QPainter Class, 1003 QPainter2 Class, 1005 QPainterPath Class, 1006 QPen Class, 1007 QPicture Class, 1008 QPixmap Class, 1008 QPixmap2 Class, 1009 QPlainTextEdit Class, 1009 QPoint Class, 1012 QPointF Class, 1012 QPrinter Class, 1013 QProcess Class, 1014 QProgressBar Class, 1015 QPushButton Class, 1016 QQuaternion Class, 1016 QRadioButton Class, 1017 QRect Class, 1017 QRegion Class, 1019 QRegularExpression Class, 1020 QRegularExpressionMatch Class, 1020 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class, 1021 QScreen Class, 1021 QScrollArea Class, 1022 QSerialPort Class, 1023 QSerialPortInfo Class, 1024 QSize Class, 1024 QSlider Class, 1025 QSpinBox Class, 1025 QSplashScreen Class, 1026 QSplitter Class, 1026 QSqlDatabase Class, 1027 QSqlDriver Class, 1028 QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class, 1028 QSqlError Class, 1029 QSqlField Class, 1029 QSqlIndex Class, 1030 QSqlQuery Class, 1030 QSqlRecord Class, 1031 QStackedWidget Class, 1032 QStatusBar Class, 1032 QString2 Class, 1033 QStringList Class, 1033 QStringRef Class, 1034 QSurfaceFormat Class, 1036 QSystemTrayIcon Class, 1037 QTableView Class, 1039 QTableWidget Class, 1040 QTableWidgetItem Class, 1042 QTabWidget Class, 1038 QTcpServer Class, 1044 QTcpSocket Class, 1044 QTest Class, 1045 QTextBlock Class, 1045 QTextBrowser Class, 1046 QTextCharFormat Class, 1047 QTextCodec Class, 1048 QTextCursor Class, 1049 QTextDocument Class, 1050 QTextEdit Class, 1052 Index 1920
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 QThread Class, 1055 QThreadPool Class, 1056 QTime Class, 1057 QTimer Class, 1057 QToolBar Class, 1058 QToolButton Class, 1058 QTreeView Class, 1059 QTreeWidget Class, 1061 QTreeWidgetItem Class, 1063 QUrl Class, 1065 QUuid Class, 1066 QVariant Class, 1066 QVBoxLayout Class, 1066 QVector2D Class, 1068 QVector3D Class, 1068 QVector4D Class, 1069 QVideoWidget Class, 1070 QVideoWidgetControl Class, 1071 QWebView Class, 1071 QWidget Class, 1072 QWindow Class, 1077 QXmlStreamAttribute Class, 1081 QXmlStreamAttributes Class, 1081 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class, 1082 QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class, 1082 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class, 1082 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class, 1082 QXmlStreamReader Class, 1083 QXmlStreamWriter Class, 1084 RingCodeHighlighter Class, 1085 RingREPL What is new in Ring 1.4?, 104 RingSQLite What is new in Ring 1.1?, 139 ringvm_callfunc() Low Level Functions, 804 RingVM_CallList() Low Level Functions, 800 RingVM_CFunctionsList() Low Level Functions, 796 RingVM_ClassesList() Low Level Functions, 796 ringvm_evalinscope() Low Level Functions, 803 RingVM_FilesList() Low Level Functions, 801 RingVM_FunctionsList() Low Level Functions, 796 ringvm_give() function Low Level Functions, 812 ringvm_hideerrorMsg() Low Level Functions, 803 RingVM_MemoryList() Low Level Functions, 798 RingVM_PackagesList() Low Level Functions, 797 ringvm_passerror() Low Level Functions, 803 ringvm_scopescount() Low Level Functions, 803 ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions What is new in Ring 1.7?, 39 ringvm_see() function Low Level Functions, 811 ringvm_settrace() Low Level Functions, 802 ringvm_tracedata() Low Level Functions, 802 ringvm_traceevent() Low Level Functions, 802 ringvm_tracefunc() Low Level Functions, 803 RingZip Create Zip File, 459 Extract Zip File, 459 Introduction, 458 Print files in Zip file, 459 Using RingZip Classes, 459 Zip Class Reference, 461 ZipEntry Class Reference, 461 RingZip Library What is new in Ring 1.3?, 123 Rotate Text Desktop and Mobile Development, 676 Rules The Type Hints Library, 764 Run the program Getting Started - First Style, 153 Getting Started - Second Style, 156 Getting Started - Third Style, 158 Running Forms Form Designer, 728 Runtime Errors Reference, 890 Samples How to contribute?, 151 Samples in this book Applications developed in little hours, 13 Samples Source (Authors) Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 544 Save and Restore Images ODBC Functions, 281 Save Image Inside the Database MySQL Functions, 289 Save output to string RingLibCurl, 456 Index 1921