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Khairulanwar Bin Ismail & Muhamad Haziq Bin Zaini Alamar
1.0 Introduction
The challenges facing by governments are becoming increasingly more complex due to
technological and cultural changes, demographic shifts, and the ever faster movement of money,
goods and people. Governments globally are also encountering greater fiscal constraints,
economic uncertainties, declining effectiveness of standard practices and procedures, as well as
difficulties in attracting and retaining top talent. Increased affluence and exposure to global
services has led to more sophisticated demand and rapidly rising expectations from the public,
further escalating challenges in public service delivery.
An important part of addressing these challenges requires adapting to new models of service
delivery that are better suited to today’s technologies, norms and citizen needs. These new
delivery and service requirements provide a clear opportunity for the Government to reform in
order to be more cost-effective and better equipped to meet the demands and expectations of the
public for 2020 and beyond. This will also require the public sector to be leaner, facilitative,
more efficient, more productive, more skilled, more open, more innovative, and less
bureaucratic, in order to better deliver for the public and for Malaysia.
In this study, we choose Immigration Department of Malaysia to measure how the public service
deliveries work as government agencies who serve public. From the study, it expected how the
immigration department manage their service delivery either it provide benefit to the public or
having better future as a public services delivery for improvement.
2.0 The Public Service Delivery
The needs of improvement in administration is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
government as a whole and the civil servants as a backbone of the government in implementing
the policy regulated by the government in order to make sure the public gets the good service in
term of education, health, economy , social and etc.
As a general, the public service delivery is meant the improvement of administration, in which
may perform in conflict situation, to specific remedies for administration and values each ideas
and suggestion for better government and acts according to their own recipe in ( Caiden, 1969).
On the other hand, in enhancing the public administrative capability in achieving the national
development goals, a systematic and integrated step is brought in making the fundamental
changes to the public administration (Hanh, 1970).
2.1 Evolution of Public Service Delivery in Malaysia
In begin on 1960’s, the government of Malaysia has come out with the several
initiatives under the public service delivery improvement, the list of the programs
introduced by the government is Rural Development Program (RDP), The Red Book,
First Malaysia Plan (1960-1970) and The Mongtgomery-Esman Report. The existence of
RDP is to assist and helps the rural areas, and maintains the areas that lived by
indigenous people and preserved their population. Under the development plans made by
the government, which the First Malaysia Plan (1956-1960) and the Second Malaysia
Plan (1961-1965), through this plans, the agricultural development is promoted by the
government in improving the economy of people that lived in rural areas especially for
the farming communities (Malaya 1961, Chee 1979). In RED Book, it focuses on
providing basic infrastructure and institutions such as electricity, water, school and
others.. Under RED Book, to ensure rapid growth of rural development, FELDA and
RIDA were establishing. Meanwhile, in 1966 Montgomery was present their report and it
mentioned about recommendation to Malaysia government to change their approach from
maintenance administration to the development administration.
In seventies era, it is a necessary for Malaysia civil service to begin development
programs to ensure effectively and efficiency of services. It begins with establishment of
Development Administration Unit (DAU). It was under Prime Minister Department with
the purpose is to providing operation style and focus on development. Its function is to be
agents of enhancement and improving administration as well to improve public services.
In 1971, New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced and it brought Malaysia to new
modernization era (Rais, 1995). This policy is transforming public services to a new
institution whereby it expands the function and competes with private sector.
Furthermore, this policy focuses on upgrading the knowledge of public servant to
effectively in dealing with public (United Nation, 1995). It is whereby DAU play a role
in preparing long and short term plan for civil servant to improve. This plan leaf to
establishment of National Training Institute (INTAN) in 1972 and succeed in training
civil servant in improving their skill and knowledge. In this era, Public Complaint Bureau
(PCB) also established to allow public complains about civil service so it can improve the
effectiveness of the services and public trust.
In eighties era, the enhancement of public service delivery begin when New Public
Management (NPM) was introduced. NPM is started along with Look East Policy (1982)
and Privatisation Policy (1983). This two policies change the way of Malaysia public
service. For Look East Policy, it applies how Japan and Korea manage their public
services such as decentralization management, focus on quality and treat employees
better (Rais, 1995). For privatization, it reduce burden of government through shift the
management of organization through privatization. The purpose of NPM is to enhance
the public service delivery. The alternative such as leadership by example, punch card
system will improve the public service performance as well in service public.
In nineties era, the administration is in the right track to be improved. It focuses on
achieving vision 2020. Hence, National Development Policy (NDP) was introduced. In
this era, government focuses to develop Malaysia totally in various aspects. It is the
reason quality of service become priority to the services. TO ensure the quality, TQM,
quality day, ISO 9000 and others is introduce to enhance quality in public services. First
reform in this era is downsizing the civil services. For instance, between years of 1992 to
1997, there are 570 agencies were review and restructured. Sistem Saraan Baru also was
introduces as standardize the salary system in Malaysia during nineties. Meanwhile,
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) and Cyber City also were introduced by government
to enhance IT in public service as well in public. It proves that government tries to
improve the service in Malaysia into Technology country which is less bureaucracy.
For current enhancement of public service delivery, government tried to enhance the
economics of Malaysia alongside with quality of service. New Economic Model (NEM)
alongside ceaselessly change in the ICT base and correspondence could enhance
Malaysia financial development and their nature of administrations. It accepted over 10
years together with learning and advancement would be a key to accomplish this
objective (Najib Razak, 2011). In term of open administration conveyance change,
government reinforces their administration through use the web for worldwide joint
effort, development and data sharing. The effect of this reinforce are change the way
how government serve individuals and make distinctive quality to their administrations.
In 2011, Malaysian government presents Open Segment ICT Key arrangement. The
reason for this arrangement is to driving open segment computerized change. That is to
say, government attempted to use the employments of innovation with a specific end goal
to upgrade their asset to meet consumer loyalty. Reinforce the ICT in the no limits period
will guarantee subject ready to make the most of their administrations with government.
It because of capacity to having data at whatever time and anyplace without expends a
period and organization.
In this arrangement, their vision was to pervasive utilization of ICT towards a national
driven and to actualize e-government overall in people in general administrations. The
mission was to give better online administrations to national and business (Sapiah, n.d). It
demonstrate how the development of open administrations conveyance after some time.
2.0 The Application of Public Service Delivery in Malaysia (Immigration Department of
In looking at the improvement and enhancement of the public service delivery in Malaysia, the
Immigration Department of Selangor one of the government agencies under Ministry of Home
Affairs, has been selected for the observation and study. Under the enhancement, through the
theory it is shows a positive results towards the performance and improvement of the
government involving the service delivery and providing a good facilities to the citizens.
The department has been considered as a successful department in managing the issues of
immigrants and foreign workers through a certain procedures that regulated by the government.
In getting the better results regarding the department is all about, we already conducted some
interview with some of Immigration Department staff in order to get a clear picture regarding the
improvement in the government agencies in Malaysia especially the department. According to
Salam, (Immigration Department, 2016), the objective of the department is managing the
immigrations matters aligned with the National priority. The existence of the department is to
handling the issues regarding the immigration either for the citizens and the foreigners.
Moreover, the administrative reform is one of the efforts done by the government in changing the
environment for creating the values and new technology in government administrative system in
improvise and enhance the effectiveness of the existence system.
Under the Malaysia Circular Development of Public Administration in 1993, there are several
conduct and guidelines towards the client charter made by the government which is being putted
under the Prime Minister Department, this circular is created for the government agencies in
preparing a fast service delivery, effective and efficient and meet with the customer expectation.
The actual benefits to the department are to act as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in making
easier for the department in evaluating their performance. Besides, it would help to improve the
discipline, responsibility and accountability in the civil service and contributed to the most
transparent of civil service in the country. In improvising the efficiency of government agencies
in 2009 (PEMUDAH Report, 2009), the department has reduce the time consumed in approving
the Occupation Pass Approval or “Permohonan Pas Pekerjaan”. The time consumption regarding
the Positional Approval is from 14 to the 7 work days. Thus, from the 7 days to the 3 days for the
Pass Approval and the Temporary Pass will be given in 3 days of workdays. All the
improvement policy and the implementation will be monitored by the Monitoring Team in make
sure all the implementation are carried smoothly and followed the Standard of Procedures (SOP).
3.1 Biometric System
The introduction of new system in the context of immigration in our country is the most
welcoming initiative taken by the government. The biometric system that been introduced
will make the department become easier in analyze the data and kept the information
regarding the foreign workers. The launching of the system started during the 14th of
Immigration Day’s Celebration on Jan 31, The Chief Director of Malaysia Immigration
Department says, Datuk Alias Ahmad, the initiative taken is under the Malaysia
Immigration Department Transformation Plan Phase 2, cover the enhancing and
improving the department as a whole including the enforcement (Utusan Online). More
than that, the department also creates the Intelligence Division and Analysis which will
be functioned as to investigate and collect the information regarding the immigration in
the country.
The step taken by the department is to ensuring the action that been made is more
effective and efficient in implementing the enforcement including in overcome the border
crossing crime and human trafficking. This is a great effort that taken by the department
in reducing the crime and cases in order to preserve the peace and security especially
involving our territory. In addition, in managing the foreigners issues, the department
also introduced the data enforcement which consists of biometric data through the
mobility enforcement system which make thing easier for the staff of the departments to
check whether the data is accurate or reliable with the system and the information of the
foreign workers are exist or not and registered with the department. The enforcer may
use the smart phone through the system and checking the information of the foreign
workers, if they are registered through the system their information will be appeared.
Figure 1.0: Application of Biometric System
The figure above shows the application of biometric system at airport in identify the
foreigners and local citizens. By using the system , the data will stored and the staffs can
check the data and information of people’s whether their information is stored in the
system or not. Of course through this approach it will lead to the less time consuming and
more accurate and reliable compared to the manual one because the staffs need to check
one step by one step and etc.
3.2 Sistem Imigresen Malaysia (SIM)
Malaysia Immigration Department has asked help from the MAMPU in identifying the
problem in implementing the Malaysia Immigration System. SIM is the new system that
developed in order to replace the application system Immigration of Malaysia (IMM),
which has been implemented since 1998. The ICT consultant team has carry a study
towards the implementation of SIM covering the security information, project
management, ICT infrastructure and system development. The objective for the Phase 1 (
14 Januari 2009 till 30 Mac 2009) is to carry a investigation towards problems that facing
in implementation of SIM which carried by private provider and make a suggestion to
improving regarding the system implementation.
Besides, the Phase 2 ( 3 Jun 2009 to 28 July 2009), is made to specifically suggest the
project technical approach of SIM, ensuring the system guarantee the continuous of good
service delivery of IMM, and guaranteed the system implementation at the standard level
or more better in keeping the security aspect, integrity and the government asset. The
suggestion and investigation towards the enforcement of Immigration system to enhance
the quality and identify what the main problems are in deliver the good services. This
system stores the data of all foreign and local who deal with immigration. It improves the
uses through online system whereby people can check their application through online. It
can reduce manual method and easier. Meanwhile, this system provide better security and
can be access by other intelligence department so if anything happen, the data of the
person can immediately check.
3.3 Effective and Efficiency in Immigration Department
Since the New Public Management has been applied in the administrative system in
Malaysia, the quality of management has been improved as time passes by. The
department has made a several changes in providing a good service delivery.
As the world tremendously changed and the technology became more advanced, the
department has came out with a good changes such as, in term of making a Passport
Malaysia-International, will take a one hour to be finished after the payments were been
made compared to the previous one, normally it would take a two hours to get a passport.
These changes help the citizens to reduce the time for queuing and waiting to get the
passport. As this help and improve the service delivery, it would attract more people’s to
get the services from the government.
In addition, in enhance their services, the department currently open up the several
branches at Urban Transformation Centre in order to fulfill the needs of people who
cannot make it to make transaction during office hour. Based on the UTC’s website, The
UTC’s locations which involved with the operations is UTC Pudu Sentral Kuala Lumpur,
UTC Perak, UTC Melaka, UTC Pahang, UTC Kedah and Mini UTC Sentul,
( the opening of these
branches has help a lot of people in make a deal with the department such as to renew the
passport and etc. This initiative give the people’s a chances to make a transaction they
cannot make it in the working hours since some of them are working and have other
matters to be done. The operation hours of the UTC will be started on 8.30 a.m and
closed on 10.30 p.m.
The last one, the department has been revoked the previous passport validity from 2 years
to 5 years of validity. The charges also has been reduced by the government for each
categories, the applicants whom age above 13 until 59 years old will be charged RM 200
compared to the old one which is RM 300, and the applicants who under 12 years old and
below will be charged for RM 100 compared to previous which is RM 150 and for the
disabled people the charge would not be applied.
Figure 2.0: The New and Old Fees of Malaysia International Passport
4.0 Comparison of Malaysia Immigration Department, Singapore and Thailand
In Malaysia context, the transformation of the public service delivery has going a certain phases
in which to enhance the services delivered by the government agencies to the citizens. As we can
looked at the application of public service delivery in Malaysia regarded the process of
enhancement related to the Immigration Department of Malaysia, the several improvement has
been done by the Malaysian government in improved the service delivery.
In the previous era, the application of manual approach which involved a paper and form to filled
in by the staffs and the people in order to make a certain transaction is been applied around the
world also involving our neighbourhood countries which Singapore and Thailand. During that
time, most of countries are still using the traditional method especially in Immigration
Department, the agency need to check the personal data information manually and it is requires a
lot of time to check the person one by one. As time passes by, the evolution of service delivery in
public sector has been improved time to time including the application of new system especially
in the Immigration Department in reducing the barriers among the private and the public sector
quality delivery.
In order to tighten the security regarded the entry of the foreign workers from outside of the
country, the biometric system is kindly been applied in most country including Malaysia,
Singapore and Thailand. The application of the system is to enhance the service delivery in own
country to implement more systematic and secured system. In Malaysia the system is known as
MyIMMS which been launched by the Chief Director of the Immigration Department to enhance
the data information involving the foreign workers whom came into our country (Immigration
Department of Malaysia,2013). Through this system the department are able to trace the
information of the foreign visitors or workers and get to checked their background history
whether they have already a crime records or not before this and other information.
Meanwhile in Singapore, the department used the system called Enhanced Immigration
Automated Clearance System (eIACS), the system is created for to also enhance the service
delivery quality in the country, and it is a futuristic technology that allows the Singapore citizens
to fully utilize their passports card without need to apply for the additional smart card. Since
Singapore is of the busiest country in Asia regarding the trades and businesses the security issues
being of the main concern of the government in providing a secured environment for their
investors and importantly their citizens. The existence of the new system consists of passport
number and thumbprint which will be scanned at the security gates and if the passport number or
thumbprint does not match the security services automatically would be alerted. Compared to the
Malaysian system, the eIACS is more advanced compared to the MyIMMS since it has the
feature which can automatically alert the security services if the data information were not
accurate with the passport numbers and thumbprint.
Meanwhile in Thailand, the Immigration Department is also used the online database system
which make things easier than the manual approach. Even the implementation of the system in
Thailand it is bit late compared to the Singapore and Malaysia, but the collaboration between the
Thailand Police and the Immigration has brought a more advanced system which considered as
upgradable system compared to the Malaysia and Singapore. The technology has cost the
government around over a billion baht, this system can analyse 120 million images or
fingerprints per second with accurate results. Besides it is also can detect and analyse body
characteristics like eyes, blood vessel in fingers and DNA which widely used in Europe and
America. The system also came with the facial recognition screening which allows the systems
to scan the face of people and detect also trace the immigrants whether they already have a
passport or not because some of the cases one people have two passports and more which created
a problem to the local authority to trace them.
5.0 Analysis and Issues of the Public Service Delivery of Immigration Department
5.1 Strength / Impact
In any policy, programs even an activity there must be a strength which contributes to the
successfulness of the policy. As we can see in the implementation under the Immigration
Department, there are several guidelines used by them in delivers the services to the
The support from the management, employees and also the citizens has contributes to the
key success of the department in implement the policy and system for the public. The
determination of the department in enforce the regulations made by the government to
eradicate the issues regarding the immigrants and illegal foreign workers and other issues
related to the immigration has been settled down wisely according the proper decision
making and enforcement (Salam, 2016).
The department handles the NPM or admin reform in the organization by fully utilized
the information technology and communication by using the online approach such as
MyIMMs Biometric System which applies to the peoples either foreign workers or the
local citizens. Throughout this application the government can secured the data from any
misplaced and etc. The data which consists of clients information need to be stored
safely, otherwise it would lead to the data hacking and others. From this approach we can
see the data used is more systematic and well arranged since it was stored in one database
which make the thing easier to located and been searched. Moreover, the foreigners
cannot lie towards the systems since it can trace whether the information of the customer
is reliable and matching with the data stored in the systems. Here, it proves how the
technology through biometric system leads to better delivery service.
The next one is time consumption. Since nowadays using an online method like online
application and others, it would contribute to the less time consuming by the citizens and
department itself. As been mentioned before, the times that need to make a passport just
take a one hour to be completed after the payment is being made. It is shows the less time
consuming in getting the services and of course it would increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of the organization especially the government reputation. This time consuming
really help either Immigration itself or public. The employees can work in the better
condition because they can save time from doing unnecessary thing but focus on
important thing. For public, they are usually busy person and time consuming could lead
them to saving their time.
Last strength is improving the immigration image to the public. Since immigration
department using the latest technology, it surely will improve public perception toward
them. It is because, the latest technology surely has better safety and security. Moreover,
current world conditions with full criminal make people fear and alert about security.
Having the latest technology will lead immigration toward safety department.
Meanwhile, the image will be improved since the new technology lead to better delivery
services. It mean, the new technology already make any transaction become faster, easier
to access any data and other. These improvements of services delivery lead public to have
satisfaction toward the department.
5.2 Issues
There a several issues that been identifying within the immigration department during
implementation of their system. These issues are believed will reduce the effectiveness of
public services delivery within organization. Evaluate the issue will be an alternative to
understand it and come out with better solution.
First issues within the department are in term of staff integrity. In these issues, it seems
there is no transparency among some of the immigration staffs. The integrity issues rise
because although the biometric system was introduced to control foreign worker and
illegal, there problem of cross border, human trafficking and illegal seems raise.
According to Immigration department statistic, the number of illegal worker in 2015
achieving 3.7 million and it is increasing from 2014 whereby it is starting of biometric
implementation (utusan, 2015). Here, the staffs misuse their power in allowed illegal
worker or visitor to cross border without using the right authority. It occur due blindly
seek for immediate profit whereby the illegal agent will pay to the responsible staff and
that staff will allow the illegal worker to cross border. This situation may affect national
security since the illegal worker will has no data or information regarding them and they
may involve in past criminal. The impact will left Malaysian in fear due to insecurity. For
instance, in Feb 4, 2015, there are 7 immigration officer was detained due to involved in
syndicated who selling visitor social pas to the Pakistan citizen. This detention included
one officer with deputy director position. This syndicates will charge up to RM 11 000
for every pass (mstar, 2015). It is proven even the system is up to date, some of the
employees unable to follow the rule and choose the wrong way for own sake. The impact
of this action, the delivery services within the immigration department will be lacking
and inefficiency because the objective of the system cannot be achieved.
Second issue is regarding on breakdown system. The online approach is one of the
popular methods that used in any organization currently whether in the public sector or
the private sector. The application is easier, user friendly and cost a less time consuming
for the customer in getting the services through their fingers. However, there is still
having a weaknesses which is system breaks down or server down. It mean, during using
a system, there a sudden malfunction of the system. When the department having server
down it would delay the services for the long time and since the data and information
stored through the system, the department cannot make any transaction which make
things more badly. The worse scenario is the data within the system might be loss.
According to General Director of Immigration, Immigration system around Malaysia face
a few times of system background and although they are upgrading their system,
sometimes that system is malfunction (Mstar, 2015). This statement proves that
breakdown system is an important issue in the department. If this problem continuously
occurs, it will reduce public trust toward department. It not only will be affect to the
public but employees too. Employees work will be late due to breakdown and the service
delivery will be lack.
Last issues is technical problem involve a system. It means, the systems itself are not be
able to function correctly. The system used in immigration is myIMMs whereby the
system is malfunction in processing the application of public. Even though the system
can be considered as latest technology, but there are some technical problem whereby it
cannot process some data so it make the process become late. According to immigration
department, in 2015, there are about 30 000 application of foreign worker to renew their
working pass is not success. It happen because there are technical problem in the system
where it unable to process the application (mstar, 2015). Even though the technical team
tried to find out the problem, they are still unable to find the real solution. To avoid the
continuous complain from the employers, agent and people, the department had no choice
in reopening the manual counter to solve the problem.
6.0 Recommendations
To overcome the weaknesses in term of transparency by employees, proper training should be
held among the responsible employees. Since there are latest systems but some of them misuse
the system for profit purpose, proper training will be an alternative so they will realize their
responsibility. The training should included technical and practical aspect which will make
employees understand the reason they should not misuse the system. In this training, it should
include all aspect of internal and external. It means, the training not only teach how to use the
system in proper way but it also include the sentiment and responsibility within the employees so
any work they do will not involve any wrongdoing. From the fact, the officers who commit a
problem are looking for profit purpose. The training should train them to consider workplace as a
personal belonging. So, it will increase awareness of employees to protect and give full
commitment to do a work. For instance, in Google Malaysia, they have training for their staff to
treat Google office as their second home and family so the staff will give full ability and hearth
in their work.
For system breakdown, the immigration department should up to date their system so they will
have auto saving system. It mean, if the breakdown occur, the lost data could be recover and able
to avoid potential problem in future. Breakdown could cause the all system disable. During a
transaction, the system will shut down and unable to use. If this happen frequently in
immigration department, customer could feel dissatisfied with them. They dissatisfied because it
is impossible to come to the immigration department everyday to deal with an issues where it
suppose can be finish earlier if the breakdown did not occur. Frequently up to date the data will
cause the data will not losing if the breakdowns occur. It can be happen because the data is safely
stored in the system due to up to date. If the system is recover back, the data can immediately
detect without create new data. Meanwhile, to avoid it, immigration department should prepare
backup generator so it can be function during breakdown as well can prevent from losing data.
From the history, breakdown always occur in department but people have to wait until the
system recover to deal with department. If the generator exist, it may be able to improve
effectively of delivery service because public did not to wait the system to recover. For example,
in hospital, during operation, if there are blackouts, generator will play a role to replace
electricity so the operation could be continue. Such example should be copy by immigration if
they are intending to improve their delivery services.
Last recommendation is develop proper system before implement it in the immigration
department. From the cases of unable to process the application of foreign worker, it seems this
problem is frequently occur till it achieve 30 000 applicant. If they are able to provide better
system, this problem surely not happens. To do so, the department should make research and
development of the system. It mean, the system should be test frequently and measure the
reliability of the system before it can be implement in the department. If they able to do so and if
any problem occur, they can easily detect the problem and the rate of the problem could be
7.0 Conclusion
The improvement of the public service delivery refer to a systematic and effort to changes public
administration to enhance their capability in achieving national goals. It means, to meet the
objective, enhancement is necessary to ensure the objective can be achieved. To do so,
government need to plan a systematic method so anything they did could bring good deeds to the
public. Since transformation will act as a change agent for the government to serve the peoples to
meet their satisfaction, continuously improvement is needed within the administration so it can
continuously serve the people with a greater service.
In context of Immigration department, the enhancement of the service quality plays an important
role in enhancing their services. It basically improves their traditional way to the better services
deliver which is easier to control by employees and understand by publics. To sum up, the
service delivery quality in the public sector is necessary in public administration because it can
ensure the effectiveness of services by government and better quality so it can improve public
satisfaction towards government. In future, if this improvement continues, it surely could provide
better services for public.

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The public service delivery in Malaysia

  • 1. 1 Khairulanwar Bin Ismail & Muhamad Haziq Bin Zaini Alamar 1.0 Introduction The challenges facing by governments are becoming increasingly more complex due to technological and cultural changes, demographic shifts, and the ever faster movement of money, goods and people. Governments globally are also encountering greater fiscal constraints, economic uncertainties, declining effectiveness of standard practices and procedures, as well as difficulties in attracting and retaining top talent. Increased affluence and exposure to global services has led to more sophisticated demand and rapidly rising expectations from the public, further escalating challenges in public service delivery. An important part of addressing these challenges requires adapting to new models of service delivery that are better suited to today’s technologies, norms and citizen needs. These new delivery and service requirements provide a clear opportunity for the Government to reform in order to be more cost-effective and better equipped to meet the demands and expectations of the public for 2020 and beyond. This will also require the public sector to be leaner, facilitative, more efficient, more productive, more skilled, more open, more innovative, and less bureaucratic, in order to better deliver for the public and for Malaysia. In this study, we choose Immigration Department of Malaysia to measure how the public service deliveries work as government agencies who serve public. From the study, it expected how the immigration department manage their service delivery either it provide benefit to the public or having better future as a public services delivery for improvement.
  • 2. 2 2.0 The Public Service Delivery The needs of improvement in administration is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the government as a whole and the civil servants as a backbone of the government in implementing the policy regulated by the government in order to make sure the public gets the good service in term of education, health, economy , social and etc. As a general, the public service delivery is meant the improvement of administration, in which may perform in conflict situation, to specific remedies for administration and values each ideas and suggestion for better government and acts according to their own recipe in ( Caiden, 1969). On the other hand, in enhancing the public administrative capability in achieving the national development goals, a systematic and integrated step is brought in making the fundamental changes to the public administration (Hanh, 1970). 2.1 Evolution of Public Service Delivery in Malaysia In begin on 1960’s, the government of Malaysia has come out with the several initiatives under the public service delivery improvement, the list of the programs introduced by the government is Rural Development Program (RDP), The Red Book, First Malaysia Plan (1960-1970) and The Mongtgomery-Esman Report. The existence of RDP is to assist and helps the rural areas, and maintains the areas that lived by indigenous people and preserved their population. Under the development plans made by the government, which the First Malaysia Plan (1956-1960) and the Second Malaysia Plan (1961-1965), through this plans, the agricultural development is promoted by the government in improving the economy of people that lived in rural areas especially for
  • 3. 3 the farming communities (Malaya 1961, Chee 1979). In RED Book, it focuses on providing basic infrastructure and institutions such as electricity, water, school and others.. Under RED Book, to ensure rapid growth of rural development, FELDA and RIDA were establishing. Meanwhile, in 1966 Montgomery was present their report and it mentioned about recommendation to Malaysia government to change their approach from maintenance administration to the development administration. In seventies era, it is a necessary for Malaysia civil service to begin development programs to ensure effectively and efficiency of services. It begins with establishment of Development Administration Unit (DAU). It was under Prime Minister Department with the purpose is to providing operation style and focus on development. Its function is to be agents of enhancement and improving administration as well to improve public services. In 1971, New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced and it brought Malaysia to new modernization era (Rais, 1995). This policy is transforming public services to a new institution whereby it expands the function and competes with private sector. Furthermore, this policy focuses on upgrading the knowledge of public servant to effectively in dealing with public (United Nation, 1995). It is whereby DAU play a role in preparing long and short term plan for civil servant to improve. This plan leaf to establishment of National Training Institute (INTAN) in 1972 and succeed in training civil servant in improving their skill and knowledge. In this era, Public Complaint Bureau (PCB) also established to allow public complains about civil service so it can improve the effectiveness of the services and public trust. In eighties era, the enhancement of public service delivery begin when New Public Management (NPM) was introduced. NPM is started along with Look East Policy (1982)
  • 4. 4 and Privatisation Policy (1983). This two policies change the way of Malaysia public service. For Look East Policy, it applies how Japan and Korea manage their public services such as decentralization management, focus on quality and treat employees better (Rais, 1995). For privatization, it reduce burden of government through shift the management of organization through privatization. The purpose of NPM is to enhance the public service delivery. The alternative such as leadership by example, punch card system will improve the public service performance as well in service public. In nineties era, the administration is in the right track to be improved. It focuses on achieving vision 2020. Hence, National Development Policy (NDP) was introduced. In this era, government focuses to develop Malaysia totally in various aspects. It is the reason quality of service become priority to the services. TO ensure the quality, TQM, quality day, ISO 9000 and others is introduce to enhance quality in public services. First reform in this era is downsizing the civil services. For instance, between years of 1992 to 1997, there are 570 agencies were review and restructured. Sistem Saraan Baru also was introduces as standardize the salary system in Malaysia during nineties. Meanwhile, Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) and Cyber City also were introduced by government to enhance IT in public service as well in public. It proves that government tries to improve the service in Malaysia into Technology country which is less bureaucracy. For current enhancement of public service delivery, government tried to enhance the economics of Malaysia alongside with quality of service. New Economic Model (NEM) alongside ceaselessly change in the ICT base and correspondence could enhance Malaysia financial development and their nature of administrations. It accepted over 10 years together with learning and advancement would be a key to accomplish this
  • 5. 5 objective (Najib Razak, 2011). In term of open administration conveyance change, government reinforces their administration through use the web for worldwide joint effort, development and data sharing. The effect of this reinforce are change the way how government serve individuals and make distinctive quality to their administrations. In 2011, Malaysian government presents Open Segment ICT Key arrangement. The reason for this arrangement is to driving open segment computerized change. That is to say, government attempted to use the employments of innovation with a specific end goal to upgrade their asset to meet consumer loyalty. Reinforce the ICT in the no limits period will guarantee subject ready to make the most of their administrations with government. It because of capacity to having data at whatever time and anyplace without expends a period and organization. In this arrangement, their vision was to pervasive utilization of ICT towards a national driven and to actualize e-government overall in people in general administrations. The mission was to give better online administrations to national and business (Sapiah, n.d). It demonstrate how the development of open administrations conveyance after some time. 2.0 The Application of Public Service Delivery in Malaysia (Immigration Department of Selangor). In looking at the improvement and enhancement of the public service delivery in Malaysia, the Immigration Department of Selangor one of the government agencies under Ministry of Home Affairs, has been selected for the observation and study. Under the enhancement, through the theory it is shows a positive results towards the performance and improvement of the government involving the service delivery and providing a good facilities to the citizens.
  • 6. 6 The department has been considered as a successful department in managing the issues of immigrants and foreign workers through a certain procedures that regulated by the government. In getting the better results regarding the department is all about, we already conducted some interview with some of Immigration Department staff in order to get a clear picture regarding the improvement in the government agencies in Malaysia especially the department. According to Salam, (Immigration Department, 2016), the objective of the department is managing the immigrations matters aligned with the National priority. The existence of the department is to handling the issues regarding the immigration either for the citizens and the foreigners. Moreover, the administrative reform is one of the efforts done by the government in changing the environment for creating the values and new technology in government administrative system in improvise and enhance the effectiveness of the existence system. Under the Malaysia Circular Development of Public Administration in 1993, there are several conduct and guidelines towards the client charter made by the government which is being putted under the Prime Minister Department, this circular is created for the government agencies in preparing a fast service delivery, effective and efficient and meet with the customer expectation. The actual benefits to the department are to act as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in making easier for the department in evaluating their performance. Besides, it would help to improve the discipline, responsibility and accountability in the civil service and contributed to the most transparent of civil service in the country. In improvising the efficiency of government agencies in 2009 (PEMUDAH Report, 2009), the department has reduce the time consumed in approving the Occupation Pass Approval or “Permohonan Pas Pekerjaan”. The time consumption regarding the Positional Approval is from 14 to the 7 work days. Thus, from the 7 days to the 3 days for the Pass Approval and the Temporary Pass will be given in 3 days of workdays. All the
  • 7. 7 improvement policy and the implementation will be monitored by the Monitoring Team in make sure all the implementation are carried smoothly and followed the Standard of Procedures (SOP). 3.1 Biometric System The introduction of new system in the context of immigration in our country is the most welcoming initiative taken by the government. The biometric system that been introduced will make the department become easier in analyze the data and kept the information regarding the foreign workers. The launching of the system started during the 14th of Immigration Day’s Celebration on Jan 31, The Chief Director of Malaysia Immigration Department says, Datuk Alias Ahmad, the initiative taken is under the Malaysia Immigration Department Transformation Plan Phase 2, cover the enhancing and improving the department as a whole including the enforcement (Utusan Online). More than that, the department also creates the Intelligence Division and Analysis which will be functioned as to investigate and collect the information regarding the immigration in the country. The step taken by the department is to ensuring the action that been made is more effective and efficient in implementing the enforcement including in overcome the border crossing crime and human trafficking. This is a great effort that taken by the department in reducing the crime and cases in order to preserve the peace and security especially involving our territory. In addition, in managing the foreigners issues, the department also introduced the data enforcement which consists of biometric data through the mobility enforcement system which make thing easier for the staff of the departments to check whether the data is accurate or reliable with the system and the information of the
  • 8. 8 foreign workers are exist or not and registered with the department. The enforcer may use the smart phone through the system and checking the information of the foreign workers, if they are registered through the system their information will be appeared. Figure 1.0: Application of Biometric System The figure above shows the application of biometric system at airport in identify the foreigners and local citizens. By using the system , the data will stored and the staffs can check the data and information of people’s whether their information is stored in the system or not. Of course through this approach it will lead to the less time consuming and more accurate and reliable compared to the manual one because the staffs need to check one step by one step and etc.
  • 9. 9 3.2 Sistem Imigresen Malaysia (SIM) Malaysia Immigration Department has asked help from the MAMPU in identifying the problem in implementing the Malaysia Immigration System. SIM is the new system that developed in order to replace the application system Immigration of Malaysia (IMM), which has been implemented since 1998. The ICT consultant team has carry a study towards the implementation of SIM covering the security information, project management, ICT infrastructure and system development. The objective for the Phase 1 ( 14 Januari 2009 till 30 Mac 2009) is to carry a investigation towards problems that facing in implementation of SIM which carried by private provider and make a suggestion to improving regarding the system implementation. Besides, the Phase 2 ( 3 Jun 2009 to 28 July 2009), is made to specifically suggest the project technical approach of SIM, ensuring the system guarantee the continuous of good service delivery of IMM, and guaranteed the system implementation at the standard level or more better in keeping the security aspect, integrity and the government asset. The suggestion and investigation towards the enforcement of Immigration system to enhance the quality and identify what the main problems are in deliver the good services. This system stores the data of all foreign and local who deal with immigration. It improves the uses through online system whereby people can check their application through online. It can reduce manual method and easier. Meanwhile, this system provide better security and can be access by other intelligence department so if anything happen, the data of the person can immediately check.
  • 10. 10 3.3 Effective and Efficiency in Immigration Department Since the New Public Management has been applied in the administrative system in Malaysia, the quality of management has been improved as time passes by. The department has made a several changes in providing a good service delivery. As the world tremendously changed and the technology became more advanced, the department has came out with a good changes such as, in term of making a Passport Malaysia-International, will take a one hour to be finished after the payments were been made compared to the previous one, normally it would take a two hours to get a passport. These changes help the citizens to reduce the time for queuing and waiting to get the passport. As this help and improve the service delivery, it would attract more people’s to get the services from the government. In addition, in enhance their services, the department currently open up the several branches at Urban Transformation Centre in order to fulfill the needs of people who cannot make it to make transaction during office hour. Based on the UTC’s website, The UTC’s locations which involved with the operations is UTC Pudu Sentral Kuala Lumpur, UTC Perak, UTC Melaka, UTC Pahang, UTC Kedah and Mini UTC Sentul, ( the opening of these branches has help a lot of people in make a deal with the department such as to renew the passport and etc. This initiative give the people’s a chances to make a transaction they cannot make it in the working hours since some of them are working and have other
  • 11. 11 matters to be done. The operation hours of the UTC will be started on 8.30 a.m and closed on 10.30 p.m. The last one, the department has been revoked the previous passport validity from 2 years to 5 years of validity. The charges also has been reduced by the government for each categories, the applicants whom age above 13 until 59 years old will be charged RM 200 compared to the old one which is RM 300, and the applicants who under 12 years old and below will be charged for RM 100 compared to previous which is RM 150 and for the disabled people the charge would not be applied. Figure 2.0: The New and Old Fees of Malaysia International Passport 4.0 Comparison of Malaysia Immigration Department, Singapore and Thailand In Malaysia context, the transformation of the public service delivery has going a certain phases in which to enhance the services delivered by the government agencies to the citizens. As we can looked at the application of public service delivery in Malaysia regarded the process of
  • 12. 12 enhancement related to the Immigration Department of Malaysia, the several improvement has been done by the Malaysian government in improved the service delivery. In the previous era, the application of manual approach which involved a paper and form to filled in by the staffs and the people in order to make a certain transaction is been applied around the world also involving our neighbourhood countries which Singapore and Thailand. During that time, most of countries are still using the traditional method especially in Immigration Department, the agency need to check the personal data information manually and it is requires a lot of time to check the person one by one. As time passes by, the evolution of service delivery in public sector has been improved time to time including the application of new system especially in the Immigration Department in reducing the barriers among the private and the public sector quality delivery. In order to tighten the security regarded the entry of the foreign workers from outside of the country, the biometric system is kindly been applied in most country including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The application of the system is to enhance the service delivery in own country to implement more systematic and secured system. In Malaysia the system is known as MyIMMS which been launched by the Chief Director of the Immigration Department to enhance the data information involving the foreign workers whom came into our country (Immigration Department of Malaysia,2013). Through this system the department are able to trace the information of the foreign visitors or workers and get to checked their background history whether they have already a crime records or not before this and other information. Meanwhile in Singapore, the department used the system called Enhanced Immigration Automated Clearance System (eIACS), the system is created for to also enhance the service
  • 13. 13 delivery quality in the country, and it is a futuristic technology that allows the Singapore citizens to fully utilize their passports card without need to apply for the additional smart card. Since Singapore is of the busiest country in Asia regarding the trades and businesses the security issues being of the main concern of the government in providing a secured environment for their investors and importantly their citizens. The existence of the new system consists of passport number and thumbprint which will be scanned at the security gates and if the passport number or thumbprint does not match the security services automatically would be alerted. Compared to the Malaysian system, the eIACS is more advanced compared to the MyIMMS since it has the feature which can automatically alert the security services if the data information were not accurate with the passport numbers and thumbprint. Meanwhile in Thailand, the Immigration Department is also used the online database system which make things easier than the manual approach. Even the implementation of the system in Thailand it is bit late compared to the Singapore and Malaysia, but the collaboration between the Thailand Police and the Immigration has brought a more advanced system which considered as upgradable system compared to the Malaysia and Singapore. The technology has cost the government around over a billion baht, this system can analyse 120 million images or fingerprints per second with accurate results. Besides it is also can detect and analyse body characteristics like eyes, blood vessel in fingers and DNA which widely used in Europe and America. The system also came with the facial recognition screening which allows the systems to scan the face of people and detect also trace the immigrants whether they already have a passport or not because some of the cases one people have two passports and more which created a problem to the local authority to trace them.
  • 14. 14 5.0 Analysis and Issues of the Public Service Delivery of Immigration Department 5.1 Strength / Impact In any policy, programs even an activity there must be a strength which contributes to the successfulness of the policy. As we can see in the implementation under the Immigration Department, there are several guidelines used by them in delivers the services to the citizens. The support from the management, employees and also the citizens has contributes to the key success of the department in implement the policy and system for the public. The determination of the department in enforce the regulations made by the government to eradicate the issues regarding the immigrants and illegal foreign workers and other issues related to the immigration has been settled down wisely according the proper decision making and enforcement (Salam, 2016). The department handles the NPM or admin reform in the organization by fully utilized the information technology and communication by using the online approach such as MyIMMs Biometric System which applies to the peoples either foreign workers or the local citizens. Throughout this application the government can secured the data from any misplaced and etc. The data which consists of clients information need to be stored safely, otherwise it would lead to the data hacking and others. From this approach we can see the data used is more systematic and well arranged since it was stored in one database which make the thing easier to located and been searched. Moreover, the foreigners cannot lie towards the systems since it can trace whether the information of the customer
  • 15. 15 is reliable and matching with the data stored in the systems. Here, it proves how the technology through biometric system leads to better delivery service. The next one is time consumption. Since nowadays using an online method like online application and others, it would contribute to the less time consuming by the citizens and department itself. As been mentioned before, the times that need to make a passport just take a one hour to be completed after the payment is being made. It is shows the less time consuming in getting the services and of course it would increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization especially the government reputation. This time consuming really help either Immigration itself or public. The employees can work in the better condition because they can save time from doing unnecessary thing but focus on important thing. For public, they are usually busy person and time consuming could lead them to saving their time. Last strength is improving the immigration image to the public. Since immigration department using the latest technology, it surely will improve public perception toward them. It is because, the latest technology surely has better safety and security. Moreover, current world conditions with full criminal make people fear and alert about security. Having the latest technology will lead immigration toward safety department. Meanwhile, the image will be improved since the new technology lead to better delivery services. It mean, the new technology already make any transaction become faster, easier to access any data and other. These improvements of services delivery lead public to have satisfaction toward the department.
  • 16. 16 5.2 Issues There a several issues that been identifying within the immigration department during implementation of their system. These issues are believed will reduce the effectiveness of public services delivery within organization. Evaluate the issue will be an alternative to understand it and come out with better solution. First issues within the department are in term of staff integrity. In these issues, it seems there is no transparency among some of the immigration staffs. The integrity issues rise because although the biometric system was introduced to control foreign worker and illegal, there problem of cross border, human trafficking and illegal seems raise. According to Immigration department statistic, the number of illegal worker in 2015 achieving 3.7 million and it is increasing from 2014 whereby it is starting of biometric implementation (utusan, 2015). Here, the staffs misuse their power in allowed illegal worker or visitor to cross border without using the right authority. It occur due blindly seek for immediate profit whereby the illegal agent will pay to the responsible staff and that staff will allow the illegal worker to cross border. This situation may affect national security since the illegal worker will has no data or information regarding them and they may involve in past criminal. The impact will left Malaysian in fear due to insecurity. For instance, in Feb 4, 2015, there are 7 immigration officer was detained due to involved in syndicated who selling visitor social pas to the Pakistan citizen. This detention included one officer with deputy director position. This syndicates will charge up to RM 11 000 for every pass (mstar, 2015). It is proven even the system is up to date, some of the employees unable to follow the rule and choose the wrong way for own sake. The impact
  • 17. 17 of this action, the delivery services within the immigration department will be lacking and inefficiency because the objective of the system cannot be achieved. Second issue is regarding on breakdown system. The online approach is one of the popular methods that used in any organization currently whether in the public sector or the private sector. The application is easier, user friendly and cost a less time consuming for the customer in getting the services through their fingers. However, there is still having a weaknesses which is system breaks down or server down. It mean, during using a system, there a sudden malfunction of the system. When the department having server down it would delay the services for the long time and since the data and information stored through the system, the department cannot make any transaction which make things more badly. The worse scenario is the data within the system might be loss. According to General Director of Immigration, Immigration system around Malaysia face a few times of system background and although they are upgrading their system, sometimes that system is malfunction (Mstar, 2015). This statement proves that breakdown system is an important issue in the department. If this problem continuously occurs, it will reduce public trust toward department. It not only will be affect to the public but employees too. Employees work will be late due to breakdown and the service delivery will be lack. Last issues is technical problem involve a system. It means, the systems itself are not be able to function correctly. The system used in immigration is myIMMs whereby the system is malfunction in processing the application of public. Even though the system can be considered as latest technology, but there are some technical problem whereby it cannot process some data so it make the process become late. According to immigration
  • 18. 18 department, in 2015, there are about 30 000 application of foreign worker to renew their working pass is not success. It happen because there are technical problem in the system where it unable to process the application (mstar, 2015). Even though the technical team tried to find out the problem, they are still unable to find the real solution. To avoid the continuous complain from the employers, agent and people, the department had no choice in reopening the manual counter to solve the problem. 6.0 Recommendations To overcome the weaknesses in term of transparency by employees, proper training should be held among the responsible employees. Since there are latest systems but some of them misuse the system for profit purpose, proper training will be an alternative so they will realize their responsibility. The training should included technical and practical aspect which will make employees understand the reason they should not misuse the system. In this training, it should include all aspect of internal and external. It means, the training not only teach how to use the system in proper way but it also include the sentiment and responsibility within the employees so any work they do will not involve any wrongdoing. From the fact, the officers who commit a problem are looking for profit purpose. The training should train them to consider workplace as a personal belonging. So, it will increase awareness of employees to protect and give full commitment to do a work. For instance, in Google Malaysia, they have training for their staff to treat Google office as their second home and family so the staff will give full ability and hearth in their work. For system breakdown, the immigration department should up to date their system so they will have auto saving system. It mean, if the breakdown occur, the lost data could be recover and able
  • 19. 19 to avoid potential problem in future. Breakdown could cause the all system disable. During a transaction, the system will shut down and unable to use. If this happen frequently in immigration department, customer could feel dissatisfied with them. They dissatisfied because it is impossible to come to the immigration department everyday to deal with an issues where it suppose can be finish earlier if the breakdown did not occur. Frequently up to date the data will cause the data will not losing if the breakdowns occur. It can be happen because the data is safely stored in the system due to up to date. If the system is recover back, the data can immediately detect without create new data. Meanwhile, to avoid it, immigration department should prepare backup generator so it can be function during breakdown as well can prevent from losing data. From the history, breakdown always occur in department but people have to wait until the system recover to deal with department. If the generator exist, it may be able to improve effectively of delivery service because public did not to wait the system to recover. For example, in hospital, during operation, if there are blackouts, generator will play a role to replace electricity so the operation could be continue. Such example should be copy by immigration if they are intending to improve their delivery services. Last recommendation is develop proper system before implement it in the immigration department. From the cases of unable to process the application of foreign worker, it seems this problem is frequently occur till it achieve 30 000 applicant. If they are able to provide better system, this problem surely not happens. To do so, the department should make research and development of the system. It mean, the system should be test frequently and measure the reliability of the system before it can be implement in the department. If they able to do so and if any problem occur, they can easily detect the problem and the rate of the problem could be reduce.
  • 20. 20 7.0 Conclusion The improvement of the public service delivery refer to a systematic and effort to changes public administration to enhance their capability in achieving national goals. It means, to meet the objective, enhancement is necessary to ensure the objective can be achieved. To do so, government need to plan a systematic method so anything they did could bring good deeds to the public. Since transformation will act as a change agent for the government to serve the peoples to meet their satisfaction, continuously improvement is needed within the administration so it can continuously serve the people with a greater service. In context of Immigration department, the enhancement of the service quality plays an important role in enhancing their services. It basically improves their traditional way to the better services deliver which is easier to control by employees and understand by publics. To sum up, the service delivery quality in the public sector is necessary in public administration because it can ensure the effectiveness of services by government and better quality so it can improve public satisfaction towards government. In future, if this improvement continues, it surely could provide better services for public.