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The Nalaar Legacy 
Chapter Four 
One Way Street
Welcome back to the Nalaar Legacy! I forgot to take a cover shot for this one, so you just get to see me 
fishing some more. 
Previously on the Nalaar Legacy: Rosa got arrested, the twins had their first fight, Maria got stomped by 
some random townie, four new pets were introduced, Ava became The Law and went permaplat, the twins 
headed off to college, and Joe freaking finally completed his LTW and joined Ava in the land of permaplat, 
and I graciously took in four of the six pets.
True to his word, Joe immediately booked a three day vacation to Three Lakes after Maribelle got her final 
Ava: “I spent all of my time establishing this legacy. It's about time I got a vacation.” 
Really? Can't even give me one little 'thank you' for this? 
Ava: “Nope.”
After riding in a plane, a bus, and a cab, the Nalaars finally found themselves at the scenic Axe Woods 
Rosa: “This is a joke, right? Dad's just trying to get a laugh and then we're going to get back in the cab and 
go to the nice hotel that we're staying at. Right? Please say I'm right...” 
Maria: “Lighten up. A couple of nights in a tent isn't going to hurt you.” 
Rosa: “You don't know that. I could get eaten up by bugs, I could be end up sleeping with a tree root digging 
into my back, I could...I could—ugh! I can't believe Dad would pick a campground for our vacation.”
Rosa: [All this dirt is going to absolutely ruin my shoes. I just got these! Dad could have at least warned me 
that he was taking us to a campground. I would have at least been able to borrow some of Maria's shoes. 
Eight hours of travel...two and half of that on a bus...just to ruin my new shoes.]
The Three Lakes version of the Unsavory Charlatan might just be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. 
Top hat, monocle, sophisticated villain facial hair...and lumberjack clothes.
Joe: “Hello. I'd like to book four for the logging expedition, please.” 
Tour Guide: “No problem, sir. Just make sure you watch out for beavers.” 
Joe: “Beavers?” 
TG: “Yep. Beavers. People tend to think they're cute. But they're monsters. Monsters, I tell you!” 
Joe: “Okay...we'll make sure to watch out for beavers...”
Maria: “So I had to hide in one of the supply closets so the professor wouldn't know I was there. But then he wouldn't 
leave! I was stuck in there for three hours while he graded papers! By the time he left, it had stopped raining. I missed 
the whole thing!” 
Local: “What about the fish? Were they okay?” 
Maria: “Oh, yeah. My boyfriend figured out that I had gotten hung up after about an hour and he took care of them.” 
Local: “Well that's a relief.”
Ava: “After we eat, we should go to this place the guide told me about. He said they have dancing, hot 
springs, a massage parlor...everything a Sim could want to pamper themselves with.” 
Joe: “Sounds great. What do you think, sweetie?” 
Maria: “Sure thing. Maybe we'll finally be able to get a break from Rosa's whining.”
Maria: “So, Rosa, having fun yet?”
Rosa: “Oh yeah. Finally, a part of this vacation that actually deserves to be called a vacation.”
Rosa also had a lot of fun learning the Slap Dance. Which is hardly a surprise. Nothing makes Rosa happier 
than dancing.
Not even falling on her face in front of everyone can deter Rosa from having a good time when there's 
footwork involved.
Ava: “Ooohhh...right there. That...that is just terrific...” 
I'm happy to see that you're enjoying yourself. 
Ava: “Normally I'd be a bit suspicious of all this sudden pampering...but right now I feel too good to care.” 
If I knew that it would have that effect on you, I would have sent you to get a massage ages ago.
After a long day of traveling, tours, and vacation-style fun, everyone headed back to the campground for a 
good night's rest. 
Rosa, how is a hammock really any better than a tent? 
Rosa: “I don't have to lie on the ground. Plus, I can rock myself to sleep.” 
That is a very good argument, actually. Hammocks>Tents. I just hope you don't get too cold.
While the others sleep, and Rosa proves the superiority of a bed that allows you to rock yourself to sleep, 
Maria has apparently taken up axe-throwing. 
I'd be lying if I said that this new hobby doesn't worry me a bit.
Especially considering the faces she makes...
This is not an expression you want to see on a person wielding sharp objects. Really, it's not an expression 
you want to see on anyone, but especially not on people with access to axes.
Does it surprise you to see that she got a bullseye every single time?
Maria: “Ha! Yes! I am the queen! I am the Queen of the Axes!” 
That is a terrifying nickname, Maria. 
Maria: “Tremble in fear for here is the Queen of the Axes!” I just...maybe we should just move on now...
Whew! She's sleeping now. Thank goodness. 
Just like Rosa, Maria immediately decided that she would rather sleep in a hammock than in a tent. I've got to 
say that I completely agree with their decision. I used to love sleeping in my dad's hammock. It was the best. I 
really need to get a new hammock...but a cloth one. The netted ones give you red marks everywhere.
Ava: “Do I really have to do this? Really?” 
Yes, Ava. Now stop making that face. You and Joe both have been holding onto this Want since you arrived. 
So stop complaining and hop to. 
Ava: “Ugh...fine.”
Ava: “Like this?” 
Local: “Well, not quite. Here watch me again.”
Local: “You have to think like a gorilla! Channel the gorilla! BE THE GORILLA!!”
Ava: “I. AM. THE. GORILLA!!!!” 
Local: “Yes! That's it! That's perfect! Just make sure that you don't do that in front of an actual gorilla or it will 
rip you in half.” 
Ava: “Oh. Well. Thanks for the advice, I guess.” 
Local: “Ever since we started giving out that advice, we haven't had a single tourist die by gorilla.”
Ava: “Was that a problem before?” 
Local: “Oh yes. Thank goodness it isn't anymore, though. We really didn't have room for another tourist 
Ava: “Wow...I didn't even know that there were any gorillas around here.” 
Local: “You know, that's the really weird thing. There aren't any gorillas who live around here. We've never 
even kept any at the zoo. No idea where they keep coming from...”
It wasn't long before all the Nalaars were taught how to Chest Pound...and to not do it in front of any gorillas, 
of course.
On their last night in Three Lakes, Joe rounded everyone up for a family campfire. There was much telling of 
stories—funny and scary alike—roasting of marshmallows, and sharing of memories. Rosa even agreed to sit 
on the ground, after a bit of needling from Ava and mocking from Maria, of course.
Rosa: “Haha! I can't believe you fell for that! The 'fake stain on the shirt' is one of the oldest tricks in the book! 
Hahaha! You are such a loser!” 
Well it's nice(?) to see that Rosa has taken it upon herself to make sure bullying reaches every corner of the 
world. Got to have some way to entertain yourself, I guess.
Rosa: “It is pretty entertaining.” 
I'm sure it is.
Joe: “It's sad to see such a great vacation end, but it will be awfully nice to get back home and sleep in my 
own bed.” 
Agreed. There's few things better than getting to lie down in your own bed after being away., Joe, go make sure everything's packed up, okay? 
Joe: “I've already checked that three times, but if you insist.”
Tour Guide: “Hiṣ͔ ͔̣soụl will ͔ be͔ ͔͔̣m͔i ͔ ne. ̣͔͔Al ͔ l͔ ś̸̴̵̷̴̵̸̸̵̴̵̷̸̵̵̴̢̢̡̢̢̢̡̨̨̧̧̢̛̛̛̛̞̬̖̞̺̝̱̟̫̹̯̬̦̦̭̲̙̝̲̩̳̺̫̫̱̯̰̞̬̩̳̫̼̺̠̗̺̰̯̩̭̯̼̖̟̤̳̪̦̠̹̹̘̭̟̻̤̻̠̲̳̟̱̘̖̰̙̞̖̯̝̤̱̳̭̮̝̹̤̭̮̗̰̱̲̜̻̩̜̘̯̬̝̠̯̯̥̪̜̪̹̟̹̗̮̭̗̺̳̗̦̻̟̲̙̥̹̝̗̦̞̦̟̦̯̭̲̩̯̹̜̲̱̜̝̘̞̭̘̰̯̤̤̘̱̻̖̝̯̙̙̰̜̻̮̘̙̭̠̙̺̤̬̱͇͈͇́̀́̀̀̀́́̀́̕̕̕̕͘͠͠͠͠͡͠͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅ 
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Okay, come on, get in the cab, please. 
Joe: “What's the rush? The bus doesn't leave for another half hour and our plane doesn't leave until 
No time for questions. Just hurry up and get in the cab.
After arriving home safely, with souls intact, Ava and Joe headed into their newly built wedding chapel to view their 
couples portrait. 
(Yes, I know, I'm totally ripping off Keika here, but oh well. I find the idea of couples portraits too adorable to resist). 
Ava: “Can you believe that we were really that young? My, I looked so good in those days.” 
Joe: “You look good now, my love. You've gotten more beautiful every day that I've known you.” 
Ava: “That is the corniest thing I've ever heard. Thanks.”
The individual portraits are hanging in the dining room in the main house. 
It's a little hard to believe that both Ava and Joe are elders now.
Ava: “Hi, honey. How were finals? Did you and your sister have enough time to study after you got back from 
Rosa: “Yeah, Mom, we had time. We both got top marks.” 
Ava: “That's great, sweetie! I'm so proud of both of you. Anyway, I'm calling because your dad and I have 
decided to have our anniversary party tonight instead of this weekend. Are you and Maria still going to be 
able to come?”
Rosa: “Of course we can still come. There's no way that we're going to miss your golden anniversary. What's 
with the change of date, though? Something wrong?” 
Ava: “No, nothing's wrong. Your dad and I are just too excited to wait. I'll see you soon, sweetie.” 
Rosa: “Okay, Mom. Can't wait. Bye.”
Ava: *sigh* 
You okay? 
Ava: “Hmm? Oh, yeah...I'm fine. It will be nice to spend a little more time with the girls. Everything just goes 
by so fast.” 
Oh...oh! Okay, then. *sniff*
Ava: “Oh, Rosa, it's so good to see you again.” 
Rosa: “It's good to see you, too, Mom. I love the new wedding chapel. It's beautiful.” 
Ava: “Thanks, sweetie. I wish I could see someone get married here.” 
Rosa: “Is that a hint? Mom, I'm still a freshman, and Matthew and I just started dating. Besides, we don't even know 
who's going to be heir yet. There's plenty of time before we have to think about anyone getting married.” 
Ava: “I suppose you're right. Plenty of time. Of course.”
Ava: “Speaking of heirs, though, there is something I need to tell you.” 
Rosa: “Let me guess: Maria's the heiress?” 
Ava: “Well, yes. Are you okay with that?” 
Rosa: “I am. To be honest, I didn't really want it, anyway. Getting to move back here would have been neat, 
but I don't really see any kids in my future. Maria is definitely the better choice.”
Ava: “My beautiful Maria. I can't tell you how happy I am to see your face.” 
Maria: “Chill out, Mom. It's only been a few days. And...ow...maybe a little less squeezing.” 
Ava: “Sorry, dear. Anyway, there is something I wanted to talk to you about if you don't mind.” 
Maria: “Yeah, anything. What's up?” 
Ava: “Well, it's about who is going to be the heiress. It's you.”
Maria: “Yeah! I am Maria, Queen of the Axes, and heiress of the Nalaar Legacy!” 
Ava: “I'm glad to see that you're this excited over it. You're not worried over the responsibility or obligations?” 
Maria: “Nah. I love babies! And I want to rule. So it works out all the way around. Besides, part of it is protecting the 
legacy, right? And who in the world is dumb enough to mess with Maria, Queen of the Axes?” 
Ava: “Ha! You've got a point there. No one would ever want to get on your bad side.”
Joe: “I'd like to raise a toast to my amazing wife, Ava Nalaar. Before her, my life was utterly meaningless, it was like I 
was stuck in the same place everyday and would remain that way forever. One night, which must have been quite a 
few years ago even though it seems like just yesterday, I and some of my friends decided to go out to the Lucky 
Shack to try our hands at the cards and maybe even check out the karaoke. But I forgot all about cards and almost 
certain public humiliation when I saw this gorgeous red-head walk into the room. From the moment I saw her, I knew 
that there couldn't possibly be another woman out there for me. I decided that I was going to somehow make her fall 
in love with me and get her to marry me. Honestly, I don't know how I managed to convince her that I was worth 
spending the rest of her life with, but I am eternally thankful that I am. I want to say thank you, Ava, for giving me so 
many years of love of happiness. I love you.”
Ava: “Oh, Joe...I don't even know what to say. That was amazing. I love you, too. I wish I could think of 
something more, but...” 
Joe: “Shh...that's more than enough. More than I thought I could ever really ask for.”
I'm not usually very good at throwing parties, so this is definitely an accomplishment for me. I'm glad I got it 
for such an important party.
Later that night, after the party was over and all the guests had gone home, Ava decided to wrap things up 
with the remaining pets. 
Ava: “You're a good boy, Chrom. You've done very well by this family. I hope we've done just as well by you.” 
Chrom: [Master's mate is acting strange. Chrom hopes Master's mate is okay.] “Woof!”
Ava: “I had my doubts about you at first, Grima. But you were a good choice. Make sure you take care of 
Joe, okay?” 
Grima: [Grima will take care of Master. Grima promises.] “Woof!”
She spent the next day with Joe, trying to fit in as much love and happiness as she could before she had to 
She even convinced him to let her spend some time pampering him the way she had been taught at Three 
Joe: “Are you sure that it's really time? Maybe you still have a few more days left...” 
Ava: “I'm sure. It's my time. Don't worry, I'll save you a seat on the other side.” 
Joe: “I wish it didn't have to be so soon.” 
Ava: “No matter when it was, it would seem too soon. That's just the nature of things.” 
Joe: “I know. I'm going to miss you.”
Ava: [I'm going to miss you, too.]
Grim: “Alright, grab your bags and let's get to the party. They're going to be bringing out the roasted pig soon, 
so we'll want to hurry.” 
Ava: “What's a roasted pig?” 
Grim: “It's delicious.”
Ava: “Then let's go get some roasted pig!”
Ava Nalaar lived 74 days. She founded the Nalaar legacy and built the family up from a 3x3 shack to a 
mansion capable of supporting ten generations worth of Sims. She was a Popularity/Romance Sim who 
achieved her LTW of gaining control of the courts by becoming The Law. She married Fortune/Pleasure Sim 
Joe Carr, and through eating an entire cheesecake (just to be sure) she had twin girls, Maria and Rosa. 
Ava was rather abrasive, and I dealt with a lot of complaints from her in the beginning, but I loved her. She 
was a great Sim who was really fun to play and write. I'm going to miss her.
Joe's first want after Ava died was to resurrect her. Sometimes the One Way Street handicap really sucks. 
Anyway, thanks for reading chapter four of the Nalaar Legacy. This was a hard one to write. I really wish I 
could have kept Ava around at least until the twins were out of college, but things don't always work out the 
way you want them to. 
The college chapters are coming up next, so look forward to seeing what the girls get themselves into, and to 
meeting their beaux. See you next time.

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The Nalaar Legacy Chapter Four: One Way Street

  • 1. The Nalaar Legacy Chapter Four One Way Street
  • 2. Welcome back to the Nalaar Legacy! I forgot to take a cover shot for this one, so you just get to see me fishing some more. Previously on the Nalaar Legacy: Rosa got arrested, the twins had their first fight, Maria got stomped by some random townie, four new pets were introduced, Ava became The Law and went permaplat, the twins headed off to college, and Joe freaking finally completed his LTW and joined Ava in the land of permaplat, and I graciously took in four of the six pets.
  • 3. True to his word, Joe immediately booked a three day vacation to Three Lakes after Maribelle got her final promotion. Ava: “I spent all of my time establishing this legacy. It's about time I got a vacation.” Really? Can't even give me one little 'thank you' for this? Ava: “Nope.”
  • 4. After riding in a plane, a bus, and a cab, the Nalaars finally found themselves at the scenic Axe Woods Campgrounds.
  • 5. Rosa: “This is a joke, right? Dad's just trying to get a laugh and then we're going to get back in the cab and go to the nice hotel that we're staying at. Right? Please say I'm right...” Maria: “Lighten up. A couple of nights in a tent isn't going to hurt you.” Rosa: “You don't know that. I could get eaten up by bugs, I could be end up sleeping with a tree root digging into my back, I could...I could—ugh! I can't believe Dad would pick a campground for our vacation.”
  • 6. Rosa: [All this dirt is going to absolutely ruin my shoes. I just got these! Dad could have at least warned me that he was taking us to a campground. I would have at least been able to borrow some of Maria's shoes. Eight hours of travel...two and half of that on a bus...just to ruin my new shoes.]
  • 7. The Three Lakes version of the Unsavory Charlatan might just be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Top hat, monocle, sophisticated villain facial hair...and lumberjack clothes.
  • 8. Joe: “Hello. I'd like to book four for the logging expedition, please.” Tour Guide: “No problem, sir. Just make sure you watch out for beavers.” Joe: “Beavers?” TG: “Yep. Beavers. People tend to think they're cute. But they're monsters. Monsters, I tell you!” Joe: “Okay...we'll make sure to watch out for beavers...”
  • 9. Maria: “So I had to hide in one of the supply closets so the professor wouldn't know I was there. But then he wouldn't leave! I was stuck in there for three hours while he graded papers! By the time he left, it had stopped raining. I missed the whole thing!” Local: “What about the fish? Were they okay?” Maria: “Oh, yeah. My boyfriend figured out that I had gotten hung up after about an hour and he took care of them.” Local: “Well that's a relief.”
  • 10. Ava: “After we eat, we should go to this place the guide told me about. He said they have dancing, hot springs, a massage parlor...everything a Sim could want to pamper themselves with.” Joe: “Sounds great. What do you think, sweetie?” Maria: “Sure thing. Maybe we'll finally be able to get a break from Rosa's whining.”
  • 11. Maria: “So, Rosa, having fun yet?”
  • 12. Rosa: “Oh yeah. Finally, a part of this vacation that actually deserves to be called a vacation.”
  • 13. Rosa also had a lot of fun learning the Slap Dance. Which is hardly a surprise. Nothing makes Rosa happier than dancing.
  • 14. Not even falling on her face in front of everyone can deter Rosa from having a good time when there's footwork involved.
  • 15. Ava: “Ooohhh...right there. That...that is just terrific...” I'm happy to see that you're enjoying yourself. Ava: “Normally I'd be a bit suspicious of all this sudden pampering...but right now I feel too good to care.” If I knew that it would have that effect on you, I would have sent you to get a massage ages ago.
  • 16. After a long day of traveling, tours, and vacation-style fun, everyone headed back to the campground for a good night's rest. Rosa, how is a hammock really any better than a tent? Rosa: “I don't have to lie on the ground. Plus, I can rock myself to sleep.” That is a very good argument, actually. Hammocks>Tents. I just hope you don't get too cold.
  • 17. While the others sleep, and Rosa proves the superiority of a bed that allows you to rock yourself to sleep, Maria has apparently taken up axe-throwing. I'd be lying if I said that this new hobby doesn't worry me a bit.
  • 18. Especially considering the faces she makes...
  • 19. This is not an expression you want to see on a person wielding sharp objects. Really, it's not an expression you want to see on anyone, but especially not on people with access to axes.
  • 20. Does it surprise you to see that she got a bullseye every single time?
  • 21. Maria: “Ha! Yes! I am the queen! I am the Queen of the Axes!” That is a terrifying nickname, Maria. Maria: “Tremble in fear for here is the Queen of the Axes!” I just...maybe we should just move on now...
  • 22. Whew! She's sleeping now. Thank goodness. Just like Rosa, Maria immediately decided that she would rather sleep in a hammock than in a tent. I've got to say that I completely agree with their decision. I used to love sleeping in my dad's hammock. It was the best. I really need to get a new hammock...but a cloth one. The netted ones give you red marks everywhere.
  • 23. Ava: “Do I really have to do this? Really?” Yes, Ava. Now stop making that face. You and Joe both have been holding onto this Want since you arrived. So stop complaining and hop to. Ava: “Ugh...fine.”
  • 24. Ava: “Like this?” Local: “Well, not quite. Here watch me again.”
  • 25. Local: “You have to think like a gorilla! Channel the gorilla! BE THE GORILLA!!”
  • 26. Ava: “I. AM. THE. GORILLA!!!!” Local: “Yes! That's it! That's perfect! Just make sure that you don't do that in front of an actual gorilla or it will rip you in half.” Ava: “Oh. Well. Thanks for the advice, I guess.” Local: “Ever since we started giving out that advice, we haven't had a single tourist die by gorilla.”
  • 27. Ava: “Was that a problem before?” Local: “Oh yes. Thank goodness it isn't anymore, though. We really didn't have room for another tourist cemetery.” Ava: “Wow...I didn't even know that there were any gorillas around here.” Local: “You know, that's the really weird thing. There aren't any gorillas who live around here. We've never even kept any at the zoo. No idea where they keep coming from...”
  • 28. It wasn't long before all the Nalaars were taught how to Chest Pound...and to not do it in front of any gorillas, of course.
  • 29. On their last night in Three Lakes, Joe rounded everyone up for a family campfire. There was much telling of stories—funny and scary alike—roasting of marshmallows, and sharing of memories. Rosa even agreed to sit on the ground, after a bit of needling from Ava and mocking from Maria, of course.
  • 30. Rosa: “Haha! I can't believe you fell for that! The 'fake stain on the shirt' is one of the oldest tricks in the book! Hahaha! You are such a loser!” Well it's nice(?) to see that Rosa has taken it upon herself to make sure bullying reaches every corner of the world. Got to have some way to entertain yourself, I guess.
  • 31. Rosa: “It is pretty entertaining.” I'm sure it is.
  • 32. Joe: “It's sad to see such a great vacation end, but it will be awfully nice to get back home and sleep in my own bed.” Agreed. There's few things better than getting to lie down in your own bed after being away., Joe, go make sure everything's packed up, okay? Joe: “I've already checked that three times, but if you insist.”
  • 33. Tour Guide: “Hiṣ͔ ͔̣soụl will ͔ be͔ ͔͔̣m͔i ͔ ne. ̣͔͔Al ͔ l͔ ś̸̴̵̷̴̵̸̸̵̴̵̷̸̵̵̴̢̢̡̢̢̢̡̨̨̧̧̢̛̛̛̛̞̬̖̞̺̝̱̟̫̹̯̬̦̦̭̲̙̝̲̩̳̺̫̫̱̯̰̞̬̩̳̫̼̺̠̗̺̰̯̩̭̯̼̖̟̤̳̪̦̠̹̹̘̭̟̻̤̻̠̲̳̟̱̘̖̰̙̞̖̯̝̤̱̳̭̮̝̹̤̭̮̗̰̱̲̜̻̩̜̘̯̬̝̠̯̯̥̪̜̪̹̟̹̗̮̭̗̺̳̗̦̻̟̲̙̥̹̝̗̦̞̦̟̦̯̭̲̩̯̹̜̲̱̜̝̘̞̭̘̰̯̤̤̘̱̻̖̝̯̙̙̰̜̻̮̘̙̭̠̙̺̤̬̱͇͈͇́̀́̀̀̀́́̀́̕̕̕̕͘͠͠͠͠͡͠͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅ ͏͚͇͈͓͇ ҉͈͎͎͎͍͚͍͟͢͢͢͝͏͚͟͏͓͎͚͍ ͉͓͈͎͇͉͘͟͞͞͞ ͓͈͏͏͈͇͇ ҉͍͎͎͎͞͞ ͍͓͉͈ ͉͎͍ ͉͓͓͘͏҉͍͇͉͚͉͉͉͈͉͇͉҉͉͎͍͟͟͏͎͇͍͉͓͓͍͟͟ ͔͜o ͔ u͔̣͔͔l͔s ͔w͔i͔l͔l͔ ͔ be mi͔n͔͔ȩ̸̸̴̷̶̷̴̴̵̵̡̡̡̢̢̡̡̛̛̛͔͔̤̺̰̹̬̝̖̙̪̙̟̦̼̹̜̥̻̙̮̝̘̦̩̹̺̺̬̲̞̩̜̫̮̗̭̥̬̺̯̞̝̥̯̲̲̦̙̜̟̮̖̯̲̺̱̬̹̟̝̻̱̝̰̞̯̱̰̫̝̪̮̖̬̯̱̰̠̱̙̯̟̺̟̱̻̻̬̼̤̜̼̤̞̙̮̜̰̖̗̱̮̬̪̥̤̹̭̱̱̬̲̥̱̙̭̮̲̠̺̯̯̬̫̮̠̤̜̮̗̥̗̦̲̲̘̯̯̭̲̬̺̪̝͍͚́̀̕͡͠͠͠ͅͅͅ ҉͓͈͉͓͚͓͈͓͚͓͈͎͍͎͉͘͟͟͟͝͝͝͏͎͎͚͚͎͎͍͓͎͓͍͈͉͍͚͟͟͟͢͢͞͝͝.̵̘̟̩̬̬̭̮̰̺͔͎͎̙̠̤̩͔͔͉͘ ”
  • 34. Okay, come on, get in the cab, please. Joe: “What's the rush? The bus doesn't leave for another half hour and our plane doesn't leave until tomorrow.” No time for questions. Just hurry up and get in the cab.
  • 35. After arriving home safely, with souls intact, Ava and Joe headed into their newly built wedding chapel to view their couples portrait. (Yes, I know, I'm totally ripping off Keika here, but oh well. I find the idea of couples portraits too adorable to resist). Ava: “Can you believe that we were really that young? My, I looked so good in those days.” Joe: “You look good now, my love. You've gotten more beautiful every day that I've known you.” Ava: “That is the corniest thing I've ever heard. Thanks.”
  • 36. The individual portraits are hanging in the dining room in the main house. It's a little hard to believe that both Ava and Joe are elders now.
  • 37. Ava: “Hi, honey. How were finals? Did you and your sister have enough time to study after you got back from vacation?” Rosa: “Yeah, Mom, we had time. We both got top marks.” Ava: “That's great, sweetie! I'm so proud of both of you. Anyway, I'm calling because your dad and I have decided to have our anniversary party tonight instead of this weekend. Are you and Maria still going to be able to come?”
  • 38. Rosa: “Of course we can still come. There's no way that we're going to miss your golden anniversary. What's with the change of date, though? Something wrong?” Ava: “No, nothing's wrong. Your dad and I are just too excited to wait. I'll see you soon, sweetie.” Rosa: “Okay, Mom. Can't wait. Bye.”
  • 39. Ava: *sigh* You okay? Ava: “Hmm? Oh, yeah...I'm fine. It will be nice to spend a little more time with the girls. Everything just goes by so fast.” Oh...oh! Okay, then. *sniff*
  • 40. Ava: “Oh, Rosa, it's so good to see you again.” Rosa: “It's good to see you, too, Mom. I love the new wedding chapel. It's beautiful.” Ava: “Thanks, sweetie. I wish I could see someone get married here.” Rosa: “Is that a hint? Mom, I'm still a freshman, and Matthew and I just started dating. Besides, we don't even know who's going to be heir yet. There's plenty of time before we have to think about anyone getting married.” Ava: “I suppose you're right. Plenty of time. Of course.”
  • 41. Ava: “Speaking of heirs, though, there is something I need to tell you.” Rosa: “Let me guess: Maria's the heiress?” Ava: “Well, yes. Are you okay with that?” Rosa: “I am. To be honest, I didn't really want it, anyway. Getting to move back here would have been neat, but I don't really see any kids in my future. Maria is definitely the better choice.”
  • 42. Ava: “My beautiful Maria. I can't tell you how happy I am to see your face.” Maria: “Chill out, Mom. It's only been a few days. And...ow...maybe a little less squeezing.” Ava: “Sorry, dear. Anyway, there is something I wanted to talk to you about if you don't mind.” Maria: “Yeah, anything. What's up?” Ava: “Well, it's about who is going to be the heiress. It's you.”
  • 43. Maria: “Yeah! I am Maria, Queen of the Axes, and heiress of the Nalaar Legacy!” Ava: “I'm glad to see that you're this excited over it. You're not worried over the responsibility or obligations?” Maria: “Nah. I love babies! And I want to rule. So it works out all the way around. Besides, part of it is protecting the legacy, right? And who in the world is dumb enough to mess with Maria, Queen of the Axes?” Ava: “Ha! You've got a point there. No one would ever want to get on your bad side.”
  • 44. Joe: “I'd like to raise a toast to my amazing wife, Ava Nalaar. Before her, my life was utterly meaningless, it was like I was stuck in the same place everyday and would remain that way forever. One night, which must have been quite a few years ago even though it seems like just yesterday, I and some of my friends decided to go out to the Lucky Shack to try our hands at the cards and maybe even check out the karaoke. But I forgot all about cards and almost certain public humiliation when I saw this gorgeous red-head walk into the room. From the moment I saw her, I knew that there couldn't possibly be another woman out there for me. I decided that I was going to somehow make her fall in love with me and get her to marry me. Honestly, I don't know how I managed to convince her that I was worth spending the rest of her life with, but I am eternally thankful that I am. I want to say thank you, Ava, for giving me so many years of love of happiness. I love you.”
  • 45. Ava: “Oh, Joe...I don't even know what to say. That was amazing. I love you, too. I wish I could think of something more, but...” Joe: “Shh...that's more than enough. More than I thought I could ever really ask for.”
  • 46. I'm not usually very good at throwing parties, so this is definitely an accomplishment for me. I'm glad I got it for such an important party.
  • 47. Later that night, after the party was over and all the guests had gone home, Ava decided to wrap things up with the remaining pets. Ava: “You're a good boy, Chrom. You've done very well by this family. I hope we've done just as well by you.” Chrom: [Master's mate is acting strange. Chrom hopes Master's mate is okay.] “Woof!”
  • 48. Ava: “I had my doubts about you at first, Grima. But you were a good choice. Make sure you take care of Joe, okay?” Grima: [Grima will take care of Master. Grima promises.] “Woof!”
  • 49. She spent the next day with Joe, trying to fit in as much love and happiness as she could before she had to go.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. She even convinced him to let her spend some time pampering him the way she had been taught at Three Lakes.
  • 54. Joe: “Are you sure that it's really time? Maybe you still have a few more days left...” Ava: “I'm sure. It's my time. Don't worry, I'll save you a seat on the other side.” Joe: “I wish it didn't have to be so soon.” Ava: “No matter when it was, it would seem too soon. That's just the nature of things.” Joe: “I know. I'm going to miss you.”
  • 55. Ava: [I'm going to miss you, too.]
  • 56. Grim: “Alright, grab your bags and let's get to the party. They're going to be bringing out the roasted pig soon, so we'll want to hurry.” Ava: “What's a roasted pig?” Grim: “It's delicious.”
  • 57. Ava: “Then let's go get some roasted pig!”
  • 58. Ava Nalaar lived 74 days. She founded the Nalaar legacy and built the family up from a 3x3 shack to a mansion capable of supporting ten generations worth of Sims. She was a Popularity/Romance Sim who achieved her LTW of gaining control of the courts by becoming The Law. She married Fortune/Pleasure Sim Joe Carr, and through eating an entire cheesecake (just to be sure) she had twin girls, Maria and Rosa. Ava was rather abrasive, and I dealt with a lot of complaints from her in the beginning, but I loved her. She was a great Sim who was really fun to play and write. I'm going to miss her.
  • 59. Joe's first want after Ava died was to resurrect her. Sometimes the One Way Street handicap really sucks. Anyway, thanks for reading chapter four of the Nalaar Legacy. This was a hard one to write. I really wish I could have kept Ava around at least until the twins were out of college, but things don't always work out the way you want them to. The college chapters are coming up next, so look forward to seeing what the girls get themselves into, and to meeting their beaux. See you next time.