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The Nalaar Legacy 
College Part One 
Incredibly Inappropriate
Welcome back to the Nalaar Legacy! In the last chapter, the family vacationed in Three Lakes, met a demonic tour 
guide, learned why you should never ever perform the chest pound in front of a gorilla, Maria named herself Queen of 
the Axes, and Rosa discovered why hammocks are better than tents. After returning home, Ava and Joe celebrated 
their golden anniversary, Maria was named heir, and Ava passed away after living to the ripe old age of 74. 
Before all this, of course, Maria and Rosa left home to take Sim State University by storm. Let's go join them there.
Rosa: “Hey! How come you got a better outfit than me?” 
Maria: “The universe loves me more, I guess. Besides, I thought you liked pink.” 
Rosa: “I do like pink. What I don't like are cut-off shorts with holes in them, fishnets, and cheap shirts. Come on, we're 
going to the store and fixing this.”
Rosa: “This is much better. Can you believe that I was actually wearing shorts?” *shudder* 
I gotta say, I really like how you and Maria both have such defined personal styles. 
Rosa: “Really?” 
Yeah. You go for a sort of soft feminine look...
...while Maria goes for more of a fashionable tomboy aesthetic. 
Also, I have just realized that, with the exception of infancy and toddler-hood, Maria has worn a tank top her whole 
Maria as a child...
Maria as a teenager...
And Maria now. A tank top every single time. Though I think this might technically be more of a halter, but whatever, 
still counts. This just seems so odd to me. I mean, yeah, Rosa's always worn a dress, but Maria's tank top thing is a lot 
more specific and completely unintentional. 
Maria: “What can I say? Too much fabric is just constricting. Besides, who doesn't like to feel the sun on their 
Now that we've got the twins all made-up, let's have some formal introductions. 
Maria Nalaar is the first child to be born into the legacy, since she is slightly older than her twin sister. She is currently a 
Family/Romance Sim with the LTW of having three children graduate from college. Her personality is 10/10/9/3/1. She 
loves pulling elaborate pranks and dubbed herself 'Queen of the Axes' while vacationing with her family in Three Lakes 
(but that doesn't technically happen until after their first semester). 
Maria Callas is considered to be one of the greatest opera singers in history. She was a soprano who was heavily 
praised for her bel canto technique, wide-ranging voice, and dramatic gifts. Her superb ability led to her being hailed as 
La Divina. Due to her temperamental behavior, she was also known for being quite the diva.
Rosa Nalaar is the younger twin sister of Maria Nalaar. She is currently a Popularity/Fortune Sim with the LTW of 
becoming the mayor. Her personality is the exact same as her father's—6/5/8/3/3. Rosa also loves to pull pranks, 
though her pranks tend to be a bit more malicious than those of her sister. She established herself as a bit of a bully 
early on, and loves to prove the validity of her reputation. 
Rosa Ponselle, originally Rosa Ponzillo, began her career singing with her older sister Carmela in vaudeville shows. She 
unintentionally stole Carmela's career in opera during an audition for Enrico Caruso, which led to her receiving a 
contract for the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. Like Callas, Ponselle's voice is considered to be one of the best in 
After fixing up their wardrobes, this was the best house that they could afford to build. It actually turned out to be 
quite a bit more spacious than I thought was going to be possible considering their limited funds.
Despite the surprising amount of space, Maria and Rosa still take to digging in the hope of finding something more 
than bones and rocks. Unfortunately, they did not inherit their mother's knack for such things. Bones and rocks were 
the only things they managed to find after hours of digging. 
Rosa: “This is so gross. I am absolutely covered with sweat and dirt. Yuck!” 
Maria: “Oh can it, Rosa. This isn't so bad. Anyway, a little sweat will be good for you.”
Rosa: “Yeah, right. All sweat is good for is making me smelling, sticky, and messing up my make-up. Besides, how can 
you be okay with getting sweaty? Aren't you, like, a major neat freak?” 
Maria: “Yeah, I am a neat freak. But, the thing is, I don't mind things getting dirty, I mind things staying dirty. I'm fine 
getting all sweaty and stinky as long as I get to take a shower after. And I doubt that there is anything on earth that can 
penetrate all that make-up you've got on.” 
Rosa: “Oh ha ha ha. You're so hilarious. And I call dibs on first shower.”
Maria: “Hey, Creator, I've got something to tell you.” 
Okay. But first, let's drop the 'Creator' moniker. It really doesn't fit anymore. I mean, it worked with your mom because 
I did actually create her, but you were just born. I didn't actually make you. You happened. 
Maria: “Okay. What you would like to be called instead?” 
I'm not sure...what do you think would fit?
Maria: “ didn't create me and Rosa, or our dad now that I think about it, but you do sort of watch over 
us and keep track of what we do. So, how about something like 'Watcher' or 'Observer' or something like that?” 
I gotta say, I do like 'Watcher.' It might be a bit Buffy-esque, but I think it works. Yeah, we'll go with that. Thanks for the 
Maria: “No problem, Watcher. Now, about what I had to say before...”
Oh, yeah. Sorry for interrupting. What's up? 
Maria: “I've been thinking about majors. After looking at all of them, I think History seems best.” 
History? You sure? That's what I majored in and, I've got to tell you, it really hasn't paid off. 
Maria: “I'm sure. I'll make it pay off for me. Just please don't make me major in Math. Math sounds horrible.” 
Alright. History it is.
Rosa: “ much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really don't think I need a cheerleader in the shower.” 
Angie the Incredibly Inappropriate Cheerleader: “But you're doing such a great job! I've never seen anyone so good at 
taking a shower before! Use that soap! Use the loofah! Shampoo! Shampoo! Shhaaammmpooooo!!!!” 
Rosa: *sigh* “I really need to start locking that door...”
Dormie guy, you really ought to keep your hands to yourself. I can't guarantee your safety if you try to touch Maria... 
Dormie: “But I just want to feel the snowflakes on her sweater.” 
What is with all these creeps hanging around at SSU? Man, I knew I should have sent them to the Academie. 
And, by the way, that's technically a tunic with leggings, so no you aren't seeing Maria in a dress.
Alright, girls, the cab is here and it's time to get going. 
Rosa: “What? Where are we going? Do you know what Watcher's talking about?” 
Maria: “No idea. What have you got planned, Watch?” 
It's time to head down to a community lot and see if you girls click with anyone there.
Rosa: “So you're sending us off on a manhunt?” 
Well, sort of. Sounds worse when you say it like that, though. 
Maria: “Hey, I'm cool with it. After all, Family Sim.” 
Rosa: “Well, I guess it would be fun to meet some new people. I am a Popularity Sim. New people are fun.”
Rosa immediately zeroes in on secret society member Matthew Oates. She has two bolts with him, and zero or 
negative bolts with every other person on the lot. Well...that's not exactly true. Rosa also had two bolts with the guy 
Maria ended up liking, but that's an area best avoided. We don't need the twins arguing over potential romances.
Rosa: “You are absolutely dashing in that outfit. I don't suppose it comes in pink...and as a dress, does it?” 
Matthew: “I'm afraid this is it. Though the image of you wearing a pink llama dress is simply...scintillating.” 
Boy do I suck at flirtatious dialog.
Maria: [Ooohh...the Sim in the blue cardigan is hot. I'd love to adopt some babies with him.] 
Uh...Maria, I think you might be jumping a little ahead there. You don't even know his name...and what's with the 
adoption thing? You are constantly thinking about adoption. What gives? 
Maria: “Family Sim. I want to have babies from my own plumbob and have some from the adoption agency.” 
Well, alright. That sounds fine. But...still, you don't know that guy's name. Slow down a bit.
Though she was attracted to Cardigan Guy, nothing could beat the three bolts she felt for Stephan Riley and his many 
Stephan: “Wait, you're the one who took Professor Lark's car apart and put it back together in the cafeteria? Man, that 
was awesome! I can't believe that was you! How did you do it?” 
Maria: “Two mechanics, a few dollys, a key broken off in the lock to Lark's office, a lot of free time, and one hour 
convincing my sister to her hands dirty. I was just surprised that we got the maintenance staff to go along with it.”
Stephan: “That's not too surprising, actually. Lark is awful to the maintenance staff. He actually calls them 'Wash 
buckets!' I bet they'd been waiting years for someone to get him back.” 
Maria: “Seriously? Wash buckets? That's awful. Though it does explain why they were so eager to help. And why they 
offered to do free repairs anytime I needed.” 
Stephan: “That's a pretty sweet deal. What made you go after Lark in the first place? Did he insult you or something?” 
Maria: “Well not me. He told my sister that she dressed like a tramp. No one but me gets to say that.”
I got a slow dance twirl on their first night together! I never manage to get a picture of these. This must mean that 
these two are soul mates. I will allow nothing to come between them—even if the junior year re-roll takes away some 
of those three bolts. Nothing will stop these two from being together, and I pity anything that tries.
There is no purpose to this picture than to show you that Maria and Rosa ended up with near-identical outerwear. I 
love when I get twins who do twinny things like this.
Working on your term paper? 
Rosa: “Haha, no. I had the cow mascot do that for me. I'm writing a book.” 
Oh? What about? 
Rosa: “How being rich is the easiest way to make friends.”
You know that they wouldn't be real friends, right? Just moochers. 
Rosa: “I'm not concerned with that. As long as they come to my parties and help me get promotions, I don't really care 
if they're real friends or moochers.” 
Okay, then. That seems a bit cynical, but whatever makes you happy. 
Rosa: “Besides, I have Maria and Matthew. They're the only real friends I need.”
Maria: “That sounds awesome, Dad! Yeah, we'll meet you at the airport. See you soon! Hey, Rosa, stop being weird 
and get dressed. Dad is taking us on a vacation to Three Lakes!” 
Rosa: “Three Lakes? Well, it's not Twikkii Island, but I guess it will do. There are hotels in the mountains, after all. I 
wonder how many bags I should bring...”
Rosa: “Well, Three Lakes wasn't all that bad, I guess. I just wish we hadn't had to start cramming the second we got 
Maria: “We've got to if we want to have any chance of passing our finals after missing a week of classes. As great as it 
was, that trip definitely didn't come at the best time.” 
Rosa: “Tell me about it. I had just declared the Economics major when we had to leave. That is a lot to catch up on.” 
Despite the missed classes, Maria and Rosa both passed their first semester with 4.0's.
Rosa: “Yeah, Mom, we had time. We both got top marks.” 
Maria: “What did Mom want? Did something happen?” 
Rosa: “She said her and Dad were too excited to wait for the weekend to have their anniversary party so they've 
moved it to tonight. We need to hurry up and get ready or we'll be late.”
Maria: [I can't believe how happy Mom and Dad still are. I hope that me and Stephan are like that when we get all gray 
and crusty.] 
Rosa: [Wow...they used to look really young...]
Maria: “It was amazing to see that my parents still love each that much after being together for so long. It was their 
golden anniversary. They've been married to each other for more than half their lives. And they still looked at each 
other like it was their wedding day. It was amazing.” 
Stephan: “It sounds amazing. I wish I had been able to go. Sorry I wasn't able to reschedule my finals.” 
Maria: “It's fine. Really. You know, this whole thing has got me thinking about something that I haven't actually done 
Maria: “Wow.” 
Stephan: “Wow.” 
Maria: “Can we do that again?” 
Stephan: “Yes, definitely. We can definitely do that again.”
Rosa: “I've got to say, that kissing stuff does look pretty fun.” 
Matthew: “Does that I mean I finally get to kiss you now?” 
Rosa: “Come here, you.”
Rosa: “I was right. That was fun.” 
Matthew: “It doesn't bother you that your sister kind of upstaged us by going first, does it?” 
Rosa: “Ha! If anything, we upstaged them!”
Rosa: “Hey, Dad! Guess what! I finally got the approval to turn this place into a Greek House!” 
Joe: “That's great, dear. But...I have--”
Rosa: “Yeah! We decided to call it Annya Urele. The 'Urele' part was picked out by the school. Not sure why. But me 
and Maria thought that 'Annya' went pretty well with it. So now we can have toga parties and get free pizzas and it's 
going to be totally awesome! I'm already working on getting new pledges and--” 
Joe: “Rosa, sweetie, I'm sorry, but I have some bad news.”
Rosa: “What's wrong?” 
Joe: “It''s your mom...” 
Rosa: “What about Mom? Is she okay?” 
Joe: “No, sweetie. She...your mom passed away.”
Rosa: “What? she didn't. We just saw her. the party.” 
Joe: “I know it's hard, Rosa. But it's true. That's why she wanted to have the party early. So she could...could see the 
two of you before she...before she had to go. I'm so sorry.” 
Rosa: “Mom...” *quiet sobs*

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The Nalaar Legacy College, Part One: Incredibly Inappropriate

  • 1. The Nalaar Legacy College Part One Incredibly Inappropriate
  • 2. Welcome back to the Nalaar Legacy! In the last chapter, the family vacationed in Three Lakes, met a demonic tour guide, learned why you should never ever perform the chest pound in front of a gorilla, Maria named herself Queen of the Axes, and Rosa discovered why hammocks are better than tents. After returning home, Ava and Joe celebrated their golden anniversary, Maria was named heir, and Ava passed away after living to the ripe old age of 74. Before all this, of course, Maria and Rosa left home to take Sim State University by storm. Let's go join them there.
  • 3. Rosa: “Hey! How come you got a better outfit than me?” Maria: “The universe loves me more, I guess. Besides, I thought you liked pink.” Rosa: “I do like pink. What I don't like are cut-off shorts with holes in them, fishnets, and cheap shirts. Come on, we're going to the store and fixing this.”
  • 4. Rosa: “This is much better. Can you believe that I was actually wearing shorts?” *shudder* I gotta say, I really like how you and Maria both have such defined personal styles. Rosa: “Really?” Yeah. You go for a sort of soft feminine look...
  • 5. ...while Maria goes for more of a fashionable tomboy aesthetic. Also, I have just realized that, with the exception of infancy and toddler-hood, Maria has worn a tank top her whole life.
  • 6. Maria as a child...
  • 7. Maria as a teenager...
  • 8. And Maria now. A tank top every single time. Though I think this might technically be more of a halter, but whatever, still counts. This just seems so odd to me. I mean, yeah, Rosa's always worn a dress, but Maria's tank top thing is a lot more specific and completely unintentional. Maria: “What can I say? Too much fabric is just constricting. Besides, who doesn't like to feel the sun on their shoulders?”
  • 9. Now that we've got the twins all made-up, let's have some formal introductions. Maria Nalaar is the first child to be born into the legacy, since she is slightly older than her twin sister. She is currently a Family/Romance Sim with the LTW of having three children graduate from college. Her personality is 10/10/9/3/1. She loves pulling elaborate pranks and dubbed herself 'Queen of the Axes' while vacationing with her family in Three Lakes (but that doesn't technically happen until after their first semester). Maria Callas is considered to be one of the greatest opera singers in history. She was a soprano who was heavily praised for her bel canto technique, wide-ranging voice, and dramatic gifts. Her superb ability led to her being hailed as La Divina. Due to her temperamental behavior, she was also known for being quite the diva.
  • 10. Rosa Nalaar is the younger twin sister of Maria Nalaar. She is currently a Popularity/Fortune Sim with the LTW of becoming the mayor. Her personality is the exact same as her father's—6/5/8/3/3. Rosa also loves to pull pranks, though her pranks tend to be a bit more malicious than those of her sister. She established herself as a bit of a bully early on, and loves to prove the validity of her reputation. Rosa Ponselle, originally Rosa Ponzillo, began her career singing with her older sister Carmela in vaudeville shows. She unintentionally stole Carmela's career in opera during an audition for Enrico Caruso, which led to her receiving a contract for the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. Like Callas, Ponselle's voice is considered to be one of the best in history.
  • 11. After fixing up their wardrobes, this was the best house that they could afford to build. It actually turned out to be quite a bit more spacious than I thought was going to be possible considering their limited funds.
  • 12. Despite the surprising amount of space, Maria and Rosa still take to digging in the hope of finding something more than bones and rocks. Unfortunately, they did not inherit their mother's knack for such things. Bones and rocks were the only things they managed to find after hours of digging. Rosa: “This is so gross. I am absolutely covered with sweat and dirt. Yuck!” Maria: “Oh can it, Rosa. This isn't so bad. Anyway, a little sweat will be good for you.”
  • 13. Rosa: “Yeah, right. All sweat is good for is making me smelling, sticky, and messing up my make-up. Besides, how can you be okay with getting sweaty? Aren't you, like, a major neat freak?” Maria: “Yeah, I am a neat freak. But, the thing is, I don't mind things getting dirty, I mind things staying dirty. I'm fine getting all sweaty and stinky as long as I get to take a shower after. And I doubt that there is anything on earth that can penetrate all that make-up you've got on.” Rosa: “Oh ha ha ha. You're so hilarious. And I call dibs on first shower.”
  • 14. Maria: “Hey, Creator, I've got something to tell you.” Okay. But first, let's drop the 'Creator' moniker. It really doesn't fit anymore. I mean, it worked with your mom because I did actually create her, but you were just born. I didn't actually make you. You happened. Maria: “Okay. What you would like to be called instead?” I'm not sure...what do you think would fit?
  • 15. Maria: “ didn't create me and Rosa, or our dad now that I think about it, but you do sort of watch over us and keep track of what we do. So, how about something like 'Watcher' or 'Observer' or something like that?” I gotta say, I do like 'Watcher.' It might be a bit Buffy-esque, but I think it works. Yeah, we'll go with that. Thanks for the suggestion. Maria: “No problem, Watcher. Now, about what I had to say before...”
  • 16. Oh, yeah. Sorry for interrupting. What's up? Maria: “I've been thinking about majors. After looking at all of them, I think History seems best.” History? You sure? That's what I majored in and, I've got to tell you, it really hasn't paid off. Maria: “I'm sure. I'll make it pay off for me. Just please don't make me major in Math. Math sounds horrible.” Alright. History it is.
  • 17. Rosa: “ much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really don't think I need a cheerleader in the shower.” Angie the Incredibly Inappropriate Cheerleader: “But you're doing such a great job! I've never seen anyone so good at taking a shower before! Use that soap! Use the loofah! Shampoo! Shampoo! Shhaaammmpooooo!!!!” Rosa: *sigh* “I really need to start locking that door...”
  • 18. Dormie guy, you really ought to keep your hands to yourself. I can't guarantee your safety if you try to touch Maria... Dormie: “But I just want to feel the snowflakes on her sweater.” What is with all these creeps hanging around at SSU? Man, I knew I should have sent them to the Academie. And, by the way, that's technically a tunic with leggings, so no you aren't seeing Maria in a dress.
  • 19. Alright, girls, the cab is here and it's time to get going. Rosa: “What? Where are we going? Do you know what Watcher's talking about?” Maria: “No idea. What have you got planned, Watch?” It's time to head down to a community lot and see if you girls click with anyone there.
  • 20. Rosa: “So you're sending us off on a manhunt?” Well, sort of. Sounds worse when you say it like that, though. Maria: “Hey, I'm cool with it. After all, Family Sim.” Rosa: “Well, I guess it would be fun to meet some new people. I am a Popularity Sim. New people are fun.”
  • 21. Rosa immediately zeroes in on secret society member Matthew Oates. She has two bolts with him, and zero or negative bolts with every other person on the lot. Well...that's not exactly true. Rosa also had two bolts with the guy Maria ended up liking, but that's an area best avoided. We don't need the twins arguing over potential romances.
  • 22. Rosa: “You are absolutely dashing in that outfit. I don't suppose it comes in pink...and as a dress, does it?” Matthew: “I'm afraid this is it. Though the image of you wearing a pink llama dress is simply...scintillating.” Boy do I suck at flirtatious dialog.
  • 23. Maria: [Ooohh...the Sim in the blue cardigan is hot. I'd love to adopt some babies with him.] Uh...Maria, I think you might be jumping a little ahead there. You don't even know his name...and what's with the adoption thing? You are constantly thinking about adoption. What gives? Maria: “Family Sim. I want to have babies from my own plumbob and have some from the adoption agency.” Well, alright. That sounds fine. But...still, you don't know that guy's name. Slow down a bit.
  • 24. Though she was attracted to Cardigan Guy, nothing could beat the three bolts she felt for Stephan Riley and his many tattoos. Stephan: “Wait, you're the one who took Professor Lark's car apart and put it back together in the cafeteria? Man, that was awesome! I can't believe that was you! How did you do it?” Maria: “Two mechanics, a few dollys, a key broken off in the lock to Lark's office, a lot of free time, and one hour convincing my sister to her hands dirty. I was just surprised that we got the maintenance staff to go along with it.”
  • 25. Stephan: “That's not too surprising, actually. Lark is awful to the maintenance staff. He actually calls them 'Wash buckets!' I bet they'd been waiting years for someone to get him back.” Maria: “Seriously? Wash buckets? That's awful. Though it does explain why they were so eager to help. And why they offered to do free repairs anytime I needed.” Stephan: “That's a pretty sweet deal. What made you go after Lark in the first place? Did he insult you or something?” Maria: “Well not me. He told my sister that she dressed like a tramp. No one but me gets to say that.”
  • 26. I got a slow dance twirl on their first night together! I never manage to get a picture of these. This must mean that these two are soul mates. I will allow nothing to come between them—even if the junior year re-roll takes away some of those three bolts. Nothing will stop these two from being together, and I pity anything that tries.
  • 27. There is no purpose to this picture than to show you that Maria and Rosa ended up with near-identical outerwear. I love when I get twins who do twinny things like this.
  • 28. Working on your term paper? Rosa: “Haha, no. I had the cow mascot do that for me. I'm writing a book.” Oh? What about? Rosa: “How being rich is the easiest way to make friends.”
  • 29. You know that they wouldn't be real friends, right? Just moochers. Rosa: “I'm not concerned with that. As long as they come to my parties and help me get promotions, I don't really care if they're real friends or moochers.” Okay, then. That seems a bit cynical, but whatever makes you happy. Rosa: “Besides, I have Maria and Matthew. They're the only real friends I need.”
  • 30. Maria: “That sounds awesome, Dad! Yeah, we'll meet you at the airport. See you soon! Hey, Rosa, stop being weird and get dressed. Dad is taking us on a vacation to Three Lakes!” Rosa: “Three Lakes? Well, it's not Twikkii Island, but I guess it will do. There are hotels in the mountains, after all. I wonder how many bags I should bring...”
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Rosa: “Well, Three Lakes wasn't all that bad, I guess. I just wish we hadn't had to start cramming the second we got back.” Maria: “We've got to if we want to have any chance of passing our finals after missing a week of classes. As great as it was, that trip definitely didn't come at the best time.” Rosa: “Tell me about it. I had just declared the Economics major when we had to leave. That is a lot to catch up on.” Despite the missed classes, Maria and Rosa both passed their first semester with 4.0's.
  • 37. Rosa: “Yeah, Mom, we had time. We both got top marks.” …. Maria: “What did Mom want? Did something happen?” Rosa: “She said her and Dad were too excited to wait for the weekend to have their anniversary party so they've moved it to tonight. We need to hurry up and get ready or we'll be late.”
  • 38. Maria: [I can't believe how happy Mom and Dad still are. I hope that me and Stephan are like that when we get all gray and crusty.] Rosa: [Wow...they used to look really young...]
  • 39. Maria: “It was amazing to see that my parents still love each that much after being together for so long. It was their golden anniversary. They've been married to each other for more than half their lives. And they still looked at each other like it was their wedding day. It was amazing.” Stephan: “It sounds amazing. I wish I had been able to go. Sorry I wasn't able to reschedule my finals.” Maria: “It's fine. Really. You know, this whole thing has got me thinking about something that I haven't actually done before...”
  • 40. Maria: “Wow.” Stephan: “Wow.” Maria: “Can we do that again?” Stephan: “Yes, definitely. We can definitely do that again.”
  • 41. Rosa: “I've got to say, that kissing stuff does look pretty fun.” Matthew: “Does that I mean I finally get to kiss you now?” Rosa: “Come here, you.”
  • 42.
  • 43. Rosa: “I was right. That was fun.” Matthew: “It doesn't bother you that your sister kind of upstaged us by going first, does it?” Rosa: “Ha! If anything, we upstaged them!”
  • 44. Rosa: “Hey, Dad! Guess what! I finally got the approval to turn this place into a Greek House!” Joe: “That's great, dear. But...I have--”
  • 45. Rosa: “Yeah! We decided to call it Annya Urele. The 'Urele' part was picked out by the school. Not sure why. But me and Maria thought that 'Annya' went pretty well with it. So now we can have toga parties and get free pizzas and it's going to be totally awesome! I'm already working on getting new pledges and--” Joe: “Rosa, sweetie, I'm sorry, but I have some bad news.”
  • 46. Rosa: “What's wrong?” Joe: “It''s your mom...” Rosa: “What about Mom? Is she okay?” Joe: “No, sweetie. She...your mom passed away.”
  • 47. Rosa: “What? she didn't. We just saw her. the party.” Joe: “I know it's hard, Rosa. But it's true. That's why she wanted to have the party early. So she could...could see the two of you before she...before she had to go. I'm so sorry.” Rosa: “Mom...” *quiet sobs*